#fo: bubby
cannibalkissies · 1 year
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simonrileysfavteacup · 6 months
He came out looking exactly like his father. He acted exactly like him. He didn’t sleep, he had nightmares too often, he loved watching telly, he wouldn’t sleep without you near him, and so much more. 
While you make lunch, Simon sits on the couch with Tommy, watching a football game. The little boy was in his own jersey, babbling everytime his father yelled at the tv. The sight was adorable to anyone who had eyes. He copies his father, bottle in hand, drinking every time his daddy takes a sip of his rootbeer. Tommy’s eyes light up as his daddy turns to him. “Team sucks, don’t they, bubby?”
Tommy didn’t understand, obviously, but he babbles away anyways, like a fan meeting their favourite celeb. Simon was tommy’s favourite person. You always said that they were twins. Tommy always wanted to do everything his daddy was doing. 
“Should we just eat on the couch?” You ask, carrying two plates in hand. Simon nods, patting the spot next to Tommy. You hand Simon his sandwich before turning to Tommy and sitting next to him. You pull the bowl of soft rice off your plate, feeding Tommy little bites off the plastic spoon, He continues watching the game with his dad, chewing with his little gums. 
He’s halfway done the rice before Manchester scores. 
Simon stands up, cheering as loudly as he can. Tommy tries to copy him, knocking over the bowl of rice.
Luckily, it doesn’t spill too much. 
A few grains land on your lap. Simon chuckles, sitting back down. 
Bastard finds this funny.
You throw a spoonful of rice onto him. Tommy laughs, reaching his hand into the bowl and picking up a handful of rice. He shoves his whole fist into his mouth, giggling. 
Simon gasps. “What did ya throw that at me fo’?” 
“It’s funny,” you giggle. 
Simon pulls Tommy’s fist out of his mouth. “Bubby, say ‘bad mommy’.”
“Hey!” You pout. Tommy giggles.
Simon leans over his son, kissing you softly, Tommy’s fist hitting at his chin. He kisses the baby boy’s cheek, smiling. “Love you too, bubby. And you, lovie.”
“I know.”
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marzzrocks · 8 months
hi hello there’s this app on my phone that’s meant for notes taking and you can draw on it. i started by drawing a very ugly pony Benrey (not shown) and now i’m on my way to draw them all as mlp
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(from left fo right, top to bottom: Tommy (bat pony), Benrey (changeling in pony disguise), reformed/post RC AU Benrey, Bubby (kirin), Forzen (griffon), Darnold (hyppogriff)
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Tommy was first a normal alicorn but i made him a bat pony after i made his dad be one
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(G-man’s/G-horse’s????? cutie mark is so silly lol i might remake him)
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Benrey’s reformed form’s accent colors are indicative of their emotions, it works like Sweet Voice. their tail is a scorpion’s tail inspired from HLVRAI Y2K
some notes :
- Darnold wears his little magic transformation necklace thingie that hyppogriff’s have as a brooch on his tie.
- Benrey’s (under disguise) race and cutimark change throughout the series and the only one to notice said changes is Gordon.
- Forzen is a peregrine falcon because it’s the second most common bird of prey in Canada (after the bald eagle which i specifically did not want to make him as, because Gilda from the original mlp series already exists and it felt too on the nose with the whole US military thing).
i might draw the rest someday! Dr. Coomer is an earth pony and Gordon is a unicorn.
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So whats the next objective Coomer?
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Coomer: I'm... not sure. Bubby has told me we're headed to the Lambda Lab, but I'm not sure what fo-
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Bubby: AHHH! There it is! Come on, come on-
[Bubby runs off ahead of the rest of them in a hurry.]
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i's stayed ups aww nites an no on puwpus.. I cwanky an miss my bubby bu he stiww seeping.. donno wat to do cuz I so eepy bu can't gets comfy an my eyes huwties, I finks I mowe baby den sharkie fo nows
"Awe that's okay. Maybe a nap later would do you some good?"
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Less than four hours away from my ex’s birthday.
I know that my feeling don’t matter nor do I. I know that its so idiotic of be to be so down in the dumps over this. I know that I should just be better. I know I’m weak. I know I still love and miss him. His warm eyes and laughter. His ability to somehow just hug and kiss my momentary problems away. His dorky curly hair that he never really knew how to take care of. His laugh. God his laugh. I miss hearing it. Even just seeing in words. I miss him. I can’t talk to him. As much as every loving or hateful part of me wants to. I can’t try to be apart of his life just to ruin it more. All I do is ruin. And I should know this by now. I should know that I’m not good for anything. I should know I don’t add fo anything. Not music. Not art. Not work. Not school. Not family. Not friends. I wish I did kill myself ya know? Maybe then it’d suck for a minute or two for people who would have known me. But then they wouldn’t have to worry again. They’d be free. They’d all know it was inevitable and that I was on borrowed time. They’d know that even with the small joys I’ve recently had it still all hurts. Not just me missing him.Just my existence. Its always been a pain and dreadful experience. Ive just ruined everything for everyone and I shouldn’t be here to ruin it more. I wish I could just get better. Be better. Be not me. Anything but this. Anything but pain. Anyone but me. It’s all not fair. My life. And thats not anyones problems but my own. I knew from a young age I wasn’t supposed be be alive. I knew even before my mom told me I was supposed to be aborted. I knew from elementary. All the kids pointing and laughing and me never truly fitting in. Same with junior high and high school and college. I’ve always had this pain. This disconnect. This urge for disappearing. Being gone would be the only true peace of my nonsensical existence. I am sorry to Stephen. For hurting him, when all I wanted to do was love and adore him. To be that happy person who would help him. Who would be there for him. But I wasn’t meant for anything positive I knew this. I told him this. I knew I would be left again. I knew it would happen even when I was trying to get better but I am NOT meant for any happiness or joy in personal fulfillment. I knew this. And I had false hope. I tried. I really did. I really do still love you stephen. I’m so happy you choose yourself. I’m so happy you’re doing better. I’m so happy for you. Happy birthday in four hours my love. My joy. My proud nerd. My everything. I’m sorry I truly was worth nothing. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. My bubby. I’m. So. Sorry. I’m. Me.
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tubeon · 4 years
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What a cool reminder that my Bubby goes by they/them
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stormingtiel · 4 years
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What if,, I carried you over green sludge,,, because you were allergic to it,,, and we were both scientists 😳
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violetsgayhouse · 4 years
tag spam ....2!!!: romantic f/os p2
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ameliora-j · 3 years
alright so,, bubby’s hugs (au where he’s Draco’s brother)
he would demand that draco takes him to you, it doesn’t matter where in the castle.
“Dwaco, I want y/n”
“She’s with some friends right now. We’re not going to bother her”
“She wif fwiends?? Bubby her fwiend. I be dere too!”
“She didn’t want to hang out with you right now”
“You don’t know dat. She jus fo-got to invite bubby”
“She didn’t”
“Yes she diddd. You take me to hewr”
“I’m not taking you to her”
“You take bubby to y/n NOW. I need hewr huggies”
“No, scorpius”
“Don’t call me dat. Iz bubby. BU-BBY”
“Don’t use that tone with me”
“I want y/n now, dwaco”
“ I said no!”
“You jus jeawous dat she wike me mowre dan you. Now take me to get huggies”
“That’s not true, and I’m not going to interrupt her”
i can’t picture bubby when he’s actually told no and they follow through with it. i cannot
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cannibalkissies · 1 year
making food with your f/o slowly. taking your time to gather ingredients, hands bumping together as you both reach for the spices. sitting down in the kitchen as the soup boils or as the meatloaf cooks. you wrap pinkies together, press a foot against a calf, have small talk. you both contemplate slipping into bed for a late evening nap, but it's time to taste the soup. it's time to check the meatloaf's temperature. it's time to stir the pasta. whatever you're cooking, it's ready to check on. and once everything is finished, you both grab yourselves a spoon and end up feeding each other. warm savory dinner being shared by the two most perfect people until the bowls are emptied... now it's time to curl up in bed.
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bangtanfancamp · 3 years
Noooooo bubby not you deleting your rant about your blonde hair omg I was in the midst of typing a great reply to that hahahaha. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed reading that (not the parts where you described your pain of losing more than you gained) but then again your golden ringlets made me wonder if I could ever see how they looked?? Oh lord.
I had just asked my mum a few hours ago if I could color my hair pink like Jimin, and she said it would be fun to try something new. But me, being a natural brunette with thin and wavy hair, might not be able to pull it off as well as Jimin did haha. And I certainly don't have the patience to apply hair masks and take good care of my hair like you did so maybe I should just let that idea go hahaha.
Anyway, I hope you're doing well. I sometimes think of you during my day randomly and it's a feeling I can't quite explain. Maybe I just find you to be my source of happiness.
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Omg!!!!!! You sweet angel baby 🤗🙈 I thought I’d snuck in and grabbed it before anyone could catch it. I was having such a battle in my head that day and I needed to vent but in true me fashion, I snatched it down before I could accidentally make myself look bad 😅 it’s cathartic to vent but I always feel so self conscious when I do. BUT! I’m glad if anyone saw it, it was someone as kind as you. I took it down because I realized I was spiraling too far into the future and not being in the moment or kind to myself. I unsent a message to the hair colorist too so I could make sure I wasn’t making long term decisions while emotionally erratic 😅 I’m gonna take this one day at a time and just let my hair be and be kind to it and see what happens. I’m putting my hair into goddess braids tomorrow to give it a little protection and love and decide what to do later.
If you would like to seeeeeeee, these are the blonde curls. 🥲
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Please don’t let my story scare you from trying something fun and new 😆😆😆😆 I LOVED having pink hair a few years ago. Absolutely loved it. It’s empowering fo shift and try. Just decide in advance if you’d like it to be long term or just a fun season. If you don’t want to do the maintenance of having to deal with your dark roots every month, there are tones of options you could try that just involved sections of your hair being pink or do the full dive! And masks can be easy to throw in, let it sit and watch 20 minutes of BTS content while your hair gets taken care of :)
In regard to my hair personally, mine breaks very very easily. Not everyone’s does. Mine does even if I don’t color it so please don’t buy the lie that bleach is evil. Lol. My hair is naturally VERY dry and has a tight curl pattern. It’s very easy for mine to be brittle and can snap like dry pasta if I’m not very careful but like our jimin I can never keep my hands out of it 😅. But my hair is also very versatile and I can do a lot with it when I’m good to it. :) it was in a very rough state a few years ago but it was also due to a lot of factors beyond the bleach, including my health, medication and really distressing life events. I lost nearly all of it due to those other factors and spent the last several years regrowing it which is why I when I decided to lighten it again I was determined to try to be as careful as I can. And why I was emotional when I confirmed my fears that I did lose some. BUT !! There are still things I can do :) and it’s still loads healthier than all those years ago. I can be so envious of others with long hair and so nitpicky about my perceived short comings that I can laser focus on flaws and miss the wins. That’s why I took down the original post… because I was broadcasting negative things when I was trying to work on being more positive with my self talk and remind myself that things aren’t as bad as brain can tell me they are. Sorry for the rant. Thank you for your kindness. If your mom is on board, then I fully support trying jimin pink and being kind to yourself :)
Bonus “long” pink hair pics
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redheadbadger · 4 years
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Bubby & Lamar fo today <3
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moop-snoop · 4 years
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young sad bubby in da tube fo today
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batz · 4 years
i mean i've written boomer before and while i'm pretty sure my fic was okay, i'd still like to know the tips?
YEAH like one of my slip ups was saying 'a lot' of fic writers do this when i meant only a few. a lot fo fic writers def forget some aspects of their characters but liek thats no biggie and im def gonna write a big post w some tips abt writing these characters (optional 2 read obv like its not a huge deal i just got a few anons in the past asking for help)
the other post about weird power dynamics will go into how some folks tend to write bubby w thos almost dependent possessive nature toward coomer to the point where its uncomfortable 2 read. specifically with bubby not knowing anything and coomer teaching him things (bubby not knowing what marriage is, etc etc) its RLLY weird and also bubby would know those things hes like 70 years old and apparently in canon has a phd in fucking and fuck philosophy FHDKDJ theres no need to infantilize the old man yall, he knows things. esp when hes only ever rlly infantilized when written in a relationship w coomer which is just strange and. weird. n coomer kinda acting as a Buby Handler is also mega weird. its all super out of character n creepy fhdjddh ill go into actual detail with the post but like, if u dont want to write their relationship as unhealthy, then write them as equals??? bubby knows things he just doesnt have experience w the outside world, that's it.
and then the rare 'bubby predatory gay stereotype' ive luckily only seen a couple times, but its still a slap in the face every time i see it bc i Never expect it.
obv dont attack any of these ppl like its legit just them not knowing abt this kind of stuff, and they can write it if they want i guess. its just awkward when the relationship is written in a weirdly unhealthy way and thats seen by the author as Normal Romance or just a Minor Flaw.
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
Did u see Harry’s red nails today?? 🥺 Could u write something about Harry asking y/n to paint his nails 💕
I did see his nails! Such a handsome and festive little boy 🥺 This one’s supppper short, my apologies. I hope you enjoy it still! My inbox is open for requests, so hit my line with anything Harry you’d like to chat about!
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“Baaaaaaabe!” she heard her boyfriend say in a sing-song voice as he carried himself down the steps of their Malibu home.
“Yeah?” Y/N called out over her shoulder, too invested in whatever shitty daytime television show was on to turn her head around to look at him.
Harry came trotting around the corner, smacking a bright red bottle of nail polish against the heel of his hand.
“Jenny cancelled on me today. Ye’ mind painting them fo’ me? I’m shit at it on my own.”
She peeled her eyes away from the tv to smile at him lovingly, then nodded her head and gestured towards the sofa cushion beside her to tell Harry to sit down. Harry plopped down next to his love, then handed her the bottle of crimson colored polish.
“Going red this time?” Y/N asked, taking Harry’s hand in hers to inspect his nails for any remnants of his previous nail color.
There were none, meaning he’d already taken the liberty of removing the polish and cleaning up his cuticles on his own.
“‘s all I could find in your drawer. Plus, Valentine’s Day is comin’ up. Thought I’d get a little festive,” he answered with a playful shimmy of his shoulders.
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes and shake her head at her boyfriend. How silly he could he sometimes. Well, all of the time if she was being honest. As much as she says she wished he’d take some things seriously, she knows deep down she wouldn’t even be half as happy without her sarcastic, dramatic, handful of a boy that was Harry.
“Well I think it’ll look nice. Gimme your hand, bubby.”
She propped both of Harry’s hands up on her folded knees to create a makeshift table on the couch, and then she got to work. The silence was peaceful, with only the low volume of the tv filling the space of the room. Harry watched as she concentrated on coating his whole nail in the polish and avoided getting any on his skin or cuticles. He loved how the very tip of her tongue poked through he teeth as she worked away at his nails. If he was being honest, he could have done a fairly decent job at painting them on his own, but having Y/N paint them made him feel properly pampered and mushy inside. And hey, it was an excuse to stare at his girl for prolonged period of time without her being able to give him shit for it.
He behaved, for the most part. God bless the boy, but he could never sit in one place for very long. Towards the end, he got fidgety, which earned him a few scolds from Y/N. To that, he fired back a quick and sassy, “yes ma’am!” and went right back to being still.
When she finished his second pinky nail, the last and final nail, she leaned back to examine her handiwork. She spotted a tiny smudge on his middle finger to which she scraped away with her own nail to ensure it looked as perfect as it could for a last minute at-home manicure.
“Alright, my work here is done,” she stated proudly.
“Thanks, lovie,” Harry chimed.
“C’mere n’ give me a kiss,” the brunette called to her.
As she reached over to give him a quick peck on his lips that were coated in his favorite watermelon scented lip balm, he brought his hands to hold the sides of her face. It was something he always did, somewhat of a knee-jerk reaction. He really didn’t think of it, and wasn’t sure of what he did that caused her to jump away from his kiss until he heard her scream.
Guess they’d have to spend even more time together when she repainted them.
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