#forever neg
lionheartedmusings · 9 months
i think this is now a safe space to say that the "leo incident" was fucked up within the story of the qsmp and that then guilt tripping and essentially god modding other players live on stream to just get over it and not be allowed to roleplay their feelings about the situation (the situation that was fucked up) was a shitty move. but god forbid anyone say anything until now.
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qsmpconfessions · 1 year
i hope the creators are normal abt q!quackity's memory problems and potential brain damage. I like how quackity has handled it so far but i'm side-eyeing forever and his 'derp' comment. I do think Forever probably doesn't mean to actually hurt anyone, but it still made me uncomfortable.
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bloodykanary · 1 year
I am so done with Forever.
I was very interested in an arc where he would become a villain. But between the fact that he apparently can't pull it off and his attitude, I don't really want to watch him, it brings no fun at all. Last night felt like watching someone get bullied, and that was even before seeing anything else on Twitter.
There are ways to play a villain without being toxic, I assure you. I made a deliberate choice here to exclude the RP choices I disagree with or don't find good, because that is not what makes me angry.
When a creator uses the picture of another character and insult the picture to entertain, I have a problem.
When a creator chooses to mock the character (and creator) who is actively trying to explain something to them at length, I have a problem.
When a creator's community affects other creators' roleplay, I have a problem.
Forever is an adult, he also knows this is RP. You can't have your CC start a villain arc and be mad when there are consequences in other people's roleplay.
Now about Forever's own behaviour. It's easy to hide behind "but guys don't be mad like this, this is RP", but some things are not RP. I could handle my dislike of RP aspects if I didn't have to read that every creator and Pomme gets shit as soon as they don't act like his community wants them to. Or that the streamers I follow don't do what they would like to do in a given situation because they don't want to deal with the reactions from "the communities". Don't get me wrong, all communities have their part of shitheads, but we know those conversations do not happen when they meet, say, Roier or Foolish.
The way Forever behaves with/in front of his chat directly affects how they interact with other creators and other fans. It's fostering an environment where his viewers think what they're doing is okay, and this is also his responsibility as a creator. It was nice when he said a few months ago that he wanted to be careful about that and have more moderators and new rules etc. But committing to this takes effort that he doesn't seem to put in.
He seemed to talk about the situation with his viewers like he's The Victim and I find this is dishonest from him, at best. He's not the only one getting shit, he chose a path for his character that's definitely going to get q!him less liked, and he's definitely not the one who's the most affected currently. So I don't think bringing back the Leo incident is relevant.
"It's RP", "he doesn't understand the language", please understand that it doesn't excuse what he's doing and even less what his viewers are doing.
Pranks and banter have limits, and I know this a problem much bigger in streaming than just the QSMP, but one of the reasons I appreciate the QSMP so much is that it rarely goes onto bullying territory. Watching a streamer mock another one for half an hour is not entertaining to me whether it's RP or not, and frankly, I don't think it should be entertaining to anyone. It's fun when it's balanced. Last night and Saturday night were everything but balanced. And again, treating this kind of situation as pure entertainment is part of the problem. If your character is a bad person or is in a bad phase, it's all fine to play this out like this, but that means understanding that it's actually bad behaviour, which is clearly not the case here.
I will add one slight remark about the RP specifically, because in my opinion, this is the root of the problem. (q!)Forever doesn't seem fully committed to being a villain. He still wants most people to like him, which makes his "teasing" not really appear as deep RP. And from that, most of the other characters than q!Bad don't care that much about the emerging conflict (which could also be used in a good villain arc, but that's another conversation).
Now the creators get along, and while we're all in our right to dislike some of them in and/or beyond RP, us watching a story should NOT affect what they do to make the story live. It's NOT OUR PLACE.
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murky-tannin · 1 year
Rant below cut about the post election politics plot in general
Ough i'm gonna be so real I think I hate the entire president thing. I'm so so over randomly instated illogical systems and laws made for easy content in smps. It's literally the most basic and overdone mcrp smp conflict. It's in everything, even before the dsmp and it's never been satisfying in execution unless dramatics are completely excluded and that's just not the case with the qsmp.
I had hope during the election it would be unique and finally at least partially make a decent storyline. With how they were discussing using the role of president to not do shit like instate dumb laws and instead avoid using the "privileges" given by the Feds at all/only using it for things like getting the islanders more freedoms instead of restricting them. It was one of the reasons I didn't want Forever as president- I knew he'd play it the way he currently is despite his claims otherwise during the elections and I'm just. So tired of it.
I appreciate both the cc and character but actually enjoying him in general is gonna be really hard until the presidential shit gets left behind (which unfortunately isn't likely to be anytime within the next few months). Because his character imo is being irrational in his actions in the most boring way possible. And no one else (just like. Every other smp ever) realizes or cares how weird it is he's started trying to instate really unneeded or wanted restrictions and laws. Like if you changed the label from "President" and the crap we associate with it (stuff that doesn't apply to the Federation aka actual definition) almost none of Forever's actions make sense.
I've realized today Bad's character actually questioning and challenging qForever was the only thing keeping me sane and now that the cc is stopping that due to hate and his character is just. A laughing stock for his disagreements? The last thing keeping me from despising this whole thing is gone. The politics of qsmp are plenty interesting without having your character randomly decide to add jails or rules simply because they were given a label of president after months of discussing why those kinds of things were bad and how he'd actually be trying to do helpful things. Not gonna bitch to ccs about it. Just fucking sucks because it so heavily is involved with my favorite parts of the qsmp and my favorite characters. Wish I just watched qsmp for like- Philza or something rn. Then again I haven't slept in like 48 hours maybe it'll be slightly more tolerable tomorrow
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born-in-hell · 8 months
aquele q n deve ser nomeado achou q tava fazendo copacabana mas na vdd aql lá tava mais pra balneário camboriú
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vanalex · 3 months
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pawzofchaos · 7 months
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whoooo this turned our better than I had meant for it to @meandtheyeehaws
congrats on 30k!! 🎉 Little dtiys for the who framed fizzarolli au ^^
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Guys I'm gonna be so fucking fr with you if this turns out to be real I'm fully giving up on these movies
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stuckinapril · 1 year
Lowkey glad that I’m pretty aware of the fallible nature of a young adult brain. I’ve had friends before who said things like “I’ll probably never find love ever” “I’ll probably feel this way forever” “this situation will get worse I just know it” and you can truly tell they believe that w their mind body and soul. And I can be like that sometimes too. Bc that’s just how an underdeveloped brain works, it makes you want to believe things in absolutes. But I’ve been getting so much better at combating that and being aware of when I’m getting into the incorrect mode of thinking something is 100% the truth when I don’t have nearly enough data to back it up
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rustedhills · 9 months
Disney, releasing Wish: "so it's all about legacy--the new generation surpassing the old, overcoming the evils perpetuated by them, relinquishing singular power... and there's an old man in a tower, uh... animal sidekick, i guess..., ah... magic...?
Miyazaki, just out of frame, sledgehammer raised:
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
what if mira's parents were like... "oh our precious darling baby, please never grow up!" sort of parents.... not cruel, but stifling. deciding what she'll do, and then doing it for her. not letting her learn and try and fail and grow into her own, independent self.
of course she would love the religion of change! of course she would believe so passionately in the importance of discovering and reinventing yourself. of course she would have been missing basic life skills when she first came to the house, and enamored with whoever patiently taught them to her. of course she would take every class available, try everything she was denied.
and of course it would feel awful, when she kept failing. she started out at a deficit and has felt two steps behind ever since. and every time she tries a new skill and makes a mistake, she hears her parents say, just let us do it for you. and every time she compares her same-old self to the unique and talented people around her, she wonders if maybe her parents were right about her. maybe she wasn't meant to have her own interests, to make her own choices. maybe she can't learn. maybe she can't grow. maybe she'll be a useless child forever.
it's hard to decide how she feels about her parents. they never hurt her, so why does she feel so hurt when she thinks about them? they loved her, so why doesn't she love them?
and it's hard to admit the faults of the change belief. it saved her from stagnation! and yet, here she is. smothered again. expected not to stay the same, but to become someone else.
why can't she just be who she is?
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Now with Part 2!
Steve didn’t have the best track-record when it came to relationships. It’s not that he had a problem getting into them, he just had an issue staying in them. Or more accurately, getting someone to want to stay with him.
Nancy was the worst example of that by far, but even before her, there was a trend in Steve’s life. People broke up with him, not the other way around. And he knew why. Steve wasn’t stupid, or at least, not as stupid as people thought he was. He knew he was clingy, he knew he fell in love too fast, got intense too fast, he was painfully aware of the fact.
And he wasn’t going to go through it again. Robin had been the last straw, in both a good and a bad way. The romance aspect was obviously shot to shit immediately, but at the same time, she was the one person in his life, who wasn’t a literal child, that didn’t think he was too much. She was the one person who loved him back unconditionally, all of his clinginess and care one hundred percent accepted.
And Steve would take it. He got lucky enough to get someone to want to be in his life while knowing the real him, why push? A platonic soulmate was probably more than he deserved anyway. So Steve accepted the fact that this was it. Maybe down the line, he’d do what his parents did, get married for convenience instead of love. Have kids, the whole normal life shebang. But for now, he was happy to keep all that crap away from him.
But then came Eddie Munson.
Stupid, reckless, annoying, adorable Eddie Munson. Eddie Munson who almost died protecting Steve’s favorite child, Eddie Munson who had the prettiest eyes in the state of Indiana, Eddie Munson who ended up being the sweetest, funniest person Steve had ever met. Eddie Munson, who latched onto Steve with lightning fast speed, and made him feel like his life had fucking color again.
They became fast friends, half because experiencing hell together was a really great bonding experience, and half because Dustin refused to hang out with them separately now that their weird jealous feud was over. The little shit was obviously trying to play as a friend matchmaker, and it worked to Dustin’s delight.
Despite all their differences, Steve and Eddie just clicked. On the surface, they couldn’t be more different, but underneath it all, they were eerily similar. Both had shitty parents who hated them, both were fucking terrible at academics and would side-eye each other when one of their genius friends went on a smart person rant. They were both snarky shitheads who could make the other laugh like no tomorrow. They both wanted out of this shitty town, but were too afraid to leave their friends behind. And they just…liked each other. A lot.
Steve could, and had, spent hours talking to him on the phone, about anything and nothing. And as embarrassing as it was, falling asleep on there together was not a rare thing for either of them. Soon enough, they were almost attached at the hip. Even at work they couldn’t stay away from each other, either Eddie was loitering on the Family Video floor chatting up Steve, or Steve was impatiently waiting in Eddie’s passenger seat as he did a drug deal. And it was all so fun, just being with him. Steve kind of felt like he was on top of the world. 
But then it happened. He didn’t know how it happened, but it happened.
One second, they were on their way to the movie theater, arguing about what they were going to see, and the next Steve realized it. He stared at Eddie, still in the middle of his rant on how The Fly was going to be so much more memorable than Stand by Me.
An uncomfortably familiar feeling was building up inside him. Familiar but different, more intense than anything he could remember. But he still knew what it was. It was that horrible, fluttery feeling he had with Nancy, but worse. Because with Nancy, Steve had been trying, he had worked to impress her, had opened himself up on purpose to get his heart broken.
But with Eddie? It felt like he was taking a piece of Steve without permission. He hadn’t even thought about it when he opened up to him, he just did it. He never pretended with him, he was just his bitchy, overly attached self, and Eddie had never had a problem, if anything he encouraged it.
In hindsight, Steve had never had a chance.
He was in love with him. He was in love with him and he wanted to puke. He had Eddie take him straight home after that, with a half truth about feeling like shit. And then he had to wave him off from trying to take care of him, the ass. Like making Steve fall in love with him wasn’t enough, he had to genuinely care about him too? It just made him feel worse.
He had called Robin immediately, because what else could he do? He told her the whole shitty story, and like the angel she was, she talked him through it, sexuality crisis included. She made the argument that if he could fight demons with his bare hands, than he could more than handle being gay for one dude. Which...maybe wasn’t the most sound reasoning, but it worked.
They developed a system, Steve could whine and cry to Robin about his hopeless infatuation, and hang out with Eddie like nothing was wrong. And when Eddie eventually moved on with a girlfriend, Steve would just lock himself in his room for two weeks and cry like a loser until he got over it. It was a good plan, and he felt like he had everything under control.
Until he didn’t.
It was another Friday night, and Steve was always over at Eddie’s on Fridays. And Saturdays. And Sundays. And occasionally on Wednesday and Thursday. Almost always on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Okay, so he borderline just lived there when he wasn’t working, but so what? Eddie always seemed happy to see him, and Wayne didn’t mind. He was reading a comic on Eddie’s bed, while Eddie was fiddling with his guitar, staring into space.
“Hey Steve?”
Eddie was quiet for a second, pausing before asking, “Why don’t you date girls anymore?”
Steve was only half-listening, still engrossed in what he was reading, “Don’t really have the time.”
“But you do have the time. Like…now is the time. You can tell me if I’m the one getting in the way of that.”
Steve shrugged, flipping the page, “You’re never in the way. I just like spending time with you more than random girls, y’know?”
He could hear Eddie put down his guitar to join Steve on the bed, his voice a little shaky, “Steve, if I ask you something that’s, uh, kinda out there, will you promise you won’t be mad?”
Steve rolled his eyes, impatient as he re-read the same part over again, "If it’s quick, I’m getting to the good part here dude.”
Eddie took a deep breath, voice soft as he asked, "Are you in love with me?”
Steve could feel his heart stop in his chest, and for a brief second, he couldn’t help but wonder if this is what a heart attack felt like. His head shot up, comic forgotten, eyes wide as he stared at Eddie’s questioning face. His mind was racing too fast to form a coherent thought. How did he figure it out? Was Steve that obvious? Was…was he mad? Would he be mad? Would he hate him? Call him a queer and kick him out of the trailer? By the time he thought of the simple answer to just deny it, he had already been staring at Eddie with his mouth hanging open for a full minute.
The window for believability was definitely closed on that front.
The whole thing felt unfair. He…he had tried this time. Really, really tried to not let his stupid feelings come into play, but here he was again, caught and about to get his heart smashed to a thousand pieces.
Eddie was still waiting for an answer, tense as he searched Steve’s face. Steve licked his lips, opening and closing his mouth like an idiot before managing to squeak out, “I’m sorry.”
Eddie was still staring at him, expression unreadable as he asked again, “So…you are?”
Steve looked away, staring back at his stupid comic book as he nodded, vision blurring. Christ, he was going to cry. Eddie was going to scream at him, or never talk to him again, or god forbid try to be understanding while shutting it down. He’d have to watch their relationship slowly dissolve while Eddie kept a healthy distance away, probably take the time to fall for some pretty girl who wasn’t a clingy and annoying fuck like Steve was.
He froze when he felt Eddie’s hand on his chin, forcing his head up to meet his eyes. This was it, the end of everything. He could barely fucking see with all the tears in his eyes, but then Eddie was wiping them away and he was…smiling at him?
“Thank God,” Eddie breathed, leaning in until their lips touched. They were kissing. Eddie Munson was kissing him. And even through his shock, Steve was damn sure kissing him back.
Eddie was trying to talk to him, pulling away to get a few words out before going right back in to press their mouths together, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
Steve was the one who had to pull away, as reluctant as he was he had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming here, “Y-you’re not mad?”
Eddie seemed to vaguely understand that they still needed to talk, but that wasn’t stopping him from kissing every other part of Steve’s face, “Why would I be mad?”
“Because…” Because I’m a guy? Because you could do better? Because I’m a suffocating freak who already takes up most of your time? “Because I’m me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “Oh no, the man I’m in love with is himself. Whatever will I do?”
Steve froze for the second time at that, a smile slowly spreading over his face, “You love me?”
“I love you, you love me, and I would really appreciate it if we could just make-out on my bed now that-”
Eddie didn’t even get the full sentence out before Steve was on him, tackling him on the bed to smash their lips back together.
And sure, Steve was still scared shitless about the possibility that Eddie would wake up one day and realize he could do better, but for now? He’d take it.
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disaster-magician · 10 days
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Looks like you found one of those golden retriever girls! Good luck with that, Tamarack
(Fake screenshots! These are fan made based on incorrect quotes and not in the game)
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takethebodymarc · 6 months
ok guys i finally got to watch maximus' talk about qsmp! and here have some paraphrasing:
i've seen in twitter that qsmp is making merch, they released trump, i laughed by myself because they're going to be selling an egg called trump. i named him trump because the series had a massive wall, my brain made a connection in that moment: "ok if there's a wall there has to be someone called trump". and now they're going to sell an egg for real called trump. another piece of qsmp lore where i contributed.
he also jokes that trump's wish was to build a bigger wall than the one the qsmp built. and that if quackity or merch person changes the name to trumpet just because they’re afraid of success he's gonna be disappointed. (/j !)
chat also asks if he's gonna get some % but he says that if there's someone that should get it is the one that played as trump! that he shouldn't get anything.
one day i'll pass by, but it's not going to be everyday content. because i really miss badboy, i miss the guys, i miss badboy, i miss forever, philza, baghera, i had a great time with baghera i laughed so much with her, cellbit, roier of course, slimecicle, foolish, pacmike, guys i was in the best era of the qsmp
he also says that he feels for the new creators for not being able to live through the beginning of the server bc it was really nice:')
i really like quackity i think he has a really big project, what he's done is really nice, to bring so many people from different countries together, not a lot of people do that.
he loves that its gotten to a point where they have met each other and that he hopes they get together again and visit france/spain so he can meet them finally.
and at the end he described qsmp like a summer camp jsjsj
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melancholyfleurs · 5 months
just wanted to say to those with stone identities that i love you and the people who refuse to understand are not only ignorant losers but also they are completely undeserving of your presence and the beauty in your intimacy. i will defend you forever <33333
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caelanglang · 7 months
Heaven is a hero with a gentle smile
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