ms-scarletwings · 8 months
today in “IZ realizations I’m surprised didn’t hit me years ago”:
You might know about that one Vortian who shows up a couple times on screen in “The Frycook that Came From all that Space” yeah? This one
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Now I remembered them all this time too, but in my head, I just said to myself that this was just another Vortian. After all, we’ve seen so few of them, it would be kind of a stretch to assume any grey member of the species on screen has to be a Lard cameo, right?
Except the longer I looked at this guy the more I noticed they had Nar’s look copied down to the outfit.
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Well, it’s not too out of line for animators to reuse models a bit for quick background extras, either, that’s still no concrete-
oh hi, Spleenk
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Oh hi Shloonktapooxis
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Well hot shit on a stick, now my tune has giddily changed to “the Resisty freaking cameo’d chilling around together on Foodcourtia” and i wish I could relay how absolutely funny it is now to know I’ve seen what Lard Nar looks like without his goggles since I was a kid,
And it’s just as ridiculous as I have always dreamed it would be
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godbirdart · 2 years
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commission for Khaliarart
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
Sizz-Lorr and Foodcourtia headcanons (and a bunch of other stuff) because this man has an implied past with that scar and unique armour and I am HERE for the implications:
Sizz-Lorr is one of the oldest irkens we’ve seen in the show. Irkens live for up to 800 years. Sizz-Lorr is in his mid 600s. He’s old, but not very old by irken standards, as they start showing signs of old age around the age of 750 or so.
Just for comparison, Zim, Skoodge, Tak and Tenn are all 15, Red and Purple are 16, and Tallest Miyuki was in her 400s at the time of her death.
Sizz-Lorr also very obviously has a military background of some sort. He instructs the soldiers that deliver Zim to him with the authority of a military commander and has that unique armour and gigantic scar across his face, which must have been quite the injury in order for it to still be visible nowadays since irkens heal very quickly.
Sizz-Lorr was a very high ranking soldier that served the Tallest before Miyuki, and was allowed to retire and become the Frylord of Foodcourtia because of his long and excellent service. The scar is from an injury he got when he was on the front line.
As for what he did as a soldier, I would like to present his armour that he wears to collect Zim.
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Sizz-Lorr’s armour has the invader insignia on it, but it obviously isn’t invader armour. Invaders just don’t get that kind of tech. It wouldn’t help their mission and would probably cause more harm than good because of how obvious it is, when invading is a stealth focused job.
It’s armour given to a class equal in rank to invaders, who do something other than invade.
It’s Special Forces armour. A class equal in rank to invaders, but focused towards fighting on the front lines instead of stealthily invading planets beforehand. More specifically, it’s Frontline Division Special Forces armour, which is pretty much the default division of special forces.
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[click on the image for better quality]
Members of Special Forces are given special powered armour that’s designed for combat in all environments, boasting heavy armour covering every square inch of the wearer’s body, retractable weapons all across the suit, most notably in the shoulder pads, which contain one plasma canon rivalling the power of a small ship each, even more weapons built into the gauntlets of the armour, a mask allowing the wearer to breathe in space and most notably of all, a jetpack.
Now the presence of a jetpack and space equipment shouldn’t be that important considering that irkens have both of those things built into their PAKs, with a spacesuit function and a built in jetpack.
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But the thing about the built in jetpack is, it doesn’t work when on the surface of a planet. It’s not powerful enough to lift an irken off the ground because it’s an EVA pack. It’s meant to be used only in very low to zero gravity environments, which is why Zim only uses it in Planet Jackers when he’s in space, where there’s no gravity.
The Special Forces jetpack on the other hand is more than powerful enough to be used in situations where gravity is too strong for the PAK thrusters.
But there’s one more thing that’s extremely important about the Special Forces jetpack, along with the armour itself:
It’s all a part of the irken’s PAK.
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When irkens officially complete Special Forces training and receive their armour, their PAKs are modified to contain the jetpack part of the armour. The rest of the armour is connected to the outside of the PAK as well, folding up to become a metal shell that surrounds the PAK whenever it’s not in use or needs to be removed for whatever reason. We don’t see this metal shell form on Sizz-Lorr because he always has his armour (mostly) deployed.
The jetpack also has a set of mechanical wings that are used for gliding when in an atmosphere, visually resembling something like dragonfly wings. These wings are actually modified PAK legs. The PAK legs extend from the PAK and the wings extend from the PAK legs.
These modified PAK legs can still be used as regular PAK legs, they just have the bonus ability of becoming wings capable of gliding. They have all the same tools that regular PAK legs have, but stronger. They even have a more powerful version of the mining laser that all irken PAKs have.
The mining laser is a square shaped laser fired using all four PAK legs simultaneously. We’ve seen Zim use it several times throughout the series and Tak use it once. It’s the most powerful weapon in the entire PAK.
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^ This is the unmodified irken mining laser in action, so you can probably imagine just how powerful the upgraded version given to Special Forces soldiers is.
The irken’s spinal implants (a large set of metal plates that takes up most of the irken’s back and helps the PAK connect without damaging the irken’s insides) are also modified to accommodate the extra weight of the armour whenever it’s in its undeployed shell-covering-the-PAK form
The wearer can also choose how much of their body the armour covers at any given time. We already see Sizz-Lorr retract his jetpack when he doesn’t need it, but he also actively chooses to leave his arms uncovered by his armour, as the heavy duty designed-for-combat gauntlets that the armour has would get in the way of his job as a Frylord. Instead, Sizz-Lorr makes his armour stop just after the shoulders and wears proper cooking gloves. He also retracts the mask when he’s doing his job, as the space-proof mask also gets in the way of his job as a Frylord.
There are also multiple divisions of Special Forces, all designed for different things. There’s the Frontline Division, which is the largest division and is what Sizz-Lorr used to be a part of, but there’s also the Incendiary Corps, the Cryonics Division, the Royal Forces (the Tallest’s personal set of Special Forces soldiers), and many more.
The different divisions have slightly different armours, as they’re all meant to do different things. The Frontline Division is the default division however, and has completely unmodified armour as a result of that. The other armours are all essentially just modified Frontline Division armour.
Just for comparison, the Incendiary Corps Armour has better heat resistance than the Frontline Armour, a wrist mounted flamethrower unique to the corps and ditches the shoulder mounted plasma canon for a shoulder mounted napalm launcher, also unique to the Incendiary Corps, just to name a few differences. Armour is also coloured differently depending on the division.
Speaking of the Incendiary Corps, Invader Tenn is a former member. As for why they didn’t get to keep their armour while Sizz-Lorr did, there’s a very simple explanation for that: The differences between their current jobs.
Sizz-Lorr is a Frylord. That’s a civilian job that definitely doesn’t need the Special Forces armour, but at the same time, it doesn’t hamper his ability to work. Plus his PAK and spinal implants have already been modified and it would be a massive hassle to undo that, and after all his hard work in the military, Sizz-Lorr definitely earned that armour.
In comparison, Tenn is an invader. That’s a military job, but it requires stealth and keeping a low profile. A suit of powered armour capable of going toe to toe with a small army with the irken armada insignia on both shoulders definitely doesn’t fit the description of stealthy and inconspicuous, especially when you’re alone on an enemy planet. The armour can protect you from a lot, but it can’t go up against an entire planet’s worth of soldiers, which is what you’ll be going up against if your identity is discovered. Tenn still has the modified spinal implants and PAK and she can still deploy the Special Forces jetpack, but it’s very much not recommended to do so without the stability and protection that the armour provides, as the armour protects the wearer from both the extreme force of the jetpack and the extremely hot exhaust. She also still has the modified PAK legs that can fold outwards to become wings and the improved mining laser that comes with them, but without being able to use the jetpack, the wings can only be used for gliding. If Tenn ever manages to conquer Meekrob, her armour will be given back to her.
Anyways, back to Sizz-Lorr. Not only was he a member of Special Forces, but he was a Special Forces COMMANDER. He commanded a squad of 9-10 irken soldiers in power armour for a living, and he was GOOD at it, having completed tens of dozens of successful missions and participated in hundreds of battles.
There’s also Sizz-Lorr’s shock spear, or shock spatula in his case.
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This is an irken shock spear:
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It’s a staple of irken culture. An electrified halberd that can either focus energy through the blades for better melee damage or fire energy from the tip for use as a ranged weapon.
It’s irken tradition to make your own shock spear once you leave the smeet academy, and you won’t find a single irken that doesn’t partake in this tradition. Even Zim has his own spear that he built by himself.
But shock spears don’t have a strict design that they must follow when being made. Many irkens go for the popular two-bladed design, which is why we see it the most, but you don’t have to follow those rules. Sizz-Lorr making his shock spear resemble a giant spatula is a perfect example of that.
Sizz-Lorr’s giant spatula actually predates his title of Frylord, as he used it back when he was in Special Forces. He built it to replace his previous shock spear that broke during a mission, and he’s used it ever since.
Also worth noting Sizz-Lorr’s armour in that picture with the spiked shoulder pads, front that resembles an apron and cape-like thing that actually is an apron. That’s Sizz-Lorr’s “Foodening gear”. He built it when he was stuck in the Foodening after Zim escaped for the first time. It’s designed to work as armour protecting him from the never ending stream of customers that show up during the Foodening. It also contains equipment designed to make cooking large amounts of food easier, including two built in automatic fryers in the shoulder pads, so he can cook as much food as possible in a short amount of time.
As for why he dons it to chase Zim, it’s less because it gives him an advantage (quite the opposite in fact, as his Foodening gear gets in the way of his jetpack and Special Forces armour), and more because if he goes after Zim, win or lose, he’s going to be facing the Foodening. The most he can do is take Zim down with him and have both of them go through the Foodening together.
Speaking of the Foodening, let’s talk about Sizz-Lorr’s current job.
Sizz-Lorr is the Frylord of Foodcourtia. That means that he owns the entire planet, but he doesn’t own all the restaurants on Foodcourtia. Sizz-Lorr has his very own restaurant in the form of Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster, which is his restaurant that he owns and runs, but every other store on Foodcourtia is owned by other people, of all sorts of races, not just irkens.
If someone wants to open a restaurant or another business (like a Snacky Cab) on Foodcourtia, they go to Sizz-Lorr, who gives them an area to put the store and gives them permission to advertise. In exchange, Sizz-Lorr gets a tiny chunk of the store’s profit. That tiny chunk of the profit is small enough to not really affect the individual store financially, but when combined with all the other restaurants and stores on the entire planet, which all also give Sizz-Lorr a tiny amount of their profits, it adds up to quite a lot of money in Sizz-Lorr’s pockets.
Meanwhile, despite already having a steady stream of income from his main job as a Frylord, Sizz-Lorr also owns and runs his own business, Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster, although it’s less of an income thing and more of a personal thing. Sizz-Lorr’s main job of leasing Foodcourtia gets him more money in a week then Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster does in a full year, but Sizz-Lorr doesn’t care. Shloogorgh's is a personal project of his and apart from dealing with the Foodening, he enjoys spending his retirement running the place.
Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is also one of most popular restaurants on Foodcourtia, partially because it’s run by the living legend and owner of Foodcourtia that is Sizz-Lorr. So Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is a bit like the unofficial capital of Foodcourtia. Sizz-Lorr also lives in his restaurant, with a house being located on the top floor.
Now there’s just one problem with Foodcourtia, and I’ve mentioned it before. The Foodening.
Before explaining how the Foodening works, there’s something very important that should be said about irkens; They don’t experience time like us. Their brains automatically translate local time into irk time, and they perceive time differently depending on that.
I’m bad at explaining this through words, so here’s a graph that should hopefully explain what I’m talking about.
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If the irken is on a planet where one day is less than 28 hours, the irken’s brain will start perceiving time faster than normal so one day seems like 28 hours.
If the irken is on a planet where one day is more than 28 hours, the irken’s brain will start perceiving time slower than normal so one day seems like 28 hours.
The irken doesn’t age faster or need to eat and sleep more. They just perceive time differently, not directly experience time differently.
Their PAKs have systems that stop this from happening beyond a certain amount, as it can be disastrous if an irken goes to a planet where the rotation is extremely slow (one day being a month or more) or extremely fast (one day being a few minutes) and their brain starts making them perceive time according to the planet they’re on.
Drone class irkens and irkens undergoing punishment will often have these systems shut off or removed, either to make the punishment worse or to make their sentences seem longer or shorter than they actually are.
This is why Tak was apparently on Dirt for seventy years, despite the blackout that ruined her life somehow happening fifty years ago and only about three or four years actually passing between Zim causing the blackout and the present day. As a drone, Tak’s time perception adjuster was shut off while she was on Dirt and she experienced time according to Dirt’s rotation, so that three year span of time felt like seventy to her. And since she doesn’t know how to reenable her time perception adjuster (she’s not a PAK technician and doesn’t want to just remove her PAK and start trying things at random), her sense of time is still incredibly screwed up by the time she reaches Earth.
The same applies to Zim during his stay on Foodcourtia. He was there for three years, but experienced fourty. Luckily for him, Zim actually knows how to reenable his time perception adjuster, having had a brief time working as a PAK Technician before becoming a scientist, and reenabled it once he escaped.
Now that that’s out of the way, Foodcourtia. Time works weirdly there.
99% of the time, time flows normally on Foodcourtia. But on rare occasions, time starts behaving weirdly for a very short time. These events are called “time warps” by tourists.
No one actually knew about these time warps that happen on Foodcourtia until the very first Foodening happened, and no one knows exactly why it happens. No one can really study it as well, as the only real way to study all this would be clearing everything off the surface of Foodcourtia and setting up thousands of research stations, along with possibly cutting open the entire planet. Due to just how many businesses and stores exist on Foodcourtia, this just isn’t possible. Dismantling Foodcourtia wouldn’t so much as put a dent in the irken economy as it would put a massive crater in the entire galactic economy, as there are so many different businesses there that Foodcourtia is a big part of several different economies.
Now most of the time, these time warps don’t do much. A Foodcourtia day might get three or four seconds longer, maybe a minute longer if you’re lucky, but nothing nearly as bad as the Foodening. However, rarely, with no real pattern, these time warps become extremely powerful, going from “barely noticeable” to the “twenty Foodcourtian years happening over the course of several months” that the Foodening is known for. These supermassive time warps also cause a gigantic aurora to form across the entire planet’s sky for the duration of that twenty foodcourtian years, considered to be one of the galaxy’s greatest sights.
No one knows what causes these time warps, and they happen at random, but people can still track and predict when particularly large ones are going to happen. So people will learn that a massive time warp is going to happen on Foodcourtia and bring that beautiful, must-see aurora with it, and they flock to Foodcourtia to see it, even if it means being stuck on Foodcourtia for the duration because the time warp prevents you from leaving the planet. It helps that the twenty years in question is twenty Foodcourtia years, which isn’t too long when compared to something like an Earth year.
But the people that have actual problems with the Foodening are irkens because the time warp overloads the irken’s time perception adjuster and shuts it off, forcing them to fully experience those twenty Foodcourtia years like they’re irk years, as their organic brains force them to perceive time like that.
So basically, during the Foodening:
People outside Foodcourtia experience time normally, and the Foodening is over after several months.
People on Foodcourtia experience time differently due to the time warp, and the Foodening is over after three or four years for them (which is twenty years in Foodcourtia time).
Irkens experience the full twenty years of Foodcourtia time like it’s twenty Irk years.
So that’s how the Foodening works.
In conclusion, Sizz-Lorr is easily one of the most powerful and dangerous people that Zim has made an enemy of. He’s an Ex-Special Forces Commander with a set of iron man armour and has hundreds of years of combat experience, compared to Zim’s 15 years of life experience, about 1 or 2 years of so is actual military experience. He’s one of the only people that Zim clearly fears, and that’s for very good reason. He’s also rich, powerful and very influential due to his current title of Frylord and gargantuan height.
Also Foodcourtia has a lot of weird time warping stuff going on that no one really understands, and irkens perceive time differently depending on what planet they’re on.
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starpaw0007 · 3 months
“Are you… cooking?”
Dib tiredly walked into his kitchen to find Zim in front of the stove wearing an apron. In order to reach the counter comfortably, the invader had to use a step-stool. Zim expertly flipped a perfectly round pancake in the air, and it landed with a dull plat.
“GIR likes pancakes.” Zim said simply.
He smooshed the pancake down in a motion that seemed completely natural to him.
Imagery of the alien cooking had never once come to Dib’s mind, and within reason- the concept was utterly ridiculous. Yet here Zim was, making pancakes for his evil little robot in some strange domestic display.
“… GIR’s broken.” Dib reminded him.
Zim froze momentarily and his magenta eyes blinked slowly as he processed this, as if he had completely forgotten.
“Oh, right.”
He scraped a pancake off the pan silently, setting it aside on a separate plate where a stack of pancakes had started to appear. Each one cooked to perfection.
Dib lingered awkwardly, unsure of what to say now, and Zim was in the way of the cereal cabinet which had been Dib’s intended trajectory.
Zim made a dismissive gesture with the spatula.
“You eat them then.”
Dib blinks.
Zim adds another pancake to the stack silently.
“.. what’s in them?” Dib questioned in an apprehensive tone. While the pancakes seemed fine, Dib’s deep seated paranoia and general distrust, while completely understandable given the circumstances, left him hesitant to try anything the irken invader offered.
Zim picked up the box of pancake mix on his left, squinting as he read slowly
“En…riched flour… bleached. Wheat flour… niacin, iron… thh-hiami-“
“Nothing else? Mind-controlling alien spores, perhaps?” Dib interrupted, lifting a pancake to examine it. It looked… normal enough.
Zim resumed his task, pouring more batter on the hot pan. It sizzled.
“Hmm… Water.” He replied after some consideration. The alien seemed distracted, completely lost in thought.
Hesitantly, Dib grabbed a plate from the cabinet. Keeping Zim in his peripheral, he plucked two pancakes off the top of the stack. After retrieving a fork, he made his way to the kitchen table- offering Zim a brief
“Thanks” as he passed.
Zim’s antennae perked up at this. He paused for a second, turning to peek at Dib over his shoulder, before returning his attention to the pan.
No other words were exchanged, and the silence was filled only with sizzling and scraping.
After pouring a generous amount of syrup, Dib set the bottle aside. Just as he did so, Gaz stumbled into the room tiredly- grumbling.
She opened one eye in surprise at the scene before her.
“Why is Zim wearing an apron?”
“He’s making pancakes.” Dib replied incredulously, poking his breakfast experimentally with a fork. Gaz stared at his plate suspiciously for a moment.
“Are they any good?”
Dib brings a piece to his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
“They’re pancakes.”
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morthern · 1 year
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A pilot episode Dib for your food fighty pleasures. might colour him later c:
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illusioncanthurtme · 9 months
Tak is so cool it makes me want to piss and shit and scream
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short-and-ugly · 2 years
“irkens cant handle the pollution on earth and thats why water burns them” screw you *changes canon into what i want*
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vortship · 11 months
How much you've written about your oc's lore
What do you think is my greatest strength as a roleplayer?
I've had this girl right here since 2010 and I can honestly say her lore has turned into "All my Vortians".
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skoot-over · 1 year
At least I did not abandon. My post. Perhaps Irk could have used a soldier. Like you. But you stayed on that... Ball of rocks. Like a coward. I am not unaware. Of the irony.
They did use a soldier like me
they used me over and over and over and over
and kept using me
for all the wrong things
i get that im sorta ball shaped but that doesnt mean im supposed to be used as one at least not by the empire
being a cowards the only thing thats keeping me alive
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khaliarart · 9 months
👽We made an Irken font👽
Inspired by this post @gamebirb and I made an accurate font for canon Irken. You can download it here!
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To decipher what letters it actually has we cross referenced the alphabet from the guide to Operation Impending Doom 2 with the Irken in the series and then translated the subtitles. Canon Irken has 40 letters, Caps A-T and lowercase a-t.
The lowercase “e” also was in the alphabet twice.
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There are no U, V, W, X, Y or Z. The subtitles on the DVDs leave those letters out, guess that’s what Irken grammar looks like.
Final subtitles seem to be written in (mostly but not exclusively) caps, the animatic ones in mostly lowercase.
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On-screen Irken is alphabets. There‘s no full Irken word on-screen in the show or the movie.
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And there‘s one Irken word on the Foodcourtia Track on the Nicktoons Nitro game from 2008. It reads „Dooky“ in mirrored fanon Irken. @spacegoathours figured that one out :D Maybe the game studio googled “Irken font” and put in the fan made.
There also were some mystery letters in the Frycook episode. They’re rotated and skewed versions of actual letters.
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Thanks @phyllidaluna and @noxeorn for providing show screencaps and the guide, and @gamebirb who made the font!
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blenselche · 3 months
my husband woke me up at 4:30am to ask if i think foodcourtia has a wcdonalds
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hes sitting here talking at me about it rn
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emeraldspiral · 10 months
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It's Always Sunny at the Great Assigning
It’s Always Sunny in the Florpus
It’s Always Sunny on Mysterious Mysteries
It’s Always Sunny at the Membrane House
It’s Always Sunny When You Can’t Taste Anything But Pork
It’s Always Sunny When Your Dad’s Invention Doesn’t Destroy All Human Life
It’s Always Sunny on Foodcourtia
It’s Always Sunny When You’re Eating Waffles
It’s Always Sunny When You’re Backseat Driving
It’s Always Sunny in Dib’s Nightmare Dimension
It's Always Sunny When You're Escaping a Nightmare Dimension Through Your Rival's Head
It's Always Sunny When Your Dad's in Space Prison
It’s Always Sunny at MacMeaties
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
I rewatched The Frycook That Came From All That Space and there’s one line I noticed that tells us something interesting about food service drones and drones in general.
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Sizz-Lorr hired his employees. The food service drones (besides Zim, who was assigned) were hired. And we know that drones are paid for their work, albeit by an extremely low amount as shown with Table Headed Service Drone Bob.
Since drones are extremely low class citizens with basically no rights, it wouldn’t make sense if they were capable of choosing who they work for. It would defeat the purpose of them being low class citizens that are nearly indistinguishable from slaves.
This means that mass amounts of drones may be owned by a single irken or group of irkens, and people like Sizz-Lorr can hire drones from them for their own purposes, like hiring a food service drone to help run a restaurant or hiring a table headed service drone (also known as a general service drone) as a personal slave.
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ghostorbz · 30 days
I think about this one scene in career day a lot
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In this episode, Ms Bitters class is given an assignment where they have to fill in what various shapes look like to them. The paper gets put into a machine to determine what their future jobs will be. But this one part where Zim is getting his job told to him really makes me think.
Here, Ms Bitters says "the only job suitable for him is fast food preparation." Sound familiar? It reminds me of Zims time on Irk/Foodcourtia. Sure, it could easily just be a joke. Zim, an alien trying to take over the world gets put in mac meaties for a day. It's fnnuy. But really I think it could've been either foreshadowing or just a little nod to Zims life back on his home planet
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This is also mentioned in the first episode when Zim crashes in on the great assigning. "Weren't you banished to foodcourtia? Shouldn't you be,,, frying something?"
This seems like a throwaway line at first until you get to the frycook what came from all that space
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In here, we get a flashback to Zim getting reencoded from an Irken invader, to a fast food drone. In fact, it stays this way throughout the whole show as he escapes his banishment to attend the great assigning. He gets sent to earth not as an invader, but as a fast food drone.
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Numerous times characters tell him his mission is a lie. "You aren't even a real invader." "Your PAK still has you encoded as a fast food drone." "The tallest lied to get rid of you."
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Even the job machine realizes Zim isn't suitable for taking over earth. While the machine isn't Irken made, nor does it scan Zims PAK, it also brings up Zims banishment. Again, this may just be a line that doesn't mean anything. But I feel it was intentional in the way to bring up Zims past
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Invader Zim scenario HEADCANONS:
Brought to you by dumbass ™️
Zim can eat as much as GIR can, but chooses not to, because it’s “impolite”
Zim and dib have “special no fight days” where they hang out or whatever like 4 days out of the month, except summer where it’s 5, when those land on school days the skoolkids act like the raptures coming
Keef once dramatically professed his love for zim in front of everyone (flowers a huge ass speech etc) and zim promptly threw up and beat Keef up after school for embarrassing him. Keef though he was playing hard to get (he was not. There was no love involved whatsoever.)
Zim fucking loves earth pastries, he will postpone his “evil plans” if dib bribes him with a couple of cupcakes.
^ when zim, gaz and dib were at a state fair, zim entered a pie eating contest, he just wanted pie, but it was the worst thing dib and gaz ever witnessed, he ate 3 pies in 5 minutes. It looked like the dark harvest but with blueberry pies. Dib still can’t eat pie, but zim did win.
Zim actually likes girs soap waffles, he just eats them in moderation
Since doughnuts are rarities for the tallest, the first time zim had a doughnut was when letter M brought them in for his birthday, zim was confused, ate it, and promptly cried at how delicious it was, like full on nearly sobbing, (his classmates were like “BRO?” “Is you good??!!”)
Membrane once invited zim over for dinner, because “he’s such a polite young man! With his passion for science, he’s a wonderful influence for you dib!” And zim was well behaved, dib however…..
Gaz and zim once played cuphead together, after fighting over who got to be cuphead (gaz won) they played… two dumbasses with anger problems playing a rage game…. Membrane and dib curled into a corner and cried of fear
Zim can cook actually really well because his time on foodcourtia, he just does not like to. He once cooked for a schools bake sale and dib accused him of buying it.
Zim hacked into the membranes Netflix account, and for some reason it cannot be removed, like he hardwired it into the account.
Zim and gaz and GIR Play video games together, (Minecraft, Roblox, supersmash bros, Mario kart and animal crossing are their specialties) “GAZ DONT CONSPIRE WITH THE ENEMIES!!” “Shut the fuck up GIR just found diamonds and if we don’t get to him he’s gonna die and lose them in lava”
If you have any please reblog this with them PLEASEEEE!!! I wanna seeeeeee
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inbarfink · 4 months
So here is a thing that I noticed going over the sort of weird expressions that Zim uses in canon. When Zim doesn’t know the human term for something, he will make up some bizarre word combination of his own… but he will hardly ever substitute an Irken term for it. You know, when he first comes to Earth, he doesn’t call Human children ‘smeets’, he calls them ‘worm-babies’. He doesn’t assume the Earth is controlled by a Tallest, he just calls President Man ‘the Earth Leader’. 
And that… makes sense, Irk is a spacefaring empire which clearly had contact with other alien civilizations for a very long time. Zim would have some frame of reference to know that, for example, Vortians don’t call their children ‘Smeets’ and therefore he has no reason to assume the distant alien planet he just landed on would use that term either. I mean, yeah, Zim is often irrational - but that’s one point where he is surprisingly reasonable…. Well, until he needs to think up what he assumes the proper inconspicuous earth term would likely be and comes up with the most ludicrous option available.
And sometimes, and especially later on in the series, it’s clear that he does know what the Correct Earth Term is but is just looking for an excuse to insult humanity again by using a derogatory term he made up. 
And, like, you know… yeah, it is actually kinda obvious why he wouldn’t use the Irken term in that context. He thinks Irkens are inherently superior to humanity. Calling human children ‘Smeets’ would be comparing them to Irken children which would be a compliment to the ‘filthy humans’ that he would not be able to stomach. And like, I know a lot of ‘Alien Among Us’ stories get a lot of their comedy from, y’know, cultural differences and assumptions clashing. But I would argue that while IZ does that sometimes, a lot of Invader Zim’s comedy is actually based on Zim’s immediately assuming Earth Culture has to be as alien to Irken Culture as possible, when they are actually not so different. 
But also I want to take a moment to address the one time where Zim does seemingly uses an Irken term for a human, and that’s when he address the McMeaties clerk guy as ‘Burger Lord’ in ‘Germs’4
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Which is probably related to the Irken title for a high-ranking frycook being ‘Frylord’.
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But that actually makes sense both in the sense of, like... this term is in use on Foodcourtia, and Foodcourtia, although clearly a part of the Irken Empire, is frequented by many different alien species. So due to the planet's importance as a galactic center for fast food, the term ‘Frylord’ and its derivatives have spread beyond the Irken Empire. Or maybe it was an alien term to begin with and it spread into Foodcourtia through its non-Irken customers. Whatever it is, Zim would at least have a reason to think this might be a universal term and not an Irken-specific thing.
And also, this is a rare occasion where Zim is kinda, like, trying to genuinely get on the good graces of a human and is treating human technology (SPACE MEAT) with an unusual amount of respect - and he just doesn’t really have the mental focus to start condescending to him right now. So kinda reflexively using an unusually respectful Irken term for a mere Human Fast Food Worker makes sense considering his emotional state. He’s probably too germ-panicked to remember he’s not supposed to remember his time in Foodcourtia as well. 
Like, yes, I am aware I am probably looking too deeply into the continuity of this one line. “Germs” and “The Frycook of What Came From All That Space” are so far apart in the timeline that the actual writers probably weren’t thinking about this, right? I just think it’s Cool that one can fit this little ‘Burger Lord’ detail so neatly and so consistently into the lore and with Zim’s characterization.
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