#floor leveling screed
cinefocusatcbe · 2 years
Car Parking Flooring System - Car Parking Flooring | Texel
Car parking areas have floors made of epoxy and polyurethane. Caring park floor system contains polyurethane to give anti-skid support in the high traffic areas.
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enbycrip · 11 months
Yesterday I posted in a Facebook thread about “your opinion is less valuable if you’re not an expert” essentially with “yes, but with the caveat that this is much more complex with direct personal experience - notably there is a big issue with doctors, especially GPs, treating women and women-read people as unreliable witnesses to their own symptoms throughout the history of medicine which still continues today” and noted that my GP had initially told me repeatedly that my fucking sublaxions were somatic depression”.
I got a three-reply screed from someone claiming to be a nurse who said a) it’s my fault for going to a GP, not a specialist b) why am I complaining on the internet instead of “taking responsibility for my own health”? c) she disregards patients who talk about their health on the internet d) it’s the fault of people like me if the entire medical system collapses e) “your GP will still do better diagnosing other things than you do”.
And obviously I replied pointing out the truly massive unfounded assumptions she made about me, her clear lack of understanding of the U.K. medical system, and her huge logical fallacies, but honestly the gut punch yet again at yet *another* confirmation of the systemic disdain and defensiveness disabled and chronically ill people are dealing with from healthcare workers has left me feeling absolutely floored.
This was a level and detached a remark about “historically there has been a serious issue with how systemically marginalised people are treated where personal experiences are concerned, particularly in healthcare, and this still persists to this day - a notable intersection is the ongoing higher mortality rate of black women in childbirth” and the result was this vicious personal attack full of incredibly baseless assumptions.
I am genuinely sorry to load any decent healthcare workers reading this with anything else given the level of bullshit you have to deal with from our political class, but yet again I need to ask you to challenge this behaviour in your colleagues wherever you see it. Including in private spaces which patients will never see.
Because this online attack mirrors so many of my personal experiences in trying to get really quite basic healthcare. Worse yet, I *know* those experiences were serious factors in killing disabled friends and acquaintances, and I know other people who are going to suffer life-altering ongoing health effects due to them.
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b-blushes · 8 months
augh we have encountered problems in the form of ‘vinyl flooring stuck down across a doorway to a screed which we did not know was stuck down and which in removing has peeled up a layer of screed from the membrane underneath leaving an uneven hole in the floor which needs filling at an indeterminate time tomorrow, aka the kind of time that I tend to get sick with anxiety over, and will be very difficult to get level. Also regular life needs to happen around this’.
How does one ‘chill’ when you know something doesn’t really matter and is fixable but cannot be fixed Right Now asking for a friend :P
It’s literally not a big deal and I know this, but I have encountered many of my Mundane Horrors today which has lead to me being a little precarious in relation to ‘being chill’.
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whattblackparadise · 2 years
second update is call me a builder because guess who levelled and screeded the floor !!!!!!
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
Flipside Vinyl Fanzine, Vol. 3 1987 Punk Rock / Hardcore Punk / Alternative Rock / Hardcore
Here's a somewhat decent collection of tunes put out by SoCal zine and label Flipside that surveys some of the punk rock landscape during what I think was one of the genre's most fallow points: the mid-to-late 80s. I wouldn't say that a lot of these songs are bad, but most of them just don't rise to the level of being pretty good. They're, like, a step above being mediocre, for the most part? 🤷‍♂️
Still some sweet nuggets of punk rock gold on here though. The legendary Adolescents kick things off with a rockin' screed against punk's #1 supervillain Ronald Reagan, Tesco Vee & White Flag pack an awesome extended solo into their scummy cover of Blue Öyster Cult's "Hot Rails to Hell," The Lemonheads deliver the rowdy title-romp off their debut album, years before they'd become underrated 90s alternative darlings for things like their cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson," and Germs co-founder Pat Smear (operating as Ruthensmear) appears exclusively on the cassette version with a truly unique and out there bit of angsty catharsis that sounds like a deep cut off one of your favorite mid-90s alternative bands' most classic LPs. Floored by how ahead of its time that one sounds. It's not even really punk rock; it's more of like how its title describes itself: a strung-out and bluesy emo post-punk-funk kind of thing. Sadly not on YouTube though; at least not the version that's on this album.
Adolescents - "The Liar" Tesco Vee & White Flag - "Hot Rails to Hell" Lemon Heads - "Hate Your Friends" Ruthensmear - "Blue Funk Punk"
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cempump · 1 day
What is Screeding in Lincoln and Its Importance in Buildings or Other Projects
Screeding in Lincoln is a critical process in construction, especially in Lincoln, where the balance of tradition and modernity in architecture requires precision and quality. Screeding involves applying a well-leveled layer of material, typically a mixture of cement and sand, to form a smooth, flat surface. This process is essential for creating a durable and even base for floor finishes, whether in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings.
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Know about the Process of Screeding
The screedingin in Lincoln process begins with thorough preparation. The substrate, or base surface, must be clean, free of debris, and properly primed. A variety of screed types can be used, depending on the project's specific requirements:
Traditional Screed: A mixture of sand and cement, often used for its durability and ease of application.
Flowing Screed: Typically made from anhydrite or cement, this self-levelling compound is ideal for large areas and can be installed quickly.
Bonded Screed: Directly bonded to the substrate, this type is perfect for thin layers.
Unbonded Screed: Laid on a damp-proof membrane, it is suitable for floors where some movement is expected.
Floating Screed: Placed over insulation or underfloor heating, it provides thermal and acoustic insulation.
Once the type of screed is chosen, it is mixed and applied using specialised tools to ensure an even spread. The screed must then be allowed to cure properly, which can take several days to weeks, depending on the material and environmental conditions.
Importance of Screeding in Lincoln
Screeding plays a vital role in the construction of buildings and other projects in Lincoln for several reasons:
Ensuring a Level Surface
A properly screeded floor provides a flat and level surface, essential for the installation of final floor coverings such as tiles, carpets, or wood flooring. This is particularly important in Lincoln, where many historical buildings require careful restoration and modern buildings demand high standards of finish.
Structural Integrity through Screeding
Screed adds an additional layer of strength and stability to the floor structure. This is crucial in both new constructions and renovations, where the floor must support significant weight and withstand daily wear and tear.
Thermal and Acoustic Insulation
In buildings where insulation is important, such as residential properties or office spaces, screeding can incorporate insulation materials to improve thermal efficiency and reduce noise transmission.
Moisture Control through Screeding
Proper screeding helps control moisture levels in the floor. This is essential in Lincoln's variable climate, where damp conditions can lead to issues such as mould and structural damage if not managed properly.
Compatibility with Underfloor Heating
Screeding is often used in conjunction with underfloor heating systems. It ensures the heating elements are encased securely and the heat is distributed evenly across the floor.
Whether working on a historic renovation or a modern new build, the importance of a well-executed screed cannot be overstated. It provides a foundation for everything that follows, ensuring that the final results are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Summary: Screeding in Lincoln is more than just a layer of material; it is a crucial step that ensures the longevity and quality of flooring in buildings and various construction projects.
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codunkall · 6 days
Choosing the Right Screed for Underfloor Heating: Insights from Co-Dunkall Ltd
Embarking on a journey to install underfloor heating is a decision that promises unparalleled comfort and efficiency in your living or working space. However, the success of your underfloor heating system hinges on a crucial element: choosing the right screed. With a myriad of options available, navigating this decision can be daunting. But fear not, for Co-Dunkall Ltd is here to guide you through the process with their wealth of expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence.
As you embark on the quest for the perfect screed for underfloor heating, it’s essential to understand the options available to you. Traditional sand and cement screed has long been a staple in the construction industry, prized for its durability and affordability. However, advancements in technology have given rise to newer, more efficient alternatives such as flowscreed and liquid floor screed.
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Flowscreed, for example, offers several advantages over traditional sand and cement screed. Its self-leveling properties ensure a smooth and even surface, reducing the need for extensive labor and minimizing the risk of imperfections. Additionally, flowscreed boasts excellent thermal conductivity, making it an ideal choice for underfloor heating systems where efficient heat distribution is paramount.
Liquid floor screed, on the other hand, takes efficiency to the next level. Its fast-drying properties allow for rapid installation, minimizing downtime and accelerating the construction process. Despite its lightweight nature, liquid floor screed offers exceptional strength and durability, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial projects.
But with so many options available, how do you know which screed is right for you? That’s where Co-Dunkall Ltd’s expertise comes into play. Our team works closely with you every step of the way, providing valuable insights and recommendations to ensure that your underfloor heating system operates at peak efficiency for years to come.
Furthermore, Co-Dunkall Ltd understands the value of convenience and accessibility. That’s why we position our services to be easily accessible to customers like you who are searching for floor screeders near me. With Co-Dunkall Ltd, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that expert advice and assistance are just a phone call away.
In conclusion, when it comes to choosing the right screed for underfloor heating, Co-Dunkall Ltd is your trusted partner. With our wealth of expertise and commitment to excellence, we guide you through the process, ensuring that your underfloor heating system operates seamlessly and efficiently. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to superior results with Co-Dunkall Ltd by your side.
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southernscreed · 7 days
Achieve Perfect Floors: Choosing the Best Screed Mix
Selecting the best screed mix is essential for creating a durable and smooth floor finish. Whether you’re working on a new construction project or renovating an existing space, the right screed mix ensures a level surface ready for final flooring. Quality screed provides a solid foundation, enhancing the longevity and performance of your floors.
The best screed mix typically combines sharp sand, cement, and water in precise proportions. This blend results in a strong, workable mixture that’s easy to apply and cures to a hard, resilient surface. Depending on your specific needs, you may also consider specialized screed mixes, such as fiber-reinforced or fast-drying options, to meet particular project requirements and timelines.
Investing in a high-quality screed mix is a crucial step in any flooring project. It not only guarantees a smooth and even base but also helps prevent issues like cracking and uneven settling. By choosing the best screed mix, you ensure your floors are built to last, providing a perfect foundation for any finish you choose.
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liquidscreedessex16 · 19 days
Liquid Screed: Transforming Commercial Spaces in Essex
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Commercial spaces in Essex are increasingly opting for liquid screed as a superior flooring solution. From offices and retail stores to restaurants and industrial facilities, liquid screed offers unparalleled benefits that cater to the demands of modern commercial environments. Here’s how liquid screed is transforming commercial spaces across Essex.
High Traffic Durability
Commercial spaces often endure heavy foot traffic, necessitating a flooring solution that can withstand constant use. Liquid screed provides exceptional durability and resilience, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. Its robust composition ensures that the floor remains intact and maintains its appearance despite the daily wear and tear, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements.
Efficient Installation for Minimal Downtime
In commercial settings, time is money. Liquid Screed Services Essex offers a fast and efficient installation process that minimizes downtime. Its self-leveling properties allow for quick application, and it dries faster than traditional screed. This rapid installation and curing process means businesses can resume operations sooner, minimizing disruption and loss of revenue. For new builds or refurbishments, this efficiency is crucial to meet tight project deadlines.
Enhanced Safety and Comfort
Safety and comfort are paramount in commercial spaces. Liquid screed creates a smooth, level surface that reduces trip hazards, enhancing workplace safety. Additionally, its compatibility with underfloor heating systems can improve indoor comfort levels, providing consistent and even warmth. This is particularly beneficial for environments where a comfortable temperature is essential, such as offices, restaurants, and retail stores.
Aesthetic Versatility
Aesthetics play a significant role in commercial spaces, influencing customer perceptions and employee satisfaction. Liquid screed provides a perfect base for a variety of floor coverings, from stylish tiles and polished concrete to luxurious carpets and hardwood floors. This versatility allows businesses to choose flooring that aligns with their brand image and interior design preferences, creating an inviting and professional atmosphere.
Low Maintenance and Longevity
Maintenance costs can add up in commercial environments. Liquid screed offers a low-maintenance flooring solution that retains its quality and appearance over time. Its smooth surface is easy to clean and resistant to stains and spills, making it ideal for spaces that require regular cleaning and upkeep, such as restaurants and retail stores. The longevity of liquid screed also means that businesses can enjoy a durable floor with fewer maintenance interventions.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
Sustainability is becoming a key consideration in commercial construction and refurbishment projects. Liquid screed often incorporates recycled materials and is produced with eco-friendly processes. Its energy efficiency, particularly when used with underfloor heating, contributes to lower energy consumption and reduced environmental impact. Choosing liquid screed aligns with the growing trend towards sustainable business practices and green building certifications.
Adaptability to Various Commercial Uses
Whether it’s an office, retail store, warehouse, or restaurant, liquid screed adapts to the unique needs of different commercial spaces. Its ability to provide a smooth, level base makes it suitable for various applications, from load-bearing industrial floors to aesthetically pleasing retail environments. This adaptability ensures that liquid screed meets the diverse requirements of Essex’s commercial sector.
In summary, liquid screed is revolutionizing commercial spaces in Essex with its high durability, efficient installation, enhanced safety, aesthetic versatility, low maintenance, and sustainability. As businesses continue to seek modern and reliable flooring solutions, liquid screed stands out as a top choice, transforming commercial environments across the region.
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liquidscreedessex1 · 19 days
Implementing Liquid Screed in Essex: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Liquid screed has gained popularity in Essex due to its numerous advantages over traditional screed methods. To ensure a successful application, it’s essential to follow a systematic approach. This guide outlines the step-by-step process of implementing liquid screed in construction projects, helping you achieve optimal results.
Step 1: Preparation
Preparation is crucial for the successful application of Liquid Screed Essex. Begin by thoroughly cleaning the substrate to remove any debris, dust, or grease. Ensure that the area is well-sealed to prevent leakage during the pouring process. Installing edge strips around the perimeter of the room helps to accommodate the expansion and contraction of the screed. In Essex, where weather conditions can vary, it’s important to ensure that the site is protected from extreme temperatures and moisture, which can affect the curing process.
Step 2: Priming
Priming the substrate is a critical step to ensure proper adhesion of the liquid screed. Apply a suitable primer to the clean substrate and allow it to dry completely. This step enhances the bond between the screed and the substrate, reducing the risk of delamination and ensuring a durable finish.
Step 3: Mixing
Liquid screed is typically delivered to the site pre-mixed and ready for use. However, if mixing is required on-site, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Use a high-quality mixing pump to ensure a consistent and homogenous mixture. In Essex, where construction standards are high, using professional-grade equipment is essential for achieving the best results.
Step 4: Application
Pouring liquid screed is a relatively straightforward process, but it requires precision. Begin by pouring the screed at the farthest point from the entrance and work your way towards the exit. Use a dappling bar to remove air bubbles and ensure a smooth, even surface. The self-leveling properties of liquid screed mean that minimal manual leveling is required, but it’s important to monitor the process to ensure an even application.
Step 5: Curing
Curing is a critical phase that affects the final strength and durability of the screed. Protect the screed from drafts, direct sunlight, and temperature extremes during the curing period. Typically, liquid screed requires 24 to 48 hours to dry sufficiently for light foot traffic, but full curing can take up to a month. In Essex, where humidity levels can vary, monitoring the curing conditions is essential to prevent issues such as cracking or surface defects.
Step 6: Finishing
Once the screed is fully cured, it’s ready for the installation of the final flooring. Whether you’re installing tiles, wood, or carpet, ensure that the surface is clean and dry before proceeding. Liquid screed provides a perfectly smooth and level base, making the installation of the final floor covering much easier and more efficient.
In summary, implementing liquid screed in Essex construction projects involves careful preparation, precise application, and diligent curing. Following these steps ensures a high-quality finish that meets the rigorous standards of modern construction. By choosing liquid screed, builders and homeowners in Essex can achieve durable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing flooring solutions.
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cinefocusatcbe · 2 years
Epoxy Industrial Flooring | Epoxy Floor Coating | Texel
Epoxy industrial flooring is one of the most versatile and long-lasting industrial and commercial flooring options. contact us for more info on epoxy & PU coatings.
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garageperfect123 · 21 days
Self Leveling Screed Ottawa | Garage Perfect
Achieve a flawless, level floor with our self-leveling screed services in Ottawa. Our experts will transform your uneven concrete into a smooth, professional-grade surface perfect for any garage or home renovation project. Get a free quote today. https://www.garageperfect.ca/
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rentalextampa · 29 days
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Discover the Multiquip DSGPULW DuoScreed Power Unit GX-35SAT Honda, designed with a distinctive blade profile. This innovation allows a single operator to efficiently and precisely level concrete floors, whether for form-to-form or wet screeding tasks. For further details, get in touch with Rentalex at (813)971-9990. See the Multiquip DSGPULW DuoScreed Power Unit here: https://www.rentalex.com/rental_equipment/newequipment/multiquip/multiquip-dsgpulw-duoscreed-power-unit/
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ssrflowscreed · 1 month
The Warmth Beneath Your Feet: An Overview of Underfloor Heating
Underfloor heating, a method that dates back to ancient Roman times, is experiencing a renaissance in modern homes. Known for its efficiency and comfort, underfloor heating systems are becoming a popular choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their living spaces. This article delves into the basics, benefits, and considerations of underfloor heating.
What is Underfloor Heating?
Underfloor heating (UFH) systems, as the name suggests, involve installing heating elements beneath the floor. These systems can be broadly classified into two types: electric (dry) systems and water-based (wet) systems. Electric systems use electric cables or mats installed beneath the floor surface, while water-based systems circulate warm water through pipes embedded in the floor. Both types provide consistent and evenly distributed heat, eliminating the need for radiators and freeing up wall space.
Benefits of Underfloor Heating
Energy Efficiency: One of the primary benefits of UFH is its energy efficiency. Traditional radiators need to be heated to a high temperature to warm a room, whereas UFH systems operate at lower temperatures, thus using less energy. This efficiency translates into lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
Comfort: UFH systems provide a comfortable and even distribution of heat. The warmth radiates upwards from the floor, creating a pleasant and cozy environment. This method of heating eliminates the cold spots and drafts commonly associated with traditional radiators.
Space Saving: Without the need for bulky radiators, homeowners have more freedom in room design and furniture placement. This can be particularly beneficial in smaller spaces where every inch counts.
Hygiene and Health: UFH reduces dust circulation, which can be beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory issues. The system also helps prevent dampness and mold growth, contributing to a healthier living environment.
Considerations Before Installation
While UFH offers numerous advantages, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.
Installation Cost and Time: The initial installation of UFH can be more expensive and time-consuming compared to traditional heating systems. However, the long-term energy savings can offset these upfront costs.
Flooring Compatibility: Not all flooring types are suitable for UFH. It is important to choose flooring materials that conduct heat well, such as tile, stone, or certain types of engineered wood. Carpet and thick rugs can insulate the heat, reducing the system’s efficiency.
Retrofit Challenges: Installing UFH in an existing property can be more complex and costly than integrating it into new builds or during major renovations.flow screed  This is due to the need to raise floor levels and the potential for structural adjustments.
Underfloor heating offers a modern solution for efficient, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing home heating. While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term benefits make it a worthwhile consideration for homeowners looking to enhance their living environment. As technology advances and installation methods become more streamlined, underfloor heating is likely to continue its rise in popularity, bringing the warmth of ancient Rome into the 21st century.
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floprosouthern · 1 month
Transform your flooring projects with our professional liquid floor screed near Buckinghamshire. Our expert team specializes in delivering seamless, durable, and perfectly leveled screeds ideal for both residential and commercial properties. Whether you’re looking to enhance your underfloor heating system or achieve a flawless surface for your final floor finish, we’ve got you covered.
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cempump · 28 days
Uses of Flow Screed Pump Hire in Birmingham and Other Areas
In the bustling construction industry of Birmingham, UK, efficiency is paramount. Among the array of tools and techniques utilized, flow screed pump hire stands out as a versatile solution, offering a multitude of benefits across various construction projects. Flow screed pump hire facilitates the precise and rapid application of liquid screed, a vital component in flooring systems. Whether it's for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, the uses of flow screed pump hire are manifold. In Birmingham's urban landscape, where space is often limited, the ability to pump screed directly to the desired location ensures minimal disruption and maximized productivity.
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Importance of Flow Screed Pumps in Under Floor Heating Installation
One primary application of flow screed pump hire is in under floor heating installations. The pump enables the efficient encapsulation of heating pipes within the screed, ensuring even heat distribution throughout the floor surface. This not only enhances comfort but also promotes energy efficiency, a key consideration in modern construction practices.
For Smooth and Level Floor Finishes
Flow screed pump hire is invaluable in achieving smooth and level floor finishes, crucial for subsequent flooring installations such as tiles, wood, or carpet. The precision of the pumping process minimizes the need for manual levelling, reducing labour costs and ensuring consistent quality across the project.
Flow screed pump hire also plays a crucial role in refurbishment projects. Whether it's levelling uneven surfaces or renovating existing floors, the pump's mobility and versatility make it an indispensable asset for contractors aiming to deliver high-quality results within tight deadlines. The uses of flow screed pump hire in Birmingham, UK, extend far beyond mere convenience. From enhancing energy efficiency to ensuring superior floor finishes, its versatility and efficiency make it an indispensable tool for construction projects of all scales and complexities in the dynamic landscape of Birmingham's construction industry.
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