#flower quiz
calico-heart · 2 months
Which Flower Are You?
Tagged by @eriyu to do this quiz, thank you! :D
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You are optimistic nearly to a fault. The friend everyone goes to when they are upset, you are selfless and caring by nature. But you have likely had a hard past, and understand what it means to commit towards stretching up to the sun. You're hard working and beloved by everyone who encounters you. Extroverted, a leader, not a follower, and someone who delights in being surrounded by others. Sometimes, you struggle to speak your feelings or admit to struggles. But it's okay to say you're not okay love, it's okay to be the one who needs some comforting every now and then! Let yourself rest sweetheart
I actually took this twice for her and picked some different options I was on the fence about but she got the same result both times LOL So I crossed out a few bits there but I WILL say... if she HADN'T been kidnapped as a child and grown up in such awful conditions, those may have been more accurate. Lyrha wouldn't consider herself optimistic, but I suppose there IS something optimistic in resolving to survive no matter what it takes.
I took a different flower quiz a long time ago and Nahte got sunflower for that one which. Did amuse me. Here he got:
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Cherry Blossom
You are soft but you are not quiet. Bright and loud and excited about life, you are likely the first to ask to pet someone's dog. You have always had a large group of acquaintances but struggle to maintain close relationships, always afraid they will leave, taking some of you with them. Those that have met you, could never forget you if they tried. You wear your heart on your sleeve and while you will never apologize for it, sometimes wish you could grow some thorns. Despite your unequivocal beauty, you are humble and kind, never demanding, always willing to shed your petals to keep others warm. Don't forget to take care of yourself love, don't be afraid to let someone stay and grow alongside them, instead of for them.
Pretty close! I'd say Nahte's not really LOUD but he is certainly not afraid to go say hello to someone or sing a song when he's happy. I think when he's in Warrior of Light mode, it's easy for people not to realize that he is, in fact, quite introverted.
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aitwobecky · 6 months
If this is truly my result, it feels sweet and a little flattering?
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
What Flower Are You?
Tagged by @irisopranta , thank you! :D <3
Quiz here
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In the language of flowers, the sunflower is synonymous with devotion because the blossoms of these mammoth flowers follow the path of the sun across the sky. In a similar manner, you are known for your loyalty and steadiness. You value meaningful relationships, wisdom, and always seek to become the best possible version of yourself.
Your friends can count on you for insight and guidance, and you enjoy sharing insight as much as you do acquiring it. An idealist and a romantic, everything you do speaks to your devotion to living a good life and helping others do the same.
Yeah, that tracks!
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The camellia is symbolic for excellence, and really, would you accept anything less from your flower? You are a natural leader—you are energetic, ambitious, and passionate.
It is no wonder, then, that you are also confident, industrious, and successful. Power comes to you naturally, and you are deeply committed to always achieving, in a word, excellence.
I was gonna say I didn't think Lyrha was much of a leader... but, truth be told in her piracy days she did quite a lot of "political" maneuvering to put herself in positions of security, and as a Red Mage she's definitely going out of her way to give people direction and aid. She has a strong go-get-em drive and she can be pretty dominant in a social setting so... that's probably about accurate!
I feel like I have been doing a lot of tagging lately and I know I've seen this one floating around so I'm not... sure... who hasn't been tagged that might want to. But please, if you wanna do it, do it and tag me! I'd be thrilled to see that!
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dark-lina · 9 months
quiz what flower are you ?
link to quiz : https://flowermag.com/what-flower-are-you-quiz/
My result:
YOU ARE A CAMELLIA!The camellia is symbolic for excellence, and really, would you accept anything less from your flower? You are a natural leader—you are energetic, ambitious, and passionate. It is no wonder, then, that you are also confident, industrious, and successful. Power comes to you naturally, and you are deeply committed to always achieving, in a word, excellence.
Ooc: i not agree with this 🤣
Tagged by : @a-hazbin-spider
Tagging: @facesofthefog @xpricity
@wanderingsongbird @prince-of-the-depths
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Have you ever wondered what flower from Victorian flower language you are? I have! I have a quiz about it! (my credentials are that I have a spreadsheet of over 600 flower meanings)
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ahollowgrave · 3 months
which flower are you...?
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Nostalgic and introverted, you overthink previous moments in time and sometimes may appear to be a bit in your own world. You are beautifully soft and quiet, speaking freely only around those who you feel most comfortable with. Because of this quiet nature, you are terrified of being left behind, forgotten by those you encounter. A bit melancholic by nature, you tend to forget your beauty, looking up to all of the sunflowers, roses, and cherry blossoms of the world. But my darling, you are what draws the eye down to the pavement and the first to be picked by those seeking comfort. Perk up and appreciate your worth my love
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][ Tagged by: ][ @elf-simp ] Thank you ! ][ Tagging: ][ You (: ] ][ Quiz Here! ][
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asvospace · 3 months
୨୧┇What Type of Flower are You? ❀༉‧₊˚.🌷🎀
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here's a cute lil quiz to find out what type of flower you are! ପ(๑ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ଓ 🌷 (for all you flower lovers out there! ;3)
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let's find out together!<3 (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)و ̑̑
here's the link! ❀
↳ I got... Irises!
↪︎ "You make me think of: stoicism that falls away upon the first glance into your tender eyes / blunt, unapologetic honesty, a devotion to the truth / a thirst for knowledge / an unwavering curiosity about the world and its fumbling, lost, endearing people / a love that does not boast and, in kind, does not fade, eternal like history / midnight blue & forest green & lilac / the all too noticeable sound of silence / bravery / grit & perseverance / lo-fi music / the majesty and mystery of space / living to tell the tale of every trial & tribulation when asked / old books with yellowed pages."
⌗ 𐑺・raine 𓂃꒰🧸꒱ / @asvospace
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karmicpunishment · 11 months
i think you all deserve some flowers
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laladventures · 3 months
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Which flower are you?
Thanks for the tag @tripl3cast
🌷 Lilani : Tulip 🌷
You are bright and colorful, with a chaotic and unpredictable streak. While you love simplicity, you are not by any means simple. You have a beauty that radiates and are likely the most charismatic of your friends. You have never been too interested in romantic love, instead finding love within your friends, family, and most importantly yourself. You've always dreamt of making an impact, being remembered and adored. You fear that those you love, could never love you the same. But stop and look around love, you have the aura to command attention, and entire countries declare you theirs. You are already, inherently important and cherished.
🌺 Atrum: Orchid 🌺
You are stubborn and you know it. Self aware and hard to impress, you have a close circle of friends and like it that way. You are beautifully unique, with interests that span far and wide. Likely the dark horse of the family, you've always felt misunderstood. You are a creature of habit and avoid change if possible. You are a selfless and giving lover, seeing your partner as the light of your life. Those who are lucky enough to get to know you, would do anything to keep you within their lives. You are unapologetically yourself and value others who are the same. But sometimes, you miss out on opportunities due to your stubbornness and perhaps feel like life is passing you by. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone my love, everyone you encounter there will find you just as exquisite as you always hoped to be.
Link to quiz if you would like to do it too.
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starrysnowdrop · 22 days
What Poisonous Flowering Plant Are You?
Hali Aloke 🥀
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Lily Of The Valley
This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once.
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So, Lily of the Valley looks extremely close to Snowdrops, Hali’s signature flower, so much so that the White Lily of the Valleys found in game represents the Snowdrops that Hali wears in her hair and in the vases around her apartment and house. To me, this result is absolutely PERFECT for Hali. As a healer and a Warrior of Light, Hali gives so much of herself that it’s hard for her to allow herself to do things just for herself a lot of the time. Aymeric is the one who tries to show her that she must be kind to herself and not just everyone else, though Hali laughs and says that he should take his own advice sometimes.
[ Quiz Here ]
Tagged by: @reikatsukihana @sparrowsong-7 @kskellington and @irisopranta Thank you all so much for tagging me!! I am so sorry that it took me a while to get to this!
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo @traveler-of-light @faerieearthangel and anyone else who wants to do this but hasn’t been tagged yet! Just say I tagged you so I can see your results! 💖
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blackwoodbanshee · 22 days
what flower used in victorian flower language are you?
azalea - "take care of yourself"
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Oh boy, that’s gifted kid burnout if I’ve ever seen it. You chose to go into academia, and you enjoy learning, but at this point you have to force the dedication you have. You have niche interests and the way you show love is by sharing knowledge. You may look outwardly like you have your shit together, but inside you are in emotional turmoil. Take some time for self-care, it’s not actually effective to stress about everything, you’re only making things harder on yourself. I promise you, it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s also okay to rely on other people and let people in. You’re not a machine, you can’t keep on going endlessly. When you were a child, did people often “compliment” you for being so mature? Those weren’t compliments, you had to grow up too soon. Get in touch with your inner child, I swear that it’s healing. The people that are meant for you will be there when you're messy. I believe in you.
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masquenoire · 27 days
What Flower Used In Victorian Flower Language Are You?
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Red Camellia - "You are a flame in my heart,"
Wow, you are a force to be reckoned with! When you’re motivated, there’s absolutely nothing that can stop you. Sometimes, you can get a little wrapped up in yourself, but overall you are so passionate about other people. If you’re interested in something, you’ll take it to extremes and learn everything you possibly can about it. You can talk for ages and there’s constantly a million thoughts, ideas, and opinions running through your head. You tend to see the world in black and white; it wouldn’t hurt to balance your viewpoints out a bit, but also, never lose your strong sense of morality. You’ve definitely been constantly told that you’re “too much”– don’t listen to them. You’ll find your people who love all the parts of you, and especially your zest for life. You might have trouble balancing out your emotions, and you definitely feel everything at an intensity that would stagger others. You also probably have a great distrust of authority.
Tagged by: @babydxhl (Thank you, Bri! ♡) Tagging: @arobinwithoutbatman, @bloodiedmedic, @chaotic-watchtower, @elisethetraveller, @gnarledbite, @peranarkia, @question-marked, @red-hemlock, @smilingmxsk and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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tegwyncat · 9 months
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(via Flower husbands/Jimmy x Scott (LastLife and Empires smp) | Which Ship I Like Are You? (Insane edition)) YALL THIS QUIZ IS SO GOOD AND I GOT FLOWER HUSBANDS!!! (Its 100% better because i got flower husbands, that totally isnt my most favorite ship ever) GO DO IT! Its multifandom too! :D
Edit: sorry, i dont know the artist, it was the art that was with the quiz. I will try to find the artist to give credit :)
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enypneon · 4 months
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ?
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𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 . harsh words and cold glares. painful in the way that your heart burns but can never seem to seek for something better. it is the way you would walk through glass to see a smile, or claw at your own arms just to satisfy another, give and never take for the guilt that comes with wanting is suffocating. emotionally draining and a forever ache that you can't escape.
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tagged by: @vulpesse ( thanks beb 💕 )
tagging: @spakona / @sungracd / @dweomerr / @goldenfists / @sherez / @solisocasum / @volonata / @altarcup / @bolyde & all of you other beauties 😍
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backwardblackbyrd · 7 months
sure is a circus out here but honk honk, ya know?
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rosamelancholica · 10 months
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flower fields and sunsets
You're kind and benevolent. You have a calm and composed facade that melts away whenever you're around your friends. You catch feelings way too easily, but they never last too long. However, when you fall, you'll fall hard. You'll deny your feelings and utter infatuation but it'll be there no matter what. You'll love the small things, like their eye-color and how good they look in a certain color. You're a huge romantic; the kind who'll cry at those sappy love movies. You're timid sometimes, but when you have a strong opinion you will speak about it. You like to bake and may not always be good at it. You like pastels and warm mornings. You like shopping and flowers. You make excuses for all the small things because you're not a fan of admitting when you're wrong, but you know when to back down when you need to. You binge-watch K-dramas and will yell at your friends for staying up too late despite doing the same yourself. You write love-letters to that middle-school crush that taught you what it meant to really like someone and then never send it because that letter was never meant to be seen by them anyway. You're open with your love and will huge your friends till they can't breathe anymore. You still remember the time one of your parents had hurt you so badly emotionally that you no longer need them, but that's okay because you know you're loved. You're insecure, but confident as well. You fall for the softer aesthetics and is a sucker for pretty sunsets.
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