#forza sheva
sheva0744 · 7 years
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Shevchenko ‘ Grande ‘ Ukraine #coach . #mymenstyle .
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lew1s-moved · 2 years
💌 👉👈
hii leenu!! thank you for sending and sorry i'm late 💙
i love your love for sheva! i still remember those gifs you made a while back of sheva coming back to san siro and saying forza milan, they live in my head rent free. speaking of, i loooove your gifs!!! you often gif underrated moments/players etc and it's very nice to see, your gifs are such good quality and your more creative/complicated sets are a joy to see too 🥰 also you're passionate about the things you care about and that are important to you and i find that very admirable! also, jonas hector #1 fan which i Love to see 💘 sending love!!
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dhufflebee · 3 years
potevi scegliere la parte di Milano bella però
guarda anon, in tutta onestà la parte bella di milano è la fottuta provincia [cit.] quindi a sto punto forza giana erminio, anche se stanno dall'altra parte della città metropolitana rispetto a me
se può consolarti, per qualche mese alle elementari mi ero presa bene col milan, ma solo perché c'erano sheva e kakà. ad oggi, dovendo scegliere una squadra oltre alla roma, preferisco l'inter perché mi piace di più come giocano e mi sono affezionata ad alcuni giocatori (e in più è la squadra che tifa mia mamma)
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Viaggio all’inferno inchiesta di Levy Leval per Haaretz,quotidiano progressista israeliano “Di seguito i nomi, per l'edificazione di tutti: Amit Edri, 21 anni, da Sderot; Tal Yosef Mizrahi, 20 anni, da Ashdod; Uri Medina, 20 anni, da Netivot; Refael Hazan, 20 anni, da Moshav Neve Michael; e Lidor Zafririri, 19 anni, da Moshav Patish. Cinque ufficiali della polizia di frontiera, membri del corpo di polizia di occupazione, la più brutale delle unità, che nei media israeliani sono solitamente chiamati "combattenti", per qualche motivo. I primi quattro, i principali sospetti, rimangono in custodia. Edri era il loro comandante. L'accusa contro questi uomini è stata presentata alla Corte distrettuale di Be'er Sheva il 13 agosto: sono accusati in relazione a 14 incidenti, con accuse che includono rapina a mano armata, aggressione che ha causato danni fisici, cospirazione per commettere un crimine, aggressione aggravata, abuso di una persona indifesa, furto, violazione della fiducia e distruzione di prove. Le accuse dovrebbero essere lette da tutti. La lettura è molto dura, e descrive in dettaglio una serie scioccante di casi in cui gli accusati sono accusati di aver umiliato, preso a calci, picchiato, picchiato a sangue e derubato i lavoratori palestinesi che cercavano di arrivare al loro posto di lavoro in Israele. Alcuni dei palestinesi avevano un regolare permesso di lavoro, ma questo non interessava ai sadici della polizia di frontiera, che sono grandi eroi nel confronto con i membri più deboli della società. Lo hanno fatto giorno dopo giorno, a metà luglio, quando il checkpoint Meitar nella Cisgiordania meridionale, vicino a Hebron, è stato chiuso a causa della pandemia di coronavirus. Centinaia di palestinesi stavano entrando in Israele attraverso le numerose brecce nella barriera di sicurezza che le forze di difesa israeliane non hanno chiuso; in realtà chiude un occhio affinché gli operai riescano ad attraversarla di nascosto. (...) Per loro sfortuna, sono stati gli stessi imputati a documentare le proprie azioni - forse per mostrare il loro eroismo ai loro amici e alle loro amiche - e così facendo potrebbero essere riusciti ad abbassare i già spaventosi standard della polizia di frontiera. Chiaramente, non sono gli unici membri della forza che trattano i palestinesi con brutalità - e, in effetti, è dubbio che l'accusa copra tutti i loro misfatti. La maggior parte dei casi si sono verificati nel cuore della notte, lontano dagli occhi degli altri, durante il turno precedente l'alba, quando i lavoratori palestinesi dei territori si sono messi in viaggio per lavorare in Israele, per costruire le sue case e pavimentare le sue strade. Secondo il rapporto accusatorio dell'imputato ordinava ai lavoratori che cacciavano e catturavano di svuotare le tasche e poi confiscava i loro soldi. Ma per migliorare l'esperienza avrebbero fatto sdraiare gli operai a terra e li avrebbero picchiati, dando loro calci dappertutto, anche in testa, pugni e minacce con le loro armi. Poi gli ufficiali sarebbero stati accusati di essersi divisi il denaro saccheggiato tra loro. (...) Tutte le sere Ikhtat, un giovane muscoloso ma dal cuore tenero, usciva di casa alle 3.30 del mattino per andare a lavorare in Israele. Questo è ciò che faceva nelle prime ore del 16 luglio. Altri quattro operai palestinesi erano in piedi vicino alla fessura della recinzione, in attesa di passare in Israele. Improvvisamente qualcuno ha gridato loro di fermarsi. Gli altri si sparpagliarono, ma Ikhtat avanzò qualche metro prima che un poliziotto di confine lo afferrasse e lo buttasse a terra. Altri tre agenti si sono uniti a lui e hanno cominciato a dargli calci dappertutto - nello stomaco, in faccia, in testa - mentre giaceva lì. Ikhtat cercò di dire loro che aveva un permesso e supplicò per la sua vita, dicendo loro che aveva dei bambini piccoli in casa, ma loro gli ordinarono solo di stare zitto. In seguito, un ufficiale gli disse di alzarsi in piedi. Lui cercò di spiegare che non riusciva a stare in piedi, ma l'uomo lo minacciò, e Ikhtat fu costretto a trascinarsi qualche decina di metri verso Israele. Arrivò un grosso camioncino, dal quale sono scesi quattro agenti della polizia di frontiera uno di loro, una donna, si è appollaiata sulla soglia del veicolo e ha guardato. Ordinarono a Ikhtat di togliersi la camicia e gli diedero di nuovo un calcio brutale. Si ipotizza che il pestaggio volesse impressionare la donna, che potrebbe essere quella che ha filmato l'aggressione. Un altro ufficiale lo ha colpito in faccia con le nocche di ottone e poi il gruppo lo ha caricato, sanguinante, sul loro camion, lo ha buttato fuori vicino alla breccia nella recinzione, e gli ha detto che aveva un minuto per fare una pausa. Ikhtat è stato fortunato: non l'hanno derubato. Circa un'ora è passata dal momento in cui è stato catturato dalla polizia di frontiera fino al momento in cui l'hanno rilasciato, ci dice. Due operai lo hanno trasportato a una macchina che lo ha portato a casa, dove i suoi figli lo hanno visto in condizioni orribili. È stato portato in una clinica della città di Dahariya, dove sono state medicate le sue ferite. Ha perso quattro denti. Majdi Ikhtat, è a casa con una figlia, questa settimana. Dice di aver supplicato la polizia di frontiera per la sua vita, ma gli hanno detto di stare zitto e hanno continuato a prenderlo a calci. (...) Muntassar Fahoury: " Le due persone - che poi ho saputo essere agenti della polizia di frontiera - ci hanno attaccato e hanno cominciato a colpirci e a maledirci in ebraico. Ci hanno preso a calci su tutti i nostri corpi con i loro stivali dell'esercito. Ho preso qualche calcio in faccia e nello stomaco, e ogni volta ho urlato di dolore. Sentii anche Yazen urlare. ‘Ho cercato di parlare con loro, in arabo, e di spiegare che stavamo andando a lavorare. Non volevano sentirlo e hanno continuato a colpirci duramente per più di un quarto d'ora. Poi ci hanno chiesto di svuotare le tasche e di buttare tutto per terra. Yazen ed io abbiamo fatto quello che ci hanno chiesto. I due ufficiali cominciarono a svuotare le borse mie e di Yazen e a gettare tutto per terra. Nella mia borsa c'erano quattro paia di pantaloni, cibo in scatola e una stecca di sigarette; avevo nascosto 1.000 shekel nel portafoglio. Ho visto i due agenti controllare la mia carta d'identità e perquisire il mio portafoglio e le nostre borse. Dopo di che, i due ufficiali ci hanno condotto per qualche metro e si sono fermati vicino a una jeep militare. Ci hanno ordinato di inginocchiarci. Ho visto una donna della polizia di frontiera in piedi accanto alla jeep. ‘Un ufficiale si avvicinò alla jeep, tirò fuori un lungo bastone di bambù e cominciò a colpirmi mentre contava da uno a dieci, in ebraico. I suoi due amici, gli agenti maschi e femmine, ridevano a crepapelle. Ho anche notato che la donna teneva il telefono in mano, puntava verso di noi, e mi sono accorto che stava filmando l'evento. Il pestaggio sulla schiena con il bastone di bambù era molto doloroso, e ad ogni colpo urlavo di dolore. Ho anche sentito Yazen urlare ogni volta che veniva colpito. ‘In seguito, il secondo agente di polizia è venuto da me. Aveva le nocche di ottone sulla mano destra e ha cominciato a darmi pugni sulla testa, sulle spalle e sulla schiena. Ha fatto lo stesso con Yazen. Mi sanguinava il naso e ho visto che Yazen sanguinava dalla testa. La cosa andava avanti da un'ora e mezza. Avevo paura che non ne saremmo usciti vivi. Per tutto il tempo ho immaginato il momento in cui i due ufficiali ci sparavano e ci finivano. Non avevo più la forza di parlare e mi sono arreso completamente a quello che mi stava succedendo. ... ‘Eravamo in un luogo isolato, i dintorni erano spaventosi. Mi sembrava che tutto questo non stesse accadendo davvero. Non sapevo perché gli agenti si comportassero in modo così crudele. Volevo gridare ad alta voce in tutta la quiete che ci circondava, ma non ci riuscivo; volevo piangere, ma non ci riuscivo. Tutto quello a cui riuscivo a pensare era la mia morte, e aspettavo solo di sentire il proiettile che avrebbe messo fine a questo incubo e alla mia vita. All'improvviso i due ufficiali ci dissero di alzarci, di prendere le nostre cose e di sparire. Ho preso la mia borsa, che era vuota - i soldi e le sigarette erano spariti - e volevo raccogliere le cose, ma non l'ho fatto. Sentivo che era tutto inutile. Ho lasciato i vestiti e il cibo in scatola per terra e ho iniziato a camminare con Yazen fino a raggiungere la strada. ... Mi sentivo giovane e avevo tutta la vita davanti a me. Ma dopo l'incidente ho pensato seriamente di andarmene da questo posto e di vivere in un posto lontano dove poter dimenticare quello che mi è successo. In vita mia non ho mai provato sentimenti di umiliazione, paura, disperazione e impotenza come quella notte’”. Il racconto finisce qui. Ma non la sofferenza dei palestinesi. Quella è infinita. (Umberto De Giovannangeli)
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fossadeileonixv · 3 years
Coppa Italia: Milan 3 Genoa 1
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That look...
Intentional or not, that was some low down filth by Leao. Poor keeper was having a hell of a night too.
I only caught about the last 30 minutes or so, watched the extended highlights too, so here’s some thoughts across the board. 
Maignan looked like he had another fine night. Shit marking on the goal but was still caught a little flat footed. 
Gabbia is ok but he’s just SO SLOW of mind and foot. Him and R13 would be a disaster pairing. 
Kalulu as vice-Tomori is moving along splendidly. 
Tomori gets hurt and typically we get this reaction....
(shit happens)
As Gillis pointed out in the comments Florenzi had this procedure done and missed 5 weeks. It’s basically bruised cartilage. It’s not a tear. They’ll go in, shave some of it down and he will be just fine. 
It’s amazing what handing Theo the armband has done for him. 2 dimes. Saucy. 
At times it’s like Tonali is playing the double pivot by himself. It’s not a crack on his partner but more a compliment to the kid. Only 21.
Krunic played. 
Can’t say I really saw Maldini or Messias or Rebic. 
120 minutes for Giroud. Towering header in the 74th minute. Vital to hold up play late. And folks call him old. 
Leao is a sick man. That cheeky chip. Loved how he lifted his shorts just a bit before striking the ball. Afterwards he and the Genoa keeper shared a smile and a laugh. You could tell both knew it wasn’t intentional. 2 goals and 2 assists over his last 116 minutes. 
I imagine Diaz and Saelemaekers looked a lot better than Maldini and Rebic? Asking for a friend.
Roback debuted! Big kid. That’s about all I got. 
Thought Pioli handled it right. In these games you start a rotated squad and then go for it late. Would have been nice to finish it in 90, but what can you do? 
- We play the winner of Lazio-Udinese in the next round the week of February 9th. That game will be sandwiched between Inter and Sampdoria. 
- Right now the next game is Spezia on Monday. After that it’s home to Juve six days after that. That gives us a little more time to get people healthy and sort out our back line. Calabria is just about back. baby steps folks.  
- Injuries happen. it’s next man up and do the best you can. Will help arrive? Who knows. You can’t count on it and then be mad at management. We all know we aren’t getting some giant splash of cash. Maybe a shrewd move that pays out short term and long term. Most likely a band aid from within the league. Stay tuned. 
- Have we seen anything from little Maldini to think he’s an attacking mid? If he has a spot, I’m really not sure that’s it. 
- I really like Vanheusden from Genoa. Seems a nice CB. Only 22. Getting some good minutes under Sheva. Same with Yeboah up front. Italian youth international that one. Smooth.
- Anyone else see Kessie’s new haircut? 
All for now,
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hunterrates110 · 3 years
Free Soccer Match Highlights
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TV Schedule and Live Streaming Listing
18:55UEFA Champions LeagueLazio - Club BruggeDec 08 202018:55UEFA Champions LeagueZenit - DortmundDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueBarcelona - JuventusDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueChelsea - FK KrasnodarDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueDynamo Kyiv - FerencvarosDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueParis SG - Istanbul BasaksehirDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueRB Leipzig - Manchester UnitedDec 08 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueRennes - SevillaDec 08 202001:30CONMEBOL LibertadoresLibertad - PalmeirasDec 09 202018:55UEFA Champions LeagueAjax - AtalantaDec 09 202018:55UEFA Champions LeagueMidtjylland - LiverpoolDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueBayern Munich - Lokomotiv MoscowDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueInter Milan - Shakhtar DonetskDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueManchester City - MarseilleDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueOlympiacos - PortoDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueReal Madrid - MonchengladbachDec 09 202021:00UEFA Champions LeagueRed Bull Salzburg - Atletico MadridDec 09 202023:15CONMEBOL LibertadoresGrêmio - SantosDec 09 202001:30CONMEBOL LibertadoresBoca Juniors - InternacionalDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueCSKA Sofia - RomaDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueDundalk - ArsenalDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueHapoel Beer Sheva - NiceDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueLech Poznan - RangersDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueLeverkusen - Slavia PrahaDec 10 202018:55UEFA Europa LeagueNapoli - Real SociedadDec 10 2020
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Watching Soccer is one of the marvelous and joyful activity especially for the English people. The people from France, Britain, Germany and Russia are always very excited for upcoming Football tournaments because they love to watch Football broadcast. But due to a very limited number of channels which covers the official coverage of big Soccer leagues, it has been made difficult for the users to watch the live stream of Live Soccer match.
That’s why for those users, we will present a list of top 20 free websites which can be used for the live streaming of ongoing live Soccer match. Moreover, you can also view the highlights, real-time scorecards, team news etc using these websites. So, just dive in below in this article to the see the options which we have bought for you.
1) First Row Sports
The First Row Sports website is surely one of the best choices in this list which should have to be placed on the top of this list. The neat and clean User-interface is something what users like the most about this website. Using this website, you can easily stream any ongoing soccer match right on your device in the screen resolution quality of your choice. Although this website is pretty safe to access, but sometimes due to the presence of minor bugs, there may be a chance that you will get disturbed while streaming live soccer match. You will get a URL on the homepage of this website which will take you to the live ongoing Soccer match streaming page where you can stream that match absolutely for free. There is no ad campaigning present on this website which will surely make you feel that you have picked the best choice for you.
2) Live Soccer TV
The best part of this website is that this website comes with its official iOS and Android apps which can be downloaded in our mobiles to start streaming live Soccer matches absolutely for free. This website cannot be accessed in USA. Moreover, the functioning of this website is pretty smooth which is surely a very notable point about Live Soccer TV website. You can easily access the upcoming features of any Soccer league on this website. You can also see the real-time scorecards if in case you are unable to start the video streaming on your phone. This website is having pretty good reviews and ratings and we hope that you will too give a positive node to this website.
3) Feed2All
This website is really an amazing option for the users because the developers of this website have added the TV channels on this website which are having the contract to get the coverage of live soccer matches. You are just supposed to click on the icon of the Tv channel and after you click, you will be redirected to the live streaming page where you can stream the live action hassle free. And not only Soccer, many other popular sports like Cricket, Badminton, Basketball and Tennis can be streamed live on this website. Simply, create your free account on this website and log in with your credentials to get started with live streaming on this website. So, definitely a very excellent call if you switch on this website.
4) Stream 2 Watch
Another very valuable suggestion in this list which you can get to stream Soccer match live for free. This website is another very best example of a website which is having neat and clean Graphic user-interface. When you land on the homepage of this website, you will see a list of live ongoing matches which you can stream at that moment of time. Moreover, you will also see the timer there in front of the name of the ongoing match which will tell you about the remaining time which is left for the finish of that particular match. You can also like the Twitter handle and Facebook page of this awesome free streaming website to get updated about every single update about this website.
5) From HOT
When you see the web texture of this website, then you will surely get pleased about the Graphic designing of this website. This website is having the best in class Graphic user-interface which is really very amazing for the users. Just access this website from the URL provided above and at the homepage of this website, you will find the full list of the live ongoing Soccer matches which you can stream live by pressing the icon present in the front of the names of the matches. This website will let you to stream live matches in the screen resolution quality of your choice without having a registered account. That’s why users are getting attracted towards this website because you will get all things at one place without spending a single penny on it.
6) Ronal07
This name of this website has been named to pay the respect to the living legend of Soccer sport, Mr. Ronaldo. This website covers all the live coverage of the Soccer matches in which Ronaldo participates. You will find the poster of Ronaldo on the webpages of this website in many different postures and gestures. One thing is pretty sure about this website is that the developers of this website are die-hard fans of Ronaldo. But it doesn’t mean that this website doesn’t let you to stream other live ongoing matches of Soccer. Instead, you can stream soccer on this website unlimitedly without having any kind of restrictions. The Graphic user-interface of this website is another very good thing which users are getting for free.
7) Cric HD
By the name of this website, anyone will guess that this website is designed to stream live Cricket matches. But this is somehow correct because this website was originally developed to provide a streaming platform to stream the live cricket matches. But soon as the interest of the users is shifting towards the Soccer, this website has expanded its range and now a times, this website is a very good option to stream live Soccer matches for free. You can also join the discussion forums where you can live chat with the experts to predict the winner of the ongoing matches or the upcoming fixtures. If you want to see the real-time scorecards, then you can easily see that by hitting the URL of that ongoing match provided at the homepage of this awesome website. Thousands of users is already been connected themselves to this website and now, it is your turn for sure.
8) Live TV
Navigon free. Live TV by its name is giving an indication that this website is featuring the feature of streaming live ongoing Soccer match for free. Though every user is supposed to create a free account on this website to start streaming for free with his/her Email id, but it will surely won’t annoy you if you look on the features which it offers to the users. You can also access the video achieve section which is specially designed for the users who wants to see the highlights and other short vides of the previous games. The content present on this website seems to be little crowded because it doesn’t have much space, but the crowded texture of this website is simply what offers you more and more content to stream for free.
9) Real Stream United
Though the presence of ads on this website will annoy you, but the content availability of this website is something which is really very good. At the top of the homepage of this website, you will find a separate section of latest news about various teams. You can select your favorite team on this website which will provide you the latest updates and all team news for free. There is also a separate input search box present at the top of the homepage of this website where you can search for a particular match to stream the highlights of that match. The overall reviews and ratings of this website are really very awesome which makes this website a very good choice for the users.
10) Atdhe
This website entirely covers the live streaming coverage of Soccer from almost every part of the world. The presence of clean UI of this website will also help you to stream on this website without having any limits. Just create your free account and get started on this website for the live streaming of every Soccer game. We hope that you will surely like this last option in this list as well. Just access the URL provided above and browse the list of the ongoing live Soccer match click on the view icon to start streaming for free.
11) WatchESPN
WatchESPN is considerably one of the best online football streaming websites which is really very enhanced to get an awesome streaming experience to the users. WatchESPN website is subscribed and used by Millions of Soccer lovers from all corners of the world. The most attractive feature of this website is its Graphic user-interface. The GUI of this website is one of the best GUI of any type of website which we have ever seen so far. When you land on the homepage of this website, you will see an icon that will represent the ongoing live Soccer match. You can press that icon and can start stream that live Football match very easily. Moreover, if you love some different sport apart from Football, then WatchESPN is also having some of the top popular sports which have been played all around the world. Sports like Cricket, NBA, Formula 1, Boxing, Hockey can be easily streamed on this website hassle free. So, definitely, WatchESPN is one of the finest choices in this section of online Football streaming websites.
12) Hotstar
As like WatchESPN, hotstar is another very good website which also offers its official app to its users to get some brilliant and enhanced streaming experience. Though Hotstar is pretty much popular to provide a platform to the users where they can stream movies, TV shows, TV serials, and related web series, under the sports section, Hotstar also offers the feature of streaming Football and other sports online. You can also watch the match preview video which is recorded by the experts to get a proper analyzation. Moreover, if you love to watch live Cricket matches, then Hotstar is very well specialized in this task as well. Users can easily stream all the matches of the ongoing VIVO IPL (Indian Premier League) on Hotstar after purchasing the premium membership which is very cheap for the users. Hotstar is awarded many other big awards because Hotstar is a complete one-stop where users can easily stream movies, sports, music and much more in very little money.
13) Social 442
Social 442 is yet another very fantastic website that provides excellent features to its users so that they can stream live Football matches hassle free and unlimitedly. This website is free for all users and there is no hidden charge present on this website which makes it a very good choice for the users. You can easily stream the live ongoing Soccer matches on this website anywhere and anytime you want. Moreover, unlike the above-mentioned websites, this website is not a great option to stream other sports like Cricket, Badminton, Tennis, Basketball, NBA, etc. But as far streaming of live Football matches are concerned, then you will find the Social 442 website a very good option. You can create your free account on this website to personalize the resource content. Another very excellent feature of this website is that this website is not having a single ad on its webpages which is really a miracle for the users because displaying of ads is a very common scene in every website.
14) VipBox Sports
Another very spectacular option to stream online Football matches for free. VipBox is not so popular among the users which is probably due to the fact that the WatchESPN or Hotstar is providing plenty of new enhanced features that are absent in this website. But if you look on the overall web texture and designing of this website, then you will find the VipBox Sports website as another very awesome choice as the streaming experience of the users on this website will be very good for sure. The presence of a clean and simple user interface of this app is exactly the thing which users are looking in an idea free Football streaming website. And if you also love to stream some different sports, this also VipBox is having good stuff for you. There is a separate section on this website that is dedicated to providing the streaming option of other different sports to the users. So, just don’t wait and get subscribed on this website to get some good and quality streaming experience.
15) Sky Sports
Sky Sports is a UK based website that is granted the permissions to get the live coverage of all the live sports which is going on in the UK or Ireland only. And as we all know that Football leagues are pretty much popular among the people of the United Kingdom, that’s why Sky Sports is another name that is very successful in this section of live online, free Football streaming websites. If you talk about the features of this website, then you will get a variety of different features on this website which will let you enhance your streaming experience on this website. And in case, if you aren’t been able to stream live ongoing Football match on this website, then you can contact the customer care support of this website. They will assist you in a very good manner so that you can stream on this website. And due to all these valuable features, Sky sports website is our 5th best performer in this list of top 10 free Football streaming websites.
16) Sony Liv
This is yet another very good website cum application which is offering most of the attracting features to attract the users in a maximum number. First of all, streaming live Football matches on this app is exclusively free for all users who have registered themselves with this app by creating their free account. Another very good thing about this app is that you will also become able to stream movies, TV shows and other TV serials of Zee India Network exclusively for free. That’s why Sony Liv app is pretty much popular among the Indian users and we too recommend to install this app on your smartphones. You can easily download and install this app from the Google Play Store. After you install this, just launch it and register on this app with your Email ID and password. After you logged in to this app successfully, you can easily stream all the available content hassle-free.
17) Watch Daily Live
The Watch Daily Live website is a premium website which is really a very good option for the users to stream live Football matches exclusively for free. Coverage of almost every Football league is cast by this website which makes this website a complete one-stop solution to stream Football matches for free. You can also customize the streaming settings in the settings menu of this website so as to bring the best possible streaming experience. The graphics user-interface of this website is another very good thing for the users to get a hassle-free and awesome streaming experience. Millions of users have already switched to this free Football streaming website and now, it’s your turn to get started with this website to accomplish your task of streaming Football matches.
18) ESPN Player
When it comes to a website that can be considered as the best competitor of WatchESPN or Hotstar, then you will get suggestions about the ESPN Player website for sure. This website is a very good website to stream online Football matches for all the Football lovers presents out there. But unlike the WatchESPN website which is popular among the people of the United States of America, ESPN Player is pretty much popular among the people from Asian continent countries like India, Europe, China, Sri Lanka, etc. As per our analysis, we have found the features of both these websites to be pretty much similar to each other. There is hardly a difference of a particular feature that is not observable at all. So, if you are a genuine Football lover, then ESPN Player is a very good website where you can stream online Soccer matches unlimitedly for free.
19) Sport RAR
With the best in class Graphic user-interface, Sport RAR is another very excellent website for all the Football lovers out there. Though this website is not so popular among football fans, this website is one of the best-emerging websites which is really a very good thing about Sport RAR. All the features which will make your streaming experience much enhanced are present on this website. If you subscribe to the updates on this website, then you will be notified with every single update on this website. Moreover, if you want to watch the highlights of the previous match, then also you can accomplish your task on this website very easily. Some other sports like Cricket, Hockey, NBA, Formula 1 and Basketball has been recently added on this website which makes Sport RAR a very good choice for all the users for sure.
20) Facebook Watch
The last option which we have in this list for you guys is the Facebook Watch website which is really a fantastic option for the users who want to stream live Football match. This website is owned by Facebook itself which is really a very good point for privacy protection. All you need to have is a Facebook account associated in your device to get the login to this website. Moreover, you can also cast your phone’s screen with any of the Smart TV or PC to get the best possible streaming experience. Facebook Watch is a recently launched website by Facebook which is not so popular among the users but overall, Facebook Watch is really an incredible choice for sure. Just log in via your Facebook ID and get started streaming on this website hassle free without any restrictions.
Which is the Best app to watch live stream football?
GBP sports app is probably the best sports app on which users can stream all different sports unlimitedly. The best thing about this app is that the developers of this app has added new TV sports channels on this app which makes it pretty easier for the users to stream on this app. And to access all these features and channels, you need to purchase the paid subscription of this app.
Though this app offers a free 7-day trial to the users, but purchasing the paid subscription is also a very good decision for sure if you loves to stream live sports coverage right on your phone.
The paid subscription of GBP app will also help you to get rid of watching unwanted ads while streaming live on this app. The free trial can be activated only once per device. So, make your decision wisely because the paid subscription is providing you a lot of features if you compare with the free trial version.
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11 European Football apps and soccer live apps for Android/iOS (2019 Updated)
Never Miss A Football Match With These 11 Apps For Android/iOS
Youtube Soccer Highlights Videos
Football is one game that unites the whole world. There is not a single person in the world that does not enjoy football. The joy that comes with watching a football match together cannot be compared to anything else. Despite having a very busy life, people still make time to tune in for that one game!
Who really watches TV? Streaming is in right now. Now you can stream your favorite football matches or even the world championship cup online. Why would you want to be glued to your TV and tolerate the numerous commercials in between, when you can enjoy the very same matches on your phone minus those irritating commercials but with some added features.
These apps come loaded with features like you can make bets, live chat with others who are watching the show with you and can have fun making predictions. These apps also feature information about the upcoming matches and championships. It contains information about the teams as well. So let’s look at the top 11 streaming apps for football fans like you.
Top Rated 11 Football Streaming Apps List watch Soccer live TV
Best Apps to watch Live Football
Football Match Highlights
1. Football Live TV – Live Score – Sport Television (iOS & Android)
If you cannot stay away from the TV, you can instead have a TV in your pocket. That is right; this app transforms your phone into a full-blown TV. You can view live matches and any other famous matches taking place anywhere on the globe. Do you want to watch the previous year’s world cup or the Asian sports match? Oh, you can do that. Just choose the game you want to watch, and the app will play the video for you. It does not end there. The app also showcases live scores and information about the match like where it is being held, what teams are participating in the match, who is playing against whom etc. It includes some fantastic features like the Predictions and Score Preview.
If you are someone who is into betting, this app is just right for you. It features some great betting tips to help you win the next time you bet over a match. If you like watching events on the big screen, well the app comes with full chromecast support. You can also just switch to watching plain old TV channels, as all the major sports channels are available there on the app, like ESPN, Bein, Silk Sports, Dubai Racing, etc. You will have to get the app to know what other channels are included in the app.
2. StarTimes – Live TV & Football (iOS & Android)
With this app, you will have a hard time deciding what to watch every day because there the app houses tons of videos to make every football fan happy. This app gives you access to some exclusive football matches like the football matches from the Ghana Premier League, Ligue 1, FIFA, ICC, Bundesliga, Serie A, etc. Now for the best part of the app, it has about 400 channels, so yeah your thumb can feel numb by the end of the day. This app is also great for staying up to date with the football world, and the app tracks your activity on the app so that it can send you recommendations based on the videos you have watched. So, the app’s algorithm makes it easier for you to choose amongst the vast amount of content available.
The app’ setting automatically sends you a reminder whenever a vital match is to take place, but if you cannot wholly rely on it, then you can manually set a reminder as well.
3. Football TV – Football Scores (iOS)
This app on the market that allows you to stream TV live. While others are glued to their TV screens and one spot on the couch, you can move around and change your positions and places while you enjoy the match. With this app, you not only get LIVE TV stream but you also get live match scores, and that is a plus! You can always depend on the app, to feed you on the latest news on the matches and your favorite teams and of course the current scores of the matches. This is made possible by the fact that the app is officially supported by the EPL, Bundesliga, Serie A, La Liga, Champion Leagues, Ligue 1, etc. You can also share the live scores with other avid football fans that are using the app. If you want to receive a notification, go the settings of the app and turn the button on for the push notifications. This way, you will always be notified of all upcoming matches.
Also Read: Tamilgun.world similar sites.
4. Football on TV and Web (iOS)
Now this is an app for the iOS having some great graphics. Amongst all the apps listed above, this is by the most beautifully designed app. With this app, you get access to all football matches and leagues and also you can stream Live TV channels like the ESPN, BBC, BT Sports, Sky Sports, British Eurosport, ITV, Premier Sports, etc. This is the app that is also extremely easy to navigate. This app features a list of all the matches that are going to start or have already ended, and you can just go to this list and choose the match that you want to watch. Another great feature that makes it different from all the other apps mentioned on this list is that it allows you to personalize. You can have your own personal list that includes all your favorite teams and their matches. With such great features, it really is a must-have app, but the app disappoints in one place. While the app lets you stream TV live, and displays the schedules for the TV channels, it only displays schedules for UK TV channels and the latest information about its home teams. You can also watch matches with football clubs like the FA club, USA MLS, etc.
Also Read: Battery Saver Apps.
5. fuboTV (iOS)
Stream Live Sports – This app has been mentioned on the Forbes and BGR, and for a good reason. This is an app for all the sports fans and not just football fans. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It features 65 live sports channels and most popular amongst them are CBS, FOX, NBC, FS1, CBS Sports Networks NFL RedZone, NBA TV, NBCSN, NFL Network, beIN Sports, etc. This app also features a highlight section, where you can find the greatest highlights of a match or a league. It covers all the major events in football like the MLB, NFL, NBA, etc. Unlike other apps, this app also covers regional sports news, which is a bonus. If you miss a match, do not worry, this app has 30 hours of cloud DVR space, so for 3 days, you can replay the match again and again. It also has a huge collection of movies and Tv-shows to kill time in between games!
6. Live Football TV HD Streaming (iOS)
This is a basic app featuring a great user interface that lets you stream football matches online. Although it may lack a little bit in content compared to the other apps mentioned above, it sure does the work. It includes TV channels like BT Sports and Ten Sports, and all the videos can be streamed in HD. The quality of the videos is excellent, so that makes up for the lack of videos. This app is aimed at all sports fans, not just football fans. So you can use this app to watch wrestling, cricket, boxing, hockey, tennis, etc. For a streaming app, no matter how basic it is, it is undoubtedly quite lightweight. It is not too demanding of your phone’s storage space.
7. Live Football TV App & Scores (iOS & Android)
If you have been getting all your football news from LiveSoccerTV.com, then you should know that this is the app of the very same website and it comes with some added features. The app not only features live TV streams but also on- demand videos and radio broadcasts. You can also find matches that took place years ago. The app showcases broadcast schedules and also replay broadcast schedules. So if you miss a game, do not worry, you can catch the replay. The app features a unique calendar where you can mark all the major football events that you are looking forward to, and the app will send you a reminder based on that. You can trust the app to feed you all the latest football news, be it match stats or scores.
8. Football Stream Today – Football Scores (Android)
Again this is an essential app that lets you stream football games online and also contains news about the football World. If you are someone who wants a simple app which contains only the bare minimum and is happy with just the videos and the scores, then this is the app you should get. The app is not anything fancy, but it does the job. Since it is not multi-functional, this has made the app super light. So if you are running out of storage on your phone, but still want an app to stream football videos, this is the app for you. The best thing about this app is that you do not have to watch a football game to find out the scores.
9. Football TV Channels -HD Live Streaming guide (Android)
This is the app for all those football fans who want to enjoy the games for free. This app gives you access to a vast number of football TV channels, precisely 100 football TV channels for free. You do not have to pay a single dime to watch a football game. Just launch the app and enjoy your game. You have a range of options from UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, Serie A, English Premier League, FA Cup, La Liga, Liga MX, Liga PT, Copa del Rey, Copa America, Coppa Italia, MLS, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Copa Libertadores, World Cup, UEFA Euro. The only disappointment is that you need to download an external player to stream the videos as the app does not have an inbuilt player, and this app is not a reliable source of football news.
10. Football Matches Live Streaming in HD (Android)
A football app to stream all your favorite football games in HD quality. But yes, you need to have a stable internet connection to stream them in HD. This is an excellent app for watching football games but does not contain any news feed so you will have to procure football news from elsewhere. Also, the app has a highlight section where it highlights the best moments of the games.
11. Live Sports TV – Football HD Stream (Android)
You can live stream 100 sports TV channels from countries such as Asia, UK, Italy, Germany, etc. The app has got 500 videos to keep you interested. You can create a personal list of all your favorite teams and set reminders never to miss a single match in future.
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So, if you are pleased after getting these suggestions to stream live soccer matches on your device for free, then please let us know your suggestions and feedbacks in the comments section below. And please don’t forget to share this article with your friends so that they can also get some valuable suggestions because Soccer is loved by Millions of users. So, share it as much as you can and stay updated with us to get some more quality stuff for free.
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italianaradio · 6 years
Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce una casa, Netanyahu accorcia il viaggio Usa per rientrare
Nuovo post su italianaradio http://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/razzo-lanciato-da-gaza-colpisce-una-casa-netanyahu-accorcia-il-viaggio-usa-per-rientrare/
Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce una casa, Netanyahu accorcia il viaggio Usa per rientrare
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Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce una casa, Netanyahu accorcia il viaggio Usa per rientrare
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Intorno alle 5 di questa mattina, dalla striscia di Gaza è partito un razzo che è arrivato fino a Mishmeret, oltre Tel Aviv, dove ha colpito una casa distruggendola e ferendo le 7 persone all’interno, tra cui 3 bambini di sei bambini, tre e dodici anni. Immediata la condanna del premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, che ha annunciato il suo rientro anticipato dalla visita negli Stati Uniti.
Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce e distrugge una casa, ferita l’intera famiglia di 7 persone
Il razzo sarebbe partito dalla zona della striscia di Gaza controllata da Hamas, al momento ritenuti responsabili. Il movimento di resistenza islamica aveva inizialmente negato ogni responsabilità, ma ha poi chiarito, secondo quanto riportato dalla radio israeliana Arutz Sheva, che il missile sarebbe stato sparato per errore e che non c’era nessuna intenzione di attaccare Israele deliberatamente. Fin dalle prime ore i capi del gruppo avevano adottato le misure d’emergenza per proteggersi da un’eventuale ritorsione israeliana.
Hamas è stato apertamente accusato di essere responsabile di quanto accaduto da una portavoce dell’esercito israeliano che, secondo alcuni media locali, starebbe già inviando delle brigate di fanteria al confine. Lo stesso premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha annunciato dagli Usa una «risposta con forza». Il politico si trova negli Stati Uniti per prendere parte alla conferenza annuale dell’American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), noto gruppo di pressione americano dal forte sostegno allo Stato di Israele. Appuntamento che però salterà: dopo aver fatto visita a Donald Trump, Netanyahu farà ritorno in Israele.
Benjamin Netanyahu ritorna in fretta ad Israele, ma ad accoglierlo ci sono gia le polemiche, non solo dell’opposizione
L’ultimo attacco è già diventato materiale da propaganda per la campagna elettorale israeliana. Il leader dei laburisti Avi Gabbay, che si è già recato a Mishmeret per fare visita alla comunità colpita, ha apertamente attaccato il premier accusandolo di essere «responsabile per la situazione di poca sicurezza» e di aver «perduto la sua deterrenza e rafforzato Hamas» ritenendolo «un fallimento come primo ministro e ministro della Difesa». Accuse simili sono arrivate anche da parte di Benny Gantz, principale rivale di Bibi nella campagna elettorale. Su twitter l’ex generale ha scritto «Forse Netanyahu sarà soddisfatto della dichiarazione di Hamas che parla di un errore o finalmente si concentrerà sulla sicurezza dei cittadini e non sulle sue questioni legali?». Gli attacchi però non si sono limitati solamente ai partiti d’opposizione: anche il partito ultra-nazionalista La nuova Destra partner di Governo di Netanyahu ha parlato di un fallimento del premier nella gestione di Hamas.
(credits immagine di copertina:  © Gil Cohen-Magen/Xinhua via ZUMA Wire)
L’articolo Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce una casa, Netanyahu accorcia il viaggio Usa per rientrare proviene da Giornalettismo.
Sette i feriti, tra cui 3 bambini, che si trovavano dentro l’abitazione. Il primo ministro israeliano ha annunciato il ritorno anticipato dopo la visita a Trump
L’articolo Razzo lanciato da Gaza colpisce una casa, Netanyahu accorcia il viaggio Usa per rientrare proviene da Giornalettismo.
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Gaia Mellone
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Ancelotti anxious but happy to face AC Milan
Following a victorious start to the season, Carlo Ancelotti was pleased to be back in Serie A however had mixed emotions about Napoli’s next fixture, which is against AC Milan.
The Partenopei came from behind to defeat Lazio 2-1 at the Stadio San Paolo and will next face the coach’s former employer next Saturday.
“I am anxious and happy to face Milan,” he stated. “I will get to see Rino Gattuso and Paolo Maldini. They are a part of my history.
On the victory over Lazio, Ancelotti was pleased with his team’s ability to make amends for what was a disappointing start to the match.
“We started off slowly but responded in the right way” he said. “We were a little too slow at times today but we have time to improve of course.”
“There were a lot of emotions as this was our first game of the season and it was my first game with Napoli.”
Finally, Ancelotti was pressed on which of his strikers were better, Arkadiusz Milik or Andriy Shevchenko.
“Well at the moment Milik is better since Sheva is older! I hope that he can achieve what the great Shevchenko did,” he stated.
The now 59-year-old coached Milan from 2001 to 2009 during which the Rossoneri won the 2003-04 Scudetto and two Champions League trophies.
Forza Italian Football
Ancelotti anxious but happy to face AC Milan was originally published on 365 Football
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Il derby del Drago
Este post está consagrado a hacer un pequeña narrativa sobre una de las mejores expreincias de mi vida :El haber asistido al Derby della Madonnina en San Siro stadium. Las expctativas eran altas ! pero la realidad supero a la fantasía una vez más. Así que amigos mios les compartiré todos los detalles y emociones que envuelven esta historia, repito una de las mejores cosas que a cualquier hincha del A.C Milan en el extranjero desea desde que se enamora de este hermoso club.
Antes que nada considero pertinente mencionar como surgió mi amor por el A.C Milan y además mencionar como me enrolé en Todo del Mundo del AC Milan en México y fuera,El amor al club de la temporada que perdimos la Champions vs Liverpool allá en el lejano 2005, yo sólo tenía 9 años cumplidos cuando empecé hinchando a este bello equipo, a pesar de la derrota en la final, yo a estaba convencido que con los colores rojo y negro se tiene que ser serios y amarlos toda la vida. Esa época como es bien sabido estaba plagado de estrellas de la talla de Maldini,Dida,Pirlo,Sheva,Gattuso,Seedorf,Kaká,Rui Costa, Crespo, Pippo, Nesta …..etc,etc, y además había salido Il bomber Sheva en la portada del fifa en aquellos años. ¡Para mí en esos tiempos era hinchar por el mejor equipo del momento!!, posteriormente descubriría que lo éramos y que es dificilísimo repetir algo parecido de llegar a finales cada 2 años!!! ,( creo que por mi edad no valoraba ese aspecto, pensé que era lo más normal , y vendrían épocas de Muntari ,Matri y Balotelli que me hecharían en cara eso). Año tras año mi amor por el equipo crecía y empecé a leer más y más sobre el equipo , a buscar videos retro de las viejas glorias del club y a opinar en foros web como milanadictos.com bajo el nombre de joeket , ese periodo entre 2007-2010 era un usuario frecuente de varios blogs del Milan, y era mi tema favorito en las conversaciones con colegas de la escuela, casualmente pocos a mi alrededor entendían esa pasión un tanto desmedida y apreciaban al equipo lombardo, así que era como hablar solo en un desierto dominado por gente que era fan del Farza. (Creo que lo anterior no es ajeno a ninguno de ustedes y podría ser que compartan conmigo una historia similar).Tiempo después sería el primer admin de este grupo de AC MILAN MÉXICO , gracias a la oportunidad que me brindó Daniel LG, fundador del mismo y buen colega, creo que fue un buen escaparte para juntar a toda la bandita que aprecia este escudo en la república Mexicana y lo vimos nacer con 100 o 120 usuarios , así que ha sido muy bonito ver crecer la comunidad. El año pasado por motivos de mi trabajo viví en Montréal , ahí conocí a un grupo de italo-canadienses que tenía su propio club de fans Oficial del AC Milan , Gracias a su ayuda y a los admins del AC MILAN MEXICO se planea formarlo aquí en mex, en CDMX para tener reconocimiento oficial del club!!! , se está hablando de eso así que espero se concrete en breve.
Todo lo anterior me fomentaba la necesidad de ahorrar y poder ir algún día a San Siro y ver a mi equipo, era un sueño por que las situación financiera en casa no era para un viaje a Milán, y por otro lado no había también la circunstancias de tiempo o familiares para animarse. Pero desde 2009 empecé con mis ahorros para poder cumplir ese sueño, sin embargo muchas circunstancias no me permitían juntar mucho porque luego ocupaba el dinero en otras necesidades. Fue hasta hace 2 años y medio que podría considerar que pude juntar con más seriedad, de mi ida a Montréal pude juntar  una parte de lo que el viaje requirió, por otro lado me gusta la fotografía y he ganado algunos concursos, en los cuales los premios han sido dinero o cámaras, estas últimas las he vendido y con eso pude solventar otra parte del viaje, otro ingreso es que tengo mi propia marca de café y a pesar de que de ahí casi no hago cashouts para mi beneficio, ha sido también un ingreso para viajar, además de que actualmente trabajo en proyectos de teledetección y biogeografía ,  parte de la paga fue destinada para el viaje, asi que básicamente han sido mis inputs para lograr este bonito sueño .
Bueno es hora de pasar a la parte de como planea el viaje: a inicios de febrero vi un anuncio de vuelo directo a amsterdam ida y cuelta por 15 mil pesos  en semana santa (que después con otros impuestos sería más ), lo cual por las divisas actuales y como están los precios me pareció una idea bastante buena, así que me animé!!!. Faltaba mucho tiempo según yo, pero chequé y en esos días sería el derby por lo que no dudé en planificar todo para ir a Milan , así que empecé a checar hoteles y vuelos para desplazarme de Ámsterdam a parís y luego a Milán. Claro la cereza y hasta el mismo pastel era ver a mi equipo del alma, los vuelos entre países europeos los puedes agarrar con antelación y buscando chido en menos de mil pesos, por esta razón se me hizo fácil hacer ese “tour”. Comprar los billetes para entrar a san siro fue algo difícil porque los compré el 12 de febrero y la venta de arranque era como el 7 de ese mes , así que casi todo estaba ya vendido y como iba a ir con mi hermana tenía que conseguir 2asientos juntos, y a buen precio….además de registrarse en la página web del inter como usuario ☹ qué pena que me lleguen todas las noticias interistas, pero como eran locales tenía que poner el pechito y hacer ese sacrificio. Al final estuve en el terzo anello Rosso , pensé que se ería peor desde ahí pero el partido se veía lindo, me imagino que en los lugares más abajo se ve espectacular.
Creo que me saltaré hasta la parta de mi llegada a Milan , era un avión de clase económica del aeropuerto Orly con destino a Malpesa, en la tripulación habíamos como 5 hinchas con nuestra playera del Milan y 3 con la del inter, desde ese momento se respiraba que era día de derby!!!, llegamos a las 8:00 am a malpesa y había muchos hinchas rossoneri chinos , claro eran ahora los dueños!!! Tome un bus a la terminal central de milan y la misma escena del avión se repetita , hinchas de los dos equipos por los dos lados y no se diga en la estación central y la estación Garibaldi, donde me bajé para dejar mi equipaje en el hotel, en ese transcurso un señor me grita del otro lado de la calla FORZA MILAN FINO ALLA MORTE, con lo cual yo le respondí FORZA MILAN, al llegar a la recepción del hotel el , lobby boy era interista y me dice en tono de bromo OGGI MILANO SIAMO NOI!!! Solo sonreí …. La muchacha de la recepción me dijo más o menos como llegar a San Siro y a pesar de que el check in era a las 3 de la tarde me guardo mi equipaje en la recepción para no perder el partido. Volví a la estación Garibaldi para tomar la línea morada de Metro , estaba lleno de hinchas de los dos equipo, pero realmente lleno!!!! No cabía un alfiler y con mi hermana pasamos al vagón abriéndonos espacio entre la multitud, sabia y riesgosa decisión porque la gente seguiría llegando y apenas pudimos entrar minutos antes de los murales. De esa estación faltaría bastantes  para san siro asi que estuve atrapado entre las aficiones todo el trayecto, mido 1 74 pero era un enano comparado con la mayoría de los tripulantes del metro, aunque eso sí todos jóvenes irreverentes aficionados al soccer pero protegiendo a unas ancianas de ser aplastadas por la masa, me sorprendió el respeto por la gente mayor ¡! Por fin llegamos a la estación San Siro Meidiolanum y todos corrimos a la puerta de salida por un poco de aire fresco, de verdad nadie salio del pasillo del metro sin antes quitarse todo el sudor de la cara y suspirar para tomar más aire. Subiendo por las escaleras de la estación al unísono se escucharía “Qui non salta è juventino è” la vibra era de felicidad y claro no convenía pelearse con los primos. Había ya en el metro muchos vendedores de souvenirs, caros pero podían aplicar, aunque lo que más deseabas era estar adentro. Sales del metro y ves el imponente estadio ¡! ¡Casi lloro de la emoción!! ¡El sueño estaba sólo a unos metros!!, pero no podía perder la concentración tenía que ponerme al mero putazo para poder entrar porque no hay fila de entrada sino tumultos en las puertas porque hay staff que te escanea tu boleto y no en alguna taquilla o así! Porfin entramos, se sabía desde siempre que el LOCAL era el Inter por que la mayoría de la afición era neroazzurra , pero ni modo que más hubiera querido que fuera al revés, y a pesar de estar junto a la curva SUD había mucho interista a mi alrededor. El partido iba a empezar y subi por esas escaleras en espiral semiinfinitas que tiene el estadio. Antes que nada teníamos que satisfacer el hambre y compramos una buena birra peroni y el equivalente a una torta de carnitas , con un pan circular, pero en sí era lo mismo!.
Los murales comenzaron a surgir y fue impresionante saber que estabas en el derby con todo su color y sus alegorías , el del milan no se veía tan bien por la posición de mi asiento , pero igual lo disfruté ¡!!! ¡La gente por los pasillos del metro y del estadio no hablaba como il derby della Madonnina sino se referían como IL DERBY DEL DRAGO!!! Por la propiedad china de ambos clubs, así que fue un honor asistir al primer partido de la era china del AC MILAN y al derby del DRAGO como sería recordado por los hinchas de Milano. El partido comenzó y no se hicieron esperar las muestras de apoyo de los dos equipos, múltiples porras y cohetones que estremecían el corazón de todos los aficionados. A mi lado había una chica super amable que igual que yo era fan del milan , junto con su novio que era fan del inter (hasta tenía un tattoo de zanetti) pero la emoción del calcio no se mezcla con la del corazón y a ella no le importa abuchear al inter y gritar a favor del milan , a pesar de la cara de desconsuelo de su novio, tenía ella muy claro que el AC MILAN es prioridad y se nace desde siempre, fue genial ver como no  mezclaba sus sentimientos y su fervor al Milán era prioridad.
 En cuanto concierne al partido, fue una muy buena emoción ver los desbordes de Deulofeu , y desde los primeros minutos causando daños al Inter, una oportunidad fallada muy clara la de los primeros minutos, pero la verdad el milans e veía mejor, pero la verdad es que Mattia Desciglio si se ve tronco en vivo y le comían la banda varias veces, y a cada rato Deulofeu lo ayudaba y recibía indicaciones de Montella y de Romagnoli-……. Los goles del inter cayeron , la rabia y la tristesa me invadían , tenía fe en el equipo pero te podías dejar impresionar y enojar por la felicidad interista que te rodeaba, literalmente si saltan todos los del inter se movía todo el estadio…… no sabían que la fiesta terminaría mal….
Los minutos pasaban y la esperanza se mantenía sin embargo nadie quería perder, yo estaba molesto y algo triste , pero la chica de mi lado si estaba llorando , cuando el gol de Romganoli se hizo presente en el marcado y saltamos de alegría ¡!!!!! Era la chispa que falta, luego Locatelli mostro mucha personalidad y el cmabio de táctica de tener hasta 5 hombres de ataque con suso y Deulofeu por la misma banda cuasaría mucho peligro, falba muy poco y todos los interistas estaban insultando al milan , MILANISTA TESTO DI MERDA.. ETC pero el arbitro no compraba las ciadas del inter y el tiempo perdido , finalmente en la ultima acción paso lo que tenía que pasar ¡!!El gol de Zapata fue confuso ,hasta ver la carrera de alegría de Donnaruma fue que me di cuenta que había entrado ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SAN SIRO EXPLOTÓ……………………………………………………………………………….. Yo exploté…………………………………………………. Me inundé de lagrimas de alegría todo era convulsión…………………………..la fiesta se había arruinado para el inter ¡!!!!!!!! El milan rescataba los puntos y lo rossoneri saltábamos y cantábamos, la verdad una de las mejores experiencias de toda mi VIDA , en el ultimo minuto …ÉPICO , salimos del estadio hasta que los polis no lo pidieron y a las afueras la gente sin conocerte se acercaba a platicar de lo bien que le había ido al MILAN, muy gentil todo …..
 Bueno espero le gustará esta historia, créanme que hay datalles que no se describir o no se cómo ponerlos , porque fue algo único pero intenté poner todo como pasó. ¡Mi conclusión es que un derby inter milan es algo sagrado que todos respetan y saben que eso decide el orgullo!!!! Es algo místico.Los invito a planificar un viaje así, no importa que no sea pronto, sacrificar salidas con compas, algunas cahumas, tabacos, cine , ropa como lo hice para no gastar mi dinero , y talvez ir juntando de pesito en pesito , que el tiempo vuela y puede que pronto se arme!!!. No lo sé si voy a regresar pronto pero ese momento fue mágico que lo contaré si Dios me permité hasta mis nietos …FORZA MILAN FINO ALLA MORTE
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sheva0744 · 7 years
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Equal game 🚀. Zlatan Ibrahimovic Kean Moise Andriy Shevchenko #equalgame
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sheva0744 · 5 years
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Andriy Shevchenko ‘2008 - 2009 Ac Milan Magazine Sport Week Model #by #fashion
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sheva0744 · 8 years
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Waow. !
-Andriy SHEVCHENKO & Didier Drogba & Roman Abramovich
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fossadeileonixv · 3 years
Milan 3 Genoa 0
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THAT is how you handle your business
The usual... with some extra sauce.
MAIGNAN 8 How nice is it to have him back? He’s like curling up with your favorite blanket out of the dryer. That save late on was beautiful. 
KALULU 7.5 Fantastic performance on what could have been a rough night. His confidence is growing by leaps and bounds. Pioli is handling him perfectly. Keep in mind that whenever you bust Maldini’s balls... this guy was 500K. Lol.
KJAER Fuck fuck fuck.... any word yet? 
TOMORI 8 To think you could get a top flight 23 year old CB for 30 million in today’s market. Nesta cost that much 20 years ago.  
THEO 6  His lack of defense is fine against a team like Genoa. The offense needs to come around though. He’s just kinda lingering. 
TONALI & KESSIE 7 This is why you start the starters and sub LATER. This is EXACTLY WHY. 
MESSIAS 8.5 MOTM Before you go crazy this IS Genoa, WHO SUCKS, and I don’t think anyone is getting replaced. The best part of this to me is now we have some competition for this spot which was desperately needed. back line spots need to be SOLID. Attacking spots need to be up for grabs. That header though? DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
That all being said he is not much of a defender. Dribbled past 4 times. Dispossessed 3 times. Yikes.
DIAZ 8 After getting that McDonald’s McChicken the last few weeks we finally got that Popeye’s Spicy back and that sauce is NIIIIIIIIIIIICE. The dribbles and vision are back folks. Watch out. 
KRUNIC 6.5 If Saelemaekers is a smooth ranch dressing then Krunic is like a crunchy blue cheese. A little pungent and an acquired taste but still does the job. The more I see him the more I like him. 
ZLATAN 7.5 Nice free kick. Still some horrendous misses from the doorstep. Not offsides though. So I guess that’s progress. Still wanna see more Giroud though. 
GABBIA FOTM 5 Came on for Kjaer. Was somewhere between a cone and a turnstile. Subbed off at the half after a silly yellow for an elbow. 
FLORENZI 6 Came on at the half as Kalulu moved to CB to replace the traffic cone. Ran around. Made some crosses. The more I see him the  more amazed I am he was on the national team. 
PELLEGRI 6 When the ball is near him he’s fine but without it he’s incredibly static. Off the ball movement is just terrible. Not sure this kid ever makes it to be honest. 
SAELEMAEKERS N/A Like I said, ranch dressing. Let’s see what competition for that spot brings out of him. He either becomes Hidden Valley level or store brand. 
BAKAYOKO N/A He played.
LOVED the halftime switch of Kalulu. We were calling for it here and it worked out great. Started the STARTERS. That’s all I got.
- Genoa stinks. Also keep in mind the players on the field yesterday had 3 combined goals this year. Sheva did us a solid by playing absolutely no one. 
- Little Maldini hasn’t played in over a month now and now that Messias is healthy he’s even further down the chart. Thanks for the memories kid. 
- 6 more shots blocked yesterday. There are times when we are just painfully slow getting off a shot or cross. 
- Salernitana on Saturday at San Siro. Need more of the same. Start the Starters. Crush them. Bring on the scrubs. 
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sheva0744 · 7 years
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Ukrainen Coach : ‘Andriy Shevchenko ‘ :) #sheva #forza #forzasheva #grande #turkeyukraine #türkiyeukraynamaçı
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sheva0744 · 7 years
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#omg ‘Coach Sheva ‘ :) #men #coach #mystylemenfootballer #footballer #grande 
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