#fma general miles
bbqhooligan · 1 year
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lmao sorry
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Tawny’s first day at Fort Briggs 😂
I can’t believe I forgot to post this here but this audio from the Try Guys was too good not to use for my chaos child
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There is such a power in FMA only telling Ed and Al's story.
By the end we can see glimpses of all the other people we met throughout the boys' journey, but for most of them the future in uncertain.
In a way it is a very... un-shounen ending. Because while, yes, Edward does get his happy ending (his brother, Winry, and a future in which he can be a happy and attentive father) for everyone else the future is uncertain. Oh, it is certainly hopeful - but it is not written in stone.
We know that Roy got a promotion, but Brigadier General is still three to four ranks away from becoming Führer and it is likely going to take years if it's going to work at all. And while Grumman is definitely not a Homunculus, he is still human - and FMA shows us again and again what horrors humanity is capable of. He's a moderate and on Mustang's side, but in the end we don't know how his and Hawkeye's story ends.
We don't know if they achieve their goal. If they ever end up paying for what they did in Ishval.
We know that Ling ends up becoming Emperor, and we know he has sworn to protect the Chen Clan. We don't know if his goal of creating peace between the warring clans of Xing will bear fruits. We don't know if his reign will be long and prosperous, and we don't know if he will ever find love - he is, after all, a man for whom duty comes first. Lan Fan and Mei are much the same.
We know Scar reclaimed his heritage - maybe even his title as a monk - and that he and Miles are in charge of rebuilding Ishval. We know Mustang has plans to end the occupation of the annexed country. We know there is hope for a people who had every reason to loose it. But we won't ever know what reparations were paid, what troubles were had, what hurdles almost destroyed them.
We know Winry will have friends in the future, and children. We can hope that her automail business becomes a success and that she fulfills all her dreams - we have reason to hope, her happiness is Ed's happiness after all, and we know he would do everything for her.
We see Al travel, and we see him and Ed share ideas and knowledge and dreams. We can imagine a world in which they live long lives and experience more adventures - but at the same time, their story is over.
FMA answers a lot of questions at the end, telling us that for now, everything is okay, our heroes saved the day, their friends (mostly) alive and well.
But it will never give us the ultimate happy end - it will never give us a "and now everyone is happy and everything is good". Oh, it comes close, because it offers us something else, something central to the themes of the story:
It offers us hope.
The hope that Roy and Riza will succeed, that Ling and Mei and Lan Fan will change the Imperial System, that Scar and Miles will create safety for their people, that Winry will be happy, and Amestris a country worth living for.
We will never know for sure, because it is not their story.
(and thank god for that - the possibility of failure is what makes the hope worth it)
(I'm sure Ed and his automail leg would agree)
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lantur · 12 days
I haven't updated in a while!
Megan Thee Stallion concert on Tuesday night was incredible. She's a great performer and dancer. My favorite moment of the whole night was singing along to Savage as the closer - the song I played on repeat in winter 2020 while writing my royai fanfics ❤️ that song has a really special place in my heart because it was one of my first two Meg songs and I'm SO happy I got to enjoy it live!
Work this week was much better than work last week. I made progress on two projects I enjoy!
Things have been going really well at the gym. 4-mile runs feel easy, and I've upped my pace. I've gone up on all my lower body lifts too. Getting serious about strength training and building muscle for functional fitness purposes is absolutely the best thing I've done for myself physically, and the mental benefits are so real. There are so many times I wake up feeling off and my mind is totally cleared and my mood is so much better after the gym.
I finished reading the Dungeon Meshi manga this week, and I'm obsessed. I like it even more than FMA, and that's saying something! I'm also watching the anime with David. I can't get enough of Laios's party and all the characters and that whole dungeon.
I'm all caught up with season three of Abbott Elementary and I can't wait for the season three finale next week 👀
Book stuff has been exciting! My mother-in-law and my cousin-in-law both finished the novel and they were so kind and posted it on their IG pages. ❤️ I'm so happy they enjoyed it. Getting feedback has sparked so much joy. I'm also up to 44 paperback copies sold, which is so incredible. I never expected that. I won't have any idea about my April ebook sales until the first week of June unfortunately, thanks to IngramSpark's ebook sales reporting structure.
I enjoyed celebrating Mother's Day with my mother-in-law last weekend and emailing the moms in my work department, my friends' moms, and my sisters-in-law to wish them a happy day. I used to have such complicated and negative feelings about Mother's Day because of my own family issues, but I've really come around to seeing Mother's Day as a way of celebrating the people who do (and have done) the amazing and difficult work of raising the next generation (and our current generation). I perceive the holiday now as not just about my mom on an individual level of "celebrating my mom for Mother's Day", but about recognizing mothers on a societal level and I really appreciate that.
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Just a few Smiley HCs, not a big long post just some I swear
He's a demon. He makes it everyone's problem
He's like 450 years old. Everyone keeps asking about major historical events and his response "I wasn't there I was doing other things"
Sometimes he has a reason, like that he was several hundreds of miles away and very young at the time, other things not so much
He got invited to the Boston Tea Party by his brother and didn't go because "He didn't hate tea or British people enough to care"
He did see Alexander Hamilton get shot in person though
Oh yeah also he has a brother. They're not actually realated they were both just born around the same time and got adopted by the same person and stayed together even after they left their pride
Oh speaking of which Smiley's species is weird. I won't give details (I'll put those in another post) but he's actually this weird shadow thing that looks like a weird mix of Slenderman and Pride from FMA. He possesses human bodies because he's not yet strong enough to exist in his true form in the 3rd dimension for more than a few minutes
They also reproduce through a weird version of mitosis meaning no one knows who's related to who and everyone is adopted. Sometimes his species forms large groups called prides but it's also common for them just just roam around either aline or with a few friends
Smiley is unfortunately alone, having not seen his brother for awhile
He has EJ though. They're queer platonic
Smiley's asexual because his entire species is. His ability to feel romantic attraction is debatable. He likes EJ but he's not sure if he considers them in love
He definitely feels something for Nurse Ann though. They met after the Civil War when Smiley first started killing his patients. Ann had a massive crush on him and Smiley decided to manipulate her, eventually killing her as well but fkr the time they worked together he definitely felt something towards her and said feelings have grown over time
Ann on the other hand was resurrected by Zalgo to hunt Smiley's species as the whole species had stopped listening and also they eat other demons sometimes and several individuals had wronged him personally so he just decided to have someone get rid of them and Ann was the perfect candidate he decided
150 years later the undead demon hunter x the demon who killed her ship is... going strong? There's alot of tension between them. Smiley still loves tormenting her and she keeps falling into the "I can fix him mindset" but at the same time They're both really horny for eachother in every way imaginable
His sense of humor is fucked. Everything is funny to him. His favorite movie is Repo! The Genetic Opera and he adamantly believes it is a comedy (That movie contains gratuitous murder scenes with silly sound effects, for context, and he can't get enough of it) His weird blue liquid is only blue because Zydrate is blue and he wanted his to be blue too, so he put food coloring in it
Smiley acts mostly human but alot of the time he can be found acting just a little... off...
He stands weird. He normally keeps his hands shoved in his pockets and tries to stand straight but sometimes he forgets and ends up walking around hunched over with his arms held weird. He alwaus goes up the stairs on all fours
He makes weird noises alot. Generally he only makes them around other demons (EJ has begun to understand what each of his clicks and and cries meam) but sometimes when he experiences alot of emotion at once he'll let a chirp or two slip
He lays weird. He's super flexible and constantly bitches about having to follow the laws of anatomy (in his true form he has no bones, organs or anything else. He's an amorphous shapeshifter) He sleeps and lays curled up like a cat
Also he purs. He's very very cat like but only around certain people
He eats alot too. His metabolism is super fast and he's got dangerously low body fat. Of course at the same time he's a picky eater and prefers his own home grown and caught food. He will eat a few store bought snacks (mostly sweets. Not a particular fan of too much sugar but he will enjoy a cookie from time to time)
He's an amazing farmer. He has a greenhouse where he grows all sorts of things. Tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, spices, everything. He also raises fish, crab, shrimp and cray fish via hydroponics. He also has chickens and a regular plot of farm land that some of the others help him look after
He grows weed too. Alot of it. Smiley fucking loves doing drugs. Back when heroine was in cough medicine he woyld sit in his clinic on a slow day and drink it. Unfortunately drugs are harder to come by now a days. The only stuff he has easy access to is Salvia which is effectively LSD the plant but phycodelics have other effects on his species so he can't use them. He doesn't drink either, he has a very sharp sense of smell and cannot stand being around alcohol so he just gets high and smokes cigarettes. Seriously he smokes like two packs a day and you'd be hard pressed to catch him sober
He's also the masnion weed dealer. He gives it out "for free" but if he gives you weed you owe him something now, so it’s best to have something on hand to trade with him
Also gives people vegetables. He grows way too many for him to use all by himself. This has gained him the nickname Dr. Pepper
Other nicknames include Doc Smiles, Dr. Feel Bad and The Good Doctor Smiley, the latter is widely knkws to be an oxymoron
He is an actual good doctor knowing a wide array of modern medicine, home remedies and old healing techniques form back in the day. He just like to kill people though. Demon instincts and shit
He gives alot of his patients organs tk EJ, he alsk has a special rule about no eye stuff which he claims is for EJ's sake (Eye stuff brings back very bad memories for him) but Smiley cannot handle seeing things happen to eyes either
Smiley is very manipulative. He's spent a long time around humans and knows how to manipulate them. Most demons are actually veey honest creatures however Smiley is not above lies and deception to get his way
If he can't manipulate someone into giving him what he wants he either gets aggressive (While he may appear frail he isn't, thanks to his demonic influence over his physical body he's quite strong. Also tall. He's 6'4 making him the tallest person with a human body in the mansion. Also his teeth are super sharp snd he will bite) or he tries to guilt trip
450 year old demon claiming he should get the last slice of pizza because he's neurodivergent and minor
Which is somewhat true. He's not fully developed yet as a demon and still has about 200 years before he will be, but the actual age he acts is determined by his physical body. His current human body is 38. Not a minor. He dose have PTSD though from being an army medic in several wars along with some mild abandonment issues
Ok I'm done with him. Done done done. Here. Take these.
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felixcloud6288 · 7 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 89
Team Scar shows up and the Chimera guys all catch up with each other.
When I first read this series, I didn't pay the Chimeras much concern until this moment. If FMA were an RPG; Jelso, Zanpano, Darius, and Heinkel would be those characters who are given to you so you have a full party before going into a difficult dungeon. They'd have maybe one ability and they'd only be good at one specific thing. Then they either leave or you bench them forever when your ACTUAL party members show up.
I honestly expected they would probably get killed at some point cause why introduce and keep new characters around this late in the series.
And then they sat down and chatted about their situation. They're all fugitives. They're fighting for a just cause. And they have a community that accepts them.
At that point I was rooting for them to make it through to the end.
And I want to talk about Ed's jacket for a moment. It's iconic. If you think of Ed's attire, you think of that jacket. But he actually doesn't wear it much throughout the series.
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Of the previous 88 chapters, Ed has had 74 non-flashback appearances and 5 flashback appearances. Of the 74 non-flashback chapters, Ed is wearing his jacket at least once in 28 of them (29 if we include flashbacks). Also, 12 of those chapters are actually the coat he wears while at Briggs.
And I want to mention I'm including chapters where we spot him wearing his jacket in a SINGLE panel. Chapter 15, for example, is counted because Ed was wearing his jacket during the single shot of him on the train even though he spent the rest of the chapter in a hospital garb.
The longest continuous section of the story where Ed never wore his jacket was chapters 48 - 64. In chapter 47, Ed handed Winry his jacket and she's still carrying it later, but then it disappears when she goes back to Rush Valley. In chapter 64, Ed is wearing the red coat instead.
I'd bet if you counted each individual panel Ed appears in up to this point, there are more panels of him wearing the coat than there are of him wearing his jacket.
We got so much little details about Denny's personal life this chapter. He has at least 4 younger siblings, he rides a bike, he has a cat, and his legs are hairy.
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A Solar Eclipse is also about to happen.
The one soldier mentions how Roy uses dust to act as the fuse for his Flame Alchemy. That would explain why the Earth symbol is part of Roy's transmutation circle.
So here's the general idea I see about Mustang's coup: He and Major General Armstrong are attempting to paint themselves as the noble heroes who uncovered Central High Command's evil plot to overthrow the President.
Major General Armstrong will fight within HQ and attempt to take control of the situation from there, meanwhile Roy and his platoon "rescue" Mrs. Bradley so they garner public support.
Then Miles and Graman are to march on Central to help reinforce and solidify control.
And once Central is under control, Mustang and Major General Armstrong are going to join with the Elrics to stop Father's plot.
But someone went and assassinated the President. It's beneficial to their plans, but it also means Miles and Graman are going to be delayed in their arrival.
It’s the final arc so everyone is returning.
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Maria Ross and Rebecca arriving in an armored truck with munitions was unexpected by Roy. Finding out Havoc was the supplier was an even greater surprise.
So here's my guess on things. Havoc was part of the information chain used to pass the planned attack on Central so he knew when it would happen. He also knew Maria Ross had been smuggled to Xing. So over the last 5 months, Havoc had gotten in contact with Maria Ross and she gathered Xingese supplies while Havoc gathered munitions through his family's general goods store. The only other person he involved was Rebecca.
So once the day came, Maria returned from Xing with supplies in tow, Havoc had everything packed up, and Maria and Rebecca headed to Central.
Spoiler Discussion
I just want to add a bit more to the jacket thing.
Of this and the remaining 19 chapters, Ed appears in 16 of them. Of them, he's wearing his jacket for 13 of them.
So in total, Ed appears in 95/108 chapters in the series (90 non-flashback appearances). And he is wearing his jacket in 42/95 of them (41/90 without flashbacks).
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decoloraa · 2 years
Hello fellow person with fma Briggs ocs, do you want to tell me more about yours? (Believe it or not, but that moodboard with those images that remind you of Briggs got me curious about your ocs/Briggs headcanons :3)
Okay first one is Casther. He's Captain at Briggs. We already have Buccaneer as Captain at Briggs but I like to think that he is head of the defense department while Casther is head of the attacking department.
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His main responsibilities are leading a small squad in missions (often on Drachma territory), patrols and such.
One important thing to know about him: He's a white wolf chimera! He can't transform like Heinkel etc (for several reasons, no. 1 being that I can't draw animals), but he has some abilities (for example great smelling and hearing) and wolf-ish features (grey hair and fangs).
And to his personality: He's a goof who likes to take his job more or less seriously depending on the situation. For example he loves pulling pranks (mostly to annoy Miles). However he's deadly serious when it counts.
Second oc is Val: He's a doctor at Briggs. The two Briggs docs are specialized in automails and cold climate treatment. Val on the other hand is specialized on treating combat wounds and performing surgeries. He's quite the contrast to the other two docs (very chill and extrovert), being rather grumpy and not as talkative.
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Fact about Val: Olivier and him are childhood friends! Being both the eldest of influential family in Central they grew up close and remained friends later on. Once Olivier got the command over Briggs she recruited him (and Casther).
Also important: Casther and Val are idiots in love who think they're being sneaky and secretive (but literally everyone at Briggs knows).
Some quick thoughts abt our Briggs favorites:
Olivier is self explanatory bc we see a lot about her character. I'm definitely team "she's gay af" tho.
Buccaneer is very serious most of the time but I think most is bc he wants strangers to see him as intimidating. But that man is a dork. He's definitely in for joking around a lot and helping out with pranks every now and then too.
Miles is kinda hard to read and this may seem ooc to some but I like to see him as the one who takes his job the most seriously. Which leads to him to regularly lose his mind bc some idiots (Casther) pull a lot of jokes. Give this man a break.
Next oc is Thea: Take the 'guy finds child and raises it as his own' trope and put it into Briggs (I'm a sucker for this trope and it basically was why I even created my Briggs ocs). She's from Drachma and a squad of Briggs soldiers found her completely on her own when they were on a mission. Long story short is that they took her back to Briggs and in the end Casther became her guardian (or: he and Val became her dads). She grows up to be a total badass, being on the field regularly.
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These were my main ocs whom I constantly draw. Here are some others, all part of Casther's squad:
Silas: First Lieutenant, he's a tactician. Whenever he's not in the field with Casther, he assists Miles in planning out strategies. He's the nice and most responsible one out of the group.
Richard: He's a sniper and he once wanted to be a state alchemist. Dude can't draw a straight circle tho, so he's rather useless as an alchemist. Also he's a bastard.
Brooks: The heavy man in the squad and they're a pretty good mechanic too! Or to put it differently: every group needs a himbo and that is Brooks job.
Them and Richie are often involved with delevoping new weapons and technologies.
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These were the most important things, but actually there's a lot more to it (especially Casther being a chimera, Val and Olivier's childhood friendship) so feel free to ask for details!
Some general things I like to hc about Briggs: They're really badass but also huge dorks. I mean they're at the fort most of the year, I don't think they'd have much free time?? So they'd definitely be a big family who loves doing stupid/silly things like pulling pranks on each others.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
Your AU has an amazing concept.
The problems with 03 are the studio was in love with Roy and tends to handle him softly but even then it's better than FMAB, which is not saying much lol.
Yes I too want to punt Miles into the sun. His advice to Scar was bizarre no other word for it.
The problem with Noa is she is a real minority so she absolutely deserved better handling. I would suggest skipping FMA COS if you don't want to deal with the mishandling (not racism against) of a Roma character.
The studio had to cut out a lot for the movie in which she appears due to sudden budget cuts. It's garbled and doesnt make sense. You can actually skip that movie. It's not a must see in the fandom.
Thank you!! It's very dear to my heart, it's been a thing since I was like 11 but of course, it has morphed and changed quite a bit...
Duly noted, and I'm not surprised. Mustang seems to be a generally favored character, both by writers and the fandom. I was indifferent to him at first but... recently I've been getting pissed off at him haha.
Miles is... when I first watched BH I liked him just on the basis of him being an Ishvalan, because I was just that starved. I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that what he said was total bullshit, wasn't ready for it because I wanted to like him. So to acknowledge it recently, it feels like a weight off my chest but also I feel my anger thricefold, lol.
Noted, thank you!! When I get around to watching 03 I'll skip the movie.
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blacknifealecto · 3 months
coming to kiss uuuu
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most
dean winchester, i can write dean winchester and dean winchester pov until my fingers fall off i GET him. also i'm finding i actually like rly love writing astarion especially for our sicko roleplays he was cooked in a lab for me to have fun with him
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time
AUGH THIS IS ALWAYS SO HARD and also i like so much media so i'll do shows games and books lmao
shows: the borgias, king of the hill, supernatural, generation kill, twin peaks, fullmetal alchemist, inuyasha, jojos bizzarre adventure, reno 911, the whitest kids u know
games: dark souls series, assassins creed series until 4, silent hill series, faith trilogy, devil may cry series, resident evil series, bayonetta series
books: john dies at the end series, locked tomb series, area x trilogy, t.a. barron's merlin series, the dresden files (at least through 15. 16 and 17 were uh......realbad), joe ledger series
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
subject 16, desmond miles, bayonetta, dean winchester, artorias, dark sun gwyndolin, jack krauser, vaas montenegro, ajani goldmane, edward elric, laura palmer, dante (dmc), ianthe tridentarius, john "control" rodriguez, greed fma, LIQUID SNAKE
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theliteraryluggage · 10 months
Im the cosplay anon, thank you so much for answering!!!! My second choice is a character that i can dress up as with my natural hair color, i have similar clothes as him so that wouldn''t require much effort. My first choice would be an fma character because the event is in october and i love him so much. I have the clothes for him too, and i can buy a wig and his glasses. My problem is with his beard I can't find anything similar to his and idk how to make it, it's so frustrating.
So my more specific question would be, do you have advice on cosplaying fma characters in general? Also, do you think a character could be recognized even without his beard?
Oh man ok so I never cosplayed or even considered cosplaying a character with a beard, so I can’t give any advice on how to do that 😅 but have you tried to maybe find some tutorials on youtube? I’m sure there must be a ton out there.
As for advice cosplaying FMA characters in general… not sure I can offer anything that’s specific to FMA but not one particular character. What I can say is that throughout the story a lot of the characters will be seen wearing several different outfits, so sometimes it’s worth it to take a closer look and find the one that works best for you. As long as you’re in keeping with the style/time period, you could even put together an outfit of your own, if the character is recognisable enough by other features. Like with Ed for example, I could probably cosplay him in any outfit (like I do with Punk!Ed), as long as I have the hair and the eyes, most people will still recognise him.
I think depending on the character they can definitely be recognisable without a beard. But it’s difficult to say generally, because it’ll always depend on how distinct the beard is and what other distinct characteristics the character has. There’s not that many bearded characters in FMA but.. Hughes for example I think could be easily done without a beard because it’s not a super important feature. Hohenheim/Father have a very distinctive beard, so it might be more difficult to pull off, but there’s also always the option of doing a younger version of Hohenheim. Miles’ beard is also very particular, but he has plenty other defining features so you could still pull him off without a beard, I think. I could go on, but I think you get the point. In general I’d say: just give it a try! Do it without a beard and see if you’re feeling it, see if you’re being recognised. If not, you can still try it a different way the next time!
Hope this helps 💕
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vroomgogh · 4 years
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it’s Briggs, bitch
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sun-3-160 · 4 years
FMAB guys ranked by how likely they are to get pegged:
General Grumman. This man fucks like a beast. -250000/10
Scar. He has no time for getting pegged. Only vengeance. 0/10
Van Hohenheim. Trisha probably pegged him at least once, but points off for being a bad dad. 1/10
Maes. He loves his wife and has def been pegged a few times. 2/10
Havoc. He loves women and would totally let one peg him if she asked nicely. 4/10
Og Greed. He wants to have all the sex so it is only logical he’d get pegged on a fairly regular basis. 6.5/10
Sig. Izumi pegs him at least 3 times a week. 8/10
Miles. Olivier has massive dick energy so she should have an equally huge strap. 9.5/10
K*mblee. Hear me out. He is the most morally sound and honest character so he has no qualms with getting pegged. 11/10
Royboy. Hawkeye pegs him everyday. 500/10
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they-callme-ami · 4 years
I'm sorry, but if you don't like Captain Buccanerr, Major Miles and the Ice Queen herself, General Olivier Armstrong---than you're weak and we cannot be friends. Yes I used their official titles, put some
On their names.
Edward and Alphonse who?? Team Mustang whomst??? I dunno them, just the badass-mofo trio protecting fort Briggs.
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concord-and-cliches · 4 years
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i’m playing acnh and working my way through a rewatch of fmab so !! yeah
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everykimblee · 6 years
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wearestarstuff618 · 6 years
So are there any good Scar centric fics out there?
I found one but it paired Scar and Miles off with women and Olivier Armstrong off with a man.
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