#fort Briggs
decoloraa · 1 year
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Thought it’s important to show that if I draw Olivier short, it’s not a personal headcanon of mine. It’s a FACT
Buccaneer being a giant is kinda obvious, but Miles being relatively average is a bit of a surprise!
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jemwolf · 5 days
New chapter of Briggs Beast is up :)
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 4 months
Edward's Mercy
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Ed:) I drew this for my buddy!
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fullmetaleditor · 10 months
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fort briggs power couple!!!!!
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my-plastic-life · 1 year
Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong
(Click here for behind the scenes footage of making this doll!)
My latest custom doll is complete! And this time, it is NOT my doll! :D
I was commissioned to make this doll by a great friend, the same friend who made the clay Kirara figures to go with my custom Inuyasha dolls (see them here). Her bestie is a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and the two were talking about how there really isn’t a lot of merchandise focused on Olivier, sister of Alex Armstrong. So my friend asked if I’d be willing to attempt a commission of a doll of her similar to my Inuyasha dolls, while she would make Alex out of sculpting clay (totally necessary with his giant muscles lol). I said I’d give it a try!
This was completely new territory for me because A) this is a character/series I’m not familiar with, and B) this was my very first full reroot all by myself. I’m proud of myself for pulling it off!
After quite some time putting this all together, what with commissioning the outfits (both Olivier and Alex would need matching ones), doing the reroot myself (OMG yes, I did it!!!), painting the face (I was going to go over the original factory paint like I usually do, but I wound up completely redoing the eyes!!!), and making various little props like the medals, boots, and the tops of the boots, she is ready at last!
I present to you Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong! Fun fact: My friend actually made the sword, and she took pictures of it and sent them to me, and I Photoshopped them in LOL. We live in different states, so this was the best I could do! :D Bet you couldn’t tell, could ya? ;)
At Fort Briggs:
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In the Armstrong house (without her coat):
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CREDITS: Uniform by elenpriv Reroot, hair cutting/styling by me Face paint by me Sword by Sammy’s Crafts Medals by me Photos/editing by me
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limetameta · 2 years
What about an AU where Kimblee and Miles knew each other before the Ishval Civil War? How Kimblee serving would have affected that relationship, especially because Miles may have heard about the horrible things Kimblee was revelling in. Bonus points if Kimblee and Miles were even kind of good friends before Kimblee got drafted.
Ya know this seems like a really angst-y au. Already see lots of fun potential here. *slaps AU like hood of a car* This baby can fit so much trauma.
Especially if their reunion is in Briggs like their meeting in canon. How much that would change things, hmmm.
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askerror87 · 1 year
Sketchbook Dump for January-April 2023
Mostly OC oriented this time around! I’ve got something fun cooking but for now ooooo you wanna look at the pretty pictures ooooo
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Some sketches from a presentation I did on my birthday about FMA’s Fort Briggs. Maybe I’ll post the actual assets I made about it sometime soon :>
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OC/ Original project stuff <3
Image description below
[Image Description: Seven images, each paper and pencil sketches.
A uniformed man with light, shoulder length hair has a thousand-yard stare. His name is Jeorgen. A note in the background says 'cyan shine red bg'.
A different, younger man in a similar yet unkempt uniform looks skeptically over his shoulder to the left, holding a book. His name is Everett and he has a piercing on his ear.
Jeorgen, now with glasses, is being kissed on the cheek by a soldier with short dark hair and a jacket with a fur hood. Jeorgen looks extremely flustered while the soldier is collected.
Jeorgen and Everett at a cafeteria table, a cup of coffee in front of them. Jeorgen's hand is thrown over Ev's shoulder and is laughing boisterously, and Ev looks like he is trying to hold in a snicker, beads of sweat on his face.
Close-up of a man, Adonis, with distinct, long wavy hair looking straight at the viewer. Adonis' eyebrows are furrowed and the sclera in his eyes are black, and part of his face is covered by bangs darker than the rest of his hair. A dark button-up is layered under a jacket.
Fullbody drawing of a young girl named Zero pouting at the viewer. She has her hair put up in short, poofy pigtails. The writing in the background are notes about her design, with various arrows pointing at her. 'Starting to get old enough to do her hair but still lets Adonis do it' 'oversized t-shirt' 'belt' 'velcro shoes'. She's wearing an large t-shirt with a sketchy design of an hourglass over a long striped t-shirt, tied to her waist with a belt. You cannot see her pants and the shirt gives an impression of a dress. Under her velcro shoes are mismatched socks, one dark and long and the other short and striped.
Young man with long, white hair tied up in a spiky ponytail glaring at the viewer. The image is formatted larger than the other ones. He's in a turtleneck mostly covered by a lighter-colored jacket and his hand is covering his mouth, slightly flustered and looking angry about it. You can only see one eye, as the other is covered by bangs and a dark square eyepatch. His name is Dawn.
/ End ID.]
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littlebear1537 · 2 years
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FIRST DRAWING ON HERE!! And of course it had to be of my wife!! I am very proud AAAAA!!
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In one of my favorite but exceedingly obscure fics--I am literally the only person in the world who ships this ship--I set a story at Briggs where the sun sets for the winter, not to rise again for a long time, as it does when you live above the Arctic circle. (It's called "Nightfall" and you can read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27752338)
In this story, Briggs has a huge party to celebrate the event. Today I learned that at the South Pole Station down in Antarctica, they actually do this! I mean, it's not the same kind of party, but I wouldn't expect Briggs soldiers to party exactly like south pole scientists.
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capricorntea · 2 years
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Literally the one (1) person who likes Neil’s fashion sense can’t stand him in full uniform.
Featuring @decoloraa OC’s Val and Cas. The enthusiam for FMA OC’s is contagious - this is how you make friends right?
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indigosabyss · 1 year
nanbaka x fmab "portal between the worlds" type crossover fanfic ideas: tsukumo, the famous ninja actor turned convict gets thrown into the northern side of amestris. he responds to this by pretended to be part of the army and assimilating into fort briggs.
by the time the guards of his prison find him everyone's so attached to him theres no hope of getting him back.
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decoloraa · 2 years
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The command of Briggs
Or more like: Who has the best death stare?
Genuinely love the contrast between these four, not just in terms of height (tho that IS hilarious to me). Olivier and Miles are 24/7 serious, Olivier and Buccaneer are best at looking intimidating. Tho Buccaneer has his goof moments, he mostly looks fully serious as well. But Casther? Dude is nonchalant, smiles often and he’s prone to goofing around. Don’t misunderstand him, Casther is very much capable of being serious and he can be chillingly intimidating. He just decides not to show that side of his most of the time. That has multiple reasons honestly
1. He’s just an overall more chill person
2. He doesn’t see himself in an usual commanding role. He does his duties and is part of the command chain. But never would be try to be as serious in his job like Miles. Casther never wanted to be a commander, but Olivier believed in his skills and he came to master this responsibility. Does he live it tho? No, not ambitiously.
3. Him being so nonchalant as a leading figure is something that drives Miles crazy from time to time, so that’s a win for Casther.
4. Most importantly: If you have a place like Briggs that’s lead by deadly serious people like Olivier, Miles and Buccaneer, someone like Casther stands out for sure. Outsiders that don’t know him, might just see his easy demeanor and don’t put him on the same place as the others. They underestimate him. Casther doesn’t care for rank and reputation. So other’s underestimating him and waving him off as “that strange Captain”, gives him an advantage.
5. Not everyone at Briggs can be broody. Casther’s role is to train soldiers and doing that is much easier if he has a bond with everyone. Also if new recruits come to a place where everyone scowls at them, it gets uncomfortable. Casther sometimes purposely takes the role of the easygoing superior, so ppl can relax and feel welcomed. It’s also good to resolve tension.
It’s equally a parts of his nature, his past experiences and him just putting up an act. Also: If you look irresponsible, you get assigned less work. Bingo. It’s a shame Olivier and the others stopped falling for that tactic YEARS ago.
Btw those heights aren’t even headcanons, I have literal proof that Olivier is tiny af.
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jemwolf · 2 months
Different Beast
You want some of the insane lore @decoloraa and I have been cooking up? Here's a recent snippet of our rp-turned-fanfic :) (this is actually a sneak peek of an upcoming chapter ehehe)
At full speed, the wolf chimera ran towards the small group of Briggsmen. Its speed increased the stronger the smell got, saliva gathering in its mouth at the anticipation of a kill.
When the small chimera tried to get into his way, the wolf bared its teeth and let out a growl, a bit of saliva dripping out of its mouth. It didn't recognize the name; all it cared about was the targets ahead. Stay out of my way. You're not part of my orders.
Scout growled louder and stood her ground, her tail lashing and her muscles tensing in anticipation. She wondered how well he was understanding words at that moment. "You want the Briggs soldiers?" She challenged, "Fine. Come at me, then! I've been working with them this whole time! I've been helping to hide them!" Scout began charging to meet him head-on. "Fight me, Casther!" She roared.
Enough words reached the wolf chimera to understand who was in front of him. An enemy.
Memories seeped through the fog that was the chimeras' memories, though only very selected ones. Anger was at the center of it, betrayal, all together with the smell of rabbit.
The chimera that ran towards the wolf smelled a bit different from back then, but the distinct smell of hare still lingered.
The angry glow in the yellow eyes sparked even wilder as he kept up the pace, readying himself in case the small chimera dared to stay in his path.
There was no time to think, so all Scout could do was act. Acting with guts she didn't know she had, Scout rushed headlong at Casther, her teeth bared.
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(Non-motion blurred image below the cut)
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Want more?
Read our fic :)
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tuliharja · 1 year
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"Burley monkey."
"Sniveling weasel."
The two women were measuring each other down, obvious dislike toward each other visible in their eyes. Despite the two women being quite similar in mannerisms, likes, and dislikes, the small differences were the ones that had caused the sparkle of annoyance between them. What had been at first just small, almost nonexistent things, had expanded into ridiculous measures, causing finally the upcoming confrontation. Some people had already seen the signs in the air for a long time, so in a way, this was a relief. But as other people were witnessing this argument that started at first extremely coolly, they soon realized their mistake upon hoping this argument would come and thus clear the air: it was becoming really quickly very ugly.
I wanted to try out a one-color style, where you basically draw a character and use only one color...I think those are usually really interesting but also describe some strong emotions. Thus came this picture.
My character Olivia and Olivier are quite similar, yet because of that they also clash quite easily. (Yet they secretly respect each other lot.) I only actually realized this when I did RP with my friend, so this wasn't at all planned. 😅 It made me think what would happen if the two would meet face-to-face and somehow I and my friend did go through it, yet I still believe there would be alternative possibilities...but in the end, it would come to that they would somehow end up into Briggs for bear hunting while Olivia would complain about the cold (she doesn't like cold) and Olivier would tell her to suck it up, which would somehow result to taking whole Central by the blast. I don't know...I can totally see them conquering things while having heated arguments, yet still telling others to 'shut up! Don't intervene!' ...I'm kind of feeling bad for other people who would try to stop their argument...kind of.
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
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fullmetaleditor · 10 months
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i think about Bobby every day
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skullinahat · 2 years
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