#forwarder china indonesia
mariacallous · 6 months
In the waters of the South China Sea, Chinese coast guard vessels have clashed with Philippine ships. In the air above the Taiwan Strait, Chinese warplanes have challenged Taiwanese jet fighters. And in the valleys of the Himalayas, Chinese troops have fought Indian soldiers.
Across several frontiers, China has been using its armed forces to dispute territory not internationally recognized as part of China but nevertheless claimed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
In August 2023, Beijing laid out its current territorial claims for the world to see. The new edition of the standard map of China includes lands that are today a part of India and Russia, along with island territories such as Taiwan and comprehensive stretches of the East and South China Seas that are also claimed by Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
China often invokes historical narratives to justify these claims. Beijing, for example, has said that the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands, which it claims under the name of the Diaoyu Islands, “have been an inherent territory of China since ancient times.” Chinese officials have used the same words to back China’s right to parts of the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. The Chinese government also claims that its sovereignty over the South China Sea is based on its own historic maritime maps.
However, in certain periods since ancient times China has also held sway over other states in the region—Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Vietnam. Yet Beijing is currently not laying claim to any of these.
Instead, Beijing has embraced a selective irredentism, wielding specific chapters of China’s historical record when they suit existing aims and leaving former Chinese territories be when they don’t. Over time, as Beijing’s interests and power relations have shifted, some of these claims have faded from importance, while new ones have taken their place. Yet for Taiwan, Chinese claims remain unchanged, as the fate of the island state is tied to the very legitimacy of the CCP as well as the vitality of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s political vision.
Many of the CCP’s territorial claims have roots in the 19th and 20th centuries during the late rule of the Qing Dynasty. Following diplomatic pressure and repeated military defeats, the Qing Dynasty was forced to cede territory to several Western colonial powers, as well as the Russian and Japanese empires. These concessions are part of what are known in China as the “unequal treaties,” while the 100 years in which the treaties were signed and enforced are known as the “century of humiliation.” These territorial losses eventually passed from the dynasty to the Republic of China and then, following the Chinese Civil War, to the CCP. As a result, upon the CCP’s establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the new Chinese state inherited outstanding territorial disputes with most of its neighbors.
But despite the humiliation the Qing Dynasty’s losses had caused, the CCP proved willing to compromise and reduce its territorial aims during times of high internal unrest. Following the Tibetan uprising in 1959, for instance, the CCP negotiated territorial settlements with countries bordering the Tibet region, including Myanmar, Nepal, and India. Similarly, when unrest rocked the Uyghur region in the 1960s and ‘90s, Beijing pursued territorial compromises with several bordering countries such as Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. In the aftermath of the Great Leap Forward in the early 1960s and the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, the CCP also pursued territorial settlements with Mongolia, Laos, and Vietnam in the hopes of securing China’s borders during times of domestic instability. Instead of pursuing diversionary wars, the CCP relied on diplomacy to settle border and territory disputes.
But China has changed quite a lot since then. In recent years, the CCP has avoided the inflammatory domestic political chaos of previous decades, and its once-tentative hold over border regions, such as Tibet and the Uyghur region, has been replaced by an iron grip. With this upper hand, the CCP has little incentive to pursue peaceful resolutions to remaining territorial disputes.
“China’s national power has increased significantly, reducing the benefits of compromise and enabling China to drive a much harder bargain,” said M. Taylor Fravel, a political science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In this context, the CCP has expanded its irredentist ambitions. After the discovery of potential oil reserves around the Senkaku Islands, and the United States’ return of the islands to Japan in the 1970s, Beijing drew on its historical record to lay claim to the islands, even though it had previously referred to them as part of the Japanese Ryukyu Islands. Similarly, though Beijing and Moscow settled a dispute over Heixiazi Island, located along China’s northeastern border, in 2004, the 2023 map of China depicted the entire island (ceded, along with vast Pacific territories, by the Qing Dynasty to the Russian Empire in 1860) as part of its domain, much to the ire of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Collin Koh Swee Lean, a senior fellow with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, argues that the Chinese mapping of Heixiazi Island shows that Beijing holds on to certain core interests and simply waits for the opportune time to assert them.
“Given the current context of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s increased dependence on China, it might have appeared to Beijing that it has the chips in its pockets because, after all, Moscow needs Beijing more than the other way around,” Koh said on the German Marshall Fund’s China Global podcast.
This raises the question of whether territorial disputes that were settled during times of CCP weakness can be revisited and become subject to irredentist ambitions should power balances shift in China’s favor.
According to Steve Tsang, the director of the China Institute at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, there is currently a limit to how far the CCP will push territorial claims against Russia, since President Xi will need Russian support to sustain his grand ambitions for Chinese leadership on the global stage.
Although it would be a long shot, even Russia may not be safe from these ambitions indefinitely. Given that large swaths of Russia’s Pacific territories were part of China until 1860, “China could claim back the Russian Far East when it deems the time is right,” Tsang said. Such control would grant Beijing unrestricted access to the region’s abundance of coal, timber, tin, and gold while moving it geographically closer to its ambition of becoming an Arctic power.
While there is plenty of historical evidence pointing to former Chinese control over the southeastern portion of the Russian Far East, the historical record is less unequivocal about Chinese control over Taiwan. Anything resembling mainland Chinese control over Taiwan was not established until after 1684 by the Qing Dynasty, and even then central authority remained weak. In 1895, the Qing Dynasty ceded Taiwan to the Empire of Japan following the First Sino-Japanese War, and by the time Chinese authority was restored in 1945, Taiwan had undergone several decades of Japanization.
These details have not prevented the CCP from claiming that Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times. Yet more than any other irredentist claim, Xi has made unification with Taiwan a major component of his vision to rejuvenate the Chinese nation.
Unification, however, has little to do with ancient history and more to do with the challenge that Taiwan presently poses to Xi’s aims, according to Chong Ja Ian, an associate professor who teaches about Chinese foreign policy at the National University of Singapore.
“The CCP pursues a Chinese nationalism that emphasizes unity and homogeneity centered around the CCP leadership while they also often claim that their single-party rule is acceptable to Chinese people,” Chong said.
In contrast, Taiwan holds free elections in which multiple political parties compete for the favor of a people that have increasingly developed an identity distinct from mainland China.
“The Taiwanese experience is a clear affront to the CCP narrative,” Chong said.
Control over Taiwan is also attractive to Beijing because it is key to unlocking the Chinese leadership’s broader ambition of maritime hegemony in waters where almost half of the world’s container fleet passed through in 2022.
As with the case of Taiwan, the CCP’s historical arguments regarding its claims on island groups and islets in the East and South China Seas are likewise much weaker than many of its land-based claims.
Instead, Chinese territorial intransigence in the maritime arena is more about a strategic shift in the value of the seas around China, Fravel said.
Today, it has been estimated that more than 21 percent of global trade passes through the South China Sea. And beneath these waters are not only subsea cables that carry sensitive internet data but also vast estimated reserves of oil and natural gas.
Although it may say otherwise, Beijing’s unwillingness to let up on its tenuous territorial maritime claims suggests that China is pursuing long-held ambitions and global aspirations rather than attempting to reverse past losses. So long as the CCP wields its historical record selectively and changeably to serve its aims—and is willing to back its claims up with military action—China’s neighbors will remain at risk.
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tejennnn · 1 year
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Well... it has been a year since I started drawing this Hetalia x drinks around the world series and didn't expect it to be this many 🥹🥹🥹
It all started from a work burnout & mere art block in 2022, which led me to try to limit what kind of specific idea/theme I should draw. At that time I was also got fascinated by drink packaging designs, especially alcohol brands. The bottles are pretty and reflect the historical & cultural aspects of each country. Since I like the Nordics a lot, I tried to mash it up and... voila then continued to other countries as well \o/
Every single response and message that I read became what keeps me continue drawing this series! I'm glad that my little obsession with this fandom would connect me to many people around the world.
Thank you for your support and please look forward to the future country drawings 🫶
Links to individual picture 👇
Links to individual picture goes here!
Nordics bros: Iceland | Finland | Denmark | Norway | Sweden
The Baltics (Estonia Latvia Lithuania)
The Southeast Asians: Singapore | Indonesia (syrup ver.) | Malaysia | Vietnam | Philippines | Thailand
North America Bros : USA | Canada
Italy Bros | German Bros | Hong Kong | China
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fedorahead · 7 months
ICJ Hearing Updates by @totallyseiso
(hopefully these are the most recent rbs of each, in the relevant order. if not, please feel free to offer corrections. it was a pain in the ass trying to read them in order/backwards because of the weird way reblogs and archives work. i'm struggling with the earliest days, when seiso wasn't using the reblog chains so if you have better links please send)
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We'll start here, with the thread of who's slated to present
Then we can go to the tweets where the PM of Israel preemptively rejects the ICJ (reblogged from @papasmoke)
Not exactly the ICJ hearings, but the US calling for ceasefire ASAP after rejecting ceasefire resolutions.
Why Israel tends to kill more women and children than is normal for these situations. (reblogged from @tamarrud)
I feel like I'm missing something here, this is announcing the end of the first segment on the 20th
Just the fact that Saudi Arabia presented at all (lol)
Mention of looking forward to Ireland
End of the first 10 speakers
Day 3, Columbia, Cuba, Egypt
US (post 1) (post 2)
Russia and then Russia and France
Day 4, morning (China, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Jordan)
Day 4, afternoon (Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya)
Day 5, morning (Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, Qatar)
Day 5, afternoon (UK, Slovenia, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia)
Day 6, morning (Turkey, Zambia, League of Arab States, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, African Union)
Day 6, afternoon (Spain, Fiji, Maldives)
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
China’s global infrastructure strategy stood out as a main talking point in his meetings with Guyanese President Irfaan Ali and Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Friday and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo on Thursday.[...]
Xi told Garibashvili that China was ready to push forward with building the belt and road with Georgia. He added that Beijing welcomed more exports from the country and encouraged more Chinese companies to invest there.
Xi said the two countries were set to announce that bilateral relations would be upgraded to a “strategic partnership” during Garibashvili’s trip to China, according to state news agency Xinhua. China and Georgia ratified a free-trade agreement in 2017 – Beijing’s first with a former Soviet state. Georgia applied for EU membership last year and has launched a bid to join Nato. In the meeting with his Guyanese counterpart, Xi said Beijing was willing to further align the belt and road strategy and the South American nation’s low-carbon development strategy.[...]
China signed belt and road cooperation agreements with Georgia in 2015 and Guyana in 2018.[...]
In the meeting with Widodo, Xi hailed the two “like-minded” Asian neighbours, which had made “major achievements” in aligning Beijing’s belt and road plan and Jakarta’s global maritime axis, a strategy to develop port infrastructure and strengthen maritime security.
Indonesia was where Xi launched the idea of the “21st century Maritime Silk Road” a decade ago, one of the two major pillars of the belt and road.
Widodo said that the high-speed railway linking Jakarta and Bandung – a cornerstone project of the belt and road – would come into operation on schedule next month. [...]
Xi also met and discussed the belt and road with Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani and Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye on Friday. China and Mauritania signed a cooperation plan to jointly promote building the belt and road on Friday.[...]
Beijing announced on Monday that Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka would also attend the opening ceremony, but he later had to cancel the visit to China after falling and hurting his head.
28 Jul 23
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theopulenthq · 3 months
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Welcome to The Opulent HQ, Nikki, Carina, Kira, Ghost, Julieta, R, and Gemma ! Please review the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
{oliver jackson-cohen, 38, demi man, he + they} we are so glad to see you safe, COUNT JULIAN WECHSLER of FLORENCE (TUNISIA)! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are FRUGAL and ACCOUNTABLE enough to handle it. just don’t let your INTERNALISED SHAME bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out THAT YOU STRUGGLE TO READ NUMBERS, AND CHECK THINGS TOO OFTEN TO MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO MIX-UPS THAT CAN COST YOU EVERYTHING. LITERALLY. {nikki}
applying for the spouse part of the slow-burn throuple for araminta!
{jihane almira chehid, 25, nonbinary, she + they} we are so glad to see you safe, LIEGE YASMINA HADI, MEMBER OF THE TEMPLE OF ATHENA, of GREECE (INDONESIA!)! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are FORWARD-THINKING and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. just don’t let your ANXIOUS WAYS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out THAT YOU'RE AFRAID OF INSECTS, AND HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF NOT SCREAM EVERY TIME YOU SEE ONE. {nikki}
{jessica kennedy parker, 38, female, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, (PRINCESS) HONORED GUEST ANICA DRAGOVIĆ of FLORENCE (CROATIA)! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are COURAGEOUS and RESOURCEFUL enough to handle it. just don’t let your RANCOR bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU POSSES KNOWLEDGE OF A DANGEROUS POLITICAL CONSPIRACY THAT COULD DESTABILIZE THE ENTIRE MEDITERRANEAN REGION. {carina,25,est,she/her}
maceon's former fling wc
{riz amed, age, male, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, FOREIGN AMBASSADOR/PRINCE NAIRO SINGH of EGYPT (PAKISTAN)! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are DEBONAIR and RESILIENT enough to handle it. just don’t let your ARROGANCE bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ARE FUNDING A REBEL GROUP IN A COUNTRY! HOPING TO INFLUENCE POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE REGION TO PAKISTANS ADVANTAGE. {carina,25,est,she/her}
haspira's twin brother wc
{ lucy liu, 52, non-binary, she / them } we are so glad to see you safe, LEIZU FENG of HONG KONG! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are CALCULATING and STERN enough to handle it. just don’t let your RIGIDNESS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ARE ITCHING FOR POWER, WANTING TO REESTABLISH CHINA'S AND HONG KONG'S POSITION, AND ARE WILLING TO FIGHT DIRTY. { kira, 25, gmt+3, she/her }
{ ben barnes, 37, demi male, he / them } we are so glad to see you safe, DANTE FABBRI of FLORENCE! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are HARD-WORKING and INTENSE enough to handle it. just don’t let your BROODING bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE FOUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL TO GET WHERE YOU ARE AND YOU WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOUR LOVER. HOWEVER, YOU AREN'T SURE IF THAT WILL BE ENOUGH ANYMORE, YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE BLOOD THAT RUNS THROUGH YOUR VEINS. { kira, 25, gmt+3, she/her }
araminta's lover WC
{thomas doherty, 27, cismale, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, KING ROLAND STUART of SCOTLAND! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are RECKLESS and LOYAL TO A FAULT enough to handle it. just don’t let your DEMANDING NATURE bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU THINK YOU ARE BEING HAUNTED BY A GHOST AND IT'S GIVEN YOU INSOMNIA. {ghostie}
{jonah hauer-king, 30, cisman, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD CEDRIC ANTOINE PERCEVAL LECLERC of FRANCE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are STEADFAST and COURAGEOUS enough to handle it. Just don’t let your RESERVED NATURE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out that YOU HAD A FORBIDDEN LOVE AFFAIR WITH A NOBLEWOMAN.  {julieta}
Genevieve's Guard WC
{angelababy, 30, cisfemale, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, [LADY] [BIANCA DE MEDICI] of [FLORENCE]! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are [CHARMING] and [CLEVER] enough to handle it. just don’t let your [VENGEFULNESS] bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out [THE LOSS OF HER FAMILY TO THE PLAGUE HAS MADE HER TERRIFIED OF LOSING ANYONE ELSE SO IT TAKES A LOT FOR SOMEONE TO GET CLOSE TO HER, SHE HAS WALLS UP TO PROTECT HER FROM GETTING HURT ]. {gemma, 27, PST, she/her, N/a} 
{ angela sarafyan, 34, genderfluid, she/he/they/any } We are so glad to see you safe, COUNCILOR MARAL KESHISHIAN of VIENNA! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are CRAFTY and JUDICIOUS enough to handle it. Just don’t let your VENGEFULNESS bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find YOUR PARENTS ARE NOT VISITING ANOTHER COUNTRY — THEY ARE DEAD. {r., 28, est, she/her, n/a}
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opineonionated · 10 months
Sator Arepo
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The Sator Arepo, or Sator Square, is an ancient word puzzle comprising five palindromes that's etched on various historical sites throughout the Western world. Its origins are unknown, but the square has long been thought to hold magical properties, used as a charm against illness and evil, to cure insanity or to determine whether someone was guilty of witchcraft. Self-styled "punk ethnomusicologist", acoustician and musician Julien Hairon uses this mystical symbol as the starting point for his debut Judgitzu album in an attempt to reconnect with his Celtic heritage, exploring how its hallowed messages might harmonize with contemporary Tanzanian dance music.
Hairon has been traveling across the world for over a decade, collecting field recordings from countries such as Indonesia, Australia, Cambodia, China and Bangladesh, and presenting them on his Les Cartes Postales Sonores label, re-issuing any curious cassettes and CDs he came across on the PetPets' TAPES imprint. It was during this time that he became fascinated by rituals that involved spirits, prompting him to examine his own ancestry when he returned to Brittany. "Many artifacts in the landscape remain," Hairon explains, "and the power of spirits is still palpable." He represents this Celtic mysticism on 'Sator Arepo' with murky drones and magickal synth tones, using xenharmonic scales (tuning outside of standard 12-tone equal temperament) that reach back to the ancient world. These sounds are augmented with fast-paced, sci-fi rhythms informed by his time in Tanzania; "Singeli has contaminated me," admits the producer.
The most astonishing example of this is 'Miracle', a thrusting soundsystem experiment that layers serpentine, bagpipe-esque electronic wails over extravagant clusters of blocky percussion. Driven by the frenetic 175BPM pulse that echoes through the streets of Dar Es Salaam - popularized globally by forward-thinking producers like Sisso, Duke and Jay Mitta - Hairon opens up a rare conversation, seeking to draw parallels between today's most urgent dance forms and the archaic rituals of antiquity. On 'Vitalimetre', Hairon drives his sonic palette into the red, harmonizing with Dutch hardstyle and gabber, and splaying distorted drones over maddeningly blown-out kicks and ratcheting percussion. 'L'or Des Fous' takes a more meditative route, prioritizing Hairon's eccentric tonality with expressive sheets of pitch-warped sound that ghost walk across energized, rattling beats.
If you heard Hairon's last Judgitzu release 'Umeme / Kelele', described by Boomkat as "one of 2019's deadliest dancefloor sessions," then you'll know how mindboggling this material can be. And with 'Sator Arepo', the French producer deepens his reach, grasping a world that we've almost forgotten and juxtaposing it with a landscape most of us barely comprehend.
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fymoonbyul · 1 year
[INTERVIEW] MAMAMOO - 1883 Magazine
Building on the momentum of their sold-out Asia tour across Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, K-Pop super group MAMAMOO is all set to take their powerful performances to global stages, as they gear up to head off to their US on their first-ever arena tour.
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With their sprawling fanbase Moomoo brimming with excitement for the continuation of the band’s MY CON tour, the “performance idol group” who have been selling out shows right from their first in 2016, have consistently experimented and surprised fans on stage with charismatic presence.
Ahead of their tour kicking off on May 16, the superstar quartet consisting of Solar, Moon Byul, Whee In, and Hwa Sa speak to 1883, delving into what we can expect from their shows, how they each keep themselves creatively motivated, what concept they’d like to experiment with and their future goals among other things.
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You’re set to embark on your first-ever US World Tour, in just three words tell me how you’re feeling about it.
MOON BYUL: Anticipation, Excitement, Happiness
Mamamoo has been termed as a “performance idol group” so what can fans expect performance-wise from the MY CON tour? Anything new your fans can look forward to?
MAMAMOO: Some aspects are solely presented during the MY CON Tour, and we believe our fans are looking forward to that as well. We hope you enjoy it!
As artists, how do you keep yourself creatively motivated when it comes to performances/concerts and how do you feel you’ve improved or evolved with each stage?
MOON BYUL: I strive to be constantly improving as an artist. So, it is my dream and goal to become an artist who continues to get better day by day.
HWA SA: I think I constantly find myself thinking about such creative matters. In some ways, it can be taxing, but it is a must with my job, so I regularly keep my head churning, experimenting with various ideas to keep myself creatively motivated.
Given your massive social media following you’re aware of the love that people around the world have for you, but are there any comments or messages from your global fanbase that touched you or has stuck with you for any reason?
SOLAR: Even though our global Moomoo are far away, I can always feel their love and support; constantly cheering for us, and waiting for us. So, instead of a single comment or message, there are just so many moments when I feel touched and overwhelmed by our global fans.
WHEE IN: Reading phrases like, “Thank you for singing” makes me feel a deeper level of appreciation for what I do. To know that singing by itself is enough is just so gratifying and humbling.
Your music and artistry is quite daring as well, what’s a concept or style you’d love to try experimenting within the future and why?
HWA SA: I always want to make music that contains meanings/messages. For instance, if Mamamoo is the main character of a music video, it is my desire and hopefully our direction as artists to go beyond that framework and capture a deeper, wider perspective.
MOON BYUL: I personally enjoy band music, and I would love to try a rock genre in the future.
Now that you’re venturing abroad to connect with fans around the world, what countries are on your bucket list for a future concert or tour?
SOLAR: I want to go to all the places we weren’t able to go during the Tour. There are still so many places in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and North America that we haven’t been to!! Please send us  
WHEE IN: Wherever it may be, I wish for us to meet often, exchange positive energies, and bond with one another.
What do you consider the most important during a tour and what lengths do you go to prepare/maintain it?
SOLAR: Since we are on a tour, I think our performances are the most important and I’m sure Moomoo are looking forward to the performance aspect as well. Global Moomoo can briefly experience our concerts through videos, and other snippets, but it is a whole new experience to enjoy it directly with one’s own eyes. And because Moomoo have lent us their precious time, we do our best to bring unforgettable, amazing performances!
MOON BYUL: I consider stamina to be the most important during a tour. I always make sure to have a filling meal before going up on stage.
WHEE IN: I also think taking care of my health is the most important. Since there are physical burdens with traveling and jet lag, I always make sure to take vitamins and other supplements to keep myself healthy.
HWA SA: I too consider stamina and physical care to be the most important. Moomoo have been waiting for us for so long, we’re finally on this tour, and we can’t have any other complications deter us. So, I always do my best to keep my health in check.
Both as a group and as individual artists, what are your future goals and dreams?
SOLAR: For Mamamoo we always tend to say, meet as many Moomoo as often as we can. Showing our Mamamoo’s signature colour on stage and spreading that positive energy like we’ve been doing so far is something I wish for us to continue. As a solo artist, I believe there are still many more to come. But as Mamamoo and as a solo artist, it is my goal and dream to continue doing music happily with our Moomoo.
MOON BYUL: My current dream is to do music with more fun. I’d love for us to comfortably show off our natural colours and go meet our Moomoo!
WHEE IN: I’d love to maintain a more laid-back mindset and continue living this life with music. And I would love for our Moomoo and Mamamoo (myself included) to go through the years happily, one by one.
HWA SA: I would love to continue sharing my own stories.
The bands MY CON tour starts May 16th, for more info visit www.cafe.daum.net/mamamoo and follow via @/mamamoo_official
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kuqix · 8 months
KUQIX: Your One-Stop Shop for DDP Shipping Services
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KUQIX's logistics capabilities are backed by our representation of various first-tier freight forwarding companies. As of now, we have forged strategic partnerships with 103 leading international logistics companies across various regions in China. Leveraging the well-developed cargo transportation system within mainland China, we are able to quickly source any quantity of product resources for our buyers and ship them out in the blink of an eye. This series of cost optimizations and fee reductions is unparalleled in the industry, but KUQIX has achieved it. Moreover, we have established over 40 DDP channels covering countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and more. These channels offer faster transit times and lower shipping costs. For startups and small-to-medium enterprises, they no longer need to bear exorbitant taxes or navigate complex customs paperwork. To further facilitate shipments and transportation, we have warehouses established in major Chinese cities including Guangzhou, Yiwu, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and more. Regarding the DDP channels, we offer Rail transport, air transport, trucking, and sea transportation as options, covering countries and regions such as - 【Europe】Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Ireland, Croatia, Sweden, Latvia, Greece, Bulgaria, Finland. - 【USA】 - 【Middle East】Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore. - 【Southeast Asia】Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia, Cambodia, Taiwan, South Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Australia. - 【Asia】Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and more. Our DDP shipping services are designed to provide our buyers with comprehensive transportation and cargo insurance. If you have any related needs, please feel free to contact us. Email: [email protected] Whatsapp/Tel/: 15777597702 Read the full article
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Leaks: First China Ultraman Movie pushed forward
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Recent leaked TsuPro docs show that they've changed their plans to have their first ASEAN Ultraman Movie in 2025 instead of the old plan of 2026 to be made in China
The movie is stated to have a full chinese cast
Additionally, the documents also show strong development plans to expand in SEA, such as setting up shops in Singapore and Indonesia
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mariacallous · 2 years
A new narrative needs to capture the interwoven nature of the world’s climate and economic development challenges, anchored in the evolving and diverse perspectives of developing countries themselves.  
An updated portrayal begins with the stark reality of climate change’s devastating consequences already hindering economic development around the world. It underscores the need for urgent investments in adaptation, resilience, and nature to avoid development setbacks while paying heed to the world’s narrow window for climate action. It requires empathy for many developing countries’ profound energy conundrum: a tension between the need to expand access for people who need it most while facing pressures to pursue low-carbon opportunities, often in the face of local political and financing headwinds. It implies practical urgency in tackling the broken threads of the international financing system for climate and development.  
To set a more robust global path to net-zero emissions by 2050, the world needs to pay greater attention to the needs of emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs), even when holding aside the special case of China. Over the coming several decades, no part of the world will play a greater role in both experiencing and affecting global climate change outcomes than EMDEs themselves.  They need greater international support to tackle growth-enhancing sustainable development strategies.  
With their growing leverage, developing countries have new opportunities to lean forward with a unified “ask” in global climate and development negotiations. The broader prize and aspiration amount to a full-fledged re-conception of models for sustainable development and of international cooperation. Falling short by losing sight of the big picture or wrangling excessively over details will dim the prospects for prosperity around the world. Rising to the occasion, however, can help usher in a new era of prosperity for all. 
This edited volume brings together a cross section of distinguished academics and leading policy voices from a variety of developing country geographies and contexts. First, it presents perspectives on the local climate and development challenges and opportunities in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and South Africa. Then, broader case studies focus on issues spanning East Africa, the African continent as a whole, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group of Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable Forum. The volume concludes with a chapter focused on systemic issues in financing development and climate-driven prosperity.  
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eliteweb · 1 year
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
messi fc looking forward to messi statpadding against indonesia and china as if this won't be him as soon as he's done scoring two (2) goals and completing six (6) crossbar challenges:
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One reason I’m still looking forward to future Pokemon games is because, game quality aside, I just really want to see how they adapt parts of the world into Pokemon regions.
Like, yes I know, SwSh and SV are pretty rough games very lacking in polish, but Galar and Paldea themselves are just so cool.  The way they adapted the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula into Pokemon regions, and the new Pokemon they created to fill those regions, and the way those new Pokemon interact with returning Pokemon, are just so amazing to me, and it just makes me so excited for what they do going forward.
Imagine a Pokemon Egypt.  A Pokemon Greece.  A Pokemon Italy.  A Pokemon Mexico.  A Pokemon Brazil.  China.  India.  Indonesia.  Iran.  Afghanistan.  Congo.  South Africa.  Russia.
The endless possibilities.  I just want to see it all.
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tamanna31 · 4 days
Interactive Kiosk Market - Structure, Size, Trends, Analysis and Outlook 2022-2030
Interactive Kiosk Industry Overview
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Others (iOS, Others)
Integration & Deployment
Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
Self-Service Kiosks
Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
NCR Corp.
Diebold Nixdorf AG
ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
Advanced Kiosks
Embross Group
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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gmftpo · 18 days
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Hey All Prog Rockers!!!
Right before our European tour later this month, we’ll be performing our first show in China on September 21st! The venue is Modern Sky Lab in Shanghai. We've been invited to play at the 2nd Crescendo Music Festival, and we’re really excited to be part of it. We’ll be sharing the stage with An Corporation, FluFlaFen, PENG, and Senyawa from Indonesia. We’re looking forward to their performances too. We'll be playing a one-hour set. Let’s PROG together in Shanghai!
今月下旬からのヨーロッパツアーの直前、9/21に初の中国公演を行います! 場所は上海Modern Sky Lab。 2nd Crescendo Music Festivalに招待されました。 このフェスティバルで演奏できることがとても嬉しいです。 An Corporation、FluFlaFen、PENG<、そしてインドネシアからのSenyawaと一緒に出演します。とても楽しみです! 僕たちも1時間演奏する予定です。 上海でプログレしましょう!
Saturday 21st September 2024 7PM at MODERN SKY LAB SHANGHAI 摩登天空上海店
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industrynewsupdates · 23 days
Interactive Kiosk Market, 2030: Growth Share and Future Trends
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Hardware
o Display
o Printer
o Others
• Software
o Windows
o Android
o Linux
o Others (iOS, Others)
• Service
o Integration & Deployment
o Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
• Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
• Self-Service Kiosks
• Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Retail
• Food & Beverage
• Healthcare
• Government
• Travel & Tourism
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Singapore
o Thailand
o Indonesia
o Malaysia
o Vietnam
o Australia
• Latin America
o Brazil
• Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
• NCR Corp.
• Diebold Nixdorf AG
• ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
• Advanced Kiosks
• Embross Group
• GRGBanking
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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