#fleur delrose
husky-artz · 3 years
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Golden Garden Boys
Fleur(Red) Flower Being Leonardo(Purple) David(White/light Lime) Louie(Pink) Tommy(Orange/Yellow)
This is the boy band within Heartslabyul, The Golden Garden. They also created the Flower Cafe Club that rivals the Monstro Lounge, The members are students that primarily use plant base magic or art plant like beings. Fleur assorts the members with a flower name, EX: He is the rose, David is the Daisy, Leo is the Iris, Louie is the Sweet Pea and Tommy is the Pansy.
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A Small Test
Ok so you know how some people sometimes do oc x reader? Im actually curious to see if people would be interested-
So What I'll do it , show 3 of my twst ocs , give small descriptions, and see if any of you have interest in a oc x reader, planontic, interaction or whatever. Just something different you know?
So based on the interaction THIS post gets, if it's gets a good amount of votes or people say yes to this. I will do it but if the opposite happens, i won't. (Also two of these pictures are clearly old , i didn't make new refs yet )
1. Fleur Delrose(2nd Year)
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He is a Heartslabyul Student who is actually part of a Boy Band called "Golden Garden". He is the Twisted Version of the Red Rose in Alice in Wonderland. Fleur is actually not human, he's a flower being with a human form, so he often doesn't understand some common things or vocabulary. He calls a lot of students weeds because to him , they're unidentifiable plants. Unless you're close to him , He'll refer to you by a flower, EX: Riddle is the King Rose , Trey is the Clover, Cater is White Rose, etc
2. Arson Damio(2nd Year)
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He is an Ignihyde Student. He is Idia's personal butler, He never really acts like on in personality but he makes sure that Idia remains healthy at least. He has a younger brother named Ichi, They have a tight bond. Arson's main talent in machine is armor enchantment, He can create weapons/ armor to increase the damage or effect of magic. His star creation is the mega claws. Also, he often gets injuries A LOT , it'd be uncommon NOT to see bandages or castes on him
3. Cobbie (1st Year)
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He is a Scarabia Student, Around the school almost nothing is known besides his basic information. He hardly talks to anyone, doesn't show any interest in things. It's almost like he wants nothing to do with anything, just to survive the school and be done. THe closest person to almost get something out of him is Deuce, but even then, almost
So If this post does well, I'll consider oc interactions as well!
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husky-artz · 3 years
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Updated twisted refs part! Refs info will be updated on the pinned post soon
These characters are twisted from Alice in wonderland characters
Fleur twisted from the Red rose
Derek and Duncan twisted from Twiddle dee and Twiddle dum
Marcie twisted from the march hare
Matt twisted from the Mad hatter
Mika twisted from the dormouse
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husky-artz · 3 years
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“The Golden Garden” Boy band of NRC òwó
These boys are a popular boy band and attend Noght Raven college. Not only gives them a break from their career but to study for their music and work.
Fleur Delrose- is the main singer known as “The calming Red Rose “. He also leads the other singers with his music baton to ensure everyone is on the right tone
Leonardo King- the second singer as well as harp player is known at the “The Cool Iris “. Leon is very preserved with himself but has quite a cold personality.
David Daisy- The thrid singer, as well as the one who plays bell instruments, is known as the “The Darling Daisy “. He’s someone often gets into funny situations because of how he believes a lot of people over anything , no matter how ridiculous they are
Louie Pea- the fourth singer that plays the violin, know as “ The lovely Sweetpea “. He’s one of the kindest kids you know. He goes out of his way for others and does more then he needs to
Tommy Pann- The fifth singer who is known as “The Fun Pansy “. He’s the more fun loving member of the band. Who can be quite the prankster too
They also created a cafe club only for student with plant based powers. And within this club, is the band’s secret…
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husky-artz · 3 years
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Today is Tommy's birthday! and the next one is actually a triple birthday - so oh boy- Part 1
NRC Newspaper Birthday Interview: Tommy Pann
Nezumi: Happy Birthday Tommy!
Tommy: Haha! Thank you!
Nezmui: you seem excited
Tommy: yeah ! Even my wings sprung out of my outfit! It's easy to keep them tucked but if I'm not focused enough they could get lose.
Tommy: But it's fine! It's not like my wings are bothering anyone!
Nezumi: Alright , let's get into the interview
Tommy: yep yep! I'm used to interviews from the press but I hope this one is a little more fun! So fire away
Nezumi: How do you feel on the congratulations?
Tommy: Even though it's said every year, It still makes me happy
Tommy: Especially when my band wishes me happy birthday! It's just a special feeling, ya know?
Nezumi: oh? How so? What's special about your band mates?
Tommy: well duh! We've been a band for a couple of years now! I think i started Middle school around the time we debuted! So around 3-4 years of us being together!
Tommy: Even with different interests , we all are still close friends..I hope that never ever changes! Not even for the end of the world!
Nezumi: that's so sweet..that involves leonardo too right?
Tommy: yeah, he can be mean but doesn't mean he's totally bad ! He's nicer then what most people think..he's just...stubborn. Very stubborn.
Part 2
Nezumi: Alright , Next Question. What's your favorite food?
Tommy: Oh! Easy! Plant Dew!
Nezumi: Plant..dew?
Tommy: You may of noticed already but I'm a Pixie. We tend to have food that comes from plants , whether it's pollen , nectar but more important of all is Dew!
Tommy: it tastes the best with berries add to it! I've even made it into a jello before! You should try it!
Nezumi: ok! Ok! before you go on a tangent , what food do you not like?
Tommy: nuts.
Nezumi: any reasons why?
Tommy: They taste awful , they belong to the ground and overall they're really hard on my teeth! Even if it's good for you, I'd rather eat leaves.
Nezumi: you hate them that bad?
Tommy:..I tried to eat an acorn - So that mainly led to me not liking nuts in general. Peanuts, Walnuts, all of that! No matter if the taste is different it still hurts!
Tommy: I actually refuse to anything with nuts at all. Though i do feel bad someone has to remake something if I ask them too....
Nezumi: Alright.. Moving on, You're a Background singer , Do you enjoy that or wish to be the main?
Tommy: Nope nope nope! I love to sing for others but I freak out if ALL the attention is on me! Some is fine because it's spread between the five of us but just the idea of everyone looking at me at the same time feels scary..
Nezumi: that's a surprising answer , is this why you don't do solos?
Tommy: yeah.. Fleur even deines the mangers for me to do a solo because he knows too well how I'll act. Still It's nice how he considers how his band mates feel! He's the best leader!
Nezumi: Alright moving to that , What do you think of Fleur Overall?
Tommy: he's the best! He treats us like a big brother and makes sure we do well in everything! Though sometimes eh can get snippy if we misbehave but to be fair we deserve it just a little
Nezumi: is he as bad as Riddle in terms of strictness
Tommy: sometimes, we even joke he's "Riddle's Rose" not in a romantic sense but you get what mean.
Part 3 (Final)
Nezumi: Alright , We're on our last few questions
Tommy: Sweet! I'm having fun with this! i wish interviews were like this all the time
Nezumi: do you have any birthday memories you like?
Tommy: hmm...All of them have been awesome but if i had to choose..
Tommy: Ah! The birthday when we did the Starfall Concert! It was in the land of pyroxene and the concert was obviously star theme! My birthday just so happened to land on my birthday So before we started, everyone sang happy birthday to me!
Nezumi: Didn't that make you nervous?
Tommy: it did..but I didn't want my fans to see my scared So i had to toughen it out!
Nezumi: Hopefully the band did a huge celebration
Tommy: We did! It was private of course but I did get a lot of more birthday wishes from magicam! Then after that , just for me we actually go to tour Pryoxene! We don't get the chance to look around places we visit so i was really happy!
Nezumi: Alright, last question!
Tommy: Awesome!
Nezumi: What do you look forward on your birthday today!
Tommy: Mr Bumble!
Nezumi: Who's that?
Tommy: before we started this interview..My bandmates actually gave me a bunny for my birthday! I love Bunnies so much!!
Tommy: They even got Riddle's permission for me to keep it at the dorm as long as I took care of it well and things didn't get out of control!
Nezumi: That's so sweet of them!
Tommy: i know! I will attend the party but I can't wait to spend time with Mr. Bumble! His fur is so soft and he's very playful! IT reminds me of when I helped my Ma help and cared for the animals in our forest!
Nezumi: Ok , That's all of my questions. Thank you! and happy Birthday!
The End
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husky-artz · 3 years
Here are my current TWST ocs, two of them are newer the the rest, they're slowly getting redone and if you have questions/ wish to know more about you are free to ask!! (Part 1)
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husky-artz · 4 years
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The mean Flower Cafe Club of Night Raven College! 
This was a small thing on a discord chat and we somehow made it a club- XD This is a club where you are chosen , you can’t ask to be join it , you have to be chosen and it is based on your magic , unique magic, common magic element etc. It mainly has to be plant based , of course and whoever isn’t “a flower” is a weed :) In case it’s hard to tell, They’re based of the mean flowers from Alice in Wonderland, some are based of the canon flowers while others are just normal flowers ^^ Now obviously some of these are not mine, and I will list the flowers with their owners as such. Cordelia, The Jellyfish Flower ( Left, @peachykindalovesyou )
Arum, The Calla Lily (Left, @pyroxeme ) 
Lorus, The Pink lily (Left, Mine)
Dandi , The Danelion ( @idia-and-ortho-shroud )
Spindle, The Dragon Flower ( left, @thetasteofcockroach​ ) 
Speckle, The Dragon Lily ( Middle , @thetasteofcockroach )
Fleur , The Red rose (Middle, Mine) 
Marlin , The Marigold (Middle Mine)
Cobbie, The Cobra Flower (Middle , Mine )
Sabria, The Tigerlily (Middle , Mine )
Trevor, The Seaweed (Middle , Mine)
Betony , The Iris , (Middle ( @catfriend420 )
Esten , The Forget me Not Flower (middle. @officer-catboy ) Fren, The Lavender (Right, Mine)
Amapola, The White Rose (Right, @catfriend420 )
Pome, The Cornflower (Right, Mine)
Timble , The Blackberry Flower (Right , Mine)
Indigo, The Blue Bonnet ,( Right, tetrahelio on twitter , no tumblr ) 
Darlene, The Daisy (Right , @peachykindalovesyou ) Now honestly anyone can join the flower club :0 so if you wanna make an oc for that , go right ahead ^^ and no, the club doesn’t require you to be there 24/7 , just join every so often
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husky-artz · 3 years
TWST Ref Links!
So this feature post will change from time to time but as of right now , it'll be a link to my TWST ocs finished refs. So if you want to see them make sure you check from time to time !
-Scarbia -
none yet
-Pomefoire -
none yet
none yet
-Diasomnia -
none yet
-Nevalis (Fandorm) -
none yet
-Others / Staff-
none yet
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husky-artz · 4 years
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I’ve been gone so have a bunch of sketches of upcoming ocs and some concepts
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husky-artz · 4 years
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Now you see why i couldn’t post my flower yet XD I wanted to do the group photo before i showed these guys off  Name: Fleur Delrose  School Year: 3rd year  Birthday: April 18th (Aries)  Age: 18 Height: 167 cm (or 5′5 )  Dominant Hand: Right Club: Flower Cafe Club(Leader)   Best Subject: Potions  Hobby: Fencing  Dislikes: Anyone messing with his flower members, people touching him , inorganization mainly with gardens and rooms   Favorite Food: Nectar fruit punch popsicle   Least Favorite Food: foods include meat (he’s vegetarian )  Talent: singing and making crafts with plants  Facts: -He is very protective of those close it him and it’s mainly the flower cafe club but he surprisingly close with ‘non-flowers”  -His unique magic is “A beautiful rose has thorns” , if he uses his unique magic, you screw up big time. He uses it in a state of anger where thorn vines  will grow from no where to his will but this can cause him to go insane if you uses it more then he should. -Fleur is somewhat close to Riddle , Riddle sometimes refers to them as the Rose Queen , mainly because Fleur acts as he were a royal  -in his dorm room, he has a garden that hangs above and are held by some of his thorn vines , but these ones are more permeant - he calls you by certain names instead of your first name, for example he calls the club members by what flower they all and everyone else weeds but if you likes you enough, he might call you a a specific type of weed 
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husky-artz · 4 years
Upcoming WIPs!
The first one  is what I’m doing first(it’s a project and it’ll take forever-) , the others are just gonna be upcoming references! \(owo)/ 
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husky-artz · 3 years
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Redoing Refs and finally showing other characters! :,D but I'm only posting their info on my DeviantArt page ! i will link below though This oc is based off the Rose Composer from Alice in Wonderland
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