#fnaf orbit
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 8 months
I don’t like how canon’s going so I shall simply introduce you all to the alternative reality of the show that has lived in my head rent free since Lunar and Old Moon died.
Blood Moon and Harvest Moon are living as Sun’s cats. Sun doesn’t know this, Blood Moon and Harvest Moon are too busy getting spoiled and pampered and loved on to tell Sun, nor do they have the voice box to do so.
Old Moon separating from KC didn’t kill him but made a new AI, New Moon, that took over their body while Old Moon is just inactive because he thought he’d die and turned himself into a catatonic state in their head.
New Moon has no idea Old Moon is alive and neither does literally ANYONE else. Not even Old Moon knows he’s alive.
Eclipse does not get the star. After Sun tried to kill him, he went into hiding and became a better person so he could eventually show his family he’s changing so he doesn’t get another murder attempt for his head.
Solar Flare and Eclipse split eventually, Flare stays because he knows Eclipse is lonely and he’s trying to change and he appreciates this.
Flare also sneaks in and deletes the encrypted file he sent to Old Moon of the way to kill every one of Eclipse’s backups and Eclipse himself.
KC still goes off working at the soup kitchen and having tinder dates. But he’s grieving his children in assumptions that Sun has killed all three of them (four if he includes Flare, which he does).
Lunar doesn’t die because Eclipse doesn’t kill him. Lunar is the one to find Eclipse handing out food and blankets to homeless people and just yoinks him home and demands Lunar, Eclipse, and Flare play Uno together. Monty walks in on this and is completely shocked and confused.
Jigsaw comes in like a bat out of hell and does make a New Blood Moon. New BM almost instantaneously hates him and he tosses him off to the daycare so they get two new brothers, neat.
KC comes back once Sun and New Moon send word that he technically has two new kids. KC yoinks them, New BM gets to enjoy living the hippie life in a van in a forest with their dad. New BM gets renamed Zodiac and Horoscope so they can become their own people.
Jigsaw finds out Eclipse is alive. Somehow. He proceeds to scream and whine to Eclipse about how he wants a family and ‘how unfair it was that New BM got a family’.
Eclipse tells him to just reconcile with Moon and Sun. Jigsaw does this. And accidentally tells them that Eclipse is alive.
Sun and New Moon hunt down Eclipse and find him and Flare playing Scrabble. They do not kill him. They just call KC and KC’s camper van now resides in Lunar’s backyard. Lunar moves back into the daycare.
Lunar finally meets Sun’s cats and immediately points out that the cats are Blood Moon and Harvest Moon. Sun hands them over to New Moon to put into new bodies. KC gets another call. Sun gets two new cats. Blood Moon and Harvest Moon keep their cat ears and tails out of spite.
New Moon eventually feels Old Moon moving around in that head of theirs. KC is sent in as a volunteer for investigation. KC sighs and helps them separate New Moon into a new body so Old Moon has his body back. New Moon gets renamed Orbit.
Moon constantly jokes afterward that KC owes him six months of back child support for ‘their illegitimate son that they technically made together’, aka Orbit. KC always jokes back asking for joint custody or visitation. Orbit continues being an adorable boy and following in Moon’s footsteps.
Good Eclipse flees his dimension and becomes part of the main family. KC gets yet another call and yet another kid. KC can no longer fit his family in the camper van in the backyard. Everyone nicknames him Solar. Eclipse claims he, Jigsaw, and Solar are triplets.
The old twins and new twins have a show together. So do Eclipse, Solar and Jigsaw. Lunar’s show is with KC instead of Earth and jokingly gets called the Peepaw and Grandson Show.
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simpalert · 1 year
just posting these old doodles a friend of mine made [they don't got tumblr]
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its my bby orbit and his bro magmus <3
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
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ignore that im calling myself out rn
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wynnibee · 11 months
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alrighty, now that i'm awake again, i did this for @maudiemoods ' color palette challenge and it uh. got away from me just a tiny bit
sorry for bullying the blorbo @rinzydings i cant wait to do it again
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cookiiemancer · 5 months
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Here's my Secret Santa for @tinyfairart , I hope you like it! :)
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I experimented with a few ways I don't normally draw Y/N cause it's fun and also stumbled across
BEARDO Y/N IDEAS + regular pretty y/ns
According to what I imagine would fit in line with the y/n's character in universe even though VERY MUCH valid for any y/n to look like anything since it literally is your name but I'm gonna stop talking now cause I'm overthinking this
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@paper-lilypie I think the kids like it whenever they grow it longer but I imagine they usually stay clean shaven or stubble. Not sure what the boys would think of the stubble or a bigger beard, they might like it!
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Still very gorgeous. @naffeclipse @sunnys-aesthetic Vigilante y/n would probably have a scruffy beard, one that looks better if they are able to groom it likely. I think the Detective boys would like it if they actually took care of it lmao. Don't know what Eclipse would think... I have a feeling he wouldn't like any beards. Maybe I'm wrong
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CRYPTID SUN AND MOON WOULD LOVE ANY BEARD THEY (could) HAVE! I think they'd love the scratchiness, even when they kiss. Unpictured is Cryptid Sun and Moon being sweet to Cryptid Hunter y/n and y/n finds it cute
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@starrspice Cherub y/n can never stop being pretty huh? So very VERY pretty
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@bamsara I think of Solar Lunacy beard, and I think only of shenanigans. If SL y/n grew a beard, I can only imagine that most of the time it's more unkept than not (well, if according to their personality in fic).
Sun and Moon would probably make fun of their beard at SOME point
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@madame-mongoose @sycopomp
I mean, maybe they could grow a mustache? Maybe at some point they'll draw some scruff on with permanent marker
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And they are all, always, very pretty. Pretty pretty beautiful handsome beautiful y/n's.
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rinzydings · 8 months
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oooough more sketches cause i'm feelin silly. some older, some newer, some concepts, most ao canon! (except the mers, i just wanted to try sm different)
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🤖 Tell me this:
★Reblog for a bigger sample size★
Robot: a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically. / It must be able to do at least one task a human could do physically in a similar way. Doesn't have to resemble physically.
Humanoid Robot: A robot resembling the human body in shape. The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes. / Must be recognizable as replicating a human to anyone who knows what a human is.
Android: A robot with a human appearance. / Looks more passibly human. Uncanny in their similarities even if clear differences.
Cyborg: A person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body. / Person with mechanical limbs (I don't really care if it enhances it tbh, let cool tech limbs count as cyborgs of they want)
Mecha: A large armored robot, typically controlled by a person riding inside the robot itself. / Big, has a person driving... usually.
Industrial Robots: Are robotic arms that can move in several directions and can be programmed to carry out many different types of tasks in different environments. / Arms only
Ai/ Artificial Intelligence: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. / A computer that can think, function, and process mentally like a human with complex thought. Doesn't require a body.
Beep Boop: @the-robot-bracket
Tagging you because I'm sure you and your followers also would want in on the sample size :D
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
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fresh meat
(@madame-mongoose @sycopomp)
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pillowspace · 2 years
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Into the Y/Nverse - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Made the comic while listening to music with some of y'all yesterday <3
Also gave Twin Animatronics Y/n little twintails for further distinguishability and because, well. It's in the name. I think they look nice :] hgjgjd also I KNOW Twin Animatronics Y/n doesn't make blue curry, but I have not gotten over the fact that they've eaten it
Twin Animatronics With Too Much Time on Their Hands - @twinanimatronics & @dana-chan-the-control-brain | Nightmare AU - @opudontdonut | Solar Lunacy - @bamsara | Our Orbit is Elliptical - @madame-mongoose & @sycopomp | Copper Cogs Rusted Through - @paper-lilypie
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,133 Words
Summary: Eclipse makes a groupchat with the other Eclipses to chaotic outcomes.
Warnings: Crack, Cursing, Caps, Death (mentioned only), Abuse (mentioned only), Minor Injury (mentioned), let me know if I should add anything else.
The Eclipses Chat: Chapter 1
Eclipse has created a chatroom
Eclipse has named the chat to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse has added 9 people to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse: Okay, I need help? Fist of all where am I? And second how did I get here? Third, how get all your numbers at the same time?
Eclipse: …Ah fuck what the hell?
Eclipse: Hold on what?
Eclipse: Okay, I might be too high then.
Eclipse: Seems like it, buddy.
Eclipse: Okay, some of us have to change our screen names.
Eclipse: Already on it for mine.
Eclipse has changed their name to Solar
Solar: So much better.
Eclipse: How did you do that!?
Solar: Depends who I’m giving advice to.
Eclipse: Swapped dimension, Moon is the evil one.
Solar: Ah. Gotcha. So you hit the icon in the top right and it’ll say settings, click that then go to change name and change it.
Eclipse had changed their name to Orbit
Orbit: Thank god. I’m too high for this. I’m going to sleep now. Thanks Solar.
Eclipse has changed their name to God
Solar: No.
Solar has changed God’s name to Venus
Solar: None of that shit.
Venus: I hate you and your little boyfriend too.
Venus: I have better things to do than bother with you.
Venus is offline
Eclipse: Can I get help?
Solar: Who be thee?
Eclipse: … I’ll be honest I don’t know.
Eclipse: Well, are you good?
Eclipse: idk
Eclipse has changed their name to Rigel
Rigel: Hi Solar!!!!! 🥰💞💘
Solar: Hi Ruin.
Rigel: Look, I picked a name too!
Solar: I can see that, Rigel. Good job.
Eclipse: Y’all in love or something?
Solar: Listen, he just found out emojis exist. Let him have fun with them.
Eclipse has changed their name to Helix
Helix: Excuse me wtf? How did the Eclipse that started this shit get my number? I literally live in space! I didn’t even know I had a number! What!?
Solar: Ooooh, you’re the one with Lord Lunar.
Helix: Yes, I’m the one with Selene.
Solar: Interesting.
Eclipse: Can I please be helped already?
Eclipse: We don’t even know who you are!
Eclipse: I’m apparently named Eclipse!? idfk!? I’m confused too!
Helix: Start with this, pick a damn name, kid!
Eclipse has changed their name to Comet
Eclipse had changed their name to Umbra
Helix: Wait, which is which?
Comet: Someone please get me down? I feel like a cat in a tree rn. Why am I here?
Solar: That’s how we all feel, buddy. What’s wrong?
Comet: I’m currently trapped in the dark in I think a ceiling? I can’t get down and it’s dark. I don’t know where I am but I hear the daycare song.
Solar: That does not narrow it down.
Helix: Okay, so are you in a dimension where Sun and Moon are alive?
Comet: Debatably yes.
Solar: Okay so a ‘dead Moon’ universe. Alright. Getting somewhere. Is Lunar alive in this universe?
Comet: Yes.
Orbit: Are you in a universe Kill Code became good and is now dead in?
Comet: I believe so yes.
Solar: Alright that’s only three dimensions. Are Earth and Sun dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Are one of the Blood Moon AIs and the Creator dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Hold on a minute.
Solar: Make a loud noise rn, Comet.
Solar: Motherfucker, I HEAR YOU UPSTAIRS! Hold on!
Comet: OW
Solar: Not my fault you fell out of the ceiling head-first!
Comet: I was just made and I’m already being abused.
Solar: Oh please. Abused my ass.
Helix: Well, we are all twinks so… you do have an ass.
Solar: Shut up, Helix.
Helix: I will not be silenced and you can’t make me!
Solar: Don’t tempt me.
Orbit: Question, how did he even get there?
Solar: Fuck if I know.
Comet: I have no fucking clue.
Rigel: Scan him then. 🥰👻🫣
Solar: You know what? I didn’t think of that. Thanks Rigel.
Comet: Thanks Rigel.
Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: Apparently remade original universe Eclipse and Comet is the result.
Comet: He gave me cotton candy. I like cotton candy. I like Solar, he’s nice.
Umbra: Wait, they what? Who did it?
Solar: Someone named Void? No other traces but it’s someone I don’t know at least.
Helix: Selene says that’s one of the six Lord Kill Codes. The asshole one specifically. Apparently he’s been recreating Eclipses from other worlds and sending them out.
Solar: What a son of a bitch.
Comet: So what do I do?
Solar: Well, you’re basically blank so welcome to the family. I’ll send you somewhere safe before someone tries to kill you.
Comet: Excuse me, what?
Solar: Yeah, Moon has a grudge so you’re gonna get poofed somewhere he won’t immediately kill you.
Umbra: Send him to me, I’m in the Toronto bunker.
Solar: Wait what?
Umbra: Hi, I’m the original Eclipse of the world I assume you’re in too. Send me my twin.
Solar: Alright, guess you’re going to Toronto, Comet.
Umbra: I have a spare bedroom I’m already setting up for you. What colors do you like?
Comet: Um
Comet: Purple
Umbra: Alright. I’ll have it set up by the time he sends you to me.
Comet: I’m so confused.
Helix: You and everyone else, Comet.
Comet: What is my life?
Orbit: Adopted at birth.
Comet: I hate everything.
Umbra: Shut up, at least you get your favorite color and a place to be safe in.
Comet: I hate everything a bit less now.
Umbra: What foods do you like, kid? Cough it up.
Comet: Cotton candy, coffee. Solar is giving me coffee and Chinese right now.
Umbra: How dare yo. That was gonna be my first thing to do with him.
Solar: You lack the already-here points on feeding the new child.
Helix: It feels like I’m on the sidelines of a custody agreement.
Umbra: You are.
Solar: You are, Helix.
Comet: Do I get a say in this or do I just get two dads?
Solar: You just get two dads.
Umbra: 50/50 custody agreement.
Umbra: Kid, what foods are you allergic to? It should be listed in your Health Information Settings in your arm computer.
Comet: It says dairy and red meat.
Umbra: Doable. Thank you. Do you have a favorite food yet?
Comet: Sweet things and Chinese food.
Umbra: Alright, kid. You’ll have sweet things and Chinese food fully stocked when you get here.
Comet: I kind of like having two dads actually.
Solar: I sure hope so, you’re forever going to be stuck in a loop of ‘go ask your father’.
Comet: I’m fine with that. As long as I keep getting candy.
Solar: Yes, you’ll keep getting candy.
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simpalert · 1 year
i did a hunger games with some of my critters and screenshotted my fav moments
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none of this is in order
and ofc the victor
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congrats buddie
inspired by @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog and @artoutoftheblue
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
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Okay here's the official color and design ref for Sun n Moon in Our Orbit is Elliptical!!!
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tinyfairart · 9 months
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Is it AU appreciation time?? Cause I think so!
[ID: 9 blocks with various AU dca's in them. From top to left we have @grayyskies Radio AU Sun. @venomous-qwille Misuta, @thetiedyesheep Glitch, @nosleepyguy Rockstar Sun, @pillowspace God AU Sun, @/KJam101 Monster Eclipse, My ghost AU Moon, @muzzlemouths Dead Mall Dare Moon, and finally @certified-handler Dealer's Choice AU Sun. END ID.]
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shookethdev · 7 months
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Hey @tinyfairart!! I was your Secret Skeleton for the DCAH2023 event! I had a lot of fun drawing these guys, and I love the concept of your AU Everlasting Orbit!!
Below the cut is just the uncolored and flats/unedited version
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greglow03 · 4 days
Beckory In Your Orbit🌌🪐🌠
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Just two lovenauts floating about in space💙💚🌌👨‍🚀
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