#for bringing to life these ideas for the otp once again with such talent
drunkchasind · 10 months
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And time no longer matters ✨
Commissions of Faye & Ozob by the always amazing @pointdotiozao 🖤
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twilightofthe · 4 years
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Ohhhhh Nonny do I have an IDEA for this one, thank you so much. I’m going off of your Separatists idea, thanks!
(You also sent me that second Obikin prompt which I shall also answer boy howdy!)
(OTP prompts list found here)
Obianidala 4 - Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides?
In this universe, Dooku tries to catch more flies with honey than vinegar at first. When Padmé Amidala starts stirring up a fuss in the Senate about things that could interfere with Sidious’s plans, Dooku sees an opportunity arise. That formidable personality Amidala uses to command attention to her cause, something like that could be useful to him, to have on his side. His Master will certainly disagree, but Dooku knows that his Master cannot be his Master forever. At some point, Sidious will have to be dealt with; why not have the girl who took down the last Chancellor as an ally?
Count Dooku arranges a meeting with Senator Amidala. He tells her the truth about Sheev Palpatine. He shows her the datapad painstakingly compiled with over a decade of evidence of the Chancellor’s high treason. The entire sordid affair that was invasion of Naboo and Palpatine’s role in it is displayed in full. The truth is undeniable.
Padmé has never been so furious in her life. If what is in these documents is true, everything up to and including her own election as Queen, what she prided herself on for achieving through her own success and talent and by the grace of a democratic society, all of it, was his doing. He chose her. He groomed her. Eight fucking years of her life as a civil servant unknowingly dancing on his strings like a puppet, enacting his will, causing her planet and the galaxy irreparable damage. Gods, he chose her because she was weak-minded enough to hand him the Chancellorship on a silver platter.
Dooku tells her of Palpatine’s plan, of the war he’s been cultivating— too late in the proceedings now for Padmé to do anything to stop it, gods, he’s thought of everything, and his ultimate goal of complete galactic domination. He believes Dooku is his servant, on his side, but, Dooku says, he does not plan to follow him forever. He wants to take Palpatine down, and he thinks Padmé could help him.
She learned all of her political prowess from the man who betrayed her. She knows he has left nothing to chance and that there is no way civil law and political action could knock him off his throne, no matter what evidence she gathers. She doesn’t trust Dooku, thinks he’s just as bad.
But Padmé was a tool in Palpatine’s rise. Anything bad that happens because of him is now blood on her hands by proxy.
Padmé Amidala commits herself to an alliance with Count Dooku.
A slightly less detailed version of the evidence shown to Queen Jamillia is enough to commit Naboo as well.
They can’t tell Palpatine yet, don’t want to alert him to their plan, so for a year they plan in private. Dooku is certain his Master is unaware. During that year, Padmé is told of what Darth Sidious really is, how the Sith factor into everything. She really didn’t sign up for this. This is Jedi-level danger that she has no experience in handling and gods, the Jedi don’t even know about any of this, and while Sidious is awful and Padmé Will bring that bastard down, she doesn’t like or trust Dooku in the slightest. Does not want his ideas of how the galaxy should be run.
But what should she do?
The answer comes when Dooku tells her that he is being ordered by his Master to make attempts on her life due to her rabble rousing in the Senate. He won’t actually kill her, he promises, and she knows he needs her enough that she believes him.
And then the sack of utter shit kills Cordé accompanied by a completely unrepentant message to her saying that it was necessary, and Padmé despises him too and maybe that’s why she’s so eager to lightly push him into the fire when Palpatine pulls her into a meeting with the Jedi about it. Maybe the Jedi can help her, do something, maybe—
The Jedi is the same one who was sent to protect her a decade ago, the one Dooku’s mentioned by name from time to time when he’s humored her questions on the Sith and Jedi, his former grand-apprentice Padmé swears he might still be fond of.
And that apprentice’s current apprentice, and damn, Little Ani has certainly grown up...
Obi Wan is truly brilliant, Padmé didn’t appreciate that enough the first time they met. She’d appreciate it more now, if not for the light suspicion she starts picking up from him near the moment the investigation into her attackers starts. She supposes it could just be dislike of how his apprentice is blatantly, adorably enamored with her— which, doesn’t quite bother Padmé like it should, and no, she is not going down that road right now, nope —and it’s easy enough to tell Obi Wan cares very deeply for Anakin, but she suspects it’s more, that he’s caught on that there’s something she might not be telling them.
Having his intense focus on her though? Not entirely bad. His eyes staring into hers and his smooth voice as he asks her questions? Padmé can accept that. She can accept Anakin tripping over himself, being genuine and kind and so eager to help her. Even if she doesn’t want to tell herself why.
After the second assassin attempt— bugs, Dooku, really? —she can tell Obi Wan definitely knows something is up and says so to Dooku, who had promised her he’d handle it.
Her and Anakin are sent off to Naboo and she knows that bothers Obi Wan— though again, is that more his suspicions about her or his worry over Anakin —and she dearly hopes Dooku doesn’t kill him
During the time on Naboo, she learns much more about Anakin Skywalker, his humor, his brightness, his complication, his anger. He’s mad at the government too, and he feels pressure and upset at who he answers to. He’s ridiculously gone on his own Master even if he doesn’t know it, and Padmé has seen Obi Wan with her own eyes so she understands that completely. He’s beautiful and she’s unable to look away from him, especially not when he’s looking right back at her, kisses her, and no, this is a problem, a Major problem because the crux of the entire issue is that he is far, far too close to Palpatine.
Padmé has spent enough time reflecting back on just how exactly Palpatine groomed her, she recognizes it now in Anakin. He, wine flushed over dinner, tells her of the supposed prophecy he doesn’t quite believe in, how he is very powerful in the Force. She remembers all Dooku told her of the Sith, and while she’s sure he didn’t tell her close to all of it, she knows far more than enough to know that Anakin Skywalker is in grave danger
She sees even more of it when Tatooine and his mother come into play
She needs to pull away from this.
The updates Dooku’s sending on Obi Wan, how he’s being lured, her concern, no, none of this is good.
These are good men, bright men, people who just want to help, and she can’t have them around her because they’ll mess up the purpose she’s gambled her entire life for
So when Anakin gets a distress call from Obi Wan on Geonosis, Padmé grits her jaw, shoves down her feelings, and leads Anakin straight into Dooku’s trap.
The look of utter heartbreak and betrayal on his face once they arrive and are captured, when the droids let Padmé go and she walks away from him, the pain in his voice as he says her name, only her name, nothing else, it breaks her.
But this is it, Obi Wan discovered the clones and the game is put in motion, and Padmé can no longer hide in the shadows, has to sit and watch as the two Jedi are put in the arena to die, looks at Dooku who’s watching them with a troubled expression— she knows he made Obi Wan an offer and was turned down, knows he too sees something in Obi Wan like he did in her, and Padmé has an idea because she sensed a likeness in Obi Wan that resides in herself, that he wouldn’t listen to a shady figure like Dooku, but if she could make him see her view, tell him what was controlling them— controlling Anakin...
Anakin, she thinks, would come too. For his Master, if anything, but she knew they had something and if she hadn’t managed to completely kill it by betraying him.
She tells Dooku she might be able to convince the Jedi one more time to see things their way, and he narrows his eyes suspiciously but keeps the other newly-Separatist leaders from going after her when she tosses two blasters into the arena for the unarmed Jedi.
Obi Wan’s glare at her is pure acid and no, that one will not be easy, she very well might fail, and something in her both winces at the disdain but also ignites at the challenge, he is a challenge and she is good at challenges, but she catches Anakin’s eyes and sees confusion, remnants of that awful pain that makes her faint with guilt, and hope, hope in those eyes as he handles the blaster with the ease of a lightsaber— Obi Wan’s even better at it, Padmé notes with amusement, remembering him expressing distaste for them —she feels her heart jump. Maybe she hasn’t destroyed what she and Anakin had, maybe she hasn’t lost him, maybe there’s a chance to explain—
The Jedi show up and they bring the clones, and now it’s a full out battle, the other leaders are fleeing, but Padmé can’t go, not yet, though she is shameless enough to duck behind Jango Fett and let him handle things when she sees Mace Windu headed in her direction with a look like death on his face, which, fair, very fair, Padmé does kind of deserve it, she did lie to everyone
She’s trying to follow Obi Wan and Anakin, catches a swoopbike and gets a small cluster of droids to follow her when she sees them headed on carrier ships.
This time, when one ship is struck, Obi Wan and Anakin are in different transports, so it is Obi Wan who is knocked out of it and tumbles into a sand dune, and Anakin on his way to get Dooku without even noticing his Master fell.
Padmé is ready to use her droid squad to capture him again so she can explain, but now clones are headed his way too, and her droids and the clones engage in a firefight across the sands, so it is Padmé alone who goes across the sand to offer him a hand up
Her getting flipped onto her back and a lightsaber at her chest reminds her that right, he’s a bit peeved with her at the moment
Wait, she tells him, raising her hands complacently. Listen to her, she says, Anakin is in danger.
His hair is unkempt and there’s dirt on his face and his stare seems more intense than ever. His voice is icy as he replies, and who’s fault is that?
She winces. He is mad that she hurt Anakin on top of everything else, which is also fair, she’s mad at herself too. Not from her, she explains, from the Sith Lord, the one Dooku told you about, did he tell you their name?
His eyes narrow, says Dooku said the Sith controls the Senate
Padmé tells him she’s met the Sith, Dooku is right, and that the Sith not only controls the Senate, they control Anakin, have had their eye on him for a very long time
And there’s that flash of protective fire in his eyes, she has his attention, though he’s trying to act like she doesn’t. She likes his attention, is glad he cares for Anakin as much as she does. He asks her, tone dangerous, what the hell she’s talking about.
Padmé takes a breath. You’re in danger of losing him to the Dark Side.
He reels back ever so slightly, snarls, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Ask him what we did on Tatooine, she counters, watches as he takes that entirely the wrong way, the flush of cheeks, the second once-over of her, and she can’t help but be amused.
No, she stresses though, because they don’t have the time, not like that. Ask him what he did. He did something awful and if you don’t help him with that, it will get worse and he will deliver himself right into the Sith’s hands
She can see him paling. He knows she’s not lying. What did he do? Who is this Sith?
She shakes her head, tells him that he will not believe her, and that Anakin must tell him himself, and he must still be there for him. You are what’s keeping him where he is. Don’t drive him away. You can’t lose him.
His eyes narrow, he wants to argue with her and the lightsaber is still at her chest and he’s staring at her just as intensely and her heart is tight, but he’s getting a report on his commlink, and she hears something about Anakin about to engage Dooku, and he swears sharply and is pulling out the blaster she gave him and she doesn’t have time to move before he shoots her with it—
And he stunned her, thank the gods, she wakes up handcuffed in a transport ship with a few clones still milling around, she sees the entrance to the cave system Dooku was using off at a distance, she knows exactly where he would be and knows in her heart that Obi Wan and Anakin are fighting him.
The clones, bless them, are still a little new, and her cuffs are in the front and aren’t exactly chained to anything, and she’s in white just like them so it doesn’t take much to pull her wrap cowl up over her head, wait until one isn’t looking, and take off out of the ship at a run, somehow avoiding getting shot until she’s deep in the cave and has time to pull a pick out of her boot and undo the cuffs with her mouth. She can hear fighting in the distance and she may be unarmed, but she feels she was finally breaking through to Obi Wan and she needs something she can control, not Dooku, not Sidious, her, and she bursts out—
And there’s Dooku, fighting what looks like Master Yoda, and there are both of her men, collapsed on the floor, and obviously there is history between Dooku and his old master so neither of them even pay her any mind as she darts across the ground to where Obi Wan is laying slightly over Anakin— who, gods, is missing an entire arm, Dooku you bastard —and is surprisingly, still awake.
She meets Anakin’s bleary, pain-filled eyes, runs a hand soothingly over his forehead and croons softly at him, melts at how quickly he leans in to her touch despite what she’s done, what side she’s on. It’s okay, shhh, it’s okay, rest.
Did you mean it? he asks her, and her heart shatters. Any of it, did you mean-?
I didn’t want to lie, she tells him, completely honest. You weren’t part of the plan, you never were, hurting you wasn’t—
He makes a confused, sad little noise as she leans closer and oh, she can’t help it, she leans down and she kisses him and he presses into it eagerly, she can taste blood in his mouth, before slumping back to the floor, asleep.
What are you doing? She turns to see Obi Wan struggling to wake, glare back on his face, and oh, these two need to have a serious conversation, but that’s not the now. She wipes Anakin’s blood off her lip.
She tells him she is gaining an ally, and when he flares up, adds that she does truly care for him, and wants him safe, and the only way she can do that is if she takes out the Sith who is after him
Why side with Dooku then, Obi Wan challenges, and she smiles, tells him that Dooku too is a threat, and in this position she can try to bring down the both of them—
With help, she emphasizes. I don’t know the Force, there are things they don’t tell me and I am far from strong enough. If you were to help me...
Obi Wan snaps that he is loyal to the Republic, and Padmé counters, is he to Anakin? Padmé catches the break in his façade for but a second as he glances at his broken apprentice still curled up beside him, and she knows she isn’t wrong.
She dares to reach out, brush a loose strand of shiny auburn hair out of his face while he’s incapacitated, tells him, she is willing to help them. They should consider helping her. He stays still while she brushes his hair, watching her hand. Maybe she hasn’t misjudged him either.
Obi Wan is once more cut off by louder noises and the sound of clones approaching, and Padmé sees Dooku getting ready to flee, so she pats both men on the head once more, tells Obi Wan, commands him, keep him safe. We will meet again.
And she’s off, dodging Yoda who’s running back for the Jedi, catching a swoopbike of her own and tearing off after Dooku to escape the planet.
Naboo has a declaration of secession to make, and a war is starting, and for the first time, Padmé feels like she has options.
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fictionadventurer · 5 years
For the OC asks: 1, 2, 4, 23, 39, 43, 44
1. Your first OC ever?
If we’re talking in-a-written-story OCs, probably the prince and princess of a “Rumpelstiltskin” retelling that was my first try at writing a not-for-school short story. I don’t remember either of their names or if they had any real personality, and I’m not interested in finding out. The story was a mess--trying for a ridiculous parody, sometimes diving into real emotional drama, and serving as a terrible example of both.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Abandoned story favorite: Alessandro. He was a duty-bound prince with a genius-level intellect who had spent his whole life preparing for the throne. But then he lost his sight in a battlefield accident, and his father died shortly after, and he was forced to abdicate in favor of a flighty younger brother. He’s very much a Young Writer’s Character--kind of a brooding genius archetype, and he’s probably a horrifically inaccurate example of a blind person. But he’s got some other qualities I like--a dry sense of humor, a sweet relationship with his much younger sister, etc. And he once showed his affection for the woman he loved by counting cards for her to help her win a game. So I’ll always be fond of him.
Current writing project favorite: Zemma, the FMC of my current project. I’ve written very little of her story, but I’m intrigued by what I’ve learned about her so far. She’s extremely smart, but very sheltered, and alternates between cold logic and impulsive, warm-hearted kindness. And she loves her family but has learned to see her humble background as shameful, so she’s torn between rejecting anything to do with her childhood and stubbornly holding onto things that remind her of it. Still trying to figure out if this makes her nuanced or inconsistent.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I’ve mentioned Alessandro a few times, but rarely his younger brother, Floriano, who I describe as “the sunlight to his brother’s shadow”. He’s cheerful and charming and saddled with a whole lot of responsibility that he doesn’t want and turns out to be way better at his job than anyone (even himself) expected.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Henry, largely because the story around him kept changing. (He didn’t even have a name until this current version). The first spark for him was a character in a fantasy world where a lot of people had a “one blessing one curse” thing going on, and his was that he could see the soul of anyone he met--and that anyone else could see his, so even though no one could hide things from him, he could hide nothing from anybody. Then I had an idea for a shapeshifter-plague story that involved a girl hiding out in animal form, and I thought it would be interesting if there was a character who knew her secret, so I imported the soul-seeing prince from the old story idea to be the best friend of this new story’s romantic interest (and dropped the “other people can see his heart” thing). And then somehow I got the idea to set this in WWI, and I realized that this made him the most interesting character in the whole story, because his friendly, cheerful nature was actually hiding a whole lot of war guilt, so he became the viewpoint character and that’s where we are now.
39. Introduce any character you want
Simon. He’s a fairly constant fixture in my very nebulous “Catholic X-Men superhero” universe. He started as a mashup of Simon the Likable from that one Get Smart episode (which I thought was a great concept for a villain) and Simon Baker’s character in The Mentalist. (Hence the name). He’s got very subtle mind-control abilities that allow him to brighten positive emotions and bring up good associations in the minds of people he meets, so that everyone finds him irresistibly likable and will bend over backwards to do what he wants. He uses this to live a cheerfully self-centered life as a small-time con artist, who occasionally makes himself useful to bigger, badder villains but has no ambitions for really serious crime. If you’re one of the rare people who’s immune to his abilities, it’s maddening that no one else can see what an insufferably smarmy slimeball he is. But he’s not all villainous. On rare occasions, he’ll be motivated to help someone other than himself, and his powers do have non-villainous uses, so he could be on a slow path to semi-redemption.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess.
You know that text post that’s like “All OTPs are really just ‘character you can identify with’ + ‘your type’”? I sometimes feel like that’s how I create all my MCs. The traits can be portioned out differently among the main pair, but there’s usually a practical one and a more adventurous one, a cheerful one and a cranky one, a quiet one and a talkative one, an energetic one and a more sedentary one, etc. And even among the side cast, there are types that tend to show up again and again.
Here’s the starter pack of archetypes: 
The intelligent, introverted, dark-haired female
The sociable, energetic, light-haired/red-haired male (who’s secretly struggling with past tragedy and/or intense self-doubt)
The dark-haired, middle-aged, firm-but-kind female mentor figure (who probably has a complicated backstory)
The bubbly, blonde, airheaded-but-adorable younger female
The dark-haired, formidibly intelligent/talented male with a tendency toward melancholy and/or brooding
Character who’s really only a degree or two removed from a character in a book/show that I like
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I dunno, after that archetype list, I’m starting to doubt my ability to create any decent OC. Lol.  I do like that they can develop beyond that archetype as the story develops, gaining new traits specific to the setting, and bouncing off the people around them to create (what I think are) believable relationships.
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heamatic-a · 5 years
2019 is almost over!
(a well-deserved positivity for you!!) 
I know I already have told you numerous times over our Discord chat, but I could not resist, as I wrap the year 2019, I could not forget how coming across your blogs (heamatic, desxderium, akanenxmai) have literally changed my life. Before I nabbed Hanzo (and shortly after Kuai) around February and March of this year, I was going to quit roleplaying, writing and being on Tumblr in its entirety. That’s when all the MK11 hype was going around (I was one of them, despite not being a gamer myself) in March and when we began writing together. The moment I came across your blog, Jester, I thought I had hit the jackpot, and I realized that our writing meshes so well together, as well as our muses’ chemistry and dynamics. You have been nothing, but compassionate, kind, understanding and sympathetic and just overall an awesome person, friend and writing partner. I love everything we write together, no matter what muses and verses. 
I treasure Hanzo and Cassie so much, and they certainly have been one of the most unexpected ships that I will ship for eternity, and tbh, they have become one of my otps, because they have grown so much together (compared to their MKX characteristics and regarding the story mode), Hanzo and Becky (for all their emotional baggage and having to withstand themselves from bigger forces trying to hunt and kill them) and Becky being one of the most fleshed-out OCs I’ve ever seen, and you have such a clear and concise idea of her in so many interesting verses and I dig all of them quite honestly, and most recently, Hanzo and Akane, through their conveyed emotions, I absolutely love that they do not have to talk that much to understand each other, and they come across as soulmates, protecting each other’s assets and watching out for their physical and mental sanity. Also Kuai Liang and Cassie, although that is the most unusual ship I’ve ever written to this date, I treasure them because they’re inherently so good and respectful towards each other when they do become a couple. Through our various ships, you have been nothing, but receptive, open, and adaptive, but most importantly, you have listened to all of my ideas and gave me so much confidence, because I was (and still is) so insecure not only of my writing, but weary of how my ideas would come across, as well as my headcanons. 
And talking with you literally daily on Discord certainly helped with my mindset; I’ve grown more confident, and my writing has taken leaps of development. I began to write more headcanon posts and you have always encouraged me to write more, and supported the cause of me going off tangent in developing so many different verses and AUs. I will never forget your kindness with offering me graphics and literally having been serving as a catalyst in my blow’s rebranding and remaking. Without you, it wouldn’t have been possible to get my blog where I am, with such amazing chemistry, dynamics and connection not only OOC, but IC as well. 
I am going to ramble if you don’t stop me, so I will try to keep it short, but you are such a remarkable and exquisite writer. Your writing flow so effortlessly, and not only am I fucking blown away by your internalization/introspection, but your muses’ dialogues, no matter who you happen to grasp with such perfection. Your graphics and art are goals as you’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever seen on this hellsite. If the year 2019 has granted me one thing that’s invaluable and most treasurable, it’s certainly you. You will always be my dear friend and my incorrigible writing partner, and my fucking ride or die.
First I wanna apologize because you sent this a few days ago and it took me a while to respond but I wanted my response to be worthwhile.
Now listen – LISTEN – I’m just so glad you followed me when you did. When you followed me and I saw your incredible writing and portrayal, I remember thinking ‘what is this quality blog doing following a potato like me??!’ because you know, I’ve told you many times, just how in awe I am of your poetic writing and how well it flows, how beautiful it is. I’m always completely floored by every reply I receive from you: it’s like Christmas and my birthday all at once every time lol I adore everything we write together, especially since we have a variety of subjects we write: funny, angst, smut, sweet, violent, etc… you name it. There’s never a dull moment and it’s always so much fun! And you already know how I was on the verge of quitting as well, how you’ve managed to make writing so much fun for me again. ;u;
And look: our ships? I love them so freakin’ much! Needless to say I think that save for Akane and Hanzo (even if it’s very recent), none of them were expected yet they mesh so freakin well together? They all give me so many feels, between happiness and angst, it’s just amazing to me how they all fit so well and are all so wholesome in their own way? Despite the hardships they all go through, they’re all very respectful to one another and constantly support each other. And I love how they developed as we wrote them, how natural they feel despite their unusual dispositions. And believe me Kathy, you have no reason to feel insecure about your ideas: they’re always so well thought out and fun. And you know me, I’m chill as can be: I’m always willing to try new things!
And omg… thank you so so so much for your compliment about Becky. It means the world to me, because she’s so important to me and there are times when I lack some confidence in that department, but your enthusiasm toward her has certainly helped me better myself and by proxy, has helped her. I’ve been writing her for five years and I can confidently say that I’ve been having so much fun writing her with you no matter the verse. Like I told you before, I hadn’t lost muse entirely, and I would never, not after five years of writing her, but you’ve most definitely helped bring that spark back. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I’m so glad you’ve grown more confident, especially with your incredible and excellent writing. Your headcanons are always top notch! I don’t know how you do it because I feel like I can never come up with proper headcanons no matter how much I try lol But you’re always impressing me whenever you post something new. They’re just SO GOOD. I’ve really enjoyed talking with you everyday, and tbh, you’ve helped me through the rougher times, especially the last couple of months. You’ve proven to me that there are still good people out there on this hellsite despite what I went through earlier this year. And for that I thank you. The chemistry we share both IC and OOC is a connection I cherish greatly.
Thank you for such compliments. It means a lot coming from you considering how beautiful your dialogues always are – as are all your inner descriptions of your character’s psyche. I’m constantly blown away by how you make everything come across so well, how it flows so effortlessly. How do you even come up with all these incredible descriptions and inner reflections? I’m so glad you like my graphics and art, because it’s all so much fun to work on, and it’s well deserved to you for being such a good friend to me. Thank you for being so amazing to me, for listening to me, for being such a good friend. I’m sure I’m rambling too, but while 2019 was a difficult year, it brought me some good things, and one of those good things is most certainly your presence in my life.
I’m looking forward to this ever lasting friendship. You’re my ride and die and I cherish the heckie out of you! Thank you again! AND REMEMBER THAT ILY!
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ofgoldenblood · 7 years
I had to take the time to come fangirl in your inbox because I am truly in love with your writing. I read your latest update for the 'more than a ghost au' and you managed to make me commit to the story despite my not shipping Lightstar. It's a true testament to how talented you are. My jaw dropped at the quality of this verse. I think your insight into the inner workings of Jonathan's twisted mind is extraordinary and
your portrayal is nothing short of brilliant. You make him human and it’s all that I could ask for when he is the most misunderstood character in this fandom. I especially look forward to every update of your abo verse and your hooker au since Jalec is my otp. These stories make me genuinely happy and there are no words that could possibly express how grateful my Jalec heart is for having such a wonderful writer pen my favorite pairing. From a fan
First of all, thank you so much for this lovely message. Your words really cheered me up & I loved hearing that you enjoy my portrayal(s). There’s a lot of controversy about Sebastian and it’s always nice to meet someone else who appreciates him, despite his obvious shortcomings & villainy!!Tbh, I will never understand why people watch shows like SH & then non-stop point out ‘bad’ things and complain about the bad guys. If you want drama-free & entirely harmless then maybe you should watch something like Dora the Explorer instead of hating on people who enjoy a good drama-driven story. Drama requires villains or at least people fucking up, otherwise there would be no conflict and conflict (& its resolve) is usually what makes a story thrilling or interesting. I’m sure most of us want drama-free lives, but who wants to WATCH that, really? BUT I AM SORRY FOR RANTING… so I will continue to rant under the cut.
I agree with you that Sebastian is misunderstood, even if most people in this fandom immediately start fuming when someone says that. Because they think misunderstood = poor mistreated little cupcake. That is not what he is. He is a killer, he is cruel & merciless and he knows no remorse for the things he does and the lives he takes. I am not excusing those actions.He is, however, deeply disturbed and a victim of tremendous abuse. He was drugged literally before he was born, with something that altered his very being & gave him no chance to grow up a ‘normal’ boy. His mother abandoned him because the only other choice she saw was to kill him. As far as he knos, she never even considered trying to save him. His father never loved him, called him a monster that nobody could ever love & literally whipped him (& probably other things, lbr). He isolated him from any healthy human contact & effectively stole his entire childhood. This is severe emotional and physical abuse and I wish people would stop disregarding that and instead only focus on the fact that Sebastian kissed his sister.
Valentine turned him into not a soldier but an (almost literally) soulless weapon. He made him the possibly loneliest person alive. I once saw a post in the Seb tag where someone said something along the lines of ‘I can tolerate Valentine but Sebastian is just pure evil and needs to die‘ & it pissed me off so much, because it blatantly disregards the fact that it was Valentine who made Sebastian the way he is. We’ll never know for sure, I guess, if Jon/athan Christopher hadn’t turned out to be a sociopath too (you don’t need demon blood for that), like Maia’s brother Daniel for example, but he certainly wouldn’t have been the monster that we see in the books. I really like drawing the connection to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in Seb’s case. The monster - as the Doctor himself calls it - is presented as a vile nightmare that haunts Frankenstein and destroys his life - but really all his negative & frightening features are a result of Frankenstein’s treatment, neglect & horror. He created the monster AFTER bringing a dead person back to life. We don’t know how much of Seb’s cruelty comes from his demon blood& how much is Valentine’s influence, but I like to remind people that warlocks are half demon too, and nobody would go around saying Mag/nus is at least 50% evil.
A key thing about Seb for me is that he doesn’t understand himself. He is literally misunderstood in that way. He’s never had a chance to figure out who he is or what he wants without someone’s influence in his ear (Valentine or Lilith). He grew up with a distorted understanding of right/good & wrong/evil, so how is he supposed to agree with the ‘good guys’ when they say that it is not okay to kill someone who poses a threat to you & your plan (which is, essentially your entire life’s purpose??)? Or that desiring your sister in a way that this society finds wrong is despicable? (We literally can’t even agree here on tumblr how ‘bad’ inc/est is!!) He never experienced love, never received, felt or understood it, so he tries to bind people to him to fight his loneliness any other way possible. He is a drowning man who can’t ever escape the water but desperately struggles to stay afloat, because there is literally no alternative.
When his hate & jealousy for Jace (who is not even Valentine’s real son but somehow ends up getting everything that’s supposed to be Seb’s - his father, the illusion of a childhood, time to develop, Clary, even Jocelyn for a while, a parabatai, LOVE) threatens to destroy him, he turns them into the opposite and starts obsessing. He binds Jace to himself, tries to consume him, perhaps to somehow make Jace’s life his own. He will never get love anyway (he doesn’t UNDERSTAND IT, it’s like wanting something you don’t even know) so he’s content to have Clary & Jace with him, even if he has to keep them by force.
Now, none of this means I excuse what he does or did. I just like to think about what makes him tick & try to understand him. I love complex villains. My favorite villain is probably Hann/ibal Lec/ter (more in NBCs Hann/ibal than in the books/movies), who absolutely deserves to sit in prison for all eternity, but still is one of the most fascinating characters ever created, imo. His world view, his morals, his motivations to kill and his excuses for it need to be looked at outside any moral judgement if we want to understand human nature better, I think. You can love a character for their complexity and still judge their actions - and I think that is what most people in this fandom don’t accept. Liking Sebastian does not mean I cheer for his murders and ra/pe attempt.
AS FOR THE MORE THAN A GHOST AU, it’s one of my absolute favorites, atm, because it actually goes against my firm belief that death was the best option for Seb at the end of COHF. He’s not prepared to survive & nobody else is either. He is forced to face the consequences of his actions but suddenly lacks the conviction that they were necessary, good or even acceptable. For the first time he recognizes himself as the villain. Not as a monster- which is something wrong & unlovable - but as someONE who did horrible things & has to take responsibility for them. He is willing to do that, even if he feels like a different person & it’s actually Alec in that verse who kind of allows him to adopt that thought of Sebastian being a different person from Jonathan. That gives Jonathan hope, but at the same time it is his ultimate kryptonite. Whenever he is disappointed in his own inability to be ‘Not-Sebastian’, he regresses to telling himself he can never be anyone other than Seb. Jonathan is an idea without an anchor in reality & on his bad days Jon is convinced Alec is just telling himself & Jon a lie everyday to not feel guilty about loving his brother’s murderer.
I also headcanon that Jon doesn’t immediately become a nice person in the beginning of the verse. He ‘learned’ how to be ‘good’ so he could be able to impersonate Sebas/tian Verl/ac, but he never really internalized it. He is still impatient, more easily angered, looks to violent solutions faster than to peaceful ones. He is used to calculating damage against gain & will choose the most effective way, not matter the cost. Since he has feelings now that he didn’t have with the demon blood (presumably) and also a conscience he wouldn’t wage a war for the hell of it or to get what he wants, or sacrifice innocent people.. but he has yet to LEARN who the innocent people are. If there was a young werewolf struggling on their first full moon, threatening to hurt people, Jon would choose to kill them, whereas Clary & Co would try to help them. He still has to unlearn the rac/ism against Downworlders Valentine nurtured in him. He still has to learn how to take and deal with rejection in a way that doesn’t completely destroy him. There are just so many aspects to this scenario & that’s why I love it so much!!
I AM SO SORRY about how long this turned out, and you didn’t even ask for ANY OF THIS *hides, ashamed*
Thank you again for your message & your kind words. I currently also really love the hooker AU and the a/b/o AU, so I’ll hopefully get to continuing those soon c:I have a drabble planned for the hooker AU in which I’ll write about the first time Jace took money for se/x, if you’re interested in that.Unrelated, Andy & I also talked about a short drabble based on ‘The Other Side’ by Ruelle, so if you enjoy having your heart broken, you have that to look forward to.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.:*
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musicalpatd · 8 years
Show You How to Love: Part 1
Plot: You’re Pippa’s understudy when you realize that you like her as more than just a friend.
Warnings: None I think? If there is one, let me know.
Tags: @imagineham
Author’s note: SURPRISE!!!
Lin was a good friend in high school, and you had recently got back in touch with him. He explained his latest project that he was working on: a musical about a founding father named Alexander Hamilton. Naturally, you thought he was crazy at first, but when he showed you a small portion of one of the songs, you knew he had something special.
“You know, you’d be a perfect Eliza,” Lin said during one of your phone conversations, “Why not audition to be her?”
You replied, “Because I don’t have a musical bone in my body, Lin, You should know this by now. We did go to high school together, after all. I can’t sing or act and you know that for a fact”
“Says the girl who chose flipping Chorus and Drama as her high school electives.” He retorts.
“Oh shut up, you actual child! I’ve got better ways to spend my Thursday than trying to have a conversation with a five year old. If you’ll finally stop bugging me, then fine, I’ll do it.” You joke.
“YAAAY! See you Saturday at 12 P.M. okay?” Lin cheers.
“Saturday at 12 it is.” You reply.
Saturday could not come any slower.
As you step into the building, you notice the people around you, and thought that there was absolutely no chance that you were getting this role. You saw so much talent around you, so many beautiful faces, all much prettier than yours (at least that was your personal opinion) and you were lost in thought until you heard someone call out “(Y/N) (Y/L/N)? You’re up!”
As you step into the room, you see three people: Lin, Alex Lacamoire, another old high school friend, and a tall, mysterious man you didn’t recognize.
“Alright, so I assume your familiar with the audition process, correct?” Spoke the man.
“Correct.” You answered.
“Perfect. Let’s begin, then.”
They proceed to check your range, listen to you sing a song of your choice, and preform a very small bit from the show. During this, Lin and Alex were taking notes non stop.
“Ok, wonderful. That’s all we need. You’re free to go, have a great day!” Said Alex.
“Same to you!” You said with all the positivity you could muster before leaving.
A few weeks later, you get an email, and while crossing your fingers, and wishing with all your heart, you opened it.
You were the official understudy for the role of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton.
You called Lin and started rambling on and on about how excited you were.
“I know, I know!! I would have given you the role in a heartbeat, but Alex said that it’d be too easy to cast you as Eliza since I already knew you, so that’s why you’re the understudy.“ He explained.
“Oh! That makes sense!” You said.
“Hey, do you wanna grab some coffee? I could bring the person who you’re understudy-ing for with us so you can get to know her!” Lin suggested.
“Sounds great, I’m in! How about next Tuesday?” You asked.
A few minutes later, you got a text.
Lin: Pippa can come on Tuesday! Let’s meet up at that place we used to go all the time!
You: Does 3 work for you?
Lin: Works for me! See you then!
On Tuesday, you drove to this little shop selling ice cream and coffee that you and Lin came to frequently as high schoolers. You immediately recognized Lin standing outside, but not the woman standing next to him. She had beautiful black hair, the prettiest eyes you’d ever seen, and the most radiant smile in the world.
She was beautiful.
You hugged Lin, and shook Phillipa’s hand as she greeted you.
“Hi, I’m Phillipa, but you can call me Pippa!” She said.
Even her voice was lovely. No wonder she’d gotten the roll of Eliza.
“I’m (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!” You said
You went inside the shop, ate ice cream, drank coffee, and talked. It was one of the best days ever.
A few months had passed, and Hamilton was starting to become really popular, as you predicted, but there was one thing that you didn’t predict.
You had a massive crush on the one and only Phillipa Soo.
You had discovered that you were Bisexual a while ago, but this was your first crush on a girl. She was beautiful, caring and kind. So, so kind.
You loved her with all your heart, but you knew that she would never return the feeling in the same way. Everyone always made jokes about how you two were in love, but you knew it was impossible to be her girlfriend. She was probably straight, and even if she wasn’t, she’d never fall in love with someone like you. She was her, and you were, well, you.
Little did you know, she was thinking the same thing.
If Pippa was sick and you took her shift, she’d come to the theater when she felt better. Now, this had only happened twice, and both times she had never seen a kiss between you and Lin. This time, however, she did catch one, and when the show was over, she acted….. odd.
“I didn’t know you and Lin were a thing!” She said, with a bit of hostility in her voice.
“What? Who told you that? We’re not, Pippa. It’s a stage kiss…. you know, like the very same ones you do while playing the exact same role?” You said
“I know what I saw, (Y/N), and I’m really…. happy for you.” She huffed, now seething with rage.
“Are you….. jealous?” You asked.
“No, what kind of question is that? Of COURSE I’m not! What even is there to be jealous about?” Pippa retorted.
“W-what’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, visibly hurt.
“You know what it means.” She said coldly.
Her words hurt you, confirming that she indeed would not and could not ever be in a relationship with you, or even be friends anymore.
“Well if that’s what you think… fine. I’ll just go.” You said shakily with tears in your eyes.
You ran far from the theater, so fast you didn’t even hear the last words Pippa would say to you in weeks.
“(Y/N), wait-”
You ran as far as your feet would carry you, not knowing where you were going, or what you’d do when you got there, until you saw it.
Renee’s house.
You knocked on the door repeatedly, until suddenly Jazzy opened the door. She stared at you until she finally called for Renee.
“Renee, you might wanna come here real quick.” Jazzy said.
Renee comes to the door, and as soon as she sees you, her eyes get as wide as saucers.
“Who the fu-” she began until Jazzy stopped her.
“Pippa.” You said simply.
They both gave you looks of confusion, until Renee was having absolutely none of it.
“Ok, very funny (Y/N), now come in so you can tell us what REALLY happened.”
They let you inside, and then you explained, conveniently leaving out the fact that you were in love.
“-and now she probably never wants to see me again.” You finished.
“So you really were serious.” Renee said.
“Of course she was. Do you think that she’d play that kind of prank on us?” Jazzy said.
“Yes” The three of you said, bursting into a fit of laughter.
“Don’t worry. No way am I letting some stage kiss ruin my OTP. I’ll talk to her about it, and you guys will kiss, make up, get married, fly off into the sunset on Pippa’s magic flying pegasus, and live happily ever after. The end.” Renee joked.
She was one of the main people who joked about you and Pippa. A lot.
After the fight, Pippa tried desperately to get advice. And she knew just where to get it.
“Lin! Helloooo! Open up!” Pippa screeched.
Lin opened his dressing room door, and let Pippa in.
“Lin. Help me. Please.” Pippa begged.
“With what?” Lin asked.
Pippa began to explain
“-And now she probably never wants to see me again.” She finished.
“Pippa.” Lin said.
“Yes?” She replied.
“You dun goofed.” Lin told Pippa.
“I know. How do I fix it?” She asked.
“Don’t worry. No way am I letting some stage kiss ruin my OTP. I’ll talk to her about it, and you guys will kiss, make up, get married, fly off into the sunset on your magic flying pegasus, and live happily ever after. The end.” Lin said.
Renee joked about you and Pippa with you, and Lin joked about you and Pippa with Pippa.
For weeks you avoided each other, Pippa was getting extremely upset by the lack of you in her life, so one Wednesday she found you, and before you could avoid her, she ran to you and gave you a big hug.
“I am so sorry you literally have no idea it’s been slowly killing me ever since it happened and I’m just so sorr-” Pippa rambled.
“Pippa. It’s ok. I forgive you.” You said.
“I imagine Renee told you what comes next?” Pippa asked.
“Yep. I’m positive Lin told you, so there’s only one thing left to do.” You said.
“Kiss, make up, get married, fly off into the sunset on your/my magic flying pegasus, and live happily ever after. The end.” You both said, laughing.
“Friends?” You asked.
“Friends.” Pippa replied, hugging you.
Everything went back to normal, and you two were once again inseparable.
And then the sleepover happened.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
OTP AU Number 6 for Obitine? I want all the Obitine AUs lol
Hell yeah more Obitine!  (I’m willing to write all of em but ur gonna have to prompt me directly I’m a lazy ass who needs to be prodded)  
(OTP prompts list found here)
Obitine 6 - Single Parent AU:  Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
It has been exactly three years since Obi Wan took in Anakin’s orphaned children as his own when he wakes up late-- on the first day off where he has the luxury of sleeping in in over a month, thanks kindly --to find the twins not in their beds and the apartment door unlocked with the chair still dragged over from the kitchen table so a pair of devious four year olds could reach the locks.  
Obi Wan shrugs on a wrinkled shirt from last night for the sake of decency and tears out the door and down the stairs, praying they hadn’t made it too far down the street, only to stop and stare at his two children sitting on the ground on the landing below them, swimming in oversized teeshirts that don’t belong to him nor either of them and watching a strange woman paint the door of the apartment that had been up for sale until a few weeks ago.
All three apparent artists look up at whatever strangled noise leaves his throat, and while Luke and Leia take turns trying to hide behind one another, the woman gets to her feet, wipes her paint-streaked hands off on her already stained jeans, and holds out a hand.  You must be Uncle Ben, she says, using the name Obi Wan had chosen for the twins to use rather than suffer through whatever horrid nickname that would undoubtedly occur from toddlers learning to speak trying to pronounce his absurd New Age given name.
She has a smear of bright green across her forehead and flecks of pink in her hair falling out of its bun and the bluest eyes he’s ever seen.  He shakes her slender hand despite the paint and quite forgets to tell her that no one else calls him Ben.  He abruptly realizes he probably should have made an effort to button his shirt before running out the door, despite the warm feeling he gets when her eyes flick to his chest once or twice.
She introduces herself as Satine, says that she just moved in-- and God is Obi Wan grateful that at least a random stranger did not encourage his children to vandalize a door that didn’t even belong to her --and that she’s noticed him bringing his children in and out of the building-- and she’s beautiful, truly beautiful, how the hell hadn’t he noticed her? --and that she was awoken this morning by the sounds of Luke and Leia trying to draw on her door with crayon.
Obi Wan’s horrified apology is drowned out by Luke blanching and loudly insisting that the crayons hadn’t even worked on the wood while Leia glares at Satine and Obi Wan both before adding that Miss Satine was the one who told them painting on it was okay.
Satine laughs and admits that yes, the paint was her idea.  She had confirmed that their uncle was upstairs sleeping, and as she believes children should explore creative outlets, decided she would keep an eye on them and keep them busy by covering them in makeshift smocks and bringing out some nontoxic paints that wash right off of wood.  She’s an artist by hobby, and as Obi Wan actually looks at the abstract geometric design she had the twins filling out on the door, he notes that she is a good one.
Still embarrassed, Obi Wan insists that when it’s time to wash it off before the landlord sees, he and the twins will be over to do it for her to make up for the hassle.  Satine counters with a sparkle in her eye and a suggestion they trade phone numbers, that way if he is ever in need for someone to watch them, he can call her and maybe avoid future vandalism.  She does work, but if she’s free, she would love to, he’s raised lovely children.
Obi Wan hasn’t even considered the idea of dating since Anakin and Padmé died and he abruptly became a single father/uncle/guardian/???, but her words hit a warm note in him, the first to tell him he isn’t ruining these kids’ lives who isn’t his exasperated friends trying to reassure him or his therapist.  Frankly, he’s still not too sure, but if anything, Satine seems like she would be a good friend and she’s already charmed Luke and Leia, so he suggests that she at least let him treat her to coffee to make up for it.
She accepts, and they tentatively schedule a time, and then he leaves with his protesting charges tucked under his arms while his mind tries frantically to alternate between panicking about the pretty woman and ideas on how to further child-proof a lock from kids related to Anakin Skywalker.
The guilt he still feels on asking one of his friends to watch the twins so he can do something for himself is likely never going to completely vanish, but when Ahsoka hears he might actually have a date, she practically shoves him out the door, promising that she had Bail and Breha to call as backup if necessary, and for him to please try and enjoy himself  
At their meet up, she has no paint in her hair, but it shines gold in the sunlight as they sit outside and both laugh when they prove themselves walking English stereotypes by both ordering one of the few teas off the coffeeshop menu.  She has a deep, chuckling laugh, he notices.  He likes that.  They ask each other where they’re from and how they ended up across the pond and across and down a landing from each other.  They talk about shared hobbies and interests and God, she’s smart, there’s a fire in her eyes as she talks about how she spends her time trying to help people and change the world.
The entire time, she still thinks his name is Ben.  He likes how it sounds when she says it.
Eventually though, she tentatively bridges The Question, how long are his niece and nephew living with him?  He’s told the story a thousand times to different people, and it still hurts, but his tea is warm in his hands and her eyes are warmer, and he doesn’t feel quite as bad as he slowly reveals the disaster that was his closest friends dying out of nowhere, trying to keep their kids from being put into the system by stepping up to take them despite having no clue how to raise a child, the hellish first year after when he was trying to just keep his head above the water.
She sits and listens to the entire story with sympathetic eyes, and at the end repeats that she admires him, that he’s done a great job with such challenges.  Something in him ignites.  She hesitates, before revealing her own story: being little more than a child herself when one of her own came into her life, her struggles raising him completely on her own.  He’s a teenager now, away at a private school for talented children, and she’s very proud.  He’ll be coming home soon for break.  
She takes his hand again, soft hands warmed by tea, and strokes over his knuckles.  I’ve been where you are, she tells him.  It’s not easy, but we do what we can.  It’s worth it in the end.  I promise you.
He knows it’s worth it.  He loves those two ridiculous children of his more than his own life.
As they walk back together, and she lets him kiss her cheek at the door, he figures, maybe there can be some more room in his heart.  
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lusciakoushiro · 6 years
Thank you VLD
I am feeling anxious to see this series end. I haven’t had it in my life for long, starting the series in late August, but it has meant so much to me. Because of this show I have been a lot happier; stupid grins on my face, laughing more thinking about it and I haven’t had a passion for a series in a long time. I never thought I would write fanfiction again, since my GW days, but I find myself thinking about the stories I could tell. I like drawing and seeing the art on this show as well within fandom makes me wanna practice and do better. I have had a character for years only to make a joke about him in terms of Voltron for everything to make sense and start thinking differently. So as Season 8 draws closer, only two hours away, I would like to say somethings about my favorite characters, my favorite episode and of course my OTP.
Favorite Characters:
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Shiro was THE reason I got into Voltron. My brother and I watched the first episode when it dropped and I really loved his character. After that first watch we kind of forgot about the show and I have no idea how that could be possible the way I am now lol He looked cool and strong and being the oldest he definitely had his head on straight. Fast forward to SDCC with his reveal and I knew I just had to check this show out. I love shounen ai and to have a character, a MAIN character who was also the LEADER, being LGBTQ was something special. I was curious to say the least though, due to the reveal being so late I feared that the way he held himself, they way he interacted with the other characters would change from what I remembered from episode one. So I went in and I was happy, overjoyed that nothing in his character changed in that way that some writers could have done. Early in the series we see the fat/fart jokes with Hunk, it would have been easy to do with a gay character to make him stereotypical. But they didn’t, he is strong, but has his flaws. His “weaknesses” never hold him back. “Owning who you are will make you a better Paladin”, going into the show knowing he’s gay on top of having a disease and being disabled; he radiates positivity and it makes me feel that if he can go through so much and can still laugh and smile even in the darkest hour than so can I.
Favorite Shiro Moment-
I have two for different reasons. The first is actually when he told Keith he died. That moment, the look on his face and the sound of his voice, just broke me. They were on borrowed time and despite Keith saying nothing was going to happen to him, Shiro looked as if he was feeling remorse. If anything only because he didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to Keith.
My other is him transforming the Atlas. Season 7 got a lot of flack and I more or less get it, however I am one who really enjoyed it, especially on my second watch. Season 7 as a whole was a rebirth for Shiro, whether he was on screen or not. The season opens with his beginning only to bring them back to the current time; no longer the leader, no longer the Black Paladin, so what was he? He is a leader through and through, he will lift others and guide them. Coran calling him Captain for the first time is so emotional and you could see it in his face that he wasn’t expecting it all. He files back into the leading role, new ship, new arm, nothing is holding him back as seen when he goes himself onto Sendak’s ship. He spent the entire trip back to Earth not being able to help in a way he wanted to and now he can go into the fray, as he looked on watching the Paladins fight for their lives something in him; his desire to help, his desire to protect, his LOVE, seemed to be a focal point in which he creates the transformation of the Atlas. His soul truly his powerful.
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Keith was one of the characters I knew I would grow into liking, especially since his first scene was him rescuing Shiro. But the more we saw of him, the more we saw him grow and find out what he had been through the more I identified with him. I was also a teenager who was ridden off as a problem child, even to a point that they assigned a truant officer to me. No one understood that my actions were stemming from a deeper issue and the same went for Keith, who was a grieving child and dealt a really bad hand. Some argued that he was a good kid and it wasn’t because of Shiro that he is who is. And they’re right, but Shiro put him back on a good path. Seeing how just one kind act can change someone’s life for the better is really life changing. Keith had no one after Shiro was lost, he only had his faith and love in him and it paid off. He wants to know who is and at some points in our lives we all have that feeling. When he leaves to go with the Blades it feels like he still is looking to find his place, to find a sense of self that isn’t bound to Shiro himself and that’s actually admirable. His time away learning about himself, what he is capable of in his own eyes and not that of others, even his time with his mom, were all things he had to do for himself. Once he comes back he has grown far past the loan wolf he thought himself to be, he was no longer alone and he could accept others around him. He looked back on his past self to the point of admitting he “wasn’t the best cadet back then”. The looks he gives to James tells me that he feels maybe a little bad for punching him too. He even apologizes for the hurtful things he said while they were going space mad and he was the only one to do so. He was able to be a friend to Hunk when he really needed someone. This is the type of evolution I long to see in a character and I am so happy to see him stand on his own, but is able to stand tall and proud.
Favorite Keith Moment-
Again I have two. The first is him saying he is flying the Black Lion after Shiro went nuts. The confidence he emits is quite the sight. He wasn’t ready to take lead, be the leader Shiro knew he could be back in season three. But the moment his friend needed him he was ready to face it head on. Just hearing him say “I will” gives me chills and then seeing him run to the Black Lion with purpose is amazing.
The second is him taking out Sendak. Yes, I do wish Shiro could have done it, but visually and “As many times as it takes” Keith will always have Shiro’s back. Him jumping out of the lion to slice through Sendak is probably my favorite moment in season 7 as a whole.
Favorite Episode-
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A Little Adventure. This actually surprised me, for awhile I was saying The Black Paladins was my favorite and I will say it is in my top three, but I kept going back to Season 7 Episode 1. Through out the show we see Keith grow as a person with vague ideas of his past, but Shiro? He was a total mystery and we had no clue how the two of them even knew each other. This episode show casing who Shiro was in the past was amazing to see; his compassion for his dreams as well as others was extremely heart warming, but then we see his demons; his illness, his fractured relationship with his boyfriend. He was complex and you really felt for him. I know I felt for Keith too, especially when he overheard about his illness from Admiral Sanda instead of from Shiro himself. You can see it in their “confrontation” that Shiro never meant to lie to Keith and he just wanted to protect him, but also in away he was protecting himself. The Garrison was turning their backs on his talent because of his illness and Adam walked away, almost like he gave up on him, thus he feared too if he told Keith, than Keith would leave him. This is where I feel that their bond for honesty came from along with deep trust; instead of saying “they’re right” Keith, though looking sad, asks “What are you gong to do?” It’s Shiro’s life to live and Keith knows it.
The scene transitions too get me; Adam saying “Don’t expect me to be here when you get back” then it cuts to Keith having his hands on the healing pod, the sad and worried look on his face is so emotional. And that I think is why I love it so much; the EMOTION is something I have never felt watching a show before and you have something special when it makes you feel.
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There isn’t much I can put into words about this ship. Their evolution together is, in my eyes, perfect. A relationship built on trust and honesty, folding into loyalty and over all genuine love. Shiro never once treated him as if he was beneath him, he has always made Keith feel his equal. Keith now feels he can show Shiro the same and stand beside him, to walk beside him, to lead beside him. With growth comes strength and with strength is love. Their bond is truly one that cannot be broken and this is a love story beyond time and reality.
Favroite Sheith Quote-
You see it above- “We saved each other”.
I will continue to love these characters forever. Thank you Voltron. Thank you JDS and LM. Thank you to the rest of the staff for all your amazing work and efforts on this master piece. Thank you to the VAs for giving them life! 
It’s been an honor flying with you all...
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