#fallout prompt
yeehawgust · 11 months
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Yeehawgust 2023: Wide Open Spaces
Howdy, folks, I hope you’ll saddle up and join us for Yeehawgust’s 5th year this August!
Yeehawgust features daily art prompts as well as alternative weekly prompts, for those of us who are a bit slower on the draw. Don’t draw at all? No problem! Submit any art at all, be it illustration, comics, writing, fanfiction, photography, embroidery, sculpture, music, or whatever other creative endeavors you might enjoy. All skill levels are welcome, and this can be a great opportunity to experiment with new styles and techniques. 
Whether you love canonically western media like Red Dead Redemption and Fallout: New Vegas, or you’re looking for a chance to make a cowboy AU and put your blorbos in a Stetson and spurs, this is the month for you!
Tag your work with #Yeehawgust and follow along here on the Yeehawgust blog. If you include any external links or directly tag another Tumblr user in your post (which may impact search visibility), make sure to also tag this blog or contact the mod directly so your work will get reblogged! 
Check out the “Reblogging Policy and Q&A” linked on the blog for more info about Yeehawgust. The event is also Yeehawgust on Twitter and YeehawgustPrompts over on Instagram, but Tumblr is our first home. 
And remember, y’all: be rootin’, tootin’, shootin’, and most importantly, be kind.
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riyo-soka · 3 months
Omega: so am I force sensitive?
Ventress, looking at Omega’s family of emotionally unstable men who would try to blow up the entire galaxy if she got anything worse than a paper cut: if you are it’s not my problem
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cozylittleartblog · 6 months
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twitter art prompt context under the cut
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ghoulbrain · 2 months
mmm can we do: “Open your mouth,” before spitting into it. With ghoul x reader?
18+ ghoul x reader. you have a mighty bounty on your head with an order to be returned alive, but that doesn't mean your captor can't have a little fun with you along the way. kidnapping, deprivation, bribery, folks getting horny over water.
You're so completely fucked.
The worst of it all was that you'd been so close to making it out. You'd gotten far enough that you'd paid your weight in stolen caps to get safe passage away from your dead end life. You didn't have a cent left to your name when he found you.
The Ghoul.
Running didn't get you far. You couldn't bribe him. Begging only made him laugh.
He's got you bound thoroughly in coarse lithe rope. Your hands are clasped over your chest as if in prayer, and your elbows are tucked snugly to your ribs. The rope job makes for an excellent harness, and he hasn't been shy about yanking you by it.
It's been almost two days of this slog back towards the shithole you fled from. You fought hard at first, mouthing off at every opportunity, but the heat has worn you ragged, and this son of a bitch hasn't given you so much as a drop of water.
You collapse to your knees. Your throat is so dry, even breathing hurts.
"Trust me when I say you do not want me t'drag you the rest of the way, darlin'," he tells you, giving the rope a jerk. You barely manage not to fall flat on your face.
"At this rate you'll be dragging a corpse," you hiss, voice hoarse. "I need water."
The earth crunches beneath his boots as he approaches, crouching down near you. Roughly, he grabs hold of your chin, tilting your head up to look you over. He pinches your cheek with a thoughtful hum.
"Yeah, y'might just be right. Awfully dehydrated," he muses. You could swear he's enjoying your slow decline.
"Water," you repeat tersely.
"Y'know, for such a sweet face, you're a real sourpuss," he says, drawing his canteen from his satchel. You swallow dryly, too thirsty to even salivate. "I haven't heard a single 'please' outta that mouth of yours."
"I'm not going to beg for the life you're selling," you spit right back. This is the closest he's been to you since your capture. If you could gather wetness enough on your tongue, you'd be weighing the pros and cons of spitting that in his face instead.
He chuckles, unscrewing the lid. You can already smell the wetness of it. Your jaw aches. "Y'got chutzpah, I'll give y'that."
You lean forward, opening your mouth instinctively when he lifts the canteen. Please, please, please, please...
The Ghoul brings the canteen to his own gnarled lips, holding your gaze as he gulps once, twice, three times before drawing away with a satisfied aahh, humming like it's the sweetest thing he's ever tasted. Your heart falls into your stomach.
"Oh," he says, looking from your dejected expressing to the canteen and back. "I'm sorry, did you want some?"
"You son of a-" you start, but he interrupts you with a sharp yank of the rope.
"Ah, ah. I've had just about enough of hearin' your gutter mouth," he says, but he doesn't sound it. His smile is downright chuffed. "Now, if you want so much as a drop of this, y'gonna say please."
You grit your teeth. Your pride is all you have left in this world, and apparently this motherfucker is determined to take that away, too. Your gaze drops to his mouth, where a rivulet of water rolls out from the corner. You're so desperate you almost lurch forward to lick the drop before it drips from his chin.
Steeling yourself, you drag your eyes back up to his. "Please," you say tightly.
The corner of his smile tics upwards. "Please what?"
You inhale a steadying breath. "Can I please have water?"
"That's much better," he says, lifting the canteen once more. "Open your mouth."
With a flood of tentative relief, still wary of his sincerity, you tip your head back and do as you're told, ignoring the wicked flicker of pleasure you see light in his black eyes.
"Now, if y'want a sip, keep that mouth open," he says, taking a long swig from the canteen. You stare in disbelief, beginning to protest, but he holds up a single gloved finger to silence you, humming sharply.
He swishes the water loudly in his mouth, and understanding dawns on you. Heat that rivals the arid desert sweeps through you in a hot rush of humiliation, but you refuse to let him see it. You refuse to back down.
Steadily, you open your mouth once again, chin jutting out defiantly.
He quirks a hairless brow beneath his hat, rolling the water from one side of his mouth to the other, as if daring you.
You push your tongue out, expression expectant.
He grabs hold of your chin and yanks you forward, fountaining the water into your open mouth, spitting to finish it off. You choke it down, trying not to cough for the amount of it that hit the back of your throat, your head hanging forward.
It feels like bliss on your tongue, soothing the burning dryness, but the relief of it is gone far too soon. You could easily guzzle a full bottle to yourself.
It's not enough.
After a beat, you lift your head, mouth once again open, tongue pushed forward.
The Ghoul laughs. You can feel his breath on what little moisture is left on your lips.
"Well now, don't you paint a pretty picture," he says, catching your chin in his grip again, pulling you forward. Resolutely, you keep your mouth open, waiting. His eyes flicker down to the sight of it, darkening. He licks his own lips as if he's the one deprived.
"Maybe you're worth the caps they're payin' for you after all," he says, drinking from the canteen. He moves even closer this time, tilting your head all the way back. His lips nearly brush yours while the water spills into your mouth.
You swallow it back greedily, little noises leaving your throat unbidden for the sheer relief of it. You swear you can feel the water rushing to your temples, soothing your pounding headache.
His thumb moves up your chin, collecting water you'd dribbled in your haste. He pushes it up over your bottom lip and into your mouth. Without thinking, you close your lips around the intrusion and suck, greedy for every last drop. His hold on you tenses.
You meet his gaze and in it you see dark prowling hunger. How much of his predator nature is he holding back right now? Would he sacrifice the caps if he thought you looked good enough to eat?
"Thanks," you say, voice little more than a rasp.
His jaw shifts like he's biting his tongue, and then he screws the lid back onto his canteen, hauling you up with him as he stands. He's rough with you, but not overly so.
If beggin' and cussin' don't work on the big bad Ghoul, you suppose you've got nothing to lose in trying to use good ol' fashioned manners to wriggle your way out of this.
Ghoul or not, what you just witnessed was a man's hunger, and that's something you can work with.
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eupheme · 24 days
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“𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚, 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨.” 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙨, “𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩.”
when lucy is kidnapped by a band of raiders, king maclean sends out a fierce knight only known as ‘the ghoul’ to bring her back 🏰💖 | knight!cooper x princess!lucy | medieval!au | prompt: knight
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alocowberry · 9 months
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Falloutober day one: War Never changes!
Prompts by @falloutober
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bucketwritingpail · 7 months
Thinking about Danny wishing to go back to a time where he wasn't constantly in danger, and Desiree not being able to find a time in his life that can fit the bill so just,,, nothing happens.
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gello-hello · 8 months
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I’ve only done the first 3 falloutober prompts 😭
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emmcarstairs · 2 months
Could you do 5 for Cooper and Lucy? ❤️❤️
5. "Eyes on me. C'mon, keep your eyes on me."
The radscorpion had attacked out of nowhere.
One moment they were walking in the Mojave desert, the sun licking the skin at the nape of their necks, the next he heard a scream and turned to see a stinger in Vaultie's leg.
Getting rid of the pest was no biggie for him, really. With a flick of his hand, he pulled the trigger, and the scorpion was buried in the sand. The problem was, he watched as the girl's knees gave out and she fell right after.
Fuckin’ smoothskins.
He cradled her on his lap, while rummaging her backpack for the antivenom. Her face was pale, as he gently tilted her chin up with one rough hand, tipping out the medicine onto her tongue.
He decidedly wasn't panicking until her eyes glazed over.
“Eyes on me,” he patted her cheeks. “C'mon, sweetheart, keep those pretty eyes on me.”
He briefly wondered if he'd miss her if she died right there. What was another death in the grand scheme of that wretched world?
“Don't you die on me, Lucy,” he absent-mindedly tucked a sweaty strand of hair behind her ear.
Her eyelids fluttered open and the weight on his chest eased a little. She stilled, looking up at him, eyes half-closed.
“You're handsome,” she muttered under her breath.
Some long-forgotten old-world part of him perked up at her words. He smirked at the sentiment.
“Now, sweetie, we promised to be honest with each other, eh?”
(send me a prompt for a vaultghoul/ghoulcy drabble.)
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falloutober · 10 months
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Falloutober is back this year with 31 days of apocalyptic prompts! Just as with other years, you are welcome to fill these from any fandom or original story, knowledge of Fallout not required!
Interpret these literally, figuratively, symbolically, astronomically, aeronautically, cytoplasmically, you know, however you want! Kink, whump, fluff, art, lit, screenarchery, music, just have fun! You can merge and swap days around too as desired!
If you want me to see your posts and potentially reblog them to the falloutober blog, make sure to tag them #falloutober2023 or @ the blog in your post!
Alternate Prompts: 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Typed list below the cut!
1 | War Never Changes 2 | Neon 3| Distant Glow 4 | Daddy-O 5 | This Thing Called Defeat 6 | Monument 7 | Midnight Ride 8 | Faith, Hope, & Love 9 | Butcher Pete 10 | Terminal 11 | Fallen Star 12 | Rust 13 | Civilization 14 | Afterdamp 15 | Keeping Warm 16 | Lacrimae Rerum 17 | Fang & Club 18 | Respite 19| Feral 20 | Wayward Souls 21 | Mutation 22 | Heat Lightning 23 | Homecoming 24 | Cigarette 25 | Pound of Flesh 26 | Ink Spots 27 | Green 28 | Cold, Dark 29 | Shrapnel 30 | Atom 31 | This Little Light
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staff · 2 years
tumblr tuesday: yeehawgust round-up
One thing we know about cowboys is that Tumblr has a lot of feelings about them. Each year in August, intrepid artists and writers fuel those feelings by setting out on a daily art challenge to explore the wild wild west and its inhabitants. And, well, this year was no exception. Here's your Yeehawgust art round-up, Tumblr. Be sure to visit @yeehawgust​ for the full experience, which includes many excellent written submissions! 
Meowdy by @feelindrawy​:
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Mean as a snake by @dropkickslurpee​:
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Mirage by @colinarcartperson​:
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Cowboy casanova by @amberspacedf​:
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Prairie hunters by @ythaniaart​:
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Tequila sunrise by @gophergal​:
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Strange hoofbeats by @lesathoart​:
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Pistol-packin' mama by @soggycardboardbox​:
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Vegas lights by @muirneach​:
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Meowdy by @redrockcanyons​:
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Our gang means death by @spiritsonic​:
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its-sixxers · 8 months
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X6 and Deacon practicing their poker faces for @kimbureh!
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Fallout Sentences
(Sentences from Fallout (2024-). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Get that jelly mould out of here!"
"Everyone knows who I am, but do they know who they are?"
"Maybe you should do what you do best - run and hide."
"I'm not letting anyone else get hurt on my behalf, okay?"
"Violence is merely a tool."
"What would you know about where I'm from?"
"Us cowpokes, we take it as it comes."
"You come from a world of rules and laws. This place is indifferent to all of that. I do not think you would be willing to do what it takes to survive here."
"The question is, will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether?"
"I know that it can't have been easy for you, what with all the murder and dirt."
"I think this conversation would benefit from some actual ideas."
"You saved me!"
"How do you live like this?"
"Now, that right there is the closest thing we've had to an honest exchange so far."
"I come from a place where the world is what you make of it."
"Everyone wants to save the world. They just disagree on how."
"The things I'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me."
"You might be the only one of my invites that actually showed up!"
"You smell good."
"That was weird, right?"
"Trust doesn't come easily to those of us with a guilty conscience."
"When it comes to leadership these days, dangerous is what they call a prerequisite."
"Somebody's got to step up and bring some order around here."
"In my experience, the apple tends not to fall too far from the tree. Is that true in your case?"
"There's always some new little faction, isn't there?"
"Hypocrisy is like violence in the movies; if you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win."
"Our test subjects were less compliant than we anticipated."
"Your ignorance cannot excuse your cruelty."
"Such a display of loyalty! You don't see that much anymore."
"The future of humanity comes down to one word: management."
"What? No! When you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable!"
"War? War never changes."
"You see what this place does to people?"
"Maybe you can stop them, maybe you can't. Maybe all you can do is try."
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typosandtea · 8 months
Falloutober 2023 Day 16 (late): Lacrimae Rerum
Or “tears of things”
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I can’t think of a thing more likely to weep than codsworth :(
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justghoulythingz · 1 month
i want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you…
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a drabble for anonymous taken from this prompt list.
pairing : ghoul/lucy maclean
word count : 846
warnings : some good old fashioned self-loathing, rope to restrain, mentions of sex. 18+, mdni
divider credit
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It’s been centuries since Cooper Howard has gotten this involved with anyone.
He’s a bit like a stunted foal: clumsy yet reluctant to admit it; so used to being somewhere dark and grisly and detached that when the sun hitched to Lucy MacLean shines, it burns his irreversibly damaged skin. Gives it a kind of glow that he has to kill every time it threatens to bloom.
Self-inflicted wounds are easier to nurse. What’s the point of watering the dead garden his innards are overgrown with?
He winces when she touches him. That’s why her wrists need to be kept bound when he explores her. So she can’t feel how much she affects him. So she doesn’t get the wrong idea.
This ain’t love. Not that she has much experience with the romantic variety. He’s got plenty to keep close to the chest.
He gave himself to his Barb and she trampled him so far into the dirt that he might has well have been buried that fateful day.
The consequential marks don’t seem to bother Lucy. She’s a curious sort. One of the things Cooper admires about her. In the same breath, however, he doesn’t mind if for once she’d give it a proper fucking rest.
She moves too fast for him. He’s not entirely certain he wanted to budge in the first place.
Here she is with his face entombed in her neck, kissing and licking and nibbling as she opens herself to him. Thinking about how he would drag his nose along the slopes and valleys that comprise her if he could. How she deserves a man who’s whole and not whatever husk was violently spat out.
He can plainly see she yearns to reciprocate. Restless energy makes her grit her teeth and clench her thighs, squirming about as he gets to roam free. A low, long-winded hiss manages to escape between the soft, swollen lips he’s already branded.
“Tell me what y’want, angel wings. Use your big girl words. Y’had no trouble up t’this point.” He smiles against her throat, keeping her body caged. His voice cuts through like a saw hacking down a tree. Chop chop chop. Devastation as it crashes to the ground.
She sighs heavily and attempts to fix her posture. He’s very skilled at distracting. It’s not lost on her that he does so on purpose.
“Can you look at me first, Cooper?” she asks, chest heaving. He wonders how their hearts would feel galloping together. He doesn’t take his clothes off for her.
Some days, he wants to.
“Alright,” he begins, angling himself backward and resting one palm on the wall above her head. He can humor her. “I’m lookin’.”
And boy does he look. How can one not, with those doe eyes, large and all-encompassing like a lush forest of green and brown and gold?
His expression takes on that of a predator’s honing in on its prey. Except she’s taken hold of his hide and shredded it until it’s all mangled and indistinguishable. He feigns he has the upper hand. He feigns many things.
Lucy utilizes a few more moments to compose herself. Logic has been replaced with emotion. That requires a different type of effort to navigate.
Normally he would hurry her along, he don’t got all day. But really, he does. Why not spend it admiring a work of unabashed art that spawned from, according to him, the depths of hell?
“As much as I enjoy you getting your excess of me, I feel…” She exhales, shaky. “I feel like that excess has snatched away my enjoyment of you. I, I feel incomplete. It’s not as satisfactory as I know it could be.”
The old, tattered cowboy doesn’t answer. It’s difficult to swallow. She is expectant, but she’s also learned to lower said expectations when it comes to him. So she carries on of her own accord.
“What I want, Cooper, is you. All of you. I’m not satisfied with this half-baked sex we’ve been having. I want to pleasure you. Have you gasping for air and unable to think clearly.”
If she only knew.
“I want you to orgasm in my vagina and mouth and hand and, and wherever else, I don’t care! Except that’s really not true. I do care. I want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you. And I want you in all the ways you haven’t let me have you. That’s what I want.”
She’s so technical sometimes that it usually makes him roll his eyes or laugh. Now, he doesn’t do either.
Instead, he grasps her chin and tilts it upward. He shoots her one last isolated once-over and seals their fate with a fervent kiss. The hand once above her travels below and deftly releases her from her binds. The rope falls to the dusty floor with a resounding thud.
“Best get t’work then,” Cooper murmurs against her cushioned mouth. Like a warm, forgiving blanket waiting to surround him, even after being away from home for months, years.
“‘Fore I change my mind.”
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spaceratprodigy · 7 months
for the mistletoe prompt: #3 for miss Iris & Nick?
@bokatan — [ smooch prompts ]
That'll get the coolant pumping! 💖😈💖
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