#flower is flos adonis
artflameball · 1 year
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You ever think about the motif of home
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January 31st: Adonis
Oh boy. Yeah, this one seems like a doozy. We'll get through it, though. I'm determined to do this. Okay, let's start.
*Takes a deep breath* Pheasant's eye. Or Adonis. Sacred to Adonis, wouldn't you know it. If you think you know the second name from mythology, yes you do. There's... so much lore here. If you think you also know Adonis from constellations, I think that may be true as well.
Venus and Adonis- star-crossed lovers, one mortal, one a goddess in the literal sense. Adonis was a young man who enjoyed hunting prey. Venus loved him so much, that she... not sure what that word means but smth smth Cythereus.
Adonis, of course, dies. He gets killed by a bear- If I'm not wrong, that's none of the constellations? I could be mixing it up with Artemis' tales, probably am. But he gets killed by a bear, and Venus cries over her lost lover.
As her tears sink into the earth, delicate flowers spring up from Adonis' blood. Hence why this flower is also called blooddrops.
Because of all this, it makes sense that pheasant eye's meaning is mainly remembrance. Specifically, painful memories or recollection, or sorrowed remembrance.
A lovely note to end the month on. Yep! /sar
They're pretty tho :catblush:
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kazeharuhime · 3 months
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Made a thing and decided maybe it's decent enough to post. Links to refs, the blank, and rambles under the cut.
Flora: Flos adonis. "Painful recollections" in flower language according to Catharine Harbeson Waterman's Flora's Lexicon (1840).
Fauna: Flying fish. I use these as symbols for Wotrens in general, but Tsuname in particular has a scene where he glides over the ocean and enjoys a moment of freedom, so I think he best exemplifies the whimsy that is the flying fish.
Object: Marble. In hindsight though I should have picked suncatcher, that would have been a lot more symbolic, especially considering I have an old picture of him trying to catch the last rays of the sun. Well, marble will do in a pinch I guess. My thinking was a silly pun involving losing his marbles, also it being a lone marble to imply "where did the others go?" Also chose a clear one as part of the symbolism too. I went through a number of objects for him before settling on marble. Originally I was going to do "window" but couldn't find a ref I liked for it. Then I thought of "tide pool" but that's more a place than an object. Then I thought maybe one of those epoxy resin arts, but there's something really artistic and delicate about those that felt a little bit off to represent Tsuname. But yeah. He's transparent but also shallow some ways. So that's why it has to be a marble or something not that deep. Shallow in the sense that you don't have to reach very far to see what's going on inside. That's why I was thinking glass at first. Window because you can easily peer inside and see what's going on. Tide pool for a similar reason. It's not that deep, you can scoop up some crustacean crawling around in there and look at it. Also sea-theming is very important for him.
You know what I just remembered... 'bracelet' is an object that has more significance in-story. I guess it less represents him though and more his devotion to Sh'zkai...
Song: The Name of Anger by Rurutia. I also could have picked Meltdown by Lollia, but decided they both exemplify Tsuname in different ways, so I didn't need to swap it out. For the one I chose though, it's chock full of symbolism that I think really fits Tsuname well. I think of it typically in the broader context of the invasion he experienced, so in some ways, Meltdown feels a bit more personal than The Name of Anger does for Tsuname. Meltdown I associate more with his ongoing mental battle, whereas The Name of Anger deals far more with the past and how it contextualizes the present. The opening line translates to something like "The ladder of light collapses." This 'ladder of light' I think of representative of hope, but also with like a tractor beam. The light is 'collapsing' which means the beam is disappearing, and with it, any hope of getting back those that were taken by it. "Innocent live sink to the mud." . . . "Overflowing from the ark are the tears of lost children." That last one I associate with the Gaediens who were taken. "My hands transform into swords; my ventless anger continues to spiral" Feels like a fast-forward to present day Tsuname, who has become a weapon against his will and his hands are now swords, and his pent up anger from the horrors he endured spills out everywhere. Lastly I love the picture painted by this line: "The jet-black sea winds whirlpools." There's not many good translations of the song online but you can find the original lyrics here: (x) I am for sure taking some creative liberties in my associations but XD that's the rub.
Feeling: Kuebiko. I abridged the definition quite a bit on the picture to get the text to play nice.
And yes, I did ref the Ocarina of Time scarecrow because it was simpler to draw than trying to figure out how to abstract a proper photo of a scarecrow. XD;
There's a lot of interesting gems in the etymology of kuebiko as well that fit Tsuname:
Kuebiko comes from kueru (崩える), an archaic verb meaning "to break down; to become shabby and disordered", plus hiko (彦), an old epithet for "boy, young man", in turn from hi ko (日子), literally "sun child".[1][2][3] The meaning could be translated as something like "shabby young man".
Yamada no sohodo is formed like an old-fashioned formal name, from surname or literal noun Yamada (山田, lit. 'mountain + paddy'), genitive or possessive particle no (の), and sohodo (案山子),[4] in turn from soho ("sopping wet") + -do, a contraction from -bito, the compounding form of hito (人).[5] The meaning of this name could be construed as "soaked person of the mountain paddies", a euphemism for "scarecrow".
As for the kami aspect of the etymology, at first I thought he had nothing to do with folk wisdom, knowledge and agriculture, but if you think on it, maybe a little. For one thing, when he returns to the island he has a lot of knowledge of how things work out in space that no one else has, so in one sense he is sort of this oddity. Folk wisdom could be turned on its head because his devotion to what he grew up believing is a big part of his character, but he lacked the proper nuance about the belief, so this "folk wisdom" doesn't exactly pan out when he doesn't understand how it applies to the real world (or doesn't). Agriculture was the one that I thought... no, not at all, but thinking on like... the connotations of agriculture, like "living on the land" -> "devotion to the land" -> "devotion to one's home and native land" could be something.
But anyways, the TDoOS definition definitely pulls more from the latter half of that opening sentence from the wiki:
"Kuebiko (久延毘古) is ... represented in Japanese mythology as a scarecrow who cannot walk but has comprehensive awareness."
Going back to the literal meaning, "shabby boy/sun child" really fits Tsuname well. Broken down, made shabby and disordered by his past. I often associate Tsuname with the sun in a lot of ways too. His original sunny disposition, overshadowed now by the horizon, making "sunset" another potent symbol for Tsuname's present psyche.
The second name for Kuebiko in Yamada no sohodo I also thought was kind of interesting, since being a fish boy he often does drag himself out of the ocean sopping wet, but also the connotation of sopping wet with "pathetic" feels of portent. XD
Hmm. Knowing what I know now it feels kinda weird to associate him with this word, but, I guess TDoOS is useful for describing feelings!
Anyways here's the link to the blank: (x)
Thank you if you've read this far. XD
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tommyinniter · 5 months
Dreamnap Bouquet for Anon 🔥
Okay so I got about 7 flowers for your bouquet!!
It's gonna be a long post because each one has the name, picture and meaning, so I'll put it under the cut for you :3
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Meaning: bonds of affection
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Flos Adonis
Meaning: painful recollections
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Common Yarrow
Meaning: war
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Meaning: durability
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Meaning: Fire
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Red Rose
Meaning: love
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Scotch Thistle
Meaning: retaliation
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Flowers with negative connotations
Abecedary: Volatility.
Abatina: Fickleness
Achillea Millefolia: War.
Aconite (Wolfsbane): Misanthropy
Adonis, Flos: Painful recollections.
African Marigold: Vulgar minds.
Agnus Castus: Coldness. Indifference
Almond (Common) : Stupidity. Indiscretion
Almond, Laurel: Perfidy
Aloe: Grief. Religious superstition
Anemone (Zephyr Flower): Sickness. Expectation.
Anemone (Garden): Forsaken
Apple, Thorn: Deceitful charms.
Apocynum (Dog’s Vane): Deceit
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower: Separation
Aspen Tree: Lamentation
Asphodel: My regrets follow you to the grave
Auricula, Scarlet: Avarice
Balsam, Red: Touch me not. Impatient resolves.
Balsam, Yellow: Impatience.
Barberry: Sourness of temper.
Barberry Tree: Sharpness.
Basil: Hatred.
Bay Leaf: I change but in death.
Bay (Rose) Rhododendron: Danger. Beware
Bee Ophrys: Error.
Belladonna: Silence
Belvedere: I declare against you.
Betony: Surprise
Bilberry: Treachery
Birch: Meekness.
Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge
Valerian: Rupture
Borage: Bluntness.
Box Tree: Stoicism.
Bramble: Lowliness. Envy
Burdock: Importunity. Touch me not.
Buttercup (Kingcup):Ingratitude. Childishness
Butterfly Weed: Let me go
Cardamine: Paternal error
Carnation, Deep Red: Alas! for my poor heart.
Carnation, Striped: Refusal.
Carnation, Yellow: Disdain
Cardinal Flower: Dittitutim.
Catchfly: Snare
Catchfly, White: Betrayed
Champignon: Suspicion.
Chequered Fritillary: Persecution
Cherry Tree, White: Deception
China or Indian Pink: Aversion
Cistus, Gum: I shall die to-morrow.
Citron: Ill-natured beauty
Clematis, Evergreen: Poverty.
Clotbur: Rudeness. Pertinacity
Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron: My best days are past.
Coltsfoot: Justice shall be done.
Columbine: Folly
Columbine, Red: Anxious and trembling
Convolvulus, Major: Extinguished hopes
Corn, Broken: Quarrel
Creeping Cereus: Horror
Crowsbill: Envy.
Crowfoot: Ingratitude
Currant: Thy frown will kill me.
Cuscuta: Meanness.
Cyclamen: Diffidence. (Modesty/shyness resulting from a lack of self confidence)
Cypress: Death. Mourning
Darnel (Ray grass): Vice
Dead Leaves: Sadness
Dogsbane: Deceit. Falsehood
Ebony Tree: Blackness.
Eglantine (Sweetbrier): Poetry. I wound to heal
Enchanter’s Nightshade: Witchcraft. Sorcery
Fly Orchis: Error
Flytrap: Deceit
Foxglove: Insincerity
French Marigold: Jealousy
Frog Ophrys: Disgust
Garden Anemone: Forsaken
Garden Marigold: Uneasiness
Geranium, Scarlet: Contorting. Stupidity
Hand Flower Tree: Warning.
Harebell: Submission. Grief
Heath: Solitude.
Helenium: Tears
Hellebore: Scandal. Calumny
Hemlock: You will be my death
Henbane: Imperfection
Hop: Injustice
Humble Plant: Despondency
Indian Plum: Privation
Jasmine, Carolina: Separation
Judas Tree: Unbelief. Betrayal
Laburnum: Forsaken. Pensive Beauty
Larch: Audacity. Boldness
Larkspur, Pink: Fickleness.
Larkspur, Purple: Haughtiness
Laurestina: A token. I die if neglected.
Lavender: Distrust.
Leaves (dead): Melancholy
Licorice, Wild: I declare against you.
Lobelia: Malevolence
Love lies Bleeding: Hopeless, not heartless
Madder: Calumny
Manchineal Tree: Falsehood.
Mandrake: Horror.
Maple: Reserve.
Marigold: Grief.
Marigold, African: Vulgar minds.
Marigold, French: Jealousy.
Marigold, Prophetic: Prediction.
Marigold and Cypress: Despair
Meadowsweet: Uselessness
Mesembryanthemum: Idleness.
Mezereon: Desire to please.
Michaelmas Daisy: Afterthought
Mock Orange: Counterfeit
Moschatel: Weakness
Mosses: Ennui
Mourning Bride: Unfortunate attachment. I have lost all
Moving Plant: Agitation
Mulberry Tree (Black): I shall not survive you
Mushroom: Suspicion.
Musk Plant: Weakness.
Mustard Seed: Indifference
Narcissus: Egotism
Nettle, Burning: Slander
Oleander: Beware
Pasque Flower: You have no claims.
Passion Flower: Religious superstition
Pea, Sweet: Departure
Peach Blossom : I am your captive
Pennyroyal: Flee away.
Peony: Shame. Bashfulness
Persimon: Bury me amid Nature’s beauties
Pine: Pity
Pink, Variegated: Refusal
Pomegranate: Foolishness
Poppy, White: Sleep. My bane. My antidote
Prickly Pear: Satire.
Pride of China: Dissension
Ranunculus, Wild: Ingratitude.
Raspberry: Remorse.
Ray Grass: Vice
Rhododendron (Rosebay): Danger. Beware
Rose, Carolina: Love is dangerous
Rose, Deep Red: Bashful shame.
Rose, Dog: Pleasure and pain
Rose, Unique: Call me not beautiful
Rose, Yellow: Decrease of love. Jealously.
Rose, York and Lancaster: War.
Rose, Full-blown, placed over two Buds: Secrecy
Rue: Disdain
Saffron: Beware of excess
Saffron, Meadow: My happiest days are past
Sainfoin: Agitation.
Saint John’s Wort: Animosity. Superstition.
Sardony: Irony
Scabious: Unfortunate love.
Scabious, Sweet: Widowhood
Snapdragon: Presumption.
Snowball: Bound
Sorrel, Wild: Wit ill-timed
Straw, Broken: Rupture of a contract
Sweetbrier, European: I wound to heal.
Sweetbrier, Yellow: Decrease of love
Syringa, Carolina: Disappointment
Tamarisk: Crime.
Tansy (Wild): I declare war against you.
Teasel: Misanthropy
Thistle, Fuller’s: Misanthropy
Thistle, Scotch: Retaliation.
Thorn Apple: Deceitful charms
Throatwort: Neglected beauty
Trefoil: Revenge
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasures
Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless love
Tussilage (Sweet-scented): Justice shall be done you
Whin: Anger
White Rose (dried): Death preferable to loss of innocence.
Whortleberry: Treason.
Willow, Creeping Love forsaken
Willow, Weeping: Mourning
Yew: Sorrow
Zinnia: Thoughts of absent friends
Aconite: Beware
Barberry: Bad temper
Carnation (Striped): No, Refusal, Sorry I can't be with you
Carnation (Yellow): Disappointment, Rejection
Cyclamen: Resignation, Good-bye
Daffodil: Regard, Unrequited love, Respect
Everlasting: Never ceasing memory
Geranium: Stupidity, Foll
Golden-Rod: Be cautious
Hyacinth (Purple): Sorrow, Please forgive me
Hyacinth (Yellow): Jealousy
Hydrangea: Thank you for understanding, Boastfulness, Heartlessnes
Marigold: Grief, Despair, Jealousy
Marigold (Common): Pretty love, Sacred, Affection, Caress, Sorrow
Monkshood: Beware, A deadly foe is near
Petunia: Resentment, Anger, Your presence soothes me
Phlox: Our souls are united
Poppy (General): Eternal sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
Rhododendron: Danger, Beware, I am dangerous
Roses (Assorted Colours): You're everything to me
Roses (Single Full Bloom): I Love You, I still love you
Sweet William: Grant me one smile
Black dahlia: Evil, dishonesty, betrayal, doom
Butterfly weed: Leave me, You’ve been warned
(Yeah some of these aren’t flowers. What of it?A few of them aren’t so negative- I thought about Jesse’s train of thought/outburst when picking them.)
(If you see any repeats No You Don’t.)
*buried under several flowers and at least one tree*
But ooh. ooh. ooooooooooooh these would be soooo much fun to play around with >:3
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scribblurri · 1 year
Word-Woven Garden: Complied Flower Meaning List
my platonic hanahaki au fic on ao3 has had a couple of people requesting a compiled list of all flower meanings mentioned in story for convenience, so here it is!
all meanings listed are taken from this spreadsheet, if simplified or interpreted differently just for story purposes
Ch. 1
Poplar / Cottonwood: Black - courage, White/Silver - time
Primrose - childhood, early youth, modest worth
Goldenrod - encouragement, be cautious
Ch. 2
Oleander - beware (highly poisonous)
Anemone / Windflower - anticipation, fragility/frailty, forsaken, abandonment
Scarlet auricula / cowslip / bear's ear - avarice
Ch. 3
Ox-eye daisy - patience
Peony - anger, ostentation, shame
Lilac - first love
Fennel - strength
Coltsfoot - justice shall be done
Coriander - hidden worth, concealed merit
Ch. 5
Anchusa / Bugloss - falsehood
Barberry / Berberis - sourness of temper, sharpness, petulance
Acacia - friendship, platonic love
Ch. 6
Laurel - glory, treachery
Lavender - mistrust
Ch. 7
Moonwort - forgetfulness
Marigold - cruelty, grief, contempt
Chinese aster - I will think of it
Ch. 8
Hortensia / Hydrangea macrophylla - carelessness, coldness, cruelty
Buttercup - ingratitude, childishness
Ch. 9
Honesty - sincerity, honesty, fascination, forgetfulness
Ch. 10
Fraxinella / Dictamnus albus - fire (also known as the gas plant or burning bush, they produce volatile gases that catch fire easily in hot weather!)
Lobelia - arrogance, malevolence
Ch. 11
Hollyhock - ambition
Ch. 12
Borage - rudeness, bluntness, courage
Ch. 13
Rue - disdain
Flos adonis - sorrowful remembrances, painful recollections
Ch. 14
Sea bindweed (a type of morning glory) - uncertainty
Ch. 15
Wormwood - absence, bitter sorrow
Ch. 16
Basil - hatred
Ch. 17
Heath - solitude
Morning glory - unrequited love, extinguished hopes, affection
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jeweledflowers · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞.
𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵!
i have not included all of the flowers or plants here. i went through several dictionaries, and picked those plants that i wanted in the prompt list.
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Acacia (Acacia). Friendship.
Acacia, rose or white (Acacia). Elegance.
Acacia, yellow (Acacia). Secret love.
Achilliea Millefollia (Asteraceae.) War.
Aconite Wolfsbane (Aconitum). Misanthropy.
Aconite, Crowfoot (Aconitum). Lustre.
Adonis, flos (Adonis). Painful recollections.
African Marigold (Tagetes erecta). Vulgar minds.
Agnus Castus (Vitex agnus-castus). Coldness; indifference.
Agrimony (Agrimonia). Thankfulness; gratitude.
Agapanthus (Agapanthus). Love letter.
Almond (common). Stupidity, indiscretion.
Almond (Amygdalus communis) (flowering). Hope.
Almond, Laurel (Prunus laorocerasus). Perfidy.
Allspice (Myertaceae). Compassion.
Aloe (Aloe vera ). Grief; religious superstition.
Althaea Frutex (Syrian Mallow) (Common Hibiscus). Persuasion.
Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) (Sweet). Worth beyond beauty.
Amaranth (Amaranthus) (Globe). Immortality; unfading love.
Amaryllis (Amaryllis). Pride; timidity; splendid beauty.
Ambrosia (couldn't find the scientific name but the subfamily is Asteraceae). Love returned.
American Cowslip (Primula Meadia). Divine beauty.
American Starwort (Sabulina fontinalis). Welcome to a stranger; cheerfulness in old age.
Amethyst (Browallia Americana). Admiration.
Anemone (Ranunculaceae) (Zephyr Flower). Sickness; expectation.
Anemone (Ranunculaceae) (Garden). Forsaken.
Angelica (Angelica). Inspiration.
Angrec (Angraecum). Royalty.
Apple. Temptation.
Apple (Blossom). Preference ; fame speaks him great and good.
Apple thorn. Deceitful charms.
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower (Campsis radicans). Separation.
Ash Tree (Fraxinus). Grandeur.
Aspen Tree (some, but not all, are classified in the genus Populus). Lamentation.
Aster (China) (Callistephus chinensis). Variety; afterthought.
Asphodel (Asphodelus). My regrets follow you to the grave.
Auricula (Primula auricula). Painting.
Azalea (Rhododendron). Temperance; fragile and ephemeral passion.
Bachelor's Buttons (Centaurea cyanus). Celibacy; single blessedness.
Beebalmn (Monarda). Sympathy.
Balm, gentle (Melissa officinalis). Pleasantry.
Balm of Gilead (Cedronella canariensis). Cure; relief.
Balsam, yellow (Impatiens noli-tangere). Impatience.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Hatred.
Bay Leaf (Laurus nobilis). I change but in death.
Bay (Rose) Rhododendron (Rhododendron--that's just the higher classification). Danger; beware.
Bay Tree (Laurus nobilis). Glory.
Baby's breath (Gypsophila paniculata). Everlasting love.
Bearded Crepis (Crepis). Protection.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna). Silence.
Begonia (Begonia). Caution.
Bellflower (Campanula). Gratitude.
Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis). Good luck.
Bird of Paradise (Strelizia reginae). Magnificence.
Blackberry (Rubus). Envy.
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia). Justice.
Bluebell (Hyacinthoides nonscripta). Constancy.
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis). Passion.
Bouvardia (Bouvardia). Enthusiasm.
Broom (Cytisus). Humility.
Buttercup (Ranunculus acris). Ingratitude.
Cactus (Opuntia). Ardent love.
Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica). Modesty.
Camellia (Camellia). My destiny is in your hands.
Candytuft (Iberis). Indifference.
Canterbury bells (Campanula medium). Constancy.
Carnation, pink (Dianthus caryophyllus). I will never forget you.
Carnation, red (Dianthus caryophyllus). My heart breaks.
Carnation, striped (Dianthus caryophyllus). I cannot be with you.
Carnation, white (Dianthus caryophyllus). Sweet and lovely.
Carnation, yellow (Dianthus caryophyllus). Disdain.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Energy in adversity.
Cherry blossoms (Prunus cerasus). Impermanence.
Chervil (Anthriscus). Sincerity.
Chestnut (Castanea sativa). Do me justice.
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum). Truth.
Cinquefoil (Potentilla). Beloved daughter.
Clematis (Clematis). Poverty.
Clove (Syzgium aromaticum). I have loved you and you have not known it.
Clover, white (Trifolium). Think of me.
Cockscomb (Celonia). Affectation.
Columbine (Aquilegia). Desertion.
Coreopsis (Coreopsis). Always cheerful.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Hidden worth.
Corn (Zea mays). Riches.
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus). Joy in love and life.
Cranberry (Vaccinum). Cure for heartache.
Crocus (Crocus). Youthful gladness.
Cypress (Cupressus). Mourning.
Daffodil (Narcissus). New beginnings.
Dahlia (Dahlia). Dignity.
Daisy (Bellis). Innocence.
Daisy, gerber (Gerbera). Cheerful.
Daphne (Daphne). I would not have you otherwise.
Daylily (Hemerocallis). Coquetry.
Delphinium (Delphinium). Levity.
Dittany (Dictamnus albus). Childbirth.
Dogwood (Cornus). Love undiminished by adversity.
Dragon plant (Draceana). You are near a snare.
Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum). Noble courage.
Elder (Sambucus). Compassion.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus). Protection.
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis). Inconstancy.
Everlasting Pea (Lathyrus latifolius). Lasting pleasure.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Strength.
Fern, maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). Secrecy.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium). Warmth.
Fig (Fiscus carica). Argument.
Flax (Linum usitatissimum). Argument.
Forget-me-not (Myosostis). Forget me not.
Forsythia (Forysthia). Anticipation.
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Insincerity.
Freesia (Freesia). Lasting friendship.
Fuchsia (Fuchsia). Humble love.
Gardenia (Gardenia). Refinement.
Geranium, oak-leaf (Pelargonium). True friendship.
Geranium, scarlet (Pelargonium). Stupidity.
Gladiolus (Gladiolus). You pierce my heart.
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Hope.
Hazel (Corylus). Reconciliation.
Heather (Calluna vulgaris). Protection.
Heliotrope (Heliotropium). Devoted affection.
Hibiscus (Hibiscus). Delicate beauty.
Holly (Ilex). Foresight.
Hollyhock (Alcea). Ambition.
Honesty (Lunaria annua). Honesty.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera). Devotion.
Hyacinth, purple (Hyacinthus orientalis). Please forgive me.
Hyacinth, white (Hyacinthus orientalis). Beauty.
Hydrangea (Hydrangea). Dispassion.
Ice plant (Carpobrotus chilensis). Your looks freeze me.
Impatiens (Impatiens). Impatience.
Iris (Iris). Message.
Ivy (Hedera helix). Fidelity.
Jasmine, Carolina (Gelsemium sempervirens). Separation.
Jasmine, Indian (Jasminum multiflorum). Attachment.
Jonquil (Narcissus jonquilla). Desire.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis). Glory and success.
Lavender (Lavandula). Mistrust.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Cold-heartedness.
Liatris (Liatris). I will try again.
Lilac (Syringa). First emotions of love.
Lily (Lilum). Majesty.
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis). Return of happiness.
Lobelia (Lobelia). Malevolence.
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Purity.
Love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus). Hopeless but not helpless.
Lungwort (Pulmonaria). You are my life.
Lupine (Lupinus). Imagination.
Magnolia (Magnolia). Dignity.
Marigold (Calendula). Grief.
Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus). Farewell.
Migonette (Reseda odorata). Your qualities surpass your charms.
Moss (Bryopsida). Maternal love.
Narcissus (Narcissus). Self love.
Olive (Olea europaea). Peace.
Orange (Citrus sinensis). Generosity.
Orange blossoms (Citrus sinensis). Your purity equals your loveliness.
Orchid (Orchidaceae). Refined beauty.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Joy.
Pansy (Viola). Think of me.
Passion flower (Passiflora). Faith.
Peach (Prunus persica). Your charms are unequaled.
Peach blossom (Prunus persica). I am your captive.
Pear (Pyrus). Affection.
Pear blossom (Pyrus). Comfort.
Peony (Paeonia). Anger.
Peppermint (Mentha). Warmth of feeling.
Periwinkle (Vinca minor). Tender recollections.
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Bury me amid nature's beauty.
Petunia (Petunia). Your presence soothes me.
Phlox (Phlox). Our souls are united.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus). You are perfect.
Pink (Dianthus). Pure love.
Plum (Prunus domestica). Keep your promises.
Polyanthus (Primula). Confidence.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum). Foolishness.
Pomegranate blossom (Punica granatum). Mature elegance.
Poppy (Papaver). Fantastic extravagance.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Benevolence.
Potato vine (Solanum jasminoides). You are delicious.
Primrose (Primula). Childhood.
Protea (Protea). Courage.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Strength and health.
Queen Anne's lace (Ammi majus). Fantasy.
Quince (Cydonia oblonga). Temptation.
Ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus). You are radiant with charms.
Raspberry (Rubus). Remorse.
Redbud (Cercis). Betrayal.
Rhododendron (Rhododendron). Beware.
Rhubarb (Rheum). Advice.
Rose, burgundy (Rosa). Unconscious beauty.
Rose, moss (Rosa). Confession of love.
Rose, orange (Rosa). Fascination.
Rose, pale peach (Rosa). Modesty.
Rose, pink (Rosa). Grace.
Rose, purple (Rosa). Enchantment.
Rose, red (Rosa). Love.
Rose, white (Rosa). A heart unaquainted with love.
Rose, yellow (Rosa). Infedility.
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis). Remembrance.
Sage (Salvia officinalis). Good health and long life.
Scabiosa (Scabiosa). Unfortunate love.
Snowdrop (Galanthus). Consolation and hope.
Spirea (Spiraea). Victory.
Starwort (Stellaria). Welcome.
Stephanotis (Stephanotis floribunda). Happiness in marriage.
Stock (Malcolmia maritima). You will always be beautiful to me.
Stonecrop (Sedum). Tranquility.
Strawberry (Fragaria). Perfection.
Sunflower (Helianthus annus). False riches.
Sweet briar (Rose rubiginosa). Simplicity.
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus). Delicate pleasures.
Tansy (Tanacetum). I declare war against you.
Thistle, common (Cirsium). Misanthropy.
Thrift (Armeria). Sympathy.
Trillium (Trillium). Modest beauty.
Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans). Fame.
Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa). Dangerous pleasures.
Tulip (Tulipa). Declaration of love.
Verbena (Verbena). Pray for me.
Violet (Viola). Modest worth.
Water lily (Nymphaea). Purity of heart.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Cure for a broken heart.
Zinnia (Zinnia). I mourn your absence.
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jacks-obsessions · 2 years
OC asks
Based on the language of flowers
Feel free to use!
Acacia: how are they in a  friendship?
Flos Adonis: what is their most painful memory?
Agnus Castus: how cold are they?
Flowering Almond: what is their hope?
Allspice: how compassionate are they?
Amethyst: who do they admire?
Balm: how sympathetic are they?
Yellow Balsam: how impatient are they?
Borage: how blunt are they?
Kingcup Buttercup: how childish are they?
White Catchfly: how do they react to being betrayed?
Champignon: How suspicious are they?
Clotbur: how rude are they?
Daisy: how innocent are they?
White Dittany of Crete: what is their passion?
Dogbane: how good are they at lying
French Marigold: do they get jealous easily?
Garden Chervil: how sincere are they?
Hemp: do they believe in fate?
Hollyhock: what is their ambition?
Imperial Montague: how powerful are they?
Indian Jasmine: how fast do they form attachments?
Lavender: who do they not trust?
Liverwort: how confident are they?
Meadow Lychnis: how witty are they?
Mossy Saxifrage: how affectionate are they?
Moonwort: how forgetful are they?
Moschatel: what is their weakness?
White Mulberry Tree: how smart are they?
Oak Leaves: how brave are they?
Orange Tree: how generous are they?
Ox-Eye: how patient are they?
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
7 Flowers for each Riordanverse character based on flower language.
Strap in, this is gonna be a long one.
Percy Jackson:
Apple Blossom: Preference. Fate speaks him great and good
Blue-Flowered Greek Valerian: Rupture
Camomile: Energy in Adversity
Hawkweed: Quick-Sightedness
Larch: Audacity. Boldness
Mistletoe: I Surmount Difficulties
Southernwood: Jest, Bantering
Annabeth Chase:
Azalea: Temperance
Canterbury Bell: Acknowledgement
Cloves: Dignity
Hundred-Leaved Rose: Pride
Indian Lagerstroemia: Eloquence
Red Catchfly: Youthful love
Walnut: Intellect, Stratagem
Grover Underwood:
Bearded Crepis: Protection
Bluebell: Constancy
Cactus: Warmth
Convolvulus: Bonds
Larkspur: Lightness, Levity
Magnolia: Love of Nature
Water Lily: Purity of Heart
Jason Grace:
Blue Violet: Faithfulness
Broom: Humility. Neatness
Fennel: Worthy all praise, Strength
Garden Marigold: Uneasiness
Mint: Virtue
Sycamore: Curiosity
Woodbine: Fraternal Love
Leo Valdez:
Chinese Chrysanthemum: Cheerfulness under Adversity
Fern: Fascination
Fleur-de-lis: Flame. I Burn
Penciled Geranium: Ingenuity
Peppermint: Warmth of Feeling
Thyme: Activity
Yellow Balsam: Impatience
Piper McLean:
Acalia: Temperance
Amaryllis: Pride, Timidity, Splendid beauty
Cabbage Rose: Ambassador of Love
Coreopsis Arkansa: Love at first sight
Holly: Foresight
White Dittany of Crete: Passion
White Mullein: Good Nature
Frank Zhang:
Canary Grass: Perseverance
Christmas Rose: Relieve my Anxiety
Coriander: Hidden worth
French Willow: Bravery and Humanity
Milfoil: War
Small White Bell Flower: Gratitude
Sweet Violet: Modesty
Hazel Levesque:
Aconite-leaved Crowfoot: Luster
Balm of Gilead: Cure. Relief
Flowering Almond: Hope
Holly Herb: Enchantment
Lote Tree: Concord
Lucerne: Life
Sweet Basil: Good Wishes
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano:
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower: Separation
Barberry Tree: Sharpness
Branch of Thorns: Severity. Rigor
Goat’s Rue: Reason
Quamoclit: Busybody
Striped Carnation: Refusal
White Oak: Independence
Nico di Angelo:
Amethyst: Admiration
Lavender: Distrust
Milkwort: Hermitage
Oleander: Beware
Red Balsam: Touch me not. Impatient resolves
Weeping Willow: Mourning
Yellow Acacia: Secret Love
Rachel Dare:
Auricula: Painting
Beech Tree: Prosperity
Dandelion: Rustic Oracle
Gooseberry: Anticipation
Purple Clover: Provident
Ragged Robin: Wit
Scotch Fir: Elevation
American Starwort: Welcome to a stranger. Cheerfulness in old age
Buckbean: Calm repose
Flowering Reed: Confidence in Heaven
Goldenrod: Precaution
Marsh Mallow: Beneficence
Olive: Peace
Rhubarb: Advice
Before ToA
Bundle of Reeds with their Panacles: Music
Glory Flower: Glorious Beauty
Love Lies Bleeding: Hopeless, not Heartless
Nightshade: Truth
Prophetic Marigold: Prediction
Scarlet Poppy: Fantastic Extravagance
Sweetbrier: Poetry, I wound to heal
After ToA:
Agrimony: Thankfulness. Gratitude
Everlasting: Never-Ceasing Remembrance
Flos Adonis: Painful Recollections
Lotus Leaf: Recantation
Moschatel: Weakness
Scarlet Lychnis: Sunbeaming Eyes
Small Bindweed: Humility
Meg McCaffrey:
Borage: Bluntness
Burdock: Importunity, Touch me not.
Dogwood: Durability
Mouse-Eared Chickweed: Ingenious Simplicity
Mushroom: Suspicion
Oak-Leaved Geranium: True Friendship
Thornless Rose: Early Attachment
Luke Castellan:
Aloe: Grief, Religious superstition, Affection
Begonia: Beware
Belvedere: I declare against you
Dark Geranium: Melancholy
Quaking Grass: Agitation
Raspberry: Remorse
Thorn Apple: Deceitful Charms
Abatina: Fickleness
Buttercup: Ingratitude. Childishness
Citron: Ill-Natured Beauty
Dahlia: Instability
Madder: Calumny
Tall Sunflower: Haughtiness
Wild Geranium: Steadfast Piety
Cornel Tree: Duration
Crowsbill: Envy
Garden Anemone: Forsaken
Lotus Flower: Estranged Love
Vervain: Enchantment
White Camellia Japonica: Perfected Loveliness
White Clover: Think of me
Thalia Grace:
Arbor Vitae: Unchanging friendship. Live for me
Checkered Fritillary: Persecution
Elder: Zealousness
Purple Columbine: Resolve to win
Sainfoin: Agitation
Yellow Carnation: Disdain
Zephyr flower: Sickness, Expectation
Will Solace:
Allspice: Compassion
Ambrosia: Love returned
Cowslip: Pensiveness. Winning Grace
Honeysuckle: Generous and Devoted Affection
Oak Tree: Hospitality
Spearmint: Warmth of Sentiment
Wild Grape: Charity
Bay Leaf: I change but in death
Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge
Box Tree: Stoicism
Columbine: Folly
Hazel: Reconciliation
Mountain Laurel: Ambition
Tremella Nestoc: Resistance
Beech Orchis: Industry
Cabbage: Profit
Passion Flower: Religious Superstition
Pidgeon’s Berry: Indifference
Polyanthus: Pride of Riches
Scarlet Auricula: Avarice
Wolfsbane: Misanthropy
American Cowslip: Divine beauty
Centaury Bluebottle: Delicacy
Chestnut Tree: Do me Justice, Luxury
Crown Imperial: Majesty, Power
Hydrangea: A Boaster. Heartless 
Laurel: Glory
Narcissus: Egotism
Agnus Castus: Coldness, Indifference
Bilberry: Treachery
Hop: Injustice
Lobelia: Malevolence
Parsley: Festivity
Purple Larkspur: Haughtiness
Rue: Disdain
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scriptflorist · 2 years
Hey there! What kind of flowers or plants would work to symbolize a very bittersweet goodbye, especially any that are white or purple?
Let’s see what we can find for you. There should be something in the depths of this google sheet.
adonis (flos) – sorrowful remembrances, painful recollections, sad memories
baby’s breath – everlasting love, innocence, pure of heart
basil (sweet) – good wishes
bittersweet nightshade – truth
bittersweet – truth
carnation (pink) – I will/I’ll never forget you, woman’s love
chrysanthemum (white) – truth
clover (white) – think of me
coneflower (purple) – strength and health
daisy (michaelmas) – farewell or afterthought, farewell
heart’s ease – forget me not, think of me, thoughts, you occupy my thoughts
heart’s ease (purple) – you occupy my thoughts
heather (white) – good luck, protection, wishes will come true
myrtle – love in absence, love, joy
oak (white) – independence
periwinkle – tender recollections, sweet remembrance, pleasing remembrances, early recollections, pleasure of memories, sweet memories
periwinkle (blue) – sweet remembrance, pleasures of memory, early friendship
periwinkle (white) – pleasing remembrances, pleasures of memory
pine (spruce) – farewell!, hope in adversity
poplar (white) – time
primrose (chinese) – lasting love
rose (tea) – I’ll remember – always
rose (white and red together) – unity
scorpion grass (mouse-eared) – forget me not
white poplar – time
zinnia (mixed) – thinking of an absent friend
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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next-autumn · 2 years
every so often, i think about victorian flower language and honestly it's such a good concept. like if i had the money to spend on big ass bouquets all the time i would and my extra and petty self would be going HAM. like:
Shut the fuck up bouquet: pink belladonna, blue borage, any color of balsamine, and yellow carnation
Stew in your sad thoughts bouquet: red begonia, pink belladonna, purple canterbury bell, red columbine, red cornelian cherry, cypress, white english daisy, pink or white everlasting, any color of adonis flos, and dark geraniums
I love you so much there are no words to describe it bouquet: almonds, multicolored amaranths, green arbutus, yellow or orange bittersweet nightshade, red bouvardia, multicolored carnations, green cedar, red chrysanthemums, green fern, green asparagus fern, purple heliotrope, white lilies, white bridal roses, yellow dwarf sunflowers, red tulips, blue violas, and blue violets
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whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
crown the king with bloody flowers - chapter 33
Hanahaki au drabble series, in which Luffy is in love with the sea.
chapter 33 - adonis flos - shanks 
Luffy - he’s so small in Shank’s arms, smaller than he was last night, partying with the Red-Haired pirates held upon their shoulders, and smaller than he was this morning, when he ran into Shanks’s knees and caused a ruckus as they were loading the ship. Shanks doesn’t know why he never noticed it before. 
Maybe it’s because now, Luffy is asleep, wrapped in blankets and held in Shanks’s arms, blood on his chin and red stains on the blanket. Maybe it’s because Luffy - vivacious and unstoppable, even with a stab wound to the face - has never been this quiet. This small. This unmoving
Shanks holds him in his arms, sitting in the quiet guest bedroom on the small bed Luffy calls his own above the bar. Knickknacks of child’s toys and treasures, shells Shanks had given to him and odd trinkets the Red Hair pirates had left behind litter the room. 
He’s a child - a child who loved the sea more than anything else. 
(When Shanks had first met him, Luffy had been sitting by the sea, watching the pirate ship come in. Water had lapped at his ankles, and later - when introductions were over and pirates were mumbling into a fifth round of drinks - Luff had simply stared off into the horizon with a smile.
Walking by tide pools, Luffy had said, The sea’s the best! She’s free! Picking up shells, Luffy had told him Isn’t the sea pretty? Living near the shore, the horizon reflected in his gaze, Luffy didn’t have to speak for Shanks to know that he loved the sea.)
A child, that was loved back by the sea. 
Until — 
Luffy coughs, and water and blood and dogwood flowers drip out of his small mouth. Shanks takes the blanket and holds him closer, his own arms trembling, terrified. 
— Until Luffy had eaten that damned fruit. 
It was only a few hours ago but - still - it stays in Shank’s mind.  The way Luffy had bitten in and started choking, not coughing out pieces of fruit but rather flowers. The way his eyes had gone wide and tears had welled up, the way Luffy had clawed at his throat and spit blood unto the floor - the way Luffy had said It hurts and had closed his eyes when Shanks whispered hanahaki.
Shanks watched his captain die in a flurry of petals. He’ll never forget it.
This moment is just the same - seared into his memory like a brand, like a warning, like a curse. 
Luffy, Shanks thinks and tilts his head back to the ceiling, feeling tears wanting too well. There is no shame in crying, every pirate knows that - but here, when Luffy is in his arms and may wake at every moment, Shanks must stay strong. He brought the fruit. He tore Luffy from the sea that he loved more than anything. He’s the one who cursed him. 
He has to stay strong for Luffy. 
(The sea hates Devil Fruit users, the legend states, but Shanks has only ever talked to Buggy and well - he never made it seem that way. Shanks hadn’t really believed it. But this - this is the truth isn’t it? The sea hates.)
There’s another cough from Luffy, but this time - this time he starts shifting. Groaning. Shanks tilts his arms and lets Luffy roll onto his bicep rather than his chest so Luffy is looking straight up at him. 
(His hands, bloody and red, still grip Shanks’s shirt. He almost never wants him to let go.)
“Hey Anchor,” Shanks says softly, quietly. “How you feeling?”
Luffy blinks blearily, brown eyes dazed and faintly pained. He adjusts his grip on Shanks’ shirt and looks around, minutely moving his head, absolutely exhausted, before responding. “‘M tired. Hurts.” 
Something breaks in Shanks’ chest at that, but he tries not to show it. Luffy is  strangely empathetic, even if he doesn’t care about others emotions that much and he’ll know Shanks’ sorrow - 
Luffy tilts his head further into Shanks’s chest and ah - he already knows. “‘M glad you’re here. You always come back. No one really else does.” 
His heart clenches. Oh, how he wants to steal this boy away - away from a bar with a woman who tries her best, away from a village that doesn’t understand, and a grandfather who cares but not enough. He wants to keep Luffy with him, wrap him up and let him see the world on the deck of ship, let him wonder, let him live but - 
He can’t. 
(A ship’s no place for a child who still has somewhere to call home on land.)
Shanks tilts down and presses a kiss onto Luffy’s head, soft and affectionate, his beard scratching at Luffy’s silky hair. The boy gives out a giggle at that, soft and melodious, before a coughing fit starts up again. Hacking and hacking away, flowers spilling out and sinking to the ground. Shanks rubs his back, gently, soothingly, as Luffy starts trembling before sagging in his arms. 
When he looks back up at Shanks, his eyes are pained.  
“Shanks?” He asks, quiet. Unnerving. “Am I going to die?”
And Shanks’ heart breaks.
Am I going to die?
Am I going to die?
Am I going to die? 
No child should have to ask that, should have to bear that burden, and oh - 
Shanks’ reaction is instantaneous and he crushes Luffy to his chest, finally unable to fight the tears that prick at his eyes. 
“No,” he lies, he lies so badly, choking out as much conviction as he can manage. “Anchor, Luffy, no. You - I won’t let you. It’s going to be okay, you won’t die, you won’t.” Luffy shakes in his arms, and he knows, doesn’t he?
That Shanks is lying?
He doesn’t let Luffy go, only listens to his mumbled sobs as he cries with him. 
“Oh, Luffy,” Shanks says, helpless. “I - we will find a way. We will - I’ll sail the entire world, I’ll find something.  I-‘“ His voice cracks. He can’t get another word out. He just holds Luffy tight, tighter than he’s ever held him, before, and sobs into his pitch black hair. ‘Anchor,” he gasps, and this boy is going to die and it’ll be the death of him.
Shanks knows it.
He knows it.
He wishes he didn’t.
His mind races, trying to come up with something, anything, mind always, always, hitching on the way his captains smile was bloody when he said goodbye to Shanks for the last time, bloody red petals stuck in his teeth.
Did you do it, Shanks had asked, sobbing, clinging to his captains coat on that last day, did you achieve your dream?
Not yet, Roger had said, and that had hurt the most. Roger was a pirate. Roger was the Pirate King.
And to a pirate, losing a dream was worse than death.
Shanks doesn’t want that to happen to Luffy. Luffy, who is small in his arms and dying the same way Roger did. Luffy, who is sobbing and terrified. Luffy, who looks out to sea and says he wants to be a pirate with more determination than anyone else in the world.
Luffy can’t die. He can’t.
Shanks can’t stop his tears. He can’t stop crying. 
He - 
(He’s got will, Rayleigh had said, when Crocus made exasperated noises about why Roger wasn’t bed-ridden in illness, He’ll stay standing as long as he’s got reason to, and adventure’s a good enough one as any.) 
-He won’t let Luffy die.
He takes off his hat with a careful arm, making sure not to move Luffy to roughly, and slowly pulls the hat off his head and place’s it on his Anchor’s. It startles him out of his sobbing for just a moment, his eyes big and red-rimmed with wetness still dripping down. 
“Luffy.” Shanks says, despite the tears that match Luffy’s on his face. “You - you wanna be a pirate, yeah?”
Quiet, quieter than he’s ever been, Luffy nods. “Ye-yeah.” He hiccups. 
“Then listen to me. Pirates are free.” Each word feels like a vow. Like a promise. Like defiance. Shanks keeps his eyes on Luffy’s, and lets the words carry him. “We do what we want, when we want. We sing, we dance, we sail, we laugh - but most of all Luffy, we chase. Our. Dreams.” Here, he holds Luffy tighter, tipping the too-big hat on his head back enough so he can see Luffy’s entire face. “That’s what a Jolly Roger is. It’s a symbol of our conviction in chasing our dreams. And Dreams - to a pirate - that’s our life. If you have a dream, Luffy, then you’ll live. You got that?”
Luffy is staring at him, eyes wide, tears forgotten. It’s just like when he heard Shanks sing Binks sake for the first time, or when he heard about the tales of the Grand Line. It’s awe. 
(Shanks thinks he’ll break if he can’t uphold the pedestal Luffy has placed him upon.)
“Do you?” Shanks prompts again, and Luffy nods.
“Then what’s your dream Luffy?” 
“To be a pirate!” Luffy says, voice filled with unsteady conviction. “To sail the seas and be free!”
It’s not enough. But it’s a start.
“Then you won’t die Luffy - as long as you’re chasing your dreams, you won’t die.” Shanks voice cracks again. “You can’t die without being a pirate, right?’
C’mon, Luffy - if anyone’s got the same Will as Roger, it’s you so - 
“Right!” Luffy says, rubbing at his eyes with a hand and blinking tears away even as that same hand comes to clutch at his chest. “I can’t die - not until… not until I-‘
And what he says next isn’t the dream to be a pirate, but something grander, something that spilled out of Roger’s mouth as he laughed with the entire world - something that makes Shanks burst out in glee and hold Luffy close as a few more desperate tears escape his eyes.
“That’s - that’s right. You can’t die till then. You can’t!”
(It’s not a promise. It can’t be. The Seas to much for that. But… Shanks can pretend.)
That night, Luffy sleeps with the hat on in the crook of Shanks’ arms, new found determination in his eyes even as he cries himself to sleep and sobs through the pain.
He gives the hat back, but the next week there are bandits who pick on pirates and little boys alike, missing arms and little anchors lost at sea.
The next week, Shanks has to leave.
But not before hearing Luffy make another promise.
“I’m the man who will be King of the Pirates!”
He won’t die before achieving his dream. 
(Roger did.)
He won’t die before seeing Shanks again.
(Roger did.)
Shanks just has to have faith that this boy - who can smile like the sun, who loves the sea with his whole heart, who has flowers on his lips and in his chest - will live.
King or Dead.
It’s the only choice Luffy has left.
adonis flos: a red flower that is also called "blood drops" adonis flos mean 'painful, sorrowful recollections." its named for Adonis, the youth that Aphrodite loved who died in her arms, and who's blood and pain formed flowers where they dripped.
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tjdrewthis · 3 years
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Here's an idea I worked through while ruminating on the past. It started out as a Lost Light Rodimus study and ended up as moody as I felt.   
Flowers are adonis flos (painful recollection) and asphodel (regrets following one to the grave).
Crossposted: Twitter | deviantArt
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officersonlypls · 3 years
Gouttes de Sang (Flos Adonis)
by cadastre
Rating:  T Archive Warnings:  Major Character Death Wordcount:  ~1800 Summary:  The third and final part of the Flowers of April, following the end of Tom's mission.
Tom writes the letter to Will’s wife. Joe tries to help, but needs some help himself.
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cursedxartist-moved · 4 years
@daemonsnow​ continued from [ x ] 
❝ Aside from a commission I have been working on, I have not; though I have had a few ideas floating about my mind. ❞  
Pale and scarred fingers drift into her messenger bag by her side, in which were two sketchbooks.  One was what she often showed to the public as a miniature portfolio of sorts, it showed off her breadth of technical skills as well as her art style.  The second was her personal sketchbook, where she often planned larger pieces to express emotions she could barely convey in words beyond poetic metaphors and flowery prose.  Within those pages lied work dealing with depersonalization, body horror, feeling like a heartless monster or machine, grotesque imagery drawn with the most delicate hand.  It was work she RARELY ever showed anyone, and never thoroughly explained.  Silver gaze glanced to the mafioso before flickering back to the sketchbooks.  Her heart pounded, anxiety coursing through her veins, but in that moment she gave into the feeling of wanting someone to peer into her very SOUL and see something beautiful.  Akutagawa would have no idea how much this art meant to her, so if he hated it she could simply pretend like nothing happened.  It was a safe risk.  She grasped her personal sketchbook and began flipping through the pages of her most recent plans.  She landed on one page in particular, and held the sketchbook out to him - not to take, but to simply observe the pages within her grasp.
Upon the page were scrawled art plans.  Thumbnail sketches portrayed a doll-like figure with ball joints grasping at their neck, ribs exposed beneath broken porcelain.  Their heard was encased in thorns, blood dripping from the wounds, and the destructive plant life grew up, twisting around the figure’s throat.  The subject was faceless, a being with no identity.  In place of any distinguishing features was a gaping hole where a face should be with a myriad of flowers growing from the dark depths.  Flos adonis for painful recollections, red columbines for anxiety, the blooms of a chaste tree for coldness, and pink larkspur for fickleness.  Above this sketch were notes and color swatches noting the color of each flower, accompanied by reference photos of them as well as some of dolls, ribs, and anatomical hearts. Despite the HORRIFIC imagery, what lied on the page before Akutagawa had been drawn so delicately, it appeared to befit a dainty ceramic teacup. 
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❝ I am thinking about beginning with this one here, ❞  she stated, pointing at the page with a single lithe fingers decorated in bejeweled splints.
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rhianna · 5 years
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Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c.
Author:  Anonymous LoC No.18001775 Title:  Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c. LanguageEnglish LoC ClassBL:   Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Religion: General, Miscellaneous and Atheism SubjectPhallicism CategoryText EBook-No.37713 Release DateOct 11, 2011 Copyright Status    Public domain in the USA.
PAGE. Chapter I. (Fishes)1 Frequent occurrence of the Fish Symbol—Fish Heraldry—Earliest devices—Fish devices on Churches and other public buildings—The Catacombs—Ichthus—Fish devices at Glastonbury Abbey, &c.—The Book-fish—Glasgow Fish-arms—The Fish and the Ring Story of Scotland—Solomon and the Fish and Ring—The Hermit’s Fish Pond of St. Neot’s—The Sacred Perch—The Dolphin—Neptune. Chapter II. (Fishes)10 The Ancient Sacred Fish—Fish diet and its supposed effects—Fish and the Jews—The God Krodo—Oanes—Dagon—The Fish-god at Nimrod—Khorsabad—Fish Worship in Syria—Temple of Dagon at Azotus—The Dagon of the Bible—Adramelech—Abstinence from Fish-food—Ancient character of Fish Worship—“Paradise Lost”—The Irish demi-god Phin—The Fish as a Christian Symbol—Idea involved in Fish Worship—Holy Fish Ponds—Ancient Caledonian objections to Fish—Other anti-fish-eating nations—Ishtar. Chapter III. (Flowers)25 Universal Love of Flowers—Indifference to Flowers—Excessive Love of Flowers leading to adoration—Myths and Legends connected with Flowers—The Flos Adonis, Narcissus, Myrtle, Silene inflata, Clover—The Hundred-leaved Rose—Worship of Lily species—Signification of the Lotos—Hermaphroditic character of the Lotos—The Indian Mutiny of 1857, part played by the Lotus during its instigation. Chapter IV. (Flowers)33 Importance of the Lotos—Varieties of Lotos—Statements by Herodotus, Homer, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Pliny, Athenæus and others—The arborescent Lotos—The Sacred Lotos of the Nile—The Indian Lotos—Nepaulese adoration of the Lotos—Shing-moo, the Chinese Holy Mother—Lakshmi—The Queens of Beauty—The Loves of Krishna and Radha. Chapter V. (Fire)43 Story of the Fire-god and his Secret—Growth of Fire Worship—Fire an essential in Hindoo Worship—The Chaldeans—The Persians—The Hebrews—Fire in Hindu Ceremonies—Duties of Hindu Life—The Serpent and Fire—Phallo-Pythic Solar Shrines—Fire and Phallic Worship—Leaping through fire—Fire-treading in Scotland—Fire-leaping in Russia—The Medes as Fire Worshippers—The Sabines—Fire and the Ancient Christians—The Roman Church and Fire—The Jews—Temple of Vesta—Fire Worship in Ireland—Phallo-fire-worship of the Greeks and Romans.
Chapter VI. (Fire)60 Fire Worship in the States of the Mediterranean—Special sacredness of the Public City-fire of Greece and Rome—The Sacred Fire of Tlachtga—Ceylon Fire Worship—The Parsees—Persian Monuments—Impiety of Cambyses—Cingalese Terms, Sanscrit, Welsh, &c.—The Yule Log—Fire Worship in England—Fire of Beltane—Druidical Fires—May-day Fires—November Fires in Ireland—Between two Fires—Scotland—The Summer Solstice-fire Ceremonies—Worship of Baal in Ireland—St. John’s Day—Bonfires—Decree of Council of Constantinople. Chapter VII. (Fire)75 Paradise Lost and Moloch—The God of the Ammonites—The slaughter of Children by Fire, notices in the Scriptures—Fire Ceremonies and Moloch—Sacred Fire of the Phœnicians—The Carthaginians—Custom of Oziese—Sardinian Customs and Moloch—The Cuthites—Persian Fire Worship—House-fires of Greece and Rome—Sacred Books of the East—Laws of Manu—The Rig Veda and Hymns to Agni, the God of Fire—Vesta, Worship of—The Magi—Zoroaster.
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