tinkerbitch69 · 8 months
Ok, one thing I love about big finish is I can immediately go on their site and find out they not only have content starring such a niche and obscure character as Suzie Costello in a lead role but also an audio drama where she teams up with an equally obscure character like Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen, a team up which is probably only a big deal to me but they did it anyway because they have the rights to almost of all of the whoniverse so they’re damn well gonna use ‘em! Because why not?!
We whovians really are spoiled for eu material compared to other fandoms.
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rosyborealis · 2 months
Thinking about her❤️❤️😢
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year
i just know jack was having a low key aneurysm every time he saw or heard anything about ‘the mayor of cardiff’ during 2006 because he couldn't do or say anything about the fact that she was a slitheen & unfortunately a part of his timeline especially when said slitheen was actually girlbossing too close to the sun with suzie.
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companion-showdown · 5 months
Nominations are now open: Which villain would make the best companion?
This tournament is intended to be smaller than usual, so I may be aa little stricter about who qualifies (at least when i'm familiar with the character, which means the EU nominees are going to end up with a lot more leeway)
as some starting rules
You can only nominate actual villains, they must actually be evil, not just dislike/be disliked by the Doctor
They must be an individual (or possibly a small group of individuals), eg you cannot nominate 'a dalek' it must be a specific dalek or daleks you can point to and say that/those ones
No companions, I don't care if they were evil when they met the Doctor or became evil later or were evil the entire time, they cannot already be or have ever been a companion
If there are multiple versions of the same villain (eg because they can regenerate), they will only be included once, either as generically as can be acheived, or a specific one will be chosen through a group stage
If they don't have a name (or you can't remember it) I will do my best to figure it out but try to give me as much context as you can and bare in mind im not psychic
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind (we have now broken 64 so full sized tournament it is
The Master (this counts for any and all versions of the Master, a specific one will be chosen during the group stage, I'm preempting their nomination because duh)
Dalek Caan
Angel Bob
Beep the Meep
Family of Blood
Meddling Monk
Nobody No-One
Madeleine Issigri
JP Kettlewell
Sharaz Jek
Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Bonnie (Clara!Zygon)
The Rani
The Binary Apprentice
the Scream
Sabbath Dei
Black Guardian
Luke Rattigan
The UK government
Auton!Boris Johnson
The Statue of Liberty
President Arthur Winters
Dream Lord
The Axos
Great Intelligence
Not Donna
Captain Wrack
Pirate Sea Devil
The Dalek that offered the doctor tea in Victory of the Daleks
John Lumic
Miss Foster
Prisoner Zero
Cessair of Diplos
Miss Hartigan
Mr Finch
The Headhunter
Swarm and Azure
Reverend Golightly
Mr Clever
nominations will be open for at least the next 24 hours, that is until 14:00 BST (GMT/UTC+1), 10/04
after that there is no guarantee
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caeliangel · 5 months
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Bi femme goth (foth), bi futch goth (fotch), bi butch goth (gotch)
Flags for bisexuals who are femmes, futches or butches along with being goths.
PT. Bi femme goth (foth), bi futch goth (fotch), bi butch goth (gotch). Flags for bisexuals who are femmes, futches or butches along with being goths. END OF PT.
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fanonical · 2 months
i want a full big finish series about blon fel-fotch passameer-day slitheen and i want it now
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revenant-coining · 3 months
fotch (futch goth)
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fotch (goth futch) flag!
tagging; @radiomogai
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yahoo201027 · 4 months
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Day in Fandom History: June 4…
The Doctor, Rose, Jack, and Mickey encounter their old enemy, Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, alive and well, and unable to escape Planet Earth and decides to take drastic measures to exit. “Boom Town” premiered on this day, 19 Years Ago.
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april · 29 days
ted lasso is crazy because i keep recognising actors but they're so much older now. blon fel-fotch passameer-day slitheen has white hair. mr finch aged like william shatner. sue brockman got divorced
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thienvaldram · 9 months
(Doctor Who) UK Prime Ministers and US Presidents
Full (Incomplete) UK PM List in the DWU from 1950 – 20XX (Some years are guessed)
Will be updated whenever I can be bothered we get new information. Just random speculation jamming together a list that was never meant to be jammed together.
Historical Before This Point
Winston Churchill (1951-1955)
Anthony Eden (1955-1957)
Harold Macmillan (1957-1963)
Sir Alec Douglas-Home (1963-1964)
Harold Wilson (1964-1970)
Edward Heath (1970-1972)
Jeremy Thorpe (1972-1974)
Harold Wilson (1974-1975)
Brenda Jones (1975) (According to a Jonathan Morris Tweet)
Shirley Williams (1975-1976)
James Callaghan (1976-1979)
Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990)
Margery Phipps (1990-1992)
John Major (1992-1997) (Assassinated)
Lord Greyhaven (1997) (De Facto PM for several weeks)
Tony Blair (1997-1999)
Terry Brooks (1999-2000)
Phillip Cotton (2000) (Deputy PM until election was called)
Kenneth Clarke (2000-2001)
Tony Blair (2001-2002) (Second term)
Unnamed Male Pro-Europe PM (Possibly Hugh Grant) (2002-2005)
Tony Blair (2005-2006) (Third term)
Joseph Green/Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen (2006) (Only served as acting PM for a day)
Harriet Jones (2006-2008)
Harold Saxon (2008)
Aubrey Fairchild (2008-2009)
Brian Green (2009-2010)
Denise Reilly (2010-2013)
Kenneth LeBlanc (2013)
Denise Reilly (2013-2014) (Resumed for a second term after Kenneth Le Blanc died)
David Cameron (2014-2015)
Daniel Claremont (2015)
Theresa May (2015-2018)
Felicity (2018-2019)
Fiona (2019-2020)
Boris Johnson (2020-2021) (Revealed to be an Auton)
Jo Patterson (2021)
Edward Lawn Bridges (2021-2023)
Unnamed Woman (2023-2025)
S J Wordley (2025-2026)
Glenda Jackson (2026-2028)
The Director (2028-2046)
Roger ap Gwilliam (2046)
Dai (2047-2049)
Lomax (2049 - 2050)
Mariah Learman (2050-2055)
Unnamed (?-2065-?)
Corollaries (PM List)
Jeremy Thorpe and Shirley Williams are said to be Prime Minister contemporaneously with the UNIT stories (Which are assumed here to take place on their airdates as per Mawdryn Undead and most Modern Who references)
In a tweet Jonathan Morris claimed the Prime Minister in Terror of the Zygons or Mawdryn Undead was Brenda Jones, Harriet Jones' auntie. I put this in 1975 (for less than a year) because why not. Ignore this if you think it's bad.
The Torchwood Encyclopaedia claims that Denise Reilly succeeds Brian Green, since the next PM chronologically is ‘Unnamed Female PM from BF Silence Audios’ these have been welded together.
Actual dates of Kenneth Le Blanc and Unnamed Female PM are unknown, but are set in the UNIT audios between Power of Three (2012-2013) and DotD (2013).
Felicity and Fiona are given as PMs in Aliens Among Us and God Among Us (Torchwood S5 and S6) released and presumably set in 2018 and 2019 respectively.
Eight gives the PM list as Heath -> Thorpe -> Williams -> Thatcher -> Major -> Blair -> Clarke in Interference, this is not supported as a direct list by other sources, though I tried to fit it as best I could, resulting in Blair having two non-adjacent terms.
2010s are a mess due to BF, Titan Comics and the Lucy Wilson novels all giving conflicting accounts of who is PM only a couple years apart, apparently there were a lot of elections/resignations in that decade
Harriet Jones initially served Three terms prior to the Doctor altering history and deposing her, given UK Term Length is unclear, it's unknown how long this would have been, I would guess around 15 years, which would've put Harriet Jones at (2006-2021) where she'd be succeeded by Jo Patterson.
The UK becomes a military Dictatorship from 2028 until 2046 headed by ‘The Director’.
Dai is described as the 'first Prime Minister to serve after the Director is overthrown' this seems to contradict 73 Yards depicting Roger ap Gwilliam's election, but if Roger ap Gwilliam was overthrown as well he can't be said to have 'served', his deputy PM, Iris Cabriola technically succeeds him, but is never the official PM and presumably Dai is then elected the following year.
Then in 2050 Lomax is the dictator of the UK. In the 'mid 21st Century', Mariah Learman is a ‘benevolent dictator’ of the UK.
An unknown Prime Minster led the UK during the weather crisis of December 2065.
Full (Incomplete) US President List in the DWU from 1960 – 20XX (Some years are guessed)
Historical Before This Point
John F Kennedy (1961-1963) (assassinated)
Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald Ford (1974-1977) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)
Carrol (1993-1994)
Bill Clinton (1994-1997) (Presumably VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Tom Dering (1997-1999)
George W Bush (1999-2001) (Presumably VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Bruce Springsteen (2001-2003)
Chuck Norris (2003-2005) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
George W Bush (2005-2007)
Arthur Coleman Winters (2007-2008) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Winter’s VP/Speaker of the House (2008-2009) (Succeeds Winters after he’s killed by Saxon)
2009-2017 Term
Felix Mather (2009-2017) (Presidency overwritten by Faction Paradox)
Sampson (2009-2017) (Presidency induced as an aberration by Lolita)
Barack Obama (2009-2017) (Replaced Felix Mather in history)
2017-2021 Term
Daniel Strunk (2017-2021) (Presidency overwritten by Faction Paradox – Mather’s Successor)
Matt Nelson (2017) (Presidency induced as an aberration by Lolita – Assassinated at Inauguration)
Lola Denison/Lolita (2017-unknown) (Assassinated her predecessor)
Donald Trump (2017-2021) (Replaced Daniel Strunk in history)
After 2021
Courtney Woods (unknown-2049-unknown)
Gavin A32X40 (unknown – 2086 – unknown)
Corollaries (President List)
The Eighth Doctor gives the list of Presidents as Carter -> Reagan -> (HW) Bush -> Clinton -> Dering -> Springsteen -> Norris
The President given in 2004 is referred to by the nickname ‘Chuck’ in Cat’s Cradle: Warhead which combined with the fact Springsteen was the President in 2003 and ‘Norris’ succeeded them suggests that the 2004 President was Chuck Norris.
The President in 2006 was implied to be George W Bush based on Harriet Jones’s dialogue. He was previously stated to be President in 2000 (Which he hadn’t been in real life)
Clinton is stated to be President in both 1997 (by metaphor in Placebo Effect) and in 1999 (in Rosa). However both of these are less conclusive than Tom Dering’s direct appearances in Option Lock and and Millennium Shock (also 1997 and 1999) implying that the mentions in Placebo Effect and Rosa were merely off by 1-3 years.
Obama is explicitly stated and shown to be President in 2009, 2012 and 2016, however Felix Mather is stated to be President in the 2010s, physically meeting the Eighth Doctor in Trading Futures. It is stated that Mather’s role in history was replaced due to Mather refusing to make a deal with Faction Paradox and so that has been taken into account.
Concerning the 2017-2021 Presidential Term
Donald Trump is stated to be a candidate in 2016 and is subsequently stated to be President in 2017, 2018 and 2020.
In contradiction, Daniel Strunk is stated to be President in 2017.
This is resolved by having Strunk be Mather’s successor who’s term was also replaced when Faction Paradox remove Mather’s term from history.
The Faction Paradox novel ‘Head of State’ depicts a 2 term Democratic President named Samson who is succeeded by Matt Nelson of a newly formed Radical Party. They are subsequently assassinated by their VP, the sentient humanoid TARDIS Lolita (Who has also been War Queen of Gallifrey and Queen of the UK before, as well as having devoured the Eleven Day Empire). It’s unknown how long she served nor when beyond ‘Early 21st Century’. She (along with Matt Nelson and Samson) have been as a temporal aberration replacing Mather and Strunk before themselves being replaced by Obama and Trump following Lolita’s defeat in True History of Faction Paradox and the ending of the War in Heaven.
A 2000 Bernice Summerfield short story claims Hillary Clinton was US President at some point. However, these records are portrayed as suspect with Bernice questioning them herself and have been ignored for lack of a position to place Clinton into the timeline.
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roxannepolice · 1 year
I am absolutely stuck on the concept that chameleon arch doesn't simply go with the developmental stage of the time lord's current phenotype, ai-generating a personality to more or less match the shape and time. Like, OK - on the one hand, it makes sense. No need to come up with a personality and memories, a more or less tabula rasa affected only by the given time lord's neurological build up.
Sth sth the Master getting a chance similar yet so different from the one Margaret Blaine/Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen got sth sth a man is the sum of his memories a time lord even more so sth sth now I'm raging again at how POTD made no fucking sense whatsoever.
On the other hand. TARDIS. Whoever came up with chameleon arch. Have you ever met a human baby? I assume not. Just, do you know what in all likelihood would happen if a baby was alone with a shining fobwatch? The baby would freaking EAT the fobwatch, is what would happen!
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🛝Child of the Raxacoricofallapatorians
A young Raxacoricofallapatorian named Klov Dreb Fotch Passameer Day Slitheen III sneaked onto the 10th Doctor's TARDIS and lived off stolen snacks for three weeks. The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones discovered the Slitheen family were accusing them of kidnapping, and they found Klov hiding in the TARDIS. But before returning him home, the Doctor and Martha took Klov to visit Morbel, known for its massive log flume.
(Who Ate All the Biscuits?)
Whoniverse Facts for Friday by GIL
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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companion-showdown · 5 months
Which villain would you most like to see as a companion?
Gomez!Master vs Irving Braxiatel
Gomez!Master vs The Rani
Irving Braxiatel vs The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea
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Gomez!Master vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Pandora
previous rounds under the cut
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Gomez!Master vs John Hart
Scaroth vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Death
Cassandra vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Justine
Salamander vs Pandora
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Gomez!Master vs The Valeyard
Luke Rattigan vs John Hart
Nobody No-One vs Scaroth
Angel Bob vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Andred
Death vs Davros
Cassandra vs Miss Foster
Mr Shift vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs Ashad
Time vs Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs Captain Wrack
The Trickster vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Soldeed
Mr Finch vs Justine
Salamander vs The Family of Blood
House vs Pandora
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Day 2
Irving Braxiatel vs Inquisitor Darkel
Ashad vs Sartia
Sabbath Dei vs Time
The Axos vs Blon Fel Fotch Passameer Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs Mr Clever
Captain Wrack vs Morbius
The Trickster vs Cessair of Diplos
JP Kettlewell vs Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Plastic!Mickey
Miss Hartigan vs Soldeed
The Timewyrm vs Mr Finch
Swarm and Azure vs Justine
Salamander vs Morgaine
The Family of Blood vs The Scream
Lolita vs House
Tecteun vs Pandora
Day 1
Gomez!Master vs Absorbaloff
The Valeyard vs The UK Government
Luke Rattigan vs The Great Intelligence
Lomax vs John Hart
Nobody No-One vs Investigator One
Scaroth vs Dalek Caan
Angel Bob vs The Dream Lord
Not-Donna vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Madeleine Issigri
Reverend Golightly vs Andred
Rassilon vs Death
Lilith vs Davros
Cassandra vs Auton!Boris Johnson
Miss Foster vs The Headhunter
Mr Shift vs Pirate Sea Devil
The Statue of Liberty vs Bonnie
ROUND 1 (group stage)
Group 1
The Meddling Monk
Madeleine Issigri
The Axos
JP Kettlewell
Group 2
The Black Guardian
Cessair of Diplos
Group 3
Captain Wrack
Sharaz Jek
The Rani
The Valeyard
Inquisitor Darkel
Group 4
Nobody No-One
The Binary Apprentice
The Scream
Sabbath Dei
Group 5
Irving Braxiatel
Auton!Boris Johnson
Group 6
The Headhunter
Group 7
Mr Shift
Investigator One
Group 8
Blon Fel Fotch Passameer Day Slitheen
Mr Finch
John Lumic
Dalek Caan
Group 9
The Family of Blood
Arthur Winters
Miss Foster
Luke Rattigan
Reverend Golightly
Group 10
Miss Hartigan
The UK Governement
John Hart
The Trickster
Group 11
Prisoner Zero
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea
Angel Bob
The Dream Lord
The Statue of Liberty
Group 12
The Great Intelligence
Mr Clever
Group 13
Swarm and Azure
Pirate Sea Devil
Beep the Meep
Not Doctor
Not Donna
The Toymaker
Links to previous tournaments
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ninthdoctorr · 15 days
Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day my beloved
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doctorwhogirlie · 2 months
Doctor Who: Boom Town
Series One ✨ 2005 ✨
Doctor: 9th
Companions: Rose, Jack, Micky
Main Setting: Cardiff, September 2006
Main Enemy: Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Creatures: Raxacoricofallapatorian
My Personal Rating: 4/10
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I'm not a big fan of this episode, it feels like a filler episode, like they needed a random episode before the big finale. Which is fine, just not something I enjoy.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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revenant-coining · 5 months
Goth futch flag
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(id: a rectangular flag with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark blue, blue, off-white, dull pink, and dark pink. /end id)
goth futch/fotch flag!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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