#for morning peole <3
alienshoe · 1 year
Love that my boss knows I can't do the midnight shift more than 3 days in a row and that I wanted less days/hours, but she still scheduled me for 5 midnight shifts in a row (:
teehee I'm quitting and telling her I can only do a 1 week notice (:
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medusapelagia · 7 months
Comment bingo - 5th line!
Andrew and I are so happy because we made another line and we are going to get a badge with our favorite colors! Courtesy of @feedthefandomfest (To be honest, Andy can't really see the colors but I told him those are my favorite and he agreed because he is a good friend!)
As always go give them some love to these fics if you want to! And keep commenting! A lot of my new entries are from The Harringrove Big Bang Collection! I still have to read most of them but they are all amazing!
Comment on a fic with under 50 hits: Dandelion Wishes by Carerra_os (@jellyfishloveletterghosts), rating T, WIP, Harringrove. This is a super sweet fic with child Billy and a very little magical Steve! And being part of the @bigbangharringrove it also has incredible art made by @raven-cl ! (now it has more than 50 hits like it deserves but I was lucky enough to be one of the first peole to read it!)
Theorize about world, character, and/or theme: and then you came by what_about_the_fish (@whataboutthefish), rating E, WIP, Harringrove. Another incredible fic from the @bigbangharringrove (so it has art as well! Made by LucaDoodleDoo) In a Dom/Sub universe Soft Dom Steve finds Billy, a Sub without a Dom that desperatly need one who took care of him like he deserves.
Epilogue comment: speculate on characters' futures: The Only Living Ghost In New York by beetlesandstars, rating M, complete, Steddie. A modern AU where Steve realizes that he is in love with Eddie... when Eddie gets married! It hurts so good!
Explain while the fic is better than canon: Let it happen by Romeren (@romeren), rating M, WIP, Harringrove, super sweet story written for bigbangharringrove and with beautiful art made by @lemonhitsu and @applewillowstone
Leave a long comment: Baby, I got sick this morning (heal me, darling)by TheRedHarlequin (@a-redharlequin) - rating: E, a lovely WIP with my favorite threesome: Steve, Billy and Eddie! Half sick fic and half magical AU! And it's not cheating if I put it again bacause it's a WIP and we finally got TO THE HOT CHAPTER and the world needs to know it! (Those are Andrew's the Octopus words, not mine, obviously...)
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The other fics that helped me fill my bingo card under the cut!
comment that is at least half keysmash: start by pulling him out of the fire by pricklywhicket, rating: E, complete, Steddie. This fic is SO good, I'm just at the first chapter but Wayne's characterization is amazing! If you are a Wayne lover (as I am) you have to read it!
Comment on a fic posted today: All I want for Christams is you, by LexiRoseWrites. rating: Teen and Up, Steddie, Complete. A sweet Christmas omegaverse fic!
comment detailing emotional devastation: hold me, scold me , by lydiah135 - rating: E, complete, Steddie. This fic has everythig! Transmasc Professional Dom Eddie, emotional pain and wonderful OCs! This is the 4th part of the series, I recommend to start from the first one!
revisit fic you read in the past & leave a(nother) comment: If I stare too long by brawls (brawlite) and ToAStranger, rating: E, complete- The first Metalsandwich fic I have ever read. It's hot, and fluff, and cute and it has incredible art!
Holy trinity: kudos, comment and bookmark: Sea of waking dreams by Oonionchiver, rating: E - Steddie, WIP. As everything that Azriel writes is intriguing, hot and supernatural!
Unhinged liveblogging reaction: Everybody wants you - Whataboutthefish - rating: E, complete - Harringrove. A sexy and painful song fic. It hurts so good!
Highlight & explains 3 favorite quotes: Baby, I got sick this morning (heal me, darling)by TheRedHarlequin - rating: E, a lovely WIP with my favorite threesome: Steve, Billy and Eddie! Half sick fic and half magical AU!
Find a comment you agree with & replay explaining why: The Long Night, by - Nox_Wiked - rating:E, another threesome Steve, Billy and Eddie and another WIP half survival and half unconventional omega fic!
Comment on a every chapter of a multichapter fic: Just add water by Just_my_latest_hyperfixation ( @just-my-latest-hyperfixation) -rating: E, complete, a super sweet Mermaid AU Steddie fic!
Comment on a WIP: To B, With Love by Triddlegrl (@fizzigigsimmer - rating: E, WIP an incredible Harringrove Omegaverse Western AU!
Comment on a fic posted at least 3 years ago: i think of you (i want you, too) i'd fall for you by To A Stranger - rating: E, complete, a Harringrove Criminal AU with hurt/comfort!
Leave a comment that is half emoji: what's mine is yours (to leave or take) by througheden - rating: M, complete, a Steddie sugary sweet AU with baker Eddie and nurse Steve and a lot of cakes!
Comment of a fic post in the last three days: Baby, It's Cold Outside by StitchedFox - Rating:M - complete, a Steddie Christmas fic about traditions and compromises!
promote a fic on Tumblr and/or Discord & tell the author so: All those fics!
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mainviper · 3 years
Brazilian Tips to Write Raze
So I'm not from the same place in Brazil that Raze is, she is from the North East and I'm from the Center of Brazil but there are some common things that I can talk about it.
1. We are very competitive and we like to cheer a lot for our country, but not in a cute way, we're loud and very annoying and we know that. When we win, we're going to brag about it for days and celebrate for a looong time.
2. Our food is very diverse, almost every state has it's own traditional dish and it's own way to eat. For example : Açaí. Açaí is a fruit from the North of Brazil and can be eaten with more salty dishes there, but in the rest of Brazil is used on desserts and it's cream sometimes is chosen over ice cream.
3. We have carnival, yes, but we also have some winter festivals that are really competitive and beautiful. It usually occurs in June and it's called "Festas Juninas" our "June Festivals". I can do a post explaining just this if you guys want because it's VERY traditional, but now you just need to know that the dance it's called "quadrilha".
4. Quadrilha it's a group dance, danced in pairs, that have some characters and scenarios. The steps are told by the narrator and the names os the steps came from words in french.
5. Kiss on the cheek is a common way to greet someone, but it's usually made between women, or a woman to a man in more informal circles. But the discussion is : how many kisses ? Well, it can be one, two, or even three but in Raze's state (I searched for you guys) it's 2, one kiss one each cheek.
6. Music is very particular and difficult to explain. Because Brazil is huge, each region has a lot of genres and popular singers. On Raze's cinematic we listen to Daniela Mercury, a pioneer on the genre Axé the song is beautiful : Canto da Cidade . This style originated from Reggae, Samba, Frevo and several other genres from our country's african roots. There are countless singers and bands that are famous for it, one group that I particularly like is "É o Tchan" and I think Raze would listen a lot. Another song for you guys : Melô do Tchan
7. We criticize our country a lot, but if someone that are not a Brazilian say something about us, know that we are very protective of our culture and we don't accept bad comments about our customs and traditionalisms. And we usually don't stay quiet about it, we're very quick to hit back in these situations.
8. When we enter School we usually study in the morning or the afternoon, the morning shift being from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm and the afternoon shift from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
9. Particular Schools or Federal ones usually have extracurricular activities and sports you can do. There are some activities in public schools but they don't have enough money to mantain equipments and stuff, it's sad but some NGOs and Cultural Programs exist.
10. School subjects are not optional on High School, at least until next year and since I studied in the "old" method, I can say we learn about everything even though we're going to a field where we don't use advanced math or chemistry.
11. The Brazilian Sage spoke with the English VA of Raze and the Brazilian VA in the same live stream. The live is in portuguese but there are some voice lines that they exchanged here's the link.
12. Gambiarra is a concept that you guys need to understand and I'm here for it : the hability to work around things, to make a lot out of not much. Raze is the queen of gambiarra, you can see from her tech. Gambiarra speaks a lot about our creativity and our hability to win obstacles on our daily basis.
13. We are very affectionate, we're huggers for sure. We hug for greetings we hug for goodbyes, we kiss for goodbyes, we say "kisses" when we're leaving because that's our nature. Even if you're on the phone with a Brazilian, we usually say "okay, bye, a kiss" or "ok, bye! A hug".
14. Duralex is a brand that is present in almost every brazilian home because we love lasting things. Also we have kind of a caramel pallette in Brazil :
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15. The Clay Filter was present in Raze's cinematic and the water that comes out of it is very fresh and clean. Some peole say it's the best type of filter in the world and I'm not going against it because I agree. I have one.
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15. We name this type of street dogs "vira-lata caramelo" that translates to "caramel turn-cans" because street dogs usually turn the cans and bags of trash. A lot of them are adopted and feed by people, I can see Raze having one and her dog playing with her boombot.
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16. Crochet is a grandma thing in Brazil with some capes and rugs matching in the Kitchen. We put this on top of tables and objects to decorate, it's part of the brazilian aesthetic.
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I hope you guys liked it, if you want more tips just ask! I'm here for it!
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Mysterious stranger /Arthur being stalked by you
This was a request by someone on Twitter :)
Arthur is being stalked by a pretty girl /YOU
I decited to write from Arthurs view and the girls view.
So it switches.
Arthur and reader
Warnings: Nothing really, mentions of mental illness,
ENJOY :) <3
ARTHUR I just woke up all sweaty in in the middle of the night one more time. My insomnia was getting bad again. I felt like it has been getting worse since mum was at the hospital. I was worried about her condition. I even forgot to take my meds yesterday, which was bad. The pills helped me to find some rest at night. Without them my mind was racing, keeping me awake. Driving me INSANE. I usually started to write in my journal when I couldnt sleep but without my medication there were just black scribbles all over the diary when I looked at the pages. The last time I was off my meds I wrote the whole night through and when I looked in my journal the next morning,there was nothing but blank pages. Nothing. So, there is a reason I shouldnt forget to take them. But too many thoughts ran through my head yesterday, I just didnt thought of anything else. First of all I thought about Penny and if I was the reason she ended up at the hospital. I felt like I am a burden to her. She always told me I was brought into the world to spread joy and laughter. But she doesnt even think i`m funny. Imagin what a disappointment I must be to her.I was born for a reason and I couldnt even fullfill my destiny. This shit really kept me awake. And some other thing... A week ago I just came home from my therapist. And when I was waiting on the tram station, there was this girl in the middle of the crowd. She just kept on staring at me like... I don`t know. She just did. And it kinda scared me.I wasnt  used to peope staring at me like that. Usually I was the one observing things around me. Watching people. I always tried to observe. I need it for my jokes. The best jokes are inspired by real life actions. Stuff you see happening on the streets. I also watched people closely to understand what they are laughing about and how they react to jokes. Sometimes I sat on a table at Pogos and made little notes about what I think is important. I really wanted people to like me. I wanted be a light for them. Gotham needs some light. I wanted to be listened to and I wanted to be seen. I`ve got a lot to say but I`ve never talked to others cuz I didn`t knew how to start a conversation.  So I watched and learned how others managed to do that. I realized that my timing is a bit off when I laughed at others jokes. I`m wasn`t sure why. I needed to find out. Anyway, I wasn`t used to someone staring at me. I always wished someone did and when I saw that girl I should have been happy that she saw me but I didnt knew what to do about it. I wasnt sure WHY she was looking at me the way she did. If it was for good or for bad reasons. And I guess thats what made me insecure about  the whole situation. As soon as I got in the tram I kinda forgot about it but two days later I saw her again. I was standing in the pharmacy and was just about to pay, when I saw her standing outside the window. She was beautiful. There is no doubt it was the same girl. She was looking at me again.  I payed and when I turned around she was gone. For a moment there I was scared it might be another episode of hallucinations. That would be really bad. But it could be. I mean... why should a pretty face like her standing there, staring at me TWICE? I`m afraid this isnt really happening. Dr Kane said I should watch out for more hallucinations, especially about girls. So I will.
YOU This city made me sick. It`s beent two weeks since I moved here and already hated it here. It was grey, it smelled and people were rude. I didnt wanted to become one of the peole here. It seemed like it was a bad desicion to move here in the first place, but I couldnt afford to pay rent anymore, so I ended up here, in this really bad neighborhood.  I felt like I screwed up my life. Sleep was something I barely remembered. Every night I was lying awake, afraid of someone might brak into my apartment. Like I said... bad neighborhood.You couldnt trust anyone here. A week ago I got so nerveous while trying to sleep that I got up, made some tea and watched out the window. Even at night people walked down the streets, mostly homeless guys. It was one ugly, rainy, cold night. I sipped on my tea and watched the raindrops falling on the dark pavement. Like the whole city was crying out loud. I burned my tongue on the hot cup . I swear I saw someone standing in the window across the street. But it was no one there. Oh great, I thought. Two weeks here in Anderson avenue and you already start to see shadowns at night. But then I saw it again. It wasnt a shadow. It was a man standing in his kitchen, smoking a cigarette. Oh, just a neighbor, no shadows. Good. I realized that I could see most of the kitchen, his curtains were kinda see though. He turned around so I could see his profile. He had almost shoulder long, bown hair, slightly curly, a beautiful jawline and high cheekbones. I could tell from the distance that he was indeed very beautiful. I turnedmy light off to make sure he couldnt see me standing at the window, looking into his. But he didnt looked out the window anyway. It looked like he was talking to someone, but as far as I could tell he was the only one in the room. I watched him puttig down his cigarette as he took off his dark red sweater. I didnt expected him to be this thin. It seemed like he stopped talking and suddenly he started to raise his hands above his head, moving gracefully. He was dancing all alone by himself. In his kitchen. I couldnt help but staring at him and started to feel kinda bad for watching this behind my curtain. But something about him was just so insanly attractive. i stared at his fragile chest, his bony ribs, his messy bed hair. I guess he couldn`t find sleep, just like me. I wondered if he was sleepwalking. The way he moved was extraordinary. Suddenly he stopped. I almost got scared because I was so drawn to his dance moves, it seemed so unnatural to just stop. I took a step back from my window because he came a step closer to his. But he just leaned over the sink now. It looked like he was crying.  Something about this hurted my heart. I didnt even knew him but I couldnt help but feeling empathy for this beautiful, fragile man across the street, He was crying harder now. I felt my eyes watering as he slapped his own face. Why would he do that? Then he watched out the window. I was hiding in the corner of my room so fast I guess my curtains moved. I hope he didnt caught me staring. My heart was racing. Was he still there? I waited two minutes till I watched out the window again. He was gone.
ARTHUR I decited to go through the pages again I had written a week ago. I have to figure out why I remembered writing something that wasnt there in the morning. I skipped though the paged and stopped at a page that didnt even looked familir to me. Little drawings of catladies smoking cigs. i don`t remenber drawing this and start to read. "Insomnia is choking me again. It wrappes its strong arms around my neck, smothering me to death. At least thats how it feels while lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. So last night I wandered around the apartment for at least two hours straight. I smoked two packs of cigs as the music started playing in my head again. There is always music in my head, well, most of the time. Sometimes it gets so loud I can`t ignore it anymore. Its just floathing althrough my body, like energy. It holds me in its warm arms and I have to obey. It wanted me to dance again last night, so I moved around the kitchen to the music and it was so tragically beautiful in between the movements it made me do, that it almost started to hurt my body. So I stopped and wished for the sound to stop but it didnt and I just stood there and started to cry. Watching my tears falling into the kitchen sink, like the rain outside. The music still playing in my head. I slapped my face. Hard. Still noisy. I watched out the window. Gotham was crying, too. The city was just as depressed as I was. I swear I could see a shadow in the window across the street. But thats impossible. The neighbors there moved out some weeks ago. Must be my visions again."
YOU I couldnt stop thinking about the man across the street since I saw him. I watched out the window for so many times but I didnt got to see him for about thee days. But then I saw him crossing the street as I was just about to go buy some food. I know it wasnt the right thing to do but I followed him. I just needed to see him closer. I kept my distance so he won`t notice me. He was walking like someone that just got beaten up, his thin body hidden behind a brown sweater , and a jacket that looked way too huge on his small shoulders. He kept looking to the ground, his brown curls hanging sweaty upon his forehead. Even though his body language looked sad, he still managed to be extremly attractive to me. He was walking to the tram station and waited on his tram to arrive as I tried to be just a face in the crowsd, so I could take a closer look at him. I passed some people standing in the way until I found the right spot. There he was. Just about some foots away from me.And suddenly, as I was staring, he was looking right at me. God, I felt like my heart just sopped. Never ever have I seen more beautiful eyes in my life. So intense, piercing right though me, green but so very sad. I dont know if it was just my mind playing tricks on me but i felt like he caught me staring. I wanted to  turn around and leave imediately but his tram arrived and he got in there before I could even react. At night his pretty face appeared in my mind. Againa nd again. I just couldnt get him out of my head.I was closing my eyes, and caught myself dreaming about kissing him.  I laughed at myself. Silly girl ! Dreaming about the mysterious new neighbor was such a clishe. But it wouldnt help. I still wanted to get to know him. there was something so mysterious about him. His little dance in the kitchen. The crying at the sink.... his eyes!   I thought about ways to just talk to him, I mean we were neigbors, right? I could find a reason to just go to him and say something. But nothing came to my mind. So I decited to follow him one more time. Maybe he would just ran into me and we would talk. Two days later I saw him leaving the house again, so I threw a jacket over my shoulder and got downstairs in a hurry. This time there weren`t much people around so it was even harder for me to follow him without getting caught. Something about watching him started to turn me on.It was fun to fantasize about someone who didnt even knew you existed. But at the same time I wanted him to know that I exist. Maybe not yet but... He went to the pharmacy. I stopped outside. I thought about going in and pretend I wanted to buy something. But I forgot my purse so this would have been embarrassing. I saw him from behind, his blue pants looked baggy on him. Everything did. And just when I thought this was a good situation to stalk him, he turned around again and I knew he saw me. He looked me right into my eyes! I captured the moment he looked at me in my mind and tought about it in the afternoon, when I was lying in my bed, dreaming about touching his beautiful face. Soon he became my fave fantasie. I couldnt even find pleasure in any other daydream anymore. He was my sexy secret and I liked it that way. But I just knew that soon this wouldnt be enough. I had to get closer. I wanted him to see me. Not just from across the street. I wanted to get to know him as a person. I needed to know his story, I needed to know why he was so sad.
ARTHUR I just couldnt figure out my very own diary anymore. Something definitaly went wrong at the moment. I guess all the lonelyness got too much. I mean, I must have been used to this  but i wasnt. It got harder every day of my life. I wished for someone to love me so much that I had visions about girls. I tend to get them a lot but then it stopped for a while and now it seemed to start again. I was kinda worried about my condition and took two more pills today. I knew I shouldnt but I thought it would be better than forgetting to take them again. The slight overdose made me sweat a lot so I was in underwear only for the whole day, just lying on the coouch, watching all my fave episodes of teh Murray Franklin show. The only thing that made me stay up was going to the kitchen to make some coffe. I watched out the window while waiting for the water to bowl. There she was again. the girls I saw at the tram stationa nd at the pharmacy. She was crossing the street. I checked my forehead for fever.  I was burning up. Must be the overdose. "She`s not really there" I whispered to myself "Arthur, she`s not real, don`t even look". But I looked. And I could swear she was looking up my window before she headed to my house. I blushed. But I guess that was also caused by the fever. God, she looked like an angel. Such a sweet girl. She would never even  give me a look in real life. I knew that. And if she did... I wouldn´t even know what to do. I`ve never been with a woman before in my whole life. I never even kissed someone before. I`m just a loner. All I have are my fantasies. And Dr Kane wants to take them away from me,too. Maybe I should just give in and accept them. What if it wasnt a hallucination this time? What if this girl really saw me? What if?
You I did it. I wrote him a postcard. I held the card in my hands for like an hour and stared at it. I thought I wasnt brave enough to actually throw it in his letter box. But I did.I sneaked into the house and when I was standing in front of the letter boxes I wondered which one could be his. Thank god  some lady just got out of the elevator and I asked her which letter box belongs to the window with the thin curtain. And she told me that they belong to apartment 8J. It just took me about some seconds to find the right box. P. FLECK. There it was. FLECK. I threw my postcard in without giving it a second thought, otherwise I would have changed my mind. I was heading back home, blushing.
ARTHUR I woke up with a bad headache. Another appointment with Dr. Kane. I wanted to take a bath but I was too lazy and decited to let it be. I just brushed my hair back, lighted a cig and went out the house. I checked the letter box and hoped for a letter from Thomas Wayne, I mean, I knew there wouldnt be one but it would make my mother happy so I still hoped for it. Somehow she was obsessed with Wayne and I didnt even knew why. My heart just skipped a beat as I saw an hand written postcard. Wayne? I started reading it. "Dear mysetrious stranger, You don`t know who I am but I saw you out on the streets some days ago and I think I fell in love with you. I even dreamed about you at night. I really hope you`re doing fine. Kisses The girl who loves you"
I just kept staring at the letters. I rubbed my eyes. the letters were still there. The girl who loves you. I must have blushed. Was this real? I let my fingers slide over the paper. It felt real. I turned the card around. A plain red heart on white background. I touched it so many times and hoped for a proof that this was eighter real or a dream. Sometimes I am not sure anymore. Who would ever send me a card? I searched for a stamp. None. Someone must have threw it in the letter boy by themself. The girl ! The girl I saw on the street. Now it all made sense to me. Was she following me? I smiled. The thought of this pretty girl having a crush on me was wonderful. But I got scared at the same time. I could never get up and talk to her. How could I? I bet she thinks I am some sexy guy who knows how to get it on. She was dreaming about me? What dreams? I imagined her touching herself while thinking about me and I giggled to myself. "Nahh she wouldnt do that" I said to myself. Reading the postcard again "Or would you, sweet strange girl?" I put the postcard close to my heart. Her fingers must have touched the paper all over when she was writing me these lines. Does she want to touchme with those fingers? Oh I would love to touch her fingers. But what if she ever comes up to me personally and I would just stand there, frozen. Not a word coming out of my mouth? The thought of this scared me a lot. My biggest fear was to laugh in her presence.The laugh that wasnt really one. My condition. That would scare her away for sure. I felt my eyes watering and a tear fell on the postcard, right on the word "kisses". It smeared, which made me even sadder. I needed this card to be perfect. I felt the urge to laugh coming up my throath. But then something else came to my mind. What if I showed the card to Dr. Kane? She could proof to me that this card truly exists. The urge to laugh was gone. I put the card into my paper bag and hurried up to see Dr. Kane.
"Hello, Arthur. How have you been thoughthe last week? Any negative thoughts?" Dr Kane was repeating her same old questions again as I smoked my cig. Next thing would be asking me about my journal. BUT I would have something much more interesting with me this time. "I brought something with me today" I said as I grabbed the card. "I wondered if you could take a look and tell me what you think about this?" Dr Kane took the card out of my hands. She read it. "Who gave it to you, Arthur?" "The girl who loves me" Dr Kane gave me that look "Arhur..." "Well... it says `The girl who loves you `  there at the end, right? "Right" "So, you see it too?" "Sure, Arthur" She gives me the card back. I smiled. It was real. The card was real. Which meant the girl was real,too. No hallucinations. No visions. "Good" "So someone send it to you?" "I found it in my letter box, it has no stamp" "No stamp? Are you sure you didnt wrote it yourself?" she looked confused. I bet she couldnt imagin someone falling in love me me eighter. "Dr Kane, you know how my handwriting looks like." "Right. Can I see it again?" I gave her the card back. Her eyes are focused on it. "No typos" she whispered to herself. "Looks like someone really likes you, Arthur. Be careful" "W-what do you mean?" "You know that you sometimes... well... you tend to lose sense of reality sometimes. It could be difficult to meet up with a girl for you". I put the card back in my bag. "You think I couldnt handle it to have a girlfriend?" "Thats not what I said..." "It is exactly what you said" I got up and left the room. "See you next week, Dr Kane. I cant do this today" I got back home and placed the card under my pillow. I wanted to sleep on it. It was the first love note I ever got and felt so special. I grabbed my Pjs out of my wardrobe and looked at the red suit hanging in there. I never put it on by now. I always felt like it is waiting for a special event in my life. But nothing special ever happens. Until now. The card. the love note. The girl. I grab the suit and walk to the mirror. Holding it in front of my body to see how it would look like on me. I felt so insecure when thinking about dating a girl. I didnt knew how to react in front of her. Maybe the suit would help? I shook my head. Nahh. Just a stupid thought. Back in bed I imagined how it would be to have a girlfriend. To go out on dates with her, walking hand in hand across the streets. I bet Gotham wouldnt be half as bad as if its now. Sharing my life with someone. My bed. Having someone to cuddle with at night. Someone to calm down my bouncing leg. Someone to have sex with, It would be sweet. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
YOU Its been a day since I threw the card in the letter box. No answer. Of course not. He didnt even knew who I was. I watched out the window and hoped to see him in his apartment again. I got lucky this time. I saw him lying on the couch watching tv. He wora a cosy PJ and looked so cute in it. Still sexy though. I could eat him up. I wish I could just go over, knock on his door and tell him that i am the girl who send him the card. I wonder if he even got it yet. maybe he didnt open the letter box since then.  I saw him smoking, writing down some notes.   I tried to see more details of the living room. There was a clown mask and a costume hanging beside a mirror. It seemed like he had a thing for clowns, which made me think. maybe I`ll have a lil surprise for him... I searched through my stuff and  found the big, red flower that used to be part of a Clown outfit I was wearing years ago when I dressed up with my best friends. It looked brand new. Maybe he would like it. I put a little note on it and decited to put it in front of his door. Tomorrow. I couldn`t wait. The next morning I got out of bed early, to wait till he got out of the house.  When he did I sneaked into the house and waited till someone came out again, which lastet at least 50 minutes but it was worth it. I got in the elevator and walked to the door which said 8J. I hold my breath for a second. That was were he lived. He walked through that door every day. I wish I could just walk through it and go into his apartment.Looking though his stuff. I was a bit shamed of myself for having those kinda feelings. I felt like a stalker. But I couldnt stop my own thoughts from wanting him.  I put the big plush Flower down on the doormat and touched the door knob. Just to touch it. To touch what he touched  some about an hour ago. It felt sexy.
ARTHUR I just came home from work at Haha`s and felt drained. It was a long day. I got out of the elevator and saw something lying on my doormat. A big, red plush flower. Like one for clowns! My heart jumped when I picked it up. There was a little note saying "Dear stranger, if you want to meet me , I`ll be at the little fountain in the park today  at 7 O`Clock . The one with the litlle bird stature. It would be a pleasure to get to know you better. Kisses, The girl who loves you"
I bit my lips. Another note. She wanted to meet me. My hands were shaking while reading the note one more time. I actually was shaking so much I had troubles to get my keys into the lock. I threw my jacket on the couch, sat down and pressed the plushy flower to my chest. It felt so soft to the touch. A present. I never got presents. Not even when I was a kid or on my birthdays. Everything about this felt so special. I wanted to meet her so bad but at the same time I was so scared about meeting her, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked tired. Drained. Like someone sucked the life out of my. Heavy bags under my yes, from not getting enough sleep. I brushed my hair back. Better. At least a lil bit. I checked the time and realized it was already after 5 O`clock. I got no time to waste. Should I really go there? Or was Dr Kane right?
YOU I got ready for my potential date. I  didnt even knew if he would show up but i hoped so. I dressed up in my usual clothes. I wanted to be my authentic self around him. I was already waiting on the spot 30 minutes too early. I just couldnt wait any longer. I needed to know if he would come. I wanted to get to know him so bad.
ARTHUR Alright, I could never forgive myself if i wouldnt take the chance, so I decited to show up. I took a bath to feel fresh, washed my hair and put on some nice clothes. Not the red suit though. I picked dark red pants, a matching vest and a white shirt under it. I hope I looked decent in it and bought some roses before I made my way to the park. I bought them from the last dollars I had but I didnt cared. I wanted to give her some nice flowers. Gotham looked different today while watching out of the trams window. Less dark and depressing. But I guess it was just me feeling better as usual. I just wanted it to be a nice date. I just wanted her to like me for who I am. I got out of the tram, walking into the park. I saw her from a distance already. There was just one person standing at the fountain, so it must have been her. She was so beautiful, I couldnt belive she was waiting FOR ME. My hands holding the roses started to get all sweaty and I wiped them off on my pants. I stumbled right in front of her as I arrived and the flowers fell out of my hands.  "Ooooppps...I`m...I`m so sorry.. I...." my nervousness killed me. She similed at me as I picked up the flowers and handed them to her "I....um....brought you...som..something...um..." I stuttered. She gave me the sweetest hug "Thats so sweet of you...? Um... I don`t even know your name" she was blushing. "Arthur. My name is Arthur." "Hey Arthur. I`m Y/N. Nice to meet you. Thank ou so much for the roses. They`re beautiful". "Yeah... thank you for the notes...I don`t know what to say...you`re beautiful". Y/N smiled from cheek to cheek. "Thank you, Arthur. Would you like to take a walk though the park and get some coffee later? It would be a nice way to get to know each other. What do you think?" "I think this sounds just wonderful". She gently wrapped her arm around my waist as we were walking though the park. It was a late summer evening and for the first time ever I noticed the birds singing. The music in my head stopped. Maybe Gotham wasn`t as bad after all.
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If you arent to busy could you do headcannons with Karma and Asano having a crush on someone very oblivious? (Peole have litterally told me they loved me and I thought they meant it as a friend HELP) Ps: I love your headcannons and blog 💙
This‘ll probably come out pretty late, but it’s almost Christmas and I have many exams in school, so I don’t have much time to write! But I hope this is okay, enjoy the Headcanon uwu
Karma & Gakushu x Oblivious Reader
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-that you’re oblivious would be the reason he even fell in love with you
-he could easily manipulate you, playing his little game, using you just for him, and you wouldn’t even notice anything
-He loves seeing you confused whenever he said something you didn’t understand
-"You’re so Oblivious Y/N~" "What do you mean, 'Oblivious'?"
-as we all already know, he‘s a big tease, so he‘d try to tease you a lot, just to see your reaction to it
-finds it rather funny
-it‘s pretty cute to him, he doesn’t even deny it
-he‘s happy to have a cute gf/bf/whatever f like you
-sometimes he tries to explain what he means, but sometimes he just gives up because he likes the confused faces you always make when you don’t get what he’s trying to tell you
-it‘s his favorite face of yours
-he can’t get enough of it honestly
-he finds himself rather addicted to your confused face, it kinda makes his heart race some kinda way he doesn’t understand
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-he wouldn‘t straight up confess his love of course
-he‘d drop small hints any idiot would probably get
-well, long story short, you didn’t understand anything he tried to tell you
-"Well, that didn’t work. Maybe if I just straight up confess..? Y/N, I‘m in love with you." "you mean as friends right? Are we best friends now? Awww!"
-facepalms himself 24/7
-how come he fell in love with someone like you?
-he can’t explain it to himself. You just seemed so cute to him. So oblivious... it made you interesting
-he‘d die for you
-trust me, he would
-he‘d protect you at any cost
-has to explain everything for you because you don’t understand
-has a hard time trying to explain that he loves you. He tried to confess 2 times but it didn’t work. The 3 time you finally got the hint and said yes
-He‘s the happiest person on earth with you, and he‘ll take care of you, making sure you‘re always by his side
Well, this is everything I could come up with! It’s fairly short, I hope you don’t mind!
Have a good day/night/morning! ✨
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ryusei0 · 6 years
In this series Izana x haki ship is the most relationship I am interested in right now. I didn't expect Izana to be in a serious relationship at the beginning, but after the north Arc I feel there is something between them after seeing this panel. Izana was definitely concerning about Haki in his own way.
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Later, after the ceremony ended he called for Haki to join them when they went to greet the citizen, but when Haki wondered about it he answered her by saying "It'll be faster this way" I think he meant that it wil be faster this way to introduce you to the public as my fiance. She didn't have any idea why he called her, If he told her about the engagement, she will have an idea about the situation but it seems they got engaged right after the ceremony. But Did Izana choose Haki from long time ago ? I mean his majesty didn't even take his time to choose his queen, it is as if he was thinking about marrying Haki from the start! If this is true, the fact that he decided to bring her with them in front of the citizen even before the engagement means that he was confident that she won't refuse his offer.
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The first time for them talking about personal stuff, Haki suggesting hair cut for Izana. He asked her if this is her fetish ? Yet he wont cut it. But she decides to keep her fetish as a secret!! This moment gave me some information about them, Haki knows them long time ago, and the fact that she kept her fetish as a secret means actually she prefer a specific style for him! She is so thoughtful about him, telling him the reason is to allow other to see his eyes' expression. I love how he went silent for a second when she explained her reason, he didn't expect her to say something like that.
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And now this one!! "Left the room early this morning" not only us the fans even Zen gave this reaction XD for some reason Haki was with Izana this morning maybe they spend the night together or maybe they had their breakfast together or maybe we were so thirsty for their moment and she wasn't with him but she told by the servants, still Zen's reaction was priceless! But if they were really together, it will be a huge development of their relationship.
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Finally, Haki's words here still have some mystery. "I have the feeling..that it was you.." even Zen didn't has any idea. Did someone or Izana actually used Zen's name to give Haki a flowers in some occasions ? Or did Haki received a nameless flowers sometimes and she thought it was from Zen who used to give her some flowers ?
I don't actually think that Izana will use Zen's name, maybe he will send her a flower bouquet without any name or using Wistalia only on some formal occasions. And if this is true we will be able to discover a new side from Izana.
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I am really interested in seeing him in a relationship with Haki. Depending on their personalities they may have a rational mature relationship, but this doesn't mean that they won't show any sort of affection toward each another, after all people have different ways to express their emotion and feeling. Both are smart and prideful characters, it will so interesting to see how they interact together and how their relationship is developing. You know it will be a huge shock if Izana has a romantic side even if little one, until now we didn't see him express those kind of emotion
//Ps: don't forget that Izana didn't host a ball before, and peole thought he already chos his partner. why is my fangirling heart whispers to me that this is true and he had thought of Haki from long time//
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thamk you @pixiecaps for the tag smiles :)
um tag game wher you list top 10 songs yore into atm and them tag someother peole
1. time2burn - gosha
2. sleepwalk - forrest day
3. natural disasters- enon
4. the mariners revenge song - the decemberists
5. hampsterdance - hampton the hampster
6. everybody wants to be famous - superorganism
7. at least im not as sad (as i used to be) - fun.
8. lay all your love on me - abba (the mama mia version)
9. fireworks - mitski
10. mystical morning - animal jam
the pokerap and pika girl by s3rl and cowboy dan by modest mouse
um wow i dont have anu other mutuals wow wow 😁😦
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monthly holy fuck why am i so pathetic wall of text rant
everyday i realize more and more how much of an absolute pathetic little worm i am. i have maybe 1 irl friend? it's weird. i havent hung out with anyone outside school since 2019 (and not because of covid i just have 0 people who want to do anything) ive been spending years spending all my free time in my basement consuming media trying and failing to learn things and trying and failing to make things. then i see people from my school and everyone actually like. having fun and doing things. and yeah ok what you see isnt whats real but i dont care if they arent having as much fun as it looks, i just want to talk to someone and have someone i know i can call a friend irl. my standards are low i dont need to find my soulmate i just want someone who i can listen to and they will listen to me in return and maybe we would take walks and eat together sometimes. the only people who i think actually enjoy my presence are people who are obligated to be nice/tolerate me (family/teachers) so i don't know if they're just tolerating me or whatever the hell. i think the reason i like war movies about comradery so much is because i like the history first of all but most importantly the COMRADERIE!! that i lack. i just found out that these four guys all of which i know from somewhere (one i was acquaintances with in 9th grade, another on the bus with me who used to chat with me a lot but a lot less now its mostly just good morning good night, another who was in my computer science class this year, another who is a friend of the 1 person who is my sort of irl friend) and also my neighbour showed up in one of the episodes?? shes nice and all. i wish i could be like that tbh, i dont really know how to interact with other peole and i try to be nice but the only way i really know to get people to like me is to do homework for them or make things for them, and when i try to talk to them i'm the most awkward autistic motherfucker youve ever seen, i think being in online school for like a year and 3/4ths messed me up lol, even before that i wasnt great at socializing but now im like. wooo. im kind of tired of being the idiot loser who spends every lunch period in the stairwell reading library books and only has people talk to me in class, when they can use me for my notes and homework. and yknow what? in a way i like it. i like having 0 social capital. i can say outlandish shit in class and argue and whatever and i lose nothing because there was nothing to lose before. two days ago i was arguing with this cryptobro in my tech class and was i worried about fucking any relationships up? no, i have none! i am so free. i can walk whatever direction i want and go wherever without worrying about what another person wants. but still, i feel like im missing out on something so fundimental with how im alone so much. at home, at school, most of the time i'm completely by myself. and right now i'm kind of tired of being lonely. i like being alone, don't get me wrong. i just wish that maybe once every week or two i had someone to have food with and talk about nothing and maybe just share facts or tidbits about things we like. i don't know man. i know very well none of this is going to change, everyone at my school already has friend groups they're in and honestly the people in my town, most of them are just not really my kind of people, no similar interests and we just don't really jive; not in a we hate each other way, just a we belong in different social groups way. i can;t wait to look back on my teenage years and remember spending every lunch in the stairs reading by myself and going home to do more shit by myself with absolutely nobody to remember funny stories with or reminisce. nothin. and even in adulthood it'll be the same. i've heard people talk about how hard it is to make friends as an adult and tbh if i've already had issues socializing for my whole life i'm just destined to die alone.
anyway gn sleep well
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I was tagged by @savethetexasprairechicken (love your blog girl <3) to answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better! Here I go.
-age: 18 
-birthplace: London
-current time: 4:55
-drink you last had: Coca Cola, I’m a bit of a Coke addict XD
-easiest person to talk to: My sister Ambie
-favorite song: It’s physically impossible to pic just one, but I’ll put the song I always play first if I’m going anywhere at the moment, Dirty World by the Traveling Wilburys
-grossest memory: Gross? Um, probably being touched by my mum’s boyfriend. I’m sorry for how deep that answer is but its all I can think of. 
-hogwarts house: With my red hair and crazy family, I basically am a Weasly, so Griffyndor all the way
-in love?: Right now, yes, with this guy called Tom Petty, oh and John Lennon, and Allan Clarke... with someone real? Um... no ;(
-jealous of people?: I try not to be. I like to have confidence in myself, but it can be hard, especially on Tumblr when peole are so damn talented at stuff.
-killed someone?: XD I wonder if anyone has ever said yes! (no, by the way!)
-love at first sight or walk by again?: Walk by again. 
-middle name: I have two. Anne Lavender. 
-number of siblings: 2, a sister and an older brother 
-one wish: To pubish a book (and for it to become a classic, though I get that this is unrealistic unfortunately.)
-person you called: My friend Yuden, I got a call from her at 12 last night and wandered what the hell she wanted from me at that time when I was half asleep.
-question you are asked most: XD The first one that comes to mind is ‘Are your pubes ginger?’
-song you last sung: End of the line by the Travelling Wilburys. I was on a train.. thought it was appropiate. 
-time you woke: Had work this morning, so I naturally woke up at 6- 6:30 
-underwear color: Dark green with black lace 
-vacation destination: Ok this is really weird but I wanted to go to the Nurburgring in German (famous- or infamous race track) and be driven around it (i would do a lap myself, but I can’t drive yet XD)
-worst habit: Would you like a list? I used to Suck my thumb. I Say sorry obsessively, I buy way too many records 
-x rays?: Nope!
-your favorite food: I’m very fussy with food, so it’s hard for me to pick just one thing I like all the time without getting bored of it, but I’ll say Meatballs right now.
-zodiac sign: sagittarius
I am going to tag @savoy-brown-shoe (though I know you’ve done a similar one before) and @darkdarkmydesire
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rcundefined · 6 years
Thank you work, for telling us today (Friday night/Saturday morning) that some peole will have to come in on Sunday. Also, thank you McDonalds for apparently changing when you start serving breakfast, I just love how fastfood breakfast is TOO FUCKING SATURATED WITH TOO MANY FUCKING GODDAMN EGGS. MAYBE SOME OF US DON'T FUCKING LIKE EGGS WHEN THEY'RE NOT A BACKGROUND INGREDIENT.
Edit: Forgot to mention, they hadn't even changed their menu over yet, so they still had lunch items showing. Granted, this was at like 3:40am, and I'm not sure of the official time they switch over, but I've gotten burgers a 3:30am before no problem
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darrowsrising · 7 years
Darrow's rage #astrearants
Read only if you want to read a rant about Darrow and his anger management problems. Warning: I repeat some words...
I believe Darrow is cocky and confident and kind of a jerk at times, but I don't think he makes mistakes like a stupid kid who rushes on without thinking. All his crazy moments aren't a result of immaturity. Sure, he fails sometimes and has to deal with horrible consequences, but it's not about immaturity, it's about inexperience and rage. At least that is what I think.
For example, in Golden Son he goes after Octavia against all odds. Why? Because he is consummed by rage. He bowed to Nero au Augustus, the man who took his reason for living. Why? Because he is consummed by rage. He made a lot of mistakes: with Titus, with Cassius, at the Academy, with Tactus, with Jackal...why? Because he is inexperienced.
1. It was wrong of Darrow to let Titus have power over House Mars, but it was also wrong to let Cassius kill Titus in a duel just so he could have him closer, hoping this will right a bit the death of Julian.
2. It was wrong of Darrow to trust Cassius and to think he won't kill him at the Institute. It was over all wrong to suppose a secret like killing a Bellona won't matter in this 'war'.
3. It was wrong of Darrow to think that he could play Nero easily. He is extremly talented and hardworking (and absolutely bloodydamn perfect!), but to think that people like Pliny, who have their own agenda concerning Nero au Augustus and his power and influence, won't get in his way was a bit naïve. Btw, he lost to Karnus au Bellona not because he wasn't better than him, but because Octavia helped Bellona.
You get the point...Darrow's downfalls are about his rage and his inexperience.
The rage consummes him: rage for the life which was stolen from him, rage for Eo who sang that song to prove a point and force his hand, rage at the chains of his people, rage at the Golds who massacrate his peole day by day without a care, rage at all that stands in his way.
He is furious and doesn't know what to do with it, where to channel it. The first book mentions that House Mars is among the most powerful at the begging, but runs out of fuel pretty quickly, because their rage consummes them. This fits Darrow. He has ups and downs in his journey, because while rage gives him an adrenaline boost, it consummes him too. He didn't ask for any of this. He didn't even have time to deal with PTSD until he is brought back from Attica, but from the moment he pulled Eo's legs and until his escape from Attica, he dealt with a lot of traumatic experiences to last a lifetime.
This rage is also the reason he does not know where he goes. He doesn't have plan. How will the Sons of Ares rise enough to take on Peerless Scarreds? What happens if after they win? Who will rule? What will they rule? Etc. He has an answear in Morning Star, but not before. Until Morning Star he just...goes on. Like an released arrow with no target. And it seems to me that if he stopped, without Mustang or Sevro beside him, he would have crumbled.
I'm not going to rant about his inexperience, because it is pretty clear. It's not directly his fault. It is important that he always learns, tho.
I also feel like it is worth mentioning that when he met Roque at Romulus au Raa's home, Darrow mentions that he is grateful that Mustang is with him to ground him, because he felt like without her he would have done something out of rage. (Reaper x Mustang being relationship goals and shit)
He started to play the game. He chose to convince Romulus that he, a Red, was worth trusting more than a Gold pixie.
End of rant.
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ddontyyoukknow · 4 years
keeping my channel clear :notes
-Induldging this life so deeply. Life is not exhausting. Surface level conversations and spending too much time in the thinking mind rather than the feeling body are.
-Having a sense of connection allows you to shine light towards peole rather than having others energies interfereing with you.
1. Spending time in nature, taking deep breathes and letting the stories go. Remember you are safe and fully worthy. Allow yourself to feel fully worthy and release story and conditoning. First thing in the morning.
2. Deep breaths- Extenting your in exhale activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Shallow breathes are how we breath when we have anxiety- It's not good for digestion or the pelvic floor. Often times we try to solve our anxiety problems with the anxiety mind. It's so much easier to use the body. If your body is moving your mind is moving. Any moment you are starting to feel that anxiety straghten the spine, roll shoulders, open breath and have the intention of extentding your inhale- helps solve anxiety- Sit with it rather than running with it.
3. Adding prayer- Communicating w/ spirits and guides and ancestors. Casting spells with your words intentionally. Call upon angels and ask for asssistance. Thank them for protecting you. Maniefest. Pray before every meal. Straighten your back, deepen your breath and invision the world you want to live in. Being more present with food and body. Any time you see the moon, remember to pray. Everthing around us has spirit. Pray out loud to the trees moon, your journal and your food.
4. Consuming high vibrational whole foods. Foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Making food into a ritual. Eating food that makes you feel good, have energy, digest easy and that makes your skin glow. Show yourself love. Soup, salald, sandwhich or macrobowl. Anchoring in love thorough food.
5. Afirmtions and reclaming the love that is your birthright. Write all the things you believe about yourself and next to it write the positive affirmation. - i wont be safe or protected- i am loved therefore i am safe-. When i breath into my heart, I feel the love and compassion I have to share with the world. I can look into myself and realize i do serve a purpose and am meant to be here. I do have something to offer. That is my love, that is enough. That love will keep me safe. I am loved therefore I am safe. I am so much more than just this physical body. Those thoughts that make me to feel constricted bc of my external appearance is doing a diservice to spirit. I remind myself how much greater I am. How expansive my love is and how worthy it is of being shared despite what i look like which is everchanging. I dont allow what this body looks like to constrict my energetic self. Learn to walk into any room with confidence by breathing into my heart and feeling that infinite pool of love and genuine compassion for all beings. breathing into that one area of pure confidence. That alone makes me worthy. The amount of love that I can share and reflect back to peopole. I thank my skin that is breaking out. i really am cleansing and purifying so much right now. It's showing up on my skin, its a testiment to the work that im doing to love myself and to allow myself to feel safe in this world. I fully honor the fact that im breaking out.
6. Absorbing inspiring media. Curating social media to be full of accounts that uplift you.Broadened world view. leaking prawna? i can feel that when im on social media?
7. Community that reflects your highest self. When i think about what I want when i make connections its to to evolve conciously. Help them witness whats going in and help them be remind them of thier highest self. Chant mantras with them. This drops you out of your head and into your body. Everyones voice is the perfect frequency to heal thier own nervous system and relax their own psyology and extend the breath which helps relax your parasympathetoc nervous system.
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Mycroft Submission form
Age (note that if you are under the age of consent your score will be significantly lower for Marriage, Friendship and Partnership):
I work as a librarian, but I have a degree in human resources.
Country of origin:
Personality type (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator):
ISFJ (did the test online and it seems legit)
Human resources at college
Marital Status (if not applicable put N/A):
Number of children (if not applicable put N/A):
none, I have a cat and that’s more than enough
Who would you shoot out of John, Sherlock, Mycroft and why:
John, he pisses me off too often. I would prank Sherlock if he got on my nerves.
168.5 cm
Position in the family (oldest, youngest, middle):
That kind of depends which way one is looking at it. I am mum’s youngest, dad’s oldest and all in all I have a big brother and two little sisters. So a middle one, with a twist.
Best subject:
Favorite Subject:
History and English
Worst subject:
Maths and Swedish
Last song listened to:
Alice Cooper’s Paranormal
Favorite color:
deep green
Thoughts on Molly and Sherlock’s impending relationship:
I wish they got a move on.
Overweight with a bad back and knees and mushrooms give me a stomach ache
Last sentence uttered to another living human being:
I love you. (To mum)
Hair color/length:
A bit under shoulders and dyed dark brown
Who do you feel more sympathy for Sgt. Donovan or Anderson’s wife:
The wife
Eye color:
brownish green
Constantly cold, hot or prefect:
Too damn hot (to handle)
Seven Noteworthy skills (ex: can play an instrument, fire most guns, ride a unicycle, etc.):
-       I can smile innocently while wanting desperately to shoot someone (thanks  to customer service experience)
-       I can quote most of the elvish in the Fellowship of the Ring
-       I have a lot of dirt on people and have kept their secrects for years
-       I am excellent at falling down on flat surfaces
-       I can usually find the information the customer needs given a bit of time
-       One can trust my word
-       I know how to make bread (it’s a new skill)
Nine noticeable sins: (ex: moody, bad listener, selfish, etc.):
-       I am a bitch when I am hungry
-       I get roadrage
-       I get offended easily when I feel I am wrongly accused and I can’t let it go either
-       I am lazy
I am foul mouthed
-       I like to shop, a lot
-       I am messy
-       I like the 6th Doctor
-       I always mean what I say, I just don’t always mean to say them out loud
Languages known/spoken:
Finnish of course, English, some Swedish, some German, some Russian, some Spanish and I have studied Latin as well. I am fluent in only Finnish and English,
Cats, dogs, both or other:
I own a cat, but I like them both
How often you help your community (1 never, 2 sometimes when prompted, 3 average, 4 often, 5 weekly):
Depends what do you mean by helping, I don’t volunteer for example, but I donate a lot good stuff (unused clothes for example) to local flea market that is run by the unemployed peole and aimed for them as well.
Favorite Holmes family member:
Mycroft Holmes
Body type (1 obese, 2 overweight, 3 averages, 4 fit, 5 skinny):
Number of past lovers (put N/A if virgin or not seeking marriage):
Level of cleanliness (5 slobs, 4 messy, 3 average, 2 pretty clean and 1 spotless):
Would you rather piss off Sherlock or Mycroft:
Rate your mental health on a scale of 1-5 with one being terrible and 5 being fine:
3, been better and been worse. I am alright.
Rate your confidence on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being poor and 5 being Sherlock levels:
3, on a good day 4
Combat level (1 sitting duck, 2 somewhat okay, 3 can hold their own, 4 pretty damn good, 5 a proficient fighter):
Circle of friends:
3 close ones, 2 pretty close ones and a lot people that I like, but aren’t exactly close friends.
Who do you side with more Sherlock or Mycroft:
Mycroft, I know how it feels to be the responsible one (and we are not taking mummy’s opinion on this one)
Level of intelligence on a scale of 1-5:
3, I am average and I know it. Why pretend?
Who do you side with more Mycroft or Mrs. Hudson:
Mycroft most of the time
Introvert or Extrovert:
Ambivert, which is a bit of both and yes it is actually a used term. I didn’t get it out of thin air.
Political alignment:
Who would your rather be trapped in a long car ride with Mummy Holmes or Holmes Senior: 
Holmes senior
Go to outfit for everyday:
black jeans, nice t-shirt, biker jacket and high heeled boots, all black
Go to outfit to impress:
One of my little black dresses and blood red heels
5 hobbies (not to be confused with noteworthy skills):
-       books                      - whiskey
-       sudoku
-       walking
-       movies
Opinion of Rosie Watson and Mary Watson:
Rosie is an innocent child and Mary… I quite liked her.
Favorite music/book/movies:
I have lately listened a lot of punk, but I prefer the dark tones of gothic music. I can’t name one band because I like so many. Lord of the rings is my all time favourite book. There are a lot of movies that I greatly enjoy, but I like the old horror movies quite a bit.
How well you take rejection on a scale from 1-5:
I am not good at it, so 2 because I try to have a bit of dignity. But I will avoid the person for a long while.
Religious or religious affliations:
I am an atheist
Kids or no (note this is wanting them not the ability to have them):
No, but if one comes even after all the things I’ve done to prevent it, then they will be welcome.
Out of the Holmes family (Siger, Violet, Sherlock and Eurus) who would you kill, maim, kiss or roommate with and why:
I would kill Eurus, I have no emotional attachment to her and she would happily kill me. I would maim Violet because I am still too angry at her I would kiss Sherlock because why the fuck not? And I would roommate with Siger, because he is the least annoying
Do you think what Mycroft did with Eurus (at the time) was justified and needed:
I just don’t know. But I do believe he did his best with what he had to work with.
Please bold the following that you wish to have with Mr. Holmes:
My three questions
Parents buy cookies for their kids. They are saving money so they buy two discounted ones (few days after best before). They don’t want to look greedy so they also buy two cookies for the full price. When they come home their two kids grab cookies, and each get two. They don’t check best before so their choice is random. Do you think that life is fair and each kid gets one expired and one good cookie? Or one kid gets both expired? What is more likely to happen?
- Life isn’t fair, but a chance is a chance and nothing is impossible in this world. Just highly improbable. So I really don’t know what kind of cookies each child got, but in the end, does it really matter? Each got two cookies and I think the children wouldn’t give a damn if the parents kept their trap shut. The children were happy to have cookies, just leave it at that.
Prison guards are bored so during dinner they announce the prisoners that they will play a game: In the morning they will stand in a line so that every prisoner will see all standing in front of him but no one behind him. Guards will randomly paint red or white stripe on their back. They will ask prisoners one by one from the last to the first. They will be allowed to say just one word “red” or “white”. If the prisoner says the color he has on his back he may go home in opposite case he will be executed without delay. The prisoners are in one cell during the night and they can discuss the tactics. Which is the best? How many will survive?
- There is an explanation to this I am sure, but since I am rebel (and a bit of idiot with these kind of questions) I am going to think outside the box and say they will all survive because the guards will have a mutiny in their hands and the prisoners refuse to play. It’s better to serve the sentence than leave their life in the hands of shithead guards. I mean the guards could watch football and read a book if they are bored. Fucking wankers.
Once upon a time there was a kingdom. A king and a clown lived in this kingdom. Unfortunately they hated each other so they agreed that they will poison each other one day. There are only twelve vials of poison in whole kingdom and they are locked in one chamber in the castle. The poisons have numbers from 1 to 12. The higher the number the stronger the poison. Effect on human body is simple – you drink the poison, you die. Each stronger poison neutralizes all weaker poisons which means that poison 12 neutralizes all poisons, number 11 all poisons but 12 etc. (If you drink 11 and than 12 nothing happens. If you drink 12 and than 11 you die.) The king enters the chamber with poisons first and takes all the even poisons (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12). Than the clown enters and takes the rest. They meet in the throne hall where each fills one cup and hands it over to the other who immediately drinks it. Now each fills the cup once again, now for himself, and drinks it (hoping to save his own life). What did the clown do that he woke up the second morning and the king was dead? Premises: Each of them (the king and the clown) PRIMARILY wants to survive. If he survives he wants to poison the other as surely as possible. There is one dose of each poison – it’s not possible to divide it. The poisons are fluids without color or smell and they have the same consistency as water
- Absolutely no idea.
Questions 1/3
Friendship: 7.38/10
Mycroft’s answer:
Well Raija, it is always good to acquire new contacts but as a newly formed acquaintance might I suggest hiring a driver or cab to help alleviate road rage? I must confess that like my brother I too had a bad habit with such (which is why he’s not allowed to drive considering he’s mister ‘we can afford a new car every month for the rest of my life anyway so what’s the big deal Mycroft’) ; the urge to run smash my car into the offending party was almost unbearable as it was unthinkable but even I can admit that I’m not always the better man when it comes to patience and virtue.
 Although I am a bit surprised John peeve you so greatly (there are times when the man annoys me just because he won’t follow my lead as opposed to Sherlock’s) but am quite on the same point with you when it concerns Miss Hooper and Sherlock’s relationship. For years since the pair have interacted I had hoped MIss Hooper would either buck up to make a move or at the very least Sherlock would come to his senses and throw her a bone. Who would of thought Eurus would be the one to force Sherlock to face those feelings that he’s long since ignored or for Molly to be as brave as to confess them (even if all of us Mrs Hudson included already knew) aloud. it was something that I had not initially planned for but despite the circumstances and deaths along the way I cannot say that I am not somewhat pleased by their development from all of it. Now if I can only get them to marry within my lifetime that would certainly help me die peacefully knowing that the Holmes line will live on.
I must confess Sudoku is a guilty pleasure of mine simply because I enjoy  solving the puzzles (even if it usually is simple mathematics) at my leisure between flights. I have yet to find an app on my cellular device that gives me the same quality of puzzles without crashing but rest assured when it is made you’ll be the first to know. I find that Sudoku in other languages to be a bit more difficult to do as translations are not always 100% correct but enjoy them no the less. Now doing the crosswords for the Beijing paper-now that is something that only a mad woman like Eurus would do for the fun of it.
Languages may be a forte of mine (as it is with the rest of the Holmes clan) but recalling all the characters in the Chinese language which are often borrowed by other Asian countries makes for a migraine inducing sit when you know more than one language. As someone that knows more than one and is attempting to add more to your repertoire I’m sure you of all people Raija will understand.
I will send you a text at your convenience and I look forward to our blossoming friendship. 
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globalworship · 5 years
A Model for a Home Worship Service
Jordan Clegg is my previous graduate student, now a minister at  First Reformed Church in Zeeland, Michigan. Like quite a few churches, they are moving Sunday morning services to a network of smaller home church meetings. 
He has prepared a really good model of a worship service for this context and has posted it at 
It includes a lot of good content, including scripture, song links, prayers, communion and much more.
He has given permission for anyone to download it and adapt it for your own purposes. It should work well with 2 or moe peole, but even 1 person can make it work.
A sermon can be sent ahead of time by email from a pastor, or it could be pre-recorded on video and uploaded somehere (even your church’s FB page). 
A second similaar service order he’s posted is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rc11ofFSfC2HHWrgD03XiabHz6QzylmZ62Aa_GPm5lc/edit?fbclid=IwAR3tgVGXEcWbHBIpqw8uzTSNsgOhgL1mWPDkm7-zl8MG4VKD2Z06FEFX8QA
Bonus:  Five Ways To Be The Church When Church Is Canceled https://www.patheos.com/blogs/irreverin/2020/03/how-to-keep-being-church-when-church-is-canceled/
Should Your Church Stop Meeting to Slow COVID-19? How 3 Seattle Churches Decided. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/march-web-only/seattle-churches-stop-meeting-to-slow-covid-19-coronavirus.html
Our Church Doors are Shut and our Members are Quarantined. yet Grace Abounds. https://sojo.net/articles/our-church-doors-are-shut-and-our-members-quarantined-yet-grace-abounds
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inquisitorofhyrule · 7 years
okay so i just had a thought about your langst post where Lotor might instigate it but what if everything manipulative Lotor says just doesn't affect lance? just he's already so hard and cruel on himself that anything Lotor says doesnt phase him? Like if Lotor were to say "your team doesn't need you" but Lance just responds with "yeah i already know". Like maybe its Lance's own self that takes him to the breaking point, not Lotor.
First; how dare you come on to MY blog and spit terrible truths to me. I am offended. Go sit in a corner and think about what you have done.
Anyway, all of this was pain and I am SO DOWN. Like hear me out, what if Lotor makes it his goal to prove Lance wrong. So, he had this great plan to use the paladins weakness against them bc that’s what his father and mother have taught him, have used themselves against him, but Lance DOESN’T RESPOND and Lotor???? doesnt??? understand???? He was just throwing things around to see what gets under the skin and Lance just brushes it off as a fact that he has already accepted and had moved on. But Lotor gets stuck on it, bc this beuiful blue eyes alien doesn’t fit what Lotor threw out off-handily to get a rise. If Lance had said that to him, he would have defiantly reacted…he thinks, bc he’s important to his people now right? He’s no longr the half bread freak people liked to gossip and snicker at behind his back anymore right? Lance isn’t those things he said Lotor is, so why does the blue paladin think so. Lotor doesn’t fully understand it, but from then on his encounters with the paladins change from manipulation attempts to actual praises directed ar mostly lance, trying to make him see himself differently. But of course team voltron doesn’t see it like that, and I have a feeling Lotor isn’t as in touch with how things work in the universe so he wont understand what he is feeling and how peole are interpreting his genuinity for manipulation. Queue heartbreaking self discovery for both parties.
p.s sorry this took so long I’ve been on a mass effect andromeda kick so I didn’t see this until a few hourse ago. And for the huge chuck of text and rambleingness. I’m on moble and it 3 in the morning.
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keywestlou · 5 years
Never have I seen anything move as swiftly as coronavirus. Dr. Fauci warned yesterday it would get even worse over the next 10 days. I believe him.
The virus is affecting every phase of our lives.
An example is a dear lady friend who resides in another State. She had called me. “I’m afraid,” she said. She is a widow. Has some money and stocks. Cash in the bank a little over $200,000. Value of stocks, who knows anymore.
What do I do, Louis?
I suggested she take all her money out of the bank. Not to hoard it. Buy gold. The stocks I had no judgment on. She said her husband said never sell when the market goes down because it always comes back.
My thought was she should not follow her husband’s advice. We are heading for a 1929 market. She would be dead before the stocks bounced back. Sell and buy gold.
I pressed her to get her money out of the bank swiftly. People are going to begin runs on their banks. The banks will not have sufficient monies to pay off everyone.
She called me later yesterday. She called her bank and asked to have her money ready in cash. She was coming down to close out her accounts. She was told the earliest the bank could have her money available was next wednesday. A major bank.
Those of you reading, do not follow my thoughts. I am not an economist. My only claim to some minimal knowledge is I am 84 and have experienced many things in my life.
Which now brings me to the stock market.
The market was down 1,400 points at close yesterday. Opened this morning already 1,600 points down. At 11:30 this morning, the market was down more than 2,000 points.
With everything closing down, it ain’t going to come back fast!
My yesterday. Blog in the morning. Reworked a part of Growing Up Italian early afternoon. Napped 3 hours later in afternoon.
It was supposed to be Shana Key for dinner last night with Susan. she begged off. Monday was supposed to be dinner with another charming lady who also backed off.
I’m doing good!
I’m beginning to wonder if my age has anything to do with it. None are in their 80’s. They are in less danger than I to acquire the virus. Whatever.
My evening turned out to be a good one. Watched Syracuse play North Carolina in the ACC Tournament. Syracuse destroyed North Carolina 81-53. It was a no competition game for Syracuse.
The amusing part of this tale is that North Carolina demolished Syracuse 2 weeks ago 92-79.
It’s Syracuse/Louisville tonight. I will remain home to watch.
The ACC announced after last night’s game that fans will not be permitted to any further games. A “limited fan policy” has been instituted. A mere handful of visitors will come through the doors. Family and friends.
Coronavirus being felt again.
Trump sits in the hot seat these days. He has heavy decisions to make. All with far reaching consequences.
Is he capable? I do not believe he is.
He did an Oval Office presentation to the nation last night. I assumed to reveal how he was going to handle the crisis from this point forward.
He was totally unimpressive. Totally depressed me.
A couple of solutions suggested which would, per his usual custom, aid the wealthy and screw the poor.
Paid leave. Trump would fund it with a “payroll tax holiday.” Intended to put a “pay check” in a worker’s pocket while he/she remains home because of he virus, to care for someone with the virus, etc.
The payroll tax is 12.4 percent. Sole purpose to pay Social Security benefits. One half paid by the employer, the other half by the employee.
If the employee is self employed, the employee pays the full 12.4 percent.
The reasoning behind eliminating the payroll tax is that it leaves more “disposable income” in people’s hands. They will spend more money, thereby stimulating the economy.
Two negatives involved.
First, the rich will benefit more. They earn more. They will have significantly more disposable income than ordinary persons.
An example of more for the rich and less for the poor.
The second reason even worse. Money will not go into the Social Security account for a long period. Such threatens future retiree benefits. They will be much less than anticipated. Could also affect present retirees. Many need that check, no matter how small. At some point, check amounts will of necessity have to drop.
Washington always wants to cut Social Security. Trump included. It was a mere 2 weeks ago he said at a rally he would not cut Social Security and Medicare. He would protect those benefits for the American people.
Certain businesses are struggling. No question about it. More will be also. Just as the American people themselves will be.
Trump wants to “bailout” certain businesses. Just like we bailed out the auto industry and banks.
The man is a pig, however. One of the industries he wants to bail out are the hotels. Is he mad! He who may still have a financial interest in some or all of his hotel empire. His children own the Trump hotel industry with or without him.
Then there is the oil industry.
Coronasvirus has nothing to do with oil and gas producers. Zip!
The industry is in trouble because of a Russia/Saudi Arabia oil war. Trump’s “friend” Putin behind the war. He hopes it will ultimately adverse the U.S. shale oil industry.
It already is doing so. America’s shale oil industry is and has been heavily debted. A bailout is need. Trump wants to use the virus as an excuse to bail out the shale oil people.
One of he hardest hit companies is Continental Resources. Owned by Harold Hamm. A Trump supporter and also an adviser to Trump on energy issues.
Some additional coronavirus irems.
American movie star Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive.
They are in Australia. They went for pre-production work for the movie Elvis Presley. Hanks will play Presley’s long time manager Colonel Tom Parker.
Hanks said he and Rita “felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita…..chills…..came and went. Slight fevers too……tested for coronavirus, and were found to be positive.”
Hanks said they would follow protocol, be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. “We’ll keep the world posted and updated.”
The last sentence may be one of the greatest practical help to all. Hearing first hand from a person we all respect and admire he and his wife’s experiences with the virus.
Google has sent its staff home. All 120,000 of them. They are to work from home.
Princess Cruises announced it has ceased sailing for 60 days.
Dr. Anthony Fauci a medical great. An infectious disease expert. Respected by all. Perhaps not Trump.
He is Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
He reported yesterday before a Congressional Committee that coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.
I was a professional. I expected my clients to listen to me.
My life experience as a lawyer has trained me to listen to doctors. I do to the letter what I am told.
I sense based on their advice that this 84 year old man should spend more time in house rather than out on the town. I will. I have already begun storing food and other necessities. I expect a huge supply of Pruell any day. Even ordered plastic gloves.
N95 face masks difficult to obtain. A 1-2 month wait. Supposedly a friend was going to get me some. I am still waiting.
What I am trying to say is I will be spending more time in the house rather than out.
Must entertain myself in some fashion.
Recall Irma and Me. Well, there is going to be a Coronavirus and Me. Beginning with yesterday. Diary fashion. Not my blog reprinted.
Eventually to be published. Assuming the virus does not kill me.
Enjoy your day!
CORONAVIRUS ENVELOPING US…..BLACKER BY THE DAY was originally published on Key West Lou
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