dragonpyre · 6 months
Hey I was at my local Gem Fair and saw these little crystal seals and thought of my favorite Mutuals that got me into thinking about Selkie!Jason so I had to share one, I am passing it around :3
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Legit tho i love rocks so much. i wanted to by a geologist as a kid but i suck too much at math. ROCKS
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palluniskillas · 5 months
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hace mucho que no publico mi arte jsjsj mil perdones xd.
Tomen una Alicia feliz como disculpa sjsjj
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dahahos · 1 year
Taskesfi - Silver
Şifalı olarak adlandırılan doğal taşlar içerisinde yer alan florit taşı kullanımı yaygın olarak gerçekleştirilmeye başladı. Doğada farklı özelliklere sahip pek çok sayıda bulunan değerli taşlardan biri olan Florit taşı özellikleri ve faydaları sayesinde kullanımı oldukça fazla talep görüyor. Gök kuşağı şekline sahip, florit taşı oldukça göz alıcı renklere sahip ve içerisinde barındırdığı vitamin ve mineraller ile zengin bir şifa kaynağıdır. Jeolojik ortamlarda oluşumu gerçekleşen son derece narin bir yapıya sahip olan doğal taşın faydaları da saymakla bitmez diyebiliriz. Narin bir toprak elementi olarak da bilinen florit taşı hem görünümü hem de yararları ile oldukça dikkat çeken bir doğal taş türüdür.
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jupiter-nwn · 4 months
One of my favorite language things has to be the fact that in Catalan (my native language) the words for "moldy" and "flowery" are the same word, this being florit in masculine and florida* in feminine and it's so random but cool to me jdfbgsjdbh
(* the word is shared with spanish, although only the flowery meaning, moldy has another word, that's why Florida is named like that)
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azana-aya-photo · 3 months
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The world in Florite; Aquarium
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A traditional Catalan Christmas song called “El desembre congelat” (“Frozen December”). In this video it’s sang by the sisters Judit and Meritxell Neddermann.
Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
El desembre congelat Confús se retira Abril de flors coronat Tot el món admira
Frozen December withdraws confusedly. April, crowned with flowers, is admired by all the world.
Quan en un jardí d'amor Neix una divina flor D'una ro, ro, ro D'una sa, sa, sa D'una ro D'una sa D'una rosa bella Fecunda i poncella
When in a love garden a divine flower is born from a ro-, ro-, ro-, from a se-, se-, se- from a ro-, from a se-, from a beautiful rose, a fecund and maiden rose.
El primer pare causà La nit tenebrosa Que a tot el món ofuscà La vista penosa Mes en una mitja nit Surt el sol que n'és eixit
The first father caused the gloomy night that darkened the grievous sight to the whole world But in a midnight the sun rises
D'una be, be, be D'una lla, lla, lla D'una be D'una lla D'una bella aurora Que el cel enamora
From a beau-, beau-, beau- from a ti-, ti-, ti- from a beau- from a ti- from a beautiful first light of day that makes the sky fall in love
El mes de maig ha florit Sense ser-ho encara Un lliri blanc tot polit De fragància rara Que per tot el món se sent De llevant fins a ponent
The month of May has bloomed without being it yet a white lilly, all neat of a rare fragrance that is felt all around the world from the East to the West
I que amb dol, dol, dol I que amb çu, çu, çu I que amb dol I que amb çu I que amb sa dolçura Dóna gran ventura
And that with swee-, swee-, swee- that with tne-, tne-, tne- that with sweet- that with -ness that with her sweetness she gives great luck/happiness.
The lyrics are a metaphor about the Virgin Mary giving birth to Baby Jesus at midnight, remembering that it’s the night of the winter solstice, when the sun starts to return.
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the-corvus-luna · 2 years
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ツバサ オードパルファム 黒鋼 (Kurogane,TrC)
Top Notes: Lemon, lime, Mandarin, Bergamot Middle Notes: Coriander, Freesia, Cyclamen Base Notes: Musk, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Moss
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ツバサ オードパルファム ファイ・D・フローライト (Fai D Florite,TrC)
Top Notes: Mandarin Essence, Bergamot Essence, Citrus Middle Notes: Rose, Jasmine, Peony Base Notes: Patchouli, White Musk
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
July 26, 1809
Couche 1. Slept till 9. At 12 to Breda’s to see the picture. He has placed it among all the Goth and Vandal beauties and they are really beautiful, but all in the shade by your presence. This and Davis¹ has given you great renommé² here. Au chateau to see Baron Engerstrom. He was engaged but gave me rendezvous at 7 this evening. To Hedboom’s; out. Returning, seeing Brooks and fille³ at their window, went in for 1/2 hour. Called on la Comtesse ———; out. Breda engaged me this morning to dine en fam.,⁴ to which agreed cheerfully. Went at 1/2 p. 2. Y: The family, i.e., two sons, one in the naval service, the other painter, both fine young men, the latter un fort esprit⁵; daughter of 15 plays remarkably well and has a most charming voice. Off at 5. Dined and went for an hour to Mr. Brooks’s. Y: The Baron; invited to walk; ne sauroit.⁶ To Engerström’s at 7. He never keeps me waiting a minute. Sat half an hour. Mentioned my design of visiting Germany, &c, and he begged that, when my route should be settled, I would inform him, that he might give me letters. To Helvig’s at 8, where sat an hour tête-a-tete⁷ in his library. Amused by his military science, and interested by his warmth and frankness. He is a German by birth. Gave me samples of powder which, he says, has more than double the usual force, i.e., that a pistol of fifteen-inch barrel will do effect at 200 yards, and a musket at 600! Samples of florite, a composition. Showed me a sort of paper machè⁸ for cannon cartridges, much cheaper and better than linen or cloth. A telescope for measuring distance. The distance required is found by mere inspection of a graduated scale attached to the telescope. An instrument for measuring distances by time, in form of a watch; gives with perfect accuracy the sixtieth part of a second. Every artillery officer is obliged to have one. The cost, $15. Moulds, by which every part of the musket or pistol must be made, so that every part may fit every piece. (Note: The ladies are at Drottningholm; Louisa not arrived.) Home at 1/2 p. 9. Found on my table the Latin edition of the Swedish laws, which for weeks I had been seeking in vain. It came from the Baron d’Albedÿhll (whom I have never seen), accompanied by a very honête⁹ note in French. Sat down most greedily to devour Svenska¹⁰ law. Read till 1, and now bon soir. There is a bal to-night at the park, but I went not, for two reasons (which you may divine), though much urged.
1  On June 25 1809 will be found another reference to Davis and his “Travels.” Possibly Matthew L. Davis is meant. He was one of Burr’s most intimate friends, wrote the Memoirs, edited the Journal (see Introduction), and wrote constantly for the newspapers. For a time he contributed from Washington to the New York Courier and Enquirer under the pen name of “A Spy in Washington.” He also wrote for the London Times, signing his letters “The Genevese Traveler.” It may be that it was to Davis’s letters to the London Times that Burr refers. 2  For renommée. Renown. 3  Daughter. 4  For en famille. 5  A strong mind. 6  For ne saurais. I can't. 7  For tête-à-tête. Literally head to head, i.e., in close conversation. 8  For papier-mâché. 9  For honnête. Civil, polite. 10  Svensk is Swedish for Swedish. Svenska lagen. The Swedish law.
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aprimesrpcorner · 1 year
Adamite, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Aragonite, Celestial Aura Quartz, Dravite, Hessonite Garnet, Florite, Lapis Lazuli, Molybdenum, Morganite, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Vermeil, Jasper, Zincite
Receiving all of these, the prime gave a soft smile, and the other a gentle pat on the back with a servo in response, he was glad the other saw him as such. Optimus was glad that Heatwave has as much trust in him as he did with him back.
“Thank you Heatwave, I know we don’t get to see each other face to face often, but this means a lot to me.”
The prime had to admit, it was nice to get the clarification back.
Of course he would be happy about this.
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*dumps an armful of crystals on Cliff*
Adamite, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Celestial Aura Quartz, Hessonite Garnet, Florite, Lapis Lazuli, Molybdenum, Ruby, Opal, Topaz, Vermeil, Jasper
Okay, you're gonna have to give him a minute to sort through these...
Adamite - Joy
Alexandrite - Pleasure
Amethyst - Humble/Sincere
Celestial Aura Quartz (that's a mouthful) - Trust
Hessonite Garnet - Passion
Fluorite - Beneficial
Lapis Lazuli - Honesty
Molyden- Molybenden- Molybdenum - Reliable
Ruby - Devotion
Opal - Inspiration to move forward
Topaz - Comforting
Vermeil - Happiness
and hey, Jasper! - Friendship
...it's a really big pile of rocks, and honestly, a way bigger pile of emotions. Cliffjumper's just gonna. Sit for bit. Absorb, y'know. Definitely not tearing up at all, no sir, that's just some condensation - happens when one gets a little overwhelmed. Totally normal.
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palluniskillas · 9 months
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(oc) Girlboss is judging you
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Todo es volver
a lo que una vez amamos
y el olvido es la sombra
que trata de ocultarnos el recuerdo
y no puede.
— Eugenio Florit
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🖌 Jean-Pierre Cassigneul ~
À L’ombre ~
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josivalblog · 24 days
"How close yesterday the sky was.
I was going to have it here, in my hand!"
(Eugenio Florit, Cuban poet)
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Photo: @josivalfotos
Models: #AleGil & #LeoMiguel No. 2
In #JosivalFotos #dúos #pareja #interracial #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #BlackLivesMatter
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jupiter-nwn · 7 days
Hi so fun fact about my language (Valencian), the adjective florit means both flowery and moldy
Fun fact number two, another conjugated form for Florit is Florida
Fun fact number three, Florida (state) might as well be named Moldy
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azana-aya-photo · 3 months
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The world in Florite; Forest
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paganizmturkiye · 23 days
Haftanın günlerinin karşılıkları
Altın, beyaz, sarı
Elmas, kehribar, kaplan gözü, güneş taşı, topaz, altın
Sedir, buhur, limon, seçmen kantaronu
Başarı, şöhret, refah, umut, iyileşme, servet
Gümüş, beyaz, mavi
Aytaşı, gümüş, akuamarin, selenit
Yasemin, limon, sandal ağacı, hanımeli, mersin, söğüt
Huzur, rüyalar, duygular, yanılsamalar, cazibeler, psişik yetenekler, içgörü, bilgelik, tezahür
Kırmızı, turuncu
Kantaşı, yakut, granat, çakmaktaşı, rodonit, demir, çelik
Fesleğen, paçuli, zencefil, karabiber, ejderha kanı
Güç, şehvet, güç, tutku, irade, cesaret, fiziksel güç, savaş, enerji, eylem, bağımsızlık, pratiklik, koruma
Sarı, mor, gri
Zümrüt, akik, florit, sitrin, aventurin, mika, pomza, cıva, çinko
Lavanta, okaliptüs, yasemin, bezelye
İletişim, sanat, seyahat, şans, değişim, şans, kumar, yaratıcılık
Mavi, mor, sarı
Ametist, lepidolit, sugilit, sarı safir, lapis lazuli, kalay
Karanfil, meşe, tarçın, hindistan cevizi, adaçayı
Bolluk, kazanç, zenginlik, refah, zenginlik, başarı, şans, özgüven, yatırım, toplantılar, iyilikler, hırs, merhamet, insanlık, tanıtım
Pembe, yeşil, aqua, şeftali
Yeşim, lapis lazuli, gül kuvars, mercan, zümrüt, malakit, bakır
Gül, civanperçemi, safran, vanilya, kekik, sandal ağacı, çilek
Aşk, doğurganlık, romantizm, arkadaşlıklar, tutku, yaratıcılık
Siyah, gri
Jet, obsidiyen, oniks, kurşun, kalay, hematit
Selvi, mür, paçuli, siyah haşhaş tohumu
Güvenlik, koruma, zeka, yaşam dersleri, kayıp, geçmiş yaşamlar, hukuk, adalet, samimiyet, kısıtlama, disiplin, sorumluluk, ihtiyat, zaman, kaos
Kaynak: https://www.tumblr.com/ad-caelestia/757922729046540288/days-of-the-week-correspondences
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