#for here's the thing if he stopped making hits for even a second he'd immediately fall from grace
n3rdy247 · 6 months
can i just get a john dory x female reader! headcanons!
john dory met while crashing the wedding and immediately started to flirt with dispite just meeting her. 🫣
girl be so fr OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!
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Okay, so, you know the whole 'watching a cute, romantic ass wedding' plans everyone had for today? Just...watching two bergens have a nice, uninterrupted marriage?
well fuck those plans. ★ Starting off the bat, when he was literally parkouring his way down that building which just happened to be the MOMENT he noticed you from the crowd, he couldn't help but throw a wink your way right after (even though he had his goggles on, that stupid mf) which led to him face-planting to the floor because his ass was NOT paying attention to stick the landing. YIKES. ★ He also DOES notice when you are at the edge of your seat to hear what the hell is going on. Apparently, he was Branch's brother (figures since both are fine ash, MUST be in the genetics), he was in a band, and his other hot brother was in danger?
remember the wedding? yeah me neither atp
★ He can't help but steal occasional glances at you when the others talk, and when he does, his smile almost seems to widen, even if it's just for a split second. He just saw you, yet look at you go! Making him all giddy and shit inside 🤭 ★ And whenever Poppy and Branch turn their backs to discuss the whole situation, you just KNOW he would be smirking at you with a smug-ass grin, trying to strike up a conversation. Keyword? TRYING.
"Soo...come here often?" lord almighty sir THIS IS A WEDDING.
"Damn, I could really go out for some fresh air right now, because I think you took my breath away." SIR WE ARE OUTSIDE WHAT
Needless to say, this man does NOT know how to strike up a convo.
★ If you do end up getting flustered about his horrendous pick-up lines somehow, he will be so fucking proud of himself for getting a reaction out of you, and WILL keep going at it. What a charmer. (Unless you are uncomfortable with that of course, he might not know how to talk to people, but he has human (troll???) decency.) ★ I'm talking him leaning slightly closer to you with half-lidded eyes, a huge smirk plastered on his face as his voice gets lower and lower, though internally I feel like he'd be going 'LET'S FUCKING GOOOO I STILL GOT IT' since he would be a bit unsure if he was doing well in the first place. It's probably been years since he had any sort of interaction with anyone other than Rhonda so it's understandable. ★ Not to mention BROZONE. MY GOD. If you know about his band? NICE! If you don't know anything about it? NICE! Either way, this man will absolutely brag about it to you. Even if it has been AT LEAST 20 YEARS. He will absolutely talk about 'the good old days' as if it was just yesterday. Bro would probably talk about how he wrote the hits "Girl Baby Baby" and "Baby Baby Girl" on the same day. ★And who knows? Maybe at the end of the wedding when sadly he has to go to save his brother with Branch and Poppy, you'll end up getting a way to contact him after the whole thing ends. You will see him sooner than you think, that's for sure though!
(please keep in mind this is the first time I've written any serious headcanons like these and not just stuff like 'he would be a great hugger' or 'he was a 7.5-inch haver 🤯🤯🤯')
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Karaoke Cacophony
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: This song is legitimately the reason why I ended up posting the poll that I did lmao- but if you check the lyric translations- it oddly fits the vibe for both Vox and Reader. Though it's only going to embarrass our resident TV man since our dear (Y/N) has absolutely no idea what the song actually means. Just that it sounds nice and it's something they heard over the radio back then when growing up. Vox has a built-in google translate thing so he can understand others better no matter what language, it just so happens that this hits him like a double-edged sword where he has no idea if he would've been better off not understanding the song and just appreciating the melody of your voice. BTW this interlude features an HC I have for Vox where he cooks sometimes because the systematic way it's done helps calm him down, it's inspired by something I read before but yeah- ALSO ALSO- some part kind of features reader being cracked out of their minds with pickup lines I pulled from one of @voxsremotec0ck's posts LMAO.
A/N: Also my cousin has had a HEAVY hand to play in this song choice, though her reasoning was mostly because of Angel's initial comment that watching Vox and Reader's interactions were like seeing a romcom plot unfold live. So why not go a little bit off tangent and relate them to a romantic fairytale? I also may have sorta kinda written a lot of this chapter while I myself was on a hyperactive streak because of some caffeine- Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this interlude and as always- Happy Reading!
After a while and back and forth of those games, you and Vox eventually stopped joining in despite the others still continuing to play.
You and your partner in crime had become preoccupied with laughing at memes or poking fun at whatever stupid trend was currently a fad online.
You were currently leaning against the technology overlord while he had one arm around you, the other using to poke at your phone every now and again.
The two of you were practically cuddling at this point from how close you both were but neither noticed nor even seem to care.
"They have the tidepod challenge too? Geez, people are kind of-"
"Idiotic? Stupid? Batshit crazy?"
"Pretty much."
"This is hell dollface, I'm not sure why you expected any different."
You just casually shrugged in reply, soon laughing at a dumb video you found whilst scrolling.
Vox couldn't help but subtly stare at you, especially when you seemed to be so cheerful just messing around or doing whatever.
Seeing your smile always made his day just a little bit brighter.
"Hey Vox! Stop being absolutely whipped for a second and help me out over here!"
The overlord in question just sputtered in confusion at Lucifer's words.
He wasn't whipped!
He just- admired you a lot.
Even you had raised eyebrows at the odd word choice, whipped- wasn't exactly what you would use to describe your flatscreen companion.
Not when you kind of had an inkling to what it meant.
"What are you even doing??"
Vox called back, finally taking his eyes off you and your phone to just look over in the kitchen's general direction.
Lucifer did mention about making a snack earlier, but why would the king of hell need his help of all people??
What was he planning this time???
"Something! Just get over here!!"
You just gave your companion a shrug when he looked back to you, encouraging him to just go and get it over with.
Besides, you guys could always just continue doing this and messing around when he was finished with... whatever Lucifer needed him for.
Well, that was until your brain immediately stomped on the brakes when you looked at Vox again.
He'd undone his cuffs to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows, revealing some... bare forearms.
Before he just nonchalantly stood up and walked off towards the kitchen when the king of hell called for him again.
He didn't seem to have noticed your shattered mental-
You had dropped your phone at that point, just blinking and spacing out like an idiot before Angel noticed.
"Woaaah, what happened to (Y/N)?"
"Huh, I didn't think we'd ever see them actually speechless."
"Oooh oooh! Does that mean (Y/N) likes bad boys?!"
You shook your head in an attempt to snap out of it but couldn't stop the blush from creeping up your neck.
Oh. My. God.
You were completely in the gutter now-
Similarly to Alastor, you noticed Vox was always wearing long-sleeves or an outfit that concealed any skin at all.
And while it left you wondering what he had to hide, that consequently would lead you to imagine how he'd look like without a shirt on.
Was he just a mess of wires or something?
Did he conceal so much because he was robotic to a degree?
You had no clue how Vox's biology even worked and you didn't know how to ask without sounding weird.
Not to mention how he's able to wear some kinds of shirts given his obnoxiously sized head-
It's just curiosity is all!
You could only slap Angel's hands away when he started cautiously poking you, and you were practically steaming out of your ears from embarrassment.
It wasn't the fact that your flatscreened friend seemed to show some skin that set you off-
It was the fact your brain somehow went autopilot and registered it as HOT.
You were sure Velvette had fashioned him the outfit so it didn't surprise you that Vox looked all dapper and smart.
Dare you even say the fucking TV looked handsome-
You just didn't think he could look any better.
Until he did that.
And consequently nuked the rest of your sanity with it.
"Yep, they're totally broken-"
"Angel shut up before I beat you to death with a pillow I swear to god-"
"Oh good, you're finally reacting toots."
You merely flipped him the bird and just hid your face in your other hand, why was everything in your body trying to go on overdrive?!
"What's got you all blushy anyway? It's like you've just watched a racy porno."
"What?! No! I just- you- I don't even fucking know-"
Angel was about to continue poking at you before Lucifer and Vox finally returned.
Both chatting amiably while holding what seems to be a plate or two of treats and snacks.
So that's where they both went-
And that was when the spider noticed your gaze practically zero in on your techno-centric friend.
Ha, friend-
Yeah nobody in the hotel with half a brain believed that for even a second-
Though there didn't seem to be any differences with Vox-
His outfit was still the same, just his sleeves were...
You just shrieked incoherently at Angel and started whacking him with a couch cushion while everyone else kind of just watched you both confused.
Not to mention that you were pretty much a tomato from how red you've become.
The arachnid couldn't stop himself from just devolving into a loud laughing fit.
You had completely lost it because of some forearms, he could only imagine what your reaction would be if a certain technology overlord decided to undo some shirt buttons.
You'd probably just die on the spot!
"Uh... what happened?"
"No idea, but it sure as hell is entertaining."
By the time you were able to relatively calm down, you were still red when Vox just sat down next to you again.
"Soooo, any reason for trying to murder Angel with a pillow?"
"None that concerns you."
"Oh come on, it's gotta be something crazy if you don't tell even me."
You just adamantly shake your head and refuse to say anything no matter what Vox tried.
It was kind of cute seeing you try so hard, despite the fact the overlord knew he could always just ask the others about it later.
He didn't think it was anything too big, after all you would embarrassed by a lot of random things.
So he didn't even bother guessing at this point.
"What did you and Lucifer make anyway?"
"Hm? Chocolate strawberries, do you want some?"
"Seriously? That's what he needed help with?"
"I'm just as confused as you are doll, anyway- open your mouth."
Vox just chuckles when you shyly follow his instructions, forcing himself to look away before grabbing one of the strawberries and placing it into your mouth.
He'd be lying if he said the way you looked didn't give him other ideas.
You seeming insanely kissable being just one of them.
While the overlord knew making the treat consumed more time than just going out and probably buying it-
Seeing your eyes sparkle when you bit down made him consider that it was a little more worth it to put in that extra homemade touch.
"Didn't pin you for a guy that could cook."
You remarked, taking the plate from him and just eagerly chowing down.
Vox just chuckled, watching you so happily munch away.
You were just really cute in your own little way, not that he would ever say so.
Especially when you seemed so pleased at just such a simple snack.
"I'm not surprised, I don't exactly... have that vibe? I can cook though, it's something I do on the off chance to calm down."
"And still you eat that McDonald's garbage-"
"It's not garbage! I'm just too busy to actually cook sometimes! Running a media empire isn't easy dollface."
"The next time you do cook, I wanna try your food."
"Hm? What makes you say that?"
"Dunno, just wanna try it."
The overlord simply raised an eyebrow at you, though he didn't seem to mind your words much.
And as you scarfed down on the strawberries, he noticed a smear of chocolate streaking across your cheek.
How it got there- Vox wasn't entirely sure.
Possibly from your enthusiastic eating but he didn't really care enough at the moment to find out.
"Wait, you've got some chocolate on your face."
You looked at your companion with wide eyes when he gingerly raised a hand to wipe at your face.
The way his gaze was both calm and focused at you made your heart skip a beat.
The plate of treats in front of you now mostly forgotten.
"There. Didn't think you'd be such a messy eater doll."
He didn't seem to notice your mind kind of stall, picking up a chocolate strawberry himself to eat it.
It was a little too sweet for his taste, which was odd considering his already innate knack for deserts.
You seemed to like it though, so he didn't say anything.
And that was when Vox also noticed your more than obvious staring.
You weren't even trying to hide it were you?
Admittedly, the overlord got a little embarrassed because of it.
"Take a picture darling, it'll last longer."
"Nah, I think I would much rather look at the real thing. A picture can only do so much."
You smirked when you saw his screen proceed to tinge pink, especially when you heard his fans kick to life.
He never could get the upper hand with you, which was hilariously cute in it's own way.
It didn't take long for you to eventually get used to Vox's charm over the while you've known him.
Even if at times it would strike you when you least expected it.
You simply went back to snacking contentedly.
After a short while, all the treats were gone and you were practically bouncing off the walls with energy.
So what did you do with that sugar rush?
Absolutely torment and flirt the life out of Vox.
Slamming pickup line after pickup line into his already preoccupied mind space.
Well it was preoccupied with you to begin with but let's not mention that-
"Hey Vox- Hey Vox- Hey Vox-"
"What is it dollface?"
"Do you have a bandaid?"
"No...? Why?"
"Because I think I scraped my knee falling for you!"
He buffered a little bit but just played off being flustered with a scoff.
The rest of the hotel crew were not so subtly watching all of this go down just waiting for your overlord friend to crack.
Angel and Husker already made bets on how fast he would go down glitching -
"That was horrible."
"Nah nah nah wait I got another one-"
The overlord didn't really mind it at first, aside from the fact he was a little surprised.
Until the point it got so stupidly suggestive and then he actually had trouble dealing with the provocative ideas he got from you.
"You know, I'm just gonna start calling you my big toe."
"Your... what??"
"My big toe, so I can bang you all over the place."
The overlord had to actually ignore the snickering and hushed laughter from your spectators, why were you doing this to him of all people?!
Though as horrible as the pickup lines were, Vox would be lying if he said they weren't hitting their mark.
He was just... a little better at hiding it.
And that wasn't even the end of your tomfoolery-
Actually far from it.
Vox made a mental note to watch out for your sugar rush episodes from this point onwards.
You weren't ever this bad from what he could remember either-
Well, you would just blitz through nearly everything during a hyperactive episode before the impending sugar crash.
But never tried to flirt the socks off him!
"Are you a fitted sheet?"
"A fitted sheet? What's that got to do with-"
"Cuz you're complicated as fuck but I still need you spread across my bed."
Vox stared at you wide-eyed for a whole ass second-
Before his screen predictably started showing errors and he glitched uncontrollably.
Angel just keeled over from laughter at that point when the overlord's face went absolutely haywire.
He didn't quite bluescreen, but his screen did buffer and spazz a whole lot for a minute or so.
To which you just celebrated and cheered.
That just made your arachnid friend laugh even harder.
You were an unbridled chaotic ball of energy hyped up on sugar-
But Charlie- being Charlie-
Felt a little bad for Vox being the target of your madness- and stepped in and try to direct your hyperactivity elsewhere.
However, because she had done it on a whim- she actually had no ideas what to do with you.
So she just randomly suggested karaoke.
Which seemed to get your attention anyway.
When Vox finally came crashing back into reality, he was surprised to see both you and Lucifer just tormenting a very staticky and clearly very irritated Alastor.
What even was that song?
"Huh, you were out for a while."
"What- did I miss something?? What happened?"
"Your hyperactive lover just being a menace to Alastor, other than that nothing much."
"They're not my-"
"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that."
Vox doesn't even have the opportunity to fully retort before you suddenly ran over to him with a grin.
Apparently you noticed he was fine again-
This time he was just the slightest bit worried.
You were literally shaking from the sugar rush- oh goodness-
"Oh good you're awake! I wanted to show you something!"
Vox didn't have the option to refuse when you just dragged him over to the couch and plopped him down next to everyone else.
"Okay okay! There's this song I used to listen to because I loved the melody and how nice it sounded but I actually have no idea what it means because it's not in English and-"
Safe to say the overlord spaced out during your rambling, only picking up the important bits of your spiel.
Which TL;DR, was just that you had a song you wanted to sing but didn't actually understand.
He only snapped out of his trance when he finally heard your voice slow down to the soft piano melody.
Well, the words you were saying definitely weren't in English-
So Vox secretly decided to translate what you were saying.
Having the internet being an extension of his conscious mind was a little bit of advantage here.
Then he figured out what the lyrics were.
And almost crashed again.
"I've forgotten how long it's been since I heard you telling me, your favorite story~"
He didn't really know whether his curiosity was a good or bad thing here.
Especially when it hit him that this was a love song.
The overlord was absolutely not prepared for this at all.
"I have been thinking for a long time, I started to panic."
Sure, the lyrics weren't exactly a fit to you-
But for him?
Especially when you had still been alive?
A 100% coincidental match.
Or he thinks it's mere coincidence.
"Have I done something wrong~?"
Oh god no do not look at him like that-
Nope nope nope nope-
It took every ounce of control for Vox to just not crash again right then and there.
"You said to me full of tears: 'Fairy tales are all lies.'"
You'd memorized the song, so it made sense that you didn't need to look at the lyrics to sing.
But could you seriously stop looking at him so fondly?
You didn't even know the words you were saying, this was so unfair.
"I couldn't possibly be your prince."
That just made him think back on all the past times he was trying to be... "friendly".
Well, almost borderline romantic even when he was willing to throw down nearly everything for your sake if you so much as asked.
Not that you noticed, Vox doubted you ever would even if it slapped you in the face.
"Perhaps you won't understand- ever since you said you loved me!"
Angel just smirked when he heard the signature whirring of computer fans.
Though he wasn't sure if it was because the overlord got flustered from your singing or because he understood.
Well, it wasn't his problem-
Because it was downright hilarious how insanely oblivious you were.
"The stars in my sky shine brightly!"
Where you were concerned, that was always the case.
Not at the start of course-
But it became adamantly clear when Vox found himself eager to see what kind of chaos you would stir up next.
"I'm willing to become the angel of the fairytale that you love-"
You extended your hand out to him, a silent invite to the tech overlord asking to dance.
He chuckled and smiled at you.
Of course he'd take up that offer.
"Spread up my hands that become wings to protect you~"
The two of you just swayed and danced around to the melody, becoming engrossed once more in your own little world.
You didn't even know what you were singing, but judging by the fond look Vox had directed at you-
It seemed he was enjoying it.
So you continued to indulge him.
"You have to believe, believe that we can be like in the fairy tale!"
You blushed a little bit when he'd twirled you around, after all-
You'd never really danced like this before.
It was like a... different kind of waltz.
Still, it made you feel so dainty.
His gaze just made you feel like the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Happy and joyful in the ending~"
The rest of your friends were amused seeing the two of you pretty much being the plot to a convoluted romcom.
Especially when they realized you and Vox kind of forgot they were actually there.
Charlie thought your relationship was endearingly cute-
Vaggie just reacted like her theory had been entirely confirmed.
Alastor felt like it was kinda disgusting-
And Lucifer nearly decked him for trying to ruin your moment.
Angel, Husker and Nifty were busy placing bets on who between the either of you would confess to the other first.
Though by the time the song ended, everyone couldn't help but groan or facepalm.
"Soooo- how'd I do?"
"It's okay, I'd say there's still room for lots of improvement."
"Oh fuck you Vox-"
"Like you'd ever actually go through with that."
"HA- don't try me you slutty-waisted lanky TV-"
"I've been called worse by better, get creative!"
You were both fucking idiots.
And at this point-
It was like your romantic dance hadn't even happened at all.
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rinstaro · 1 year
Hyrule, wild, twi, time, and sky’s reaction to reader squirting on them for the first time? How would they deal with the reader being super shy after?
ur a genius. i love this ask MWAH let me give you a kiss. i’ve been having a hard time writing but i really like this idea
i played around with formatting here lol, looks weird.
cw: squirting obv, overstim, coochie eating, praise, breeding kink in times, he also calls you pup, fingering, doggy, mating press, reader has a vagina no pronouns
minors do not interact.
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will be shy himself! he’s in such belief that he did that to you. he made you feel so good you squirted on him. i wouldn’t be surprised if he came right there or even came untouched. and even then, he’s hard again immediately. he'd flush with excitement, asking you over and over how good it felt. it only makes you more embarrassed.
you whimpered his name over and over as the knot in your stomach began to unravel. he groaned into your cunt, lips attached to your clit. you looked down at him, shuddering at the sight of him staring back at you like a starved man. your orgasm hit abruptly, causing your legs to kick out and your cunt to spray all over his face. your boyfriend almost choked at the sudden orgasm that hit him, staring at you wide eyed as his cum pooled onto the sheets. once the both of you caught your breath, you apologized profusely.
"n-no! it was, fuck, it was so hot, sweetheart. c-can we... i wanna try that again.”
oh he’s smug. he’s so proud of himself. he’s always doing things for others but pleasing you was special to him. he stops for a moment to just watch you gush and then goes down to kiss your clit. he'll quiet your embarrassed cries by telling you how pretty you looked.
your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. your legs trembled in his hold, his fingertips leaving small bruises on your thighs. he stared down at the spot where you two met. your soaked pussy was still fluttering around him. when wild looked back at your face, you were whimpering in embarrassment, arms hiding your face. he chuckled softly, gently moving your arms out of the way.
"f-fuck babe im sorry-"
"no no, baby, you were so pretty. you think i can make you do that again before i cum?”
an animal. you don’t get a chance to be shy because he doesn’t stop, not even for a second. whether he’s drinking down your cum or fucking you through your orgasm, he needs you to do it again. he needs to taste it, to feel it— he just needs more and will go for as long as he’s allowed.
you hid your face in the pillows, the soft material muffling your wails. twilight wouldn't let up, pounding into you as if he didn't know when he'd get the chance again. he'd been desperate, barely giving you a chance to breathe as he ravaged all of your sensitive spots before manhandling you onto all fours. you felt your orgasm coming, and he could too. "go on 'n cum, you deserve it, doll." you obeyed without a word, sobbing when you squirted all over the sheets. his thrusts never stop, making you squirm to escape his grasp.
"not done yet. i want you to drench me, 'kay darlin'?"
a menace! will tease you about it relentlessly both degrading and praising you. immediately goes to make you do it again, watching your face the entire time. he wants to watch your face this time as you cum so hard that you soak him. it because his goal now to make you squirt at least once every time you have sex
your dear husband had you in a mating press, dick stretching your poor cunt as far as it could go. your eyes were crossed as you let out little 'ah-ah-ahs' at his harsh thrusts. time wanted to fuck you full, making sure you had at least 3 loads in you by the time he was done. he wanted you stuffed full with a kid asap. time felt you clenching around him and began to play with your clit, making you feel so good you could cry. you shrieked suddenly, body seizing up as you came. “dirty, dirty pup," he called. you whined, uttering a quiet 'don’t look, please' that made him chuckle and grab your chin. "you squeezed me so hard, felt so good. you're so messy... could you do that again for me, dear?”
lets you ride it out and then asks you what the fuck was that LMAO. like he knows, he's just so surprised that it happened out of no where. he wasn't even trying. but now he's going to have to make you cum like that every time. so he's gonna take his time making you cum on his fingers, his tongue, and his dick. it may take a few nights but he is determined.
your sweet boyfriend had been in between your legs prodding at your g spot with his fingers for what seemed like forever. you'd already cum twice, but this one felt stronger. your moans rose in volume as you finally caved, sensitive cunt gushing all over sky's arm. sky didn’t know where to look. his soaked hand, your trembling legs, or your fucked out face. you just sprayed all over him and you were mortified. you pulled your legs in, turning your head and hiding your face from him. he smiled down at your form. "don't be shy, sweetheart... need you to do that again. on my cock this time. maybe on my face later if you're not too passed out. pretty please? wanna feel your cunt squeeze me like you did my fingers."
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homestylehughes · 5 months
quinn hughes- drowning
summary: when y/n is drowning in her love for Quinn, and feels the need to step back from him. what happens that Quinn is also drowning in her love too?
wc: 1.9k OMFGG HELLOOOOOOO???? this the longest fic I've ever wrote. holy fuck.
authors note: dun dun dun I'm backkkkk. ive had free time because of my classes being cancelled because of the weather. so I decided to sit down and write about quinny today <3. I hope you guys enjoy this is the longest fic I've everrrr wrote. make sure to reblog if you like enjoy it. as always much loveeeee.
Everyone told me not to fall in love with Quinn hughes. I told myself not to fall in love with Quinn Hughes. That It would be impossible for him to ever love me back in the way I loved him. 
          Obviously I didn't listen.
I fell head over heels in love with him. I was sinking, no I was drowning. Nothing could pull me out now. I was in too far deep, I was in too far deep to care that I was in love with Quinn hughes. It was so hard not to care, it was so hard to not fall in love with him. Longing gazes when we were out with our friends. The way he'd put his hand on my lower back when guiding me through a crowd. The way he’d listen so intently to things I would say. Everything little thing he did pulled me into him, everything he did pulled me under. I was drowning, I couldn't seem to care. 
  That's what led me to this. 
I knew that I was deep, I needed space. I haven't seen or talked to Quinn in over 2 weeks. I told myself I needed to distance myself from him. If I could pull myself away from him, then I could pull myself out from drowning in him. 
So I threw myself into my job, taking as many stories as I could from my boss. Declining dinners and drinks from my friends, from quinn. Ignoring his texts and declining his calls. I thought what I was doing was the right thing to do, it seemed like the easiest thing to do. I knew if I ever admitted to Quinn that I was in love with him, he wouldn't feel the same way. I'm trying to save myself a heart break, but what's the point? My hearts are already breaking by doing this. 
When the 3 week mark hit of not talking to quinn i felt better. Kinda. I still miss talking to him, actually scratch that, i miss everything little thing about him. I continue to tell myself that this is for the best. Do I even know what I want, is this even for the best?  The texts and calls from Quinn stopped showing up. He gave up on me, no i gave up on him. I did this and it's for the best. Even though I repeated this to myself everyday, I still felt I was making the wrong choice. 
My friends finally convinced me to leave my apartment. Making me put in the tightest outfit possible, and pulling me into the nearest bar. I make a beeline to the bar, ordering a drink to hopefully calm my nerves and help relax me. Being here in this bar made me remember how much I hate bars. It made me remember how much I miss Quinn. 
We make our way to the table with trays of drinks in our hands, tonight is going to be a good night. Well I thought it was. As I glanced up to see where one of my friends went, my eyes landed on her with a group of men. Men that look very familiar to me. My eyes drift left of my friend, and land right on Quinn. Our eyes meet for the first time in over 3 weeks. My heartbeat starts rising immediately, and suddenly I feel like I'm drowning again. The dress I'm wearing seems even tighter, and the bar feels like fire all around me. 
I need to get out of here, I say to myself. My eyes trying to find the next exit, I turn to my friend y/f/n and say “hey, I'm going to go outside, I need some fresh air. I'll be back in a second!!”. I don't wait for her reply, I turn on my heels, quickly moving towards the closest exit. 
The minute I step outside it hits me. Quinn. Quinn is really here. Quinn, my best friend, the man im inlove with is here. The man I've ignored for almost a month or more with no explanation is here. It hits me, I'm a terrible person. Why did I do that to him, why did I do this to us. 
I need to go home now. Home. Home. Home. was the only thing on my mind. 
My hands are shaking trying to pull up uber to get a ride home. Anywhere is better than here right now, this is all too much. As I'm going to hit  “Confirm payment” on the car ride home. I hear an all too familiar voice shout my name.
This can't be happening. No No No. 
The next thing I know is that Quinn is standing right in front of me. “y/n” he breathes out at me. I can't move, I'm frozen. I'm in shock, this can't be real. “y/n” he repeats. I finally looked into his eyes, my eyes dragging all over his face. Everything is as perfect as I remember it. “Quinn” I finally uttered while looking at the ground. I wish I was dreaming. I wish that what's happening isn't real. I can't even look him in the eyes. I wish it was a dream, and that when I woke up this was all fake.
This definitely isn't a dream. 
“You know you fucking suck.” Quinn says. I know I do, I think to myself. As I go to open my mouth to say something. He starts again “I haven't talked to you in over a month. You've been ignoring me. And the first time I see you again with your friends at a bar?!?!”. I can't even look at him, continuing to stare at his Nike covered feet. My eyes filled with tears. I hear him take another deep angry breath. “SEE??? You can't even look at me, you can't even look me in the eyes. You won't even give me an explanation. You know that's really shitty of you y/n.”. 
I'm crying now. I'm sobbing. Everything he's saying is true. I am a terrible person, this is all my fault I know. I know.
I heard him scoff and began to walk away. I can't let this happen, I can't let this happen again. “QUINN” I shouted, finally finding my voice. His steps immediately stop, he slowly turns around. I can see the anger and sadness in his eyes. 
This time I'm approaching him, taking a shaky breath. Trying to gather the words that I don't have to say. “I know you hate me right now. I know that you want answers, hell you want an explanation on why i haven't talked to you in over month.’’ My breath labors for a minute, I'm sobbing, the tears are flowing, my chest is rising, I'm not ready for this. I know nothing I say is ever going to change what I did to him. 
I try to take deep breaths but each one I take makes the tears fall even harder. Here I am crying on the sidewalk in front of my best friend. who might not even be my best friend anymore. Trying my best to give him an explanation on why I've been so horrible to him. Why I've cut him out of my life just because I love him. Oh god i love him, how do i tell him that?? 
I feel a hand wrap around my arm, that quickly pulls me back to reality. “Hey hey y/n, pretty girl please look at me.” I'm still sobbing at this point, I don't think the tears will ever stop. I slowly take my eyes up to his face. “That's good, now take a deep breath for me, in and out come on i know you can do it.” he says. Quinns hands are now on my cheeks trying to help me calm down. 
My breathing starts to slow down, my tears let up a little bit. Our eyes are still locked, never once leaving each other. I know I need to say something. I know I need to tell him how I feel. I slowly pull away from quinns hold, I'm now again looking at his feet. I take a deep breath, it's now or never I think. “I fell in love with you. Fuck quinn i was drownding in you. You were my best friend and I couldn't feel that way about you. I know you'd never want me in the way I wanted you. I needed space, I thought that if I was away from you it would help my feelings, that somehow I could get over it?? That I could forget about you?? I don't know!?!?! Just move on??”. “But seeing you tonight made me realize that I could never get over you, and that I could never stop loving you.” 
The tears on my face are falling like waterfalls, I sadly chuckle to myself as I try and wipe them away as more fall. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Nothing I say will probably make you forgive me. I understand i really really fucked up. But I won't say sorry for loving you. I love you and it's okay if you don't love me.”  I finally looked into Quinn's eyes, searching for anything. Anything. 
Before I can even register what's happening, Quinn’s hands are grabbing my face, pulling my lips to his. The kiss is fast, it's full of love and anger, sadness. All of the above. My lips struggle to keep up with him, my hands make their way to the back of his head, pulling him into me by the ends of his hair. A groan escapes his lips, as he pulls me even closer into him, if it's even possible. Our lips are moving at lightning speed, we can't get enough of each other. I don't want to ever stop kissing Quinn, it feels too good to ever want to stop. 
It feels like 5 years go by before Quinn pulls his lips from mine. Our chests are rising steadily. Eyes blown, swollen lips looking back at each other. “I've wanted to do that since I met you,” he says. My head is spinning, nothing that just happened feels real. Quinn sighs, grabbing my hands in his, his eyes never leaving mine. “I wish you would have told me how you felt. You would have known that I also love you. I've loved you for years. I thought i lost you y/n, i was going crazy with you. I thought you hated me. Baby I was drowning in you, I thought you knew, I wish you knew sooner.”
Quinn loves me? Quinn. Love. Me. my eyes are wide, his mouth is parted waiting for my reaction. Waiting for me to say something. I'm crying again before I know it again. A smile breaks on lips, i'm laughing, quinns laughing. I'm not sure if we know why. I pull his lips towards mine again. Feeling his smile on mine. “I love you''. I whisper to him in between each kiss. “I love you” he whispers back. 
I could drown in him forever, if it's on a sidewalk in front of a random bar. If it's a bed, a car. Hell even in a movie theater. I'd always drown for Quinn Hughes. 
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onmyyan · 14 days
👋 You mentioned that Marcos killed the earliest out of his brothers and is the best at it, and even that he's gotten paid for it before. If you're still taking requests I'd love to see Marcos in a "falling for the mark" situation where someone hires him to "handle" the reader but during the research process he falls in love with her (or he can fall in love at first sight or even after their first conversation, whatever works best) and ends up killing the person who hired him instead
Loooove your OCs, especially the Delmonts! Super excited for whatever you drop next!
Marcos felt his fingers twitching in his coat pocket as he entered the building, making a b-line for the mahogany bar full of patrons he couldn't help but grin to himself, this was his favorite part after all.
Sure he was good at the killing bit and sure he was talented at it, man oh man did his skills shine when it came to the parts before that, the stalking, the studying, he relishes the feeling of getting to know his target, and today that target was you, a pretty little bartender who'd been unfortunate enough to serve Marcos client, Tito, see Tito liked to get hammered and run his mouth, turns out he said some things to you, his bartender, that really shouldn't have left his mouth and now to cover his own ass, he'd hired Marcos.
You were a classic case in his eyes, in the wrong place at the wrong time, overhearing something you shouldn't have, put you in the line of sight of a bad man like Marcos.
He came on a particularly busy day intentionally, wanting to see you in your natural state amid the chaos of rush hour, and he noticed a few things immediately, you were very attentive to your patrons, probably how you ended up in this mess he thought to himself, it showed a level of care not many people had in their jobs, the second thing he noticed was your laugh, it carried over the music and the chatter and the yells from customers, and he felt a twinge of guilt, the idea of never hearing that laugh again, of depriving the world from it, didn't sit well with him.
He shifts in his seat uncomfortable, lost in his subconscious he doesn't realize he'd walked up to the bar, sneakily taking his place amongst the crowd, he let his eyes drift to you from your Doc Martin's to the old jeans you had on, then up past your wonderfully sculpted ass, and finally settling on your face, this is when he knew he was really fucked.
You filled glass after glass never stopping, your motion fluid and smooth, he could watch you work forever, and he did. So long in fact the bar had closed, "you know I've never had someone take this long to decide what to drink." You joke making your way towards him, most of the lingering patrons were slowly, drunkenly, heading for the door, leaving Marcos and you alone. In theory this was the perfect time, he could finish the job and pour himself a drink before anyone noticed your body.
But he didn't.
Instead he smiled, his ringed fingers knocking into the wood of the bar, "Maybe I'm shy."
"A pretty boy like you? No way." Your response was quick, like your mind, your warm (e/c) eyes held him there where he sat, unable to lift a finger to do his job. "You probably say that to all your customers, but I know I'm the prettiest." He leaned into his chair, red eyes never leaving your gaze, "Well no matter how true that is, it's closing time gorgeous, order something now or hit the bricks." You leaned on your hand , nails drumming along to the music playing from the speakers above you.
"what takes the longest to make?"
"are you trying to screw with me?"
"No! I just don't know how else to stall long enough to get your number." He folds his fingers together, resting his chin on his hands, the pose makes you laugh, you shake your head ripping a piece of napkin, you jot down a number and slide it to him with two pretty fingers. "Here, now get out."
And he did, with a grin so wide it showed off all his teeth, he couldn't recall the last time someone had lit a fire under him the way you did, the piece of napkin seemed to burn a hole in his pocket, all he wanted to do was call you and really lay on the charm he knew he had, but first, he had a visit to make to his friend Tito. He whistles the song that was playing as he left the bar and thumbs the knife in his pocket, someone would be dying tonight, but it wasn't you.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 4 months
Not sure if we're still allowed to send in smutty thoughts but thinking about dry humping Jake on the beach
all the beach sex, yes!!!! any pun i can possibly make with sex on the beach absolutely elates me every time - it's my favourite cocktail personally, so it's always self insert too
also feel free to keep requesting (here)!
top gun masterlist | top gun blurb
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The radio is on in the background, playing some summer hit that you've heard three times in the past hour, and you're tilting your head back in a silent moan as you rock against Jake's bare thigh.
The waves crash against the sand, the sun bathes you in heat, your skin is sticky with lotion and salt and you know you shouldn't be doing this - which is probably exactly why you're doing this.
"Jake", you whimper, palms braced against his chest, arousal soaking your bikini bottoms. He's grabbing your waist, guiding your movements with a grin on his lips, leaned back against the sunlounger. He's enjoying this. Maybe even more than you are.
The thrill of being out in the open like this - the risk of being stumbled upon.
Penny hadn't only offered you and Jake the secluded part of the beach behind the Hard Deck, she'd offered it to the entire squad, and on a beautiful, sunny day like this, you'd be surprised if none of them decided to take the opportunity.
It shouldn't excite you. Not as much as it does.
You know you should probably stop. You should just get up and jump into the waves and go for a swim or something, not rock against Jake's leg all exposed like this. But he'd looked so good, sitting there with his sunglasses on, bare chest and sweaty skin and messy hair, reading the book he'd all but stolen from you, even though he still claimed he didn't care about it...
You hadn't been able to help yourself.
You can't help yourself now.
So you tilt your head back to him and blink your eyes open to look at him, with that lazy fucking grin on his lips that you can immediately feel in your core. Jake raises his eyebrows at you.
"Go on", he urges, sliding his hands smoothly down your skin, kneading your thighs. You hadn't even realised you'd stilled. You'd been so focused on that goddamn grin-
Instead of an answer, you lean in and press your lips to his, to kiss it right off of him. The look on his face is even better after, because for once, he's not grinning, his lips still parted and his eyes glued to your mouth, all hazy for a second or two, before he leans right back in and presses his chest against yours.
Your hands trail up his torso, up his neck, to bury themselves right into his hair and tug at those sandy-blond strands, pulling him into you, pulling him closer and closer and-
"Hey, lovebirds!"
You jump back with a start, heart thumping out of your chest, and whirl around only to spot a whistling Phoenix, taking the first few steps onto the beach, the rest of the guys trailing behind her with bags and coolers of various sizes and colours slung over their shoulders.
"Fuck", Jake mutters, his hands dropping from your thighs, yours loosening from his hair, to bring some distance between you - you're lucky you hadn't been busier than making out, really. You were sure that if they'd come a minute or two later... This wouldn't have been such a nice surprise.
Phoenix drops her bag next to your sunlounger just as you move down Jake's leg again, to discreetly wipe a palm down his thigh and tug at your bikini bottoms.
"Didn't think we'd leave you all by your lonesome, did you?", she grins, braces her hands against her hips and looks down at you. Even through her sunglasses, your cheeks redden under her watchful eyes. You feel caught. You've been caught.
"No", Jake grunts, and you flinch when his fingers suddenly brush against your ankle. Phoenix raises her eyebrows. You dig your teeth into your bottom lip and relax again. Luckily, she lets it go when the rest of the guys start plopping their things down next to hers and send a round of hello's your way.
Within the span of twenty seconds, most of them have their shirts off and are running head-first into the waves.
Bob stays behind, but busies himself with the coolers. You let out a deep breath and turn to look at Jake again.
"Didn't work out well for us, hm?", he asks with a chuckle, puts one palm back onto your thigh and nods down. Your eyes drop.
He's rock-hard in his bathing shorts. It takes a second for you to put two and two together and realise why he'd pulled his hands from you so quickly when Phoenix had walked up to you.
You're still soaked yourself, well aware that you couldn't lean down for the next half hour or so, not unless you wanted to potentially expose yourself.
"No", you sigh, and for whatever reason, you have to laugh. "No, not at all."
When Bob comes over to offer you a beer, you've already turned around and settled against Jake's chest, naked, sweaty skin against naked, sweaty skin, his arms around you, thumbs brushing little circles onto your hip bones.
"I'll make up for it when we get home, alright?", he breathes into your ear, so low it sends a shiver down your spine even in these temperatures.
"Yes, please", you smile, eyes closing - and have to intentionally stop your thoughts from running wild if you don't want to have to wait another half hour longer to move again.
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weeeeeeezamboni · 4 months
@respectthepetty made a post about Tan being the second murderer and it makes so much sense! of course there are two killers, the masked murderer covers way too much ground and is in way too many places at once for their to only be one, and as @respectthepetty also previously mentioned, we've already seen another subtle throwback to Scream by way of the three main rules for not becoming a victim (all of which were ignored in the very first episode). it only makes sense that we'd see this too
i don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but i was thinking last night about the bathroom scene from episode 2 and how they might've pulled that off, and then it hit me
Tan wasn't there
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is that what the kids are calling it these days? apparently he'd gone up to sleep (according to Phee who we already know is killer #1), but even watching it for the first time with innocent eyes, this felt strange. he only shows up again later, after the whole incident with Top that he was suspiciously absent from, talking to White and Phee while the rest of the original boys have their team meeting
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but this whole exchange feels kinda off
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Tan brings up how strange it is that they seem so scared of Non's ghost, and then gets this look when White calls them Non's friend
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and then is weirdly quick to jump to the conclusion that his friends, the people he took a trip into the middle of the woods with, hurt Non
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and then White says this
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and the camera cuts immediately to Phee and Tan looking like they're hanging on his every word
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and then White drops the bomb
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and they share this significant look
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in episode 3 Top volunteers to drive out of the woods to get help after Uncle Dang's death (and after having already failed once attempting to escape with Tee), but Phee stops him, claiming he's untrustworthy (he is)
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of course you shouldn't, both killers are at the house, Top might just make it out to help
so naturally, Tan volunteers to go with
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but on their way out of the woods, they end up getting lost
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following Tan's directions
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and then Tan eventually makes it back to the house alone
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and we're really supposed to believe he just woke up where they fell and walked all the way back to the house perfectly fine?
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after he looks at Phee like this
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something obviously happened out there in the woods, and next thing we know about Top is his bloody wallet chain and a trail of blood leading into Janta's shrine
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it's revealed later that it was him behind the mask that night, which means it was him that did this
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and i don't care how strong Tee thinks he is
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that man is not lifting you off the ground by your neck
which means we know three new pieces of information about Top since he went missing:
1) he's suddenly acquired heightened strength (and i'm also gonna point out here that man was hit with a golf club multiple times? where did Tee even get it from? did i miss something?)
2) Top was clearly unwell and vomiting when he made it back to the house
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and 3) he was seizing on the couch and then bleeding from his eye
now i'm not an expert on drugs so i don't know if there are any kinds of steroids or anything else that can produce all three of these effects at the same time, but there was definitely something funky going on in his body
these boys all deserve what's coming for them, and i really hope Phee and Tan are working together on this and i'm not just seeing things i would live for that
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creedslove · 6 months
This isn’t a imagine request or a headconn request but imagine going out with ur besties to a bar where they have one of those mechanic bulls you ride and then Joel and Tommy enter and Joel sees you riding it instantly hard!!!! So once you’ve rode it and won he has you riding him at the end of the night
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: baby I know this wasn't a request but I had to turn it into one because just by reading it it got me pregnant 😭
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• when you told your boyfriend Joel you would be out with your girl friends for a few drinks, he told you not to worry he would pick you up so you didn't have to worry about drinking and driving
• you agreed, thanking him as you had the best boyfriend in the world and got ready to go, while Joel spent some time working with his brother, until he saw it was already running late and he should go pick you up
• so he invited Tommy to join him, best case scenario Tommy would get a drink and hit off with one of your friends and leave the house all for you and Joel
• worst case scenario Tommy would get a couple of drinks and pass out on the couch but it wouldn't really change the fact you would end up your night by bouncing on Joel's cock one way or the other
• so when the Miller brothers got to the bar, Joel immediately spotted you because you were the hottest girl around, you'd drunk just enough to become a little tipsy and playful which was the kinda drunk he liked, especially because you had a tendency to become a very horny and obscene girlfriend at that moment
• so when you spotted your very sexy and hard working boyfriend, knowing he'd spent his whole day busting his ass off you felt the need to rush to him and make him feel alright, which you did but running into his arms and kissing his lips
"good thing you got here, handsome, I'm about to do something..."
• you batted your eyes at him and ran back to the line to the mechanic bull and stood there until it was finally your turn
• Joel didn't actually believe his eyes when he saw you riding that mechanic bull, that sight definitely altered his brain chemistry because he couldn't focus on anything else, all his blood was pumped straight to his cock and he got immediately hard just to picture you riding him
• it felt like everything stopped and all he could see was you, that was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen and the moment you left the bull, a little dizzy and giggling, he was there, gripping your waist and taking you straight to his truck, not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to your friends
"you were so fucking sexy, you know that, baby girl? You see how hard you made me?"
• he groaned into your ear and placed your hand over his crotch while he drove home, not expecting you to open his fly and give him a blowjob right there, in the middle of the street
• he had to park at a shady spot, being unable to drive and have his cock sucked by you, but unlike the times you blew him, he didn't allow himself to finish in your mouth, instead, he held himself back until you both got home
• he was so horny, he couldn't even make it to the bedroom, pulling you on the couch and lowering down his pants, he helped you impale yourself on him, and you were soaked for his cock
• he told you to ride him exactly like you rode that mechanic bull and you obeyed him without questioning, bouncing and bobbing onto him
• it didn't take long for the two of you to cum, he groaned and kissed you, just recovering for the second round
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A/N: this reminded me of the you shook me all night long video clip and also the story one of the production members fell in love with the model that rides the mechanic bull in the clip and they eventually got married, so as a wedding gift AC/DC sent them a mechanic bull lmaof
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ssentimentals · 11 months
joshua + first morning together
usually it doesn't take long for joshua to fall asleep, most of the times he's in morpheus arms the second his head hits the pillow. but this night is different and even when tiredness succumbs him to sleep, he stays wide awake, alert as he's never been before. your chest rises and falls steadily; you are probably seeing a very nice dream if smile on your lips is anything to go by. joshua selfishly hopes he is there, in your dream. hopes he is the reason of your smile even in your sleep.
this situation is a bit surreal to him. you know when you waited so long for something to happen, longed for it, ached for it with all your heart - that when it does happen you just kind of stay in complete disbelief? this is what joshua feels watching your sleeping form on his bed. he cautiously reaches out to your hand and his heart stops somewhere in his throat, when your fingers immediately wrap around his. even in your sleep you are choosing to hold on to him. even in your sleep you gravitate towards him, your body inclined to his side more - how can he sleep if you are like that? how is he supposed to close his eyes and miss this view? how can he stop thinking of what it means to both of you? he spent whole night lost in his thoughts, in assumptions that when sunlight illuminates your room, joshua only blinks in surprise, shocked by how quickly the time passed. you frown a little at the brightness and his first instinct is to stand up and close the blinds but that would require letting go of your hand and he hesitates, looking at your joined fingers. he doesn't like it, the whole letting go thing. if he could, joshua would have held your hands all the time; until he'd have memorized all the little bumps and tiny scars on your skin, until he'd be able to recoginize your hand from the million others. joshua gently caresses your skin with his thumb and thinks he can write thousands of poems on this feeling, on the tenderness of your skin, on the warmth of your palm, on how your fingers fill the slots between his so perfectly well-
'josh?' you mumble, squinting a little. your voice is hoarse from the sleep and you clear it out, trying again: 'josh?'
'i'm here,' he answers quietly. with his free hand he reaches out and smoothes your hair lovingly. 'it's too early, bub, go back to sleep.'
it seems like you have other plans, cause you turn around and move, making him let go of your hand. joshua thinks it's a bit humilating how he instantly misses the feel of it. is it okay to be so..so into you? doesn't that make him weak? less of a man if he is that whipped? sometimes he starts thinking about it but then you do something - anything at all - like smile at him or kiss him and these thoughts fly out of the window. he'd gladly be considered weak if it means he can have you like that.
'why are you awake?' you grumble, fighting to get your legs out of the blanket. joshua's heart stammers as you move close, closer - until you are practically cuddled up to his side. 'have you even slept?'
'i-' he starts and promptly forgets all the words when you lift your leg and put it on top of his like it's the most natural thing in the world. 'um.'
lack of answer makes you look up and squint at him. you take a good look of his too awake eyes and a growing suspicion starts to form in your head: 'you have slept this night, haven't you? don't tell me that you were awake all this time.' when joshua only looks at you sheepishly, you groan loudly: 'oh my god, josh, why? were you not comfortable? is my mattress too hard? i'm so sorr-'
'no,' he instantly interrupts, gathering you in his arms. usually he's hesitant with his affections towards you, but nothing makes him act bold as you thinking that you did something wrong or the need to calm you down. 'no-no, princess, i just had a lot on my mind. don't be sorry.'
pet name and his cuddles make you smile and you nuzzle your head into his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat underneath. 'a lot on your mind?' you yawn, stubbornly trying to shake off remnants of your dreams. 'what could possibly have you staying up all night?'
with you in his arms, it's easier to be honest, easier to shake off the mask and just be himself. he leans in, places small kiss on top of your head and wraps his arms around you tighter. 'i was thinking of you,' he replies sincerely, having nothing to hide.
he can tell that you're trying to look up but find it hard to do so because of the angle, so he moves you both until you're laying side to side, facing each other. sleep is not gone from your eyes and he coos at the way you try to stay present for him. 'is that what i do to you? make you lose your sleep, hm?'
it's meant to be a joke or at least a teasing, but joshua replies seriously, tucking one hair strand behind your ear: 'you don't know half of the things you do to me.'
at that your eyes fly open, more awake than they've been before. joshua meets your eyes readily, holding eye contact for as long as you need to understand the meaning behind his words. he can tell that you are searching for something and he hopes you find there his desire to wake up like that every day. to have these kind of mornings with you forever. to have the opportunity to hold you like this, to not sleep because he's too busy staring at you and coming with terms that he can now have this. these nights, these mornings - he can now have them al.
'good things, i hope?' you ask, cuddling closer until tips of your noses touch.
joshua huffs, smiling. 'the best things, bub.'
you smile, content. 'now can we go back to sleep? let's wake up at a normal time like normal people do.' joshua nods, reaching out for the blanket to cover you both, when you stop him: 'no, too hot, leave it.'
'oh,' joshua drops the blanket and also starts to extract himself from your arms, thinking that hugging would also make you uncomfortable in this temperature, but you stop him here as well, frowning. 'you said it's too hot-'
'for the blanket, but not for you,' it's clear that you are losing patience with him not getting what you want and you wanting to sleep. 'c'mon, hold me close, hug me.' when he does as instructed you sigh, satisfied. 'that's it. and never let go.'
joshua tighens his hold on you, swallowing hard. if only you knew that given the chance, he'd never let you go. he kisses your forehead and mutters: 'i won't. sleep tight, love. i'll wake you up for the breakfast.'
you don't reply, already dead to the world and he only chuckles affectionately. 'i love you,' he whispers into your hair before finally also closing his eyes and succumbing into the sleep.
a/n: i think i hurt myself with this one, so why not let you all cry with me too :') - nini
check out my other works here and i think my tag list is rather old, so if you want to be added, let me know! <3
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judeswhore · 1 year
simple sweetness; jude bellingham
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summary: what are date nights for if not mac n cheese and stuffed giraffes?
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
warnings: none, just fluff :)
notes: you can find my masterlist here.
"this is good." jude moaned dramatically around a mouthful of mac and cheese, his head tipping back in pleasure, eyes falling shut and the smirk on his lips had your eyes rolling. he was being overly loud on purpose, more than aware of the old couple a few feet away who kept throwing dirty looks your way every few minutes. "like, really good."
"i've had better." the pot was already half empty, pasta still hot because the second jude had found the two of you a table to sit at he'd stuck his fork straight in. he'd taken three large bites before even giving you the chance to dig your own fork in.
"no you haven't."
"your mum's totally outsells this." you took a forkful of pasta and pushed it into your mouth, gaze locked on jude's as his lips tilted into a teasing smile. lifting his thumb he swiped softly at the corner of your lips, wiping the sauce down on his napkin only seconds later. his touch left behind hot tingles and a fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach, had you biting back your own small grin.
"she's not here, you don't have to lie about her cooking, y'know." he hissed when your foot connected with his ankle and furrowed his brows at your narrowed eyes. he jabbed the fork in your direction. "kissing her arse won't make up for what she saw." heat immediately crawled up your cheeks and again your foot connected with jude's leg, a grumble of complaint leaving you as you prodded your fork into the mac and cheese.
"she didn't see anything."
"she so did."
"we weren't doing anything."
"you were practically riding me on the sofa." you threw a glare in his direction, embarrassment still hot and heavy in your chest despite the fact the incident jude was referring to had happened weeks ago. you might have been able to forget about it if he didn't keep bringing it up at every chance he got, always finding it amusing to see you squirm.
"we were kissing, you were the one who couldn't keep your hands to yourself."
"can you blame me when you were shoving your-"
"do not finish that sentence." you shook your head, jude's laugh making the flush rise even further up your neck, your cheeks suddenly extra hot despite the biting cold. you took another bite from the pasta and he leant towards you, pressed an array of soft kisses from your temple to your cheek until your shoulder was lifting to your ear in an attempt to avoid him, your giggles making him grin. "stop it." your whine only had his lips quirking even more but he pulled back, went in for another load of pasta. 
"finish this and we'll go look at the stalls?"
"i wanna do that darts thing that was near the mouse rollercoaster."
"you're shit at darts." jude got the last of the mac and cheese on his fork and instead of eating it, brought it up to your lips with a soft smile, hovered it in front of your mouth until you took the bite. you gave a light hum as a thanks and pushed away from the bench.
"m'not, and this is different anyway, i just have to hit the balloon." you slipped your fingers through his when he followed you up, his arm reaching past you so he could drop the now empty cup and used forks in the bin. he pressed a fleeting kiss to your hairline and then you were making your way through the crowds.
"your aim's shit as well."
"big red balloons, bellingham, they're like impossible to miss."
"and yet i know you're still gonna miss." the huff you let out had him laughing, his head dipping so he could nuzzle his nose into the top of your head. his fingers squeezed lightly around yours, thumb brushed soft over the back of your hand and you swear you felt that small gesture in the deepest part of your chest. "tell you what, if you pop all the balloons i'll give you a tenner."
"a tenner?" craning your neck you narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend, tried not to grin at the way his hat sat crooked on his head. "i've seen your bank account, i know you can give me more than a tenner."
"y'know i never pegged you as a gold digger."
"hmm, you should keep an eye on your wallet."
"i did notice a couple of twenties missing this morning."
"how else do you think i paid for my nails?" you wiggled your free hand in front of his face, fresh acrylics glinting from the multitude of flashing lights and jude rolled his eyes. he reached for your hand and pressed a kiss to your palm. "seriously though, i want a reward if i get all the balloons."
"i'll let you choose what we watch tonight but i'm not paying you."
"you're so tight, y'know that?" a spark of mischief flared to life in his eyes and he kissed the tip of your index finger. eyes on yours, his voice lowered.
"that's usually my line." that earned him an elbow in the ribs and an obviously unamused glare.
"you're such a boy." the balloon stall was a couple of meters away and you grimaced when you spotted the queue, head falling against jude's shoulder. "can't you use your famousness to get us to the front?"
"you're not using me to queue jump."
"i'm starting to think you don't love me enough."
"i'm starting to think you're a brat." he untangled his fingers from yours, pushed you a little faster to join the back of the line, his hands soft against your shoulders. "it'll go down in like five minutes, the wait will give you time to prepare."
"i don't need to prepare." jude only hummed as he settled himself behind you, his arms coming to wrap around your chest and you eased back into him when his chin dropped to rest on top of your head. he was warm and firm against you and the contrasting heat drew a shiver from you.
"a little. i don't know why, i have like three layers on."
"should've worn the hat like i told you."
"the hat wouldn't keep my body warm, idiot."
"y'want mine?"
at your answer he stepped away from you and your brows tugged together at the sudden lack of warmth against your back, an involuntary whine in the back of your throat. before you could ask what he was doing, jude was tugging you back against him and tucking you into his puffer jacket, his arms once again wrapping around you to keep you inside the already warm material. you immediately let yourself relax into him, humming in appreciation when he kissed your temple. "aren't you gonna get cold?" he hadn't zipped the coat up, had just tucked it around the two of you as far as it would go and was holding it secure with his arms. you were sure the wind was blowing under the gaps.
"m'fine, you're actually really warm." arms secured around you jude gently rocked the two of you, his chin propped against the top of your head. he was pressed so tightly against your back you could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest and the comfort of it had you wishing the two of you were back home. even though the market had been your idea for date night, you now wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his bed.
"so if you win-"
"when i win."
"if you win," jude shuffled you forward, careful to keep you both wrapped up. "what do you wanna watch?"
"set it up."
"we literally watched it two days ago."
"you said i could pick."
"yeah something we haven't just watched." he dropped his head to tuck his face into your neck, nose nudging against your jaw. "pick something good."
"what's the point in saying i can pick if you're just gonna say no?"
"i'm only gonna say no if you pick something shit."
"that's not how it works." you squirmed away from his lips when they pressed behind your ear, turning and tilting your head until he looked at you. "when i win we're watching set it up." his eyes narrowed and for a few moments you both stared in silence, a quiet fight between you which you one hundred percent were going to win. despite his protests jude found it difficult ever really saying no to you.
with a huff and a roll of his eyes he broke your gaze. "fine, but you're not gonna win."
"you're about to be so embarrassed, baby."
jude leant against the shelf once the two of you had made it to the front of the line, arms crossed over his chest, that ridiculously cocky smirk plastered across his face. he was watching you closely, his attention making you hot despite your previous complaints of being cold. he lifted his hand to swipe his thumb beneath your eye.
"they're a lot further away than you thought."
"but they're still big and red."
"y'not gonna cry if you miss are you?"
"no because i'm not gonna miss." you batted his hand away from your neck and threw your first dart, grinning and digging your finger into jude's side when the balloon popped. he squirmed, hid his smile while shaking his head.
"beginners luck, you've still got four more to go."
popping the next four was as easy as the first, you might be shit at darts but the balloons really were too big to miss, even for someone as uncoordinated as you. as soon as the last balloon popped you launched yourself at jude, giggling as your arms tightened around his waist, teasing words sitting on the tip of your tongue. he was half glaring at the now popped balloons, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder, an almost headlock that had your giggles growing louder. you wriggled to tip your head back and meet his gaze.
"i told you i wouldn't miss. ye of so little faith."
"you sure you didn't pay him to pop them for you?" he nudged his head towards the man working the stall who was standing watching the two of you, waiting with raised eyebrows for you to pick your prize. "because you've never had aim that good before." you could only shrug in response, shimmying out from under his arm to clap your hands together and gaze at the rack of teddy's.
"maybe i was just tryna impress you." there was a not so innocent retort in his mouth but before he could say it, the man behind the counter cleared his throat.
"what would you like?" your grin was bright and contagious, soft around the edges in a way that made jude's heart pinch as he slid back up beside you, fingers slotting through yours.
"the pretty boy would like that giraffe please." you pointed to the unnecessarily large stuffed giraffe on the back wall and jude spluttered, his hand tugging at yours. he narrowed his eyes when your smile grew bigger.
"i don't want a giraffe."
"too bad." it was already being passed over to you, the neck knocking against jude's head and tipping his hat askew. he grumbled under his breath, tugged you out of the line and into an empty area beside the stall and when he reappeared behind the giraffe he was shaking his head with a half grin.
"you're ridiculous, y'know that? what're we supposed to do with this?"
"take him home."
"uh huh, i wanna call him terry."
"yeah." you pushed forward, the stuffed animal hanging between your legs and wound your arms around jude's neck. you had to push up onto your tiptoes, one of his hands pressing against the small of your back to keep your steady. fixing his hat you pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "do you wanna take terry home and watch set it up?"
even your kisses couldn't stop him from groaning, his forehead falling to knock against yours, the groan only getting louder at your triumphant smile. you tried to appease him with more kisses, soft ones over his cheeks and chin but he simply frowned, pouted lips going completely unloved.
"babe, c'mon, i'll watch anything else. even those weird skin doctor shows you're always on about."
"nope, you said i could choose and i have. oooh can we order those milkshakes from that corner place near the stadium?"
"i'll get milkshakes if you change your movie option." you were shaking your head, pulling away from him to grip his hand and tug. "i'll get on my knees and beg."
"don't be stupid, hurry up, i wanna see that little crystal stall before we go."
jude was still frowning and unamused when you were tucked into bed, wrapped around his body with his new giraffe at the foot of the bed. you were tucked under his chin, fingers tracing patterns over his skin, set it up humming softly on the tv. the hand on your shoulder left it's spot to instead tug teasingly on your hair, your grumble of complaint finally making him grin.
"i'm choosing what we watch next." you were half asleep already, the steady rise and fall of his chest lulling you into a relaxed state so you could only hum around a nod. "and we're not keeping that stupid giraffe, it keeps staring at me."
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wayfayrr · 27 days
I’m asking as a request but if u can’t or don’t want to it’s ok. Then maybe just a quick 1 sentence answer for each Link bc I’m curious? lol, So a little while back @luimagines wrote some divorce hcs. So…how would the yandere Links deal with a reader that wants a divorce?
Divorce? you think you can be rid of them? no, no hope whatsoever.
not even death can separate you
but I do think they'd be a little different in how they handle you suggesting it (also going to be using reader suggesting a divorce because they found a way home and didn't want to make the links choose between them and hyrule)
also pinky if you see this I absolutely adore your work but never actually read the divorce hcs dfbgdgbdbfcgb (got too sad like a fool)
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Legend would be the fastest to start outright panicking, immediately shutting down any hopes of you leaving. Barring windows and even going as far as to chain you to the bed so you can't leave. You're his and his alone.
Tears would break down, after thinking for a second that it's a joke he'd collapse onto you sobbing for you not to leave and forget him like everyone else does. But he won't force you to stay. If he learns why you did it? well remember this fic where wars lost himself a bit- Tears would kinda come to this conclusion a lot faster quickly following you into your world
Rulie takes after legend a little, in how he handles it after the first few hours. To start with though? He's a shaky stuttery mess trying to breathe and stay calm while failing but then he instantly jumps to keeping you away from society and tied to him.
Sky would laugh it off, seeing through you and the reason that you've even suggested it, divorce isn't even a potential for him. He's been reading your diarys and keeping a close eye on you - you think he wasn't aware of this beforehand? He promises you that it isn't even a choice to follow you to your home rather than staying here before kissing you silly and grabbing your waist so tight it almost hurts. Like he's offended you'd even think such a thing.
Twilight would freeze up to start, not, refusing to believe what you said. you have to repeat it a couple of times for it to really sink in, at which point he's already started snarling, wolfie starting to show in his actions and words. He could be rational and hear you out but he's just all over the place like he's been hit by a flashbang - take your chance to get away while you have it
Four would split instantly, the colours not being able to work together through it. Each wanting to handle it in a different way ( yes I know this isn't the most canon but it's more interesting sfvvsfvs) vio wants to plan out the why, blue is in charge of safe proofing the house while green and red are all over you, taking turns to watch you so you're never unsupervised. It'll take a lot of time and rebuilt trust to get him to rejoin.
Warriors would shatter, begging, pleading, sobbing and doing anything you ask of him to stay. even if you were to ask him to make himself bleed. he doesn't eat nor sleep for days on end as he tries and begs you to tell him why, why you would ever want to leave him. He looks more ragged than he ever did on the journey like he's seconds away from death. And when you finally do tell him- he breaks down all over again tugging you into his arms as he's begging for there to be more, that you didn't do all of this to him for something so small and that it isn't even a thought to him of course he'll choose you.
Time is in a weird place, he isn't entirely familiar to hylian/human traditions yet so the word divorce itself throws him for a loop, until you explain what it is to him. Which is where he turns ice cold, the more happy go lucky time you knew is gone, replaced by someone simply wearing his face as he goes through robotic motions. for time though I could also see him using the ocarina throwing himself into a pointless loop trying to stop you from suggesting it but he can't and it slowly destroys his sanity
these got longer as I went oops, I didn't think I'd write so much for it ngl got into the flow a bit
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captainsophiestark · 20 days
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: You've finally worked up the courage to ask Kol on a date, but with all the people who've been trying to kill him lately, he jumps to the wrong conclusion about what's being asked of him. Set right after TVD "A View To A Kill", if Jeremy didn't succeed in killing Kol.
Word Count: 2,517
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hello, love. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you."
I grinned at the voice of the youngest Mikaelson brother coming through the other end of the phone. I'd met him at the Grill a few weeks ago, and we'd pretty much immediately hit it off. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask him out ever since, and after overhearing his siblings talking about how close he'd come to dying recently, I'd decided to stop wasting time and just give him a call.
"Hi Kol. Uh, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but... well, I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe get together at some point and... talk. Hang out. All that... stuff..."
I grimaced. I'd never done this before, and it was probably painfully obvious, especially to a vampire with a literal thousand years of experience.
"You want to get together and talk?" asked Kol, a lilt to his voice that I couldn't quite decipher. Everything in me screamed that I should bail out, but I grit my teeth and forced myself to toughen up.
"Yeah. If that's something you'd want to do."
"Oh, it very much is." My heart stopped. I'd been sure this call was about to be a total fumble, but apparently, somehow it'd worked? "What did you have in mind?"
"Uh..." I mentally kicked myself. I'd spent so much time trying to work up the nerve to actually call him, I hadn't thought at all about what I would do if he actually said yes. "Well, I don't know. Is there anywhere you'd especially like to meet up? Or anything you'd like to do?"
"How about your house?" The doorbell rang. "Right now?"
My brain short circuited. He was here? Now? I wasn't ready at all! The house was fairly clean, and I didn't look like a total mess, but I also wasn't ready for a date! And wasn't a first date supposed to be about thirty degrees more chill and removed, like a going to a movie or dinner or something?
I forced myself to take a deep breath. Yes, this was technically a first date, but Kol and I had interacted before. We were friendly, maybe even friends. It's not like he was some stranger I was about to let into my home.
"Uh, sure. Now is... now is good. I take it you're the one at my door?"
"Yes I am, darling."
"Okay. Well, then... I guess I'll see you in a second."
I hung up the phone before I could make any more of a fool of myself, paused at the mirror in the hallway to quickly adjust my outfit, then strode confidently to the front door. If I pretended to be confident, it would probably rub off and turn into the real thing, right?
I swung open my door to find a grinning Kol on the other side, one arm raised and resting against the doorframe. My heart did a little backflip at that, and I just hoped his vampire senses hadn't clued him in on it.
"Well? Aren't you going to invite me in?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, come on in, Kol."
He grinned at me as he slowly, deliberately put one foot over the threshold, then the other. He paused once he officially stood in my house, facing me with a look like he expected me to have some kind of reaction. I just gave him a smile.
"Welcome in. Uh, I'll be honest, I wasn't really prepared for you to come over, like, now. But we can make some drinks, maybe play a board game or something? I actually think I have an at-home dart board buried somewhere around here if you want to get your ass kicked like you did the first time we met."
Kol huffed a laugh, a smaller, more genuine smile pulling onto his face as he shook his head at me.
"Well, now we have to play, don't we? I can't let my honor be tarnished without fighting back."
"I think it only counts as tarnishing your honor if it's not true," I mused as I led Kol into the kitchen, incredibly aware of how closely he followed behind me. If vampires could hear heart beats, then I was well and truly screwed.
"Exactly. I didn't get my ass kicked in darts, so what you said wasn't true."
I paused long enough to give Kol a judgey look over my shoulder, then walked around to the cabinets behind the kitchen island.
"Alright, I'll go dig out the dartboard in a minute, but let's figure out drinks first. I'll be honest, I'm not the best bartender, but I'll see what I can do."
"Here, let me. I'm an excellent bartender."
Kol reached for the bottles in my hand, but I paused, holding them slightly away from him. He leaned into me, and my heart did its stupid jumping jacks again, although I ignored it. Instead, I fixed Kol with another look.
"Are you an excellent bartender in the way you're an excellent dart player? Or are you actually an excellent bartender?"
Kol shook his head, an edged smile spread on his face as he reached across me and took the bottles from my hands. I was more than a little disappointed when he pulled away.
"Alright, I'm going to make us some drinks while you go and get that dart board, right now. We're going to settle this, once and for all."
"I'm still not totally sure that I actually have it," I reminded him, walking backwards out of the kitchen. Kol just hummed, shooting me one last look as he got to work on the drinks before I turned the corner.
As soon as I was out of his sight, I paused to take a few deep breaths. I was starting to feel seriously giddy hanging out with him like this, and I needed to calm the hell down. It was a casual first date, after all. I didn't need to get ahead of myself.
Once the butterflies in my chest had settled down a bit, I walked the rest of the way to the hall closet, or what I thought of as my junk closet. It was packed with things that were just useful or sentimental enough that I didn't want to throw them away, but that basically never came in handy on a regular basis. If that dartboard someone had gotten me for my birthday a few years ago was anywhere, it would be here.
I dug through a few boxes I thought might be likely candidates, trying to remember where past me might've put things last time I'd organized everything. Finally, after what felt like way too much searching, I found it at the bottom of a box on a higher shelf. Even better, a bag with all the darts still together was with it.
I grinned, doing a little triumphant fist pump to myself before turning to head out of the closet. In the doorway, however, I found Kol hovering, watching me intently, a menacing air about him that hadn't been there earlier.
"Hey... what are you doing?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms.
"Me? I was about to ask you the same thing, darling. It really took you that long to find the dart board?"
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, watching for any clues as to what the hell he was doing before briefly glancing away to check the time my phone. Honestly, it hadn't even been that long.
"I mean, yes? Have you looked around this closet at all since you got here? It's a mess. How long have you been standing there, anyway?"
"I'm not an idiot, sweetheart," he said instead of answering me, taking another step forward. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know you're back here messaging your little friends, trying to set up another ambush for me after the first one didn't work. I know how you Mystic Falls people like to operate."
My frown deepened. "Kol, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent with me, darling, it won't work. So who have you been texting?"
"No one, other than you! I knew you were acting weird on the phone, and when you first showed up. I thought my nerves were just getting the better of me, but apparently not."
"Nerves for what? Don't tell me Jeremy's going to come bursting through the door playing Van Helsing again."
"Jeremy who, Kol? Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about."
For the first time since he'd appeared in the closet doorway, Kol seemed to believe me. His look changed from borderline threatening to almost as confused as my own.
"Jeremy Gilbert."
I paused, trying to place the name. It sounded familiar, but it took me a little while to figure out why.
"That's... Elena Gilbert's little brother? Right?"
"Yes. You're actually trying to tell me you don't know him?"
I scoffed. "Kol, of course I don't know him. I graduated from high school when he was still in middle school. I barely remember him or his sister."
He studied me, eyes scanning my face, apparently looking for some sign of a lie. I just watched him back, waiting on some kind of explanation for this to make sense.
"So you're not working with Elena and her little group of friends, then? Or either of the Salvatores?"
"No, Kol. Working with them on what?"
"You're not lying."
"I know I'm not lying! Now what the hell are you talking about?"
Kol sighed, slumping back against the doorframe a little, the tension easing out of his body although he still looked a little confused. I could relate.
"Elena and Jeremy tried to kill me not too long ago," he said, as if he was saying they'd asked him for directions on the street. "Elena tried to keep me busy by lying about wanting to discuss a truce with me. I assumed this was a terrible second attempt at the same thing."
I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes for a beat as I leaned against the shelf behind me. I knew he was a vampire, and I'd even known someone had tried to kill him recently. But somehow, I'd underestimated the level of ridiculous drama and miscommunication that would likely create.
"Yikes. Well... I'm glad you survived, and I can honestly tell you that I'm not a part of any plot to try to kill you. I can't even remember the last time I talked to Elena, and the only time I've ever talked to either of the Salvatores was when Damon was drunk and hit on me at the Grill."
Kol snorted. "Sounds familiar."
"I'm sure."
The two of us stayed put, neither moving to stand up or leave the closet, neither speaking either. The silence just hung, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do next, so it was a relief when Kol leaned forward, the menace in his posture gone and replaced by tentative curiosity.
"You know, this leaves us with a very important question."
"And what's that?"
"If you weren't trying to drive a stake through my heart... why did you call me and ask to meet up?"
And just like that, the relief was replaced with sheer nervous panic.
"Uh... well..."
Kol grinned and took a few steps towards me.
"You said you wanted to get together and talk," he said, a teasing tone to his voice that made my heart speed up at the same time that it made me want to give him a shove. "What exactly did you want to talk about, if not murdering me?"
I shook my head, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face. Kol was well and truly in my space now, standing right in front of me, one arm over my head and leaning against the shelf behind me. Based on the grin he gave me when I met his eyes, I got the feeling he could hear my heart racing.
"I... Well, I was trying to ask you on a date."
"Were you now?" asked Kol, his shit eating grin doubling in size. I huffed.
"Yes. And it took a lot of effort to work up the courage to actually go through with it, so if you're just messing with me right now with the whole leaning into my space and flirting thing, I might actually join Team Try To Kill Kol."
Kol just laughed and shook his head, leaning in a little bit further as he did. I couldn't help a subconscious glance at his lips, and with the way they curled up even further, I knew he'd noticed.
"I'd never dream of messing with you about this, darling. Honestly, this is the best news I've gotten in days. If I hadn't been working to keep a few different people from killing me, I would've asked you out a week ago."
I grinned. "Really?"
I huffed a happy, disbelieving laugh as Kol leaned the rest of the way in, his lips finding mine. Fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation, especially as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hands found his shoulders, holding on tightly, and when I finally pulled away after a few long, long moments, I was a little breathless and a little dizzy.
"Now that was worth thinking I was about to be vampire-slayed," said Kol, grinning at me before starting to lean in again. I laughed, but put a hand to his chest to stop him.
"I agree, but this is still a first date. I want to actually talk to you and get to know you beyond the few conversations we've had at the Grill, not just make out in my closet."
"You didn't like making out in the closet?"
"I didn't say that." Kol grinned, and I gave him an exasperated smile of my own. "I like this, Kol, a lot. But I could've just kept flirting at you with the Grill if all I wanted was to make out with you. Dates are supposed to be... a little more than that, at least to me."
Kol sighed, bringing his hand up to cup my chin and running his thumb across my lips before stepping back. My heart was doing backflips, and from the smirk on his face, I knew he could tell.
"Alright then, darling. I'll give your version of a date a try. As much as I like making out in closets, it might be nice to just talk to you for a bit, too."
I beamed at him. "Good. Although, it doesn't have to be all talk." I retrieved the dartboard that had been shoved back onto a shelf when Kol had first gotten in my space and held it up. "We have a few things to settle, after all."
"Oh yes we do. Come on love, our drinks are waiting in the kitchen. You're going to need one, so you have something to blame your loss on later tonight."
"Keep talking, Twilight. It's just gonna make it that much sweeter when I win."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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kelcemesoftly · 11 months
Request: Travis taking care of the reader why her got drunk pls🫶🏻
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Party Too Hard
Triggers: alcohol, vomiting
Notes: I love a sweet, caring, loving Trav. I hope I did him justice
As soon as the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, you knew that you were in for a long night. While this was your first Super Bowl appearance while dating Trav, you'd seen how hard core they'd gone in the past. First there was a party at the hotel, then they'd go out to at least one bar or club, and from there... who knew. You thought that you were prepared, but with the busyness of the day, with getting your hair and makeup done, perfecting your outfit, and hosting your family and Trav's in your Air B&B, you didn't have nearly enough to eat. That fact was confirmed when it took less than three drinks and two shots for you to be three sheets to the wind. You had rallied the rest of the night with Travis, and yes, you had the time of your life. But, by the time 4am hit, you started to feel lurching in your stomach, a telltale sign that you were about to be sick. The last thing you wanted to do was tell the Super Bowl star himself, so you sat in the bathroom while taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm your queasy stomach. Britt had stumbled in at one point, and after seeing your pale face, immediately knew what was going on. "I'll go get Trav," she said.
Even though you protested profusely, she didn't listen to a word you said, and not even two minutes later, your boyfriend was crouching in front of you. "Party too hard, baby?" he asked, reaching up to cup your cheek. Tears started to leak down your skin, and you nodded, hating that you weren't able to stay out as late as he had wanted. "Don't cry, baby. It's okay. It's late, we should all head back, anyway," he assured you, threading his fingers through your hair in an attempt to calm you. While it didn't make you feel better, his love, affection, and concern made you feel safe. If you did, in fact, get sick, you knew he'd be right there to support you.
"Can you get me some water before we go?" you asked meekly. Travis nodded his head and disappeared from the bathroom for a minute, coming back with a glass of water. He handed it to you. You took small sips and breathed deeply every few seconds, willing yourself to not get sick. At least not until you arrived back at the hotel. Travis had convinced you to stay at his hotel room that night, since the rest of your families were at the Air B&B. While the main reason may have been to have sex, it didn't seem that was going to happen with the way that you were feeling.
After finishing the glass of water, you felt a bit better. At least better to the point of being able to get a ride back to the hotel without getting sick. You allowed Trav to take your hand and lead you outside to the car awaiting for you both. On the ride to the hotel, you rested the side of your head against his arm, breathing in and out steadily.
Trav led you up to the room once you arrived at the hotel, locking the door behind you. He helped you take a seat on the bed and then went to rummage through his suitcase for one of his shirts. Walking back over to you, he set the shirt beside you and helped you out of your dress. Travis slipped the shirt over your body, smiling lovingly down at you. "I love you in my shirts, baby girl."
You smiled meekly, unable to stop the small sob that left your lips. "What's wrong, baby girl?" he asked, falling down to his knees. Trav took your cheeks between his palms, stroking your skin gently.
"I got sick. On a night you were supposed to be celebrating!" you cried, the alcohol making your emotions stronger than usual.
"Baby, I did celebrate. I love partying, going to clubs, but I wanted to be with you. I was with you all night. Even if we were here cuddling in bed, that's all the celebration I'd need," he assured you, leaning forward to capture your lips against his.
You let out a small whimper, pushing him away as you bolted toward the bathroom, lifting up the lids before emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. Small sobs wracked through your body as you upheaved everything that you could. Travis was right there behind you through it all, holding your hair back while rubbing your back. He whispered loving, encouraging words, letting you know that he'd be there as long as you were sick. And even though you attempted to argue with him, it was futile because he didn't budge.
That night was the night you knew that he was the one. He wasn't repulsed by your sickness. On the night that was supposed to be about him, about his team, he was with you, taking care of you. This night is the night you thought about when you cited "in sickness and in health" in your wedding vows two years later.
Taglist: @kelcemenow @hearts4papayas @keiva1000 @killatravtramp
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6mmad · 2 years
"There's something stuck on your butt" "What is it?" "My eyes ;-)"
Obey Me! Character Reactions
"There is? What is it?"
"My eyes ;-)"
Looks at you like you're an idiot
Questioning his taste in lovers because how in the world did he fall for someone so-
Won't admit that it was a teeny tiny bit funny but you definitely heard him blow air out of his nose
Master manipulator, he'd find a way to flip the joke on you
"Is that so? I suppose you might need me to check if your pants don't have anything stuck as well"
But in public he'd be mortified, especially if you said it front of Diavolo
Glaring daggers at you and will probably give you the silent treatment until you make it up to him
He would probably use the joke against you in the future to be honest
and use it as an excuse to cop a feel
"Huh?! Why didn't you say anything sooner?! What is it??"
"My eyes, chicibaby ;-)"
Immediately flustered
Turns around and covers his ass with his hands
"You think you're funny or somethin'? Well I'm not laughing!"
Is actually holding back a laugh
If you two are alone he'll let out his laugh and tease you back
On the other hand doing it in front of his brothers would make him feel equal parts shy and cocky
He'll take up any chance to make his brothers jealous
But also way to embarrass him! Jeez! ....."you were only looking at mine right, mc?"
Is definitely a good sport about it though, next time you're both alone he'll try to catch you off guard by saying it back
"What! What is it? That's so embarrassing?!?"
"My eyes, bae ;-)"
Takes him a good moment to process what you said before he goes red in the face
"You can't just say those kinds of things!!"
He's so embarrassed, his crush just admitted to checking him out! Not just that, they were checking out his ass!
Overthinking it just a bit too much
Won't stop covering his butt
If you say it in front of his brothers, he'd genuinely run away from how flustered he is
"Uh...MC.... did you actually mean what you said..? ..........about my ass"
When all is said and done he actually finds it a bit funny, but don't count on him being able to handle the jest a second time
"Ah, really? What is it?"
"My eyes, baby ;-)"
Laughs a bit, only you'd be so bold with him
Is just a little bit embarrassed but he's flattered nonetheless, hyper aware of his own ass now
If you're both alone he'll definitely joke back and suggest that you have something stuck as well
"And here I thought your eyes were on the book I lent you, I can't say i mind though"
If it's in front of his brothers he'd be a lot more embarrassed but he'd be good at playing it off
Even though Belphie is 100% cough-laughing right behind him
Overall a fun little quip between you two, although he'd prefer you kept it between you both
"Eh! What is it? Get it off!"
"It's my eyes ;-)"
Is probably one of the only brothers who genuinely laughs
Thinks it's super cute that you'd hit on him so blatantly
Will literally turn around for you and do a little pose
"Hehe! You can look all you want, Mc! Or touch, whichever one you prefer <3"
"Maybe I should check if you have anything stuck too!"
Cue a fun little tussle on his bed that he'll let you win, but only because it's you
Truly doesn't care about whether you say it in public or private, will respond accordingly either way
Ends up being on of his favorite jokes and will use it on you any given moment
"Hm? I do?"
"Yeah it's right there, Beel"
"What is it?"
"My eyes ;-)"
Stops walking in circles to check his own butt to stare at you
It takes him a moment to process that he didn't actually stain his clothes with something
Blushes about it but thinks it pretty funny
"Heh, you scared me, I'm glad there isn't actually something there though"
If you do it in front of his brothers he'd be a bit more embarrassed but he accepts all declarations of love, even the.. questionable ones
Any weird looks are simply ignored, he's happy to see you giggling at your own jokes
10/10 at taking the joke, he probably won't say it back though
"Hmm? Take it off"
"I cant, it's rlly stuck "
"What is it?"
"My eyes ;-)"
Deadpans at your joke
Plays dead to ignore you just to be a little shit
If you manage to get him to crack an eye open he'd just huff
"So you've been staring at my butt while i sleep? Weirdo"
100% covers his face with the blanket to hide his smile
What can he say, it was a bit funny
If you say it in front of his brothers he'd be way more embarrassed
Would flat out squint menacingly and proceed to ignore your until his brothers are gone
Probably won't use the joke in the future but wouldn't be opposed to hearing it again
"Ah, that's embarrassing, what is it?"
Patting himself down until you say "my eyes"
Laughs a bit actually, he's usually the aggressor in these situations so he enjoys being the one being taken aback for once
You don't have to say it in public because he'll find it so amusing that he'll talk about it in the HOL group chat
Next time he actually has something stuck on his butt he'll joke that it's your gaze that's stuck
Will absolutely say it back to you
"Eh? I didn't notice, what is it?"
"My eyes, baby ;-)"
It takes him a moment to understand what was said but when he gets it he laughs
Definitely more of an embarrassed laugh than an amused one
"That was rather bold but I can't say i don't like you looking"
If you say it in HOL he'd cover Luke's ears, bless his heart
Would be a lot more embarrassed on account that he knows Solomon would never let him live it down
Doesn't really mind the joke all too much and would also be a bit more aware of how his butt looks to be honest
Ok maybe it flustered him more then he'd like to admit
"Really? What is it?"
Chasing his own tail trying to find it
"My eyes, handsome ;-)"
Laughs a bit too much, probably shoulder slaps whoever or whatever is closest to him
pray it's not you
"Is that so? I'll definitely take that as a compliment then :-)"
Knows you're being flirty but he just lives for stupid jokes, he can't help it
Will relay the joke to Barbatos and doesn't understand why he isn't doubling over in laughter
"Did you get the joke? It's as if their eyes were-"
He gets it, Diavolo, it's just not that funny
For your safety, there's no reason to repeat it in public setting
Will absolutely say it back as soon as possible much to Lucifer's dismay
Honestly he knows that you're gonna say it but for the sake of letting you have your fun he'll play dumb
"Is that so? What is it?"
"My eyes, Barbs ;-)"
Just chuckles, and keeps doing what he's doing
If you two are in private he'd probably use it as an opportunity to flirt back
"I see, let me check if you have anything as well, just to be safe of course"
Would do anything to see you get flustered or have a giggle fit
Can and will chase you around the kitchen
On the occasion that you try to say it in public, he'd put a menacing hand on your shoulder to stop you mid-joke
Cue the terrifying "I dare you to try it" polite smile
Surprisingly though, he'd definitely use the joke back if you're both in private
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Atsumu Miya said it!
(CW: Swearing)
The day's bullshit weighed heavy on your weary shoulders as you forced yourself to go buy groceries before running home to tuck yourself in for the night.
You loved your job, really you did, but dear fuckery did it occasionally smack you in the face with a day from hell, you could barely keep track of the essentials you needed while cursing yourself for not shopping in advance.
Your phone exploding with texts every two minutes does not help.
After six different texts came in, you relented, rubbing at your eyes as you pulled the damn thing out of you pocket.
10 new messages from:
Miya: The Blonde One.
You groaned, and didn't care about the funny looks you got from the cashier as you set your things down on the rolling carpet, hitting the call button as you couldn't be bothered to text him back.
He answered in seconds.
"Finally! I've been textin' ya forever!"
Rolling your eyes, you made sure the happy leap of your traitorous heart didn't show in your voice. 'I only just got off work, shithead.'
"That was a whole twenty minutes ago! Thought ye'd died'r somethin' asshole!'
You and Atsumu had met two years ago, and had somehow ended up with the kind of friendship where swear words have become pet names. He'd clicked into your life like he'd always been there, two years felt like ten.
Now if you're hopeless heart would stop summersaulting every time you thought of him, like would be great.
You held the phone to your shoulder as the cashier scanned your items so you could load them up. 'You can hold off on crying your eyes out over me, I'm fine. Just had to pick some stuff up on the way home.'
"Too late, already started grieving." You can just imagine him throwing his hand over his heart with "tears" in his eyes. "So when ya gettin' home?"
'I dunno, ten minutes?'
"Sounds like ya know."
'Piss off I'm tired.'
"Yeah yeah, gotta go, later!"
You frowned at the screen as the call cut off suddenly. That was by far the shortest phone call you'd ever had with the national setter. Atsumu could talk the ears off an elephant.
The cashier told you your told, utterly indifferent to your divided attention even as you smiled sheepishly in apology for not greeting her verbally.
As you hauled your things back to the car, you considered calling him back, instead sitting in your car and scrolling through ten lines of utter nonsense texts to try and get your attention. Emoji's, random factoids, just your name repeated several times.
Yup, Atsumu was bored.
Smiling to yourself, you started the car, only to be greeted by the playlist he made you. 90% of it is songs you like, but the rest is purely there to annoy you. Meaning at any one time there's a chance you'll start your engine to Baby Shark.
This time it was a good one, leaving you smiling as you drove yourself home.
Quietly tired, you trudged up to your front door, eyes down as you slid your keys into the door, throwing your keys on the table in the hall on your way in, sliding off your shoes.
You padded to the kitchen, set down your shopping, considered crawling straight into bed as you sluggishly trudged through the living room.
All fatigue flew out of you as you pushed open the bedroom door, and found yourself yelping in surprise at the sight of an Olympic setter on your fucking bed, spread out with a bowl of grapes beside him like the queen of Sheba.
'Holy fuck Atsumu!'
Smug menace didn't miss a beat. 'You could knock, ya know?'
'Bitch, it's my house!' You wailed, clutching your now racing heart as you slowly came to realise- 'Wait, you're not supposed to be here!'
'Yeah yeah it's your house I heard ya.' Atsumu drawled, casually tossing another grape into his mouth. 'Have some grapes, s'good.'
'Atsumu, you are supposed to be in a different country right now!'
He'd told you himself about the away game in this week, a very long flight away.
The setter shrugged, but his cheeks were starting to gain some colour, making you immediately suspicious. 'I came back early. Used your spare key to get in so don't go lookin' for any broken locks or anythin'.'
'Did something happen?' You wondered as he sat up on the edge of your bed and you moved to sit beside him, curious.
'Nah, just missed ya is all.'
You arched a brow at that. You'd like to think that you know exactly when Atsumu's bullshitting, you've developed a sixth sense for it.
That, did not sound like bullshit. His eyes had darted away from you as he said it, ears turning pink among the thick blonde tresses of his hair.
'Uh huh...' You murmured, looking for words.
'Uh huh? That's all ya gotta say?' He wailed, affronted.
'No! You just put me on the spot!'
'Well figure it out, Shakespeare! I'm pourin' mah heart out here!'
'You call saying you missed me pouring your heart out?'
'If it ain't ya outta show me how it's done!' He huffed, folding his arms across that broad chest, so damn sure you wouldn't call his bluff.
Little did he know, you were sleep deprived, your patience at its end, and your budget for giving a fuck well and truly depleted.
'I hate seeing you leave. Every time you go it feels like the world's turned grey.'
Atsumu did a double take, head snapping back to face you so fast you thought he'd get whiplash.
But you aren't done.
'No one's ever made my name sound as good as you do when you say it, even when you're using it to annoy the shit outta me. You could tell me you'd made the worst mistake ever and I'd still think you were perfect. That Shakespeare enough for you?'
Atsumu's mouth was agape, eyes wide, blinking helplessly at you. That doe-eyed look, it was as if you'd hung the stars in the sky as you said every word while never once tearing your gaze from his.
You smiled gently, taking your finger to his chin to close his mouth for him. 'I'm taking a shower. You figure out your head, Miya.'
'Oh no you don't!'
Before you could so much as lift yourself from the bed, Atsumu was tackling you back onto your own sheets, his athlete's frame engulfing you as he pinned you desperately searching out your eyes.
'Tell me you mean all that.' He pleaded, eyes searching yours for even the slightest hint that you were joking. 'Tell me...tell me you love me.'
You peered up at him, your heart now at a gallop as if it could run and crash through your ribs, reaching desperately for him. Your voice was soft, as if you'd shatter if you spoke your feelings too loudly. No going back now.
'I love you.'
All at once, Atsumu's face lit up with a grin to put the world to shame, but you barely got to enjoy basking in his joy as he was suddenly kissing you, kissing you like it was the first and last time he'd ever get the chance.
He stole the air from your lungs as you chased the softness of him again and again, burying your fingers in the bleached blonde waves, keeping him hopelessly close.
He sighed happily when you finally allowed him breath, but he didn't go far, gently bumping his nose against yours. 'You know this means I win, right?'
'Is that so?'
'Obviously. I made you say it first.'
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yanderu-deredere · 9 months
ooo spicy reqeuset: how would the yan yans react to their darling trying to fake an orgasm during sex? maybe because nobodys given her an orgasm before and so shes worried that they wont make her cum so she just pretends?
a/n: pretty sure all hell would break loose LOOOL also, as an adhd bitch, i know the pains of this so fucking well and it fucking sucks
wanted to do a group up thing but decided against it becos i wanted to write drabbles so here are just some random yanderes i picked and how they'd react
if you wanted to see another different yandere, shoot me another request and id love to answer for you!
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warning: female reader as requested, mentions of stalking, overstim in ryouta's and the wolf boys' parts, spanking int he wolf boys' part, degradation in the wolf boys' part, double penetration in the wolf boys' part, honestly leo just lets it all out i think
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
if he's never made you cum before, he probably wouldn't notice that you're faking it. he's not the type to really go around fucking other people. in fact, more than likely, you're his first. so he wouldn't know better
but, if he has made you cum forreal before, he'll know immediately that you're faking it and, even if he hasn't gotten off yet, he'll stop everything to ask you what's wrong and ask why you're faking it
same goes for if he's stalked you before and like has watched you make yourself cum becos then he knows what it looks like?
neway he's just an all around very observant guy who memorises how you react to things so he'd know if you're faking it or not
Eun-jeong's thrusts slowed and he ended up frowning down at you, his hands at your hips tightening but only a fraction "What's wrong?" Your face erupted into heat and you tried your best to sound confused "Huh? Wha-What'd'you mean?"
Eun-jeong took a second to think about his words carefully. He'd always been told that he wasn't exactly the most socially graceful person in the world so he wanted to really pick what he was about to say deliberately.
Because he loved you. And he wanted to finally show you the parts of him that he's been anxious to show you; all the ugly burned skin, all the big insecurities, everything.
He didn't want anything to go wrong. Except, now, it was obvious to him that you just tried pretending that you were cumming when you weren't.
It made him extremely anxious that you were faking it. Were you just unable to get off while looking at his ugly skin? Was he that bad? What was wrong?
"You… didn't cum."
Eloquent. He wanted to hit himself upside the head so bad.
You turned even more bashful, embarrassed both by the fact that you acted badly enough that it was obvious and by the fact that you got caught.
Unbeknownst to you, you could've been the best actress in the world and Eun-jeong still would've been able to tell. He knew you, has observed you at your most vulnerable moments, when you thought nobody was looking.
He liked to think he knew you better than anyone, even yourself.
The awkward silence was finally broken as you stuttered out an explanation "So-Sorry, I just-- I-- Nobody's ever made me cum before s-so I was nervous-- I-I didn't want to make things awkward by uhm, not cumming?"
Eun-jeong understood completely. Still, he shifted his hips, jostling his cock inside of you. He pulled you a little closer, sigh escaping him. "I don't care about that, puppy. It doesn't matter how long it takes; I just want you to feel good, no matter what."
You nodded hurriedly, feeling the way his cock stretched you deliciously. Honestly, this entire time, you'd been stuck at the precipice, eager to cum but unable to. Unfortunately, it's always been like that.
Eun-jeong noticed the way you nibbled at your bottom lip, your eyes flickering to where the two of you were connected. Something clicked in his mind then.
He shifted his hips again, dragging his cock out of you slowly. He could at least tell that it felt good because the walls of your pussy seemed to desperately want to keep him inside.
“How about you tell me how it feels?” Eun-jeong leaned down, his voice tickling your ear and his breath hot against your skin.
The words were on the tip of your tongue but your brain ended up blanking a little when Eun-jeong suddenly thrust his cock back in. He took your loss for words as a good sign and chuckled, his hand travelling from your waist to a little bit lower so his thumb could rub against your clit
“Don’t worry, I’ll wait. We have all night after all and I want to make sure you cum at least once.”
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
super observant like eun-jeong except like maxed out so, even if he hasn't seen you cum before, he definitely can tell what's fake and what's not
not to be like cliched or anything but your body tells him exactly how you feel and he's not had any experience outside of you but that doesn't stop him from hyper-analysing your every movement
so, yes, he can tell you're making yourself clench around him and you're making your eyes roll up and that you're pretending
and he'll definitely 100% take that as an offence LOL like what, you think he's stupid??
wouldn't talk to you abt it til after he's punished you tho
“What the fuck was that?”
Your entire body stiffened and you immediately grew nervous. Thankfully, your back was facing Ryouta so he probably couldn’t see your expression but you were sure he would at least fall for your acting.
People usually did.
He suddenly bullied his cock back into your pussy, making you whimper. Then, just as suddenly, his hand was at your face, cupping your chin, his fingers digging into your cheeks “I asked you a question.”
“I-I don’t—”
“Don’t lie to me.” He sounded angry—angrier than you’d ever heard him be like ever—and from his tight grip on you, you could tell that he wasn’t in the mood for games.
“I-I’m sorry.” You huffed, squirming as you felt him keep grinding his hips against yours, his grip on your waist making you unable to get away “I-I— Nobody’s ever made me c-cum before and I-I thought— I-I didn’t want to—”
Ryouta pulled out of you, which only made you feel rejected and guilty. Now, like everyone else, he’d be sick of you too.
Before you could say anything else, though, he turned you over so you faced him. Finally, you could see the irritated expression on his face.
It felt so out of place since Ryouta always seemed pretty much emotionless. You were always left guessing exactly what he was thinking. Now, it was obvious: what you did really pissed him off.
“You think I’m anything like those shit-heads? Those pieces of garbage that can’t make you cum?” He practically spat out, his hands cupping the backs of your thighs and spreading your legs.
You tried to stutter out excuse after excuse but the words immediately died on your lips when Ryouta ducked down and started lapping at your pussy.
You gasped, your back curving up a little as your eyelids fluttered. Oh, fuck, the feeling of his tongue tracing your folds, lapping at your clit, was something else.
One of his hands moved your knee so it rested on his shoulder and, at first, you wondered why. Then, you felt him pushing his fingers inside you, curling them in a way that made your walls clench and your pussy gush.
“Wa-Wait, Ryouta— I-I— feels weird!” You squealed, feeling his fingertips deeper than you’ve ever been able to reach. He kept brushing up against something that made electricity dance along your spine.
It made you feel like you needed to piss.
Instead of stopping, however, Ryouta just kept his dark eyes on you, lips closing around your clit and sucking as his fingers kept working you over and over.
Before you knew it, your back bowed and your head flung back as you were hit with the hardest orgasm you’d ever felt before. Your toes curled as white spots played along your vision.
“First time cumming and you end up being a squirter, huh?”
Ryouta almost sounded far away or maybe was that just your post-orgasm haze? You were still so out of it, both from the fact that someone made you cum and from the fact that it was the best orgasm you’d ever felt.
Before you could say anything, you could feel the head of Ryouta’s cock at your pussy.
You immediately looked up at Ryouta, the haze replaced with a sense of urgency “N-No, wait, I-I’m still a bit—”
Ryouta just chuckled meanly and pushed his cock all in one thrust “Did I say you could stop cumming? No, you’re going to keep going, baby, until you wring out every last drop of cum from my balls.”
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emm fiala ★ casimir fiala
has had experience with each other so like they know what someone cumming looks like and, yeah, every person is different but like also you're not fooling them
they each have polar opposite viewpoints on how to deal with it though: like casimir's would be to just ignore it and keep going but emm would wanna stop and talk abt it
it's defo a lot more like eunjeong rather than ryouta cus emm calls the shots LOL
Emm suddenly stopped and you could hear Casimir let out a small scoff. Immediately, you felt a cold sweat cover you. Did they notice?
“What the fuck was that, darl’?” Emm was behind you but you could feel her grip around your throat tighten a little; not enough to restrict your breathing but definitely enough to get your attention.
Casimir, on the other hand, didn’t say anything, his hands still tight around the fat of your thighs.
You didn’t know what to say. You’d never been caught faking it so it was a little jarring to face the consequences so quickly. Were you that obvious?
“It’s fine, Emm.” Casimir huffed, rolling his eyes, and he seemed to lean closer to you as if about to kiss you.
However, before he could, Emm’s free hand pushed his face away “The hell d’ya mean it’s fine? It’s not fine.”
“Why’d y’fake it?” She pulled you closer to her, her breasts pressing against your back and her hand travelling a little higher up so she could direct your gaze to her.
Your face felt hot and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at her. “S-Sorry. I-I just— I-I thought I n-needed to…”
“For what?” Casimir sounded a bit amused by your answer but you honestly couldn’t see his expression clearly because you were pointedly looking away from both of them, too embarrassed to meet either of their stares.
“If y’didn’t wanna fuck, you could’ve just said so.” Emm added, huffing and obviously off-put as she started pulling her strap-on out of your sopping pussy.
“I-It’s not that I didn’t want to!” You immediately interjected, feeling bad that you’d ended up making them feel like they’d forced you “I-I really d-did want to! Bu-But… uhm, it’s just that! N-Nobody’s been able to make me cum before…”
Casimir laughed meanly but Emm seemed to pause at your words. Then, she sighed, and you could feel her pushing that impossibly thick strap-on back inside of you. It definitely made you whimper a bit.
“Were we at least making you feel good?” Casimir pushed himself closer to you and you finally looked up to see a smirk playing across his lips.
You nodded because they really did. Both Casimir and Emm were, at the very least, the closest to making you cum “B-But, uhm, I-I just c-can’t—”
“I think you just need a little nudge, my love.” Casimir used one hand to cup your breast, thumb playing with your nipple, while the other moved down to toy with your clit.
Suddenly, you felt Emm push against you, nudging you so you were chest to chest against Casimir, your chin resting against his shoulder. Emm’s hand also left your neck and, instead, she used both hands to grip both sides of your waist.
“The fuck’n audacity to compare us t’your past lovers.” Emm grumbled before she renewed her thrusting except, this time, there was more force behind it, like she was earnestly fucking you.
Casimir chuckled but you could hear a sinister tone to his voice “Don’t worry, my wife, we’ll show our sweet that we’re nothing like those hooligans.”
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mel lowell ★ isamu lowell ★ leonard lowell
also another group that hasn't really had a lot of experience with the female gender? LOL the three of them have only ever been with each other and pussies work differently yk
if it was just isamu, he'd totally fall for it LOL he'd believe you 100%
for mel, he's less likely to believe you but he wouldn't confront you abt it? he'd just keep going until he sees a real orgasm. but it'd be that thing where it's like? was that real? (yes) hmmm, he should make you cum again just to be sure
leonard would kick. your. ass. like forreal LMAO he'd absolutely berate you for even attempting to fake it and he'll be able to tell okay! surprisingly, the youngest of the three of them is kind of the most observant loool
if all three of them are together tho, leonard wins out and he ends up beating u up (metaphorically) while isamu and mel watch LOL
“No fucking way.”
Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and you felt a sudden anxiety overtake you. There was no way Leonard could tell… could he?
“No fucking way! I didn’t just see that! Tell me I didn’t just see that!” Leonard, who had been behind you, suddenly woven his fingers through your hair before tugging, making you look directly at his bright blue eyes.
“Tell me you didn’t just fake an orgasm right in front of me.”
Mel, who had been happily observing, fist around his cock, stood, and you saw the concerned expression on his face from the corners of your eyes.
Isamu, who was in front of you, looked like a kicked puppy.
“I-I didn’t!” You instinctually answered, shaking your head, your entire body jittery with anxiety.
“Leo, I don’t think she’d—” Mel even tried to intervene but there was no stopping Leonard as soon as he was determined to see something through.
Thankfully, he let go of your hair. However, as soon as he did, he was shoving you and Isamu down, his hand on your shoulder making sure you wouldn’t get back up.
What he didn’t let go of was the issue at hand. Though you couldn’t see his face now, you could hear the insistence in his voice “Yes, you fucking did! I know you did! Admit it!”
You shook your head, of course, still in denial. The embarrassment of admitting it to them would’ve been too much.
Unfortunately, just as you shook your head, you felt a sudden flash of pain that made you gasp. Leonard just spanked you.
“Admit it.”
Of course, you shook your head again and, like you’d expected, Leonard spanked you again. This time, the lingering pain from the first one combined with the pain of the second one and you were left whimpering.
You looked to Mel, eyes a bit watery, hoping for help. Instead, he stood there, his arms crossed, an analyzing look on his face.
“Leo, don’t bully her!” Isamu at least tried to stand up for you.
“Fucking slut thinks we’re some virgin fuck-heads who can’t make her cum.” Leonard grumbled, landing another hard swat against your ass “Doesn’t that piss you off?”
You let out another pathetic sound, eyes fluttering close as you felt the pain and heat radiate from your ass cheek. “I-I’m sorry…”
Isamu made a confused noise but Mel tilted your chin up so you were looking up at him “So you did fake it?”
You nodded guiltily “I-I just— I-Isamu was about to cum an-and I-I felt so bad— Nobody’s been able to m-make me cum before and I—”
You were interrupted by another harsh slap against your ass, making you yelp out.
“We’ll talk about it later but I want you to know that you shouldn’t ever be pressured by us.” Mel spoke to you in his rather infamous soft leader-ly voice. “We’ll do whatever it takes to make you cum so you don’t have to fake it, okay?”
You nodded hastily but your nodding was disrupted by another harsh swat from Leonard.
“And you, Leo. I appreciate you noticing and saying something but try to be a bit gentle with her.” Mel turned to Leonard and you could almost hear the exasperation in his voice.
“Now…” Mel reached behind you and it took you a second to even realise what he was doing.
He had fisted Isamu’s cock and fed it back into your pussy, not even giving you a second to adjust as the thickness spread your walls apart mercilessly.
You whimpered but happily took it.
“You have to be punished though, puppy.” Mel pet your head, threading his fingers through your hair before directing your mouth to his cock “We’ll forgive you if you let us use all your holes, hmm?”
You nodded at that, tongue already running over the veins on Mel’s cock.
“And, of course, you’ll have to cum at least three times. No faking it this time, okay?”
You sighed but agreed to that as well. Just as you did, you could feel the head of Leonard’s cock press against your asshole, pushing in slowly but surely, spreading you apart in a way that made you whine.
It would be a long night for sure.
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