#forgot that was mentioned in acofas and not acowar
nightcourtreader · 11 months
Day by day I’m solidified in my belief that Azriel’s & Gwyn’s book is next rather than it being Elain and Lucien’s. I just think in my opinion it makes more sense that elucien will be last. Though I could still be wrong. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I would like to to be known this is long and everything stated are MY opinions.
SJM said it’s obvious who the next book is about after the readers read acosf. Azriel was a prominent figure in acosf. Way more than Elain was and that was shocking to me. Based off how nesta & Elain’s relationship was in the earlier books.
Yes Elain did get character development a little bit in acosf but she still wasn’t a prominent figure, she was once again pushed to the background. And I get that because it was nesta’s story but we still got so much more of feysand, Azriel, emrie, Gwyn, and even eris over Elain.
In a recent interview, I think it was the one last year. A girl asked SJM about having Elain and Azriel’s book being next, I forgot the form of the question. But I just remember SJM saying that “we will get Elain in some form.” That doesn’t sound like the next MC to me. And she didn’t even mention nothing about Azriel at all. SJM is known not to say too much about her books and spoil them. The way she was answering questions in this recent interview in September, she doesn’t like to spoil anything. So for her to say you will get Elain in some form and not say you will get Elain AND Azriel in some form and she just didn’t mention Azriel at all makes me just believe that it’s Azriel that’s going to be next and they’re def not getting a book together.
Ive seen so many people say “why would SJM give Azriel a book over Elain. She wouldn’t do that.” But how would we know that? Chaol got a book in the middle of the TOG series over everyone other characters, why can’t Azriel? It’s already a proven fact that the series is not just about the Archeon sisters since SJM has 2 more books planned about a couple coming together and there’s only 1 Archeon sister left. No matter how hard people try to argue with that fact. She mentioned how Azriel’s story is something she’s excited about writing and not just about his bed habits. So why is it far fetched he will get a book next? I also like the idea of having the series start with an Archeon sister and ending with one.
Then the bonus chapters. Azriel got one. He’s also a part of a second one for hofas. I saw an argument that well Cassian got a bonus chapter for acomaf and he didn’t get a book until acosf (or part of one). I think SJM did it like that because she wasn’t done with feysand’s story. It wouldn’t make sense to give Cassian/nesta a book when she wasn’t done writing feysand’s story in my opinion. Plus the first 3 books with Feyre pov was already planned before having a sisters book spin off.
I also think acofas was a perfect book to connect the series to Cassian’s pov & nesta’s pov to get the readers away from feysand’s pov. And her bonus chapter for Azriel is also a good example of that too. She wouldn’t put so much emphasis on Azriel’s bonus chapter for no reason in her interviews. Now that feysand’s & nessians story has been told, it makes more sense to have the next mc have a bonus chapter so we can get inside of the next MC’s head like we did with Cassian & nesta.
And I do get the fact that there are so many plot points that are unresolved in acowar, especially with koschei, but to me koschei is a last book level threat like how Maeve and erawan were in TOG. The two caused problems throughout the series but they weren’t defeated until the very last book of the series. That’s a pattern of SJM. In acowar (feysand’s last full novel) hybern was defeated. I already mentioned TOG. In Crescent city 3, I think she’ll have Bryce and Hunt defeat the asteri and hofas is the last book for Bryce & hunt’s story. To me that makes sense plot wise. Elain and Lucien are the only ones connected to koschei from the main characters that’s left.
Plus koschei was using braillyn to do his dirty work for him because he can’t leave his lake. I’m pretty sure he has tricks up his sleeve because I secretly think he and Merrill are working together since he whispers on the wind and she can listen to whispers on the wind (and that connects her to Gwyn. Especially since Merrill is suppose to be clotho’s right hand & Clotho appeared at the end of Azriel bonus chapter) But koschei’s back to square 1. I don’t think he poses a great risk at the moment. He needs to regroup and do another plan.
I know everybody wants the spring court to be back up and running and it needs to be back up and running before the next major war happens. SJM has brought it up too much for it not to happen and for it not to be important. But to me spring isn’t really the pressing matter, the autumn court is because of Beron trying to align with koschei like an idiot.
After the night court, the autumn court was the second most talked about court in acosf, then spring was the third. I understand that we have plots from acowar but we also can’t forget to acknowledge the plots that happen in acosf. We also got to see more of eris. I know Lucien has ties to the autumn court but he literally doesn’t fuck with anyone in the autumn court besides his mom and I don’t think he even sees her at all. Lucien calls eris a snake so Lucien isn’t on good terms with them so I really don’t connect him to autumn as much.
And until Beron is out the door, which I’m hoping that happens next book and we get eris as high lord, the autumn court is not going to be in good hands. And I really think Gwyn has autumn court ties to explore 👀. I’m a firm believer she has no spring court ties what so ever and she’s just connected to autumn.
And SJM tends to have her characters hit rock bottom in the acotar series or like them having an emotional conflict. When nesta had her book, since she was the prominent figure in acosf, it’s obvious that she hit rock bottom before acosf came out. She isolated herself. She drunk all the time and slept with men to keep her powers at bay. I don’t think we’ve really seen Elain hit rock bottom yet or have a prominent emotional conflict. Like it’s obvious Elain is suffering in silence just like her sister were, Im 100% certain Elain isn’t 100% happy, but to me shes a lot more chipper than her sisters were at the start of her journey from what we’ve seen.
At the end of acowar she was like happy and was like the world is going to need more gardens and she was looking bright for the future, and I didn’t expect that since what all happen in acowar. She’s snapping back at her sisters in acosf. Trying to advocate for herself as well. With Feyre we see in the beginning of acomaf she was depressed, not eating well, not really regulating her emotions well. We see how nesta was, I know Elain already went through that phase in acowar. But I’m just not 100% convinced that Elain is ready for her own journey just yet.
Now we see with Azriel, he’s just all over the place. To me he’s definitely having emotional conflict when it comes to the mating bond. Trying to ignore the whole thing about Mor knowing that needs to be addressed. Questioning if the cauldron got it wrong. The whole thing with Elain. Him wanting a mating bond. To me Azriel has hit rock bottom emotionally as well. A little different from both nesta and Feyre but to me all the same. Especially seeing now how his bothers has a known mating bond besides him. Romantically, since acotar is more romantically driven than plot driven it makes sense for him to be next. Especially with the plot with the Illyrians, which I think has been a long time coming as well.
Then just imagine Elain seeing that? Everybody else with their mating bonds & happy. How would that make her feel, I think it would make her hit rock botton and have that emotional conflict especially with the whole choice thing and her being stubborn, but we still don’t know because we haven’t gotten her pov but guess whose pov we do have and know who’s struggling? Azriel.
And no I don’t get the argument that Elain hasn’t gotten a bonus chapter because her visions will spoil it. Doesn’t make sense to me because SJM can write it without Elain having visions in the middle of it but still get her insight. Elain also said she needed time to ge reacquainted with her powers in acosf, so it’s not 100% certain she’s still getting visions anyway. No one can confirm or deny because we haven’t seen Elain really and no one has been around her enough to notice since everyone’s focus was on feysand & nessian.
I personally don’t think there’s a valid excuse as to why SJM didn’t give Elain a bonus chapter over Azriel. If people would question why would SJM give Azriel a book over Elain we need to question why she gave him a bonus chapter over Elain.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
listen I love Feyre to my very core, she's my favorite FMC since I read these books and in this entire series but god she's such busybody sometimes and tries to be an expert matchmaker like Rhys but honey... no!
like that time she suggested about Az and Elain in acowar and Rhys was like "Feyre, I love you but shut up this is not in your league" thats what I gathered from Rhys reply lmao
GIRL YOU LITERALLY KNOW THESE PPL FOR A FEW MONTHS HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY NEED AND WHAT IS GOING ON INSIDE THEIR HEAD? I'm quite certain she just wanted it to keep it in the family at that point bc did she forgot Azriel is "in love" with Mor before she suggested that? and Rhys had to aggressively shut that idea down lol. tbh I love that Rhys stopped her right then and there bc obv he knows him better than Feyre. they've known each other for +500 so ofc he can guess Az feeling on the matter and Az himself confirmed it in the bonus chapter (that Rhys also suspected) Az only wants Elain for release and nothing else.
and now her comment on them lead to her being the biggest e/riel shipper and e/riels LOVE to brag about it and its quite funny bc I think it was only that one time!!! we see Feyre encouraging Elain to talk to Lucien and even in her bonus chapter in acosf she wanted to suggest Elain to use Lucien's gloves that he gifted her but she didn't (which i hope she'd learned to not be a busybody after what happened with Lucien in acofas and Mor lecturing her to let them figure it out themselves)
After getting this message I didn't respond right away. I wanted to think back over the series because you are 100% correct but your correctness is even more far reaching.
In ACOMAF we have the following:
Feyre thinking that the reason Lucien had issues with Ianthe because she and her family fled during Amarantha's reign.
The actual reason Lucien had issues with Ianthe is because she sexually harassed him.
In ACOMAF, we have Feyre think Ianthe is her friend.
Later we find out that Ianthe was only ever self serving.
In ACOMAF Feyre kept wondering if a mating bond with Tamlin would snap into place.
The reason that didn't happen was because Rhys was her mate yet she was clueless about that until the Suriel told her.
In ACOMAF we have Feyre think about how Nesta and Amren would be fast friends.
In ACOWAR, Nesta and Amren were fast friends but not LASTING friends. Their friendship fell apart in ACOFAS and it never really recovered. I think they're in a better place after SF but they'll most likely never be as close as Nesta is with Gwyn and Emerie.
In ACOMAF, Feyre mentions how she sometimes notices Mor watching Az. She also asks Mor what she feels for Az which Mor deflects only for Feyre to then think, "but almost in answer, Mor declared, "Paint Azriel's. Next to mine".
Only that all fell apart in ACOWAR when Mor's preference came to light, something Feyre never suspected.
In ACOMAF, Feyre thinks how Az and Cassian could wipe Lucien off the planet.
But in ACOSF, we see Lucien command Cassian with a single word.
In ACOMAF, Feyre does say Elain would cling to Az to have some peace and quiet and how handsome they would be.
And in ACOWAR, we do see Elain and Az sharing moments of peace and quiet however, that seems to rapidly be falling apart in SF. Feyre once wanted peace and quiet too and at first she was happy with Tamlin until the peace and quiet no longer suited her. Similarly, we see Elain want to finally break free of her peace and quiet and Az is the person (after Nesta) who wants to keep her in her box of safety. He even spoke out against her AFTER Elain told Nesta off so it's doubly as problematic. Also, Feyre thinking of Elain and Az being together because of their physical appearance is the most superficial thing. It speaks nothing of their personalities or what they want from a partner, what their values are. Not to mention it reduces Elain to a "doll to dress up" or whose only worth is her beauty, just as their mother always did.
In ACOWAR, Feyre worries whether they can trust Lucien. Whether he would try to grab Elain, to sell them out.
Her fears are proven unfounded when she slips into Lucien's mind and realized he only has concern for Elain. Also Lucien regularly helps out the NC, sharing information with them, the opposite of selling them out.
In ACOWAR, Feyre questions why Lucien and Elain are mates without putting any consideration into who they are and what they want in a partner. She asks RHYS if HER SISTER is a match to Lucien 🤦. Her entire argument is based on the fact that Rhys and Tamlin's parents weren't a match for one another so maybe Elain and Lucien's is poor match too. Even though the reason Rhys tells us for WHY his parents weren't a match would not apply to Lucien and Elain and WOULD actually apply to Az and Elain.
Feyre is young and she doesn't always the see others clearly but that's ok because she's learning as she goes. She's asking these questions because this entire world is new to her and the why and the how's of it are something she's trying to figure out.
But anyone taking her thoughts as gospel as she's stumbling through it all is looking to the wrong person for predictions.
Feyre (in the original trilogy), Nesta (for the first 3/4 of her book) and Az (even now), for as great as they are, were /are not the characters to look too for clearheaded opinions because they are too close to certain situations, too emotional and too wrapped up in their own confusion about everything to be valid resources. Feyre and Nesta especially were all over the place. For example one minute Nesta was going on and on about how Elain is good and special and that's why Nesta protected her at all costs, and the next Nesta is furious with Elain, claiming she was "undoubtedly wholly convinced of her own innocence, her innate goodness" and mad at Cassian for defending Elain.
So again, I think much of what those three say / think in regards to Elain, Lucien, and Az needs to be taken with a grain of salt
Cassian was the one who predicted Nessmerie and guess what? They ended up being as close as sisters.
Rhys was the one who said that he might need to pull some threads in regards to Nessian and guess what? They were mated in the very next book.
Mor predicted that Lucien was trustworthy enough to enter Velaris and guess what? He didn't steal Elain away and he never sold out Velaris to anyone and helped provide information to the NC about Autumn.
We have Cassian telling us that Nesta was wrong about Elain being loyal like a dog, Rhys admit that maybe Elain behaves in certain ways because of the way the sisters treat her, we have Rhys and Mor tell Feyre to stay out of things with her meddling. We have Amren tell Az he's wrong about Elain. We have Rhys express genuine concern over the way Az spoke of Elain. These are characters who are a few steps away from it all and able to think more rationally because they aren't as personally invested in what happens. Feyre feels guilty for her sisters being made so she was desperate to throw Elain in any direction she thought might snap her out of her depression (except giving her a real chance to interact with her mate). Nesta and Az have / had too much of their own self loathing to see anything clearly. But in my opinion, Cassian, Mor, Rhys and Amren are the voices of reason when it comes to what's going on with Elucien and E/riel.
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shallyne · 2 years
High Queen Feyre
Things that might point to Feyre becoming High Queen. Enjoy!
1. Amaranthas titles mirror Feyres titles (Huntress, High Lady, maybe High Queen & Faerie Queen)
2. The land chose Feyre because in ACOWAR the forest in the middle parted to let her through (around chapter 58/59)
"The woods seemed to monitor each of my steps" - acomaf page 217
3. Symbolic: the first time Feyre sat on a throne after being crowned High Lady was in the court of nightmares. She sat on the throne and Rhys leaned against it
4. I don't know if that is important but it feels important: Feyre is able to befriend Prythians deadliest monsters. Example: the Suriel, Bryaxis
5. "leave this world a better place than how you found it, Cursebreaker" - the Suriel, acowar
6. Power of all 7 High Lords
7. "You were given life by all 7 of us....what if we gave you more than expected? What if you could stand against us-hold your own, a High Lady?" or High Queen? Acomaf pg. 73
8. "No one was my master-but I could be the master of everything, if I wished. If I dared." acomaf page 319
9. "What-get rid of the High Lords?" "Perhaps. But mostly eliminate the inherent privileges of High Fae over the lesser faeries." Tarquin to Feyre in acomaf page 323
10. In acotar, Feyre sees a mural where a female hand holds the cauldron. Maybe the Mother, maybe pointing to Feyre being High Queen
11. Lady of Many Faces (Book of Breathing calling Feyre) | Queen of Many Faces (Book in Crescent City)
12. ACOSF chapter 42, Amren and Rhys talking about High King." I didn't do anything to earn my power, I was born with it." Feyre did earn her power.
13. ACOSF chapter 42 "Feyre isn't interested in being High Queen." - "She would do the necessary evil to protect her unborn child."
14. Aelin ended up as Queen | HOSAB mentioned Bryce twice as future Queen | Feyre = High Queen?
15. "Once I discovered and mastered what the others had given me, I could weave them together - into something new, something of every Court and none of them." acomaf page 451
16. Acowar page 419 "Would we fight against Hybern only to find ourselves with a King and Queen of Prythian?" Tamlin about Feysand
17. "Today Rhys's mysterious clothier made me into the Queen of Night." acowar page 464
18. "Look at you, a child of all seven courts - like and unlike all. How the cauldron purrs in your presence" chapter 64 acomaf
19. "And the new, emerging world beyond." Acofas chapter 1
20. "I loved the work, actually. This territory, it's people - they were as much my heart as my mate." Acofas chapter 1
21. "There was more that I could do to help. Personally. I just hadn't figured it out yet." Acofas chapter 1
22. "...and followed her High Lord and Lady through the darkness, back into the light." Acofas chapter 6
23. Rhys's POV at the end of ACOMAF, he thinks of Feyre as "My Queen"
24. Feyre in acomaf being like "I knew I haven't finished what I was born to do" and Suri telling her in acowar "Leave the world a better place than how you found it"
25.“His High Lady looked so young he always forgot how young she truly was, considering what she'd already faced and achieved in her life.”
26. Book of Breathings called Feyre Princess 3 times. "Princess of Carrion", "Princess of Decay", "Princess with..." (got interrupted by Amren) bc that's what she is rn, she's gonna be Queen later
Plus this tiktok that I saw yesterday. (not mine but very interesting)
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bookofmirth · 1 year
When people say Elain is an introvert (and it’s why she’s well suited for Azriel) and is currently thriving/happy…it makes me laugh a little and it’s kind of annoying. Compare ACOTAR & ACOMAF Elain to ACOWAR - ACOSF Elain and there is a massive difference. She is traumatized. In the beginning, Elain is described as laughing, talking, interacting and dancing with multiple people at parties. She personally greets them. She can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles. In the human lands she was happy and the farthest thing from introverted. After being turned by the Cauldron, she becomes quiet. She has unresolved trauma. I think in SF, it’s stated that Elain is overwhelmed by crowds and she didn’t use to be that way; she loved balls and parties. That joy was taken away from her. Elain in the Night Court seems out of place. Shippers argue we’re being “anti-feminist” (or that we hate her) when we say Elain shouldn’t be in the NC (or with Azriel) even though she has became friends with the wraith twins and is making a home there for herself. Elain doesn’t seem like herself and as if she’s not happy. How can someone read SF and conclude that she’s fine and is meant to be in a court that “sucks the life from her.” Also adding, shippers say we really don’t care about Elain because we say she should choose who/what she wants and when she chooses to kiss Azriel we don’t agree with it. Well, we don’t know if she really wants him, because it wasn’t in her pov. She wanted to kiss him, yes, but is it only lust or is there romantic feelings? For Az, I only picked up on jealousy and lust.
Honestly some people learned about feminism from wikipedia and it shows. That's a rich criticism coming from a fandom who can't extend that same grace to other female characters, though. Just saying. Everyone is a feminist when it comes to Elain, but Mor? Nesta? Feyre? They forgot how to read.
Elain in acowar-acosf is a shell of who she used to be. in acosf it's described a couple of times that she is starting to seem more like her old self, but that old self goes away so quickly. She's being sly about something, we just don't know what. She has zero relationship with Nesta, whom she was closest with before. She's trying to help the IC when trouble comes, but gets shut down. She's not friends with anyone in the IC, which is weird to me considering how much time she spends with them. Something isn't clicking in the Night Court!
In fact, sjm said in an interview (in the back of the paperback of acofas, I think?) that Elain has been having nightmares about vines choking her. We haven't read about those in canon yet, so where are they? I assume she's still having them because we haven't had her story yet. We haven't even had a chapter that tells us her thoughts yet, like you mentioned.
I've never seen anyone argue that Elain shouldn't have tried to kiss Az - not saying it's never happened, I just can't speak on it. Personally, I've even said that I don't really care if she was hurting Lucien's feelings by doing so. Be messy, do what you want, follow your heart or vagina or whatever Elain, do it. But like you said, we don't know how she actually feels. There's nothing wrong with her (or Az's) sexual desires, no one has ever said that that in itself is a problem. It's the utter lack of romantic feelings that is putting us off, when paired with the idea that supposedly, they are in love? I can accept that they are sexually attracted to one another, but chafe at the idea of them being so in love when Az couldn't think of a single positive thing to say/think about her beyond that physical attraction.
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elrielbaby · 2 years
Or you forgot to mention when Lucien blatantly chose Tamlin over Feyre in ACOFAS by STILL bringing Tamlin and his court up to her a year later, something she already felt bad for when it comes to the citizens homes, them being in danger and the lack of help in the war, she already admitted to herself that it was impulsive and lacked forethought. He’s all “It’s not my home anymore now I have nowhere to go” like why tf would you want to go back to spring?! aren’t you disturbed by what tamlins done to you and feyre both?? ACOFAS pissed me off because he didn’t let what happened go but instead threw what she already feels bad for in her face then proceeded to make her jealous and sad over him creating a new friend group and living with them, she had no right to be jealous or sad because she’s done the same with the IC, but she has emotions and she’s never had many friends before so her being hurt by losing him hits her hard so she lashes out but still he was just worst in that situation to me..they progressed in ACOWAR but regressed in ACOFAS. He always chooses spring over her and over himself.
Did SJM do that unintentionally making him look bad and for them to just bicker or did she do it to foreshadow him ruling spring one day because “he missed it” and she won’t want to kill Helion for him to rule Day? She even had Rhys say in ACOFAS that Lucien misses Tamlin, so is that true or just “rhys’ interpretation”?
Exactly. I’m just not a L*cien fan, at all. Do I want him to suffer? No of course not, & I hope that he finds his happiness (with Vassa preferably) & should he get a story/pov I hope we get to see more of how he feels about the situation. Maybe he does feel super guilty about the way Feyre was treated? Who knows. All I know is, it currently still feels like he’s a whole ass T*mlin apologist, and I love Feyre with my whole being.
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Lucien: I think it’s time I get my life in order.
Elain, narrating: But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
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Sjm really went :- ( she's clearly Feyre biased)
Tw SA mention Tw tool tw feysand tw Sjm's biased book acotar
Once upon a time there was a 21 year old girl named Feyre who lived with her bitchy sisters. And her father who couldn't walk because of his fracture.
She cared for them for so many years meanwhile Nasty and Flower sat and watched the walls of their of house for many years , so sad, oh so so sad. Also Nasty hated Feyre as much as Feyre hated Nasty-
Tamlin our love interest came and took Feyre . She fell for him. She went back home. Nasty was not in the illusion tamlin had put. She told Feyre get lost and go back to Prythian bitch .Feyre you deserve happiness go was actually what she said but anyways She also tried to go and see how her sister was doing but let's just forget this useless piece of info.
Then Feyre suffered suffered suffered suffered suffered suffered suffered suffered. Violet eyes manipulated her into saving all of them. But let's ignore that- BECAUSE- in this 2nd book Tool is not her love interest it's violet eyes 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Violet eyes apologized to Feyre and helped her heal. He's hotter and richer than Tool btw. Then healed Feyre falls in love with violet eyes, forgetting he SA her , but it's regardless of his reasons-
She is friends with blondie , who has tension with Shadows and man bun, but it's hot. So hot 🔥🔥. Everyone is hot in the IC. They get the hate by everyone in Prythian because they're the hottest family 🔥
Anyways when they wanted mortal queen's help , they had to beg Nasty , and Cassian straightaway went inside and called her out on why she let her baby sister go out and hunt when infact she should have been the one to go- wait let's create tension between these too-
Fast-forward to acowar, Feysand is love omg 😍😍😍😍 the best couple " to the stars that listen and dreams that are answered. " Supremacy!!! Let's just forget Nesta( that's the elder sister btw) fighting their war and making up for her actions in the past-
Acofas - omg Feysand hiiiii my babiessssss , Nasty is Nasty again, Cassian deserves better than her like Mor- lmao she's a lesbian I forgot haha lolllll but anyways I need Tension- anyways let's try to mock Nasty and destroy her slowly-
Nesta Stan's in the back : WE LOVE NESTA , SHE DESERVES BETTER-
Sjm sees us , oh ummm hey guys guess what I'll be writing a nessian book that is so trashy and lacks character development , and make Nesta heal but it's just accepting that the IC's superior and then write smut of course cause without it my book will be 10 pages long and I'm known for the Mass in my name- Nesta deserves better 🥳🥳🥳 infact I resonante with N- omg Feysand my babies- wait what if , what if I give them a baby in this book , they deserve a baby omgg-
Us :What about Nesta-
Sjm : Nasty who?
Bonus :
" why is nobody Calling flower out? "
Everyone in synchronisation " flower is flower."!
lmbooo I mean this is literally what happens. Like word for word this is what happens throughout the entire series
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nesta-stan · 4 years
Another minor plot hole I've been trying to wrap my brain around
In Acowar Cassian says
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I put this to show when Nesta was living in the house of wind Cassian wasn't. He didn't even stay there to be close, just visited.
And then in acofas this scene
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In the last few books we are lead to believe Cassian doesn't even live in velaris. Especially not the house. I can believe he moved into the house just to help Nesta but that is never mentioned or even implied. His home in Illyria is never mentioned or implied.
So wtf, happened to Cassian's home? In acosf he just lives in the house of wind with no clues saying he was doing otherwise before.
Sjm provided absolutely no explanation.
I genuinely thought Cassian's loyalty to illyrians would be a big plot point using the house thing but no. SJM just forgot about it.
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
nessian analysis
im not sure if this qualifies as an analysis? It's basically me just explaining why I didn't like the nessian relationship, what it lacked, what sjm should have done.
I will be using the “anti-nessian” tag bc there are many softies here on Tumblr who get pissy whenever you have some things to say abt a beloved character or relationship that dont paint them as gods even though i dont hate them. I DO NOT hate nessian, I am not the biggest fan of them, im not entirely fond of them, I personally think we were robbed of a much deeper and flushed out relationship, but I do not hate nessian whatsoever. 
also please for the love of god don’t get butthurt and start talking about how feysand is the boring one, how feysand is so vanilla, in retaliation. stop. it makes you look childish. if you hate what i have to say abt your ship, move on. you don’t need to come on a nessian post and start talking about other ships. yes i realize i mention feysand, and rowaelin, but it was to compare how sjm usually writes her main couples.  
with that being said, let's move forward. 
sjm in the past has done an amazing job when writing romantic relationships. She's so wonderful at establishing a friendship, at establishing an emotional connection, before any romance takes place. like with rowaelin, we got to see rowan and aelin forge a friendship, from hating one another to respecting each other. before it was romantic love, it was friendly love first, it was love and respect for their friendship that made aelin threaten that bitch who i forgot the name of but who wouldn't stop touching rowan and aelin bathed her in fire until she stopped. it was the love and respect for their friendship that made rowan fight against his cadre to go save aelin, it was that love that made aelin go to maeve, threaten her ppl so Rowan could be free. 
all of this built up to the amazing relationship that is Rowaelin. it took establishing an emotional connection between the two to make what is their relationship now. the romantic/sexual part of their relationship is amazing as well, but it wouldn't have been amazing were it not for the trust their relationship was built on first. 
it's the same thing with feysand, their relationship built on trust first, on friendship, on emotional talks, on sharing their thoughts and feelings, on sharing hard truths with one another. on feyre trusting rhys with how she felt abt the whole tamlin situation, it built on rhys sharing his past, on sharing some of those horrific moments of UTM, it built on them fighting with one another, it's what made chapter 55 so amazing because it built up. it wasn't just sex right off the bat, it was forging a connection much more powerful than sex. 
which brings me to my main point, that nessian definitely lacks all of this. before it even starts, i know there are ppl who might say “but nessian was building during acomaf/acowar?”  yes, it was, we knew that there was something between them. but can you really call it an emotional build up btwn them? i mean we saw it through the eyes of feyre, so we didn't really see much of substance. we saw them exchange glances, nesta insult cass, cass tease nesta, even that one bonus chapter, but that wasn't enough buildup. because even in that bonus chapter we mainly just got to see cass corner nesta to a wall and learn how he was so turned on by her. nothing of depth and substance. 
you would expect sjm to bring this to their book. but it didn't happen. perhaps she as well thought that was enough of a build up to them, i wouldn't put it past her, her writing skills definitely are questionable in this book.
but where were the talks? where was nesta confiding to cassain abt her mother? abt her life being groomed for marriage? abt the years during the poverty, abt how she felt disgusted by herself for what she had done to feyre. for what she had not done for their family? for what she felt with her fathers death, how she felt abt elain, how she was coping?
where were the talks in which cassian confided in nesta? in where he talks abt his years in the illyrian camps, in what happened in those moments when he murdered a whole illyrian village, in which he learned he would never be able to bury his mother. the talks where he tells her how it felt to be separated from his brothers, how he felt when rhys was trapped, how it felt when feyre was taken, how it felt when he thought him and nesta were to die, at hybern and at the war. 
where was the teasing? the laughing? the pinning each other down during training, the talks during training. where was the friendship being built? just because cass tells nesta he was always her friend doesn't mean it’s not important to see it.
instead all we got was training and fucking and fucking and training. instead we got nesta jacking off cassian 200 pages in? i mean thats so out of character of nesta. this fiery woman who spent three books pushing cassian away, who made it known she ‘despised’ cassian, who made it clear she would not touch or even try to interact with cassian during her stay at the house of wind, but all of a sudden she just loses that and jacks him off? i mean the fact that nesta kept pushing cassian away was such a great opportunity for sjm to take and make it slow burn. teasing touches, never going too far but enough it made the other shiver. i mean that when the pinning each other down in training would have come in handy. but instead sjm just decided to change nestas character just like she changed cassians as well. 
(note: i am not slut shaming nesta, before any of y'all try to twist it that way, i am merely stating how in my perspective that was not something nesta would have done with cassian.
not to forget how cassian would literally leave nesta after their sexual encounters! please tell me i’m not the only one who notices that the cassian from acomaf/acowar/acofas would not have done that. this man has practically been in love with nesta since day one and he just straight up says “thanks for the ride” and leaves? uhhhh what? the cassian i knew and loved would not have done that. i mean him staying after those encounters would have been the perfect opportunity for them to have deep talks, for them to get to know one another. i mean they both claim to know each other, but do they really? 
the mating revelation was soo underwhelming too. i wanted passion, i mean thats what i was promised no? from both sjm and the nessian stans. so where was that passion during the mating revelation? i mean sjm had aelin realize rowan was her mate after rowan was shot, and she felt the fear of losing him. had rhys know fully when feyre was dying and he was trying to get to her. had ferye realize when they professed their love for each other, and she realized she had healed with him. even goddamn lucien and elain knew in such an intense way as well. and nessian? on a sidewalk. with cassian demanding nesta say it, and nesta robotically denying it. 
all im saying is that we were robbed. i like sex between two characters as much as the next person but sex doesn't matter unless there is a deep emotional connection between the two, its what makes chemistry between two characters amazing. 
also lets mention how cassian didn't even say i love you to nesta. PLSSS WHAT WAS THAT
the only part in the whole 700+ page book that actually felt deeper and much more stronger between the two of them was when nesta broke down and admitted she hated herself and cassian consoled her. but that was what? 3 pages and then they proceeded to continue to fuck during their “healing hike” nah that aint it
all im saying is that nessian was much more fun and sexy when it was through feyre’s perspective. 
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helion-ism · 3 years
hi I saw your last post talking about lucien and elain powers and you said that the last seer was from the day court, in which book can I have this info? I don't remember others seers being mentioned
I just checked in acowar, acofas and acosf and I couldn’t find any mention of it. so I think seers are rare because we never actually hear about any except for elain. and we have a very limited amount of information about elain anyway — even less when it comes to her powers. I think we have to wait till her book to understand them.
I assume I associated seers with the day court because it’s the court of knowledge and scholars and libraries. so I guess I just made that connection, but apparently it’s fanon. uh anyway 🤪
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rufousnmacska · 4 years
I have a lot of thoughts about A Court of Silver Flames, and since it helps me to write them out, I thought I’d share.
It’s behind a cut because SPOILERS and it’s long lol!
I had expected we’d learn that Nesta had suffered some type of abuse or trauma as a child that Elain and Feyre were not aware of. I wasn’t expecting it to be so subtle, for lack of a better word. Abuse comes in a lot of forms, which I think SJM is good at showing. Emotionally manipulating your daughter for power, ignoring her in favor of your business and money … those may not be as visible as physical or verbal abuse, but they still cause damage.
I’m not sure how to convey it properly, but I thought it was important to show how the parts of her that were born from the abuse and trauma, while dark or not always healthy, were still useful. The wolf she became to survive her childhood helped her survive the cauldron. Not being able to “turn it off” is what hurt her. My favorite quote:
“So Nesta had become a wolf. Armed herself with invisible teeth and claws, and learned to strike faster, deeper, more lethally. Had relished it. But when the time came to put away the wolf, she’d found it had devoured her too.”
And as Amren said later “That’s the key isn’t it? To know the darkness will always remain, but how you choose to face it, handle it … that’s the important part. To not let it consume. To focus on the good, the things that fill you with wonder.”
I’ve seen a lot of fans upset that Nesta gave up her cauldron powers at the end to save Feyre and the baby. Although I’d initially hoped (post acofas) that her training would be more about her magic than physical training, I’m okay with how it worked out. She never wanted that power and she never liked having it. She stole it as revenge and she fought constantly to suppress it. Was she a badass when she wielded it? Absolutely! But ultimately, her giving it back was the final big step in her healing arc and acceptance of herself. (That doesn’t mean she’s “cured.” This will be an ongoing battle for her. I only mean this in terms of the story in this book.)
She chose to sacrifice it, unlike so many other times in her life when things were forced on her or happened to her. Unlike the future her mother had set out for her. Unlike when they were poor and her father did nothing to get them through. Unlike when she was thrown into the cauldron and then a war. Even unlike when she was forced to move into the House of the Wind, and her apartment – the one place she had chosen for herself no matter how run down it was – got demolished. I’m not going to go into the intervention too much. It was poorly done, but I doubt any of them had experience in doing one. A conversation acknowledging that might have been nice. And I’m not ignoring Feyre and Rhys’s hypocrisy of Nesta being confined to a place where she effectively had no way to leave on her own. The stairway at that point was not an option. But the bottom line is that Nesta needed help and was not in a position to willingly accept it or seek it out.
Regardless, she is still a lethal badass. She still has some of her powers, along with her fighting skills, which will only get better and better. So, the idea that she gave up what made her strong, or ended up as some meek housewife …  I don’t agree with that at all. She has the intelligence and potential to become a force in leading armies. Not to mention her skill as an emissary. (Which Cassian finally learned how to imitate lol!)
On a personal note, I’m intimately familiar with the depression and self-loathing Nesta experienced in this book. Although I don’t necessarily react to those feelings in the same ways or exhibit the same coping mechanisms (I tend to turn my anger inward rather than outward), I could still relate to her journey. Her stubbornness and feelings that she didn’t deserve love or anything good or kind were presented accurately in my opinion. Parts were hard for me to read because of that. But I loved that she was able to make her way through the pain and finally begin to accept and love herself. And I especially loved that she was helped not only by Cassian, but by her friendship with Emerie and Gwyn.
And the House! Holy shit. The magic houses in this world piss me off to no end because they are not real and I will forever need to clean my own place LOL! Her relationship with the house was beautiful and funny and I love that she Made it! She needed a friend, someone to understand her, not only what she wanted but what she needed, and boom! The House of the Wind came alive for her.
So, overall, I loved Nesta’s journey. I’m happy she ended in a place that brought her inner peace and the ability to better deal with her problems in the future.
I loved them before this book and I love them more after. The smut was a little shocking at first lol but I’ve read the Black Dagger Brotherhood books, which SJM loves, so really, it wasn’t that out there. I loved that Cassian showed that even with the mating bond, he could give Nesta space and freedom. In that respect, their relationship felt more mature to me than feysand. Their banter and the sexual tension was great! (The book is about a book.) They had some not great moments, as they have in past books. But those were realistic. People argue and say things they regret. But they also talk through it and apologize. This is a good time to point out – NOT ALL APOLOGIES INVOLVE EXPLICITLY SAYING I AM SORRY. There are other ways to show remorse and ask for forgiveness.
I don’t know if I had one favorite moment as there were quite a few. I think the most emotional for me was when they reached the lake. I know firsthand how difficult it is to speak aloud the things Nesta said. And I am also lucky to have people in my life who responded the way Cassian did – with love and support and kindness.
The nightmare scene, the prison scene, the dancing, the mating bond, Cassian turning the knife on himself … I loved them all!
The Valkyries
I fucking loved them! Gwyn and Emerie were absolute delights and I’m so glad Nesta made good friends of her own who she could be herself with. Their bonding over books, training, and their pasts was wonderful. Nesta urging them on and defending them from the Illyrians in the Blood Rite was a beautiful step in her healing. Before this book, I was hesitant about the foreshadowing that Nesta would take part in the Rite, fearing it would become some sort of white savior trope to help the female Illyrians. But I enjoyed the way it ended up happening. I know it seemed unrealistic for Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn to get that far against warriors who’d been training for years. But part of the point was the males were arrogant as fuck. They underestimated the trio, to their detriment. Nesta and her friends used cunning as much as strength and skill to get where they did.
And I loved the image of Emerie and Gwyn just sitting back, sipping tea and admiring the river after going through a week of pure hell and winning the Blood Rite.
I hope we get more of them all together in the next books.
ETA - I can’t believe I forgot! Gwyn writing their story because their stories deserve to be told 🥲💕
The sisters
Overall I liked how things turned out with them.
Elain is still a bit of a non-entity to me. I don’t feel like I really know anything about her. Which, to some extent, is the point I think. There will be a lot to reveal in her story and she has a shitload of healing to do. She may have the appearance of adjusting and fitting in, but I don’t buy it. Nesta telling Elain to fuck off was awesome and long overdue. But Elain was also right in pointing out how others treat her and the trauma she’s experienced. I think there is still more to be dealt with between these two in the next book.
Feyre and Nesta were the more interesting relationship to me. The eldest and the youngest tend to butt heads in my opinion (and personal experience). So I was glad they came to an understanding. And very glad that Feyre did not get angry with Nesta for telling her about the baby. Rhys deserved the wrath for that.
One thing I would have liked to see discussed was the role of their parents in their lives. Nesta holds a lot of guilt for how she reacted to their poverty and I think that is understandable. I think Elain does too. However, I do not think any of the sisters should harbor blame for what happened. Their father was responsible for them. Period. Even if he was physically unable to work or help around the house, he still could have been a father. Yes, Feyre stepped up and fed them. Nesta and Elain didn’t help. It was his role to make them. Not in an abusive way. But step up and tell Nesta and Elain to do something, whether it’s chop wood or gather food from the wild. I don’t know. In my opinion, it is wrong to place blame on young girls who had a parent that did nothing. His actions in acowar were noble, but they don’t erase his failures. That all of this was glossed over disappointed me. I think this was something Nesta needed to be told explicitly by both her sisters. She had things to apologize for and feel guilt for, but she was not the one who should have protected Feyre. All three of them should have been protected by their father.
 The Inner Circle
It’s kind of funny to me how blind they all are about each other. I don’t even know what else to say about their dysfunction.
Amren’s sudden desire for Rhys to become High King was weird, and though I should know better, I still really hope the series doesn’t end that way. The IC tends to have good intentions about things, but I don’t think they know how to handle a problem without some kind of force. And controlling all the other courts is not something that would happen easily, especially with perceived allies.
Amren and Mor thinking Nesta belonged or should be sent to the Court of Nightmares was a spectacularly shitty take. The lack of awareness and acknowledgement that Nesta was suffering from multiple traumas was just … unbelievable.
But considering how much this group does not see about each other, I guess it’s not a surprise. I don’t know how much is willful ignorance or just really, really poor people skills. I understand how this all makes for good angst and drama, I really do. But I’m just at the point where it’s grating. They need to sit the fuck down and talk to each other. It’s been five hundred years for fucks sake. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Okay. I liked Rhys in acotar and acomaf. But the sparkly exterior wore off big time for me in acowar and acofas. I honestly could have done without him in this book. But I wasn’t foolish enough to expect him to not be in it. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that SJM has her favorites and Rhys is at the top of the list.
Having said that, he annoyed the shit out of me in this book. Someone really needs to explain to him that a choice between two awful things, one of which might be deadly, is not really a choice. I don’t have the energy for it, but better writers than me could write a thesis on the illusion of choice in these books. Which is, in my opinion, pretty clearly tied to the brand of feminism presented.
Not only is the choice given to Nesta at the beginning not a choice, Rhys doesn’t seem to consider Elain at all in his argument with Az. All other issues with that bonus chapter aside, he saw them. He saw the mutual attraction and consent. What happened to not forcing females to accept the mating bond? What happened to respecting her choice and autonomy? I considered the possibility that maybe since he knows Az, there’s a reason he thinks they wouldn’t work. But then, that pretty much flies out the window by him asking Az about Mor. Sure, Az is still hung up on Mor, but she is pretty fucking clear about her opinion.
The whole thing about not telling Feyre about the risky childbirth was awful. And not that I would expect it to happen, but not even mentioning abortion as an option was frustrating. That plot line was not good in any way. There were plenty of other things that could have gone wrong with the birth to push Nesta to act at the end. To be honest, the feysand dynamic is not great. While I appreciated her standing up to him about Nesta and other things, he very deliberately uses sex as a distraction to get out of arguments. Yet another way he never really seems to suffer consequences of bad behavior.  
I will say I was really glad he got the opportunity to experience the full trauma of what Nesta went through. And my petty ass loved him kneeling before her at the end!
Where was Illyria?? My one serious expectation for this book was that we’d learn more about Illyria and deal with the revolution that was hyped up in acofas. To be written off in one paragraph was disappointing. It makes me think that if we are to ever get more details about the Illyrians, it might be in Az’s story. It was mentioned a few times that he hates them (with good reason) and would wipe them off the map if it was up to him. So I’m guessing his arc will require him coming to terms with that.
I’ve never been super invested in this story line but I admit I’ve leaned more towards Elriel in the past. Partly because I like some of the complementary symbolism associated with them, but mostly because I’d really like to see a story about rejection of the mating bond. Even with the extra chapters, I feel like we still don’t know much of anything about who Elain truly is. And the same can be said of Az. So, those chapters didn’t sway me that much. With the exception of Az interacting with Gwyn. I agree with a lot of others saying Az has a lot of work to do on himself before he can be with anyone. I think Elain and Gwyn also have a lot of healing to do. SJM can take this in so many directions that I just don’t know what to think.
I will say that originally I was expecting the next book to involve a love square of Elain, Az, Lucien, and Vassa, because I did see a connection between the last two. But now … Was Lucien annoyed by Jurian and Vassa because he’s jealous? Just annoyed? I don’t know. I still think Vassa will be in the next books if only because of Koschei. But I’m not so sure about her involvement with Lucien. I think we’ve got enough people in this love polygon lol! Jesus, what a mess. But maximum angst 😂
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Eighteen
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti  @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical @dusty-lightbulb @messyhairday-me @rinad307 @superspiritfestival )
so, i recalled earlier this week that in canon, showers don't exist. you might be thinking, hey lior zoë, what are you talking about? allow me to refresh your memory. in acowar, nesta confesses to feyre in front of the inner circle that her ptsd is triggered by taking baths, because of the cauldron. so she has to bathe in buckets. feyre assures her that they will come up with some contraption that will allow her to clean herself some other way. in the snippet from the end of acofas (which we now know is called A Court of Silver Flames, btw!!), nesta mentions her ability to slip into a bath is huge progress. so presumably, feyre has not given her this contraption. i think about this all the time, because the idea of a superior race with all the magic in the world not having ever invented showers is so supremely stupid to me. however, it has come to my attention that on two occasions I have forgotten this, and mentioned showers in previous chapters of lpg. i have elected to continue ignoring this and in the future will continue to reference showers. but in accordance with the rules of the game, I can no longer call this fic canon compliant AU. henceforth, this fic is a showers exits!AU and nothing more.
February 9 - 4 years after
The last of Sugar Valley's snow melts in early February, and as mid-month nears, the weather almost looks warm outside. Of course, it is still plenty cold, so every morning brings a new argument on whether or not Avery has to wear her coat, which sparks an identical one with Nicky.
Nesta takes a deep breath. "All right, Avery," she says. "Stand outside for one whole minute without your coat. Just on the porch. Yes, you too, Nicky."
"I want Ollie to come too," Avery demands.
"No, Ollie doesn't want to stand in the cold without a coat. There you go. Your minute starts...now."
Nesta watches the two of them stand on the front porch, Nicky enjoying himself like it is a game and Avery, cross and stubborn, glaring at her.
Ollie sits on the floor next to the door, working on putting his boots on by himself. He's quiet except for slight whispers as he coaches himself on how to tie his laces.
"Had enough?" Nesta calls.
"I'm cold, Mummy."
"Well, come inside and put on your coat, then," Nesta says, doing her absolute best to keep her voice even.
Nicky does, but Avery remains outside, scowling.
Nesta takes a deep, shaky breath. "Avery," she says. "I can see you're shivering."
Avery stomps her foot. "I am not."
Nesta closes her eyes. "All right," she says. It's far too early in the day to choose a hill to die on. "Let's just walk to nursery, then."
Nesta wraps Avery's coat inside hers—she can't hold it normally, for if Avery sees it, she'll throw a fit. She fastens her buckle tightly, so the smaller coat won't slip down her body and she can still use both her hands to hold onto her children.
But Avery doesn't want to hold hands today.
Eventually, she manages to get all three of them to nursery, with Avery in her sour mood the whole way, Ollie keeping to himself as much as possible, and Nicky blissfully unaware of both his sister's and his mother's irritation.
She sneaks the coat into their teacher's hands and leaves after only two quick kisses goodbye—Avery has joined her friend Emilia in a game and refuses to pay Nesta any mind at all.
So Nesta scowls on her way to start her day, too. Perhaps even more than usual, for Maz ducks behind a bookshelf as soon as he sees her.
"How have you scared him off already?" Zeyn asks, laughingly, from behind her.
Nesta whips around. "All I did was walk in here!" She can't help her outburst. She doesn't have many outlets. She'll take what she can get.
But Zeyn is rather used to this, and his easy-going personality never falters. "Woah," he says, holding his hands up. "Coffee's in the back room. Come with me."
She'd like to stew in her misery for a bit longer, actually, but Zeyn doesn't let her, pushing her along and sitting her down in a chair.
"Is it the workload?" he asks her. "I know you've been taking the brunt of those Prythian writers..."
"It's all of it, Zeyn," Nesta says, dejected. "It's the writers and my regular workload and Avery's going through this phase...and Ollie's being quieter than usual and I think his lungs are part of the reason, really..."
And she doesn't say it to him, but it's Cassian, too. Not that he's done anything wrong, it's just...he's been in the Night Court all week, and she has grown so used to having him around. And now it feels like everything has been dumped upon her alone. Pairing this with that "paperwork" that Amorette had started doing, which is shaping up to be a huge opportunity for her in Ciyaluck...Nesta's never felt more burdened in her life.
"At least Nicky's still singing to himself," she says miserably.
"Ava's not exactly depressed, Nesta," Zeyn says, teasing slightly.
"I think she hates me now."
"She doesn't! Like you said, it's just a phase."
"It's not..." Nesta swallows. "It's just a lot."
And now she can't even share with him, because...well...it feels too weird. She and Cassian have been co-parenting for months now. She's been slowly easing Zeyn out of conversations like this, and to suddenly talk about something as intimate as her relationship with her daughter with such brazenness...it feels wrong to be talking to anyone else this way.
But that isn't right. She still loves Zeyn. He still helped her with the children so much when they were born, when she was pregnant.
"It feels a lot to handle sometimes," she says finally.
Zeyn cups her face with his hand. His eyes, warm as ever, twinkle at her. "You don't have to handle it alone," he promises, voice sweet.
She summons a smile. "Is that an offer to edit these short stories I just got?"
Her ill attempt at humor works. He laughs and breaks apart. "Count on it."
February 3 - 1 year after
It was a good thing Adil had found her a house when he did, because the deals with the bank and with Erest, the councilhead, were finalized just as Nesta grew to be too big to fit through the door of her room at the inn.
Nesta had actually been looking forward to her second trimester, because of the promise of not greeting every morning with violent illness, and then crumpling up in a heap on the bathroom floor.
But it seemed that the first day she had awoken to find all she had eaten before going to bed yesterday had successfully stayed down, was also the day she thought she would not be able to get out of bed on her own. While it was true—in her case, at least—that the fourth month of pregnancy brought with it the energy that had all but disappeared completely these past few months, it wasn't much use if she was too heavy to handle herself.
Amorette, her healer, was pleased to note every pound Nesta gained. She had been worried, at first, having heard tell of females unable to produce enough space and nutrition for multiples and losing all of them, one after the other, but Nesta was having no such troubles. She—and Miri—had assured her that she did not look to be the same size as her new two-story house, though.
(There was some concern about the size of one of the triplets, a male, significantly smaller than the other two, but Amorette said as long as they were keeping an eye on it all, they should be fine.)
"Right, then," Adil said, coming down the stairs of the house. "You should be set for now. Placeholders," he added, nodding towards the blue couch in the living room and other items that graced Nesta's sparse new home. "Until we can...get some..." he trailed off, looking around, perhaps doing more measuring in his head.
"You've done more than enough," Nesta said firmly. While pregnancy had not been kind to her over the last month, Adil certainly had, helping her with everything she could possibly think to need. Miri as well. And Zeyn...well, Nesta could never really tell if he was more irritating than helpful, but he was there, too.
"Got the cribs set up, room next to yours. Didn't paint the room, though..."
Nesta could hardly believe it. "What?"
Adil looked as startled as she felt. "Well, Miri said it was important for you to paint it. Nesta...?"
"Nesting," Miri called from the kitchen.
"No, no, it's not that. I just..."
I just forgot I'd need cribs.
"...didn't realize you had bought me cribs. That's—that's too kind."
"Gift from the shop," he grunted, looking away. That was fine. Nesta didn't want to make eye contact either. "Well, we'll be on our way."
Miri came out of the kitchen. "I've got some meals ready for you in there, dear."
"Oh, thank you, Miri. You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, please. We'll see you tomorrow, dear."
"Thank you," she said again, to them both, as she walked them out.
The sound she made when she shut the door was between a sigh and a groan. Endless relief and gratitude that she finally—finally, for the first time in her life, had her own home. And the dawning realization that it would not be hers alone in a few short months.
Or would it? Nesta didn't remember deciding she was going to keep the triplets, only that she wasn't terminating the pregnancy. Were those her children stretching out her insides, she wondered, running her hands over her belly as she stared in the mirror? Or was she just holding them for someone?
That was something she needed to figure out. Before Cassian wrote back, at least.
She tried not to think about how he hadn't written back yet. Perhaps he was still...upset. But he would, eventually, and then she...they would...what?
Less than five months to go...and with the average duration of a triplet pregnancy being far less than the typical nine months, probably not even that. Whatever decision she was going to make, she had to make it soon.
February 18 - Year of
Nesta never thought the sight of Cassian's house in their camp would bring her so much relief. But it meant that trip was finally over.
"I've got to shower," she said, as soon as she walked in the door. "I have to get all of that place off of me."
"What was so bad about it?" he called after her, but she didn't stop to answer.
That camp wasn't so terribly different from this one, true. In fact, it was uncannily similar, as she had noted when they first arrived there. But the people were different. There was no love lost between all the townspeople here (save Cassian and Emerie) and Nesta, but she had not missed being looked at that way. Hated...feared.
She hadn't minded really, in that room. And she could admit to herself here, alone in the shower, that she even...enjoyed some of it. The parts where she spent all her waking hours with Cassian, and even when there were other people in the room, she wasn't sharing him.
Nesta had never been someone's first choice. No one had ever placed her at the height of their priorities, given themselves to her first and foremost. And that still wasn't what was happening. They had only gone because Cassian was General Commander—sworn to her sister and Rhysand and the people of the Night Court first.
But all that had seemed far away on this trip. It was so easy to pretend like none of that was real.
Even then, she knew the illusion couldn't last that long.
February 26 - 1 year after
Days seemed to go by quicker now. What with her new house, Nesta felt she had more freedom to go about the town as she pleased. She was so taken with living life as she saw fit, she didn't even mind that Sugar Valley really didn't have much to do. She thought she might prefer it that way.
In the mornings, she would walk to the bookstore, and someone would be waiting with a coffee for her. Zeyn or Miri or sometimes Leyla. Perhaps they worked in shifts.
She'd read and repair all day, and stop to eat lunch with everyone at half past noon. There hadn't been a collective lunch break when she had started, but one day she sat down with a large container of chicken salad, and Zeyn had sat himself next to her, and then Leyla had joined, and Maz followed her, along with Xeyale and Amir, and Miri had come to see what the gathering was about, and then Adil had wandered in after her. Sometimes their publishing agent, Hazar, stopped by and joined them.
Sometimes she'd leave in the afternoon for a visit with Amorette. In the evenings, she'd go home and fix herself dinner, which she liked to do alone.
But after that, she'd go for a walk about the town, and inexplicably, someone would be there. Most often Zeyn.
"So, you think of any names yet?" he said to her one night, as they walked.
Nesta popped a sugarberry into her mouth. "Names?"
"For the babies."
Nesta flinched. "No."
"Oh, do you think it's bad luck to talk about it? Some people do. My mother's that way."
"I don't believe in luck," she said. Luck was so faerie, like their pantheon of gods and fate and mates. None of that was real. Not real enough to matter, anyway.
Zeyn laughed. "That must be nice."
She didn't think it was. He laughed at everything, didn't he? Nesta would never be that way.
"So, do you need any help? With the names?"
"Did you have some you wanted to share?" she asked drily.
"ZJ," he said immediately.
"ZJ? Zeyn Junior?"
He grinned at her. "Got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
She summoned a weak smile. Where she was from, someone was only a Junior if they had taken their parent's name.
"Zahra's pretty popular for a girl," he continued, unaware of her thoughts. "I think it's pretty."
"I don't think I want a Gilameyvan name, though," she mused. And she certainly shouldn't choose a name if she wasn't sure she wanted to keep the children.
"What's popular in Prythian, then?"
"I don't know," she said shortly. Then, after considering it for a few moments, "I'm from south of Prythian."
"What's popular there? Is Nesta a common name?"
"Hardly," she scoffed. Feyre wasn't, either. They did know their fair share of Elains, though. "I guess...Heather? Joyly? Analynn?"
"Joyly's nice."
"Well, I didn't like any of the Joylys I knew."
"What about boy names?"
Nesta thought. "Well...Caleb, I guess. Elias." She didn't remember many boys she had known. Tomas, of course, but she wasn't going to name anyone after him. "Actually," she said, softly, "I did always like my father's name."
He touched her elbow gently. "What was his name?"
"Ollison," she said. She hurried to find something else to say. She certainly didn't want to talk about her father. "I like Avery for a girl. A book I liked when I was younger...the heroine was called Avery."
"Maybe we can find it," he said. "How do you know so many human-authored books anyway?"
So Adil hadn't mentioned her slight stretch of truth. "I lived among them for many years," she said.
"Wow, really? What were they like?"
"They were normal," she answered, irritated by the question.
"Really, even to a High Fae?"
Oh. That was why he asked. How to answer?
"Friendships and love can transcend race," she said, thinking of her sister and her new family. Herself and...
"You loved some of them."
After a lengthy pause, Nesta said, "I did. Very much."
February 11 - 4 years after
Avery's poor attitude does not transfer towards her behavior at nursery, according to her teacher, and while Nesta supposes she should be glad of this, she finds she's only upset that it seems to be just her Avery has a problem with.
This is further worsened by her shrieks of delight when Cassian accompanies her to pick them up that afternoon.
Avery races towards him like she hasn't seen him in months—even though Cassian had arrived last night, and they had all eaten breakfast together.
Cassian doesn't seem to notice Nesta's disgruntlement, and laughs as he picks Avery up into his arms. Nicky and Ollie clamber at his legs, and he scoops them up too.
Nesta keeps her eye roll to herself as she takes their bags. Not Avery's coat, though—because at Cassian's request, she had elected to wear hers today.
At least Nicky says, "Mummy, I missed you so much today!" and Ollie nods along eagerly.
"Can we go to the park?" Avery asks.
"You know the rules, Ava," Cassian says sternly, as they leave. "We go home and eat first."
Avery pouts some, and Nesta's blood rushes to her cheeks—is she going to throw a tantrum? Oddly, the idea of a public fit doesn't faze Nesta at all, as the three of them have each had their fair share, but having Cassian see how incompetent she can be mortifies her beyond belief.
But he coaxes her out of it by promising they're going to go to the park later, and actually, they're going to cook something together to eat, and won't that be fun?
Nesta has been hiding her bitterness from her children their whole lives, so this one afternoon is hardly the one that kills her. But she takes extra care to keep up cheery pretenses because of Cassian's presence, and she's convinced she's done a good job of it, because he doesn't seem to notice anything's the matter at all.
At least, she doesn't think he does, but right after they shut the door to the children's room, he puts his arm over her shoulder, and—when they are safely out of earshot, in the kitchen—says, "Nesta, what's wrong? You've been miserable all day."
"I have not been miserable all day," she scoffs, trying to hide her flush with a glare.
"Come on, Nesta. What is it? Is it Ava? Kids act like that all the time."
"I know how children act," she snaps.
"I didn't mean to imply you don't," he says. "Just...trying to reassure you." He hesitates. "Nesta...Rhys and Az and Mor each told me that you're a wonderful mother."
"What a surprise that must have been."
"To them, maybe, but not to me," he says seriously. "I always knew. But it's okay if this is hard for you to do on your own. With Ava and with everything you've had to take on at work...and, you know, if anything else has been pressuring you..." he trails off, and when she doesn't show any sign she knows what he's talking about, his lips tug upwards slightly, and he adds, "If I've been pressuring you."
"You have not been pressuring me," she says automatically.
"Well, I hope you're lying," he says, "because I've certainly tried to."
Nesta rolls her eyes.
"You really haven't thought about my telling you I want us to be a family?" he asks, skeptical. "I don't believe you. Come on, Nesta, it's just me. You can tell me."
Nesta gives a short, irritated sigh. "Well, of course I've thought about it."
"And what?" He takes a step closer to her. "You haven't come up with an answer yet?" He puts his hands on her shoulders, smirking slightly.
He's...he's much closer now. And his wings aren't spread wide, but inching closer to her as well. Blocking out everything in her periphery, so he is all she can see. "I have."
He raises an eyebrow. This is unnatural, isn't it, being this close without actually touching? "And?"
His eyes—like Avery's, like Ollie's, like a dark honey disappearing into the black of his pupils. It takes her a minute to remember what he's talking about. "Oh," she says, slightly surprised to remember. "Well. Of course I want us to be a family." She doesn't get a chance to say anything else.
Because then he is kissing her, and it's like no time has passed. His hands circling her waist and hers taking their place in his hair. He tastes the same—that vague lemon and mint. His hair is a bit longer, but the growling sound from the back of his throat when she pulls it is just as she remembers. It's what spurs him onward, downward. His lips move to the side of her mouth, and he kisses down her neck, but she pulls him back upwards. It's been too long. She has waited so long for this.
And it appears she'll have to wait a while longer, because just as their hands start to roam, a small voice from the stairwell calls, "Mummy, my throat is really hurting a lot."
They rip apart. Cassian's eyes are wide, and he snaps his wings backwards to be tucked against his back.
Nesta whips around, hands furiously smothering her hair—just in time to see Ollie wobble into the kitchen.
He hasn't seen.
The pair of them breathe a sigh of relief together.
Then Nesta remembers what he said. "Your throat hurts, angel? Come here." She picks him up and holds him against her. He lays his head on her shoulder and coughs, wet and deep.
"It's been back," Nesta whispers to Cassian. To Ollie she says, "Do you feel like you need to take the purple medicine we got from the healer?"
Ollie nods, yawning.
"It's in that cabinet there," she says to Cassian. She takes a deep breath to calm herself so she can calm him. "We're going to take a little bit of medicine. We're going to practice our deep breaths over the steaming bowl, and first thing tomorrow we are going to see our friend Healer Nazrin. All right, angel?" She looks at Cassian when she speaks, and he nods along with Ollie.
After she directs Cassian on how much of the tonic to give Ollie, she says, "Now, why don't you go with Appa and sit on the couch, and Mummy will bring the steaming bowl?"
This is not the first time Ollie has woken up in the middle of the night complaining of throat or chest pains and a cough. Nesta's not overly terrified; in fact, she's even pleased to see he is old enough to tell her exactly what hurts and that he wants medicine. But she knows that for Cassian, this is the first time, and he is probably as scared as she was. So sitting with him for a moment alone on the couch while she takes care of the treatment will probably calm him down.
And give her just a few seconds to collect herself. There is far too much on her plate. She doesn't need anything extra to deal with now.
hope you enjoyed that!!
also, did you know, i started a booktube? also also did you know, june 21st as this week and it’s the triplets’ birthday? also also also did you know, june 25th is tomorrow and that’s my birthday!!
thank you all so much for the overwhelming support. i just love you guys so much. i also love @thestarwhowishes, my beta.
Chapter Nineteen
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maevelin · 6 years
Do you not like how the pregnancy plot was used in acofas as a plot or because you feel that babies don't belong to that universe?
Well I do feel that concepts of immortality don’t go very well with pregnancy tropes but it depends on how a universe truly works and how a writer makes it work. In the ACoTaR universe it is established that even though pregnancy is not an easy thing to happen it is not an impossibility. And given the established population and the familial relationships we have seen this is not out of the norm for this world and the concept of immortality does have its limitations obviously.
My problem was how this was used as a plot and how it affected the female character. We had Feyre making a big deal about certain things in the trilogy and in ACoFaS, things that mattered to her characterization but ultimately were negated by default. This is what happens with SJM’s writing and it couldn’t be more obvious in ACoFaS. 
For example we get the story of the weaver lady in ACoFaS right? We have the void and the hope that inspired Feyre and I was staring at what I was reading wondering if SJM actually forgot what she wrote in ACoWaR because what she was doing was so contradictory. She aimed for the profound message and I was there rolling my eyes because SHE MADE SURE FOR THAT TO NOT FREAKING COUNT.
So Feyre understands the weaver’s loss and decides to have a child because in case that Rhysand would die like the weaver’s mate did she would not have anything left to remember him by and I was like…anyone remembers the suicide pact? The weaver lady was indeed someone to lead an example and was strong and kept on living and grieved and mourned but did not let that grief destroy her and she found hope in the darkness and ultimately was everything Feyre was not. If anything that story line highlighted the weakness of the main characters. We had the survivors of the war and the attack, people that lost their beloved ones and kept on living and turned on their High Lords for support but if we place that mirror against Feyre and Rhysand what do we get in return? They would never be like those people would they? Because when push would come to shove they would just quit life because they wouldn’t be able to handle the loss. It is just so problematic. Too much love is poison indeed as Rhysand has once said. It turns ugly. And it tainted what SJM was trying to preach in ACoFaS. The weaver was admirable for sure. We didn’t see her taking her life because she lost the love of her life did we? No. And Feyre was inspired by this and made it a big deal when the message SJM promoted in the previous book about her female lead was…if the one you love dies go on an die with them. 
So can anyone explain to me using simple logic what was the point of Feyre deciding to have a child so to have something of Rhysand when with their pact the only thing left would be an orphan child without having anything to remember their parents by because they were idiots and committed suicide because they formed a completely toxic codependent relationship?
The weaver plot with the tapestry and the gift and all that leading to Feyre’s decision were literally completely pointless because SJM made them be pointless by default. How is that a motivation for Feyre when she does not have to worry about it given the moronic bargain she made with her mate? And how is it possible that at no point her mind actually made that connection? A bargain mind you that was created in a post traumatic period for both Feyre and Rhysand and the writer made it all seem ‘romantic’? And how did that tie in in ACoFaS? There was no logic or consistency and it really cheapened the whole thing. It would work with how things were presented in ACoWaR up to a point. If SJM had stopped before that pact in the end it would actually be one of the few saving graces of the book. If she knew where to stop that is. With Rhysand’s intentions for self sacrifice for example while he wanted to ensure Feyre’s survival even in the expense of his own life. This was his goal, this was his motivation. For those he loved and for Feyre in particular to survive even if he had to die fighting for them and for that endgame. It was heroic, it was noble. It made sense with who Rhysand was revealed to be in ACoMaF. And on the other end I was not expecting anything less from Feyre either. This is what you do when you love someone. You want them to live and have a good life even if you can’t be there. And it would also show that life does not come with guarantees even for immortals so every day is meant to cherished with those you love as if it is the last because it very well could be and there are examples for that. And if one is gone then the other lives on and should live life to the full extent not just for them but also in honor of those that they lost that would live through them. That is how you honor a memory and a love story either it has a happy ending or not. And the plot with the weaver would tie in perfectly with that. Only it doesn’t now does it? Because the last pages of ACoWaR and the closure for Feysand’s story there ensured that. Now going around in circles around that is a parody really. Senseless.
And putting all that aside let us focus on Feyre and the timeline here. Let us see how this baby plot fits in Feyre’s story and all the points ACoMaF had made? One of the best parts of ACoMaF was that it subverted certain tropes only for ACoFaS to come like a badly written fanfiction and demolish all that progress. Everything in this story happened in what? A year? Two? More or less. So in that extremely small amount of time you get a girl that has been through hell and went through extremely traumatic situations that affected her mentally and emotionally and made life changing decisions that contradict everything she seemed to have wanted when she was recovering from depression and PTSD. 
In the end of the day you have a very VERY young inexperienced girl that was deprived of kindness and basic care in her whole life and has gone through some very traumatic events in the span of 2 years that are bound to affect her perception of the world and those that surround her. Someone throws her a crumb of kindness and they become perfect in her eyes to the point she glamorizes them beyond logic because she is starving for affection. She is starving to have a loving family. She is starving to be loved and cherished and appreciated. So she just jumps in. With a guy that is 500 years old. That has lived his life. That is also recovering from severe trauma. This is where their relationship is based on and how it is shaped. They don’t think clearly. They are still healing. They gave themselves no time to even see if their relationship can stand in time (outside the concepts of mates and with having immortality looming over them). And there is nothing wrong with people wanting to get things they have been deprived of and chase those dreams till they would make them come true. But at least in stories we should get the gradual development that would get us there and not an abrupt conclusion that counters the progress that was made - in entire books- and the progress that was used as a central axis for the characterization of the characters.
With Tamlin for example such a future and so soon for Feyre was a nightmarish terror. Even Rhysand made it sound like that when he was trying to show her how restricting such a life was and couldn’t understand the rush of it all. You put the basics of Tamlin’s expectations with what we are seeing with Rhysand and Feyre and if you strip the storylines down to their core you see alarming similarities. Excluding the abuse of course. But in the sense of a certain lifestyle that Feyre abhorred and suddenly lives on ACoFaS but somehow this is a dream coming true now. With Tamlin the exact same thing when Feyre was in love with him was still something she didn’t want and for good reason but in the span of months this changes all of the sudden and with Rhysand it becomes perfection when she has not been able to achieve the dreams she had before. But what about Feyre as a unique personality outside her romantic interests? So the only difference in the end is the male she is so her life is regulated only as her worth is defined as a love interest in the narrative? The world is a big place and Feyre still has no idea of it. She does not even fully understand the concept of her Fae nature and of immortality yet. She has not even experienced or enjoyed what she has with Rhysand and their bond either. Feyre in ACoMaF had said she wanted time. Said she didn’t want to become a decorative piece while the High Lord would be active and she would be there to basically breed children, sign letters and host dinners and have people serving her while she would be there to be the rich wife. Does that -especially after ACoFaS- sound familiar? And her not wanting children in the near future was something that was discussed in ACoMaF and it was a big decision and Rhysand respected it. It gave a certain depth in their relationship but also in Feyre’s character that wanted to grow and mature before she would be a mother and a wife. She wanted time to live, to love, to be herself, to be with Rhysand and so on. She wanted independence and to mature. And here we are so soon after and everything is once more negated. 
Not to mention that this feels manipulative in a way. There is the mate bond that is influencing Feyre’s emotions to a big extent and not to mention that she has  already seen the image of her future son which is also influencing her decisions.
And it is just so… simplistic. To take an interesting plot that was one of the parts that made ACoMaF so successful and to erase it completely for no reason just a few books later. This is a pattern that keeps repeating really. SJM makes a certain point, hypes it and then erases it. So what was the point of making it in the first place? More so when she is planning for an extended universe that will stretch far beyond the original trilogy and she could give this later on in a time frame that would make sense.
And I get it when fans that like a ship want such things for their dream couple. And I mean…this is what fanfiction is for. And on the other end I understand and respect when a writer wants to deliver to the fans what they want. It is a great thing to want to please your fans that have supported you and your writing like this and with so much passion. But I feel that it should not come to the expense of your writing to this degree and I am sure that this could have been handled much better and with a more consistent writing that would make the delivery make sense without being so contradictory, sloppy, and messy. You can honor the fans while still remaining true to the story and what made the characters and their dynamic so alluring to the fans in the first place. Those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. 
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bookofmirth · 2 years
Everyone making far fetched theories and manage to connect the moon to their skinny jeans: "Sarah janet maas is the best writer. The queen of forshadowing! Obviously this little detail in the second book that was never mentioned again after is a clear forshadowing for my ship! Her mind blows my mind. She's a genuis and y'all just lack reading comprehension!"
Sarah j maas:
"Her youngest sister had been taken by this male because Nesta herself hadn't been able to face him. Tamlin had even looked at her and asked if she'd go in Feyre's place. And she had said no, because she was a hateful, horrible coward." Acosf, when she met Tamlin.
Miss maas- this sh*t did not happen in the first book.
Either she legit forgot what actually happened or she changed it to spice it up for... whatever reason. Nesta already feels guilty for a lot of things, including the ones where she's not even at fault. Why the hell try to make her out to be this monster that she isn't?! For angst? So she can fill the pages, since she didn't know what else to write?! Literally, what was the point of changing that???? That whole scene was dumb anyways because it felt like Sarah wanted some badass moment, using Tamlin as a punchbag so we can all scream "OMG YASSS QUEEN".
Queen of forshadowing my ass. Her villains and ships are obvious as hell and there are plenty of plotholes left. There's a map, a clear worldbuilding, yet we've been only in the night court for 4 books. Her characters are the most powerful people in the whole universe, but need whole armies and as much as help to kill of the Hybern King. There's no logic behind the magic system either.
Best writer my ass.
okay I didn't remember that quote from acosf about Tamlin asking Nesta to take Feyre's place, but you're right, that was stated in acosf, and it NEVER HAPPENED in acotar. I just checked my ebooks to be sure. ldjalkdjaslkjdlakjslkjasd That's so fucking funny because you're right, Nesta already had enough reasons to loathe herself, and tbh she doesn't need rational, real reasons to do so, sometimes you just hate yourself lmaoooo It's not like the intervention scene where she was able to literally rewrite it from acofas to acosf, sjm just completely retconned that fact from four books ago.
I know people have a lot of fun making theories and trying to figure out the next books, but literally sjm does not plan like that. Everything revolves around who she wants to bang. She figures that out, then makes the plot fit around that, to make the banging happen. She doesn't sit there thinking about the meaning of colors, she literally said in an interview that the Valkyrie bracelet colors were just a vibe, but people are out here acting like the curtains are blue!
If she didn't leave *some* hint as to where things were going, she'd be even worse than a bad writer. She's a pantser which is totally fine, but you're right. All these little details are so freaking inconsequential, unless she decides later on that she wants them to be meaningful. Then in retrospect it's like "omg, look at this clue she left for us" when I'm willing to bet that she did it retroactively.
I do think, to her credit, the reason we're so invested is because she does the characters and their psychology well. I just rewatched my acowar reread video from 2018 (I can link it if y'all want) which I posted prior to the acofas release, and I was right about the characters. I was right about how Nesta and Elain would grieve their father and feysand having a baby soon (I said I wouldn't be surprised if it happened, despite what Feyre said.) I did say that I thought Cassian knew Mor is queer, which I haven't been proven right about - however, I am not convinced that she is executing that issue of Mor being queer particularly well.
SJM's characters are her strength, and so if I make predictions, it's based on that. Where they're at psychologically, how they are reacting to situations, who is mated, who is sad about mates, what kind of circumstances characters are in, where they want to be. If we were to break down the effort she puts into different parts of her writing, it would be like 50% characters and characterization, 45% romance, and 5% everything else (world, plot, prose).
And that's another reason why I keep insisting that trying to figure out ships based on where plots might go is... a crapshoot at best. That's not the way she prioritizes. It's always 1) the couple/who she wants to bang, and then 2) whatever she needs to write to make that happen. "There's no plot for X ship" okay well we all read acosf, right? Because plot is not her priority or concern, she can and will do whatever it takes, no matter how inconsistent or ill-defined, to get two characters banging. There are things that make more sense, characters who are more or less connected to different plots than other characters. But never underestimate her willingness to make Amren have some random ass memory of something that changes the plot completely in order to make the ship she wants to happen, happen.
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shallyne · 2 years
Feyre Week Day 9: Free Day
High Queen Feyre
A repost of the list of points that could point to Feyre becoming High Queen, it fits into todays prompt ❤️
1. Amaranthas titles mirror Feyres titles (Huntress, High Lady, maybe High Queen & Faerie Queen)
2. The land chose Feyre because in ACOWAR the forest in the middle parted to let her through
"The woods seemed to monitor each of my steps" - acomaf page 217
3. Symbolic: the first time Feyre sat on a throne after being crowned High Lady was in the court of nightmares. She sat on the throne and Rhys leaned against it
4. I don't know if that is important but it feels important: Feyre is able to befriend Prythians deadliest monsters. Example: the Suriel, Bryaxis
5. "leave this world a better place than how you found it, Cursebreaker"
6. Power of all 7 High Lords
7. "You were given life by all 7 of us....what if we gave you more than expected? What if you could stand against us-hold your own, a High Lady?" or High Queen? Acomaf pg. 73
8. "No one was my master-but I could be the master of everything, if I wished. If I dared." acomaf page 319
9. "What-get rid of the High Lords?" "Perhaps. But mostly eliminate the inherent privileges of High Fae over the lesser faeries." Tarquin to Feyre in acomaf page 323
10. In acotar, Feyre sees a mural where a female hand holds the cauldron
11. Lady of Many Faces (Feyre called by Book of Breathings) | Queen with Many Faces (Book in Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood)
12. ACOSF chapter 42, Amren and Rhys talking about High King." I didn't do anything to earn my power, I was born with it." Feyre did earn her power.
13. ACOSF chapter 42 "Feyre isn't interested in being High Queen." - "She would do the necessary evil to protect her unborn child."
14.Aelin ended up as Queen | HOSAB mentioned Bryce twice as future Queen | Feyre = High Queen?
15. "Once I discovered and mastered what the others had given me, I could weave them together - into something new, something of every Court and none of them." acomaf page 451
16. Acowar page 419 "Would we fight against Hybern only to find ourselves with a King and Queen of Prythian?" Tamlin about Feysand
17. "Today Rhys's mysterious clothier made me into the Queen of Night." acowar page 464
18. "Look at you, a child of all seven courts - like and unlike all. How the cauldron purrs in your presence" chapter 64 acomaf
19. "And the new, emerging world beyond." Acofas chapter 1
20. "I loved the work, actually. This territory, it's people - they were as much my heart as my mate." Acofas chapter 1
21. "There was more that I could do to help. Personally. I just hadn't figured it out yet." Acofas chapter 1
22. "...and followed her High Lord and Lady through the darkness, back into the light." Acofas chapter 6
23. Rhys's POV at the end of ACOMAF, he thinks of Feyre as "My Queen"
24. Feyre in acomaf being like "I knew I haven't finished what I was born to do" and Suri telling her in acowar "Leave the world a better place than how you found it"
25. “His High Lady looked so young he always forgot how young she truly was, considering what she'd already faced and achieved in her life.”
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bookofmirth · 3 years
What if we meet that lady who lost her mate in the war again? (from acofas- I forgot her name). The one who sold something to Feyre (forgot what it was).
I mean.. Gwyn was actually a no one before acosf. She was never mentioned in the other books (except in acomaf but they didn't mention her name). We got more of Emerie in acofas and it was kinda predicted that she will play a bigger role in Nesta's book. I think sjm might make that lady come to the library or join the Valkyries etc. Or she might come back in acotar 6? Maybe she play a bigger role in Elain's book instead? Either way, it would be really interesting to see how someone is living with the fact that their mate is forever gone. (not to mention the fact that losing a mate is very brutal)
It would be interesting for that woman to come back into the story. Your ask made me reread that scene in acofas and I noticed that it actually shows us a bit more of Elain. Feyre buys that fabric that the weaver calls "Void", and Elain hears the story about the weaver's mate dying during the war and how she mourned the future they should have had. Feyre thinks about how it could have been her or Rhys who had died, and the weaver tells them both that she called the silver thread Hope, and that she has to keep creating or else she would succumb to grief. And this after Elain told Feyre that they should still buy gifts for Solstice because the tradition is what people had died for - for life to continue after they were gone. It seems that Elain and the weaver have some things in common, including their perseverance.
But also Lucien in acowar: "get her out of this house"
in acofas, Elain:
Tumblr media
The weaver seems like an interesting character to potentially come back into Elain's life because of their shared sense of hope, the way that they both have lost a future but continue anyway.
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