#flush stuff
digestabold · 2 years
The toilet... my ultimate predator
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funtergeist · 1 year
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doodles idk 🤑
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transmechanicus · 6 months
The audacity of well established bands to only sell merch for their most recent album. You bastards, you fiends, your peak popularity was in 2007, sell me a tshirt with old album art for the love of god.
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vanillajunmyeon · 2 months
not to sound absolutely deranged but i have been reading merthur fics (as usual, what i have been doing daily since march) while at work (yes) and the rush of serotonin is just unmatched, i'm giggling and blushing JUST because my blorbos are getting together for the 500th time in a different way
the merthur addiction is going splendidly everyone who knows me is quite done with me
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year2000electronics · 7 months
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mentoring the pop princess
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circus-clownn · 5 months
uhhhh, ride the cyclone oc anyone?
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This is Beverly, the most stagy girl in town (may change!!! not sure)
shes a crazy gal, she likes being dramatic, but is also blunt (for funsies) and shes super into old fashion stuff!! vampire lady/j
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scrimblyscrorblo · 5 months
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Giving Yuzuka a gf when she was human, just for you @tobytoon. The lyrics are from Melanie Martinez’s Play date
I havnt given her gf a name yet but I kinda have an ending for her planned out. And the pattern on her kimono is Fukiyose - dead leaves in the wind. ✨Symbolism✨ Yuzu’s pattern is the Belladonna plant <3
Their songs?
- I Bet On Losing Dogs -> Mitsuki
- Me and Mr Wolf -> The Real Tuesday Weld
- Monster -> Dev
- Too Sweet -> Hozier
- Fear & Delight -> The Correspodents (one of my fav songs tbh)
Yuzuka has always been a more self-centered person but with the demands of her work environment she’s become very apathetic and vengeful, she’s not really close with her parents either
If you have name suggestions for her gf please lemme know. They liked each other a lot, she seemed like something good in Yuzuka’s life that she didn’t want to lose. But alas, thinking of others isn’t her strong suit at all - given the chance at revenge on her employer she took it almost without hesitation.
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They’re kinda cute ngl I couldn’t the damn marker for Yuzuka until like after I finished drawing her and the balding orange is killing me TT it’s meant to be more yellow toned and slightly less saturated
I’ll do better art of them later lol
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glorbs-dominion · 5 months
Two Flushes
This also made it into our "Funny Awards"!
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 year
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Making some new twitch emotes bc followers can have free ones!
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apricusapollo · 6 months
i was talking to my bsf about football player aragorn and she suggested the idea of legolas being a referee and a light bulb went on in my head because yk how sometimes players get aggressive when a referee gives them a card??? yeah so that happens during a game when legolas gives a player of the opposite team a card and aragorn instantly gets involved because that's his HUSBAND!!!!
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comicbookddr · 9 months
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Serica in Flushed
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sporco-filth · 2 months
i don't know what it is but laziness is really hot. just, like not wanting to do anything. sleeping in, moaning about having to walk two steps, sitting all flopped on the couch because you're comfy
i don't even mean laziness that leads to weight gain or laziness to do with cleaning or not wanting to get up to pee. those are all hot, but like just literally being slothful turns me on in and of itself
It's part of why I hate being lazy in real life because if I lounge about I'm going to be getting all hot and flustered
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danwhobrowses · 9 months
Well fellow Callowmoores, it's almost 2024 and that will potentially be the year we see endgame of Campaign 3 - given how we've returned to the Bloody Bridge and likely intend to throw down on Ruidus and fight Predathos (somehow). Nevertheless, we're about halfway through our three week wait for another episode and since we're on the verge of intense and emotionally-charged battles ahead there'll probably be little time for romantic activity - little does not mean none, mind you - during it. Last time we had a wait like this I did a post on some underrated Callowmoore moments from the Shard Incident episodes, but since others have already wonderfully dissected the recent Feywild episodes' romantic moments I'm afraid I don't have much else to add to that. I do, however, have a bunch of mental scenarios that didn't come to be, or have yet to come to be in different contexts to how I previously thought them up. So I thought; it's the new year, why not indulge the artists and fanfic writers who can do a better job than I can with it?
So if you like some of these things, treat it as a free prompt; draw, write, flourish however you see fit, and have a Happy New Year!
If you kept reading after that awesome, I was a little worried the main thing would be a tldr situation, and still could be I didn't expect the bullets to be as long...they were actually even longer at first so not sorry but also sorry? I guess. But anyway, we know what you're here for so let's go.
Note: The scenarios were devised to keep me from suffering crippling doubt and mental shutdown between episodes so mostly they'll be fluffy and comfort-oriented than angsty.
As mentioned before, Fearne pickpocketing the Ashton doll Laudna made to practice talking to Ashton, building up to it or luring Ashton over. Ashton's awareness of the pickpocketing can grow too or they could simply allow it from the get-go "I let her take whatever she wants."
Dancing, low-hanging fruit maybe but always good for chaos, awkwardness, wingman activity, and high energy, but I'm talking folk dancing like in Titanic not ballroom dancing, that's not their or the Feywild's style
"I'll be the judge of that." specifically for when Ashton feels they're unlovable or doesn't deserve to be loved. There's also "Then I guess I'm crazy." and "You've always deserved it."
Pickpocketing one another has been their game, but I can't deny that the thought of Ashton making something for Fearne was highly appealing too, I had them make a bracelet from melted down jewelry and gems they had on them (plus a compartment with an Oleander seed and some water from the Feywild in it), imperfectly made but sturdy and still pretty. Bonus for Ashton reverse pickpocketing it onto her.
"You've always been perfect to me" is another one I mentioned before, I usually have Ashton say it (and sometimes post-Fearne taking the shard reiterate that Fearne keeps becoming more perfect in their eyes) but it can go either way.
Sleeping beside each other's a common one. Not even sexually, often it's for comfort, soothing pain/nightmares or reassuring each other, and - if Fearne hasn't disappeared beforehand leaving Ashton waking up feeling a comforting presence missing - usually not wanting to get out of bed the following morning.
Similar to the above is short rests in close quarters, a specific one is Ashton using their primordial earth powers to pull up a discrete wall for the group to hide behind and rest a little, melding into the actual wall to offer a polymorphed Fearne (a small fire lizard usually, sticking on Orym and Ashton's heads) more space so she can rest too, albeit very snugly and pressed against them - easy opening for kisses under the jawline btw.
Metaphorical but Ashton's reassurance of "You could never hurt me" regarding Fearne's primordial fire was used a bit, plus it aligns with the recent "I'll take my fire damage now" when they hugged Fearne.
Fearne being open to Ashton about her fears of being the dark version of herself, bonus quote "I don't know that person, she's not you, never will be, you're better."
Fearne pulling the Uno Reverse "The shard hurt, but knowing you were there made it hurt much less." and/or "Thank you for saving me."
Also similar to the one above are conversations post-Fearne taking the shard exploring newfound empathy for each other's (albeit more extreme) positions at Whitestone; Fearne experiencing the intensity of the shard's fire, and Ashton experiencing the dread of seeing Fearne in pain from it and being afraid to lose her.
"Whatever happens, promise you'll come back to me" is a pertinent one for the current setting too.
What is that? 1, 2...12! One for each month, there's of course more, some are simple low-hanging fruit or more detailed (no seriously I trimmed a lot of these bullet points down in detail) but for the sake of length we'll stop here. Once again, Happy New Year my fellow Critters and Callowmoores!
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dougielombax · 6 months
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Oh no…
Oh NO!
That’s not just bad design!
That’s a class action lawsuit waiting to happen!
Several class action lawsuits UP THE ASS!!!!
What were they smoking when they came up with this?
It’s radiator coolant! Shit isn’t meant to look like energy drinks!!!
What the FUCK were they thinking?!
Who thought this shit was a good idea?!
Oh DEAR!!!!!
Do not want!
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lightyaoigami · 10 months
i love that in fandom we get inspired by each other and work together but one thing that i wish we would do more is like. talk to people before writing something in their universe or based on what they wrote/drew/etc. i truly think collaboration is the best part of being a creator but i think that it would be really nice to like discuss these types of things BEFORE starting, you know?
ftr this is not about anything specific but i feel like it's really obvious when someone is basing something off an existing fanwork without credit and it makes me sad because missing those opportunities for collaboration and connection is just a net loss for all creative people.
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gendervapor14 · 2 months
i left a comment i've been meaning to leave for weeks!!
huh? did i reply to any of my comments?
but i left a comment. progress has been made.
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