acloudwalker · 11 years
shipping you with flameofthesky-mun!
ship me with another tumblr user
pfft wait until this is seen gigglesnorts, we're wives and husband cause wehavedragonshiccup joined the threesome xD so hip hip hooray for cuties
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askvongolaxifamiglia · 11 years
For my precious friends, thank you ;______________;
woo I just noticed I said chromemon instead of Chrome °-°''' I'm totally stupid.
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heartless-hibari · 11 years
*Slaps butt* pass this onto the next ten on your dash to see what happens.
//slaps your face
Do it again...I dare you..
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allebu-naeeak · 11 years
Tumblr media
{🐺} "Hey, Colulu, look-y there, it's bomber boy~"
Tumblr media
"I see him, Widget, and the lil Vongola brat, too~"
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acloudwalker · 11 years
flameofthesky replied to your post “atOMIC SNEEZE”
//omfg. Or imagine if he sneezed and accidentally flung Tsuna across the room or through a brick wall
sweet baby jesus Tsuna has to be HDWM each time he's around this sick dog
"I'm sorry, 's not my fault th---" suDDENLY SNEEZES OVER HIS BED, BYE BYE BED
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dinocavallo · 11 years
*Kisses passionately* You’ve got the kissing disease! Spread it by kissing the next ten people on your dash! (Feel free to ignore c: )
"T-Tsuna?" the older boss asked. The kiss suprised him, it really did… His little brother was suprisingly good at it too. "Kissing all of a sudden?"
// Thank u~ ^3^ //
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heartless-hibari · 11 years
*Kisses passionately* You’ve got the kissing disease! Spread it by kissing the next ten people on your dash!
=A= whats up with people these days. Going up to each other and kissing like its no big deal. Stop it.
"Damn herbivores..."
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Replies / semi-hiatus continues
((Still on semi-hiatus (kind of actually really a hiatus) .... rl has just been exceptionally busy...... with work and the temperamental weather fucking with me and making me want to sleep 10 hours a day. > u >; .... So thank you to new followers (and those following me back), but honestly I'm just a stalker so it's unnecessary to follow back. < u <
Replies I have in my drafts include one for scientificbeauty and devotedtraitor. If you're waiting on anything from me, I either lost it or am waiting for a response from you. Let me know if anyone wants a new thread/to end a thread/continue something I have long forgotten!
Thanks~ Also on twitter and skype being lame. If you just want to mess around ic/mostly ooc, I'm available on both!))
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passion-of-simon · 11 years
flameofthesky replied to your post: Ah, she was going to kill him. She was really going to kill him. Oh, but Enma would keep her from that, right...? Right. ... He hoped... Well, suck it up and do it already! "I'm sorry, Adelheid. P-please forgive me," he spoke quietly as he stood on his tip-toes to give a small peck. but, with his nervousness, he accidentally kissed the corner of her lips. Well. That was better than what he was aiming for. More acceptable, he thought.
He nodded, a very light blush on his cheeks. “A-alright, I’ll make sure to do that.” He gave a deep bow. “Again, I’m very sorry. I know you said you forgive me, but… I’m sorry…!” //Everyone has a soft spot for TsuTsu <3
Adel ruffled his hair, "I said it's alright." It was like dealing with a scared bunny, you had to be nice and slow. She wondered what his reaction will be if she teased him, "Most girls will be pleased being kissed by a cute boy like you." These were the moments Adel lived for, it was fun teasing Enma too.
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mukuro-no-kufufu · 11 years
(ㆁᴗㆁ✿) [/cough]
Send me a (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) and I’ll rate your blog
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself //it’s really super aborable
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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I don't know this mun, but from what I've seen of this mun, this mun is awesome and I wish I /did/ know this mun ;A;
Mun is really easy to make friends with, just poke a little and I will talk to you. ^^
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gothic-exorcist · 11 years
[there should be a title here] ||Flameofthesky
It was another day at Nanimori, boring as usual...well there was some entertainment with the boy nicknamed 'No Good Tsuna', Fransisca thought the name suited him, he didn't do well in classes and he seemed to be a complete and utter fail. 
She sat in the seat next to him and sighed, not wanting to make conversation or anything she took out her note book and pencil, and was ready for notes, though class hasn't started just yet. 
0 notes
acloudwalker · 11 years
STOP CHANGING YOUR ICON, DAMNIT. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO KEEP UP ON THE RELATIONSHIP PAGE?! (NobutreallyIlovehowyoucyclethroughicons. They'reallwonderfulandIlovethem)
WELP YOUR RELATIONSHIP PAGE {OMFG I AM THEREEEE AND OMFG I GOTTA ALSO PUT YOU AND DAT CUTIE IN AN URL THINGU, cause like we're a threesome} IS WEAK IF IT CANNOT DEAL WITH DA CHANGES {alksjaksfriggingladtohearthat♥ yussgottagivethisbastardosomerabu vwv}
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dinocavallo · 11 years
♣ c:
Send me a ♣ and my character will tell you one thing that they like about yours
"You are a really great person in general, Tsuna, and I really admire all the curage you put up for your friends." Dino smiled and ruffled the brunettes hair. "You are really unique that way!"
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