ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Hey, hey, Sanders Sides AU idea. Imagine if Nico has some sort of psychological powers or something, so he can actually see the sides, and he already understands what they are through research into c!Thomas' channel after they met at the mall, so now he just messes with them whenever he's around and one of them is out.
Scenario 1: Thomas and Nico are hanging out, and Logan or Janus pops up to tell Thomas to have a drink because it's been a while. Thomas tries to ignore them because he wants to focus on Nico, but then Nico asks when Thomas last had a drink and convinces Thomas to get a cup of water, and when Thomas gets up to get the water Nico just gives Logan/Janus a little wink before going back to just chilling. That wink then puzzles that Logan/Janus for about a week.
Scenario 2: Nico notices Virgil hovering around Thomas and that Thomas is kinda tense. He distracts Thomas with a movie or something, but then midway through just wraps his arm around Thomas's shoulders, and while Thomas is busy being a flustered mess, he just makes direct eye contact with Virgil and boops him on the nose before returning his attention back to the movie. Virgil's thoughts are nothing but "what the fuck?" for a solid 2 hours.
This continues until Nico unintentionally blows his cover by laughing at the creative twins while they're having some dumb argument about just how Thomas should make a move, he explains what's been going on before promptly solving the argument by kissing Thomas right then and there and saying something along the lines of "I've had fun getting to know all the parts of you, Thomas."
I'm probably gonna make something out of this at one point, and I encourage others to do the same.
Oh I love this!
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There's a quote from Helluva Boss that I just realised could fit these sillys.
Remus: Not with your hand honey, use what your good at.
Virgil: I'm not good with my hands?
Remus: *look of bruh*
It fits, doesn't it?
Ree sure can't confirm that at aaaall Vee XD /light hearted /sarcasm
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justjanusthings · 6 months
You know that anon who was asking about his dog on the ceiling? I have a sneaking suspicioun that may have been Remus.
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classic remus unfortunately
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dragon-witch-virgil · 2 months
(Ooc:I feel bad for an ooc bit I put in another ask that could'vecame over as rude, so I'm redoing that ask.)
Heya! Sorry it's been a hot minute, but my cutlery was trying to commit arson. Silverware gets a bit quirky up here when you leave it alone.
Anyway, just wondering, how'd you meet little Sapphire? And how'd she get that name?
Also, do you have anyone who commonly comes around your place? Like a friend?
(Feel free to delete the old ask if you haven't already!)
The more I learn about your world, the more terrifying it seems. Virgil sighed, going back to the cauldron, almost done with making the potion batch.
Thankfully it's just Stephanie and her mother right now, although we will see if it stays that way.
As for meeting Sapphire, she's my familiar! A familiar finds their witch at the age of five. Her name stems from her love of the jewels, she loves hoarding them and wearing them.
No one really comes by regularly, usually only when illness strikes. There used to be a family that came by every week or so for their kid's chronic illness. However they moved away a while back, as science has advanced a bit and they could afford to make sure to get the best care for their kid. Magic can do a lot, but not everything.
Main Storyline Masterpost
(OOC you're fine, I understood why you thought that. I was in the middle of figuring out how to answer that myself when you sent this in haha)
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shapa-likes-art · 5 months
Hi! Hope you don't mind a little art request!
I would like to ask for some fantasy AU Prinxiety! Roman is a prince of course, Virgil has a couple different flavours to choose from:
Virgil being a knight hired as Roman's personal guard because protective Virgil is my Prinxiety themed life fource.
Virgil being a vampire who lives alone in an abandoned castle in the woods that Roman was the only one brave and stupid enough to go into and from there blossomed a friendship and later a relationship that alternates between Roman sneaking out to Virgil's castle and Virgil sneaking into Roman's room through his balcony Aladdin style.
Your free to choose the flavour of Virgil! Draw away or if your not accepting requests rn simply reply to this ask letting me know! Have a good day/night!
Hi! Sorry my requests have been closed for a while now, but thank you for taking the time to write out your request and flavors :D!
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Oh, Roman. You know you can’t run from this. Even if you can’t hear me, my words echo in your own head anyway. I’m just reinforcing what you already know! You’d be better off just letting Remus replace you. But don’t you already know that too?
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Roman: I’m sorry!
@flowtatoexd @viva-gardens
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princepsfianna · 2 months
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O' Brighid give me strength to resist the daoine sìth borne temptations of @flowtatoexd 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
...ya know what time it is??
Platonic Analogical headcannons.
(There shall also be a bit of Romantic Prinxiety and Intrulogical)
Le go!
Virgil and Logan both have a mutual understanding that sometimes the others can be too much, when they feel this way they just go to each others rooms and just sit there enjoying each others company for a while, generally until they're called out for food.
Virgil and Logan have both learned morse code in order to have a sort of secret language to communicate in, this has resulted in them making their own version of an SOS, SOB, which stands for Sick Of Bullshit.
Virgil is constantly getting Logan into new analogue horrors and ARG's that they then try to figure out together.
On a similar note, Logan and Virgil can have really indepth conversations about cryptids, and they have come to some hilarious conclusions. They think moth man is a cross dresser.
Virgil has introduced Logan to Tumblr memes and such, and the two have many inside jokes. They also do the whole "nice shoelaces. " "Thanks, I stole them from the president." bit.
The only thing the two fight about is the creative twins, namely each one of them thinks they're dating the superior twin, and they're never gonna let the other win.
Loagn actually learned first aid from Virgil, who learned it ages ago from Janus. Virgil also knows how to fight and is giving self-defense lessons to the others.
Lastly, Logan doesn't actually think he's good at helping with panic attacks because of his struggle with emotions, but he is good when Virgil's not fully in panic mode, either when he's starting to calm down or before the panic attack has taken full effect. Virgil often ends up heading to Logan to stave off panic attacks because of how comforting it is to have someone who understands the world.
Hope you like my ideas! Farewell for the moment!
Just woke up from my nap to this! These are so cool, I really love the idea of Logan and Virgil tapping in Morse Code very angrily like:
My boyfriend is better!
No mine is!
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
This headcannon is shorter than most of mine, but like... I feel like it must be said.
Janus loves caramel apples. His favourite dessert snack.
Patton loves smores because of positive camping memories.
Virgil loves donuts. Idk why, but he's back at it again at Krispy cream
Logan's fave is some sort of pastry, I feel it in my bones.
Roman, just like me, like cinnamon buns.
Remus made a pie out of sour patch kids or smtn.
Hope you can agree. Farewell.
Oh I love these! Virgil is like me with the donuts. I'm just always wanting some dhdhdh.
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ts-sides-head-canon · 1 month
I have no idea why, but I've gotten really attached to the idea that Janus knows Latin. Like he'll be frustrated about something, and you can just hear muttered Latin under his breath. Roman can just about make out some of the words because of him knowing Spanish.
My mother and I are also in agreement that Remus speaks German. Remus will be told by not to swear at the table, only to just switch to calling Roman Kartoffelkopf or Schweinehund, and Roman's so confused on how offended he's supposed to be because he doesn't know German.
(Kartoffelkopf means potato head, and Schweinehund means pig hound, btw)
Pffft I love this lmao! Sides speaking different languages is such a cool hc, especially when it's to keep out of trouble.
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
I realised there were a couple of music based headcannons that I forgot on the Analogical headcannons, so here.
Virgil has introduced Logan to emo rock music, and he loves it. We already know he loves Fallout Boy, it's not too much of a stretch to think he'd love stuff like MCR and Green Day.
Virgil and Logan also share a musical guilty pleasure, vocaloid. Specifically, the vocaloid songs by Ghost and pals.
These are so cool! Virgil would introduce Logan to emo music, as is his right.
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Hello there, excuse me while I just project onto the creative twins real quick.
Autistic creative twins headcannons
Roman does all the dramatic gestures he does as a method to avoid stimming cause he's embarrassed by it. If he's really excited, though, he will do the classic flappy hands, and it's the cutest thing ever.
Remus developed a lot of his animal like behaviours as a form of stimming, namely boggling and nibbles.
The twins are massive sensory seekers. That's one of the main reasons they're such attention seekers, they just can't keep themselves entertained by themselves for too long.
They're always daydreaming. If they're not, then something is wrong.
Remus has no filter at all. He's such an open book that the covers are touching.
Disney is Roman's hyperfixation. Need I elaborate?
Remus bounces around between different hyperfixation, he'll be into a different every few months.
Roman actually has quite heightened emotions. Everyone calls him dramatic, but it's not always easy to tell when Roman is feeling genuinely hurt because the extremity of his reactions seem unrealistic sometimes.
Touches have to be kinda firm for the twins to feel it properly. This is more apparent in Remus.
Roman loves pointing out what fictional characters have a similar dynamic to how some of the sides interact.
As said, the twins are massive sensory seekers. They're also massive cuddle bugs.
Hope you enjoy! Hope you're feeling better soon!
These are such cool headcanons.
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Another thought came into my head, so prepare for angst. For this to make more sense, human AU, though with some tweaks it could apply to cannon.
Remus, much like his brother, is actually a romantic. There's a few things stopping him, though. Not the least of which being that he's terrified.
Roman has been in so many relationships. His heart has been given out to so many, and it always gets returned in ripped pieces. Every lover has cheated or used him. Some even hit him. Remus and Janus would always say they're not good, but when Roman's in love, he sees all becomes red-green colorblind with those stupid flags. He'll never admit they're bad for him until the moment his heart shatters.
Remus sees that and is terrified by the thought of falling in love. He's normally not tolerated anyway, so he's terrified for the moment the love leaves their eyes. He's impulsive and stubborn as his brother, so he's terrified of when he'll be so desperate to be with someone that he'll ignore the red flags. His mind can conjure up the worst in humanity, he's incredible at seeing people's flaws, so he's terrified for the moment he sees someone as perfect.
Remus is a romantic. He's desperate for love, to know what it's like, and yet the thought of falling terrifies him.
Oof, right in the feels
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Headcannon about Vee and Ree!
Both Virgil and Remus hiss, both Virgil and Remus squeak, but for opposite reasons. Virgil hisses when he's upset, as we know, and squeaks when he wants something. Remus squeaks when he's upset (like a rat), and hisses when he wants something.
A scenario to go with it. Remus just hisses at people to ask for affection and Virgil is the one who has to translate to the others.
Y E S I L O V E that!!! Just
Remus: *hisses*
Virgil: *hugs Ree, running his fingers through the ball of chaos' hair* You don't always have to ask Dukey
Remus: *melts hugging Vee back, nuzzling him*
Everyone: ???
Virgil: *hugging Ree* It's how he asks for affection continue the discussion
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justjanusthings · 3 months
I wanna help you with your conundrum! Allow me to think... hmm...
Telling them you have no idea why the wine is vanishing.
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Sanders sides dream job headcannons because I was at a cat cafe, and it reminded me of Patton!
Roman: Famous actor or Pop star! That one's quite clear.
Virgil: Rock star in a band! If only he wasn't such an anxious boi.
Logan: Scientist! That's also quite clear.
Patton: Cat cafe! Baking and cute animals, it would be perfect if not for his allergy!
Remus: Horror novelist! He could be the next Stephen King!
Janus: Three options I'm stuck between; Lawyer, Broadway actor, or reptile breeder!
What do you think? Any jobs you think fit better?
I love these!
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