#flint terrence
yanxidarlings · 3 months
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romano, belarus, latin america, mongolia
austria, belarus, belgium, bulgaria, denmark, england, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, greenland, hungary, iceland, italy, latvia, liechtenstein, lithuania, netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, prussia, romania, romano, russia, seborga, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, ukraine
china, hong kong, india, indonesia, iran, japan, kazakhstan, macau, malaysia, manchuria, mongolia, north korea, persia, philippines, qatar, saudi arabia, singapore, south korea, taiwan, thailand, tibet, vietnam
argentina, bolivia, brazil, canada, chile, costa rica, cuba, ecuador, el salvador, honduras, mexico, paraguay, peru, puerto rico, united states, uruguay, venezuela
cameroon, chad, egypt, niger
australia, new zealand
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slytherins, cormac, zacharias, anthony
adrian pucey, blaise zabini, draco malfoy, gregory goyle, lorenzo berkshire, marcus flint, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson, terrence higgs, theodore nott, tom riddle
cedric diggory, ernie macmillan, justin finch-fletchley, zacharias smith
anthony goldstein, michael corner, terry boot
cormac mclaggen, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, neville longbottom, ron weasley
rita skeeter, viktor krum
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original series
aaron from alexandria, caesar martinez, carl grimes, daryl dixon, eugene porter, gabriel stokes, gareth from terminus, merle dixon, negan smith, owen the wolf, paul jesus rovia, philip blake, ron anderson, rick grimes, shane walsh, simon the saviour
chris manawa, james mcallister, nick clarke, travis manawa, troy otto, victor strand
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (I.5)
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V. Back Home
Chapter Summary: You never expecting entering Hogwarts was going to bring you… so much change 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, 
Wordcount: 2.1 k
Notes: I’m cutting first year to 8 chapters only… jeje they are just babies yet and like I said, this is for setting the tone for what comes next… jeje
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You were fairly smart, you were, the point is, you were truly outstanding in things that TRULY interested you, so you learned when the Slytherin Quidditch team practiced, and you would sit in the boxes no matter how early or how late, scribbling in a small diary you started to call your playbook, writing and describing all the plays, it was quite fun, even Marcus Flint and Terrence Higgs, the players noticed and waved at you
“Are you going to try out next year?”, he asked 
“Of course”, you’d answer happily
And from then on, you became some sort of cheerleader for the team, even helping them in planning plays after the Hufflepuff VS Ravenclaw match that of course you watched and made Draco watch it too.
You were happy, you felt at home in Slytherin and even in potions class
“Who can tell what would happen if I add to the concoction a rat’s tail?”, asked Snape, “Basilik?”, you swallowed hard and looked at home ide eyed
“It would cause a purple colored-explosion?”
“Are you asking me?”, he asked back, annoyed, raising one of his eyebrows. It was the longest seconds of your life, you stammered as Granger raised her hand
“no Ser, i’m saying”, you managed to mumble, and you could swear you saw a hint of a smile on his face
“Indeed”, he said quickly, “5 points for Slytherin, anyways…that is why you must be very carefully in selecting rat’s hair on the back of said rat instead…” and the class continued without a hitch, you and Draco exchanged big smiles at the points given
And the smile couldn’t be wiped out of your face for the rest of the day. No matter how much Matthew teased you, Draco was making everyone laugh telling you how the Gryffindor team was going to replace Potter with a wide-mouthed tree frog.
You always admired Draco’s sense of humor
The days were already shorter, and even started snowing, Snape’s class was in the dungeons and it got really cold down there, so you had to put on your gray jumper under your cape, but you were really happy because, you had been paired up with Theodore for a couple of classes for a special brew, and it made you giggle
Theodore Nott, your housemate, friend of Draco, he was very cute and sweet, he smiled softly at you, he had this beautiful green eyes that look a bit sad but its because they way they are shaped, you and daphne had discuss it at length 
You acted a bit dumb when you were near him, but you thought Snape had paired you both together because you could defend yourself pretty good in Potions, but he was useless in that subject, you had to carry it for four weeks, but you were happy to do so.
Now you were in the common room with Theo, you weren’t allowed in the laboratory after classes, so, the only place you could hang out and study properly, besides the library, but they didn’t let you bring potion making instruments… So here you were.
“It’s ¾”, you said softly, “not 3,4”
“Oh sorry”, he muttered, you only smiled, knowing that little error could make the potion exude a lethal smoke that would kill you both
“You still on that?”, the peace and nice atmosphere that you had created was eliminated by barely a sentence of Draco, who showed up accompanied by his own partner, Matthew
You could see Theo’s face twisting in discomfort
“We just hadn't had the time”, you said simply
“We finished days ago”, they didn’t leave, they just sat there in the leather couch next to the table that you were working on 
You finished the best you could, feeling like you were being watched, and you had to use the loo so you left them to go to the bathroom
When you came back, you heard them
“I don’t know why she keeps insisting on the potion, maybe she fancies me”, muttered Theo, “and that’s why we keep working together”, and that broke your little heart. Draco frowned at this, without noticing you
“She doesn’t fancy you”, he said, with a disgusted face, and you had never been more grateful, especially with Matthew laughed at Theo
You pretended like everything was fine, you tried to ignore Theo’s guilty face, he was embarrassed, it was him that didn’t understand potions, but he was embarrassed to say so, and then, you were relieved that Draco stayed there with you.
“So, if I make this potion wrong it can explode?”, muttered Gaunt as he read your scribbles in the parchment, “interesting”
“No it's not”, you said quickly, “many potions could explode”, you said then quickly, Mathew and Theo exchanged looks that didn’t promise anything good.
They actually made the potion explode, underneath Filch’s desk, luckily he wasn’t there but Mrs Norris’ tail caught on fire that thankfully they were able to extinguish without much damage to the poor cat.
You found it horrible
But Matthew and Theo laughed 
You loved cats, and even though her being there was a sad accident, you couldn’t shake the bad feeling of your gut.
Matthew was a bit mean, and when you remembered him bringing the pumpkin to life… before he started carving it, it brought you chills.
Professor Snape was called, and Slytherin was taken 50 points.
When you were alone with Theo, he kept being nice to you, and the last class that you needed to work together, he ripped the page of the potion off of his book, and he folded you a snowflake with magic
You felt so happy you became giddy, even though he had lied to your friends 
As the weeks went by, the floor started to become white, as the snow started to stick 
But snow would only mean one thing… that you were most excited about
Christmas is coming!
Between classes, and making friends, days turn into weeks and even months, and you were barely realizing it, Christmas was around the corner.
Every year you spend Christmas Eve with your Aunt, and then the next day you were invited to the Manor to spend the day with the Malfoys and their friends until the evening where you attend their annual Christmas Ball, it was always breathtaking, witches and wizards in their best dress robes ni black, white or red, and the decoration and food was out of this world
And this year, according to your aunt, it was going to be no different, you had three weeks of christmas break to go home, and you were going to spend it with Draco, the Malfoys and your aunt
You packed your trunk religiously, and even Umbra hooted in her cage happily, like she knew she was going back home
None of your teachers had left any homework, unless of course Professor Snape, who had given you a list of items you could find to make potions, so you needed to fetch them from your house or garden, he assured you they were things that could be easily found, trying to prove that potions could be brewed from almost anything
You found Blaise in the great hall, he was staying at Hogwarts for the Holidays
“My mother is spending christmas in Greece with her new husband”, he muttered sadly
“I’m sorry Blaise”
“Other people are staying, so it's fine”, you had to go, Draco, from the other side of the Hall, was waving at you to go 
The train ride back to London was very pleasant, Draco couldn’t stop boasting about his list of presents and how he was sure he was going to get everything he wanted, he asked you about what was in yours, but you only had three items… a Nimbus 3000, Quidditch riding gear of the Holyhead Harpies and a dragon
You knew you were being silly, but you always wanted a Dragon, a small one would suffice, you had seen them, miniature versions of real dragons, that you could handle. 
And you promised your aunt that you could sell your current broom, a Quicksilver 2.0, so you wouldn’t have two, you were hopeful, you had been saving from your allowance, but still, professional brooms such as those had to be purchased by an adult 
So you were now even more hopeful, but you were surprised to discover actually Matthew was going to spend Christmass in the Malfoy Manor as well
When you’d ask Draco about his family, he would answered with evasives, probably he didn’t know who he was either
But still you found it odd
You forgot about personal compartments, your group of friends had gotten so big you preferred those open ones with tables on both sides so you could all speak to each other
You had gotten accustomed to being around them all day and even nights, it was going to be a bit sad when you got home, only you, your aunt and some house-elves.
“Are you going to the ball?”, you asked Pansy who was sitting right next to you, as you were seated on the other side of the aisle with the girls
“Yes, my parents were invited”, she muttered
“Mines too”, muttered Daphne
“It will be fun”, you said with a big smile
“Why are you and Draco so close?”, asked Milicent as she leaned in and whispered to you
“We are best friends”, you said softly
“But why?”, she insisted
“We know each other since I can remember, our parents are really close”
“Do you like him?”, she teased
“No”, you answered quickly, “he is my best friend”, all girls were looking straight at you, like they were cornering you, “for real”, you insisted, and that seemed to calm them as they giggle
“I think Theo is really cute, you were so lucky to had that huge project with him”, fanned over Daphne
“I think Matthew is cute”, added Milicent, you were leaning over the table and whispering, so they wouldn’t hear
“I don’t think any of them are”, you said with a sad voice, thinking of Theo
“My mom is having my robes custom made for me”, said Daphne with a soft smile, “for the Christmass ball”
“Really? how lucky! I think we are just going to Madam Malkin”, muttered Pansy
“Lucky you because my mother loves to shop in those muggle stores in central London”, said Milicent
“Some of those stores are nice”, you offered, you really liked muggle fashion sometimes, your aunt would take you in London and you were only able to watch at the showcases, some dresses were truly astonishing
“They are muggles”, she said as that was reason enough
The trip became longer than the one that goes to Hogwarts, it that made any sense
Now that you weren’t at Hogwarts, you wanted to get home already.
“Anything from the trolley?”, asked the sweet old lady, bringing her cart full of sweets
“Uh! me! Do you have any chocolate frogs?”, you asked
“Of course dear”, she said, passing one you exchange for a couple of Sickles
“Thank you”, the boys bought thighs to, you frowned when you looked at the frog, the spell not starting yet
“I’ll do it”, said Draco from the other side, you passed the package, he opened and the frog came to life, before it could jump, he snapped one if its legs to break the spell, not it was just chocolate
He passed it back to you
“Thank you”, he ate the chocolate leg and you ate the rest
“Why?”, asked Parkinson
“I don’t like it when they move, they look too real”, you said simply, “Uh! I got Cirse! I’d always wanted her!”, you admired the ancient witch in that card
Your aunt, as always, was waiting for you
She hugged you tightly, caressing your hair softly, you had missed her 
“Let’s go home”, you greeted the Malfoys, and from afar you could see Theodore, who was being received by an old man, you guessed he was his father.
“We will see you at Christmas”, my aunt muttered, and you started walking. Meek, your house elf appeared, grabbed both your hands, as you had your things in the other hand, and he apparated you back home, as easy as that 
Tea was served for the two of you, with your favorite small sandwiches and pastries
“Now, you will tell me EVERYTHING!”, she said with a wide smile 
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Sinnoh Elite Four Headcanons (Pt 1)
is the youngest in his family, has an older sister
childhood besties with maylene
his parents don’t approve of him being an Elite.
still sleeps with a burmy doll even though he's eighteen.
his breakfast consists of sugary cereal and heaps of coffee.
even if there are chairs readily available in the room, he will gladly sit on the floor ("the carpet is so comfy, Cynthia!")
is an only child. she sees the resemblance between her and Agatha, but frankly, she cannot stand the old hag.
the name "Terrence" is difficult for her to hear.
she always cooks for her elites, and they cannot get enough of it.
she never had children, but that doesn't mean she wasn't a mother.
she has given advice to plenty of league members even outside of the region, holding seminars since she's been doing this for thirty years and counting.
it was not her dream to become an elite, but life had other plans.
is a twin. He has a twin sister named Flara whom he does not get along with, and a little brother Buck.
has the most stable family compared to his colleagues - which, he thinks, says an awful lot.
has picked up a bad habit with smoking due to a certain electric-type gym leader.
when he loves, he loves hard - and when he crashes, he crashes hard.
he does well with formal debates and battling with his Pokemon, but likes to throw punches himself instead.
his type of lover only consists of one person in particular ("Your eyes are home to me.")
has a younger brother, Will - yes, that one - by fifteen years. both of them have psychic powers, and their parents do not.
claims to have sworn off sentimental feelings entirely, however, his usual cold tone softens around cynthia, will, and bertha (the list will expand, but more on that later)
people think he doesn't have psychic powers, but he does - he just doesn't wish to show it off like that pesky little brother of his.
books keep him calm, until they don't - suddenly, there's a lamp exploding and his eyes glowing blue behind the tinted shades.
he gets frequent headaches and migraines due to his abilities, the shades help.
"I don't need friends." "Do you have any?" "Cynthia." "Just Cynthia?" "Just Cynthia." (But of course, he would learn he had more)
info dumps about mythology because she absolutely does.
when she first became champion, there were rumors among sinnohnians about her hair clips that they were tails from two umbreon that she massacred herself.
thoroughly enjoys bitter herbs.
likes to go berry picking with her garchomp
as a child she actually wasn't that interested in archaeology until she had reached her teens.
a social butterfree, yes, but sometimes even a social butterfree has to recharge
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raviliuz · 2 years
Issues solving Slytherin boys edition
Okay so I think that they have a totally different way of dealing with issues and obviously, they know each other really well so they know what to expect, enjoy
If you want actual good advice to help you deal with the issue, you go to Terrence Higgs. Higgs is the most mature one of them and has that balance between being good with emotions and being logical
If you want to rant about your feelings and cry on sb's shoulder, you go to Adrian Pucey and Miles Bletchley. What can I say, they are lovely, cuddly creatures. They will listen to you, cry with you, and cuss person who hurt you
If you want to forget for a while, you go to Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole. The most social and outgoing duo. They will take you somewhere to have fun so you won't think about that stuff for a while. We all know how annoying it is when you can't stop thinking about something. They will keep you entertained and busy and having fun
If you want to get rid of emotions, you go to Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, and Cassius Warrington. Training (Graham's favourite though not the healthiest way to get rid of emotions, especially anger), brutal Quidditch match, destroying something, setting something on fire. Honestly, who has never punched sth with rage? Sometimes you just have to unwind all those unwanted emotions before doing anything to actually solve the problem
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Terrence Alan Crews (July 30, 1968) is an actor, television host, and former football player. He played Julius Rock on Everybody Hates Chris. He hosted the US version of the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and starred in The Family Crews. He appeared in films such as Friday After Next, White Chicks, Idiocracy, Blended, and The Expendables series. He has played NYPD Lieutenant Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He began hosting America’s Got Talent following his involvement in the same role for the program’s spin-off series America’s Got Talent: The Champions.
He played as a defensive end and linebacker in the NFL for the Los Angeles Rams, San Diego Chargers, and Washington Redskins, as well as in the WLAF for the Rhein Fire and college football at Western Michigan University.
A public advocate for women’s rights and activist against sexism has shared stories of the abuse his family endured at the hands of his violent father. He was included among the group of people named Time Person of the Year for going public with stories of sexual assault during the Me Too movement.
He received a Chrysler-sponsored art scholarship at the Interlochen Center for the Arts, which was followed by an Art Excellence scholarship and a full athletic scholarship for football at WMU. He earned All-Conference honors and won the 1988 MAC Championship.
He was born in Flint, the son of Patricia Ann and Terry Crews. The middle child of three, he grew up in a strict Christian household in Flint. He spent a summer at Interlochen Arts Academy and entered Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo on an art scholarship. He tried out for the football team and earned a full athletic scholarship.
He met Rebecca King when he was a college sophomore; she was the music minister at a local church. They married (1989). They have four daughters and a son, Isaiah Crews, also an actor, and one grandchild. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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ladydigianna · 20 days
who i write for
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Harry Potter Universe:
Golden Trio Era:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Enzo Berkshire
Mattheo Riddle
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Pansy Parkinson
Ginny Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Oliver Wood
Marcus Flint
Terrence Higgs
Marauders Era:
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lily Evans
Regulus Black
Pandora Rosier
Evan Rosier
Barty Crouch Jr.
Dorcas Meadows
Marlene McKinnon
Molly Prewett
Arthur Weasley
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Black
Bellatrix Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
Rabastan Lestrange
Ted Tonks
Andromeda Black
Riddle Era:
Tom Riddle
Abraxas Malfoy
Eileen Prince
Tobias Snape
Orion Black
Walburga Black
Fleamont Potter
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Clarisse La Rue
Zoe Nightshade
Thalia Grace
Will Solace
Nico di Angelo
Silena Beauregard
Charles Beckendorf
Luke Castellan
Leo Valdez
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Disney Descendants:
Harry Hook
James Hook
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella and Sparrow)
Viktor Hargreeves
Sloane Hargreeves
Fei Hargreeves
Alphonso Hargreeves
All Characters
The School For Good and Evil
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Bakugo Katsuki
Kirishima Ejiro
Denki Kaminari
Sero Hanta
Mina Ashido
Iida Tenya
Ochako Uraraka
Momo Yaoyarozu
Shoto Todorki
Aizawa Shouta
Present Mic
CBS Ghosts
Isaac Higgintoot
Nigel Chisum
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luukka · 1 year
Heeello (yeah I'm gonna speak English now because I need to practice, see) I was wondering what Ivy would look like if she was a more important character in the actual movie and I came with THIS
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She's an orphan so her name changed since it was Léonard and Terrence McKeith who named her, but here, John Silver would've been her adoptive father therefore he named her. I choose Zira because I- I like it. I just like it, it's a cool name 🤷🏾‍♀️
First, John Silver lied about her adoption by repeating her that she was sold to him to be used as a bait during robbery or things like that, but the truth is he found her in a trash can, near an orphanage, and decided to keep her. She tried to ran away when she was 8yo but, when she found her mom all happy and wealthy with her husband and kids she understood the truth and came back to Silver. 🥺
Zira wouldn't be as sweet and well behave as Ivy, but both are kind-hearted, intelligent and talented in almost everything they love, they're very similar 😚 but also very awkward, but in a different way... like, she get a crush Jim but doesn't know how to flirt so she gives him names and hits his arm every time she can... oops
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Zira dearly love John Silver, and he love her too. She learned everything from him and respected him, no matter all the bad choices he made, because she understand how important it was for him to find Flint's treasure. Her dream is to study and become an engineer. Yes, like the original, I told you they're not different 💁🏾‍♀️
I like Zira but honestly I don't know if I will do more drawing with her.
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thekraeuterhexe · 2 years
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The Slytherin graduates of 1994
From left to right: Lucian Bole, Terrence Higgs and Marcus Flint
Part 1/?
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bloodyhellel · 4 years
Oliver : *déprime suite à la défaite contre poufsouffle*
Marcus : Je peux pas supporter de le voir dans cet état là...je vais le jeter de la tour d'astronomie.
Terrence : Parce que c'est tellement plus sain que de juste aller lui parler....
Oliver : *Depressed after the defeat against Hufflepuff*
Marcus : I can't stand seeing him like this. I'll push him off the astronomy tower.
Terrence : So much healthier than just go talk to him...
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spinnersendprince · 2 years
Touched by Death - NicoDiAngeloLover7 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Harry has been blamed for being the Heir of Slytherin, and it seems like everyone in the school is against him. All he wants is to not be Harry Potter and have a normal life for once. A wish that is impossible when you are known as the Boy-Who-Lived.
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (I.9)
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IX. Exams
Chapter Summary: Closing in the semester and your first year
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, 
Wordcount: 1.5 k
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“Come on!”, mocked Matthew, “it couldn’t be that bad!”, but what happened in the forest had you and Draco on a chokehold, you barely spoke.
You didn't even know what to say, you didn’t even believe what you saw, centaurs? something so dark that could kill unicorns? the most magical and beautiful creature on the earth? Draco was traumatized, he saw a hooded figure actually drinking the blood directly from the unicorn
Was it a vampire? You wanted to ask Hagrid, but you didn’t dare, he was Potter’s friend…
“It was bad”, you said shortly, looking down at your plate
But luckily, now that you can sleep comfortably… your fear of headless trolls being eliminated… you had something else in your mind…
The last match of the season
Against Hufflepuff, you had lost against Gryffindor and won against Ravenclaw, so this could be the definitive, if Gryffindor lost against Ravenclaw, you could still win the Quidditch cup
Also Ravenclaw won against Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuff lost against both, so… 
“WE SLITHER! WE WIN! WE ARE SLYTHERIN!”, the boxes chanted with all their might and jumped so hard the woods trembled
You all knew what was at stake and half the stadium was supporting Slytherin, and the other half for Hufflepluff
There was no sign of blue or red anywhere, and you were thankful for it
“WE’LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES! WE ARE SNAKES!”, the students of House Slytherin had came out with creative chants for the match, and you really were vibrating with the competition
The players felt it too, it was a clean, quick game, the quaffle passed from player to player, and it was stealed and recuperated just as easily
Slytherin had met their match in the Hufflepuffs and it showed 
Every goal from both teams was celebrated even with fireworks, and you could tell the end of the second semester was being rubbed on everyone, letting out steam as it were.
“Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!”
Even from afar you could tell that Marcus Flint was getting frustrated, it had been an amazing game, but very stressful, you looked up and Terrence Higgs and a Hufflepuff boy were floating idle, moving occasionally, but the snitch hadn't made its presence know yet, that used to happen, and seekers preferred to keep their position. That sneaky golden ball was known to be a bit temperamental, but it also liked to taunt.
You were already forty five minutes into the game, 60 and 70 points, Slytherin ahead, when the Seekers started moving
The boxes started chanting even more, when they realized it, everyone clapping and cheering
They both moved in sync, at some point, they pushed one another, both reaching for the golden snitch, flying like none other, seekers were truly amazing!
Marcus Flint led the chasers in a straight line, beaters on the flanks, quaffle in hand and they scored, giving them a 20 points advantage.
“The last resort”, is the play you had help him conceive
Alright, so, if you win, even if Gryffindor catched the snitch in minutes, they will have a hard time collecting the points.
Both seekers were chasing the snitch until the intensity of the game came to a breaking point as Hufflepuff fought back for the quaffle…
And then…
The seekers separated from one another, the HUfflepuff swerving on the inside of the field, but Terence followed through, and grabbed the snitch!
“SLYTHERIN CATCHES THE SNITCH!”, resounded the voice of the narrator, “SLYTHERIN WINS!”
The chants resounded in your head from the pitch to the common room, everywhere you looked was green and silver!
. . .
Soon the exams were over you, and you had a hard time. Daphne, MIlicent, Blaise, Draco and you were the only ones in the big group that actually seemed to care, which was very disappointing because of course you had to share your notes with your friends the day before the exam itself.
As you had a box of buttons you were practicing with Pansy, trying to teach her the spell to turn it into a beetle 
Your wand, when you first had it, seemed like it was like dead, it had gray tones in the wood and looked like it could break, but now that your first year at school was coming to an end, and you had learned many spells, it was turning brown, like the wood had come back to life, every time you did magic, it seemed like it move and came alive!
You loved your wand
You got distracted, and the beetle turned only half, finding it hard to push the other plastic side of itself and it fell down the table.
“bugger!”, you cursed, making pansy giggle, and then you tried again
“When they are beetles we can feed them to my owl”, muttered Pansy
All exams had their written part and then their practical counterparts, first came a whole week of all the written parts and the week before you had your face buried in books and parchments, alongside your stellar study group
Like you had said, Draco had this thing where he read something once and he could remember it perfectly fine. And he was usually the first one to get bored and leave
Between the five of you, you managed to gather all the notes and you were sure you would have good grades, it was only before the Transfiguration exam that you were joined by the rest, Pansy, Matthew, and Theo.
Matthew seated by your side, surrounding your shoulders with his arm and leaning close
“Como on Basilik, give me the notes please”
“You won’t even copy them from me”, you said, already bored, “you want me to give them to you”
“Come on, don’t be mean”, you didn't want to be mean, but it wasn’t fair, but you felt pressured
“Copy them then”, you said tiredly, and gave him your notes which he with a smirk shared with the rest.
The weather was getting hot, especially in the classrooms, the sun burned through the windows as you tried to focus on the paper in front of you. You made the special quill dance in your hand, it had an anti cheating spell on it
It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an AntiCheating spell.
You did well… mainly…
There were long weeks 
And then, the very next week, you had the practical exams
Professor Flitwick called you one by one, and you, weirdly, felt relieved, because you did well in spells.
“Very well miss, I want you to make this pineapple dance across the desk!”, he said happily, you swallowed thickly, taking out your wand. You knew the spell, but the pineapple didn’t have any legs, so you turned it around to the professor’s surprise, and then bewitched the thick green leaves as the feet
“Tarantallegra!”, you casted the spell and there it was, the pineapple danced across the desk to the amazement of Professor Flitwick 
“That is a new approach, congratulations Miss”, he said happily, and he let you go through another door so you wouldn’t snitch to your friends about what the test was about.
Then it was transfigurations, and you were almost sure it was going to be about the buttons, sadly it wasn’t! it was about turning a mouse into a snuff box… 
Oh gods… you doubted, you looked up to Professor McGonnaggal and she was looking right back at you raising one of her eyebrows, and you wondered if she would help students from her own house
You didn't want to speculate
“Think! Basilik, think!”, you thought about a emerald and silver snuff box, very clearly in your mind, and then you casted the spell, the rat squeaked but it did tun into the small decorative box, and just when you thought you were going to pass with all the points, there they were, two whiskers
“Almost”, she said, somewhat pleased, “you get 8 over 10”, she said decisively
“Thank you”, and you walked away quickly
The tricky part was… Potions
It was not the making of the potion itself, it was that he liked to breathe down your neck while you made it, which for you personally made your hands tremble. And your mind second guess
He would whisper words in Neville’s ear like… “are you sure about that amount of nutmeg Longbottom?”, and he would get all nervous, then he walked by Sheamus, did something similar, he dropped the entire small jar inside the cauldron, and the thing exploded like he tended to do.
But when he walked past you, he only hummed and kept walking, allowing you to continue without second guess, and only because the potion didn’t acquire the color it should, he gave you a 8/10
You passed, not with excellence, but pretty close, that added you to Slytherin points and even despite your little mishap in the forest… according to the huge count on the Hall
Slytherin was going to get both cups this year! It was going to be the best one ever!
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Something Gained, Something Earned: Chapter 14- "The New Year."
The year 2003 was filled with various twists and turns that no one - not even the top elitists, experienced and inexperienced alike - could've predicted.
In 2003, Jett had retired from the league to go back to Johto, and a bug-type specialist by the name of Aaron took his place - raising several eyebrows in the process, given how chaotic his entrance was. In 2003, Aaron would prove his worth as a member - yet, he would get into some trouble along the way regarding his personal relationships. In 2004, he was looking to fix them, and later, he wins something he never thought he had, and loses something very, very dear to him.
In 2003, Bertha did a lot of reflecting. She liked to observe others around her, and reflect on the things she gained, and the things she lost. One of the things, she lost, was her beloved Terrence. Not a day goes by where she doesn't think of him. In 2004, Bertha has a riveting conversation, and actually thinks for herself rather than those around her. In 2004, for once, she puts herself first, and no one is complaining.
In 2003, Flint fell in love all over again, though it was arguable that he never really fell out of love in the first place. He and Volkner had started to see each other, until it fell apart at the end. In 2003, Flint would pick himself up again, as he usually did whenever an obstacle was in his way, with the help of his friends and family. In 2004, Flint learns from his past mistakes, and makes a whole new one in the process. In 2004, Flint almost loses hope. Almost.
In 2003, Lucian worried. He worried - he always had - about many things, and is angry about it. He's so angry that he's worried, because he knows it would be easier to simply not care. In 2003, it's why he insists it's better if he has little to no friends. In 2004, he has a realization regarding friendships, says the worst possible thing, gets into the biggest fight of his life, and his very worst fears come true. In 2004, Lucian's true emotions come to surface.
In 2003, Cynthia was cautious. She had to be - given her status as Sinnoh's champion. She accepted a new Elite Four member, inexperienced as could be, and revisited an old friendship she yearned to keep to hold onto her childhood. In 2003, Cynthia researched, she garnered as much information as she could. In 2004, Cynthia screams into her pillow - finally allowing herself to be angry, to lose her composure for once after eleven years of this. In 2004, she found comfort in the arms of someone she least expected.
2003 had many twists and turns.
However, they were nothing compared to 2004.
Read more: Ao3
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1littleshippergirl1 · 4 years
Story idea
*haven't figured out the setting yet. Possibly set during OoTP or before HBP
Harry is frustrated that he isn't getting the answers he wants from the order members. Voldemort was going to attack him whether he was of age or not-and he had!-no matter what Mrs. Weasley tried to insist.
He couldn't keep going on like that, couldn't be kept in the dark.
He comes to learn of 3 former classmates, all former Slytherins who are on the more neutral side of things, though they and their families are involved with the dark arts. It's a rash decision, one that would surely cause a great ruckus if people knew-
But Harry also needed to know.
He needed to be informed should Voldemort spring an attack on him or anyone else
So he writes to them, asking if they would meet him in Diagon Alley. He didn't expect that would write back, much less agree. But they did. And one night, Harry sneaks out to meet them.
Marcus Flint. Adrian Pucey. Terrence Highs.
It was awkward. Harry rambled, feeling a tad small compared to them (figuratively and literally-they were much bigger-height wise-than he was).
They come to an agreement.
Harry's heart was pounding in his chest.
The 3 of them would write to Harry, tell him if Voldemort had any plans.
He still wasn't sure how that came to be
But it did. It did and now he has to bear a secret that he can't even tell Ron or Hermione
It will change his perception of Slytherins
It will change the former Slytherin's perception and challenge everything that's been drilled into their head from a young age
Maybe, just maybe, the 4 of them need each other more than they realize
*no pairings
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obessivedork · 4 years
ngl I absolutely adore that the almost unanimous opinion of everyone who writes about the Slytherin quidditch team deciding that instead of the simple and logical conclusion that Malfoy got on because of bribes and because Terrence Higgs graduated and needed to be replaced.... no, Terrence Higgs and Marcus Flint are in the same year and BEST FRIENDS and it’s a HUGE BETRAYAL TO PICK THAT BRAT OVER ME, FLINT!!! like bitch the drama I love it lmfaooo
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sparrowsarus · 4 years
2k words of dealing with grief, and putting your life back together.
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michwritesstuff · 2 years
You’re Not So Bad (Harry Potter: Adrian Pucey)
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THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR SO LONG! never finished this the way i wanted to so i cut a bit out and kept it at this, might have another part but i’m not sure yet! hope you guys like it :)
summary: hufflepuff female reader (she/her) x adrian pucey He was a Slytherin. She was a muggle born Hufflepuff. What more can I say? (get it? like sk8r boi?) anyways…Y/N is a proud and talented member of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. After one too many coincident encounters with Slytherin’s Adrian Pucey, she realizes that maybe she was wrong in her initial judgement of him and his housemates. notes/warnings: mentions of blood word count: 1.9 k
Another year at Hogwarts meant another year of getting to take the Hogwarts Express. As a muggle born you never failed to be excited by the enchanting nature of the Wizarding World. If your parents weren’t too busy with work, they would have been dropping you off themselves. Much like you, your parents loved everything about the Wizarding World and cherished the times when you needed to go to Diagon Alley.
You thanked the cab driver as he pulled up outside of King’s Cross Station and walked to the back of the car, dragging your trunk out. As you continued along through the station, you walked at a steady pace until you had reached platform 9 ¾. As nonchalantly as possible you glanced from side to side before walking directly through the platform wall. The Hogwarts Express came into view, steam whistling from the front as families lined the platform. You pushed your way through, trying your best to avoid bumping into anyone. Finally, Cedric and his dad came into view.
“Hey Y/N!” he called out when he saw you.
“Hi Ced, how have you been?” you asked, pulling him into a hug.
“Good, you know...taking care of this old man,” he laughed as he patted his dad on the back.
You laughed along before turning to pull Cedric’s dad into a hug.
“Y/N my girl, how are you? How are your parents?” he asked.
“They’re doing good, wish they could be here of course,” you smiled.
“Well, I’ll be sure to send them some stuff from our garden and let them know I saw you and Ced off, how about that,” Amos stated.
You smiled at him warmly before thanking him one last time.
Grabbing your trunk you followed Cedric through the train, quickly glancing around the carriages in hope of finding an empty one or finding the rest of your friends. You stumbled along behind him, a carriage door sliding open as the two of you passed.
“Diggory,” a voice called out.
You and Cedric snapped your heads around, trying to place who had spoken. None other than Marcus Flint stepped out of the carriage. You glanced inside and saw two other Slytherin quidditch players who you recognized to be Adrian Pucey and Terrence Higgs whispering among themselves.
“Suppose your ready to lose to us again this year?” Flint taunted.
“Suppose your ready for me to fly circles around you again this year?” you replied, a smirk growing across your face as Flint’s smug look was replaced by a look of disdain.
You could hear Pucey and Higgs’ giggles increase at your statement. They knew it was true. The Slytherin team was strong and known for their unfair play, but Y/N Y/L/N was one of the best flyers at Hogwarts.
“You wish Y/L/N! Gonna wipe the pitch with you mudblood,” he threatened.
Your eyes widened at the ghastly use of such a word, your eyes quickly scanning Flint and the people behind him. Pucey and Higgs’ giggles long gone. Higgs quietly looked down at the floor of the compartment, trying his hardest not to make eye contact. Pucey however, stared right back at you. His eyes held something you couldn’t quite place, sadness? No, why would he be sad, he probably just pitied you.
Cedric’s hand found your shoulder and hurried you along the corridor of the train. Finding the carriage with the rest of your friends, Cedric ushered you in. As he retold the story bout the encounter with Flint they all gasped and looked offended and disgusted by Flint’s behavior.
“He’s an asshole, we knew this already,” you stated.
“I’m fine guys, promise,” you smiled weakly.
Truth was, you were fine. Flint’s aimless name calling didn’t concern you. You were proud of who you were and who your parents were, it didn’t matter. You were going to wipe the pitch with him this season AND continue to fly circles around him. The biggest thing on your mind had nothing to do with Flint, you were too concerned with Pucey. You couldn’t erase the look on his face from your memory.
That night all previous conversation about Flint had subsided as it was replaced by conversations about the summer break and upcoming term. From laughing and joking about the first years waiting to be sorted to complaining about having Herbology with the Slytherins.
Classes were finally in full swing and the first quidditch game of the season was approaching this weekend. Unfortunately, you felt unprepared for both. Practices had been long and gruesome, and they left you with little free time for studying and getting work done. This meant hours spent in the library and sneaking into the kitchens where the house elves offered you coffee and various pastries to help you get through the long nights.
So here you were, sitting at a table with books open and sprawled out. Unused rolls of parchment lined up next to your spare quill and bottle of ink. You worked absentmindedly scrawling as much as you could about the effects of fresh mandrake juice on petrification. Ever since the incident with the Chamber of Secrets being reopened, Professor Sprout thought it useful understand the importance of utilizing the magical properties of specific plants, rather than just how to care for them. Rereading the same line for what felt like the hundredth time, your attention was interrupted by an unexpected voice.
“Room for one more?”
You looked up to find none other than Adrian Pucey to be the source of the voice, book bag hanging off his shoulder. He motioned to the seat across from you.
“Uhm, yeah let me just…” you trailed off as you attempted to gather and organize all your materials to your side of the table. Pucey lightly chuckled at your frazzled state. Sitting down and pulling his own parchment and books out, his eyes glanced over your materials.
“Working on the Herbology essay?” he asked, his eyes focused on his own parchment.
“Yeah, though I don’t know how much more I can possibly write, you?” you replied.
“Nah, I finished that the other day. My muggle studies essay on the other hand…” You glanced up to meet Adrian’s eyes at his statement, giving him a look that meant to explain.
“Mum loves plants, grew up with those bloody curlers’ and books about them,” he stated, referencing the mandrakes. You laughed at his comment, they were truly dreadful to work with.
“What’s your muggle studies essay about?” you asked curiously, eyes scanning to the top of his parchment which read Muggle Transportation.
“Have to write the about the importance of public transportation in muggle communities. Not really sure what to include, I wasn’t really paying attention these last few lessons.” You once again giggled at his explanation.
“Well then…if you help me with this herbology essay than I’ll help you with yours. Not sure if you know this, but I’m quite the muggle expert,” you mused.
“Deal,” Adrian replied, a warm smile growing on his face.
The two of you spent the next hour working on your essays and making small talk, just getting to know each other.
“Ughh I don’t think I can ever write another essay again,” you exclaimed dramatically, throwing your quill across the table in the process.
Adrian laughed as he watched you pack all your things. While you gave him some background information and personal experiences about public transportation in your own community, he didn’t write much.
You continued packing until everything had found it’s place in your book bag. You stood up placing your bag on your back.
“You coming?” you asked.
Adrian looked up, eyes meeting yours. He was clearly confused as to what you meant, and to be honest, you weren’t entirely sure why you were inviting him to your secret place. There was something about Adrian, he was kind, welcoming, exciting, and most of all he felt familiar. He was easy to get along with, and from the small amount of conversation you had with him already, he was funny.
He packed his book bag and followed you out into the corridor.
“Where are you taking me Y/L/N?”
“It’s a secret, now keep up Pucey.”
He continued to follow you down a staircase and through a corridor. When you had finally reached the entrance of the kitchen you urged Adrian forward. He stared at you blankly, confused as ever. You took a step forward, now standing shoulder to shoulder with him. Reaching your hand up you tickled the pear in the middle of the portrait. The portrait swung open and revealed a warmly lit large kitchen with pots and pans draping the ceiling.
“Wow,” Adrian breathed out.
The two of you were immediately with welcoming and friendly house elves singing a chorus of “Welcome back Ms. Y/L/N” and “So good to see you Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Welcome to the Hogwarts kitchen Pucey,” you stated.
You thanked Winky as she handed you a warm mug of pumpkin juice and a chocolate chip muffin. Setting your stuff on the counter, you did your best to split the muffin into two equal halves. You handed a half to Adrian who greeted you with a warm smile of thanks.
“This is incredible Y/N,” Adrian mumbled out, his mouth still full with his half of the muffin.
With a wide-eyed gaze Adrian moved through the kitchen like a kid in the candy store, or similar to you at Honeydukes on a weekend trip to Hogsmeade.
“It’s pretty great. I come here during late night study sessions, if I’ve had a shitty day and I’m and feeling stressed, or if I’m just absolutely craving something when I’m in my dorm. The Hufflepuff common room is just around the corner,” you explained.
“And tonight?” Adrian asked.
“Late night study session…and stressed,” you answered chuckling before trailing off at the end.
“About what?” he asked.
“Well school for starters, and this upcoming quidditch match against Gryffindor. I mean we have a strong team and have worked hard at all are practices, but their seeker…I mean Harry is amazing. And I…I need to play phenomenally.”
“Y/N, you’re one of the most amazing flyers I know. The entire school knows this. You truly do fly circles around everyone, not just Flint,” he laughed, his tone reassuring and positive.
You recounted on the day you had first really noticed Adrian Pucey. Unfortunately, it wasn’t one of your fondest memories of Hogwarts. Your parents were too busy with work to see you off and Flint had called you a mudblood. You were distracted from your thoughts when you heard Adrian’s voice.
“I’m sorry about that Y/N,” he stated rather shamefully
“You know, about that day on the train…” he continued.
“Oh uhm yeah, don’t worry about it. It’s not like you said anything. Besides, I know Flint’s just insecure about being outflown by a girl.” Adrian laughed at your statement.
“True…but still, you didn’t deserve that. That term is outdated and inappropriate, and it shouldn’t matter how you got here. You deserve to be here,” he finished.
You smiled widely at him, surprised and touched by his genuineness. Looking at the clock you realized that it was getting late, and with a mandatory team practice before breakfast, you could use all the sleep you could get.
“Uhm I should—I should get going. It’s getting late,” you stated.
“Uh yeah, thanks Y/N, you know…for showing me your secret spot.”
“Anytime Pucey.”
You followed Adrian back out of the portrait, giggling to yourself as he tripped over his own feet trying to do a cool spin. He stumbled a bit before shaking his head in embarrassment, his own laugh roaring from his chest.
“Bloody hell…I’ll catch you later Y/L/N”
“Yeah, later…” you smiled to yourself. You don’t know what it was about him, but Adrian Pucey continued to have an unexplainable effect on you.
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours
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