#for the thing ive mentioned about my thesis lol. is this anything!!!!!!!!!
feketeribizli · 11 months
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bisexual vampires and their boytoy
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spitdrunken · 6 months
currently i'm really busy with writing for my thesis, which unfortunately leaves me with little creative juice... ive been engaging with other people's creations a lot more rather than writing for myself, but have some assorted thoughts on things ive enjoyed recently below, for anyone who is interested. feel free to send me asks about anything that's mentioned, but because of the above, might take me a bit to get back to u <3!
these aren't really x reader thoughts, just rambling! if you read this, thank u, i am giving you a kiss on your forehead/hug/fistbump/handshake/whatever words of affirmation you have been wanting to hear today. pick your favorite!
(Pokephilia mention) Pokémon Legends Z's announcement!! It'll be forever until it's released (which, as a true Pokémon fan, I'm very happy about BAHAHAH), but I'm so excited! Very curious how they are planning to implement, what seems to be, citybuilder elements... If Emmet shows up in this game, I'm going to be super delighted, but I honestly doubt it. Either way, it's made me think a bit more about the twins, and Poképhilia stuff in general as well! It's such a shame/pain the main tag is blocked... one day I will start and stick to my intention to write, like, porn about all the Pokémon, haha. A dream...
(cannibalism(????) monster eating??? mention. consensual!) Dungeon Meshi really was as much fun as everyone mentioned! Don't really see myself writing fic about it, except for a very specific idea I had... I like the thought of Laois 'obsessed with eating monsters' Touden got to meet a monster (AKA Reader) who is equally obsessed with the idea of being eaten!! Maybe a mermaid, or something like that? It's his one chance to eat a humanoid monster! Though the others probably won't believe him when they tell him that it was 100% consensual, and are judging him harshly LMAO
Welcome Home updated! Very happy about this. Though I don't connect them publically, I actually have written quite a bit of WH fic and my sfw sideblog for it used to have more followers than this one LMAOO. Maybe one day I'll write NSFW works for it, but I dunno if there's interest... Plus, I very much fall underneath people the creator would consider 'unwelcome' in their squeaky-clean fandom or whatever, but they have like a quarter million followers now, lol. Anyway, Wally is, as has been said many times before, the Most! He draws me in <3
And also, poor Eddie, lmao. It's very interesting to me, with the inclusion of the Narrator, that the characters seem to be forced to steer in a specific direction, if that makes sense? To upkeep a certain mask. I wonder if 'as above, so below' is a reference to that, in the sense that whatever is dictated by the stronger forces of narrative, is what shall occur 'below'-- In their world. Like, the animosity some of these puppets have for each other!!!!! Some of them are just straight up Not Friends, lmao.
I need to play more of it, but if anyone is reading this, go play I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. I expected it to be waaaay more popular, especially on Tumblr, but it's so underrated? The writing is wonderful, the characters are well-defined, and the art is breathtaking! Please take a look at the trigger warnings, cuz there are a few that are definitely applicable, but it's soooo good... If it has to be said, I romanced Dys first, lmao.
I am watching The Apothecary Diaries right now, just started today, and can I jsut say... I'm such a fan of all the women in this show!! I love the perspective it gives on court life a lot! Maomao definitely is pulling in all the men AND women, huh.... i appreciate that. Jinshi also 100% wants to get degraded by her, huh. Maomao is the sexywoman of this show.
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
Ive accidentally reached the post limit so Ive basically been doing my liveblog in my notes app, i wrote all of this while watching the February 4th 2022 vod
Oughhhhhhhh the way Sams literally begging
Oh the "present" is gonna be a clock isnt it
Oh nvm its a cake, which is just. so evil man, cakes have terrible saturation but Sam doesnt have anything else so ofc hes gonna be grateful even though its shit
Actually, now that I think about it, I think I was definitely wrong about Dreams manipulation tactics changing with his goals. Like, i still dont think he wants to work with Sam or be 'friends' with him like with Tommy during the exile arc, but he is still doing the thing of breaking people down and then building them up with a fascimile of kindness so that theyll listen to him
Im assuming the time passed irl is the same as the time passed in-universe which means that Sam has been alone in the prison for 4 days but Dream is a lying motherfucker whos telling him that its only been one day
Okay now hes saying its been 2 days but hes still lying
Okay he wants to compare hkmself and Sam, Im very curious bc this will hopefully grant us some insight into how Dream like, actually percieves himself and his actions
Okay, two things:
1. Dream being like "[the evil bunker full of everyones sentimental items] was just theater" has some serious Wilbur vibes ngl
2. Dream is sooooooo obsessed with Tommy istg
Dream is asking Sam what bad things hes done aside from manipulate Tommy and be dramatic and Sam is like "uhhhhh idk tbh......" as though Dream isnt the guy responsible for Lmanberg blowing up thrice
Sam is basically asking Dream if the things Dream did were wrong/bad and its like, you cant do that, you cant cushion your opinions on someones bad action in this kind of insecurity, especially if youre talking to someone known to be manipulative!!
Ouhhghhh the way Dream can basically make up anything he wants about Tommys time in exile because barely anyone, but esepcially not Sam, visited him
"How was it my fault that Tommy was exiled" I dont even have anything to say, Im just kinda enamoured by the realization of how little people other than Tommy and maybe Wilbur actually know about the exile
Dream just mentioned the Egg and 1. I had already basically completely forgotten about that and 2. The timeline of Drea involvement with the Egg is like, he briefly checked on it back when everything was still kinda kicking of, didnt worry about it for weeks or even months and then he was in jail for a year and he basically completely missed all of the Egg Lore like damn, I hope Punz properly explained all that bullshit to him lol
God, Im projecting so hard rn but Dream weaponizing his own genuine suffering in order get what he wants which also shields him from having to confront the ways it was made him suffer and how it actually affected him is so relatable
Ive been spoiled so I know theyre gonna try and make c!Dream more sympathetic later on and i know a lot of people really hate that and honestly, I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that he didnt get his own POV/only got it very late which gives people less opportunity to sympathize or empathize with him and also really dehumanizes him. Idk this is kinda complex and I'll probably make a seperate post about it
Im going to lose my mind, Dreams monologue about how everyone is the hero in their own story and a villain in many others literally sounds like a thesis statement, like if the Dream SMP had a kids show-esque "message" like so many people inexplicably want it to, it would be this more than literally anything else
OHHHHHHHH the double meaning of Dream telling Sam that he built the prison for him. mwah, perfection
"Dream said he wouldnt lock anyone up in the prison" WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN TRUST HIM
Ooooooooooo Sam grouping himself in with Dream..........
Hes giving Dream full access to the prison theres no way this could possibly go well
Sam as the users manual for the prison vs Dream as the revival book...........
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atamascolily · 4 years
Extremely subjective opinions about Star Wars planets
Inspired by @carmarthenfan. I did my top ten faves, and then gave up trying to put these in order, so they're literally in the order they occurred to me.
(This is not conclusive; I left a bunch out. There are a lot of Star Wars planets, y’all.)
1. Tatooine.
Iconic. Terrible place to live. Great place for making your characters suffer. Who cares that the ecology makes no sense when you have wide open spaces, exposed rock layers and salt flats, and a rockin' aesthetic? Not to mention wretched hives of scum and villainy and also, like, ACTUAL DRAGONS.
(Thesis: literally half of what makes ANH so compelling is that it's set on Tatooine.)
2. Yavin IV (Legends)
AKA Jedi Jungle Friendship Camp or Space Guatemala. If I was going to live anywhere in the GFFA, it'd be here. Temple ruins (even if they are infested with Sith ghosts), hot springs, rainforests, biodiversity, awesome eclipses and a giant blood-red gas giant constantly overhead, not much in the way of development... what's not to like? (Okay, the Sith ghosts are a problem, but they got rid of those eventually.)
3. "Forest moon" of Endor, ROTJ
Redwood forests are awesome. I'd totally live in an Ewok treehouse. They're the only place in the galaxy with handrails!!
4. Coruscant
I'd probably hate to live there, but it's a great setting for fic. A surprisingly large amount of wildlife and plant life, despite the rampant development. Epic architecture, lots of culture, Luke has a cool retreat in the Manarai Mountains and Han and Kyp go skiing at the poles. Home of "the room where it happens".  
(most of my fics to date are set on Tatooine, Yavin or Coruscant, lol)
5. Alderaan
Too bad the Empire blew it up. :( IDK about the whole Killik business, but Space Switzerland seems great, and I'd live there in a heartbeat. An actual multi-biome world, wow! I should write more fics about this place.
6. Myrkr (Legends)
Jungle planet with metallic trees and furry, Force-repelling lizards. Also giant vornskrs that use the Force to hunt. Don't forget Talon Karrde's awesome tree base!
7. Dagobah
I love this place, even if living there would be a challenge. Actually kinda has a functioning ecology in canon. Love the sheer abundance of snakes, plus dragonsnakes and the mangrove-like gnarltrees, which are the adult form of giant white spiders (I love plant-animal weirdness like this).
8. Mulako Comet (Legends)
Not technically a planet, but how can you not love a resort carved out of a giant frozen comet HOW. 10/10, we stan. The perfect place for a romantic getaway, especially if you are a water nerd like Luke.
9. Vjun (Legends)
The Gothiest goth place ever to Goth. Has names like "River Weeping" and carnivorous moss that nibbles on Obi-wan. <3. Vader's Goth castle was originally here before the writers moved it to Mustafar.
10. Honoghr (Legends)
Another terrible place to live, thanks to the Empire's sabotage, but I love there's actually an attempt at an ecological plot line here (Timothy Zahn is surprisingly good at those). A single biome world, but for a legit (and sad) reason. I should write some fics about this place.
Corellia (Legends) - It's okay, I guess? I'm not sure how I feel about the Corellian trilogy in general, but there are some things with the Selonians and the Drall that could be interesting for fic? Also, Treasure Ship Row is cool.  
Kessel (Legends) - Hell-realm. Not sure if Kevin J. Anderson's "glitterstim" is the same as "spice," but Han and Kyp have to fight off giant spiders in the dark underground mine, which is certainly dramatic. Had a moon until a prototype Death Star blew it up.
Ithor (Legends) - JUNGLE PLANET POPULATED BY BOTANY NERDS, SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. But they won't let you actually explore the surface, because it's sacrilege. :(
Belsavis (Legends) - Hoth on the surface, Yavin in the rift valleys (but with, like, plantations), plus underground tunnels full of monsters and Jedi artifacts. Home of a secret Jedi botany master and his plant friends, so I'm in favor.
Chad (Legends) - Mostly ocean planet--I guess Space Earthsea, but with more geological activity? Callista makes it sound dreamy and idyllic in her flashbacks, but all the native Chadra-Fan are trying to GTFO, so I dunno.
Nam Chorios (Legends) -Like Tatooine, I would probably hate living there, but it's a great setting for a fic. The perpetual twilight would get old fast, but I love the terraformed ecology, the sentient rocks and the Force storms. Drochs are super creepy, though.
Hijarna (Legends) - There are ruins and sweeping vistas. What can I say, Karrde knows how to pick a secret base. :)
Dathomir (Legends) - Rancors have to be native to somewhere, so why not Dathomir? Courtship of Princess Leia is hokey and weird as all get-out, but it did give us Teneniel Djo, and I love her.
Hapes (Legends) -100% better at you than everything, and they know it. Leave them to it.
Yavin 8 (Legends) - Giant snakes and giant eagles... who literally eat children. Kinda weird being in a place where humanoids are on the bottom of the food chain. Love the Melodies' amphibious lifestyle, though.
Wayland (Legends) - Endor with the serial numbers filed off. Still love it, though. And Palpatine built a lair in a giant mountain! Props to him.
Ryloth (Legends) - sounds like an actual hell realm, but a desert planet? One half in perpetual sun, one half in perpetual darkness, and only a very narrow habitable zone? I’m game.
Msst (Legends) - Terrible, if accurate, name. All we ever see is the eponymous mist, plus giant pink creatures that numb you with poison and devour you alive.  Brakiss's home planet. No wonder he hates everything. On the plus side, his mom got to see Luke Skywalker naked, so good for her.
Kashyyyk - TREE WORLD, WE GO HARD (part II). Except I don't think the Wookiees have handrails, do they?
Hoth - Ice, ice, baby. Ecology makes no sense; it's a fucking glacier. I would hate living there, but I've read so many fluff fics about snowfall fights and sex in X-wings and supply closets that I feel a kind of fondness for it.
Byss (Legends) - Dark. Hidden. Secret. Goth as fuck. I like it. Exegol, but with more class.
Ahch-To - Skellig Michael is great, but too recognizable as itself to really be a good stand-in for somewhere else. Puffins are better than porgs. Great place to hide, but I stand by my claims that the Jedi order could not have arisen there. Love the aesthetic. The Caretakers deserved way better!  
Naboo - Space Italy. Would definitely live there. Closest thing we see to Dinotopia in the GFFA. (Tell me Theed isn't Waterfall City!)
Kef Bir - why not just let the original forest moon have multiple biomes? It's okay to have multiple-biome worlds, I promise, we wont get confused. Epic sweeping grasslands, steep cliffs, massive waves. I love what little we see of it.
Crait - you're going to film a Star War on the Bolivian salt flats and NOT make an epic dream sequence with the night sky reflected on the salt?? What. Hoth with red dust. Crystal foxes look like Vulpix from Pokemon, and I like them.
Ilum - cool ice planet gets turned into planet-destroying superweapon and blown up. Not a fan.
Bespin - I don't know about the ecology, but 10/10 for aesthetics.
Nal Hutta / Nar Shaddaa - Ecological disaster. Gross and full of Hutts.
Niraun (Legends) - I don't like caves and that's pretty much all we see. Especially if those caves are filled with carnivorous hordes of Space Army Ants.
Gamorr (Legends) - "Procedures programs for visiting Gamorr consist of a single line: DO NOT VISIT GAMORR. Really!” Especially do not visit in the season known as "slushtime".
Af'El (Legends) - I know very little about it, but it seems cool? "The Dark World". Home planet of the "wraiths" (Defel) and the homunculus wasps.  
Kijimi - "Disneyworld with space facism". Swirling snow and stone looks cool at night. Too bad that fight scene was such a mess. 
Takodana - it's the English Lake District, I'm never going to be able to suspend my disbelief to believe it's anything else.
D'Qar / Ajan Kloss - Yavin IV knockoffs. If you want me to care, you're gonna have to give me something better.
Exegol -  this ���planet” is just a CGI soundstage with a floating pyramid/arena whatever, and lightning. Weather instantly improved when Palpatine died, which strongly suggested he liked it that way. Knockoff Byss.
Mustafar - Literal hell-realm. Lava does not work like that. And apparently, ROTS insists it also has snow and trees, which seems like a little too late.
Canto Bight - you'd think people with that much money would have a better-looking planet. ughhhh.
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beabaseball · 4 years
Editing Anon from a few days ago. Yeah, ive never really touched editing software before. Like... Only once or twice, but it was super basic stuff, like cutting some pieces out.
I have good news; cutting is a good 90% of it. ,,,that might be an exaggeration but it is certainly what I am feeling very passionately right now.
I know last time I said I didn’t have any course suggestions, but if you can find lists that are just... literally just editing techniques, and historical videos can’t hurt. Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles basically made the basis of modern US/Western editing... because they were busy trying to one-up each other. I wanted to give you an Akira Kurosawa rec too because he literally invented the Rashomon Sequence but none of the videos on youtube vibe with me, but in 1950 he basically said “hey....... what if the editing LIED to you” and it was great.
Definitely stay away from film critic channels. I like watching them because I enjoy being hurt, but they will absolutely not give you editing advice. Animation will give you tons of editing stuff because EVERYTHING in the setup must be deliberate and the editing is built into the creation process, but in general just watching movies twice helps. First time to see the movie, second time to see HOW it movie. Film theory is 80% editing. A director can hand you the shit, but you’re making sense out of it. This is why Wonder Woman 2017 was janky, even though I loved it. The editing in some places was janky as hell and if you go with a notebook and try to write down the edits happening and pick out what went wrong or was confusing, I promise you will learn a lot.
I can’t really give any advice specific to your editor, but as long as you can make an accurate cut, you can make a good video on whatever basically. But there are some general things that I do need to impart: 1) if you’re doing anything with any amount of pause, have some background radiation. Literally just hold your phone up and record the sound of a quiet room if you have to and stick it on the bottom track. Keeps the silences from being too deafening in anything serious, when otherwise you’ll hear that ‘click’ of the sound dropping off entirely.
2) watch your sound levels. If you look off to the side of your timeline, you should see a gague that is usually two bars with decibel levels (dbs) marked on them. and as your sound plays the bars go up from green to yellow to red. You want your gague to hit yellow. If it goes to red, you’re blowing out the speaker. If you’re in green, people will need to raise their volume to hear you. You will probably have to google how to change sound levels specific to your editor, but usually you turn on a mode (or have an automatic turned on mode) that puts a thin line in the middle of your soundtrack bar and you can put points on it and raise and level the sound in between those points. This seems like a lot of extra work but it’s part of ‘invisible editing’ where you DON’T want the audience to notice the editing so they aren’t distracted from the content. Drawing attention to the editing is usally an artistic choice or for a funny,like a smash cut where someone says “i’m not doing that” and immediately cuts to them doing that.
3) ...this is all sound editing lol USE CROSSFADES AND FADE-OUTS with audio. It smooths out that ‘sound just cut out’ click mentioned in 1. The ambient noise will help but fading in and out will also help a lot. This is for DaVinci Studio but you can see what an audio crossfade is there and most editors should let you at least do a fade out, and then you can put them on different lines and have them overlap that way if a system doesn’t let you crossfade directly (looking at you, iMovie.)
................................and yeah the rest of it is just chopping things up and putting them on top of all that audio you worked hard on lol.
Anything more complicated is going to be system-dependent or dependent on the shooting of the film itself. So for filming tips:
Have consistent lighting. Daylight is best looking but if the sun goes behind the clouds and you have to cut some dead space, all of a sudden the light goes dark in your film and it’s really  obvious. You can probably digitally brighten some of it up, but it’s easier to just have an extra light on in the first place while filming. Florescent bulbs flicker, LED’s don’t, but LED’s also look very clinical.
Film the same thing once or twice from different angles, especially if you only have one camera. Do not become stanley kubrick.
microphones are hell i still haven’t figured out how to not fuck up recording
save often, your computer is always about to crash.
Keep a copy saved on your external harddrive ALWAYS. Two saves at minimum at all times. Or you will end up like my classmate whose entire thesis deleted itself 2 days before deadline.
bring snakcs and hydrate.
these are all the important things i can thnk of.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Hey there! Ive been following your blog for some time now and i think its time for some advice. So, im having my exams this and the following week. The things is, due to the whole quarantine stuff, those exams Last about 4-5 or even 24 hours, so I don't really see the point on memorizing the whole stuff. Ive tried saying to myself that "sooner or later i'll be needing th info", but really, i know that it's not the case. do you know any wya to make my dumb ass to get to work?
Hello hello! Thanks for following, I’m glad I can help! This is pretty opportune, since I was just told that one of my course’s final exam is going to be an open book 24 hour long ‘exam’. It’s one of those core courses for chemical engineering, and I was just planning on grinding this week, but as soon as they announced that, I celebrated and started listing all the reasons why I don’t need to study anymore:
- I’m drowning in assignments they’ve been giving us to compensate for this special time.
- I have other, much harder courses I haven’t touched since the start of the semester. I can’t afford to waste time on this.
- It’s open book ??? 24 hours ?? It’s like homework with a bigger consequence.
- I’m lazy.
- I can always brush up on it some other time, in the far future.
- I’ll survive - I’m honestly just trying to get through this semester as smoothly as I can.
But I know, deep down, that I’m just trying to convince myself why it’s okay to let it hang. Truly, the only reason why I’m letting it go is I’m lazy. I’m not spending every waking hour just tirelessly studying or doing something productive or hell, even doing something. I’m letting the current take me wherever. Maybe you’re feeling the same. It doesn’t help when our teachers / professors aren’t engaging as well, or like I’ve mentioned, being given shit to do in order to keep us busy. Since we feel like we’re doing more than we should, we don’t need to put in effort for things that don’t breed tangible consequence.
So. Now what?
We recall why we’re here. If you’re not sure, pull out a piece of paper and write down why are you studying. Why are you taking this course. Why are you going to school (from home). What is your goal. Why do you even care?
After you’ve established your vision, you gotta list what’s stopping you. I take back what I said up there - yes I can be lazy, but I’m also a chronic worrier with severe impostor syndrome. I can list at least ten reasons why I’m behind and failing already, even though I’m caught up on more than half of my courses and I have a decent grasp on my assignments. I’m the type to achieve results as soon as I set my mind on it, because my worrying causes me to overthink, but I won’t give myself even a second to congratulate or reward myself - I’ll just start rattling off all the things I’m failing at. That’s my issue. My over thinking is hindering me.
I can’t speak for your hindrance because you haven’t really mentioned it, but I suggest you fine tune this coming advice for people like me and you’re basically there. For worriers, you have to (again) bust out a pen and paper and list off all the things that are ‘going wrong’, i.e. what’s plaguing you, and then give yourself a moment before you read through it. Now, go through each one and try to debunk it with valid reasoning and let that fester in your thoughts for a moment before moving on to the next. I highlight valid reasoning because you just can’t go “NO U” to your worries - you gotta address them.
Now that we have our vision and our hindrance, time to get to cracking. Also, pro tip, keep your sheets close by. Whenever you catch yourself slipping, read your vision sheet, and if you start acting up, update your hindrance sheet. If you journal, you can keep it in there.
Moving back to the ask - my best advice to your dumb ass and my dumb ass is be 100% honest with yourself. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being detrimental and 1 being practice questions, how important is this course? By importance, consider if it’ll affect your performance somewhere in the future through actual application, or by being a starting point for another course. There’s nothing worse than starting a new course with a motivated disposition only to realize that it jumps off from a course you know jack about. Now you have to waste time re-learning the old shit and you hate the new shit. So be honest. For me, that open book 24 hour ‘exam’ is a 6, and only because I’m in my sixth semester and so my last year’ll be research projects / thesis and industrial visits. Maybe a course or three that’re open book. It’s an important course, but it won’t affect me until laaaater.
Now, if all this hasn’t pushed you enough to do something, then do the bare minimum. Do enough that’ll satisfy you. It can be only memorizing the review and skimming through the rest, which is what I’m doing, instead of going all out and making study notes and summaries and shit. Because it’s hard not going to classes and expecting top performance, but you can do it. In the end, you’re putting in time and money for this shit, so remember that. You’re paying to sit around and avoid your responsibilities. You’re paying to take this opportunity for granted. You’re paying to be lax with your decisions. You’re paying for just existing. Is it fun living off the backs of people paying meaningful shit for you to continue to pay to do nothing?
I know it’s harsh, and it can be hard, but you got a whole day. If it’s too overwhelming, take it one day at a time. Prove that you’re paying for it yourself to yourself, if anything.
(I went in all of a sudden, sorry about that. I’m in your position so I went off like I’d go off with myself, but I hope this helped in some way.)
I’m open to you - or anybody - messaging me if you wanna talk. I like talking to people more than talking at them lol. Stay safe, and let’s make the most out of this special time!
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neuvostoliitto · 2 years
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LOL just went ahead and read the guide book for history students at my uni about what i still need to do for my masters degree fuck my life omg... first, i havent spoken to the teacher who was assigned for me to make a study plan.. well since my fist year at uni xDD nobody has asked me to do the plans! i’ve just done studies! im supposed to have done the third plan, the one for my masters when i started doing them but im only learning about it now. honestly, i dont want to talk to that teacher lol he doesn’t remember me even and the only feeling i have about him is intimidation.  then i read the part about having to do a training period (! i knew about this but have been ignoring it because i dont want to do one!) and ughhh ghh  hghh. . i cant even get a summer job how am i supposed to get this one...  then i read the part about the master’s thesis...it’s :D gonna have to be at least 70 pages long..... :D  i understand but at the same time (screaming) - am i supposed to know what im gonna write it about because i don’t know. i have no idea. 
then i read the part about what history students do for living after graduating :) and how you’re supposed to do all this socializing and connecting while studying lmao i havent even made single friend in 6 years. aghh . . . i didn’t think shit when choosing my minor subjects i just took the default ones xd xd like its ok.. i have enjoyed studying both of them (politics & sociology) but fuck i could have taken something else... only fucking job on this list that i can imagine myself kind of in is librarian but you would need to take 60 op (shit ton) of courses in information studies ... im at the part of my studies where i’m 90% done with my minor studies i think :D not 100% sure but also pretty done with history, only 1 or 2 courses and the stupid training period and the masters seminar.   the joke here is i took my time doing the bachelors and forgot everything and ifeel like i dont know shit about history anymore (theories and methods) :D :D and you kinda need to know something right for the thesis. i dont know who i can talk to this about. i dont want to talk to the teacher i mentioned.
(intermission: being alone at uni) i feel so dumb and like a hermit... :( i don’t like to go to student events or parties because i dont know anyone and i dont wanna drink with random people. + im super intimidated of everyone tbh i feel like everyone knows im trans and is judging me secretly (probably not true). :( also nobody ive talked to is into games or even anime or even the same kind of music that i like. im just a huge introvert lol. 
back to the point. i don’t know what im doing with my life. i don’t want to end my studies because i enjoy some parts of it and am almost done (in a way lol). but at the same time why am i doing this to myself xD. - debt, sadness, probably no career.. 
at the same time ive done pretty decently or even well so far it’s not all bad. >_> idk this was the monthly crying about uni post. idk if this makes any sense it’s mostly just for me. i hope i can work things out. 
honestly as i’ve told you guys, i went to uni because i felt like i have to (both parents have degrees - pressure) and didnt know what else to do. the studies have been interesting but i dont know how i can make anything out of this. i dont want to be a teacher, cant see myself as a researcher, working in government lol, and didn't do studies required for working in museums etc... :D i have ten thousand euros of dept and i know stuff.... i actually want to do something creative like art or writing and learn to do games ... idk. yeah. it’s not like i can’t do those things, i know.. i know... 
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
> Vel : Meet a nerdlord
Today at 2:45 AM
deputyheadmistress Alright, someone talking to you on my behalf about a lack of privacy got to me a bit. But I'm not upset with you for how the internet behaves.
flippinoptimist thats lurky, theyre a little closer to omniscient than is average for most beings, and like kind of giving advice, and they mean well i think they meant it mostly to make me stop chargin around in like, manic mode, though, even if stuff relatin to you was the causal start of the chain sorry you got dragged into it miss granger, and that i wasn't doin the tact thing
deputyheadmistress I didn't mean them, I meant the thread about different faux book titles. But a close to omniscient being is, I suppose, something I'll also have to get used to. I'm at least a bit used to manic teens, though it's not the best way to get shocking information.
flippinoptimist i think my earth age would technically start with a two, but thats sorta recent after you spend enough time around here you get used to the like, multiverse
deputyheadmistress Can we, perhaps, stop talking about the multiverse for a few moments? And talk about something a bit more grounding, like your particular brand of magic. I'm very curious.
flippinoptimist sure its sorta a fusion of everything ive run across, since the inherent stuff that my ~destiny~ tried to put on me isnt the same kind of stuff as the place where im learnin the inherent is more of a "woo, heres a big abstract concept, you are an incarnation / channeler of a shard of it, neato"
deputyheadmistress That sounds like a lot to dig into, but alright.
flippinoptimist the school part is about how you can structure thought and energy flow into symbols and runes and things i'm focusin on artificing ..and the inherent part has given me a knack for illusions i cant figure out how to actually cast spells but im good at making things!
deputyheadmistress Oh! I was very good at ancient runes during my time at Hogwarts, and while I haven't managed to do much with it since graduation, other than an enchanted bag, I'd be really curious to see what similarities there might be. I wonder if you can cast spells. Logic seems like it'd point to yes, but if you're from somewhere else...
flippinoptimist id be curious about them!  i know the words to a few spells but ive never seen  them and do naut have a wand of the kind you are thinking of the wands i know about / make each have a specific spell in them, and are locked to create a specific effect that triggers when a gesture or word or w/e happens
deputyheadmistress That's terribly inefficient.
flippinoptimist sure, its Terrible
deputyheadmistress ... Is that referencing those historical people of note who end up being so infamous people associate them with the word 'Terrible' as well?
flippinoptimist naut much different than having a necklace that makes you invisible though yes! it also enables a billion terrible puns
deputyheadmistress I was curious. It's a bit strange to add it yourself, don't you think?
flippinoptimist (ba dum tsh)
deputyheadmistress Oh.
flippinoptimist it is
deputyheadmistress Well, that explains that, doesn't it?
flippinoptimist but my species has this thing, where on adulthood we each replace our kid name with an adult Title
deputyheadmistress Oh, it's a cultural thing.
flippinoptimist yeah, and i chose a human one
deputyheadmistress Alright. I read a little bit on that.
flippinoptimist because humans are neat and i like them
deputyheadmistress Oh! Well, I'm glad you like humans, then.
flippinoptimist and i respect a lot of the cultural things i see in most of the human places i have found
deputyheadmistress Good, I was about to ask that.
flippinoptimist also everything that comes out of japan is amazing
deputyheadmistress I don't know how I could let you use a wand from here, but I want to try.
flippinoptimist id love to try if you can think of a way! i am pretty good at establishing first contact with new universes, and i could get you alien tech and magic to check out if you wanted for various definitions of alien
deputyheadmistress ... Alien tech won't work so well on Hogwart's grounds. I had to heavily modify this computer so it'd function here.
flippinoptimist i am curious about how
flippinoptimist alllsooo....  ill have to find a copy of the magic version of getting around from place to place
deputyheadmistress Oh! I wrote a whole thesis on how to make magic more compatable with muggle text over the summer, let me...
flippinoptimist but i know where to find it!  couple of steps and itll work out okay
deputyheadmistress I'll send it to you later. It's a bit lengthy, and I have to type it up here. Alright, I'll hold.
flippinoptimist okay i hate to say this because i am definitely interested in exchangin data and showin things, but it feels rude not to remind you before we get much further that a step of getting this to work is probably going to involve me (random internet stranger) havin to figure out what your coordinates are, so i can write them in the format needed for the circley part i can get you the circle rune pattern either way, but if you want a way to actually use it, id need to basically track your IP but, like, fancy and involving you running a thing on a computer let me know if you want to do that part, but heres the circle diagram
flippinoptimist -- flippinoptimist began sending file : transportationcircle.pdf --
deputyheadmistress I have been warned about random internet strangers.... I may have to work on protection wards for a moment, for the sake of safety.
flippinoptimist sure thing i highly advise not using that w/o fillin in coordinates the way it says, and also not without knowin your home coordinates if you step through that thing, the only way back is to know how to write your home address, you know?
deputyheadmistress Alright
flippinoptimist to find home coordinates, install one a these chat programs, and send me a private message, i can use a couple a tools to trace the connection from there and get your code
deputyheadmistress This is certainly the sort of decision I want to be making at five in the morning. Alright, I've got everything set up. What is life without adventure, and the chance to make the headmistress mad at me.
flippinoptimist lol the decision will still be here at not five in the morning, but you wont be able to blame it on the time then shit i should give you the programs shouldnt i -- Discord, Trollian! --
deputyheadmistress Thank you.
flippinoptimist i have a set of coords i can give you that are explicitely for being a neutral place to meet people, but the sky isnt done yet so its janky lookin but!  the building is finished
deputyheadmistress I've chosen a fairly neutral place for the moment, don't worry.
flippinoptimist ok!
deputyheadmistress > Message him on Discord. This will be absolutely fine. Totally.
flippinoptimist > He messages her back!  About two minutes later, he gives her the number version of her coordinates, which she can use to get back home from anywhere.  He also gives her the coordinates to the convenience store, which he mentions is "a pocket dimension under construction"
deputyheadmistress > She'll... Write that down and probably not do anything with it for a while. > If he tries to look at her coordinates directly, it will really really not work, as if his machine were glitching, but he can probably go a few miles out for a nice view of a scottish country side.
flippinoptimist > Neat!  He ..does poke that far, but then sets his machine to go back to looking somewhere else.  The coordinates are saved, but he promises to himself to not use them. if somebody gives you coordinates, you can go places, or people w/ yours can send you stuff or come visit
deputyheadmistress Alright. This is going to take a bit of getting used to, but if you want to come over you can.
flippinoptimist > ..man, he was supposed to be in time out, but lately he'd been doing so well ..until today.. and he'd been leaning into choosing the Chaotic choices more and more often... > What good was putting yourself in time out if you didn't stick to it?
flippinoptimist crazy o clock in the mornin probably aint the best time for first impressions, though its temptin as hell.  i could send across some small magic gunk and weird alien snacks as a proof of concept, and meet you like, tomorrow or another day soon?
deputyheadmistress That sounds good! I'll send you some magic things too, then.
flippinoptimist sweet!  we can compare notes
deputyheadmistress > Time to gather some of George's jokes and some magical candy.
flippinoptimist > He would send an invisibility ring, a few novelty disguises, a small opal that made anyone within line of sight experience a slightly sweet taste (in a well-shielded bag), and a variety of alternian mass-produced snackfoods labled in a clearly alien language.  Ones he thought might not creep out humans too bad.
deputyheadmistress > Bertie botts every flavor beans are a necessity, though she does make sure to include a carefully penned note about what flavors he may come across that are less pleasant. Chocolate frogs are included as well, of course. Things that turn skin different interesting colors, fireworks that make flame animals bound through the air.
flippinoptimist > He is going to admire the hell out of and carefully store these for later perusal.
deputyheadmistress > He also gets a somewhat large coinpurse that he can shove his whole arm in and still seem to not run out of room.
flippinoptimist okay this is a pretty neat bag stupid question and no i am not going ot try, what happens when you turn it inside out
deputyheadmistress You could turn it out for a really long time. I think it'd be annoying to stuff it back in though
flippinoptimist okay, what if i went for a swim in the ocean with it is there a limit?
deputyheadmistress Of course there's a limit. But it can hold a tent or two, several thin blankets, changes of clothing, general everyday use things, and of course money. Thin things work better, obviously. You could probably fit thick blankets, but it'd be way more annoying both to put them in and pull them out.
flippinoptimist that makes a lotta sense and is pretty interestin i have a tech way of carrying lots of stuff, but you mentioned tech was sad
deputyheadmistress Oh! I have a print version of the paper I was going to type up.
flippinoptimist ive got an amulet thats basically like a mr potato head that disguises you all the runework lines up so you can unclip parts and clip in different parts
deputyheadmistress > Send that along, also. There's moving pictures involved, with her pictured. Oh wow.
flippinoptimist modular!
deputyheadmistress I don't think describing it as 'Mr Potato Head' is reassuring, for a disguise, but a modular disguise is interesting.
flippinoptimist it only works when everything is seated in firmly and shut, but its also sort of like legos > He .. sends a modular disguise amulet over too, with a couple of bits and pieces it only does disguises for my species, but hey, maybe thatll be handy
deputyheadmistress Maybe.
flippinoptimist pro tip if you are ever going to go to a place with my species, ask them which color of person is best for you to be can of worms subject really
deputyheadmistress That sounds racist as hell.
flippinoptimist oh yeah
deputyheadmistress Joy.
flippinoptimist p much sometides people call the usual empress "fish hitler" most of the dudes i know are huge rebels
deputyheadmistress The magical world just recently got done with a war similar to Hitler's.
flippinoptimist but!  there are placeswhere things are fine its just good to check if a place is one of them first
deputyheadmistress So I'm a little sick of that.
flippinoptimist i hang out in like three different places where she got deposed differentamounts of time ago yeah thats aight
deputyheadmistress At least there's that.
flippinoptimist speaking of humans, its great how often its naut like that like, sometimes, but anyway people can be pretty cool when teyre given teh chance
deputyheadmistress I do like to believe in the inherent goodness of people, despite how much bad has happened.
flippinoptimist i think people can choose how theyre gonna be theresa lotta nice reasons to choose not to be a dick
deputyheadmistress I should hope you wouldn't need reasons, but yes there are reasons to be nice.
flippinoptimist sometimes bein mean is tempting, otherwise people wouldnt do it you get all wrapped up in somethin, dont see all of it, then suddenly you get a reality check an gotta go "hey is this where i wanna be" and then people ignore the question because they dont wanna think about it and then its sealed, theyre dicks and theyll stay that way
flippinoptimist till they look around again
deputyheadmistress I suppose.
flippinoptimist i spend a lotta time thinkin about it i was a jerk when i was younger, and i decided to be nice instead so i spend a lot of time talkin to dudes who are or were also jerks and we all get better! cause i can help them find the reasons they need to start
flippinoptimist also jerks are sometimes kinda hilarious, and theyre often pretty good at shit.  otherwise theyd have learned better when they ran into a problem they couldnt solve w/o help.
deputyheadmistress It's getting a bit late. I think I should probably turn in for the night, before all of the teenagers wake up and need scowling at.
flippinoptimist that is probably a thing i hope you have a good night miss granger it was nice meetin you
deputyheadmistress It was really interesting talking to you, Vel.
flippinoptimist i try for interestin
deputyheadmistress Do you really need to try?
flippinoptimist not really
deputyheadmistress Have a good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
flippinoptimist bye!
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