#forget cassettes
ykrecordsblog · 2 years
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Forget Cassettes, Salt Press
Many thanks to American Pancake and destroy//exist for their recent coverage of Forget Cassettes, Salt. Getting press coverage for a re-issue isn't easy but these two sites clearly get it.
"The sonics are so profoundly raw and emotional, from the massive sharply cutting guitar strikes to the heavy handed insane drumming to the wildly active bass lines to songwriter/guitarist Beth Cameron's passionate guttural vox, it is easily to get caught up in the visceral punchfest. " -American Pancake
"Album highlight, The Catch, shines with its nonlinear yet easy to grasp structure, spotlighting a band which possesses the ability to control melody with severity and effectiveness, and a vocalist/songwriter whose potency and charisma cannot be overlooked." - destroy//exist
Pick up your copy of Salt right over here.
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Does anyone else view the Rescue bots as a faction seperate from Autobots and Decepticons or is that just me
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when the cassettes escaped megs and OP and the decoy ravage was looking for soundwave and frenzy said "you don't have to follow him anymore!" or smth and it gave off the Slight but Very Troubling Implication that Soundwave treats the cassettes more like minions and tools and not his Itty Bitty Kiddies (and Actual Kitty) that Live in his Tiddies that he'd do anything for
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boilercity · 2 months
I have to get around to editing my desktop blog theme at some point. Some of the sprites I use on there were updated in the new version of the demo, and I want them to match properly.
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elijah-loyal · 5 months
physical media
save me physical media....
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reformedpeasant · 24 days
not gonna lie I wasn't crazy about "80's Movie" by Morgan Wade but it has grown on me significantly
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full-metal-furies · 1 year
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I knew Leo was gonna spend this episode gloating but nothing could have possibly prepared me to hear the words "I MAY BE BALD" from him with 0 initiating context
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theexorcistiii · 1 year
I feel bad I haven’t bought any dvds in like years I think… I was better at buying movies I really loved on dvd when I was a teenager I think until I figured out how to watch stuff illegally LOL but at least I’m collecting vhs tapes now smile
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k1ngdingus · 2 years
idk i just feel like after the events of season 4 that the harrington’s wouldn’t even come back to hawkins, would stay in their summer house & tell steve that they plan on selling the house when things calm down. 
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
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ykrecordsblog · 2 years
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yk-099: Forget Cassettes, Salt
Way back in 2006, Forget Cassettes released their second full-length album Salt. Much like it's predecessor, Salt is an honest, raw and emotional record but it varies from Instruments of Action in that the production and overall song construction has been leveled up exponentially.
The record was never released on vinyl... until today. Jeremy Ferguson at Battle Tapes helped us to retrieve the original album pre-masters, Nick Butcher at Sonnenzimmer gave wonderful insight on how to restore his original artwork and John Baldwin at Infrasonic Sound worked some wonderful magic to remaster the album for vinyl. Of course, Beth Cameron was involved every step of the way.
We put everything together in a pretty beautiful gatefold package containing 2 Smoke Grey LP's. It looks great but, quite honestly, it's the music within that makes it so special. It's been sixteen years since Salt was released but these songs haven't lost an ounce of their punch.
Get it on Bandcamp exclusively until 9/9.
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Nspscp Cory’s backstory is crazy
What do you mean he got trapped in a mansion for an undetermined amount of months and both of his friends died and Slenderman was trying to get him to manifest Zalgo so they can kill Zalgo but never outright told Cory and he befriended Slendermans daughter and he became trauma bonded with creepypasta characters after he manifested them into existence.
Also sonic the hedgehog was there.
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jfk-blown-away-blog · 4 months
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smiletimeisrunningout · 5 months
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ragegrove · 1 year
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tlouwhore · 5 months
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jackson!ellie would be peak losercore
warnings: a lil nsfw towards the end, mostly fluff tbh, shes so loser lame freak, slight mention of smoking (weed) and alcohol
★ jackson!ellie who freaks out a little when you first call her "els" she tenses and fiddles with her ear
★ jackson!ellie who would burn you a cd and make custom art for the back and front of the jewel case
★ jackson!ellie who refuses to breathe "too much" when you drift to sleep and your head falls on her shoulder
★ jackson!ellie who denied that you could like her even though you've made is so obvious 
★ jackson!ellie who cant pick up any hints to save her life
★ jackson!ellie who wants to smoke with you but coughs up half her lung and is so embarrassed
★ jackson!ellie who pretends to like whiskey because it "makes her look mature"
★ jackson!ellie who talks at you about astronomy the moment anything enters her system
★ jackson!ellie who becomes insanely awkward when joel makes a comment on your closeness
★ jackson!ellie who lays on her stomach as she kicks her feet back and forth in the air while drawing you
★ jackson!ellie who seems so surprised when you kiss her despite all the hints you've been dropping
★ jackson!ellie who gets upset when you try to kiss her instead of watching the movie she chose
★ jackson!ellie who is weirdly invested in the saw franchise
★ jackson!ellie who loves superbad for some reason
★ jackson!ellie who has two pairs of pants and a dream
★ jackson!ellie who has really clammy hands that are also freezing cold and she insists that you need to hold them
★ jackson!ellie who is so needy but also so stupid when it comes to telling you what she wants, you end up just having to guess what she wants from you
★ jackson!ellie who is def a kendrick fan after finding a cassette of his and will pretend like she is the next best rapper
★ jackson!ellie who always try's to do cool stuff to impress you and just ends up looking dumb as shit (hot)
★ jackson!ellie who definitely gets into a lot of trouble around town, everyone knows her name
★ jackson!ellie who is so late to everything despite the town being 10 feet wide and 10 feet long
★ jackson!ellie who has the worst time management of all time
★ jackson!ellie who will forget your anniversary and beg for your forgiveness like you'd leave her (you dgaf)
★ jackson!ellie who has a bin full of legos she's accumulated and she tries to "speed build" you items like shes fucking emmet from the lego movie
★ jackson!ellie who thinks putting her clammy hand on your thigh is the move
★ jackson!ellie who is so awkward during sex, you take off your shirt and shes shielding her eyes like shes not allowed to see
★ jackson!ellie eats you out like shes starved and its her first meal
★ jackson!ellie who cums a minute into tribbing and and goes "did you finish?"
★ jackson!ellie who is a d1 biter and she will take a little nibble
★ jackson!ellie who loves how you smell but wont admit it because she feels creepy
★ jackson!ellie who has a single candle she lights whenever you come over because she thinks its so romantic
★ jackson!ellie who gets so love drunk when shes tired, such a fucking sap like shes clinging to you and whispering all these things about how much she loves you
★ jackson!ellie who writes music about you and wont show you any of it because she still believes you're lying about being her gf or some shit
★ jackson!ellie who is so clingy
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