Artist part 2
flapjacku last updated 21/06/2023 (2022)
shebsart  last updated 22/06/2023 (2023)
amaati  last updated 22/06/2023 (2023)
esmedalma  last updated 23/06/2023 (2022)
lunwil  last updated 23/06/2023 (2019)
persephones-plantpot  last updated 23/06/2023 (2020)
mummer  last updated 02/08/2024
francy-sketches  last updated 03/05/24
blndraws  last updated 24/06/2023 (2022)
keanureevesasjonsnow  last updated 25/06/2023 (2021)
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banadraw · 1 year
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🍋 design based on this , happy bday for @flapjacku 💕 twitter / instagram / discord server / Tiktok / Kofi / carrd
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mariedemedicis · 5 years
13, 14, and 18 for the ask meme? :)
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Look for personal anecdotes and not just clinical symptoms when writing about people different from you.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Write what you know, I think, cause it’s super limiting.
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I have a bunch of family trees on ancestry and I have a google doc per idea with like births, deaths, and other important dates but not like a strict outline or anything.
Thank you, Gemma! :)
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ashara · 5 years
ooo do you have a sansa playlist?? if not are there any songs you would associate her with?? :)
yes i do!! i haven’t updated it in forever, but you can listen to it here! 
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Hi! Sansa in “heartache” for the palette meme??? if you want to of course!!! :)
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Sansa Stark the Queen in the North
This wasn’t supposed to be cartoon style cause I can’t do it, but somehow the muse decided it must be cartoon-ish. Hope you’ll like it!
palette challenge / asks
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radellama · 5 years
Um okay top 5 fav characters?????
In no particular order;
Magus from Chrono Trigger
Spock from Star Trek
Link from LoZ, but in particular Skyward Sword
Gerome from Gattaca
Data from Star Trek next gen
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ouijeejuice · 5 years
Hi emma! big fan here! could you please draw me some steamy boingo x garfield?? theres little to no fanart of my otp and its such a shame :(
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@flapjacku replied to your post: Me turning on my laptop just so I can go to FFN...
and there are TWO MORE COMING
sometime soon
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drxgony · 6 years
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catonatrain · 6 years
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flapjacku · 3 years
does anyone else use Pinterest for like character insp?? I love looking at peoples pretty boards 😭😭 if y’all use it esp for asoiaf give me the @s 🥺
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cosmiart · 4 years
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They sat on damp rocks beneath an oak tree, listening to the slow patter of water dripping from the leaves as they ate a cold supper of hardbread, moldy cheese, and smoked sausage. The Hound sliced the meat with his dagger, and narrowed his eyes when he caught Arya looking at the knife. "Don't even think about it."
"I wasn't," she lied.
He snorted to show what he thought of that, but he gave her a thick slice of sausage.
Arya IX, A Storm of Swords (summer secret santa gift for @flapjacku)
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weirwoodking · 4 years
hey, i just finished asoiaf and i was wondering if you had any good asoiaf blogs you could recommend? also, i love your art, and your blog it awesome!!
Firstly, congrats on finishing the series! And thank you so much, I’m glad you like my blog and my art <3
There’s a ton of great ASOIAF blogs, here are some awesome people to follow:
@maesterleia @shebsart @gaystannis @chillyravenart @affc @amuelia @mrsjadecurtiss @cosmiart @knifeears @gaya-the-k @naomimakesart @seaworthit @the-perfunctorily @ofmissing @slavicstarks @sare11aa11eras @bookdanysource @bookdaenerystargaryen @booksansadaily @preasoiafsource @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly @asoiafuniversity @sansajeyne @flapjacku @weirwoodtears @jeynepoole @autisticsansa @books-laughter-love  @jahaeratargaryen @the-king-andthe-lionheart @lynchbrothers @turtle-paced @esmedalma @ygrittebardots @fawnilu @joyousrivers @aryaarianne @lyannastark @ladiesofwinterfell @she-wolf-of-highgarden @gigidrawer-art @melrosing @tatticstudio55 @jeynewesterling @the-winds-of-spring
I definitely missed a ton of people, so please reblog this and tag anyone else! And reblog this if you’re an ASOIAF blog, too!
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ashara · 5 years
God your got8 takes are so goOD
THANKS i’m glad someone appreciates my negativity 
(ps. i love your art soo much!!)
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sansacherie · 4 years
Do you have any happy Jeyne Poole headcanons or ideas about her personality and likes? I hate that we only get to see her while being abused and I wish grrm gave her more of a personality. I like the idea that she loves art and embroidery and her favorite story is Jenny of Oldstones.
1. Jeyne's favourite song is Jenny of Oldstones. When the travelling singer once came to WF (mentioned in Sansa's first Feast chapter), Jeyne would always request that song to be played.
2. Jeyne is actually quite good at sums, but she finds the subject boring & prefers other activities. She'll often help Sansa as well.
3. Jeyne & Sansa's namedays are quite close- a week apart. Sansa is the older one. Every year the girls would make something small to give to one another.
4. Jeyne helped Sansa name Lady. When Jeyne commented that most ladies probably didn't get direwolf pups, Sansa responded that was the perfect name for her - Lady.
5. Jeyne & Sansa would write songs together & sing
6. Jeyne was very close to her father, especially as she was an only child & her mother was long dead. Even though she sometimes wished her father was a high lord like Sansa's, she wouldn't have wanted anyone else as her father.
7. Jeyne is a fast runner - one of her favourite things is running through Winterfell with Sansa.
8. Jeyne is one of the few people that Sansa actually feels comfortable talking about her emotions with, where she can drop her "Lady mask" a bit & show her vulnerabites. It was most likely Jeyne who witnessed Sansa's grief for Lady, & her anger for her friend resulted in her cruel remarks to Arya.
9. Jeyne finds peace and healing. She is given Dreadfort, which is renamed to Whitefort & the place is stripped of everything that made it the Bolton's. She is betrothed to a kind & loving knight, who will treat her with all the tenderness in the world & will never, ever hurt her in the way Ramsey. They have three children - Vayon, Sansa, & Theon.
10. If you asked Jeyne about who she would have sided with in the Dance, she would have said Rhaenyra.
11. Being an only child, Jeyne was jealous of Sansa's siblings.
12. Jeyne is very fond of puns. When Sansa once commented that Jon rarely smiled like Robb, Jeyne smirked & said that yes, "he always does have a rather long face" to which Sansa suppressed a small smile at that.
13. Jeyne is very gifted at drawing, it's one of her favourite pastimes. It's something that she ends up passing onto to her own daughter.
14. Her children & Sansa's children become very close friends. Sansa also has a daughter Jeyne's age, and seeing them together reminds them of themselves at the same age.
15. Before she had her children, Jeyne would have said the thing she feared most was Ramsay. However, after they were born, Jeyne would have said she feared losing her children even more - and she would gladly suffer Ramsey again if it meant keeping them safe.
16. Jeyne never forgot what Theon did for her & names her son in honor of him. She tells her son that Theon did some truly terrible things, however he is also the reason that she is alive today & that he saved her at risk to himself.
17. Jeyne had a lot of admiration for Lady Catelyn & like Sansa, thought of her as the ideal lady.
18. One of Jeyne & Sansa's favourite things to do together was to make up new houses & words.
19. Like Bran, Jeyne loves the scary stories told by Old Nan just as much as she loved the "kissing stories".
anyway I'm gonna end it here with a cute pic of sansa & jeyne (credit to @flapjacku ) look at these precious cuties
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radellama · 5 years
🍭 :)
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
heheeh I have a lottttt, but one of my all time favourite theories I made for Chrono Trigger was that the colour of their hair indicates whether they have the ability to use magic. imo it’s a pretty solid theory and ties in closely with the lore and everything, as all the protagonists that can wield magic have brightly/unnaturally coloured hair.. literally the only thing that ruins this is Laruba Village in pre-history cause they have purplish hair BEFORE Lavos buried itself in the earth lol
Ask me about my special interests
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