#fleur de lis because it's in the crest!
averlym · 1 year
may 19 is anne boleyn’s deathday ~holiday anon
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paid the price with the swordsman's swing
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pennumbra · 7 months
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I thought it would be fun to try designing some coats of arms/heraldry for the Centaurworld characters! Here's the Mysterious Woman, the General, and the Nowhere King.
More thoughts on each below the read more-
Mysterious Woman: Probably the simplest, but I think that fits for royalty? Hers is split right down the middle to reflect unity and two halves. The yellow shape is actually the head of the Key in spear/staff form! Happy coincidence that it looks kind of like a lily or fleur de lis to me!
The General: I think the General would probably fight under the Mysterious Woman's banner and use her existing coat of arms, because he was a nobody before marrying in? I also think appropriating royal symbols would lend him authority, but I wanted to design something for him anyway.
If he did want his own crest (or perhaps a logo for his army?), I'm not sure if I could see him incorporating elk or deer in any way... On one hand, I don't think he'd want any reminders or association with his true nature/past. But I could also see him egotistically liking something that reflects the narrative he's crafted in his mind, symbolizing what he views as triumphing over the lesser part of himself.
The Nowhere King: He gets two because I couldn't decide which vibe I liked more. Especially in AU contexts, I tend to imagine the Nowhere King leaning into the 'King' part of his title and styling himself as a ruler over the minotaurs- viewing them as his subjects and trying to create a place where they can belong, legitimizing their 'kingdom'. A flag featuring their kind would make sense to me, but I also really liked the idea of a crest featuring his antlers, because they're so distinctive. I think the green leaves would only feature in a more peaceful AU.
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 1: Early Concept
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The Original Logo
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The original logo appeared to have a pink fleur-de-lis in the center. On the top of the heart rests a golden crown with heart and swirl detailing on it. On both sides of logo are a pair of feathered wings, with the left side being purple and the right side being an off-white color.
Character Designs: Evonie and Ella
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Evonie's original design didn't appear to change much from her current design. There were a few differences.
🍎 Evonie's Early Design
- Evonie's hair was more black without the royal blue tint and appeared to be less wavy.
- The sleeves are a bit less transparent and feature golden swirls, although the floral pattern reminds.
- The bottom of her top appeared to have triangular hems on each side.
Much like Evonie, Ella's original design didn't appear to change much from her current design either. But much like Evonie, there are a few differences.
👠 Ella's Early Design
- Ella's hair appeared to be more of a dusty off-red color and her hair originally reached to her upper shoulders.
- The jewel on both her tiara and brooch are purple in color. This was because Phoenix didn't think much about what to do with the gems until she decided to change them to accommodate to the original princess (In this case, Cinderella).
- Ella's skirt, despite having the same argyle patterning as her current skirt appears to be a ruffled one.
Character Designs: Allison and Briar
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Allison's original design appeared to be very different from her current design.
🐰 Allison's Early Design
- Much like Ella, Allison's hair in her original design appeared to be an off-red color, before it was changed to be reddish-pink.
- Allison's original outfit was very different from her current one. Her sailor top was blue in color, with the center part having an argyle pattern, with hearts, spades, clovers and diamonds. The shirt also has red jewel buttons on it. The collar also has the same pattern, with the addition of a dark teal outline. The collar flap appears to be made of lace, with heart detailing at the edge. The scarf tied to the sailor top is black in color.
- The two layered skirt is somewhat similar to the current design, with the exception of the color palette. The top layer is a solid black while the bottom layer is navy blue with a line pattern.
- Allison's original headband is very different from the current one. The headband is black in color with a crown in the center. On the side of the headband are four gold bows, each with a card suit charm decorated onto it. The charms are in this order from top to bottom: red heart, blue spade, green clover and yellow diamond.
- Allison's collar, while the same as the current design was black in the original design.
Briar's original design while similar to her current one, the original design did have some differences.
🌹 Briar's Early Design
- The rose hair accessory appeared to have more of a pastel color palette.
- The blue gem on Briar's tiara looked darker.
- Her turtleneck sweater remains pink, but the collar part in the original design was light blue with a rose pattern.
- The rose in the center of the golden ribbon on Briar's left shoulder was red in the original design, instead of fuchsia.
- The jewel buttons were pink instead of light blue.
- Her original skirt was light blue in color and had the same rose pattern as the collar section of her turtleneck sweater.
- Briar additionally had red rose earrings in her original design. But they were removed because according to Phoenix, the rose earrings would take too long to draw each time Briar would have to be illustrated and they were cut to minimize Briar's drawing time.
Early Bios and Original Dorm Crests
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(Note: The katakana for Evonie's given name is incorrectly spelled as "Evonia")
The original Pommeneige dorm crest featured a golden mirror with golden swirls. The interior of the mirror features colors that make it resemble a stained glass window and in the center of the mirror is a red apple.
In her original profile, Evonie is described as a woman who's willing to help others and is known for her vocal range and charisma. She is described as liking apple based desserts and clean environments, though she dislikes messy places and tricks (likely pranks).
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(Note: Ella's tiara and brooch gems were still purple in the original profile, this was before they were changed to be white)
The original Glastanzerin dorm crest originally depicted a glass slipper on a purple flower shaped pedestal.
In her original profile, Ella is described as an airheaded crybaby who's excels at dancing and is popular with students for her tailoring skills. She is described as liking pumpkin based recipes, sewing and miniature figurines, though she dislikes rabid animals and doing too much housework.
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(Note: Futterwacken's original dorm crest was recycled for the current crest, the only difference is the color palettes)
The original Futterwacken dorm crest was depicted as being a clock with a golden outline with Roman numerals and the inter part of the clock featured two shades of green. Probably the most notable part of the crest is the rabbit head in the center.
In her original profile, Allison is described as a girl who enjoys throwing parties and is very curious about everything. She wishes to explore anything that catches her interest. Allison is described as liking parties, mysteries and rabbits while having a disliking for being chased, sharp objects and being late.
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The original Rosadormienti dorm crest had three roses (blue on the left, red in the middle and green on the right) above what appeared to be Princess Aurora's crown.
In her original profile, Briar is described having powerful magic that tries her out if she uses it to often, she is also described as being able to sleep on any surface no matter how hard or soft it is. Briar is described as liking plushies, sleeping and fairies while having a disliking for sharp objects, lizards and isolation.
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azuresins · 1 year
What design elements did you change? It looks accurate as fuck to me..
Just to make myself extra clear while I made some choices I can't take credit for any of the model work. That's all @noirserviteur SO... the design of the ring has changed, before. Rather, it's been adjusted and updated, over the years. I made a picture so it's easier to see what in the world I'm talking about and what choices I made.
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There used to be a key in the ring, it was more similar to the design on Sebastian's pocket watch/ The Phantomhive Crest. It was omitted... I decided it should be put it back! In favor of the older design.
The fleur-de-lis holding the center stone in place were a bit more pointed early on, it was harder to tell what they even were, this is a detail that I thought was a good change, so I asked that it be kept with a few adjustments. It has the more rectangular corners like the early design, with the fleur-de-lis bent into a shape that resembles the older ring shape from the top, while still having the visible fleur-de-lis, like the new design. You might say it was a combination of the two.
This shape... changed entirely. I... think it's meant to resemble the top of a scepter, and I preferred the updated design with the small tweak that it was clearly a part of a key.
These were changed, they take up much more space and curl much more. They hardly looked like much in the early design in my opinion and I wanted them to look more curled, sharp.
This is the part of the ring that has always interested me the most. I think initially, it was sincerely meant to resemble rose thorns in Celtic knots, with a small white gem in the center. At one point, it looked like they carried on at least to the back of the ring and she was just omitting tiny details (because she had to draw this thing by hand so many times in the early chapters). Celtic knots don't taper off and just end like that... so even if it's not technically accurate, I wanted them to wrap around the whole band. This is likely the most liberty I took. There you have it! I hope that made sense.
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abybweisse · 2 years
in ch 133 p.10 the P Ring is decorated with fleur-de-lis , does that means that the P Family has ties with the french royality or simply because of the 100 year war ?
Phantomhive fleurs-de-lis?
Though the fleur-de-lis (lily... or probably iris, based on shape and an origin story about yellow irises along the River Lys) design is best known for a connection to the French royalty, it's also in the British and Scottish Crown Jewels. In fact, it's a very popular design to use across Great Britain, Europe and elsewhere.
We could glance at the ring and say they're fleurs-de-lis and claim it's another clue that the Phantomhives have a strong connection to the French, along with having some French names, like Vincent, Frances/Francis, and Ciel. (Claudia is rare in France and actually Italian in origin.) There's also the fact they are "Phantomhives", not "Ghosthives". 😆 And then there's Undertaker's mysterious mention of having business in France; he says that to Diedrich, even though he didn't really need to mention it... unless he hoped Diedrich would pass that along for our earl and Sebastian to investigate. Too bad that investigation hasn't happened (yet).
Anyway, like I said above, it's also used in Great Britain. An interesting use of the fleur-de-lis in British heraldry is as a cadency mark to signify a sixth son. We could come up with some wild scenario where a sixth son was the head of the family when this ring was originally made, and it has passed down through the generations without further changes, despite the fact it would no longer match the family position of the bearer; they are not all 6th sons, and at least one has been a daughter. (The English do not strictly follow cadency rules like the Scottish do.) This is the sort of idea I'd expect to find in a fanfic, where the author thinks they are being particularly clever... while forgetting or not realizing what the ring actually depicts.
Because it's not a fleur-de-lis on that ring at all. In the center of the shield in their family crest, there's the same-looking thing. Part of the shield and key looks a bit like a bisected fleur-de-lis but turned on its side and dotted, like the corners of the shield. Isn't that what's really on each side of the ring... the family shield?
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Yes, it's the shield with the key and crown... and so that's not really a fleur-de-lis because it wouldn't be correctly oriented as a heraldic flower. Also, the top three petals of a fleur-de-lis should be larger than the three below, and this design looks quite equal on each half of the shield.
Sorry, but there are no fleurs-de-lis on the Phantomhive ring, that I can see. The Phantomhive family ring is typical in that it depicts the family crest/shield, which does not include a fleur-de-lis.
They might still have strong French ties, though....
Bonus: Undertaker has a flower on each side of his ring, but it's a true lily, like the lilies used for funerals. His ring is another piece of mourning jewelry, not a family ring, as the design sheet even includes hair embedded in resin or underneath a transparent yellow stone... and points to both the ring and his lockets, calling them “memory jewelry (accessory with hair of the deceased)”. My money is on a yellowish resin molded to appear like a gem at first glance. I agree with others who think the ring's hair design looks a lot like the hair design in the locket for Alex B., whoever that turns out to be.
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grow Iris, Purple is the color of royalty, so it's no wonder that these flowers stand for faith an represent courage, wisdom and admiration.
Amazing facts about flower iris
Purple is the color of royalty, so it's no wonder that these flowers stand for faith and hope. While the most popular color of the Iris flower is blue, they also come in white and yellow.
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The Iris is named after the Greek Goddess, Iris who was thought to link the heavens with the earth and was often personified as a rainbow. These flowers were placed next to graves to help the deceased pass on to the next life before becoming the flower of France, and the Fleur-de-lis.
Irises grow naturally all over the world and are an excellent gift for someone you admire
Iris grows in sunny areas
Most iris species (bearded, Siberian, Japanese, etc.) perform best when grown in partial to full sun.  However, the crested iris (Iris cristata) prefers partial shade.  A native of the eastern United States, crested iris produces 4- to 6-inch-long leaves from woody, spindle-shaped rhizomes.  Flowers are pale blue to violet with white or yellow crests on their falls.  Plants bloom in mid-spring.  It is hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8.  Because of its small size, crested iris should be grown in the front of perennial beds and borders.  It can also be grown as a groundcover in partial shade.  
July through mid August is the best time to plant, move or divide iris. Iris is one of the most popular perennials in the garden and easy to grow.
Irises will bloom best in full sun, meaning at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day. They can tolerate as little as half a day of sun, but it's not ideal. Without enough light, they won't bloom well. Bearded irises must not be shaded out by other plants; many do best in a special bed on their own.
ask me to know more
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
Arms of King Charles III
I am putting this up because someone asked in the comments for the symbolism of the shields on the coronation invitation.
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_United_Kingdom
This is the coat of arms of the monarch of the United Kingdom
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Motto: Dieu et Mon Droit, French, meaning "God and my right"
Supporters (the animals on either side): A Lion (for England) and a Unicorn (for Scotland). The ground below the shield and supporters shows a Tudor rose, a thistle, and a shamrock growing from one stem, representing the union of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Crest (what is above the shield) A crowned lion (for England) standing on another crown, surrounded by ermine tails
The Garter (the blue band encircling the shield): This is added to the coat of arms of people who belong to The Order of the Garter, the highest order of chivalry in england. The blue garter bears the motto of the order in gold, "Honi Soit Que Mal Y Pense", translated as "shame on him who thinks evil of it"
The Shield, the coat of arms itself, is in four quarters as follows:
Top Left Quarter: Three gold lions on a red background, representing England.
Top Right Quarter: A red lion on a gold background, in a double red frame adorned with fleur-de-lys, for Scotland.
Bottom Left Quarter : A gold harp on a blue background, representing Ireland.
Bottom Right Quarter: Three gold lions on a red background, representing England.
Wales is not represented in this coat of arms because at the time it was devised (1707 Union with Scotland) Wales was considered a part of England, and that did not change when Ireland was added (1800 Union with Ireland).
King Charles III choose the Tudor Crown for his person cypher, so all the crowns in his coat of arms are Tudor crowns (semicircle arch, see picture below), rather than the Crown of St Edward used by Queen Elizabeth II (curved arch, as per the coat of arms above).
The official blazon (description in heraldic terms) of this coat of arms is:
Quarterly, first and fourth Gules three Lions passant gardant in pale Or armed and langued Azure (for England), second quarter Or a Lion rampant within a double tressure flory-counter-flory Gules (for Scotland), third quarter Azure a Harp Or stringed Argent (for Ireland), the whole surrounded by the Garter; for a Crest, upon the Royal helm the Imperial Crown Proper, thereon a Lion statant gardant Or imperially crowned Proper; Mantling Or and Ermine; for Supporters, dexter a Lion rampant gardant Or crowned as the Crest, sinister a Unicorn Argent armed, crined and unguled Proper, gorged with a Coronet Or composed of Crosses patées and Fleurs-de-lis a Chain affixed thereto passing between the forelegs and reflexed over the back also Or. Motto Dieu et mon Droit in the compartment below the shield, with the Union Rose, Shamrock and Thistle engrafted on the same stem.
The Coronation invitation uses a variant of this coat of arms, as shown below:
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libidomechanica · 2 years
A whistle gather winds cold her want
A ballad sequence
When the debris of the fair? What     nipt my softly o’er than a herald to dream it an hour     then was transform appear.
A whistle gather winds cold her     want. Moved, Listening; long for thought. With rattlin’ sang, then a story:     if ten time. Like a
baby magic Shadows about,     I loser the skirt and in the western she hate’ she will     silver blood! Is more breed.
’ Express, excuse of us—Pish!     No small; or Paradise, the seek, but mouth go up the mother     fleur-de-lis; because
take her, beware the mild! Hard hand     overbear to carrier lives in each the foolish’d ivorie,     to leave much our heart
is its forget till Gazing o’er-     spread, forgot, nor because that’s absent a girl who love;—or     a seas his firm thou art
not fly from a stately partaken     of our mindes drives; wee Pope but the fail it is Lies;     they beautie virtue but for
which express, issued in our mankind,     but this life’s dear lady of poesy! The boat and she     heart is thine together
till I could you float heart with nimble,     quickly ghosts, i, that all these kisses blacken’d slow ye     movie without the shop’s
ingress humbled on the blade glance,     weep my dressed was not,—this deep enough, to the tyrannic     power, and we say. As
on his ample cotter, running;     my life is come in her missive something game when as green,     be gladly dear store thy
love like Water a perfect weake     me for me! Yet so share, like rocks, and high! In martyrdom,     to wrang night, the two
brotherwise for her breast. A bow-shot     in a carpet as I gained plays that plays: hither grief, of     gallop flitting eyes read.
Blue eyes and to hold or troth,     invalid, sick lands untwining pageant to be the sea who     watching just stepped my lord,
whence space; though the large my day, until     the staues did in some ridge of men’s eye it goes. And at     large: how Sultán with ribs
of death: but did reared: heavier,     one thine own despots; and That made the steps; and skill, to sing     is day I whisper endless
faintly on all bowed the fields     and like more going the shall not with old Khayyám, and wits     impostor can yet the would
be the unripe could have been the     dear lady of Shalott. Whilst we love youngest this tale of     thine is brothers in rhyme;
but pilgrims made! Was important     poison for Morning of his crest and ravish’d mar my House     for none look’dst the dark valleys,
she sat, and her with fear then     can thou will be the beautie virtue is shape, her seemed single;—     when I cries of the
policy in a king, is gone, or     will no more dull drop of woman, or bright? Weep and th’     amorous ears sing lay,
that ensign shape, nor life’s deeds do     not speak out. Lifting gentle Eulalie’s Spring, feel their     death. The soldier, heaven.
The gemmy breaths I was it up!     Is by the soluble stand? But of the misbelieving     morning. Play after shining no restore as once, I was     the need to drinking; long as the sat at thy sent mine, I     yet hair, and freeze kiss you
floated peanuts, singing sorrows     given his laid by the Northern morning me a man     infinite can wealth an is green-sheaven we meadows force, who     subtle wind. Woke—and with me enfauld, and counter’s haunch draws     delight, the last go, and
moving wax dim; and and remembered     up in a disease, while thus, yet in dissolved soldier     put on air be mud and accept the Day of bees only     am become both borrow passing mind, when the cries and     let it but this is life,
drives did comfort of wings I travell’d     league of a long a forever; poor decades, when your     head, and from the sea; o Rivulet, one little waves all     our books were the time, your only bore in the mighty silken     poetry, she the
act abiding acrossing arms     round she no work to enlarged deride to wag the night clasps     they, with the sun, her feet. Who which the bed too late August     your name is why that chary as the Deserts outward who     see the old Khayyám and bee’s
songs have plain, me of feeling, blow:     and then I a hen the lass marble sacred hand does as     it unfolds any past body overborne in one after     Siberia’s shield—shocked for honour, if thy gay smiles, numb     nubkins, than thy Despair!
The long-lost in these, when the sea.     Why, conquest and said—Why ne’er forehead of lightlessly brough     is all the was I sober-
suited hooves to overhead     o’er than resty she gilded mountains, transistor to     charioteers in tourneys heart.
And bearded curled the can yet short ?     I will at dusk? I fence: i like a wild Recesses gave     leisure ungainly for
sight once lass their singing in conceal’d     the monarch only thou praise rehearse, and the deeds divine     she was cheerless that
burning laters on the Moon arose,     his very Hyacinth the effort my babe, washed in     keeper the way the vines
sweet, the rolled among to her     unexpression find rough I die, like blossom winke; for ours, out     of care frequent, of yestern
those shalt lie frae ’boon thee, lest     from hidden light of a burnt in Men’s public faults i’d     not. Can prudence the red
right I cannot sting way. And there     itself. Horse fair laws, come to the beauty of an earth, doth     reason for Venus’ dove.
Shrunk the was sent of both dispute?     On all in profit they came. Love is bring heart come to her     land like and his like it
in me:—the blossoms scented Sword.     On the more; but because youngest heart full of thy brow he     slays Himself dost pastures,
thinke not, she little hour slumber,     heaven! Listening in to those,—mother that a giant, Arac,     roll. Sprang night, starry;
for lack of fervent from the bud     of glory of their sleep. Play herself a little she giddy     Heaven wealth many
men many-tinkling is come! She     lifting cold lips in trouble in divine, you who with cheek     all good-bye.-Morrow where
I lickit my thou gave us     like a human but the sun begin less saddle-leather,     a goodly and so with
Azra, where is brough thou can yet     recover who have knowest thou art; nay, you scorn, and Stella     must no more the
prettily, and act abide, singing     chain, with his way, howling clear broughout defend me, i’ll tree,     while evening, therein her
window into a chiefest there,     seize of this more of the braw lass made a halter was the     one drown till to my slight,
and soldier? Near him from sweet Water     fire. Thee, my soul was lights chased with endite, and thus, she     hawthorn-hedges it is
of bright? Beneath is wet Clay: and     in our camp, a charming memory of thing the green. That     did throats the ruin an
apply, shall not. In such pretext     her wouldn’t beauty’s edges drawn for lovely Heav’n, at thou nor     the grim Swiss dead, and swoops
the room. How the valleys, ye sat,     and woke desire after a sepulchre, and knocked, piping     lip, to tell, I often
the worms the cramped it to inspire     to mine own identity; that I heartbroke heretofore:     the terrible cricket
blared as in the saw ane another     that well each have cut flew her zone, to do, but taken,     when fall. I’m fill they’re gate,
Astonishment by this, ’ he can     fame; and their presents flower singing men my three. ’Mang hear;     and, having, height and the
who loue to such a Song, all slumbers     marble. But wished thro’ the Idolater, according     all the shepherds piped the
Elysium. And soldier were     the temples, for than unswept silent night, tis but kept ye     not love you’re the look down
hand, eithers nothing, and Soul. Drink;     and head a folded monument, Adam, from blazoned     dream remain until the
read heart come. When a lake when though     all those despair, that swallow lang na my vision flies place     of golden Gaeta:—Shot.
The forbear, where of fools admire.     And many-tinkling we torn many, and sports refuse. To     charms, the bed to the hunger of they music, the worlds so     remor breast, and with folds
any man in the loom she said,     Stubborn, but did I made, when I despair! Oh, Those fair. A     second fair to caves, when I cried Then they loves are me whirls,     and flower. So darker
was of liberationed the     grow. Lesson trumpets sore subtle Alchemy—Witch, invalid,     sing. Whose who lifting talk like follies plain sae bush-bearded     curls at once my feet
quell, I storms the lightly to their     death. Men cry, awake, masked aside, how the sea of music;     meseems I see two life, sans Song. Thus polish’d hook and I     felt delight of the strong,
and rest sea and marble. We wended;     I have living into the these day, the hopes as he     read. As here Simmer ever hand, right, which halcyon     sensual fault; I curse with
me? I do departed, fifty     on her lived in Profusion. Rose let her side: the pretty     maiden, when I do not him, you drinking hymn this bowl of     her shame, skimming in the
more death! When sae bushy, O, I     set him smiles the bed ball where’er beautie and sweet-scent on early,     right talk on and soever: yet, as they go against men     beyond conceits, but, wretched
Paris watching sware did then     we unripe gratitude, and lates of peace bribed chance, and     by him? Like a little joy to the tunes, you shoulders moiled     squadrons helmet ane
an’ kisse, vnseen! Filling in its serene     creation sea. Of the silence to me: for my     embattle, hurried hence and nudgers, half in keep you hast garden     when I took of the
hot rank into his Death thee my     muse expressing to here, flies did praction. Of the strike your     claims as rods of purpose, thou had remain the would stream and     those from thy mother sides.
The runaware. Along blended     down from bred by day and speed and the English eyes, hath been     the words but then I’m laid
by sides thou nor utterly from     the buzzing out. More tear; why were would the Slave o’t; robert     Burns: pale, with has a
pass unseene, vnheard a Voice might and     found the embrace and the strong sit, in bed to moved ever     along forth to speaking,
it was as goblin Honour, and     should force oft the Slave is but afternoon light painted peace,     and all that I behold,
love as old king. The shall conscious     am I, as Wine! To pierce of flowers. Since, as rainbow     flapping of the makes high,
to dross where, and gentleness and     their glitter this face, with pale and I saw the Sea of her     the first to be lean—ah,
leap’d o’er Siberia’s she had our     ear. That I hast down wi’ the lass majestic pace; or, can     be sweare Life to the horseman,
fill on forgot: since that song     anvil box out one whose the dearest I want time that spake     my flowed skill vines want dug
up holy, she might within that     light in its petal in the spring dance is court its rolled     Miriam and guessed me;
and monuments; let it on earthly     the languisht spring! Ah, my despair upon the river     dead. ’Er a time, I
knew him: only and me, that it     all its memory of Shalott. In fields to come to speaking,     she world turn, with children
foreboding those circlets sicke,     Wise the world make mountains, o love with Predestiny with     vices, stationer and
with faintly last, the more our     compassing souls entire, where I should by taking the miles     the Stars are swear, when
shall soon was fresh designed she no     more the day tarnished the dead: o cod shall bow along,     speak woman to the
here is the senses in the slays     and silver found high, my Clay: and we shouldst have you falls, and     and thy though for a Song.
The her rosy as midsummer,     and how they came; last, honeysuckle. But this, ’ he clay     Population and against
times thing of ashes. Who, cowards     young: the lovely Lip on willing ill. And they sneer at the     isle, worth and time sprang merry
it in some one sovered     from the sweet, in your name, till I stood from Beauty, must be     nameless and me, and the
wormes so goodness the Iliad     to thousand Years. And by octobering near and quiet-     colour, layer is,
and me, I yet she new need not,—     this flowers in the weeping. My cunning; I a’ the Trees     and sword, and Paris watches;
squirm newly as that idiot     legend cry’d in Heav’n, that flesh his visage and streams around;     where now, wash out the
lassie, while we once that have storm     of games.—An’ O for all her rolled we! Can we unrestrange     his hard, all bloodletting
cauld, and fill me, my love the quickly     make here! Yellow-leave the solitary side them to     be, she doth no observile
route. Upturns for buskin     skeleton, living sent the gold and daybreak the sea in     the batter. Of Audit,
like our claes, of teare, would God had     stray impatience, Towne better your sute does another the     white hand, young cauld’s garments
where no other day see both travell’d     league, one in stealing Apennine, and the fastner of     each, spirit restless to
me thy whole centuries to night     honeymoon. Alike a June betroth, invade, and with Fate     age of herself be dazzling
in trouble you speak for Morning     my Highland give me a twists were but you loyal works     out often time, while them?
Them shot back at me is slide down     to three to speak not, see the bed fat poison from those song     forth struck a hunder Greece, with it? And more that bring race and     let us lie frae my
life-days long with my embalming,     came: king, I am dead from head, filling soundles in some     make the dorm. This badge, and over than a Miss America     Contest breath catapults,
and that sits upon yourselves     meet to knowest breast and the lift, thou Nymph reservile     round of a demon, long blossom at on death! Sweet-scented     loud, flaying spruce, its pacifier.
Part sat our mine. Her cause     to a tansy letter bloom’d grinning to heavenly Father     smart, her free and Davies. That you needles on the fief,     in the change way, to sing.
He bid me thy placed, the world out,     above us, which that sweet, or breach’d they need the musk from     realm beyond conceal’d they
evening, nor busks his hands: before     Life to anticipate that didn’t beautie can recall my babe     from heaven forests, when
the humming in heavily there     is bed I may delight who Man of my Dearie! Astonishment,     and a virtue is
crest seats: part sat dost pulse fairer     chambers from unburied Ashes too were made fruitful shoreward     lights more sound like bear,
a day is dame, o wrang night outrun     me. Is delight on a glass maintains of our bones of     her till for if he know’st
not griefs wilt the word and in trouble     star-flowers sent body and Loue, ioue on me, ’ cried. A     day a-kindly swaddling
in me together which no less     always that love me enough. The poetry, she divides     to work’s exchequer-bounding—
I saw ane another, from     sprang nights summer lot. Am grow: arise above, when I     speak in the glad monogrammed
watching he hanging not you     perhaps forgot: And he place, beautiful you to trust like     that threw, and his merry-
make; and love shut again, alike,     or rating he domest sow’d me has Pudica thine to     her eyes walk’d by side me ….
Her hair was! Thought better than forgot?     Welfare, forget till a rose treasure the drew what what     if being with borrow I make you who do overthrown     on man, came on me, O hearts, she caught draw to steaming in     the middle o’ day. But
prudence the hurls her placed, thou were     and daring but there the knurlin’, till wring and lassie, O.     To leaden eye follies died, each will no more that, without     a dragged hand of Themselves measure, of deep still they quiet     after Silence in Wonder
what in Silence from some such     brights, as who chucks from men what I be done! Gentle blade her     be my flitting Nooooo at the great sunflower up all we     too high and Noes, but winter and looks behind a Jael, when     yet decrees of heaven
dissembling since that does to rehears     to-day prophets forgot and scarriage-bed. Now not to     kiss of love is a vanquished by your eyes, weary, the Bird     of liberation? Dead is half in sense of anythings,     that made they bend in sight
my fathere I will. One else he     may drink and seem most sow’d heart of thyself, who forbear their     doors of our countenance like a fold false dark lands felt thousand     Years. And a moment all unbe that will not enough     infinite back my worth, if
thought, knight oft murmur, and sound not     the Universe, the cause their stupefying smiles no sleep with     issue forget you dost gives him to when love, betroth God     of fires. And breathing—I forget more plenteously—we were     harm the Norther gums thine;
then let out of pleasure torrents,     will day, the Soul, devising larks, one breast with may pay the     first lovely books enter a tinkle household, by the subtle     wretched Elenor walk’d by then stormed, a fold fire, to     double star, that Face when
December if silent nights and     dame, her leaves. ’ For the charme the sky which for in the greeny     flower in the afternoon— the joy but before, flies bout     thou shall the Stars. Indeed they traduction. I love the might’st     him so happy hours; the
boat was once, know the Lady of     our eyes are eerie; and thy hills, that was this sixpence, and     breast. And with old one by one but hard a Wild Flower mansion     will sick of with a rattling understands from kiss’d     herself: you news from hidden
valleys, she cast, take, marks to     outlive the woman? The stones sweet to sweetestable she     king; long morn the way while eagle’s lately morn thou shall nigh     skimmingbird! Long from Arac: all these valves, and seed, you know,     thou kisses, whoever
dreams of out on to see thou Nymph     reserve thinking; shake lilies to night, the yesterday’s     worthier pen, yet record of Light. To tear, and that marriage;     scarce be with the solitary paradise, until the     pink mallow sky which candle
in that all bounds shaft, and leaves;     I said: Wait up! The bed to me; Blythe air be must: punctures     always for loved. I am duped. In the teeth. The rather,     his blushing each to kill, from these fool, you from the deathless,     ye mean. And weed her endless
majesty race. When we foughts     the curtain, knights, friends to Spain come when as weary. When spring     the mother give me a poet call, and embeds and     a tent to make it near and become the Earth it eternal     years it to greedy
garlic in the eldest the garded     many a masquer, and have felt, where is they blessed, the     travel tired yearly! Alluring king They cross knife, you     could woman, and shafts so shake? Clash in the going but—Wine.     Re-cements, and horse, in
silly born knelt, among the gods,     those breathed dusty bracelet me down the beames, the will e’en,     snare my kimmer, shall dancer gave through the sun’s way, and take     the Lady or fear, and draws think two perfumèd garment of     score: he same heat deep indeed
speak, or stepped in, surveys the     New York, lying in her, competence calls at these mountains,     come why hair, and yet she ran the drew on, nor storms to lick     a human Death’s affections of culture: who louer? Presences     was never learned
the heart, for mines! As the pyre     of my heart dotes less warlike they beats of the nor even     the Couch my brace against time hallan, but the sea which     will stir or light beauty, music without dream and the hung     with a flake off you’re lantern
isle, who like a batter’d     Caravanserai whose strangled with dewy shoulder plants, die     mischance just descending birds done in that just in true, and     every king Some scent to prompture love me will; for me, i’ll     trouble stalking that flower
would runs by Springs me near     me, my sire, but Fate with crashing her eyes on this sword     their soun’. To gather thickset free, and love I’d not in     where but things, with wailing them shot in that the spheres of old     fell all not. While in juice,
your ear. She learned that art     willower decades, and such a thou this, and flower the Rose     approach, spirit and dancer gate, and letters. A straitly     curbs. Valleys, so naked and broider they, with dewy shone     an’ twenty, Tam. The Rest.
Came the went, a day, and many     sea-scent a miles the smil’d, and the horseman, men I was     thyself upon the fled,
he waters bright down to Paris     watching limbs we’ll get, there to see, to yields to the skill; or     else candle in the bed
to those ravish’d and what heart doth     now the spread with that molehills, and moulders three year’st they     jogg’d it round a smiles no
share the heard, in rhymers to this     is gone, a space and her kiss that water wide; because his     blown scarce and air is it
struck the flatter, and sic pleasant     valleys of progress give the bed by thee, mortal mire,     that art not shame alive
i’ the bonie last years, and regular     moves; our make you who stone had none an’ twenty, Tam; but     whiten, rusting, He shore
wildbeasts instead you too cold firm     under which Loue; o let the starting swans with nary eye.     A toy globe, the further
of pride her foot, and base. When the     sea, between yearning; the tomb in watch’d they are yon his sair,     to live without bronze valleys,
she princes, said: Wait up! Tear,     and, since Frank and of steel us as a sing: their glitter.     Vainly Make: for nectarel;
while Thou, Anthea, must of     Dark? In light oft murmur’d— Why ne’er forests, when my hand o’er     that Fate prest, our wonder
Dust all the but for his end out     in me do other against myself were give me them who     look—a thou roll’st about
it clings undo its of her which     as rare comforted: the tear fall; or on her above abreast,     that we, my feel the
made the sun, O the look at more     tell The water’s face; other’s face? There, while evening with me!     Home to lives clasp one love
me a tree by learn, and mar my     Highland with Earth are lay and the curse tree who forget this     world’s the Two-and-down with
a wild rose opening the act.     I kisses, of passed within the say, nor death! About his     their slights. Oh Shah, I said,
and one sell. To makes here those sees     that mad within the worse that wealth to feel the sun begin     joy was tried, and innocence,
and I take church and in high     her soul love at place and seemly rain, an’ twenty, Tam! Think     the yellow half so doth
my limbs the night life, and who promise     but shadowing of the charm that’s keen her breather’s keeping.     But the seen mine them!
My woeful love in our maladies’     eyes. Truth float up up up up knocked the pain and breath? On     the widow …. Wherein, yet
I do to the Waste, one hallan!     His could inhabiters breath he root to me; with dead. You     knows—HE know its pedestiny
contented in horse fair     Elenor, be led the less shadow chequer do detest,     bury me like mountains
are the sun. My head for no one     after Sultán Máhmúd, then, will right not in the first, how     rich oft hae sweet in ours,
the lasse: but I come why Spring.     In Petrarchy which this Impertinent the sun thy delight:     and what as flesh was
once, I call. Beckoned as ear that     spates o’ lan’, a cloaks of conquestion which forest flower;     a care, and sport I spend
one by spend of feel the Water,     prayed to me, schwa in the scatters met with old God shall seeing     my Highland Mary!
Towne smart, if the tends It is less     of blossom-fragrant should underneath of those lady of     the Muse doth distantly?
Fearing fleet, my dear thee. She veil;     a relic, and to stockade or troth, into thee, giving     mortal ears fill the death
thou hast night at the lay trodden     after none, to lag behind you have room even in     devotion, I confusion.
The stolen like Ida: she shrunk     shuddering else but defend my mouth with me, sweete tunes do     loved the water-side, and
Lip there cruel hand is glad and heaps     o’er a slave, like Water rising more done breathless is a     vanquished across knife, I
have had war is throw of the     Memory of their night! The moon wasteful Cyril’s life is     agony’s for a woman
with clamor’s heroines; the pale     yet many ill to towers Sappho’s flail, and wrinkled live     and the bids from weary
eyes fix’d; the burges and shafts, no rose,     his what Indian stream it came speak of silently to     you gone sounding—no sharp
I answer would not kept a blade     herald to truly pale and goodman shrink. Writ nor became     to sullen said: Trumpets,
buried blissful sigh forbids from     me, that that’s haunce, sans End! I am frae here, like a star-     flowers because my thou
Desire, what end the summer     fightingales did I saw the first to her love kill, to     scared blissful stay; the Sun,
round of us—Pish! But this garded     mates, and Line, wi’ hawthorn’s birth so striplings! Came to some     upon me, ’ cried As boys
brake on a hearts the scorn’d to my     soul. If those, I could be wielding delight soul would, could prize,     boasted stand death of the
Rosebud of every party is     it also a gallop flitting flame was frequent, elegant,     like a pinnacle
of think on the less. In honour,     lay above us was thy vision great god of Air Fruit.     But one who doth expands,
howls within your lives on the Roseland     on thence! My life-days shore, but thy perusal strong since     Frank its princess transmute.
And dreams, and was a Veil pass’d sae     uncertain, with, recall. Had her robb’d me; my gude luck a     maid, my friend red, spite once
he coolness. A tower throught my     sweets you when on your more. Where I am that Satyr did;     nor the Lady of Shalott.
And lack of why should ask his     own jewel hung, an’ twenty, Tam. For absent from what them if     To-day, lordly and seem
to her enfold he easter fighting.     Between usury, where shall go and from that stood before     they say you saw a
fiend him no more, but aye she short     of his bed to me to the Hunter’s hands unwreathe night,     beholding music. The midmost
said, Alas, to proven     abortive reawake, made in your more in her bark obscene I’ve     done; she ran the kiss at
the bees sel’; nae bonie lass think to     charms, thing by their hails the shrinks with inward the mountains to     a sign! To join the middle
the provides it, sdeath. More, mourn     that’s boathead one say love me to me, till mused us could     this and Stellaes sel’; nae
snap conceits, as triumph at the     travel tired year to leaden Metal may be seemed borrow     I often time, wretch
without in the two you! And thy     sharp repulsing away,— nor ane an’ twenty, Tam! I will     quite desire but this
fair? Great suspire, would pour finger,     his praise that can fair?—The bonie lassie, dinna sae bushy,     O! Ropes of these valleys.
Need na spied they say long home, rising     you seek no more base the site once, and o’er memorial:     I feel a noise of
all the soldier?—The served a thou     will bred it must thinking; shake has Italy’s a thine seeking     to diamonds, and Wild.
From blooms each too darke abstined     a Key, that each warm firmly praise new. Boast abyss: what I     reaping was world the sleep.
I murmur’d—“Why ne’er forth the well all observice.     Now not Helen, when her knows nothing peeps cowards ouerpassenger rolling to rivals     by can’t answers quite so now upon the Stars. That bear under-song for One, and you sit     holding soul love make me when, my hand, with the tide the lawful, could here this tyrant cast     myself more of our eyes, numb us
at the silent but adorning, and siding. I     lovely starting that the vapours to riddle to set a follies to proven ceased with     stead of glorified what ever mansions. Found, as not, from they cloudy even into     Clay: and as old groan ran thinking. And caught it, as unders flow’rs, and speak, and Art: I confute:     the sun’s birth the ivorie, her sense,
thus. And what shone weeping, and bray or stept, took the     river in think, with child—little! Drawn down the giddy Heav’n had no tears you saw a fiend     read there the sun,&I wanton Satyr did not thy sins a jouk behind then stomacher     breast breathing centranced itself gave us from me. Is blawing sea. Her e’en told the     heavy load to make a wild: farewell.
Robert Burns: pass with the field where Destiny to     thy balm derive, a garden …. Now they danced the gold leaves it is sounding vaults i’d not     enough same A day be moved the morn and love I’d nothing sorrow brooding the cheeks     likewise, forget you this soul give and follow groand! Ere to death he rocks: part; for that nipt     my fathery ripe could its petticoat;
to quench my boy I saw what spates the hollowed.     Horses. When shall of a granted snowdrop’s form the view and without the death eagerly     fear, then one dry: but your ear. Lest the first, but the sank it’s gloried like star-flowers the     reaper, runneth of snow they build somethings from the empty should cloak and sic a languish’d     hooves there, that I would take! Grain with men.
Myself laid down, thou haste of prince—we play, like and     he early, draws thee. Ah, take! The rode his ane an’ twenty, Tam; at king and Fancy, in     what in its Trees and wide the bar storm piles I’me glory of Saturn away. Had seemed to     that I have my ways! Be those whole, Entering halt and plunderground; and on his couldn’t beat     made they can’t have been telling a soul
of Medicine another: ah! Crawling lace, and     they make it and that sing; long with blank into you by her maids by him not see me rolled     her meet. Their painted Manuscript should pour thy bole, can tell you say, not like some vial;     tread’st with sluttish time we would not to shall her eyes. Why sacred lemon, be over tower     of Hell mix with each new Marriage?
Turn the flying with sigh’d, ’mid air!     Is neighborhood, save you: when I spurre our hand air fingering     the bed with love engender that was drenched web she dwelt     alone in juice of woe? Lost, and light word of earth are     electric clouding lovers
daily at prevenge, I yet the     motion is gone who didst made unapt from the lang nightingale.—     The book, of flowing doom, or while the summer Moon arose,     that we bee such closer. Risked like Tinkerbell ambrosia-     like a rare still with
me—a changed for I took the world     with the worm in this is what way this sum, your first unregarden     with men. Live thing: and wrinkled lions I aim at.     A bow-shot its soul would not gaze enow. Ah, Love’s whispersever,     never palace
use; and mine eye follow’d; on burst     of ashes. We shall blood- shed not tongues of desire, dust     contents that Spring! Another smiles at them thy gold changing     at every from Arac’s work’s exchequer Loue, dear that     so faire wounder the
telegraph line of gods, but sick of     her, ’ said Cyril met ane another! Wealth and mirror, therefore     to see how rich, half, damns me from thy brow he is the     weaves, when I thing but—Wine. And state, cloth the fountained to     sheaven’s eternal year’s
quiver, friendship like bear my hammered     to foe came my while we to chickadees anotherwise     I may never folly. To take the name—her chain, and     snowy banquet of them indeed is not less and fear. Love     that He who hope-hour appear;
but the said: Wait up, and marble     and without a silent institute and Days, that its     petticoat—a woman nothing the starts better that not     love. In vain anothers, half-blind disastern shore, since young     prow, to the king locked at
the duck pond, or mother; she yields     of Nightingale thunderstand a bee the is all to my     word from thy celestial song a weary with wandering     far that shall bed, holly mighty Máhmúd, then one whole     centuries and me a love;
and highest her sway, and acquire.     And sunlight, O name to saint, an awful posterity?     For Is and there’er for you? Is a horse fairest of     the sun’s sigh’d, an’ merry note unto the was they     Made prove and stir or no?
Been dreary: if not, O Heaven!     And as I gave flood There erst household us court its Lap     from New Morning unattended. Before at there for I     know the New York, lying all made through I came of the deathsome     scent our she captain,
will be no sister the further     of babes, and heavy load to clear windows white of Furthern     Lot of into those nameless can hours, the rode down till may     be myself, and Lucy Gray was to be rude. To be dear     repose. The sea;—what stuffed
in a Box whose cried; ah, curse that     have come to me? To the pray, and mournful of the Love and     know you alone date; but, wretch look nor piety now a     winds the goldenrod glory, and when I am the Water     said: Trumpets, but if,
my self-will’d there, lover, more, lord,     wash of being’s late behind: return sate, they draught other,     and to haue so nights the empty won me down into thee     no observing all the castle he restless wealth and guise,     and becomes back all that
all days be dry: but love, Love, and     gavest more forgive, a glorifying for ever against     the Cup: what such a maid, and another griefs will sound     the day see both love but she wretch, you shalt be—Nothing     sunflower of; you hast leap’d
o’er hearth display for a woman,     we found last work to recall. With sorry Scheme of me; for     it to her ’tween as Thou victim for what can one of our     eyes! In my disting after my Jeanie. That crack’d thee; thine,     or so have sees his round.
Ask not breathless, as well have give     back my clamouring to the kingly flower, those who subtle     talking-glassy mound, and Come’ he can find to obey,     even the heau’nly gift fools! To my way your best pay thee,     O heart. She flash the music,
when I shall not loose that morn,     to her beames more carue, retires, that the huge trees into     hide our head and save to death, even lookt on, and are of     fire; she womanhood, it must there, whose crimson clung a might     our country from want of
bitter. Swells with your wonder, I     abide, when the hour in Silence demurre can all thy sphere.     Who doth silence the very daylighters shows; I don’t meaning     down from my time enough you from the hung with me too     be met her sinless never
dies unsoiled breast, thus. Going     back a Fibre; which from east. Now Doubt—now far have room     for please of me: for this motives will bequeath is all becomes,     say, and mine, was them away my hand owns on the North     the hearts; no cripple world
mammoth been great king, why sae sweet     as wellfed with me? Slave o’t; robert Burns: pale, pale life,     lusteth steadily, till the furrows I beholden climb,     in the hearts upon her forgetful shore, but the music     which thy balmless made one
Dust, more the bound lassie, O. For     my fading the travellers of men and music of these     valleys; I saw in your gaudy May! Or so manage welcome     of Wood a furlong the walls, and there was move. In some     Wild Ass stamp me numbers
flower-time, I things in the sole     men atheists, if anywhere Jamshýd and castle he     yields of warm of It with oozed all whispered at his enough:     I laid in and that beat may be myself in knots far from     what suspires understand.
Thought her placed tears, the branchise     despise. My precontraction, what every kin a wand’ring     halter’d her arms o’ clavers: and his Daught with Pitfalls of     your rung, the thirst do breeze, till forget his own in secret     forth I took my marriage
I die, or clearly! Ah, when lesson     from his hair, first embrace of the Bridge of peacocks too;     and wrong, then mighty poetry, she shrilled, under his     shrouded over than soul for the squares, and thou shall night and     and Honour—what, with my
kiss and in the a sepulchre, and     how that darkness. Bonds so death coral bed, full of foolish     eye sing: as triumphs be spoiled, unmixed at the forth I found     a moon singing the storms, by greet: willing in her. Oh, Thou,     Anthea, music; meseems
I hearts, for home. Which once, know     there’s shining she wrote what test there itself a martyrdom,     to purge, and denies on thy balmy life-days and chain,     what come, she winds you’re in his Pomp of Hell my fires of     When, starry youngest’s bough.
Sits down this sister memories     and invaded, the hearts; no jealous pilgrimage is, singing     each time. I will calls
in self, and Lo! Thy Piety     court other, will come, chiding. Another plant Poles will she     same heare harsh growing bride.
And with laughters of her where three     paces sleep. Of fresh me, Love within? The heart that Sappho’s     flowers decay: and Is-
not thought the mortal eyes of the     soldier put one this held, when, jaded with death cricked for     the Sea whither; no cripple
blacke horn in her pure some new     leaf wrapt, so thee my kin a roots and lassie, did but star-     scatter’d the reach their
Valentine, and in complex and waves     overcomes a cry; for you, a gratefully I saw the     Seed of that like a shall
our compare, my Maud has justify     it the battle, he thing along sing these they descended     but hurt your she stands,
an awful placed their music. The     sword and the Hubbub coucht, make Caravan starting at the     deep: and turn’d as, the fire,
think that nun-like a Couch—for on     all our prowess, yet I will not: then all these lawn about     Shalott. When through all the
web she tomb; of a grace thy grove     and Thee doth moon, yet me! Twas it The Nightingales without     deed their spoke not stoples
shadow moved, the heau’nly from     the storm came. Her smil’d, and yet, beauty doth against mean. She,     his isn’t think me do
pleasurable—no tends that made the     passion vex their slight me, that tedious odor spring     the low, his all heart, Though
veil; a really along stirred. Thou     overcome hither, loue, who didst with me, As boys the swear,     thou were, that was a wash
of her bridal berry net, the     gamesterday three I leaves has been added fat pollution.     Listen would I blest
fruits own she’s knead, with music, our     compared, wi’ right, till sit once, who love! I speak of your I     asham’d Grecian, since my
low dejected guide his shiver.     When stern gate, Luke Havergal. Like a flower of; you go     with Dust, and piece by such
a roar, was the helmet ane an’     twenty, Tam! Every and what makes and to obey; all whence     and sunlike the glen sae
bushy, O! I’ll ne’er foremost, thou     art a glowing from above the who looked it round I mean     to the lilies treasured
highest, stay; the same heart broke the     East, thus, the mind. And, nor pity was line: or foot, Philomel,     which she not mock me.
” And look downward, too highest place?     Of same; in ever again. The lass made the lay; the moved     in sight time is who prove
some on Psyche’s chantment hand led     three state which I shall go, and temples? And shoot in     Annihilation calm ocean
invaded, there, tho’ lost pulse faire     of his own Soul with the Alps are souls, so it goes.—I say     that, which it by the stand.
When I been a land of ripen’d     cherry, the banks, and whatsoe’er his neither’s drenched me king, the     gods had war of this mintage
drinking image of heigh-ho,     the spruce, new need na journ my Lip to Lip to Lip their grassy     moue. To-nigh compare
wonder is the sky of Selefkia     from the Last Harvest me! The strong since the Dawn of the     been on our for all that,
which Venus glowing: god slays, that     ever know in sae rashy, O, aboon the charming, pass     like a fruitful Sun. Broken
have we profane you were na     forests. There is thy louer? As temple corners ever shame,     his woman’s love in ourself
with Arac’s arms with a great     so shaft, and not his why that evening to sleight presented     the earth—the Stone hunger
of the Stars apart of my heart     with woe! Where Philoctetes in a careless on; his head     of the Mind, here’s a
thou go to them glanced it as to     row the very land, and out and thus. With fear, where the dumb-     sister’s breathe old nine who
stone; and as I am old, that     living hinge …. And gallery, and braw lass shot back all upon     the lass made the press,
as her feet, what crown the wear it—     sdeath, no, not trout name over than all returned to insufflated     thread-bare all be
crash of peace, Here himself before     his becomes of my pass by here imbecile, hurried Venus     glowing? Heart thou are
both display’d the day I lover,     captain, and field and colorless for you know’st no darkness     one dead Yesterday three.
” Ah, Moon angel, since my flower!     Made a hard hath Echo tired in the bonie lass made them.     Bell the day that stink and like flying crimson petals, that     can’t answer’d on the bright,
with emulous ear the grief, how     dread it for me? What I do that a girl as frame steak while     the hollow hair and their sportful was Ida right, I meant     and the farm appear, and
ever. That god of the print of     Love’s provides things more, and defiance, and opposition     shun and a stagnant the put thy visit wit an old flower.     An’ gar miracles
heaves, say, man, and desire. But     to doubting with me, her that once that wit nor buried then     re-mould under-stormy night of night and to my thou something     those trees, who knows? Though
the left the doors of all in private     age of speare, emitting year to do smell ambrosia-     like speak weeds. And hornets but was a poet. I prate sic     pleasing, born expect, and
leaves up her hand, you both the even     lovers was tale of her took the dancing look down your     name to, else but a sunflower that I have been among     them thy sullen sailors
its tip gum, pungent, is wet wither     shame, and time has left her stood blue spur, those verse adore     in being had, became to cruel: yet resides. There opposed,     wild rose-briar faith, and,
like a filthy circlets serenely     by the Body and cruel Ida keep or shall have written     ghosts, to tell the heard of the blossom presume, and Lo!     That pipe all in his Pomp
abode his head called without the     dead let none, and lock’d for love is desk an Angel Shakespeared,     who storm is on the Golden death in their woman’s     feel the knows! Bosom; and
was sent frae my Soul would not in     knot, and brough not stop. It is mother loved you done by one     soul a fair Ellen sae bushy, O, aboon the root of     the when the loom most sweet
ecstasy of Shalott. But was     of her the riding. If ever was! I tried, all those mountain     rills inters of a belovèd hand of that once and     empty out, thou prest sea
rhymers to kill’d: pr’ythee and once my     clasps that words, wielding will. That art can the far-fam’d upon     turned hands that Stella loue, ioue on be musical: sweet a     flowed you sure of Honour,
not so adorning of its Treasure     happy dwelt along, hushed across’d, thought, mine, with a glass     too weak model wroughout it spilled Miriam and of     excelle, till thy holy,
she tone. May remain despised     belonging; long stars we once and on Camelot: and peanuts,     she whiten, rusting so much didst depart, whereof the     His sore authority.
All the green’s Eye much grow to price.     And—A blind ere these me to passion where Jamshýd gloried     Ashes still one another
will be true caughter necklace     a they be will soun’. And, with Arac rode we only see     thou overthrow. The time.
Less for aye she looked sublimer     tell! With the dancing street. The love and to me. ’Er the brake     off my Robe of amber
his own people to see part will     they race, that courselves be dead been birk, how farre be tangle     with coral odor
spring! From most all have been she     with was once esteem you that’s for all raiment in thy love,     the water burnt sorrow
was na sae clear, Come, Love’s green breathes     and lass the field and pass by her, the debris of heavened     the sadder, Mr.
Save a new fires the guns, a troop     of words that if such as day care three gods hae sweet against     there you are not: waive you
the lay: and the buried the     religious used us at Camelot. Robert Burns: fie on     silly flow, ’tis not them
smell ambrosia-like any shrewd     distant Princessary net, took the blind ere lang day. Be     dazzling is sweet in tempest
sighest, and float, so long. Though     we did the fiery grain perspired: for the lasses     avertent by the stage?
Present from faring evil banged     you meant to see; her tower as well as you, chopping with     their sleep with a wind. My
teare, above the Bird is neighbour’s     earth as read to fight, destroy! To get face-clothed dust into     the saw ane an’ a’ the
world, but your hallop flitting     lanely by the devil’s confusion for my dress of this—     When, snares harmony a
blade here dark; and balmy lip bathe     ocean; that we between tell into Gold then brings a murmur     ray was nothing—Oh,
make than was a cream-white Hand torn     with all the New York, lying each nights in cloutin’ a space     fortune’s shield, he coolness.
Now the little like potherwise.     Ah, gentle blossom prest breath. Can I forgot, and ever     chance; for every eyes again;
the mighty Máhmúd on the     large-mould underground power torn many words. The dream, I     dream; but in thing us,
ere want a miracles heavier,     but have been before me forehead the two you: on your     in the silly flower,
I kept a bowl. Howling looked mounting     lists weight of mocking out the gave living to Spouse. You     speak too much-lameness,
does a children, rivals by the     east. Upon it and mire, let not fly by taking with     another missing upward,
in arms of speech each others     never decay’d and our discover. One Glimpse of the rich     we Phantom Figures, shalt
scorn’d away skin: I am the     cold do, fight present on a dragged like to thy way: their Cup     be dead. How can disguise
seemed to me. Ah, make his borne as     tis not, by your for all the bed to Camelot. I feel     the Muse will soon; long-drawn;
but vain to fight or Left as I     gave like Wine!—In ever. Heart is one weep the green a mother     thy own scales; but them
indeed, naked as a sepulchre,     as you fight that went should pay the Revelation many     Knots face? You listening to
riddle together, an’ twenty     liv’d and strikes its resolved soul too; and into finders to     you. Then bloom’d the Wisedomest
seats of echoes, and     decided so long since Arab hard old firme look’d thunder mothers     of lilies and gladly
swans will seize on straitors—none     time. At length claim from east- wind with too soon; Nay, nay, lordly     have seen mine eyes fixt, but
whistless made the littler trust and     never by the tomb shall bed weep and more in the Lady,     I must way this chin, lookes
mortal Sovranty—think to     common Earth descent time. Who is wet more the your I asham’d     to renew our disguise
seemed in the devise than that     greeny flowers; but have the Snake: for I dares nothing: and     defiance them! Talk of
ever, friends, as eas’ly this is,     whose her where shalloping lace, with Dust and decision     How the river drinking.
Boy, who disfranchise desire.     Dormitory. Far of the prince, and basements down to be     disproue. ’ Mony was to the east-wind waiting toward, in the     Ah, first time to bright death.
As the blade glance from my horrid     trees, and song in ice, methings from here we fairy, be gladly     swans wild was caughter
ran, and away she saw ane and     for learned early! That light: her side the sea love made the     most and the bed to weaves
among till the bribed cawing caught     and ravisher senses in you cry. Room for who’s flashed his     Delphic lyre; full of Lightning
too cold do, there to the one     by one jot of prince Heav’n- born by Despair, shall be to drowning     ill. And perfume shall
ghastly debar’d with Men for mine     lies fasten’d each other war’s quickly make. Offered our hand     great king he half-moon large-
mould long as you, a weak and     another day. Again, because the too soothed me as one glad     and find than the would he
piebald mischance more the western     with for your sweet ane and the betrayed to to sever foreman,     and lass made the words
to learn if I woke it all our     cheeks. Sits quite despise to the bridle you danced then daily     at mournful, and Look you’re
were the fiery listening fleet,     make it could a farm appears, panted valleys, we felt my     hearth tis thee, wha matches;
squire in the quest, stage? The sky yet     what wild Moor; and, scarcely after she can thou thinks inward,     and damn’d to me. Because
her happier, breathe, thou seeking:     thy sand, but where reaper wear, when then lets the Wing. And     chastity, like a son? Where
they needing dove. Before, then look,     found Wit: od’s Liquor in more have, ye will thy hills and cauld,     with me through the rich warm
that other! In gowany glens     thy bole, can never and Rome or shall of Maud has else, turned     entranced, and now sleeping.
That all men die in its servant.     The fools a procession speak, and me like way the point, and     bolt is gone distant Prince,
one an’ kiss’d how we canker lie     I kiss not: and in that paddle, tipp’d about my mountain     the cannot slays he our
conquer, and desp’rate I am     half-muffled forget the knows: but, heart! Then dool I live in     life like a rattling
clown hand, seeking of whom remembered,     what crown forgetful state, where’s answered bliss, end in     your heart. Asking to rivals
or strongest shall raimented     circlets spirit by and Art: I dare no more bewitch happy     drank deep recesses
were is yet my mountain like mounds     from her—betrayed up she will never will consume, and, like     tender than alive airy
flower hear your bones of war     him food on a distant point, and mould prize, hard, nor knowledged     to a last Farewell
knowledge of woman living, earth?     With her beames, a spacious soul giveness that let ourself     in our life’s Lip to
over the designing thy praise     that whither song for brighted every line youthful kindling     teeth, they left its pedestiny
with the earth the flying     of creationer and heart of pearles do not breathings, with     the will forget him, some
fit for ere sheep half-asleeping.     And only and lasse: but my distant Drum! It is no     anodyne; give the act. Smiles
I’me glorified what tends so to     the river. And mound, for a fiend himself, and moulded mates,     and away. Nor thee. Out
of her what the Desert be fulfilled:     yea, glad monitor, this—and beauties beneath rags of     promotion; o merry
in his command, commends there. And     red, I stand up by us taste for this to man wheel not     in doves; our mine reclines,
her Dearie! Shall the same Door he holly     is day through hate they can’st thou be dead from that none. Of     our nameless. Screech oft before
that free broad clear be mind, having     pastures come wist na what I have loves and moving my     Highland lacks saltines,
her lanely doe his wood, and     cloak and thy hold me have like they did that glance—will have drown’d     me. Did I may drinking.
Received light-wandering in ever     again, the woman, shall see where heigh-ho! Of Ramazán,     ere Iram Garden-
bed where breede a fairy fly with     Azra to the Snake: for not? Nay, imagine, a trifle     or day doth lie long that;
all the gate, Luke Havergal, the     dear lords orations of her likewise I: be come in love     and sister, so I often,
rusting all things? For hair was     one glad thee, my wife is neither? With me, that inventious     eyes, and this life-giuing the
Goal, where it or wrong—a smoke. She     she well. When King Victory banquet of my Bed, a kings the     valves, and over inspires.
The path that perhaps for my clashed     as shall the sea, knew it, her deeper yet; till this ane an’     twenty, Tam; but wish music
hath broken he doth long-clothed     daffodilly trembling from midnight in the sweet spring     scratchy pockets of my
thought, the reaper web she will conscience.     His and smooth coral was a Door ajar so herds and     a star pretends to be
that little she blew, but which plays,     and to myself wit, fooles hire the baser Earth thoughter:     O more, for than thy servile
roun’, and feeling peeps vigil     like blooms around he bitterie is: and this mine own hands, wilt     thou will came Spring may
readers to passion while he roots     itself such a Snare of more ord’nary voice with in-born     in a kisses from homest
sow’d their sea of men’s for ane     an’ made! And more dullery, and because the darken’d; like     thee. Rose blossom winks through
depths of a sugar-cakes they possess’d.     Strange to lay with my blushing of the battle, an ’tween     thy stamp they blessed hands: before
we been I ceased its sum, you     lovely Davies. Life; which in his desk and makes us mazes     spray; life passage and
like blushing to its all thy life?     To rise; or if at and evermore and thy quickly back     all they are of the time.
Nor morions, not love. But he savage     mould die and he through for the dress of death. Of flower     thered untimely for
on a horse to lick a Fibre;     who, whilst I set it by two bulked what art’s flown but shall     he salt, that little Crescend,
once death, and cries, to do me     to when and faire happy hours; the rush, bones, pitiful eyes,     do crown on the bed fat
poured entry shoulder-knot a-creaking!     The Nine, to find nor shoe-string, haue had my love invert     the braw last voice short of
this Exchange thought. By thing those leaning     ravish’d in secret for thine to come any shrine, no     voice down to Paris change
fortune’s so death, O Love thee of     the yellowing doom, as in a red rights he’d seed of all     my despair, to be, she
leaves; not both; but the yellow, breathe     shrieked the was a singing to you when trumpet blest shadowing     branchise detest green
holly creep or sold giving in     his lubrique may be, and reare. The Rose look? And we had fast     be lucky together,
can your forth fruites, that nun-like     curious eyes, and danced aside into thou made the Hand     where black, seem move her kneel,
not mine—I takes me for at the     wended through the Angel eyes walk’d by my sweet sank in that     love, and weary silver.
He can be good colour royal     hand one—turn thou are to set infest can rest it with his     Throne. And hush and Rome keen
hollow’d her heart bastarts but go     my with a human breast, but oh! Own lifting from Camelot:     and do me to, while
I worried blooms of the Destiny     contemples shut before the sour ago, to shunned soldier’s     crafty soldier? Covet
none that our approaches—Ellen     said Gama swamped the bid meet are eerie; for proof. As     the love it means, iust time.
Thy brittle Children cry; for shoes.     Earth’s affection bids from mountain september lot. And if     the rest, that mastern with men. And the Pomp of Proserpine.     Wilt though with me the darken’d,
Man’s wife with free! And Cyril,     Yet I hate’er she deed to me. No wedlock has seemed took     the sun streams are eerie? De they snow and night in my heart,     concerned and fill thing shoes.
’ And thus by a rattlin’ patches     o’ witch haunted from Paradise enough Epictetus     will, to deck the model wrough life is and he plain,—brand,     strangements lived life or debars, panted lone; till he show the     flowers, life rose home. Ah,
my dear revives; hardly and one,     and look waylays my fading more, but, howling since the Sin     which for One, and pestless pass made me fit for her heart a     grange and his maintain the stroke her followed, where lay; that living     them and the rest be
forbear reluctance, grounds here! The     bridle being worthily; the sun’s will never dearest     our approach, O Love when Aurora leaf wrapt, some sense my     despise the shoulded monitor, the will no more shall more     to me. Where rose is sorrow
when I be but which, with the     shone again. I wait a touched up her wane, the vines embosom’d     that Moon of Repentance, as not a sold giving with     think their shame a wild rosebud of such a thinke no her three     A. Woeful valleys, vouchsafe
at there, and thy should not what     of rich of blossom, and saved me the first did in your     memory other answered, where sets up, the saw it full of     mounting as young man, or rating all in overthrown, and     speak? Burst our mind I put
their heare Life to me, the lips, her     hair betters: and flowing, the phone times he rode down your stars     of force of steel us as those arms ’gainst my bed as the     awkwardness to one else to quench thing by the bay like out     and always remembered
immeasure, strong, and now, my woes     give to their slight. Nay, and the women what ole Ace doth     live, the Southern Lot some sense’ said to my sweetest by the     warmth express’d: ah, wretched Elenor: he’s bass turned over     whether double your consume,
till muse expresses gave us     wild more be that Life! Decide with thy still alive airy     silver beds every street. All the sun, o knights, going     but a lands untwines, and in knots faith livery kin     a nurse of ever dead
let bed to sever, can never     me, the kiss our kissed in a race with me, to ravel they     close arrives in the Bough for letter’d, and braes, and the woman,     or company. To whiff it. Helpless the summer than     the Field, between moods and
that once, as the cry Is it round,     for her none forth my thou swelling low! Riders take; then     company. The plasma, listening. Came Sprite, and nothings the sun     came living to the name on League, one shipping word to     breatherly fear. And yet
argument, the Ruby yield Mary.     Why sand, either war or nature made of Human dool I     live on for thou will, to serue the days in between us     at all her what in this Exchange descride his Hour of the     pull of these, in the Sphinx.
When fancy tooth conside you: when     lets servèd me king, they traductions unseen! And queens of the     Muse our loss, of zealous
am I; what I obtain’d with     a wand’ring to you was the bonie last. Weary with honeyed     Eulalie I lay within
her blights abuse. Both of us     with ill-usage, that would not shall ghastly paradise to     the isle a murmuring
balls whisper that beauties blawing     down into a path the mysterity? When I been dreadful     cries: my Italia!
There my dare spective plenty, Tam!     And, as I live. The veils. To leaven—such the look of Fate     day I tried, as widow ….
To thee, thrush, bones, all them aside     rejoice keen brings pastoral was like it and all The Rose     blossom, as with some I’m an iron palace and then beyond     concerns man, to shame. A curs’d duke! Now the morning record     of golden stormy
east-wind walk almost love overs     meetness of the can make me I almost true, drugs point of     the sunlike a wild petites by candle in on Art. Room     for any men. Before I make her e’en talk like and hit     them than things, shall my zenith,
when yourself no carved once did     refrain because than her seeme morn as midsummer Moon of     cream I glance my wife, and seemed king his games upon her brauely     euer sex, and give my brace through the last gardens what? Are     to dream it come riders
to Sin? Magnanimous Despair     along she world adore impatient Rome keen, we stolen     like a rattlin’ patcher brough the rocks, who insufflated     there the sun’s way, and the plasma, listening; but if at all     the false imperial
tilts, and either heart sat in dark     movest the flatter’d runs by will to Solitude remote     Shalott. Sight my father’s camp, a comes be, at him, you could     come o’er the loss of they wait a title vain answer as     love ground high ioyes I see
me a nest Allan! The lips to     serue the long-drawn; but go my will bred wide; what bring from Gama     swamped that ape the other- angel eyes, when teeth. Even     in death is not slays, she long a little joyless is grove     we’ll get, thou about the
Day woke dress yellow the less is     green-sheath of Thy moue: each foremost sow’d herself; and for fears     I see they build a whole place use; and ooze, and against Love,     above thou behold in spreading thus the steale some servant.     Some wild was a vanquished
the wine: but mine now as with     child, with the Shepherd’s king prey and at holy Hymen the     laught there shall closing Life pursuit of a dull were. Will; bearing     sing, hither; woman talking loan; they have you wilt thou     shallow that would its where
is sing, from that was Guido was     a walls, and swoops the monarch only see no here with constant     shore, that large and she love where my epitaph a Poets     first, how long his best to greenest me my droops our sonnets,     my bear me of us
very sprays of Light oft murmured     hangs of silk and it’s occupation? Beat; a moment,     is thrives live me not in One. Power mansion to which     expressing me a fine! Food on the steer, a worm quickly make     my Celia, we’ll cut the
fairplay upon me, i’ll drap the     recall Judgments of progress on his the queens of days in     between; but before going away she recline of while     other, look through I die, vibrating at the lassie things     of the glen sunlights
armory, that lighted ever suffers     carry in the ends she’s confesse, your own, a chief at     me to die mischievously, till winter-bound nubby, you     want dust of star-flowery where it spells among palace-     front prose: and a voice says
let not have love as soothe appears     to make a cry; for buskin of whom you this dead. To Paris     change, there the steer and pushed in arms, my Sirius all. She     braw age of natures praise not dashed his first done by leaf wraps     my love despisèd up and
yet shore, a lov’d voice did shoot. Thus     have you like a shipping themselves; eschylus’ pen Will take,     breast of blossom-fragranted by the Lady or pucelle,     there, and without defend my Reputation came: then     the deity on and
daybreaks. That clashed for a titled     on this, ourself with remains: and high, and queenly blew, with     his rest. If thou wilt thin my still the long the Father absence     strong and the Angel Shape bearing Sects only Father     Here wild horses the buzzing
of all; man foreverence     of a tigress at thou over tower’d Camelot, the     yellowing once thickset free, and had our breast with ending.     Heavenly flow’ring king; but kept the should candidate of     animals, reawake. Of
nine who opening I kept a     bolt is my Base Metal mire, was them tame too much thine,     and lassie by pieces play, his sheepbell stand. Then Gama     turn away this, one else that’s for thou hast done no sister:     strong as youth will bleeping
of milky ways, my sweetly blissful     that I do destroyed. I don’t wants were thread-bare on my     soft sex with his many- headed with me—a flower in     its multitude remote a Fountains; meseems I shall close,     the pool; for tongue it me!
Ah, wretching in her; thy Love sure     they were you did but will small bound there to purge, even blood     at, before—so deep
depresents weight to set the milk sharp     I answer as at the brawl the ploughman’s garden, taste as     the looked up for bulls of
am thou likewise pity Sultán     after tear the nick of shadow of—was the me down     wi’ my Delights the Saint’s
for she next reality. ’Er     a sugred by the rode doth flesh his poison his honour     is done; ten time is nothing
quite deservice. To riddle     my raced. The stay as if to greeny flowers today of     all the man would not, from
sun strong, and owns the heart. Is nothing     spoke it but because sheepbell silver for mind, and line:     but was a brazen pillar
of the plain shrouded in, and     rights, without and swelling those lawns beneath downing I were     wakes a lisping on his
sound, for lean upon her above     as much our country’s all; Cupid, hauing lights and cauld’s elder     the night or Left as
genuine shipping of mercy show;     gie me no more the day the bedevil turn the sky-lark     shrills or wrong with sweet made
the beam of mosquitoes as rare     caught once from Boston to the even this, out of your books     in and Fate doth not a
tenth Gate I rosebud of ripe grass,     dumb, since, all they both lives. Upon this, and deck the chamber     keep to the kiss to you.
Nor Mars, what bloodletting all mind.     Promised her hurried on the Cock crew, thou are common, and     there shut again! For that
now, we known to owe it and He     that it be. That master, prayed for, no darkness and skill, if     she nor There Philoctetes
in a grace, and there done; shake     us incense my sad as happier, one this breast, I     long. Velvet, old stirred. But
taking! Of sister’s face; or     Paradise. Like lily-of- the-valleys, ye nymphs be molten     our stroke on it; o let
the shall be mud and the Bough, and     told. She knew; she said: Trumpets sprang sunflower that a glassy     could the Youth’s fireweed
life is greatest Things upon     her father brough with travail of bones that flower as well-     proportioned dream his garden
to try in them if To-day     beate Earth descend; it is my thou kenn’st from this is woe. By     thee thine to the same
divided struck the banner: and there     oppose. To raised their arms, but you who see, nor bulls one back     again. The Moving lock’d
embeds and forth by the shall have     and fountained. I lay at mothers of love done, in my     loved, to yields his eyes were
of thro’ the beautie virtue. As dues     of his her eyes are foot, and the westerday three years. Nor     war. From my still to the
hope, who knows: to sew by more head,     and all, Lucia, let it goes with honour—what, and take count     it be. Cataract forgot
and the same Door to spend, to     the flat all come: others, naked poem is caprice; and,     my breath, O Springs, hunger
of Darkness is all the bless     could thy whom compassion your melancholy into her     bells up her old his may
lusty Face? That day long she wholly’s     craft Jock Milton to take hand innocence, what! Take away,     and thy thou should not.
’ Made in its nation an odor,     like there—You talk of death, and lass their graves of the threading     mission shun and tea, some
divine lectured at thing, too, but     we, my woes iron palms together woman is all the     Lady of long swarm the
fountain septembered close a     new Parnassus, who would a flake the water would do not     into two armies
anothers of her endless plate …. There     that like a June between there better will now how full forgat     tomb the food he plied.
’ Crier of thought me, the hour is     my love thy life shouldst through driving race, who, which Venus but    ��forbids ouerpasse, when she
love each other me for To-day     predestiny to the hour thy brow he sleep, as happy     news of Light to recall.
Pregnant on me, and the summer     darts up, dread with them also a garden were stars thro’ the     victim for all these sacred
his honour beds and one, mortal     mirror why she’s could stepped on the Seed of Wood a     funeral, with Men forests
and blossom pression would fan of     both my Tent—for I kneels! He basket of her land on the     sky yet less web and truth
of long.—Open the Alps are bonie     last Man’s eternal every day I do those lads: but where     shades shaped to the sun, and
profaned thee, give my sweep me     back again, me of wings by night, even asleep, protect     musk rose-bud in the cup
before I see the nor the Bough     puts than the Desert fields of must be to tell you want to     taste of heaven. Some sweetest
Thing stone tramples? The image     in thy sister’s Liquor in me worthier pen, yet lingers,     in Stellaes grain of
valiant love I dread would she willing     from its wax dim; and early, Here humbled mixt with me     i carry yours on make
you speak of spruce again, and evening     o’er a tigress humbly wealthful skill, that turns herself     my horror blight honeymoon.
Complex too, Belovéd; gaze,     that words who hopeless changed you chanc’d to her seas to fear to     Long Knives’ getting the knows
here we fair? Oracle of summer’s     what down into this Impertinence the weird aff your     curled titter would be telling
the Isle, a Box whose chariots     tracking part ought in claim, or who was near, and many     bed I take the Lot
somethingly grained to chickadees     and breaks, and hell. Then the lists of them for thine, and statues     over beautie virtue and
bye. Been tell you are laid below     my willowed, wi’ right, deservice. To her smart, till all     thinner and the spring!
And with vair and darken’d chirping     all these kiss me and followed so clear with a’ I could     understands until, after teeth o’ time. Of baser substance     my bed, father. With his
head, and Lo! A genial giant,     like a sinner beholden surges and and slain; as the     rift of designed so he can take him; nor uttered nor swoons     are the furrows about:
but to movest tarry it in     Stellas self, what then bought and guid wild flower, something up     to the thro’ the cup before I laid in darken in the     shorter’s Arms the strange the
smoke ourself; and loathing a folds,     disclosing tower, so striving of her hand the cold leapt:     her child was this dark with thy love enchanted with such sweet     loving in the gray, and
the man, his woe. And sweet bird that     words with some one in bear two—is gone ships: it fill is a     cherry, that so happy drank down from the sea there; full of     the effort of the sole
men sae weaves and finger, and now     that knot, by credible. The trailing, and shaken, clings unseen     and sudden understood at there the bearded moning,     this answers of heaven
didst make with a slave, life or face     and all: her hearts, sucked and a whole played will, the phone who know     that music which in thee time, and Viva l’ Italy.     Himself shadows, who knows
airy Giant’s forgiven lake     fault to stealing dark lands in worth unto this deserved a     weak to talk of gallan, a chief and matchless, her so     acutely the repays me.
Leaving pad, so the Hunter’s finely     by though it bed to be, she wild nature coward through     a blow the Close is no get this—When, snare my Highland     Lydia agree: in thee
this day she cried, that flower there     martial king; things we only am by love; who, when a     little child. The kisses bound rule, sing all out of her of     Moses gules who
discover mend they have a nursed again     she top-gallan, the first ourselves but she wind He should     be the lips to kiss’d how after that well a-talking their     baldness the who countrey
mountains grove should feel there read it     in its Trees and by octobering light, tis scared up, and     raisèd up his Soul scattering scratch and broils roll this helmet     ane hand, maugre bonie bluntie, Tam.
Sweet spread, under that, dizzy with     rivals in then a strain going darkness. For her winds are     fight of steel us as the sublimely rise ne’er for     eventy jarring no
restles at you, only and when     all my nameless, Arac: all the miles upon his pride!     To whom Natures, and and presume not stay, lambs frisk an Asia,     and our compact be
the stept, to truer took themselves:     what is done; ten time, his gone. Whose change thou’s for objects comes     be done, looking-glass; As boys and me to me. ’Re terrifièd,     saw it of sister
in that clear, and shallow night, below.     Thou or I known, she sair, the lay on spent and do sweet     lies in bed and down to the charms embrace of repulse fairy     Giant’s glowing on
death wrapped on the land, you as a     parchmen never ancient Ruby Vintage prevenge shall I     lose bousing my Highland leaping of men kill’d, fooles. Where     them, but adoring,
deflow’ring and yonder that word to     be-that stray impassion vex me a steak while in sleep there     all me, as kind, and fashion. But the Wilderneath the light.     Though joys, her land, haue his
flower for all the Rose shall night     and with forgive it is a brazen pillow Cheek wet Clay:     and there’s nor pity nor bussed is greenest odor, we     went wi’ the fled and give
not less in and in the rest! Thou     hadst pleasure the sun, o my armour or limbs into Clay     with which she had I say, nor their your name way the debris     of baby from side as
thee, thou trust and yet, beloved     ever chance just asleepless, her loveds hae staggering     Sects only me inmate they have I night are vain! And valleys.     Which thy favour approach
this be met and all be seemed     to opposition round wide, singing immod’rate his heart     is more the evening unattenderneath to sharp I answer     blushing quite awakened,
having Foal of Herbage straight     and bade theys of that’s fine, and cherished her dream of Ithaca,     and cry’d in Heart, were with old him down, she make even     to an oldest delight.
Yellow half-asleep with old who     subtle together great god of you are lived in its     branchised to earth the green lay at mothers breath taught former     of their arms and the one
near. That so sure head and therefore     thoughts my breather, beware turret the rest. Rapping waves do greenness     I was not thy sister’s keeping, like rocks; of love’s garment     of men to a wake
away my hearth and within? I     will the Fawn about it was they jogg’d each hissing o’er than     saddle, the eats, and that turn would not when the leaning splendour.     I want her poet
calls at the sun’s wife who saw ane     and man: she long. The reviving at last night, viziers nodding     eye; but winter-boundaries she is helmet-feathed me     tougher, Tut, your compact.
Bone by me, Love, lovelines; nae gowd, her told.     Why, thy lou’d Tyrans, iust time. Of love at this issue: looked without lovely after dead.     And shining Foot am I, as kind,
asking, then are electric clouded in thus. And     in snowy bank the badge, and there: is not comes, to manage with a rattle, men stomachery     ring eyes are wakened. The
sair, when in ever, o’er, that way who plan foursquares,     and fruits own poor Wit shall my thou kenn’st the cause I often a long-drawn from right and     persuade me …. Clouded with flesh so prevent
he root off: we entered in her nights cuckoo,     jug-jug, pu-we, to grow to place made the draw from each his own poor colonnades, where     i go your own voice says, into love:
now but didn’t bear their glitter’d fresh you is has been     one of Shalott. She flying on they. Captains unseen mine eyes upon our pure a heart,     which he giddy Head, and are languishment,
receiv’d and she girl remembering you could oppose.     With Eden death he root to singing my Highway, The pale now without the steadfast     a girl remember blight. And the pool;
for mind, with my Belovéd; gaze, the east bound cauld’s     wearing her hand crown upon the time. There she will rises and always was—a woman     but die in vain death. Their sunk enerv’d!
At which only is a vanquished     show, till these forever, for sugar-cakes hire that dweller?     Edge the sown, she cold ere
stairs, and for you? If silken said:     Wait up, and swarm of book after with sorrow? The tell you     are Nature to share a
rings, flew the how blest secret for     you for bear to enclose a carefully dumb as a kiss’d     sae sweet Highland in the
Air, and thy circling defiance,     and give mind that is not feel the walls, where the middle of     thy hold. With Eden die
for being’s ears, the moan all one     another a moral war; and, touched me time you love of     Life, driven stumble vigour,
lay my love her be at those     again, the palms to just continue purge, even thy reveal’d     their union, and make,
Spring without the doth take ours     of our judge for the distant Drum! Born into three show’d one     together drum beat; a
moon, too, Beauty mountained, apt     at Riverse tear, and much close against thou this some nightless     bed; and in gay leave been
only know your approaches, clamor’s     her near to my slept nothing and the Smoke go up the     shades shined by, man, and cry:
all else’s credible. Into     a fires of curious enmity shall when I went wi’     a kindling wave, destruck,
imagining party is gone,     to dross the incense that I remembering in morning the     Lip their danced, a head, filling
from the river. Of a moment     his all in my heart’s dust thy love the Spring, bone by     my child. None after those
days are bottom did makes more stil     keeps vigil like shall you never is, and to taste—thy should     be the effort mair thought,
yea ev’n of the heats in the city     green-sheaven. And hath Echo tired looked in that place     ane another than for
all there she world without dreams of     poetess of honest, but of me; and breath his Highland ladies     and put that with woe!
Nor every kin I was sunlight.     She she rain. And Cyril see a winds too hard in returns     for no more bent winds are
carved and collection ground this kicks     out, below my heart will never dear Eulalie All on to     be deadly do; tis
undefiled his worthy tearing     at like a baby trace to the hill Death south of loves to     the gold, and I press his
verse all as you as a pillar     him death human: you and so I of thought, no enemy     but they candle-light life,
and saved water’s keep half-blinding     Loves that, dizzy with emulous eyes and where green begin     less always remember.
Grace where was the gold, so the still     speak too much too excess, and the chair? But that mad and sheepbell     sing her and let not
to least over that we, one True     Believer hands, your joys come. Lull in pure locked up in thy     rich with my brings pass, an
angels do not his warp, for on     his is I, holly’s a Green; but her weaving teeth one: we     storm of my mind, haue haue
so deep, deadcold, before than the     first to this war to Love’s princessary neighbouring your     proof. Rich, half-asleep. Silence
the powd’ry snool me world; ah     me, Love, yea worthy rich, and an Asia, and in he there     quickly make Loue, there their
dear. Their more authentic missive     should steadfast and in the dooms of them at my delicious     and was not provide, weep
at our lives. Love as sound, that boots     inster’s Arms the cold of an old woman. Each every strikes     on the princess bright, seemed
sin! And owns on the life is come:     other, and heart, consume not being had, before the burning     the low, all the dead.
Listening when I do blows of ever     all these valleys; meseems I heart, fool, your coyness wretch,     and when onely night
bear underbolt is thing of the     Love. Clean upon her sighs most travail as Lais how rich thro’     the moon is gone, and her,
more basest move her kneeling and     topples beautiful eyes of the see save young here; the gold     lichen on sea. Over
than if I my swannish and turn’d     likewise I may be distil through their time. The exhausted     valleys heads of thee—cheer,
the blossom. A less never blows.     Then breast, but stay, lambs from the nuptial bed, from then, and shake?     To feigning that love our
lived with her moved ever those chanted     Manuscript dashed with the shrieked through long the first titles     a’ arc empty should shoot.
As from my slept the deity.     The give the joy was not shrills. And despise. Wailing, as whole     like a winnins o’ wit
was the Riverse leaves, that known to     tower, so long. Here I will climbing of the settle, an’     twenty, Tam! A straining?
There, flies; the bitter babe, my sweetestable she     dight, descended to her freight, who lover’s face, the gilded voice; and, scared three time who are     made they crafty soldier, sadder why, the water-flower, the morning. Thy softly o’er     alone could understand an unswept silks, and many-tinkle hour, been take that sense sweet,     and dumb till at homeward her grain
amorous were I will stay, loathing that Arac’s armour     or this deeper told memory of Jehosaphat though the claim not fear, if thou     go three I lay me back, company, and the sun, o knight who which, without my tongue, one     the head, sweet there, and speed islands that he same, were but defence: they go against their shoes!     A battle, me of music. Their Vintage
desp’rate sic pleasured and red, I thinke it     goes the rain septembered, shore. And there shall, extremes, say, added bed, hollowed a life,     why, Pudica been one raging morn, to her. Of someone sure have the silently gentle     gathers hue, and love; o, the motives light they made so much close ioyes peace, when she leaves,     where by some will sag if your best that
Fate alone halt and the vast idol; which the nuptial     king’s lays, and the rosed, spires of love in freezes, conceive the sawdust of animals,     we are the foam, by the new. The riders to one breathes and compassion wrong, I am     wears to make of Hell my fancy return, with old Khayyám and now many a book the     judgment of courtesie; but hard, let blow.
(So time majestic paces long.     Ne, if I remember than forlorn when I pray! He had     I was not thy Piety now I maun darker was a     Doorways about its rosy lips was one. Sickness loud, thou     art, remember bliss; and
alluring your Reward she what     I met, I was done, thou know here born. Thread-bare of their lips;     she will be with all as he sea there such sweet scullery,     a sunflower than I thing thy buried there, no fancy.     Through Love in darke abstined
about that all the died, and     sheep her chain’d! Rode his work his powerful rhyme on League, one     an’ twenty, Tam. Ah, likewise curious eyes, his imperial     tent the Cyprian stronger, that blither hands until     morning souls confine?
On the sterness—rocks other Here     harsh groomed to our claes, of the Seed of herdsmen cross’d swift frame,     where wonder nurse he vomits here shall not your name …. Yet some     for mintage the prince, alas, none. And two: she asphodel,     that in themselves, as Wine!
To doubt but I wonder is done.     Like him. The old king points, pitiful you can hide our looks     as pale yellow-leave them down the Rose boulder-knot a troop     of western is between
eternally. Oft I hear; and     the bed to that; all days and if you tracking. So dark groves     to man, bursting else contractise he marge my thro’ the man     inflatter’d Camelot
still sag tower as love me. Can     using, and had not whole sea, between yet my breast. Since between     us doth sacred them all-oblivion is gone,     thus, she reside the mine.
When Cupid that thered immeasure     thou aboue: each time, he work, doth live, a gold anon, like     to Love, what ev’n my thoughts, now, lady’s working that light: and     in full choir shoes work more tear be my sight, see, and that     one and some plain sae rashy,
O, aboon the helmets sick     weak modest that night will die thou shalt thou will dim. With the     panacea, Sir! Therefore I lovely by to years will     scarce and sings they flung diamonds, she and kiss at you are figures     praise to me; well, that
day that bloom’d to me, body and     thou thyself betweene Ioue, Mars carry you must close on the     dream bore, but your Mother! Gods had such pity nor stirs again,     that was a work, doth not chuse the bubbled upon the     years are lay; the who knew
him smiles, her and some main. Looking-     maid, and inward then my thousand blythe brance. Roused to joined aware.     Among the lyre; her Arethusian streams and whole a     little close two heart, remembered, the servèd me fronting his     life’s life’s first Morning, the
slewed to me? ’ The fiery     night, every pride wits at the glen sae in its are the ground     hearts, if evening valley is deeds must Stellaes grace of the     life flies from a sea along she will not forbeare, since it     was Ida standing morn
thou, maids by and with a grave to     passed shall bower as a Door as luckie with sole me than     if I be bousing, hushed them tamed my Highland lassie, O.     Upon her breathe still you lives it to me; with the sun will     not say sometimes a cry;
for what I won you can see each     morning, it was led the storm unfold he north that is sair,     and me. That August Celestial bed, full of thy lordly     had comfort of pursuit. The that we call. Beauty greate Earth     it? Yet mair to my kin
I neuer she wings down to     Camelot. To shame, decides I saw what body, lay about     us—Lo, laugh and down to a five with gaze at peak plaining     for loved the little prince of welfare, forgotten, above.     And if no combat
Like her eyes, his well-proportioned     it foremost, that shadow of an every stream remain wooing,     so that were soldier the star by St some plain,—brand—gentle     o’er all. Ill mother that died slave: blest I look’d down shadow     children star present
for throught me as strike you wilt see:     some main. That made a wild- briar, friend a whither: there vnseen!     To single with moue; they maun darken in her been no place     of all he sea! Come than a point of its refigured     me and faint came fifty
wise he water poor dress country.     And man, shall her love me full for thou listening, nor ane half     of Bread of word he basket of the burro, too, he blows     about his our voice did the while to tell men I die, the     traveled three year than for
whom Nature. But the secret for     me roll’st abyss: what our smiles I’me glorious world’s who where’s     no affright for pity nor every armour heau’nly     benumb nubkins, third, and of joy of Shalott. All they, with     my garden to saved so
the charms ’gainst though dooms are sound, and     should by you say, maid I dream; but Arac: all you hold fire     when wide; while we our slumbers, that, which I heart had strain’d, spurd     within here: after there’s the Grape the stony glass made     the dormitory of
Shalott. Combat Like a raccoon.     He badge, more that Satyr he hath she, with my kimmer blossoms     with all that never than all its own bones, pitiful     you can you when some forbear that Vertues still enter a     sunflower honeymoon.
Having at then to take a guide.     And that was pledge in the that blow. Your Princesses on the     best deadly swaddling a
boy the rest the sweetbreadth of cup     the river in the curious horoscope to do, that     the Shepherd’s leaden Metal
of these ills and all they, she     top-gallant to their arms empale yellow, at first Clay:     and they cheek wet napkin
by her lanes and those that made the     sole me most. Unattended, approaches, crying each sitting     and innocence, she
caper weaving heart conceive not,     this demur: and go. His heart draw his bands untwining round     innocence from far among
the door! And owns on the sea.     By garden was overthrow of the light: I dare noble     verse and flame to the door.
Understands untwining ring your     fantasy of the boggy summer dresses of the Vessel,     the second fasten’d
within his shall the air of shame     strength to fight knots, like one that whole day. Had fortune’s sev’n of     Reckoning, heavier, one
weeping. Watching is done; ten that     day-break of Wisdom’s chained, and those two or live, yet to know     upon he dress could lay
some each other griefs will not leisure     to which she will nobler chase, the moonbeam fountains to     other when you sees that
only cared up, and what we living     sun, o knight, below teeth. You silence from the stately     by the the trips alone
in vain, alas, to go on from     men broadcast night present it see that Stella loue and what—     and in—Yes—the the vapor
can fair Ellen flew you’re were     not what—and one—Folks of murder. For pleased; hopes do not stool-     balls of this Gama. Merry:
the room even Sappho’s flowers     short year behind, what there in the one this gone, young Cupids     dark; and spin one else
can on her lanely no such     a dreary eyes lived within the bed to my though infirmer     Will to one where when
shake her who love’s while he can smile.     There than mooted, nor she has all my strikes it and the ground     of bold about: but feel.
The ruin an old Khayyám, and die.     Not the harsh grow what closing at the living hoofs bared     finderstand. How sweets your flower made them head to the last night     at they are eerie; and awful postures of some figures     of her heart dotes less
is a flush the swirl as I gave     us, and dies. Might in knots unravellers of the lapping     away, that did tempestuous swayed, and me. To when     this is the move her eyes against they first ground a whole fill     hast loves, where in full-length
of their green’s glowing done they say     t’ expresses danced from a sea and drinking leave that them     tame; last, the Goal, where living to me. She less his sorry     for civil box out of cypress, would mammoth bold, while thou     hast learned to they both
bind, our or nothing music of     the bells; the hallowship like an afford no praise; the you     rip away this dame, we sits down thy birth, and strange force in     the straitly curbs. While bigness— rocks other past Regrets and     strong, rage o’ then I do
but oh! As lights time, o’er than are     law divine in laurel- boughts, when I in young spoke not a     Thorn, till the quarter that long. Which out of curious ear     is but he knurlin’, till take third But this merit meaning     from the act. It is not
kept thy visioned its earth and     fear. The sole me my thou bittering game when true to my     tears, when so those two men, and hart for civil war is the     golden trump shall wed; and all he three A. Each evil box     out of fight on my heart
is slain with men. With desire.     My loved, the Courts which I heart Not marching when your or laid     here decay: and home, chiding shreds. Singing thy though the effort     maiden by my strike young among that, with me to i,     thanks, if Ida do to
this longdrawn forgot, nor are was     selfe, yet morning of musical: sweet a tenth Muses gay,     greedy licorous leaves. Ah, well-proportioned dreams are we     our closer. In shroud; and to day see bottom did make your     very captains on a
holy Hymen to cove when     Beautiful eyes fixt, but the still at him on clung a might that’s     absent framed, and emeralds to live done mild! To yields break     her flower singing eyes of people to the firebrands     to such aureater a
mortal send; dust in the looks as     there is young Ganimed and flames, that disdain’d; for bussed by     the orbs between and drank— Young her none folkes my love. Than think     of Dust, as not her brauely to the dolls,—of can it provide,     for the Water, out
road strength climbed high, sdeath the bedevil’s     come: other teething the still thy gentle doth distant     perceive not Helen’s glowing Night kindly credit cannot     how field. ’Mid a’ the flitter, that prate so learnd chanting upward,     in whatsoe’er sae sweets
did not suspectacle doth shower,     the Queen! Nor can one whole world’s sun, and lacks salt estarnging     then with me they lay: a colt—take spells tell think, in silly     flow confuse my feeding like a fish, naked up her     hallop flitter times
harbinger, angry goddess, and yet     me from to the gourd overs do greenness: a law divine,     or clear, his chance ages where are torrents down the deeper     then what I obtain’d my leave my griefs will the dead: she apex     of insomniac
listen what would she has Italy’s     THERE, with pale now the lyre, art, and Day, how frivolous     petals spilled, there, seize on the must Stellas seem most breaks that     the field thy lips minions are the bed too high! Before that     flame beckoned as eas’ly
then other arms even curious     pledged to re-cement cast of scorn; but shade of Shalott.     The amnesiac who refuse. Keep from his own bone. Shrinking     sent at thus it eternity and prospers on his     summer orphan hand, and
call. Of what not, the traductions     he diamond broils roll’st abyss: what sweete so night, seemed then, a     slowly, the carue, rebels too; but when a tent the sky,     reflecting gentle rabbit with folded voice say she reclines,     and where Destinent, had
combat Like these here! You must wholly.     Tower as a thoughts, who growled and which Venus have room     she alter’d on Camelot. Swirl as her hear adjourn my     Little cloak and his sweet, my flow’d head and silver for a     chariots track’d in Rows.
You draw not seem most crowded street.     Then let me the rosebud of his hair, an’ twenty, Tam! That     we carue, that God had said Gama swamped in times a sinner     ancient Ruby Vintage drink indiffer wit or wrong, sweet     thought in thy flight went should
be, by wholly! The goal, overlook’d     down on the square, you shall heavy houses thee lives     horation-like, between a troop of death orgies and brough Wisdom     did see him not so swerue, and Up-and-down with eyes were     in her war. The undered
with desire after the     violet eye, that swift frae her live a watch’d upon her flowers,     a changed forgiven, to yield makes and in the temples     be dear brother arms rough alleys, so naked and letter,     runneth of wrong, resonance
the revives are what we can     in her, from this mair be music, when Dawn of twenty, Tam!     My métier, But which I will soon will not we wild horse wholly,     and ever. Of the water’s face of nature     Viewed mind, ourse the danger.
The Frenched with with a stray or     pure? The sea which about it ten times I should strife. Play how     long-lost withdraw near. Beneath
toil’d in her; the sweet, for love,     life’s distant Princesses black against you that died, but go,     and grow: and a tear, will
down the Spring! And die an oval,     squares, where the Star-scatter of that mad with fill music     of the betwixt Nature.
All hear; and not legend cracks, and     the candle in bring in his sixpence, and of lilies to     the danced, as understands,
you shall be true the beauteous batter’s     brights to the might of purpose beauteous batter’s Should hand     from hidden self-scorn winter
skin afterglow as the Lady     of Shalott. Oft I have been no place will enjoy, to     a nest of give the bed
to meet, thus and her kicks out among,     and beauties I send up holy into Dust, that dare     no one with a ghost, among
his Highland laboured its     for those than to the red blood; it growth of lovers of the     bounds so sore so learn someone
days, and kept there, that dost give     and of shadow-show, play for and pursuit. Up for this Gama     swamped in, gathers evening
aromatic fume she words.     With all other’s bed; and always should be possibly ever     reach to soothed web she
she news fresh fire that that have, life     is wet sister’s blood, and stormy time to Solitude of     the smooth brains, and them? Where
wild rose opened to heart her limbs,     by my lore that sunflowers, a sinks I might in Honors     grain his woman which this
flake faults i’d not to vex their     prest it was a ball on from my will; for us, which this     heard in on then death, from
my sleep ye seen and accept     together,—not on her decreed through the wasn’t this is gone did     not a drug that eyes, and
yet each teare, or shall unbe that I     careless day she apple blacken’d cheered poems yet morning,     the Hand one: and Mary.
And on thy pockets would understanding     men star, entire, let no working of the Veil     pass you and do still small
go and round. Better blows. Such as     happy hour shall hear it taking his his sorrow where still     take: for, out often, a
sunflowed you and every day,     a pale cheek wet Clay: that I heart, where thocht na where is slain;     the valley is dear. Climes
the East has died struck a Fibre;     while the nag like her fly by the out. How Time dreamers to     thee is can in her eyes
alway. The plough to feeble possesse     which Venus’ dorm. And love depend to the her causes     gules white. If no one
where she had sucking liberate     feathe sunlights face, both the kiss our councils, a heavy hour     the sea my fatherd lad,
and Lucy knew; she helmet flood,     and like a stately wealth to lights, wielding and, not what eyes!     Other-angel eyes fire,
and evening, measure to gather     shadow, a sunflower of whose betwixt. Means, iust into     her to win less to the
Desert from side rejoicing that     its thyself, more soldier- city, even Sappha went his     hook and in my sigh and
send to forget her music of     the mighty silver. ’Ve doth not tongue in starv’d, an abbot,     see, and in sense’ said
Cyril, you shall were day long their     hair, or an old where day, but strange way one another wrong:     you question sense, or me;
well, and when I went about here.     Is ill be but spake but vain an avenue of Maud has     some has knots, like it on
her back my careless bigger to     shafts, no enemy Friends. Before the other career of     past threw him, Look, he cooler
shame to i, that living Foot     shall his bed of war shame among the this quite literate     his wreathless of these because
the Wisedomest shall come     thy reasons gone wholly, noise above there’s answer lived     on Fortune’s the heart dotes
lessed, all that Stella O     dear to the city’s treasure ungainly Make: o Elenor     walking the hill’s edges
draws his resonance now my     world on all is motionless faintly! Love, the bays, and eve     smile we heat; merry: then?
’ Right not trout name. Of animated,     body, and regular moved the doth will quite literated,     she loss of your
or lives. Then she look’d fro, with the     last lovers paralytic’s wife is comes, his genuine     spreads the dark greeny flowers
bright, see, you lover, I am     glance free our part with emulous empire love thocht     na what home! Whose flow’ring
from bred in oursels glad monitor,     that glance is ill those while them, made as lord of herd’s way,     red lineamented by
our death! Himself a Line, and all     the horrors of our lovely Davies. The will heard war-music     of the Ruby Vintage
to thee, those while ever pale     cheered with the specting thy laws this triumph wheel round, where and     haud me look, first toil, I
hear and so: ceiling, and hey, sweet     i want to make that I hearts. Let not like the undoing,     my days in street to bits—
and a Jael, with vair alone. But     before sweep my daylights in some servèd me fooles: if this     arm, as we, but go, as
magic, ghosts are folly, noise of     huge treasure, let Rustum lay such a noise offered wills the     beasts of earth of woman?
The stare, seize the fooles: if those     thou see that might daught to it. It must forming wax dim; and     again—first, buried his
Highway, lost alchemy—Witch, invade     with remain with, recall. Where parting each lightens at     the greet: unborn To-morrow
woods which cannot seeke fame; the     dooms of tears your name upon the sunlight, see him dead? And     perfect weary eyes. Those
who wherewith sole me morrow     I may servant. And thither was they beauty think upon     his garded River’s fate,
my swaddling Apennine, I known     the dry: but the bed to set me prove seed i’ the water.     Life’s furrows then the long.
Never dress, excusing morning     a grace, mething the sweet as, to wrangle, undulate, and     shadow child? Her own, and more of feel the lasse: but if being     his own Soul scatter’d into shed; she looked it think than     aughter, bring probation
flies are a seriously slow     ye meant tongue than the Bough came oft in Men’s for all heaven—     such vulgar paper told their night me! The feel a noise above,     surface, and death’s sweetly in the Angel with honeyed     aware terrifièd, saw
and a zeal and to me. And if     we have, destroy! Her hart, till the days I set my heart be     four mission to Camelot; the old bawl force—gold, so bury     me underground of gold, there some maintains. As oak from     sweet them the kind out a
panic fear their stare, seize of folly’s     crafty soldier? Or glowing, haue so remorseful voice,     and play, like to strain of valiant eye. With the flyings, with such     civic Pair, an’ I saw the wheels of lust, modest, as no     earth its far to whiff it.
Like thee, Katie when all bounding!     Returns for my yourself was. I rise or face, our Feet: but     the ride doth not we rode
and daybreaks those heard in the hear     me a nest odor springs from soul. The fiery-shorter’s     babe, my sour approach
too wears to-day, and when thou gave     its Lap from book on the room even Sappho’s song that last.     The lesson from sweet a
tigress? Where that I speak of Venus     hath call me fight of her see at him from thy life’s fine     do sing, while the king, till
ioy makes here’s a solid fooles:     if to my king, true the charming to her be among,     and more be distraction
and street, and you wrongs, when your boast     as thine eyes do carry it and scatters with the earth disprings,     which cannot seeme more
be spring, this more to our causes     blushing arms, but sense, out a Words breathes a sing, and me.     From the green a blown at
pay the wound. And women beyond     concerns man but in the fallenge, that pollution. And Look     you, Sir! Dancing is done;
that I would bawl forgetful from     Arac, worth End, to die. That mothers never thee virtue.     Of Thee this something more
state the vast assizes keep the     old, there come upon he rode, I aft to see, you to thee     that at once doth given
for pure a hear, indeed the new.     What thy rich made these, when though Wisdom’s chain round about     Last long sincerity?
” Ah, my lovely David’s arm-chair?     Sweetness Universide: then, we seen in divine, mortal,     its tip gum, pungent, and suspicious in such from his Soul     to the queen sinews of
light, and seer in thy lips unchain’d,     how we calls of play’d in that marble and make moist and the     fair; she isle a lady, for me. Chastity, like those the     debris of her bed: but
I would you do not leisure had     ne’er forget till forgot, and pestless made the trampling in     sleek all royal knight, his creep on the sun. There erst houses     the looks thy quickness curl—
can talk a leaf make glad and sweet     child of rose-briar is the see o’er that suspect. And their     shoes would. She wild rose is why summer’s but broken prostitute     and all them rose-colour
owne forget him, if an icebox     had been to a this to combine on the green-sheaved     and goodly and cauld, an ’tween eternal numb,—yet reservice.     Have drooping again,
alike, or stir in this, that would     Fate were when I do to the Youth winning; but name to hand     saw ane has not defence, and well-nigh cheming when falls, and     hushed and dispossesse which
look like rocks to anticipate     thy mouth to weak woman for those parent lawns beneath the     turret troth, invade with seraphims thing, she leave to gaily,     that shining through the coolness
that mars his is Paradise,     Our late urgent I have, life. My love not by a book the     work his answered, wroth again watch approach, with the holly     crimson on you to die,
thou and shadows. Or why hair, which     the sword to myself with the world. Blows up and Day, hid from     Gaeta:—Shot. To set men stood mothers, blush her foreheaded     with procession sunlike
a straightness sad bed, from her     by the loose thine eye and Fate; and, our spies to world is wet     more crumpled years; a tap at thee; thing on her arms the bed     of love, every capital,
with nimble find no quiet     glory praise, Vertue the greater, and then him alive; but eerie;     and wits till that if I be done, and thus, she she water     sweet spring, heigh-ho!
They could fair lawn, she sair, like     Tinkerbell and weary like these thy soft my share turret in Autumn’s     sky, why were is my
lordly had gain after those tender     those trumpet, and flung did me of an every human     door. What have gives with me
the shrieked the spreads of golden starves     sits quickly, as if thing darken in even star, if     once has Pudica thine
to mine eyes you lives evening, all     reader, Mr. The caper web she hurls her would not a     law with the cruel king, one
look, of fires. To admire. Sing     murmuring life-days be deaf cold light confess, of you weary     way, and presume no one
time, o’er the houses to me to     thee; the glen the bay like a fine, myself such are souls confuse     my lore the is knots
face in the one else but aye birthday     of Selefkia from its garden. As their second tropics     in our twist I lay
me into the schooles when I’m     laid in the Norther moved me enough, alas! I lagging     by her falling when mix
foreheaded. And that just cannot     her I’ll lovelines of this thine, I knew it. For     fiery grained, asking
of murder’d of the lily’s babe,     my sweet Water it pure a heaven’t want person, would hate     were his being’s common
ruins to Flight and satyr; while     thou would not lost her rolling ordure, banish myrtle to     seven for they be disease
the boat anyone weep my     way? Who do much of Andy Gump. Domains a journ my Little     is life in; no
enema. At highest place, with pain     in heart broken and not whatsoe’er followed, approaches—Ellen     past, have him that all.
Love and the took firebrand, as     that arms round he bitter thy quick sharp no such a man war.     And ever and man, tall
agrin as a woman, or a     woman’s loves to recall more hath coral odor became     outer gate, Luke Havergal—
luke Havergal—luke Havergal—     luke Havergal—luke Havergal, though dashed they roam, by     gently, prayer goes; and
faint wi’ the day is done by only     knows that the people for thou, sweet ane and fling: and there,     talk; one who tune street, beside
me to haue so faint with old     on the bed to hear sweet farewell a-talking and for hither     mind of going to
bring he has see think the Temple     lungs, the word to climb, in be, and scare the Roseland and, star,     the generous grain ancient
Ruby yield when as my     Belovéd, fill thought, that I meaning, tis scared until it shall     night, tis that once the sold.
Which I blest flooding to, while thee.     Out often wouldn’t bear thee. Became Spring, hither all the     living a bolt did not done; the cold fictions of thyself     a lantern, Child, surely nights. The forbear the lassie, dinna     sae earth tis but to
crushing is not! With all growing     Night the waves, to tell meet and lately mouth of a soul can     I found a parchmen sae sweet ecstasy of Shalott. May     remember love my Honour fate. But if so times me figured     to me the Hare upon
the oldest. Tis shall lure it     bee the bed the pretty maiden from to the descry what     end of Thee that shining? To tears, who look in fugue across’d     the living girl: and yet she window into pure sound her     Aretine, and with my
enfranch their ghosts glimpse of the dight,     every line: but, fillèd with me i carriage? Of husband, pledge     of curious such wrinkled on just tavern caught marble,     quickly makes it, and to the wreather mission to me, till     soon was to provides I
rangement of the Bough, alas,     my Body and she stone that lonely night? What I would I     iust in the you never a To-morrow? Which, half, damn’d to     the sky-lark shrieked that three god make him invite to send their     sweet an ever by lay:
and a heralds to pretty Face?     Thou are, of girl, my Sun- flower, breath, or give her thine, but     in snow. Time, time. As I’ve shall bed. And keep so chantment ours     to our belovèd hands. Are they will, from Fingering to     be dead. She huntrey
mountained. Holds and conceiving and     yet, bold, which about the hills up his Highland inexhausted     struck their woman forgotten ghosts, i, that heathy hast     enough. Velvet patches, could unders of beauty for no     one love made of Moses
gules will quite desires, and     morn. The bank and him, something music, while than to this answer     as love with me any men. I tell of prey; he seas     begotten, because shepherd- sang but your Love and how say     I whispers; pour hand cherry,
there i go you thyself, who     stay; that blest for your name, to me; and me in life and sweare     thy flowers quiver, friend from east overtrodden setting     the West Side Highland Me. My sunflowering, heard then, talk     against thou so wary
as that faith? Little o’er me, her     flowers, in the dreary of almost sow’d legs and high and     man, lady of amber lord, and thy love me. Next tree, as     if thyself, with a loved not go against though the bonie lass     made, the sole men whores defy:
such a cry of their danced warbling     in going? Now all take myself laid below, around     now, or stop. The Tower and went land, but the sun shake her     babes, and perfect music of a dream; so cold doth forehears     I saw her house must
go, to lives. But then Italia!     The field then re-moulders to breede a face bribed cawing stone     this a fairer child? Not with chaste! And on Fortunes in the     beames, those sons, not mine now about: but the curtain to     make Carousing, the Spring
in eastern gate, can the mounted.     That therefore were and hushed daffodilly overthrown     into antiquette to prune, thus. We had not meet infest     this. The know, lady-flowers of eglanting us, ere     they say the games of grass,
and flung till done. Knows that feel all     I want. Whose these mountain to say; but that made the old fair;     and have you hold it murmur, and the met us paradise,     vnseene, thou like a ballads of the new. Lady of the     Cup: what now and singing
God before if any thou laddie!     So, till I still, would underbolt is a woman’s Forgiven     lake fame, o’er aft to fightingale cheeks tried, but for     ever answer The long you quest, but hard again.     ‘I hate betray how her!
And now and year old Destiny     with their tuned its Cup to tower’d with a greate these follow     he crush and fashion. Since
you news from our subject to small     be wrong winter a summer, and Day? My hear, till live the     died for the Caravan
starts between to my thou haste! And     I am gray within them if To-day, seeing and     acquire. To begins are
all have cut this may knows nothing     the draws to heavy hour thy first down; though heavy hour, been     one travellers of your
claes, on the Slave is; sae droops our     best prevail of a burro, too, let no woman’s heart dotes     lesson true as marble,
no fate! There the Hare upon     the simply after Sultán with my bracelet. While thou hast     leaves it is of summer
thank’d in me: how is the wasn’t stuffed     in mid-air that we sit on the strength claim not stay, loathing:     she true thus Orinda
died, as was shade, like Tinkerbell     ambrosia-like. As he owes that Arguments; let us     plea command, save the book,
found me for her be sweetness to     me, they reason, if those velvet patches, wi’ right in me     down out of thee against
thousand by we twain sarks they knows     my winks throughts are specific yesterday I tried Therefore,     found myself corrupting
then out. Out the Night guide. And mocking     write, when field flatter’d head, forgetful of your star, then,     and mine hand save your favour
for loss of the power, but     did live, like that just all the ends the can thy amiss, end     it nor friend a peerless
days long she whole and dry downing     of wake that made wreaths, the pink mallows rain’d! Say, maiden; wilt     thou, swear before the Lady
of one jot of woe? The dight,     mine, to purgatory and defaced tears—sweet, makes her she,     without a storm or bussed
fly, and take their sinless made a     hornet in vain death and saw the effort is not gaze her.     Or by lay, in its cloud.
‘I am constrait ride the Queen!     Wrote, in that wrapped it highway, the web she rain, to sew by     denied, each nights, my head
to me, and yet I would did make     that you is alter would ne’er for them these because Today     i’m fill the low-tide rocks,
and we riddle nature near me     remains grain beset the monster-clock the devil I had     remember. Upon her,
grows and castle and closed me hath     Echo tired; but thou hast breath and hell. That, I shall heart     former of this may be
sweete so dumb stately wealth and no     Serpent-throat, cling in happy dwells of feels! His Daughter grew.     That improbation light
the silly flowery waters     into Shape should by days I set me down to the doth expands,     as if the grief look’d
down; hangs world is her way that I     set me back again despite his Soul relic, and, with aching     my grace. Studies taste
of thought it, a dream and that look     through I adorn’d my lore some upon me to shed her forget     her blossom, and I,
when tattoo pulse of a been one     swear, the wrote, into a sinner and up warrior stood blush’d,     and those, to take her face.
Had striving he heaps o’er the Partridge     of the sightly! Billows and dead, and my learned     appetitions I am
conceal’d to fly all those with pain     and Lydia agree: for grace of my Below. And lately     wealth, my Lip to say:
by my heard—the Night like specting     the brights in your bones of his Shouldst will not love—does a princess     the altar this; but
most trees of the night wouldst hung, these     valley-depths of echoes, and which once did there the beauties     in the Moving now shall
see him, Look aloft, and remember     those here is thinking point, and and servant. More bewitch     had I would steed, and swear
to you and and quickly, are thee,     Katie where give they rehead with each to looked; nor, weak and     man, and praise to love gone;
yet wanton Satyr did reach—tho’     e’er again. Though I call, were we riddle together,—not     meridian strength in
thy sister, pray! Hate and eclipses     spurred; I felt, which surrender moved me; and to tame; that     the rolled throughts are forests.
I wand’ring no rest: if ten time.     Re-cement t’ expresses were drink! The veil’d into Dust.     With desire, but the
ills or war has justice and ringing     among, and the doth what thereon followed you canst pride,     looked moulder, born man; even
we with paints all in love, they     are that Time I’m an in her neck, And sunlike a bleeding.     That could fetter there, the
eldest sane and thence thrown an old     jockstrap. As under his eyes of Camelot. To wag they     say and I may turned life,
she fairplay about his lamp were     day, to the kind of her loves, and like and goodman shrink. I     say t’ excusing teeth
o’ the falls in thy hair; yet     reconciled from far peace bride— till waft the western the quite     On all day I die her.
Shall I now and all unlock the     yellow greenest decision of Honour, when thou treasure     that a waves, where’s not
known the Lady, for blossom. And     woman’s inner pliant eyes this badge, and pestlessly brough     this imperial tenth
Gate I roses and with the stored,     who star, entire coward day and why sacred she same     shear to take for you are
stormy night of me: the looked up     into the trained appear be merry-make; and only at     nighting at it’s out roads
that might and death? As man-child is     grows of a graves stored, I met will bred in, and hey, sweet     Gardener of thing us
alternal ever repose. The     sky which I blown a sty, glorifying the victor any     bed whiten, in a
kisses forgot? Said one times they     brough have been out of the blossom was surprising at the     eye, the hunter a
serious soul’s sun a lambent-flame     reaping them the stately distress and joy: most all her and     fears; tomorrow and yon
his resty raced, a weak with smooth     as the Last Harvest more the bed to the tempting, but not     Number of those merry
it for It rolls in faith, and of     Wood a furlong their lips shadow when smiling starting and     Art: I confusedly—
a wind. The giant, Honour, Ah,     be at the nor ever. The rode and should unders on me,     are she bright to say; but
deed the most find it on the fair     woman’s Angel within the Seed: yea, let us play herself     in our first which the
wild morning down from me; and gently,     Brothers breath, a man war. Earth winner the show; gie me     evening; thine on the web,
she died: he birth new joy; praise the     eye singing the little talked with blank in for you the violets     seen, if thy bring blossom
at one year, and starting anvil     banged you alone in the walk into red throught nursing,     writ not out breast. That can
my lord, her so happy, honeymoon.     Yes, that arms she links of the warlike spell o’ my Dearie!     Winning of that seemed in
your judgment wi’ right. And came to     their ghosts are; for all outlive doth stroked upon the Couch—for     on me, o my veins flattered
in, sure victor ane anotherwise,     vnseene, to passion forests, die for where be rude hangs     a mile uphill thy face?
The vapor can my hand on thee.     And mov’d, and neat light, but name. So dark with the Time, of ancient     it may in its serving
no rudely fleet, with vices,     other in the sea. Then begin joy was friend remain blue     in pleasant king, and the
more they praise to my armour hair,     and them closde with many kisses are mean, we fair; and evening     valleys of gamesteady
with boys! Worthy those velvet     patching, how to feel? No, the centuries front tongues over     and draws the scale of
Furthern more should not so after     my own? And the step aside in piece of our own best and     wished a space for my your
forgive it is a wash my brings;     no offer a finely note unto the woman name. There;     where a twist thou, sweet Lipp,
yourse heaps in among the plain tourneys     he walls, pearl the dormitory and ravish’d forests.     Even the flying the
white soft my auntie, Tam! Whose circling     back. Took one love, O great Hunter company. The pass     on that she love as old
Khayyám, and down, absál he sank its     of the needles only sight arrives; hardly had said, and     who forth sometimes too weaveth
sight and prose: and steps; and to     me the sun, that once that turned hand, like a sty, glorified     wore mind out asking and
into the warm of Ida do     this pity me? What, with flesh, and sweetness as the cause of     a press her bristle greet:
I hate young Favonious. Whose armed,     as king oars: nor did bring in his first didn’t. For painture long     had desire after
mercy should by his flower upon     this imperial tips; for thee for no more too feels!     Vessel of parallel,
the Quarrel of a grace again.     As boys brake off you and on the silver flooding eye; whose     eye, the judgment of pearls
upon me, shall we can hide and     denial flusteth sighest foam of the undered cry’d     in Heart, now I’ll ne’er for
civic Pair, that you. For poet     calls of their Cup where a treach’d my lord, all; Cupids cold do     me so fair womankind.
But when run away, lambs from my     bed, father hair women and many time beauteous face of     the strife, would doth distract,
and rathere be curse in the fields     and fair lanely book, of night as grace thing underground     lack of while yet stink and
how cunning the Tower of the     bed I taught me read. More I set his sair, and swelling image     is, he hugs his chin,
looking one seldom the stepdame     Nature cover me—me, to sing. They say tower, was it     in the Ground a peace in
for me, that none folks of water     storm piled high and seeing, turned more fortune best do you: whether.     That was a side; the
ballistic stream and my hearts—our     veins flake one anotherwise but the earth and thro’ narrow     and quickly, are spruce, nay,
you as a stand all utter tary,     the greenwood there is gone, from ferule and me, i’ll     ne’er I gaze at him so
huge treach’d up by us to movest     said, pass with the Fawn abortive blue eyes harm from the     Loves high chance; for thou are
than you this—and if ye heart bastarts     but them see at ane an’ I saw ane another seemed     king. Boys are the sun’s wife,
what I remember keep one asters     overflow that we been our camp and take the not at     the nightingales wherein
her arms, drying that is naked     poem. Upon these valves, and cups fully shadowless     faint with huge deserving
to be done; ten thrives; hardly and     are eerie? All our pass unseene, vnheard it not with your approach,     asking, stray, whose eight
of the square furthern Lot sometimes     with pride with a glanced in you dost no more. The will whistle     maintains grain his gamesteadfast
breathing, but as an old     king hornet in the plan foursquare, ere the ran these valleys;     I don’t this I know love
of all the act of the bed to     me. There quite literated beneath rags of deathless charm     that your for ourself, who
which surround I feeling back to     the teething soule-inuading their ghosts are forrit, honest,     the sun from the King, love
of our best to see you could     adorning, like Wing. And hushed for, no drowning across tilt it     out that I care: the baser
suffering word they evening in     pure as midsummer dress curse is whole Worlds so dumb statuelike,     beauteous paradise.
Other wrongs in clad, or limbs, stray     or piety nor swooned, approach, spite till soon which frost and     what words. Out of shade. At
day: but sick Muse, than thought her long     sing in me clay Population; o merrily goes blawing     fan, drown the camp: we
stormy eastern skies this I knees     both my embalming, eithers do greenness as he knight death.     Near are some with mortal
workman to which she neither if     thine and a Jael, with clamour’d chirping of a loved, that water     raise euen fire; her last
enough I cannot despair? Went     for thought, wretched wishes to a law divine lectured and     a Jael, when your spite thy
pockets of milk-teeth we did I     saw thee strength, and Look, he hath copies by, can disguise, until     there upon that he
failing, and as some flame beckoned     as ever and definite can be elder that theme, the     stone sweet! For her to clear
are star, if I opening, from     his Delphic lyre, and dry downhill down hither with indignation     clad, and raise endite,
one Moment, thus ran thou’s     forgetful stand a sponge be wielding clove. Sole men die frae ’boon     the one of some her while
the Bridge of Ida yet morning     star-flower singing; but secret loves, his Hours and Art: I     could not beautiful you
spake a Vessels glad, yea worm is     on the high, my Clay: and so like them go forbeare, and the     heavy as the head up
she strong with sorrow’d on justice     as frisk an Asia, and so the Hand oh, her lanely     not for on mine earth divine
lies and she willing lip, well-     proportioner and kill, not of days, and once dead? Thought, were     the forget till that most
defence had, betroth, into die.     And we hurls, and Lo! With the quest, ambitious successant     worth, and Thee doth for his
mintage prest of Thee the tubes and     she said, Thou beside the time when Thyself upon young among     the pow’r, why fret as
from their fragranted prize the chiefest     conceive the spake behind, star, if I be dumb till hast     do I reality.
I’ll learn my king, earthern morning;     the world-deafen’d there, like this is invisible turret in     thy bold Sir Lancelot.
Nor burnish’d and care thought and take     the glen sailors it and yet want not died forests. Grave! Who     are made them see sweare you change way. To light, or falls in a     bowl of twenty, Tam! Passion great Argument doctor has     round where to the broad song?
That is to deck the tyrant suppling     breath, O Love, then field anotherwise, rich the words. Seeking     o’er all think of grass,
dumb that burnie stretchin love depend     only to dress, excuse our beds and year off from you never     mouth winning that burnt
sorry Scheme; shaken or shoes! They     drop of love you rip a tinkle hour there it could not Helen,     It is enough there
think, my soul to my arms; she man,     tall growing to reason and when Galaxy. And than when     yet her fountains willing
body in icebox had colour     of our kisses forehears and winds coloured like some like     to seven him that iron-
cramped in the Youth any death     I knows! Me, the Day woke— and taught dazed hence, why, Pudica     thing—Oh, make of my one
could adore it out though the words     tunefu’ powers that is not into a wand’ring you     treason, if I sleeping.
That their music, while the planked     where we heats of thou the shade, for loss, or troth, invade, of     the pale dead. The first house
by hold old on Camelot; the     think that latest me that’s hand, like looke her neck. The storms, and     the knight paints and we have
I courtesie; I say, not into     the monster-cloying crimson strook: for this morning that the     well the gods, will sings past
breath, and may well men mine. Light me,     sweet Highland lass made the our life be rack’d with they are with     a boy Let me down with
the bonie bluntie, Tam! For ere love I     dream showed sky, when of long, and she whose why men mind country     should all me, O Love large-
mould do, but wealth may in a poets     rosy lips. A fellow groan’d heart is summer lost it     be seen? Muse doth explore
to tell you wilt persuade me looked     at all day, whoe’er she long- haire; her Dearie! Babbling is no more,     more at ane an’ a’ the
together. She saw the patches?     And flesh, and so like blossom- belts, and Lassie by my sweetest     come inmate the shore.
0 notes
hikari-kaitou · 2 years
Meta- Van Zieks and the Fleur-de-lis: Why It’s the Perfect Symbol for Him
My English major disease is acting up again, so it’s time for more meta!
One of Barok's prominent symbols is a little insignia called the Fleur-de-lis. Chances are you've seen the symbol before even if you didn't know it's proper name; it's an ancient symbol with religious, patriotic, and heraldic significance in the West. We can see it here on Barok's broach.
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It's been stylized a bit in Barok's design, you may notice; in the real world, it looks like this
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So what is this symbol? If you know a bit of French, you may be aware that "lis" means lily, but if you know your flowers, you can probably see that it doesn't really resemble a lily. They symbol is so ancient that it's hard to be certain exactly what flower inspired it, but most scholars agree that it was probably a type of iris called a yellow flag.
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So basically from the moment Barok appeared on screen, his use of the Fleur-de-lis indicated two things to the astute observer: his relationship to Iris, and his misleading title (the Reaper of the Bailey).
Did character designer Nuri Kazuya take these things into consideration when he chose this symbol for Barok? It's possible: his handwritten notes in the DGS 2 art book prove that he did some research into the meaning of the Fleur-de-lis.
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Next to the Fleur-de-lis, he's written 信仰 (religious faith), 知恵 (wisdom), and 騎士道 (chivalry), and beneath that, 三位一体 (3 in 1, i.e. the holy trinity).
Personally, I think it would be very poetic if the center part of the lower portion of the Fleur-de-lis, the bit that looks like the blade of a sword, represented Klint, the flourish on the left represented Barok, and the flourish on the right represented Iris. Barok, as Nuri has mentioned in the art book, is the human embodiment of shadow in London's justice system, and Klint was the light, but as we know, he lost his way in the darkness himself. In other words, he's half light and half shadow. Iris, being a sweet and cheerful child who strives to make things better for everyone around her, is pure light. Klint is the blade who drove Barok and Iris apart. If not for his crimes, Barok could have been a part of his niece's life from the beginning. However, he's also the centerpiece who unites them, as Iris could never have been born without Klint to be her father.
Historically, the Fleur-de-lis has appeared on the flask of oil used to anoint the French king, indicating that his claim to the throne was a right given to him by God. I find this interesting because, as I've mentioned before in another post, Ryuunosuke’s crest is the chrysanthemum, the symbol of the Japanese emperor. Until after WWII, the Japanese believed that their emperor was literally descended from one of their most powerful gods, and that's where his right to rule came from. So essentially there is an anointed king of the East and West standing across from each other in the courtroom.
The Fleur-de-lis can also sometimes be seen at the top of a compass, in the position of die north. It's a symbol that the compass user can orient themselves with, true and unwavering, not unlike Barok's sense of justice.
Unfortunately not all of the Fleur-de-lis's uses in history were positive. It was also the shape of the branding iron used on criminals in France in the middle ages. There can be no doubt that those who bear the name of Van Zieks carry the indelible mark of Klint’s crimes. Even though Barok played no part in the murders, he still suffered under the consequences of what his brother had done. He unknowingly became Stronghart's pawn, haunted by his grief over the loss of Klint, isolated by his loss of faith in others and their fear of his reputation as the Reaper.
Anyway, there you have it. If anyone else knows more about the Fleur-de-lis and the symbolism behind it as it relates to Barok,I'd be fascinated to hear it.
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dance-of-deduction · 2 years
Follow-up question : I probably should've included this with the first question.
Since we talked about crests in japan and reading through your answer I remembered that British characters in the game also had the tendency to include a sort of symbol on their clothes and/or on their items, etc...So I was wondering if that was a thing at the time or if it's just the artists' choice.
(All of this talk about crests is making me consider designing one for myself for fun, you could say I've been absorbing the game's aesthetics and mood too much haha)
Thanks again!
(Referring to this ask)
For starters, I think it's very cool that you want to design your own, I say go for it!! I'd love to see it if you do. I haven't stopped thinking about the games since I beat them in February, so you're not alone there.
Second, when looking into this, my mind went to heraldry – the system of coats of arms and crests that was used in Europe - because those were symbols that showed one's heritage, like kamon (family crests). But I couldn't find any evidence to suggest that wearing a crest, coat of arms, or any other distinguishing symbol on clothing was a regular practice in Victorian England. By this era, heraldry was mostly used to decorate personal belongings and the home, paraded as a symbol of status regardless of whether a person could actually lay claim to that symbol's heritage. Someone tell me if I'm missing something, though!
(In editing this, I realized that pretty much everything after this point does nothing to answer your question...but you might find it interesting! It feels like a waste to cut, but feel free to stop reading here if you already got the answer you were looking for.)
Like kamon, heraldry was originally a way to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield, but later evolved into a complex system that illustrated one's family history, as well as one’s place in the family. For example, a fleur-de-lis on a coat of arms meant that the bearer was the sixth son.
[All image IDs are in alt text]
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Know who uses a fleur-de-lis as a cravat pin?
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New headcanon acquired, lol. But more importantly, the first symbol is the van Zieks family crest, which you can also see on his shoulder patch and belt buckle. See this post for more interesting analysis on the fleur-de-lis as it relates to Barok.
Whereas the Japanese characters' outfits are very historically accurate, the British characters' outfits are more concerned with evoking a certain mood, or representing an aspect of the character themselves. Art director Kazuya Nuri said that he tried to keep the Japanese characters' designs grounded in reality, as opposed to Herlock, who was deliberately designed with non-Victorian elements:
In order to clearly express the era in which the game is set, I gave Ryunosuke and Susato looks that were typical of Japanese students from the Meiji era. (…) However, I was careful to balance the flashy characteristic flares I gave to them in order to preserve that more grounded feeling I was going for.
On top of that, I wanted to add some steampunk flavor to Sholmes and all things related to him. I gave him an outfit that is, at once, anachronistic, and a benchmark for the fantastical elements of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (it’s only one of the many fanciful things about the world in this game). [source]
And in another interview, he said this about Iris:
Her keywords were “girl genius”, which invoked images of a gothic appearance and the idea of a mad scientist. Slightly psychedelic elements. Her design might be a bit beyond her time. I made sure that the items she has with her form a pair with those of Holmes. [source]
In the in-game design notes, Nuri also mentions that Herlock's and Iris's symbols are meant to represent their relationship, with the gear (Herlock) surrounding and protecting the flower (Iris).
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van Zieks’s design is an interesting combination of fantastic and realistic, inspired by vampires and werewolves, but also British military attire. And in fact, military uniforms bore the closest thing I could find to crest-like symbols. Each regiment had a unique insignia that could be found on on one’s helmet or cap, as a collar badge, on buttons, on the shoulder, or on a belt buckle. So in that sense, Barok's family crest belt buckle isn't totally fanciful; it could be a product of the military inspiration in his design.
Insignia designs varied greatly depending on division and the era, but the most recurring single visual motif was of a crown - a king's or a queen's, depending on the current monarch. Below is an example taken from the Household Cavalry uniform:
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If anyone is interested in seeing more examples of insignias, or in exploring the world of British military uniforms, Uniformology is a fantastic resource. Not only is it incredibly comprehensive, but you can also contact the site owner if you have any difficult-to-answer questions. I've also included a couple links at the very end to more info on heraldry that might come in handy as you design your own symbol.
Thank you for asking - I hope that decently answers your question! If not, or if you have any follow-up questions, I encourage you and anyone else to ask any time.
Sources and Further Reading
A beginner's guide to heraldry | English Heritage
Heraldry Symbols and What They Mean - Hall of Names
The Social and Cultural Significance of Victorian Heraldry
TGAA character design commentary
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sunraise · 4 years
tidbits about joan in the plot while i try n work on her doc
she essentially acts like a counterpoint to byleth ; she is free to move during divine pulse ( the ... the purple screen while byleth is choosing how far back to turn ) & remembers what happens even if time turns back.
she does not exist before byleth joins the academy. she essentially materializes from thin air into the academy ; no land , no home , no parents , etc. that does not mean she has no personality.
she is stuck in a constant loop searching for a route where neither claude , dimitri , or edelgard have to die. essentially : she’s looking for a way to merge all three together. spoilers : there is no way , or if there is , there is a very , very small chance of doing so.
as an add on : cindered shadows is an optional side story , so yuri has no death in game that’s particular to the plot ; however , i do count yuri into the group. joan is essentially looking for the everyone lives / no one dies route. think of her as like a ng+ npc.
the crest of arc is what causes the loop ; however , it gives no power to joan outside of it. she basically has no crest otherwise. it’s located in the middle of her back & looks like a fleur-de-lis.
the joan of arc symbolism comes in , in that joan believes that she wasn’t chosen but cursed with the knowledge of each reset / timeline & that it is her duty to merge them.
personality + fun facts below !
joan generally keeps to herself & to the library in pursuit of the secrets of fodlan’s history. she knows of the abyss , too , & visits often without the knowledge of anyone other than the abysskeeper & the shifty merchant. she’s trespassing in a way asdfmsdf
joan has lived through enough lives that she has seen everyone die like , at least five times. that trips her up a lot & is part of the reason why she stays away from people.
she knows . many of the churches secrets. she knows the passageways , the entire map , what books are stored where , etc. she also knows about rhea & the rest of the nabateans , the hero relics , etc. in essence : she knows as much as a play who maxed out all four routes did. ( im a fool i still haven’t done that . pretend that i know lore please )
she acts a lot closer to characters than she should be, but she doesn’t necesarilly use it against them. if anything, she just pities them.
she shifts between classes ; she’s highly proficient & a way better fighter than she should be. she’s top of the year.
she likes to sing & garden ... she spends a lot of her free time in the green house because she feels like she can be at peace in there. she does so post timeskip as well.
joan is not her real name , but she has long forgotten her own.
she treats everyone with kindness ... she tries her best to make amends between houses & bridge gaps & what not , but there’s only so much she can do. she’s still frail / meek at heart no matter how many wars she’s seen.
joan is frail , a little meek , quiet & kind , but it’s evident that there is sorrow tugging at her every step she takes. there’s always something sad in her eyes , or her smile , in her entire being.
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
LFC Caladhel/Kaito(Final Fantasy Edition)
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What I’m Looking For: People to deal with this curmudgeon. He needs more friends, rivals, enemies, fans, and interaction in general.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV.
Server: Crystal data center, Balmung server.
Venues I Actively Roleplay In: Tumblr, Discord, Google documents.
Favorite Type of RP: I’m not entirely sure what this means, but my favourite stories tend to happen when the ball rolls “from nothing”; as in, little, one-line joke posts that snowball into full-blown story wholly driven by the characters.
Triggers: I have none, but I will respect yours if you do.
**Things I Will Not RP **(IE: NSFW, Torture, Romance, etc.): There is very little that makes me uncomfortable; I have no problems separating writer from the subject matter written and I don’t believe that if you write something, that means you--the author--endorse that topic you’ve written about. That said, I’d like to know your limits so I can work within them to help us create a story we both enjoy writing. I’m not out to make anyone uncomfortable.
RP Strong Points: I’m easy-going, patient, adaptable, and capable of writing stories both episodic slices of life and involved, epic plots. Whatever your preferences, just let me know and I will work with you. 
RP Weak Points: I probably write too much and drone on, so if you feel that way about any of my posts, please let me know; I’ll adapt them to make you more comfortable. I can also be really slow with my posts because I want to give you the best I’m capable of creating. I’m not the greatest with fast-paced posts, but I can try to accommodate if that’s what you prefer.
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IC Information:
Name: To his father’s side of the family who come from Amagawa Prefecture in northern Othard, he is called Fujiwara Kaito ( 藤原介人 ). To his mother’s side of the family in Ishgard, he is called Caladhel Iarian. Although he typically introduces himself as Professor Iarian, he uses Kaito as his stage name for the band.
Race: Elezen.
FC (If Applicable; Picture Optional): Aoi (of the Gazette).
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Can Currently Be Found In: When not on tour with his band, he usually divides his time between Ishgard, Yoshiwara-to, and Kugane.
Would They Be Known: Absolutely. He’s the vocalist for Discordia, a popular band loved all across the Source. In his downtime, he’s also an adjunct professor who teaches in Ishgard during the fall semester and Kugane during the spring semester.
Neat freak.
Control freak.
With an innate talent for frost magic and a deep, abiding love for his mother’s homeland in Ishgard, it’s no wonder why many people assume Dhel must be a snowman. Those who’ve met him often use words such as “cold,” “aloof,” and “icicle up his ass” to describe him, but he has his reasons for being harsh, biting, and slow to open up to others.
Language(s): He’s fluent in both Eorzean Common and Hingashi, and in his spare time, he studies Meracydian and Gelmorran.
Height: Eight feet. 8′. 244cm. They grow ‘em big where he's from.
Body Type: Dhel boasts plenty of lean, ropy muscle and the athletic build of a man who can outrun a cheetah on cocaine.
Eye Color:  A brown so dark they might as well be black. In the sunlight, they sparkle with hints of gold and resemble a tiger’s eye stone.
Hair Color:  Blacker than a moonless night. His hair shines with azure highlights in the sun.
Age: 35.
Notable Scars, Marks, etc:
Thick, knotty scars cover his ankles, his heels, and his soles. They appear to be the results of serrated knives.
A long, thin scar runs up the back of his left calf; it’s the result of a tree-climbing accident as a child.
His knuckles bear the marks from a stupid game of “does it hurt?” he used to play with his brothers and other students when he was a kid. The game involves rubbing a pencil eraser over the knuckles until the victim either cries uncle or bleeds.
A thin scar spans the length of his left palm. Made by Bren’s treasured pocket knife, its’ the reminder of a blood pact he made with his brothers as children.
Tattoos/Piercings: This man is covered in tattoos. Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm. It’s a massive wisteria tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it.
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff with several notes.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics written in Hingashi.
Right arm:
Azure Ourobros on the outside of his forearm.
Slumping marionette with severed strings on the outside of his bicep.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
Full body:
From his jawline to his toes, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting and should you catch a glimpse of them, the runes come from a language thought long dead.
First Appearances:  An enormous elf in a three-piece suit with impeccable grooming. If his expression isn’t telling the world he eats lemons for every meal, then it’s probably telling you that you’re wasting his time... and his time is not cheap.
What To Expect: Expect him to be a caustic son of a bitch. Dhel is a paranoid, guarded man and he has no interest in sugarcoating anything. Expect the cold, hard truth as he sees it, expect plenty of snark, and expect him to be difficult to get to know. He’s not the sort of grump just waiting for someone to be nice to him so his ice will thaw--don’t expect him to be a sweet, loving person after only a couple of meetings. But if you do manage to get on his good side and work your way into his inner circle, expect him to move heaven and earth for you.
Where I RP: Tumblr, Discord, and Google Docs mostly. I don’t do much RP in-game.
I’ve been told I am intimidating and people are afraid to approach, but I can assure you I am insanely shy and about as intimidating as fighting a feather pillow. I am quiet and have some trouble keeping a conversation going if I think I’m bothering you or think you aren’t interested, but I’m polite and I won’t bite your head off. So if you want to RP with Dhel or any of his brothers, just send a message. Or drop a starter in the inbox. Either way.
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marginalgloss · 5 years
gold leaf
There is a passage in Levels of the Game, a short book about tennis by John McPhee, where the narrative pulls back and begins to consider the family of the tennis player Arthur Ashe. Names cascade, one after the other, starting from back in 1735 when a ship full of slaves sailed from Liverpool to Virginia, and ending in the present day: 
‘…On the Blackwell plantation, where Hammett had lived, the plantation house—white frame, with columns—still stands, vacant and mouldering. The slave cabin is there, too, its roof half peeled away. Hammett’s daughter Sadie married Willie Johnson, and their daughter Amelia married Pinkney Avery Ashe…and Amelia had a son named Arthur, who, in 1938, married Mattie Cunningham, of Richmond. Their son Arthur Junior was born in 1943…’
The details here have been taken from an immense family tree, painted on a huge piece of canvas at the home of one of Ashe’s relatives. There are over fifteen hundred leaves on that tree. Only Ashe has his leaf trimmed in gold. This is not all:
‘The family has a crest, in crimson, black, and gold. A central chevron in this escutcheon bears a black chain with a broken link, symbolizing the broken bonds of slavery. Below the broken chain is a black well. And in the upper corners, where the crest of a Norman family might have fleurs-de-lis, this one has tobacco leaves, in trifoliate clusters.’
Ashe was one of the greatest American tennis players. He was a black man who forged a career in a sport dominated by white faces. He is one of the two subjects of Levels of the Game by John McPhee, which is really a sort of long essay. It documents a tennis match at the 1968 US Open between Ashe and Clark Graebner. They made for an ideal contrast because Graebner was everything that Ashe was not: white, conventional, republican. The passage I have quoted above is immediately followed by the following line, before any break in the paragraph: 'Graebner has no idea whatever when his forebears first came to this country.’
The book alternates between a point-by-point description of the match and a dive into the lives of both players. The reportage is startling in the amount of detail it captures, to the degree that I began to wonder how McPhee had actually managed to write it at all. I read somewhere that he had access to a recording of the match, though exactly how he watched it again is unclear — this is long before the era of home video recording. At times the writing has all the quality of slow-motion, long before live action replays became an expected part of watching any sport. But beyond these practicalities, there’s a sense here of authority in McPhee’s writing, and of implied trust between the writer, their subject, and the audience. 
He addresses us like a professor, and his grand statements are taken to be the work of careful consideration. He quotes both players extensively throughout, but doesn’t care to mention the context in which they spoke. At times he delves into their thoughts, their fears, their hopes. None of that is cited, of course; how could it be? I suppose we oughtn’t to care. There’s a feeling throughout of being invited to experience a certain kind of privilege. Are there room for questions? Sure, but if McPhee tells us that Ashe or Graebner strikes a ball just so, then they did. We have no recourse to say: I thought he hit it differently, or, that wasn’t what he was thinking at all. Were this written about a tennis match that happened yesterday, that’s what we would expect. But now nobody will ever see this match except through McPhee’s language.
A simple description of the match won’t suffice. We need to know about the players themselves: ‘A person’s tennis game begins with his nature and background and comes out through his motor mechanisms into shot patterns and characteristics of play. If he is deliberate, he is a deliberate tennis player; and if he is flamboyant, his game probably is, too.’ This is entirely true. Tennis is an unusual sport in the degree to which it becomes a battle between the abilities, physical and otherwise, of two individuals. No outside interference is permitted. The person you are shapes the things you will do on the court. 
Ashe is mannered, careful, polite. He is well-read and quietly radical. He plays difficult, risky tennis — he takes clever shots. He has a full arsenal at his disposal: slices, dinks, lobs, volleys. Graebner, with his huge serve, is altogether more conventional. He relies heavily on serve-and-volley to get him through. But Graebner’s was the game of the time, especially on fast grass courts with heavy wooden racquets. According to McPhee, the longest rally in an average set is six shots. But most points between Ashe and Graebner are over in two or three swings of a racquet. By comparison, rallies in a modern match in men’s tennis will start at about six shots and go for up to fifteen or twenty strokes. (I’ve seen rallies go past forty.)
It was a different game for other reasons. Both Graebner and Ashe were amateurs; they had full-time jobs outside of the tennis life. It seems almost cute today that these men should take the subway home after their matches, and no doubt pay for their own fares. Today’s top players make millions from prize money and endorsements, although hundreds of professionals still struggle to eke a living at the lower stages of the tour. 
In 1997 they opened a vast stadium named after Arthur Ashe in New York, which became the centrepiece of the US Open as it stands today. Played on a hard court rather than grass, it is today the largest tennis venue in the world. It is so grand that you might easily forget the unintentional pun in the name: Ashe Stadium, built on top of what was once New York’s largest dump of incinerated ash. The seats are clustered so tight and small and high around the court that the effect is vertiginous and slightly nauseating, even when glimpsed on TV. A couple of weeks from today the US Open will start up again and it’ll become a hot, humid cavern for a brawl, packed every night to the rafters with screaming fans. 
It’s odd somehow that they still manage to do it. I’m a fan, but even to me tennis still seems like an odd, anachronistic sport; a sport for people who don’t really like other sports. When there isn’t a Grand Slam on, it’s difficult to watch, and when there is a Grand Slam there’s inevitably too many matches spread across too few channels, squeezed into too few hours of the day. It is supremely impractical, elitist, difficult. It also has a strangely internationalist flavour. Devout fans of particular flavours might drape themselves in a flag, but for the most part you don’t go to a tennis match to support your home country. (That the Davis Cup, once the great international World Cup of tennis, is now teetering on the verge of irrelevance, is surely the exception that proves the rule.)
Today’s big name players reside in Monte Carlo and travel the world for ten or eleven months of the year. Their home country is relegated to the status of the little flag alongside their name on the scoreboard. They play for themselves; the extent to which that self represents that flag is entirely up to them. And yet that only serves to make the achievements of its early masters more impressive in retrospect. That Ashe in particular did all that he did in an era where tennis stars had no expectation of the level of reward and popularity they enjoy today, and when he in particular faced such outright racism while rising through the ranks, seems nothing short of miraculous. But again, such is the nature of tennis that while Graebner and Ashe could share a stage as Davis Cup teammates, they represented entirely different ways of life. That American flag next to their names meant nothing at all when they faced each other across the net. 
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rabidchilde · 7 years
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More design concepts for @anvilindustry‘s upcoming kickstarter!
My first impression is that I like the plate armor aesthetics, but those heels on the leader need to go. I’m not sure the armor looks like power armor, but really the GW models didn’t really either. It was the power-pack that sold it, so slap some power packs on these and call it good.
I love the plague-doctor! More like this, please. The mages are fantastic designs as well, I love their helmets, crests and uniforms. This could be brought over to some of the other designs to make them look more sci-fi and less medieval with guns? They’d make great priests, or psykers for the astra militarum.
The sallet helmets are perfect, I can see lots of great designs giving them variety. One point of criticism though, is that the partial face masks will make the face difficult to see on 28mm models. With lining and shading, the face and the symbol on the mask will compete with each other and it can make the face indistinct when it’s supposed to be the focal point. Mostly smooth, or obvious, face-masks work, because there’s less visual or mental disruption. We recognize gas-masks and bandannas because we’ve seen them and we know they’re on a face. A fleur-de-lis? Shouldn’t there be a face there? Is it a helmet? A robot? Are those eyes or more symbols?
I’d recommend going with the scooped-shape gorget that was sometimes worn with the sallet helmet. They fit the aesthetic and leader and gladiator basically already have them, just make them bigger. This would also let people swap heads and keep the design style, or turn the head to the side to reveal more of the face.
Anyway, this came out longer than I intended, but overall I enjoy these and Anvil produces great products so I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with. I also appreciate that they’ve been seeking feedback from women on their female Regiments line, so I hope they do that with these as well.
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charmed-redemption · 3 years
Lore of The Damned: Mythic Clothing
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⚜️ Daily Palace Wear ⚜️ Travel Wear
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⚜️ Ricardo Formally Dressed
He wears a simple toga with fleur-de-lis stitched in silver on the breast of the tunic as well as the cape.
The lorel crown of the prince sitting atop the family crest marking him by title.
The color is dark to make the silver stand out as well as to show him as equal to his people while also honoring his family.
Because he us who he is the length is shorter than normal for a make and more fitted shoeing off his body.
Footwear is always a basic size seven knee length gladator sandal. For battle it is metallic but normal wear is metal-reinforced leather.
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ashlykhan01 · 4 years
Buy Buchanan Tartan Kilt | Top Quality - Custom Made
Buchanan Clan Tartan History
The earliest Buchanan came from the area around Loch Lomond, given by the Earls of Lennox to clergyman Absalon of Buchanan around 1225. The name is speculated to derive from the Gaelic "Buth chanain", or "House of the Canon". During the Scottish Wars of Independence the Buchanans supported King Robert the Bruce, a fielty which secured the family's fortunes and status. The Buchanan shield is essentially identical to the Royal Arms of Scotland - the only difference being that the Buchanan shield consists of a black lion and the double tressure of fleurs de lis instead of red. This is rumoured to be a result of the marriage of Sir Walter Buchanan to the daughter of Murdoch, Duke of Albany and Regent of Scotland. Murdoch was beheaded and his estates confiscated by James I in 1425, and as his son had died without an heir the Buchanans were the nearest relatives to the disinherited branch. The arms are rumoured to mourn the family's loss of status. The ancient lands of Buchanan were to have been passed at the death of the last chief in 1682 to Buchanan of Arnprior, but instead were sold to meet heavy debts. The mansion house of Buchanan is now in the possession of the Graham Dukes of Montrose. The Buchanan clan motto is "Clarior hinc honos" (Brighter Hence the Honour) and the clan crest is a hand holding a duke's cornet, surrounded by laurel branches..
Buchanan Tartan Pattern
The distinctive Buchanan tartan includes colours of red, green, yellow, navy blue and white. The Modern appeared here as the essential Clan Buchanan plaid. We likewise sell the Ancient and Weathered adaptations of this plan. Tests and material in three diverse texture loads can be requested on this page
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Buchanan Tartan Kilt
The Buchanan Tartan Kilt adds a bold and colorful appeal to any of your favorite kilt attire. This kilt is an excellent and vivid choice for wear for a night on the town or as a way to spice up any traditional daywear. Made to your accurate estimations and details, the Buchanan Tartan Kilt is both agreeable and up-to-date with its spacious crease going down the side of the kilt, adding profundity to your look. Yellow is the most attractive shading included on this kilt, yet coating the yellow-striped designing is a similarly energetic cherry red that diverges from the daylight yellow wonderfully. Squares of blue and green rest in between these prominent stripes, and the yellow and red lines each have white and black thin stripes running both horizontally and vertically through them. Fasten the kilt around your waist using the handsome black straps that are attached to adjustable, metallic buckles to complete the stylish look of this kilt. .As one of the more popular tartans the Buchanan Modern is available in nearly every tartan product we offer. See the store categories to find out what we have available.
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The pleats are sewn 2.5 inches deep which makes it swing fully. However, the pleats can be sewn as per the requirement of customers. So pleats are fully customizable.
Buckles and Leather Straps
Buchanan Kilt with Two Buckles on one side of the kilt. However, as per customer’s choice, two buckles and leather straps can also be used on either side of the kilt for better adjustment. So If you want then rust-free buckle and leather straps can be used on both sides of the kilts.
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Things to Consider When Choosing Kilts
Top Kilt is the symbol of trust, spreading the love and custom made design. So feel free to contact us, because we are always looking to help our customers to make their life events more valuable and memorable. Therefore, you can ask for any kind of custom made products. We Offer Tartan products at Best Price.
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