#folks do you understand they're in gay love and it's sweet
Fake dating to piss off Shuichi's parents
Clown: Thinking about shuichi lamenting to his friends about his parents always needling him about a girlfriend/ getting a different job/ settling down. And he makes the vauge suggestion of considering taking anyone home just to shut them up And (maybe rantaro) goes "haha, I know someone who would make them lose their minds for like…30 dollars and free dinner" And it's Ouma It's always Ouma The first text he ever recieves from ouma is, "Soo…my dearly beloved to be, how bad do you want this to go?" "Absolutely horrid." "Splendid."
Checkers: He shows up in clown makeup pulls up to their driveway in his little clown car honks at then with his clown nose
Beez: oh you know what would be funny if shuichis parents had to take him w them to some kind of event or wtv n to make him not look like a loser they tell him he needs a date
Checkers: RUIN THEIR IMAGE jokes on them they’re the real losers here
Apollo: Kokichi makes little cue cards with all the problematic things he's learnt about Shuichi's parents and idly flashes them at random people to spread the news
Dra: No but it would be so funny if he wasn't [wearing a clown nose] and still managed to get the sound by touching his nose/pl Clown: AJSGSH Its a skill!! Along with the several handkerchiefs he hacks up onto the floor
Apollo: Shuichi: WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME? Rantaro: Since when have my friends ever been normal? Clown: Rantaro is watching this from home. Sipping his tea as he watches the news roll in Dra: He complains but he actually loves it
Beez: they gotta pretend they like kokichi too they have an image to maintain they are so happy for their son and his ugly fucking boyfriend theyre serious Sini: They are so pro gay rights Clown: Their clenching their teeth so hard they bleed but "oohh they're sooo happy their son has found love" Apollo: Shuichi's embarrassed by the stories Kokichi is making up but seeing his parents in pain? It makes it the embarrassment worth it
Clown: I have the image of ouma stretching idly as he tell the reporter " Oh me? Psh! I'm actually an adult entertainer. Mhm! You won't believe how far the clown niche gets ya, mhm, real freaks out there. This? honk drives them bonkers. These kind folks are so understanding of my line of work!" He absolutely feeds a different story to every reporter
Apollo: Sure…People talk about what sort of…Things Shuichi are into considering his boyfriend says that sort of shit but hey…If it's pissing off his parents, he'll let Kokichi to claim to do whatever the fuck he wants He uses the fact he's multilingual to his advantage as well.
Sini: “These young celebrities are in love with me!” “One bad joke is all it takes, trust me” “These people have no humour! That’s humorous on its own, really! So charming” Clown: "Oh they've been sooo welcoming. They only tried to pay me off once?? Twice??"
Checkers: He’s reciting a waffle recipe in Spanish Reading out loud a Russian translation of My Immortal Clown: He's sobbing the entire time like its something emotional Apollo: He comes up with 'pet names' to use during interviews. The interviewers think it's super sweet…Until they see the comments pointing out that Kokichi was just saying random words Checkers: He is passionately defending pineapple on pizza. In Italian Clown: Omg, nicknames ranging from the classic "babe" to "my combusted inflamed refrigerator on wheels " And shuichi has to stutter his way through something equally as bad And yet the faces of pure rage on his parents face lend him strength he didn't know possible Apollo: Interviewer: Aww so sweet Interviewer, reading the comments: Why was he calling Shuichi a soda covered stress toy??? What is wrong with today's youth? [my reply to Apollo's message] that sounds kinky
Clown: I love the thought of this starting out as ouma leading the charge. He's throwing out ideas he hopes shuichi picks up. But as the night goes on the last remaining fucks shuichi gives fly out the window. And he is absolutely going all out. Ouma nearly stumbles in keeping up with the absolutely insanity shuichi has awakened in himself and he may be swooning Sini: HE’S CREATED A BEAUTIFUL MONSTER Apollo: Shuichi's gone from the awkward attempting to flirt back stage to the You're actually sorta cute so I'm going to put effort into this stage in like one night and Kokichi is shook Checkers: Saiharizz but it’s just unhinged insanity Beez: the most effective rizz on kokichi tbh Sini: Shuichi: evil unhinged laughter Kokichi: [heart eyes] “I will make my parents eat their own shit” “….So are you free later-?”
Clown: All it takes is realizing how afraid his parents are of breaking their facade and hes pulling ouma to the corner, absolute giddy realization happening in his anxiety ridden husk of a body as he frantically says "Did you see their faces?? Ouma did you see how mad they were?? Haha! Oh my god! They can't do anything to me. I can do anything" Apollo: Kokichi is internally screaming because holy fuck a cute guy just dragged him into a corner are they gonna kiss? No? Oh well, hearing him realise how he can do anything is just as good Me: this is a fake dating scenario, of course they're going to kiss, just not in a corner, that would be against the point, do it in front of everyone Sini: Kokichi: “I can fix him” Bitch, I did, and that was by making him worse Clown: He may be going mad with power Just a little Will shuichi regret this in the morning? He doesn't CARE. That's future him's problem. He's having FUN Rantaro is lowkey impressed by how fast Shuichi has managed to lose it Sini: Rantaro is dramatic [rolling eyes emoji] He’s fine. He’s his best self rn Ignore the maniacal giggling
Apollo: Shuichi manages to get his hands on some soda, something he's not allowed a lot so his 'teeth aren't ruined' or some bullshit…Man's on a trip Sini: He really is in his rebellious teen phase rn He will eat after midnight HA He will drink alcohol He will tag a building He will post embarrassing photos on a burner account
Apollo: Rantaro: What the hell Kokichi? Kokichi: It was one cup! Shuichi: [h y p e r]
Sini: “I feel so alive! Why haven’t I tried this before!? This is great! Fuck coffee, this is my life blood!” He’s been deprived Too much You give him a taste of something new and he goes wild
Clown: On one hand, shuichi has never looked happier, on the other, his eyes show a manic energy that is just a wee bit spooky Sini: Kokichi isn’t sure if he should be concerned or aroused Clown: Just one moment, a single moment for shuichi, grinning, tells ouma honestly "thank you for this" and its over for one kokichi ouma Sini: He is on the floor Shuichi is poking him
Me: sugar rush Shuichi just dips Kokichi and kisses him while showing a middle finger to the camera Clown: Shuichi offers a very nervous peck on the cheek initially and by the end he's dragging ouma halfway over the table to kiss him passionately on the lips in front of his parents
Clown: The aftermath may be less fun But it was so worth it Sini: It’s like a hangover lmao Wtf did he do last night? Clown: He wakes up feeling empty, shakey, strangely shirtless in a bed he doesn't recognize, theres a lingering feeling of impending dread and his phone is buzzing nonstop. Still. He feels so satisfied with himself. He smells like grape soda Sini: He smells like….Him Clown: YES. That and he's blanking on the memory of him toppling over the soda tower at the end of the night Apollo: He sees Kokichi and internally freaks out because What the fuck did we DO? but he then learns when he fell into the soda tower, his shirt got all gross and Kokichi being the everloving boyfriend he is, washed it…Well got someone else to wash it but yeah
Clown: Reality may be creeping up on him in the background but the phones been chucked to the side for now Ouma grins at him and goes "I never got the dinner you promised" and shuichi grins back Apollo: They're fucking dorks. Meanwhile, the Saiharas are attempting damage control, Shuichi's uncle is supportive but also god damn it did it have to go like this and the internet is fucking blowing up Clown: Need Miu to be watching her daily drama channel in the morning with a bowl of cereal and the first thing she sees is ouma's face and she does a spit take Apollo: She starts ringing him but he's not paying attention Clown: Kaito minding his buisness when he sees "Former child actor gone rouge" and it's just shuichi cackling maniacally Apollo: Kokichi is hovering in the background all smug like, dressed in the most horrible outfit despite the stylists trying to make him look nice. Clown: He loves to watch the world BURN From a distance, as shuichi and him take the time to tentatively start to know each other in the aftermath Sini: More so Shuichi causing the world to burn Me: Me: some paparazzi takes photos of them on that dinner they go out on and the relationship gets solidified in the media's eyes Clown: YES. If someone spreads a picture of them at some run of the mill diner in the morning for some breakfast. Hair unbrushed. Ouma still has remains of clown makeup. Shuichis eyeliner is smudged all over. Shuichi is shoving a cinnamon roll into oumas mouth mid rant with the biggest smile on his face.
Apollo: Maki, waking up because her Ouma Sense is going off: Who has that brat gone after this time? Maki knew Shuichi would be getting a fake date for some event. She switches on the tv, sees the bastard of the orphanage she grew up in and just turns it off Shuichi says he wants to introduce Kokichi to his best friends and he and Maki lock eyes. Kokichi: ["*chuckles* I'm in danger." gif]
Clown: She can't be too mad!! Look at shuichis face!! Thats pure joy right there!! Maki begrudgingly accepts and oumas like" sOB I knew you loved me!!! " Apollo: She does hit Kokichi over the back of the head later and then gives him a shovel talk. Shuichi is confused when Maki hands him one of those backpack leash things Clown: Maki, deadpan,"you'll need it." Me: she's a little confused about who needs a leash atm
Clown: I am thinking of the end of the night immeadiately after. Shuichi did not expect to go that far. And as he's calming down. The jitters come back. His phone is a death sentence. He's obsessively waiting for the ringing to start.
Ouma leads him to the bus stop, shuichi drove them there but its just not the time. Ouma wants to live thank you.
Drenched in sweat, and soda, and oumas pockets being stuffed with cake they ride together silently. Shuichi barely even thinks to ask where their going. Reloading his notifications again and again.
Shuichi is hugging his knees. He barely remembers sitting on oumas bed. He's still hugging his knees. "I-" he breaks out into nervous giggles, "I screwed up didn't I?"
And kokichi sighs, it's silent between them before kokichi erupts into laughter. "You were amazing!" He insists, and he's so absolutely giddy. Nearly in awe. It's hard for the doubts to eat at him when ouma looks at him like he hung the moon and the stars. "You were amazing."
And ouma teases him relentlessly, and shuichi is too busy being embarassed to let himself fall into regret. He ultimately falls asleep peacefully in a bed that isn't his and ouma yawns and steps away to sleep on the couch.
Beez: saiou pulling fake proposals in restaurants to get free dessert thats it Hina: Kokichi initiates them Shuichi tries for real and Kokichi thinks he's joking Beez: damn the dessert must look good if shuichis the one proposing for it Ves: they just move on shuuichi thinks they're engaged kokichi thinks he was doing a bit Me: 1) do it AFTER they're married 2) have their actual proposal in privacy, duh. I think they would prefer that anyway This is the sequel movie to the fake dating to piss off Saihara's parents romantic comedy Ves: but the comedy Me: Adam Sandlers plays Kokichi Ves: im imaging him in a terrible purple wig now why would you say that Well, it would be more of his type of deal to play Shuichi, since this makes Kokichi the love interest while he is the protag Beez: alternatively someone they know goes into the restaurant theyre at n witness a proposal so they go over to congratulate them but saiou r like shit [eye, mouth, eye emojis] Me: Ha! Deserved
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
Fic recs based on what bits of s2 promotion made you go 👀
So obviously we only have a couple days left and I shouldn't have put this off for so long, but I've been making connections between fics I've encountered and questions raised by the teaser, trailer, and BTS video and thought I'd share some of them. Light (extremely light, like you've just emerged from an isolated cave light) s2 spoilers possible, although it's still mostly speculation?
Anyway this obviously got very long, so I'm throwing in a break now so I don't slow your scroll.
Maybe time in nature helps Ed do some healing?
Fallow Land & Bigger Sky, which I can't ever seem to shut up about was such a rewarding and healing read for me. Especially recommended for people who are interested in Ed's inner life, healing journey, and coping mechanisms, maladaptive or otherwise. Also folks who are excited for him to have an animal friend like Stede Bunnet, although in this fic it's a sweet little black lamb that he sometimes carries around in his shirt.
It begins with Ed having spent a year since The Dock living incognito on a remote (but not deserted!) island trying to get his head around everything that happened and looking for something like peace, however he can get it. It's written in an evocative, poetic way and includes some incredibly lovely flashbacks, believable character growth, important realizations, and tender emotional moments. The vibes are more pastoral than castaway, but Ed is still given time and space to do the work he needs to do in rugged, isolated surroundings so it still scratches that itch for me.
[There are definitely some triggers to be aware of but it feels like the author did a good job of mentioning them at the beginning of each chapter.]
Maybe they do some healing together?
There's no need to reinvent the wheel so I'm going to borrow heavily from an earlier post I made about healing and fanfic two make the case for these two:
Brace Yourself and Nestle into Me: The premise is that Ed and Stede figure out that they're into each other around episode 7, and they're deliriously happy to know that they feel the same way about each other. But Stede has some (understandable) sexual dysfunction around being queer thanks to the horrible society that he grew up in. Ed is a darling trying to help him through it all, and along the way he realizes he also has some of his own hangups he needs to work through, and that they can both support each other's healing.
I appreciate that this one doesn't treat healing like a straight line because it never is, and emphasizes that trust can't just be implicit, you really have to talk it through as a crew, even if it's just a crew of two broken middle-aged men who are desperately in love with each other. It also gets into some of the stuff I've been talking about on here about grieving your former selves and the selves you never got to be, which was validating as hell. That sounds heavy and there are concepts that are literally part of modern therapy modalities woven into the story, but there are also warm and loving and hilarious moments too, including this gem:
“Also can you just imagine how proud little horny baby gay Stede would be know you would be to know that whatever he went through, today you’ve got your own ship and are getting completely railed by Blackbeard? I mean, just absolutely dicked down by the most famous pirate in history? He would lose his mind.”
Adrift Between the Dreaming Seas: Based on my usual filtering on ao3 I probably never, ever would have come across this fic if it weren't for a recommendation someone posted here. It's got fantasy elements, allegory, metaphors stacked on metaphors, talking animals, and so many other things that would have kept me from ever discovering it on my own. My life would be poorer for it.
Basically Stede is cursed to be a lighthouse keeper on an island that seems to move around the world. Animals show up and the ones who talk to him are members of the crew, and Ed is an actual kraken. It's all this symbolism about monstrosity and trauma and maladaptive coping and the messiness that is Stede's kindness scraping against his self loathing. I shed tears of many kinds along the way, and it made me think hard about community and recovery and the things we do to and for ourselves and others.
It's just a lovely little gem of a story that made me feel so much so deeply while also making me laugh much more than I was anticipating. I'm so glad I gave it a chance.
Maybe there's a massive, life-altering storm?
A World of Tempestuous Things, which is nearly finished and has been such a rewarding, moving journey to follow as it explores another take on their reunion story. There's the expected angst and misunderstandings, but also wit and warmth and longing and rage and these casually devastating historical asides, some of which still haunt me out of the blue because of the staggering and inescapable nature of the passage of time. Speaking of passages and being haunted, dig if you will, this picture:
Tumblr media
so little time to dwell amongst strangers as a citizen of the world will never, ever stop reverberating in my head like a cymbal crash and I guess that's just something I live with now. @lostakasha, you've given me the existentially beautiful prose version of tinnitus.
Maybe Stede's slut party era is finally upon us?
If so, good for him, he deserves it so much.
When the Light Shines In is a missing scene/lightly canon-divergent take on s1e06, if you just like the idea of meeting a jolly version of Drunk Stede (vs that "unhand me or bleed" guy, who is hot in his own way or course but can't beat messy earnest bossy Stede in my opinion). It's set immediately after the fight with Izzy. Ed is patching him up and trying not to vibrate out of his own skin, while Stede is affectionate and chatty and besotted whether he knows it or not, and steadily working his way through a bottle of rum for the pain. So not really related to season 2, but it will still scratch that same itch and make you smile real big.
Well, I Ain't Tactful is actually set during season 2, inspired by the moment in the BTS video where Ed sees Stede getting drunk with his new leather buddies. If you asked yourself what might happen if Ed felt compelled to keep an eye on Sloppy Stede and tuck him in with a glass of water, then this one will be fun. Ed is caring and lovely about it all even while still being a bit mad at him for everything, and Stede is a mess but so sweet and still so, so in love.
Maybe we'll get to see young Ed on Hornigold's ship?
There's no evidence of that so far beyond the whole ghost of Hornigold thing, but it certainly would be a treat. But even if it doesn't, if the idea of more young Ed appeals I cannot possibly recommend the pre-canon Never Shall We Die enough.
Now there's no getting around two crucial things that may be dealbreakers for some people: first, it's long. It's very, very long. Second: it's a WIP. Only one of two I've allowed myself to follow in this fandom so I don't get overwhelmed or bogged down. But!
The writing is so impeccable that it stands head and shoulders above almost everything I've ever read on ao3 and honestly above a lot of commercially published original fiction I've encountered in the same span of time since I've started it. The settings are deliciously (and sometimes, due to the realities of life on a pirate ship, disgustingly) immersive, the action scenes are perfectly paced, and the emotional beats, when they hit, hit hard and ring true and stay with you.
Starting at at age 13, young Ed's growth and development over time is equal parts rewarding and harrowing. Threads are pulled together from canon and from earlier parts of the story to coalesce into a portrait of a living, breathing version of our favorite guy trying to find his place in the world, stumbling along the way, and eventually realizing that if he wants a place he'll have to make it himself. The secondary characters leap off the proverbial page too, and the connections he does or doesn't form with them have interesting, believable fallout for everyone involved.
I mentioned action scenes earlier, but I want to circle back around to them again because NSWD takes Izzy's season 1 comment about Blackbeard being the greatest sailor he's ever known and says the same with its whole chest. I know I'm not alone in hoping to see Incredible Sailor Ed in season 2, but in the mean time this is more than scratching that itch for me. We see Ed set foot on his first ship with no skills beyond attracting (mostly) unwelcome attention and observational skills that become the foundation of his later abilities with the sea and with the art of fuckery. From the outside he looks like a savant but on the inside he builds his skills slowly over time, delighting in learning new things and seeing a plan come together. But best of all, he delights in the skills of others, eagerly learns from them when he can, happily teaches what he can to the few people he trusts, and takes pleasure and pride in their own success.
I could literally keep talking about this fic until the next chapter gets posted, but the good news is that happens regularly! I know it can be tough to trust a WIP but I for one am so thankful for the moment of poor impulse control that led to me starting this one. New chapters come roughly every two weeks, and looking at @tresdem's output elsewhere helps me feel secure that we'll actually get to the end.
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innytoes · 1 year
More Dark Fantasy AU because when have I ever left well enough alone and @jmrothwell made me the prettiest moodboard.
-Rose's great grandmother was a changeling. Her great great grandparents went to the fair folk because they were having trouble conceiving a child and made a deal. They got their baby... only for it to be swapped with a changeling after a few months.
-They went to the fae like: um excuse me we want our child back. No we're not giving you this one, a deal's a deal. We gave you our heirloom music box to grow our family, it's not our fault you gave us two. You still have the music box so no refunds.
-That story had been passed down for generations and Ray always thought it was a sweet fairytale about found family and loving people even if they're not related by blood or a bit different. But nope, guess it was real.
-In true Molina fashion Ray is thus like: welp guess I have four new children now.
-Four very weird new children. At least Reggie is only a little bit out of time, but he's had to stop Luke from getting run over by a car at least four times already.
-Alex came from the 1920s and was promised a life where he could be himself, be as gay as he wanted, and dance the night away.
-Years and years of non-stop dancing, his feet moving against his will, was a very harsh lesson to learn about not making deals with the fae.
-The boys can all go invisible, but Julie can still see them.
-Victoria taking 3 minutes to freak out at the whole situations and shouting about demons while Willie tries to continue having a pleasant conversation with her and Reggie is like: hey, words hurt. ... And then she realises the stories her abuela told her and Rose were real and sets right to feeding these poor kids.
-Yes it takes some convincing that they can eat food here and still leave. Carlos demonstrates by eating and apple and prancing in and out of the door.
-Ray was pretty okay with his four new children. Getting the guys up to speed of Life on Earth In 2020 is... a bit hit and miss. Explaining the microwave to his new kids: great! They get it! They're so smart (especially when it comes to food). Forgetting to mention to take the tinfoil off the stuff Tía left in the fridge: less great! Especially because Willie is strangely enchanted by the fire extinguisher.
-They of course each have their own things they're excited about. Reggie is freaking out over the new Star Wars. Luke discovered Rock music. Alex is deep in a Britney Spears phase, and, to Julie's slight annoyance, a Dirty Candi phase.
-Willie is baffled and delighted by all kinds of odd things, and has fallen in love with waves. He tries to explain that it's kind of like home, without the bad parts: constant, the same, but ever-changing.
-Willie takes up surfing and Alex nearly swallows his tongue.
-Other human and earth things Willie is enchanted by: friendship bracelets, lava lamps, theramins, glittery gel pens, salt and vinegar chips, cats, and of course, skateboards.
-Out of all of his kids, Willie is definitely the one Ray worries the most about. The other boys are just out of time, but Willie has no reference for human culture or... anything.
-Like he doesn't understand that people crying or yelling or being in pain means they cannot do something because... well, that's just what Caleb expected. He doesn't understand that not everything needs to be a trade. He seems weirdly upset all days are the same length.
-Carlos made a sign that says 'it's been 0 days since Willie has done or said some freaky stuff'. The counter has never been higher than 1.
-Willie, staring straight into Ray's soul and is it just him or did his pupils and irises disappear to be replaced by an endless galaxy for just a moment: "The birds say you left a bag of groceries in your caw and your ice cream is melting."
-The ice cream is saved, the birds are fed some sunflower seeds, and Ray decides that Willie picking up language from the crows is not on the top of his list of priorities.
-Until the crows teach him to swear.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke who has been a delight for years.
Credit also: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Thai BL only adds some interesting wrinkles for me.
Favorite Thai QL: I think it is and always will be I Told Sunset About You. I've been in queer cinema for a long time, and I really appreciate how ITSAY reaches beyond the confines of BL itself and becomes a huge marker for queer cinema. Also, this show healed the hole that Love of Siam (2007) left behind. I spent over ten years holding in that angst, assuring myself and others that our pain would be worth it. Even after six years of BL, starting with Love Sick the series, I didn't feel like I could put that down until the final moments of ITSAY.
Favorite Pairing: In Thailand? I think it's Khaotung and First because of how special their friendship feels and the work that they've done recently together. Long-term, it's probably OffGun because of how stable they are. They established a blueprint for how to be a professional pair and keep the fans at an effective distance.
Most underrated actor: Honestly? It's Boy Nattapon. We give all the GMMTV boys their due, and obviously Billkin and PP get their flowers. Still, Boy holds the entirety of Ghost Host, Ghost House together. I don't think Todd Techit could have done that without Boy's presence.
Favorite Character: How dare you narrow this down to one character? For now I'm going with Uncle Man in 21 Days Theory. He is visibly queer man who spends the show trying to support his nephew, and reads that boy for filth when he comes at him sideways. He also helps his sister take care of her son, and then focuses on his own relationship with their dad. It's hard to be a gay uncle sometimes, and I think he captures that perfectly in an incredibly sweet show.
Favorite Side Character: It's Saleng from Moonlight Chicken. Mark is always doing incredible work in supporting roles at GMMTV, and the loyalty and care he inspires in Jim and Li Ming really holds that show together. Saleng is that cousin who is kind of a fuck up that you're just so relieved finally gets it together. I am always captivated by the way Saleng moves and how many folks rely on him as a way to say when they need to say. Since people sometimes say MLC isn't QL, I'll also say... Cheep and Dej from My Ride. It's always gay uncles fo rme.
Favorite scene in a QL: The opening scene in Moonlight Chicken is really good. However, I think it is the breakfast scene with the uncles in episode 8 of My Ride. Focusing on the way long-term love requires a relationship to shift and that it requires maintenance was really special for me at the time and I regularly think about that scene.
Favorite line in a QL: "You never understand me. I'm hurt." -Oh-aew, I Told Sunset About You
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. I just think Jojo deserves it, and I think it'll be fun for all of us.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: I think it's still Dean and Pharm from Until We Meet Again. They're very good at each other, and all of their drama was external.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: VegasPete is the obvious answer, but I think I want to highlight Farm and Bright from Together With Me.
Guilty pleasure series: Love in the Air. Not a fan of MAME, but this one snuck past and got me.
Most underrated series: You're My Sky. I feel like the kind of muted response this show got signaled something about the way tastes for prestige BL wasn't a thing, and maybe contributed to the death of Nadao Bangkok. I think this show is really excellent, and it bugs me that it has such a low rating from so many of us.
I think most folks have done this, so I won't tag. However, feel free to tag back if you want to do it!
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ttimecode · 6 months
MILOOOO IM ORDERING U TO GO HAM RN!!!!! JELATO, 3, 9, 10, 14 AND REYNOLD, 3, 9, 12 also i chuckled seeing you ask for aine WIWIWIWI WHIMSUR GF BEBE
AHEEHEE GIGGLE THANK YOUUU i had to.... for whismur wifeyy HAHAJFJJENFN
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
for jellatooo i think a lot of folks at the wild east would just be like. "oh yeah, the sheriff's boyfriend! he doesn't talk but he's real close with north star ☝️" HEHEHEHE he's just acquaintances with them, the kinda person who just waves in your direction if you say hi and thats it 😭 but they appreciate when jellato calms starlo down with just a tug on his hand (or a kiss to the cheek aha). plus he makes their sheriff happy, so he's good in their book 👍👍
as for reynold, i feel like a lot of the people at the manor would expect him to be stuck up since he's a noble but when they actually do talk to him they're like "huh. actually he's not that bad" HAHAHDNWND he has good manners ok..... and his music is nice to listen to so they're not complaining
9. who are your self insert's closest friends?
jellato's closest friends are, unsurprisingly, the feisty four and ceroba! maybe the feisty four took a bit to warm up to him (especially if starlo gave him special treatment 😭) but yk, just Look At Him. that guy has zero ill intent so ofc they accept him into the group!! they enjoy when jellato comes back from waterfall's dump with a bunch of movies for them to watch <3 i think ceroba and jellato have this silent truce like "thank you for making him happy" "thank you for taking care of him until i arrived" and they get along well
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o's relationship?
yeah i can see them teasing starlo for being gay HAAHJDJEJNFFN maaaybe it starts with starlo starting to be late for missions and the feisty four are, understandably mad at first but then starlo slips up and say smth that gives away the fact that he's been with jellato...... and they're like "OH?? WHO'S THE LUCKY GUY HUH" i think it would be funny to see the feisty four trying to be starlo's wingman. wingmen ?? idk. everyone's happy for them‼️‼️ i think it would be funny if jellato met starlo's family though. especially bc of the dialogue where his mom is like "he needs to settle down and find a wife" HELEPFJEJJGJR well... he's not a wife but a husband..... they show jellato starlo's baby pictures while starlo tries to make him look away like HAHA LOOK OVER THERE. THERE'S UH. A BIRDIE 🫵🫵🫵 he's embarrassed but jellato thinks it's cute
12. how would the fandom view your character?
they probably call reynold a composer ripoff 😭 which is understandable tbh i wasn't very creative with him 🚶‍♂️ but i'm sure they'll love purpleflowertrio at least.... fandoms love gay ppl ok. i can imagine everyone go insane over any official art where they're together or if they have matching costumes.... or if they have interactive emotes with each other auagsgfhfhghgh........ it's a cute thought
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
OOHH ok this one is interesting but i like to think that jellato likes drawing stuff with the notebooks/sketchbooks that starlo gifts him. i like to think that when jellato writes stuff he draws little doodles next to it.... like a heart next to starlo's name or smth yk. maybe before he migrated to the dunes, he would mostly sleep a lot in waterfall so he didn't do much until he met starlo and the others. figuring out what he likes to do with them is so sweet...... OH YEAH he probably likes singing too. especially with starlo or if he's playing guitar while jellato sings ueueueuee
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lazywriter-artist · 2 years
Time for some character headcanons!!!
I've been storing these on a discord server for the last few months and now I can drown you all with them.
Josuke + Okuyasu headcanon:
Josuke always claims he is 'waiting for the right one' when asked about dating, describing someone who makes him feel happy to be around them, they get along great, and can fight but still love one another
Not realizing he is exactly describing his relationship w/Oku and exactly how he feels about oku cause he is a silly little aro/ace spec bean bby (Probably demi or gray)
Okuyasu & keicho:
Keicho and Okuyasu are very close to one another due to their experiences in childhood, and while keicho is a bit agressive towards his brother due to not knowing how to cope with his anger he still is very protective of Okuyasu, so anyone threatening Oku receives an immediate death sentence. Be it because they're trying to kill them or someone scolding oku as the brothers don't do well with being shouted at.
Jotaro headcanons:
There are few people jotaro will let make contact with him without a very close connection, example his mom and even then he is adverse to the touch, but one being stands above all the rest. One man can invade his personal space (within reason) beyond all set boundaries and jotaro would give gruff 'yare yare' and carry on.
Who is it?
That man could sit in joots lap and cry into his shoulder while sobbing in French, a move anyone else would be hospitalized for, and jotaro would sigh with a 'good grief' and hold him like a baby so they didn't fall over
Your standard jotaro chart of may I touch:
Jotaro with strangers- NO TOUCH
Jotaro with people he has met - 2 second Hand shake only or death.
Jotaro with friends - you may touch me slightly more then usual.
Jotaro with close friends or family - *a singular 3 second hug is allowed*
Jotaro with polnareff - You are allowed to sit on my lap while we drive in the car and you lay out all over me while sobbing in French about how some girl smacked you for winking at her. No one else.
Polnareff in part 4
Pol:OIII!!! JOJOOO!!! *tackle hugs jotaro hugging and platonically smooching him*
Jotaro: *yare yare daze*
Josuke, conufsed: is- is jotaro dating that guy?? Isnt he married???
Jospeh, a small chortle: no! Haha, jotaro is gay and polnareff is french.
Josuke: I-
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Dio minion headcanons
A lot of dio's entourage is queer in some way. A few being trans as they were attracted to the idea of the vampire powers getting rid of parts and replacing them with more appropriate ones
Vanilla Ice and pucci are two trans men, though Ice came to Dio and had him use his vampiric powers for transiton
Meanwhile pucci had received conventional top surgery.
Dio is rather oblivious to modern medicines and thus doesn't really know what the hell top surgery is
So when showing off his scars and explaining them to some of the other trans folk of Dio's mansion, Dio notices and is livid. Confused and demanding to know who gave him these scars.
Pucci explains his doctor at which dio snaps back with an 'I knew healthcare professionals were evil' followed by silence and a small explanation of top surgery to dio.
I also like the idea Dio doesn't fully realize and understand the concept of trans.
He fully supports his minions in switching around parts and things, cause like same he cut off his adoptive brothers head and graphed his head onto it, shapeshifting is a thing he can use so why not use it?
He just doesn't connect they're trans, he just figures they like using his cool abilities like him lol
The d'arby brothers are from deep down south in Louisiana. Why? Bc I like the idea. I also really like the idea of Terence making Jumbo and other foods for Dio's minions and things.
Hol horse is from texas and is very sweet cowboy man, his family owns a farm :) he has a horse named buttercup and he loves buttercup
Vanilla is from like....Wyoming or some made up state like that. Silly little freak. Like Massachusetts. He is giving Massachusetts. Idk y he just is.
Hol horse is the oblivious supportive uncle. the others are all off waving their pride flags at a pride parade and hol horse is there with his texan flag just happy to be included lol. He also give out hugs when he gets dragged to pride parades, he is happy to be there UvU.
General stand headcanons
Stands have shown being directly connected to their user, some more so then others (I.E. Kira's stand 'sheer heart attack' is shown to directly affect the right hand it is connected to when attacked)
THUS meaning people who's stands damn near directly correlate with their body's, say killer queen or the world, if you were to squish their faces this would effect the user. (In this case kira or dio)
Bc this opens up a whole new range of Partner affection, not to mention the hilarious possibility of scenes like so
*sitting next to killer queen, looks around for kira. Very swiftly swishes the stands face*
*violent footsteps approach*
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pstelwitchcraft · 2 years
Critical Role - C3E52 (before break)
Its so weird to have just 4 people on the table I'm squirming
Poor Imogen just keeps taking L's man my girl can't catch a break
That little "please be okay" 🥺
Very worried about both imogen and laudna whenever they're separated but I guess that's precisely the point
And these are some damn good combinations
Already miss orym, ashton and laudna tho :(
I have a feeling the leylines are going haywire right now and that's why magic can't travel long distances
And/Or they're in the Shadowfell and it's hard for it to go to a different realm right now
Not even Dorian??? Yep, it's the leylines
I LOVE shoebills! Google their call, it sounds like a machine gun
Why do they keep getting attacked by subterranean monsters?? I swear it's a pattern at this point
Oooooo we're in a pretty snowy battlescape i love getting to fight in Santa's backyard
I love ashley's surprised little "ooooh! Oooh!" everytime she has to go
Yesss dominate beast!
Love how they always think matt's abominations are cute, i get it, it IS kinda cute
Damnit i thought we could get a pet :(
NO FCG! No, don't- don't do it- FUCK WHY
Ya'll what if half the party TPKs. What then?
Imogen continues to be the hottest, like yes babe blow. Shit. Up
Yesssssss we have guests!!
It's Christian and Aabria!!!!!!!!
It's so cute all of them hugging 🥺🥺
Does this mean we're officially not gonna see the others until April??? Kinda sad I'm not gonna lie but I get it
Buff automaton 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Nick Jonas spiritual weapon 🤣🤣🤣
The hottest legendary mage ever you heard it first here folks
Aabria is always so fun she's my girl too
I always get lost staring longingly at her tho
She's just so prettyyy
EXU was a doozy for my gay self with all the pretty makeup she had as a DM
It's going to be so fun to see FCG finally meet another automaton
Why do i get a feeling he's gonna be horny towards this buff robot? It's something in his eyes, he's plotting some bullshit
AAAAAND my girl fearne gets the hdywtdt
"Oooh, hello!"
I love her sm obliterate him queen
Old lover??? I love Deanna already 😍
Fcg and this robit rn:
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Omg fcg is such a little shit stirrer
Fearne is gonna end up banging the new gnome isn't she
I feel like she's gonna bang the gnome
Oh it's been HUNDREDS of years??? I keep forgetting Chet is OLD old
I'm getting worried yall
The gods are being affected by this already?? A day ago??? I'm scareeed
I hate/love that flesh tongue is now canon, sams bullshit always gets carried away from even him i swear
The robot is a flirt 🤣🤣
The energy at the table right now is WILD
Not the HAT 😂😂😂 I am BAwLInG why is aabria so good at being a petty scorned lover 🤣🤣
Awn poor deanna 😞
This is gonna be awesome we now have this character that has been so close to divinity and can show them so much abt the perspective of life and death
Love the backstory dump
Feel like im walking around the hub in a videogame asking every NPC a 1000 questions
Oh my god this robot is so sweet 🥺🥺 i love him
Also VERY obviously sentient and emotional I'm SO interested to understand more abt the great awakening of the bots
Like, why would it happen? Who or what did this??
Oooooh that's what frida means??
I'm SO curious to know what FCG rrally means if anything
Love the cadence Christian gave this robot, i feel like the movements and voice are pretty monotone but not so much that it even feels robotic?? But it's still like something A.I would probably create? Like google translate voice but better.
Also I ship f.r.i.d.a and deanna a lot btw
Chet is going through it right now and honestly i feel like he deserves it 😂
FCG is such a little toddler trying to understand like and it never fails to be both adorable and terrifying
A killer robot with an existential crisis just does not feel good to me fellas
Love the confusing time frames at weekly d&d tables we really could be doing this for a month or a year we have no clue
Yall i'm nervousss there's GOTTA be another shoe about to drop
Like there HAS to be, right? It can't all be alright?? We saw shit blow up, we saw the key go off, so what happened?!
What do you mean imogen's scars are turning red???
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
half-baked concept hear me out: Linh having some sort of breakdown or upset and she starts to lose control, heavy rain turning everything grey and soaked. she isolates herself outside for dramatic reasons and so she doesn't hurt anyone. Marella comes after her out of concern that's not entirely platonic. I don't know what happens in the in between but when they kiss the rain fades away and the sun comes out because Marella is the sun in Linh's life. it's symbolism. it's gentle. it's damp and cold but Marella's hands are warm because fire and also the sun. everything is still wet so rainbows in the sky because the sun is out now because Marella is there. they're in gay love
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how-queerious · 2 years
honestly tired of straight fans of shows who can't understand the queer subtext or echoing of queer experiences in media. whether it is intentional on behalf of the writers, specific acting/directorial/framing choices, or simply storylines that are so near to real life queer experiences that neither the writers room nor the "stage team" intended. this also applies to costuming details (i.e. Eddie's black handkerchief in Stranger Things) and lighting choices (see any instance of bisexual colour palettes in emotionally charged or intimate scenes).
These straight fans are really beginning to get to me. and i say straight fans because in the instances I'm seeing its predominantly cishet men and women (teenage and up typically) shitting on queer fans and the essence of fandom in general. the ones who have been making me particularly frustrated lately are straight fans of Stranger Things and Critical Role (as they are two of my biggest interests atm). I want to dive particularly into the Stranger Things piece, as I have many thoughts on the matter. If you want to read my thoughts, you can click Read More. If not, feel free to scroll.
Let's start with the straight fans, particularly younger (mid teens to early 20s), of Stranger Things. They are pushing forward a lot of hate towards fanworks, particularly fanfic, fan songs, and cosplayers. The specific fics and costumers are typically those who portray any kind of queerness or are writing or playing Steve/Eddie (Steddie) and Robin/Nancy (Ronance) from what I've seen, though general hate for cosplayers is increasingly common as well. These fans both publicly and privately berate, mock, and harrass creatives within the fandom space, using the tired rhetoric of "historical accuracy" (because queer folk didn't exist in the 1980s but the in series homophobia that comes to the point of violence did) or "they can't be gay because they're straight".
The "x character cant be gay because y" line is rampant among all age groups of Syranger Things fans, which is disheartening for people new to fan spaces and frustrating for more experienced fans.
The most popular version of this is to say that Steve Harrington can't be anything but straight because he has only extremely explicitly been interested in women. However many of the actors themselves beg to differ, including Joe Keery who plays him. Keery has repeatedly made character choices such as long glances to other male characters lips (Gif 1), getting physically closer than necessary to other male characters (Gif 2), and treating them very similarly to explicit female "love interests".
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Having explored Steve's side of the equation, I think its pertinent to discuss Eddie's as well. With Eddie its much harder for the straight fans to make an argument that Eddie could never be queer. He more openly flirts with Steve* (Gif 3), appears to know and use the Hanky Code (which I'll expand on in a moment), and was never presented as the popular macho male type. He is a social outcast, a pariah for both his drug dealing and interests in metal and D&D. He also has a subtly hinted interest in BDSM, as noted by the handcuffs on his belt (Gif 4) and the black handkerchief in his back pocket (Gif 5). The latter is in following the 1980s Hanky Code that was popular in the queer community from the 70s on, though has been diminishing over the paat two decades or so.
*- Joseph Quinn (Eddie's actor) has openly stated that he is playing that angle on purpose, and improvised many of the lines that heavily indicate it. This has been stated in multiple interviews.
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There is, however, a secondary issuewith straight fans in relation to Eddie. Straight fans who are shipping Eddie and another character Chrissy Cunningham have a habit of reducing Chrissy to a sweet, simple girl who should get with the "big, strong, masculine bad boy", there by doing a great disservice to both characters, and Chrissy moreso than Eddie. These fans are undercutting the complexities of Chrissy's character and flattening her into a one-dimesional girl-next-door esque young woman, rather than the complex and traumatized person she is. She is sweet and kind (the only highly femme cast member who is not rude or bullying to our main group), but she is also starting to come out of what seems to be a controlling relationship, undergoing abuse from her mother at home, and grappling with an eating disorder. She is a character showing signs of depression, who came to Eddie initally for ketamine to deal with visions from Vecna, and found a possible friend and confidant in Eddie. The two bonded over reputaions not matching up to reality (the vapid cheerleader, the freak who worships satan), and that was a friendship Chrissy needed and deserved. The straight fans reducing her character to a sweet girl for Eddie to corrupt or making her purpose be to "fix" Eddie are harkening on some pretty misogynist stuff to do so, in a way that sets my teeth on edge.
All this is not to say that straight interpretations of Steve and Eddie are wrong, or that shipping Eddie/Chrissy (Eddissy) is inherently bad. It is the attitude towards the queer fans, the rhetoric that eludes to queer fans and fans who are queer allies being delusional for interpreting the characters as queer, the misogynist undertones of many Eddie/Chrissy shippers portrayal of their relationship, and the overarching disrespect these fans have for fandom space and expression. That is what irks me so much.
Anyways, thank you for sticking around to finish the post! If you have anything to add to the discussion, for or against my points, feel free to reblog or comment. Just please be respectful of each other, the discussion space, and myself. Any bullying, harrassment, or juvenile name calling will result in a removal of the comment from the post and a block. Peace out homies!
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benthan, icemav, goosemav, ethan/brandt and ethan/luther for the ship bingo!
What a fabulous spread of ships! Thank you! <3 [cracks knuckles ominously]
In being consistent about my blog name, we'll start with the Mission Impossible gang.
[Mission: Impossible]
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They are SUCH good eggs okay. I was a little skeptical at first (I hadn’t gotten access to 3 yet but I’d seen 4). But then I was fucking blown out of the water by dapper Benji and Ethan in Rogue Nation. The “Miss me?” And “Nice Tux”, followed up by Benji’s impassioned declaration that this is the job/it’s risks and that he is STAYING by Ethan’s side made it all click. The forfeiture of millions of dollars in blood money for his safety was the very sweet cherry on top of this whole thing. Benji is the true love interest of that whole thing by trope convention, I can’t argue otherwise.
They’re so good for each other in terms of understanding the risks and the life of a spy, but good goddd their relationship really is “Go to bed!” “… And what are YOU doing awake?” “Shit.” I love it to bits. Real “you should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need” type shit.
Luther/Ethan: TRULY UNDERRATED!!! It has less of the overt romantic framing than Benthan in Rogue Nation, but I honestly think the freedom of emotional transparency and like. The implicit trust of having someone know you from the jump makes for a really sweet duo. Luther's softness and knowing questions, Ethan's snark and full belief in Luther. They each get a side of each other that their teammates aren't privvy to because that's just how history between two folks who go way back works.
I like 'em either way- romantic or platonic (they give me a very couch cuddler vibe. Just knocked out and squeezed onto the sofa). Just no matter what you do, acknowledge that they're best friends who've been to hell and back with each other for 26 years god darnit. The entire premise of Fallout was predicated on that bond!
Brandt/Ethan: Definitely not my cup of tea, but I respect it! I just think that they're the same kind of person in the ways that aren't compatible. Brandt is the bureaucracy bus and Ethan gets disavowed like every week. Two very different kind of managers in one room. There's a divorced vibe there, but in the 'we have never dated but the undercurrent of fond hostility remains between us at all times' way. Someone on here, I think it was @rochc93 that headcanon Ethan's hooked up with everybody on the team except Brandt and I AGREE. It’s just so much more fun that way for me.
[Top Gun]
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IceMav: See, I'm one off them uncultured folks who didn't watch Top Gun until I was an adult, so i had largely escaped the formative influence of pilot competition and locker room intimacy. But when I saw it? Man. Man, no pop culture reference could compare. Like whatever they had was REAL, it was real to me! Nobody was joking when they said that shit was gay. I didn’t think they were but I didn’t expect Ice to try and eat the guy alive with his eyes. I adore their relationship. As like, one part the testosterone in the air, and another part the fundamental differences in accomplishing the same goal and resolving the tension through understanding and acceptance of those differences. They fill in each other’s blanks… They play half naked volleyball. The rituals are intricate.
GooseMav: BEST FRIENDS BABEYYYY!!! Their friendship just jets the movie into this stratosphere for me, you cannot have Top Gun without Goose and Mav. I get this pit in my stomach every time I come up on his death scene because they were having so much fun! They’re the only family they have left!! Carole and Goose’s marriage and dynamic is just so wholesome to me that I see ‘em as the only one for each other. I love the intimacy of choosing your own family among friends for Goose and Maverick, it drives the point home so well. You don’t gotta love somebody romantically to grieve them as your lifeline to the world. I’m totally supportive of folks who ship it though, 80s masculine bonding is sacred.
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theangiediary · 2 years
continuation of (x), dean pov samulet thoughts s1/2 @brotherwives it's some sort of dynamic at least 😹
Dean's known guys to wear symbols on their bodies- Rings for pride, showing off membership to an institution. Colleges, or more often high school with the kind of folks they meet in small, dead end towns. Worker's unions, sometimes. Tattoos are for honoring sacrifice: marines and moms.
But pendents, that's love. Submissive. Intimate. You can loose a finger or an arm and still live, but to wrap something over the throat and heart...
Usually it's Jesus; God the only thing these folks would put above family. But Dean's never been to keen on that, seen to much to soon to worship His cruelty.
Sam's never been cruel. His brother is good, bone deep. Doesn't fucking matter what anyone says, that yellow eyed bastard could have baptized baby Sammy in demon blood and it wouldn't have made a difference, not to Dean.
It's a slightly uncomfortable realization that he'd worship Sam blatantly if he could.. that he's been settling for big brother protectiveness and ribbing and being at the ready (ready for use), always, even when Sam wanted space. He thought, maybe, that Sam didn't get it, that he assumed Dean could live without him. He said as much when they were staking out Meg. They haven't really addressed it since.. Dean's overwhelming need for him.
Maybe that's what Sam's getting at now. He's not, generally speaking, curious about Dean. Sure he teased about Cassie, that little outlier in Dean's romantic history, but for the most part Dean's a simple guy and Sam acts like he knows all his secrets already. Makes fun of him when his disapproves of what he predicts Dean will do in a situation (he's usually right). The fact that Sam's bringing it up.. it's not a good thing.
He remembers that Christmas. Trying to keep Dad's promises for him when he didn't show up, giving him excuses and breaking the news about monsters. It wasn't fair, but that's life. That's Dean, trying to take on Dad's role (be John) in his absence, because Dad knew what to do in the fire, how to protect them in every crisis since then so maybe if Dean could get close enough..
So when Sam passed Dad's present along to him, well. Gave him all sorts of complicated feelings. It felt like he was being chosen, not just for his honesty in that moment but as acknowledgement of his devotion. Sam saying "You're there for me when others aren't".
Maybe Sam didn't mean all that, Dean can't tell. What he does know is other people see it, sometimes. It blends with his other jewelry, so it's mostly been girls when he leaves it on during sex, toss up weither they think it's sweet or a little weird when he brings up his brother naked in their beds. A barfly, if they're drunk enough not to care about looking gay for asking. Seen misery in those reactions, from folks that lost or were estranged from brothers of their own. Only time Dean would deliberately tuck it away, not liking the longing looks those guys would give it. Not something to share...
So when Sam asks why Dean never got him a necklace in return, well. Dean knows Sam was affected by their childhood, that he has his own baggage. But he wouldn't understand, wouldn't get that it's not an accessory. That by wearing it, Dean's saying "I'm yours I'm yours, forever", that he needs it to see that at some point, Sam chose him as well. He's said as much, that he'd do anything for Dean, but he doesn't need visuals like Dean does so.. he just hasn't. Matched the set. If he wallows sometimes, feels a bittersweet ache of one sided devotion, well, that's his business. Sam's wasn't supposed to know.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
OC M/M Search and OOC Buddies
Good days to all fellow tumblrs and a heartfelt “Ayo~,” from this friendly dweeb. Considering I’m searching for long-term friends to roleplay with, please come to me aiming to get to know eachother and communicate comfortably.  Let’s start off with a bit about me. 
Timezone: CST
A lady named Mary, but feel free to call me Neko. Off (h)school early for the summer, due to homeschooling awesomenedge, meaning free time. I’ve been installed in the family business for about four years now, which will occasionally take up said time, likely on weekends. What else…
A current unhealthy obsession with broadway, i.e, Hamilton (plus Moana for the sake of Lin Manuel Miranda), Dear Evan Hansen, and the Heathers. 
Lover of korean dramas and anime; books and manga; podcasts, shit memes, and a select few games. (Also Marvel. I couldn’t escape that if I wanted to, thanks to my mother’s enthusiasm with Steve and Bucky’s gay well-being.) 
My household is home to 7 betta fish, and they're definitely not named after Marvel characters. Minus two Yuuri on Ice ones. Haha..Ha…
I’m 100% going to start out as a shy little peanut if any of you lovely folks contact me, but the more we talk and the less formally, I’ll become more comfortable. Warnings for my sailor’s mouth (aka, the amount of cussing I do OOC,) my horrible sarcasm, and occasionally dark sense of humor. ___________________________________________
Smut and 18+ 
I understand how in some cases smut can be relative to plot, and used to further develop a character or relationship, but I’m frankly uninterested in it and don’t want to participate, besides not being of age. Even if I were, I’m too shy of a person to be comfortable with it, and would be afraid a partner would try to dominate the storyline with it if I let them. Short answer: thank you, but no. 
Third person, past and present tense mixed. Now, don’t run away before I finish saying this buuut, personally, I’m a sucker for literate writing and admit to being a complete Grammar Nazi. Fortunately, I’m only like that towards my own style and would never impose on another person or annoy them by constantly correcting them. I’ve been writing short stories since I was 8 and aiming to improve myself since; I think I’ve been roleplaying for about three years? Another forewarning: p u r p l e. p r o s e. Again, I don’t expect it of others, but I love it myself. My favorite things in the world are adjectives and commas. 
Activity / More on Posts
I’m not sure. (Trust me, I know that sounds vague.) My roleplay experience started on a chat room forum, where my partner was always online on the other side of the screen, and I constantly felt pressed for time, trying to rush out a decent sized reply in 5 or 10 minutes. After quitting that, I’ve been roleplaying with a dear friend. She lives an insanely busy life, only managing to squeeze in time here and there to work on a reply. It will take months for a single reply, not that I mind at all. Unfortunately this has gotten me used to being able to take my sweet time, able to take all the time I want to write using the high standards I set for my own replies, and I’m not sure what will happen when I’m set in the middle for the first time. 
Sometimes I’m just stuck with writer’s block or plain tired, but in these cases I’ll give fair warning. Please work with me here, I have no idea what I’m doing. :D However, I’m online constantly! So if I’m unable to reply for some reason, we can chat ooc. 
All that gay goodness, yes sir. ԾᴗԾ I’m only willing to write male characters, despite being female, and strongly prefer M/M only. I can do tops or bottoms, feminine or masculine personalities, or almost any fun traits you wanna throw at me. I might be persuaded to do M/F on the side. 
I strictly am looking for someone who can also play either tops or bottoms, especially with my current bottom-y cravings. The friend (I love her with all my heart I swear) I mentioned earlier only does bottoms, and I’m a li~ttle dom-tired. ( No fandoms. Only OC on OC.) 
Genres and Settings 
Anything I participate in must contain romance. It definitely doesn’t have to be a to be love at first sight, instant prince, type of deal. Slow builds are a wonderful thing, developing a character through a relationship is a wonderful thing, developing the relationship through actual stuff happening is a WONDERFUL THING. I’m up for any other genres you guys want to get into, but the roses and sparkles have got to be there, my dudes. I also go for fantasy, modern, historical, or original (created) settings. 
All my characters are assigned a piece of artwork or anime character. Not really one for real people faceclaims, it feels like identity theft. Despite my love for description, I enjoy having a reference for my imagination to accurately place a scene, or to draw fanart of our roleplay from. It also means we’re both thinking of the same person, and just description might not do that. (It also means finding adorable pictures to show the other person and geeking out over them.) If you’re the type of person for just description, or have a strong image of a character and can’t find a picture to match, I’m happy to draw them. <3 
I think that’s about it! I love roleplay prompts and ideas, because I adore a nice plot to give a direction to our characters. I also prefer creating characters together with my partner so that they match well, rather than separately making them and just sort of…putting them in a room with eachother. 
There are two prompts I’m into right now. Feel free to contact me about them. ^^;; Both have actual story plots I wrote up, which I’m happy to share if you’re interested. Otherwise, we can come up with some other stuff. 
Involves a Little Red Riding Hood spin-off.  
Fantasized Victorian era. (My favorite.) 
The Wolf is a loner aristrocrat. Little Red is a poor thief. (My OC) 
Involves a sleeping prince with the blood of an angel, who was cast into a different dimension for being rumored illegitimate. (My OC)
There’s a demon king, yay. For this one you mostly need the actual storyline, oops. 
When contacting me, tell me a little about yourself! Name, fun story, memes, anything. Not just a “hey, let’s rp.“ Remember, I aim to make friends! If you’ve come this far through my ramblings, you should include the word, "Ayo,” somewhere in your post. Let’s me know you care. C’: 
Tumblr: lunahwolf
Instagram: Nekos.Art
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