#follow my raven
dawnatlas · 2 months
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(raven neil au) im having so many thoughts about them all the time
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pillsopa · 20 days
random pinterest studies except i made them about Adam :)
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i love how every one of gansey's friends hates him in different ways and to differing degrees (semi affectionate) and then henry is just like "i actually think he's pretty alright" and gansey adopts him immediately through tears
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tequiilasunriise · 5 months
Possible nicknames Lenore called Annabel in life go:
"Anniebell": Sometimes the smallest changes are the cutest, okay? Anniebell Lee sounds adorable as hell and I'll stick by it. Imagine Annabel trying to admonish Lenore for saying some wild shit at a Rich Persons Gala™️ or smth but she keeps breaking out into giggles like, "You- you can't just say that pet!" and Lenore playfully replying, "Oh whatever do you mean, Anniebell Lee?" like UGH I hate them somebody throw hammers at em already 💥💥🔨🔨🔨
“My moon”: in relation to the Annabel Lee poem (‘for the moon never beams/Without bringing me dreams/Of the wonderful Annabel Lee’) and also there’s smth so flavorful of the character with a color palette more akin to the Sun (long shiny blonde hair, warm colored eyes, seemingly more outwardly personality, etc) being called the moon like I loveee contrasting design choices‼️‼️
“Angel”: Also a reference to the poem (but like, worse because it was the angels that separated em) and can be easily pulled from Annabel’s name
“Petal”: Or some other variation of a flower based nickname because imma sad, sad bisexual who loves ✨flower motifs✨ just a bit too much
Anything in Dutch: This can be like common ones like “liefje” (darling) or the previous entries but in Dutch idk go crazy go stupid
“Locket”: An unconventional pick pulled from Annabel’s last name Whitlock + lockets containing pieces of hair from your other half being T H E romantic gesture of the century back then, so, like. Idk. Hear me out like okay I think Lenore could be the unconventional route (I mean girly already faked her death via arson and pulled a Mulan to get the girl soooo you see what I’m putting down?) and like like LIKKEEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ Imagine with me Lenore telling her girl, “You’re the locket I keep nearest to my heart” (many necklaces back then had a chain just long enough for the locket to rest above the wearer’s heart) and it evolves to Lenore calling Annabel smth like “my dearest, my locket” LIKE YOU HAVE TO IMAGINE WITH ME!!! GUYS MY VISION IS VISIONING!!! 🦅🗣️🌈🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🌈🗣️🦅🦅
@incorrect-nevermore cmere and witness my madness
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spiderziege · 1 year
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some of my older trc art has been getting notes for some reason which reminded me of this bad sketch i made a while ago
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artbyfuji · 13 days
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gonna put 2 tons of sand in his boots 🤩
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f-athr · 14 days
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guess who’s read some more books >:)
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murdockbuckley · 13 days
i need a book about wymack and his past and what made him choose to make a team consisting of misfits because most people don't just choose to do that unless they know
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swampstew · 6 months
1-800-GRANDLINEBLING • 1K+ Follower Event - CLOSED
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Your pirate beaux is calling to weasel out what a perfect date is for you
To celebrate this 1K follower milestone, I am opening up a phone line for the crews! Hotline is open from January 29-February 2, 2024, with a cap of 25 phone calls - first come first serve. Follower only event, and please do not make event requests before the 29th.
Rules: Followers can request any character from the Kid Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates or Heart Pirates crew ONLY. When making requests, please include your pronouns, your blorbo of choice, relationship status/trope (i.e. dating, long-term relationship, situationship, FWB, flirty but not a thing, enemies to lovers, love/hate, etc.), 5 of your favorite activities/hobbies, and your top 2 aesthetics (i.e. cottagecore, fairycore, emocore, grunge alt, etc.)
You can find trope ideas at this link
What you get: A Pinterest mood board of your 'date' along with a poetry quote or maybe a short drabble! PLUS - an OP style den den mushi of your blorbo! Requesters will start receiving their mood boards after the deadline ends.
Shell Phone Calls:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months
starting a fire
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ZOOM! (his hat says "here kitty kitty" and a cat fish below hehe)
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rozenphox · 6 months
(I accidentally hit the unfollow button next to the ask button on chrome's mobile version I'M STILL FOLLOWING YOU 🥲)
Anyway, hi it's Kah. I saw your ask box is open and you said you need some sapphic to draw? Hmm this is not really a request, more like a suggestion and you can draw it whenever you want to, but what do you think about a toxic yuri with Terra x Raven from the good old Teen Titans 2003? That would be fun to draw, I think haha.
Also, I can't help but notice your drawing style is more Splatoon/Pokemon-ish now? Either way, loving the new style nonetheless, it's very cute! 🫶
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KAH ILU! Also what a good idea, I just love the Terra episodes an unnatural amount!
And thanks for the kind words ;o; its been a lot of fun drawing like this and kind of gives me love for art again ❤️ I appreciate you as always!!
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sharksliveontrains · 3 months
thinking about that post comparing max verstappen to kevin day and i just keep thinking like. could you imagine post-aftg kevin having an altercation on the court and when he's asked to comment he just goes "I don't really have a lot to comment on that. Except that he was being a pussy."
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I know a lot of us latched onto Charlock and Colin right off the bat, and they do have the air of holding back wells of history that are very intertwined with the political games of Calorum, which is intriguing and engaging and I'm looking forward to seeing what they're up to during the time jump and beyond, as well as finding out what exactly their webs of intrigue involve.
However, I am also in love with the other three and how much they feel like they're still on the outside of the political games, even if they are ensnared in them.
Amangeaux has been a queen for a span of time, but always a foreigner all the same—she seems cut off from the Vegetanian goings-on, though it's unclear how much that was the case when her husband was alive, and at the same time, she does not fall back onto playing the game when challenged like someone who is more trained in that might.
Karna is a spymaster, yes, and seems plenty knowledgeable about webs of information and the world's cruelty, but she's still a child. She does not have a large pool of experience to draw on, and she has never seen the scale of conflict that is coming up close. She most of them all believes that she does understand conflict and political games, while also believing herself above it, but at the end of the day, she is too young to truly understand the war that is coming.
Deli is the child of a leader of a nation, but that nation is viewed still as an outsider among those nations who consider themselves more civilized, and he is very trusting in spite of the training that he has been brought up in. He's an adult, but he exhibits a similar amount of naivete as the Rocks twins will twenty years from now, as heirs to kingdoms who are eager to make their own way and find freedom, without fully understanding the weight of responsibility that is settling upon them.
All of these characters exhibit varying degrees and kinds of innocence and naivete, and at the end of the day, for all of the comedy of the concept, this is a war story. War stories, particularly ones about how the world changes in times of war, require a certain amount of naivete, in order to contrast how brutal the world can become against what is lost in the process.
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boringsideeffect · 13 days
Pynch is all well and good but man. Ronsey. I’m in my hardcore Ronsey era and I am THRIVING
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andthendk · 2 years
🤍The Inner Workings: Finale🤍
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🤍as promised, a hyper fast paced (cuz I couldn’t make 5 pages of em fumbling) confession!! aka Damian’s carefully built patience is thrown to the wind😂
🤍hopefully this leads to something on spice week 🔥🔥 enjoy part 3 folks!!
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seriousbrat · 3 months
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@annasghosts I didn't want to pile on that post any more lol but I wanted to reply to this because it's interesting.
To me headcanon always implied something that could feasibly be canon. Like, to me it means "in my head, this is basically canon". So presumably something that you think would fit believably into existing canon but just hasn't been confirmed. So a headcanon would be "I think Vernon Dursley is a chelsea supporter", like u can't just go "I headcanon that the avengers came to hogwarts and were sorted into a secret fifth house".
It does seem like it's been warped over time. In some ways I think this is okay, such as saying "my headcanon is that Sirius was gay" even though iirc jkr said he wasn't*. Because even though it's not true in terms of the author's intent, it also doesn't contradict canon in any significant way. There's no concrete information either way in the actual text and it doesnt (or shouldn't lol. anyway...) change anything about the character or the story.
however since most of the fandom has Pretending There Is No Info About the Marauders disease, this just leads people to use 'headcanon' to mean "any random thing I made up on the spot which I personally would like to be true" to the point it has no meaning lol. Since the fanon Marauders are basically just OCs at this point, their "headcanon" are just character traits that they've given to their original characters. Which is kind of funny.
*edit: apparently jkr did not say that and I misremembered/was misinformed. BUt I do think it's likely that he wasn't intended to be gay, so I think my point stands anyway.
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