#for killiancygnus
searchingwardrobes · 1 year
Cover Reveal!!!
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I am so, so in love with this cover, ya'll! It's so beautiful!!!!!!! BuzBooks did an amazing job once again, listening to what I wanted as far as color palette and style of photography. I also love how it ties all three books together with the font style and the ocean theme.
We're getting closer and closer to the release of my next baby!
@snowbellewells @jrob64 @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @spartanguard @reynoldsreads @iverna @teamhook @ohmakemeahercules @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @goforlaunchcee @wordsmith-storyweaver @ultraluckycatnd @freckles-and-books @kwistowee @killiancygnus @cutieodonoghue @vvbooklady1256
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distant-rose · 6 years
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Notes: Hi Fran (@killiancygnus), I was your person for Hub Secret Santa apologies on my crap question asking, but I hope you will forgive me. Anyway, you said you were interested in some modern au fluff and hopefully this hits the spot. Summary: Emma Swan has been working with Killian Jones for three years and only knows five things about him, one of them being he’s pain in her ass. She’s totally okay with this. Her meddling son with a penchant for matchmaking is not. Word Count: 4,400+ Rating: T+
In hindsight, she should have saw it coming. Since he was old enough to realize that most parents weren’t single, Henry had been trying to set her up with any and everyone, including the mailman. Most of the time his attempts at matchmaking were more endearing than anything else. However, there were also instances where her well-intentioned but meddlesome son would involve himself with things he shouldn’t and things would get awkward. 
This, Emma had already sensed, would be one of the latter cases.
“You’re mad at me,” Henry stated flatly with all the grace and subtly of any precocious child.
“I’m not mad,” she replied tiredly, rubbing at her temples and staring at the elevator ceiling with a mixture of tiredness and exasperation. “I just wish you asked me before you invited him over for Christmas. This is one of those things you’re supposed to ask me before you do it. Now, I’m going to have to adjust things and go shopping last minute so we have actual food.”
“Why can’t we just do what we normally do? I like it.”
“Because normal people don’t sit in front of the television all day and eat Tollhouse cookie dough. I’m pretty sure if we did that, we would get a lecture on salmonella and social services would be up my ass the very next day.” 
“Killian isn’t Walsh. He wouldn’t do that,” Henry said, raising his eyebrows. 
She scowled at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. Walsh had been overly critical of not only her job but also how she was raising Henry. On their last date, he had mentioned how Henry needed a proper father figure and she had promptly shown him the door. Needless to say that he hadn’t taken the break up well and the next day, she had gotten a visit from social worker from the Office of Family and Child Services.
“You don’t know him. I don’t even know him.”
“You’ve been working with him for three years, that’s like forever!”
“Yeah and I only know like five things about him.”
“You should talk to him more, I know you like him. Especially his butt. You always lean over to look at it.”
Emma rubbed at her temples, fighting the furious blush threatening to stain her cheeks. It was one thing for David to tease her but an entirely different thing for her eleven-year old son to take notice of her habit of checking Killian Jones out. 
The problem was that Emma actually liked Killian. 
She hadn’t at first when he first arrived. He had been cocky, irritating and had a reputation for trouble. He had transferred to their precinct after being undercover for seven years with the mafia before being down the entire Gold operation in a RICO case. Despite his success, there had been whispers that he had gone rogue and had gotten himself involved with Gold’s wife and it had ended in her grizzly murder. The environment at his old precinct had become toxic enough that he was transferred and had been partnered with Robin Locksley ever since. 
After hearing the rumors, Emma had been suspicious, but he proved himself be more than a self-important lothario during a kidnapping case they worked together. He hadn’t been the most professional partner she had ever had, but he had a quick wit and a determination unlike anything Emma ever seen. On top of that, he had a mind like a steel trap and knew Emma’s drink order without her  prompting.
He was a good guy albeit rough around the edges and she’s been crushing on him ever the kidnapping case. Not that she’s going to do anything about it because Emma Swan didn’t date other cops.
She’s done it before, and the thought of Graham made her heart ache. She would never forget the moment he slipped away in her arms, his blood oozing between her fingers as she tried to put pressure on his wound and screamed for help. It was something that still haunted her. 
It was why she had been determined to keep things her distance with Killian. She’s never been lucky with love and it was better for them to be friendly coworkers than to have him either ditch her or bleed out in her arms. 
But now Henry had entirely put a wrench in that plan. 
“Just give him a chance, Mom,” Henry said quietly, pulling him from her dark thoughts. “I just want you to be happy.” 
“I am happy,” she asserted, pulling him close and pressing a kiss to his temple. “I’ve got you.”
A week later, she was swamped with work and had entirely forgotten about Henry’s invite.
Emma has never been fond of Christmas. When she was a child, Christmas had been a lonely time and a reminder no one wanted her. No number of donated presents could make up for the insincerity and aloofness from the series of foster parents she had. When she got older and had Henry, she then found resentment in the commercialism of the holiday and how ashamed she was that she couldn’t afford all the fancy toys other parents could. Joining the NYPD did nothing to change her lack of holiday spirit. There was something about the holiday season that made people go crazy and the number of cases she had skyrocketed without fail. 
Which was why she stared up in bleary eyed confusion when Killian Jones appeared in front of her desk, shifting in place and giving her an awkward smile.
“Can I help you?”
“Yeah, love, I was wondering what you wanted me to bring over for Tuesday…”
“Tuesday. You know, Christmas? It’s bad form to show up empty handed.” 
“Oh! Ooooh,” she bit her lip, averting her eyes. “Um, nothing. No need.”
“I’ll bring some wine then. What do you prefer white or red?” 
“Seriously, Jones, you don’t have to do this. There’s no need.”
“You look like more of a white wine kind of girl, considering all that sugar you put in your coffee. I’m amazed you still have teeth sometimes, though your dentist must love you.” 
She scowled at him, leaning back and crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
“There’s no need,” she repeated flatly.
“Perhaps not, but I want to. What about Henry? What does he want for Christmas this year?” 
“You are not getting my kid a present!”
“Who said anything about presents? I’m just asking what he wanted…”
Emma raised her eyebrows at him, giving him her patent unimpressed look. 
“You realize that if you don’t tell me, I’ll just text him, right?”
“You have my kid’s number?” she asked in disbelief.
“He gave it to me the day he graciously invited me over to your place for the holiday,” Killian replied, scratching behind his ear. Over the past few years of working on the force today, it was something Emma knew to be a nervous tick of his. “Unless that’s not alright…then I apologize, love. I should have asked you first.” 
She leaned further back in her seat, conflicted. He was right, he should have told her that he has been texting her kid and a part of her wanted to rail at him for disregarding her role as Henry’s parent. At the same time, a part of her had to acknowledge some truth in what Walsh had said. Aside from David, he didn’t have many positive male figures in his life, and despite his colorful past, she trusted Killian both as a cop and as a person. 
“You should have but as long as you’re not discussing work or anything inappropriate, I’m okay with it,” she replied, biting on a pen. “But you’re still not buying my son a gift.” 
“Noted. What time should I be over?” 
“Ummm...early afternoon? That’s when most people have dinner on Christmas Day, right?” She cringed at the uncertainty in her own voice.
“Is that a question, love?”
“I honestly wouldn’t know because I haven’t celebrated in ages but that’s what Hallmark tells me,” he replied, blue eyes giving her a considering look. “Why? What do you normally do?”
Emma shifted uncomfortably in her seat.  “Nothing extravagant. It’s usually just a chill day for us.”
“Well, don’t change that on my account. I don’t want to cause any extra stress.”
“You’re not. I promise. I’ll just make going to make dinner. It won’t be that big of a deal, I promise.”
Famous last words.
Emma had never been much of a cooker. While her best friend Mary-Margaret was capable of embodying the spirit of Julia Child and could whip up all sorts of amazing food, Emma was more of the microwave and toaster oven kind of girl. Her crowning dish was instant ramen with store bought cooked chicken thrown in. 
Why she thought she could tackle an entire Christmas ham on her own, she didn’t know, but come Christmas day, said ham was burned beyond recognition. The mashed potatoes she had intended for a side dish were lumpy and there was meat juice all over the expensive Christmas sweater that she had bought just for today. On top of that, she was standing on a chair and waving newspaper at her smoke detector, hoping that it would stop going off. The shrill sound grated at her ears.
It took her two minutes to get the smoker alarm to turn off and when she jumped off the chair back onto the floor, Killian Jones had somehow appeared right behind her. She let out a shriek of surprise, nearly jumping out of her skin. She stumbled backwards into the kitchen island.
“Holy shit, what are you doing here!”
“Henry let me in,” he said with a small chuckle. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It was after he spoke that Emma took in his appearance and gasped. Killian Jones was standing in her kitchen in dressed in his pajamas. Or at least a pajama set covered in snowman and reindeer. On top of wearing such a ridiculously festive set, he was almost carrying a large tub of Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough. 
“What the hell are you wearing? And why do you have cookie dough?”
“Well, I asked Henry what you guys did for Christmas and he told me that you guys usually lounge around in pajamas, watch Christmas movies and eat chocolate chip cookie dough. And I don’t know about you, Swan, but I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate Christmas.”
“What about the Hallmark Christmas dinner?”
“I didn’t realize I had asked for a Hallmark Christmas dinner…” Killian frowned.
“You didn’t,” she admitted, biting her lip and surveying the chaos that was her kitchen. “But I wanted to give it to you.”
“I’ve never had a Hallmark Christmas dinner, Swan, not even when I celebrated Christmas so I can miss something I’ve never had. How about this? You go back to your room and get back into proper dress code then we’ll clean this up together alright?”
“Fine,” she sighed, rolling her eyes at him. “But don’t touch anything while I’m gone.”
“Scout’s honor.”
“Oh, shut up, I know for a fact you’ve never been a scout, Jones,” she responded, wagging a finger at him before turning on her heel and heading into her bedroom. 
She debated getting back to last night’s pajamas but there wasn’t anything really festive about an NYPD training t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Instead, she went digging through her drawers in hopes of finding the holiday pajama set that Henry had bought her a few years ago. She found them in a crumpled heap at the bottom of her pants drawer.
She returned to the kitchen, armed in light blue penguin pajamas and fuzzy Christmas socks, only to find both Killian and Henry cleaning up her mess while listening to Jingle Bell Rock on blast. Henry was swinging his body side to side to the rhythm of the music while scrubbing her cooking pan. Killian, on the other hand, was washing the countertops and mouthing the words. 
“Whatever happened to scout’s honor?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“As you cleverly pointed out, Swan, I was never a scout.”
She rolled her eyes in response before walking over to Henry and ruffling his hair. He ducked upon the contact, giving her a goofy grin.
“What possessed you in cleaning the dishes?” she teased.
“Killian said that if I helped him pick up then he would help me build the pillow fort.
Ever since Henry could walk, they had always made a giant fort made from all the blankets, pillows and chairs in their apartment. Last year they had managed to make their fort as big as the living room and had kept the fort intact up until the end of Christmas break. Aside from eating an absurd amount of cookie dough and not wearing pants, it was one of Henry’s favorite traditions.
When they were done cleaning the remnants of Emma’s failed Christmas meal, they sauntered in the living room where Emma replaced the Pandora Christmas playlist with the Fireplace for Your Home production on Netflix, which was merely a six-hour video of a Yule log burning. Killian lifted an eyebrow at the choice.
“Interesting Christmas movie there, Swan…”
“It’s not a movie…it’s more like a fix for a craving…”
“Well, ever since I was little, all I wanted to do on Christmas was sit down next to a fireplace and watch movies, all cozy and warm. With a cat preferably, at least until I found out I was allergic. And as if you can tell, this apartment doesn’t have a fireplace, so I make do with this. Besides, there’s no movie watching until the fort is complete.”
They spent the next hour and a half bickering over the construction of the perfect blanket fort. Killian and Henry seemed intent layering the entire floor with pillows, which Emma felt was an unnecessary waste of resources. Killian had fit into their annual Christmas project so seamlessly, it felt like he had always been a part of it. When they finished their project, they were all laying in the chaotic mixture of pillows and duvet covers and staring up at the now sheet-tented ceiling. 
“We’re missing something,” Killian said, turning to look at Emma.
“What could we possibly be missing?” Henry asked in disbelief. “This is the best fort ever.”
“Got any fairy lights?” 
“Fairy lights? You know, the ones you can hang up for Christmas?”
“You mean Christmas lights?” Henry asked. “Yeah, I think we’ve got some leftover boxes…”
“Why don’t you go get them then, lad? I have an idea.”
They hung fairy lights throughout the inside of their fort and though it was a pain in the ass to find vantage points from where to hang them, Emma could honestly say that it was probably the best fort that they had ever created. The addition of the lights gave the fort a magical mystique that none of their previous forts had possessed.
When they had been finished with the lights, Killian exited the fort only to return with the giant tub of cookie dough and three spoons.  Emma changed from the Fireplace special production to Miracle on 34th Street. 
“What do you normally do on Christmas, Killian?” Henry asked, licking away all the remaining dough off his spoon. 
“Nothing as wonderful as this,” Killian replied with a low chuckle. “Normally, I just sit at home, watching Hallmark movies and eating Chinese food. This is quite the upgrade.”
“Why Chinese food?”
“Well, you see, when I was your age, my brother and I used to watch a movie called A Christmas Story and near the end of the film, the family loses their dinner and has to go to a Chinese restaurant instead. My brother was enamored with the film and when he was alive, he went out of his way to get Chinese on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day in honor of it.”
Henry’s eyes immediately shifted to Emma’s and she knew exactly what he was thinking. Killian had embraced their Christmas traditions with open arms and perhaps it was time that they returned the favor. She slipped Henry her credit card while she and Killian headed into the kitchen to get put their dishes into the sink.
“Thank you for inviting me over, Swan…I know you burned up the ham but other than that, I hope my presence hasn’t mucked up your day too much.”
“No, no, no. Ham aside, it’s been a great day,” Emma said, washing the spoons under the facet. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m surprised you allowed this to happen in the first place, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, you’ve always kept me at arm’s length at the precinct. I actually wasn’t sure you even liked me.”
“I like you,” she said, tugging her hair behind her ear. “It’s just…”
“It’s nothing personal. I…it’s a self-preservation thing really. We don’t have the most steady and safe job in the world. Anything could happen at any time…and it’s just…it hurts less when you aren’t attached.”
“Who did you lose?” he asked softly, giving her an understanding look.
“My first partner…Graham…”
“I take you it you were close...”
She nodded quietly. He paused in his washing, wiped his hands against his pajama pants and pulled her into a hug. Emma stiffened at the unexpected contact before slowing raising her arms and resting her palms against his shoulder blades.
“I’m sorry…” he murmured against her hair. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t empathize. I was there when my brother died and then when Milah…” It was the first time Emma ever heard Killian mention Gold’s murdered wife but she didn’t want to ruin the moment with questions about his time undercover. “That hurt never really goes away...but it does get easier…”
“I don’t think it can,” she whispered.
“It can if you let it,” he replied, blue eyes meeting hers intently. “I know it sounds strange but a broken heart can be a good thing. It means it still works.”
“What are you guys doing in here?” Henry asked in teasing voice, giving them a smirk from the doorway.
“Nothing. Just talking,” Emma replied, pulling away from Killian and brushing her hair behind her ear self-consciously.
“Riiiiiiiight,” her son replied, tone insinuating quite clearly that he didn’t believe her. “Well, if you’re done talking, I just wanted to let you know that A Christmas Story is playing on the television and I thought Killian might want to watch it.”
“I appreciate it, lad.”’
He gave Emma’s shoulder a small squeeze before moving past her. Henry just continued to smirk at her.
“You liiiiiiike him,” he teased her.
“Oh, shut up.”
“You do though!” He asserted. “You really do! Just admit it!”
“I do like him.”
“Good, because he’s awesome and better than you at making forts.”
“Hey!” She exclaimed in mock offence, leaning forward and swatting him slightly on the shoulder.
“What? It’s true!” He laughed. “So, when are you going to go on a date?”
“Date? Who said anything about a date?” She frowned, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Isn’t that what people do when they like each other? Go out on dates and then get married and be a family and what not?”
“Some people,” she replied, shaking her head. “But not me.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s complicated.”
“That’s what adults say when they can’t think of anything and they’re scared.”
“Just think about it, Mom. He’s good. He fits in with us.” 
He didn’t wait for her to reply, storming out of the kitchen. Emma gripped the countertop, shoulders heaving as she exhaled a loud sigh. She took a moment to compose herself and get a handle on her emotions before joining the boys in the living room.
They were sitting inside the fort, resting on a mountain of pillows. Henry was asking questions about the movie and Killian was answering them with the patience of a saint.
“So this is, like, a super old movie, right?”
“Actually not as old as you think. It was actually made in the late 1980s, though it’s supposed to be a parody on the 1950s American culture. There’s a bunch of a little subtle jokes being made. Like the leg lamp.”
“The leg lamp?”
Emma crawled into the fort. Killian immediately shifted so she could sit between him and Henry. 
“Have you told him yet that this entire movie was just one big advertisement for the Red Rider corporation?”
“That’s pretty self-explanatory, Mom.”
“I consider it to be more of parody of American society than a genuine advertisement,” Killian replied before nudging her foot with his. “I like your socks, Swan. Very festive.”
“You got me these for Secret Santa like two years ago.”
“I should have known I was behind such an amazing fashion choice.”
Even as he brought his foot back down to the floor, he kept his leg right next to hers. When she didn’t move away from the contact, his foot tapped hers again. She smiled and as she was about to tap his in response, there was a knock at the front door.
“Expecting more company?”
“No, only more food.”
“More food?”
“Yeah,” she smiled as she got out of the fort and opened the front door. Her eyes bulged as she took in the amount of bags the delivery boy was holding. She stared at it for a moment before turning back to stare at her son.
“Dude, how much food did you get?”
“I didn’t know what Killian liked so I got everything…”
“Everything? Are you kidding me?”
“Swan, what’s going on?” Killian asked in confusion.
“My son is trying to bankrupt me is what is going on,” Emma scowled as she took the bags and brought them over to the kitchen table.
The boys came out of the fort to inspect the hull. Killian’s eyes widened when he realized what he was looking at.
“Is this Chinese food?”
“Yeah, everything on the menu from Xao Ming,” Henry said, already riffling through the bags.
“Look, we appreciated you being so into our pajama, pillow fort and cookie dough Christmas tradition and we thought that we should add some of your traditions too…” Emma said, giving him a small smile.
“This…this...this is too much.”
“Oh...it’s definitely too much food and we’re going to be eating Chinese for week, but no, you’ve been great and it’s your Christmas too. Besides, the crab rangoons are to die for.”
“I don’t know how to thank you….” Killian said, looking uncharacteristically lost for words.
“You can thank me by helping me by eating all of this food.”
They made plates and brought their food over to their fort. A Christmas Story was just finishing up. They flipped channels until they came across The Snowman animated movie. 
After stuffing his face with food, Henry almost immediately fell into a coma food. His head lulled on Killian’s shoulder, mouth gaping and snoring softly. Killian chuckled.
“Do you want me to help move him?”
“Yeah, thanks. He’s getting too big for me to carry,” she whispered.
Emma grabbed Henry’s legs and Killian got him by the shoulders. Together, they moved him out of the fort and into Henry’s room. Emma tucked him in, running her fingers through his hair and giving him a kiss goodnight before following Killian out in the hallway.
“It’s getting late and I should go…” he said, sounding rather reluctantly.
Emma glanced at the clock over his shoulder, eyes widening when she realized it was well into the evening. The day had gone by like a blink of an eye and she was almost sad, it was ending.
“Holy shit...yeah...look at the time. I’ll walk you out”
They walked closely to each other as they headed down the hallway, their hands brushing against each other’s. They lingered in the doorway.
“Thank you for inviting me for, Swan. This was the best Christmas I’ve had in a long time…”
“I can’t take credit for this. This was Henry.”
“You’ve got an amazing kid there, Swan. You should be proud. You’ve done amazing with him.”
“You mean, amazing for a single mom?” Emma asked, remembering Walsh’s dig at her parenting tactics.
“Amazing for anyone,” he corrected. “You have raised an intelligent and thoughtful young man.”
“I only have one question. What’s with the mistletoe?”
Emma blinked, staring at him in confusion. “What?”
Killian chuckled before pointing upwards. Her eyes followed the direction of his finger and, sure enough, there was a few sprigs of mistletoe tacked above the door. She gaped at it for a few moments before letting out a noise of frustration.
“Henry did this,” she clarified. “He’s been trying to set us up.”
“Yeah,” Killian chuckled. “I gathered that. He isn’t exactly subtle, love.”
“I’m so sorry about it.”
“No, it’s alright. I appreciate the show of support. Like I said, you have a great kid.”
“Thanks. And for the record, you don’t have to kiss me…”
“But what if I want to?” He asked playfully, waggling his eyebrows at her.
“Well then…I guess...you could if you wanted to…” 
His eyes bulged, looking just as surprised as she felt. She never expected the evening to end with her being comfortable with the idea of kissing him. It went against all of her self-imposed rules. Yet, somehow over the night, she had grown comfortable with the idea. Watching him interact with her kid had assuaged some of her fear. 
“So, that’s a yes?” He stepped further into her personal space, bringing his hand up so that his thumb brushed against the apple of her cheek. 
“Pretty much yeah…”
He tilted his head down and kissed her softly. It was tentative at first, a mere brush of his lips against hers, as if he were afraid that she was going to pull away. Emma wasn’t satisfied with this, wrapping her arms around his neck and slanted her mouth harder against his. When her brushed against his bottom lip, Killian’s enthusiasm and participated grew. She relished the low rumble in his chest and how his mouth opened to hers, deepening the kiss.
It was over before either of them were ready to stop. They swayed against each other, trying to chase each other’s lips. He leaned forward, his forehead resting against hers.
“That was…” he trailed off, apparently lost for words.
“Something else,” she finished. “Want to come over tomorrow and help me polish off the mountain of Chinese food in my fridge?”
“Absolutely...so this wasn’t a one-time thing?”
“Definitely not.”
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eirabach · 7 years
Easy [1/1]
It’s a very special lady’s birthday today, who deserves all the things. She’s always about with sound, adult advice while we are behaving like chickens with our heads cut off, never fails to have an appropriate goat for any occasion, and is one of the most talented authors and artists in the fandom as well as being one of the kindest, funniest people I know. Many happy returns @winterbythesea , @killiancygnus and I put our heads together and came up with a little AU scene based on the glorious 3b. We hope you like it. Love you a million.
Super Fran’s Super Awesome Gifset of Awesome!
Easy money, that's all he is to her. All any of them are. Men with full purses and bellies heavy with drink. She's wiped the floor more often with a cocky, rum-drunk fool than the barkeep has with his mop. Easy. Simple. But a girl hears things. And she wonders.
He’s easy to spot, holding court like some leather bound king, his coffers full and his tankard fuller.
So predictable, men. Pirates even more so. Give them a little rum and a few coins and they’re practically putty in her… well. She loosens her stays slightly as she approaches - not usually necessary, but this one does have a reputation - and makes sure to put an extra sway in her step.
He looks up, all bright eyes and flushed cheeks, and she grins. Gotcha.
He’s good, she’ll give him that. The hook that gives him his name doesn’t prevent him shuffling the cards, long fingers splitting the pack nimbly before curling around a bottle of rum. He’s pretty too, the rumours had left that out, and she can feel the glares of the tavern whores on the back of her neck as he smiles. Not that she much cares about that, oh no. Her eyes are on quite a different prize.
“You’re a taciturn sort,” he tells her, pouring her another shot that she won’t drink. “I find the girls are normally a little more… forthcoming.”
“More interested in your package than your purse?” she says, pretending to sip at her drink. “I’m here for business, not pleasure.”
“Incompatible, are they?”
It’s her turn to smile now, and she leans a little further forward than she needs to as she reaches for the deck of cards, and cuts them herself.
“We’ll see.”
She likes him, she decides, somewhere between the fanciful stories he tells her to distract her as he cheats and the way his tongue slips out when she wins the hand regardless. She’s beaten many a man at his own game here, bigger men than him, men with arms like sides of beef and scars instead of eyes. Hard men that ought to have frightened her, but none of them managed to put her off her game quite like him.
She drinks, just a little, unable to resist the arch of his eyebrow, the wry sort of way he tells her she’s a tough lass as she pockets another handful of coins. And when she shifts and her knee touches his, she doesn’t move away.
They’re both leaning in now, too close for another hand of cards, rum-warm breath the only thing between them.
“Are you finished robbing me?” he asks, “Or shall I use my dwindling funds to procure another bottle?”
Well. All work and no play makes Emma a dull girl, after all.
She rests a hand on his thigh as he moves to stand, and lets it linger long enough to make her point.
“So, you said something about a ship?”
He grins, and there’s that tongue again, promising things almost as exciting as the treasures she’ll be liberating come morning, and, for the first time in years, there’s a frisson under her skin that has almost nothing to do with the contents of a man’s coin purse.
He holds out his hand.
“Come along then, Captain Swan. You’ve not had the best of me yet.”
She tucks her winnings into her skirts and takes his hand, lips twisting into a smile as he stumbles slightly. All chivalry and rum and promise.
“So the legends are true.”
“Darling,” he says, a low hum she feels in the base of her spine, “you’ve simply no idea.”
And they say piracy doesn’t pay.
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@killiancygnus‘s birthday gift! Happy birthday my dear Fran!!
“Like Fire” is the name of the song Emma and Killian have together in Serendipitous Melody, Fran’s story. But I am not going to give you more spoilers. You should read the story if you want to know more!
Summary: Everyone has dreams. You might dream of becoming an astronaut or teacher, or you might want to become a doctor and save as many lives you can. Emma Swan’s childhood dream was being a singer. But with life getting in the way and never finding the courage to overcome her fears, she never had a chance to follow it. That is until a little push from her friends lead her to cash on an opportunity; and, who knows, she might even get more than what she’d wished for.
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kazoo5480 · 3 years
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Our very own @holdingoutforapiratehero has gifted us a new WIP. It may not be Wednesday, but it will be good. Ch. 1 is up!
Fearsome pirate captain, Killian Jones though he had found a way to get them the biggest prize in all the lands when he finds out that there is a handsome reward out for the safe return of Princess Emma. But he got way more than he bargained for when rescuing her from the tower where she has been held prisoner for several years proves more complicated than he had originally thought.
@teamhook @anothersworld @purplehawkcaptain @resident-of-storybrooke @karlyfr13s @killianjones @killiancomeback2me @killianjonesdaily @killiancygnus @emmaxjones @emmaswandaily @onceuponadaily
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cssecretsanta2020 · 5 years
Are you in, again?
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With this post, I am asking all the lovely people from last year, if you want to participate again. Spread the word even if you are not interested.
The more the merrier!
@accio-ambition​ @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ @andiirivera​ @branlovestowrite​ @bucklesomeswashswan​ @captainodonoghue​ @captainsjedi​ @captainswancygnet @celestial-fire-writer​ @chloeswanson​ @cocohook38​ @cshappybeginning​ @cstraaash​ @curiousconstellations​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @delightfully-difficult-pirate​ @distant-rose​ @doodlelolly0910​ @downeystarkjr​ @dreadpirateemma​ @eastwesthomeisbest​ @edgeofrealms @emmakillianfan​ @emmas-storybook​ @everlastingcaptainswan​ @fictional-redheads​ @gingerchangeling​ @girl-in-a-tiny-box​ @high-seas-swan @hollyethecurious​ @hookedonapirate​ @hooklineandswan @hooklocked​ @imharryaf​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @imagnifika​ @imhookedonaswan @initiala​ @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​ @killiancygnus​ @killiarious​ @kitsunewingstar​ @kmomof4​ @laschatzi​ @let-it-raines​ @lizacstuff​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything @marcella2727​ @mayquita​ @mezzanottecafe​ @natascha-ronin​ @nerdyhuntress​ @newyearsswifts​ 
 @ohmakemeahercules​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @owlways-and-forever​ @pirateherokillian​ @princesswan​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @rouhn​ @searchingwardrobes​ @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @tehgreeneyes​ @the-captains-ayebrows​ @the-corsair-and-her-quill​ @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @thislassishooked​ @vatrixsta​ @welllpthisishappening​ 
 @xemmaloveskillianx​ @xhookswenchx​ @yasmin-khan​
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katie-dub · 6 years
The Princess of White Chapel (1/12)
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Dr Killian Jones is having a terrible day. He’s got a mission, he’s got a time machine, he’s got … drunk. What could possibly go wrong?
Rated M for alcohol use, violence, minor character death, frank discussions of depression and grief
This is not a Millian fic, but their relationship is discussed and shown in a positive life, if that's not your bag, no hard feelings!
I’m beyond excited to finally share this story with you all for this year’s @captainswanbigbang! I feel like I’ve had this one sitting in my docs forever (forever, nearly two years, same difference), and I can’t wait to see what you all think.
The amazing @princesse-swan created my banner and has some stunning art to share with you while I’m posting. She’s so freaking talented and is the best cheerleader I could have ever hoped for - I don’t know how I got so lucky as to be paired with you lady! Give her some love, because she deserves all the flailing! You'll find her art for me here!
The fantastic @distant-rose and @ultraluckycatnd were my betas, sounding boards, muses and tireless defenders of the oxford comma. Ladies, I salute you!
I have approximately a million more people to thank for helping me to bring this to life, but to save this turning into an embarrassing, over-long, emotional mess like an ill-advised oscars acceptance speech, I’ll just leave your names here, you know what you did and I love you for it. @mahstatins @killiancygnus @phiralovesloki @icecubelotr44 @sambethe @winterbythesea @justanotherwannabeclassic @welllpthisishappening* @fluffandnonsense @belovedcreation @ladyciaramiggles and the ladies of the hub and the ISB.
*psssst it’s Laura’s birthday today! So this chapter is dedicated to her, and you should all go wish her a fabulous day!
A soft hand wrapping around his waist. A mess of tangled curls tickling his cheek. The scent of spices and sex filling his nose.
He kept his eyes closed, basking in the blissful sensations. Life with his love felt like the most perfect dream - and he wasn’t willing to give it up just yet.
“Killian,” a husky whisper in his ear, “Killian, darling, time to wake up now.” A nose nuzzling against the sensitive spot behind his ear, tickling him and making him twitch. Stubbornly, he squeezed his eyes together ever more tightly.
Sharp teeth biting down on his earlobe finally startled him enough to open his eyes. He turned to glare at Milah, forcing himself to hold her gaze so as not to be distracted by her many assets. She giggled at the look of exaggerated fury on his face, ducking down to his ear to whisper “Oops” before licking where her teeth had been.
Killian groaned as she trailed her lips and her tongue along his jaw, kissing, licking, and sucking as she went. His eyes closed as he revelled in the sensations left in her wake, his breath quickening and his pulse starting to race as she inched ever closer to his lips.
When she finally, torturously slowly, brushed her lips against his, he lost all patience. He growled as he tangled his hands into her hair, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss. He rolled her onto her back and broke away, resting his forehead against hers as he caught his breath.
“You’ll be the death of me, my love,” he murmured, peppering Milah’s face with kisses.
“But what a way to go, aye?” was her teasing reply, the last of her words lost to a gasp as he began to kiss his way down her body.
Killian awoke from his dream, disoriented and disheveled, by the sound of his phone ringing. He fell off the sofa as he scrambled about to stop the incessant noise, knocking his elbow on the coffee table and sending a glass of water flying in the process.
“Bloody hell!”
God, he wanted to be back in that dream, a decade in the past where he was with Milah, in love, their naked bodies entwined. Alone, in pain, and wearing the contents of his drink on his now soggy shirt. This was his reality now.
He spotted the phone and grabbed it, barking “what?” as he stalked towards his kitchen for something to clean up the mess.
“Hi Killian,” Belle answered benignly. She always did have saintly levels of patience with his bullshit. “Just checking if you’re going to make it to book club tonight? We’re discussing Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.” Killian glanced at the clock, 7:35. He was meant to be there… five minutes ago. Fuck. “And before you try fobbing me off by saying that you haven’t read the book and wouldn’t have anything to add anyway, you suggested this one Killian. In fact, you’re meant to be leading the discussion. I believe you said that it’s one of your favourites, a ‘modern classic’?” He could actually hear the air quotes he had no doubt Belle would do if they were together.
“Belle, I’m really sorry, it’s just something important came up.” He glanced at the letter lying on his coffee table, alongside a now nearly empty bottle of rum, his jaw clenching at the sight. “I just can’t tonight.” He winced as he waited for the inevitable backlash. Was she going to get angry? Guilt him with the weight of her crushing disappointment?
“Oh. That’s a shame. I really wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. Maybe another time.”
Killian made a vaguely noncommittal noise in reply, wanting to rant at her for pushing him towards a new relationship. While Belle was kind enough to be so understanding about him bailing on her yet again, he didn’t feel like he could, but the rage simmered all the same.
“I've got to go, everyone’s waiting. Call me later?”
“Sure, Belle, bye.” Killian hoped he had sounded at least vaguely civil as he jabbed at his phone to end the call. He dropped it next to him as he slumped back against the sofa. Unconsciously, he began to play with the ring on the prosthetic that had replaced his left hand while he fumed silently at Belle’s presumption. When would they all understand that what he had with Milah couldn’t just be replaced? That he didn’t even want to try?
Perhaps if they understood his plans, they wouldn’t push him so hard. He didn’t need a replacement for Milah. He needed to save her. And he would.
So long as time hadn’t run out.
He picked up the letter that had driven him to drink until he passed out when he received it earlier that day. It had been a long time since he had spiralled like that and lost sight of his goal. He re-read the words, still in disbelief, somehow hoping a few hours would have changed their meaning. If it weren’t for the official King’s College London letterhead, he might have thought it was a wind up.
“Dear Dr. Jones,
It is with regret that we must inform you that, in line with the current economic troubles society is facing, we have made the decision to withdraw your funding at the end of the academic year.”
Killian couldn’t read any further. He knew who was behind this move. Bloody Gold, the beast who killed his Milah and took his hand, was still playing games with him. It was one of his favourite things to do: fuck with the man who fucked his wife.
He would never get over how having endless funds could apparently absolve you of any sin. That, combined with powerful allies (a mixture of establishment school friends and power-hungry fools who’d been suckered in by one-sided deals), made him untouchable. He had never even gone to court for his part in the death of his ex-wife and maiming of her lover. Killian’s protests of Gold’s guilt had been taken as merely the ravings of a man crushed by grief.
Everyone had indulged him kindly, until they hadn’t.
The principal and president of King’s College himself had come to Killian to explain how his vendetta against the eminent philanthropist harmed not only his future prospects but threatened his entire faculty’s continued existence. Gold’s generous grants were vital to the university, as he was reminded, and it wouldn’t do to upset the man.
So Killian had chosen to play the long game. Almost as soon as Milah was killed, he had sworn to himself that he would use his research to find a way to save her life. And after months of enduring Gold’s bullying, he had also made it his mission to destroy the man while he did it.
It was so much easier to smile and make nice where necessary when he could picture how he might one day rip Gold’s throat out.
Reductions in funding could be brushed aside as he enhanced his prosthetic so that it moved as fluidly as his remaining hand - and was more deadly than it could ever be. Academic papers that were blocked from publication without justification became but a minor nuisance as he trained to take on Gold’s henchmen. Applications for grants and proposals to present research that were denied were just mild irritations while he worked on the time machine that would bring all his plans to fruition.
Killian scrunched the letter up and threw it into the bin, then dragged his hand through his hair.
The end of the academic year. That was only one month away. He had one month to make his time machine work or 10 years of endless toil - and his only chance to save his love - would have all been for nothing.
He had been without his Milah for longer than he’d been with her now, but he still felt her loss as keenly as the night he lost her. The sound of her voice may be dimming in his memory, but the way she made him feel would never fade, his love for her would never die. At times, he felt as though Gold had reached right into him and ripped his heart from his chest back then. In its place was a black hole that allowed for no love, no joy and certainly no mercy.
Belle, Robin, Will, and the rest had no idea what they were dealing with when they tried to play matchmaker. When they tried to get him out of his shell and having fun. When they tried to make him live his life like a respectable member of society.
Oh, if only they knew.
Killian had always been a man of many vices: drink, gambling, sex. But then Milah had come along. She had changed him, had made him better. He still indulged, but in a socially respectable fashion and not with the crazed air of a man on the brink of destruction. When she died, he could practically feel his friends holding their breath, waiting for the wildfire to ignite. What they didn’t know - couldn’t know - was that he had something else to keep him going now: her rescue and his revenge.
His head felt fuzzy, the hangover from his earlier desperate binge already kicking in. This was why he had abstained. He couldn’t afford to feel like this. Not when Milah needed him.
He closed his eyes and remembered the first time he saw her.
His head was swimming after several hours of shots and pints and god knows what else. Yet, one look at her and everything became clearer. She was sat in a corner, looking lonely and nervous, glancing about furtively. She had looked up from her drink and caught his eye, smiling shyly and quickly looking away. She was stunning.
Then a brute of a man stepped between them.
Killian’s first thought had been sheer irritation at having his view of this goddess blocked. But then he noticed that the man had one hand on her shoulder, his grip harsh.
Killian hadn’t stopped to think before racing over to her. As he moved closer, he could see that his instinct about this man had been right: she looked anxious and annoyed.
He tapped the giant on the shoulder, smiling brightly at him when he turned around.
“Excuse me, would you mind letting go of this lovely lady?” Killian winked at her and was delighted to see a faint blush and a barely suppressed smile cross over her face. “Once you’ve done that, could you go… well, anywhere else?” Definitely not his wittiest line, but Killian was just impressed that he managed to sound clear and confident.
A confused expression crossed over the man’s face and he did indeed let the lady go. “Were you talking to me?”
“I’m sorry, did I talk too fast? You’ve managed to take your hand off the lady, excellent work. 10 out of 10 for that. Now all that’s left is for you to kindly fuck off.”
“And what if I don’t?”
“Well…” Killian tilted his head to the side, as if musing on the question. But then he balled his hand up into a fist, punched the man hard and knocked him to the ground.
He looked up at the woman who had captured his attention. Her eyes were wide with fear and, if he wasn’t mistaken, admiration. She stared at him in shock for a moment before speaking.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“He shouldn’t have been touching you without your consent.” All of a sudden Killian panicked; he knew how the situation had looked, but perhaps she hadn’t been a damsel in distress after all? “I mean, you looked very unhappy about him being here, did I get that wrong?”
“No, you were right. But you shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why not?”
“He’s one of my husband’s men sent to bring me home.” She spat out the words, her eyes darting around the room as if checking for others. After a few moments of searching and presumably finding nothing, she seemed to relax.
While Killian did note this odd behaviour, he was more preoccupied by the word “husband”. He felt his face fall. Of course this goddess was unavailable. She looked up at him and grinned wickedly.
“I wasn’t ready to go home anyway. Want to have a drink with me … ?”
“I’m Killian,” he supplied, looking down at her left hand to see a ring stubbornly placed on her finger. “And you’re married.”
“My name’s Milah, actually.”
Killian laughed at that. “It’s lovely to meet you, Milah.”
That had been the start of a dark and dangerous affair that had ultimately led to his Milah’s death. Killian squeezed his eyes together, fighting back tears. Even before her untimely end, he had wondered if his presence in her life was more trouble than it was worth, but she had always reassured him that his love had made her complete. He had certainly felt that way about her - and with her gone, he was broken and could never be whole again.
He needed Milah back, and time was running out. What better time than the present to go back to the past?
He didn’t stop to consider the obvious factors working against him: he was tired, stressed and intoxicated. He was fairly certain that “drunk in charge of a time machine” went against some kind of time traveller rule.
(Probably up there with “don’t change the past”, but he was hardly going to obey that one, was he?)
Then there was the small matter that he hadn’t yet managed a successful test. Most of the time, he would switch the machine on and nothing would happen.
But every now and then, it would glitch and cause odd ripples in the world around him. His educated guess about the strange phenomenon was that the machine was swapping his particles with particles of Killian Jones from alternative universes - pulling pieces of some other him into this one. One time his prosthetic shimmered and mutated into a hook and back again before he could so much as groan at the cliché. Another time, he went colour blind for a few hours. Once his hair mysteriously turned blonde for a week until he could recalibrate the machine.
(He had to wonder at the alternative version of him who thought that was a good look. He assumed in that reality Killian Jones did not have a friend like Will Scarlet, intent on mocking him relentlessly.)
But he was confident that his calculations were all correct now. This time he would manage it.
He grabbed the bag that he had packed long ago with everything he needed to exact his revenge and stumbled down to the tube. The air was oppressive in the underground station thanks to the late July heat as he waited for his train. He swayed, swallowed down a wave of nausea and cursed himself for choosing the hellish heat over cycling to campus as he usually did. Some sensible part of him had realised that he didn’t have the wit needed to cycle through London traffic - and yet that self-preservation instinct wasn’t strong enough to stop him from propelling himself on a dangerous quest.
The dry, hot wind of the approaching train provided some relief even as it burnt his skin. He clambered aboard and settled into an empty seat. He was grateful for the unspoken British rule that one must sit as far away from other living souls as was physically possible and never, upon pain of death, make eye contact with or talk to strangers. And so, he made it to Embankment station without once having to so much as glance at another human, instead ruminating on calculations and probabilities in his head.
The air outside was only marginally more refreshing than that below ground. It didn’t have that stale, recycled quality, but it was thick with humidity and the scent of melting tarmac. He tugged at his collar and loosened yet another button on his shirt. In his rush to leave, he had failed to change out of the shirt he had fallen asleep in and he could smell alcohol and sweat in the fabric. It suddenly felt inauspicious to greet his lost love in such crumpled clothes, but time was against him. He had to press on.
No one stopped him as he made his way into the nearly deserted building. The undergrads were home for the summer, so the halls were stalked only by the professors who finally had time to do their real work, students plugging away at their doctorates and the unlucky few who needed to retake exams using the month before resits to study hard. At this time of night in particular, few were to be seen in the Strand, unless, of course, they were haunting the bars that were littered in and around campus instead of devoting themselves to academia.
Killian Jones had long since accepted that his habits fell far out of the realm of what most considered normal. And to be completely honest? He couldn’t care less.
He finally made his way to his lab, unlocking the door with a buzz of excitement. It was finally happening.
He strode straight to the machine, stashing his bag in the footwell then climbing inside and buckling in.
He took a deep breath, staring blankly at the calendar on the wall in front of him. He had long thought about this moment. He knew exactly when he needed to go to: one week before Milah’s death. Enough time to get to Gold and stop him, but not long enough to risk meeting himself. He hoped anyway.
He paused for a moment, suddenly realising how reckless this was. He hadn’t run any last checks. No one knew what he was doing.
But then he thought of Milah. She deserved this.
He input the coordinates and hit the command to send.
For a long moment, nothing happened.
Then lights began to swirl in front of him, moving fast enough to make him dizzy. He saw a beam of light shooting out from the machine and blasting through a window - that certainly hadn’t happened before. He hoped that was a sign of success, he really didn’t want to have to clean up the mess if it wasn’t. Then, just as suddenly as the light show had started, it stopped. Everything went still.
Had it worked?
Killian cautiously stepped out of the time machine and looked around. He was still in the lab surrounded by his equipment. His eyes flicked to the calendar on the wall. It stubbornly continued to read 2017 and he knew this attempt had failed.
He clenched his jaw in an attempt to keep the tears from his eyes. He’d let Milah down. Again. After all these years, he still couldn’t save her. If this hadn’t worked, he honestly didn’t know if anything would.
“It didn’t work,” he muttered to himself, racking his brain for something, anything, that he had done wrong. He must have miscalculated something, but he had been so sure he had it this time. “Why didn’t it bloody work?” He swept his hand across the nearest counter, sending everything scattering to the floor in his frustration.
His head pounded and his stomach turned, reminding him of how much alcohol he’d consumed. He knew he should stay, should try to understand his mistake for Milah’s sake, but he just couldn’t. His soul was weary with the weight of yet another failure, of carrying the burden of his revenge alone, of the sad and empty existence his life had become.
Tears pricked at his eyes and his chest ached with anger. If only Gold hadn't interfered again, pushing him to act before he was ready... This was all his fault.
No, it's yours, whispered a voice from somewhere deep inside. This is your failure. Why did you ever think that you could achieve the impossible?
The whispers of his inner tormentor grew louder and more cruel, detailing his faults, all the ways he let down those he loved, and showing him that he could never have his happy life back. He had done too much, been too distant, his life was empty because he made it so. The vicious narrative overwhelmed him until he felt physically sick.
He needed to get out of there, so he left, leaving his supplies and the shattered remains of his window scattered across the floor.
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Wrap Around Your Dreams
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Emma Swan is not a very good witch. She’s emotional and prone to immediate reactions and neither one of those things are currently helping her when the body count in Storybrooke is on the rise. 
And there’s far too much blood at each crime scene and far too much magic and Emma has no idea where to look next. So she does the almost human thing; she starts making a list. Of clues and ideas and the absolute desperate hope that the killer isn’t what she’s certain it absolutely has to be. 
The last thing she expects is for the notebook to start writing back. 
Rating: Mature, there’s some mention of blood.  AN: This is the ever continuing saga of filling prompts for The Let’s All Be Good People Prompt-a-Thon & Follower Giveaway and today’s prompt comes to us from @killiancygnus who asked for magical notebooks and didn’t actually specify witches, but....here we are. This is, uh, it’s real long. I wrote this about two weeks ago when the world was like, you know what’d be cool? If we reminded Laura that she’s old and had her absolutely destroy her back while working out until she could do nothing but sit on the couch and write fic all day. This is just the start, but everything is on Ao3 because, as advertised, this is long. I’d suggest listening to Fleetwood Mac or Florence + the Machine while reading this. There are witches involved, after all. 
Chapter One on Ao3 and Chapter Two 
She’s honestly not sure what to do first.
There are so many options. And not enough options. There are too many things to break and too many things she has to organize and Emma’s mind can’t seem to land a single thing, flitting from one piece of paper to the next and David’s lurking just outside the edge of her vision which is, honestly, only kind of infuriating and she probably should consider taking a deep breath.
Even witches need to breathe.
“Emma,” David says cautiously, the floor creaking traitorously under him when he moves.
She shakes her head. “Don’t. Just...don’t.”
“It’s not your fault. None of it has been your fault.” “What did I just say?” He flashes her a wry smile, not much more than a quick twitch of his lips and she nearly breaks the chair when she crashes into it. That would almost be ironic – the chair wasn’t on her list of things she was planning on breaking. But after the last few months, with the death and the injury and the distinct lack of answers all piling up like they’re there just to torment Emma, she’s fairly positive breaking the vaguely ancient chair possibly made out of enchanted wood sitting behind her desk would make sense.
Emma Swan is not a very good witch.
She’s not bad, per se, she can do basic spells and brew a handful of potions without having to look up the reason for certain ingredients. She’s even got a certain instinct that helps her, particularly when solving crimes in Storybrooke, the tiny nook in the corner of downtown Manhattan that houses some of the world’s more magical sort.
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remuspotters · 8 years
I was tagged by @therollyjodger <3

Rules: You can tell a lot about a person by the music their listen to. Put your music on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up and tag 10 people.
1. Chega De Ficar Remix - Aaron Bingle (plays when Emma is on a date lol) 2. Abigail’s Song - Murray Gold 3. Across the Universe - The Beatles 4. Elastic Heart - Sia 5. Flashbulb Eyes - Arcade Fire 6. Abraham’s Daughter - Arcade Fire 7. Time - Hans Zimmer 8. Mr Blue Sky - ELO 9. Ode For Lovers - Pogo 10. Hear Me - Imagine Dragons
I’m tagging: @piratesails @ab-normality @riverrspond @colinoslayme @deckerswans @killiancygnus 
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svenjaliv · 7 years
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Sun & Moon
Love lights up the sky.
Dedicated to @killiancygnus​ - happy birthday! ♥
art | society6 | redbubble | etsy | tip jar
Don’t crop/edit/tweet and please reblog, don’t repost. Thank you!
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searchingwardrobes · 1 year
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For The Front Row Series, Book Three! Cover reveal and summary coming very soon as well.
@snowbellewells @jrob64 @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @spartanguard @reynoldsreads @iverna @teamhook @ohmakemeahercules @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @goforlaunchcee @wordsmith-storyweaver @ultraluckycatnd @freckles-and-books @kwistowee @killiancygnus @cutieodonoghue @vvbooklady1256
I seriously don't know who to tag anymore, I'm so inactive. If you want to be added or removed, let me know!
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cssns · 6 years
Please welcome @mahstatins to the CSSNS!!!
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Hello again everyone! Tonight our spotlight falls on @mahstatins! Everyone go say hi!
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom? 
I’ve been active since November 2015 and I lurked for about six months prior to that.
When did you start shipping CaptainSwan? 
I can never answer this! Every time I seem to come up with a different answer! Today though the answer is “have you ever been in love?”
What drew you to this event?
I enjoy taking part in fandom events and work reasonably well to deadlines! Having done three big/little bangs in a row I was looking for a change of pace and this hit the spot.
What inspired your topic? 
A prompt from my lovely friend @killiancygnus. Originally I planned to complete it for last year’s Halloweek but the arrival of my baby daughter rather put an end to it! Also I just love ghost stories!
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
She draws out the words, lets them linger like her fingers against the soft skin of his throat.
“I’m not taking my eyes off you for a second.”
He smiles, a quick, certain thing, and covers her hand with his own. The warmth seeps into her bones - if she even has bones - and she almost sways with the relief of it. He squeezes, just briefly, and it’s all she can do not to cry.
“I would despair if you did.”
Oooooooo! A callback to Tallahassee! And GHOSTS!!!!! I can’t wait to read what Clare has for us! You can find the rest of her works here. Go read her fics, show her some love, and welcome her to the CSSNS!!! Her fic drops on August 21. 
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eirabach · 8 years
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“You’re not really going to drink that are you?”
“Whyever not?” he says as he pours a generous glug of liquor from his flask and into his coffee. “Fancy a tipple, Swan?”
“Seriously Killian?” she sighs, holding her hand over her cup. “We’re supposed to be studying.”
“Oh,” he says, leaning back, his blue eyes twinkling, and lifts his cup to his lips to hide his growing smirk. “I am.”
CS Study Buddies AU for @killiancygnus
Happy Birthday my lovely Frangipani! So glad to have met you!
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Serendipitous Melody by @killiancygnus
Everyone has dreams. You might dream of becoming an astronaut or teacher, or you might want to become a doctor and save as many lives you can. Emma Swan’s childhood dream was being a singer. But with life getting in the way and never finding the courage to overcome her fears, she never had a chance to follow it. That is until a little push from her friends lead her to cash on an opportunity; and, who knows, she might even get more than what she’d wished for.
Small gift for Fran who is a sweetheart and deserves some love. And so does her fic which is amazing, by the way, and everyone should give it a chance!
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cssecretsanta2020 · 6 years
CS Secret Santa 2k18 - masterlist
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This is the final masterlist for @cssecretsanta2k18 and the last post I will make until November 2019 when we will start over again and start another round of #cssecretsanta
Here are all the wonderful presents you posted since Christmas. Although I know some of you did NOT have the great experience I hoped you all would have, I still hope most of you enjoyed this event. I also hope you will keep in touch with your giftees/Santas.
I updated the list with AO3, FF.net and other current links!
See you all again in November/December for the #cssecretsanta2k19.
DAMSEL IN DISTRESS by @thejollyroger-writer  for @thislassishooked
DETOUR by @hooklineandswan for  @mezzanottecafe
ANOTHER BAD CHRISTMAS MOVIE by @let-it-raines for @searchingwardrobes
Christmas Crescents (and other sweet treats)  by @emmas-storybook for @mayquita
JUST BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING by @rouhn for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by @newyearsswifts for @kmomof4
The Sanctuary by @effulgentcolors for @theblacksiren
AND THEN SHE TURNED HOMEWARD... by @darkcolinodonorgasm for @ohmakemeahercules
The Business of Family by @branlovestowrite for @darkcolinodonorgasm
Operation Holiday Makeover by @ilovemesomekillianjones for @delightfully-difficult-pirate
you matter to me by @ohmakemeahercules for @girl-in-a-tiny-box
Parent-Teacher Conference by @thislassishooked for @shireness-says
A Christmas miracle by @onceuponaprincessworld for @andiirivera
Reindeer Games & Mistletoe by @hollyethecurious for @everlastingcaptainswan
WINGING IT by @cstraaash for @ilovemesomekillianjones
SNOWED IN AT CHRISTMAS by @everlastingcaptainswan for @lizacstuff
A Rose E'er Blooming by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething for @owlways-and-forever
It Will Not Be Long, Love by @gingerchangeling for @love-with-you-i-have-everything
Once Upon a Christmas Eve by @doodlelolly0910  for @princesswan
HE’S IN ENTERTAINMENT by @distant-rose for @cstraaash
Underneath the Tree by @searchingwardrobes for @killiancygnus
A Christmas Miracle by @delightfully-difficult-pirate for  @branlovestowrite
Truth for Christmas by @imagnifika for @newyearsswifts
In Dreams by @emmakillianfan for @doodlelolly0910
FOUR CHRISTMASES by @profdanglaisstuff for @imharryaf
First Impressions by @demisexualemmaswan for @joneskillians
The Head, The Eye & The Heart by @owlways-and-forever for @hookedonapirate
Christmas Meddling by @shireness-says for @resident-of-storybrooke
A Midwinter Incident by @initiala for @imhookedonaswan
A Not So Accidental Christmas Encounter by @curiousconstellations for @the-captains-ayebrows
Baby’s First Christmas by @the-corsair-and-her-quill  for @fictional-redheads
Making My Way To You by @resident-of-storybrooke for @imagnifika
Can we just get closer by @hookedonapirate for @hollyethecurious
OLDER NOW BUT NOT DONE HOPING by @welllpthisishappening for @xellewoods
Pardon The Way That I Stare  by @laschatzi for @distant-rose
AS WE DREAM BY THE FIRE by @bucklesomeswashswan for @profdanglaisstuff
The village is a glow by @captainsjedi for @eastwesthomeisbest
CRUSH part1 part2 by @celestial-fire-writer for @high-seas-swan
STORY by @nerdyhuntress for @onceuponaprincessworld
beautiful in the broken places by @snowbellewells for @kitsunewingstar
HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU part 1 by @vatrixsta for @the-corsair-and-her-quill
mistletoe by the tree part1 part2 by @xellewoods for @tehgreeneyes
Getting in the spirit by @xhookswenchx for @let-it-raines
When you’re with me (it feels like I’m finally free) by @imharryaf for @killianjonesownsmyheart1
bring us goodness and light by@love-with-you-i-have-everything for @captainsjedi
A TOAST NOW part1 by @lifeinahole27 for @effulgentcolors
Kiss me even if you hate me @mayquita for @chloeswans
MAKING MORE THAN PANCAKES by @lizacstuff for @edgeofrealms
That Sunrise by @high-seas-swan for @killiarious
love you a latte by @the-captains-ayebrows for @snowbellewells
a little dash of holiday spirit by @edgeofrealms for @cshappybeginning
STORY by @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt for @downeystarkjr
Basket Case by @blessed-but-distressed for @lifeinahole27
Battle of the Snowmen by @pirateherokillian for @bucklesomeswashswan
ART by @cocohook38 for @captainswancygnet
ART by @girl-in-a-tiny-box for @dreadpirateemma
ART by @kitsunewingstar for @curiousconstellations
ART by @eastwesthomeisbest for @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713
ART by @andiirivera for @laschatzi
ART by @theblacksiren for @hooksmoak
VIDEO by @downeystarkjr for @celestial-fire-writer
VIDEO by @killiarious for @cocohook38
GIF SET by @yasmin-khan for @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt
GIF SET  by @cshappybeginning for @initiala
GIF SET  by @chloeswans for @natascha-ronin
GIF SET by @killiancygnus for @thejollyroger-writer
GIF SET by @princesswan for @hooklineandswan GIF SET by @captainodonoghue for  @welllpthisishappening
PIC SET by @captainswancygnet for  @gingerchangeling
Murder Mystery AU  by @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 for @emmakillianfan
Captain Duckling AU by @joneskillians for @demisexualemmaswan
Overcoming Obstacles by @tehgreeneyes for @rouhn
FIC REC LIST by @kmomof4 for @nerdyhuntress
Secret Santa Fic Rec by @fictional-redheads for @captainodonoghue
Australian Pic Set by @blessed-but-distressed for @lifeinahole27
ART by @clockadile for @welllpthisishappening
ART by @imagnifika for @vatrixsta
ART by @captainswancygnet for @blessed-but-distressed
STORY by @ilovemesomekillianjones for @xhookswenchx
ART by @eastwesthomeisbest  for @emmas-storybook
ART by @imagnifika for @pirateherokillian ART by  @eastwesthomeisbest for @yasmin-khan
I want to thank everyone again for participating and for creating all these wonderful gifts. I am very sorry for all participants who didn’t receive a gift from their original Santa. Although I know it’s not my fault I feel responsible for it and will try to avoid these problems next time. And once again thank you to everyone who offered to help/helped out.
I wish all of you a wonderful, great and epic year 2019. May all your wishes come true and may you all be healthy and happy throughout the whole year.
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yayimallamaagain · 7 years
Last Week in Fanfiction
Captain Swan ff roundup List #40 which covers 3/11-3/17. If I missed something let me know and I can add it. As always like, reblog, comment and Happy Reading ❤️
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke  ch.21  by @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89
Alone, Until I Get Home  ch.24  by @peglegsjones
Frozen in Darkness  ch.7  by @tomeandflickcorner
A Birthday Surprise  p.2  by @hookedonapirate
Enough of Feeling Like This  ch.7  by @unfolded73 (complete!)
Given the Choice  ch.17  by @winterbythesea
Reputation  ch.12   by @kymbersmith-90
Hell or High Water  ch.10  by @gusenitsaa @pirate-owl @justmilah
Awake and Alive  ch.18  by @captainswanandclintasha
Your Case or Mine  ch.10  by @blowmiakisscolin
A Rift in Time  ch.3  ch.4  by @thejollyroger-writer
In Focus  ch.2  by @dassala
North Star  ch.35  by Emma_Jones
Ethical Conflicts  ch.1  by @kymbersmith-90
Serendipitous Melody  ch.21  ch.22  by @killiancygnus (complete!)
Rook Land  ch.2  by @polarbearmorgan
Figure It Out  ch.7  ch.8  by @kymbersmith-90
Not Just a Deckhand  ch.11  by @sherlockianwhovian
Patience  ch.16  by @kymbersmith-90
A Day for “Just Emma”  p.4  by @whimsicallyenchantedrose
Since We’re Alone  ch.4  by @everlastingcaptainswan
Scoring Your Love  ch.4  by @seriouslyhooked 
Complicating Factors  ch.15  by @branlovesouat
One/Two Shots
The Accident  by @rouhn
Headphones  p.2  by @searchingwardrobes
I and Love and You  by @euphoric-melancholyy
Pillow-Based Bankruptcy  by @welllpthisishappening (Blue Line)
La Incondicional  p.2  by @lenfaz
S3B Pining Angst  by @wingedlioness
You Look Really Tired  by @wingedlioness
National Pi Day Meet Cute  by @whimsicallyenchantedrose
Constellations  by @pagesandmagic
Month Two  by @technicallysizzlingcloud
Prompt  by @xemmaloveskillianx
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