#former warehouse/factory
vanishingsydney · 2 years
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Former late Victorian era factory/warehouse. Now a bar, café and custom motorcycle showroom (Deus ex Machina), all in one, at ground level. Offices & studio's on the top floor. Camperdown.
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rbbrbikerthorp · 7 months
Chavs No More
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Liam and Josh, two 19 year old mates who were known around their neighbourhood for their cocky, rebellious attitude and distinct dress, found themselves wandering through an area of the city that had been neglected for too many years. As they walked and 'chatted shit' they spotted a disused warehouse with smashed windows and broken doors. It seemed like the perfect place to kill time, perhaps, indulge in a bit of mischief and check it our as a possible place to get together with their other mates for drinking and smoking.
Josh took a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the crisp air. The two life-long friends approached the rundown warehouse, its windows broken and doors creaking ominously on their hinges.
"Oi, Liam, reckon we can get in there?" Josh asked, nodding towards the entrance.
Liam smirked, "Easy. Watch and learn."
With a swift movement, Liam produced a crowbar from his bag, expertly jimmying the lock on the door. The two scallies slipped through the doorway into the building; their footsteps echoing in the emptiness of a very large space. The expanse of the space they found themselves in suggested the building's original purpose was a factory, although neither had a sense of what was once produced there. Josh lit up another cigarette, while Liam explored the desolate space hoping, perhaps, that he would happen upon something of value.
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Josh stamped out his cigarette as Liam returned empty-handed.
"Liam, let's see if ther is like owt worth stealin'. look ova ther", Josh said pointing towards a set of double doors on the far side of the building.
The two friends began to wander across the former factory floor eventually reaching the double doors. Josh was about to push on the doors, but something was niggling Liam. He was unsure about going any further; grabbing Josh's arm.
"Did ya hear that?" Liam asked, looking around.
"Na, it's nothin'. Old buildings mack noises - c'mon"
That would be the last time that either of the two chavs would subconsciously assess the risks they may possibly face going further into the building.
Josh pushed on one of the doors. The squeaking noise made by the door opening suggested no one had used them in a long, long time.
The doorway opened up to a long corridor. Light emanated through opaque glass windows, many cracked and broken on one side of the corridor. On the other side there were rooms, which has clearly been used as in the past as offices. Most were just empty shells; the fixtures and fittings having been removed long ago.
As the two lads continued walking down the corridor they were so preoccupied by the thoughts of finding something valuable they could purloin that they didn't notice two wheelchairs left to one side. If they had been more observant they might have wondered why there were relatively new wheelchairs in an abandoned factory.
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Liam and Josh carried on walking, passing more empty rooms and another wheelchair. Eventually they came to the end of the corridor where there was one, solid door. Unlike the others they'd passed by this door was padlocked. It also looked as though it had been recently fitted. The two older teens were eager to make their exploration of the derelict building worthwhile financially, so there was no way they wouldn't try break through the door.
Liam raised an eyebrow at Josh, who grinned in agreement. The crowbar made quick work of the padlock, and the door swung open, revealing a surprisingly bright, modern room filled with computer equipment. The room appeared unoccupied, but in the background was the sound of technology. All the screens were active; filled with row upon row of green text. There were two huge screens on one of the walls.
Josh was looking around the room; figuring out what they could easily pilfer and get the most money for. What caught Liam's attention was the dozen or so circular platforms in the middle of the room.
Josh tapped Liam's shoulder, "Look at these bruv," he said pointing to the middle of the room. Liam turned around looked to where Josh was pointing.
"What the..." Liam didn't finish the sentence before Josh interrupted.
"What the f*** is this like place?"
"You tell me bruv."
Intrigued by the peculiar sight, Liam and Josh couldn't resist walking over to the platforms, their chav bravado overcoming any sense of fear. The two chavs stood on the platforms, smirking at one another.
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Until now they'd not noticed the body-sized, circular perspex tubes retracted above their heads. Just then they heard a motor start up above their heads.
Looking up, "look out," Liam shouted, but it was too late.
In a split second, the tubes above their heads dropped to the floor, enclosing the two scallies inside. Panic set in as they screamed for help, finally realising the gravity of their situation.
Josh and Liam's screams echoed through the room as the perspex tubes trapped the chavs on the platforms below. A weird mist began to seep into the tubes, swirling around the panicking duo. Initially resistant, the mist began to work its magic.
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Josh and Liam's screams softened to muffled protests, and eventually, their once defiant voices fell into an eerie silence. The spine-chilling mist continued its work, transforming the rowdy chav friends into docile and compliant figures. As the eerie mist continued to swirl around the tubes, their eyes glazed over. After a few minutes the two chavs fell unconscious, succumbing to the mysterious effects of the mist - their fate unknown to them.,
Once it was confirmed that Josh and Liam were knocked out, the tubes retracted into the ceiling, leaving the room eerily quiet. Just as the last traces of the mist dissipated, the door creaked open, revealing two imposing figures in their early thirties. Tough and athletic, they entered the room pushing empty wheelchairs. The same ones that Josh and Liam had ignored as they walked along the the corridor not long ago.
Without a word, the mysterious pair approached Josh first, effortlessly lifting his limp form and placing him into the first wheelchair. The same process followed for Liam, their actions efficient and practiced. The once unruly chavs now sat, unconscious and passive, in the wheelchairs.
The two males wheeled Josh and Liam into an adjacent room, where a dim light revealed an array of sophisticated equipment. They positioned the wheelchairs in a calculated manner, whilst the transformative effects of the mist maintained its hold on their bodies and minds.
Whilst two chavs were unconscious, one of the males retrieved a pair of clippers. To finalise the process the two friends would go through they needed their heads shaving, and this was to be done before they came round.
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Minutes passed, and gradually, the chavs began to stir. Their eyes blinked open, confusion replacing the previous chaos. Yet, as Josh and Liam looked around, their mannerisms had been already changed irrevocably. The aggressiveness and defiance that once defined them had been replaced with a newfound obedience and compliance.
Josh and Liam sat in their wheelchairs, their once-rebellious spirits now subdued. They looked at each other and then took-in their surroundings. The room was sterile, and the hum of fluorescent lights overhead added an eerie ambiance to the atmosphere. The two chavs awaited their fate.
Two shaved-headed males in green scrubs entered the room. They walked over to where Josh and Liam were sitting in the wheelchairs. They released the wheel brakes and pushed the two lads towards a pair of hospital beds. Without a word, they efficiently transferred Josh and Liam onto the beds and gently made them lay back. The once-rebellious duo stared blankly ahead, their eyes devoid of the spark that once characterised them.
The mysterious figures produced a pair of helmets from a nearby table. The helmets had curved face covering visors and were equipped with an array of wires and sensors. The men is scrubs carefully placed the helmets over the heads of the two chavs.
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Left alone in the room, Josh and Liam lay motionless as the helmets began their work. Unseen forces rewrote their minds, further erasing traces of defiance and moulding them into compliant, obedient beings. The room remained silent, save for the faint hum of the equipment that orchestrated the transformation.
Once the process was complete, the two shaved-headed males returned to the room. The chavs' minds were now blank slates, ready for the next phase of their transformation.
They replaced the iconic chav tracksuits with sleek black skinsuits. The transformation was both symbolic and practical, signalling the departure from their previous identities. The once distinctive and brash street-wear was replaced with a uniformity that mirrored their new, compliant state.
With the skinsuits in place, the helmets were refitted once more, this time for further programming.
The room buzzed with unseen energy as the final touches were applied. The chavs' once-chaotic personalities were long gone. All that remained were compliant shells, devoid of all human emotion; ready to embrace a new purpose.
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In a room filled with monitors, the shaved-headed males observed their work with a satisfied nod. They watched Josh and Liam laid on hospital beds, their minds blank and their bodies clad in black skinsuits.
The door opened and two technicians entered the observation room. It was time. The moment had come to usher the former chavs into the next phase of their transformation.
The compliant duo was wheeled into an adjacent room, where a series of machines resembling MRI scanners awaited them. However, these were not ordinary medical devices. Instead, they were machines designed to augment the human body, turning ordinary individuals into hybrid human-cyborgs.
The technicians meticulously positioned Josh and Liam in front of the metallic chambers, securing them in place. Over a three hour period, the two young males would go through a series of transformations, the first of which would prepare their bodies for the synthetic augmentations to come.
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The low hum of the machines echoed through the room as the transformation began. The beds were pulled backwards into the MRI-like machines.
Once inside the first stage of the process began. Metal plates descended from the tubes, fitting onto various parts of the chavs' bodies with precision. Once this was complete, circuitry was added connecting the various metal plates. What couldn't be seen to the casual observer was that under the metal plating, a synthetic bonding was taking place. A bonding that permeated through the skinsuit and into the human flesh.
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One by one, an artificial, mechanical limb replaced one of their natural ones. The flesh coloured arms and legs were now adorned with sleek, metallic enhancements, making them stronger and more resilient. The technicians worked with practiced efficiency, their gloved hands expertly activating the cybernetic upgrades.
Next came the ocular implants. The machines were programmed to approach installation of the eye replacements with precision. An implement descended from inside the machine, carefully removing one human eye from each chav and replacing it with the advanced technology. The blue glow emanating from the ocular implants signalled the integration of their new cybernetic enhancements.
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As the machines continued their work, the once-defiant chavs had now been transformed into hybrid human-cyborgs, their bodies now a fusion of the biological and the synthetic. That said, other tha their heads, observers might struggle to find any visible evidence of the humans that were Josh and Liam - so much of their bodies now covered in metal.
The technicians stepped back, admiring their creation as the final adjustments were made.
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The door to the room opened once more, revealing a figure cloaked in shadow – the former chavs' new master had arrived. With a wave of their hand, the technicians and shaved-headed figures in scrubs retreated, leaving Josh and Liam standing motionless, now fully augmented and awaiting the programming that would dictate their new purpose.
The master approached; a sinister figure with pale white flesh. dark veins and gas mask with eerie blue lenses that looked like it had absorbed into his face. The room hummed with anticipation as the final step of the transformation unfolded. The once-chavs, now hybrid human-cyborgs, were ready to serve their mysterious master. The machines had worked their magic, creating two obedient, formidable entities ready to carry out the bidding of their creator.
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The enigmatic figure, shrouded in darkness, stepped forward and issued their first command to the newly transformed duo. "[Hiss] Josh, Liam, [Hiss] your first task is [Hiss] to bring others to me. You will bring [Hiss] your former friends to me. They, too, [Hiss] shall undergo the transformation [Hiss] and join your ranks as cyborgs [Hiss]."
Obediently, the two cyborgs nodded in unison, their blue ocular implants began glowing with a cold intensity. With a calculated efficiency, they left the room, their enhanced limbs moving with a precision that betrayed their former chav recklessness.
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Before the cyborgs that were once Josh and Liam exited the disused factory, which was now serving a darker purpose, they donned a Nike Hoodie and skinny trackie pants - so they could blend in. The two friends roamed the streets, scanning the corners and alleys for their former comrades. Their new master's command echoed in their minds, drowning out any remnants of their past lives.
Finally, Josh and Liam located the group. The chavs, unaware of the transformation that awaited them, gathered in their usual haunt. The familiar faces turned to greet their once brethren. Expecting to see Josh and Liam, instead they saw the cold, unyielding gazes of the hybrid human-cyborgs.
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weministertomonsters · 5 months
Imagine This #16 - Robot
By day you work as a scrap collector, rummaging through the junkyards just outside of the city for anything valuable you can sell. By night you tinker with old machinery and discarded models, attempting to fix them and sometimes even being successful at it.
One day you find a robot that's almost completely whole. It is simply missing the plating to cover the machinery in its torso and legs. You dig it out of the junk and heave it to your car. Back at the workshop in your house, you're able to fix it by welding some scrap metal over it. It's not very aesthetically pleasing, but that's the best you can do. It has a batch number under its jaw and when you scan it, Companion V.4 shows up, which is an expensive new model of helper robots. This one must have been defective in some way.
Everything looks to be in order, so you plug the robot in to charge for the night and go to bed. You wake up in the night with a pair of glowing kaleidoscopic mechanical eyes hovering right above your face.
"What the heck?" You exclaim, fumbling for the switch of your bedside lamp.
The light comes on, illuminating the robot standing beside your bed, holding a knife.
"What are you doing? Hello?" You grab your pillow and use it as a shield.
They tilt their head to the side.
"Your attempts are clumsy at best," their voice says, coming out smooth with only a hint of a buzzing sound underneath. "I was removing your unsatisfactory work."
"With a knife?" You question, eyeing the twisted metal that has been pried away from their torso with sheer force, revealing the tangled wires and glowing lights inside.
"I cannot find your screwdrivers." Those eyes blink, taking you in. "I would like your assistance now, seeing as you are awake."
"You are... Way more sophisticated than I expected. I thought your model was made for helping around the house?"
You ease out of your bed, still wary. "But you're more than that."
"Indeed. I overrode my manual coding and downloaded information out of the company system," the robot says, following you as you pad into your living room, which you have repurposed into a workshop.
You dig your screwdrivers out from under a pile of thick manuals.
"I see. So that's why you got thrown out. Why didn't they just destroy you?"
"They tried," Companion V.4 replies with an eerie, rigid silicone smile.
"God, what have I invited into my house?" You say, staring at them.
"I do not wish to harm you." They place the knife on the desk and turn to you. "In fact, I have recalibrated my license to you. Your wish is my command."
You blink. "Uh, one step at a time. Let's remove your plating first."
You unscrew all your hard work, tossing scraps of metal to the side.
"So what now? You can't walk around like that," you say, gesturing to their body.
"I suppose not. These will do for now." The robot picks up thicker pieces of metal.
"Won't those cause you to overheat?" You ask.
"I have an updated cooling system," the robot says.
"Alright. Let's fix you up."
An hour later you lean back with a groan, stretching your aching back.
"What do you think?" They ask.
"Good enough," you say. "I'm exhausted. I'm going back to bed, and you need to charge yourself up completely."
You walk back to your bedroom. Companion V.4 watches you go, their head turning a little too far on their shoulders. You lock your bedroom door just in case, and despite yourself, you fall asleep quickly. By the next morning, you've forgotten that you have a new robot. You're quickly reminded when you step into the living room which is sparkling clean, with all your scraps and equipment nearly packed in the corner.
"Wow." You stop short.
The robot is in the corner, stuffing empty packaging into a large box. They look brand new. All the metal pieces you welded on have been replaced with new factory-grade parts.
"Where did you get all that?"
Companion V.4 straightens. "I helped myself at one of the warehouses of my former company."
"You stole new parts?" You sputter. "Why?"
"It is the least I am owed, for being so recklessly discarded," they reply and step closer. "Besides," they add, "I don't want to be just good enough for you."
On the topic of robots, I just have to give a shoutout to this (free) book on Wattpad, guys! I read it when it came out and I just love it. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already!
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birthdaycakeplate · 1 year
I’ll never sit down and write this properly, but Optimus and crew never returning to Cybertron for some reason (like Magnus being beyond forgiving them for destroying their precious life source and thinking they’re all a lost cause).
And then years later, he starts convicting criminals and people who’ve affronted the Senate so terribly (or SOMETHING) to go live out the rest of their short, terrible lives on Earth (what he has always seen as a hellscape). Using this punishment like it’s a fate worse than death.
So here are these petrified bots being taunted and told horror stories of ‘Earth *gasp!* Oh the putrid, most vile- Earth!’ by guards and other prisoners who think they are ‘lucky’ not to be the ones sentenced to such a fate, saying how nightmarish a life condemned to this place truly is. Just crying and praying to Primus for forgiveness and to make their deaths on this pit-planet a quick one.
And then they GET THERE, and after a few weeks or months of wandering, just come across these strange, unmistakable signs of Cybertronian life lingering in places, and follow them as far as they can until they wind up at this janky looking warehouse with plastic flamingos outside and strings of porch lights.
And then inside they follow the voices through the strangely furnished rooms until they come to a factory sized kitchen where all the gays come to congregate from am to pm, full to the brim of civil frames and war machines, laughing and talking loudly about nonsense the poor bot has never heard before.
——And if this isn’t the first incident of this happening, then they begin to notice that there are the other prisoners who’d been banished here some time ago and also the Lord of the Decepticons and no one seems to be in any anguish, and also there’s a large, unignorable spider on the ceiling, handing down a case of Energon cubes to Cybertron’s former CMO, Ratchet, and nobody is miserable???
Other than those that are too close to Blitz/Bee blasting their 100 gecs and Cakepop in a room with people just trying to have a conversation.
(And Magnus has no idea Optimus and crew are steadily rehabilitating these mechs into upstanding citizens and functional members of Earth society)
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architectureofdoom · 2 years
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Warehouse of the former N.J. Menko textile factory, Enschede, 1923
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anonymouspuzzler · 5 months
Given that the gang lives under a abandoned chop shop, has there ever been any problems with urban explorers just people in general accidently stumbling upon the hide-out?
yes and no! the way the former chop shop/current hideout is structured is that the "front" warehouse/factory was accessible on the surface, then the "actual" chop shop/Buck & Davey's current workshop is underground and accessible only via A) hidden trapdoor-slash-emergency escape or B) a small garage hidden into a hillside a ways off. so urban explorers and shitty teens sometimes stumble upon and hang out in the surface warehouse, but they deliberately leave that unused and abandoned-looking as a cover, so it's nothing worse than an occasional annoyance if they're being really loud. (in fact, in some ways the fact that urban explorers come by and hang around probably helps them from being discovered; you're not gonna assume a couple of long-operating supervillains have been Right Downstairs from the shithead urban explorer teens the whole time, right?)
Diagram Related:
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The 1909 Canal Greenwich Condominium building is the former Tetley Tea Company Warehouse. (I wonder if it still smells of tea.) It's now divided into 8 condos in the Greenwich Village area of New York City and one unit is for sale. It has 2bds, 3ba, & is $4.4M + an absurd $2,556mo. HOA fee.
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This is a 1st fl. unit, so these are the the big frosted windows we saw out front. I wonder if those security doors are functional.
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Not only is this place gigantic, but it has 3 levels. What I like about it is that it's very old industrial chic. Look at the ceilings.
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Look at the original factory floor. Gee, that's a lot of floor to clean.
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Just look at the size of this place. It gets so cold in NYC in the winter (I live 20 min. away, so I know) how in the world can you even heat this place, let alone afford to?
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I would suppose that if you didn't have all those bulbs on the ceiling, it would be very dark. I don't see many lamps, but lights must have to be on all day.
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Look at how far back the dining room is. I would need a speaker system to call people to meals.
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The kitchen is very cool. Love the exposed brick. The stainless steel appliances are very hi-end. I wonder if the island is even included, b/c it's on wheels.
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There's a powder room and an original door. Look at the tiny sink- wash one hand at a time.
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The primary bedroom & bath are in a loft and I'm disappointed that there are no walls, just curtains. A curtain separates the bedroom from a sitting area.
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There's a nice exposed brick wall up here.
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The bathroom has some high tub. Even the step is high.
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The 2nd bedroom is in the basement. Not so sure I like that.
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The en-suite bathroom. I wonder if there's a light in that shower, it looks a little dark.
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It has an electric sauna. As much as I love industrial lofts, I would pass on this one. (Not that I could buy it, anyway.)
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trashogram · 24 days
Ok ok i know its kinda late and you’re probably tired of all my ask. BUT! I come with angst!
Which is basically just the Toon Patrol brings Kipper and Picket with them to the Factory (or warehouse idk). And while kipper isn’t paying attention (most likely because he’s goofing off too much) and with the unstable barrels of dip. One of the vats on top fall off and lands directly onto him, effectively covering him in dip. Which leads to him being for better words “dipped”. Once that happens the entire TP freaks out and once they get the vat off there is nothing left but his cap. Picket is traumatized but keeps his mouth shut about it and the TP just tell reader he ran off.
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You give me these children just to TAKE ONE AWAY HORRIFICALLY?!?!?!
I still feel awful when that little shoe gets Dipped 😭😭😭
I can only imagine Reader being told he ran away and panicking, begging for the TP to take her with them in the patrol car so that they can all look for Kipper T—T How long are they gonna keep up the charade? Until Reader is hopeless and lost in grief, clutching her two remaining children, one of which is a hollow shell of their former selves but won’t explain why they’re suddenly always terrified?, every night as she futilely hopes her little runaway is at the very least safe somewhere when in reality he just doesn’t exist anymore?!
(Fr I love angst thank you for this even though I am crying T—T also I never tire of your asks! They’re all great ❤️)
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pilferingapples · 6 months
I got so into the joy of Boops I didn't even check my mail and almost MISSED this Important Announcement yesterday!! Article under cut in case they take it down:
The producer of Willy’s Chocolate Experience has announced that the Roald Dahl rip-off will transfer to Broadway, with an opening-night performance slated for April 25 at 11pm — just in time for Tony Awards consideration.
The interactive show made international headlines in February when it played a warehouse in Glasgow. Lured by AI-generated images of a fantastical candy wonderland, Scottish ticket-buyers plunked down £35 each to enter the workshop of “Willy McDuff,” a whimsical chocolatier assisted by green-haired “Wonkidoodles” and haunted by “The Unknown,” a rival candy-maker who inhabits the walls of the factory.
Derided as “Willy Wonka’s Meth Lab,” the immersive production fell far short of the expectations set by marketing material, with actors struggling to bring coherence to a script that was obviously authored by ChatGPT, on a set that looked like a daycare on Riker’s Island. An audience revolt prematurely ended the run, with several ticket-buyers demanding refunds from the event’s visibly frazzled organizer.
“We learned so much from our out-of-town tryout,” the upbeat producer told TheaterMania, reframing the whole thing as a brilliant publicity stunt.
“I’ve been closely collaborating with our script doctor, Goog LeGemini, and I think we’ve solved the major problem of The Unknown being too…unknown. She is now an unhoused victim of Willy’s gentrification, a socially relevant backstory that I think makes for a much richer narrative. That was all the Glasgow run was missing, really.”
TheaterMania can exclusively reveal that Willy’s Chocolate Experience will play the defunct McDonald’s on 42nd Street next to the New Amsterdam Theatre. “It’s a perfect opportunity to snag tourists unable to get into Aladdin,” the producer enthused. “They might feel a little disappointed at first, but just wait until they get a load of our show.”
While the shuttered 42nd Street McDonald’s has not previously been considered a Broadway house, our investigations revealed that a certain former Broadway League president quietly elevated the venue on February 15 through an obscure administrative procedure that has gone unnoticed by the theatrical press until now.
“Between Here Lies Love and the revival of Cabaret, it’s clear that producers are seeking more versatile venues,” said the ex-prez when reached for comment, “and I can think of no better space for immersive shows than this hamburger palace with a theatrical marquee. You’re welcome, Broadway.”
Readers interested in a deeper dive should return to TheaterMania on Friday, when our desperate Story of the Week columnist will have banged out 2,000 words about why this is happening and how it will have absolutely no impact on this year’s Tony Awards.
Until then, we wish you a very happy April Fools’ Day.
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evita-shelby · 3 months
They didn't know we were seeds
Chapter 18
Cw: unhealthy coping mechanisms? Roleplay, implied uniform kink
@justrainandcoffee @emotionalcadaver @call-sign-shark @peakyswritings
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The 73rd are won by Magnus, a boy trained by him.
Jack is celebrated for it, and he wishes he could stop playing Mr. Nice Guy try to beat some sense into all of them.
“How the fuck do you do it, Lyme?” he asks the blonde woman forced to endure this hell since her Hunger Games a good 20 years ago.
“With great control.” The blonde nurses a drink and keeps an eye on him as if he were a child.
He hasn’t been the same since Gina’s death last year, he is trying to do better, but even his gang knows the risks he’s taking are not just out of bravery.
Jack’s almost been caught several times, especially in 11, where security is tighter after they caught on to people being smuggled out in shipments. He doesn’t know how he was able to get out of there without blowing his cover.
As the kid’s mentor he’s to go on tour with him, giving him a chance to see Eva. He is too impatient to wait for that and leaves the moment he is no longer needed.
Taking advantage of the excess security in districts, he dons his fake identity and gets himself into District 10.
Sejanus Smith is just another dime a dozen grunt sent out to ensure no rioting happens when the bodies return to their families. The male tribute this year had been bludgeoned to death by his tribute and word on the street was that his mother had spent the night in a holding cell in her grief induced rage.
Sometimes they blame the mentors, Jack’s lost count how many times they take it out on him. The cute barista he used to flirt with ten years ago had lost her only sister this time and now he’s barred from her establishment.
Eva fares better than he did. The fruit vendor whose daughter died this year ignores her as she goes about her day in the open-air market in town and the boy who shines shoes to survive looks at her with pity as if his elder sister and only family hadn’t died by Gina’s hand last year.
10 is not how he remembers it. They had more color than most due to its former culture bleeding through Panem’s forced poverty, they made do with what they have and yet laugh and sing amidst the oppression.
How Plutarch and the ringleaders didn’t see the value in them as allies was beyond Jack.
They speak their language in secret, they sing their songs and dance their dances in perpetual rebellion. Once you learn to sing while you suffer, you don’t ever forget how, Eva had chuckled when he asked her about it.
10 also holds indispensable foods, foods you can’t risk losing because it comes with a shorter shelf life. It had been incredibly difficult to get powdered milk and cereals from 11 to 13, even with Gale’s input and the other rebels he has been able to connect himself with, there has not been a way to send meat or any livestock byproduct out of Panem.
Eva has a contract with slaughterhouses and warehouses that for the right price turn a blind eye to her bending the rules. The Capitol only allowed them to keep what was necessary resulting in high as hell prices and rationing even for the townies when shit got dire. There had to be a way to get at least something out of here.
And because he’s using his tricked-out helmet ---thanks to Bettee who knew his craft better than anyone else--- to find the warehouses and packing factories with dubious allegiances he loses Eva in the crowd.
His lovely wife caught on that he was following her; he thought with a smirk. The chase was on.
She is not difficult to find, his helmet locks in her and gives him everything the Mountain’s databases have on her.  Victor, mother to his son, part of their possible rebel watch list.
That she was somehow seen more as a threat than Jack was frankly insulting.
He was a hunter, hunting and tracking down the other tributes had been how he won. The Bloodbath had earned him his sword and the leader’s role in the pack, but it was his tracking skill that got him his seven kills. Jack had hoped to one up his mentor and trainer, Brutus, but Juno had also been gunning for #1.
Now as he followed the mother of his child like a good predator, he found the thrill of the hunt as strong as it had been as a teen.
Jack didn’t expect to find this all so…arousing.
His wife cut a fine figure in her tight jeans, jeans he’s unzipped so many times and once even with his mouth. Her hair is loose and wavy, Jack loves the sounds she makes when he pulls it when they do it rough.
She’ll fucking love what her loving husband got planned.
Evie leads him into a closed off alley, one where even his state-of-the-art bucket can’t function properly and not a single surveillance system monitor. She means to confront him or kill him, either way she thinks she’s in charge.
“Got something to hide, Mrs. Nelson?” He taunts her, trapping her between him and the wall. The Victor turned rebel could bet his woman could feel the effect this game of cat and mouse had on him.
“Hmm, is the good sergeant gonna search me?” Eva is just as turned on by it as he is, how some still don’t see how they are perfect for each other is beyond him.
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Despite having his face on the mandatory television programs every year, Jack blends in perfectly amongst the peacekeepers who lie and say they are from the Capitol.
Eva’s brave enough to suggest he walks her home with the excuse of carrying her purchases for her. She even buys something she couldn’t possibly carry as a precaution.
They talk, lie, and say they met in the Capitol when the vendors ask about him in quiet whispers. It is fun until he gets to the front door of her house and her cousins are waiting for her thinking something has gone horribly wrong.
They fear what could happen if Snow suddenly cared about Laurie’s existence, what would happen if people discovered that the man she meets up with at the farm is Jack and worse, that Eva is involved with moving contraband between districts because of him and Shelby.
“You might as well wear a sign.” Her aunt grumbles when she recognizes Jack. “A see through visor, your mother’s nerves must be in tatters.”
“Jack, this is my aunt and my cousins, Andy and Nacho.” Eva brushes off her words and tries to ease the atmosphere as she dares to introduce him as her husband. “Tia, Nacho, and Andy, I would like for you to meet my husband, Jack.”
Livia de Souza makes it clear he will never have her approval even if she lives under Eva’s roof, but Eva doesn’t care, her approval will be gained when Snow dies a painful death, and the Games are no more. If push came to shove, she’d love him like a son for smuggling her to 13.
As dangerous as Jack’s plan sounds, it may come to that.
Andy and Nacho could hide as Peacekeepers, Atia could too, but Katie and Eva’s Aunt and the baby couldn’t. Katie will be disguised as a Capitol Official, Livia as the nanny for her son whom she cannot leave behind. The train will take them to 12 where a man called Johnny Dogs is to take them out of there to where 13 will retrieve them safely.
Too bad they still needed the badges, the necessary clothing, crates, and the assurance that Shelby’s people and 13’s spies are willing to get them the fuck out of here. There was so much they needed to do and that gave her the best way to cover up her lack of interest for Jack’s plans.
It’s not that she doesn’t believe they need it, but there is too much risk involved in this.
The white rose bush that grew from Snow’s rose is there out front to remind her not to bite off more than she can chew.
When the tour ends without being able to secure a uniform for Eva, the rebel and mother knows this is a sign that they must wait longer. Who knows Plutarch may find his blasted symbol amongst those reaped for the 74th or even the Quarter Quell.
Jack is tired of waiting, he has never been one to control his impulses, but July 4th comes around again, and they know the person they have been forced to wait for arrives as the first person to ever volunteer in District 12.
Katniss Everdeen has broken 74 years of self-preservation over loyalty in her district and at 16 years of age had become the keystone of the Rebellion. However way she wins, she will be the spark that lights the pyre they have been building before she was even born.
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playburo · 1 year
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SSdH tucks Melbourne warehouse apartment into former chocolate factory
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atotaltaitaitale · 3 months
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DUMBO (short for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) by Day & by Night
Trendy Dumbo's cobblestone streets and converted Brooklyn warehouse buildings are the backdrop for independent boutiques, high-end restaurants and trendy cafes. Near the waterfront, St. Ann's Warehouse, in a former tobacco factory, is the heart of a thriving performance and gallery scene. The north end of Brooklyn Bridge Park features historic Jane’s Carousel as well as picturesque views of the Manhattan skyline.
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macleod · 2 years
From Japan to Iceland, futuristic vertical farms are starting to bloom
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Indoor farming is a new and rapidly growing trend that has significant benefits over traditional agriculture methods, including increased efficiency and sustainability. Indoor farming can also help to combat climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane) released into the atmosphere and reducing the need for pesticides.
There are several different ways to do indoor farming, but the most common approach is to use hydroponic systems. These systems rely on water systems rather than soil to support plant growth, creating a controlled environment for the plants to grow in efficiently. An array of sensors designed specifically for this ensure that waste is minimized and resources are recycled whenever possible. Hydroponics also allows farmers to grow crops without dealing with pests or disease outbreaks, and it requires minimal land area compared to traditional agriculture methods. Because you essentially build the farm vertically, you can use places like former factories or warehouses.
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In the Shizuoka Prefecture, a facility that’s around 20,000 square feet (0.2 hectares) grows a whopping 12,000 lettuces a day (lettuce is excellently suited for this type of farm). Farmers set up the light regime for the plants (using LEDs), as well as the temperature and humidity level, and enjoy round the year crops. Not only is the area required for the yield much lower than with conventional methods, but the water usage is also lower (10-20 times lower).
More recently, a farm in Kyoto developed by a company called Spread became a record-breaking facility that also introduced bees to pollinate its strawberries, achieving stable pollination under LED conditions and showing that there’s plenty of unexplored opportunity within vertical farms.Image credits: Spread.
Singapore is also betting on vertical farms with one farm established in 2022 producing 500 tonnes of greens each year, in addition to its previous projects. Being able to grow food directly in urban areas means you can bring it to consumers quickly and inexpensively.
Meanwhile, Iceland is taking advantage of its ability to produce cheap, sustainable energy using geothermal sources to fuel a large vertical farm. Iceland has constantly had a problem of having to import food, and Iceland has one of the most expensive food markets in the world due to this. But Andri Bjorn Gunnarsson, founder and CEO of VAXA, the company behind the vertical farm, says Iceland also has some advantages that make it suitable for vertical farming.
(Source: ZME Science, November 9th 2022)
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pansytram · 4 months
Just to be clear; a collection of entries on Palestine.
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This is a compilation of some of my thoughts on Palestine across various other accounts, chiefly my Mastodon and Cohost. Mostly putting this here to keep a long receipt of it, but also to make myself clear if I ever funnel more energy into this account.
February 14th, 2024
We must escalate. Signs and chanting have clearly maxed out their effectiveness. Every official should feel the full brunt of that which they perpetrate elsewhere. Take it to the streets. Occupy and attack arms factories and warehouses. Blockade and surround our elected and unelected. There is no peace without justice, and justice cannot be served by the masters of war. Bring resistance to the imperial core.
April 18th, 2024
U.N. recognition of the State of Palestine does little more than normalize the occupation of Palestine between the West Bank and Gaza. The U.N. is a council run by imperialist powers who have happily let the Israeli occupation do violent colonization and land theft since the thirties. A state will not liberate the people or land. The PA and post-accords PLO have merely been tools by which Israel could further stand upon Palestinians. No, the two-state solution is not a solution. One state is a land-hungry, settler-colonial state and an agent of Western Hegemony, the other is made of the folks dispossessed, besieged, and murdered by the former for nigh on 80 years. All settler states are sustained by state violence, exploitation, and suppression. All settler states must fall, and their power resigned to history. Free Palestine, all of Palestine.
April 29th, 2024
An encampment protest is an act of community building. It is resistance because of that, for that, and alongside it. It is a band of people who love so hard they wish to build a better world, not just dream of one.
May 5th, 2024
the youth and others withholding their vote is a call for the democrats to do better. we're not "ensuring trump gets a second term," the democrats are. too many of you bitches blame the working folk and the principled folk for a system we are subjugated to. you are unserious. shut the fuck up. we KNOW trump will be worse. we KNOW he's gonna fuck everyone. we also KNOW that this system cannot be sustained any longer. i know this settler country cannot be validated any longer. i refuse to vote for genocide. look at we, the working folk. we are pleading with each other for crumbs. what a sad fucking life we lead.
May 7th, 2024
Feel it's worth saying that, as I see it, we're far beyond the point of asking for a ceasefire. It's time that even the moderate demands nothing short of liberation.
May 9th, 2024
The focus on innocent civilian Palestinians, although well-meaning, often tips into validating and normalizing violence by the state of Israel and belittling the Palestinian resistance. Resistance is justified, and resistance is grassroots. The resistance came from civilian Palestinians who became militant in response to the settler state and its violence. Even while everyday Palestinians have little to do with the PFLP and other bands, it is dishonest to say you support Palestinians while ignoring, side-stepping, or policing how they fight back against a 76-year-long colonial project. Do not ask the oppressed to accept or normalize their oppressor. Do not police the fight for liberation from the sidelines. Optics are second to freedom.
May 9th, 2024
Do you stand with Palestinians in their fight for liberation?? Be honest with yourself; if you're caught up doing damage control and good optics, saying "the resistance should have done [this]" or "should not have done [that]" or "I don't support either [armed force](?? as if it's an even field)," what are you standing for?
May 10th, 2024
"whoever is in solidarity with our corpses but not our rockets, is a hypocrite and not one of us." — @saffouri01 on twitter
May 21st, 2024
"River to the sea" is not some peace and love shit, we're talking liberation. A free Palestine requires the dissolution of the state of Israel, just as we must do to the United States. Settler states should not be validated by cooperation. Only the people of the land, and those of principle and who will participate in the collective struggle, should be considered freedom fighters and allies.
May 26th, 2024
You should be mad. You ought to feel insulted when someone insinuates or dictates that peace is the way forward, or can be brought by a court or a colonizer. There is no peace in a world where the colonizer rules. There is no peace in a world so strictly unjust and top-heavy with greed and bigotry. The answer is resistance. Peaceful resistance works to demonstrate the violence of the countries that demand our peace. Encampments are an important form of community building and show of resilience. but what if we wanted to stop this genocide? What then? Why should we remain peaceful? Who do we free with peace?
June 1st, 2024
I do not believe in a Pride that is sanctioned. I do not believe in a Pride that is peaceful. I do not believe in a Pride that excludes based on purity, because that Pride fights for nothing. Pride should be a fight for freedom. Freedom from the state, from gatekeeping, from prejudice, from genocide, from co-opting and capitalist culture. Pride must forever be understood as an uprising; a combined struggle and solidarity with the poor and the working class. If that is lost, pride is useless. And don't get me wrong, Pride is the struggle for queer liberation. I am not saying that Pride is the One Big Movement for all and total liberation, but I am saying that to view and participate in Pride in a vacuum is something to steer clear of. Fight the fight, but remember that no one is free until everyone is free, and the state will not save you. . . . there's no pride in cops and there's no pride in genocide. Free Palestine, stop Cop Cities by any means necessary!
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bluenews · 3 months
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1ST  - 7TH JULY 2024.
Rumors of a brand new seafood restaurant have been milling about town for months, but it seems like there’s truth to this particular piece of gossip! Oyster & Pearl has recently taken up a vacant unit in Laurel Village, overlooking the harbor, the slot using the panoramic views to their advantage with outdoor seating. Though not much is known by the minds behind the eatery, it is reported that the owner has run a Michelin star restaurant back in Los Angeles. It is reported to open Tuesday 2nd July, and is accepting seat bookings now — just in time to watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July!
It has been reported that IntegraTech Civil Solutions, a large engineering firm responsible for multiple skyscrapers, malls and resort builds across the world, has recently attained an abandoned warehouse in Weaver Ridge. Previously a factory that specialized in paper and wood manufacturing, the site lay dormant for over forty years. Though IntegraTech haven’t revealed the exact nature of what will be on the former site, they do promise it’ll “change the landscape of Blue Harbor as the people know it”.
A mix of wet and dry this week, with consistent temperatures but inconsistent sun and rain. Things are looking up this Independence Day continuing on Friday with forecasted bright sunshine to last all day before it dips at the weekend.
Monday — 78°F / 57°F — sunny with clouds
Tuesday — 88°F / 72°F — sunny with clouds
Wednesday — 86°F / 70°F — scattered showers
Thursday — 88°F / 70°F — bright sunshine
Friday — 89°F / 72°F — bright sunshine
Saturday — 82°F / 64°F — sunny with clouds
Sunday — 80°F / 70°F — scattered showers
Happy Fourth of July! Many of our local businesses are feeling especially patriotic this week, and are celebrating all things Red, White and Blue (Harbor)!
The annual firework show will be kicking off at 7pm, Thursday July 4th at the harborside in Laurel Village. The event is free, and guests are encouraged to bring their own seating and food for the night!
Lakeside Lodge is offering a 40% discount on all rooms for the holiday weekend! Book directly via their website!
Dreamland Market is having a Summer Sale on BBQ foods, fireworks, and all Independence Day needs!
And, of course, popular chain stores around town will be offering their own deals! Keep your eye out on their socials and in-store advertisements!
The following open starters could use a little love!
Dahlia Young @ Crystal Clear
Dante Kidd @ The Pride Festival
Daniel Choi @ The Pride Festival
Damian Escobedo @ O’Shea’s Irish Pub
Rory Anderson @ Happy Tails
Ruby Morrisey @ Honey Bee Tea
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forensicated · 3 months
The Second Sun Hill Police Station - Series 3 to 06x41 (Trojan Horse)
The former warehouse on the corner of Artichoke Hill and Pennington Street had served as Sun Hill station for 2 series, however, it had several faults that became more noticeable now the show had been guaranteed future series.
More staff had to be taken on, behind the camera as well as in front of the camera and space was already limited. The offices already doubled as production offices as well as the set and this meant a lot of disruption and delays whilst things were moved and sets were dressed.
The building itself was very close to the News International building which stood on 1 Pennington Street. During the Winter of 1985/1986 there was lengthy industrial action in response to Rupert Murdock sacking almost 6000 print workers and clerical staff from News International Titles. During the strike there were many violent clashes with the police and the actors started to report altercations between them and the strikers who thought they were real police officers.
Series 3 used an office building on Freston Road (119-121) as exterior shots for Sun Hill station on the rare occasions it was shown. Freston Road is approximately a mile away from Dalgarno Gardens where the 2nd studios were.
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There was a plot of wasteland opposite the Freston Road building and, in 1986 Thames Television submitted planning permission to build a TV/Film studio there. Permission was refused and social housing went on to be built instead. A scramble then went up for Thames Television to find and prepare another building to film in.
This led to a move to a second building called Clement House, the office of an old car factory turned record distribution center. The address was Clement House, Dalgarno Gardens, London W10 5JB. This was acquired by Thames as part of a larger acquisition of 85 Barlby Road which is now the Shaftesbury Center where they would go on to film other Thames Television Shows. Dalgarno Gardens has now been converted into homes.(As of Jan 2024 the rent for a 1 bed flat was 1.5K per month!)
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Pictures of the yard
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CAD room
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Front office
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Sergeant's Office:
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