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The results are in...
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS PARTICIPATED THIS MONTH! The whole purpose was to get writers writing and sharing their works, and we have some really awesome fics in the queue now thanks to you. 🤩🥳 Alright, the moment of truth.
First off, going to announce our 3rd place winner: former Champion...Thorin Oakenshield! (with 36 votes this round, 100 overall)
That left Bilbo and Mairon. Each received 39 VOTES THIS ROUND! So the tie-breaker went to their overall votes for the entire tournament. With 109 fics written for him...
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Please look for us next year! This has been such a blast to host. And look for our new monthly game: April Alphabet.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Late spring
Words: 2 k
Characters: Ori x OC
Inspired by @lordoftherazzles
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She knew that it was a silly, hopeless endeavour, but Vio couldn’t help herself when she saw that perfect pink blossom hidden underneath the dense foliage of the plant.
Before the whole thing was tossed away, this late bloomer deserved to have its moment in the sun, she reckoned, and she knew exactly who that delicate beauty reminded her of.
Vio had gotten to know Ori as the boy from the draper’s shop, his hands always covered in ink and pastels; she had met him when she had been but the daughter of the flower shop woman, and she had loved him ever since.
Now, it was hard to catch him as his brothers were constantly hovering around him as if he was a baby chick fallen from the nest and – to be honest – her own mother was not entirely happy to see her darling daughter pine for someone whose brother was a known pickpocket.
Just like the fragile flower nestled in her narrow palm, Ori was the last florescence on a barren stem – precious and rare – and so entirely unexpected; he had thrived, bud of hope and happiness that he was, against all odds and to a point nobody had expected anymore.
It was easy to see why neither the ever-watchful eye of his oldest brother nor the stern disapproval of her own parents had been able to change either her heart or her mind.
Slipping out of her family’s flower shop through the back door, Vio hugged her coat closer to her chest as she walked quickly to the narrow windowsill of the back office of the draper’s shop down the road; she knew that this was where Ori spent most of his days, dreaming of an artist’s career and scribbling furiously into his many notebooks.
Carefully, Vio placed the cherished blossom onto the cold stone without obscuring the window – it would not have done to be caught in the act – and raced back to her workstation.
“You look funny,” her mother said when she walked in on her daughter – high in colour and slightly out of breath – about to discard the superfluous greenery, sad remnant of her ludicrous burst of activity.
“I am feeling funny,” Vio admitted; her mother couldn’t even begin to imagine how her heart was doing somersaults in her chest.
During her lunchbreak, Vio tried to ignore the pull to the small window but – after a few seconds of struggle – she slunk back to the scene of the crime and found her flower nowhere to be seen.
No doubt blown away by the wind, she thought – fighting the surge of disappointment and sadness within her chest – but it was a perfectly still day with merely a breeze to speak of.
There might well have been someone who had picked it up and plucked it apart for fun or, a much more pleasant thought, it might sit in a bowl of water in this very instant under the admiring eyes of someone who loved flowers as much as she did.
With a shrug, she went back to work and forced herself not to let her thoughts drift to either the lonely bloom or the solitary man it had been meant for.
As she locked up at closing time, Vio took the long way around again in hopes of running into someone from the draper’s shop, but the windows were dark, and the door was firmly shut.
Suddenly, a white flash caught her eye and she looked down to see a drawing – delicate and stunningly beautiful – of the very bloom she had left on the windowsill that morning.
There was but one flower shop in town. There was but one person she could think of who was able to produce such a masterpiece.
Everything was clear though nothing was said.
Immediately – without a moment of hesitation – this became their thing; she would leave a single blossom on the sill in the morning and – when she went home – she would find a mirroring drawing.
Vio kept them all; they were in a notebook wedged between her schoolbooks and – every night before turning off the lights – she would look at each and every one of them and smile to herself.
Over time, a new idea blossomed in her mind; these drawings had become her talismans, she would use them as a strange mix between spells and fortune-telling cards. Indeed, every flower had its assigned meaning and – whenever she was especially in need of some character trait or good luck charm – she would tuck the corresponding drawing into her coat pocket.
Time and use frayed them a little and Vio started to get worried to lose or damage them beyond repair, hence why she decided to make them permanent and indelible while at the same time making sure that they’d always be in reach if she needed them.
Her mother would be livid, she knew, but she was a woman grown and she could do to her own body what she wanted.
The illicit thought about what exactly she would have liked to have done to her body drove unexpected heat into her cheeks and she had to laugh about herself.
For a few days, she mulled this question over before deciding that she’d ask the only person shady enough to know about these things; it was shameful, but – having been a dutiful and obedient daughter all her life – she hadn’t mingled with too many morally ambiguous people.
“Hey,” she whispered, catching Nori just outside his brother’s draper’s shop, a wrapped sandwich in his hands.
“Hello?” he replied, looking at her with inquisitive caution; he knew that talking to young girls after nightfall could potentially get him into more trouble than he was willing to risk being caught up in, but the girl staring up at him with uncertain eyes didn’t look like a trap.
She seemed to need help with something and the piece of paper she clutched to her chest looked eerily familiar as well; he would listen to what she had to say, he decided.
“I wondered,” Vio started, clearing her throat, “if you knew someone who did tattoos.”
“Funny,” he laughed, “you’re not the first who’s asked me about that. Do I look like a person who would know?”
Her eyes closed in silent defeat as she nodded very lightly.
“Right you are,” he beamed at her, shaking her by the shoulder gently, “so, tell me girl, do you have any tattoos?”
Vio shook her head and swallowed heavily; she was a little afraid of the pain, but she knew that she really wanted this for herself. She would be braver and stronger if only she could always have her beloved drawings with her.
“I know just the person,” Nori went on, “very careful.”
Then, another thought crossed his mind, and he cocked his head: “It’s not something naughty, is it? I am afraid that the…artist I have in mind might be a bit of a prude.”
Vio didn’t know how to reply to that; of course, she would not get something reprehensible eternalised on her skin and the mere suggestion made the heat surge into her cheeks once more.
“Actually, what do you want to get? If you don’t mind me asking?” Nori inquired, shifting a tiny bit.
He’s nervous, Vio realised, and somehow, this made him so much more approachable and trustworthy to her within a single instant.
They were standing in a back alley after sundown after all, and yet, she felt as calm and collected as she possibly could.
“Hmmm,” she murmured, “it’s a bunch of flowers someone drew for me.”
“Oh,” Nori grinned, “it so happens that the person I was about to suggest to you has been practising flowers a lot recently.”
A terrible suspicion arose in Vio’s mind that she pushed aside instantly.
“Who would that mysterious person be then?” she asked, a slight tremor of nerves in her voice despite her attempts to convince herself that it would be too much of a coincidence or just blatant nepotism.
“Here he comes,” Nori cried out, waving at someone behind her back enthusiastically.
“Hey No…” Ori’s voice died in his throat as he saw the young girl turn around, her hair swinging as her head moved and her eyes widening upon seeing him.
“No doubt you know my brother,” Nori talked on cheerfully, “he’s a good sort. Ori, the lass wants to get a tattoo of some flower…”
He turned his gaze back to Vio and asked: “You’re the girl from the flower shop, right?”
“I am,” Vio croaked weakly.
“Well, my older brother has the draper’s shop, down the street there,” he pointed at the dark building, “and you might accuse me of nepotism, but he makes damn fine clothes, and the kid draws really well, on paper as well as skin.”
The kid, Vio repeated in her head – dazed and confused – over and over to make herself believe that this angelic creature with his streetlamp-halo was indeed but a ‘kid brother’ rather than the object of her most secret and laughable desires.
“What kind of flower do you want to get?” Ori asked quietly; it had been weeks of finding single blossoms outside of his window and – if he was not very much mistaken – the sheet of paper pressed against the girl’s chest was his latest rendition of the beauty imparted to him.
“All of them,” Vio whispered, handing said sheet back to him but never letting go of one corner as if she feared that he’d just whisk it away.
“What am I missing here?” Nori cried out, horrified to realise that there was some secret understanding between the two of them that he had not been made aware of.
It took a single moment, the time of a gaze, the length of a breath for Nori to catch on to what was really happening; they had been talking about the same semi-secret the whole time.
“You’re the one who leaves the flowers on the windowsill,” Nori screeched excitedly, “and who takes the lovingly crafted drawings away in the evening.”
“I am,” Vio admitted, “I have kept them all.”
She was no longer talking to Nori but staring right into his brother’s eyes as she went on: “I’ve been carrying them around with me for extra beauty, extra courage, or extra luck; paper is woefully unenduring though.”
“You want me to draw them on you?” Ori was aware of how squeaky his voice sounded in this moment, but the mere idea that anyone could like his silly, little sketches enough to do so much as keep them, let alone get them engraved onto their skin made him light-headed with joy.
Vio nodded, shame-faced to be caught in the pursuit of such an intimate desire – even though part of her knew that she would have had to ask for his permission as soon as she’d been brave enough to even talk to him – and yet oddly elated at the fire in Ori’s eyes.
“It would be my honour and pleasure,” he uttered earnestly, “if you’ll give them back to me, I’ll work on them some more before we start. Is that okay for you?”
Vio made a face.
“I don’t like to see them leave my possession,” she said slowly, “what if you lied and you’ll never give them back?”
With a short chuckle, Ori shook his head and offered for her to come have her lunch sandwich in the backroom of the draper’s shop.
“You can come watch me work on them,” he grinned, “and then take them away with you again? Or you’ll leave them to me, and I’ll give you something of mine to hold on to in the meantime. After work, you’ll come over again, and we’ll switch back. Deal?”
Taking hold of his slender, warm hand, Vio shook it vigorously and agreed: “Deal!”
That night, surrounded by her beloved drawings that would soon be with her forever, Vio congratulated herself; not only had she found a tattoo artist willing to accommodate her, but she had also somehow managed to arrange two meetings with her crush per day.
Just before she fell asleep, she wondered if Ori was aware of just how much he would see her.
On the other side of the town, Ori was very much conscious of that fact, and it made him smile.
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Did it as its own post again :)
Let me know if you want to hear more/have a secondary pairing in mind. Lots of love <3
-> Part 2
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Green Eyes
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Young Prince Thorin gets his first look at The Great Sea, and has a strange encounter with a mysterious woman...
Was trying to write this as a drabble, ended up with 500 words.
Characters: Thorin, in his wandering days
Warnings: None 
Thorin stopped to take in the view, mist from the crashing waves tickling his skin. He had heard Men and Elves talk about the sea, this was the first time he had seen it for himself. The sight had inspired him to pick his way over a jumble of wet boulders to stand among the waves. The horizon extending out forever, the cries of birds, the smell of salt and seaweed. Turning back toward shore he caught sight of something wedged between the rocks at his feet. An animal skin, supple and smooth, covered with dense brown hair. He rolled it between his fingers, thinking it would make a good pair of winter gloves, and maybe a vest. Thorin was stuffing it into his pack when saw a woman’s head appear out of a wave. In a flash she leapt out of the water, standing tall on the rock in front of him. She was completely naked, lithe and beautiful. Flawless white skin, a wild mane of red hair, eyes green and sparkling like the sea. There was something ethereal about her, and a kind of animal wariness.
“You would take my skin?” Thorin couldn’t tell from her tone if she was accusing him, or asking him to do it. Her voice was husky, as if long unused.
“Pardon me, my lady. I meant no offense. I only thought it too fine to go to waste in the waves.” Quite taken aback, he held it out to her. She clutched it close to her body, eyes wide with wonder.
“You give it back to me freely!”
Thorin smiled. “It appears you have much more need of it than I!”
“’Tis a rare man would do that,” she seemed to relax slightly, pushed her dripping hair away from her face.
“Well, I am not a Man, I am a Dwarf. The ways of the sea are unknown to me. My home is far away, across the mountains…,” his voice trailed off. “At least, it used to be.”
“I have never seen mountains,” her voice sounded almost wistful.
As she spoke, Thorin recalled he had not seen houses or any sign of habitation all day. “Do you live near here?”
For answer the strange woman laughed and dove back into the waves. Thorin watched the spot, but she didn’t reappear. After a time, he began making his way to the shore, puzzling at the strange encounter. It seemed the sea was a place of many mysteries. When he looked back he spotted the head of some animal floating among the waves, watching him with soulful eyes. He paused and they looked at each other for a long time.
Seals, Thorin thought to himself. That’s what they’re called. It had taken him awhile to remember the name. In the days that followed he saw many of them as he journeyed up the coast, heads bobbing in the waves, or sunning themselves on the rocks.
But he never saw another one with green eyes.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aragorn | Estel & Boromir (Son of Denethor II) Characters: Aragorn | Estel, Boromir (Son of Denethor II) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Boromir Lives, Teasing, Banter, Discussions of birthdays, discussions of the future, On the road to Helm's Deep Series: Part 1 of What Peace Brings Summary: After Amon Hen, Aragorn loses track of days and misses one of personal significance.
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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March Madness is here!! Quick little reminder of the rules which can be found in more depth on this post as well:
We have 48 characters ranked across 3 different brackets to battle it out for the honor of #1 Tolkien Character, and here’s how you can make sure your favorite character gets picked:
Submit your own fics to our Fic Submit Form featuring that character.
Once you have used a fic, it can not be used again for the remainder of the tournament.
Prompts will be provided each round if you want to write any new fics BUT OLDER FICS WILL BE ACCEPTED TOO!
Characters not specifically stated on the bracket CAN be used, they just go under the “Wild Card” category.
Please make sure the characters you tag are the main characters, as every character tagged does get a vote. (So if you use a ship like Sam x Frodo, both Sam and Frodo will each get 1 vote.)
Canon OCs (i.e. Dis’ Husband, Thranduil’s wife) will not get their own character count.  
Round 1 is open from from Mar. 1- Mar. 8 with update posts on Mar. 4 and Mar. 6.
Getting into the “battle spirit” please feel free to use these ACTION PACKED DIALOGUE PROMPTS if you need any inspiration. 
"...is this a bad time?"
"A frying pan...really?"
"Which one do I hit?!"
"Are you aware that it's actually ON FIRE?"
"How about you punch, and I hold?"
"This really doesn't call for weapons...does it?"
"Is that your blood or mine?"
"Hand me another pint, and I'll be ready to go again."
May the best character win. Brackets are under the cut below.
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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So much changed since the last update and it’s been way too much fun to watch. We’ve had a few upsets and we’ve had A LOT of ties, but plenty more March Madness to go! 
If you want a recap of the rules, please make sure to check out THIS POST. Please make sure you are submitting your fics to THIS FORM in order to make it count towards your character (new or old, we will take them!). 
Round 2 will run from Mar. 9 to Mar. 15 with a bracket update on Mar. 11 and Mar. 13.
Here are some fresh prompts if you’re wanting to create new! And updated brackets are under the cut. Ties from the previous round will result in 3-way battles for this round. May the best character win!
Action Packed Dialogue Prompts:
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Wait! You're the one I'm supposed to be protecting?"
"Help me out with this one?"
"You're going to fight in that?"
"Tell me. Does the lack of shirt actually improve your skills or are you just that proud?"
"This...may not be the best place for that."
"Should we help them or let them drown?"
"...you actually expect me to believe that you're still alive...because of a cat?"
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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After a SUPER tough round, we have a top 6! Breaking free from the brackets, we are now in a free for all for the championship. Top 3 will move on to the next round. 
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If you want a recap of the rules, please make sure to check out THIS POST. Please make sure you are submitting your fics to THIS FORM in order to make it count towards your character (new or old, we will take them!).
Since this is a smaller round, there’s less prompts (but still some good ones!!). 
Action Packed Dialogue Prompts:
"No, no, no. If you want to defeat me, then you'll have to do it by the carefully outlined and meticulous rules of combat."
"I wasn't trying to hit you."
"Hey...are you dead?"
"Is this a fight or would you two like some privacy?"
"Just...distract them."
Good luck to all!
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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Fellowship, it is my pleasure to introduce you to your TIER THREE COMPETITORS!!
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Qualifying 3rd, we have Thorin Oakenshield! Our Champion from last year, Thorin had a harder time than expected with our Silm Wild Card, Feanor. But a relatively easy sweep from there past Merry, Eomer, and his own sister, Dis. Now that he’s made it to the final round, we’ll have to hope Thorin can secure his throne without having to wage war against another five armies.
Qualifying 2nd, Bilbo Baggins definitely proves he’s a not a burden or doesn’t belong to this tournament. Many Hobbit Wild Cards tried to go head to head, only to fall in the first round. Faramir tried to hang on in the next round, but it was Melkor to nearly upset our hobbit with a narrow 1 point victory into the Superlative Six. Can this self-proclaimed “luck-wearer” hang on to victory?
And finally, qualifying first for this round, he goes by many names: Sauron, Annatar, The Eye, Mairon! A true Cinderella story, this fallen Maiar was seeded 15th for his bracket below the Ringbearer who destroyed him, Frodo. However, each round Frodo, Elrond, Maedhros, and Kili all learned why this Dark Lord was the King of Men. Give this antagonist a chance to finally rule the world!
Lol thank you everyone for indulging me, I’ve been wanting to do that all tournament! 
If you want a recap of the rules, please make sure to check out THIS POST. Please make sure you are submitting your fics to THIS FORM in order to make it count towards your character (new or old, we will take them!).
The final winner will be announced Mar. 31st. 
And here’s our LAST ROUND of Action-Packed Dialogue Prompts! Thank you so much for everyone who has played whether with new fics or old! ❤️
"I suppose there were worse places to hide. I can't think of any right now."
"How have you not died already?"
"Bring on the next contestant."
"First thing you should know...it was an accident."
"I left you alone for two minutes..."
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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The Cinderella stories and Dark Horses continue! We had enough ties that we actually have 17 moving on into this round. Now after this round, we leave the bracket format and enter into a sort of “free for all” to determine the top 3. So things are about to get a lot more interesting!
If you want a recap of the rules, please make sure to check out THIS POST. Please make sure you are submitting your fics to THIS FORM in order to make it count towards your character (new or old, we will take them!).
This Round will last from Mar. 16 to Mar. 21. 
Here are some fresh prompts if you’re wanting to create new! And updated brackets are under the cut. May the best dwarf/elf/human/hobbit/dragon/maiar win!
Action Packed Dialogue Prompts:
"Watch your back!"
"HA! Take that!"
"Faster! FASTER!"
"Maybe fighting around a bunch of injured people isn't the best idea..."
"A bar brawl? How original..."
"Did you just knock them both out all on your own?"
"It would be easier to punch if I had a little more room."
"VICTORY IS MINE--...well that's not what you want to see."
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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ROUND 3 COMES OUT TOMORROW!! So let’s do one final check for Round 2. Submits for Round 2 end tonight at 11:59 pm CST.
Bracket A:
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Thorin (8) v. Merry (0)- THORIN is in the lead!
Eomer (0) v. Dwalin (0) v. Dis (1)- DIS is in the lead!
Kili (4) v. Maedhros (0)- KILI is in the lead!
Elrond (5) v. Sauron/Mairon (3)- ELROND is in the lead!
Bracket B: 
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Ori (4) v. Oin (1)- ORI is in the lead!
Thranduil (2) v. Boromir (4)- BOROMIR is in the lead!
Aragorn (4) v. Erestor (7)- ERESTOR is in the lead!
Glorfindel (2) v. Fili (4)- FILI is in the lead!
Bracket C: 
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Bilbo (8) v. Faramir (1) v. Pippin (0)- BILBO is in the lead!
Fingon (0) v. Melkor (3)- MELKOR is in the lead!
Bard (1) v. Celebrimbor (1) v. Maglor (1)- It’s a tie! (All 3 will move on)
Balin (0) v. Smaug (1) v. Sam (1)- It’s a tie! (Smaug and Sam will move on)
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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I guess I forgot to mention this and just hoped everyone remembered from last year... 😅 (OOPS MY BAD!) But the number of points reset each round to keep things fair and interesting so these results are really going to be surprising!
Don’t forget  to submit your fics to this form! AO3 or Tumblr format is accepted!
Dont’ know the rules? Check that out HERE!
Bracket A:
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Thorin (5) v. Merry (0)- THORIN is in the lead!
Eomer (0) v. Dwalin (0) v. Dis (1)- DIS is in the lead!
Kili (2) v. Maedhros (0)- KILI is in the lead!
Elrond (2) v. Sauron/Mairon (0)- ELROND is in the lead!
Bracket B:
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Ori (0) v. Oin (1)- OIN is in the lead!
Thranduil (1) v. Boromir (4)- BOROMIR is in the lead!
Aragorn (4) v. Erestor (1)- ARAGORN is in the lead!
Glorfindel (0) v. Fili (1)- FILI is in the lead!
Bracket C:
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Bilbo (5) v. Faramir (1) v. Pippin (0)- BILBO is in the lead!
Fingon (0) v. Melkor (0)- There are no votes here yet...
Bard (0) v. Celebrimbor (0) v. Maglor (1)- MAGLOR is in the lead!
Balin (0) v. Smaug (1) v. Sam (0)- SMAUG is in the lead!
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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Winners will be announced at 9am CST on Mar. 9th with the start of Round 2. So there is still plenty of time to see your character through to the next round!
Don’t forget  to submit your fics to this form! AO3 or Tumblr format is accepted!
Dont’ know the rules? Check that out HERE!
Bracket A:
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Thorin (10) v. Feanor (2)- THORIN is in the lead!
Lobelia (0) v. Merry (2)- MERRY is in the lead!
Nori (4) v. Eomer (3)- NORI is in the lead!
Dwalin (3) v. Dis (3)- It’s a tie! (Both characters will move on.)
Kili (3) v. Narvi (0)- KILI is in the lead!
Dori (2) v. Maedhros (10)- MAEDHROS is in the lead!
Eowyn (0) v. Elrond (3)- ELROND is in the lead!
Frodo (3) v. Sauron (0)- FRODO is in the lead!
Bracket B:
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Ori (34) v. LOTR Wild Card (0)- ORI is in the lead!
Haldir (0) v. Oin (1)- OIN is in the lead!
Thranduil (1) v. Lindir (0)- THRANDUIL is in the lead!
Boromir (8) v. Dain (0)- BOROMIR is in the lead!
Aragorn (3) v. Elros (2)- ARAGORN is in the lead!
Bombur (0) v. Erestor (2)- ERESTOR is in the lead!
Arwen (0) v. Glorfindel (1)- GLORFINDEL is in the lead!
Fili (7) v. Galadriel (0)- FILI is in the lead!
Bracket C:
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Bilbo (14) v. Azog (1)/Belladonna (1)/Bungo (1)/Thror (1)- BILBO is in the lead!
Faramir (2) v. Pippin (3)- PIPPIN is in the lead!
Gimli (2) v. Fingon (8)- FINGON is in the lead!
Bofur (1) v. Melkor (0)- BOFUR is in the lead!
Bard (2) v. Celebrimbor (2)- It’s a tie! (Both characters will move on.)
Legolas (2) v. Maglor (4)- MAGLOR is in the lead!
Balin (1) v. Smaug (0)- BALIN is in the lead!
Sam (4) v. Gandalf (1)- SAM is in the lead!
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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Alright guys, we only have about 4 more days left on Round 1 so let’s see where the brackets stack. Couple of quick reminders though!!
You can submit any fic as long as you wrote it to count towards your character!! 
If you want your character to move on to the next round make sure you submit fics to the form HERE! 
Once you use a fic, you can’t use it again for the rest of the tournament. So if your character looks like they are going to sail by easily, hang on to those fics til the next round. 
Characters with 0 votes will not move on to the next round!! (And we’ve got a fair few.) So be submitting fics so we can have a full tournament! Now, the update!
Bracket A:
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Thorin (4) v. Silm Wild Card (0)- THORIN IS IN THE LEAD!
Lobelia (0) v. Merry (2)- MERRY IS IN THE LEAD!
Nori (0) v. Eomer (0)- No votes for either yet...
Dwalin (0) v. Dis (2)- DIS IS IN THE LEAD!
Kili (1) v. Narvi (0)- KILI IS IN THE LEAD!
Dori (0) v. Maedhros (0)- No votes for either yet...
Eowyn (0) v. Elrond (1)- ELROND IS IN THE LEAD!
Frodo (1) v. Sauron/Mairon (0)- FRODO IS IN THE LEAD!
Bracket B:
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Ori (0) v. LOTR Wild Card (0)- No votes for either yet...
Haldir (0) v. Oin (1)- OIN IS IN THE LEAD!
Thranduil (1) v. Lindir (0)- THRANDUIL IS IN THE LEAD!
Boromir (4) v. Dain (0)- BOROMIR IS IN THE LEAD!
Aragorn (0) v. Elros (0)- No votes for either yet...
Bombur (0) v. Erestor (0)- No votes for either yet...
Arwen (0) v. Glorfindel (0)- No votes for either yet...
Fili (2) v. Galadriel (0)- FILI IS IN THE LEAD!
Bracket C: 
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Bilbo (8) v. Belladonna (1)/Bungo (1)/Thror (1)- BILBO IS IN THE LEAD!
Faramir (1) v. Pippin (2)- PIPPIN IS IN THE LEAD!
Gimli (0) v. Fingon (0)- No votes for either yet...
Bofur (0) v. Melkor (0)- No votes for either yet...
Bard (1) v. Celebrimbor (0)- BARD IS IN THE LEAD!
Legolas (0) v. Maglor (0)- No votes for either yet...
Balin (1) v. Smaug (0)- BALIN IS IN THE LEAD!
Sam (2) v. Gandalf (0)- SAM IS IN THE LEAD!
ROUND ONE ENDS MAR. 8TH!! Still plenty of time to submit fics and change the results! For a reminder on the full set of rules, please see this post HERE. 
Feel free to send in asks if you have any questions!
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Let’s check in on our Tier Three and see how everyone is doing...
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Thorin- 3
Mairon- 4
Bilbo- 6
CAN BILBO HOLD ON TO THE LEAD??? You have til 12am CST to decide. 👀
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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Okay so I was going to wait a couple of days before giving another update, but we’ve had some submits yesterday that have drastically changed my last post.  🤣 (And I still have many Ori, Maedhros, and Fingon fics to count...)
Next official update will come Mar. 7th, and Round 1 will end Mar. 8th! If you want to know how your character is doing any time before that, please feel free to send an ask or DM @sunnyrosewritesstuff​! I can definitely do little updates between now and then.😉
Don’t forget if you want to see your character move on to the next round you have to submit your fics to this form! AO3 or Tumblr format is accepted!
Dont’ know the rules? Check that out HERE!
And without further ado:
Bracket A:
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Thorin (7) v. Feanor (2)- THORIN is in the lead!
Lobelia (0) v. Merry (2)- MERRY is in the lead!
Nori (1) v. Eomer (3)- EOMER is in the lead!
Dwalin (2) v. Dis (2)- It’s a tie! (Both characters will move on.)
Kili (2) v. Narvi (0)- KILI is in the lead!
Dori (0) v. Maedhros (6)- MAEDHROS is in the lead!
Eowyn (0) v. Elrond (3)- ELROND is in the lead!
Frodo (1) v. Sauron (0)- FRODO is in the lead!
Bracket B:
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Ori (7) v. LOTR Wild Card (0)- ORI is in the lead!
Haldir (0) v. Oin (1)- OIN is in the lead!
Thranduil (1) v. Lindir (0)- THRANDUIL is in the lead!
Boromir (5) v. Dain (0)- DAIN is in the lead!
Aragorn (0) v. Elros (2)- ELROS is in the lead!
Bombur (0) v. Erestor (2)- ERESTOR is in the lead!
Arwen (0) v. Glorfindel (1)- GLORFINDEL is in the lead!
Fili (6) v. Galadriel (0)- FILI is in the lead!
Bracket C:
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Bilbo (10) v. Belladonna (1)/Bungo (1)/Thror (1)- BILBO is in the lead!
Faramir (1) v. Pippin (3)- PIPPIN is in the lead!
Gimli (2) v. Fingon (4)- FINGON is in the lead!
Bofur (1) v. Melkor (0)- BOFUR is in the lead!
Bard (1) v. Celebrimbor (2)- CELEBRIMBOR is in the lead!
Legolas (2) v. Maglor (3)- MAGLOR is in the lead!
Balin (1) v. Smaug (0)- BALIN is in the lead!
Sam (2) v. Gandalf (1)- SAM is in the lead!
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY FOR ROUND 3!! Let’s check into our brackets and see how everything is going:
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Thorin (8) v. Eomer (0) v. Dis (1)- THORIN is in the lead!
Kili (0) v. Maedhros (0) v. Sauron/Mairon (0)- No votes for these characters yet...
Ori (2) v. Thranduil (1) v. Boromir (4)- BOROMIR is in the lead!
Erestor (0) v. Fili (1)- FILI is in lead!
Bilbo (9) v. Melkor (0)- BILBO is in lead!
Bard (1) v. Maglor (0) v. Smaug (0) v. Sam (0)- BARD is in the lead!
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