#fixed since the beginning of time
wundrousarts · 20 days
Going to do a Nevermoor series reread in June + July + August ? if anyone else also wants to do a reread around that time, could be fun to have more of the fandom prepping for Silverborn
Did initially make a roadmap plan to split the books up into weeks on top of already being months, so that people could focus on specific parts and discuss each week….. but between the fact that I messed it up the first time, Silverborn kept getting delayed as I planned it, and I’m actually really bad at keeping to stuff like that (looking at you, Silverborn Countdown Challenge…) I’m deciding to just go for it at whatever pace happens.
#will def be June/July but we’ll have to see if I get into August. may want to keep most of that + September as Silverborn Hype Months lol#nevermoor#silverborn#if you ever followed my rereads thoughts masterpost for my (reread?) eternal reread and wondered ‘why no hollowpox’? boy is it a doozy#beginning of the year Apple Books updated and I’m not huge on it!#and since I couldn't fix I decided I would try and delete and reinstall the app.....#…..forgetting that my books and notes are tied to the app and not saved otherwise…..#so I lost all my notes INCLUDING all my reactions and thoughts from my very first reread that I was excited to look back on and share 🥲😭😭😭#so I’ve just been in mourning and never continued out of my personal beef with the app….#so this time I think I’ll take use of all my different physical copies and read them physically to give myself a break from screens lol#this summer is just grindset time of getting back into drawing and trying to get good so this reread I also want to draw stuff alongside#like try to nail some character designs and such to make it easier for Silverborn lol#I fear I will need to figure out how to draw dragons……#anyways. if you’ve read all these tags you are now required to join in on the reread with me 🫵#this also reminds me I need to keep working / actually work on the nine spreadsheet / masterpost. will do that ✍️#I have had several drafts saved of posts I want to respond to with theories that I’ve been saving for my hollowpox reread that now I’m like#do I just save them for Silverborn?? lol
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youchangedmedestiel · 3 months
I wrote this little ficlet this week (you can read it on AO3 too), because I needed too. It's called "Angelic bubble" I let you discover why. You can also read it below:
They have this silly ritual between them. It started when they were watching a movie in Dean’s room because Sam and Jack were playing table soccer in the Dean cave. They settled on the bed next to each other with their back resting against the headboard.
Dean won’t admit it but with his current age and the hunting life, his back is hurting when he sits like that too long. Too long being the half of a movie. That time Cas saw him being agitated, not comfortable. He kept moving to find a right position, but they were none.
“Come here, Dean!” Cas offered, patting the space in front of him and between his legs.
“I’m fine.” Dean said, settling in one position. But then he moved again slightly because he wasn’t comfortable.
“Dean.” Cas just said, low and strong, and Dean surrendered. He shifted on the bed carefully and sat between Cas’s legs. He looked behind him, quirking one eyebrow as he looked at the angel behind him. Cas rolled his eyes, grabbed Dean’s shoulders, and pulled him against his chest. “Lie down and relax.”  He said but Dean wasn’t relaxed at all. He wasn’t used to sit like that with Cas, they waited 12 long years maybe more to kiss after all. And at the time, they kissed a few times since Cas was back from the Empty, nothing more happened between them yet. Not that they didn’t want to, because they surely did, but not every walls come down at once, it takes time. So this kind of touching, despite feeling so right, still felt weird too, like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to do it nor to have that.
“I can’t, I’m sorry.” Dean said sitting up, away from Cas.
“Why?” Cas asked, looking at him questioningly.
“I – I don’t know. I –“ Dean tried to explain but in vain. He was having difficulties to be emotionally vulnerable, but he improved that part a little bit. Now he was discovering he had difficulties to be physically vulnerable. It never happened to him before, especially not with a chick he would pick up in a random bar. So why was it so difficult with Cas?
“Dean, please, let me take care of you.” That was it. That was what Dean needed. He needed Cas to show – say out loud - that he wasn’t doing that because he felt obliged to. He wanted to make sure Cas wanted this, wanted him pressed up against his own body.
Dean leaned back against Cas’s chest he felt arms wrapping around him and maybe something else not visible to human eyes. He felt that warm and soft feeling he has every time Cas’s grace evade his body to heal him. And then he felt that warm breath and familiar voice against his ear whisper softly, “I love you.” He was finally able to relax. And now every time they watch a movie just the two of them in Dean’s bed, the hunter sits instantly in his private angelic bubble.
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rinzydings · 2 years
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Lights off...
Howdy, been a minute! So, uh, for first day of spooky month, might I offer...
Some spooky boy?
- Do not repost or edit. -  
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nyoomkitty · 9 months
More favorite shots from Army of the Doomstar!
Post below the cut because it’s long and it goes without saying: Major spoilers for Army of the Doomstar! Note: I did increase the exposure on a few of these because there were a few very dark scenes.
I love how they showed so effectively how isolated and depressed Murderface was becoming. He doesn’t even have his usual sneer, he just looks so defeated which is especially sad; Murderface’s character was always able to complain and moan but his spirit is so broken that there’s nothing to even say, all he can do is look down.
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The fist or the hand?
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Murderface looking trapped here always gets to me. The more times I watch this, the more feelings I have about Murderface and how beautifully they portrayed his arc. This is another of my favorite shots in the whole movie.
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This one really hurt my heart - Nathan seeing Magnus at the very end, and Magnus looks so kind and soft. This is how Nathan thinks of and remembers him, despite everything that happened. Nathan loved his brother so much and Magnus didn’t realize it (at least not until it was too late and taking himself out of the picture was the only option he saw).
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Comparing that to how he recalled Magnus at the beginning when he collapsed at the concert shows that what he saw at the end were his true feelings - he forgave Magnus and was able to remember him with love again. (I actually think Magnus is still alive but that’s another post.)
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This shot of the Whale Goddess really took my breath away.
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Same for this shot, gorgeous.
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Something I’ve always really appreciated about Metalocalypse is how they draw the regular jackoffs. They always represent lots of diversity in the crowds without making normal people into caricatures. Every one of us can see ourselves out there in the crowds of the Army of the Doomstar.
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Do you have a request for a screenshot or gif you want? Feel free to let me know and I will do my best. :) I can also do adjustments and edits to optimize color.
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cassynite · 5 months
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Just thinking thoughts out here in ghost land ignore me but if Maths and DCWT no longer occur on the same brane 👀 then WHAT pray tell is the story of the Young and Rush who so clearly end up together at Berkeley in the DCWT universe? Literally begging for the cliff notes on them and/or headcanons cuz I have SO many ideas
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
every day i get 2 steps closer to uprooting my life and moving across the country without warning.
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forevercloudnine · 9 months
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on again and off again and on again and
batcat break up and/or hook up playlist (Spotify || Youtube)
Too Close Sir Chloe // Lost Kitten Metric // Blah Blah Blah The Oozes // Wet Dazey and the Scouts // get him back! Olivia Rodrigo // Rehab People Planet // Margarita Spin Doctors // Paris Kate Nash // Denial Thing Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra (Spotify Alt: Gives You Hell All-American Rejects) // I Really F**cked It Up GIRLI // Good in Bed Dua Lipa
#batcat#bruce wayne#selina kyle#catwoman#gotham war#kind of. this playlist has been in progress for several years but gotham war was what finally compelled me to finish it#it's been sitting in my in-progress private playlist folder as 'epic divorce hours' since 2021#okay so this goes selina pov -> bruce pov -> selina pov etc until the very last song#'too close' is selina being tired of the fragile rich boy telling her what to do like he doesn't have his own problems#'lost kitten' is bruce classism hours plus like. lost kitten catwoman do you need me to debase myself by explaining this#'blah blah blah' is literally an anti-tory hate anthem#which i think is funny as a selina breaking up with law-and-order-billionaire bruce wayne moment. but also his eyes are blue 💙#'wet' is bruce left-at-the-altar self pity hour with a cameo from his eternal death wish#'get him back!' fits the 'i love you but fuck off' thesis of the playlist but also 'when he said something wrong he'd just fly me to france#is just such a funny line for selina. to me#'rehab' is bruce hypocritically wanting selina to fix herself and get her act together and then giving up on her#margarita is the divorce song of all time so i had no choice in adding it. and it did have to be selina's because bruce is not a drinker#but 'take the salt from my wounds and put it in my margarita' is also in general selina attitude rather than a bruce one#'paris' is bruce bemoaning that selina never listens to him re: too close from the beginning#'denial thing' is SUCH a perfect selina yelling at bruce song it kills me that it's not on spotify. whatever#'gives you hell' is an adequate replacement for the spotify version because bruce IS still working at a 9[pm] to 5[am] pace#and it does taste bad. and also his shiny car did not get him far#'i really f**cked it up' (asterisks are in the actual song title unfortunately) is bruce's anger issues guilt complex etc#and then 'good in bed' is for both of them because it's them hooking up after an argument. boom playlist over#playlist#<- remembering my tag organization system at the very end of a wall of text that is way too long for how short this playlist is
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atomicsuperrobot · 11 months
Rereading again, and it's really interesting to note just how different the early art style is from the later style- and especially from the anime itself. With the manga, you can at least see where things came from; in the anime, it's a fairly radical departure that is only barely recognizable as what it's meant to be, at least in regards to Joker himself, specifically.
The early manga has lots of sharp points and angles, creating a character that, even if he behaves in largely similar ways, still feels almost entirely different from his animated counterpart. No wonder I was so put off by the anime's designs, originally- and that I had gotten the impression that he was older than he actually wound up being, or was type-cast as. Funny how I now largely prefer his anime design and personality, even if it's altogether not that different!
Fun fact, when I first started reading, before I had started watching the anime (and even for a bit after I had started), the voice I had for Joker in my head was the same as Kaito's, from Magic Kaito- which, as far as anime goes, would be from Detective Conan and Magic Kaito 1412, specifically. Even if he seemed older, at least in looks, in my head he very much still read as a bratty teenager, it would seem.
#Kaitou Joker#Magic Kaito#Detective Conan#Mun Post#it's sort of nice to go back from time to time; and notice the differences#in either version he's a funny guy; tho in ways that are both similar and radically different at the same time#I don't recall what sort of voice hachi had in my head; it may well have been the same as canon because it's not too dissonant#with how he looks and acts as a character in the manga#I don't know if the others had any set voices either; because I can't remember if I read about them before or after I decided to watch-#the anime; I was trying to coincide it; but it turns out the timeline of the anime is very different than the manga#it has a hell of a lot more thought put into it for one thing#for a while I had no idea if Roko was original to the anime or if he showed up in the manga or not; he seemed so out of place#p sure he was in the manga first now; tho idk if I'll ever get to read that chapter#if I could I'd love to go back and go over the early chapters; it was the beginning of the scanlation group's work#and it's got that early work wonk all over it- plus some of the double pages are separate for some reason#and it disrupts the flow; if nothing else I'd want to fix that#I've also heard something about missing pages from a twitter account; dunno what that's about necessarily tho#especially since I'm pretty sure one of the double pages was fixed after mangadex allowed chapter editing#maybe some early chapters got skipped over? or they're missing in the file downloads; no idea about those#bc I prefer to read online...#also I'd say I'm sorry about bombing two semi-unrelated tags with this nonsense; but I'm really not#it at least has SOME relevance to these topics! even outside of what I mentioned actually#bc kaito and joker are both phantom thieves; and even more interestingly; apparently there was some kind of merch crossover event-#between the kaijo anime and detective conan; that I really wish I knew the details about beyond that it Existed
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florbelles · 7 months
great news everyone i restarted sile’s save again!! why are you booing. wh
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unxpctedlygreat · 6 months
I'm so tired
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katies-top-hat · 2 years
Fire And Ice
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Redraw of an older piece I did in 2017
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love-at-first-bite · 1 year
I can't continue my conversation with Adachi ai I'm gonna scream <:(
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saetoru · 1 year
this is as good as cyno’s gonna get so if he doesn’t crit after this i’m throwing him off a cliff
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void-kissed · 1 year
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..Okay so these were not the ideas I was having before but take this WIP anyway
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speedgeek · 2 years
Playing around with an idea: I haven’t seen any time travel fics that go back and change the outcome of the skirmish at the Fett farm. Most go to Korda VI or Galdiraan, obvious points for major change. But how different would things be if the Fetts survived and Jaster didn't adopt Jango? I don't know how things would change for Jaster, but Jango ends up being a crucial piece to the future of the GFFA. A lot would change if Jango Fett wasn't the son of Jaster Mereel. He might not become a bounty hunter, certainly wouldn't be Mand'alor, wouldn't be in position to be used by the Sith, no clone army, no Boba- at least not the Boba Fett we know and love. Also, a different Mand'alor means a different future for Mandalore.
Here's what I'm thinking about: Anakin messes with an artifact he shouldn’t and gets sent back in time. Mission, archive duty, I don't know. I'm thinking shortly after the Obi-Wan & Anakin comic, after Palpatine has gotten involved but before he really gets his claws into him. He lands at the Fett farm while Death Watch is looking for Jaster.
Between Obi-Wan and Tatooine, he knows the shriek-hawk and black/blue armor = bad, especially when the people in that armor have somebody (Pa Fett) on their knees in front of their crying kid (Jango). Anakin doesn't need the Force to know which side to choose. He's sure Obi-Wan would attempt to negotiate, but he's not that good with words. He attacks the guy closest to him, which is the guy holding Pa Fett. The Mandalorians were surprised by Anakin's appearance (he just materialized out of nowhere) and weren't prepared for him to immediate start going at them with his laser sword. A woman (Ma Fett) comes out the house with a blaster rifle and takes out the guy holding Jango. Pa Fett tells Jango to run, Jango goes into the fields. Now, in another universe, Death Watch would've followed, gotten shot at by True Mandalorians and then would've set the fields on fire. In this one, they're too busy with Anakin, who knows enough to not bother hitting the armor, but hit where the armor isn't (several Death Watch are already in multiple pieces), and Ma Fett's blaster (she shot someone with a helmet between the eyes at a distance, she's good) to do anything about Jaster Mereel and his crew in the fields. By the time the True Mandalorians join the fight, Tor Visla's pulled out the Darksaber and is trying to hold off Anakin. But Anakin is a lightsaber prodigy and Tor's bes'kad training isn't meant for something with a non-solid blade. He loses his head to a 12/13 year old Jedi padawan.
Ultimately, Anakin would be rejected by the Jedi a second time (still has the fear issues from before and he's just killed a bunch of people with little remorse), but without Qui-Gon's support (whatever he felt on Tatooine, he's not feeling now). So, Jaster does get a kid out of that fight, just it's Anakin getting adopted instead of Jango. Fetts offer to adopt him as well and there may be threats given to Jaster regarding Anakin's well being (they owe him a debt, they will see him taken care of). Anakin eventually opens up to Jaster about his life in the future and Jaster might be taking notes about who to kill. Once he gets to Palpatine, because Jaster can't tell Obi-Wan and the Jedi don't currently care, Anakin tells him all the things Palpatine has said and the places Palpatine took him (like in the comic). Jaster's not an idiot, he knows grooming when he hears about it, and makes definite plans to kill Skeevy Sheevy (cause a leopard doesn't change his spots). He's not a Senator at this time (this is just before the election he rigged), and certainly not Chancellor, shouldn't be a problem. It's when the assassination fails, he finds out he's dealing with a Sith Lord, not a child molester. The Jedi get involved because Sith, and the entire thing starts unraveling.
Plagueis offs Palpatine as a loose end, but it doesn't save him in the end.
No Korda VI and no Galidraan, because Death Watch is gone. No Naboo and no Clone Wars because Palpatine and the Sith are gone. And everybody that's not Palpatine lives happily ever after. :)
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