#found this in my drafts idk why i never posted it lmao
waluigistits · 1 year
simon’s living a historical drama while sara’s living a horse girl movie
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ewyaschild · 1 year
heyy! I saw you write for Spider *excited hand clapping* this boy deserve more love! Soooo i wanted to request something hehe! So i was thinking, we grew up together with Spider and the Sully kids (we're human), and always been close to Spider, and both kinda have a crush on eachother but never acted on it. everything's good and happy until the recoms arrive. we get kidnapped along with Spider, and during the time with quaritch and his squad, we grow closer, and feelings get more real and intence. and one day (maybe when they attack the metkayina village trying to find jake), it's kinda too much for both of us, and it leads to a kiss (or lots of kisses idk lol).
sorry it's a messy request lmao i'm just happy to see someone who writes for him <3 thanks in advance!
nonnie don't even apologize ur so real for this. i had something JUST like this in my drafts you don't even understand how hard i've been thinking about this for weeks! lowkey don't think this is my best work but i'm still gonna post it cs why not
🧾: fluff, mentions of quaritch lighting that one clan tf up, distressed spider
heart to heart • spider socorro
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you've always had to be around spider, and it wasn't a problem at all. of course you'd banter and roughhouse with the sully kids growing up, but at the end of the day it was always you and him.
being able to have your mother on pandora with you was a huge privilege, or at least to spider. you were taught things he wasn't, felt things he couldn't, heard things he didn't. not all of which was parental but also scientific. your mother being a scientist on pandora led you into the same path.
spending most of your time in the base working on tech instead of outside playing with spider and the sully kids wasn't always a downside. you preferred it like this anyway, the oxygen mask bothered you.
spider was a sweet child; but stubborn and convincing. especially on days you didn't want to be outside he'd always found a way to drag you out to small ponds and little ditches with the sully kids to play and splash. he'd lead you out of the base after fastening your mask, swinging his hand into yours.
spider made you feel normal on a planet full of blue aliens. (literally)
it seems as though you and spider were attached by the hip. and when you weren't, he'd come back to the base before eclipse and bring you many pretty flowers and trinkets kiri had lent him for that very purpose. nobody made you smile like spider did. even on days he was feeling down about his father, or just lack of parental figure in general, you'd be there to comfort him and return those smiles to him.
though spider loved to drag you outside the comfort of your very very very uncomfortable lab chair, he learned to leave you alone with time. (not really) but one unfortunate day spider managed to get you back out into the woods of pandora.
he blames himself for your kidnapping. if he didn't take you with the sully kids, you wouldn't be in this situation.
sat in his cell, he thought and thought. were you being out through that brain torture device too? did you tell them where jake was? did they hurt you?
tears welled in his eyes as he couldn't even bare the thought of you being injured.
when you reunited, it was with a deep hug. "holy shit." spider whispers in your ear. "i'm so sorry- this is all my fault." you're quick to shut him up. "no spider, you didn't know this would happen." he shook his head in response. there was a stronger feeling between you two; a different type of normal tension. you always knew you deeply cared for spider, but feelings become uncertain every-time you feel his skin on yours. it becomes so much more intimate. lovingly.
a deep sigh erupts from your lips when the sound of quaritch and his goons talking. curiosity forces you to pull away from spider, both of your feet slowly moving towards the conversation. crouching down, you eavesdropped. the plan was to move location onto a ship and sail to find jake sully.
i'm only what seems like a year you reach a reef na'vi clan. you can only weep and watch in terror as quaritch and his team scorch an innocent tribe. not only does this horrify you, but spiders screams don't lessen the damage. the moment was pure evil. nobody deserves to be treated like this... all to find one man?
spider is silent as he's pulled back into the ship. you're still sat the window where you watched the recent tragedy unfold. your eyes follow spider as he sits down next to you, quick to put his head in his hands and take deep breaths. concern clouds your mind as there's nothing you can deep right in your head to say to spider. is a conversation even possible right now?
so many thoughts at once makes you slow to realize spiders eyes burning deep holes into your face. when yours meet his, there's an entire universe of tenderness in them. an immediate abundance of love hits you in the chest. his brown eyes remind you that actions speak louder than words. your hand slowly moves forward onto his shoulder, and in one move he's softly pushing you into him by your waist and finishing the effort with a kiss.
this continued even after you were panting and heaving your chest. he couldn't get enough of you, and you needed more. though the kissing eventually came to a halt, more sensual hugs and touches were looming. now your feelings weren't uncertain. you loved spider whether that was platonically or romantically, and there was no doubt he felt the same way.
that same evening ship you both fell asleep at the window.
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aeligsido · 3 days
Hiyaaaa! 🧚‍♂️
You said in this ask that you would love to talk about your OCs, sooooo... Top 5 OC? 👀🍬
Hiiii 🕺
I also do indeed!
1) how dare you make me try to rank my babies (affectionate) 2) top 5 oc of what!! So many things I could go off on!!!
Jk jk, but I did choose to list five of my first OC created in a fandom. Bc why not. Important note that some of them were created more than ten years ago (a bit reworked more recently)!
1- [Fairy Tail] Lyna Dreyar (technically now Dreyar-McGarden) . I genuinely don't remember much from when I created her years ago — I think I do have notes somewhere. She was always Laxus' little sister though. She was also a Dragon Slayer but now she isn't anymore jdjdjdb. I think I reworked her personality a bit too? She was more of an extrovert in my first drafts I think, but she's not as much anymore 🤔
2- [One Piece] Monkey D. Ceeli (previously Shelly). Once again, I created her a long time ago! And she changed a bit, too. (I mean, we also learned some more about this world since I created her lmao). She's Luffy's little sister (by three years). In my first drafts (I do have a fanfic with a few chapters posted with her as a character, over on my ff.net... not on ao3 bc i don't think I will ever complete it) she was supposed to have been raised with the ASL brothers, with a pretty serious personality and very interested by the Revolutionary in general. Also I don't remember what it was exactly but she had powers™. Now, she has a super powered haki (bc i can), she was raised by their mother (for... reasons), and Luffy doesn't know her (or that she exists). She's also way less serious and a bit more into the overexcited side.
3- [HP] Daisy Potter (it... wasn't her first name when I first thought about her but I can't remember what it was now). Again, a very old OC! She wasn't that developed all that time ago, but she's way more present in my mind now haha. You will never guess, but she's Harry's little sister, bc i once found the HC that Lily was pregnant when she died and I ran away with it. Interestingly enough, I think that the explanation I have for her birth now and then is the same? And same for her fate in canon,,, (I mean, a canon where she's born). Rip (i love u baby). I put her in a lot of different aus now, where she grows up differently each time and things impact her differently, but I think at her core she's a very brave and smart girl who wants to do good. She's her parents' daughter all the way!
4- [Star Wars] Letti Kryze. One of my most recent ones! So maybe five years old or so idk what time is. She's Korkie Kryze's daughter, a Jedi, eight years younger than Luke & Leia, and has the habit of causing accidental chaos everywhere she goes. I love her she's a baby. I remember after watching the first season of the Mandalorian thinking it would be funny if her and Din kept throwing the Darksaber back at each other bc neither of them want to be the big boss™. She's a tired teenage girl in the middle of an intergalactic war who just wants her father back and it shows.
5- [DC] Emma Pennyworth. Alfred's granddaughter via his daughter Julia. She is, in general, done with the Batfam's collective bullshit, and wants to hold the braincell. She's also like, twelve, so there's that. I've written her a few times actually!! She tries so hard to be serious and mature and she forgets a bit to be a kid, but also her favorite sport is annoying Damian lmao.
Bonus — this one time I was very into Hetalia and created an OC Bretagne, bc of course I did.
Yes there's a common theme in all of those lmao. Interestingly enough, even when the OC is like... Cringey and a bit Mary-Sue and all, the goal was always to have them as part of the family and... That's it. Legit 0 of them have a love interest (I'm thinking of Cana for Lyna but that's a very recent development, and I do have a few ideas for Letti but it would be another OC)!! It's so funny in insight idkdkd
I also have a fair share of OCs that are like. The next gen (you know the type). So there's that. I'm giving so many characters kids and I'm not even sorry.
... Well kids or random family members lmao.
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puckpocketed · 2 months
What would it take for you to become interested in my team? blood sacrifice? prayers? Please... you say send propaganda but idk where to begin
ajklsdkjlasdkjldasklj WHAT A THING TO RECEIVE. okay okay taking a break from my research hole this afternoon to give people a guide on how to bait me into posting about their guys:
im not a shipper but i DO love when players are connected by long-standing close friendships, line chemistry, and the tragedy of being torn apart by trades/drafts - it's ship-adjacent i suppose. you could probably send me stuff like that and ill bite <3
interesting guys to me are like... their hockey is probably my first port of call, and then their stories, and then personalities. i love when a player treads the extremes of will and/or skill. think your tkachuks who have never taken a shift off in their lives; theyre always playing playoffs hockey. think m.stone and his hockey watching basement set up LMAO (hockey FREAK. love. LOVE) and his absurd, stat-breaking takeaway numbers. think QB and his unusual mix of agility + size + skill. and recently i'm interested in rodwin dionicio, who has been described as this unfathomably Different player archetype, and like IF he hits, he will probably change the way we think about role-based hockey (we are mostly talking in hyperbole. but. more on him down the line)
failure, being pathetic, being a loser? killer . love when guys kind of just suck. when they do everything but don't make it. when they don't do everything and don't make it. there are 32 teams and only one of those teams gets to spend the summer happy with the way they ended their year. if i reserved my interest for winners, for players who are Good at hockey, I think I'd be missing out <3 the stink of tragedy is like a sweet perfume. to ME !!!!!!!!!!
people respond the best to other people's enthusiasm, is what I've found. like I've said it before but someone has to be first, so why not you? post about your special guy and they might catch fire. i'm happy to get the ball rolling and be the only person posting in a player's tag. its fun. like frontier work !
there's really no rush the way i see it. i think everyone's got some kind of compelling story, so ill probably love the whole league eventually lmaooo
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telomirage · 4 months
hi!!! ☺️ for the writer asks: 20, 22, 23, 26, 32, 39, 56, and 58?
hi hello! ☺️
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Food as a love language for sure. I think there's also a lot of teasing, banter, and casual intimacy. Some of my friends saw a fic during the anonymous posting period of a fest they knew I signed up for, saw the tag "team as family," and sent it to me like, "this you?" And yes. It was me lmao. Found/forged family is also very important to me.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won't do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Hmmm there's nothing that immediately comes to mind. I haven't tried writing social media fic because I'm sure I'd get bogged down by formatting, but that doesn't mean I'll never do it.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Read. Take breaks. Read some more. Try to write for yourself first. Your interests, your "self indulgence." And remember that a first draft can and probably should be rough.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
idk what would be considered a wild ride but Tether certainly put me through it, trying to see how many mini universes I could create and then string together with thread.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
oh no 😭 this, like the "link your three favorite fics" one, is so hard.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
Presented from (working title, which will probably stick in the end lol) a nice ring to it 💍 without further comment:
Younghyun smiled like he wasn't about to ruin Seungmin’s life or put Jisung in immediate danger and asked, “So, when are you planning to, as the kids say, ‘wife him up?’” Jisung choked and Seungmin shrank back to avoid the spray of Fanta from his mouth. Younghyun was not so lucky. His face dripped while Jisung continued to cough. The table got the worst of it, but Younghyun was unmistakably wet. Seungmin nudged a roll of tissue within Younghyun’s reach. He and Jisung waited for Younghyun to mop his face before speaking again. “I'm not sure what you mean,” Seungmin said carefully. Jisung took a different approach. “Hyung, you’re not even that old. Why did you have to say it like that?” Neither of these encouraged Younghyun to drop it.
56. What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
While beta-reading a draft for me, one of my friends said I was really good at writing amusing despair, and I think that's true. I also like when I'm able to nail the evocative imagery in my head to the page/screen. "Wonwoo blinks and the universe blinks back," baby!
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
Brainstorming! And what I like to call the chatfic stage where I inflict my thoughts upon my friends. I love to share. I also love when pieces start to come together.
"get to know your fic writer" ask meme
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Random Facts About About My Stories/Writing:
•Risk it all was going to have a Kuina, Chishiya love triangle (I vetoed the idea)
•My YoonMin Fic was initially a yn x yoongi fic
• Twisted Feelings didn’t gain much traction at first I nearly ended it until a friend told me how much they enjoyed it. (This is why comments and inbox submissions are so important)
• Come Here Sweetheart nearly was scrapped, I found it hard to do.
• I initially didn’t want to write for Niragi but ended up doing it anyway.
• I have so many stories that need editing but not enough time so I hate looking at past work because of the mistakes.
•Trust Me was supposed to be a one shot but I wanted to write more, I was going to turn it into a series and didn’t. Jimin was going to break YNs heart. ( I was depressed lmao)
•I have had a Kuina and Ann 4 chapter fic sitting in my drafts for a year, it’s complete and edited but it but I have a lot of personal stuff in it and it may be too heavy so idk what to do with it.
• I figured out my sexuality/identity after reading/writing The Gentlemen.
• TGM hobi was going to join the relationship (my idea) I changed it when I understood more of what he represented for so many people.
•I want to write me own universe story, I have a few ideas for a story but it would be 200k plus and I can’t decide on the ship. I want to finish all my current stories and then work on it.
•I wrote the first 20 chapters of risk it all in 3 weeks, I was exhausted and left myself so drained. Never do that.
• Many of my story plots started from dreams or one liners I see in random places, I don’t plan many of my stories. Risk it all, trust me and twisted feelings are the only ones.
•I got de@th threats for posting BTS fics but continued anyway bc I have too many ideas.
•I really do have too many ideas and my hands can’t write fast enough. I hate that I can’t get my stories out the way I want too.
• I tend to write between 10pm and 4am I have insomnia and can never really sleep, I edit during the day but very rarely will I write in the day time.
•someone recommended me my own story on Twitter, I felt so good 😭
•In quiet getaway I was going to make it an angst fix with more than 1 chapter but it worked well for the 1000 special. I was worried to post it bc a friend had wrote a similar trope in her story little so you know (recommend it 100) and I didn’t want her to think I copied her.
•we may revisit the futures of the 1000 followers special couples depending on what people want.
•Not So Dinner date was supposed to be Jin x reader but I changed it to Namjoon.
•Risk it all Chishiya was going to kill Niragi
• Risk it all Arisu was going to fight Chishiya but didn’t
•I have risk it alls ending planned out it’s just a matter of writing and posting, I’d say there’s 20-25 more chapters.
•Twisted feelings will have around 40 chapters.
•Hoseok and Jimin were contenders for the day date in the last chapter of TGM but it changed when jimin won the fan gave and Hobi was eliminated
• hobi was going to be angry at yn for eliminating him but I couldn’t do that
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mikelogan · 7 months
9, 24 and 27 for the creator asks!
9: Would you say your style has changed a lot since you first started creating? oh for SURE. regardless of what i consider my start bc i used to gif from like 2015-2017 and then i didn't start up again until april of 2023. this time around, i have learned SO much, and i'm sure part of that is just bc of how much gif styles have changed in the last 6-8 years, but also bc i joined a couple gifmaking networks and have gotten so much help through them, found so many resources, and learned tons! to compare, here's one of the sets i was proudest of from Back In The Day. now, it's definitely not horrible, but the coloring and the slow framerate make me borderline homicidal. this one is marginally better, and i remember thinking i was really Doing Something with that typography 😂 here are some of the sets i made early on in my Return to Gifmaking this past April/May. this was one of the first times i'd ever combined multiple gifs into one and girl. what the fuck happened. why are the framerates Like That? what is this typography? i had no business making early l&o gifs 540px wide bc the quality is bad enough at 268px 💀and i think this one is a good example of i got the spirit! the execution just wasn't quite there. i like the main gif with the overlay of the sky, but i'd do the typography very differently and idk if i'd do it in b&w? i could try and remake it tbh, it's been 9 months since i made and posted it.
24: What’s your step by step? How do you organise your editing process? buckle up 😂
make clips of the scene(s) i want to use if i don't already have them
import video frames to layers
action 1: grouping and timing (groups all layers and sets frame rate to 0.05)
delete any extra frames
crop to whatever dimensions i'm using
action 2: sharpening (two smart sharpen layers) + vivid sharpening (i used this tutorial and i usually keep that folder at 30% but sometimes drop it down to 10-15%)
coloring! it depends on what i'm giffing, but i color everything from scratch at least the first time. i save a LOT of my psds, like there's one psd that i use for almost all my tfothou gifs, a couple for hill house depending on the tint of the scene i'm giffing, one for law & order that sometimes needs to be adjusted just a little, one for the good wife, one or two for satc, etc. but they're all psds that i created myself.
typography (if applicable) which almost always involves scrolling through the entire list of fonts just to use one of my go-tos
action 3: this save action from anyataylorjoy
export > save for web!
upload to hellsite (derogatory) and gifsets always immediately go to my drafts, even if i want to post them right away, just so i can make sure i'm happy with everything and try to catch any last-minute mistakes
as for general organization, i'm organized on my computer to a near-ridiculous standard, but it works for me lmao. my psds, templates, and project psds (where i save an entire finished gif if it's for a larger, complex set and then never get rid of them lmao), and all overlays, textures, icons, graphics, transitions, etc. are meticulously organized. my finished gifs are also organized into their own folders.
27: What’s your favourite font to use? in general, monsterrat. i use it for everything in google docs, and it's my fave sans serif to go with serif or script fonts. when i'm using it for giffing, i usually use semibold.
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just-spacetrash · 1 year
ok i'll bite. who is melina
EDIT: ermmm so im cleaning my drafts and i had this here fsgshdgd i frogot i never posted it cause i was too lazy to look for example images :'Ddd but the rant is all there and i still LOVE melina so here<3333 take my unfinished answer to ur question from like 6 months ago LMAO :Dd sorry i never answered this</33
okay first i wanna give a disclaimer: elden ring spoilers but also im not fact checking any of this this is just how i feel about her
so. melina. shes a character in elden ring whos the one that like levels u up and guides you a bit in the beginning. you may know her from the meme where she calls you bitchless
her whole story arc is about how shes gonna help you take down The Golden Order which is like laws of physics and also regular laws in the land and shes gonna do that by burning this
bigass tree. only to do so she like channels the flame through herself and like burns in the process too UNLESS
idk what clicked in my brain when i saw her but shes like everything to me. like everything bagel everything on my freetime i just come up with things that she is like to me. shes like a jenga block to me. like a lost-and-found pair of gloves. like a week old pastry in the window of some bakery. like a crack in a windowscreen of a car. i could go on
in canon shes a very complicated character too cause shes like the daughter of the God Queen Marika entrapped in the tree she wants to burn, and its a bit unclear to me if Marika wants the tree gone or nah since she like. invented the golden order that would be destroyed if the tree burns. either way yeah its like complicated
also im so fascinated by the conflict of how Melinas always talking about like some prophecy or like destiny being the reason why she sacrifices herself but at the same time, the whole burning of the tree is like breaking free of the, well literally, order of how things are
what makes my blorboification of Melina even funnier is that i dont unserstand like most of her lore, i just like her vibe. and so ive decided to craft her into something probably very 'out of character' but i dont mind since im objectively right about everything i say about her.
in conclusion, melina is my blorbo. my wretched little meow meow. my silly rabbit and right hand arm.
thank you
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siodium · 1 year
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asdklasjdlsks maximum late trip update post bc i completely forgot about it in my drafts. 💀 i was too occupied with grinding mapes events for cosmetic items aha.
better late than never i guess??
anyway, here's my long-awaited post about my short 5D4N trip in taiwan with luwi and shoron!! i decided to condense all five days into one post this time bc i didn't take a lot of good pics. :/
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nanjichang night market (南機場夜市) - highly recommended!!!
sumikko gurashi themed 7-ELEVEN (角落小夥伴主題商店)
first thing we did when we landed was to run to a 7-ELEVEN to grab a small bite. i got a strawberry cream sandwich with a mixed fruit/vegetable juice and the sandwich was so tasty... nothing special but so homely. we also picked up an easycard so that we could ride the mrt and omg the designs were all so cute?? why can't we have cute transport passes in sg too!!
after checking into our hostel, we went to nanjichang night market for dinner. i was told that this was the night market that locals would go to, and to avoid shilin night market bc it was more of a tourist attraction/trap?? no regrets tho. the food was great and so affordable. i got deep fried squid (coated with some kind of peppery and salty seasoning powder and spoilers: pretty sure all the fried stuff i ate in taiwan had the same seasoning LOL), shrimp dumplings, and a fermented vegetable baked pepper bun. waaa,, even though i ordered a shrimp dumpling, there was meat in it!! and i cannot handle the taste of meat in taiwan. it's too strong...
i also got an osmanthus tea from one of the bbt stalls there and it was the best bbt i had in taiwan?? unfortunately i didn't catch the name of the stall but there was a catto sitting on the counter!!
ended our day with a trip to the sumikko gurashi 7-ELEVEN. the decor was so cute!! i was hoping there'd be some exclusive merch being sold but there weren't any. idk why but i was determined to find some merch and i kept going into every 7-ELEVEN that was in my sights LMAO spoilers i didn't find any exclusive merch in the end. disappoint :-(
thoughts about the accommodation:
we stayed at the beimen wow poshtel for most of the days. it was reasonably close to the taipei main station and super affordable (~$20 per night) but idk it was giving me major School Camp flashbacks. we got the top bunks so every time we forgot something on the bed, we had to climb up the ladder to get it. it was inconvenient and i found out that i'm terrible at going down ladders bc i just jump off from the highest rung of the ladder and i gave myself quite a few bruises from that.
the rooms were also very tiny. we couldn't all have our luggages open at the same time so we'd go down to the communal area in the basement every day just to move things around. i wouldn't say that this was a massive con bc we got used to this arrangement rly fast. the real bAD THING is that we can't leave our things lying around in the room without locking them up in the lockers (also very smol). i have to clean and dry all my toiletries every day before i go to bed and before i leave. one time i accidentally left my clean clothes bag out and i woke up to find a single dirty sock inside. >:/
but other than that it felt pretty safe?? and i did enjoy our nightly hangouts at the communal area for supper or to plan our next-day activities.
would like to try out a capsule hotel next time tho. like one of those space pod thingies.
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shifen old streets
shifen waterfall
jiufen old streets
zhang ji traditional fishballs
a gan yi taro ball - it's nice but nothing special?? if the queue is too long then don't bother with it
jioufen teahouse - the queue for the famous a-mei teahouse was insane so we decided to try another teahouse
we spent the second day at shifen and jiufen!! took a train to shifen in the morning. walked along the streets and got some street food for lunch. i got brown sugar mochi paw-shaped pancake pops from a stall and i personally wouldn't recommend that flavour bc it was so dry. we also ate some taiwanese-style takoyaki. i watched luwi and shoron make their sky lantern (i couldn't do it bc it's ghost month and my mum said no :/) and release it into the sky. luwi added some good wishes for chi. stay 白 uwu
after walking around for a bit, we ran out of things to do and still had plenty of time to spare so we decided to rent electric scooters to see the shifen waterfall. i was shooketh that they didn't require any license?? and the shop didn't provide any helmets or safety gear?? so sus... i didn't dare to ride one of my own so i pillion'ed behind luwi.
the waterfall was a distance away from the parking lot and so the rest of our journey had to be on foot. i was sweating so much and thought i was gonna hallucinate from the heat and strong sun rays. somehow we made it to the viewing deck. i was expecting to be a lot closer to the waterfall but eh the view was pretty nonetheless. got chi and cha out so they could take in the sights too!!
we went through another round of suffering to get back to the parking lot and i, after seeing shoron ride the scooter so breezily on the way there from the old streets, decided to try riding one for the funsies. despite having barely any bicycle experience. as you would expect, that was Not A Good Idea bc i didn't even move 3 metres when i lost control, panicked, revved the accelerator thinking it was the brake (both were on the handles so idk i'm not a driver), went up the curb and fell over. ok but i fell off on purpose bc i thought the scooter was moving on its own (and not bc i mixed up the brake and accelerator) and my only way of survival was to just get off the bike before i crash into something or something crashed into me. surprisingly the only injuries i sustained were some bruises on my upper thigh that i landed on, and pinpoint scratches on my hand that i got from breaking my fall. i was very lucky that nothing was broken or bleeding. well, that was An Experience...... that i wouldn't want to go through again. anyway i'm banned from driving after this~~~
↓ btw this photo was taken moments before the disaster. apparently a lot of foreigners who rented scooters there also crashed their bikes. now that i look at it, our scooter had a chunk of it broken off at the front. ummm,,, what is safety
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our next stop was jiufen!! jiufen was sooo scenic and beautiful with all the lanterns and slopes but climbing up and down all those narrow and steep stairs just to get to the main street was just deaTH. 💀 i have no idea how the elderly can do it.
had an early dinner at the zhang ji traditional fishballs. got a mixed fishballs noodle soup and it was so tasty!! i actually like the handmade fishballs with meat inside. they were sweet.
when it got dark, we visited one of the teahouses there to have a tea experience. the staff taught us how to brew the tea and we did the rest ourselves after that. it was fun!! we also ordered an oolong tea cheesecake to share and it was definitely more cheesecake than oolong but i'm not complaining.
we stayed at the jiufen kite museum for a night and i was so glad to finally have a room to ourselves. it was a good thing we didn't bring our luggages with us bc there were no elevators there!! it was all just stairs.
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jioufen breakfast restaurant
D+AF女鞋 南西旗艦店 - super nice and trendy shoes!!
kura sushi
the nighttime view in jiufen was amazing with all the lanterns lit up but bc it was so crowded and you absolutely could not get a shot without someone blocking the view, we decided to come back the next day at 6 am just to take pics. and also to eat a traditional taiwanese breakfast!! i love the soy milk and youtiao combination. 💕
when we were back at the taipei main station, i chanced upon this bakery (semeur 聖娜) that was holding a kanahei's small animals collab?? if you spend a certain amount, you can buy merch at a cheaper price. so ofc i picked out four breads just so i could get a cute cooler bag with usagi and piske on it~ kinda regretted not getting the handheld fan too. it would've been so useful bc it was sO HOT. btw i ended up bringing one bread back to singapore (take note of this info for later) bc i couldn't finish all of them LMAO. the breads were all tasty but i particularly liked the melon bun.
day 3 was our Buy The Things We Have To Buy day. luwi went to check out a motorcycle gear shop by herself while shoron and i explored the zhongshan area. i got the $370 wall clock that my colleague rly wanted from a department store there. we also went to this shoe shop that shoron wanted to check out and like,, i wasn't planning on buying any shoes but man,,, they were all so nice. you can call them clown shoes for all you like but i just rly like the wide, squarish toe box designs. i only bought a pair in the end but aaa i would've liked to get more if i didn't have space/weight concerns.
bought osmanthus oolong tea from yi pin tea (一品茶苑) and it was mid. very strong tea flavour tho.
we had kura sushi for lunch and it was amazing. the gacha system was fun and the food was great and i got to eat my beloved taiyaki for dessert. it was cheaper than any sushi place in sg too.
my stomach was acting up when we went to ximending in the evening so i didn't get anything to eat or drink there but i did try a bit of the vermicelli noodles from ay-chung flour-rice noodle and it was pretty good. peppery and kinda tastes like shark fin soup. aside from food, we didn't rly check out any of the shops there. i did go to a stationary store on my own and it was a feast for the eyes!!
DAY 4:
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wei chuan pushin ranch - there were capybaras and alpacas!! first time seeing them in person
mazesoba restaurant (東京油組總本店 台北華山組)
1789 café pâtisserie
zhongxiao dunhua shopping district (Air Space, Le Gusta, The Ladywore)
kanahei's small animals themed 7-ELEVEN (卡娜赫拉主題商店)
li yuan dumpling restaurant
braved the scorching heat for the alpacas and sheep and capybaras!! i touched an alpaca and a capybara for the first time and i can confirm that the former was floofy like a cloud while the latter felt like bristles of a broom.
the pig race and sheep race were being held when we were there so we got to watch. the ones that i bet on didn't win.
bc the ranch was located in a more rural part of taipei and buses were infrequent, we only had two?? hours to look around. so we rented some kind of a buggy. shoron was the designated driver for this bUT i felt like i could drive it too cuz it was kinda slow yknow.
for lunch we had mazesoba!! super good but could do with less salt.
afterwards we went on a hunt for a cafe to chill at bc it was raining so hard. had to give matcha one a miss bc we didn't have a reservation and there were no tables for us (except the VIP rooms which were $$$). eventually we found this cafe called 1789 café pâtisserie that was relatively empty and hid there until the rain subsided. we shared two eclairs (salted caramel and mango passionfruit) and a raspberry rose st. honore (crispy mille feuille pastry topped with whipped cream and raspberry jam??). they gave us two macarons on the house, and one of them was wasabi-flavoured. the taste was... interesting.
when the rain stopped, we went to shop for clothes around the zhongxiao dunhua shopping district. there were a lot of blogshop-like clothing stores in that area. i got clothes from le gusta and the ladywore~
our last dinner was at a xiaolongbao restaurant. i was glad that they had prawn xiaolongbaos!! that didn't have surprise meat in them. they were not bad. also got a custard panda bun for dessert~
DAY 5:
luwi and shoron went out to dabao breakfast at yong he soy milk (永和豆漿) in ximending while i continued to laze around in bed~~~ they brought soy milk and youtiao back for me!! i miss the combination. the youtiao from yong he was so light and airy on the inside and so crisp on the outside aaaa the doughy and oily ones in sg can't compare.
after breakfast we packed up and left for the airport. i wanted to try the oden at 7-ELEVEN before i leave but we couldn't find one at the departure hall. maximum sadge. in the end, we settled for a fast-food chicken place after we checked in and i got a yoghurt green tea (which tasted like yakult btw) and sweet potato fries.
i wanted to be productive on the flight back home (and i wasn't rly that sleepy anyway) so i played 999 on my 3ds and watched a 2-hour movie. finally watched maquia and it made me cry lmao. tearjerkers are the best kinds of movies for a flight imo!!
oh oh i sat next to an elderly couple on the plane and they were so nice and friendly. the lady kept checking to see if i needed to use the toilet bc i got the window seat. 🥺 we also chatted a bit while waiting to get off the plane.
we were planning to have dinner at mos burg after we landed in sg but there was a luggage delay and by the time we all got our luggages, it was almost time for mos burg to close. aha but fortunately i still had one bread left. so that was my dinner, along with the milo and oreos that the staffs were handing out to apologise for the delay.
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frizzy-frizz-frizz · 1 year
"the kevjean dynamic has me in a chokehold i cant stop thinking about them." SAME and I think its so valid of us there's too little of them out there whether it's romantic or platonic it's actually a crime
"i should reread it again" lmao that's exactly what I'm doing I'm currently halfway through chapter 3 (now 5 now the sequel and I'm done i might reread it again now since its complete). Also lost??? Omg you're so so correct here. "But if only you could see yourself in my eyes you'd see you shine, you shine I know you'd never leave me behind but I am lost this time" you are so so correct here
"these three will be the end of me i swear." THIS ENTIRE PARAGRAPH WILL BE THE END OF ME I SWEAR
"even the AGES are right." I KNOW HOW DOES IT FIT SO WELL
"my interpretation is VERY self indulgement." Self indulge away I'm here for it
"i associate my tears ricochet with post-baltimore kandrew." Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for it anyway
"FIRMLY believe andrew has had some horrible horrible thoughts about being like every person who's hurt kevin." I AM SO WITH YOU HERE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT
"listen those two are practically melded together okay" they rlly rlly are okay I'm in the middle of Andrews pov in tnotg sequel and I'm having feelings
"SOBBING THESE TWO THEY END ME I WILL NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM" hurting each other = hurting themselves
"once again, about kevin running away to the foxes and jean being at the nest" ykw this is such a valid interpretation but I refuse to believe that they didn't at least somewhat repair their relationship post canon okay I need them to be roommates okay
"BUT for extra sad you can remember all the drafts nora wrote where Jean died." BABE LITERALLY WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO REMEMBER THAT I ACTIVELY TRY AND NOT THINK ABOUT THAT I'm so fucking glad we had him joining the trojans instead that's so so much happier I remember the previous drafts and I need to lie the fuck down
"Andrew digging his heels and yet following Kevin and he promises andrew the world and them drags him towards it" YOU GET IT they were fucking attached at the hip
I am now actually incapable of listening to willow without thinking of kandrew the same way I can't listen to liability without thinking of kevin or dorothea without kevneil or two birds without kevjean
YOUVE ADDED THIS IS ME TRYING listen the way this song gets to me "I had the shiniest wheels now they're rusting" Literally him breaking his hand "Could've followed my fears all the way down" KEVIN "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here" is this not him going from a raven to a fox???? "but I didn't pour the whiskey" the song's also about alcohol addiction this song's now linked to him in my head
Okay I have listened to silence before but with them??? "I found peace in your violence" yes I can see this "Can't show me there's no point in trying" is this not the entire point of their deal??? Kevin constantly trying to get him to try and to give him something to build his life around??? But also in reverse andrew giving him the chance to learn how to play again??? "I'm in need of a savior but I'm not asking for favors" GODDAMN "I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring" andrew core
I'm not ok is so pre-canon kandrew the way I dont even know which lyrics to start quoting first "I can be a handful but that's why you have two hands" lmao accurate I don't even know which one of them that could refer to "I can be a danger, danger for you" I THINK IM JUST GOING TO HAVE TO QUOTE THE WHOLE SONG "Too many issues, so I wouldn't blame you" ITS THEM???
505??? I LOVE 505 "If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive" yk how in tnotg andrew flies to Boston bc kevins team would be there. Sorry I'm never shutting up about this fic ever "I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck or I did last time I checked" I NEED A MOMENT SHIT HOW DID I FORGET THIS LINE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHY WOULD YOU SUGGEST THIS IM NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO MOVE PAST THIS OH MY GOD "But I crumble completely when you cry" BABE YOU KNOW THAT ONE BIT IN TNOTG SEQUEL "If Andrew turns his head now, and finds Kevin quietly crying, it'll be the only thing that has ever happened to him." Yeah I'm def rereading this the way I can never stop thinking of it its THE kandriel post canon fic. "It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye" Post graduation vibes everytime they meet they know it won't last long FUCK I'm obsessed with this song with them you've given me crack
I am not a robot okay okay you mention a song by marina and you've got my attention with every lyric I keep flip flopping between who the song is talking about "You've been acting awful tough lately smoking a lot of cigarettes lately" bc this is clearly andrew right but then "you don't always have to be on top better to be hated than loved loved loved for what you're not" which is so kevin??? Lowkey the way raven fans turned on him when he joined the foxes "I'm vulnerable I am not a robot" this could honestly be either of them the way both of them are viewed by the ppl around them
WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH YOURE SO RIGHT FOR THIS “Open my chest and colour my spine” I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THIS the idea that andrew was doing his best to hold up kevins spine for like months until he could do it himself "I'll be the blood if you'll be the bones" I don't know why but in my mind kevin is clearly the blood while andrew is the bones "hover like a hummingbird haunt me in my sleep" they were fucking attached at the hip obsessed with each other and OKAY SO THE CHORUS you would not believe what i found on genius lyrics "They are not running from the physical thing, but from what the thing represents emotionally. A wolf prostrate and panting is seeking permission for something, it wants it, but needs consent. The “tearing with out teeth” is the emotional pain of the mutual love and attraction they share, but cannot express." I actually can't look at this any other way now wtf was this person on when they wrote this annotation why does it work so well for them my god "how can I keep you inside my lungs" listen I'm sorry to keep bringing up tnotg but also tnotg andrew to kevin
Ghost of you by 5sos kinda reminds me of kandrew but like post baltimore (PLS I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS BEFORE YOU SENT THAT ASK and yes you absolutely should create a kandrew playlist if you want i'll be here for it) yk the whole missing someone who isn't there's anymore "still can't sleep on your side" them not being able to sleep in the same bed bc of a whole host of issues for both of them but also bc kevins gone and moved out "dancing through our house with the ghost of you" he's not there anymore when he's been within arms reach before "when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt" LIKE ITS THEM
Also idk if this is bc I've just started twisting every song I listen to until it relates to aftg but endgame for kandriel??? Like first part is Kandrew the second verse is kevineil and third verse is andriel?? This either works rlly well and I'm correct or I've completely lost my mind (but like "I protect you with my life...reconnected when we were little bit older...i hit you like bang...calling my bluff on all my usual tricks"???)
Have you considered Dollhouse by Melanie bc it lowkey describes the nest/perfect court the idea that the public sees smth that it totally false while shit is going down behind the scene like "everyone thinks that we're perfect please don't let them look through the curtains" "smile for the picture pose with your brother"
LAST WORDS OF A SHOOTING STAR IN ON YOUR PLAYLIST "All of this turbulence wasn’t forecasted" him expecting to stay at the nest for college and then having to leave and all the drama that came after "I am relieved I left my room tidy" HIS ROOM AT THE NEST and when neil was there and it was like all perfectly preserved "they’ll never know how I’d stared at the dark in that room with no thoughts" again the nest?? It has just occurred to me that this could apply to jean as well "my dreams made music in the night" both of them dreaming of being able to get out one day "I was going to live" THEM FINALLY BEING ABLE TO LEAVE "you’d say you love me and look in my eyes but I know through mine you were looking in yours" okay okay but is this not kevin and rikos entire relationship riko looking at kevin but only viewing himself through it bc kevin was just an extension of himself and not his own person
Also Life on your playlist works so well???? "twenty-two and confused" this is like nothing new all over again bc HOW DOES THE AGE FIT "broken miss America" kevin being one of America's sweethearts is like so personal to me. WHICH REMINDS ME Miss America and the Heartbreak prince fits so so well for kandrew I feel like I've definitely seen someone mention it somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember who or where but god does it work I mean "I saw the scoreboard and ran for my life" pls see the vision I need your opinion
Queen of the night also works so well for them you're right EVERY LINE IS SO THEM "I've bandaged your bruises you've held back my hair who'd've known when this started that we'd end up here" pre canon to post canon them growing into ppl who can be good to and for each other "you reach out and touch me, say my name like a prayer" I need to go lie down how dare you suggest this song "all my friends say you're dangerous but I don't fucking care" okay my first thought was pre-canon ppl warning them to stay away from each other bc kevin could potentially bring down the mafia on andrew and Andrews whole stay away I'm dangerous vibe but like the only friends they had pre canon were like jean and renee??? So lol no there was no-one telling them to keep away from each other "This holy redemption tears us in two but I can't turn my back to you" Post baltimore divorce era vibes babe "one hand on the wheel and one hand on my thigh" lmao listen its a cliche but I feel like andrew would enjoy it with like Kevin or Neil in the passenger seat as long as no one is watching them "you're kissing my fingers, and I kiss your tattoo's" HOW DARE YOU RECOMMEND THIS SONG TO ME HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THIS also I'm a strong believer of multiple tattoos older kevin (his dad has them and there's this one fanart by lucky-slice that's so lovely and you can rip this out of my cold dead hands). "and talk shit forever" lmao domestic kandriel shit talking ppl and gossiping is my jam
This got long I'm slightly concerned it won't send lol
line break for my lovely mutuals <3
lol my answers is just as long and i lowkey wanna post this without a paragraph break and plague people's dash
'there's too little of them out there whether it's romantic or platonic it's actually a crime' RIGHT?? kevjean is soooo scarce so of course we get to make everything about them. their specific dynamic is just so special and i am hooked on it
SAME im currently rereading tnotg this series is my lifeline. dayurno is a genius i owe them my life
' Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for its anyway' I couldnt bear to remove it!! i have so many feeling about this song i had to sit there and process it bear to remove this song not when it so so perfect and i am always in need of more material about the
YES someone agrees with me about my tears ricochet this is so validating. and YEAH the cherry liquor ice cream in the tnotg sequel!! i was never the same. i think of that scene a lot while listening to this song. they are SO- canonically attached at the hip kandrew really will end me huh 'Lmao listen I thought this but then I was like perhaps that's too controversial idk but I'm so glad you went for it anyway' oh there was no way i was skipping THIS SONG i have sooo many feeling about it its essential kandrew divorce era shit
i am DESPERATE for kevin and jean to get something of a happy ending I want them to find peace so badly they will absolutely rebuild post canon this is not up for argument.....but I may or may not read an unhealthy amount of kevjean agnst. but honestly if nora had killed off jean after ALL OF THAT I would've just put the book down right then and there i couldn't that bro i COULDNT
"they were fucking attached at the hip" they were they really were like- knowing each schedule and every little habit THEY ARE BASICALLY MARRIED
YEAH willow is so so perfect i listen to it on repeat i cant help it and i understand you so completely its impossible to separate liability and kevin in my mind now
' "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here" is this not him going from a raven to a fox??? ' god yes this lyrics is what did it for me. this song is so so so inherently kevin with his stubbron single minded focus. kevin who's never done anything halfway flying or fighting or falling. ' "but I didn't pour the whiskey" the song's also about alcohol addiction this song's now linked to him in my head' YES YES cause it is absolutely criminal how little his alcoholism is addressed in this fandom i NEED more fics where its a main plot point.
' is this not the entire point of their deal??? Kevin constantly trying to get him to try and to give him something to build his life around??? But also in reverse andrew giving him the chance to learn how to play again??? ' akdnfnsjnndj YEAH YOU GET IT ITS SO THEM i cant believe it took me so long to consider this but now. i cannot stop.
"yk how in tnotg andrew flies to Boston bc kevins team would be there" not andrew Afraid Of Heights minyard getting on a fucking plane to got to an EXY event of all things just cause kevin will be there and- ngl that was may favourite kandrew scene in tnotg its PERFECT I LOVE IT. 505 KILLED ME AND BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE THAT LINE JUST ENDED ME RIGHT THERE HOW IS IT JUST SO- if i have to be stuck on this forever so do you "BABE YOU KNOW THAT ONE BIT IN TNOTG SEQUEL" EXACTLY you get it!! I was actually rereading tnotg when 505 came on and I FROZE it was SO PERFECT. I feel you I'd forgotten that lyric existed but now I listen to it on repeat I cant stop its so so so perfect it might as well be crack
'I keep flip flopping between who the song is talking about' right?? and every other line could be about either of them god they are so complementary but also theyre so much more alike than people realise at first and this song shows that so well. THIS WHOLE SONG IS BASICALLY KANDREW ARGUING BACK AND FORTH DONT YOU SEE "andrew, mockcingly: Who you never really liked and you never trusted But you are so magnetic, you pick up all the pins", "kevin: Never committing to anything, You don't pick up the phone when it ring, ring, rings", "both of them: Don't be so pathetic, just open up and sing"
' "I'll be the blood if you'll be the bones" I don't know why but in my mind kevin is clearly the blood while andrew is the bones' I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT!! it just fits so well?? youre right. And no no PLEASE continue mentioning tnotg i actually added this song because of tnotg. remember that one scene where neil thought andrew would slash his chest open for kevin and kevin walk into his chest and never look back?? YEA this exactly. omg omg i hadnt see the analysis of the song "I actually can't look at this any other way now wtf was this person on when they wrote this annotation why does it work so well for them my god" SAME this now lives rent free in my head i cant see it any other way either
'Ghost of you by 5sos kinda reminds me of kandrew but like post baltimore (PLS I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS BEFORE YOU SENT THAT ASK ' THE COINCEDNCE LMAO. no no but youre right and this song is so them like im supposed to hear "and i chase it down with a shot of truth, that my feet dont dance like they did with you" and NOT think of those dramatic fuckers?? when its clearly about them finding their sides feeling too empty?? their schedules out of balance?? their steps ungraceful after each movement was complementary...steps in a dance....give and take....at eqilibrium with each other for years?? how does one walk when the constant comforting weight by their side has been ripped away leaving bruised skin in his wake?? disgracefully that's how.
ENDGAME i hadnt considered BUT YOURE RIGHT I SEE IT. or maybe my brain is the saame and twits everything into being all about these exny idiots...perhaps we'll never know. immediately the kandreil of it all with the "oh and i got big enemies" and these dramatics fucks and their very different reputations. and THEN "you hold me down and i protect you with my life" VERSE ONE COMING IN WITH KANDREW.
i really really like the kevneil portion in endgame sooo much tho ' "I protect you with my life…reconnected when we were little bit older" ' THIS IS SO NEIL SINGING "Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long, And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song" them CONSTANTLY arguing on and off court and kevin being the only one who understands all of neil, who knows the whole story, neil being the only fox who GETS what the nest is like....even BEFORE the nathaneil reveal kevin SEES him he picks him out of hundreds of potential players because he understands, KNOWS his game, his potential ON SIGHT (im confident this would be the case in any universe, kevin constantly finding him).
GOOD GOD THE ANDREIL AT THE END "calling my bluff on all my usual tricks" literally end me now cause they learnt each other so fluently in so little time "And I can't let you go, your hand print's on my soul" THIS LYRIC?? , andrew's hands always firm and decided yet always always kind....how could he go very long without his touch now that he's felt it? now that the memory is cooling balm on his skin on his soul?? "I hit you like bang" neil coming in like a whirlwind becoming essentially so quickly!! (and also andrew hitting him with the raquet in tfc lol)....imma put this song on my kevin playlist..the andreil portion can be like a fun extra in the middle of all the kevin vibes
dollhouse is very interesting i dont listen to melanie much i hadnt considered this.....but damn the vibes are so so much like the nest. kevin having to play the part of #2 of the perferct court...riko's brother...the raven with the perfect life...the media darling. no one really knows what goes on in the nest behind closed doors. no one can ever hear what kevin actually wants to say and that's the thing!! he's been voiceless his whole life....being torn apart in private and then paraded around like a show pony in public. god kevin day has been trapping in plastic wrapping for so long. I NEED THIS SONG IN THE PLAYLIST
LIFE IS SO PERFECT YOU GET IT. tbh the age mentioned is why i started thinking about kevin with this song in mind and now i cant stop. yessssss kevin day the media darling the broken miss america!!! a large part of my playlist is based around this i cant- "SHE WROTE IT ON THE BATHROOM WALL IN HER FAVOURITE SHADE OF LIPSTICK L I F E" there's just something so- kevin about that action. its barely thought through yet desperate yet so so resolute somehow. I CANT EXPLAIN but this song?? it is EXACTLY the emotions/attitude i imagine kevin would have during his healing process especially post baltimore. "Call it a night when the lights in the club dont shine no more" AND THEN "Call it a night when the lights in the studio dont shine no more" i mean come ON
'EVERY LINE IS SO THEM' RIGHT?? literally every part of it is perfect ilisten to this while imagining them on a drive alone to wherever they like aka a date not that andrew would call it that, and andrew gets to watch kevin bask in the sunlight and kevinn gets to watch him unwind and just- the heavy comfort these two can find in each other WHILE being the person one who can fully rile the other up (until neil). ' "you reach out and touch me, say my name like a prayer" I need to go lie down how dare you suggest this song ' HAHA i had the same reaction this song is on par with 505 in terms of utterly destructive lyrics in the context of kandrew.
ngl one of my favourite songs on the kandrew playlist is alone with me by vance joy like i heard the first line and i sold immediately this song is SO THEM YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO IT "i saw you smile, i knew you had spirit" ISNT THIS THAT ONE SCENE "so, did you have fun?" "youre despicable kevin day, dont know why i keep you around"?? IM SOBBING THIS IS ABOUT KEVIN BEING PROUD OF ANDREW!! and seeing him actually *try* and show courage and being like "i told you so i told you you could do it, i knew from the beginning all that you are and can be" AND THEN "isnt it odd the way we tell ourselves we've go limits" THIS IS BOTH OF THEM?? GOD THIS SONG
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
That answers my question I just completely forgot to send it in omfg I CANNOT let myself get distracted while replying anymore I literally like almost deleted this note thinking I already sent it in goodbye.
But anyways….……
LMFAOOO THANK YOU I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT!!! You’ll be the first to know if I ever actually start using it HAHA honestly you’d probably end up answering some boomer like tumblr questions of mine bc I’m ngl why’s there sm on this platform HAHA now that I think about it though I straight up just don’t post anywhere maybe I should start changing that…..
NO SO TRUE because I just KNOW they’re picking the juiciest stories like I’m not scrolling through that subreddit myself HAHA
Just doing my part for the Karasu community!!! Gotta kick start it somewhere yk hopefully I’m inspiring people to talk and request Karasu more often!!!! LMAO wait that’s actually kinda crazy though HAHAHA I guess the Hiori requester sniffed out your secret side character vibes before I did smh….lowk that is interesting though?? Ok my thought process was definitely 1) ok she knows Kaiser so she’s def read the manga 2) she has no character limits so I’m just gonna shoot my shot (it worked out in the best possible way omg) I’ve def seen blogs that only write for the main characters ****itoshis but a good amount of them do out only a specific handful of characters in their request rules….wait actually pause I think the main tipping point for me is actually when I ended up reading cherry tree and was like no fucking way Karasu mention??? Time to test the waters because I kid you not I loved the way you did cherry tree but I was also so fucking hooked on the Karasu cameo I was like oh em gee….karasu mention and HE TALKS?? Guys….so yeah!! Actually that also jogs my memory and clears up my own thoughts of how I first found you (again…??) my memory’s kinda bad if you couldn’t tell HAHAHA
Ok……Mira really trying to solidify the shower evidence…sus…/j
THATS WHAT IM SAYING HAHAHAAH ok but like I was a little surprised that they were the color scene I thought it would’ve been some Kaiser Isagi Rin looking thing with maybe mini side characters in the bg kinda like your current header! Stop did we just manifest ego glow up too??
That’s funny because I also haven’t watched but ik what you’re talking about because I remember seeing people freak out over it LMAOOO BUT FR omg shin ah so gorgeous??? Also omfg you’re so right??? The side by side of Hak and hair down zantetsu….the resemblance is uncanny….but FR S2 being my real male leads into the spotlight please….
Tbh I don’t have high hopes for the fandom but we’ll know in our hearts that Karasu is just a closeted sweetheart loser!!! Ok the Nagi cheater allegations and red flags are actually INSANE like how tf??????????? I seriously have no idea what people are on do you think bro even has the energy to cheat……
LMAOO you’re giving them a reality check on everyone’s behalf we thank you for your service o7
Honestly pop off LMAOO like who’s gonna go challenge your parents sooo also wtf????!!!! BRO DID WHAT???!!!! wtf I literally have no words what the helllllllll glad you’re safe now but omg I hope you never have to experience something like that again….um wdym you have more stories like that??????????? Idk if you’ve ever seen those wild tiktok sponsored posts of like this weird pheromone attractive perfume I think you need creep repellent you’re rizz is too strong…..wtf…..also ENJOY SWITZERLAND!!!!!
But omg another storm shshshs stay safe??? Manifesting your electricity holds up from now on HAHA I’d imagine there aren’t storms in Switzerland rn so….
-Karasu anon
LMAOO no i always get so distracted that ‘save draft’ button is my savior when it comes to answering asks but ik you can’t really do that when sending them 😭 if i ever take more than like a day to respond without explanation feel free to send a check-in ask because that means i’m either being unprecedented levels of offline or i just didn’t get it/see it!!
tumblr takes soo long to get a hang of i will be happy to answer any boomer questions of yours as i probably had the same questions when i first began using the app!! i will always be here for the reveal if/when it comes
i guess the side character vibes i give off are too strong…also hiori made a cameo in cherry tree alongside otoya and karasu so they might’ve made a similar journey as you LMAOAO especially because they mentioned in the request that they had read and liked cherry tree!! that’s so funny that that fic (which i wrote for the most basic character ever) is what led to side character fans finding me!! omg no because tbh there was no reason for karasu to be the one talking in that scene but i was starving and desperate to write him and i thought he could pull it off and now i’m so glad i did that!! and yeah a lot of people tend to only write for a few characters which i think is fair because i 100% get being uncomfortable writing for characters you’re unfamiliar with 🧐 me personally though…if i’m in a fandom there’s not a character in it I WON’T write for!! if i’m too unfamiliar with them i’ll just do research until i feel decent abt it (that’s what i did for the hiori request hehe read and reread his ln + wiki until i was like “okay i think i can do this”)
I SHOWER I PROMISE I SHOWER (not clickbait!!)
maybe this means the NEL arc is ending soon?? like they’re putting all of the coaches in the color spread because we won’t see them again for a while…honestly i really liked this (much more exciting than the last epinagi one) and i’m happy it wasn’t the kaiser + isagi + rin combo again!! all of the coaches are really interesting to me as they all show diff pitfalls of professionals sports (chris + vanity, snuffy + depression/burnout, loki + selfishness, lavinho + immaturity iirc?? and noa + being boring af /j) honestly i could read a spinoff abt all of them too!! and omg ego glow up too…we sensed the vibes in the air and we knew egonation was about to RISE
SHINAH MY BELOVEDDD omg i actually once started a fic for him that was the precursor for hurricanes / hummingbirds in many ways and i still think abt it sometimes but like the fandom for yotd is so nonexistent that i never got the motivation to finish it!! but i think i answered an ask abt it as part of a tag game once here if you’re in the mood for some mira writing while waiting for bfb!! no but the resemblance between zantetsu and hak is uncanny omg team v trio is actually team shoujo trio all of them look like they deserve to be male leads…zantetsu in a historical fantasy shoujo, nagi in a high school slice of life but also mental health focused shoujo, and reo in a ceo romance shoujo SKDJFHS they’re all so bf i love them
we will always know the truth abt karasu and that’s what matters 😩 no because i need to know…do the nagi cheater/red flag (which are unrelated to his laziness) allegations stem from him “leaving” reo during second selection?? because if so that’s insane to me there’s such a difference between joining a different soccer team and cheating on your romantic partner 😭 in epinagi even reo himself acknowledges that he SHOULD be happy for nagi and nagi is so ‘no thoughts head empty’ about it LKDFJGNS bro fr was putting the pieces together like isagi…”play soccer with isagi -> get better at soccer -> win world cup with reo 😄” HOW IS THIS A RED FLAG???
LMAOOO it’s so bad i feel like looking back my time in high school just sounds unreal?? i sent a picture of my eye to another guy i was friends with (in the same friend group as the other two ironically) to show him my new mascara and no joke he responded with an entire verse comparing my eyes to “the heavens” 😭⁉️ and there was also a point in my senior year when i kinda liked a junior on the soccer team (so bfb reader of me but like. reversed.) but for some reason everyone shipped me with the captain of the soccer team?? like people would harass my FRIENDS asking if i liked him…meanwhile i liked mr junior varsity who didn’t even get playtime 😓 it was so bad too i went to a soccer game and everyone thought i was attending to watch the captain, INCLUDING THE GUY I WAS INTO 😐 i went up to congratulate him after the game and bro fr said “did you see the captain play he was amazing” i just left at that point because what can you even do…these are relatively tame in terms of mira lore sadly KJSHGHDFK this is why i have never had a boyfriend or first kiss or anything like that 💔 they’re all CRAZY 😱
SWITZERLAND SOON!! unfortunately my dreams of finishing bfb before my flight are definitely not coming true sooo ig i know what i’m doing for the entire plane ride!! hopefully the lack of distractions will help me finish it up and then i can just proofread in my downtime and hopefully post at some point soon…feel like i’ve been teasing you all for so long but i promise it will be long enough to make the wait worth it (i hope anyways)
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alihightowers · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers! 
tagged by @stars-of-kyber thanks bb 💕
1- How many works do you have on AO3? 
2- What's your total AO3 word count? 
3- What fandoms do you write for? 
I’ve written a few things for the haunting of bly manor (damie), bridgerton (kanthony), and I'm slowly working on getting into hotd (rhaenicent). 
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
letters to my beloved, light a flame and let it burn, a love found in secret, as the dawn breaks, love me tender. 
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
always. It blows my mind all the time that people actually take time out of their day to read some silly story I wrote and liked it enough to leave feedback. I'm just forever grateful and want them to know that. 
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
None of them have angsty endings. I do have an idea for one that will just be angst, but that’s barely hit the drawing board. 
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Idk, they’re all happy lol. 
8- Do you get hate on fics? 
thankfully, no I haven’t, but I'm always afraid of it.  
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
yes, and I don’t know? cringe explicit? lmao. 
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? 
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
I doubt it. 
12- Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
14- What's your all-time favorite ship? 
I don’t think I have one tbh, I have several ships that I love for different reasons. they're all on the same level. 
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I started a POTO kanthony au that’s in my drafts and it’ll stay there lol. also probably 'a love found in secret'. it's my least favorite.
16- What are your writing strengths? 
honestly, I'm not sure. I enjoy trying to write emotions and setting scenes but have no idea if I'm any good at it. 
17- What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm very critical of myself, so I often spend too long going over something until I get it “right”, which then elongates my writing time and I end up taking forever to finish anything. and usually by that point I've convinced myself that I suck and give up lol. 
I hate dialogue. character mannerisms I usually feel okay with, but when it comes to their voice, I feel like I fall short most of the time. 
I also feel like I recycle details/descriptions from story to story which I hate. 
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
i only speak english so I've never written in another language.  
19- First fandom you wrote for? 
the first fandom I wrote for for and posted on ao3 was carmilla lmao. 
20- Favorite fic you've written? 
probably 'light a flame and let it burn'. It was the first thing I wrote for kanthony, before I let myself get self-conscious lol. It was also the first thing I'd written in literal years and was/am proud of it. 
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cheeses-degree · 1 year
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(Pictures by me, drawing found on Pinterest)
My house got fucking flooded and we have to move so my new study place is outside some cafe downtown. Not ideal because the weather is hell most of the day but the evenings are nice- it’d be nicer if my friends came out to eat dinner with me though 🙄
Anyways my September playlist slaps so hard. I turn 18 this month and I have a crush on one of my friends (I mention it because I Never get crushes and I’m thinking I want to approach this one differently but y’know it’s a whole thing lmao). I’m reading like three books (I need to update that part of my intro post lol) and my GSA may be fucked based on new legislation but we don’t know yet!!
(Drafted September 2nd, idk why I didn’t post probably shitty wifi. Anyways my GSA isn’t fucked by the state but we are fucked by the school so that sucks. Still exist just they keep Not putting our name anywhere to sign up for clubs)
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Last line tag but because I don't talk to anyone instead of tagging I'm going to do multiple WIPs to prove to myself that I've actually accomplished some writing this year (2022). Anyone who sees this heres an open invitation to post your own last lines :33
Edit: Found this in my drafts, I think I just didn't feel like tagging at the time and forgot about it lmao
Content Warning: alcohol consumption by adults, mentioned violence and death
Susan's story:
"Help me sit her up and stay upright." Newbie took charge and for once Perry followed. J.D was flashing her eyes and there was no doubt she had a concussion.
Elizabeth's story:
Klaus very much wanted to collapse onto his bed, but even if Ben agreed with Lizzy’s plan, Klaus highly doubted his living siblings would.
Remus' story:
He had told Janus what happened which had the deceitful side theorizing what the hell was going on. Virgil was too drained to think and dragged himself to his bed where he fell asleep quickly. 
Btvs soulmate story:
Why the younger watchers still in training were being blamed Wesley couldn't even hazard a logical reason. Before the attack he'd only ever encountered one vampire in person and it had been in a controlled environment.
Whisky Slips:
All of this was how at three in the morning Wesley and Fred were extremely drunk, Gunn moderately drunk, Cordelia a bit tipsy, and a sober Angel gathered in a somewhat messy circle around Cordelia's living room playing Never Have I Ever. Cordelia's low level of intoxication was due to her drinks being pretty weak and not the lack of shots she had to take.
Wesleys secret part 3:
“But Angel made it very clear that Angelus had nothing to do with the attempted murder.” Lorne bit out.
Tina's story:
However, a child with dilated pupils lying on the floor grabbing at the air while holding a conversation that was completely nonsensical was not that relieving.
Art's Story:
“Have… Have you checked your email today?” He asked softly, curling further into himself. Art frowned and shook their head.
Fuck Up:
The loss of playful boasting and giggles that couldn't be held back left only the rattle of the chains holding the swings and their shoes dragging through the wood chips and dirt.
Malcolm: The King of England:
Before the fake agent could answer Malcolm's phone began to play the song America Fuck Yeah and he released the knife and pulled out his phone. It was Elena calling. "One sec dudes." Malcolm told them as he answered the call.
Untitled (fanfic writen late at night on a whim):
At this point the husband finally stopped just standing and watching and calls the police and wraps an arm around his wife's waist to stop her from going near the fight.
Untitled (also a fanfic written with no plot thought through well):
All of which had gotten the hospital in a horribly tense building.
(I think that sentence should say made the hospital a horribly tense building but idk what i was trying to say at the time)
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nubosas · 5 years
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loona mvs i’m still not over yet: 1 / ?  → i’ll be there, heejin & hyunjin.
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woojinschicken · 6 years
When you’re just trying to reassure yourself that you’re fine™
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