#flux hawaii
snapbookreviews · 9 months
Fall 2023 Behind-the-Scenes Reading
Do YOU want to see what I spent my first semester in grad school reading? Of course you do. (There's a lot of Indigenous and queer scholarship.)
Usually, when I finish a reading that I know will be on the quarterly post, I write the small blurb as soon as I’m done, and I did start this semester doing that… but then came the annotated bibliography assignment. I had to stop doing blog write ups of my reading, because I had a big academic write up of my reading to do. But I’m back now! (It’s winter break and I only have teaching prep to…
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jasminesilk · 7 months
~ New Legacy Challenge Coming Soon ~
Hello again! I hope you've all been well. It's been far too long since I've posted anything on this blog, and for that I am sincerely sorry. Life has been a whirlwind for me the past few years, and unfortunately my love for the sims has had to take a backseat for quite some time.
As I've mentioned before, I have been splitting up my time between Canada, Japan, and now Hawaii too! For those of you who don't know, I am half-Japanese, half-American, and married to a Canadian - so I am very lucky to have 3 places to call home. This does, however, make my life very hectic as I'm constantly in a state of flux.
While I don't think I will be posting any gameplay for a while longer, I will be sharing my newest legacy challenge with all of you sometime THIS MONTH! I am currently in the process of writing it, and then I will be making some custom banners for each generation, so it may be closer to the end of the month when I'm finally done. Regardless, I wanted to announce it here for those of you who are still following me (thank you so much for that, by the way)!
If you're still active here on simblr, I would love for you to like this post so I can either follow you back or keep you as a mutual. I will be culling dead blogs out of my following list to have somewhat of a fresh start.
Wishing you all the best and sending you each my love.
xoxo, matchacake 🍵🍰
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gusty-wind · 1 year
Over 2,000 Children Missing From Lahaina Public Schools Two Weeks After Maui Fire: Report
The Hawaii State Department of Education issued a report Thursday stating that 2,025 students are not accounted in the Lahaina public school system in the wake of the August 8 fire that ravaged the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui. The four schools, two elementary, one intermediary and one high school that comprised the Lahaina school district had a total of 3,001 students enrolled before the fire. The schools are closed due to damage from the fires, with one elementary school heavily damaged and not likely to re-open for some time. The other three suffered damage from high winds, debris and soot. The report does not mention whether--or even the likelihood–many of the missing children were killed in the fire.
The report states that as of August 21, out of the 3,001 students enrolled as of August 8, 538 have “re-enrolled in other public schools”; 438 have “enrolled in the State Distance Learning Program (SDLP), English and Hawaiian language immersion”; and says of the 2,025 not accounted for: “Remainder of students who have not re-enrolled in another public school or opted for distance learning (may have moved out of state, enrolled in private schools)”
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported one private school on Maui has received about 1,000 new applicants since the fire. However the article also mentioned a private school with 200 students had been destroyed by the fire (excerpt):
Meanwhile, Maui’s private schools also are in flux. Maui Preparatory Academy recently received a surge of about 1,000 applications for new openings the school made to accommodate displaced students, officials posted online this week. “We shuffled, rearranged the entire campus to welcome 110 new students (a 40% enrollment increase from last year). It is only a drop in the bucket. So many students not in classrooms today,” the school posted Monday on Instagram.
Sacred Hearts School has posted on its website that its campus faced a “devastating fire that has left our campus in ruins.” A Hawaii Association of Independent Schools report shows the school enrolled about 200 students.
Government officials have not been forthcoming on the number of children killed in the fire. Two weeks out they still only report 115 official deaths and anywhere from 850 to 1,100 people of all ages missing. Officials have not released a list of those presumed missing.
School children in Lahaina were kept home that day due to high winds from an offshore hurricane, with many home alone because their parents were at work.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hey it’s me again you’re favorite ghost🤪 I vanished but it’s currently 2 AM and I have a list on my phone of all the things I haven’t read and this makes for a perfect occasion to binge read all of them😀 Don’t want to bore you lol so I’ll try to be quick: Namjoon and Michele: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE WRITTEN ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. NOW I WANT THE WHOLE STORY. damn. I’ve been waiting for so long to know what happened between these two. This is the perfect moment to say that I’m a *sucker* for “fwb” -ish tropes and honestly after the latest flux chapter I needed Namjoon’s POV so THANK YOU!!
A bouquet of flowers: I’m just very thankful every time I find out you wrote something starring yoongi. You’re probably the only writer that makes me read yoongi and not feel like he’s found something “out of character” (not that we know his character, but I hope you get what I mean lol). And his grandma being gone in Hawaii is so savage and chaotic she’ll always be my favorite 🤩.
The Mishka/JK cockring situation: hilarious. Poor naive Jk not even questioning why she was so snappy towards the vendor lol. Also around the time you published this I was in Treviso (not Dragon Age Treviso, but still!) so I may or may not have crossed paths with these two👀
Fae Jimin: I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF INTERACTIVE STORIES! Don’t know if you’re familiar with the game “Life is Strange” but I loved it and kind of reminded me of it. And both endings were kind of creepy tbh💀 also I loved the line “beautiful. Humanesque but definitely not entirely human, no mortal man could look like that” because that’s exactly how I would describe jimin in real life😅
And I just finished the jk and pippa wash the dishes Drabble and I only have one question, probably stupid but I’m curious: do women’s bodies after birth/nursing actually react like that when they hear a baby cry? I saw multiple videos on this topic on tiktok the other day (don’t ask why they popped up I have no idea lol) and now I read this so I’m like “wait is it all true??” Not that I don’t believe people’s experiences, I just don’t trust people on tiktok 😃
I think that’s all? Oh I have to read asunder but I’m waiting for more chapters to pile up because I realized every update I kept forgetting stuff, I introduce you to my short term memory 😃
Also two things (since I’ve been lurking on your Tumblr anyway👀): you took days off work to write?? You’re now my role model, what I aspire to be when I’m an adult (because I’m not, I’m still 12 didn’t you know?). I suck at taking time for myself🥹 show me your secrets. I also hope you’re doing well❤️ don’t stress!
And number two: Halloween is coming up! I read your kids costume ideas and they’re so cute😭❤️ I’m so jealous of every other part of the world when it comes to Halloween because it’s my favorite holiday here no one celebrates it here, apparently they are boring and care about Christmas🙄. Anyway, if you need ideas on your costumes I’ll be Yor Briar from SpyxFamily👀 (if my costume arrives in time. If not I’ll do what I did last year aka tied my hair in a bun, drew red lines across my face, called 🌚, gave her a red scarf and then went “boom Eren and Mikasa”😅)
Hot damn girl your novels are such a delight to read!
OK let's start with my favorite part of this, the question about physiological response to babies crying: yes! Caveat, all women are different, even between different postpartums can be different. But my experience and I heard this from many others too is that often especially with a newborn who's freaking out, the mother's body responds in a similar panic and it's much easier for the father to handle the screaming baby because he may not have the same response. For me, I would start shaking, heart racing, sweating, sometimes crying, just total overwhelm (also if you're nursing, sometimes your milk drops at the sound of a baby crying, not even your own.) Sometimes babies just cry, there's nothing even wrong, and it was unbearable at times. It got more manageable for me over time, especially once I was done nursing, but I definitely still have a physical response to my kids crying (even when I know they are perfectly fine!) I'll wake up from the dead of sleep at the faintest chirp (save me please I need to sleep.) When it was strongest, it definitely happened with other children too (though stronger for my own.) I could not watch a movie with a crying baby in it, I'd start freaking out. Hormones are crazy as shit.
Now onto the rest! I'm so glad you're enjoying all the other stuff. It's a lot to binge! Flux Namjoon will definitely get some more attention. I had actually hoped to start his collection a little earlier, so maybe i'll go backwards too. I just really want to do all the members justice, and it's sort of a sad arc with Michele but he'll get to the happier place he deserves 😊
Fae Jimin was great fun though I wish now I'd let myself write even more leading up. I love interactive fiction and have long wanted to do projects in that vein, blending my writing and my video game career. It's why I play around with the reader insert stories sometimes too. I hope to explore some more, although to really do what I want would be a massive undertaking, so probably not in the near future haha.
I'm so flattered you like my Yoongis!! I used to think he was the hardest member to write but lately I've just been really enjoying getting into his head as a character, I'm looking forward to writing more about him through drabbles and Owl Yoongi. Also I'm working on a Min Je-ni drabble from when she and her husband first married and it's being fun, I love that chaotic granny too, she's so not coming back from Hawaii.
Asunder will probably get easier to follow too once we're to their adulthood, because then there weren't be as much time jumping and meeting people and stuff. Lowlander was super condensed and told from an outsider's perspective so it was a lot simpler; Asunder has SO much world building, it's a lot to keep up with!
As for the days off, yes I did haha, Because I also suck at taking time for myself too! I never stop moving and doing things and had really gotten to a breaking point after such a rough transition to fall so I actually took 4 days off and portioned them out so some were productive and some were restful --which for me meant writing. I wish I could have had a few more days to like just watch TV shows or something, you could argue that writing is not truly restful and you would be right lmao. But it's what I wanted to do and it soothed my heart.
I hope you manage to still have some fun for Halloween. Your costumes sound fun! Yor is a great costume idea!! I really should put some effort into doing something this year. We did our first trick or treat tonight but we've still got 3 Halloween parties/trick or treats to do... Last year I only got to do one because of my surgery right before. Can't believe that's been a whole year!!
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morethanmonotonous · 1 month
Early August, Before the Move
I’m sitting in an apartment in Campsie, one of the literally countless places we have stayed in the past 2.5 years. The Olympics is on which dates all of this really well but we are a matter of weeks away from moving out entire lives. Usually in life you aren’t as hyper aware of what phase of life you’re in, it usually just happens around you and is a tapestry of habits, routines, social phases, places of employment. But at this stage we know that we are doing something big, we are in a story, and to be honest between a lot of the disbelief of our actual lifestyles, I have been aware of this almost consistently. However in other ways, it really just feels like we have been living normal lives but it’s easier to remember how atypical it is when faced with relative normalcy again. 
We are on the cusp on making the move to New York and it’s a wild time to reflect on the few years that’s been.
While I wish I wrote more, I feel like it’s indicative of the chaos and whirlwind that it’s been. I don’t think I need to give a list of dates and countries but there’s so many feelings running through me as I make this leap.
I’m proud of myself. Proud of us. Overwhelmed by the actual concept that a girl from Riverstone met some boy from Greystanes and now we are going to be living in the middle of manhattan. It feels like a movie plot. 
Remembering back on that first career expo I was scared to go to, listening to Career Day by The Format, and while it didn’t end in a job, I was so scared to try this “business” thing, I wouldn’t have believed I’d be a lead consultant in manhattan. 
It’s crazy this part of my life is over. The planning, the zipping and unzipping, the weighing, the feeling of waking up like you’re a 12 year old at a sleep over and don’t recognise your room, but it’s with cities or countries, trying to remember which language to communicate with, not knowing where to buy literally anything you need, and general transience. 
I’m excited to have a wardrobe, a routine, foods that are familiar, friends that I’ll be able to know for more than a matter of weeks, and to have somewhere that really feels like home. 
I miss having a kitchen, having snacks around and routines about food and times and going to the gym and a bit more of a handle on things. Flux is a beautiful thing but there’s something beautiful about the warm comfort of knowing what the next few weeks will likely bring. The ability to make a star chart and hang it up, to have some little things around that feel more like us and like home. A place we can decorate however we want and know it’ll stay like that for a while. 
It’s so weird to think of a time when it’s not going to be me, my blue towel, my packing cubes, my tims-because-they’re-not-thongs-or-vans show debacles, of needing to use stuff like a lint de baller at my parents house because we can’t own anything that it used periodically, but it’s so unexplainably exciting.
I think I could name a hand full of of USA states and don’t know the anthem. New York, California, Mississippi (is that a state?), Texas, Arcansas, Florida, New Orleans, Nevada, Ohio, Minnesota, Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, South Dakota, Illinois. I don’t know the national anthem, sports teams, supermarkets, brands, or pretty much anything else about America but it’s exciting to learn something so big and so new. 
I know that sometimes the anticipation for a thing can be so great it can outweigh the excitement of going to a place but this feels different. And regardless, being in a time and space where I am filled with excitement is something absolutely magical. It’s not often that people get to live out life long dreams and god damn it feels good to be full of pride and excitement and anticipation for the next massive step. 
So I’m going to write more during this time because I wish I had more writing from the past 2.5 years. 
Signing off as we do a final trip to storage before we head to Canberra. What a time to be alive. 
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superfestivalbouquet · 5 months
I Wish To Be Green - Yes, Green
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Hawaii is without question a place known for surf, spam and light. With weather like no other, the Hawaii solar information mill in a best position support educate anyone about you solar installers albury Wodonga should be of solar. With the breaks available from the State (35%) and Federal (30%), to mention a Hawaii solar rebate ($750) from Hawaii Energy to qualified homeowners, there's no reason why a home/business owner should reap the benefits of of harnessing the sun's energy support you reduce their electricity payments.
You cane easily see that it is actually quite costly to meet power demands via nsw solar program capability. Our example household would need pay out over $16,000 to completely replace their grid capability. Fortunately support is available in are government discounts.
The pricey parts within a solar panel are the photovoltaic growths. These can be available at your local hardware store and will represent most of your money spent. You can find cheaper used or refurbished solar panel online. Receiving sunlight reduce cost tag on quite a great deal.
Now you may need to wire the cells together, and then for this you want to need solder, flux, and a soldering steel. These cells have to get linked within a series, as well as connected together. Every bit of the cells have to be connected together in a string. Nine cells get back together a roll, so solder this first roll together, then your next three. Now the electrodes for the negative side, which possess a bluish surface, need with regard to soldered to the positive contact points for a next solar albury Wodonga cell.
In a unit of this type, energy from the sun strikes the special film of the solar array panels to cause a effect. This means that an electron is released. Since electricity will be the flow of electron particles, this is really a simplified way of energy release.
It is rare which your home creates enough energy to be able to power my way through a home that needs to be powered on the consistent cause. However, in those cases where your property is not using much electricity, source meter may turn backwards as energy is being placed solar panels Albury in the power company's grid.
A solar home lighting system basically converts solar energy, into electrical energy for inside all the home lighting will need. This a great solar power solutions at home as it kills your electric invoice! Even during the night, since the solar energy is trapped in cells, personal loan have lots of light in order to. You'll never have to love electrical costs using a solar lighting system for your home.
Solar manuals offer some fantastic home care energy saving solutions. Tips on how to make solar panels, build solar generators, generate free solar power electricity, build wind generators and power efficient wind mills. Comprehensive guides that makes everything so clear that anyone can start generating their own electricity.
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20thcentutygeek · 5 months
The Creator of Mind MGMT and DEPT. H is Teaming Up With his Mother, Margie Kraft Kindt, for a Brand-New Whodunit Murder Mystery
Bestselling cartoonist Matt Kindt has shattered crowdfunding records with Keanu Reeves on their blockbuster BRZRKR graphic novels. He’s created acclaimed comics with fellow indie comics darlings Jeff Lemire and David Rubín and his talented studio mate, Brian Hurtt. And now the creator of Mind MGMT and Dept. H. has a new and entirely unexpected writing partner: his mother, Margie Kraft Kindt. Together the two Kindts are creating Gilt Frame, an eccentric and electrifying crime thriller starring the most unlikely detective duo in the history of murder mysteries. The 3-issue whodunit will be published at Dark Horse Comics through Flux House, Kindt’s boutique imprint that features crime, science fiction, and humor stories, all told and presented in startling and untraditional ways. 
“Although it is a privilege and thrill to collaborate with someone of Matthew’s caliber and of his generation, the real joy and value is personal,” said Margie Kraft Kindt. “What a bonus at this time of life, the gift and pleasure of so many hours and days in the company of a grown-up son, sitting across from each other at our partner table, settling into our chairs as we brainstorm plot twists.Each of us takes on the roles of our characters. I develop the energetic persona of the star of Gilt Frame, the take-charge Meredith Pearson — Aunt Merry to her beloved nephew and best buddy, Sammy — while Matt shoots out dialogue for him. We toss around how they would play off each other — so completely immersed in the exhilarating work we are both passionate about, that every once in a while, we stop and ask each other, ‘Are you getting this down?’”
A classic whodunit that spans the globe from Paris to Hawaii to Montenegro, Gilt Frame stars Sam, an orphan in his early twenties, and his well-off Aunt Merry who has an outsized appetite for antiques, travel, and solving crimes. Sam was adopted by his aunt years ago and together they have solved some of the most notorious murders in the world. Now their latest Parisian adventure is cut short when they stumble upon a murder scene so bizarre that only a raging psychopath could have produced it. To solve this crime, Sam and Merry will have to wrestle with jewel thieves, art-forgers, gun-runners, the century-old ghost of the woman in black, a lost puppy, and a master French detective who just might solve the crime before they do.
“Sam, the young nephew in Gilt Frame, is really the star of the show here,” said Kindt. “The voice of reason who generously gives old Aunt Merry just enough screen time” not to embarrass herself. He’s always looking out for her as they solve a real puzzle of a murder. It’s not a locked room murder mystery. It’s more of an unlocked…UNHINGED murder mystery.”
 For over 20 years, Matt Kindt has been writing and illustrating inventive, independent comics that balance action-packed storytelling with a highly personal creative vision, with titles like BRZRKR (with Keanu Reeves), Apache Delivery Service, BANG! Dept. H, Ether, Fear Case, MIND MGMT, Folklords, Revolver, 3 Story, Super Spy, and Pistolwhip. But he’s never had a collaborator quite like this… “While we were working on this book it brought back memories of me when I was ten or so…and Mom constructing pretend “crime scenes” at home for me to solve,” said Matt Kindt. “ Follow the fake bloody footprints to figure out what happened. Pay attention to the broken clock. Why is that door open? That childhood memory actually explains a lot. Very formative. So of course it only makes sense for us to build another crime scene together. Brings me back to my roots and to what writing has always been for me – play. We’re having fun.”
The 64-page giant-sized Gilt Frame #1 is due out in comic shops on August 7, and advance copies will be available for sale at the Dark Horse Comics booth at San Diego Comic-Con. Follow Dark Horse Comics on social media for more news, announcements, and updates.
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briantwomeydallas · 10 months
Time in Flux: The Origin of Daylight Saving and the Push to Abolish It
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Twice a year, a ritual takes place in many parts of the world - the turning of the clock hands either forward or backward. This practice, known as Daylight Saving Time (DST), has a history as intriguing as the concept itself. In this blog post, we'll journey through the origin of daylight saving and the growing movement to bid farewell to this biannual time shift.
The Birth of Daylight Saving:
The concept of manipulating time to make better use of daylight can be traced back to Benjamin Franklin, who, in 1784, humorously suggested that Parisians could save money on candles by waking up earlier to make use of natural sunlight. However, it wasn't until World War I that daylight saving time was first implemented as a serious measure.
In 1916, Germany introduced DST as a way to conserve energy during the war. The idea quickly spread to other countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. The main principle was to shift an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, theoretically reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving energy resources.
The Pros and Cons of Daylight Saving:
Over the years, proponents of DST have argued that it reduces energy consumption, increases outdoor activities, and has potential economic benefits. However, as the world has become more technologically advanced and energy-efficient, the purported advantages of DST have come into question.
Critics argue that the energy savings are minimal, if any, and that the biannual time change disrupts sleep patterns, leading to potential health issues. Additionally, the confusion caused by adjusting clocks can create scheduling challenges and affect productivity in the days following the time shift.
The Movement to Abolish Daylight Saving:
In recent years, a movement to abolish daylight saving has gained momentum. Many regions and countries are reconsidering the necessity and benefits of this time adjustment. Some U.S. states, including Arizona and Hawaii, have already opted out of DST, choosing to maintain a consistent time throughout the year.
The movement to abolish DST often centers around the idea that the benefits, if any, are outweighed by the drawbacks, including disrupted sleep patterns, potential negative effects on mental health, and the logistical challenges of coordinating time changes across various sectors.
As we continue to navigate the complexities of time and the impacts of daylight saving, the movement to abolish this tradition grows stronger. The historical context of daylight saving, rooted in wartime energy conservation, has evolved in the face of changing perspectives on energy efficiency and the understanding of its effects on human well-being.
The conversation surrounding the abolition of daylight saving is not just about adjusting our clocks twice a year; it's a reflection of our evolving relationship with time, technology, and well-being. As we move forward, the debate over whether to embrace or bid farewell to daylight saving will likely continue, prompting us to reconsider the very nature of time and its influence on our lives.
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wearejapanese · 3 years
By Kyle Yamauchi
Will Matsuda’s photo project Hanafuda is a test of memory and recognition. Scanning the series of photographs, I identify a crumpled iris blossom, a pale pink peony, a darkened hillside, and a nimble doe. To anyone unfamiliar with the Japanese card game, these images are nothing more than flora and fauna. But to Japanese Americans like me, they coincide with the faces of hanafuda cards and also recall childhood memories of friendly competition with one’s obachan. I don’t remember at what age I learned to play, but I do know every visit to granny’s house prompted multiple rounds of hanafuda. The desirable gaji card always incited squeals of delight and the beautiful sakura cards were worn from handling.
Matsuda’s Hanafuda treads a fine line between reimagining and recreating the timeless prints of the beloved game. Unlike Western playing cards, hanafuda is void of numbers or conventional suits, instead depicting flower and animal prints representing the 12 months in a calendar year. Matsuda, who learned how to play at a young age from his Grandma Amy, still doesn’t understand all the rules. Growing up in Portland, Oregon, he only played hanafuda once a year when he and his immediate family visited his grandma on O‘ahu for the holidays. He fondly remembers losing to her, claiming she didn’t hold back in leveraging her years of experience. It was this nostalgia that prompted Matsuda to create 25 vertical photographs of scenes reenvisioning hanafuda prints.
At the time, Matsuda was living in New York for a residency at The Center for Photography at Woodstock. While on a leisurely stroll in the Catskill Mountains, he recognized a variety of the same plants, such as wisteria and iris, depicted on the hanafuda cards he played in childhood. Intrigued, he learned that Woodstock is on the same latitude as northern Japan, which would account for the similarity in foliage. Consequently, Hanafuda ended up being shot at an unconventional Western location with Japanese subjects.
Matsuda knew he wanted the series to have a human presence, and as one of the few Japanese Americans in the area, he often cast himself as the subject. “I was thinking of these cards as a metaphor and vehicle to think about Japanese American culture and identity,” he says. “If I put myself in the photos, I find it to be an easier way to access these more complicated ideas.” As a result, the series conjures paradoxical feelings of familiarity and displacement. Matsuda’s Asian features are a familiar sight in Hawai‘i or Japan, but as he poses among North American pine trees, against a black sheet, and below a starry sky in upstate New York, he creates a universal space neither distinctly Japanese nor American. There is a sense of longing for Japanese culture, an attempt to “find the bits we can latch onto or belong to, wherever we are,” Matsuda says.
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abluestitchintime · 2 years
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‘Living the Good Life’ Stitch top found at ROSS
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freedivehi · 5 years
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Freedive Hawai’i friend and former student @herbanprophet cruisin’ through 1st Cathedral on Lanai 🐠🐳🐬 • • Take your confidence in the ocean to new levels 🏄‍♀️🌊👊 • • ✅turn on post notifications ✅follow US! ✅VISIT www.freedivehi.com ⚠️⚠️BOOK TODAY⚠️⚠️ • • #flux #hawaii #maui #freedive #freediving #freedivehi #freedivehawaii #adventure #tourism #luxury #vacation #holidays #inparadise #holoholo #oceanminded #yoga #fitness #meditation #outdooradventures #underwaterlife #oceanman #spearfishing #sustainableliving #nogmo #dancing #music #inspirationalquotes 📸 @benzo_speedo (at Freedive Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4_onWzDQxt/?igshid=2ei712s0cwx6
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quietgirl444 · 5 years
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cute lil picnic on my roof 🍊
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ez100 · 2 years
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Anybody ever wanted to disappear for a day?? I tried it today with this camouflage fit by @youngla, but it didn’t work. Everyone kept asking, who you wearing. I said, you can see me! Hey S/O to @sia_collective for those dope “Delorean Flux Capacitors”. I just be movin’ on the hush 🤫 (at Lihue, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdMsIbdrgCz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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weregururumon · 3 years
Endangered vernaculars have been dying out at unprecedented rates since the 1960s. Invariably, they give way to one of the world’s more dominant languages such as Arabic, English, Mandarin or Spanish. Now, more than 40 percent of the world’s 7,000 or so languages are thought to be at risk of extinction, some with just a handful of elderly native speakers left.
“This isn’t a normal or stable flux,” says Anna Belew, outreach coordinator at the Endangered Languages Project, which seeks to support efforts to sustain endangered languages. “What we’re looking at is a mass-extinction event.” Out of the roughly 700 languages that are known to have fallen silent in all of human history, more than 30 percent have gone extinct at some point during the last 60 years.
Silent Voices
There are many factors that can lead to the extinction of a language, some more disturbing than others. On the extreme end of the spectrum, violence towards minority communities is the root cause. Ethnic cleansing carried out by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq put an almost intolerable pressure on some of the Middle East’s ancient and most fragile dialects, for example. But peaceful countries are not immune either — there are just two speakers of the Ainu language in Northern Japan.
The United States, meanwhile, is home to a great many endangered languages, the vast majority of which are Native American. Take Quechan, a native language once found along the Colorado River that now only has 150 native speakers left. But some are of European origin, albeit with a less threatened status, such as Pennsylvania German, which has close to 100,000 speakers. “Languages don’t go away because everything is fine. It’s almost always symptomatic of serious problems facing the people who spoke it,” says Belew. “That can be as extreme as genocide, but it can also be a combination of increasing economic and political pressures from a dominant culture.”
That’s reason enough for people to care, says Lyle Campbell, a linguist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. “When people are giving up their languages it’s not choice, but oppression and that’s something we should all care about. When a language dies, it takes a lot of knowledge with it.”
There are ways of fighting to keep languages alive, of course. By some of these efforts, says Campbell, are more successful than others — which largely depends on how we define "success" in the first place. “Is [success] creating new generations of native speakers where they use the language for their day-to-day language? If so, then there are very few examples,” he says. “But if you’re looking at raising the number of people who can speak a given language and therefore increase their cultural identity, then there are more.”
Linguists often point to Welsh as a successful case study. Wales, a constituent nation of the United Kingdom with a population of just over 3.1 million, has a long history of speaking Welsh — in 1800 it was the de facto language throughout most of the country. By the early 1900s, however, it was spoken by less than half of the Welsh population. The drop was in part due to significant migration from England and Ireland, but the Welsh language was also seen as a threat by some in government. During the Victorian era, there were several popular uprisings in Wales and some members of parliament concluded that the persistence of the Welsh language was to blame. As a result, Welsh was actively discouraged by the school system and pupils who conversed in their mother tongue were punished.
By 1991, just 18.7 percent of the country spoke Welsh, but the decline seems to have since stabilized thanks to concerted, coordinated efforts to keep the language alive. Welsh is now recognized as an official language all students in Wales are taught Welsh; and some schools teach all lessons in Welsh. The country's 2011 national census revealed that 19 percent of people still spoke the language. Thanks to this wholesale approach, what seemed like a terminal decline has been soothed.
“With enough dedication, small language communities can keep their languages despite all the odds,” says Campbell.
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nstbtmelb · 3 years
Melbourne DJ Sectumsempra is one of the names on the next [nstbt] lineup, and she has sent us a [nstbt_podcast] to help get the party started! 🤘🏻😁
Discovering warehouse raves and squat parties back in 2015, it quickly opened a love for hard techno/schranz. This was quickly followed by discovering bush doofs in 2016, and she was drawn to the passion and intensity of forest and dark psytrance.
For her psytrance side, she draws her influence from artists such as Biomekanik, Kasatka, Vox Fabri, D.O.C, Oroboro, Digital Abstract, Kinetic Flux and many more.  
Sectumsempra arranges the tracks to bounce between playful and energetic sounds, and then plunges into mind drilling darker baselines. Often switching between more playful and energetic tracks, with a touch of pounding hitech or psycore.
Her techno side packs a punch, and she does not slow the fuck down! Arranging tracks from artists such as Slugos, Petduo, Instigator, O.B.I and many more, she concentrates on pounding energetic tracks with a baseline to drive your head into the ground.
Which ever flavour you choose, Sectumsempra captivates her audience by focusing on the darker and more intense elements of their psyche, as they complety lose themselves in the chaos of the dance floor.
We hope you enjoy this mix that she has done for us. And if you are in Melbourne next month, you can catch her alongside a massive local and interstate lineup here: https://www.facebook.com/events/127940872576897/
Thank you Kim, and welcome aboard! 🙏🏻😁
If you like what you hear? Be sure to like and follow her artists pages below. A few seconds and a few clicks on your part can help make a difference at the end of the day. Support the music you love, and help support the artists who create it.
Thanks guys 🖤
[track_list] 01] Krematorium - Slugos & Sheefit 02] Back The Fuck Off - Diogo Ramos 03] Fire - Diogo Ramos 04] Back Once Again - Slugos 05] Warehouse Massacre - O.B.I 06] In Orbeats - Greg Notil 07] Fuckface (PetDuo Remix) - Hawaii Pizza Haters 08] Pain in the Ass - Tilthammer 09] Sorrow of Madness - Slugos & Golpe 10] Let's Party - Mental Crush 11] Pure Destruction - Bednarz & Headbanger 12] The Cemetary - HT4L 13] Fucking Bass - Instigator & Mark EG 14] Veio (Dariush Gee Remix) - PetDuo 15] Pray and Die - Slugos & Tato
Each podcast we will be bringing you a selection of the finest hardtechno, schranz and industrial hardcore from local artists, and around the globe!
If you like what you hear please make sure you download, like and share!
[sectumsempra_pages] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sectumsempra_kimberley/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sectumsempratunes/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sectumsempratunes
[nstbt_pages]⁣ ⁣⁣Website: www.nosleeptillbedtime.net⁣ ⁣⁣Facebook: www.facebook.com/nosleeptillbedtime ⁣⁣Instagram: www.instagram.com/nstbt_melb ⁣⁣Mixcloud: www.mixcloud.com/nstbt
#wearehardtechno #techno #schranz #acidtechno #hardcoretechno #industrial #industrialtechno #hardcore #industrialhardcore  #electronicmusic #technomusic #recordlabel #rave #underground #music #hardtechnofamily #darktechno  #technovibes #technodj #technofestival #technolovers #technolove #acid #dj #technorave #instatechno
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eternalocean · 3 years
Seascape Saturday
Sea cradles all inhabitants does not hide its compassion nor fury nor power. It’s pure presence emotion flux fluidity. Its lesson is that change is constant suffering dissipates joy is transient but you can honor the experience of it all in constant flow. I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful for being able to go to the sea… I’m going to Hawaii in July, and it has never been…
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