thecollectibles · 1 year
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Skylahr and Kalian by Jaqueline Florencio
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Florencio Molina Campos - La serenata (1948)
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geekynerfherder · 4 months
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'Black Swan' by Jaqueline Florencio.
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defensivelee · 26 days
if i had a nickel for every time a historical fiction novel included a character named some variant of 'florence' and made him read as desperately in love with a head of state, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
(hi @unanchored-ship)
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[This has depth. It has texture. Friend of Florencio Varela's. The banana bread itself, after it became French toast, is 10 times better than it was just as banana bread.]
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fourcode · 1 month
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morning prayer, evening prayer
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Earlier I posted about the intersex antifascist hero Florenci Pla Meseguer, known as "La Pastora".
Here's a song about him: Pastora, by the Catalan folk-rock band Ebri Knight.
Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
Al poble sóc la pastora, entre camins i carrers Però enmig de la rosada i els boscos feréstecs sóc una ombra més
In the town I'm the shepherd woman, between paths and streets, But among the dew and the wild forests I'm a shadow like any other
El meu nom sempre canvia entre les veus de la gent Sóc allà on ningú em troba, sóc fort com la flama i lliure com el vent
My name always changes in people's voices I'm there where nobody can find me, I'm strong as a flame and free as the wind
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Sóc un ocell sense gàbia, sóc un vaixell sense rumb Bandoler de paraules, pastora de lluites fetes entre el fum
I'm a cageless bird, I'm a courseless ship Bandit of words, shepherd of fights made among the smoke.
Sóc l'alba i la matinada, sóc tots els móns oblidats Sóc les llargues petjades que tornen a viure de l'etern combat
I'm the sunrise and the early morning, I'm all the forgotten worlds I'm the eternal combat's long footsteps that come back to life
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Vindran altres guerres, vindran altres anys I els dies de sempre se'ns faran estranys Vindran primaveres, hiverns i tardors Farem noves forces de les velles pors
Other wars will come, other years will come And the old days will become strange Springs, winters and autumns will come We'll make new strengths out of the old fears.
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
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Custom Set from De Florencio
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aperint · 7 months
Frases Célebres
Frases Célebres Julio Florencio Cortázar (1914-1984) #aperturaintelectual #frasescelebresaintelectual
“¿Hasta cuándo vamos a seguir creyendo que la felicidad no es más que uno de los juegos de la ilusión?” Julio Florencio Cortázar (1914-1984) Catedrático, cuentista, escritor, novelista y traductor argentino. Sigue Apertura Intelectual en todas nuestras redes: WordPress Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Tumblr Reddit Mastodon Te invitamos a que califiques esta información. ENTRADAS…
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namorailecec · 1 year
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Florencio Zavala
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random-brushstrokes · 2 years
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Florencio Molina Campos - Nocturno, General Madariaga (1945)
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anzstrek · 1 year
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she's a hurricane ❤️
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umblogsemnomeainda · 1 year
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Jaqueline Florencio
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milounicuerno · 4 days
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futbol-xxi · 30 days
Defensa y Justicia - Universidad César Vallejo de Perú (local - visitante - neutral)
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fourcode · 1 month
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