#fossilz art
fossilzfog · 2 days
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be nice I've never really done done like pixel art before (or ig more accurate would be ive never made a sprite??)
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safwunnz · 11 months
gosh, your art style is just
chief’s kiss
is fanart welcome?? I’m bouncing off the wall of your inbox I wanna draw so much fanart of fossilz so bad gehahahaha
anywho that’s all, hope you’re having a good day
WHDOWHSOWH thank u so much omfg 😭🥹💞💖💓💖💓
Ye fanart is always welcome and appreciated here :3
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Life in the Middle Triassic
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(first row: Euparkeria, Tanystropheus; second row: Nothosaurus, Nyasasaurus; third row: Thalattosaurus (top), Mastodonsaurus (bottom), Cynognathus, Longisquama; fourth row: Shringasaurus, Sharovipteryx, Placodus)
Art by:
Tanystropheus, Nyasasaurus - Mark Witton
Thalattosaurus - Nobu Tamura
Nothosaurus - Johnson Mortimer
Mastodonsaurus - Vladislav Egorov
Sharovipteryx, Longisquama - Julio Lacerda
Shringasaurus - Ntvtiko
Cynognathus - Gabriel Ugueto
Euparkeria - Taenadoman
Placodus - Sergey Krasovsky
The Triassic is a fantastic time if you’re interested in weird creatures and it’s a shame that it often gets overlooked in favor of the more dinosaur-rich Jurassic and Cretaceous. The main reason for the abundance of Triassic weirdos is that the time period was bookended on both sides by mass extinctions: The end Permian mass extinction had just left the planet empty, with lots of opportunities for evolution to go crazy as the the few survivors refilled niches. At the end of the Triassic however (Spoiler alert), another mass extinction wiped out most of the newly established forms, which is why they look so foreign and strange to us - bizarre anomalies that only existed for a brief period of time and didn‘t leave any successors to help us understand them better.
One of those weirdos is leg-winged Sharovipteryx. Because yes, while every other vertebrate on the planet decided that arms are pretty good for flying, Sharovipteryx wanted to not be like other girls and used its legs instead. While it wasn‘t capable of powered flight (only birds, bats and pterosaurs ever accomplished that), it was probably a decent glider (Dyke, 2006).
From the same fossil beds as Sharovipteryx comes another unusual critter: Longisquama. At first glance it might look like your typical little lizard - if it wasn‘t for its back being covered with those long …scales? Feathers? Maybe just plant leaves that somehow fossilzed next to the animal? We really are not sure what exactly is going on with the back of this little guy. Although it seems like the most recent idea is, that those appendages are not feathers in the sense that birds have them, but that both feathers and Longisquama‘s structures might be homologous, meaning that they come from the same origin (Buchwitz, 2012). As for what were they doing with the structures? Probably sexual display, which is the paleontology version of saying “we‘re not sure, but unless you‘ve got a better idea, we‘re sticking with this one“.
(Oh, and btw both Longisquama and Sharovipteryx are prime topics for David Peters, self-proclaimed paleontologist that apparently loves to spread misinformation and seems to have beef with the entire paleo-community - so be cautious when you see something written by him. Man, I really don‘t wanna be involved with paleo drama. I wasn‘t even aware there was paleo drama)
The placement of both Sharovipteryx as well as Longuisquama on the family tree is pretty uncertain, but most likely they fall somewhere around the base of the Archosaur lineage, a group that you will hear a lot about in the future, as it includes the flying pterosaurs, everything related to crocodiles, and of course the dinosaurs. The earliest of those you might see around this time in the form of medium-sized average-looking bipeds like Nyasasaurus.
Also settled around the base of the archosaur line is long necked Tanystropheus (although some of its fossils were believed to be flying pterosaurs for a long time because its neck vertebrae were mistaken for wing finger bones). With a length of around 5 m it was pretty big for the time. It most likely lived a semi-aquatic lifestyle, staying on the shores while it used it oversized neck to catch fish from the water.
During the Triassic we see quite a few reptile groups going for more aquatic lifestyle. While some, like the Thalattosaurs were relatively short-lived, others dominated for most of the age of reptiles. One of the most prominent groups are the Sauropterygia. The name (which translates to “lizard flippers“) might not sound too familiar, but this is the group that will later contain the Loch-Ness-monster looking plesiosaurs and their shorter-necked cousins, the pliosaurs. In the early days of this group the animals weren‘t quite as well adapted for the waters yet, but you can already see were the journey is going. Nothosaurus for examples, lived probably similar to seals, while Placodus was more terrestrial and only spent time in the water to forage for food.
Most of this was all very reptile-focused. That is because by now the synapsids, those early cousins of our own lineage, that roamed the world as giant beasts during the permian, had lost their positions at the top of the food chain. For the most part, they were now constrained to small burrows and dark nights, to the shadows of much larger creatures. Their story does of course not end here, but for the next 170 million years our planet truely was a planet of reptiles.
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Fossil Spirits
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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Many millennia  ago in a golden land a race of humanoid animals lived side by side with the dinosaurs. They lived in peace, this peace was shattered by the arrival of an alien being. It was called DeVoid and it attacked all life on Earth. Its army was made from its very cells, the monsters called Amerms (amoeba + germs) laid waste to the land. However one of the beings (a bird-man) and a small group of dinosaurs managed to fight DeVoid and force him into the ice where he was frozen. However the battle took its toll on the warrior and so the being named Talon was forced to remain in the golden land sustained by the power of the dinosaurs or he would perish. Over the following eons small groups of DeVoid monsters would rise forcing Talon to recruit the bravest and strongest people to fight them. These chosen few would have to prove their worth by battling one of the very dinosaurs that defeated DeVoid. Those who did so were granted the power to fight the enemy, however some would perish, one was captured by the enemy, and the rest were gravely wounded. Talon would place the wounded within amber in the Golden Land so they could heal. Many recent changes (including climate change) have allowed more and more of DeVoid to defrost and attack the world. Talon has no choice but to use the power of the Golden Land itself to heal the five wounded warriors so they can fight DeVoid once more. They are the Power Rangers Fossil Spirits!
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Red Fossil Ranger- “The Fanged Warrior”- Daisuke Himura Age: 24 Personality/Bio: Daisuke was born in Japan during the Sengoku era and raised as a samurai alongside a female warrior named Hikari. Daisuke and Hikari gained the favor of the Shogun at the time and became his personal bodyguards. When Talon approached the Shogun asking for warriors to help fight DeVoid there was no better choice than the two samurai. In order to become the Red Fossil Ranger Daisuke had to first battle the Rex Fossil Zord to earn its favor. However one day during a battle Daisuke took a hit for Hikari and was gravely wounded. Talon was able to stablize him within amber but he would remain in suspension for many years until Talon finally healed him to fight the DeVoid in the modern day. Daisuke is very headstrong and excitable, and is always the first to run into battle. As the DeVoid army grows stronger Talon seeks help from the Fossil Zords and they send a small egg. The egg hatches revealing a tiny version of the Rex Fossil Zord the Rangers dub TinyRex. TinyRex allows Daisuke to call upon the TyrannoSpirit Battilizer. This gives him the ability to use Fosels in a similar way to the Fossil Megazord, as well as increase his strength and agility. Face Claim: Daniel Henney
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Black Fossil Ranger- “The Sharpshooting Warrior”- Geoff Rizzo Age: 28 Personality/Bio: Born in Italy centuries ago Geoff sailed the seas as a pirate seeking fortune and taking what he wanted at any cost. During a treasure hunt he stumbled upon the forces of DeVoid and barely escaped with his life when Talon appeared to Geoff, saving his life, and offered him the chance to become the Black Fossil Ranger. Geoff battled against the Para Fossil Zord and was accepted as the Black Fossil Ranger. During a battle against the forces of DeVoid Geoff was wounded and Talon was forced to place him in amber to save his life. Many years later he would be fully healed and once more fights the DeVoid. He often overestimates his skills with the ladies but his skill at shooting is not to be underestimated. Face Claim: Gabriel Garko
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Blue Fossil Ranger- “The Shielded Warrior”- Tarak Zaman Age: 35 Personality/Bio: Tarak originally hails from India but was living in London when the Blitz happened. Barely escaping the bombs with his life Tarak discovered a group of DeVoid monsters attempting to capitalize on the chaos. Talon found the man and brought him to the Stego Fossil Zord to battle it for the chance at becoming the Blue Fossil Ranger. Tarak more than proved his worth to his new Zord. During a battle Tarak was gravely wounded and Talon was forced to place him in amber to heal. Now that DeVoid has returned his healing is finished and he joins the others in fight. Tarak, still a comedian at heart, never misses the chance to break out a bad pun or two to lighten a tense or bad mood. Face Claim: Kal Penn
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Green Fossil Ranger- “The Bladed Warrior”- Ernesto Gabriel Reyes Cruz Age: 18 Personality/Bio: Ernesto was a member of the conquistadors however he only joined for the chance to explore new lands. When he witnessed his fellow conquistadors slaughter the innocent natives he tried to stop them and was branded a traitor. Imprisoned and awaiting execution, the forces of DeVoid attacked the camp and Talon appeared to him freeing him from his cell and explained that if he battled and defeated the Raptor Fossil Zord, he would earn the chance to become the Green Fossil Ranger. Ernesto accepted and defeated the Raptor Fossil Zord, becoming the Green Fossil Ranger. During a battle Ernesto was gravely wounded and Talon was forced to place him within amber to save his life. Many years later his wounds had healed and he joins the rest of the Rangers in battling the DeVoid once more. Face Claim: Ryan Guzman
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Pink Fossil Ranger- “The Horned Warrior”- Alice Kayode Age: 21 Personality/Bio: Alice grew up in the dust bowl during the great depression and had to see misery wherever she went. One day she witnessed the DeVoid attack taking advantage of the sorrow and anger. Talon appeared, offering her the chance to become the Pink Fossil Ranger by defeating the Tricera Fossil Zord and proving her worth. Alice took Talon’s offer and was able to earn the respect of the Tricera Fossil Zord, becoming the Pink Fossil Ranger. During a battle she was seriously wounded and Talon was forced to place her within amber to keep her alive. Many years later she was restored along with four others to fight the DeVoid in modern times. Face Claim: Zoe Robins
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Gold Fossil Ranger- “The Winged Warrior”- Hikari Miyamoto Age: 27 Personality/Bio: Hikari is a young woman who was raised during the Sengoku period of Japan. She proved herself, and her abilities, to the Shogun and was trained in the arts of the samurai. She was raised alongside a man named Daisuke and the two were like siblings. When the DeVoid Army rose up and attacked, Talon came to the Shogun for help in defeating it. The Shogun recommeneded Daisuke and Hikari, Talon sensed the bravery and strength within the two and offered them the chance at becoming the Red and Gold Fossil Rangers. As with the other Rangers, Hikari needed to prove herself in battle against the Ptera Fossil Zord in order to earn the right to be its Ranger. She used her skills she honed as a samurai to prove herself to the Ptera Fossil Zord and became the Gold Fossil Ranger. Unfortunately, during a battle Daisuke was gravely wounded taking a blow for her in a fit of rage, Hikari attacked them and was captured by the living armor Ograge, and was used as a life source. In the modern day, she was eventually freed by the Fossil Rangers and now fights alongside them in their battles against the DeVoid Army. She was overjoyed to see that Daisuke had survived his wounds and fights by his side once more. Face Claim: Brenda Song
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Cyan Fossil Ranger- “The Steel Warrior”- Sir Richard Age: Appears to be mid to late 40s Personality/Bio: A knight in the late Middle Ages Sir Richard protected the innocent from the Amerms and encountered Talon on the battle field, mistaking him for a demon he almost attacked before Talon explained the situation, Talon then gave him the chance to fight the Ankylo Fossil Zord and become the Cyan Ranger, tragically Sir Richard fell in battle. However his spirit returned and rested in the cavern of Ankylo and he came back to grant the modern team use of the Ankylo Zord. Face Claim: Robert Baldwin
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Grey Fossil Ranger- “The Balanced Warrior”- Wei Age: Appears to be early 30s Personality/Bio: A monk in the Ming Dynasty Wei fought back against the Amerms and came across Talon. Talon gave the young monk the chance to fight the Pachy Fossil Zord and become the Grey Ranger. Tragically he fell in battle however his spirit returned and meditated behind a waterfall alongside his zord until the modern team needed his aid. Face Claim: Joe Cheng
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Purple Fossil Ranger- “The Aquatic Warrior”- Veronica Rosecroft Age: 27 Personality/Bio: In the early 1900s a young Australian woman named Veronica found herself surrounded by a group of Amerms however she outsmarted and outfought the fiends and Talon found her and gave her the chance to fight the Pleso Fossil Zord. As the Purple Ranger she fought well but was mortally wounded in battle. Her spirit returned to grant her descendant Violet the Pleso Zord. Face Claim: Margot Robbie
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Silver Fossil Ranger- “The Shining Warrior”- Mahpiya Age: Appeares to be mid 30s Personality/Bio: The son of a settler (one of the few who thought of the natives as equals) and a Native American, Mahpiya belonged to both worlds and yet was welcomed in neither. When the DeVoid attacked once more he used his shooting skills to save the lives of both natives and settlers. His skill and bravery impressed Talon enough to earn the chance to fight the Brachio Fossil Zord and become the Silver Fossil Ranger. Sadly he fell in battle protecting the innocent but his spirit returned and assisted the modern team in battle and gave them the Brachio Zord. Face Claim: Jay Tavare Fosels (Fossil + Cell) these devices are what contain the power of the Fossil Zords. The living Rangers use their Fossil Blasters (Hikari uses her gauntlet) to activate their power and morph while the spirits can tap into the power directly. Fossilzers- The personal weapons of the team Dino Weapons- The unique weapons the modern team wield Rex Fang- An armored glove that can chomp enemies Para Shot- A powerful blaster Stego Shield- A sturdy spiked shield Raptor Claw- A triple bladed weapon Tricera Drill- A sharp drill These five unite to form the Fossil Spear Hikari uses her Raiden Blade in battle After the Spirit Rangers pass on their powers Talon creates a new set of Dino Weapons Ankylo Hammer- A spiked mace Pacha Punchers- Armored gauntlets Plesio Pump- A hydro pump that sprays intense jets of water Brachio Tomahawk- A twin bladed ax Talon himself wields his Ancient Saber and the Boomerblade These five can combine to form the Fossil Canon (Plesio Pump as the barrel, Pacha Punchers as the grip, Brachio Tomahawk as the handle/trigger, Anklyo Hammer as the ammo, Boomerblade as the viewfinder) Many other dinosaurs aided Talon in his battle but they fell during the final battle and so granted Talon their powers in Fosels. DinoBike- Two brothers who form the cycles for the team DinoClaw- A claw/drill combo weapon Styra- Overwhelms the target with love Allo- Creates an immense flame Seismo- Allows the user to stretch their limbs Ovira- Creates a gas cloud Iguano- Stuns the enemy with tickling Ammono- Induces vertigo and nausea in the target Arch- Increases gravity in a small area Fuku- Causes the target to inflate Futaba- Clones the target Fossil Zords- The ten dinosaurs that fought alongside Talon against DeVoid were remade as zords. When Rex, Stego, and Tricera unite they form the Fossil Megazord when Rex, Para, and Raptor unite they form the SharpShot Fossil Megazord Ptera can form the Lightning Fossil Megazord on its own and with Para and Raptor forms the SharpShot Lightning Megazord When Rex, Stego, Tricera, and Ptera unite they form the Thunder Fossil Megazord When Rex, Ankylo and Tricera unite they form the Steel Fossil Megazord When Rex, Ankylo and Pachy unite they form the Balanced Fossil Megazord Pleso can form the Pleso Megazord on its own When Pleso, Rex, and Pachy unite they form the Pleso Rex Megazord Brachio on its own forms the Brachio Megazord and when united with the others forms the Fossil Ultrazord DeVoid An alien being that travels from world to world laying waste and destroying all life. However after its defeat at the hands of the dinosaurs it was frozen for millenia. Its minions and army have revived many times over the eons and each time they do they try and gather human emotions to defrost the heart of DeVoid. Each time so far they were stopped but only due to the sacrifice of a ranger. Chaon- The leader of the army in DeVoids absence, a great and wicked mage his plans can span centuries Ograge- The Demon of Anger- The minion in charge of collecting the anger of humanity. For centuries Hikari was trapped within his armor in a plan to gain control of the Petra Zord. However with the aid of the modern team she escaped leaving him weaker and enraged. Misquire- The Knight of Sorrow- In charge of collecting humanity’s tears Despite his armor Misquire prefers to let others fight for him. Happrincess- The Queen of Joy- She is in charge of collecting the smiles of humanity, her song serves as a booster to the DeVoid army.
Luckrechaun- A strange being who stands by Happrincess’s side and carries a container of water infused with DeVoid’s power to restore and enlarge fallen monsters Eventually Chaon realizes they need to counter act the bravery of the Rangers and so creates a new warrior Firous- The warrior of burning hatred- Powered by the hatred of evil Firous proved to be a challenge to the rangers however it was Ograge who absorbed Firous into the armor to double his power.
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Many years ago A nomadic warrior found and battled the Spino Fossil Zord, he forced it to accept him as his partner and became the Navy Ranger, however in time he called himself a different name Dino Conqueror- “The Fierce Warrior”-  Real name unknown Age: 40 (actually really ancient) Personality/Bio: DC was a former Roman gladiator and is an extremely bloodthirsty man. He found and enslaved the Spino Fossil Zord, becoming the Navy Fossil Ranger by force, rather than by choice. He used Spino’s power to find the Archae Fossil Zord and the Dilo Fossil Zord and subjugated them as well. Talon personally stepped in to fight DC and eventually sealed him away. Talon was forced to seal the Spino, Archae, and Dilo Fossil Zords away as well, after they became savage beasts, feeding off of DC’s cruelty. Their savagery was a stark contrast from their once peaceful and noble lives. In the modern era, DeVoid has unsealed DC and his savage trio of Fossil Zords and they travel the world in search of Talon, seeking their revenge. Face Claim: Steve Coogan Conqueror Spirit Megazord when Spino, Archae, and Dilo combine they form this megazord, using Dilo’s acid and shield and Archae’s claws it is a force to beware of. Resting places for the Fossil Zords Rex- On a tropical island near a volcano Para- In the ruins of a German castle Stego- The ice of Siberia Raptor- A bamboo forest in China Tricera- A cave in the wall of the Grand Canyon Ptrera- A thunderstorm cloud Ankylo- A cavern beneath Britain Pachy- Behind a waterfall Pleso- A cave near the great barrier reef Brachio- Within a mountain in the western US Spino- A cave in Greenland Archae- Within the amazon jungle Dilo- Below the sands of Egypt When a Fossil Ranger dies in battle their spirit is bound to their Fossil Zord. However this can be broken. The Orange and White Fossil Rangers found this out when Dino Conqueror defeated them in battle and stole their Fosels breaking the bond and forcing them to move to the other side. Orange- Archae- The Clawed Warrior White- Dilo- The Venomous Warrior As the battle against the DeVoid drags on Talon completes the purification of the three Fossil Zords tainted by DC and uses their power to become the true Navy Fossil Ranger
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Navy Fossil Ranger- “The Ancient Warrior”- Talon- The true form of the Navy Fossil Ranger has navy wings in the back and a nobler appearance. With this power Talon can once more fight at his full power Voice: Keith David In time the Rangers realize they need an edge to end this eons long war once and for all. It is decided that the fallen Rangers need to pass their powers onto the living.
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Cyan Fossil Ranger II- "The Steel Warrior”- Roxane “Roxy” Clemmonts Age: 18 Personality/Bio: A princess at a medieval themed fair she met Sir Richard when he came across the fair and wanted to relive the “good old days”. When the DeVoid attacked she impressed him with her bravery and strength. Face Claim: China Anne McClain
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Grey Fossil Ranger II- “The Balanced Warrior”- Lee Anderson Age: 22 Personality/Bio: A martial arts instructor it first appeared that he had lost sight of the true purpose of martial arts nearly earning him Wei’s wrath however when a DeVoid attack threatened his students he leaped into action to defend them earning Wei’s respect. Face Claim: Dominick Mozee
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Purple Fossil Ranger- II “The Aquatic Warrior”- Violet Smithers Age: 27 Personality/Bio: Violet had heard about her ancestor many times growing up and never thought that she could live up to her. A marine biologist she feels out of place on the battle field. Face Claim: Margot Robbie
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Silver Fossil Ranger II- “The Shining Warrior”- Christina Latimer Age: 27 Personality/Bio: A young woman of the same tribe as Mahpiya she was inspired by the legends of the shining warrior to train her body mind and heart. This gained the originals respect. Face Claim: Shannon Baker Morphers- Fosels + Fossil Blasters/Gauntlet Morphing Call- Dino Burst! Morphing- An image of the dinosaur appears glowing their ranger color forming the suit. Power Rangers Biotec Spirits The Biotec Buster Rangers arrive and join forces with the Fossil Rangers when it is revealed that members of Millennius’s forces made back ups of themselves. They have allied themselves with DeVoid to create an army of cybernetic dinosaurs (built around fossils and fueled by Neo-En) to use against the Rangers. Both teams must fight this threat. Power Rangers: Dino Rangers Unite! A meteor crashes on Earth carrying a great evil. The purified Zedd and Rita inform the MMPR Rangers (original five) of this threat while Haley tracked its arrival and informs the Dino Thunder Rangers (including Tommy). Meanwhile Talon informs the Fossil Spirit Rangers of the grave threat. The three teams unite to fight against this great evil. The final battle involves all the dinosaur zords (ALL of them) fighting together.against the monster spawned by the evil. (Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18) Power Rangers Biotec Busters <—————Powerverse————> Power Rangers Rail Warriors
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rangers Fossil Spirits
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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Many millennia  ago in a golden land a race of humanoid animals lived side by side with the dinosaurs. They lived in peace, this peace was shattered by the arrival of an alien being. It was called DeVoid and it attacked all life on Earth. Its army was made from its very cells, the monsters called Amerms (amoeba + germs) laid waste to the land. However one of the beings (a bird-man) and a small group of dinosaurs managed to fight DeVoid and force him into the ice where he was frozen. However the battle took its toll on the warrior and so the being named Talon was forced to remain in the golden land sustained by the power of the dinosaurs or he would perish. Over the following eons small groups of DeVoid monsters would rise forcing Talon to recruit the bravest and strongest people to fight them. These chosen few would have to prove their worth by battling one of the very dinosaurs that defeated DeVoid. Those who did so were granted the power to fight the enemy, however some would perish, one was captured by the enemy, and the rest were gravely wounded. Talon would place the wounded within amber in the Golden Land so they could heal. Many recent changes (including climate change) have allowed more and more of DeVoid to defrost and attack the world. Talon has no choice but to use the power of the Golden Land itself to heal the five wounded warriors so they can fight DeVoid once more. They are the Power Rangers Fossil Spirits!
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Red Fossil Ranger- “The Fanged Warrior”- Daisuke Himura Age: 24 Personality/Bio: Daisuke was born in Japan during the Sengoku era and raised as a samurai alongside a female warrior named Hikari. Daisuke and Hikari gained the favor of the Shogun at the time and became his personal bodyguards. When Talon approached the Shogun asking for warriors to help fight DeVoid there was no better choice than the two samurai. In order to become the Red Fossil Ranger Daisuke had to first battle the Rex Fossil Zord to earn its favor. However one day during a battle Daisuke took a hit for Hikari and was gravely wounded. Talon was able to stablize him within amber but he would remain in suspension for many years until Talon finally healed him to fight the DeVoid in the modern day. Daisuke is very headstrong and excitable, and is always the first to run into battle. As the DeVoid army grows stronger Talon seeks help from the Fossil Zords and they send a small egg. The egg hatches revealing a tiny version of the Rex Fossil Zord the Rangers dub TinyRex. TinyRex allows Daisuke to call upon the TyrannoSpirit Battilizer. This gives him the ability to use Fosels in a similar way to the Fossil Megazord, as well as increase his strength and agility. Face Claim: Daniel Henney
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Black Fossil Ranger- “The Sharpshooting Warrior”- Geoff Rizzo Age: 28 Personality/Bio: Born in Italy centuries ago Geoff sailed the seas as a pirate seeking fortune and taking what he wanted at any cost. During a treasure hunt he stumbled upon the forces of DeVoid and barely escaped with his life when Talon appeared to Geoff, saving his life, and offered him the chance to become the Black Fossil Ranger. Geoff battled against the Para Fossil Zord and was accepted as the Black Fossil Ranger. During a battle against the forces of DeVoid Geoff was wounded and Talon was forced to place him in amber to save his life. Many years later he would be fully healed and once more fights the DeVoid. He often overestimates his skills with the ladies but his skill at shooting is not to be underestimated. Face Claim: Gabriel Garko
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Blue Fossil Ranger- “The Shielded Warrior”- Tarak Zaman Age: 35 Personality/Bio: Tarak originally hails from India but was living in London when the Blitz happened. Barely escaping the bombs with his life Tarak discovered a group of DeVoid monsters attempting to capitalize on the chaos. Talon found the man and brought him to the Stego Fossil Zord to battle it for the chance at becoming the Blue Fossil Ranger. Tarak more than proved his worth to his new Zord. During a battle Tarak was gravely wounded and Talon was forced to place him in amber to heal. Now that DeVoid has returned his healing is finished and he joins the others in fight. Tarak, still a comedian at heart, never misses the chance to break out a bad pun or two to lighten a tense or bad mood. Face Claim: Kal Penn
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Green Fossil Ranger- “The Bladed Warrior”- Ernesto Gabriel Reyes Cruz Age: 18 Personality/Bio: Ernesto was a member of the conquistadors however he only joined for the chance to explore new lands. When he witnessed his fellow conquistadors slaughter the innocent natives he tried to stop them and was branded a traitor. Imprisoned and awaiting execution, the forces of DeVoid attacked the camp and Talon appeared to him freeing him from his cell and explained that if he battled and defeated the Raptor Fossil Zord, he would earn the chance to become the Green Fossil Ranger. Ernesto accepted and defeated the Raptor Fossil Zord, becoming the Green Fossil Ranger. During a battle Ernesto was gravely wounded and Talon was forced to place him within amber to save his life. Many years later his wounds had healed and he joins the rest of the Rangers in battling the DeVoid once more. Face Claim: Ryan Guzman
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Pink Fossil Ranger- “The Horned Warrior”- Alice Kayode Age: 21 Personality/Bio: Alice grew up in the dust bowl during the great depression and had to see misery wherever she went. One day she witnessed the DeVoid attack taking advantage of the sorrow and anger. Talon appeared, offering her the chance to become the Pink Fossil Ranger by defeating the Tricera Fossil Zord and proving her worth. Alice took Talon's offer and was able to earn the respect of the Tricera Fossil Zord, becoming the Pink Fossil Ranger. During a battle she was seriously wounded and Talon was forced to place her within amber to keep her alive. Many years later she was restored along with four others to fight the DeVoid in modern times. Face Claim: Zoe Robins
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Gold Fossil Ranger- “The Winged Warrior”- Hikari Miyamoto Age: 27 Personality/Bio: Hikari is a young woman who was raised during the Sengoku period of Japan. She proved herself, and her abilities, to the Shogun and was trained in the arts of the samurai. She was raised alongside a man named Daisuke and the two were like siblings. When the DeVoid Army rose up and attacked, Talon came to the Shogun for help in defeating it. The Shogun recommeneded Daisuke and Hikari, Talon sensed the bravery and strength within the two and offered them the chance at becoming the Red and Gold Fossil Rangers. As with the other Rangers, Hikari needed to prove herself in battle against the Ptera Fossil Zord in order to earn the right to be its Ranger. She used her skills she honed as a samurai to prove herself to the Ptera Fossil Zord and became the Gold Fossil Ranger. Unfortunately, during a battle Daisuke was gravely wounded taking a blow for her in a fit of rage, Hikari attacked them and was captured by the living armor Ograge, and was used as a life source. In the modern day, she was eventually freed by the Fossil Rangers and now fights alongside them in their battles against the DeVoid Army. She was overjoyed to see that Daisuke had survived his wounds and fights by his side once more. Face Claim: Brenda Song
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Cyan Fossil Ranger- “The Steel Warrior”- Sir Richard Age: Appears to be mid to late 40s Personality/Bio: A knight in the late Middle Ages Sir Richard protected the innocent from the Amerms and encountered Talon on the battle field, mistaking him for a demon he almost attacked before Talon explained the situation, Talon then gave him the chance to fight the Ankylo Fossil Zord and become the Cyan Ranger, tragically Sir Richard fell in battle. However his spirit returned and rested in the cavern of Ankylo and he came back to grant the modern team use of the Ankylo Zord. Face Claim: Robert Baldwin
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Grey Fossil Ranger- “The Balanced Warrior”- Wei Age: Appears to be early 30s Personality/Bio: A monk in the Ming Dynasty Wei fought back against the Amerms and came across Talon. Talon gave the young monk the chance to fight the Pachy Fossil Zord and become the Grey Ranger. Tragically he fell in battle however his spirit returned and meditated behind a waterfall alongside his zord until the modern team needed his aid. Face Claim: Joe Cheng
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Purple Fossil Ranger- “The Aquatic Warrior”- Veronica Rosecroft Age: 27 Personality/Bio: In the early 1900s a young Australian woman named Veronica found herself surrounded by a group of Amerms however she outsmarted and outfought the fiends and Talon found her and gave her the chance to fight the Pleso Fossil Zord. As the Purple Ranger she fought well but was mortally wounded in battle. Her spirit returned to grant her descendant Violet the Pleso Zord. Face Claim: Margot Robbie
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Silver Fossil Ranger- “The Shining Warrior”- Mahpiya Age: Appeares to be mid 30s Personality/Bio: The son of a settler (one of the few who thought of the natives as equals) and a Native American, Mahpiya belonged to both worlds and yet was welcomed in neither. When the DeVoid attacked once more he used his shooting skills to save the lives of both natives and settlers. His skill and bravery impressed Talon enough to earn the chance to fight the Brachio Fossil Zord and become the Silver Fossil Ranger. Sadly he fell in battle protecting the innocent but his spirit returned and assisted the modern team in battle and gave them the Brachio Zord. Face Claim: Jay Tavare Fosels (Fossil + Cell) these devices are what contain the power of the Fossil Zords. The living Rangers use their Fossil Blasters (Hikari uses her gauntlet) to activate their power and morph while the spirits can tap into the power directly. Fossilzers- The personal weapons of the team Dino Weapons- The unique weapons the modern team wield Rex Fang- An armored glove that can chomp enemies Para Shot- A powerful blaster Stego Shield- A sturdy spiked shield Raptor Claw- A triple bladed weapon Tricera Drill- A sharp drill These five unite to form the Fossil Spear Hikari uses her Raiden Blade in battle After the Spirit Rangers pass on their powers Talon creates a new set of Dino Weapons Ankylo Hammer- A spiked mace Pacha Punchers- Armored gauntlets Plesio Pump- A hydro pump that sprays intense jets of water Brachio Tomahawk- A twin bladed ax Talon himself wields his Ancient Saber and the Boomerblade These five can combine to form the Fossil Canon (Plesio Pump as the barrel, Pacha Punchers as the grip, Brachio Tomahawk as the handle/trigger, Anklyo Hammer as the ammo, Boomerblade as the viewfinder) Many other dinosaurs aided Talon in his battle but they fell during the final battle and so granted Talon their powers in Fosels. DinoBike- Two brothers who form the cycles for the team DinoClaw- A claw/drill combo weapon Styra- Overwhelms the target with love Allo- Creates an immense flame Seismo- Allows the user to stretch their limbs Ovira- Creates a gas cloud Iguano- Stuns the enemy with tickling Ammono- Induces vertigo and nausea in the target Arch- Increases gravity in a small area Fuku- Causes the target to inflate Futaba- Clones the target Fossil Zords- The ten dinosaurs that fought alongside Talon against DeVoid were remade as zords. When Rex, Stego, and Tricera unite they form the Fossil Megazord when Rex, Para, and Raptor unite they form the SharpShot Fossil Megazord Ptera can form the Lightning Fossil Megazord on its own and with Para and Raptor forms the SharpShot Lightning Megazord When Rex, Stego, Tricera, and Ptera unite they form the Thunder Fossil Megazord When Rex, Ankylo and Tricera unite they form the Steel Fossil Megazord When Rex, Ankylo and Pachy unite they form the Balanced Fossil Megazord Pleso can form the Pleso Megazord on its own When Pleso, Rex, and Pachy unite they form the Pleso Rex Megazord Brachio on its own forms the Brachio Megazord and when united with the others forms the Fossil Ultrazord DeVoid An alien being that travels from world to world laying waste and destroying all life. However after its defeat at the hands of the dinosaurs it was frozen for millenia. Its minions and army have revived many times over the eons and each time they do they try and gather human emotions to defrost the heart of DeVoid. Each time so far they were stopped but only due to the sacrifice of a ranger. Chaon- The leader of the army in DeVoids absence, a great and wicked mage his plans can span centuries Ograge- The Demon of Anger- The minion in charge of collecting the anger of humanity. For centuries Hikari was trapped within his armor in a plan to gain control of the Petra Zord. However with the aid of the modern team she escaped leaving him weaker and enraged. Misquire- The Knight of Sorrow- In charge of collecting humanity’s tears Despite his armor Misquire prefers to let others fight for him. Happrincess- The Queen of Joy- She is in charge of collecting the smiles of humanity, her song serves as a booster to the DeVoid army.
Luckrechaun- A strange being who stands by Happrincess’s side and carries a container of water infused with DeVoid’s power to restore and enlarge fallen monsters Eventually Chaon realizes they need to counter act the bravery of the Rangers and so creates a new warrior Firous- The warrior of burning hatred- Powered by the hatred of evil Firous proved to be a challenge to the rangers however it was Ograge who absorbed Firous into the armor to double his power.
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Many years ago A nomadic warrior found and battled the Spino Fossil Zord, he forced it to accept him as his partner and became the Navy Ranger, however in time he called himself a different name Dino Conqueror- “The Fierce Warrior”-  Real name unknown Age: 40 (actually really ancient) Personality/Bio: DC was a former Roman gladiator and is an extremely bloodthirsty man. He found and enslaved the Spino Fossil Zord, becoming the Navy Fossil Ranger by force, rather than by choice. He used Spino's power to find the Archae Fossil Zord and the Dilo Fossil Zord and subjugated them as well. Talon personally stepped in to fight DC and eventually sealed him away. Talon was forced to seal the Spino, Archae, and Dilo Fossil Zords away as well, after they became savage beasts, feeding off of DC's cruelty. Their savagery was a stark contrast from their once peaceful and noble lives. In the modern era, DeVoid has unsealed DC and his savage trio of Fossil Zords and they travel the world in search of Talon, seeking their revenge. Face Claim: Steve Coogan Conqueror Spirit Megazord when Spino, Archae, and Dilo combine they form this megazord, using Dilo’s acid and shield and Archae’s claws it is a force to beware of. Resting places for the Fossil Zords Rex- On a tropical island near a volcano Para- In the ruins of a German castle Stego- The ice of Siberia Raptor- A bamboo forest in China Tricera- A cave in the wall of the Grand Canyon Ptrera- A thunderstorm cloud Ankylo- A cavern beneath Britain Pachy- Behind a waterfall Pleso- A cave near the great barrier reef Brachio- Within a mountain in the western US Spino- A cave in Greenland Archae- Within the amazon jungle Dilo- Below the sands of Egypt When a Fossil Ranger dies in battle their spirit is bound to their Fossil Zord. However this can be broken. The Orange and White Fossil Rangers found this out when Dino Conqueror defeated them in battle and stole their Fosels breaking the bond and forcing them to move to the other side. Orange- Archae- The Clawed Warrior White- Dilo- The Venomous Warrior As the battle against the DeVoid drags on Talon completes the purification of the three Fossil Zords tainted by DC and uses their power to become the true Navy Fossil Ranger
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Navy Fossil Ranger- “The Ancient Warrior”- Talon- The true form of the Navy Fossil Ranger has navy wings in the back and a nobler appearance. With this power Talon can once more fight at his full power In time the Rangers realize they need an edge to end this eons long war once and for all. It is decided that the fallen Rangers need to pass their powers onto the living.
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Cyan Fossil Ranger II- "The Steel Warrior"- Roxane "Roxy" Clemmonts Age: 18 Personality/Bio: A princess at a medieval themed fair she met Sir Richard when he came across the fair and wanted to relive the “good old days”. When the DeVoid attacked she impressed him with her bravery and strength. Face Claim: China Anne McClain
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Grey Fossil Ranger II- "The Balanced Warrior"- Lee Anderson Age: 22 Personality/Bio: A martial arts instructor it first appeared that he had lost sight of the true purpose of martial arts nearly earning him Wei’s wrath however when a DeVoid attack threatened his students he leaped into action to defend them earning Wei’s respect. Face Claim: Dominick Mozee
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Purple Fossil Ranger- II “The Aquatic Warrior”- Violet Smithers Age: 27 Personality/Bio: Violet had heard about her ancestor many times growing up and never thought that she could live up to her. A marine biologist she feels out of place on the battle field. Face Claim: Margot Robbie
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Silver Fossil Ranger II- "The Shining Warrior"- Christina Latimer Age: 27 Personality/Bio: A young woman of the same tribe as Mahpiya she was inspired by the legends of the shining warrior to train her body mind and heart. This gained the originals respect. Face Claim: Shannon Baker
Morphers- Fosels + Fossil Blasters/Gauntlet Morphing Call- Dino Burst! Morphing- An image of the dinosaur appears glowing their ranger color forming the suit.
Power Rangers Biotec Spirits The Biotec Buster Rangers arrive and join forces with the Fossil Rangers when it is revealed that members of Millennius's forces made back ups of themselves. They have allied themselves with DeVoid to create an army of cybernetic dinosaurs (built around fossils and fueled by Neo-En) to use against the Rangers. Both teams must fight this threat.
Power Rangers: Dino Rangers Unite! A meteor crashes on Earth carrying a great evil. The purified Zedd and Rita inform the MMPR Rangers (original five) of this threat while Haley tracked its arrival and informs the Dino Thunder Rangers (including Tommy). Meanwhile Talon informs the Fossil Spirit Rangers of the grave threat. The three teams unite to fight against this great evil. The final battle involves all the dinosaur zords (ALL of them) fighting together.against the monster spawned by the evil.
(Bios by @dream-chef-flavors and @rosegrl18)
Power Rangers Biotec Busters <---------------Powerverse------------>
Power Rangers Rail Warriors
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fossilzfog · 1 day
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they are screwed arnt they?
anyway short stalky and horrible tan line wolverine is my beloved
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fossilzfog · 6 months
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Serving cunt runs in the family
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fossilzfog · 20 days
More pixel art
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fossilzfog · 14 days
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64 notes · View notes
fossilzfog · 23 days
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hi tumblr Pokemon pixel art
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fossilzfog · 28 days
noticed a shocking lack of glitter metalocolyps pfps so naturally
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I made one of nathan and toki for me and a friend feel free to use these (preferably with credit)
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fossilzfog · 9 months
She’s like a magic fuckin water unicorn or something my aurora ghoulette
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178 notes · View notes
fossilzfog · 4 months
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trad goth lus??? trad goth lus???
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fossilzfog · 4 months
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not ghost but here
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fossilzfog · 3 months
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Tried a whole new way of painting ya
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fossilzfog · 5 months
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Artistic nudity underneath
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