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Highlights of todays board I’ve noticed,
@fooreblogs @humans-are-tasty
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tench · 2 years
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I posted 2,713 times in 2022
That's 1,131 more posts than 2021!
652 posts created (24%)
2,061 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,057 of my posts in 2022
#personal - 119 posts
#silly things - 112 posts
#tench art - 83 posts
#my stuff - 82 posts
#tench plays video games - 62 posts
#aladarius - 31 posts
#the owl house - 31 posts
#our flag means death - 28 posts
#one piece - 26 posts
#wips - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jsyk it's a rather oddly made transliteration of a russian song hut the text has spaces in random places and some words are missing letters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I'm allergic to making relevant content 🧖
1,433 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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Full disclosure, it is the ides that started the whole "fake dating" scenario and kept rolling downhill eversince
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1,593 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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Home is where your family is
2,180 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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He's not a morning person
2,390 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I finally finished it! And I (almost) have no regrets!
8,194 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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earthly-apples · 4 months
7, 12, 22 for the violence ask game >:) any fandom you like
7--What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? >>I never hated a character purely because of fandom reaction! For me, fandom reaction is quite independent from source material, which is where its virtues and vices both begin ajksjskjsks
12--The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them? >>The Thenardiers! The Thenardiers should neither be excused for what they've done, nor should they be oversimplified as vile people because such logic leads to stagnation. They get a lot of hate, which I guess is understandable if one judges them as individuals, but they're characters and as characters, they're wonderfully crafted. 22--Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores (Also answering to @fooreblogs) >>I don't think this has ever happened, I'm very lucky to have my favorite parts deeply discussed by a handful of people >:))))
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robotlesbianjavert · 1 year
well @six-of-ravens like an absolute tool tagged me for "10 songs i've been vibing to" idk. idk. why would she do that. and on my vulnerable drinking night too.
a) i shan't name the song in case it makes some of my beloved followers weep so i'll link this castiel amv i guess. tw f word i GUESS.
2) my favourite song of all time between the ages of 7-8 was tango shoes from bif naked's purge album. we had the cd when i was a child for which i had oft appropriated the walkman i had found somehow. and when we were driving with the radio i would listen intently for the radio people to hear me and play it. and i still vibe to it on the regular.
iii) combo'ing the protomen's iv: vengeance and v: the stand (man or machine) a lot lately.
my many complicated feelings about taylor swift's varied musical career aside. i listen to my tears ricochet i guess. here's a destiel amv.
5) one week by bare naked ladies. always a classic. the study group was right to shun jeff for shunning them.
f) epiphany by trans-siberian orchestra. other ppl remember the lyricstuck for it yeah?
vii) i haven't listened to the entirety of don mclean's american pie in three years for personal reasons but it is wedged into my soul.
8) you should probably leave by chris stapleton whatever it's fun and sad-sexy to sing along to.
i) head full of doubt / road full of promise is another song that has haunted me since my deep youth. i want to do a spinner thing with it someday. destiel amv.
and one honorary mention that just didn't make it onto the nomination listen by i listen to nickelback's this is how you remind me acoustic version every drunk night. so singable. anyways to most vibes song.
stream my apparently most listened to youtube video of 2022.
idk whoever wants to do it. @integnius. @holioc. @codenamesazanka. @stillness-in-green. @officecyborg. @quarkgirl. @fooreblogs. i don't know do it or don't or beat me up about it.
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sheepwithspecs · 2 years
Shuffle Tag Game
I was tagged by @slusheeduck! Thank you for the tag! :3
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing
- Stray Italian Greyhound: Vienna Tong
- Scream: Masayoshi Soken
- The Story Ain't Over: Avantasia (If you haven't seen Metal Family, go watch it now)
- I Belong in Your Arms: Chairlift
- Endcaller: Masayoshi Soken
- Madame Guillotine: The Scarlet Pimpernel (Cast)
- Symphony: Sheppard
- Mezzanine: Shields
- Birdhouse in Your Soul: They Might Be Giants
- A Glass of Night: JYOCHO
Songs I Like: I included hyperlinks to the videos so please check them out!
The Moonflower Society: Avantasia This song has a death grip on me like you wouldn't believe.
Legend: Otyken Do not listen unless you want to hear the song in your head for weeks.
Romeo: Chairlift My favorite song by them but it will cause motion sickness
Circle of Life: JYOCHO The band that got me into math rock
Past the Stargazing Season: Mili i love them i really don't have anything else to say
Moebius (Orchestral Ver.): Masayoshi Soken Please play the award winning MMORPG FFXIV (with free trial up to level 60 including both base game & the first expansion pack Heavensward). In fact please play on North American Crystal/Dyanmis DC and we'll play together : )
Scoring the End of the World: Motionless in White Specifically 1:48
That Man: Caro Emerald OC Vibes
Waltz of the Sirens: Alma Deutscher No, seriously, get on this. This kid is amazing!
Chocolate Island: Snail's House i don't actually know what genre this music is, but I love it for tasks like chores that need "background music"
I don't know ten people who to tag, so I choose:
@twinklecupcake, @pencopanko, @backupstardust, @alemanriq, @fooreblogs, @wickedsnack, @haku23, @laffitine, @dragoncatgirl and @lavonathon
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, and if you WANT to but weren't tagged... consider yourself tagged now
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
At this point, I’m hoping for them to notice Skeptic has gone missing and then we cut to Skeptic breaking out Redestro, Trumpet and Geten and the rest of MLA peeps from wherever they’re being detained and just saying ‘I don’t know wtf is happening anymore let’s fucking bail.’
( A nice little kind of ‘villains have tight bonds too among each other’ moment and maybe a point of Skeptic being more loyal to RD and his allies than the cause itself. And yes Skeptic shows up in a bandit hat because this is obviously a stealth mission. )
( I fully accept this is a fantasy but, I can dream. Also meet too Skeptic, I don’t know what’s happening anymore either. )
God, what I would give for a cut-away to Skeptic springing RD and the rest. That man is a claustrophobe; please to get him the hell out of whatever barbarous jail cell he's being kept in. For real, get Geten an ice cube and a way to access the nearest water line, and let him take care of the rest.
There's no reason on God's green Earth for the MLA to have fallen as easily as they did; if AFO still had a bunch of resources and contacts, there's no reason for a multi-generational organization that's been underground as long or longer than he has to have lost all theirs in a single botched attack.
I wouldn't want RD to GTFO on things entirely, but that's my helpless shipper's heart talking. I will accept him being manhandled by his remaining advisors into at least taking a little while to recover from the prison ordeal and see how the whole possession thing shakes out, because face facts, sir, you are not going to be the one to snap him out of that, so maybe focus on making sure the rest of what you meant for him is still available when he gets back.
Re also: that comment you left a while back about seeds and the different ways Ujiko and Rikiya talk about them, yes yes yes. Clone!Re-Destro is so cool. Re-Destro himself is so cool. Hori, why didn't you give us more Rikiya?? What a huge waste of the most principled villain since Stain, and for what? So the heroes have only victimized young adults and cartoonishly evil ancient monsters to confront? So no one's around with the knowledge and conviction to talk your teenaged main characters in circles like we all know good and well Re-Destro or Trumpet or Skeptic would? (Geten probably would not, but he'd also kick most anyone in Class A's ass, so.) Because Deku may feel like he has a strong moral core, but he has barely the first clue how to articulate it and no clue at all how to make a talking point stick without resorting to punching? Please.
Thanks for the commentary, @fooreblogs! I would love for the erstwhile MLA leaders to get something else relevant to do before this manga ends, but if I can't have that, I will 100% accept them escaping to pose a still-dangling threat in the epilogue.
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emotigonecrazy · 3 years
Ohhhohoho I’ve been tagged by @redead-red :D
Rules: List 15 songs you’ve been absolutely giving to recently
I listen to most of my shit through Youtube and they’ve had my NUMBER recently lmao so 
It’s called: Freefall- Rainbow kitten surprise (the lyrics oh my god the lyrics- also the MUSIC VIDEO hhhh)
Constellations- The oh Hellos (and the shapes that you drew//may change beneath a different light//everything you thought you knew//falls apart you’ll be alright)
Monster- Dodie (if you’re not vividly hallucinating a whole music video for your favorite fandom what are you doing with your life)
It’s alright- Mother Mother (big mood)
False Confidence- Noah Kahan (And I wonder why I tear myself down to be built back up again//oh I hope somehow I’ll wake up young again)
Chop suey- System of a down (my go to for a bad work day)
Bury me Face down- Grandson (Big king!Danny vibes- see #3)
The middle- Jimmy eat world (this whole song has got me through the last 4 years of my life and its still working)
Teenagers- MCR (another one I vividly hallucinate music videos to)
Sugar We’re Going down- Fallout boy (AM I MORE THAN YOU BARGAINED FOR YET-)
Time- Pink Floyd (And then one day you find// ten years have got behind you// no one told you when to run// you missed the starting gun)
No children- The mountain goats (Hate is love inverted and this song is hhhh *chef’s kiss*)
This is home- Cavetown (often I am upset// that I cannot fall in love but I guess// this avoids the stress of falling out of it)
Eclipse- Pink Floyd ( And all that is now//And all that is gone//And all that's to come//And everything under the sun~)
Devil town v2- Cavetown (I’d like to make a music video for this ~one day~)
50% life sucks but I’m still truckin and 50% ‘I am probably daydreaming about Danny phantom’ because that’s who I am right now. I tag @pepperdantfresh and @fooreblogs if y’all are interested~ (No pressure tho! ;3) and anyone who wants to share their music taste with the world lmao
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madammaria · 5 years
fooreblogs replied to your post “I’m writing this in the middle of the night but lemme just tell this...”
Glad you’re ok!
Thanks foo ^w^
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tench · 10 months
Barely contained urge to tell @fooreblogs that Bege too is a homeboy
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earthly-apples · 1 year
Tagged by @fitzrove 💛
10 songs I love that includes a name in the title, not arranged in favored-order, here we go:
1. Rebecca-Rebecca das Musical, Susan Rigvava-Dumas
2. Wo bleibt Mozart?-Mozart! das Musical: Dennis Kozeluh, Thomas Borchert, Uwe Kröger, Yngve Gasoy-Romdal, Ensemble
3. Herr Mannelig-Garmarna
4. Swan Upon Leda-Hozier
5. Für Sarah-Tanz der Vampire, Aris Sas/Andreas Bieber
6. Ziggy Stardust-David Bowie
7. Carey-Joni Mitchell
8. Rolandskvadet-Harald Foss
9. Le Roi Louis-Chœur Montjoie Saint-Denis
10. Двери Тамерлана (Dveri Tamerlana, The Doors of Tamerlane)-Мельница (Melnitsa)
It was fun!! And musicals out here saving my ass, I don’t know a lot of songs with names in the title🥹 I almost put Elisabeth, mach auf mein Engel in the list but for a FJ/Sisi song I like Ich will dich nur sagen more lol
Tagging: @fooreblogs @ivqks159 @nick-foo-draws and if I missed any of my active moots up here please forgive me my brain is half-dead from exams…😭🙏🙏
Anyone else who’s not tagged can join too!
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sheepwithspecs · 3 years
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I was tagged by @alemanriq to do this challenge! You’d think it would be easy to pick only 9 characters... it’s not! Feel free to guess my type in the comments or via the inbox 🥰 don’t try to make fun of me though, I know what I am
I tag @pencokun, @sharpace, @slusheeduck, @dragoncatgirl, @fooreblogs, & @lavonathon! Only if you want to, of course!
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
It’s something I’ve been wondering about but, most of the league who worked closely with Shiggy seem pretty iffy about AFO taking over his body like: I live here now. ( Spinner vocalizing this )
So I wonder when ( and if hopefully we do ) we see Re-Destro again, I think he would be rather offended at this latest change tbh. This is the young man who showed him true freedom, and now he’s tangled in his own strings? I don’t think he’d appreciate that at all.
( Any thoughts you could spare? Thank you for your work btw I love it. )
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I talk about this one with @leftofrevolution a lot, that while Re-Destro might sometimes find Shigaraki’s on-the-fly plans to be a bit frustrating (though he’s clearly capable of fairly fine-grained planning, as we see with the training camp attack), and thus might nominally appreciate All For One’s more structured approach, in practice, quite the opposite would be true. All For One, after all, is all about control, power for himself, subordination of all others. The only way to get more diametrically opposed to the ideals of Liberation would be to take positions like Overhaul’s and that group in the third movie, Humarize, wanting to annihilate quirks entirely.
I can’t imagine Rikiya would at all appreciate the whole possession thing. I mean, they’re one of my major BNHA ships and all, but even absent romantic feelings, it’s clear in the canon that RD is smitten with Shigaraki. Of course he’d hate seeing his savior and liberator, the youth who freed him after a lifetime of crushing burden, now laboring under a burden like this. And at least RD thinks his burden was noble! All For One doesn’t even have that going for him! (Indeed, not only is AFO ignoble, more to the point, he’s kind of insufferable.)
Rikiya’s values are all about being true to oneself, living freely, being unconstrained by laws that oppress one’s true self--and fighting, even dying, to ensure that others can enjoy that freedom as well. While he’s practical enough to understand the necessity of power when you’re fighting a war, power for its own sake was never the point. With that in mind, I think if RD could catch Shigaraki in a moment where Shigs was in control, he might suggest giving the quirk All For One away. Just transfer that shit into an insect, smash the bug (if the bug doesn’t instantly explode from power overload), and let Shigaraki’s loyal followers support him the way they will all happily do.
As I’ve also discussed with leftof, I expect Shigaraki’s too stubborn to go for it--if he even could; one imagines the quirk would fight him over it the same way One For All resists being stolen--but that wouldn’t stop Rikiya from proposing it. I like to think he’d do his best to advance Shigaraki’s goals as best he understands them--consulting with Spinner as needed, because this OTP is really an OT3--while striving to keep the faith (both his own and Spinner’s) that the young man the two of them saw shining so brightly in that crater could never be kept down by this evil shade forever. He’s freedom incarnate, after all, so it falls to his followers to do what they can to support him until he’s able to prove it.
My shipping goggles aside, I’m also inclined to think that AFO would have his own thoughts about Re-Destro, probably expressed in the form of assorted whispered heresies about Destro Classic that neither Re-Destro, the proud blood of Destro, nor Rikiya, the man who spent decades trying to fill those shoes, is in any way prepared to endure hearing. I have my own headcanon on the matter (AFO stealing Destro’s quirk once he was in prison, the despair of the loss being what pushed Chikara to suicide), but even the headcanon aside, it seems unlikely that All For One, villain extraordinaire, would have had no opinion at all one of Japan’s other infamous villains, the man who raised an army to fight against the government/heroes because of his beliefs on quirks. So, you know, even if Shigaraki weren’t in the picture at all, I think RD would find All For One profoundly uncomfortable.
Thanks for the ask! This is pretty much verbatim what I wanted out of canon, and while it’s not looking like I’m going to get it, I still enjoy talking about it. ‘S good practice for the fanfic, anyway.
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rawbiredbest · 6 years
Steve Hackett -- Down Street
Forty abandoned stations And Churchill's last boltholeImpregnable as Hitler's bunkerCan't you see them dancing on the platform at Down Street
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raven-blood-13 · 7 years
fooreblogs replied to your post: In light of that ass anon who's the strongest oc...
the best boy Eden
he tryin his best
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elementwrangler · 8 years
fooreblogs replied to your post “me irl, drawing realistic dicks on a m8 who fell asleep in class:...”
u light up my dash when u show up my friend
fucking same, maybe we should all post all the time with abandon 
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higgsbison · 6 years
fooreblogs replied to your photoset “twitter log of cursed golden kamuy shitposts”
the tidepod no
he would tho
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