aresdifesa · 5 days
Nuovi FlyEye per le Forze Armate Polacche L'Agenzia degli Armamenti del Ministero della Difesa Nazionale Polacca ha siglato con WB Group un contratto esecutivo per sette set di FlyEye
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alucarddaily · 1 year
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Night creatures of Castlevania
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memedreamm · 2 months
i imagine badze's unglamoured form as yassified flyeyes from castlevania. i am aware only 2 people will understand what im talking about. imagine if this guy did drag and had more teeth. thats how im picturing badze.
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alethianightsong · 11 months
I'm pretty sure Emmanuel got sold a faulty Forge machine
When Olrox is with Mizrak, he tells him that there are demons who you can barter with and laugh in their faces. Being a man of God, Emmanuel probably wouldn't have sought a powerful demon, but instead went with a lesser one, a demon that ended up being Hell's equivalent of a greasy car salesman. *slaps roof of Forge machine* "This bad boy can pump out so many monsters." Anyway, Flyeyes from the original series establishes that the Night Creatures can recall their past lives but don't try to rebel against Isaac. Because Emmanuel is using a secondhand Forge machine, his Night Creatures are able to remember their past lives AND regain autonomy. Not only did the guy trade his soul, but Emmanuel traded his soul for a shitty machine that makes disobedient monsters.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
PLEASE!!! warriorcatify the boys. I saw the Beetlestar you did and it is not leaving my brain.... Fulgur could be Voltstrike or something, Leroy sounds like a loner, thank you Sasha
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meet flyeye! beetleclan’s newest recruit
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adam-sadmon · 1 year
So I feel like a lot of people, at least as I understand it, are misreading Isaaccs first conversation with Flyeyes.
When Flyeyes reveals he was a philosopher who under the growing Christian power was tortured into false confessions and giving up others of his ilk a lot of people say that the point of the conversation was to reveal the difference between what humans see as a sin, questioning the divine, and what Flyeyes was actually condemned for, lying, when in fact I think the deeper point is that irregardless what 'sin' he committed to be condemned to hell it was bullshit either way.
Questioning of the divine is what humans and himself believe he was condemned for but lying under torture being the reason for his eternal suffering as proclaimed by god is equally as false a justification as the bullshit sin imposed upon him by mortals. The point of that part of the conversation in my eyes was a sort of as above so below statement on the fallacy of sin and eternal damnation as a concept.
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busterjustis · 14 days
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Vintage I-Glasses compound fly eye simulation goggles. This is a very interesting set of goggles! The faceted compound lenses are supposed to simulate how insects see the world.
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kookies-and-cream-16 · 9 months
Today is Christmas Eve, have a fisheye-view Yumyum
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(fisheye-view, more like flyeye-view lmfao I'm hilarious)
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((OOC: A vampire soldier blog would be cool. You could be one that survived Dracula's flood somehow, or one of Carmilla's soldiers. You would have witnessed a lot, maybe Hector being captured, and Isaac's attack on the castle. There would be so many potential asks depending on what you choose. I would like to see your Morana head canons and something to interact with the Striga blog. Flyeyes is a fascinating character that needs more love. Another take on Trevor would be cool too.))
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🥀||Ohhh Morana sounds the most fun.
I have roleplayed as FlysEyes and I have a HC that he’s Plato in his human lifetime.
Yea, I don’t want to take any spotlight away from the Trevor I have seen :/ ||🥀
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snuh · 2 years
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flyeye: ash sky
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alephsblog · 10 days
Si meritano il ritorno al neolitico in Corea del Nord🤡
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aresdifesa · 6 months
Millesimo esemplare prodotto del UAS FlyEye WB GROUP ha comunicato di aver prodotto il millesimo UAV da ricognizione FlyEye presso i propri stabilimenti.  Il FlyEye è il sistema più avanzato al mondo nella sua categoria, interamente progettato e prodotto in Polonia, testato in combattimento nelle condizioni più difficili come i conflitti ad alta intensità.  A metà marzo, il millesimo UAV FlyEye 3.x ha lasciato la linea di produzione; l’enorme numero di sistemi consegnati in breve tempo conferma la rapida espansione del potenziale produttivo di WB GROUP ed inoltre crea fiducia nelle capacità del produttore di completare in tempo anche ordini molto grandi di sistemi senza pilota. FlyEye è
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pettirosso1959 · 16 days
Tar Sicilia sospende i lavori per telescopio europeo Flyeye - Notizie - Ansa.it
Gli ecoidioti bloccano la ricerca scientifica in Sicilia.
Mi domando come mai non blocchino l'installazione di inutili e devastanti turbine eoliche e pannelli fotovoltaici e non richiedano la revisione di piani che hanno distrutto campi agricoli e vette vergini, eliminando frutteti, vigneti e boschi meravigliosi. Solite idiozie targate green...
A parte la questione legale che sarà trattata dal TAR a me interessa la questione politica che vede queste associazioni per ideologia bloccare e cercare di bloccare ogni cosa possa determinare e creare sviluppo.
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etcbb4 · 19 days
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nawapon17 · 5 months
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wpristav · 9 months
Польские инструкторы обучают грузинских солдат обращению с беспилотниками и дронами-камикадзе
Вооруженные силы Грузии недавно приобрели значительный парк современной беспилотной техники. В частности, в перечень закупленной продукции вошли польские БПЛА FlyEye и дроны-камикадзе Warmate.Данные беспилотники успешно показали себя в ходе украинского конфликта- отмечается в издании MilitaryLeak. Как указывается, Тбилиси реализует амбициозную программу обновления вооруженных сил страны в рамках п... Читать дальше »
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