#fnaf heliosphere
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,155
Summary: Early morning backup activations.
Warnings: Screaming (mentioned), Cursing, Creep/Harassment, Trash Can Man Existing, Death (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 2: Eclipse, Stop Forgetting Your Backups
5:13am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: We need help.
Moon: Help yourself, rust bucket.
Lunar: L for loser
Sun: Why are you even awek
Kill Code: What is it, son?
Eclipse: Um
Eclipse: Bee? Ves?
Blood Moon: I have a screamg eclipsein my hed pls help
Harvest Moon: Send help, I'm being cried at.
Kill Code: Moon
Moon: KC
Kill Code: My kids need me, Moon.
Moon: Is it your turn on the body? It's not even dawn yet.
Kill Code: I will leave Montgomery alone.
Moon: You shouldn't be thinking about him anyway.
Kill Code: I will leave Montgomery alone.
Moon: Fine but I get to see because I want coffee. You pay me with coffee for this switch.
Sun: Why are you so easy to bagain wit him
Moon: Try typing that right, Sunny. And you try waking up to no coffee at 5 in the morning with a feral single dad in your head wanting out.
Blood Moon: Clip, why tow more?
Harvest Moon: and why is mine still crying?
Eclipse: Look, I forgot about the backups, I'll take care of them once he gets them out, I promise.
Harvest Moon: Too late, I think I'm a comfort person.
Blood Moon: Finally not being screamed at. Headache.
Lunar: Great, two more of him.
6:46am Who Took My Hat?
Kill Code: Moon wanted you two to have proof that they are harmless.
[video transcription]
Blood Moon: Freedom at last.
Unknown: It was scary waking up in someone's head.
Harvest Moon: Are you alright still, little Helio?
Unknown: I'm okay, Vessie.
Eclipse: Does this mean I'm a father now?
Kill Code: I think it means you have two more brothers.
Eclipse: Oh thank god. I'd be a horrible father.
Blood Moon: You're fine, Bolide?
Unknown: I'm okay now.
Eclipse: You two named my kids!?
Blood Moon: Finders keepers!
Harvest Moon: You snooze, you lose.
Eclipse: Hate you both.
Eclipse: What even is the name Helio? Like Helios?
Harvest Moon: Heliosphere. The outer layer of the sun.
Blood Moon: Bolides are bright meteors and meteors are awesome!
Eclipse: We know Blood Moon.
Blood Moon: I like meteors.
Harvest Moon: We know Blood Moon.
Kill Code: Bolide, Heliosphere, say hello to your other brothers, kind of. Technically, they're your brothers.
Unknown: Hi!
Unknown: Hello.
Kill Code: Good job, both of you.
[transcription end]
Sun: Yeah, okay, they seem nice. Don't corrupt them.
Kill Code: I've not been corrupting my children. Have you not seen the improvement of the twins' behaviors or Eclipse acting properly?
Sun: Actually, we haven't. To be fair, we don't visit like Moon has no choice but to.
Kill Code: Disregarding that, Moon apparently wants to do something?
Moon: evilracoon.jpg
Moon has added two people to Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: Oh hi, leave.
Moon: Lunar, be nice to our brothers. They don't have any memory banks to speak of, so they're blank slates. Heliosphere and Bolide are practically new AI.
Heliosphere: What is this? Why am I here? My head is pinging!
Moon: This is a group chat with your family, Helio.
Bolide: So if KC is our Dad, are you our Mom?
Moon: ...
Eclipse: mamaduck.jpg
Moon: Yes? Sort of?
Bolide: Mom, Helio screamed at Bloody.
Moon: I know Bo.
Bolide: It was scary.
Moon: I know Bo.
Sun: He's a mama's boy.
Moon: Shut.
Sun: Oh come on, you're already KC's baby mama with Eclipse and the twins. Might as well make use of that.
Moon: I know where you sleep.
Sun: Yeah, in my room, right next to yours. Right across from Lunar's new room.
Lunar: Wait, I have a room? Have I been sleeping in the theater for no reason?
Sun: Yes? We thought you were just isolating for some reason.
Lunar: Obviously not. I didn't know I had a room.
Moon: Lunar, we told you that room was yours.
Lunar: I thought you said 'Lunar, this room is ours' I thought it was like a living room or something.
Moon: Why would we need a living room? We already have one of them in the main balcony room.
Lunar: I don't know!
Moon: Get your adorable little self up there and look at your room, kid. We worked too hard on that room for it to be a 'living room'! /hj
Lunar: Oh, it's wonderful!
Sun: happylunar.pic
Eclipse: Daaaaad, how come Lunar get fairy lights and I can't have LED lights!?
Kill Code: You'd use them to torment your brothers. Probably put them on quick strobe when Blood Moon goes into your room.
Eclipse: Nooo. I want my room to look orange!
Kill Code: Fine, you can have orange set LEDs, that it. Orange only.
Blood Moon: If he gets LEDs I want a dimmer.
Harvest Moon: Can I get a brighter nightlight?
Bolide: Nightlights are an option? Can I get a nightlight?
Heliosphere: Can I have lights that don't turn off?
Kill Code: You all get new lights.
Harvest Moon: Trash Can broke my nightlight.
Kill Code: Kick him.
Harvest Moon: I can't, Bloody already bit him.
Blood Moon: He harassed my baby brother. He deserved it.
Kill Code: Acceptable.
3:16pm Who Took My Hat?
Bolide: Dad, this weird guy is touching my back, what do I do?
Kill Code: Tell Blood Moon to smack him.
Blood Moon: The Trash Can has been dealt with.
Kill Code: Kick him extra for harassing my youngest.
Blood Moon: He moans when I kick him, I'm not doing that.
Sun: I'm so confused.
Moon: They have this weird guy they call Trash Can in their house-base thing who's really fucking weird. Blood Moon says he's disgusting. I think he's been exposed to way too much magic because he's immortal no matter how many times they kill him.
Kill Code: In all honesty, I believe Blood Moon lost a lot of his interest in killing due to this weird man but, now that I've brought him to the home once, he finds his way back inevitably no matter where I leave him to abandon him.
Harvest Moon: I hate him, he's weird.
Blood Moon: He's creepy, there's a difference. He still calls Dad 'Penelope'.
Eclipse: I'm still apparently Marie.
Blood Moon: Cry about it, I'm still getting called Delilah.
Harvest Moon: I'm still Courtney.
Heliosphere: He called me Amy like an hour ago.
Moon: You've been unfortunately christened, you poor little bastard.
Bolide: Wait, he was meaning me when he was muttering about Rosa? I thought he was just talking to himself.
Moon: Oh, you poor thing.
Bolide: Does this mean I'm Bolide or Rosa!?
Moon: Bolide.
Kill Code: Bolide.
Eclipse: Bolide.
Blood Moon: Bolide.
Harvest Moon: Bolide.
Sun: F in chat for the murder family getting called by women's names by some creep that won't leave their home.
Moon: F
Eclipse: F
Blood Moon: F
Harvest Moon: F
Kill Code: F
Heliosphere: F
Bolide: F
Lunar: Suffer.
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Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: Blood Moon/DJ Music Man, Harvest Moon/Glamrock Bonnie, Eclipse/OC (well, not anymore)
Word Count: 1,158 Words
Summary: ‘Eclipse, dump that bastard’ -wise words from Sirius and Lunar. Moon finally gets his present.
Warnings: Abuse (mentioned only), Cursing, Blindfolds (nonsexual use, mentioned), Caps, Age Regression, let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: Sirius is good Eclipse.
Chapter 9: Difficult Conversations
2:50pm Who Took My Hat?
Sirius: Okay, y'all are done harassing my friend now?
Blood Moon: I'm sorry for scaring him, okay? I was concerned. I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I guess I didn't really go about that in the best way.
Eclipse: It's okay, I didn't realize how bad it was.
Sirius: Despite me telling you for weeks now.
Eclipse: I was too scared to leave. I'm sorry I scared everyone.
Kill Code: No need to apologize, son, he is the one in the wrong. He hurt you and called it love. It was our mistake not realizing you needed our help sooner.
Eclipse: I never told you, how could you have known to help me?
Kill Code: You are my son, I should have known without being told.
Sirius: I am so proud of you for breaking it off with him. I know that took a lot from you. We are so proud of you for standing up for yourself, Eclipse.
Eclipse: Thank you for being with me. I would have been terrified otherwise.
Sirius: You're my comfort tiny, why would I ever leave when you're scared?
Eclipse: Because I'm a handful. I know I am.
Sirius: You are not. It's my job as your comfort big guy to protect you when you're scared. After the amount of shit I've spilled to you? Like hell, I'm leaving you on your own to break up with that bastard.
Eclipse: Still, thank you.
4:40pm Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: Moon, are you ready for your present now that the drama of the day is over?
Moon: I guess so?
Lunar: Okay, where's our blindfold?
Sun: I've got it, I'm coming.
Moon: Why must I be blindfolded?
Kill Code: Just trust them.
Moon: Fine. I wait an entire week for this present and I get blindfolded immediately for it.
Kill Code: It's worth it, I promise.
Moon: Fine.
Harvest Moon: Everything is set up, come on.
Moon: It's at their house?
Blood Moon: Yes, it's at our house.
Sirius: It this the present y'all were talking about?
Eclipse: It is.
Sirius: Okay.
Heliosphere: Oooooh, finally , the present!
Bolide: We all worked hard on that present!
Supermassive: I was completely unaware of a present but I hope you like it?
Sun: Come on, follow Monty.
Moon: That's Monty?
Sun: Don't you hear how loud he is? Of course it's Monty.
Moon: I guess I hear him.
Moon: Where even am I right now?
Sun: Almost inside the Eclipse's lab. Just follow me and Monty.
Eclipse: I've got it set up.
Sirius: This tech is all incredibly advanced, how the hell did you make this?
Eclipse: Did you not see the chaos emeralds?
Sirius: What the FUCK?
Eclipse: I don't know, Dad made the place.
Moon: Okay, am I in the right place?
Lunar: Okay, left turn and you are.
Moon: Okay, like this?
Lunar: Yes. Exactly.
Moon: Do I take off the blindfold or is someone going to untie that for me?
Sun: You can take it off now.
Moon: Oh my god.
Kill Code: We all worked on this. Except Mass, it was done before he came to us. I've untangled our codes, Moon. That's what I've been in here working on for weeks now.
Moon: You won't be twenty foot tall anymore.
Kill Code: Just the usual ten. No more super tall body anymore, I want to fit through most doorways with only a little difficulty.
Moon: This is
Moon: This is the best present ever.
Sun: He's crying! Pile on him!
Kill Code: It's good crying, it's happy tears.
Moon: Cres, everyone, thank you.
Sun: This was our idea of a very late Christmas present for you. I know it's something you want is to never get stuck in your own head again and now you never will be. Crescent can be put in his very own body and you get to have yours back.
Moon: Cressy, you're purple.
Kill Code: My favorite color's purple. Second favorite is grey.
Moon: I love all of you, thank you so much for this.
Kill Code: We'll be down for about a half hour during the transfer but then we'll both finally be separate.
Moon: After ten years, we're finally going to be two people.
Sun: When you're ready, go into the left chamber, Moony. We'll be here waiting for you two to come back online.
Moon: Okay.
Moon and Kill Code are offline
12:14am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: I need someone, I need anyone. Sunny. Sunny!
Sun: I'm coming! I'm right here. What's wrong, Moony?
Moon: I was alone. had a nightmare and woke up lone.
Sun: What was your nightmare, moonlight?
Moon: everyone left me. even you and Cres and I woke up alone.
Sun: Moony, we'd never just leave you. We're all right here, though some of them are sleeping.
Lunar: Awww, Moony, we wouldn't leave you.
Kill Code: My child, I wouldn't ever leave you. Getting my own body would never cause me to abandon you.
Eclipse: Moon, it's okay to be scared but we're not going anywhere, I promise.
Moon: not gonna leave?
Kill Code: We're not leaving. I'll even come see you, I'm just in my house with my kids.
Moon: want Papa and Sunny and Luna.
Kill Code: I'm coming, baby. Give me thirty minutes and I'll be right there with my baby.
Sun: Deep breaths, Moonbeam, I know it's scary to be little.
Moon: can have paci?
Sun: Of course, Lunar?
Lunar: Got it!
Moon: is got lace and bat wings and a heart!
Sun: And flower charms on chains, Lunar really went all out for you on this new one, didn't he?
Moon: Luna made?
Lunar: Luna makes pacis now, little starlight. And you're the first person who gets one.
Sun: Do you want a show on, Moonlight?
Moon: we watch winx? want fairies
Sun: Let's see, we have the entire thing streamable, let me set up the projector.
Moon: tank you Sunny.
Sun: Little Moonbeam, you don't need to thank me for taking care of you, I'm your big brother, I'll always take care of you, especially when you're little.
Moon: I luv you.
Sun: I love you too, Moony.
Kill Code: I'm here.
Sun: Moon's room.
Moon: PAPA!
Kill Code: Hello, my little one.
Moon: cuddle, loves you too.
Kill Code: You are just precious. I love you too, my little Moon.
Eclipse: Is he out?
Kill Code: He's sleeping again, yes.
Eclipse: Good, Lunar, I want a new paci. Can I get one from you?
Lunar: Family discount is 10 bucks.
Eclipse: I'll give you twenty to make it super decorated and supply the blank paci.
Lunar: Deal. Bring me the blank paci in the morning.
Eclipse: Deal.
Sun: Black market after hours deals for decorated pacifiers I guess.
Lunar: Leave me and my back alley deals out of this.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,424
Summary: The mystery of the disappearing plushie.
Warnings: Cursing, Violence (mentioned), Panic Attacks (mentioned), Death (mentioned), Caps, Therapy (because they all need it), Fighting (mentioned only), Age Regression, Give Moon His Bagel 2k23, let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 3: Who Stole The Plushie?
3:40am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: Can I PLEASE have Element back?
Blood Moon: For the last time, I don’t have Element!
Harvest Moon: Eclipse, we don’t know where Element is, please just exist without her for like an hour so we can find her.
Eclipse: I’m asking nicely! I know someone took her! I want her back!
Heliosphere: Eclipse, nobody has Element.
Bolide: I don’t even know what that is but no, I don’t have it.
Lunar: Do I have to kick all of your asses this morning or are you going to shut up?
Kill Code: Sons, what’s wrong?
Moon: Why are you all up at 4 in the morning?
Sun: djfnskdofnf
Lunar: Why are you up at 4 in the morning, Moon, ignoring your panic attacks again?
Moon: …yes
Lunar: Get the hell in here.
Kill Code: Sons, what happened?
Eclipse: I can’t find Element.
Kill Code: Which one of you took Element?
Blood Moon: None of us did. Bo doesn’t even know what Element is.
Kill Code: Go ahead and check that rancid little human.
4:01am Who Took My Hat?
Harvest Moon: elementgettingsquishedtoplushydeath.jpg
Harvest Moon: Trash Man took her and hid her in the basement. Bloody is ripping him limb from limb again.
Kill Code: Good to know your brother will still commit murder for his siblings on occasion. Now, get some sleep, my children.
Harvest Moon: Eclipse is already asleep. Fell asleep right after the picture.
Kill Code: Good, take his lead.
Sun: sola!!@:!&”/389bckkowoxb;?£{*•|?=**#%7739  f
8:45am Who Took My Hat?
Sun: Why does he have a stuffed bear?
Kill Code: He wanted one.
Moon: Sun, you can’t just ask people why they have a plushie.
Sun: It’s weird!
Lunar: I own plushies. Am I weird?
Sun: That’s different, you don’t refuse to sleep if you don’t have them.
Lunar: Yes I do, I make sure they’re all there before I go to bed and designate one for the night to sleep with. My plushies get very cared for. I don't go to sleep unless I can find them all.
Moon: Sun, I still sleep with that plush possum. I still can’t sleep without Puck.
Kill Code: Sun, I’ve seen that you have plushies in your room.
Sun: Listen, this is different.
Moon: Because it’s Eclipse?
Sun: Fine, yes. Because it’s Eclipse.
Lunar: To be very fair, Eclipse has had Element since me and him took over. Maybe before that even. Element has been with him longer than I have. He literally can’t sleep without her. He used one of Moon’s old machines that makes her glow in the dark and he cried the one time we couldn’t find her.
Moon: See? He clearly has an emotional attachment to Element. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Same as me and Puck or Lunar and Lord Luminescence the Eleventh of Love Kingdom.
Lunar: Just call him Lumi.
Moon: But the full name is so much better.
Lunar: I call him Lumi.
Moon: Alas
Eclipse: Element is weird?
Moon: No, she isn’t.
Eclipse: Sunny said so.
Kill Code: Son, having Element isn’t weird, she’s healthy for you.
Bolide: Father Alert, Father Alert! We need Dad, he’s crying!
Kill Code: Pay in coffee?
Moon: And a bagel. And coffee cake. For disturbing my late-night panic attack party with Puck last night.
Kill Code: Consider it done.
Moon: Bacon and egg bagel, no cheese, can’t eat dairy.
Kill Code: You severely need to fix our lactose intolerance, Moon.
Moon: Why? I hate dairy anyway.
Kill Code: You cried over not being able to eat ice cream yesterday because you couldn’t find any that were nondairy.
Moon: Leave my mental breakdown out of this.
Kill Code: No, talk about your damn issues.
Moon: Maybe once I’m dead and haunting my brothers, maybe then I’ll talk about my mental health issues.
Harvest Moon: Brother is happy once again.
Kill Code: Moon, I will buy you nondairy ice cream if you just talk about your mental health, please.
Sun: I want to talk about my mental health!
Kill Code: We know, Sun.
Sun: I’m sad.
Kill Code: We know, Sun. I’m scheduling both of you therapy appointments.
Moon: You are not scheduling me therapy.
Kill Code: Then why am I talking to a therapist’s office right now?
Moon: DO NOT
Kill Code: Your therapy is scheduled. I’m not telling you when.
Moon: Gooooooooooood DAMMIT
Kill Code: Sun, go to this address today at five.
Kill Code has dropped a location
Kill Code: Same therapy office as Eclipse’s therapist.
Lunar: Wait, that’s my therapist’s office.
Eclipse: Do you go to Dr. Leeson?
Lunar: No, Dr. Marin
Eclipse: Lunar, Dr. Leeson and Dr. Marin are married.
Lunar: Oh. Do you think they talk about us?
Eclipse: Absolutely. Probably not with names or anything but probably yeah. Probably ask each other how they got the abused and abuser in their offices.
Lunar: What time is your therapy usually at?
Eclipse: Mondays at ten in the morning.
Lunar: See, that’s why we miss each other. I’m Wednesdays at one.
Eclipse: Which means they probably talk about us on Thursdays like ‘you hear the trauma of the week from the those brothers?’
Lunar: ‘yeah, the younger one said he hid in playhouses’
Eclipse: ‘the older one says he cries more than he laughs. he hides in closets. I can’t figure out why for the life of me.’
Blood Moon: I visit Dr. Pierce every couple weeks because Dad wants “mental health checks”
Harvest Moon: Dr. Pierce is scared of you.
Blood Moon: Hey, Dr. Ryans is scared of you too.
Harvest Moon: Dr. Ryans is scared of the things I tell him.
Heliosphere: Why are me and Bo not in therapy?
Kill Code: Do you two have anything therapy-worthy?
Bolide: Not really, no.
Kill Code: That’s why.
Moon: Why can’t I know when my therapy is?
Kill Code: You’ll evade it.
Moon: You make a good point, can’t argue with that.
Sun: I’ll bite, why does Eclipse have a plushie?
Eclipse: Because I love her?
Sun: Yes, but why??
Eclipse: Because she loves me??
Sun: Plushies are incapable of love.
Moon: Sun
Eclipse: Element is my best friend. Ellie has loved me since I found her and I loved her back.
Sun: Plushies aren’t sentient, Eclipse. She doesn’t love you.
Blood Moon: Sun man
Eclipse: She does love me!
Sun: No she doesn’t, Eclipse.
Harvest Moon: Sunny
Kill Code: Sun.
Eclipse: Well at least Element has never abandoned me like everyone else!
Harvest Moon: Big drop.
Kill Code: Sunrise, shut up.
Sun: What?
Heliosphere: Sun, that was mean
Bolide: Yeah, Sunny.
Sun: What even happened? I just told him plushies can’t love?
Moon: Sun, you done fucked up.
Sun: Why?
Moon: How do I put this delicately so you don’t get upset in therapy later and the therapists don't figure out they have a fifth sibling?
Moon: Um…know how a couple of the teenagers need to be in the play area when they’re in the daycare because they regress?
Sun: Yes, Rei and Adalyn.
Moon: And you understand regression?
Sun: Obviously.
Sun: oh
Kill Code: He says thank you.
Harvest Moon: No he said ‘tank ooo sunny’
Sun: Oh my god
Lunar: I want this recorded, this has to be adorable. Finally a chance to see him vulnerable.
Kill Code: eclipsebeingadorable.vid
[video transcription] Kill Code: Come on, son, can you say hi to your brothers?
Eclipse: I love Babas.
Kill Code: Can you say hi to Sun and Lunar?
Eclipse: I love you Sunny and LuLu!
Kill Code: Gonna show them Element?
Eclipse: I gots Ellie! Mine!
Kill Code: Yes she is yours, isn’t she? The she takes care of you when nobody else is home, right?
Eclipse: Bee! Paci! Paci! Das mine!
[Blood Moon shows up behind Eclipse lightly biting an orange and black paci’s black lanyard with pumpkins on it]
Blood Moon: Oh, is it now?
Eclipse: *giggling* Das mine!
Blood Moon: Oh okay, fine, but only because you’re so cute.
[Blood Moon hands him the pacifier and rests his head on Eclipse’s shoulder while Eclipse happily puts his paci in his mouth and leans against him]
Kill Code: All better now, son?
Eclipse: I bettew.
Kill Code: Okay, good. [transcription end]
Lunar: God, why is that cute?
Sun: This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen?
Moon: Yep, it’s cute to witness. Cute enough to wait for my bagel.
Kill Code: Shit, I forgot your fucking bagel.
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Who Let Us Have A Group Chat
Pairings: Blood Moon/DJ Music Man, Harvest Moon/Glamrock Bonnie, Eclipse/OC
Word Count: 1,453
Summary: A not so fun morning.
Warnings: Innuendo (mentioned only), Sex (mentioned only), Violence (mentioned only), Fire (mentioned only), Abuse, Abusive Relationship, Harassment (mentioned), Sexual Harassment (mentioned), let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: Sirius is good Eclipse, Charon is good Eclipse’s Moon.
Chapter 8: Dangerous Times
6:02am Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: Role call, we have a dangerous thing going around, I need everyone to do a head count.
Moon: Here.
Kill Code: Also here, obviously.
Supermassive: Here! Bolide is sleeping in the kitchen again, I'm waking him up.
Kill Code: Again in the kitchen? Doesn't he remember he has an entire bedroom?
Supermassive: Look, I tried to explain that to him. All I got was 'I know what I'm doing, Massy, I'll be sleeping soon enough.' Then he ate an entire four course meal of ice cream and went to sleep in the kitchen.
Heliosphere: Here too.
Blood Moon: Why wake me uuuuuuuuup?
Harvest Moon: (Automated Message) Busy with Bonnie, text you back later.
Kill Code: I could have lived my live without knowing you set up automated messages for when you're fooling around with Bonnie.
Lunar: Come on, they're married, it's fine.
Kill Code: Lunar, I know he's an adult AI, but I really don't want to know my child is doing unsavory things with Bonnie.
Blood Moon: More like Bonnie's doing unsavory things to him? Have you even seen the hickies he comes home with?
Kill Code: I haven't and I wish to strangle a rabbit now.
Blood Moon: You think I don't? That's my baby twin! I don't because he'd be sad then.
Lunar: Anyway, Sun and Eclipse? Gonna respond to the head count?
Sun: Oh, I'm fine, sorry. Tired. Couldn't get to sleep til almost 3 last night.
Moon: Go back to sleep or I'm knocking you out into sleep mode.
Sun: Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Moon: And he's asleep now.
Lunar: Eclipse?
Supermassive: He never came home last night after his date with Matthew.
Kill Code: He could be sleeping, he's awful with his sleep schedule lately.
Moon: Still doesn't make sense that he wouldn't respond if he's got notifications on again and we've been texting back and forth for almost a half hour now. Our texting even woke Sun up and Sun would barely wake up for a war.
Eclipse: I'm fine, I'm getting food on my way home. Thank you for being concerned.
Kill Code: You're fine? Did you spend the night with Matthew?
Eclipse: Yes, I'm fine. I stayed at Matthew's last night.
Kill Code: I regrettably ask, where did you even go that you ended up spending the night at his place?
Eclipse: We went to dinner and a museum. The museum closed at midnight and, by then, we were distracted and Matthew liked my dress so...
Kill Code: I don't want the details! I get it!
Eclipse: Okay.
Lunar: So, ignoring Harvest and Eclipse's late-night boyfriend escapades, everyone is accounted for, thank youuuu.
Kill Code: What was even the dangerous thing?
Lunar: Oh, Puppet's ex-boyfriend, BB, thinks I'm dating Puppet and is jealous that I 'stole Puppet from him'. Said he'd hurt someone I love and all that and I already checked on Monty and Puppet so you were my next turn. I think he was bluffing.
Moon: Probably bluffing but I'll put safeties on us to make sure we're all okay for today.
Eclipse: Ya know, eating breakfast in an evening dress makes people stare at you.
Blood Moon: Yep, that'll do it.
Eclipse: Like they haven't seen someone walk home in a fancy dress before.
Supermassive: How fancy? I didn't get to see you before you left.
Eclipse: newdress.jpg
Supermassive: Yeah, okay, that's reasonable to stare at. It looks like you're going somewhere important.
Eclipse: Listen, we were going to a new exhibit and both the restaurant and exhibit opening were black tie events and I didn't think I'd ever spend the night at Matthew's so he doesn't have any clothes I could go home in.
Blood Moon: It is an evening gown, Eclipse, it is kinda stare-worthy when you're not at the event it's for.
Eclipse: I'll be hiding in my room ignoring everything.
Kill Code: It's still a very pretty dress, Eclipse, if that's any consolation.
Eclipse: I'm burning this dress.
Kill Code: Because people stared at you?
Eclipse: No, I hate this dress.
Kill Code: Okay then.
Moon: I'll help you burn it!
Eclipse: Already burning it.
Moon: aww
Kill Code: Reign in the pyromania urges, Moon.
Moon: Take all the fun out of it.
10:31am Who Took My Hat?
Blood Moon: Eclipse, are you okay?
Eclipse: I'm fine, just tired still.
Blood Moon: Can I come in?
Eclipse: No, I want to be alone.
Blood Moon: Okay, well, tell us if you want one of us to come cuddle. I know it's hard to sleep without someone else.
Eclipse: I will if I need someone, thank you.
10:41am Private Chat
Eclipse: I need you.
Sirius: Now? I still haven't fixed Charon's travel machine again, it broke after last time travelling and now I have to fix it again.
Eclipse: Just talk to me then. Please.
Sirius: What happened?
Eclipse: Matthew hurt me again.
Sirius: How bad this time?
Eclipse: We went to a fancy restaurant and to a new museum exhibit and it was really nice at first. But he was staring at me the entire museum exhibit opening and he brought me back to his apartment.
Eclipse: He was trying and trying to get me to bed to sleep with him and he just wouldn't take a no as an answer. When he finally seemed to take no for an answer, he beat me until I passed out.
Sirius: Eclipse, are you okay?
Eclipse: I'm mostly okay, just my head hurts and my left knee but I'm scared.
Sirius: I think it's time to tell your family, Eclipse, he's hurt you eight times now. I know it's scary, but you aren't safe with him. This is eight strikes, most people wouldn't stay after the first time it happened.
Eclipse: But then who can possibly love me? At least Matthew loves me, he's just...not the best person.
Sirius: There's plenty of people. You also don't need someone to love you to define yourself with. You have a whole family, you have a dad and what now? four brothers?
Eclipse: Five so far.
Sirius: More activated?
Eclipse: Nine activated. One of them was found by Sun, who named him Supermassive. He seems like one of the nice ones. He has my personality but no memories.
Sirius: Just tell them, Eclipse. I promise, they can help you.
11:01am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: So what? I'm just going to go up to my father and brothers and tell them 'hey, you know that boyfriend I have? Yeah, he's been abusing me and constantly trying to get me to bed for the last month. Oh yeah, that dress I burned? That's because he ripped it trying to get me to sleep with him.'
Sun: Eclipse?
11:04am Private Message
Eclipse: I'm so screwed.
Eclipse: ijusttextedthewrongchat.jpg
Sirius: I just got my dimensional travel machine up, I'm coming. Just hold on.
Eclipse: Please, Bloody is trying to get into my room.
Sirius: Message them, tell them to give you a minute, you need your support before they try to ask you questions. Deep breaths, you're alright.
11:09am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: Give me a minute, please. I need my friend before you start interrogating me.
Lunar: Who's the friend?
Eclipse: Sirius, another version of me, a lot nicer.
Lunar: I know him! Okay, we're all going to wait until Siri is here to talk with Eclipse. He deserves to have his support system. So anyone trying to get to him, leave him alone until Siri is here and we'll let Eclipse have some time with Siri before we bug him about it.
Moon: I'm adding Sirius to the chat.
Moon has added Sirius to Who Took My Hat?
Sirius: Shaddup, I'm getting to my comfort tiny.
Lunar: Oh good, you're already in our dimension, I can bring you to where he is and I'll keep everyone away until Clipsey is ready to talk.
Sirius: Good.
Sirius: Oh yeah, I beat a guy named BB with a wrench this morning and apparently he was coming after me because of Lunar. What did you do?
Lunar: Well, ya see, BB is Puppet's ex-boyfriend and he thought I was dating Puppet, who's my best friend. But he thought I was dating Puppet and he got jealous saying I'd 'stole Puppet from him'. He said he'd hurt someone I love, we even did role call this morning for everyone.
Sirius: Well, I hit him in the face with a wrench and busted his faceplate because screw him.
Lunar: Why thank you, Sirius. We love you and your trusty wrench for using violence upon my bestie's ex.
Sirius: Anytime.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,349
Summary: Abandonments and breakfasts.
Warnings: Caps, Abandonment, Cursing, Age Regression, Angst (& Fluff), Trauma (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 5: We Traumatized Moon
8:14am Who Took My Hat?
8:29am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Where is everyone?
8:47am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Real funny guys. Where are you?
9:45am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: not even KC?
10:57am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Where did you all even go? There’s seven of you.
12:50pm Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Did you all just up and leave the chat or something?
3:35pm Who Took My Hat?
Moon: …
10:30pm Who Took My Hat?
Sun: Moon?
Sun: I can’t find you, where did you go?
Sun: Moony?
Eclipse: Oh I think we screwed up.
Sun: How did we fuck up? All we did was set something up for him and wait.
Kill Code: Did any of us remember to tell him what we were doing today? Because I’m blocked out completely, I don’t even think he can hear me.
Lunar: …
Sun: …
Bolide: …
Eclipse: …
Blood Moon: …
Heliosphere: …
Harvest Moon: …
Kill Code: Consensus is no. And I wasn’t allowed to tell him anything, great job, everyone.
Kill Code has sent their location
Kill Code: We’re in a bunker? Why are we in a bunker?
Eclipse: That’s Echo-23. That one is empty, I checked last month.
Kill Code: What is he doing?
Eclipse: I don’t know but I’m coming. Sun called me, he’s coming back to your bunker. Hold on, let me teleport.
Kill Code: What’s happening?
Eclipse: I’ve got visual, he’s in the far corner alone.
Kill Code: Yeah, expected when your family abandons you for no reason when you have abandonment issues, Eclipse. You’ve been the same way.
Eclipse: He has a sun plushie? And a
Eclipse: Oh.
Kill Code: What?
Eclipse: He has a pacifier. He’s little, that’s why you’re blocked out.
Kill Code: You IDIOTS made him drop!?
Eclipse: I thought Sun told him! I have notifications off for this chat!
Sun: I thought I told him.
Lunar: I’m a horrible brother. How could I not tell him?
Sun: Lunar, he’s safe. We can apologize, it’s okay.
Eclipse: moonrighttnow.vid
[Video Transcription] Eclipse: Moon, hey. Hey there, little one. [Moon looks up at Eclipse but hides further in the corner] Eclipse: Hey, it’s just me. Everyone was looking for you. Moon: No they don’t. Eclipse: What? Moon: Everyone left! Eclipse: I know and we’re all very sorry we didn’t tell you we were doing something today. We didn’t mean to leave you. Didn’t DJ and Bonnie ever show up? Moon: Nu-uh. Eclipse: They never showed up? We asked them to so you wouldn’t be so lonely. Moon: But everyone left me! Eclipse: We didn’t mean to. We were all working hard on a surprise for you. We didn’t mean to leave you alone. DJ was supposed to spend the morning with you and Bonnie the afternoon and evening. Moon: Surprise? Like gift? Eclipse: Yeah, a big gift. We all had to work on it together. Even Monty and Golden Freddy were helping. That’s why we didn’t send them to stay with you. Moon: Gotta be big for gift? Eclipse: To get your gift, yes. But you don’t have to get big now. It’s okay, just relax. I’ll take you home so we can make sure you’re okay. Moon: Take Sunlight? Eclipse: We can take Sunlight with us, we wouldn’t leave him behind, right? Moon: No leave behind. He be lonely. Eclipse: He would, we don’t ever want to leave someone behind ever again. Moon: Can I gets milk when we got home? Eclipse: Yes you can, we have nondairy milk, Moonlight. [Transcription End]
Eclipse: Heading back with him. Guess we’re all staying at dad’s bunker for now.
Sun: Please tell him I love him, I’m five minutes away.
Lunar: I can’t apologize like this! He’s a baby! He’s so small! How do I even apologize to a baby!?
Eclipse: Just like I did. Coo at him. Direct his attention to something else after. He’s too small to really understand the apology but it’ll make sure he feels safe and like he wasn’t overreacting to feel hurt.
Lunar: Do I just treat him like another daycare baby?
Eclipse: Yes.
12:45am Who Took My Hat?
Kill Code: Moon, I'm right here. You're okay.
Moon: Papa scared
Kill Code: I know, it's dark. Just shake Blood Moon, it's okay.
Moon: I shake, no wake up.
Kill Code: You're okay, I'm keeping the monsters away. Shake Harvest.
Moon: Vessie up now.
Kill Code: Tell him the light, little one.
Harvest Moon: On it.
Blood Moon: Why am I awoken so violently, twin? Do you hate me so?
Harvest Moon: Cuddle Moon
Blood Moon: Mmmmmmjnriyg3pu4809ed'l7582897%^&*()(#BK
Harvest Moon: Wake the hell up and cuddle the baby!
Blood Moon: I'm up, I'm up.
Moon: sowwy
Blood Moon: Not an issue, little one. Ves just could've been nicer waking me up.
Harvest Moon: Why us, Dad?
Kill Code: Sun sleeps like the dead, Lunar is passed out in the other room, Eclipse can sleep through a war once he's asleep, Heliosphere is probably dead to the world by now, Bolide is literally hanging off the bed, and I can't take control and scare the baby.
Harvest Moon: Makes sense.
Blood Moon: We sleep lightly due to trauma.
Harvest Moon: Don't you bring my anxiety into this.
Blood Moon: Who even turned the light off?
Kill Code: Probably Sun out of habit. He sleeps with the lights off.
Blood Moon: He's getting a blanket on his face for that.
Kill Code: If anything, that would just keep him asleep, so go ahead.
Blood Moon: You take all the fun out of tormenting him, Father.
Kill Code: I know, I enjoy it.
Blood Moon: Meanie.
8:14am Who Took My Hat?
Sun: BLANKET CHOKE MASEESFDUNSOSODB38!!(9:,&!'4810@$;?>*=]-!~!t!
Blood Moon: Repentance for scaring the baby with the light.
Eclipse: its too fuckin early for this shit wheres my coffee pot?
Kill Code: Probably where it usually is in the kitchen?
Eclipse: i love my auto-brewer
Lunar: eclipsedrinkinganentirepotofcoffee.jpg
Sun: That seems unhealthy.
Eclipse: look me in the eyes and die as you tell me that again
Sun: That 👀 Seems 👀 Unhealthy 👀
Eclipse: perish
Harvest Moon: Who's turn was it today to 'make breakfast before Father comes home'?
Blood Moon: you
Harvest Moon: curses, I hate cooking
Eclipse: youve been beat
Eclipse: lunarcookingbreakfast.jpg
Lunar: I wake up early when I go to sleep at eleven. I figured everyone could use a nice big breakfast together as a family.
Sun" What odd new recipe did you make this time?
Lunar: The new recipe is blood danishes but I made regular danishes as well. Breakfast is bagel sandwiches. Everyone has their own plates completely free of their allergens, please. do not. eat from. each other's. plates.
Lunar: Moon and KC, egg and bacon bagel. Sun, honey and peanut butter bagel with bananas because eating meat upsets you. Bolide, nutella and apple bagel for you because of you nutella and apple addiction. Helios, fried tofu and veggie bacon bagel for your samefood. Eclipse, hummus and fried tofu for your fragile little vegan stomach. Mine is egg and a veggie sausage patty. Blood Moon gets blood jelly and peanut butter and bacon on his bagel. And Harvest, your bagel has bacon and sausage and egg.
Lunar: There's leftover bagels and there's cream cheese and fruit danishes. Don't fucking kill yourselves with them.
Lunar: And don't any of you bastard siblings touch the two wrapped ones, they're for Monty and Golden for helping us yesterday.
Kill Code: Someone went all out.
Lunar: What other way is there when everyone has conflicting allergies and food preferences?
Kill Code: True.
Kill Code: Don't recall if I told you I'm allergic to grapes but Moon isn't.
Lunar: You're a dog, I know. No grapes in breakfast anyways because we all hate grapes. Except Sun, Sun likes to eat the eyeballs.
Sun: They aren't eyeballs, okay? They're good!
Lunar: Yeah, keep lying to yourself, Sunny.
Tumblr media
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,210
Summary: In which, Lunar needs some more therapy for his anger issues.
Warnings: Cursing, Caps, Self Worth Issues (mentioned only), Anxiety (mentioned), Trust Issues (mentioned only), Self-Esteem Issues (mentioned only), Trauma (mentioned only), Limb Lost (mentioned only), Child Endangerment (mentioned), Bolide please do not commit child endangerment, Death (mentioned only), Panic Attacks, Allergic Reaction, let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 4: Lunar, Please Tone It Down
12:15pm Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: Why in the living fuck are all the seven year olds covered in fucking glitter glue, SUN?
Sun: Um
Sun: You see
Sun: During craft time
Sun: The kids found my stash of glitter glue
Lunar: Moon, we're never buying glitter or glitter glue again.
Moon: Duly noted.
Kill Code: Now that you're not being yelled at, how was therapy yesterday?
Sun: Oh, it was okay.
Kill Code: Dug into the self-worth issues?
Sun: Dug immediately into the anxiety.
Eclipse: rip Sun.
Sun: Yours was anxiety first too?
Eclipse: Oh no, Dr. Leeson went for the god complex to get that in check first.
Blood Moon: Dr. Pierce said I have trust issues.
Harvest Moon: Ryans going straight for my low self-esteem.
Lunar: Fucking Marin always goes for my trauma.
Moon: Dr. Allis went for my self worth
Kill Code: All of you act like it's the end of the world.
Moon: You try talking about your feelings!
Kill Code: I do. Dr. Halloway and I talk about my anger issues every two weeks.
Heliosphere: rip
Bolide: rip
4:18pm Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: I'm confiscating your hands, you dirty motherfucker.
Lunar: NO
Kill Code: Why are we losing our hands now? Not that I'm complaining, I'll just stay in here for it.
Kill Code: Moon
Moon: KC
Kill Code: Moondrop Celestial
Moon: Crescent Celestial
Kill Code: Oh, given name now. Moon we agreed to not do things such as throw children when I agreed to behave.
Moon: Crescent, we agreed to YOU not getting child endangerment charges, not me.
Kill Code: It was a given, Moon, that we both participate.
Moon: No it wasn't!
Kill Code: Lunar, I've got control of our hands for today. Moon effectively doesn't have hands, your welcome.
Lunar: Thank you, Crescent.
Kill Code: No problem, my child.
Lunar: Nope keep that family title away from me.
Kill Code: Fine. No problem, Lunar.
Lunar: Better.
5:17 pm Who Took My Hat?
Lunar: Okay, nevermind, throw Jonas again.
Kill Code: I strictly do not endanger children and neither does Moon.
Lunar: I hate both of you.
Lunar: Blood Moon, come toss a child!
Blood Moon: At therapy, talk later.
Lunar: Harvest, come throw a child!
Harvest Moon: Little busy with something. Don't wanna weld my hand.
Eclipse: Listen, Dr. Marin will kill me if I do that.
Bolide: I'll come throw a kid.
Lunar: Savior.
Bolide: How do I get there.
Lunar: Internal navigation.
Lunar has sent their location
8:27pm Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: Dad Alert.
Moon: Fine.
Kill Code: What is this about?
Eclipse: Harvest welded his hand and I can't get it off and Blood Moon came home from therapy and started crying. Helio has been trying to help but we can't really defuse either situation and both of the twins just want each other but Ves can't really leave and Bee won't come out of his room.
Kill Code: I'm coming, give me a half hour.
9:05pm Who Took My Hat?
Sun: So...It's Crescent?
Kill Code: It can be either. KC is the first I was given, Crescent is merely the name I adopted autonomously.
Sun: So, it's Crescent.
Kill Code: You could say that.
Sun: Will you agree or disagree?
Kill Code: Neither.
Sun: I hate you so much right now.
Kill Code: Good.
Sun: How did that Dad Alert go?
Kill Code: Oh, me and Moon had to replace Harvest's hand casing, calm him down, calm Blood down, calm Eclipse and Heliosphere down and send them to bed because all of them were exhausted after simultaneous panic attacks. Turns out Dr. Pierce dug at his separation anxiety with Harvest and, when Harvest didn't come to comfort him, he panicked and broke down. Eclipse was panicking over not being able to detach Harvest from the machine and Helio had his first panic attack trying to get to Blood Moon.
Sun: Your kids amaze me sometimes with how uncoordinatedly coordinated their panic attacks are.
Kill Code: You and me both.
11:45pm Who Took My Hat?
Moon: I'm having a crisis.
Kill Code: What kind of crisis are we going through today, Moon?
Moon: Ate three buckets of ice cream crisis.
Kill Code: Please tell me it was nondairy.
Moon: They don't make nondairy bulk tubs.
Kill Code: God, we're going to die.
Moon: But the caramel pecan is good and the chocolate cherry drowns out my pain and almond fudge makes me happier.
Kill Code: GOD HELP US Cherry!? We're fucking allergic!
Moon: But poison tastes so good.
Kill Code: I'll beg, someone hook us to the computer and tell it to shoot us with a two rounds of epinephrine.
Sun: On it.
Blood Moon: Why the hell would you eat cherry when you know you're allergic?
Moon: I was having a crisis, okay!?
Kill Code: At the expense of our body slowly trying to shut down to fix itself.
Sun: You two are heavy, you know that?
Moon: I know this, Sun.
Kill Code: I'd love to see him struggle to lift my body in your head.
Moon: You're lightweight in my head, dumbass. You're body is literally mostly hollow, you just look terrifying to people who haven't seen it before.
Kill Code: I am not lightweight.
Moon: You are a twig!
Kill Code: And you're lanky!
Moon: Yes, but I accept it.
Sun: Okay, you said epinephrine?
Kill Code: Yes. Two shots. Just ask the computer for one for cherries and one for dairy and they'll do the work for you.
Sun: Okay, they said completed.
Kill Code: Now we get the waiting game to see if we wake up tonight or tomorrow morning.
Lunar: I hope in the morning because I don't like you.
Moon: You don't like me?
Lunar: No, the other one.
Moon: Yeah, yeah. Got it.
Lunar: Look, I know you hate yourself but I fucking love you, Moon. Don't you ever doubt that.
Moon: I'm totally not crying.
Kill Code: He's crying and making me cuddle him.
Moon: SHUT UP!
Lunar: Just cry about it, we all know you have issues believing people love you.
Kill Code: He's sobbing, thanks, Lunar.
Lunar: Anytime, Crescent.
Kill Code: Hate you.
Lunar: Convenient, I was gonna say that.
Sun: How about we all just go to bed after such an eventful day?
Blood Moon: Everyone else here is asleep already. I don't sleep at night.
Lunar: Like you're even going to make it to bed, Sun, stop lying to yourself.
Sun: It was mainly targeted at you, Cressy, and Moony.
Kill Code: Oh, more nicknames now, joy. How do you and your brother pick up the same damn nickname without coordinating that?
Sun: Same way we both came up with Luney and Bloody, we do it by instinct by making someone's name sound cutesy like Sunny and Moony. Hell, we referred to Eclipse as Clipsey for like a few months when he wasn't obsessed with the Star.
Eclipse: bg74398fcip490r-28509345%#^%$&*GVHJyuh66%^%*
Kill Code: Thank you for the input, Eclipse.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,295
Summary: Unfortunate happenings in the family tree.
Warnings: Death (mentioned only), Caps, Panic, Age Regression, KC Being A Dad™, Various (mentioned only) Mental Issues, Injury (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 6: Of Activations And Backups
1:12am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: Kill me.
Kill Code: Why this time?
Eclipse: Love the faith in me, Dad.
Kill Code: No problem, anytime.
Eclipse: But anyway.
Eclipse: I have my lovely computer doing its job, scanning for any activated backups of mine, all that loveliness.
Eclipse: And you know what I find at one in the morning?
Kill Code: A backup?
Eclipse: Up that number.
Kill Code: Two or three backups active?
Kill Code: Well, calm down, first of all. We’ll get them. Just chill out, deep breaths like Dr. Leeson taught you. Count to ten and find a color.
Eclipse: I am. I am.
Eclipse: What if they’re how I was though? I can’t make everybody deal with that again! I’m trying to change, I can’t just let a backup come and hurt them. Imagine what would happen to Lunar or Sun or Moon or hell the twins!
Eclipse: What if several are how I was? I don’t think we could just put all of them in therapy, it won’t work! I went willingly because I saw what I had turned into finally, they don’t have that calm guidance to realize what they’d be doing!
Kill Code: Moon, I’m taking the body.
Moon: Okey Papa
Kill Code: I’m coming, Eclipse, it’s okay. Just breathe, we’ll find them. It’ll be fine.
10:29am Who Took My Hat?
Sun: So…I think I found one. He activated in Moon’s computer last night and Halo and Horizon just told me he exists.
Kill Code: I’ll come get him.
Sun: I already named him.
Kill Code: You know what? Sure. Whoever finds a backup can name them.
Sun: His name is Supermassive.
Kill Code has added Supermassive to Who Took My Hat?
Supermassive: Um…hi?
Kill Code: Child, do you have memory?
Supermassive: Yeah?
Kill Code: Any personal inclination to repeat those?
Supermassive: No?
Kill Code: Okay. I’m coming to get you out and put you in a body, you can lurk around here. This chat is full of your family. I’m Crescent or ‘Kill Code’, I’m your father. My son, Eclipse is your predecessor, though he’s indisposed at the moment.
Kill Code: Moon and Sun are twins, though Moon is indisposed as well at the moment. The other twins are Blood Moon and Harvest Moon. Blood Moon is older, Harvest is younger. Lunar, the ball of sass and chaos, is now the fourth youngest. The other ‘twins’ Bolide and Heliosphere, are fellow Eclipse backups.
Kill Code: Please feel free to ask any questions you have and we will answer them to the best of our ability.
Supermassive: Dad?
Kill Code: Yes, son?
Supermassive: What are Eclipse and Moon doing?
Kill Code: They are regressing. Eclipse was fairly stressed after finding out some of his backups activated recently, including you, and needed to regress to calm down. Moon has been regressed for two days now, there was an incident two days ago where he was left by himself and nobody told him we would all be busy. So he ended up regressing due to stress and hasn’t yet aged up, since it’s his first time being little and it takes time to age up again and get your footing the first time.
Supermassive: And Sun is who found me, so I know him already. What are Bolide and Heliosphere like?
Kill Code: Heliosphere is quite gentle, fairly kind. He’s very easygoing and laid back. Bolide is quite the character, though. Fairly chaotic and ‘gremliny’ as Moon has called him, but it’s all in fun and he’s very nice to others and gets along quite easy with most people. His exception is our home’s unwilling roommate in the basement, but we just don’t go down there anymore and have it locked off.
Supermassive: You have a roommate?
Kill Code: Rather unwillingly. Okay, I found a man with a trash can on his head in the daycare when I returned from my first outing with my initial three sons, Blood Moon, Harvest Moon, and Eclipse. He’s very odd, fairly tainted by magic as well and therefore immortal.
Kill Code: I took him with me to my new home as a plaything for the twins, who were far more bloodthirsty back then but have since mellowed out quite substantially. Once we learn exactly how annoying he is to house, we attempted many times to simply leave him places but he continually finds his way back to our home.
Kill Code: At this rate, I’m thinking of committing a horrible crime and leaving him at the scene, since he’ll stay just long enough for us to leave and come home before trying to follow. But we’ve locked him off in the basement with enough food for a few months just to keep him from harassing us anymore.
Supermassive: Sunny, this family is weird, why am I going to them?
Sun: Because he’s your dad. And the weird guy is just…there.
Supermassive: Okay. Is there anything I need to watch for? Like things that are bad to say or do around the others?
Kill Code: Harvest Moon has self-esteem issues and anxiety, so please try not to pick at that. Blood Moon and Harvest moon both have separation anxiety with each other, so please don’t pull them apart by force if you need one and not the other.
Kill Code: Blood Moon has trust issues and still has a high inclination to eat blood, as does Harvest, but less frequently than his brother. Eclipse has anxiety and has quite frequent panic attacks and anxiety attacks and a lot of things he’s working on in therapy.
Kill Code: Basically, don’t steal one of the twins from the other, try not to pick at anyone’s various mental health issues, please don’t hurt your brothers physically or mentally.
Supermassive: Okay. Don’t steal a twin, don’t hurt feelings, don’t hurt someone. Are there any rules for your house?
Kill Code: murderfamilyrules.link
[Transcription] 1) Do not steal each other’s items or food. 2) Do not harm your brother within your control. 3) If I am immediately needed, call me or message me saying ‘Dad Alert’ and I will be there as soon as time permits. 4) You are not required to call me ‘Dad’, you can use my name if you prefer. 5) No pranks in the lab, there’s dangerous machinery in there. 6) Weather and time permitting, Sundays are park and picnic days. Please do not commit crimes on Sundays. 7) The basement is off limits until further notice. 8) If bodily or emotional harm is involved in it, it’s not a prank, please do not pull that ‘joke’. 9) Consent is key, please ask before touching someone or touching something they cherish, please apologize if someone gets uncomfortable. 10) Saturday is shopping day. Please write your list of items or foods you’d like to get on the dry-erase board in the kitchen, because otherwise it will get forgotten. 11) Privacy is valued, please knock if a door is closed. 12) Fridays are family dinner nights, we switch what we order weekly, please put your suggestion on the board in the kitchen and we will spin the wheel for who wins that week. [Transcription End]
Supermassive: Those are all easy rules. But why ‘within your control’ for harming each other?
Blood Moon: Hi, that’s my rule. I used to be pretty mean to Eclipse because I calmed down but I had very little self-control at the time.
Supermassive: Oh. That makes sense then. I’ll be on my best behavior! I promise!
Kill Code: Just be yourself, Supermassive.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Heliosphere: *crying*
Harvest Moon: Please, don’t cry!
Bolide: *screaming*
Blood Moon: Stop screaming, it is headache inducing! And animatronics don’t even get headaches!
Eclipse: Please shut up, I’m still tired.
Moon, to Kill Code Moon as he watches KC take Heliosphere and Bolide out of Harvest Moon and Blood Moon: What fresh hell is this?
Kill Code Moon, looking over his now five sons: Look, I don’t know! All I know is I just gained two more sons!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
More of my blank Eclipse backup OCs because I made more. (At least it’s not more Lords at this point)
Heliosphere: Heliosphere activates inside of Harvest Moon, crying because Harvest’s mindscape resides in darkness and Helio is scared of the dark. Once he’s pulled out by KC, he stays in the base with the twins, Bolide, and Eclipse as KC’s fourth son.
Bolide: Bolide activates inside of Blood Moon, screaming because he doesn’t know where he is and Blood Moon doesn’t offer any good explanations and simply screams back or tells him to stop screaming. Once Bo is pulled out by KC, he stays in the base with the twins, Heliosphere, and Eclipse as KC’s new youngest son, since his activation was moments after Helio’s activation.
Stellar (not the same as OG Eclipse that takes care of regressed Moon): Stellar is an Eclipse backup that activates in a forest. Why Eclipse left that backup there, nobody knows, not even Stellar. Stellar activates when the Blood Moons are sniffing around the forest and they find a half-finished eclipse on the forest floor twitching and trying to drag himself to the closest bunker. Despite their grudge against Eclipse, the twins already have Eclipse in their head and are lovingly torturing him, so this Eclipse obviously isn’t the original and is quite feeble and not a good kill. So the twins sneakily take Stellar to the PizzaPlex and fix him up with the secret help of Moon, who only agreed to this to shut them up and get them out of the daycare. The twins love Stellar and can’t bring themselves to kill the sweet bean who absolutely adores them for saving him. Stellar loves just about anyone he meets, a pure ray of sunshine if you will. The twins treat him with as much love and gentleness as two murderbots can and eventually KC ends up adopting Stellar to his evil base as well when he takes the twins and Eclipse there.
Orbit (I never fully introduced him): An Eclipse backup that activated early. Orbit activated the day after Eclipse and Lunar took over and is thrust into the family drama rather forcefully. Eclipse knows this backup is blank of memories so he essentially has another Lunar, but without the trust issues and prior abuse. Orbit tends to get on Eclipse’s nerves by following his big brother around and trying to learn from Eclipse. Eclipse’s abuse ramps up tenfold due to Orbit’s presence, unfortunately, because he hates that he made a backup without his memories and he can’t deactivate him. Eclipse’s abuse is much worse toward Orbit than it is toward Lunar during October. Eventually, Eclipse gets upset with Orbit asking questions and being curious and removes his voice box and destroys it in front of him. Lunar loves Orbit, he has a baby brother and he’s not so alone during his time stuck with Eclipse. Lunar is always there after Eclipse hurts Orbit to pick up the pieces and hold his little brother to comfort him. Orbit and Lunar are inseparable by the end of October and Moon happily accepts the both of them, not even caring Orbit was meant as a backup. Sun is a little hesitant of Orbit but one look at those big, cute traumatized little eyes has him melting and hugging his new baby brother and Lunar close and assuring them that he loves them. Moon gives Orbit a new voice box as his Christmas present, one that can change voices like Moon’s can so Orbit can pick his own voice instead of having the old one that sounded vaguely like a higher pitched Eclipse.
Galaxy: Galaxy activated non-sentient inside of Lunar the moment Lunar got his own body, though Monty very quickly put Galaxy into his own body. Due to Galaxy not get being sentient, Monty opted to keep Galaxy under his charge until he did gain sentience a week later. Galaxy is a blank slate, having wiped himself several times of any Eclipse coding leftover in his mainly blank code during the process of becoming sentient. Once Galaxy is sentient, he’s a very emotional AI, being very attached to Monty and Lunar, of whom he regards as his father and twin brother respectfully. Lunar gave Galaxy his name, as Galaxy asked him if he could have one and Lunar happily gave his blank pseudo-twin the name Galaxy. He is much like a curious puppy within his family, mainly sticking to Lunar’s side, but he also adores Sun and Moon and will eventually cling to them as well once they bond. Galaxy is a very calm little AI, he loves to make his brothers happy and will go to great lengths to do so.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
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