#for Reesh or for poor
anwiel13 · 11 months
After seeing the speech of you-know-who with her terrible acting, I need something to light up the mood. And Till trolling Richard with squeaky bath duck is just perfect for it. Poor Reesh
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marimayscarlett · 10 months
Ouch, that thing you just reblogged really got me in the feels. I've never noticed it myself until now it's been pointed out... poor Reesh just wants a long hug but people always let go too early 🥲
I kind of sensed it here and there, that people seemed to be a tad overwhelmed with the longitude or intensity of his hugs. It became quite obvious to me as I paid closer attention to these encounters, that people were either surprised a bit or kind of drew away first from the hug. Some examples with Paul:
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Or in the Mein Land making of with Jonas (in regards to surprising someone with his hugginess 😇 But Jonas hugs him very tight after this, so that's nice):
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I don't want to interpret too much into it, but I think it's safe to say that Richard is very, very tactile person and as I mentioned last week in this ask, he sometimes seems to crave physical touch as a proof of affection from others. He's also a person who goes all in on the hugs, like he gives his all, he really flings his arms around the neck of the opposite person and squeezes them and really kind of... cuddles them? (in german we say "knuddeln" 😅).
A recent example is the birthday celebration on stage, it shows his level of affection very good, hugging everyone very tight, especially the Schneider hug shows how much emotion he puts in and Schneider is like *pat pat it's alright baby*:
Richard always seems to be the one who's enjoying the physical contact the most/more than others... That does not mean that others don't want to hug him, definitely not, but that other people just have a different understanding of... well, how long or tight to hug someone. That's why I'm so unreasonably happy when I see the others being cuddly and tactile with him, because it's easy to see that he's enjoying it a lot 🥰
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Not going into why this is the case with Richard (could be his childhood experiences or his general character, as a child he apparently was quite affable to everyone around him) because that would go too deep with no real base of information to it. For now, let's just say he's definitely the cuddly teddy bear of the group who needs to be squeezed a lot 💕
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rammbles · 1 year
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DAY #11: 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨
So first off weird thing about me is that I actually haven't seen many live videos of the band that aren't giffed or popularly shared, simply because my focus is super fuckin poor (I am nearly always multi-tasking online) and so genuinely watching a full-length concert that I'm not physically at is hard for me for some reason??????? BUT ANYWAY, of the videos I have seen that come to mind quickly, I gotta go with Paul's pyro arm failing and getting a hug from Till. :''''(
like PLEASE the way the poor wee boy looks at Reesh's working and Till's face when he hugs him, I just wanna wrap them in bubble wrap and then put them behind bulletproof glass in a secret underground chamber so nothing can ever hurt them ever
previous days:  1.) favorite song  2.) favorite era  3.) favorite single  4.) favorite album  5.) favorite music video  6.) favorite member  7.) favorite lyrics  8.) favorite b-side/unreleased track  9.) favorite remix  10.) favorite live photo(s)
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A wedding so beautiful, Till can barely hold back the tears. 
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anastasium · 4 years
I broke up with my love sold my car that I’ve really grown fond of (it wasn’t the first car I drove but it was the first that i OWNED so selling it was particularly heartbreaking) and even though it’s been a week already, looking for a new car to buy actually seems like cheating to my stupid little brain.
Binge-re-watching (is that even a word?) the Top Gear of old really makes me feel better. Those legendary blokes truly do keep me from falling into the dark pits of depression by putting a smile on my face.
Still feel a bit guilty looking at other cars tho. I just wish the next owner will be my precious boy’s best friend.
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noodle-schrammy · 5 years
Imagine this bonus from fluffy one with reesh getting massaged
Richard: scheiße...my back hurts more than ever
Paul: maybe I can help you by massaging your back
Richard: wha-? (Wait he has smaller hands maybe) ok
In the backstage somewhere behindert an closed door
Richard: das ist so gut god paulchen you know how to do it
Paul: danke anything I can do to make you feel pleased
Till and schneider listening close at the door: what?
Richard: yes...yes your hands are goddess hands paul~
Till and Schneider: we just gonna go and never speak of this again
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norcumii · 4 years
I'm gonna be predictable and put in a really basic prompt: more Domino!Bad Batch. I don't have an exact prompt other than this, just a bunch of possibilities to choose from? Finding Fives, meeting up with Rex after getting Echo, Rex actually being told Domino is ALIVE??? There's so many ideas.
...this hit 1.6k, I think I can (SHOULD) declare this done. >_>
THANK YOU, THIS WAS AWESOME! For this set of prompts, based upon this plunnie. Armor designs are based on @mercysewerpyro’s gorgeous speculations!
“I hate being back here.” Droidbait glared around the hallways, his body language obvious to Hevy. He didn’t respond beyond a click of acknowledgement over the comms, because they all did. Kamino might be home to a lot of brothers, but it just held a lot of hurt and memories for him.
It ached, every time he thought about how they hadn’t been here, hadn’t been able to save their brothers when the Seppies attacked. He couldn’t stop himself from brushing the underside of his left bracer, where 99’s number rested on the inside against his wrist. Cutup saw the gesture, and leaned in to bump shoulders. Hevy rocked with the motion, nudging back with an elbow, and tried not to sigh.
They were specialists, a commando squad that went everywhere and did everything. The past was past, and back then....
He hated to admit it, but their presence might well have done nothing but add to the body count.
Yeah, he hated being back here too. At least this was just another routine checkup, and then they could go.
It still felt so weird, walking through Kamino’s halls in their armor. It was ARC style, bulkier than standard with better protection, pauldrons and kamas, all in their dark gray with subdued – but extensive – dark blue markings. It was better for stealth than the typical white, but it made them stand out like highlighted targets in the endless stark white of Tipoca City. It meant the local brothers – young, you could tell from the body language and the tight way they clutched at their weapons and watched them too overtly – were staring at the squad in a mix of awe and concern.
“There seem to be an awful lot of armed brothers here?” Cutup asked, way too casual.
“Someone’s nervous about something,” Hevy muttered back.
A loud scuffle and a yell behind them had the squad whirling around, hands on blasters but not drawing yet. There was some kind of escort squad there, longneck in the lead – at least, they had been. Some brother in reds had shoved the Kaminoan down, was wrestling weapons from the guard squad in a way that was damned impressive. Sure, garri-troopers were...not the top of the line soldiers, but this guy was good. ARC quality, probably, to get three down that fast without a single shot fired. The restraint was one of the reasons Hevy and the others didn’t draw – the other was something...familiar? Some weird sensation crawling up Hevy’s neck.
The rambunctious brother was arguing with a medical droid, then the Kaminoan slammed an alert button. The hallway lights went red, the brother grabbed the droid and ran, and Cutup cried out.
Droidbait managed words, which was more than Hevy could do upon seeing the fleeing brother’s goatee and temple tattoo.
“Fives! That’s Fives!”
By the time they figured out what was going on, Fives was already en route to Coruscant. Droidbait didn’t bother asking permission; he just sauntered into their ship with a droid in tow, and poor AZI-3 was claimed as part of the team.
On the plus side, he and Reesh seemed to be okay with each other, and by the time they arrived at Coruscant, it was obvious they were keeping him. The intel he carried, though – that was...concerning.
Fives was crazy, but not the kind of crazy that would make up some kind of wild conspiracy theory.
They had a plan, they had a helpful med-droid, and all they had to do was stop being at least one step behind the action.
Fives woke up. He hadn’t expected that. He distinctly remembered getting shot, and it hurt, and then it was just darkness grasping up and pulling him down.
But here he was, waking up. He opened his eyes, and that worked too. The ceiling looked like any other in a transport ship, which meant he could be anywhere. Limbs felt all accounted for, and he was far clearer headed than he’d been when–
When things went bad.
Noise to the side drew his attention: three troopers were there, in dark armor that probably indicated some kind of specialists. Well, they probably had answers.
“I’m dead?” he asked, not sure how death was actually supposed to work.
“No!” a cheerful, familiar voice declared, and AZI-3 floated into view far too close to his face. “You are still alive and now back to almost normal levels of functioning!”
“AZI! You’re–” He bit back a relieved sigh, because he was terrified the poor tinny was going to be recycled. “You’re ok?” He sat up, wincing at that feel of deep pain in his chest, a low ache that meant bacta had been applied and done its work, but it was recent and his body sure as hell remembered what had just happened to it.
“Okay, and part of the squad!” The little droid did a happy twirl, showing off a new paint job that was in the same subdued blue as the troopers.
Fives looked over at the one standing in front of the other two, jaig eyes on his dark bucket and a ‘1’ on  both vambraces. “Congratulations. The squad?”
The leader nodded. “Experimental unit Clone Force 99. The Bad Batch.”
Oh-kay. “That’s a rousing endorsement.” He didn’t mean to be disparaging, but he was still getting over being dead.
The brother on the right shrugged – his bucket had an impressive set of fangs detailed on it, as if some large creature were trying to swallow it from behind. “S’what we get for bein’ weird,” he said, funny lilt to his voice and apparently not caring about Fives’ tone at all.
The third trooper sighed, giving the second one a look. “Unconventional, the word you’re looking for is unconventional!”
Trooper Two’s bucket waggled mockingly at Trooper Three, as if the brother there were making rude faces. Fives couldn’t hear anything, but he was willing to wager a few credits he didn’t have that there was something being taunted over a private channel.
The leader ignored the byplay. “Fives....” He hesitated, then shrugged. “I’m sorry, I just have to ask: you do realize that you might as well be dead to the Republic? The GAR?”
He’d been trying pretty hard to ignore that. Fives allowed himself a moment to close his eyes and just breathe. “I was raving, wasn’t I.” His voice was quiet, and he’d meant it as a question, though it didn’t come out that way. “At General Skywalker and Captain Rex. I didn’t give them anything coherent, did I.”
The silence went on too long. “I’m sorry,” the leader said.
Fives opened his eyes, and he thought he saw sympathy in the brothers’ body language. “What happened?”
AZI puffed up, the droid ready to infodump in the way that he did, but the third trooper raised a hand in a polite, minimalist gesture to stop – and miracle of the Force, AZI did.
“AZI made up a cocktail to slow down your body’s functions, to let us fake your death” the leader said, crossing his arms. “We’d hoped to snipe you before things went to shit, but – that didn’t go so well. The Guard–” His hands balled into fists, and while it was nice to see this guy had emotions. “No one can figure out why the fuck they weren’t shooting to stun, which is basic fucking protocol, but – they got you. We tagged you at about the same time, swapped bodies en route to the morgue, and now we’re about mid-rim.”
Fives’ hand went up to his chest, to where that ache still lingered. “How close was it?”
“Very.” AZI sounded subdued, which both was, and really really wasn’t an improvement. “Someone drugged you before we did, and the chemical combination was bad. But we worked through that and now you’re back!”
He couldn’t stop himself, frustration boiling over till he slammed a fist against the examination table he was on. “Nala Se,” he growled, because he could at least keep from shouting. “It must’ve been on the transport to Coruscant!”
The Bad Batch was patient enough to let him calm down, then the leader took a step forward. “You’re certain there’s a conspiracy. That the Chancellor is....”
“Bad news,” he growled, brain shying away from that unfortunate memory.
He nodded. “Then I’ve got an offer for you. Fives is dead. We’ll need time; none of us are great slicers but we make do – and we could use a new member to the squad.”
“And you’ll help me stop this?”
Fives held out his hand. “Then you’ve got a deal.”
The leader grasped his wrist and they shook. “I gotta say.” His voice sounded...off; too thick and almost shaking. “I’m glad. Welcome back to the Bad Batch, Fives.”
The two troopers removed their buckets. The smartass had a neatly trimmed, minimalist beard and mustache, and a wry grin. He was crying, like his brother. That one was cleanshaven, with closecut hair and some kind of snaky tattoo coiling up from the neck of his blacks.
Then the leader took back his hand, and pulled his helmet. He had some impressive old burn scars along the face, but that didn’t obscure the matching designs that wrapped around his neck and up onto his cheeks.
Fives stared at those familiar Z-6 blaster cannons, and on some level through the shock he realized he was crying too. “Hevy?” he finally managed, looking over and registering that it was Cutup and Droidbait, then looking back because this could not be happening. “I thought you said I wasn’t dead.”
He was swamped in a sudden group hug, and through the laughter and tears he could hear his brother. “You’re not,” Hevy promised. “You’re not, and we’re not, and we’ll explain everything, but most of all we are going to solve this. Together.”
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nyarisu · 4 years
Völkerball liveblogging
Dear lord this took me so long to edit you better appreciate it
Reise reise
Oooo~ but I still like the Hellfest version more :)) (Till’s face during the Hellfest chorus will always be my sexuality)
Schneider’s costume is fabulous but I’ll never trust those curls
Also vampire Reesh that’s a good look
Asdfghjklthe vagina entrance XDDD they really had to
Hello nice legs
I’ve watched this only once because i don’t like the sound. Someone said Till was sick and I don’t know what actually happened but his voice kinda sounds like it, especially more towards the middle of the live.
But the chorus is still so nice~
The tongue via Till’s fucked up slut face
Olli’s really serious
"Ist kein Licht am Horizont" REESH DO YOU WANNA KILL ME?? That was one sexy face
I really love Till’s expressions i want to kiss his face
The eyes! And then looking up to the sky<3 (was there even a sky or was inside I didn’t even notice XD)
I really don’t like Paul and Flake’s costumes
Fucking god that entrance is craking me up
Links 234
Hei hei hei!
I love how they all march on the stage
Bwhbwbwhwbhwbwhw XD
That’s a nice middle to wrap your hands around, mr Lindemann
I love when he’s hittig his chest on “links”
Paul means business XD
You can’t not sing with them during links
Oh the solo<3 sounds so nice live
Thank god my favourite person from this stupid band is also the one most filmes otherwise I would’ve been in trouble
Dem boobs XD
Keine lust
I thought it was Sonne for one sec
He kicked the mic stand XD
Now you can hear he’s a little raspy
Yes Till we know the lyrics’ meaning and also that you’re horny
The chorus sounds nice again, it sounds better when he’s actually siniging vs talking
Who’s foamning at the mouth over that patch of skin under his pants, I’ve seen people talk about that (unfortunately it’s doing nothing for me)
"kaaaalt. Soo kaaaalt" I’ll keep you warm bby just don’t be sad T_T
Ok but Flake’s headpiece is actually hilariuous gotta admit
I really want to kiss Till *opening his mouth like a retarded owl* I don’t think I want anymore
Feuer frei
That was his I’m ready to slut pose XD
Ooooooh Olli got shirtless (what were they calling this?)
I really like RZK’s top
Of course he’s gotta bully Flake
I’m really trying to focus more on image but the voice is such a big thing for me and it’s clear he has something
The masks!! I love those so much
Wow Schneider’s drumsticks went out with a literal bang
Asche zu Asche
4 lines later I finally realised what song is >.< and only because Till began to sing...
DID YOU SEE WHAT HE WAS DOING WITH THOSE DRUMSTICKS?!? I knew why I had a thing for hands/fingers
Asdfghjkl Richard strutting down the stage with his little red stripe<3
He’s a moody goth and I love his look did he just put his hands on his hips? XD
Till’s cheeks! I want to pinch his face
Everyone’s favourite part and THE NECK TILT ok wow now that was hot
Tho I usually preffer the “In zehn Tagen” to RZK’s “Ich komm wieder” now it was the opposite (probably because I couldn’t see Till that well) and Reesh acting all sexy was definitely improving it
Go Flake go XD he’s so serious and by the end he’s having the time of his life meanwhile Till is having an existential crisis (another)
Olli’s abs are heeeeella nice
Till with his hand over his heart didn’t help his case
Yeah Richard ok you’re sexy i get it holly fuck I’ve never been more attracted to him
And now i’ll never be able to unsee the neck tilt
That ich kom wieder just unmade me
Bath time XD
I really like when Till slicks his hair back
Dear lord the chorus thank you for your voice sir and congrats on it
I really like the general image of a bassist playing their bass (other verb I could’ve used was fingering XD that’s literally what he’s doing!!)
Ooooh the keyboards sound so nice<3
DON’T pluck your eyes out!
The fire part is really impressive
I love then Richard is doign his gay boy pose XD and then the closeup on him while bobbing his head
I need to say once again the chorus sounds wundershon
Mein Teil
The first 2 seconds I thought it was MHB
Paul and Richard walking towards each other<3
Aaaand the epicness begins!
Schneider is fabulous behind his drums, can’t forget about him
The tongue’s is at it again
People are rocking the hell out this song
“durch Engelsscharen” Till’s expression<3
And the maddnes begins. Wow it was shorter than usual... obviously, it was at the beginning
Flake has such a special style of running I can’t XD
Stein um Stein
And everyone is gonna talk about him drawing a house xD it was cute (considering what the song is about)
You’re being a slut again
Aaaaah I want to complain about the playback but I really can’t I rather prefer him with vocal cords. At least the rest of the song sounded excelent!
The little sound at the end of „sein” and his face: childish enjoyment while talking about fucked up shit. If this doesn’t perfectly summarize Till then I don’t know what does
Schenider’s smile
No but really beside the screeching parts he sung it so well!
Were they trying to film Richards crotch? Whatever he’s sexy
Another reason why I watch this only once before was me being kind of meh regarding Till’s look he’s my favourite after all I gotta act the part
My fucking god Scheider’s legs! I fucking love thighs. And he has a nice ass too
Richard’s smile!! Don’t kill me
Is it me or does Till start to stare into space and look generally Not Ok (tm)?
„fucking mickey mouse” XDDD
Los is among the last 10 songs on my list I usually just skip it
I died when I saw him with a harmonica the first time
Flake and Olli XD
Don’t manhandle poor Flake (I really want to say I wish that were me but knowing myself I would probably just deck Till in the face XD)
The sunglasses are sick
RZK and Till headbaning<3
Rip (rest in pieces) to keyboard
Du riechts so gut
THE BOW! The cute flamingo pose aside, that bow is one of my favourite pyro effects ever
And then the synchronised bodybanging<3
That „pang” never sounded so good?
The deepest he sings the lees you hear the raspiness
Lord! The whole audience just fucking went for it
Schneider’s muscles, Richard’s little smirk and Till zombie 2.0
Even more bodybanging. Flake is enjoying himself
Flake casually going back to his keyboards uthgjkhfzc that looked so cool and smooth
I promise I still drool over Till just... Richard is so prettily standing there! I cant ignore him!
The firesleeves are so cool and it looks so good, especially with them facing different ways
And freeze! Nice and dramatic
Till hammer time
That one guy really feeling the „DRSG” in the audience XD
3 consecutive thought: it is Benzine fuck yeah, I can never tell if it’s Benzine or Keine Lust, Till’s terrified face
The most Rammstein song to ever Rammstein
Paul going wild XD but I still don’t like his hat
Flake is spazzing again
Du hast
Thank god I’m actually enjoying this song now, I skipped it for half a year
The drums and the beginning and the keyboards are <3
The tongue >w<
People are going wild
I like Richard’s dramatic gesturing. Pretty rockstar boy
The chorus sounds so good
Flake what is that on your head? XD is he a One Piece character?
Did he just casually shoved the mic into his pocket? XD
I much more preffer the newest effect from Paris onwards (which is also my top favourite)
This song has a very special and unique feel to it probably because it screams Live aus Berlin more than any other (and now I feel like watching LAB again)
It’s the chanting in the background probably
He’s sounding sick again :(
You have muscles in the arms (and probably legs too) and chumby in the belly it’s perfect
Lol @ Paul trying to look scary
Ok Richard honey you can stop with the sexy neck tilt
He’s slapping the hell out of his guitar
Please stop pulling your hair out
@Flake on that thing: wierd flex but ok
Sexy fishnet legs
Wow that’s a really soft and nice opening, pretty unexpected
LOL Flake taking off his hat like „sorry for your loss” but considering the song it’s expected from him XD
Beauatiful eyes<3
He’s just nyooming from one side of the stage to the other? XD
That eyeliner looks so fucking good on Till
Flake is suffering :)) (what the fuck was I talking about I can’t remember now that I’m editing)
Even Richard’s hair looks pretty! What the fuck??
The last scene with Schneider (and then his legs)
Those are some fucking guns he has right there
This is the most badass intrumental intro ever
Oooooh so this is where that gif was coming from for some reason it thought it was Engel from MSG. Does this live even has Engel on it?
I love when drummers throw their sticks in the air and then catch them again
Ok the image of Till slowly backing off between Paul and Richard who were both vibing in their own way was really nice
Schneider is enjoiying this isn’t he XD
For some reason this song doesn’t seem as energic as it usually is?
Was Till humping the mic stand? (more likely than you’d think)
Seing Flake and Till doing the hammer side by side is really funny, that’s some size difference
Ich will
Bye bye mic stand again
Till baby what did you do with your throat to make your voice sound like that?
Richard looking to the side during „ich will” hhhhhHhh
Let me slap that ass Till
I want to lick your face
Ohne dich
Ollie what are you doing
Asdfhjkl Flake comforting Till and the way he just rests his head on Flake’s shoulder is breaking my heart
Poor baby come here and let me love you
You can clearly see he’s trerrified
Lsnhxkvj his eyes<3
Nawwww they are kissing
I am silently thristing over Till don’t mind me
Please don’t cry T_T and then him looking over his bangs sfdghjkl
„is he... ya know” pose with a hand in the air Heirate mich style (aka Till Lehmann is a sub)
Look I know he’s suffering and all but I really can’t focus on that with all the water dripping off him
No wonder I didn’t recognised the song it doensn’t even exist to me XD
Till pointing like „you. drop your panties. now” XD
I had half a mind to skip it but then I would have missed Till’s wonderful tongue performance
Was he flicking it to the rythm??
Hearing him sing in english is always so weird (I only recently rediscovered the gem the Children of the Sun is)
Richard what was that sexy face?
Ollie is braving the human seas, telepathy at its finest XD
Hmm that is a really nice lower back
Gangsta XD „how do you do fellow kids”
Paul is enjoying the show
Schneider has killer looks. Literally XD
Half of it went really slow and then the other half went really fast? I don’t understand what happened
So this is the setting for Mit Dir Bin Ich Auch Allein... ok, good to know ;)
You sure this was a good idea 4 songs in and I already wrote 2 pages, now the total is at 6.
I’m not particulary fond of the looks and Till sounds sick so I usually avoid this live. Also some songs are weird with the energy so yeah
Richard is so pretty I can’t (and fucking hot how come I don’t remeber this??)
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
I wonder how badly the rest of the band teased poor Reesh over his car.
I know he's sensitive and probably needed a lot of love when they were finished but I hope it was so fucking much. Boys will be boys means giving your friends shit mercilessly when they do that kind of thing and then showing them how much you love them. It's good for him, he has trouble laughing at himself.
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hanhan156 · 5 years
A new fic to my Stadium Tour series
Tumblr has been a pain in the ass for me recently. First, my sideblog’s posts’ tags are not shown in the feed and secondly, my last fic’s link disappeared suddenly from the tag feed. I have no clue why - maybe the god’s of Tumblr didn’t like when Paul was laughing at Reesh’s goofy outfit.
Anyways, I keep my fingers crossed and post this fic straight here. Enjoy. ~
ps. Once again, it's just my headcanons, no means to offend anybody. I'm just playing around the characters. This time, there's a bit of angst, but in the end I promise, it's gonna be fine.
Tales from the Stadium Tour pt. 2: Night terrors
Only two months to the start of their biggest tour ever, and everyone is understandably being exhausted as hell. Nobody hasn't said or done anything to it before their lead guitarist cracks and threatens to quit the whole band.
Luckily, Paul is there for him.
Being a world-famous band, some days tended to be the best ever, while some were being the absolute worst. Today, evidently, the latter - at least for their lead guitarist.
“So ein Misthaufen!!! Fuck this lousy band and fuck this even lousier tour!!!” Richard yelled, after another string from his guitar broke in the middle of the song. He usually treated his precious instrument like a woman he adored, but at this stage of upset, he almost threw it to the brick wall. “I said in the first place that this stadium tour was the dumbest idea we’ve ever had. It’s gonna be just a fucking farce the whole thing, I tell you!”
The guitarist rushed demonstratively towards the door turning to his fellow band members the last time before exiting the room. “I’m gonna leave this whole Scheisse, so have a nice tour without me!!!”
Schneider, confused and annoyed from the strange situation, stood up behind his drum kit. He had to interrupt this somehow. “C’mon Reesh, we’ve had way worse moments before. What the hell are you talking about quitting now? Should we cancel all the sold-out stadium shows then, huh? Don’t be ridiculous. It’s been just a bad day, it’s unnecessary to act like that!” He didn’t think they really had played so poorly – hell’s, back in the days, they’d even performed to full festival audiences, completely wasted, and with all of their instruments being out of tune.
“Hire a fucking substitute, it’s your problem now. I don’t care anymore! So verpiss dich!!” Richard snorted and showed the rudest hand sign known in the western culture to his band members before slamming the door and disappearing from their practice.
Stiff atmosphere landed the room. The question marks inside the other band members’ heads were almost visible. What on earth was that? Flake stared at his keyboard without saying anything. He really hated drama and usually when that occurred, he wanted to discuss and settle things with diplomacy rather than with yelling and swearing. He had to admit that he was sometimes a bit frightened about the melodramatic attitude their lead guitarist had. Flake knew that Richard was emotionally unstable - mostly, because of his neglecting family and other difficulties he had encountered through his life, so it was definitely understandable - but still, he was never prepared for the drama. He would have wanted to help the poor man, but didn’t really know, how.
In the other corner, Ollie was playing some random bass riff without an amplifier. He tried to keep himself busy and hide his disorientation as well. Schneider was bit in a shock and was handling it with never-ending gabbing.
“What the fuck was that, why he had to be so mean? He should definitely learn some manners, he can’t say things like that or show us the middle finger, like he would be the boss. We are all adults, for god’s sake…” He inhaled and continued, a notable concern in his voice: “Where did that thing about quitting come from? Right now, just two months before Gelsenkirchen? I don’t understand, why is he being such an asshole…”
“That’s enough,” Till interrupted their drummer’s rambling and cleared his throat, continuing: “Yes, he was being an ass towards us, but we shouldn’t judge him still. As you said Schneider, we are all adults, so let’s act like ones, even though Reesh didn’t. We all have our bad moments, and bad days, but we’ll still stick together, right?”
Paul was sitting legs crossed in the middle of the stage, listening to the discussion - or it seemed more like an argument now. To be honest, he wouldn’t have wanted to participate anyhow to this, but he didn’t want anyone to be upset though. Richard had once said that their band’s relationship was like a marriage, so despite all the uncomfortable things happening, he still felt responsible of their band members - especially Richard, who he cared deeply.
“I agree with you that he’s been like a bear shot in the ass lately, but still, we shouldn’t hate him. There must be an explanation to all of this,” Paul said and turned towards their singer, desperation in his voice: “Till, what should we do now?”
The singer just shrugged his shoulders.
Schneider, still annoyed, carried on his ranting: “So what could help then, huh? Should we let the diva continue being an ass towards us? What if he was serious about quitting, what are we gonna do then? Cancel all the shows, get real jobs? Guys, I’m definitely not accepting this. Not at all. We shouldn’t always go his way.”
There was a brief silence in the tight atmosphere before Till gestured Paul outside the rehearsal room. “Can I have a word with you, privately?”
The puzzled guitarist nodded and followed.
“Have you noticed anything…unusual in Reesh’s behavior recently?” Till asked when they were just the two of them.
Paul was thinking for a while what to answer. “Yes. When I think about it, he’s been even more annoying than usually,” he tried to ease the tight atmosphere, but Till still looked dead serious, so he clarified, “or I mean that he really gets annoyed even about the smallest things nowadays. Sometimes, I don’t dare to say anything to him because everything seems to upset him more. He also looks exhausted and doesn’t have the energy he usually has. He seems like…he’s not being himself anymore.”
“Exactly,” Till answered. He was happy to hear that Paul had noticed the same things as him.
“Do you have any idea, what might it be? You’ve known each other quite a long time so has he been like that before?”
“Couple of times, yes. You know that he’s being sometimes unnecessarily dramatic, but I think this time, he has a reason.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you have to admit that we - especially I - sounded like a vulture’s diarrhea ass today. You know how perfectionist Reesh is, so it made him even more distressed, and now he must think that our band is a total bullshit in general.”
“I agree that we weren’t at our best, but of course we’ve had bad days before and always managed still. I just don’t understand what made him to crack like that now.”
Till stared at the wall, avoiding Paul’s eyes, when he said: “I think he is mostly annoyed to himself rather than to us. He is clearly in a huge stress about this tour, about the news songs, about every single damn detail you can imagine. I can see that he’s not being his lively self, as you mentioned before. He tries to control everything too much and now, just two months before the tour should start, he has realized that it’s impossible to handle everything with a way he’d want to.”
Paul didn’t know what to think. In his opinion the stadium tour had been a good idea, something new and exciting for them. They’d had so much fun while creating their crazy-ass performance and the good old creative vibes had been around them. It felt amazing to play together once again, and like a cherry on top, it had lit that inner fire Paul had missed for a long time. He was also thrilled to perform the new songs - despite they didn’t have any clue yet, would the audience even like them, he was happy to play something new beside the old classics to which he was a bit fed up with. To be honest, he was even relieved that they had deleted Feuer Frei from their set list - even though it was a popular song, musically Paul thought it was one of their worst.
But, of course, when speaking of this kind of massive tour, everything doesn’t always go as expected. Paul didn’t mind it so much and he liked the idea that there was always room for some improvisation and surprises. The most important thing was that they and their audience enjoyed themselves. Besides, you’d always learn from failures and you could laugh at them later. He didn’t really understand, why Richard had to be so concerned about everything.
One thing his fellow guitarist had said before worried him the most. “Do you think he was serious with this ‘I quit’ bullshit?”
Till looked uneasy as well. “I don’t know. He is pretty unpredictable to be honest.”
“Then, what should we do? You know him the best, so should you go to talk to him?”
“Not me.”
“Because he doesn’t listen to me. It might make him to feel even worse. If he sees me, he probably just wants to smack me in the face.”
“So, what’s the solution then? Should we just let him be?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s not once or twice he has ended up doing something stupid in bad mood.”
After a brief silent moment, Till looked Paul, almost like a begging dog. “Can you go to talk to him? I think you are the only chance we have now.”
The guitarist gave a laugh. “Me? What the hell, I’m not a professional psychologist. Besides, you know him way better than me.”
“It doesn’t matter, who knows him the best. Have you happened to notice the way he looks at you, listens to everything you say? He clearly adores you, so I think you should do it. If it doesn’t work, then we’ll figure out something else.”
Oh mein Gott. “But what am I supposed to say? I…I’m not good at this kind of stuff. What if I make him to feel even worse?”
“Just improvise,” Till said, and patted Paul’s shoulder, trying to make him to relax. Instead, the other man gulped notable loud. A huge pile of responsibility was on his shoulders now.
What the hell did I just promise.
Finding their angsty little teenager ended up to be pretty easy; Paul just had to follow the thick fog hovering in the corridor. Seriously, he should cut down that smoking.
In no time, Richard was hearing a knock on his door. Verdammt.
“For fuck’s sake, lass mich Ruh!”
“Sorry to interrupt, but can I come in?”
Hearing Paul’s voice cooled Richard down a tiny bit. At first, he’d been completely sure that it was Till who came to interrupt his own peace. Now he was so surprised that he couldn’t even reply anything to the other guitarist’s question. The other part of him wanted to welcome him in, hug him as tight as he could and weep all of his sorrows to the other man, while the other part just wanted to pout alone and act like nothing was wrong.
When Paul didn’t hear anything, he decided to take a risk and come in even without a permission. At least, there wasn’t that childish swearing anymore.
“You know very well that we all agreed earlier that we are not smoking inside,” he said, trying not to sound too judgemental. He knew that Richard was an eternal rebel, but still, he should at least try to obey the rules they had set together.
Even though Paul didn’t mean it, Richard took the other man’s comment as an insult. “Oh, I didn’t know that my stepfather has taken a form of Paul suddenly.” Even a thought of that horrible family member made Richard to shiver a bit.
Paul sighed. “You know very well that I didn’t mean to sound like him, just that some of the tour staff told us that they might get a terrible headache from cigarette smoke. We don’t want anyone to get sick at this point. You are not a teenager anymore, so you should start to respect others’ opinions as well.”
Just to annoy Paul more, his fellow band member lighted up another cigarette even though the first one wasn’t finished yet. Richard didn’t even bother to give a glance to the other man, like he would have been just thin air to him.
“Hallooo Mister, I’m talking to you now!” Paul shouted, waving his hands at the same time in front of the cocky man.
But still, Richard just continued smoking, without saying anything.
Paul tried to think what to do. Sensible talking clearly didn’t work now so he had to make up another kind of tactic.
Okay, you asked for this, you damn teenage diva.
Without any prior warning, Paul sat on Richard’s lap, dumped the precious cigarette to one of the many beer cans on the floor, and turned the other man’s head, forcing him to look straight into his eyes.
“Do I finally have your attention, Herr Kruspe?” Paul asked, in a provoked tone. If this wouldn’t work, he would suggest to the guys that maybe they should hire a new lead guitarist after all.
But, to Paul’s surprise, despite his earlier arrogant acting, Richard’s face didn’t look as aggressive as he had sounded. Instead, his eyes were actually glossy. The sight sent a wave of empathy inside Paul and now he was really concerned instead being annoyed. Okay, this must be something serious now.
“Reesh, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” Richard answered, turning his eyes from the other man’s inquisitive, yet sympathetic, gaze. I am not a fucking baby, so don’t you dare to pity me like that.
But resiliently, Paul continued: “It’s clearly ‘nothing’ when you are almost crying.”
Richard didn’t like it when Paul had to see him in this weak state. “You shouldn’t have come here. I bet that Till sent you.”
“It doesn’t matter who send me and why. I am seriously worried about you. In fact, we all are.”
Richard didn’t say anything, he just stared at the table in front of them even though it was difficult when the other man was sitting on his lap, being so freaking close to him. But to be honest, in any other situation, the other man’s proximity would have actually felt really pleasant. Right now though, he was so distressed that it was difficult to concentrate on anything.
“Reesh, honestly, we all are under a huge stress because of the upcoming concerts and stuff, but how you are acting and threatening to leave us, are far from normal. Please, tell me, what is concerning you,” Paul begged.
There was once again a silent moment. For a while Paul thought that this was a lost case - maybe Richard didn’t want to tell him anything and would rather to stay alone. This was probably a stupid idea in the end. Damn you Till and your “just improvise”.
But, just before Paul thought about leaving from the other man’s lap, Richard broke the eerie silence with a huge sigh. “Y-you are correct, I am actually in a huge stress.”
Now Paul’s attention arose again. Maybe this isn’t a lost case after all. “Do you want to clarify what do you mean with ‘a huge stress’? You know very well that I’m not a telepath, so I can’t enter your thoughts if you are not telling me, what’s going on.”
“I’m just so fucking scared of…all of this,” the other man managed to say, with a trembling voice. He desperately tried to fight back tears - it was too embarrassing to cry when somebody was witnessing. Richard was so used to keep his tough mask and now when it was falling off, he felt suddenly so helpless.
“Scared of what exactly?”
“Of everything…about this new tour and…stuff.”
Without getting a very clarifying answer, Paul tried to keep on asking. “We all can see that you are not being yourself. Can I ask you, have you even slept or eaten properly? Cigarettes and coffee are not considered as food.”
There was no point to lie or hide anymore, so whatever Paul was asking, Richard had to answer. Shit. “Well, a couple of hours now and then.”
“How much did you sleep last night for example?”
“Well, actually I…umm…didn’t sleep. And when I think about it, maybe I didn’t eat anything either. I really cannot remember…My head is being a bit fuzzy because there’s so much going on.”
“Holy hell, did you know that at our age we should care about our health even more! That’s not gonna end up really well, if you continue that kind of lifestyle. We are not young anymore, our motor doesn’t run with only drugs and alcohol!”
“Seriously, why do you have to sound like some fucking nurse now.” Of course, Richard knew very well that what he was doing wasn’t really healthy, but he couldn’t help it.
“It doesn’t matter how I sound, the most important thing is you now. But could you tell me, why haven’t you slept? Is there something bothering you?”
Richard nodded and shivered a bit. Fuck it, maybe I just have to tell him. “I can’t sleep because…because…I’ve had so horrible nightmares lately that I’m actually…afraid of falling asleep…it’s easier to stay up as long as I can.”
“Do you want to tell me what kind of nightmares?” Paul knew that he really started to sound like a psychologist, but he was so concerned, that he didn’t care about it right now.
They’d been sitting on the couch for a while and Richard had been trying to avoid Paul’s physical and mental proximity as best as he could. But, as he started to open up, he had a sudden urge to seek for attention from his friend. To Paul’s complete - yet, pleasant - surprise, without a warning, Richard grabbed him tightly and started to pour out, sobbing desperately at the same time: “I’ve…had of course nightmares before, but…not as vivid as these…i…it’s so fucking disturbing…”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of now, I’m with you,” Paul tried to calm his friend down, stroking his hair gently. “What is happening in your nightmares?”
Richard cleared his throat and started to mumble to Paul’s shoulder: “It begins…pretty normally. We are having a gig, everything goes well, and we are having fun, even though…I’m a bit dizzy when I see the huge audience. Seriously, it seems like there are millions of people there. Just staring at us. And I feel a nasty twitch in my stomach when I think about how they are…judging us, especially me.”
“You know that in our concerts, most of the people are probably so wasted that they don’t even remember anything. They don’t care how you sound or look, they are just having a party of their lives,” Paul said, trying to ease the other man’s horror.
But Richard didn’t hear what Paul was saying, he just kept continuing: “Then, we are doing the boat thing…I always thought it was a bad idea. You know what happened to Flake earlier.”
“And you know that Till has said you thousand times that you don’t have to do it, if you are afraid.”
“But…I don’t want to be…a coward.”
“You’re definitely far from being a coward.”
I wish I would believe that also. Richard gulped and continued to describe his terrible dream: “Everything is pretty ok and I see you are doing fine while you are boating through the audience - in fact, you seem to enjoy yourselves with Schneider, shaking hands with the people and stuff…I’m jealous to you when you manage to remain so calm.
When it’s finally my turn to step in, I feel like I have to throw up. When I look at all the people, they resemble an enormous pack of greedy wolves, ready to tear me alive. It’s fucking terrifying...
Then, I manage to go with the boat for a while, and when I’m finally convinced that it’s gonna be alright, suddenly something happens…I fall down and hit my head. I nearly pass out, and try to shout for help, but…nobody’s listening. Instead, the audience - looking like fucking werewolves with their huge red eyes - is tearing me apart, kicking and hitting me in the face so hard it’s impossible to breathe. I’m coughing blood and spitting out pieces of my teeth. At the same time, those animals are shouting…pretty nasty stuff to me.”
Paul noticed that as the story carried on, his breathing was getting shallow and his hands, still caressing his friend’s hair, were shaking. Yet, he tried to remain as calm as possible because he wanted Richard to tell him all, despite how horrible it would be. “What kind of…insults?”
“They are calling me…” In this part, it was difficult for Paul to get what Richard was saying, because his voice was trembling so much. Still, he tried his best to listen. “…a numb, a complete failure and that I have just failed through my life. That all I have achieved so far is a fucking farce… that nobody cares about me and…I would be better off dead. Some of those freaking werewolves even have the judging voice of my stepfather. He always thought that I’m nothing, I’m just a total loser. After all of these years his words…still haunt me.”
“Reesh, that’s so horrible…I’m so sorry to hear.” Paul wasn’t sure, what kind of words were the most suitable in this kind of situation. For Richard though, he wasn’t hoping to hear the right words, he was just so relieved that somebody was listening to him - and he was even more relieved when the person listening to him was Paul.
Richard parted from their embrace, now looking straight into the other man’s eyes. His grey eyes were filled with pure horror and self judgement. “But the worst part is just coming up.”
“Do you…do you want to tell it to me?”
Richard squeezed his friend’s shoulders so tight it hurt, but it didn’t matter.
“Reesh, please tell me. Everything is ok now, I’m here for you…”
So, the horrifying story continued. “In the end, the audience disappears and I’m relieved when I see all of you approaching me. I raise my hands, begging for your help, but you… just continue doing the same terrible things as the audience…Till points and laughs at me…that laugh is still echoing in my head…Rest of you behind him start to mock me. I also hear somebody of you saying that thank god you are finally getting rid of me, because you all hate me so much.
And in the end, the rest of the guys, expect for you, leave the scene. You stare at me, looking so curious - like a scientist glaring at his guinea pig - and so unusually…cold. I’m drained and exhausted, still hoping that at least you would help me. But, in the end…you come close to me and whisper to my ear…” Richard’s voice suddenly broke and he couldn’t breathe properly anymore.
Paul’s whole body was on goosebumps, but still, he wanted Richard to continue: “What…is it I whisper to you?”
The other man answered with his eyes closed: “You whisper to me that…’you fucking piece of shit…du bist ein Scheitern’…”
“…A failure? Why would I ever call you that? That’s… so fucking horrible…I’m so sorry…I would never call you with that horrendous word…”
“And you keep repeating it over and over until I’m begging you to stop, but you just continue…”
“Holy motherfucking hell, you should know that I would never, ever say anything like that to you…”
“And in the end, you spit on me and disappear, laughing with a voice so cruel that it…still hurts me to even think about it…I’d want to cry, but I can’t. I just lay on the dirty ground, alone, torn in the pieces mentally and physically.”
Paul was completely shocked, squeezing the other man tightly. “Holy shit…why am I acting like that in your dreams… I certainly hope that you are not really thinking that I would ever do something like that to you. Not in this lifetime. Not me, Till, Flake, Ollie or Schneider. We all love and support you and we’ll stick together, whatever happens. The audience can be shit sometimes, but we’ll always be there for you. For each other.”
Richard was crying to Paul’s shoulder, this time without even bothering to hide his awful feelings. Even though it was horrible to say out loud all these things which had bothered him for so long, it felt like a catharsis to finally speak about those horrors.
Richard parted from Paul’s embrace to blow his nose. “Es tut mir wirklich leid…how embarrassing, an adult man weeping like this.”
“Hey, there’s definitely no need to apologize.”
“Yes, there is. I was an ass towards all of you today. I really don’t know why I said all those cruel things…I’m just somehow so shocked and horrified about everything…”
“Well, all the guys were quite confused about the scene you created, but they will definitely understand and accept your apology. These are hard times for all of us, you are not alone.”
Richard wasn’t really convinced, so he continued: “Why am I so weak, why do I have to show my emotions like this…you all seem to be so happy about this new tour so why am I acting like this…”
“We all are afraid, of course. I’m as well and sometimes, it’s difficult for me to sleep, even though you know pretty well how good I’m at napping.”
Richard gave a dry laugh through his tears. “Yes, I definitely remember that lousy night after a gig in Mexico City, in that even lousier motel bunk we had to share. You were snoring so loud, and it was so freaking hot next to you, that I couldn’t sleep a second.”
Paul grinned. It was a good sign that Richard was joking, so he could be distracted from all the terrible things they had just discussed about. “To be honest, I don’t even remember anything from that night.” They both made a sound so weird that it was difficult to tell whether they were laughing or crying. It warmed up Paul’s heart to see his friend smiling, at least a tiny bit.
“But yeah, coming back to our Stadium Tour, it’s gonna be a huge thing for us. A challenge and an enormous step forward. I’m excited and yes, so afraid at the same time, but also, I am willing to just jump into the crazy rollercoaster - to see where it will lead us. And I’m completely sure that in the end, we will succeed and be even a bigger band we already are.”
“But how are you able to manage with all the fears and concerns? You seem so calm while I feel like I’m breaking into pieces even though the tour hasn’t even started yet.”
“I think the biggest reason I manage is that I know that I’m not alone. Whatever happens, we’ll stick together. We can, and we actually are bound, to ask for help - you should remember that as well. We don’t have to act like we are stronger than we are - we are, in the end, just a bunch of normal guys. Not some superheroes.”
Richard sighed. “I wish I could be like that as well. This freaking perfectionism is killing me.”
Paul understood what Richard meant. His friend was definitely that kind of a person, who’d be concerned if 1 person out of 100 didn’t like him, and he’d remember that single negative feedback for the rest of his life, even though there were actually 99 people worshipping him.
“Reesh, let me tell you something.”
There was a puzzled gaze in the other man’s eyes when Paul turned him to look at him again. “I just want you to know that you are an amazing person and a talented musician. Honestly, you are fucking amazing at anything you do. And if there happens to be someone who doesn’t like you, it’s his problem.”
Richard was blinking his eyes, confused from all of this. Still, after all these years, he wasn’t used to compliments. It felt a bit similar when passionate fans came to him, praising him from head to toe. “Now you must be just flattering me.”
Paul looked at him with a serious gaze. “Everything I said before is true, it’s not just some lame flattering. You deserve so much more positive things. I said it because I lo…” He cleared his throat and continued, feeling a rush of warmth on his cheeks at the same time: “I…umm, adore you very much.”
“Thank…you.” Richard was completely dumbfounded by the sweet words.
The two men were still embracing each other. Richard felt like his legs were getting a bit numb from Paul’s weight, but it didn’t matter. His whole body had calmed down, and he actually felt like he could finally fall asleep now, being safe with his friend.
His dreamy state was interrupted though when the other man asked: “Just one last thing. Were you serious with this ‘I quit’ stuff?”
Richard smiled. “Maybe I admit that I overreacted a bit. Of course, I’m not quitting, because I don’t want to get rid of any of you. Especially from you, Paul. I enjoy irritating you way too much.”
Hearing that felt like a heavy load finally dropped from Paul’s shoulders. “That’s wonderful to hear.” Then he came closer and whispered to Richard’s ear: “And you are definitely not getting rid of me, never in this lifetime.”
They both chuckled and Richard went back to his sweet, dreamy state. His eyelids weighed like led and slowly, he was dragged into the miraculous world of his unconscious mind.
Suddenly, Paul said, like from the distance, even though he was still close: “We all should relax.”
“…but I thought we have a tight schedule,” the other, drowsy man, mumbled.
“Yes, but it doesn’t help if we forcefully continue, exhausted and drained. We’d be too tired when the actual tour starts. We should take a tiny break.”
There was complete silence and Paul could only hear Richard’s calm, rhythmic breathing. “Are you sleeping under me?” he asked, pressing a couple of light kisses on the other man’s forehead.
“…maybe…does it matter?”
Paul gave a laugh. “Not at all, just that it might be a bit uncomfortable position.” He finally stood up and immediately, Richard positioned himself to the sofa more comfortable so he could take a nap. Paul handed him a blanket and sat next to him, caressing him still.
“I actually got an idea what we could do.”
“…huh?” was all that Richard was able to answer from the edge of consciousness.
“I’ll tell you later. Now, just get some sleep, mein Liebling.”
­­­­­­­­­­­­­“Wonderful to hear that he’s now resting,” Till said while they were walking towards the little kebab kiosk nearby the rehearsal place. Even though Till tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle, Paul’s idea of getting some junk food and watching a crappy movie from Ollie’s endless B film -collection, was a very good one indeed. It was no use to do anything meaningful anymore today and they all really needed something else to think about than the tour. It had been a long time since they did something else together than music related stuff.
There was still one question bothering the singer. “But I’m curious, how did you manage to calm him down when he was so upset earlier?”
“Well, I had my own ways,” Paul said, grinning himself.
“You two clearly have something special going on.”
With a dreamy look in his eyes, them fixed to the red sky, Paul whispered so quietly that Till could barely hear it: “…vielleicht…”
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marimayscarlett · 10 months
"poor Reesh gets passed around like a trophy in my head" 🤣🤣
no but fr same here. i think it's bc he's SO receptive of all the little touches from others and initiates the touching when he isn't getting enough attention. like he seems like an extremely tactile person and that makes him super shippable with pretty much anyone in the band because there's plenty of footage of cute interactions.
He really is!! I think Richard needs physical confirmation of affection from others. To quite literally "feel" that someone appreciates and likes him, is there for him and supports him. I am so very glad that the band members are ready to give him just that, or even make the first move to hug/kiss/squeeze him. Since he still seems to have some insecurities, these touches and cuddles may make him feel reassured and safe? (Especially after the Mutter era/different exhausting or straining moments in the band's dynamic).
Probably interpreting too much here, but these are just my thoughts on it. 💜
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[This ask is regarding the cuddly/affectionate GIFs of Richard and Schneider 🤍]
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steinxramm · 5 years
Why i haven't seen this on Tumblr! Hahahahha poor Reesh, i love him. Post this video! Instagram(.)com/p/B3b2Hn7nBqd/?igshid=1x9sa9y1ygw4l
Ouch. I haven't seen it either. You can see he is limping afterwards. Poor Richard. He was too absorbed in the audience cheers I bet :)
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prismabird · 5 years
I just realised that those GIFs of Reesh and Paul holding hands in the air were right after the boats and in the boat Richard looked really scared. So. Sweet.
Poor Reesh and the boats. I hope they get rid of those and think of something else for the next tour. He hated the fuck out of that. I felt really bad for him being so nervous every night.
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lust-for-sacher · 5 years
-Name: Wendy
- Sign: Aries but I feel more like a Capricorn (moon sign)
- Gender: female
- Height: 164 cm
- Sexuality/do you like boys or girls?: I like men.
- Wallpaper: 
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- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Dead (70% not joking). Otherwise married with children and a golden retriever. Job doesn’t really matter as long as I am healthy and serene.
- If you could be anywhere else right now?: Here is fine. It’s not a problem with the place, it’s about the poor life choices I made. But it’s ok, turned out not too bad.
- What was your coolest halloween costume?: Umh... when I was a kid I used to dress up as a cat. Best costume ever (even if it was for Carnival, not Halloween).
- What’s your favourite 90’s Show?: Buffy. But in the 90′s I used to watch cartoons more than anything, I was a little kid.
- Last kiss?: My bf, yesterday.
- Have you ever been stood up?: No. Surprisingly.
- Ever been to Las Vegas?: No, but I work with slots and vlts. Come over ahah
- Favourite pair of shoes?: leather boots.
- Favourite fruit?: Peaches.
- Favourite book?: Wuthering Heights, Lord of the Rings (absolute faves, but there are more)
- Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Running behind my ex’s car. That was my worst.
- Favourite GIF?: probably this:
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tagged by @thegothicviking thank you very much!!! 💋💋
I’ll tag @sciencebranchblues  @jackshithere @thecultoftill @barryyuth @flakelli @heiko5151 @reeshs
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muutos · 2 years
we've literally had this conversation and it's richard for me and not for anything other than the fact there's a complexity about him ( that is present in everyone else of course ) but idk there's just something about him and i love it. thank you.
it's a choice. he is probably (along with christopher) my most developed muse, & he's certainly the most animated, like - probably my most well rounded character, (???) & i pride myself on being able to craft & portray a good villain. we've laughed at baby reesh's naivety and poor upbringing, screamed at the computer screen about how stupid he's being, & gagged at his piglet behaviour. TLDR, we laughed, we cried - i threw up in my mouth, a little.
For followers of multi-muses, tell them who is your favorite muse of theirs and why? Whether on anon or not!
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dzaira · 6 years
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My poor sweet Reesh broke the string and smashed the guitar 0_0
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