#ford and stan
misteria247 · 3 days
Me watching the episode of Bill Cipher entering Stan's mind
Stan talking about how he was a crybaby and how he took boxing lessons due to his dad
Me: Wait.....do you think that the reason Stan stayed in these lessons wasn't just to impress his old man, but to also become strong enough to defend Ford from bullies and whatnot??? Like he forced himself to toughen up so Ford could rely on him instead of Stan not being able to do anything.
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A little fic based off of this
Whenever I write an X Reader it's usually for chubby!reader but it's actually a plot point in this one
Chubby/bullied!reader x stan
You, Ford, Caryn and Filbrick sat in the front row.
Stan had a big fight tonight, the only reason his father came, and you were nervously tapping your leg. His opponent, Godfrey Davies, was bigger and looked meaner but you knew Stan could potentially pull it off.
The two entered the ring and Stan gave you a cheeky wink before his eyes caught his father. His whole expression changed when he clocked Filbrick.
"He better win." Ford commented.
You knew what Ford was implying. If Stan lost in front of his dad he would be crushed. And Filbrick was the type of man who would leave if he was bored so Stan would also have to put on a good show.
The two touched gloves and the bell rang.
You weren't a huge boxing fan but wouldn't deny the rush a match gave you. The adrenaline of the room coursed through your veins as each punch landed. Godfrey was strong, he had hit Stan's stomach a few times but Stan was quick enough to dodge any major strikes.
Godfrey managed to land a blow against Stan's cheek and your hand grasped Fords.
You glanced at Ford as an excuse to spy on Filbrick but the man gave nothing away. Merely enjoying? the show.
In the split second your eyes were off of Stan, he had managed to gain the upper hand with a series of quick jabs against Godfrey's right side.
"He's hurt him." Ford informed you. "See the twitch."
You followed his fingers, unable to see the twitch, alas you trusted Ford's intelligence. If Ford said Stan hurt him then he hurt him.
The two danced around each other for the remainder of the round, there was a soft tap here and a dodge there but otherwise the first round was quiet.
The next round was similar. There were the odd moments of carnal violence sprinkled in between their dance but it was the third round that mattered.
As Stan took a sip of water, he turned in your direction, his pale skin beginning to pinken as it swelled up.
He gave you all a sloppy smirk and when the bell rang again, he had a new fire in him.
Stan kept low and stayed with defence until Godfrey tired himself out - punching ludicrously hard against his arms - and just when Godfrey stopped to pant, Stan whacked him with an uppercut.
Godfrey stumbled backwards, wobbling on his feet. Stan was on him in an instant punching him in the face and forcing the man to the floor.
The ref called it and everyone cheered.
He had won.
This was a big deal.
He could now fight in a higher tier.
This was really good news!
You released Ford from your hug and he ran over to his twin. The boys embraced, clapping each other's backs, grinning from ear to ear.
Caryn was next, she slipped in the hug, squeezing her babies tight. You knew she said a cheesy joke along the lines of 'I didn't need a crystal ball to know you'd win' because the twins rolled their eyes in sync but there was no real malice behind the gesture.
Filbrick finally made his move: a pat on the shoulder. You knew it meant the world to Stan. He deserved it. He really did. He was glorious.
A photographer told the family to smile but Stan stopped the photo.
"Wait, where's Y/N?" His eyes scanned the crowd that had formed, swarming the ring side. Unsurprisingly, he had a lot of groupies. People loved a big strong man.
They landed on you and you smiled, waving awkwardly as he gestured for you to join them. The room was noisy and people were still cheering, drinks being drunk, music blaring so he didn't hear your reply. You shook your head, sheepishly.
It was his moment. He needed this. To be in a photo with his family. He could frame it.
Besides, you'd only ruin it.
You weren't exactly pretty.
A fact that everyone had relentlessly told you at school.
The only reason you were still alive was Stan and Ford's friendship, otherwise you'd have had to fight the onslaught of insults alone and you really didn't think you were strong enough for that.
Stan frowned momentarily before forcing a smile for the photo.
"Doll face?" You were sitting, in your garden, on the swing your dad had made, reading the Lord of the Rings. Turning your head you found Stan. He was standing next to you, hands in pockets. He had bruises on his cheek and a split lip you hadn't noticed at the time.
"Hi." You smiled up, closing the book. "How'd's it feel to be a winner?"
Stan chuckled, plonking down on the swing next to you. Your dad had to install another when you eventually made friends. "'little sore."
"I bet you don't feel it because your dad was proud of you." You mock punched his arm. "He really was."
Stan swivelled on the swing, the rope twisting together as he spun around.
You suspected he had something to say so kept quiet until he found the words.
Stan let go, spinning until he was back in the correct place.
"You know you're gorgeous right?" The words tumbled out.
They took you aback. You hadn't ever thought those words would come out of his mouth. "Pardon?"
He let out a shaky breath, gazing up at the sky. "You're really pretty. I don't know why Jorgie and her gang tell you otherwise. Like a damn movie star."
Where had this come from? "Wh-"
"The photo." He answered without needing the question. "I wish you were in it."
You didn't know what to say or how to respond. The only thing you could think to do was shyly smile and reach for his hand.
"Filbrick, that's Y/N." You overheard Caryn whisper to her husband. They were in the Kitchen where you were planning on getting a drink. "She comes over all the time."
He huffed.
Did-did he not know who you were?
You were here every other day.
Hell, you once made the man dinner!
Caryn had been sick and the boys were useless so you came around and rustled up some grub for the four of them.
That was insulting.
"The fat one?" He questioned.
Were you fat?
You glanced down at yourself, you could see your toes but maybe not as much as you should be able to?
"She's no-well, it doesn't matter. She's good for Stan..and Ford. Keeps them sane."
Caryn thought you were fat too?
You stepped away carefully, avoiding the spots in the wood that creaked, and nestled yourself back into the boys room. Settling next to Stan in his bed as they argued about nothing important.
You'd declined every offer Stan made to go out. You didn't want to look like you were avoiding him but his parents thought you were fat and that had shaken your self image.
You were obviously not thin in the mirror and people at school called you fat and ugly all the time, so much that part of you believed it and part of you brushed it off but to hear it from them...
You knew you were nothing great to look at. Stan was just trying to comfort you, you probably embarrassed them.
Your evenings were spent jogging mostly. It was awful and you hated it but you made sure to do it before dinner.
"Oit." A voice called, you spun to see Stan running to catch up.
"What're we doing?" He fell into pace with you.
"Jogging." You offered.
"Har, har." He playfully shoved you. "Why are we jogging? It's the worst."
Your face split into a grin, loving how in sync the two of you were. "It really is!"
When you both rounded the corner, he repeated himself. "C'mon what are we doing?"
"Trying to lose weight." You answered.
"W-why?" Your reply had caught him completely off guard that he faltered. Stan had to speed up to match your pace again. "You don't need to."
A dark chuckle left you without your consent. "I heard someone talking-"
"Ignore the girls at school." He interrupted.
"It wasn't-" Jogging and talking was hard. "It was someone whose opinion I'd hate to admit I trust. They'd tell me it straight."
Stan made a face but didn't argue. He would let you win this round and later convince you to come to the diner and get a thick shake. He knew you weren't fat, well maybe you were but not in a bad way, yeah, the meat on your bones was in all the right places. More to love like platonically.
Finally you came to a stop outside your house.
"I don't think jeans were designed for running." Stan tried to pry the fabric off his thigh.
You giggled. "Don't blame me. I didn't ask you to join me."
"I'd never blame you, beautiful." He folded his arms. "Now, who do I have to beat up?"
"No one." Your eyes rolled automatically.
Stan closed the distance, cupping your cheeks in his palms, forcing eye contact. "Tell me. 'cause you're perfect."
Why had he decided to be all sweet and flirty recently? Did he know you were the butt of every joke? He was well aware that boys would ask you out as a prank. Was this one? No, not your Stan.
Well he wasn't your Stan.
"Earth to Y/N." He manipulated your head, swaying it gently side to side.
"Who called you fat?"
The words seemed to leave your mouth before you had the chance to stop them. Your mind hadn't even thought of the words and they were released into the world. "Your parents."
The neutral expression morphed into anger. Stan's brows pulled as his pupils shrunk. A twitch occurred in his jaw. "My dad?"
"Your mom, too." You shrugged. "It's nothing massive, it's actually helpful. Now I know it's true I can-"
"No." He shook his head. "No, it's not. It's mean." Stan placed his forehead against yours and took in a breath. "When I say you are perfect, believe it. Don't change anything."
The new few months played out in the usual fashion. You'd go to school, then theirs, they'd come to yours, the three of you would worry about test results, studying was tricky when the boys were helping. It didn't take long before all the exams were finished and the school year was coming to a close meaning prom.
You and the twins went together. None of you officially had dates but that didn't matter because you threw were together.
A triangle was the strongest shape after all.
You arrived at the Pines house on time, barely giving the door a knock before it swung open. Stan was quick to exit and pulled you towards the car.
He didn't look back, settling you into the passenger seat as he rounded the car to the driver's.
"Stan?" You glanced at the door. "Everything okay?"
Stan gave you a curt nod, his palms tightening in the steering wheel. You watched the knuckles whiten on his left hand before his right pulled your gaze. There was blood on them.
"Where's Ford?"
As if on cue Ford left the house, closing the door behind him and strode towards the car.
He slipped into the backseat and gave you a sheepish smile.
The car journey was weird to say the least.
You distracted yourself with the radio.
At school you took the obligatory photo of the "couple". You stood between the boys arm in arm. It was the only time Stan smiled since you'd seen him.
You all entered the gym, they'd dressed it up and it was still your school gym, and found a spot to stand and people watch.
Ford attempted to make small talk with others but he wasn't hugely successful, coming back each time with an 'aww shucks'.
Stan was still being strange so you let him be. Sometimes he went quiet when he was thinking too hard. You hoped he was able to at least enjoy a bit of the evening.
He had just excused himself to use the toilet when Ford sprinted back to your side. "Finally!"
"He punched dad." Ford whispered.
Huh, it sounded like Ford told you Stan had punched Filbrick but that would be insane. "Care to run that by me again?"
"Dad said something and Stan shouted before he just socked him. It was intense. Dad then shook his hand!"
"Wait, I don't get it." You frowned. "Your dad's been an asshole for years, what made Stan snap?"
Ford shrugged but you knew he knew. Why wasn't he telling you? "Ask him."
"Oh, yeah, I'll just ask Stan 'why'd you finally decide to whack your dad?' Think on it!"
Ford's eyes slipped over your shoulder and he nodded minutely. Stan was back in the room.
Your eyes immediately found his knuckles, they weren't bloodied but even from here you could see the slight pink hue. You turned to ask Ford something only to find he had disappeared again.
Stan made his way through the dancefloor and stopped by your side.
After Ford's confession the silence was maddening. You needed to ask why but how do you go about it? How do you just ask him? And his dad shook his hand? Was that a goodbye? Was Stan being kicked out? No, Filbrick wasn't that cruel.
"Fancy a dance?" You offered. Stan looked at you and then the crowd, unease splattered throughout his expression. "We don't have to."
"It is a dance, though." He commented. "Just- there's a lot of people."
"It's okay." You brushed him off. It wasn't a massive deal.
"There wasn't anyone in the corridor by Mr Tymeh's. Could still hear the music." He didn't outright ask you but you'd been friends long enough to read between the lines.
"Lead the way."
The two of you left the gym and wandered past the toilets to the small 'office' Mr Tymeh ate his lunch and moaned at the less athletic students in.
Stan was right, you could hear the music from here and the corridor was empty.
"Wanna do this then?" He asked, making zero eye contact.
"Stan we don't have to if yo-" You were unable to finish the sentence because he pulled you close, hands on your waist, and swayed.
Your hands met his shoulders and you let him move the two of you back and forth. The song wasn't particularly slow but this half dance was really sweet that you didn't want to complain.
"I like your suit." You brushed your fingers along his collar.
"Thanks, got mine and Fords for the price of one." He smirked cockily. "You, uh, you look beautiful as ever. That colour's real pretty."
You didn't give the compliment to get one, hopefully he knew that!! Yet it was sweet hearing the words. Choosing the colour was very hard, you didn't want to look good for everyone else, you wanted to feel good for yourself and when you finally decided what you were wearing you did feel good.
Maybe tonight you'd believe Stan's words.
"What happened to your hand?"
"Some schmuck." He shrugged. "No one important."
You pulled his hand from your hip and frowned. "That's not what Ford said."
Stan groaned. "That fucker."
"Are you alright?"
He looked into your eyes before nodding. "Yeah."
"Gonna tell me about it?" You raised a brow.
"He was just being an asshole." There was more to the story. There had to be. Filbrick had been an asshole for years and Stan hadn't snapped so why now? Stan saw the confusion in your face so elaborated. "He made comments about you."
Your frown deepened. "You hit your dad for me?"
"Course I did." Stan paused. "He can say what he wants about me but not you." His eyes flickered to your opening mouth. "It was strange, he patted me on the back and shook my hand after. Proud of me for standing up I guess."
@nyx-universe @aceistheplace86
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aspectnotarized · 1 month
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Even though I haven't got my Book of Bill yet (I found out late 😔), the fandom revival is poking around at my old Blind Faith au art, and its reminding me of how much fun I have thinking about it.
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sillyboycam · 5 months
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“Well Shooting Star? What’s your decision?”
Also I have no idea why I made Ford so calm. Maybe because he thought Bill wouldn’t y’know, actually kill his grandniece/nibling
This is inspired by that one song that’s been floating around. Dove - Doll Ver. By antihoney. It’s so unnerving I love it
Mabel is so misunderstood. I love her
(So is literally every other Pine)
all we can hope is he’s being a silly little guy. Anyways hi! I’ve been working on this for a while and have changed a lot of things thousands of times. Though I’m not suppper duper happy with the faces.. it still looks pretty good I think :)
Also if you don’t already know from a few of my posts, I’m an angst lover. Very moody I am yes sir
Pls enjoy
Love ya!
Art is by me ————————-> @sillyboycam
(This took me a week ~_~)
Also quietly… Happy 4/13!! I didn’t have time to draw or make anything today but I love Homestuck from the bottom of my heart
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telebeast · 18 days
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unoriginal joke
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dooffirmations · 20 days
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H E L L O ????
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evilgoodguys · 22 days
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he’d forgotten how much he missed that smile.
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noodles-and-tea · 14 days
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twocrpseswewere · 8 days
is this anything
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cunning-and-cool · 19 days
idk man but something about Stanley "taught himself extremely advance physics/math/probably many other things while running a relatively successful business" Pines and Stanford "is wanted in almost every dimension with a judicial system of some kind" Pines is sooo fucking funny to me
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misteria247 · 2 days
Firmly believe that after everything Ford becomes hella protective of Stan. Like I'm talking he'll fuck your shit up if you prove to be a threat to his little brother kind of protective. Like Ford immediately wants to let Stan know that he's got his back the way Stan's had his for their entire lives and it throws Stan for a loop everytime Ford steps up and throws hands.
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unsung-idiot · 7 days
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don't show him modern technology; it won't end well
bonus under the cut:
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hahaoatmeal · 10 days
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bootleg-grandpa · 7 days
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"Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me. You're our hero, Stanley."
*Something something*- no matter againts who or what-Stan will always protect his bro
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khamoise · 5 days
I can't explain how much I love them 😔💖
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mroddmod · 19 days
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soos was crying behind the camera btw
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