#fo4companionmusings night posts
fo4companionmusings · 5 years
Some Cait x F!Sosu please and thank you
Hopefully you'll like this! ♡
It had been what felt like decades since Sole had seen Cait. They'd managed to get separated in a skirmish along the eastern border of the Commonwealth. She looked along some of their established meet-up spots, but still couldn't find Cait anywhere.
She really hoped that her companion hadn't gone far enough South that she'd hit Jamaica Plain, but had a feeling in her gut that said otherwise. That was the last place Sole wanted anyone to be alone. That was on her to-do list of places to clear out, but hadn't quite gotten there yet.
Once she finally made it to Jamaica Plain, she found some feral ghouls already dad and scattered around the ground. She bent down while also keeping her guard to examine her surroundings. On the ground she found freshly discarded shotgun shells. It had to be Cait.
There was a guttural hiss that slowly progressed closer behind Sole and she spun around quickly, jabbing a knife in to the feral that had popped up behind her. This one was slower than others for some reason.
That was when she saw her. Up on top of a building Cait had gotten herself cornered. A bunch of freaks had surrounded the base of the rickety building, Cait unable to aim accurately with her shotgun from this distance.
The two finally made eye contact, but Sole didn't say a word. Instead, Sole picked up a semi-heavy stone and chucked it in the opposite direction of where Cait was stuck. The ghouls turned and went to investigate the noise. As they did so, Sole pulled out a plasma grenade that she had been saving for a special occasion and tossed it right in to the swarm.
Cait hopped down as it exploded and the pair ran off out of Jamaica Plain as fast as they could.
"Are you mad?" Cait grimaced slightly, waiting for Sole's action once they were alone.
"I.. I mean, people get separated sometimes. It happens." She paused, taking a seat on a tree stump. "I'm not mad. I was just.. worried."
Cait chuckled and sat down on a fallen log beside her, hesitantly reaching for Sole's hand.
"Yeah, I was worried too."
Sole nudged Cait playfully, urging her in closer then kissing her gently.
"Try and keep up next time."
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fo4companionmusings · 6 years
Hancock: We’re all out of Mutfruit.
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fo4companionmusings · 5 years
all jokes aside, i genuinely miss feeling a connection with another human being on a romantic or like, possibly even qpp level i guess? i just tend to make myself emotionally unavailable every time someone gets close.
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