#for weeks !!
perotovar · 2 days
the temptation to build a gaming pc is through the ROOF
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finalgirllx · 7 months
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forever pairing the lyrics of this song with slytherin men prison for life - olivia rodrigo
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charamuscadmango · 5 months
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this is a redesign sort of, still kept a few things from the old design
completely unrelated but I hc her as the shortest of the 3 lmao
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simmyfrobby · 9 months
ok right.. right ok i bet you’ve already considered this one deeply but: Mark Halliday’s ‘Quite Frankly’. the 18 photo albums. u could say… one for each season together :( sure they got old and died. but okay first there was the love :( this is SOOOOO pens to me
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(I'm sorry @falling-raine and @styx142 this is for science I need to know. I SWEAR THIS IS NOT A COMMONLY KNOWN FACT AMONGST PEOPLE WHO ARE AWARE OF TEXAS. PROVE ME RIGHT, TUMBLR.)
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namiphim · 1 year
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j4mies4rtbl0ck · 8 months
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🎶don’t be a fool, tell them u think they’re cool🎶
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bloodpen-to-paper · 10 months
Couldn't liveblog this but I'm so stoked Maxo finally got to use his bomb, he's been cooking this plotline for weeks
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narafeedee · 4 months
How you be?
so much better. this really was the most challenging winter i’ve powered through thus far, just too many compounding stressors at once 🤷🏻‍♀️
but i feel really good. it’s been easing up so much in the last couple weeks, my executive functioning is back online and i’ve been prioritizing taking extra care of myself and practicing mindfulness and gratitude for being able to live this life.
i hope you’re doing well 💛
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froggyart · 2 months
The intro blog was long overdue
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So I have just been aware that I am a introvert off and on the internet so this is a get to know me....
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Names and pronouns:
Name: You can call me Kermit, or Felix (but I would prefer you call me Kermit)
Pronouns: I am trans (FTM) and my pronouns are He/Him
We all know I like Kuroshitsuji but I also like...
Old Fairy tales (like Snow White)
DC (sometimes Marvel)
Victorian Era/Medieval Times °O°
Old movies and cartoons (Rubber hose cartoons like Betty Boop)
Animal Crossing
Monster High
(I just haven't really been focusing on them because of Black Butler)
I do intend to focus on these in the future if I ever have nothing to draw cuz I sometimes run out ideas of Black Butler (like the horrible fanart of Grelle, Wolf, And Sebs *gag*)
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People who ship Sebaciel (let's just get that out of the way)
Transphobes/Homophobes/Racist/Xenophobes/Fatphobes (which I have not interacted with, and let's keep it that way) proshippers/comshippers/lolicons/pd-files...
So basically if you are all these things please kindly fick von and don't interact other than that everyone else is welcome°U°
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What you can expect from me...
I do art, that means fanart, my own art, sometimes reblogs of art , and or fanfictions (if I feel comfortable sharing it:)
Starting from today going on I shall focus on other things other than Kuro (and if I don't stick to my word then may the devil drag me down)
Also this blog is 17+ so if you are under the age of 17 I don't post risky stuff, but there might be slight gore or coarse language, maybe sometimes implied things
for example this:
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Also I have one another blog if you want to see what happens on that side of my brain that isn't just hyperfixations
I usually would just post comics that I make there so, yeh
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This is Matts(MC from a comic of mine, and the pfp of the blog)
Also feel free to interact with me by asking me questions and stuff my asks are open to anything involving questions about random things or my AUs, OCs, HCs, or just questions about certain interests feel free to ask away....
pls I need interaction
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sunsetsnz · 4 months
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Have a picture of my cat while I vent below about the situation with her </3 skip if you just wanna enjoy the picture of her
Grrr so my mom has been watching my lovely cat for me while I’ve been in college since I can’t house her long term with my three other roommates. And my mom is moving several states away to live closer to my older brother and his kids.
That leaves my cat with nowhere to go and for weeks I’ve been asking friends family and even acquaintances if they can take care of her for me until I can move out of my college dorm and she can live with me. But no one has been able to in the end.
The only thing I have is that one friend who goes to a different college can take her on the 20th of august. So on the 20th I’d have to bring her to my friend then come right back to my school all in one day before classes start the next day. It would be like 7-8 hrs of driving total sobs.
But until then I don’t know what to do… I drive tomorrow back to my dorm since I’m at my mom’s right now. And I think I’ll have to take her with me to my college. I’m trying one last go with two friends who I didn’t want to bother since they already have two cats and a dog. But they’re my last option since I just need her to be watched until the 20th
If it doesn’t work I’m going to have to tell my roommates (who I am really bad at talking with. yeah my irl social skills suck) that I need to have my cat in my dorm for a month. Which my room is small and a mess and idk where I’d put her litterbox my closet is already so full I have no space. Sobs so hard. And just the stress of having to ask my roommates who I hardly talk to if it’s alright because what if they say no I will literally have nowhere for her. I’ll have to go against them and be like well I need her here so sorry. The potential situation is stressing me out hardcore. Because I love this cat so much I cannot just give her away I need her.
I just do not know what to do. I need to text my roommates right now but I have bad anxiety when it comes to interacting with them. It’s so odd because I can hit up anyone in this fandom and not bat an eye, y’all chill. But talking to my roommates? Nah </3
If you read this far thanks for listening I just needed to rant this somewhere because I feel like I’m going to cry because I don’t know what to do and I love this cat too much. If anyone has advice I’ll take it but don’t feel obligated to interact with this post. <3
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Bonus cat picture
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olibensstuff · 1 year
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it came to me in a dream
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bookwormcosplays · 27 days
Being in an all male automotive class is making me appreciate silence and solitude a lot more and I now get triggered by the name De*dpool and Ry*n R*ynolds
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bootsieboots · 2 years
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hey @zeddyzi, i drew your guy in a dress :D
(hope its ok that i heavily referenced one of your drawings lol, i just love him sm)
i am on the slowest journey ever to draw all yer guys in dresses, hehehe >:] /hj
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Star Wars Detroit: Become Human au, my beloved
have a Jedi!Connor and BOI DO I GOT MORE COMING
Part I I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5 I Part 6 I Part 7 I Part 8 I Part 9
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