#followed immediately by the frontier au probably
appropriatelystupid · 2 years
practicing self care (rereading the same fics over and over for the millionth time)
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
I'm sorry this is so late orz life has been pretty crazy this past week lol.
Baby Steps
After going through a terrible break up, Tina is left trying to pick up the broken pieces of her heart and life. Luckily, Zeke is there to help her with his tried and true method: touch therapy (literally). Through many trials and tribulations, they slowly learn how to grow and move on...together. A story of healing, friendship, and falling in love.
i doubt anyone is surprised by this choice lol. this fic is my pride and joy, i worked on it for a year and kept up a consistent update schedule for it. it's a story that is very near and dear to my heart and helped me start to heal my inner teenager.
2. i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this)
Best friends Louise and Rudy get married for tax purposes. No, really, that's totally it, honest. No way are any actual feelings gonna form. No way... ...unless...?
the fic i wrote for Roudise week 2023. this story was SO MUCH FUN to write omg. the whole premise started as a joke between my beta reader Red and I about these two getting married for taxes and the prompts for the week were announced i knew i had to use the idea. it was a huge hit with the Roudise side of the fandom and i'm so glad that they all loved it so much.
3. Safe and Sound
When Tina Belcher is reaped for the Hunger Games, she's sure that her life is over. But when Zeke Tisdale volunteers as the male tribute and promises to protect her in the arena, she realizes that she might have a chance of surviving this...if she can avoid falling for him.
the Hunger Games AU i wrote for Zekina week 2023. as most of my followers probably know by now, i freaking LOVE the Hunger Games series, both the movies and the books (though I lean a lil more towards the books lol). the prompts for the week immediately made me think of it, and since i'd already had the first 2k or so words typed out already i figured why not finish it for the week? it was also written as the week went on because it was a last minute decision lol.
4. Long Way Home
After Zeke leaves for three months to work for a logging company in Alaska, Tina receives a call telling her that he passed away in an avalanche. Devastated but determined to stay strong for her loved ones, she must learn how to live without the one that got away. ...or does she? Because unknown to all, Zeke survived - and he is fighting with the Last Frontier to get back home.
my current WIP. this one started as a weird ass dream i had about my otp and i told Red about it, then she proceeded to pitch a reworking of it for a fic and i was instantly in love with the concept. it's very niche so i don't blame anyone for giving it a pass, but i love it and that's all that matters. and for the fifth rec i'm putting down two because i genuinely cannot choose between them (and since when do i ever follows the rules for these kinds of asks XD):
Meet Me in the Afterglow
Three months after she's peer pressured into breaking up with Henry, Susmita gets a call that her grandmother has died. Henry offers to take her home for the funeral and she quickly realizes that she's made a huge mistake. Can she sort through her feelings and win back her man? Or is it too late for them?
i LOVE this fic. normally i hate break up fics but i worked very hard on this one and did SO MUCH RESEARCH for it. overall i think i did really good with it and i'm always thrilled when someone reads it.
you better leave (it's not safe in here)
Tina lives an idealistic life in the small community of Victory. Every day is the same, structured, secure. All of her neighbors know and like her, and her husband Jordan is a quiet unassuming man who works hard so that she can stay home and be a good housewife. Life is good and peaceful. However, sometimes she can't help but feel as if she doesn't belong there, and her nightly dreams of a tall and handsome man with an accent make her question if her marriage is really as happy as she's been led to believe. But then strange things start to happen and Tina starts to wonder if something more sinister is going on in Victory...
the Don't Worry Darling AU that no one asked for lmao. i was so let down by the movie but still loved the concept, so i decided to use it for a fic and loved the end result. just like with LWH, this one is very niche so i understand why it's not more popular. but i really love this fic and hope that one day it gets the recognition it deserves.
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Frankie Finds Your Fanfic
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish" Morales, no specific pairing.
Summary: That’s it, that’s the story.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, Sex Worker!Frankie, implied other Triple Frontier Boys!Sex Workers, allusions to sexual acts, male masturbation, pillow humping, probably a bad representation of posting things on Tumblr, Frankie posts dirty pics. 
Note: It was just too good not to. Thanks to @toomanystoriessolittletime for the original inspiration and @fuckyeahdindjarin for sharing it so I could absolutely tumble down the rabbit hole:
I was also thinking about Frankie having a nsfw tumblr blog where he posts pics and gifs of himself and there’s this one girl using his gifs in her steamy stories and he gets the notifications every time and of course he starts reading them eventually.
I wrote this in two hours like a rabid raccoon and it’s both of your faults.
This is my Sex Worker!Frankie finding your spicy fanfic, because it’s way too meta if he found my own. Writer is gender neutral and story is unspecific except for the fact that it does have a sex scene (also not described beyond Frankie being representative of a character). Feel free to imagine whichever story of yours would make you the happiest.
Takes places before the events of Something New while Frankie was still doing sex work for Pope’s.
Cross-posted on AO3
Sex Worker!Frankie AU Masterlist
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It was Pope’s idea. Something to boost Frankie’s confidence, show him that people like and appreciate his body. Frankie had balked at the idea, years of warnings against posting naked pictures on the internet for anyone to find screaming in his mind. But Pope sets up a Tumblr account for him, a burner email and no personal information beyond an age disclaimer, and now Frankie has an empty blog at his disposal.
“Don’t use it to get clients, it’s too risky,” is Pope’s only warning. Followed by, “Have fun, stud.”
Frankie isn’t sure how to begin. He doesn’t want it to be too lewd, so he starts small. A picture of his hand spread wide across his bare chest. The span of his fingers shows off their size, the curves of his chest a hint at his physique. He posts it with a short caption - like what you see? - and immediately closes the app. His heart races for a second, which feels strange because he’s done much riskier things in his life. A slightly spicy photo is low on the list. 
He forces himself not to look at his phone for the rest of the evening. If nothing comes of it he’ll delete the account in the morning. Distracting himself with television and a late-night walk, he finally turns the phone over.
4 hours had passed.
His post has over 200 reactions.
Frankie stares at the numbers, numbly scrolling through comments of “HOT” and “yes sir!” and other even more blush-inducing phrases.
Okay, he could see the appeal.
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After a few weeks of posting to rave reviews (one photo of his hips, cropped before you could see anything too salacious, was the frontrunner for most reblogs), Frankie’s confidence was mounting. He’d gotten several comments about posting GIFs, and where before he would have balked at the idea, now he’s debating what his first one should be. He enjoyed the more artistic cropped shots of parts of his body, several in black and white being his favorites. But if he was going to be honest with himself, he’s already decided what to do. He just has to pluck up the courage to record it.
It takes him a whole evening, a shot of tequila, a hot shower and some fiddling with lights to finally press record on his phone. Crawling up onto the bed, he positions himself to be in profile, his head cropped out but the rest of his body on display, bare save for some small black boxer briefs. He shuffles to widen his kneel and pulls the pillow he dug out of the closet against his crotch. Posting up on his arms, making his biceps bulge as they take his weight, he begins rolling his hips against the pillow. It’s not as good as it could be, but Frankie knows it’ll accentuate the cords of muscle in his thighs, the sensual roll of his hips mimicking how good he can fuck. He doesn’t need much footage, but he tries to vary it up so he has something to choose from. When he fists the pillow and presses it harder against himself, a spark of pleasure makes him snap his hips a few more times. 
Feeling like he’s gotten enough footage Frankie moves to end the recording, but the ache of his half-hard cock makes him stop. Instead he pulls the pillow away and pushes his hand down his boxers to fist his cock, leaning back so the camera can catch his chest heaving, how his hips chase his hand moving lewdly under his boxers. His practiced touch makes him cum quickly. As a final touch Frankie stands facing the camera, dragging his boxers down just low enough that he can almost pop out before cutting the camera. 
His face is beet red as he rewatches the footage, picking out the little 5-7 second bits he thinks are the best. He posts the first one the next day, a loop of him fisting the pillow and rutting against it, and waits with nervous anticipation.
350 interactions in two hours.
Frankie can’t help but smile.
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It’s a Friday night, no work for Frankie (in bed or otherwise) so he’s relaxing on his couch with a beer and flipping through Netflix for something to watch. His phone is next to him, so when the little Tumblr notification pops up he takes a peek.
It’s them again.
Frankie hadn’t realized when he started posting GIFs that people could actually add them to their own content. When it first happened he’d hearted the original post, and kept doing so when he saw his GIFs used in fun and spicy ways. There were a few that he was partial to, and seeing them reblogged as inspiration or used in GIF sets gave him a fun little thrill of pride.
This was a completely different situation.
When Frankie was first notified he wasn’t sure what was going on. It looked like the OP had used his GIF as a header for a text post. As he investigated he figured out it was for some fanfic of a show he wasn’t super familiar with. A quick Google gave him some context - a movie with Pedro Pascal, who Santi had told him he looked a little bit like. Frankie didn’t quite agree, Pedro was darker-haired and had a fuller beard, a sharper jaw,  but he could draw some parallels. Curiosity piqued in him, but squinting at tiny words on his phone screen was making his head hurt. He hearted the post for later.
He meant to go back to it but kept forgetting, instead adding more of his own content, fulfilling some requests, and working. He occasionally saw them post something else - another chapter, or a oneshot - and it would remind him to check it out, but time or forgetfulness kept that task at bay.
It’s not until tonight when Frankie sees that they’d followed him, a blip of a notification coming through, that he pulls out his iPad and clicks on their profile. He navigates to their masterlist, meaning to pick one at random but there’s a decent amount of content. He starts clicking in and seeing which story summaries speak to him, smiling when the header image is one of his. He’s posted some tame content as well, and seeing those softer photos and GIFs also being used warms him.
He finally lands on a story that looks promising - a concept he likes, one of his favorite GIFs used as the header, a decent length - and clicks into it. His lips part as he reads the prose. It’s good writing, immersive and intriguing. Frankie finds himself devouring the story, swept up in the plot and watching the main characters come closer to one another. There’s action and romance and funny bits that make him smile. He hasn’t read something this good in a long time.
He probably should have noticed the warnings. When the story becomes more explicit Frankie’s face flushes, one hand coming down to subtly adjust himself in his pants. Now it’s becoming clear why they used his GIF as the header. As he follows along, Pedro’s character emulates the GIF Frankie so kindly provided. The connection pulls him deeper into the scene, his hand rubbing over his chest as he tries to concentrate. The prose still holds his attention, but now he’s warring against arousal at the sex scene playing out. Frankie has seen his fair share of porn, but this was surprisingly hotter than anything he’d watched. It’s easy to put himself in Pedro’s place after seeing his own body used as inspiration, and as the scene unfolds Frankie finds himself having to take a few breaks to look up at the ceiling.
Jesus fucking Christ, people just put this scorching hot erotica on the internet for free? 
It feels strange to slide his hand into his pants at the descriptions of what his character is doing, but it’s hitting all of his buttons just right and then some he didn’t know he had. He’s pleasing his partner in ways he knows and loves, but he’s also being introduced to new and creative ideas he’s never thought of. As the tension mounts Frankie bucks up into his own hand, trying to last but it’s too intoxicating. The deep intimacy of being in these character’s minds, seeing how they fulfill each other’s fantasies, has his eyes blurring, words swirling together as he cums hard and breathtakingly fast.
Holy shit.
Maybe he should take notes next time.
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At his next appointment the client is a little nervous, asking for Frankie to take the lead. The scene that he read, and several subsequent ones he’d devoured, comes to mind.
“I have something we can try. Let me know how you like it.”
And she does. Loudly. Many times.
Frankie feels like he has a lot of reading to catch up on.
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The story continues in Easy Like Any Morning
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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Hogwarts x Haikyuu AU
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pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f! reader 
genre: angst / fluff
warnings: a series of misunderstandings
wc: 2.3k
m.list. ~ taglist. ~
a/n: back by popular demand, another installment of the hogwarts x haikyuu fluff series featuring the Gryffindor quidditch team and one exceedingly persistent Iwaizumi Hajime. you may want to read the installment featuring one very smug Slytherin beater Kuroo Tetsuro (here) to appreciate the first scene in this story. 
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“What are we doing here, Iwaizumi?” 
He’d grabbed your hand on a hogsmeade weekend, asking if you had any plans. You lied, crossing your fingers behind your back, telling him you hadn’t. So you find yourself seated opposite him in Madam Puddifoot’s, smothered by pink and white frills, surrounded by porcelain teaware.
By all appearances, it looks like a date. It should be a date. 
But it isn’t. 
Instead of chatting with you, he looks distinctly out of place amidst the swarm of happy couples with a scowl on his face, tapping his fingers so aggressively you fear for the survival of any crockery on the table. 
“I needed to check up on someone”, he tells you half apologetically. You follow his line of vision.  
Kuroo Tetsurou - Slytherin beater, top potions student, is seated cozily with Iwaizumi’s junior on the Gryffindor quidditch team. You heard of the infamous bet between them, you’re surprised if anyone in Hogwarts doesn’t know of it given the ruckus that followed when Kuroo swaggered up to the Gryffindor team to wager the fate of his hair for a date with their substitute chaser (the sole girl on the team).
“I see”, you murmur, twisting the lace napkin in your fingers. “I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise.”
Iwaizumi frowns, finally turning to look at you.   
“Huh? What d’you mean - I thought you wouldn’t mind since you’ve always been a good friend - ”
You catch a glimpse of a dark head of hair moving towards the door from the corner of your eye. 
“They’re leaving. You should follow them”, you interrupt his stuttering with a wide smile that hurts your cheeks. Iwaizumi halts his incoherent flurry of excuses, only sparing you a glance before grabbing the bill and dashing off in the general direction of Kuroo. 
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling. 
You should’ve known that he wouldn’t be interested in you. Not when he’s so painfully attractive (especially when Oikawa and/or the Slytherin team aren’t around to knit his brows into a frown), so much so that his bloody biceps have their own fanclub. Not when he’s so laser focused on quidditch and his studies and his teammates and his friends, running flying tutorials for the younger students, keeping Tanaka and Nishinoya and Hinata and Yaku from blowing up Gryffindor tower or running afoul of the professors.
It’s your fault for assuming, for hoping, for wishing that Iwaizumi Hajime, your housemate of 6 years, longtime charms partner and the boy you’ve harboured a huge crush on for the past year and a half - might return your feelings after all. 
You should have known. You’re not winsome. Why would you ever win him? 
Wishing otherwise only ruins the heart. 
So you trudge back to school alone in the snow, skirting past the Gryffindor team who seem to be in some sort of an uproar, only allowing yourself to cry when you’ve drawn the curtains on your four poster bed to make sure you’re alone. 
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It is not terribly difficult to avoid Iwaizumi Hajime for the next couple of days, at least until charms class rolls around. You’ve sat next to him ever since you were both first years, when his voice hadn’t broken and you were still taller than him. That’s how your friendship blossomed, but you haven’t worked up the courage to face him just yet. 
So you choose to displace Daichi by stealing his usual seat next to Sugawara, pointedly ignoring the furrow in Iwaizumi’s brow and the confused looks he tosses at you until you flee back to your dorm after class. 
You’re being dramatic, you know. But you figure the best way of getting over Iwaizumi Hajime is to cut him out of your life, at least for now. 
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You turn to stare at Oikawa Tooru, captain of the Slytherin team, a classmate you’ve maybe exchanged less than ten words with in your entire Hogwarts career. 
He’s probably shouting at someone else. 
Nope. He’s definitely referring to you. 
You curse your parents for your laughably short legs when Oikawa effortlessly catches up to you in the hallway, pulling you into an empty classroom heedless to your protests. 
“I have a name, you know?” you snarl, snatching your wrist back. 
“You Gryffindors are always so fun to tease!” Oikawa lilts, head tilted to look down towards you. “Don’t be grumpy like Iwa-chan” - his eyes gleam when your lips tighten - “oh did I hit a nerve? Heard you’ve been ignoring him for a few days now.”
“It’s really none of your business”, you inform him pertly, inching towards the door. 
“No, it isn’t”, he agrees easily, with a smile you instantly distrust. “But I have a proposition for you.”
Curiosity kills Mrs Norris. It is no different for you. 
“What?” you ask, fingers already grasping your wand, ready to curse him at the first sign of trouble. “What do you want from me?”
“So prickly, just like Iwa-chan - no wonder you’re friends”, Oikawa teases, holding his hands up to placate you when you brandish your wand at him. 
“Speak or I’m leaving.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh. You know - if you really wanted Iwa-chan’s attention, you should go on a date with me. That’ll show him.”
You stare at him. You’re not even aware that your jaw hangs open and your eyes bug out inelegantly. 
“What!” he cries, pressing a hand to his chest. “I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart to get my best friend a girl he deserves.”
You gather yourself, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well - you could sit on the Slytherin stands and cheer for my team, that’ll distract Iwa-chan to no end”
“Go to hell, Oikawa”, you tell him flatly. “Go to hell.”
You slam the door behind you. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime springs to his feet the minute you step foot into the common room. You nod jerkily to acknowledge his greeting but you walk right past him, heading straight for the girls’ dorm. 
“Can we talk?” he calls after you when you’re already halfway up the flight of stairs. 
You pretend you don’t hear him. You think that should deter him, but Iwaizumi Hajime is persistence personified, so you really shouldn’t have been surprised when Akane Yamamoto comes barrelling into your room yelling that the Gryffindor quidditch team is determined to breach the centuries old magical barriers barring boys from entering the girls’ dorms. 
“What the hell is going on?” You hear Daichi thunder when you peer over the bannister. 
Yaku, Hinata, Tanaka, Yamamoto and Nishinoya are all dogpiled onto the staircase - now a steep slope, cheering Iwaizumi as he clambers on their backs, face set in determination. You giggle despite yourself as you watch Daichi flail in confusion when he notices his otherwise trustworthy vice captain in the thick of this mayhem. 
“He’s boldly going where no man has gone before” Yaku tells Daichi approvingly from the bottom of the pile. 
“Charting new frontiers!” Hinata pipes up, though he immediately cringes when Daichi turns the full force of his glare on him. 
“To infinity and beyond!” Tanaka and Nishinoya whoop.  
“This has gone on ENOUGH!” Daichi roars, and the enchanted staircase clearly agrees with him, because with an echoing creak that eerily resembles a blech, the smooth wood of the slope ripples, rolling the entire Gryffindor quidditch team (sans Daichi, of course) into a pile on the common room floor. 
Even though the rest of his teammates are complaining laughingly and railing against the antiquated enchantments, Iwaizumi continues to stare stubbornly at you. 
It’s not over, his intense gaze promises you. 
You shake your head, heading back to the safety of your room. 
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Your window rattles. The wind howls. 
You shrug it away as a particularly violent storm, burrowing deeper into your nest of blankets. 
Then you hear a loud crack. 
“We’re under attack!!!” you hear one of your roommates shriek before fleeing the room. 
The sorting hat must’ve made a mistake with her, you mutter under your breath, grabbing your wand before stomping towards the window. You yank the curtains back. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you sheepishly through the glass, pebbles in hand, hanging on to his broomstick in the gale for dear life. 
“Are you crazy?” you shriek. “Have you lost your mind?” 
“You weren’t talking to me”, he mouths, forehead creased in frustration. “I want to know what’s wrong.” 
Never mind your other idiot roommates cooing in the background at how impossibly romantic the entire situation is. He’s never once looked at you with any ounce of romantic interest, which is fine, really, you’ll get over that, but he’s making it so much harder by badgering you incessantly. You want him to leave you the hell alone, so you can lick your wounds in peace and mope to your heart’s content. 
“Get lost!” 
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You’re about to rip your hair out from frustration. 
“Fine. Meet me in the common room then”, you mouth back, hands on hips, looking decidedly annoyed. Iwaizumi doesn’t even pretend to look fazed, grinning at you as he speeds off. 
You trudge down the staircase, waiting until he tumbles into the common room, broomstick still in hand. There are far too many eavesdropping ears in the common room, and you have no wish to embarrass yourself more than he has already, so you march him to his dorm. 
Daichi and Yaku watch with wide eyes as Iwaizumi meekly follows your order to strip off his wet robes and get into dry ones now - or serve him right for catching his death from a cold. Then with a sharp muffiliato, you draw the curtains, shielding yourself from any prying eyes.
“What can I say to get you to leave. me. alone?” you ground out. 
“Why don’t you tell me why you want me to leave you alone”, Iwaizumi replies, painfully earnest as he inches closer towards you. “Cos to me it seemed to me you just got mad with me right after Hogsmeade and I really don’t know what I did wrong. And even though Shittykawa kind of told me I’m a fool for not knowing what happened - maybe you’d want to tell me yourself?” 
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you inform the godzilla toy sitting on the bottom of the bed (courtesy of his muggle mother, he told you once). 
“Was it because I left you at Madam Puddifoot’s? I was worried about my teammate and thought Kuroo was up to no good, but it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have left you to walk back alone.”
“It’s not that either”, you murmur, even though that memory stings. “It’s not you, Iwaizumi.” 
“Really? I’m having a hard time believing that given the lengths you’ve gone to avoid me.” 
“Really,” you emphasise, still refusing to meet his eyes. But you know he’s not convinced and you owe him an explanation, if only to get him off your back so you swallow nervously, take a deep breath and -  
“I just - I just really need to get over you.”
“Wha - What d’you mean, get over me? I don’t get it - ” 
Your temper flares up. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you, open mouthed. You itch to reach out and shut his mouth for him, but you barrel on to the bitter end - 
“Do I have to spell out everything for you?” you snarl like a cornered animal, frantically gathering up the remnant shreds of your dignity to piece it together into a makeshift shield.
“I like you, okay? I like you, Iwaizumi Hajime, and I got so ridiculously excited when you asked me to Hogsmeade that I didn’t realise you were only asking me as a friend. “ 
“I’ve liked you for so long that I need time to get over you, okay? Can’t you even give me that?” 
The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop in the room. 
This is embarrassing, you think to yourself. This is embarrassing, and you shouldn’t need to put yourself through further humiliation by waiting for him to turn you down again. 
So you reach out to tug the curtains to make a hasty escape when Iwaizumi’s arm shoots out to grab your wrist. 
“I don’t want you to get over me.”
“I said, I don’t want you to get over me”, Iwaizumi mutters, his ears turning so red you’re surprised his hair hasn’t caught fire yet.  
“Why not?” It’s your turn to make him squirm. 
“Because I like you too, okay? I didn’t - I didn’t really figure it out until you stopped talking to me and I missed you so much I swear on Merlin’s balls I was willing to try even the stupidest suggestions from my idiot teammates - “ 
“I could tell”, you interject dryly and he chuckles, cheeks bright pink. 
“Daichi was not pleased, let me tell you that”, he admits with a twinkle in his usually serious eyes. 
“But it’s worth it. You’re worth every bit of it.”
“Really?” you breathe. “You really, really like me?”
“Really” he says firmly, lacing his fingers with yours. “I really, really like you.”
“We’re a pair of fools then”, you say and he laughs aloud, a glorious sound you’ll never grow sick of.
“You both really, really are”, Yaku calls from the other side of the room. 
You both stiffen. You don’t even realise your conversation has stretched long enough for your hastily cast muffiliato charm to wear off. Now you can even hear Daichi trying to shush his irrepressible teammate muttering about ungodly six am practices that he’s not going to get enough sleep for if his idiot vice captain doesn’t get his love life in order soon. 
“We’ll talk more tomorrow”, he whispers, breath warm against your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to tomorrow then”, you whisper back, your heart fluttering in your chest as he escorts you back to the foot of the staircase to the girls’ dorm, chivalrously refusing to turn away until you step into your room. 
You fall into bed, a giddy smile on your face. The foolish wish your heart made has come true. 
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Miya Atsumu (Slytherin).~  Miya Osamu (Slytherin).~ Kita Shinsuke.  (Ravenclaw)~ Kuroo Tetsuro. (Slytherin) ~  Bokuto Koutarou. (Hufflepuff)~  Sakusa Kiyoomi. (Ravenclaw) ~
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pokemon-ash-aus · 3 years
Eon Siblings AU Part 1
One AU idea I had but never really got around to writing (and probably never will) is Ash and Dawn being a Latios and Latias respectively. They're siblings (you can pull my hc that the two have a sibling relationship out of my cold dead hands) who were separated at an extremely young age before being found by Delia and Johanna.
For some reason or another, Dawn's human identity is younger than Ash's, despite them being twins. Ash's journey is actually slightly directed by him trying to find his sister - Kanto is first, because he reasons that his sister was probably found close to where he was found. Orange Islands is him reacting to a psychic pulse that he hopes is his sister (it's Lugia). Johto follows, as not only does it neighbor Kanto but, if need be, he's hoping the Altomare Eon duo can help. Hoenn comes next because that's the region that has the most reports of Latios/Latias sightings. After that he has no leads so he figures that he can comb over Kanto again during the Battle Frontier challenge. Sinnoh is a last-ditch effort since it's the closest region he hasn't checked yet, and he was fully intending to continue checking whatever regions were closest. He then finds his sister almost immediately after he starts his Sinnoh journey.
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The Last of Us: Part II
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader / Santiago “Pope” Garcia x F!Reader 
Warnings: Language, threats of violence, guns, blood and injury, a post-zombie apocalypse world ripped straight out of The Last of Us, first aid medical stuff (kind of?)
Word Count: 1,644
Author’s Note: The Triple Frontier Zombie Apocalypse AU no one asked for.  
Summary: After Frankie is injured, the boys find themselves in need of your help. 
Part I - Taglist Form - Masterlist - Part III
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The gunshots outside your window set heart racing. Not an entirely uncommon sound in the world you lived in now, but the quiet of the last few days had given you the illusion of peace. 
That fantasy was promptly shattered when a large blonde man kicked your door in, covered in blood and carrying a metal pipe as a weapon. 
“Get him inside!” He ordered, speaking to someone you could not yet see. You’d been hiding behind the counter of the bar since the shots rang out, but it wouldn’t be long before these strangers discovered you there. Careful not to move too suddenly and make the old wooden floors creak under the shift of your weight, you craned your neck to peek around the corner. 
You watched two more men follow behind the first, carrying an unconscious man through the doorway. The metallic scent of blood hit you immediately. Someone had been injured. 
“Goddamnit,” The youngest blonde swore. “Where the hell did they come from?”
“Must have been following us,” One of the men reasoned. “Caught Fish in the back.” 
“You thinkin’ they were hunters?”
“Nah,” The first man shook his head. “That was amateur. Probably just desperate for some supplies.” 
“Right, and we aren’t?” The young blonde snorted. “This whole fuckin’ plan was stupid. Never should have come this far into the city.” 
“C’mon, Benny, quit complaining and help me move that jukebox in the corner. We’ve gotta barricade this door.” 
“With noise like that, we’ll be lucky if a damn horde ain’t at our doorstep in a few minutes,” The man, Benny, you presumed, grumbled as he began pushing the heavy machine across the floor. “Fuckin’ scavengers.” 
The third man was knelt on the ground, assessing the unconscious man’s wounds. 
“How bad is it?” The first man called. 
“I’ve seen worse,” He replied, placing his hands against the wound and applying pressure as best he could. He looked around the room in search of supplies, his gaze landing on the bar top. You shrank back, but you knew it was useless. He was on his feet and heading towards the place where you hid in the blink of an eye. 
When he came around the counter, he spotted you immediately, still crouched down on the floor. He was shorter than the rest of the group, with tan skin and greying curls. There was a fierceness in his eyes that told you he meant business. 
“Looks like we’ve got company, boys,” He called. 
You were ill-prepared for the confrontation, clutching the neck of a broken bottle as a makeshift weapon. If it came down to it, you doubted it would do you any good. You weren’t much of a fighter. 
“You know anything about this?” He demanded, unholstering his weapon and training it on you. He pointed to the injured man with his free hand. 
“What? No, I– I don’t know anything,” You shook your head, fumbling for a defense, caught off guard by how absurd the accusation seemed to you. “You broke into my bar, remember?” 
“Could be a trap. You sure you don’t have a buddy in the back that’s about to come shoot at us?” He countered evenly, the gun in his hands lowering slightly so that it was no longer pointed between your eyes. 
“If I was planning a robbery, don’t you think I’d be armed with something a little better than,” You paused, looking at the label of the bottle in your hand, “Peppermint schnapps?” 
At this, the man raised an eyebrow and looked towards his companions, seeming to ask for their assessment of the situation. The two men flanked him, watching you carefully. 
“She ain’t gonna hurt anybody,” The young blonde spoke up. Benny, you remembered. “Look at her, Pope. Poor thing’s scared to death.” 
You glared at him, clearly indignant at his observation. The man with the gun nodded finally, holstering the weapon before retreating towards the injured man to check on him once more.
The older blonde stepped in, holding out a hand to help you up off of the floor. You accepted it, pulling yourself to your feet. “Hey there,” He said with a calmness in his voice as he introduced himself, “I’m Will, and that’s my brother, Benny. Over there, that’s Pope– He’s a little spooked right now, so you’ll have to forgive his manners.” 
He pointed towards the man they’d dragged into the building, currently sitting on the floor with his back against one of the booths by the front wall. Pope was beside him, pressing a bloodied shirt against the wound at his friend’s shoulder. “And that’s Catfish. Look, we aren’t here to cause any trouble, but we could really use your help.” 
You gave him your name in a voice just above a whisper, your attention held by the wounded man. He wore a hat that shadowed his face, but something about his slumped figure tugged at your heart. His friends clearly cared about him deeply. That wasn’t something you came by often in this world, not anymore. These days, it was every man for himself. 
Your grip on the bottle loosened, and you put it away. “I have a first aid kit upstairs,” You informed them, turning back to Will and Benny. “I’ll go get it for you. There’s some clean dish rags under the sink to help stop the bleeding.” 
Relief washed over Will’s face. “Thank you,” He told you, his sincerity clear in his tone.
“Mind if we take this?” Benny asked you, holding up a bottle of whiskey. “I think it’s going to take a little more than those tiny antiseptic wipes to get that thing good and clean.”
“Go ahead,” You confirmed, heading towards the store room to grab the first aid kit off the shelf. Back in the bar, you could hear muffled groans of pain as the men poured the liquor to sterilize the wound. The agonizing sound went straight to your heart, making your stomach twist painfully. It’s been months, but you didn’t think you’d ever acclimate to the suffering you’d witnessed since the beginning of the outbreak.
“Thanks,” Pope murmured when you returned, handing the first aid kit to him. Benny and Will had taken up arms by the door, watching through the cracks in the boarded up windows for any signs of oncoming hordes. 
“Mind putting pressure on that for me?” He requested, taking his hands off of the wound to sift through your meager medical supplies. Your hands replaced his, pressing down on Catfish’s shoulder. His breath was coming out in short, even puffs. The bleeding seemed to be slowing, and a thin layer of sweat covered his face, dampening the hair that curled against his forehead. If the situation were different, you might have found him handsome. 
You looked back to Pope, watching him work. His eyes were focused on threading the needle to begin stitching, and you discovered that his fingers were trembling. It surprised you; these didn’t seem like the type of men who cracked under pressure. This Catfish fellow must have meant a lot to them. 
“Is he going to be okay?” You inquired softly. Pope swallowed hard, nodding slowly. 
“I think so. The bullet went straight through. If we can stitch it up, it’ll be fine, as long as there’s no infection. We should probably think about getting some food in him soon.” 
“That’s good,” You replied, trying to keep your tone optimistic. Infection was as big of a threat as anything these days, but you thought you thought he stood a good chance. A bottle of whiskey and some clean bandages were still miles better than the field medicine most people received. 
When Pope failed to thread the needle for the third time, you held out your hand to him expectantly. “Let me take over. I used to do a lot of sewing with my grandmother. Steady hands.” 
You offered him a reassuring smile, and he reluctantly relinquished the needle and thread to you. 
“Have you been here long?” He asked absentmindedly, sitting back on his heels as you worked. Your eyebrows drew together in concentration. 
“A while. The bar is pretty well stocked, all things considered.” You got the thread through the eye easily, carefully securing it before nudging Pope’s hands aside. You removed the dish rag and took out one of the antiseptic wipes, clearing away some of the remaining blood before you set to work on stitching the wound closed.
“Riding out the apocalypse at the bar,” Pope snorted softly. “Sounds like a nice plan. Wish I would have thought of that one.” 
“I used to live in the apartment upstairs, actually, before everything…” You trailed off, not eager to rehash the beginning of the end. “Well, you know what happened. When the QZ fell apart a few months later, I didn’t really know where else to go, so I ended up back here. I guess the owners of this place didn’t make it, but it seemed safe enough and there are plenty of supplies, if you don't mind beer nuts and pretzels. I’ve been hiding out here ever since.”
“Really? All by yourself?” He frowned. You seem to hesitate, swallowing a lump in your throat before answering. 
“Believe it or not, you and your friends are the first people I’ve spoken to in about two months.” 
“No kidding?”
You shook your head. It was a lonely existence you led these days, so different to the one you had when the city was full of life. 
“That’s too bad,” Pope told you, unable to ignore the pit that formed in his stomach when he noticed the sadness in your eyes. “I don’t think we made the best first impression. 
“That’s okay. It’s nice to meet you, Pope,” You said softly, trying off the final stitch. “Even under the circumstances.”
General Taglist: @theravenreads​​ @marshmallowtraver​​ @computeringturtle​​ @pascalisthepunkest​​ @supernaturalcat7​​ @maythxthirstbxwithyou​​ @artsymaddie​​
Pedro Characters Taglist: @coldlilheart​​ @fuck-goes-on​​
Frankie Morales Taglist: @freeshavocadoooo​​ @fangirl-of-randomness​​ @darnitdraco​
103 notes · View notes
Labor of Love: A Critical Role Shadowgast Fanfic
I don’t have any excuse for this besides have a cute modern with magic bakery shadowgast AU in this trying time with a healthy dose of food description and stressed businessman Essek trying to find love in a modern with magic world. If people would like me to continue this, let me know!
Read on AO3
*“Guten Morgen, welcome to Xhorhaus Bakery. How can I help you?”
Essek’s mouth went dry.
The face that met his was attractive in the very traditional Empire way. In fact, the man looking at him looked as if he had stepped right out of an Empire propaganda film espousing the ye olde Zemnian way of life. There were the deep set blue eyes, the long copper hair pulled out of the way in a bun. He had pale freckled skin and the shadow of a ruddy beard beginning at his jaw. There was a dusting of flour or sugar on his cheek, and he wore a simple white shirt with a blue apron tied at his hips. It wasn’t fair that he had to meet someone so attractive so early in the morning, Essek thought derisively.*
Essek often wondered if he was born cursed, or if his disdain for most living things rubbed off on his environment and made it almost impossible to function. It wasn’t as if he tried to be hateful or annoyed at most things in life, it’s just that most things were so thoroughly irritating that it was desperately hard to function. He wondered if everyone felt this way...or if it was only him. 
That was the thought that crossed Essek’s mind as he sat in traffic for ten minutes. His car, a shiny black new model grumbled in discontent as white fumes danced into the cold Rosohna air. His GPS finally pinged to let him know there was a road closure, and in a fit of desperation, Essek swung his car into the left lane and turned off the street and onto the next avenue. Rosohna was a relatively updated city, and having lived there all his life he tended to be able to navigate it well. This, however, would be an annoying detour.  
“Hey Hallas, text Leylas Kryn,” Essek asked as he tapped the steering wheel. He jabbed at his radio, turning off Marion Lavorre’s latest single half way through her call for her love to treat her the way she deserved. Good for her.  
“What would you like to say?” his phone asked him, lighting up from where it sat cradled on his dashboard. 
“Road closed, running late and won’t be able to go by your preferred coffee shop. GPS says I’m 15 minutes out. I’ll try to swing by another place on the way,” Essek said, as clearly and concisely as he could. Hallas managed to read back the message before Essek sent it. Almost immediately his phone pinged in response and the message was read out. 
"Alright. Thank you for letting me know, the ambassador is running late anyways so you have some time." 
 Essek sighed, drumming his fingers with a bit more intensity. He didn’t like this day already and it had barely started. 
He plugged his GPS and looked for the closest coffee shop with the best reviews on the way. His GPS pinged with the place, a bakery called the Xhorhaus Bakery. It was a kitschy name, with a bare bones website, but it would just have to do. With few other options, Essek set his sights for the place. Essek pulled in at the quaint bakery, thankful for the empty parking spot in the front.  Essek didn't like new things as a rule. New meant unpredictable and unknowable, and Essek prided himself on knowing everything that was going on all at once at all times. 
Essek rushed through the door, hand on his phone and tapping it to the parking monitor sensor. He caught a glimpse of frosted glass and pretty dark brick, but barely paid attention until he was in the door. 
Essek nearly swallowed his own tongue as his brain screeched to a grinding halt. 
It was utterly magic. That was really the only way to describe it. Display cases were bursting with pastel-frosted cupcakes and sugar-glazed fruit tarts. There were rows of sweets...golden dough puffs filled with ricotta and cherries and dusted with confectioners sugar, macarons arranged like beautiful shiny buttons, turnovers fashioned like ship masts, elephant ears, honey-buns shaped like bees, cookies pressed into whimsical shapes. There was a whole section for ice cream, waffles and crepes advertised on the weekends. Mothers and fathers cradled children and laughed as a bright blue tiefling dolled out what looked like free samples, a tall firbolg carrying a tray disappeared into the back as a half-orc came in to slide another tray of cookies into an empty rack. At the sit down section, a halfling and two human women of various sizes both carried trays of different styled cups and kettles to customers. The whole place had an eclectic vibe, like things had been found at consignment stores and sales and brought together to fill the place. Each table was different and the chairs were all different too in a way that looked half-planned and half-thrown together. Like the business had been a half-thought half-dream that had gained a foothold in wakefulness.  
Thankfully, Essek was in a line. He absorbed the information that lay before him quickly, as well as skimming the coffee menu that was emblazoned on the board in chalk. There were categories like, Breakfast with Beau, Bakery Favorites, and Cad’s Tea Corner. Bakery Favorites seemed to be the safest choice. The edges of the boards were doodled with flowers and cute animals and...was that a dick? No. Probably not he was just seeing things. Though it wasn’t an exact match to what his boss and her wife usually got, he hoped it would be good enough that she would forgive the difference and the lateness. 
He got up to the counter, having practiced his order in his head at least a dozen times. The wait time hadn’t been long, nor was the line. That at least was a benefit over the place he usually stopped to get his boss’s drinks. Their usual place was a trendy cafe with a dizzying variety of brews that was operated by people who looked down at you for not knowing a medium was a grande. Essek tended to feel safe in a place of rigid social roles like that, so it never bothered him. This was a new frontier. 
“Guten Morgen, welcome to Xhorhaus Bakery. How can I help you?” 
Essek’s mouth went dry. 
The face that met his was attractive in the very traditional Empire way. In fact, the man looking at him looked as if he had stepped right out of an Empire propaganda film espousing the ye olde Zemnian way of life. There were the deep set blue eyes, the long copper hair pulled out of the way in a bun. He had pale freckled skin and the shadow of a ruddy beard beginning at his jaw. There was a dusting of flour or sugar on his cheek, and he wore a simple white shirt with a blue apron tied at his hips. It wasn’t fair that he had to meet someone so attractive so early in the morning, Essek thought derisively. 
“One venti matcha latte with almond milk and a single pump of agave, one venti iced caramel macchiato, as light on the ice as possible, and one tall black coffee,” Essek said in a perfectly even and rehearsed tone, working past the fact he felt like he was being punched repeatedly in the face each time he noticed something new about the extremely handsome man. He was wearing a nametag but he just couldn’t focus enough to read it. His hands were large. Really large. Gods above and below, were bakeries always this warm? 
“Which blend would you like for the black coffee?” 
“What?” Essek asked, startled because for some reason the handsome man was still talking to him. 
“For the black coffee,” the man repeated, pointing to the different...canniesters? What did you call those? He didn’t know the word. Coffee-holder would be what he would call it in Undercommon. Essek didn’t like this. He was going off script. This was why he hated new places. “We have three blends. Dark, medium, and light.” 
Did it matter? Essek thought, now concerned that it did. He had always just assumed that the different types..obviously were roasted for different times. But it all tasted the same to him. 
“Dark,” Essek said, feeling as if this had been happening for an hour. He needed to go lay down. The handsome man began to press the buttons into his register. 
“Would you like anything else? We have some samples of our honey-buns,” the man said, motioning to the tray on the counter with bite-sized portions cut out. “They are our highest seller for breakfast items.” 
“I’ll take a dozen,” Essek said. Hopefully this too would help ease the fact he was definitely late, plus, the office-girls always loved sweet things. He offered his card to the cashier, who motioned to the coins-only sign. “I’m sorry, sir. Card reader is down unfortunately. Haven’t had a chance yet to renew the enchantment.”
“It’s no problem,” Essek said, fishing out his coin purse and placing the coins into his hand. His skin brushed--hot, no he wasn’t thinking about it.  
“Of course,” the man said. “I’ll get that ready for you. I’ll need a name for the coffees though.”
“Thank you.”   
Essek stepped to the side, the place labeled with pick up. Essek stood there, trying to be interested in his phone. Empire News Network was reporting about some sort of sea creature sighting by sailors. He was more interested in the little white-board by the pick up station. Written in beautiful looping cursive was “Send me a Message!”, the name of the messaging and photo app that was popular nowadays. There was a list of names...most likely employees: @nottthebrave, @captntusktooth, @ohnoregard, @caddyshack, @orphanmaker, @littlesapphire, @caleb_widogast, and @frumpkinthefeyking. Above them all was @XhorhausBakery, the emblem with the little cat and the crown next to a tree. 
Bad idea, Essek thought, though his own Message was open. This was a bad idea. But which one was the hot cashier? It wouldn’t hurt...just to follow him would it? He needed to figure out which one of them was the hot cashier, but, he didn’t think he could look at the hot cashier for long without his eyes burning. 
“Coffees and honey-buns for Essek!” 
The cheerful accented voice came from the blue tiefling, who nearly leaned over the counter. She was dressed in a white dress and the blue apron, and wore a pink bandana tied to the top of her head in front of her curled horns. On the front of her apron was pinned the name tag, “Hi I’m Jester!” 
“You made the right choice, though I also love the elephant ears, oh and the macarons, but don’t get me started on the cupcakes!” Jester said excitedly, giving him the drinks in the drink holder and the box. The box itself was a simple robin’s egg blue, but it was tied with a pretty pink ribbon. “You should come back for the cupcakes! We enchant them so they give you different sensations as you eat!” 
“Are all the sweets here enchanted?” Essek asked, suddenly now very nervous about the box of treats he was holding. 
“Yep! We’re a maaaagic bakery,” Jester said, with her fingers wiggling on the word magic. Essek noticed a holy symbol of some sort tied to her wrist. 
“What do these do?” Essek asked, holding up the box. 
“Oh! Those? The honey changes flavors, and it gives the scent of flowers as you chew! Like a little bee going through a field,” Jester said excitedly. “Right Caleb?” 
Essek’s head whipped to the side so fast he probably almost broke something. There was a large hand that raised with a thumb’s up. Hot cashier was Caleb. 
“Thank you,” Essek said, and without any further ado he was out of the bakery like hellhounds were at his feet. 
Essek managed to get to the meeting within the bounds of polite lateness. The Bright Queen accepted her drink, as did her wife Quana. Essek handed the box of honey-buns off to the receptionists who took them gleefully. He spent the first part of the morning responding to emails and inquiries. He quickly got together the itinerary for her next visit to Assarius for the conference on magic education. He absently pawed at his coffee, taking a quick sip. The coffee was good enough that he paused for a moment, before shaking his head. It was all mental, after all, it was just black coffee. It didn’t stop him from downing it though. 
“Essek,” Leylas Kryn said as she left her office. Essek ripped his tome-pad from its charging station and followed her as he usually did. “Thank Luxon, at least you are able to keep appointments. Why are people so incapable of keeping to schedule. You took care of the itinerary?” 
“Yes, the schedule was sent out to you and the core ambassadors five minutes ago,” Essek said as he tapped the screen open. “Travel has been booked, your private plane should be ready to go at 8:00. Hotel at the Pillow Trove has been arranged--the Royal Suite, as usual. I also made sure to set restaurant options for you, though I have of course included both my recommendations as well as your travel agent.” 
“Tell Orphea that I said no on the model she chose for the Tal’dorei spread. I said I wanted young, fresh, illuminating. She sent tired and dowdy. We want people to be celebrating the Xhorhassian cultural boom, the renaissance of our people might I add, and not rolling their eyes. Also RSVP that party Zethris Olios is holding if you haven’t done so.” 
“Already taken care of, ma’am. I told the driver to pick you up at 9:45 sharp, and made sure to request the drink selections for your entourage...in mini-bottles, of course.” 
“Wonderful work, Essek as always I know I can count on you,” she said with a nod before looking back at him. “And by the way, that latte you got me today was fantastic. I know Quana greatly enjoyed her drink as well. The girls were raving about those...uh...honey-buns all morning too. Make that your usual stop if you don’t mind. No use going to a coffee shop and a different bakery when you can just get everything at one place.”
Essek nearly tripped over his own feet, but managed to catch himself. After all, he couldn’t scuff his shoes. He had just bought them. 
“Of course,” Essek said, trying to write the reminder in his phone...his Message was just staring at him...hot cashier-Caleb taunting him. He had thought it would be one time. He could follow the man on his public Message page and oggle at him because he would never see him ever again. Attraction was so much neater and simpler if the people on the other end of it...well...if they were simply reduced to pictures of them and their cat maneuvering a coffee machine.  
It was fine though, Essek snapped at himself. He was an adult. He could deal with looking at an attractive man every morning. If anything, it would be a nice distraction from the daily grind. 
“Essek!” Maruo crowed from her office space as they walked by, her goblin ears perked up excitedly. “Those pastries you got were amazing! I was gonna eat the last one, but did you want it?” 
"No thank you...I don't particularly like sweets," Essek said, as graciously as possible. Leylas Kryn raised an eyebrow at him. She waved at Maruo who gave her the honey bun instead. 
"You don't like sweets?" she asked him, sounding extremely suspicious as they continued to walk. The sound of Leylas Kryn’s heels were enough to get everyone in the hallway to move out of her way. As they walked towards the elevator, the drow woman in it exited with a nod of her head and seemed content to wait for the next one.  
"Not really," Essek admitted. He couldn't remember the last pastry he had eaten. Part of the issue was that he didn't get very hungry. That morning he had a breakfast bar...the night before...well he had eaten leftover take out. He didn't remember eating lunch at all yesterday--he probably hadn't. He had been on the phone with the interviewer. Most of the time, he got home and was simply too exhausted to make a substantial effort. 
The other part of it was food didn't hold much appeal to him. He thought back to when he was growing...minimally but growing, and he had eaten two huge meals a day. He went out to dinner with these important executives and politicians now and picked at his plate. It took such an effort to get up in the morning and to do the things he needed to do that enjoying food was low on his priorities. 
"Eat it," she ordered, shoving the honey bun in his face as they walked out of the elevator and into the main lobby. "You need a little sweetening, Essek."
"Give him a whole box," Quana Kryn chuckled as she saddled up next to Leylas as they walked to the car. She was dressed in a power suit that immaculately matched Leylas’ little black dress and red pumps. It annoyed Essek how perfectly in sync they were, especially considering that Leylas left their house at least an hour before Quana so they didn’t even have time to coordinate.  Did having sex regularly do that to a couple? Essek didn’t delve in much further with that line of questioning
"I am perfectly pleasant at all times," Essek said, with a signature smile. 
"Of course, but something sweet never hurt anyone," Leylas said with an irritatingly knowing gaze as the driver opened the door for them. “Follow us in your car?” 
“Yes, of course, I will meet you there,” Essek said, and then with a pop of the door and the engine, the Kryns were off to take on Rosohna. Essek stood on the curb for a moment, looking at the honey-bun he had in his hand. With all the excitement that a child had when taking a health potion, Essek bit into the pastry. 
It was a revelation. Still crisp on the outside, fluffy on the inside. A smooth, mellow, and yet fragrant honey and cinnamon swirl sandwiched within layers of buttery, fluffy pastry. There was the scent of spring-time and lazy summer mornings when dew was fresh on the grass and wildflowers and there was that pleasant warmth in the air, and the frosting itself was vanilla and honey and just a dash of sea-salt. 
Before he realized it, it was gone from his hand. The magic had dissipated, and left him yearning for more. 
Oh no, he thought. This couldn’t end well.  
With the Kryns at the conference for the week, one would think that Essek may have time to breathe. However, being one of the high-ranking people at the company meant that somehow he got even more mucked down in the day-to-day tasks. He did go to the Xhorhaus Bakery a few more times, but always called in his order ahead. He would catch a glimpse of Caleb, on occasion receive a smile or a welcome, before being handed his order and rushing right out. Essek could pretend it was the assistants' fault...or the marketing department, who were all actually obsessed with the treats he was bringing in on a daily basis. But really, he was the sucker making the point to go in there like some sort of lovestruck teenager to ogle at the cute boy behind the counter.  
When he finally arrived on his day off, it was a solid relief. Though, as usual for being a drow, Essek was up early and with little to do. Essek didn’t enjoy cleaning...he did have people who did that after all. He technically had a gym membership...but hated working out more than anything. He ought to visit his den, as any good drow boy did on his day off, but the idea of seeing his family tended to make him nauseous. His eyes caught a stack of books that he hadn’t gotten around to reading--
It was a bad idea...but he was going to do it anyway. He had never been a paragon of wisdom anyways. He dressed as comfortably as he ever let himself dress, after all, life was a performance. If he wasn’t wearing the absolute best, then he was always going to be judged as the absolute worst. And on top of that, Essek was a vain creature who spent a lot of money on deep conditionings for his curls and on his crystal facials (which, honestly, the crystals probably didn’t do anything but they felt expensive and Essek always liked feeling expensive). The one thing he could always control was the way he looked, and he liked looking good. 
With his black leather messenger bag slung on his shoulder, his peacoat buttoned, and his boots on, he headed out into the cold morning. In Roshona it was always night, but definitely not temperature controlled. Essek buried his chin more stubbornly in his scarf as he continued to walk through the streets. When he arrived at Xhorhaus Bakery, he felt appropriately wind-tousled and cold. The building itself was warm, and wafted the crippling good scents butter and vanilla to a distracting degree. 
It was busy, as Essek had guessed it would be so early in the morning. His shoulder was beginning to ache by the time he reached the front counter. But all of his earthly concerns were wiped away when he met Caleb’s blue eyes. He still wore the white shirt and apron that was the uniform most likely, but that day he was also wearing a button with a cat on his apron. He still looked devastatingly attractive in every possible way and it wasn’t fair because he looked like he had just rolled out of the bed. Essek needed at least an hour in the morning to talk himself into being even vaguely pleasant. 
“Oh! Guten Morgen, and welcome back to the Xhorhaus Bakery,” Caleb said, a certain pleasant crinkle to his expression. He was smiling a soft, gentle smile that caught Essek off guard. “What can I get you this morning?” 
“What do you recommend for coffee?” Essek asked him, placing his palms on the counter--stretching cold-bitten fingers. He was having heart palpitations, he was pretty sure. He kept trying to look at Caleb and he just couldn’t. It was like looking into the headlights of a car. “I normally just drink black coffee but…” 
“I’ll make something for you then,” Caleb offered. “I have a drink in mind. I would also recommend our turnovers today.” 
“I’ll have that then,” Essek said, handing over his coins. Caleb took it, opened the ancient looking cash register and handed back the change. Essek slid it into the tip jar. 
“Danke. Is that for here or to go?”
“Here, thank you,” Essek said, reslinging the bag and going to find a table. 
Essek took a corner table by the window and set about settling in. He balanced his messenger bag on the extra chair before pulling out his books, parchment, and his fountain pen. Essek had always enjoyed spellcraft...he had majored in it in university. Advanced Dunamancy with a minor in Spellcraft Engineering. Gods, if there had been any sort of work besides military for wizardry Essek would have pursued it as a career. But the choice had been military or starving eternal adjunct professor and Essek didn’t find either attractive. Essek had applied for an internship at the government’s Cultural Offices, and had gotten that and through that had managed to work his way up to assistant to Leylas Kryn herself. 
It was a well paying job, with fashionable perks like fancy parties. But Essek didn’t love it. He was good at it, but he didn’t enjoy it. Essek didn’t enjoy much in life, so these little treasures he snuck were so much more important. 
He was in the middle of reading the second chapter of the Durolvir Lectures on Dunamancy when movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He lifted his head from his book just as the blue tiefling named Jester settled down the tray and the coffee. Her tail curled in the air like a cat catching the sight of something interesting to bat at. 
“You totally came back! I knew you would!” Jester said, leaning on the table. Her rather impressive muscles on this display and tipping the table slightly in her excitement. Essek scooped up his cup and the saucer to keep it from spilling on his book and on his notes. On the side of the cup it had the image of swans in a springtime scene, a rather quaint and adorable image. 
“I’m surprised you remembered me,” Essek noted, taking a sip of his coffee. It had milk, which was a departure from normal from him. It was smooth and creamy and honestly? The best cup of coffee he had ever had in his whole life. He hadn’t realized he had sighed until he saw Jester was still looking at him rather intently. 
“Well duh, of course I remember you. You’re hot boi!” 
“...hot boy?” Essek repeated somewhat incredulously. 
“I know your name, silly, but you are totally hot boy. Every time you’ve come in here you’ve ordered by phone, rushed in, and grabbed it. I was just surprised to see you actually sitting down this time, which you should do more because, like, we would get to hang out.”
“Well, thank you,” Essek said with a more legitimate smile. “Unfortunately, I am not very good company.”  
“I don’t believe that for a single minute,” Jester said suspiciously before shrugging playfully. “But it’s okay if you’re shy! Caleb can be shy too. So what do you do? Where are you from? What’s your mother’s name? Are you married?” 
“Are you always this curious?”
“Just about our regulars!” Jester chirped. “Ooookay maybe I lied, I’m curious about everyone but especially our regulars.”
“Well...I am not married. My mother’s name is Dierta Theylss, of Den Theylss. I am from here, and I am an assistant.” 
“Ooo, do you work for someone really cool?”
“Perhaps,” Essek said, settling down his cup as he felt that he was no longer in danger. “But I would like to keep some air of mystery.” 
“You are mysterious, Essek,” Jester said, utterly tickled-pink...or blue...by that. “Alright, well I gotta go get other people their things, I’ll be over here so just holler if you need something!”
“I will,” Essek promised but suddenly jumped as he felt the sensation of something brushing against his leg. He looked below to see a cat, a well-cared for orange tabby circling his legs. Essek was not used to cats...they were a rather foreign phenomenon that had just recently been introduced. Essek timidly reached his fingers out to brush his head and was rewarded with the creature butting its face against him. He yawned, gave him a slow blink, and then puttered off to parts unknown...which was a basket by the window.   
Now thoroughly distracted from his reading and with a plate in front of him, he took another crack at this sugar-thing. Essek took a bite from the turnover, and nearly groaned. The outside butter-puff-pastry was crisp, and the sugar nearly shattered. The inside was first caramel-apple and then it was sharp lemon and then again tart-sweet raspberry. He finished it quickly, taking long luxurious sips of his coffee after he did. Essek couldn’t help but wave over one of the servers he hadn’t met yet. It was the halfling woman who was balancing a tray full of plates and cups on her hip. On her shirt was a name tag that said “Veth”. 
“What’s up?” Veth asked curiously. 
“Do you know what sort of enchantment is being used in the baking process?” Essek asked. 
“It’s not an enchantment per say,” Veth said, brushing her apron with her free hand. “Caleb’s not an enchantment wizard, he’s a transmutation wizard.”
“Caleb is the one who developed this spell?” Essek asked. There was a fluttering of excitement in his chest. A wizard. Had someone magically engineered this man somewhere to make him absolutely perfect for Essek’s imagination? He came to this bakery to...well...enjoy his books and catch a few glimpses at the man. Essek hadn’t come there to get his heart stolen right out from his chest. 
“I helped him a bit, but yeah,” Veth said, tugging at her braid thoughtfully before she got a glint in her eyes. “If you are interested I’m sure he’d be happy to explain it to you.”
“Oh no, no,” Essek said, waving his hand desperately. Scripted conversations like ordering at the counter were totally fine. Essek enjoyed parameters and unspoken understandings of conduct, in fact, that was where he shined. But actually speaking to Caleb? Essek couldn’t think of anything more panic-inducing than that. 
“No, he’ll be absolutely thrilled!” Veth trilled excitedly. “I’ll go scrounge him up for you!”
She darted off before Essek could get in another word edgewise. This left Essek sitting there, his body nearly vibrating with uncontrolled dread. For a moment Essek seriously considered shoving his things into his bag and running out of the bakery. He wasn’t fast enough, however. As he saw Caleb pop out from behind the counter and begin to walk towards his table. He couldn’t risk never being able to come into this establishment ever again, so he just sat there as Caleb walked up to the table. He was taller than Essek had expected...maybe the counter had done something to his perspective besides giving him a barrier that allowed Essek to imagine that Caleb was some sort of perfect dreamt-up figment of Essek’s socially isolated imagination. 
“Veth said you had a question for me?” Caleb asked curiously. 
“Ah...it wasn’t anything so major...I was just curious about the spell used to change the flavors of the turnovers,” Essek said, taking a sip of his coffee to clear his suddenly clogged throat. He wished he could melt into the floor...to float away...to disappear completely. However Caleb’s open and earnest gaze kept Essek pinned there in the present. 
“It’s a modification of Minor Alchemy,” Caleb explained, taking the empty seat across from him. 
“Temporary changes the essence of one object into another for a short period of time,” Essek said, his fascination pushing back his embarrassment. “How do you do it on such a large scale then?” 
“I cast it on the filling as it’s being made,” Caleb explained, there was a certain twinkle in his eye. “Are you interested in spellcraft, Herr Essek? I see you are certainly reading some heavy texts.” 
“Oh,” Essek said, looking down at the books scattered about in front of him. “Wizardry is just a hobby of mind nowadays.”
“I don’t think Advanced Studies on Magic, Time, and Space sounds like a hobby,” Caleb joked, holding up the textbook before settling it down with a reverence that had Essek’s stomach twist. “Though I have to admit, dunamancy has been an area I’ve been extremely interested in since immigrating to Xhorhas.” 
“University is still selective...well, racist would be a better term for it...against Empire nationals,” Essek said softly, smoothing the page in front of him. “Unfortunately, it is just a hobby for me nowadays. I used to be a working wizard, but...well, the bills don’t pay themselves. It’s not a very interesting story so I won’t bore you with the details.”  
“I have been lucky enough to be able to use what I love every day with the help of my friends,” Caleb said with a knowing look. “I hope you can do that too at some point.” 
“Yes...I would like to think so,” Essek said, his fingers curling over the pages of his book. He met Caleb’s gaze and for a moment something passed between them that had Essek tingling all over and--
“Caleb, stop flirting and get back over here!” A gruff female voice called out from over the counter. The human girl in blue glowered over in their direction. Essek watched Caleb’s face turn a delightful shade of pink, unfurling across his skin like the petals of a distant flower. He was so very grateful for the shade of his skin concealing his own embarrassment. 
“I hope to see you here again sometime soon, Herr Essek,” Caleb said as he got up. 
“Just Essek,” he corrected. “And yes...sometime soon for sure.”  
Essek watched Caleb walk off, cradling the warm cup in his hands, and couldn’t help but smile.
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clambuoyance · 5 years
a list of aus/comics i’ve been meaning to make (some have been in my head since middle school fellas)
1) The Strilondes are a world renowned group of scientists known for their work in exploring the space frontier. One day, a spaceship crashes not far from the lab and Rose goes to investigate with Roxy and they find a beautiful alien and rose is immediately smitten and begs roxy not to tell dirk cuz she’s afraid they’ll harm the alien in trying to conduct research. Rose takes the alien back to her house and your regular scifi Shape of Water level shenanigans happen and bam theyre in love. (ive never seen shape of water)
2) Rose and Terezi are firm partners and Terezi is pretty much the daredevil type attorney(never seen Daredevil either) and the two often find themselves in tricky situations trying to investigate for their cases. They have this client(eridan?) trying to sue this lady and Rose finds out the lady is an actual vampire and has to deal wtih the fact that supernatural forces exist. She slowly falls in love with Kanaya the Vampire. Or maybe kanaya is inegal trouble and needs lawyers for help but accidentally reveals herself to rose bc shes in love. idk. I had more ideas but i forgot them :( i know i mostly wanted to see rose and terezi in action together bc theyve got a good dynamic
3) obviously theres my School of Sburb au ive been working on thats them all in middleschool and i do wanna draw more of the other characters in it too. Also maybe a couple scenes when they transition go high school.
4) Rosemary date where kanaya tries to follow a manual for a human date and well It Goes As Well As You Would Expext. Probably gonna do this one first
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (19/22)
WE ARE BACK!! And the ending is written, only four more chapters  to end. WUUU!!
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier.
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo …
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5 : SCENE 3: FAITH (chapter after the cut)
The bells of the Light church rang at the sunrise. Queen and King wake up on the big bed. The King rolled over it and tried to cover himself with the bed sheets. 
“it is going to be late”  It wasn’t and order, but everything that Sora said feels like a comand now. 
Taichi turned to his wife. She undressed herself unceremoniously and walked naked until the dresser. For years both had kept themselves to some shy decor but shy had died on her wife. 
“You are going to miss your audiences” She said when she come out full dress and Taichi was still sitting over the bed on his bet´s clothes. 
She looked gorgeous on that big dress, it was embroidered with the Light emblems and it left place for the sword that Sora carried everywhere. 
“Your audiences” She insisted. 
“Yes, yes, I know. They can wait for me, I’m the King” Taichi said as he stand up and walked at the dresser. 
“I am on my way then. I had a reunion with the sisters on the morning, but I’m going to take the audiences of the afternoon” 
When she opened the door Yamato wasn’t standing outside. Nobody cared their door anymore. No one follow the Queen anymore. Taichi waited until Sora’s steps were far away to change his clothes. When he opened the door Hikary was waiting outside. 
“Brother” the girl said smiling. “Let me accompany you at the ceremony”
Taichi take a deep breathe. The words “I want to be alone” die on his troat.  Hikary take his arm and they walked together at the throne room. 
The royal guard was waiting on the throne room. Most of them wearing the Light armor, Yamato Ishida, royal guard and leader of the soldiers, wasn’t. 
The King crossed his look with the handsome soldier. Restrained himself to touch him had never costed him this much. 
“Brother” Hikary called him “Your majesty” she corrected promptly “We are ready to star”
Taichi sat on the throne. HIkary welcome at the guests of the ceremony and recited a five minute prayed. 
“I can’t believed they made us attended this” Kouji whispered at Takuya on the back line of the army.
“And you don’t go at the daily mass, they are longer everyday” the fellow soldier replayed.
“What is she wearing?”
“It is a ceremonial sister thing”
“It would be easier pay attention to her if she hasn’t three layer of clothes on”
“The sisters of Light are illuminated, it is supposed that if they don’t cover to head to toe when they pray they would break the souls of the weakness with her sacred grace”
A sshh called the attention of the soldiers. 
Hikary finally retired of the spotlight and Taichi stand up of the throne. Davis Motomiya knelt down in front of him. 
“Outrageous” Kouji said on a quiet voice “the man betrayed the King that he swore to protect and received a title”
“Is he that good?” Takuya asked.
“Is he as good to be the new protege of the King?” the knight asked with disdain. 
“The protégé of the King?”
Izzy Izumi standed behind the young men and they shut up immediately. 
Kouji looked at Takuya. His brown eyes were glued at Motomiya, the guy had returned from the war with the favor of King, he was now his new apprentice, not Takuya. Kouji had seen Motomiya in action on the battlefield, if he had the favor of the King he can easily ascend on the royal guard. Kouji could had been worried about his own position on the royal guard, but the subtle hate on the eyes of Yamato Ishida when he accepted Motomiya on the guard were even bigger than the envy on the eyes of Takuya. 
When the little ceremony ended the supreme alchemist come close at the King and whispered something at his ear. Sorrow plasted on the face of the monarch. His eyes went to Yamato. The royal guard was at some steps of The King. 
“That concludes the ceremony, thank to all of you for coming”Hikary said with the sweetest voice “That the true god of Light enlighten your days” She said as she looked at Yamato. 
Kouji knew that look. That was the look that the enlightened had for him and his brother. That people always talk about saving the souls, but their solutions always were torches and murders. 
The King left the throne room. His sister followed him. 
Yamato left the throne room, but he cannot follow the king any more. The royal guard assemble the guard, it was time for training. 
Kouji had to admit that this was the funniest training that they had ever had. Yamato wasn’t subtle about his hate for Davis Motomiya, his exercises were excessive, no soldiers talk to him, he felt and get hurt. Even Takuya mock him. Takuya whose first move always was befriend the new recruits. 
Prince Takeru knel to help him when Motomiya felt for the third time. 
“It’s enough!” The Prince claimed. 
Yamato actually listened to him and called out the soldiers. 
“Your training are really hard, I’m not surprise of the good reputation of your army” Motomiya said at the prince with some tenderness. 
“The Captain need time” Takeru said.
“If you act right, this could get better” The prince handed some water at Davis. Kindness was so strange to him right now. The prince was gone for when Davis tried to said thank you. 
“this could get better” Davis repeated to himself. Hope was never his strength. He was optimistic on the battles, but it was Ken and Iory work to do the planning. Ken and Iory. He shouldn’t miss the brothers that he betrayed. He missed Ken’s warm and Iory’s clarity. What would be their brothers advice on this situation? Ken would kill at anyone who mock him, he would made some cruel revenge plan. Iory probably would take it as a challenge, maybe he would try to win at the superiors, his little brother was good for that. Ryo would resolve this problem for him. But his master was gone and Davis was alone. He cannot plan a evil revenge or charming his way out. He did the thing that he do when he can’t do anything else. 
The afternoon came at the palace. It was quite and warm and Davis was boring, the trained had let him wounded and sad. He walked by the gardens through the hallways, until the big doors of the wall around the castle. Takuya and Kouji were guarding the doors.
“Where are you going?” Takuya asked
“I'm going to the port, I would come back by the sunset” Davis answered
“I dont think so”
“ i dont had orders to complete or anything to do here”
“You can't leave without permission” Kouji interested 
“Do we need permission to leave the palace-” Davis asked. The two soldiers look at each other with smuggled smiles.
“I don't think you understand what is happening”
“ You are just being mean” Davis accused them.
“mean?” takuya laughed “it is a way to said it”
A whinny interrupted the conversation. When Davis turned it was Yamato Ishida infront of him riding a black horse.
“What is happening here?” The royal guard asked
“Motomiya wants to leave the Castle” Kouji said
“ Trying to escape already?” Yamato looked down at Davis since the horse. 
“I'm not quicking I just want to visit the port” Davis claimed. He isn't scaping anything, he was a free man.
“You can't leave the castle, Motomiya”
“What? Why?”
“Orders of the King”
Yamato get down of the horse.
“How do you call me?”
“You heard it”
Davis saw the fit of his superior officer and got ready to take the hit, but the hand of princes Takeru hold the elbow of the royal guard. 
“Yamato!” the princes called “what are you doing?” 
The older man shake it off his anger.
“I was going to teach a lesson to this vermin”
“I had a name” Davis said challenging Yamato, the blond turned to him with hate on his eyes. “I need to go at the port to pray, when did you go?”
“Excuse me?”
“You are too a son of the ocean as me”
“I’m nothing like you” Yamato claimed as get closer to the soldier.
“Every soldier of the King is a soldier of the Light” Takuya said firmly. Kouji grown smaller and Takeru and Yamato evaded his look. 
“I had seen the big walrus on your neck” Davis said at Yamato “You are a son of the ocean”
“SIlence!” Yamato scream and moved his hand with force “You don’t have the right to call the old names of the ocean, how you dare, you… dirty traitor”
The words of Yamato hang on the air, Davis listened it but need a few seconds to understand the meaning of the words. 
“I betrayed your enemies, I joined your army, I won your war, your men and your King are only alive because…”
“You betrayed YOUR KING! YOU KILL HIM!”
Yamato’s hand was over his sword and the hand of Takeru was holding his
“No”  Davis said “You are the one who killed Joe KIdo”
Takeru looked at Davis with surprise and slowly released Yamato. Finally he turned over himself to don’t watch the ugly show. 
The fist of Yamato finally hit Davis face. The young soldier tried to evade the second one, but Kouji hold him by the back and kept him in place. Yamato broke his lips and hit his stomach. Davis couldn’t breathe,he was only bleeding. Finally he hit the ground. Someone, probably Takeru, let him at the infirmary. 
 Davis wake up on a cold room, alone. The wall of the palace were probably the last wall that he had ever seen. He had been wrong, he wasn’t the protege of the KIng or a soldier of the royal guard, he was a prisoner and he was so far away of the ocean than no god would heard him. 
The old god had abandoned him. His master had leave him behind. His new King had lied to him. There was no more place to go. Davis entered at The Light church. There were angels and figures of old criatures singing and howling, there tails were long and there arms short. Davis walked for the corridors and stopped in the garden. 
The young boy stand next to the fountain and with a hand in the water and the eyes on the sky, he pray.  
A suddenly noise alerted him. He turned the head and saw her standing next to fountain, beautiful as a new day, an angel.  
“What hails you, brother?” The angel asked, but Davis has no words to share with so gracefull presence. He broke over her and cried all his laments. 
"Holy mother in heaven, shelter of the poor and support of the weaks" Hikary pray "show the way at this lost sheep". 
Since they balcony of the church Izumi watch the encounter with an impy smile.
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bitchterra · 6 years
Adventure Time Episode Guide Post!
With Adventure Time ending, now is the perfect time to catch up! But the amount of episodes can be a little intimidating. So the list of (at least semi) plot driven eps. I wrote down every arch episode as well as every episode with continuity and foreshadowing so...it ended up being...long. But there’s a summery of why each ep is on my list so you can choose your own adventure (time). Also not that my opinion matters but my fave eps have a star next to them! 
season one
 s1e1: Slumber Party Panic- This is the pilot so you gotta watch it 
s1e3: Prisoners of Love- Character introductions. Antagonist introduction. Sets the tone for for the show. Continuity. 
s1e4: Tree Trunks- Character introduction. The beginning of a story line.  
S1e5: The Enchirdion -Important for continuity reasons. Will be relevant later on
S1e12: Evicted!- Character introduction.
S1E16: Ocean of Fear - Foreshadowing. Important continuity.
S1E20: Freak City -Character introduction
S1E22: Henchmen -Character development. Character growth.
S1e25: His Hero- Character introduction.
Season two
S2e1: It Came from the Nightosphere -Character introduction. Character development. Scenes contain World building elements.
s2e8: crystals Have Power- A continuation of the story line for the episode Tree Trunks
S2e18: Susan strong - World building. Character introduction. An ark-ish episode 
s2e22: The Limit- It’ll be relevant like 20 seasons later I promise 
S2e24: Mortal Folly -Season ark episode. Antagonist introduction (the big bad)
S2e25 Mortal Recoil -A continuation of Mortal Folly
Season three
S3e3: Memory of a Memory- Exposition and foreshadowing. ⭐️
S3e5: Too young - Plot episode. Character introduction. A conclusion for the story line following Mortal Recoil.
S3e7: Still -Minor foreshadowing for waay in the future. 
S3e12: The Creeps- Foreshadowing.
S3e14: Beautopia - Continuation of a series plot line.
S3e18: The New Frontier - Foreshadowing.
S3e19: Holly Jolly Secrets Part 1 and 2 - Character development. Contains world building elements and exposition.
S3e25: Dads Dungeon -Small plot point as well as look into Finn and Jake's childhood. 
S3e26: Incenduim-  Plot episode. Character introduction. Character growth. New love interest for Finn.
Season four
S4e1: Hot to the touch -Continuation of the season three finale
s4e5: Return to the Nightosphere- The beginning of a story line
s4e6: Daddy’s Little Monster- The conclusion to the episode Return to the Nightosphere
S4e7: In Your Footsteps -Bridge episode for a season story line
S4e15: Sons of Mars -World building and continuity. Some good info to store in the back of your brain.
S4e16: Burning Low -Character growth. Character development. ⭐️
s4e18: King Worm-  Foreshadowing 
S4e19: Lady & Pebbles - Plot twist!
S4e20: You Made Me: Continuity for a plot line later on
S4e25: I Remember You -Plot reveal and character development. It's b b b backstory time! ((Lil bit)) *
S4e26: The Litch -Ark episode!
Season five
S5e1&2: Finn the human/Jake the Dog- The continuation of the season four finale. Lots of foreshadowing and insight into the AT universe. Character introduction.
S5e6: Jake The Dad- Character(s) introduction.  
S5e9: All Your Fault- The beginning of a very strange story line
S5e14: Simon & Marcy- Marcaline and the ice kings past is revealed! The laws and reality of the AT universe are once again expanded upon. It's fffflashback time! ⭐️(!)
S5e16: Puhoy: Not essential but minor foreshadowing for that one...thing. ⭐️
S5e24: Another Five More Short Graybles- This seems like a filler but it actually has content that furthers the lemongrab story line.
s528: Be More- World building. Minor character Introduction. Character development.  
S5e29: Sky Witch- Character introduction. Antagonist introduction. The beginning of a series story line  
S5e30 Frost & Fire: Season ark episode. Plot development ⭐️
S5e31: Too Old: The continuation of the lemongrab story line as well as character growth for Fin. Character introduction * 
S5e32: Earth & Water: Character development. Character growth. Plot twist. It's fffflashback time!
S5e34: The Vault- Explanation for the foreshadowing in the episode The Creeps. More foreshadowing. Timeline development.
S5e35: Love Games- Non essential but we do see some emotional character development for fin.
S5e36: Dungeon Train: Character growth and more foreshadowingTM
S5e37: Play Date: Continuity. The beginning of a story line.
S5e38: The Pit- The conclusion of the story line for the episode Play Date. 
S5e42: James: The beginning of a story line. Continuity.
S5e44: Apple wedding: Series antagonist introduction.
S5e45: Blade of Grass: Series plot episode.
s5e46: Rattleballs- Character exposition. Character development. Exposition. 
S5e48: Betty -Series plot episode. Introduction of character (kinda)
S5e50-51: Lemonhope part 1 and 2: The conclusion to the lemmongrab story line ⭐️
S5e52: Billy's Bucket List- The conclusion of season 5 and set up for season six. Plot twist!
season six
S6e1: Wake Up-  Part one of a story line, that follows up on the end of s5. Character introduction. Lots of plot.
S6e2: Escape from the Citadel- Part two of the season premier. Soo much plot and set up for the season. ItTM finally happens.
S6e4: The Tower- Emotional development for Fin
S6e6: Breezy- More emotional development for Fin. Plot progression.⭐️
S6e10: Something Big- Follow up for the episode Sky Witch in season 5
S6e16: Joshua & Margaret Investigations- Relevant exposition Plot twist!
S6e19: Is That You?- Important season/series plot episode. ⭐️
s6e20: The Dentist- Its sort of the start of a story line...or at least there is continuity thats semi relevant later on 
S6e22: The Cooler- Character growth.
S7e23: The Pajama Wars- character growth. Establishes something that will be relevant this season.
S6e24: Evergreen- Very important series plot episode, as well as a continued set up for the finale of season six. Important exposition. Major world building. Its fffflahs back time!⭐️
S6e25: Astral Plane- Another season ark episode. Important exposition. ⭐️
s6e26: Gold Stars- Plot build up. Character development.
S6e27: The Visitor- Character Development.
S6e33: Jermaine- Character introduction.
S6e36: Hoots- Season ark episode. Foreshadowing. Plot twist.
S6e38: You Forgot Your Floaties- Series ark episode.
S6e39: Be Sweet- Foreshadowing/ anticipation build up for the season finale.
S6e40: Orgalorg- Season ark episode. Follows up on some foreshadowing really funny foreshadowing from way back in season two. Continuity. Plot twist. Follow up on hoots.
S6e41: On the Lam- Character development. ⭐️
S6e42: Hot Diggity doom/ The Comet- Season finale. Exposition. A lot of Continuity/ foreshadowing. 
Season seven
S7e1 Bonnie & Neddy: Follows up on the end of season six. Character introduction 
S7e4 Mamma Said: Mostly filler but ends with some plot progression
Stakes: I would strongly recommend watching every episode of Stakes. There are lots flashbacks, world building explanations and character growth. Just watch the first eight episodes before you decide if you like it or not. ⭐️
S721: Kings Randsome-  Plot progression. The beginning of a story line. 
S7E23: Crossover: It relates to the episode Fin the Human, at the start of season five. Probably a series ark episode. So much continuity. 
S7e25 Flute Spell: Character Introduction. Love interest introduction.
Season 8
S8e1: Broke His Crown- follow up on the episode Kings Randsome
S8e5: I am a Sword- Plot progression. The beginning of an overarching story line
S8e7: Normal Man- A resolution episode for the Magic Man story line.
S8e7: Elemental- Set up for a story line. Antagonist introduction
S8e13: Preboot- Season arch episode. Story line set up. Antagonist introduction. Continuity. ⭐️ (Also she is the worst villain and nobody talks about that!)
S8e13: Reboot- The continuation of the previous episode "preboot". Season arch episode. *
S8e15: Two Swords- Continuation of the current story line. Character introduction. ⭐️
S8e15: Do No Harm- Foreshadowing. Character development. 
S8e19: Jelly Beans Have Power- Bridge episode for the story line that was introduced in the episode "Elemental" and will take place next season.
It's mini Series Time!
Adventure time: Islands! There are some really creative world building, reveals as well as character introductions. A lot of questions are answered! Also, it's fff flashback time!⭐️ 
season 9
It’s Mini Series Time!
Adventure time: Elements- We kick of immediately with another miniseries (for some reason...) ... :(
s9e10: Abstract- A follow up on the end of the mini series elements
s9e13; Whispers- The beginning a story line.
s9e14: Three Buckets- A follow up on the episode Whispers. 
WELP there’s still season 10 but thats not finished yet so I’ll add it on later! anyway now instead of watching 246 episodes you can just watch....115...  :(
Au episodes:
s3e9: Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake (gender swap series)
s5e1: Fin The Human
s5e9: Bad Little Boy (gender swap series)
s5e15: A Glitch Is a Glitch
s6e7: Food Chain 
s6e9: The Prince Who Wanted Everything (gender swap series)
s6e22: Water Park Prank 
s7e20: Bad Jubies
s8e9: Five Short Tables (gender swap series)
s9e12: Fionna and Cake and Fionna (this actually not an AU episode but it technically still concludes the gender swap series) 
My Favorite Filler Episodes
s3e10: What was missing *
s3e20: Marceline’s closest *
s4e7: Princess Cookies 
s4e12: Gotcha!
s4e17: BMO Noire 
s5e5: All the Little People * 
s6e17: The Diary *
s7e16: Summer Showers
s7e26: The Thin Yellow Line 
s8e16: Wheels 
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
So, I was tagged by @gilrael for the following:
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets!
Listen, my first reaction was pretty much “I can’t list all the things I’m currently working on. It’s...no one wants to read that whole list. It’s too long. There’s too much.”
I have been called out good and proper, but you know what? This is what the read more button was made for. These won’t be in any particular order, because I really don’t have an “order” in which I work on things? Also, some of these projects are so far on the back-burner that I really can’t say I’m actively working on them, but I never know when inspiration will strike next and divert me from what I should be doing. Essentially, if it makes the list, I think of it in my head as “imma finish this.” 
Buckle up peeps, because we May Be Some Time.
My Epic YA Fantasy Series Featuring Pretty Much Zero Romance. I neglect this series way too much for something I consider my firstborn, but this is my Passion, okay. My very username is derived from the initials of the series title. I’ve been writing and rewriting it for almost two thirds of my life now, and one day when I have something to show for that labour of love, I will be screaming about it from the rooftops. Mark my words. Also I counted this as one but there’s like...at least five novels, and also shitloads of maps and worldbuilding notes, and songs, and I have a boxfile of old pictures drawn by myself or my sister, and progress on three or four conlangs... It’s hard to really convey just how much of this shit there actually is, if I’m honest.
Hope’s Fire My first ever proper fanfic, and also sorely neglected of late. I love this story so much though, and once I push past the block I have for the current chapter I can’t wait to progress with it, because there are fuuuun times ahead.
A Standalone Novel (sucky working title is “The Aspect’s Choice”) Another YA novel, which...actually has a complete draft? Like, start to finish with no skipped scenes or anything like that. There’s magic and shit, and also no romance for the lead, it’s like this is a theme in my works or something (there’s a background romance this time tho, for those of you who like shipping).
A Fantasy Trilogy about paradoxes and multidimensional travel. I’m mentioning this one now even though I’m kinda...not working on it that much, because I’ve borrowed heavily from it for some fanfic projects. The first novel is a fantasy spy thriller, the second is a sort of...ensemble piece about a major disaster at a futuristic interdimensional traffic control place a lot like an airport/train station, and the third one is a journey through space and time on a sorta magic train which explains how the fuck the first two books are actually connected.
A World of Trouble (The Spy AU) Haikyuu fic! I started this for the HQ Brofest last year and it’s really taken off. The plot for this story was shamelessly nicked from the first book in the above trilogy, albeit with some fairly substantial divergences. 
Until We Move On My...actually, daaamn, this was my first HQ fic. I entered this fandom in a fairly definite fashion, with Suga already dead and Oikawa following shortly after - I swear it’ll have a happy ending for them both eventually tho.
Metanoia, Renascent, and Equanimity (the Trinacriform series) I debated listing these separately, to be honest. There’s no denying that Metanoia and Equanimity are higher up on my list of things to work on than Renascent is right now, but all three are still important to me and all three are going to be finished someday. Ultimately they’re here as one because holy shit this list is going to be long enough already.  Rest assured I do actually think of them as three separate entities in my head! 
The Triffid AU (just gonna list these because there are Several and holy shit I’m still so far from the end): Dangers Unseen - First in the series, Karasuno accidentally sleep through the apocalypse. Interview Transcripts - Set a few months after DU; tells all the side-stories I have to skip in DU for pacing reasons. Seijoh arc (current working title of “In Search of Silver” which will almost certainly change) - I haven’t posted any of this yet but it’s hecking angsty. A Bit Like Home - Sequel to Dangers Unseen, set a year or so after. Also hasn’t been posted anywhere yet. At the moment it’s mostly bokuaka stuff but the idea is for it to be a collection of sorta halfway standalone stories.  I have more ideas for this AU than just these, but I haven’t started writing them yet and I’m not GOING to until this list gets shorter.
An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions I’m not gonna lie, this basically started out as a stupid halfway-joking crack fic and it got out of control. 
Partner Fic to “The Carpenter’s Gift” I started writing this and got a couple of thousand words in and then basically started over. I’ll get there. Probably not before the following though:
KiyoYachi Soul Animal AU fic Set in the same universe as “The Carpenter’s Gift”, sorta...around the same time?
Another Original Fantasy Trilogy I love my fantasy, okay? The three novels in this series are all technically started, although only two of them have any substance: The Legend and the Lake is a novel about a Great Hero, and how he...actually isn’t as much of a hero as he’s going to be remembered as.  Spells and Fire is about a real fucking hero and her apprentices, and how she absolutely will not be given full credit for all she does (because she’s a bit of an arse) The Lake Guardian’s Child will be a story about a minor goddess who meets a mortal that immediately falls in love with her, and their journey to cure him of that love because he’s actually sorta engaged already.
Not Within This Restless Heart A HQ!! poly soulmate au which will probably piss off a lot of people by teh end, because no one who’s read it seems to have caught on about how complex the poly relationship is actually gonna be.
Digimon Frontier Fic - working title “Loss and Gain” I can’t really explain this one properly. It’s Angst, that’s all.
Best Laid Plans A secret santa fic I need to finish! I have part of the second and final chapter written, but life intervened and I lost my flow. Hoping to get back to it some time in the next week.
Bokuto Koutarou’s Excellent, Totally Foolproof Plan To Save Christmas As above, really (except it’s the final of 3 chapters, and it’s also the sort-of sequel to “An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions” ). I want to finish this up soon, so hopefully life will stop being annoying!
Lifetime Achievement Ennotana fic in which Ennoshita is a film director up for a highly prestigious award he’s dreamed of for his whole life...but he has amnesia and it currently means nothing to him.
Travellers AU - Yachi story For the HQ Brofest! Details are hush-hush for now but it’s the same universe as my time travel practical joke fics. Expect similarly ridiculous stuff.
Things We Misplaced Someone accidentally challenged me to write angsty smut which wasn’t hatesex. Smut is not my thing but I’m really stubborn okay, so I’m writing it.
BNHA Bang Fic Details are under wraps for now, but it’s gonna be fun.
A Zine Fic. It’s early days, okay?
Swansong It angst. Also not being posted to this account, for Reasons.
The Digital Fallout AU A ridiculously wide-scope Digimon AU featuring crossover appearances from like, almost all the series. It’s very much on the back burner for now but I still like thinking about it. Someday. Currently comprises of two kinda short fics: “Adventure’s End” and “The Home Frontier” but I’ve planned a LOT further.
Connection Problems This was going to be for the HQBB in 2017 but I got a massive block and had to put it on hold. I’m hoping to revisit it and finish it up by...maybe Halloween.
The Book An original novel I’ve intermittently been working on for a few years now. Essentially the titular book may or may not be sentient, but it is definitely malicious.
First Draft The..um...sequel to my standalone novel, and both my fantasy trilogies. In my defence it started out as a joke and spiralled out of control and now I want to write it for real but I literally have seven novels to finish first. 
...so yeah. That’s more or less all my active (on some level) writing projects. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything! There are a few more which I have ideas for, but I haven’t started them yet and I’m not going to until this shitstorm is a little less overwhelming. I also have costumes for my kids that I’m about to make, but...I’m not going into other creative ventures here because I will literally never finish. Oh, and there’s tagging, too... Huge apologies for dragging you to the end of this hot mess, but I’m calling on @draculasstrawhat and @ahiddenpath along with any other mutuals who didn’t already get tagged (I know I took long enough to do this that a lot of people already did!) No obligations of course, but I love seeing what people are up to!
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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
words: 1221
A/N: hey guys, here’s my first entry for @dianakko-week ! its set in my light years away AU and it can also be found on ao3, enjoy!
Diana sat quietly in the med-bay alongside the two other doctors, and lifelong friends, Hannah and Barbara.  The three had just finished up an exhausting day of dealing with some mass allergic reaction in the agricultural wing.  How it started was still a mystery, but Doctor Antonenko assured them the issue would be solved by the end of the week.  So, after nearly 8 hours of going through an impromptu physical on every scientist in that branch, the three women were happy to be off their feet.
None of them were actually working, they were just sitting back in silence staring at their blank monitors.  Diana was the first to lean forward with the intention of starting one of the many reports, when her comm started buzzing in her pocket.  The other two women let out pained groans.
“Relax,” Diana sighed, resisting her own groan, “I'm sure it's not another case.”  At least she hoped it wasn't.  She quickly fished it out and opened it up, “Hello?”
“Diana!” she recognized the voice immediately, a smile forming on her face as she stood up to leave the room, momentarily looking back to her friends, “don't worry girls, it's just a personal call.”
As the door closed behind her she heard a quiet ‘it's probably her girlfriend’ and a chorus of giggles.  Pretending she didn't hear that, she brought to comm back up to her ear, “apologizes Akko, what did you want to talk to me about?”
“Diana! Meet me the hydroponics lab! Now!” The woman pulled the comm away with a wince; her friend had always been on the loud side.
Bringing the comm back up to her face, she calmly replied, “Akko, what's this about?”  
“Just hurry!"
Diana briskly made her way down the hallway, counting the rooms as she passed.  She couldn't fathom what Akko could possibly need her in hydroponics for, as Diana didn't think she had any friends who worked in the lab.  She supposed her questions would be answered momentarily as she came up to the lab’s door.
When the doors slid open Diana saw a familiar figure standing with her back to the door, facing out into space.  Diana quietly made her way behind the petite woman and gently tapped her shoulder.   She couldn't help but laugh as the woman let out a shriek, jumping a foot into the air. Upon landing, she whipped around to face the still giggling Diana.
“Diaaaaana,” she whined sticking her lip out in an adorable pout, “you can't just sneak up on me like that”
The guilty party covered her mouth to hide her smile, “I apologize Akko, but you make it much too easy.”
Akko crossed her arms with a huff turning away in mock anger, “I guess you don't want to know why I called you here.”
“Fine, you convinced me,” Akko grabbed Diana's hand and yanked her to the window, “look!” She waved her hand in the general direction of the window.
Diana followed her hand with her eyes trying to see whatever it was Akko wanted her to see, “yes, it does seem extra dark out today” she drawled.
Akko yelp as she plastered her face against the window, looking for whatever mystery was out there.  “No, no, no, no, Alcor!” she called out to the ever-present AI stepping back from the window, “where do we have to go?!” Diana bit her lip in frustration at the cryptic question.
Alcor’s voice crackled to life, “Ms. Kagari, due to the rotation of the Ring, it can currently be viewed at the Agricultural labs.”
Diana wanted to throw her arms up; the answer had been just as cryptic as the question, “Alcor, can you please tell me what’s go-”
Akko grabbed her hand again, yanking her away from the window and back into the hall, “no questions! It’s a surprise!”
“A-kko!” Diana cried in protest, tripping over herself as she was pulled along by the energetic woman.
The two quickly made their way to the other lab, weaving through the rows of crops scattered throughout the room, as Akko made a bee-line to the window.  “Ah-ha! Diana, come over here, you can see it!” The woman jumped from foot to foot, like a child on Christmas morning.
Diana shook her head, a small smile forming on her face; Akko was too cute for her own good. Stepping up beside Akko and looking out, she couldn't help letting out a gasp at what she saw, “Akko, is that a-”
“Star? Yup, no one up on the bridge could believe it either!”
Diana shook her head in disbelief, all the sensors suggested that they should see plenty of stars, yet it had been a whole year since they've been able to see even one.
until now.
Dead ahead was a single star shining bright and strong, after so long it was incredible. The two women stared out in awe, neither saying a word.
A pause.  Then another.  Everything seemed to slow down.  Even the ever present hum of the artificial gravity relays seemed to fade into the background.
It was Akko who broke the silence first, hesitantly asking a single question, “do you ever feel homesick?”  Diana turned to face the younger woman, who was still looking out into space, a strange look on her face.
She felt a pang in her heart as she considered the question.  It was true she had left her mother behind, as well as some other family and an abundance of wealth.  But now that her mother was gone?  Well, she supposed she really wasn't.  Despite leaving those things behind, here on the Luna Nova she had her two closest friends, a rigorous job exploring the final frontier, and of course, she also had Akko.
But what about Akko? She must have left family behind.  In all the years Diana had known Akko, she had seen a wide variety of emotions come from the woman, but the ache Diana felt in her chest at Akko’s tone and words was something new.  To be frank, she didn't like it.
Without thinking, Diana wrapped her arm around Akko’s shoulders and pulled her in, ignoring the small squeak.  “What prompted that question Akko?” she asked softly.  She felt the ache in her chest replace itself with a warm fuzzy feeling as Akko relaxed into her.  
Akko shrugged, “I don't know I guess I just thought ‘what if that was our sun?’,  which I know isn't possible - it couldn't be, but it just came to mind, and I don't know it made me think of home,” her words came out fast and jumbled as she awkwardly looked down at her boots, “it's silly, I know.”
Diana gave Akko’s shoulder a light squeeze, pulling her closer, “I don't think it's silly at all.”
Akko let out an appreciative hum and wrapped her arm around Diana's waist, “Well, whichever star it is, it sure is a beautiful sight.”  It was Diana's turn to make a hum of agreement.   The two fell back into a comfortable silence, enjoying the closeness.
“Not to ruin the moment, but I think we both need to go to med-bay right now.  It’s getting hard to breathe and I’m itching all over.”
“I was really hoping that was just emotions running high...let's go please.”
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lethesomething · 7 years
Haikyuu High Noon
Consider the following AU: the Haikyuu boys in a classic western cowboy type setting.
Karasuno is a small frontier town out in the boonies. While it had a good reputation some years ago as a nice place for hopeful, hard working folks to start a life, the last few years it's fallen. It's been overrun by bandits and several of the stores have been abandoned.
Tsukishima Kei is the highly respected, if not exactly loved, sheriff of Karasuno. He was elected a year ago, on the recommendation of people like Daichi, to clean the place up. He's determined to make the town as safe and stable as possible. He’s cool headed and smart, with a good shot, but his social skills need work. The one who spends most time with him is his deputy, Yamaguchi Tadashi. They sort of came as a package deal, and this is probably a good thing. Because while Sheriff Tsukishima is an excellent shot, deputy Yamaguchi is the one that ruffled kids hair and gets cats out of trees. He's a one-man pr team for the sheriff's office.
The local saloon is run by Sawamura Daichi, who has a shotgun underneath his bar and isn’t afraid to tell everyone about this. He's a second generation citizen of the town and has seen its good days. He'd like to return to them. His friend Sugawara Koushi has an undisclosed occupation, but mostly resides at the saloon. He sometimes works there when the other is busy, but mostly he spends his days playing cards and liberating any travellers from their money. Asahi Azumane is their mild-mannered and slightly panicky pianist. But he’s tall and broad enough to stop most bar fights just by getting up off his little stool. This mostly happens when Suga has won another game and is shit talking his opponent. If Asahi's presence isn't enough of a deterrent, there's always Daichi's shotgun.
The bank is run by Ennoshita Chikara, who made his fortune in the big city. He managed to get the business at bottom price, because the previous owner just wanted to live out his days in a place where he wouldn't get robbed at gunpoint every other week. The local populace considered this a bad business deal for Ennoshita, but when he took over the establishment, he brought his associates Kinoshita and Narita with him. The lot of them installed some ‘security measures’ and not a single outlaw has managed to get even one cent out of him since he came to Karasuno.
Miss Shimizu is the teacher at the small school, who is known to be a bit of a quiet beauty. She's another long term resident of Karasuno and she pretty much single handedly made the whole school project happen. She recently acquired an assistant, a very bright young woman with a rather nervous disposition named Miss Yachi. She comes from more genteel surroundings and she's very twitchy about guns, but she's excellent with the smaller children.
Tanaka Ryu and Nishinoya Yuu are grave diggers. Or they used to be. Nowadays, they’re a bit of everything, really. They make a living doing odd jobs for anyone, from helping the smith with shooing horses to moving barrels of beer for the saloon. In August, they help take in the harvest for the farms. They’re loud, but they’re fast and do good work. Sheriff Tsukishima basically made their previous job of full time grave digger dry up, but they don't seem to mind too much.
Ukai Keishin runs the grocery. He’s a grumpy sort of man, but stories talk about his history in the army, and how he used to be a real scary dude. Took the store over from his grandpappy, who had a tenure as one of the most successful sheriffs the town ever experienced. Back in the 'good' old days. In a small room above the grocery lives Takeda Itetsu, who is a writer. He’s a very polite and entirely too soft sort, and he came from the big city to experience first hand what life on the frontier was like. The idea was to make a series of articles, but he’s taken a liking to the town. Makes his money with a biweekly column he sends to the paper in the city. Gets very excited about the most random things and he’s known to help miss Shimizu out at the school.
Hinata Shouyou is, to all intents and purposes, a stable boy. He's also an unlikely dead hand with a pistol. He works for the horse trader, feeding the animals and generally taking care of them and their stables. One day one of the older farm hands was playing around shooting bottles in the field, and he got to try, and it turns out he’s a natural. He’s currently being tutored, reluctantly, by Kageyama Tobio. This strange man came riding in one day wearing a black suit and a scowl. That same day a deeply misguided band of outlaws tried to ransack the town and it turned out that Kageyama is one of the fastest guns in the West. He and the sheriff immediately came to the agreement that they didn’t like each other at All. But he's started up a friendship of sorts with several other residents and seems to have made one of the rooms above the saloon his home.
Nekoma's Pony Express is one of the best delivery services on the frontier. Since there’s no railroad to Karasuno, they’re also the main line to the big city. There’s the driver, Kenma, and the leader/mailman Kuroo, whose main skill seems to be talking himself out of whatever hostage situation they find themselves in. Because let’s be clear, the lands around Karasuno are not exactly safe. In case Kuroo fails, the Nekoma Express employs a sharpshooter called Kai and even an explosives expert, in the form of a very grumpy man called Yaku, who is said to have quite the military history. They recently hired an extra hand in the form of a weird Russian cowboy named Lev, who is talented, but also a bit of a liability.
Fort Shiratorizawa is the army barracks closest to the town of Karasuno (though obviously not close enough to provide actual safety). It is run by Captain Ushijima, who is known to be strict, quiet, and badass. Most of the day to day organising is done by his right hand man, First Lieutenant Semi, while a lot of the defensive organisation lies in the hands of second lieutenants Kawanishi and Yamagata. There’s a few strange figures running around in the barracks, most notably private Tendou, who some claim to just be an outlaw in disguise. There’s also Goshiki, a new hire with too much energy.
The Datekou Ranch lies just over the hills from Karasuno and is mostly run by Moniwa Kaname, a man who really is too mild mannered to lead a bunch of rowdy cowboys. Most notably two of his most experienced cowboys are usually at each other's throats. There's Futakuchi, who is a little shit, and Yamazaki, who has a short fuse. The only reason no one got killed so far, is because of the ranch’s gardener, Aone. The man is huge and does not appear to speak much, but he can break up any fight. Moniwa has offered to promote him to leader of the cattle team, but he prefers the quiet solitude of the ranches kitchen garden.
The wildlands around Karasuno are dangerous, and one of the main reasons for this is the Seijoh Gang. These outlaws employ a ‘robin hood’like way of operating, where they mostly let people go if they’re willing to part with their valuables. They’ve clashed repeatedly with the Datekou ranch and have ransacked the town of Karasuno at least once. Leader of this band is Oikawa, whose wanted posters never stay up long, since teenage girls (and some boys) steal them to hang in their bedrooms. He was tried for a crime he claims he didn’t commit, and was saved from the gallows by his current right hand man, Iwaizumi, in one of those spectacular ways that the papers have still not stopped writing about (yes, he shot the rope, yes that worked, no, nobody knows how). Together they have assembled a band of misfits to form one of the most successful gangs of criminals out there. Hanamaki and Matsukawa were originally gamblers, but were persuaded to lend their gun skills, Kyoutani was sprung from a jail they ransacked, where he was spending the night over a bar brawl. He just joined up. The band is even said to have a doctor, Watari, who ducked the draft in the army and ended up an outlaw
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tumblunni · 7 years
Random more ideas for my Pokemon Cosmos fangame that will probably never happen because I am awful at creating things, but its fun to imagine as a distant dream to cheer me up on sad days~! And cos I talked with @summon-daze and she gave me really great suggestions! (if I missed anything you said yesterday, message me and I’ll add it here! I want everyone to hear your Fab Thoughts!)
* Maractus: sinnoh form! Its just a poor pokemon that deserved better. Giving it some sort of visual and mechanical revamp would help it step out from under cacturne’s shadow. My idea was maybe a different type of cactus, or a related plant. Like perhaps an aloe vera form that has healing moves!
* Pokemon contests replaced with EVIL MINIGAMES Like, how the Pokeathelon stats were all coloured the same as contest stats and stuff. Do a thing like that but more streamlined! Just have this one set of out-of-battle stats and use them for multiple different minigames! And since the protagonist is an evil team grunt, you coud have stuff like stealth, lockpicking, hacking, etc! Use a koffing as a smokescreen to swipe some cash!
* A possible other idea, or possibly both? Maybe THE PLAYER could have contest stats instead! Like the social stats in persona games, but for fun they could be the same interface as pokemon contests. Daze gave me some really cool suggestions like how ‘cuteness’ could mean how good you are at hiding your true intentions when the police interrogate you. I was thinking coolness could equal charisma/good at talking/whatever, so cuteness could be ‘innocence’. And like, if you just have it on its own then it might mean you actually are more of a good guy villain. But if you max out both cuteness and toughness then you become a super scary evil boss who can intimidate their minions but also manipulate people with false goodness.
* Following pokemon, but more! The cute idea of seeing other trainers having following pokemon in cutscnes sometimes, and stuff. I always really love seeing pokemon just living life around the world map, it always adds so much more worldbuilding! I loved the ride pokemon and the machamp delivery service and the various farming ranch places in different games. But what if you could just see more random lil animations of mons hanging out as npcs? Have some wild murkrow fluttering around on alleyway rooftops when it becomes nighttime. Have your rival character appear training their pokemon randomly on routes sometimes, like an actual overworld animation of it, not just battling them. Bits of supplementary visual storytelling! And I figured maybe the evil admins could have their own unique rooms, like in ORAS. But cos you’re playing as one of the team, you get to actually see them hanging around the room and stuff. See them playing with their mons while off duty! Who would have a pet bed? Who would just let their giant skuntank sleep on the foot of their own bed? Who would buy a bazillion squeaky toys? Who would spend all their time grooming thier mons for a secret Contest career on weekends? So many potential ideas! Hell, maybe just have some random events like sometimes if you open a certain cupboard a pokemon will jump out before you actually get to look in it. Tiny ghost friend is sleepe on de paperwork~ Oh, and it could be cool if following pokemon still happened even when you have a double battle partner! You get to see their pokemon too, followinmg after yours! Oh, and maybe depending on what pokemon you have, there’s a small chance of some secret animations? i was thinking maybe Cheryl’s chansey would carry small pokemon on her head.
* OH AND YEAH. Bigger role for the stat trainers! I was so happy Daze helped me figure this out, cos this totally solves so many problems I had with the early game plot and tutorial gameplay and stuff. The ‘stat trainer’ group that were sidequests in original sinnoh and partners in the battle frontier- here they could be like the supporting social links! A problem I had was that of course you cant just immediately be best friends with all the evil admins as soon as you join the team. So I was thinking I’d have to make up a bunch of new characters to carry the plot early on, but repurposing the stat trainers for this purpose would be awesome! They could be your set of ordinary friends you have while off-duty, and doing their friend routes helps train your social stats that you need to use to unlock the admin friend routes. So theyd actually literally be stat trainers!
* I’m not sure which social stats I should give to each of them though? I’m wondering at the moment about whether cheryl or mira should be ‘cuteness’. I mean, they’re both cute but who has it as more of a defining character trait? Honestly you could say either of them could work as toughness too, since cheryl is braving a haunted forest alone and mira is kicking ass in a big scary optional doom dungeon even though she’s like six years old! I can imagine mira’s route could more easily train toughness in the PLAYER though. Like, you’re inspired by seeing her being so brave and mature for her age, and you wanna try and look like a tough responsible older sibling figure to her. And hmm, cheryl’s personality was the most vague of them all, she could probably also symbolise beauty/elegance/composure if you wanna interpret it that way. Or she could be smartness, cos I dunno maybe if we looked for a reason why she was in that haunted dungeon in the first place, maybe she could be like a detective? That would be really neat if she still kept her personality and all, a very shy and humble detective that’s like ‘oh i’m not so great’ *is being great right now* Or maybe she’s not really a detective by career, but she could be like a paranormal investigator fan, or maybe she has a secret backstory that led to some reason she needs to find something in that forest, or maybe she’s not local to sinnoh and thats why she got lost, or maybe she was kidnapped by a villain and escaped but was stuck in the forest, or... well, cheryl’s vagueness has a lot of potential! Oh and Riley could also work as either smartness or beauty or coolness or... man all these undeveloped charries are just REALLY POTENTIAL in all five fundemental awesomenesses! It could work any way!
* Maybe they could have more inter-relating plots with gym leaders and other big plot figures? like how Buck is Flint’s brother. And there’s a small mention of Marley knowing Oak from kanto. I was thinking maybe cheryl and gardenia might know each other? or maybe cheryl could be related to a different grass type gym leader from another region. She just REALLY looks like she should be a grass type, but she’s all about the chanseys instead, lol! maybe she’s the black sheep of an all grass types family, and journeyed to sinnoh to start her own journey instead. So she could be like a sweet shy spoiled posh girl who maybe doesnt know entirely what she’s doing, and got wrapped up in [some sort of excuse for the forest sidequest] cos she was a little naive. But then when you team up with her you find out she’s actuallly a total badass stone wall strategist, and her relative inexperience at social situations doesnt mean she’s not a battle expert! And then maybe you could keep in touch with her while she lives at a hotel in one of the cities, and her continuing sidequests could involve you giving her tours of sinnoh and helping her send postcards back to her family. And.. like.. trying to hide the fact that she keeps getting into super dangerous situations, lol. Dear mom and dad I am completely fine and didnt beat up a bunch of villains with my bare knuckles this morning, here is my friend who absolutely didnt rescue me from forest ghosts. Oh, and maybe she could become friends with Fantina, because they could both relate to being from different regions. And fantina is just a very nice jolly person who probably does a bunch of community outreach programs in her neighbourhood and picks up litter in the hammiest way possible. i just imagine she tries to act like a mentor to anyone who even crosses her line of sight! lol, maybe her and crasher wake could even be rivals because of it? i imagine her teasing wake for getting a new student while wake is all like ‘gahhh please take this barry away, i keep telling him no’
* oh, and barry would be the unofficial sixth stat trainer. He’d still have a role in the plot as a friendly rival even though this is a perspective flip AU. I was thinking he doesnt know you’re actually one of the bad guys, so you end up being friends, and then when he finds out he tries to oppose team galactic in much the same way but now with an added plot of him believing there’s some good in you and trying to convince you to switch sides.
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kikumerio · 6 years
dear yuletide author
dear yuletide author,
first of all, i'm so sorry this ended up so late, and thank you very much for your patience! without further ado:
my single most important consideration is that you write something you're excited to write – that's where all the best yuletide fic comes from, anyway! – so just remember that you should feel free to disregard any and all of the following if you're not feeling it. i mean this, some of the best exchange gifts i've ever gotten have been passion projects that had nothing to do with anything i would have thought of to put in a letter. but if you're looking for somewhere to start brainstorming--
stuff i like in general: loyalty, small gestures that speak loudly, unspoken feelings, loyalty, tropes, meta-tropes, and loyalty. my other internet footprint is at @snowshoe if you're looking to get a sense of me outside of, um, sports anime.
frontier wolf: i am alllll about alexios/hilarion, for reasons above, but if you're not into slash, i'm very into that intense platonic dynamic ("the Sutcliff", if you will) as well. i could read 431843904 takes on post-series fic and never get tired of it – oh wait, i have! – or ditto for hilarion's backstory if you want to focus on just one of the two of them. (which is fine with me.) i would also love to read place fic – whether that place is valentia or belgica is up to you – and/or winter fic. i really admire how well Sutcliff fandom does both of those things, so if you are looking for a chance to dig into the setting… here it is.
i don't usually think in terms of AUs in this fandom but if you have an exciting idea my ears are open! (the one exception is – bear with me here, this is weirdly specific – years ago i read carmarthen's eagle of the ninth historical reenactment au and immediately thought, wow, what is the crew from frontier wolf up to in this 'verse, how on earth did alexios RUIN AN SCA CHAPTER. i don't know enough about reenactment to do this convincingly myself but if you do…) (please don't feel you have to do this.)
note: this section is shorter than the others not because i'm less excited about it but because the source material more strongly for itself, and the fandom has more recent activity (i.e., it actually exists). i trust you already. :)
here is greenwood/koko wa greenwood: god, it's been so long! i check this tag every so often in the vain hope someone out there is thinking about this, so if we matched on this, know you are making my year.
the mitsuru/shinobu dynamic – i could write ten thousand words on this. i ship it, of course, but it's not exclusively a ship thing. for a Wacky Boarding School Hijinx comedy manga, the extent to which mitsuru… saves… shinobu… is so poignant. (the apartment rental scene, end me.) that's one of the things i really love about greenwood as a whole, that juxtaposition of increasingly wild settings and schemes with bits of emotion played straight that resonate even more because of it. romantic or platonic – it almost doesn't matter – mitsuru's importance to shinobu is so critical. (and that is the axis i tend to get hung up on so if you want to write about the role shinobu plays for mitsuru, please! because there is plenty to chew on there.) the way shinobu is so incredibly sure that this "shelter from the rain" can't last, and that that's never explicitly countered in the manga but the note it goes out on is, they're going on to university together, so… maybe. maybe.
breathes. having said that, outside of that black hole of feelings, i'm also super interested in the tezuka family and associates in general. the dynamic between shinobu and noriko is so fascinating, and hasn't been explored too much. i would read a deep dive into their relationship – platonic, sexual, probably pretty messed up no matter what – in a heartbeat. i just deleted a whole paragraph about how greenwood is a metaphor for japanese society during the bubble economy, so i'll just say: the manga ended the year the bubble burst. greenwood meets the 90s, i'd read it.
i just wrote um a lot about mostly shinobu, but of course the charm of greenwood is the clown car ensemble cast, and dorm hijinks or reunion hijinks (greenwood dousoukai!) or a typical Scheme gone awry – or all too right? – would be absolutely delightful. seriously, you cannot possibly go wrong in this fandom. now brb gotta go listen to "amayadori" another twenty thousand times.
haikyuu stage rpf: i nominated this and i have the sneaking feeling i am the only person who requested or offered it, so if we matched on this (or if you're browsing pinch hits and this interests you), please PLEASE let's be friends. but desperate appeals aside.
i nommed kazuma, kouhei, hiroki, and keita. but like. you can write whoever you want to. (kenta, tatsunari, takato, shouri, the dear departed hirata yuuya, literally anyone.) i ship: kazuma/kouhei, keita/hiroki, yuuya/kousuke (leave me alone), takato/shouri, ryousuke/kairi, etc ad infinitum. i platonically ship kenta/tatsunari, like, they are not best friends but they clearly trust and respect each other so much? claws at the carpet. (if you wanted to take it to a non-platonic place, be my guest, it's so pure i can't do it in my head, but i trust you.)
kazuma/kouhei: i mean! look at them! they mean so much to each other! kouhei made kazuma cry during curtain calls. literally every hajimari no kyojin interview/blog post/whatever is about how amazing kazuma is and how supportive kouhei is. kouhei's band, in which kazuma guests so often he's called a "regular". plus, it's a classic beauty and the bro dynamic.
keita/hiroki: it is one of the great tragedies of my life that hiroki left the cast JUST AS keita came back. like. @ god, why. this ship is definitely uhhhh based on my deep social media analysis that ino hiroki is super thirsty. and, i mean, who could blame him! they went on overnight onsen trips. i'm just saying. (my headcanon is also that kazuma is Into It, "it" being the sheer aesthetic perfection of tanaka keita, on a physical level. then he started all these mushy emotional Feelings about kouhei, what the shit, kouhei's not even his type!! …hi.)
AUs: any of them. all of them. please. go wild.
i run a haikyuu stage tumblr with a bunch of interview translations and event reports and uploads over at @shoushatohaisha, if you need some material. i'm going to try and get the hajimari no kyojin stuff, which is where kazuma really comes into his own, up as soon as i get my dvd, and i have assorted hnk reports and translations up already.
thank you, again, for your patience in waiting for this letter, and for writing any of these three incredibly rare fandoms. i am so, so excited to read whatever you write!
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agnikristinca · 7 years
Government of Biafra : " Catalan Independence from Spain is Irreversibly Identified by Biafran Govt - The Sovereign Catalonia Republic can Exit europe (EU) and Jointly Make an application for African Union (AU) Membership with Israel."
* 50 years Ago , Spain (along with Almost all of the Rest of the then Modern World) Coldly Looked On  , as Millions (and Millions) of Impoverished Biafran Citizens , Slowly (and Painfully) Died of Starvation - During the (Extremely Brutal) Nigerian Civil War , also known as the Biafran Holocaust. The Only Crime with the (Woefully) Marginalized Biafrans (during those times) was they Lawfully Desired to become an unbiased , Self-Reliant (and Sovereign) National Republic. Sadly , Not the Horrific (and Haunting) Emanciated Skeletal Photographs of Over millions of Dying Biafran Children were Emotional Enough to Politically Soften the Hearts , the Minds along with the Souls of the Wealthy Spanish Government through the day (plus Most of the Remaining then , Equally Wealthy , Modern World as a whole). * Hence, it is No Surprise (Whatsoever) to Biafra that Fifty Years Later , The dominion of Spain has , (To date) , Fundamentally (and Highly Unhelpfully) Still did not Convince the Government of Biafra as to the reasons It (Too) Should Gleefully Join the Silent Chorus of world Leadership that is (Undemocratically) Ignoring the Overwhelming Result of Catalonia's (Landmark , Lawful and Long Overdue) Independence Referendum. * Whatever is occurring inside the (Excruciatingly Conservative) Spanish Courts just isn't (Primarily) Our Concern , therefore Decisions are incredibly Much Likely to end up Profoundly Biased in preference of the Incumbent Spanish Government. For that Record (Being Absolute Clear) : Biafra Unequivocally Believes in Robustly Upholding the Democratic Will of the People (As Rightfully Expressed using a Legitimate Referendum) , Fully Implementing the Separation of Powers (As Rightfully Stipulated in International Law) , and Completely Respecting the Supremacy of Parliament (As Rightfully Expected in almost any Modern Democracy). * In terms of Peaceful Biafran Democrats are involved : Perhaps the Parliament of Catalonia (Ceremonially) produces a Formal Declaration of Independence Itself (or otherwise) is Purely Immaterial ; because Positive Referendum Result's Already Really clear to All and varied. Since All European Citizens should be Equal prior to Eyes of the Law , the fact remains that Any EU Citizen in Catalonia (or Beyond) can Lawfully Make Declaration for the Catalonian Citizens ; so far as the Declaration Accurately Reflects the Result of the Aforementioned Catalonian Referendum (inter alia). That is certainly (Technically) things i Boldly Did around 2 Weeks Ago (approximately) , employing a Valid European (EU) Passport ; which was Lawfully Acquired by me due to being Born in england. While (Probably) All Aware , the UK is Leaving europe - I really Profoundly Felt it had become Right (and Proper at the Time) to Officially Use the Aforementioned EU Passport to do Something that has been Historically Useful , before Losing It After Brexit. * Consequently , As at Today , the essential Truth of the Matter is that the Government of Biafra (in Diaspora) Has recently Diplomatically Recognized the Independent Republic of Catalonia being a Sovereign (Freestanding) State. * Furthermore , Please Kindly Be Advised that The Most Excellent State Counsellor of Biafraland is (Now) Fully Empowered to Unreservedly Receive Appropriate Letters of Credence - (and Other Forms of Diplomatic Correspondence) - all Accredited Catalonian Ambassadors , All Approved Catalonian Envoys and all sorts of Designated Catalonian Representatives (etc). * Finally , when the Western european (EU) does not wish to assist the New Catalonian Republic , (for Fear of Angering Spain) , this might be a Jolly Good plan for Catalan Leaders to Diplomatically Approach Israel and get being (Formally) 'Co-opted' into Israel's Current Application to become listed on the African Union (AU). Only were the current Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) , Take part in hesitate (for any Single Second) in Swiftly Assimilating (both) Israel and Catalonia into Africa on the Identical Time ; because the Net Effect would ultimately be that this Northern Frontier of Africa would've thus (Miraculously) Expanded (Overnight) into A few of the Wealthiest Aspects of (both) Europe along with the Middle East. Africa is Quickly becoming a Rather Prosperous Continent (Indeed) - and yes it would therefore be Exceedingly Unwise of the New Catalonian Republic to (Arrogantly) Overlook This kind of Huge Collaborative Opportunity ; most importantly when Catalonia has already been Hospitably Hosting Lots (and plenty) of African Economic Migrants (and Students) within the last Few Centuries (or so). Independence of Catalonia from Spain was already Irreversibly Recognized by Biafra , and that we Hereby Publicly Necessitate Immediate Diplomatic Dialogue between both of these (Great) Sovereign Nations. However - We may also like to restore Abundantly Clear the Government of Biafra will henceforth get it upon itself to Comprehensively Make sure that Any Further Acts of Spanish Govt Aggression against Unarmed Catalan Citizens is going to be immediately (and decisively) known the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully , Probably the most Excellent Professor Obi GKB State Counsellor of Biafraland Government of Biafra www.govt.africa 27th Day's October 2017 Crucial NOTES : Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi is a Highly Controversial Black European Politician of British Birth , Biafran Heritage , Igbo Extraction , Nigerian Wit , African Descent , Global Outlook , International Renown and Worldwide Reach. Doctor Obi previously worked like a (Young) Medical Adviser at State House Annex Clinic in Abuja ; around the time with the Equally Controversial Presidency of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. For the Past 2 decades (approximately), he's got quietly served as State Counsellor to the Biafran Diaspora ; a job which includes taken him Susbstantially Worldwide. https://www.linkedin.com/in/alternativemedicinedoctor will be the Official Linkedin Profile of Prof Obi. His Primary Remit (as State Counsellor of Biafraland) is as Follows: * To Peacefully Apply for Diplomatic Recognition of Biafraland ; as an Independent State under Lawful Occupation. * To Peacefully Represent the Biafran Diaspora at the United Nations (UN) , the european countries (EU) and All Major Diplomatic Bodies across the World (and Beyond). * To Peacefully (and Jointly) Negotiate with (both) Nigeria and Cameroon ; with an Ongoing (Harmonious) Level. * To Peacefully Conduct a Census coming from all (Non-Terrorist) Biafrans in Diaspora. * To Internationally Promote Biafrans as being a Peaceful (Non-Terrorist) People. www.govt.africa is the Official Website of the Government in Diaspora ; of Biafraland. Effective the 21st Day's September 2017 (as he was Officially Sworn in) , the State Counsellor has since automatically assumed the state run Diplomatic Status of your Internationally Protected Person (IPP) ; as duly outlined by the relevant United Nations (UN) Conventions along with other Appropriate Diplomatic Treaties. According to the United Nations (UN) , an  “Internationally Protected Person” is either : * A Head of State, including any person in a Collegial Body performing the functions of your Head of State under the constitution of the State concerned ; and also folks His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her). * A Head of Government ; along with folks His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her). * A Minister for Foreign Affairs, whenever such body's inside a Foreign State ; and also members of His (or Her) Family who accompany Him (or Her). * Any Diplomat or Representative or Official of the State , or Any Official or Other Agent of an International Organization of an Intergovernmental Character who , is entitled (pursuant to International Law) to Special Protection from any attack on His (or Her) Person, Freedom or Dignity ; in addition to folks His (or Her) Family forming a part of His (or Her) Household. * Even though the Us (UN) globally sets the standards for "Internationally Protected Persons", it can be Solely up to the Relevant Governments (Themselves) to determine who Individually Qualifies for your Appropriate Positions that your UN has carefully determined in it's Aforementioned Diplomatic Criteria (Inter Alia). More information will likely be Formally Released sooner or later. Regarding the International Court of Justice (ICJ): The International Court of Justice (ICJ) may be the principal judicial organ with the Us (UN). It was established in June 1945 with the Charter with the Un and started operate in April 1946. The seat from the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the six principal organs in the Un, it is the just one not situated in Ny (Usa). The Court’s role is usually to settle, according to international law, legal disputes sent to it by States also to give advisory opinions on legal questions described it by authorized Un organs and specialized agencies. Legal court comprises 15 judges, who're elected for regards to office of nine years with the Un General Assembly and also the Security Council. It is assisted by the Registry, its administrative organ. Its official languages are English and French.
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