#for some reason it wouldn't let me edit your starter
vivian-ambrose · 1 year
For: @vivian-ambrose, From: @isabellelaurent
Location: Vivian's cell
Date: Present day- 2058 (AU)
Her heels clicked rhymatically on the stone floor as she descended to Vivian's cell. Through Daphne, who got her information from Chris, Isabelle found that Vivian was recovered. But it wasn't really Vivian. From the hurried description over the phone, Isabelle concluded that the one inhabiting Vivian's body was some sort of alter ego, brought on by that man in her past, Marius. Apparently Vivian was now quite temperamental.
That got her out of the catacombs, more into a routine she was used to. She had neglected her appearance for some time, knowing that the humans knew full well how she was usually. However, Vivian had never seen anything but, and Isabelle thought it would be some comfort for her to be somewhat familiar.
Standing in front of her cell, Isabelle appraised the other vampire. "It's been some time since we last met."
Vivian had been leaning against the stone wall of her cell on her bed, knees together as she considered her predicament. It was only a matter of time before Marius realized what had happened to her and send his forces to retrieve her. She could ponder a way to escape, but that just seemed tiresome and useless. The blonde had considered using Daphne or her idiot protégé Chris’s relationship with Vivian against them to free herself, but where was the fun in that? In a way, she’d come to accept her captivity as a means of a vacation away from Marius, no matter how painful her curse was making being away from her captor. 
When she heard the rhythmic clicks of heals, she figured it was probably Daphne, or another goody-two-shoes come to get information out of her. This realization prompted the cursed blonde’s sigh as her eyes began to roll. “If you’ve come to get information out of me, you’re better off just killing me,” she grumbled before a familiar face came into view. “Well well,  if it isn’t the Vampire mommy dearest? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” Viv asked with an amusing smirk on her lips.
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fullstcp · 2 months
"The Tortured Poets Department: Standard Edition" by Taylor Swift Sentence Starters
"I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me."
"All of this to say, I hope you're okay."
"But what about your quiet treason?"
"And for a fortnight, there we were, forever running."
"All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February."
"I took the miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary."
"I love you, it's ruining my life."
"Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up."
"I think some things I never say."
"You're in self-sabotage mode."
"I've seen this episode and still love the show."
"Who else decodes you?"
"Who's gonna hold you like me?"
"Who's gonna know you, if not me?"
"I chose this cyclone with you."
"Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me."
"Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be."
"That's the closest I've come to my heart exploding."
"We're modern idiots."
"I should've known it was a matter of time."
"There was a litany of reasons why we could've played for keeps this time."
"I know I'm just repeating myself."
"Pull the string and I'll tell you that he/she/they run(s) because he/she/they love(s) me."
"You should've seen him/her/them when he/she/they first saw me."
"I knew too much."
"There was danger in the heat of my touch."
"He/she/they saw forever, so he/she/they smashed it up."
"Tell me I was the chosen one."
"For a moment, I knew cosmic love."
"Fuck it if I can't have him/her/them."
"I might just die, it won't make no difference."
"Fuck it if I can't have us."
"They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you."
"I loved your hostile takeovers."
"Fuck it, I was in love."
"Fuck you if I can't have us."
"I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift."
"Pulled him/her/them in tighter each time he/she/they was/were drifting away."
"My spine split from carrying us up the hill."
"How much sad did you think I had in me?"
"I didn't opt in to be your odd man out."
"I stopped CPR, after all, it's no use."
"The spirit was gone, we'd never come to."
"I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free."
"I'll find someone."
"You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it."
"My friends said it wasn't right to be scared every day of a love affair."
"Every breath feels like rarest air when you're not sure if he/she/they want(s) to be there."
"How long did you think I'd go before I'd self-implode?"
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?"
"I forget if this was ever fun."
"I just learned these people only raise you to cage you."
"I just learned these people try and save you cause they hate you."
"They slammed the door on my whole world."
"I'm not coming to my senses."
"I know he's/she's/they're crazy, but he's/she's/they're the one I want."
"Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all."
"I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'."
"I'll tell you something about my good name; it's mine alone to disgrace."
"I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing."
"You ain't gotta pray for me."
"If all you want is gray for me, then it's just white noise."
"We came back when the heat died down."
"I'm running back home to you."
"Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be."
"It's gonna be alright, I did my time."
"My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it."
"No matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway."
"Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake here."
"You can beat the heat if you beat the charges too."
"They said I was a cheat, guess it must be true."
"This city reeks of driving myself crazy."
"Little did you know your home's really only a town you're a guest in."
"Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time."
"Yes, I'm haunted, but I'm feeling just fine."
"No one asks any questions here."
"I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have been on my body."
"Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable."
"It's one hell of a drug."
"Love left me like this and I don't wanna exist."
"This cage was once just fine."
"Am I allowed to cry?"
"Am I bad or mad or wise?"
"Oh, what a way to die."
"I keep recalling things we never did."
"How can I be guilty as sin?"
"There's no such thing as bad thoughts. Only your actions talk."
"We've already done it in my head, if it's make-believe."
"Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?"
"They're gonna crucify me anyway."
"What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?"
"They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly."
"I choose you and me religiously."
"You don't get to tell me about sad."
"If you wanted me dead, you should've just said."
"Nothing makes me feel more alive."
"Who's afraid of little old me? You should be."
"The scandal was contained."
"The bullet had just grazed."
"At all costs, keep your good name."
"You don't get to tell me you feel bad."
"Is it a wonder I broke?"
"So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?"
"They say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did?"
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
"I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?"
"I'm fearsome and I'm wretched and I'm wrong."
"You caged me and then you called me crazy."
"I am who I am cause you trained me."
"I can fix him/her/them, no, really, I can."
"I could see it from a mile away."
"I'll show you Heaven if you'll be an angel, all mine."
"Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man."
"Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?"
"I don't mind, it takes time."
"I thought I was better safe than starry eyed."
"I've felt a glow like this never before and never since."
"If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary."
"You and I go from one kiss to getting married."
"You told me I'm the love of your life."
"You said I'm the love of your life about a million times."
"Who's gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate and told me I reformed you?"
"You took me to hell too."
"You shit-talked me under the table."
"I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all."
"It was legendary. It was momentary. It was unnecessary."
"Should I let it stay buried?"
"I'll still see it until I die."
"You're the loss of my life."
"I can read your mind."
"I can show you lies."
"I'm a real tough kid. I can handle my shit."
"I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day."
"I'm so obsessed with him/her/them, but he/she/they avoid(s) me like the plague."
"I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art."
"You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart."
"I can hold my breath. I've been doing it since he/she/they left."
"I'm sure I can pass this test."
"I'm miserable and nobody even knows."
"Was any of it true?"
"Who the fuck was that guy?"
"They just ghosted you."
"Now you know what it feels like."
"I don't even want you back."
"I don't miss what we had."
"You didn't measure up in any measure of a man."
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?"
"It wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden."
"I would've died for your sins, instead, I just died inside."
"You deserve prison, but you won't get time."
"You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing."
"But you are what you did."
"I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive."
"This happens once every few lifetimes."
"What if I told you I'm back?"
"I haven't come around in so long, but I'm coming back so strong."
"What if I told you we're cool?"
"I'm making a comeback to where I belong."
"Ditch the clowns, get the crown."
"The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me."
"Who are we to fight the alchemy?"
"We've been on a winning streak."
"There was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league."
"I'm not trying to exaggerate, but I think I might die if it happened to me."
"This town is fake, but you're the real thing."
"You're the new God we're worshipping."
"It's hell on earth to be heavenly."
"Them's the breaks, they don't come gently."
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finalmemes · 1 year
TWIN PEAKS. roleplay sentence starters of episode 1x01. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: death, death of a minor, horror, eating, mild language.
gone fishing.
the lonesome foghorn blows.
put [ name ] on the horn.
she's dead. wrapped in plastic.
you stay right there. i'm on my way.
[ name ], not a word about this to anyone until you hear from me.
we'd better take some pictures.
is this gonna happen every damn time?
[ name ], now means now.
we're gonna be able to get it for a song. one verse, no chorus.
honey, what's wrong? what's this all about?
why didn't she leave me a note?
what? who? what did you say?
i couldn't get my car started.
i can drop you by your place on the way if you want.
i'll see you in my dreams.
i think she knows about us.
come on, cowboy, light your fire.
i'll call you later.
let's get out of here.
hey, man, something's up.
thank you for your time.
something troubling you, [ name ]? you wanna tell us about it?
you think i killed her?
[ name ], we're gonna talk about this later.
i can tell from the sounds that it isn't her.
do you know where the key to this is?
don't walk away from me like that.
what's your name?
she was the one.
buy you a coffee?
i've never seen so many trees in my life.
as w.c. fields would say, "i'd rather be here than philadelphia."
if you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong 60 percent of the time, it'd beat working.
damn good food.
that's what i need. a clean place, reasonably priced.
i've got to find out what kind of trees these are.
have any trouble finding the place?
whole town's really badly shaken up.
there's a few things we gotta get straight right off the bat.
well, like i said, we're glad to have you here.
well, the autopsy hasn't been done yet.
Is there any connection to the dead girl?
what exactly are you saying?
terrible, terrible tragedy.
you're on your way to the morgue now, do you mind if i join you?
there it is. oh, my god, here it is.
i've got to find something to grab onto this with.
we need to bag and tag this.
you gonna let me in on whatever the hell is going on here?
[ name ], we got a lot to talk about.
what the hell are you doing?
i've been looking all over for you.
look, don't tell me where i ought to be.
boy, i sure know how to pick 'em, huh?
i hate asparagus. does this mean i'll never grow up?
that's something to get started on.
you ever been surprised before?
you two had a big fight last week, didn't you?
if i had a fight with her, if i sang songs with her, if i went skipping rope with her, what difference does it make?
[ name ], here's how this works. we ask the questions, and you answer the questions that we ask. briefly and to the point.
she wouldn't do that to me.
you didn't love her, anyway.
did they scarf that whole damn smorgasbord?
i'll be at home this evening, if you need a sympathetic ear.
you know, dear, i have no idea what's going on here.
you've been through a lot today.
you don't keep records?
i'm sorry, i know i promised not to call you there, but i have to see you.
i think i saw a cottontail rabbit.
who's the babe?
is this thing on?
now, there is a chance that the person who committed these crimes is someone from this town, possibly even someone you know.
they're not releasing many details, wisely, i suppose.
i'm going out the window in a few minutes and i need you to cover for me.
the best-laid plans of mice and men.
what do you mean? she snuck out?
i don't know where she's gone.
don't do it for me, do it for yourself.
you know why i'm whittling?
because that's what you do in a town where a yellow light still means slow down, not speed up.
why don't you whistle for a little backup?
what are you sneaking around for?
i suppose you want me to follow them at a discreet distance.
do you think they spotted us?
give me a donut.
man, smell those trees.
[ name ], what happened last night?
it's not your fault, [ name ].
i don't have an alibi.
what goes around comes around.
can you recommend to me a good inexpensive hotel or motel?
tomorrow comes early.
it must have happened about this time 24 hours ago.
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occasionalrpmemes · 9 months
Amigo the Devil: Volume 1 Starters
sentences taken from the 2015 album. edit as desired. warning: this one does NOT pass the Hayes Code lmao. content includes, but is not limited to: sex, violence (both domestic and otherwise), alcohol, strong language, religion, general moral degeneracy, et cetera
It's all for you.
I'd rot in hell with you, if you'd just ask me to.
Come on, believe me, follow me home, there's no judgement here.
Take the shot.
This night is going to end horribly for someone.
I'm not so much afraid of letting go as much as scared of giving up.
Open up to me.
The Devil came and sold his fucking soul to me!
If I've hurt you, please forgive me. Love makes you do funny things.
This fire feels so real.
Don't say a word, my darling. I know how you feel.
On rainy days, we'll drink until the gray is left in nothing but our hair.
I know you want it, too.
I'll lay by your side 'til everything is rotten through.
Tonight, we'll celebrate life! Eat the best food and drink the best wine.
I hope your husband dies.
Are you feeling upside down or even empty inside?
Meet me down by the bar. We'll go and take this drink out to the stars.
Death is just one moment.
Some people follow rules, some people go around.
As an elephant, I'm only really relevant when I'm standing in the room.
I am the son of an asshole.
No one deserves my world quite like you do.
I'm not so much afraid of being alone, just kind of feel I've had enough.
God knows I'll do what I need.
These hands are stronger than you're led to believe.
We'll never have a house to decorate, a place that we can call our home.
If I can't have you, nobody will.
There's only one thing in this life that makes us living.
I want to be where all the stupid shit I say sounds so romantic and true.
Live with me in this sin forever.
There's nothing left to lose, 'cuz I've already lost it all.
Tonight, I'll follow you home and start up a fire that'll keep us both warm.
Hang around, let down your hair.
So you should start to undress and just… try a little less.
Now you're with this asshole- you expect me to believe it's gonna last?
Let me have this dance with you.
Your eyes look like diamonds still stuck inside the mines.
When your tongue is putrid and your skin is sagging down, I'll stick around.
It's true, I hate everything but you.
We'll laugh a little, drink a little, see what you're made of.
All the bridges in the world won't lead you back to fix what couldn't be erased.
This fairytale just ain't coming true.
I'll drive my car like I stole it, drink at the bar like I own it.
These wrinkles are the maps of all the places we went no one else would dare.
I'd rather have a reason I should stay.
There's always gonna be a better high, and a lower down.
We take things a little far, but you couldn't name a place I wouldn't go with you.
I'm capable of making you disappear.
I have a couple different faces if you need a place to hide.
The time we spent together when the light was out became my thought of you.
I am the agent that decides your fate.
There's only one kind of people in the world: people who die!
It doesn't matter what you've heard or if you're good or bad and everything between.
I love the shitty things we do together.
It's been a while since I've held anything as close as I have you.
I'd like to live my life just like a dog. Humble as can be and unconditional in everything I love.
I'll make you famous one way or another.
Home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
I'd crawl in bed with you. Even in someone else's blood, on top of someone else's love, in the worst motel we find.
This life is a maze with only one way out.
Every dime spent is worth looking good- and that's Hollywood!
They'll write about our story here for years to come and maybe even more, cuz there's never been a love like this before.
I'll cut to the chase, just don't try to leave.
Trust me, I'm not jealous, I'm just hoping that he really messes up.
When I had you near me I just couldn't think of anything to say, but now that I'm alone, I got the perfect things to tell you everyday.
We'll leave the world the way dreamers do.
All the parties we can throw - we'll dress like anything we please!
All the distance that we've spent apart will never have to mean a thing. Every mile I traveled was to find the perfect stone to fit your ring.
Living in the moment's hard when everything I want is in the past.
When the night falls, out comes the terror.
Your heart will always have a place to live with nothing left to be.
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lorei-writes · 11 months
Recently I've been feeling things that refused to be put into words. I don't think I can do that now, to be honest. Anything that comes to my mind is both too big and too small all at once. But then there's only trial and error. So let's try.
The topic: this place.
Now, this isn't any announcement. It's nothing particularly dramatic either. My assumption is that this will not be of interest to anybody. I suppose the only reason why I write this is that... I have always done that and, on the off-chance of there being one person who would be curious to listen, it is only fair. Perhaps it is just my hoping that there is such a person. I don't know. I don't think I can know now.
For starters, it is very hard to describe precisely what I experience without hiding behind words. Without telling things as I wish they could be told -- but then, then that would be false.
One of the recent feelings was that this place is, well, somewhere between states. That it used to be one thing, that things changed, and that now the overarching assumption is that I am going somewhere else and abandoning what was.
*sigh* And that's the part that I don't understand. Things have always been changing... And I'm conflicted, because I'm trying to find a way to navigate it all.
For one thing, it is wonderful to feel a surge of joy. I'm so happy to have found a new little interest to pursue. I'm happy to be able to take things, to create with them, to explore new possibilities... But at the same time, it doesn't mean that I'm moving away from the quiet familiar joys I once had. Surely, the ratio of them may change... But it isn't my intention to step away from them. If anything, I want to find a way to have both the old and the new. I don't want to choose when I don't even see it as a choice.
But, I don't know how to accomplish that. I don't know what sets of rules to impose and I presume simplifying them will be an ordeal in and of itself... And what is worse, I expect that the more things I like, the harder this will get.
This ties with another feeling I have. It... Well. There was a time I thought I'd be happy if I had more -- more recognition, more appreciation, more friends. Now I realise I'm at the receiving end of overwhelming amounts of kindness. I think I get more than my far share of appreciation, and I'm fairly certain most people I know in real life have not been given nearly as much. I'm beyond grateful, but here... Here again is where I lose my balance.
I write plenty. I do art. I make edits. I crack jokes. I ramble about meta. All are the means of sharing joy to me. The happier I am, the more passionate I am, the more of those I do. I know I can go on, and on, and on, and that I may be rather tireless at times.
I wouldn't call myself a popular writer. I don't think most people would realise if I disappeared one day... And in a way, I am thankful for that. Because, due to the sheer volume of my joy, I am swept away and overwhelmed by your kindness.
The key word is overwhelmed.
But how could I not want it? How could I not appreciate it? I love hearing from you guys. I love it when we talk. I love it when we are silly together, when we throw headcanons around, when we theorise or build each other up. It's precious. It's great. I don't want you to stop. I wish I could talk with more of you... But it also is so, so, so much. I don't want to grow indifferent to any of that, even if my -- or well, the human -- brain was not meant to handle such amounts of gratification.
But how do I balance it? What do I change to stay true to myself?
I need to figure that out. I want to believe that there is some sweet spot where I can share my joy while also remaining as I am... But I may need some time. Truth be told, getting more than 50 interactions per day is plenty, and the last month we never dropped below that. Not once.
*sigh, again* A part of me misses the time when there was just a couple of people here, partially because nothing felt as serious then. I love it when I'm talked to like just to any other person. I dislike any artificial distance being put in place -- and this is why we don't celebrate follower milestones. I appreciate you. I just noticed that the last time we did celebrate... assumptions were made. Lenses of superficial metrics be damned.
But, again, as much as I'm overwhelmed with kindness I receive, I do not want for any person to go. I do not want to be left alone. I do not want to push people away, even if it is just one me and plenty others.
There must be some way... And it is so terribly greedy of me, but I want to find it. I want to crack this puzzle... Even if nobody was to care about it ever being a puzzle in my head.
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callsign-dexter · 6 months
@justabigassnerd Since Tumblr wouldn't let me edit the ask after I saved it as a draft and then promptly ate the ask here it is. Also, it's a good thing I screenshotted the ask for some reason.
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😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
Benjamin Bradshaw is an extrovert. He's a Bradshaw after all and so much like Goose and Carole like it's almost scary how similar he is to them.
Before he met Natasha and before they had Y/N he would let people in easily but when they came into his life he became a little bit more reserved. He wants to keep them safe.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
1. He respects people especially the military, first responders, elderly people, his friends, and family, well just everybody. His momma taught him how to be respectful and again he's just like his daddy.
2. He's very trustworthy especially when it comes to secrets, unless it's gonna hurt the person that asked him to keep the secret.
3. He's so caring. He's a person that will just listen to problems especially, his daughter's. He's a person that will gossip back with and get really into it. He's just in all honesty a good husband, father, son, brother, and friend.
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
At first he doesn't but when he meets and gets married to Natasha he first gets two wedding bands intertwined and then their marriage date underneath it. He would have that on his ribcage close to his heart. No names just the date for safety for when he gets captured plus it's a conversation starter.
When their daughter, Y/N, is born he gets her footprints done and then has them turned into a tattoo and her birthday underneath it, maybe right above his heart. Again no names just the date for safety for when he gets captured and it's a conversation starter.
I don't think he would want any more tattoos. I would think two would be his limit plus they're two that means the most to him. This is his way to keep the two he loves close to him.
Ask about any of my OCs!
OCs: Mason Floyd (Our Little Girl), Benjamin Bradshaw (Whisper in the Wind), Elizabeth Taylor (My Daughter, My Heart)
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slimy-vore-bog · 5 months
Guess what happened like... a few days after I made that post?
So like... This is going to sound weird, but I really hecking shipped Kieran with the protag (not myself) of the games since September 14-15 when I got the DLC and played The Teal Mask
Mild spoilers, but I was pretty upset with the story because of how it made our character treat Kieran, since Kieran reminds me a lot of myself and gives me that "I need to keep him safe" feeling that people who I see myself in gives me
They force you to lie to him and side with his abusive older sister while giving you fake half assed choices of dialogue and I was genuinely going to never buy a modern pokémon game again if the story wasn't resolved
And I'm not the type of pokémon fan to say that lightly as this is the first time I've ever said it without it being driven by trying to fit in with the fandom. (I.E I might have said I wouldn't get Shield on SoaringLark back in 2018 if the starters weren't shiny huntable, but that wasn't really a dealbreaker)
So yeah, it was a big deal, but sorry this is turning a bit rambly-
Point being that I was really fond of Kieran, but hated how they handled stuff with that big of a gap between a "To Be Continued" and a resolution to the bully victim "snapping"
So. What does this have to do with my blog here?
Well, it uh... snuffed out the last of my Owl House interest writing-wise for now... Of course the characters still have a special place in my heart and all that and I'll likely come back to it at some point but... right now my inspiration is my goofy little Pokémon trainer ship
I was thinking about making this post yesterday night, so now I'm at it. Basically I'm back into writing something that I really enjoy, but... it's the wrong fandom ^^;
Really sorry about this all... I hate letting people down and I didn't realize this was going to happen like... a day later, so I'm really really sorry about all this
At the same time I really should have seen this coming in some way, because as is evident with some of my AU fics; pokémon is my core special interest, I just never expected a character like Kieran to appear in the games and actually make me want to write with canon characters that weren't the Pokémon themselves
Edit: forgot to state my reasons for the ship; basically Kieran's behavior around your character reads/looks like how someone behaves around a crush
And it's easy enough for me to imagine the main character returning the feelings, so ship
TLDR: Sorry, got new obsession right after last post and will be gone for way longer than the amounts of time I've said before. Unless I've mentioned being gone forever
I'm pretty sure I will come back at some point still
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laladellakang · 2 years
masterlist | wattpad | requests / ask enhypen
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— mild psh —
when della first met her idol friends
! treasure's especially long since there's TWELVE members !
!! i'm procrastinating terribly so i made a whole ass chapter within a couple of hours lmao so this must be really bad, i'm so sorry !!
"Yedam, this is your co-star for today. This is Kang Della."
"Hello," "Hello," the two bowed to each other.
"Bang Yedam," he reached out for a handshake with a bow.
"Kang Della," and she was dying inside. This is THE Bang Yedam.
"We'll start filming your scenes together in about thirty minutes or so, okay?" the two let out a 'yes' before being left alone.
"Excuse me, but are you a YG trainee?" Yedam feels as if he's seen (and heard of) her somewhere before.
"Yes, I was!" she smiled. "I moved companies now though."
"Ahh, that's why I feel like I've seen you," he nodded. "I feel like I keep hearing 'Kang Della' too, you're quite popular, I think."
Holy shit, Bang Yedam has heard of me.
"Ahh no, I'm really not," she shook her hands. "Not like you, at least."
"Aihh, it's not like that," he smiled and shook his head.
"Everyone knows you-"
"No, no, no," he shook his hand. "I think you might be more popular. 'Baby Jennie' aren't you?" what he said made her really shy.
"Noo," but just with that as a starter, they were able to hold a conversation for half an hour straight.
"You know my co-star is 'Baby Jennie'?" Yedam told his members when they arrived.
"Really?! No way!" Hyunsuk's eyes widened.
"They let a trainee be your co-star?!" Jihoon was more surprised at that.
"No, she trains in a different company now," the younger explained. "You should talk to her, she's actually really cool."
"I want to say hello to the girl, anyone wanna join?" Hyunsuk asked the other members.
"I'll join!" Jihoon, Mashiho and Jaehyuk raised their hands.
"You're going?" Asahi raised an eyebrow.
"She's Baby Jennie," Jaehyuk shrugged.
"Okay then I'll join but just 'cause I'm curious," being an extreme introvert, he wouldn't usually want to tag along. Yet for some reason, he decided to this time.
"Asahi too?! Let's go!" Jihoon placed an arm around his shoulders before they all made their way towards the girl.
"You should join- she's your age," Yedam whispered to Doyoung.
"She is?" the latter raised his eyebrows. "Hyung! Count me in!" he called out, jogging after the five members.
When they met, one thing that really surprised the members, was how comfortable she made Asahi feel... and how tall she was. She was almost taller than Yedam and taller than Mashiho and Hyunsuk.
Asahi is a tough shell to crack but she somehow did it within that one day.
Of course she didn't crack him much, but it's enough for him to personally ask for her contact.
"Are you slowly becoming an extrovert?" Yoshi (who joined in the middle of their conversation) grinned after Della was called to set.
Asahi only responded with a small smile and a shake of his head.
"I wanna go say hi to Della!" Hyunsuk said excitedly. "Congratulate her in person!" the two groups were invited to the 2020 Gayo Daejeon.
"Can I join?" "Hyung! Me too!" Jihoon and Yedam said together.
"Kang Della?! I wanna join!" Junkyu got up too. "Doyoungie, you too!" the group knows of the guy's slight infatuation with her.
"If Junghwanie joins, I join-"
"What?!" the maknae exclaimed.
"Okay! Junghwanie's joining!" Jihoon pulled Junghwan against him.
"Let's go!"
Junkyu and Junghwan's first encounter with Della was short, but they were the first members to notice something going on within Enhypen.
Although they all speculated it when watching I-Land, they figured that it could just be Mnet's editing.
Seeing the group's interactions in real life made it clear to the two that Della is off limits.
"I'm really sorry, hyung," Junghwan patted Doyoung as they made their way back.
"What?! Why?" Doyoung's eyes widened.
"You'll find the one one day," Junkyu did the same.
"Didn't you say that girls and boys can't be friends?" Jeongwoo asked Jaehyuk while they were in Asahi's room.
Jaehyuk stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, making the younger laugh.
"I did- but! Della is in a group full of all boys, so she's used to it," he defended. They've been friends for a few months now, and two of the members have yet to meet Della.
"Okay, hyung," Jeongwoo chuckled.
"I'm just surprised that Sahi-hyung trusts her enough to invite her here," Haruto said.
"She's really cool, I swear," Asahi used his eyes as an exaggeration.
"Honestly, Ruto-" Jeongwoo spoke up. "If Sahi-hyung likes someone THAT much to invite them over- let alone A GIRL, she must be hella cool."
They were right. Della soon became their closest idol friend. They didn't see her romantically (which is what they were worried about) and saw how their members became so comfortable with her.
"You know, she's actually a really big Teume?" Jaehyuk smirked. Della was currently in the bathroom.
"No way?!" Haruto and Jeongwoo's eyes widened. "How did she hold it in so well?! I would've freaked out if I became friends with my idols."
"Yeah, especially 'cause you two are her biases," Asahi said casually.
"You know she actually hates being called 'noona'?" Jaehyuk raised his eyebrows. "But she didn't correct you earlier."
"NO WAY!" the two looked at each other. "Dude! We're Baby Jennie's bias!"
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"Congratulations on debuting, Della-ssi," Taehyun was the first to approach her during I-Land's finale. "You really deserve it, you're so cool."
"Thank you so much!" Della bowed enthusiastically. "It really means a lot!"
"We knew you were gonna debut anyway," he grinned. "We were all rooting for you."
"Ah, thank you so much!" she covered the bottom half of her face and bowed again.
"No, you don't have to do that," Yeonjun joined in, restraining the girl from doing another bow. "Congratulations, label mate!" he raised his hand for a high-five.
"Thank yo-"
"No no! Don't bow! Don't bow!" Taehyun and Yeonjun restrained again, careful not to touch her too much. "We're basically siblings now."
Oh my God, Tubatu thinks we're siblings.
"Okay, let's not hog her up," Yeonjun pat Taehyun's shoulder. "The other members wanna congratulate her too."
"Bye, Della! It was nice meeting you!" they waved at each other before Taejun headed towards Sunghoon.
"Della-ssi! Congratulations!" her encounter with Soobin and Kai was brief, as they were all confused on what to say. "Pleasure being labelmates with you!"
"Thank you very much! The pleasure is all mine!" they just gave her a few pats and moved along. They really only got close during filming for TXT & EN- Playground.
"Congratulations, Della-ssi," Beomgyu came to her with Heeseung. He wanted to play wingman. "So you and Heeseungie will actually be together 24/7 now, yea- ow!" Heeseung hit his chest.
"Thank you very much, and yes, I guess we are," she giggled a little.
"Well I can't wait to get to know you better- they're working on moving us to a new building so we might see each other more than you think," he held Heeseung close to him. "Good luck with everything!"
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"고생하셨습니다!" Della bowed when she ran into her sunbaes after exiting the restroom. "You're so cool!" she decided to shoot her shot. [gosaenghasyeotseumnida = good job on your hard work]
"Thank you! You too!" the group stopped to try and talk to her more. "Della, right?" Yuna asked.
"Ah, yes!" she lit up. They recognise her?
"It's a bit late but congratulations on your debut!" Yuna continued with a small clap.
"Congratulations!" the other followed along. "You're really cool."
No way.
"Ahh, thank you!" she bowed again. "Coming from you guys, it's a huge compliment-"
"Noo," the whined a bit. "You're truly incr-"
"Itzy! Where is Itzy?!" someone called out.
"Yes!" Yeji, as a leader, responded.
"Group photo!" Yuna and Ryujin immediately turned back to Della.
"Do you have your phone with you?" Ryujin asked.
"Uhh, yes?" Della took it out of her pocket and gave it to the girl without further thought.
"Yah, put mine in too," Chaeryeong nudged Ryujin when she was saving her contact.
"If you want anyone's contact apart from mine, then come contact me first," the latter winked at Della before giving her phone back.
Did she just-
"Yah, she probably has a boyfriend!" Lia scolded, making Yeji slap her shoulder. "But if you don't then- ow! That actually hurts."
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"Yujin-ah, somebody wants to meet you!" Jihoon called into Yujin's green room.
"Oppa!" Della whisper-scolded, slapping his shoulder.
"Who is it?!" Yujin asked yet Jihoon only gave her a 'come here' motion. "A boy? she mouthed.
"Girl," he mouthed back. She furrowed her eyebrows and made her way towards where he stood.
"Hello!" Della bowed nervously.
"Ahh hello!" Yujin's eyes lit up as she bowed back. "Enhypen, right? Della-ssi?"
"Yes, that's right," she smiled brightly.
"She's your age, she wants to meet you," Jihoon whispered in Yujin's ear.
"She's hot," Yujin whispered back. "Nice to meet you, Della-ssi," she decided to break the borders already and give her a hug.
"Oh!" Della's eyes widened but her arms wrapped around the sunbae's waist anyway. "Nice to meet you too, sunbaenim."
"Nahh, no need for that type of formality," she pulled away a bit to look at her. "I'm really late but congratulations on your debut and first comeback."
"Thank you, and I'm really late but congratulations on being MC too," Yujin laughed and slapped her arm lightly.
"What the fuck.." Jihoon mumbled to himself as he watched their exchange. 'Do girls become friends that quickly?'
Truth be told, when Della found out that Jang Wonyoung would be Sunghoon's MC partner, she was anxious.
The girl is one of the most popular and beautiful idols, whose also already successful yet younger than him. Similar to how Della felt with Yujin, when compared to the them, the former is nothing.
Though when Sunghoon finally introduced the two together, Della's worries started melting away.
"Hello!" the two bowed to each other.
"Yujin-unnie has told me a lot about you," Wonyoung's eyes started to shine upon looking at the older.
"Good things, I hope," Della let out a nervous smile.
"The best, of course," Wonyoung gave her a once over. It wasn't the judging kind, it was the one where a person is interested in you. "You're really pretty."
"Ah- thank you! You're really pretty too," Della could feel Sunghoon's hand resting on her back. "Do we have to leave now?"
"No no, just wanted to hold you," Sunghoon smiled softly. "This is my ice princess," he told Wonyoung.
"Ooh," Wonyoung wiggled her eyebrows with a smirk.
Even though she was somewhat assured, Della wanted to take the tiniest step further, so she laid her palms on his chest.
"Eyy, come onn," Wonyoung whined. Her eyes shifted to Della's hands and back to her face slowly, as if she was fluttering her lashes.
Oh okay- she's cool.
Suddenly Sunghoon reached for his phone in his pocket. He opened it briefly before turning to Della.
"Leader's calling us, we should go," but Jungwon wasn't calling them. It was just an excuse for them to escape.
"You are literally the most beautiful, incredible woman in the universe, you have the same height as her, you got over a million votes during I-Land, you're Enhypen's centre and visual, millions of guys want you- why are you jealous?" he asked after pulling away from an eager kiss.
"Because she's still way better than m-" he cut her off by placing another kiss.
"Nonsense, no one is," Della smiled at how caring he was.
"Doesn't matter anyway. She's an interesting one."
"Huh?" it was Della's turn to cut the conversation short with a kiss.
requests: — how della met her idol friends — della with other idols — della with wonyoung and yujin
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @1-800-enhypennabi @one16core @4sahii @toriluvsfics @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey​ @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint]
82 notes · View notes
hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where Denki And Mina Think Katsuki Needs To Be A Softer, Nicer Boyfriend, And An Insecure Katsuki Agrees, But [Y/N] [L/N] Doesn't Want A Nicer Boyfriend, She Wants Him.
Requested By: @spicyhokage
Edited: 1-6-2021
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It was late when Katsuki came in through class 2-A's dormitory doors. Being his second year at UA the school was allowing students to go back into student internships. With Best Jeanist still off the streets, Katsuki wound up interning with Fatgum, using the link between Eijirou and him to get in. Katsuki hadn't expected to be out for so long, there had been a bad villain that showed up at a different agency and it was a perfect match for both his and Fatgum's abilities. Fatgum had allowed Katsuki to work on it with him, nevermind the fact that Katsuki had already planned a study date for your upcoming test Monday, he jumped at the chance to work with the heroes.
Katsuki knew, or at least he hoped, that you wouldn't be that mad or upset at him for ditching you at the very last minute. It was a leg up in the hero industry, it was a helping hand, he could make more connections and improve his skills. As a student hero, you should know how important this is. He'd want you to make the same choice if it was reversed.
Despite abandoning your date, Katsuki wasn't heartless. He bought a bouquet of hydrangeas as an apology. Apologies weren't something he was good at, but he hoped you would accept it. Katsuki was hoping you would be up waiting for him in the dormitory lounge when he came back, but he knew that one was a longshot. He'd rather have you in bed resting, or making up for the studying he promised to help with but hadn't. Katsuki was hoping he'd find you in the dormitory lounge waiting for him, but instead, he found two of his peers.
"You were out awfully late, weren't you?"
"Shut it, pink face. I need to go see [Y/N] and then head to bed, like a smart student. You and dunce face do realize that we have a big test Monday, don't you?"
Katsuki marched right past Mina and Denki, who were sitting on the couch, towards the elevator to get up to your dorm. If he was right, Mr. Aizawa would be asleep by this hour, and getting into your dorm would be no issue. Katsuki stopped walking towards the elevator when he hears Minas' voice speak out again.
"Did you really get hydrangeas for her? You ditched her for your internship and you got hydrangeas? Girls like roses Katsuki. If a guy ever brought me hydrangeas, I'd kick his butt to the door. Queens deserve better."
"What the fuck are you implying raccoon eyes?"
Katsuki turned back around to yell at Mina for implying that he wasn't good enough for you. He nearly crumpled the flowers by clenching his hand. Mina didn't know what she was talking about. He had brought you hydrangeas several times before, you never complained about it. Denki spoke up to try and intervene Katsuki from blowing up on Mina.
"I think what Mina meant to say is that we're just worried for you. You really like [Y/N], right? Take it from a guy who gets dumped by girls a lot. Pretty girls like [Y/N] don't need to sit around waiting for guys like us. While you're trying to further your career you're ditching her, not to mention, when is the last time you showed her affection?"
"For starters, dunce face, don't call my girlfriend pretty. Secondly, there are no guys like us and girls like [Y/N], there's me, her, and all of you fucking extras that need to get out of my relationship."
"Fine, don't take our advice. Just so you know, [Y/N] isn't in her dorm, she's in the kitchen."
Mina practically sings her words out, and Katsuki changes his course of route from the elevator to the kitchen. He had a scowl on his face the entire time, courtesy of Mina and Denki. He had to restrain himself from beating them with the bouquet. Katsuki reached the kitchen door and he took a minute to recompose himself from his previous anger to a calmer version of himself. He pushed the door open with a calmer smile on his face but stops after opening it halfway.
"What's the answer to number two?"
"Uhm... 6?"
"That's right! Here's your reward."
Katsuki clenched his fist, practically ruining the flowers. He ditched you and your study date, he shouldn't be getting so mad at seeing you and Deku study together. You can have friends other than him. You can be around members of the male gender other than him. Even if it is shitty Deku. You're allowed to have a life outside of Katsuki, but as Deku broke apart a cookie and threw it right into your mouth, a sweet reward for getting the question right, he was ready to toss hands with the boy.
"We're gonna ace this test Monday. Thanks for studying with me Deku. I hate studying alone and you're great at math. Usually, Katsuki helps me, but he got busy."
"It's no problem, [Y/N]. Seriously, I'm always here if you need me."
Katsuki quietly pulled the door shut instead of going in and interrupting you and dumb Deku. Maybe Mina was right. Katsuki thought about it more as he walked back to Mina and Denki. He didn't really show you affection that much, and he did spend a lot of time in the gym or at his internship. His idea of a date was training together or studying. You probably hated the flowers but chose not to speak on it. If he didn't change, change now and fast he was going to lose you to that shit-munch. He needed to show you he was the better more deserving man. As Katsuki stared at Mina and Denki he uttered the words he never wanted to say to them.
"I want your fuckin' help."
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"Bring [Y/N] roses. Girls love roses. Not a daffodil, not baby's breath, not a tulip. Roses."
Roses were Mina's first piece of advice to Katsuki. According to her, girls only cared about getting roses, and every other flower was inferior. She also said apology flowers must be paired with chocolates. Katsuki personally thought that was bullshit. He had been bringing you different breeds of flowers throughout your entire relationship and never once had you vocalized disdain for it. But Mina is a girl unlike him, so she must have had some kind of special insight. You must have just not wanted to make him feel bad for messing up. Katsuki knew he was inexperienced in the dating area, but he hadn't realized he was screwing up so badly.
Katsuki did exactly what Mina said. Saturday afternoon, Katsuki showed up at your dorm with a bouquet of yellow roses and a box of chocolates, the milk chocolate kind. According to Mina, milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate. He knocked on the door after checking his phone for the time. He knew you didn't like getting up early on the weekend, and you had been up late studying the night before. Twelve-thirty seemed like a reasonable time to stop by.
You opened the door, slippers on your feet, eyes barely opened, and a crinkled forehead as you tried to slightly open them to see who you were staring at. You had a pair of shorts on and one of Katsuki's sweatshirts. One you promised you hadn't seen and swore he must've lost in the dorms laundry facility. Katsuki smiled down at your sleepy form, you were adorable. Once you registered who it was you yawned and crossed your arms as you lazily leaned against the door frame and let a small smile cross your face.
"What're you doing here? You were out so late last night, you must be exhausted."
"I could say the same about you, you look like the epitome of tired. How late were you up?"
"No later than two. When did you get in?"
Katsuki didn't want to tell you he came in at midnight. You would've asked him why he didn't come to see you, and he didn't want to say that he saw you and Deku studying together. He didn't want to admit that he felt pained at seeing you together so close. Pained at you needing and using Deku as you would him. Katsuki held up the roses and chocolates and thrust them into your arms.
"I didn't even check the time. I brought you apology flowers and chocolate for ditching you. They're roses!"
"O-Oh, they're yellow."
You took the items he thrust into your arms and moved further into your dorm so he could come in. You set the chocolate down on the bed but kept observing the flowers. Katsuki was quite proud of the flowers he picked out. They were pretty and blooming, and he thought you'd like them. Yellow roses would look good in your dorm room. You, on the other hand, were not ecstatic with the flowers. You bit your lip and tried to make your smile bigger. Did he know what yellow roses symbolized? He had to of known, even Denki would know something this simple. Maybe you were reading into it too much, they're just flowers. It was a gift, not a death sentence to your relationship.
"I'll have to go to the kitchen and see if there's anything I can put them in."
Katsuki could sense you being standoffish. He assumed you were upset at him for ditching you the previous night. He did the flowers right, he would just have to go the extra mile to make you happy with him by serving your needs.
"I can go to the kitchen and find a vase! You just shower or get dressed, or whatever, and I'll even bring you up some lunch."
"You don't have to do that. I can get dressed and do it myself."
"I don't have to do it, I want to do it."
Katsuki cupped your cheeks and pressed a quick kiss against your lips. They were soft and sweet. Katsuki could taste the residue sugar from the cookies you had been eating the night before and he pulled back with a frown, making you frown just as much. He wasn't mad that you didn't brush your teeth, although you should have. He was upset at the reminder that Deku was with you when you were supposed to be having a study date. He was upset that Deku was the one who stayed up with you until two in the morning. He was upset that Deku was acting like a better boyfriend when he was just your friend and nothing more. Katsuki should've been doing more, he should've been doing a better job.
"I really am sorry for ditching you yesterday. If you want, we can redo the date today."
"I really missed you yesterday. I did some cramming with Deku, but I don't think he's as good of a teacher as you are."
"Of course dumb Deku isn't as good as me. I'll grab my books before I come back, we'll have a nice do-over date."
Hearing you say that Izuku wasn't as good as him made him feel good. It was slightly reassuring to Katsuki, yet he couldn't stop this budding feeling every time he thought about you and Izuku studying last night.  
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"Buy her something nice. Something nice like jewelry. I always see you buying her practical stuff, that's boring. Girls like pretty shiny gifts from their boyfriends."
Mina's second piece of advice had been to buy you some jewelry. According to Mina jewelry was an acceptable gift for a boyfriend to buy his girlfriend. Katsuki had been buying you practical and weird gifts throughout your relationship. He thought they were good, he thought they were sweet and enjoyable. He supposed he was wrong. With every piece of advice from Mina, Katsuki was getting punched in the gut. He thought he was treating you right, he thought he was doing this whole relationship thing right, but he wasn't. If he didn't fix things fast then dumb Deku would steal you away from him.  
Katsuki felt inside of his pocket for the necklace he bought you. He had Mina help him pick it out that morning. It had been sitting there in a pretty little black box with a red bow waiting to be opened. He wanted to give it to you when he gave you the flowers, but he didn't want you to view it as an apology gift, he wanted it to be viewed as a sweet, 'I was thinking of you', gift.
By the time Katsuki had gotten back to your dorm room, you were all showered and dressed in fresh clothes. You were wearing comfortable clothes, and Katsuki had to smile again. You looked simply perfect. With your hair pushed back by a headband, sweatpants, and another one of his sweaters which you practically swam in, you looked angelic to him. Katsuki put a bag containing your lunch on the small table you had in your room, he placed the vase containing your new flowers there too before pulling out your lunch. You grabbed his book bag from him with a smile and began to pull his books out and place them alongside yours in a neatly organized fashion to create a nice study space.
"What'd you find for lunch?"
"There wasn't much in the fridge to quickly grab, so I made some curry."
"I love it when you cook. It always tastes good."
You smiled at Katsuki and placed a quick peck against his cheek before taking a seat next to him. His chest swelled with pride as he watched you freely dig into the container of food. You liked his cooking, and as he watched you feast in it he knew you weren't lying. At least he did one thing right on his own. One more wrong thing and he was sure he was going to blow a casket.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
You stared at him with half-lidded eyes and spoke with your mouth half full, barely pronouncing your words but Katsuki still knew what you were saying. He stopped staring at you and began working on his own dish. Every once and a while Katsuki noticed your eyes go from your food to his face and then to the flowers before diving back to the food. He supposed you really liked them. It felt good knowing he was doing it right. It felt good knowing you were happy and content with him for the moment.
You wiped your face off and just as you were about to clean up your lunch mess Katsuki jumped up and took care of it. He grabbed your lunch containers and closed them before tossing them back into the bag he brought them in. He took a wet wipe and wiped up your table and then proceeded to toss the dirty wipe in the trash bin.
"Ready to study?"
"Yup! You're a really good teacher, I really look forward to our study dates."
You walked over to your bed and took a seat on the ground whereas Katsuki laid across your bed in a position where he could have a book out and also easily look over the edge to see what you were doing. This was how you always did your study dates. Katsuki would work and watch to see if you were slacking off, then you would switch books and quiz each other. Slowly the clock clicked away, each passing second made Katsuki grow antsy. He wanted to give you the stupid neckless he had inside his pocket. Katsuki huffed as he slammed his book shut and pushed it off of the bed. You craned your neck back to see what Kastuki was doing before narrowing your eyes, no way did he think he could stop studying while he made you work.
"What are you doing? Are you studying up there?"
"No, c'mere."
You huffed as you pulled yourself up off of the floor and crawled onto the bed next to Katsuki. A mixture of blankets and skin touched you as he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He let his head rest inside your neck, and you struggled to pull out of his grip.
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be studying."
"I don't wanna study right now. The test is Monday, we can still study tomorrow."
You bit your lip as you contemplated his offer. He had a point. The test was Monday morning, and it was only Saturday, not to mention that you had studied with Deku yesterday. The offer was just so out of character for Katsuki, part of you wondered if it was a trick and thought he was going to pull out a piece of rolled-up newspaper to hit you with like he did for Eijirou. You let yourself sink into his arms, you had been up to this for a while, you deserved a break.
"Okay, but only a small break. got it?"
"Mm. I got you something."
Katsuki pulled away from your body to dig in his pocket and pull out the small black box. You rolled over so you could face him and your gift with a growing smile on your face. You loved Katsuki's gifts. Whether it was intentional or not, he always got you something you needed. Whether it was you complaining about cold hands or your lack of working pens, the next day you would find gloves and a pack of pens with a note from him saying something stupid, like 'You better use these to take your shitty notes' and 'If you get arthritis in your hands you can't become a hero'. It was always a surprise and a delight. Katsuki handed over the box and you tore the bow off before opening it.
"It's a necklace!"
"Oh, it's very cute."
You tried not to frown as you looked over the necklace. You tried you're best to put a beaming smile on your face. It was still a gift and you needed to show your gratitude. It wasn't as conventional as your other gifts, but it was still pretty. Maybe it had a special meaning? Maybe he saw it and thought of you? It was just so unusual. He never bought you jewelry and the style was obviously not his.
"Did you pick it out yourself?"
You tried not to make it sound like you were fishing for an explanation as you smiled and clasped it around your neck to show how much you 'loved' it. Katsuki contemplated telling you he picked it out himself but seeing as you were friends with Mina he wasn't sure what she'd say and he didn't want to look bad.
"Well, I got a little help. Figured a female's perspective wouldn't hurt."
Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. Not only had he given you a necklace, an unconventional and unusual gift compared to the ones he usually gave, but he let a girl pick it out. There was no special meaning, it was just pretty. Your mind went back to the flowers. The yellow roses. He bought you yellow roses. Your whole relationship he brought different breeds and types, never roses. Especially not yellow, the color that represented friendship.
"Thank you, I love it!"
You wrapped your arms around Katsuki, bringing him into a big, tight hug. Although you were with him physically, mentally you were in other places. That dark place in the back of your head was telling you why he gave you these offhanded weird gifts. The dark place in the back of your head was filling you with untrue silly thoughts, yet you couldn't help but let your head entertain them and wonder. The more you wondered, the more you wanted to rip your neckless off.
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Pop music could be heard blaring loudly from a BlueTooth speaker connected to Mina's phone as you walked into her dorm room. Without knocking you barged right in, Mina supposed there really was a reason you and Katsuki were together. You were both bluntly rude and sometimes you didn't even realize it. You flopped down at the foot of her bed and looked up at her before greeting your pink friend.
Mina didn't look up from what she was doing, she continued flicking through the pages of some fashion-forward girly magazine as she replied to you. You ran your fingers through her soft duvet as you looked around her dorm room. It looked like Claires threw up on the walls and it gave you a major headache. You and Mina had two different style sets, two sets of style very far apart.
"Did you study for the test tomorrow?"
Unlike her room, that was a subject that would give Mina a headache. Mina roughly flipped another page of the magazine she was holding as she let out an exhausted breath.
"No, and before you scold me neither did Denki. I swear Katsuki is rubbing off on you."
At the sound of his name, your hand went up and touched the necklace he got for you. You only wore it in case you saw Katsuki today, you planned to wear it for the next two weeks, then you'd pretend you lost it. You weren't a necklace kind of person, and it wasn't even sentimental. Mina tossed her magazine down on the bed and a smile played on her face as she saw the necklace between your fingers.
"That's a cute necklace? Did Katsuki get it for you?"
"Yeah, he did."
You answer Mina's questions and inquiries as you let the gem on the necklace slip out of your fingers. You couldn't help but let your face slip into a frown. You couldn't help it, the more you thought about the necklace, the further you fell into dark thoughts. It wasn't even the fact that it wasn't sentimental like all of the other gifts he gave you, it was the fact he let some girl pick it out. You weren't a controlling person, not remotely. If Katsuki wanted female friends he could have them, he did have them. While he wouldn't call Mina a friend, she was. Mina was a girl you felt comfortable with, however, you had already had a girl in mind of who you thought helped him, a girl who wasn't Mina. A girl you didn't feel comfortable with, a girl you knew you shouldn't feel comfortable with.
"Well, it's very pretty, if I had a boyfriend who brought me gifts like that I'd be over the moon. So I take it things between you and Katsuki are good then?"
"I guess, um, I just... I think Katsuki is cheating on me."
You started off in a stutter before you bluntly spoke out your words. The moment your voice hits your ears you cringe at yourself and cross your arms. It was such a ridiculous thought. A horrendous and dark thought that, lately, kept crossing your mind more often than it should be crossing and occurring.
"What? Why?!"
"He's just acting so strange and weird."
You pulled yourself up into a cross-legged sitting position on Mina's bed to talk to her. Mina moved and adjusted her own body, completely immersed in what you were saying. You played with your hand as your next words came out.
"Whenever he's out late he always, and I mean always comes to my dorm before going to bed. He didn't come to my dorm last Friday, instead, he shows up at my dorm Saturday afternoon with flowers."
"Flowers are sweet and romantic though. The fact that he bought them for you means he cares."
"Katsuki always brings me a wide variety of flowers. Hydrangeas, snapdragons, hyacinth. It's out of the ordinary and romantic, but this time he bought roses. Not just any roses, yellow roses. What kind of statement is he trying to make with that one?! Everyone knows yellow roses mean friendship and red means romance. Even Denki knows that."
Mina scratched the back of her head nervously. She supposed she should have explained to Katsuki to get red roses. Katsuki was unaware of things in the romance department. Mina needed to try and dial things back before Katsuki found out what you're thinking.
"Katsuki isn't very romantically smart, you're his first serious romantic relationship."
"Yeah, but we've been dating for nearly a year, and that's not even it. We were studying yesterday, and you know how strict Katsuki is when he's studying, you've seen him with Eijirou. Katsuki was not strict at all, he made me stop studying to cuddle. To cuddle! Can you believe that?"
"Well... Maybe he's trying to be sweeter to you, I mean look at the necklace he got you, it's so romantic."
"Don't even get me started on the necklace! Katsuki always brings me sentimental and meaningful gifts. He buys me pencil led when I'm low, and notebooks when he sees my paper is getting down to the end, he buys me gloves when he notices mine are lost or have holes. They're stupid and meaningful and I love it."
You ran your fingers through your hair distressed and upset. Yanking your hands through a few new forming snarls from laying on the bed, practically pulling some hair strands out.
"The necklace isn't meaningful, it doesn't have sentiment, and he didn't even pick it out himself! Some girl picked it out for him."
"Why, didn't he say who? It doesn't mean anything. The girl is probably a friend."
"I think I already know who the girl is. It's some stupid brunette from Shiketsu High. They met during his supplementary lessons, they met again after their internship heroes started working together regularly. She saw him when we were walking to get coffee and she just had to stop and talk to him, she was obviously flirting with him."
You had never felt more awkward at that moment. She was blatantly flirting with him, whether she knew that you were together or not, you didn't know. You didn't expect Katsuki to talk about his relationship during his internship, he was supposed to be working, but you didn't trust her. You knew from that moment the brunette was going to be trouble. She was interested in your boyfriend and that spelled out trouble to you.
"'had a little help' he says, staking her claim on what's mine I say."
"[Y/N], I don't think katsuki would cheat on you. He wouldn't do that."
Mina felt completely nervous. She hadn't realized you and she had such different opinions on romance and what was wooing and not. Katsuki was romantic, he was doing nothing wrong, she just didn't see it from your point of view. Mina had worried Katsuki for nothing and gave bad romance advice which resulted in you worrying. Katsuki was going to kill her, she needed to fix this.
"[Y/N], Katsuki loves you a lot, don't worry, okay?"
"Okay, you're probably right, I'm thinking too much. I'm going back to my dorm, try to get some studying in before the test tomorrow."
Despite the pink girl's words you still didn't feel good. As you stood up and walked to her door, you still felt a rush of negative thoughts and emotions. You still felt winded and emotional. You still felt hurt and fearful of your relationship. You felt the same as you did when you walked into her dorm.  
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You nervously tapped your leg up and down on the ground repeatedly as Mr. Ectoplasm and his copies passed out the scored math tests to the class. You supposed a quirk like that must be very useful as a teacher. You kept making little glances over at where Katsuki was sat and your heart clenched. You felt so ridiculous for suspecting he was cheating. You felt completely horrible. Mina was right, Katsuki loved you. Katsuki loved you and he would never cheat. The simple thought that he would was wrong, yet, this lingering feeling told you he was. 
Maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe you should tell him and express your fears and worries. It was better to talk about things like this, it was better to express yourself rather than locking it up and away, where it could fester and damage your relationship. You looked back over at Katsuki, who caught your glace this time and smiled at you. The smile made you feel sick and guilty for feeling this way. You would tell him how you were feeling after class. The sooner it was out in the open the better. 
You turned back to your test sheet and frowned at the result. You got a forty. Forty. After all that studying you had received a forty. You wanted to be mad at Katsuki for not making you study harder, but you had studied with Izuku first hand. Maybe Ectoplasm would let you take a retest. Ectoplasm dismissed you all and you quickly folded up your test paper in half so no one could see your result as you exited. After you packed up your school bag you stood out in the hall and waited for Katsuki. 
The nerves in your stomach churned. You didn't want to tell Katsuki the negative thoughts that were running through you, you didn't want to tell him how you had dark thoughts and worries about him cheating, but you had to tell him. You had to put your thoughts and theories to rest. Katsuki came out in the hall with his own test papers in hand and you both began to walk to your next class. 
"What'd you score?"
"Got a ninety-two. You?"
"A forty."
You sighed as you clenched the paper in your hand. That was a D. Katsuki was on the fritz. He was trying to take Mina's advice. He wanted to be nice and softer to you like Mina told him he had to be, but he couldn't. You should've studied harder, he should've made you study harder. Katsuki gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to calm himself down before responding. 
"You'll do better next time!" 
"What is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
You looked at Katsuki like he grew two heads. This wasn't your boyfriend, and you slightly wondered if Toga had infiltrated UA. He was never kind like this, he wasn't a positive person. He was supposed to yell at you. Tell you to study better. Tell you you needed to get good scores if you were going to become a hero with him. 
"It's just a bad test score, not every score can be a baller."
"I failed my test, you're supposed to yell at me. Tell me I'm stupid, tell me to study more. Tell me anything but that fake positivity shit! You are not acting like yourself, are you cheating on me? Is this guilt? Are you guilty?"
"No! Fuck, no!"
Katsuki dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. That wasn't how you meant to tell him about the thoughts you were having. You wanted to tell him calmly and respectfully, you hadn't meant to flat out accuse him, your thoughts just need up tumbling out that way. Katsuki's own reassuring words came stumbling out in your ear as he tightly gripped you against him.  
"You are perfect and beautiful, and so important to me. I would never cheat on you, I would never fuck up what I have with you. Why would you think that? I don't wanna make you feel that fuckin' way."   
"I know that. I know you wouldn't, but you have been acting so weird and different." 
"I need to be nice or else I'm going to lose you. I got insecure, but shit, I should be. You are so perfect, and you deserve roses and jewelry and the world. You deserve someone who cuddles you instead of studying and who doesn't make you feel like they're cheating and fuck-" 
You pull out of Katsuki's tight grip and cup his cheeks. Your fingers skimmed over his skin tenderly as you stared up at his red eyes and noticed how watery they were. Your heart broke, you thought he was unfaithful but he was really just scared of losing you.
"I don't want you to be soft and nice. You already give me the world Katsuki. You make me study because you care about me. I don't want you to get me roses and Jewelry, I hate it, and I love the stupid little gifts you get me. You don't give me affection and cuddles, but you do other things, like waiting to walk me to class and making me food." 
"You don't want me to be nicer?"
"No! Everything you do is already perfect. Everything you do shows me you care about me in your own way. I love the way you are, I don't want you to change."
Katsuki pulled you back into his arms and pressed a rough kiss against your forehead. He was doing everything right. He was better than dumb Deku, and your test score was proof of that. He wasn't going to lose you, Denki and Mina were wrong. 
"Come to my dorm tonight, you need to study better dumbass."
It didn't matter that the whole class watched the exchange between you both. It didn't matter that Mina had screwed with your relationship and felt very relieved to have gotten off scot-free, for now at least. It didn't matter because all Katsuki cared about was the fact that he was a great boyfriend, the best. He didn't have to be softer, nicer. He didn't have to change, you liked it. You loved him, the way he was. That was all that mattered.
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drshojo · 4 years
The World, My Childhood And My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Hello friends!  
Its Dr. Shojo coming at you with a post that will be divided into three parts!
Part One: The world as we know it! 
The world has changed a lot since we last connected. For starters, TOILET BOUND HANAKO KUN HAS NOT ONLY A PHYSICAL RELEASE BUT A GORGEOUS ANIME! And not only that, but MY NEXT LIFE AS A VILLAINESS: ALL ROUTES LEAD TO DOOM! IS GETTING AN ANIME AS WELL! The last time I wrote about Katerina there wasn’t even an official English translation of that long-ass light-novel-title. And now?
Do you think it’s my fault? No matter, I’ll take all the credit. All the manga I talk about are getting anime adaptations. I’LL DO MY DUTY AND TALK ABOUT SOME MORE!
But first. Let us address the Covid-19 shaped elephant in the room
I deeply regret that it took a whole-ass pandemic to get me back to writing. In my defense, I bought an iPad and started drawing like 900 kokichi oumas. I was really busy with that. And then I started reading fanfiction. Then that got me thinking about how fanfiction such an interesting look into how people interpret fandom, use it for wish fulfillment and escapism, and good god is everyone OK cause that bulimia fan fic was super detailed....and I am officially on a tangent. Off track. Ahem.
We are all staying inside a whole lot more which means y’all probably need some reading material and Dr. Shojo has your back! Go read “Horimiya”! It’s amazing! Ahhhh, my work here is done! I'm serious, if you’re here for a Shojo rec, that’s it! There's also like 8 million more Otome Isekais to check out now. It’s like they’re multiplying like rabbits..............
As a Doctor, I must advise you to stay inside and read some manga and practice social distancing. Embrace your inner hikikomori. 
Allright? All good? Okay now one final disclaimer:
This post is going to be talking about something a little different than usual and I want to start by giving you some context about who Dr. Shojo is in real life. 
Part Two: Dr. Shojo Exposed 
You see, when I was little I was obsessed with Japanese media. This doesn't surprise you at all I can tell. Probably because I walk around calling myself Dr. Shojo and shout about manga that you should read.
Anyways, the reason why I was obsessed wasn’t because of the big eyes or the spikey hair or the interesting new culture. It was because it tended to have more character development and overarching plotlines than the media I was used to in Canada. Dexter’s Lab, Magic School Bus, pretty much everything I saw on TV was episodic in nature, so imagine how much my mind was blown when I saw Naruto and Card Captor Sakura, heck, even Pokémon had the Indigo Plateau! Here were kids that were learning more and more each day and got to see enemies become friends and vice versa. They lived and grew older just like me. Except they were cooler than me. And had more interesting lives than me. I gotta tell you, I was so sad when I was 12 and Kero didn’t tell me I had latent magical powers. But there was magic in my life and it was the magic of a complex narrative story. And not only that, it had a sense of movement and had cool costumes. I was hooked immediately.
Also, fun fact, at that age I happened to be a complete and utter tomboy! I loved pretending to fight my friends in the playground and was really worried that puberty would ruin my life because being a girl sounded so CUMBERSOME.
Which leads me up to my confession. Before I became Dr. Shojo, I was in fact......Dr. Shonen.
Bleach? Naruto? One Piece? I've read every single chapter there is.  
Hundreds of hours of watching fight sequences. Another fun fact, I only got into shojo because my aunt bought me volume 7 and 8 of Fruits Basket thinking “all mangas like the same right? Kids love comics?” It’s a tribute to how episodic western media was back then that she thought buying volume SEVEN and EIGHT was a REASONABLE PLACE TO START READING.
Now you might also say, Hey! Dr Shojo! Cardcaptors was a shojo! And you are right! but back then the anime was marketed to boys over here in the west and they actualy like, edited out episodes that they thought wouldn't interest boys?! Second fun fact, Once when I was in Grade 3 I was told I was not allowed to join a club under the stairs cause I was a girl and it was BOYS ONLY. The point of the club? To talk about how great Cardcaptors was! I Kid you not!
So anyways, your pall Dr. Shojo loves Shonen manga to this day!
The only reason I made this Dr. Shojo blog specifically about shojo is because, being a tomboy with no female friends, reading shojo manga was the first time I really thought about what it meant to be a girl and fall in love. And y i k e s. Shojo manga, like most media, fails miserably most of the time in displaying real world relationships. Or at least, it  doesn't prepare you for how disappointing everything can be. When I had my first kiss, I was thinking about how it didn’t feel at all like how I felt reading Zen and Shirayukis kiss in Akagame No Shirayuki Hime. Those were formative years, and shojo was one of the only places I saw romance being talked about for younger audiences. I liked reading romances where no one had any sexual experiences and were figuring out what love meant to them. But let’s shelve this topic for now.
The point is that gender roles are dumb and if you have an open mind there's a world of stories out there for you. Take this time inside to read something you wouldn’t normally. Critically think about the ways that the worlds you see in stories and how you experience the world differ. What are the messages a story is trying to tell you? And why do you like the stories you do? Reflect on how the stories you tell yourself color your view of the world. Even mindless entertainment leaves an impression on us. Anyways.
Whilst you're doing that, I'm going to absolutely lose my hecking mind over the Shonen Jump series MY HERO ACADEMIA: Vigilantes!
Part Three: I downloaded the one month free trial of the Shonen Jump app and made you read all that, so I can tell you that today Dr. Shojo is going to rant about a spin-off of a shonen manga
OK, so by this point in the article you have learned two very important things about me: 1) I love Shonen manga and 2) I read a lot of fanfiction.
Specifically, I read an absolutely biblical amount of My Hero Academia fan fiction and let me tell you, A solid chunk of it is vigilante/ Deadpool / criminal with a heart of gold themed.
So when I saw Hero Aca had a spin off, and it was about vigilantes, I was NOT SURPRISED IN THE SLIGHTEST. Ao3 sure is powerful.
My gripes aside, there's a reason why there's such an abundance of vigilante story telling—
Deadpool made like an absolute buttload of money and people love sass and memes.
People have a desire for a story in which they see themselves. Or, how they think of themselves.They like a story about someone who maybe came from nothing. Someone who has less money, maybe someone who is unlucky and had some bad breaks. Someone who never learned they had magic, never got their Hogwarts letter, never saw Kero, someone who never got that God-level quirk from All Might. And if your on Ao3 They want someone who also has seen a lot of memes and kind of wants taco bell and is also questioning their sexuality a bit?
Enter our new hero VIGILANTE DEKU.  
But the cannon can't do this, cause hey, Deku is the chosen one. Albeit, chosen by All Might, He’s got his own thing to do. But how can we still cash in on a vigilante story?
And thus enter our New-New hero KOICHI HAIMAWARI—code name Nice Guy and then later The Crawler. True to his relatable roots. He’s just a dude in an hoodie who can go about as fast as a bike.
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First off, I love Koichi. He wants to be a hero and fight crime, but most of the time he has to run away because at the end of the day he's just a dude.
He’s cute but not wildly good-looking, A bit of a nerd but not like an extreme okaku. He’s got a part time job and hates violence.
And this is where Koichi really shines—in every day stuff. He helps out wherever he can. Often, that just means listening to people complain and maybe helping his friends out with whatever they’re going through. He’s the kind of guy who smiles, not because he's especially brave, but because he just takes things one at a time and doesn't sweat the past. I think it’s really telling that he missed getting into hero high-school because he skipped the entrance exam to help someone. He’s the kind of person who lets us experience the superpower of human decency and empathy. And you know what? That’s something the world need desperately.  
This theme of human decency is really the driving force of Vigilantes—it’s a manga about how the laws are there for a reason but sometimes they unfairly impact the poor and vulnerable. It's about how a lot of criminals are just people who fell into bad social circles or on bad times. People have the capacity for cruelty and violence but that’s never all they are.  
Now, speaking of crime, the entirety of Hero Aca falls into some murky water when it comes to its evil doers. Much of the fandom has a huuuuuge problem with how much the franchise is willing to sweep under the rug in the name of redeeming their baddies. RE: people getting mad about forgiving Endeavor’s child abuse, or Bakugo’s suicide baiting. Or Mineta’s blatant sexual harassment.
But this theme is in Vigilantes even more than it ever was in the main series. To start off with, there’s this guy who tries to rape Pop Step early on, and the later he later winds up befriending everybody. It becomes a running gag that each new villain winds up befriending the other villain guys and then they all open a cat café together.
Using jobs as a way to lift people out of lives of crime is great and all but in the story there is no nuance or consequences for past wrong and well.....it feels very weird.  It's like Vigilantes plays at having an opinion about moral ambiguity and the complexity of human existence and then just.......lets everyone get along because who has time to get into all that. Make of that what you will but it sits weird for me personally.
Anyway, let's move on and talk about POP STEP our main girl!
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I love pop stars and I love vigilantes and a guerrilla performer is defiantly a character I could get behind. And I think they do a good job with Pop. She is actually kind of shy, but has this secret edgy persona she puts on when she performs. She is every girl on tumbler in the early 2000s. I also looooove that they make her not that great a singer. SHE’S GOT PASSION AND CHARISMA and maybe not born talent but like why should that stop you! Talent can be earned through practice and this is a great lesson to show people.
Unfortunately, Pop is also a great example of everything wrong with romance in Shonen.
It’s established early on that Pop loves Koichi because she is the girl he rescued all those years ago and yada yada yikes we’ve heard this one before. Many times before.
Sure, it's fine that they’ve met before, but gosh am I sick of damsels in distress. It's like she can't love him just because she respects what a great guy he is in her life and in the community at large, no no, she just needs to be rescued on top of that. And LOLOLOL isn't it funny he never noticed she was a girl because she was a child with short hair?! Once he realizes she has boobs now they will for sure fall in love! That’s how love works!
She's just with him all the time—nothing romantic ever happens she just gets a little tsundere.
I am never ever going to believe Koichi likes Pop because he spends like sooooo much time with her and they never have like, a moment. The first time he considers her is when Makoto is like, ‘hey I would love to get together with you, but have you thought about if you are crushing on Pop’. (Also this entire plot point is suspect—she's arbitrarily falling for Koichi cause he.......is the protagonist?)  
Say what you will about shojo, they give you the emotional conversations, the moments where you think.....ahhh I can see why she is falling for him. They give you context! Shonen likes to just say HERE’S A GIRL YOUR AGE. YOU CAN DATE LATER WHEN THE ADVENTURE IS DONE.
Just when they might get together, Pop suddenly turns evilllllll. The evilllll beeeees made her eeeevilllll (and more sexy).
Because why on earth would they get together if Koichi didn’t get to rescue Pop one more time?
I’m tired. These troupes are tired. I’m sure you are too. HOWEVER! If your still with me, Let’s move into why I'm really writing this post. Let’s get to the part that got me screaming to my friends, who by the way, don’t even care bout Hero Aca….but listened anyways. May you all find nakama like these my friends.
I present to you my late night text messages to my friends
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AHEM, so as you can see, I kinda lost my shit.
Eraserhead, aka Aizawa Shouta, is a side character who is working with the police on some crime stuff. He is not a main cast member in this spin off. He’s a guest character that fans of the main series will be like OH COOL. GRUMPY CAT MAN LIKES CATS ON HIS OFF HOURS TOO. LOVE THAT FOR HIM.
So, my imagine my absolute surprise when Aizawa runs into Koichi and the following happens:
It starts to rain, so, like in any good manga, this means some great FORCED BONDING TIME
What the ever-loving-just WHY?
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I mean its ongoing, so it’s too early to say but—
In conclusion—
Excuse me one more,
Anyways, I hope you liked this weird rant/personal-story/random-diatribe in three parts.
If you’re reading this, thank you, stay safe, and I’ll be back with more shojo manga next time.  
Dr. Shojo
(aka Dr. Shonen)
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trekkiepirate · 7 years
If the urge ever strikes ... I wouldn't say no to a fic(let) where Harry teaches Eggsy how to enjoy the finer things in life, how to pamper yourself (massage, straight razor shave, etc)
Also, this was less detailed on the finer things/pampering and more ‘Eggsy realizes how Harry woos a lover’, but I hope you like it nonetheless. :)
It took Eggsy longer than he wants to admit to realize that Harry was fucking courting him like some damn Jane Austen character.
Eggsy thought it was all perks of the job. It was all down to how to enjoy the finer things in life, innit? Eggsy was still playing catch up in some respects and Harry just wanted to erase that gap.
Booking him massages whenever Eggsy came back from a long or grueling mission; helping Eggsy hone his morning routine so that every bit of him, from skin to nails to hair gleamed in the manner of the very well-cared for (and buying Eggsy so many products that Roxy was forever taking the piss out of him for taking longer to get ready than she did); taking him to posh restaurants without trying to sneak in etiquette lessons like he used to; escorting him to every type of museum and show that took Eggsy’s fancy (opera had been more interesting than he thought, museums were best spent with Harry at his side providing his own tour, and the less said about the magic show the better. They were still banned from Magic Castle in Los Angeles).
It’s all Harry’s fault, of course. Did he, at any point, say “Eggsy I would like you to view all these presents and time spent together outside of work as tokens of my affections. By the by would you be averse to me shagging the life out of you after dessert, darling?”
No. No he did not.
So Eggsy had no bloody idea that Harry was trying to woo him until his mother (of all people, his bloody mum!) asked him if his boyfriend was joining them for dinner that Sunday.
Eggsy was already nodding in the affirmative before his mind caught up. “Wait, what? Harry ain’t my boyfriend.”
Michelle had frowned slightly. “Babes, I’m not actually blind, you know. I appreciate the effort you’re both taking to keep it on the down low, but you don’t gotta. I know what it means when a man is forever treating you to little gifts and tries to spend every waking minute with you, okay? It’s how your dad first won me over. Though,” Michelle said, casting an eye onto Harry’s latest present: an exquisite shaving kit, complete with a straight razor just like the one Harry had recently taught Eggsy how to use, “he did it mainly with buying me lemon sherbets and taking me to the pictures every week.”
Feeling on the back foot, Eggsy made a mental calculation of how often he and Harry spent time together outside work. It was an embarrassingly larger amount of time than Eggsy spent with his mum and Daisy. Next he tallied up how many gifts, whether extravagant and expensive or small and sentimental, Harry had presented him with lately. “Oh.”
Now Michelle look worried. “Eggsy? You are dating him, right?”
Eggsy just shook his head, still feeling off kilter from the revelation.
“Do you want to date him?”
Covering his face with his hands, Eggsy groaned. “I am the numpty to end all numpties, ain’t I? How could I be so fucking blind?”
Michelle smiled at her son. “Will you stop messing about and go get your man? And bring him to dinner Sunday; I’m making that pot roast he loves so much.”
Eggsy dropped his hands and started for the door before he turned back. Then back again, grabbing for the door handle. Once more, he faced back into the living from the corridor leading to the front door.
“You’re making me dizzy, what’s the matter?” Michelle asked, having gone back to collecting Daisy’s toys (several of which were also supplied by Harry and oh my god, Eggsy is the worst spy in the fucking world for not seeing that Harry was already accepting Eggsy’s family as his own).
“I should change,” Eggsy said, plucking at his lazing about the house clothes, a faded old tee and trackies. “Like, I was thinking I should change into my nicest shit and get cleaned up to show Harry that his presents weren’t wasted. That I know how to take care of myself now, because he’s been taking such good care of me.”
Tossing a final stuffie into the toy chest and shutting it, Michelle nodded. “Right, well. Go do that.”
Eggsy shook his head. “But then I was thinking, what if I just go as I am? To show Harry that all that stuff, the… the trappings or whatever, it ain’t what matters to me. That even if we never did anything more interesting than order takeout and watch telly for the rest of our lives, I’d still love him.”
“It’s love already, is it?” Michelle asked. “Five minutes ago you didn’t even know he wanted to date you.”
“I’ve loved him since the first time he smiled at me,” Eggsy said, the long-buried truth coming out in a breathless whisper. “It wasn’t even a big smile, not like he does now. He said I was full of surprises and he gave me this soft little smile and I about went to-” remembering just in time that he was talking to his mum, Eggsy curtailed the words 'my knees’ into, “jelly right then and there.”
Michelle crossed her arms and watched Eggsy war with himself for a moment more. “If you don’t leave this house right now, I’m filming this and sending it to Harry. Then I’m putting it on YouTube, yeah? Your bald friend taught me how to edit videos. I will add silly music and all, love.”
Eggsy was out the door within the next breath, thinking that he really should never have let Merlin and his mother become friends.
By the time he got to Harry’s door, Eggsy was doubting himself again. “What the fuck am I gonna say?” he asked in the air as he ran to Harry’s townhouse.
In Harry’s defense, opening the door to a sweaty man who shouted, “Do you wanna shag?” in your face was plenty enough reason to go speechless for a bit, which is exactly what Harry did as Eggsy leaned against the door frame and prayed for a time machine to take him back to when he wasn’t such a fucking idiot.
“I think I misheard you, Eggsy.”
“You didn’t,” Eggsy sighed, but that was what came up in my mind roulette as I tried to think of what to say to you regarding… everything I now know. Think I know. Shit.”
Harry stepped aside and let Eggsy in. “All right. Let’s try this again, shall we? Hello, Eggsy. Lovely to see you. How can I help you today?”
Eggsy took a deep breath. “I want to take you on a date. Tonight, if you’re free. Which you should be because Saturdays you want the Strictly Come Dancing episode you missed during the week. You should put that off to come on a date with me. And I’m calling it a date from the off, which is more than you’ve done, you confusing bugger.”
“Ahh,” Harry said. “I was working my way up to that.”
“We’ve been going on not-date dates for so long that my mum thinks we’re already together. And I want us to be. You in?”
Harry smiled, dimples on full display. “All in, darling.” He took a step forward, but was held off by Eggsy’s hand on his chest. “My apologies. You’re right. A gentleman doesn’t kiss before the first date. I’ll see you tonight.”
Eggsy grinned and grabbed Harry’s jumper in a tight fist. “Oh no, in just a sec we’re gonna kiss until our tongues are numb for starter for ten. But I gotta remind you that we’re having dinner with Mum and Daisy tomorrow. Mum’s doing pot roast.”
Harry’s smile widened. “Wonderful! I’ll bring pudding, as per usual.”
Using his grip to bring Harry close, Eggsy whispered, “Oh no, we’re going to be far too busy making up for lost time until we have to head over there tomorrow. We’ll buy a cake on the way.”
“So I take it,” Harry said, nuzzling against Eggsy’s temple, his cheeks, his jawline, “that you accept my romantic intentions towards you?”
“At least for the first couple rounds,” Eggsy grinned. “In the morning, you can accept my 'romantic intentions’.” He winked and caught Harry’s laugh with his smirking lips.
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occasionalrpmemes · 3 years
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LA by Night: Happy Families sentence starters
sentences taken from s1ep4 of the VtM chronicle LA by Night.  edit as desired.  the transcript these lines were copied from, including credits to transcribers, will be linked in the replies of this post.
tw: guns, violence, vomit, drug mention, brief n.s.f.w.
“Normally, I wouldn't bother.  But favors are favors.”
“I didn't say I was happy about it.”
“You are looking ravishing this evening.”
“Very good.  Someone's been teaching you.  Well done.”
“Perhaps we should all make ourselves comfortable, and we'll talk.”
“Does anybody talk to birds?  Is that a thing we can do?”
“What's the meaning of this?”
“Get the guns out, please, but no one fire until I say so.”
“We don't waste time on bullshit.”
“This is going to go badly very fast.  Time to go.”
“Sit down and don't move.”
“If you want to run, you should run now.”
“The party's back on!  I got to go dance.”
“I've always wanted to do this.”
“Let go of my fucking arm.”
“Who are you going to use the gun against?”
“You're a MILF, if it helps.”
“Booyah!  Booyah!”
“Look, I'm sorry, but I told you.”
“[Name], what are you doing here?”
“Who are you and what the hell is going on?”
“This is so messed up.  This can't be happening.”
“That's future [name]'s problem.”
“So, uh, that happened, and now I have two guys pointing guns at me.”
“The only safe way is straight ahead.”
“Oh shit, this guy's a problem!”
“Unfortunately, you're not in a place to fight back.”
“I need you to come back here and sit that fine ass right back down.”
“You're making it weird.”
“Please.  Just sit this one out.  I promise that nothing will happen to you and I will help deal with the consequences afterwards.  Just sit down.”
“Shit, oh my god, what's happening?”
“Don't ever say that again.”
“We're a great team, we should go on the road.”
“Then it's death.”
“What could go wrong?  No negative repercussions to this.”
“They're trying to kill us.  That's a big detail.  Don't try and gloss over that.”
“Let's just get out of here, and we'll- We'll worry about it when we get out.”
“[Name]!  [Name]!  [Name], [name], [name], [name], [name]!”
“Let's dance.”
“Going to have to do better than that, kid.”
“You're not so fucking tough now, are you?”
“Take that!  Take that, you ugly fuck!”
“Okay.  Tried to talk, that's not working.”
“No.  We're not done talking.”
“Go before I change my mind.”
“I think- I think I’m going to be sick.”
“You have one chance to save yourself here.  Drop your weapons.”
“You really want to talk about this now?”
[worried squeak]
“Can I have a hug?”
“Every time I get close to somebody, just, like- bullshit happens.”
“That's fine!  We can work with bullshit!  Right?  You can mold it into things, make little statues...  They'll smell bad, but you could- You could collect them--”
[mixed sobs and laughter]
“I know that I- I'll probably just make more trouble.”
“Thankfully, nothing important caught fire.”
“I've been doing some stuff.  Earning money.  A little dealing, a little larceny.”
“Look, you got no room to talk.  Look- look at your life.”
“I didn't really know what would happen, I just... I wanted to hurt you.”
“Look, [name], our family is totally screwed up.”
“It's never too late to make it right.”
“I got to get you out of this mess.”
“This is the weirdest night in my life.”
“The plan was pretty vague.”
“Can't be compelled to testify if you don't know.”
“Also, rethink your life, man.”
“You know, I was just about to say something nice to you.”
“I think you’re losing track of the macro theme here.”
“I thought we were friends.”
“Like, there's just a lot of things I don't know.”
“So now, I need a reason not to murder you.”
“Yeah, you don't look so good.”
“There's no good choices here.”
“There's no good choices here, but there's less bad ones.”
“Our way?  Not only do you get to live, you get paid.”
“I mean, whew. You've been through a lot.”
“I learned a long time ago not to judge people by their appearances.”
“That's not cool.  Please don't do that again.”
“It's never enough.”
“I can't do it.  I can't do that.”
“Who are you talking to?”
“Time to talk.”
“I now know horrible things about you.”
“How do you suggest I repay you for your inconvenience?”
“Ah, [name], good to see you again.   Glad you're unhurt.”
“We're friends.  Pals.  And maybe sex stuff?  It's unclear.”
“Chaos is a ladder.”
“Just be safe.”
“It's fine. It's fine.  It's fine.”
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Nothing is easy. It's a complicated world.”
“It's possible to be a good person in a complicated world. I believe that.”
“We may have to do some things that you're really not going to like.”
[text:]  vital information.  need to speak.
“I guess I'll punch that bridge when I get to it, then.”
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