ursulawrites · 2 years
“I have the right to be worried!” lily/james
[ @foundwcnderland ]
“No-one is taking that right away, Lily,” James replied, leaning back against the kitchen counter as he watched his fiancée preparing dinner. “We’re all worried. In fact, I’d send anyone who wasn’t worried to St Mungo’s to see a mind Healer,” He added. It was a tough time, with the war creeping further and further into their lives. People were dying, relationships were being strained, and tensions were at an all-time high.
“I still think we should get married as soon as we can. I don’t think we should wait until the war is over. I want to get married before... y’know… in case…” He trailed off, not wanting to vocalise the idea that any of their friends or loved ones could be lost in the fight and not get to help them celebrate tying the knot. Hell, he could lose Lily in all of this. Though he’d burn the earth to the ground before he let that happen. 
“I love you so much and I don’t want to have to wait to call you my wife,” James tried to put a more positive spin on the argument to have their wedding in the middle of a war effort that was ramping up. “It’ll be a celebration, maybe having something positive will give people some hope. If you really want then we can keep it small, a few friends and us. I certainly don’t need anything fancy, just you and me. That's all I'll ever need." 
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pagetorn · 2 years
"I'm trying to start a new life." - @foundwcnderland​
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          Kal can’t help the look of utter betrayal that passes over his face when he looks at Gwen the second those words fall from her lips.   He doesn’t understand.  He can’t!   He won’t!   Not when Halloweentown is here with everything they could ever possibly want or need.   Why would she want to leave?   Why would she leave him behind?
❝ What are you saying,  Gwen?   You want to leave? ❞
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slasharch2 · 2 years
             ‘ no. no way. you batting your long eyelashes doesn’t work with me, claire. i’m putting my foot down, ’  as emphasis, cameron stomps a sneaker down onto the tile floor, plastic of the sole making a small tapping noise against the floor. arms cross over his chest. he means it this time. he refuses to be a pushover for one minute longer.  ‘ besides, you’re only asking me to go because you feel bad for me. or someone dared you to, or somethin’. why don’t you ask one of your popular friends, huh? leave me out’ve it, ’     @foundwcnderland.
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offorester · 2 years
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foundwcnderland asked:
“ this is all my fault… “
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“What makes you say that...?” His voice is soft, questioning despite the heavy feeling in the air. Even if he wants to feel angry he just doesn’t think he has it in her. Not really. Not with her. So he just questions it, waiting to hear what her answer might be to this looming question.
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ahbutimavillain · 2 years
@foundwcnderland​ said: “  i’m alone.  and it’s my own fault.  but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.  ” snow
       He doesn’t actually feel good that Snow feels that way but a part of him cannot help but feel a sense of fairness at it all. For so long they have treated him like a villain--not a claim he necessarily disputes--while thinking they’re perfect. But really they’re all just the same. Everyone is. They all look of for themselves and their own and always find a way for the ends to justify the means. Even if they do feel bad about it afterward. Rumpelstiltskin himself doesn’t always feel good after the bad he does either. 
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“That pain, you learn to live with it.” Not exactly comforting words for her he’s sure but it’s the truth. She’ll get over it. 
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slashaer-archive · 2 years
                   it’s nothing new for the boy to show up to school with some sort of injury ; a black eye, a split lip, a cut or bruise. normally they’re a gift from an alcoholic father, but this time was different. he wouldn’t admit that after hearing what elton had tried to do to cher that john found the other boy and all but broke his nose. elton got a few good hits in, hence the black and yellow swelling under his left eye, but bender got his message through. touch her again and i’ll kill you. bender had no qualms about handing out threats, and once he knew that his point had gotten through to the rich boy, john had left without another word.
back at school, bender was standing in front of his locker when she approached him. he had to look down to see cher, even in her heels, and despite knowing what she came to talk to him about, his gaze remained dull and half lidded. ‘ do i look like some knight in shining armor to you? ’ she said i know what you did for me as if cher knew anything at all. it’s not something john would readily admit, and it was going to take a lot more than blue eyes and a pouty lip to get it out of him. ‘ i know you think th’world revolves around you, sweets, but th’guy had it comin’. it had nothin’ t’do with you. think you can wrap your blonde head around that? ’     @foundwcnderland.
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heartwrought · 2 years
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@foundwcnderland​  said  :   "Why do you have that look on your face?"    hermione  to  ginny
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It’s  an  expression  of  utter  amusement.   She’s  been  sat  in  the  common  room,  curled  up  in  her  favorite  chair  before  the  fire,  Crookshanks  settled  upon  her  lap  ---  but  she’s  been  waiting.   Waiting  for  this  moment  when  Hermione  would  finally  return  from  the  hospital  wing,  where  she’s  been  tending  to  her  very  own  brother  for  hours  now.   ❛  Funny  ---  I  think  I  could  ask  you  the  same.  ❜   Smugness  infiltrates  her  features,  teeth  sinking  down  into  her  bottom  lip  as  fingers  absentmindedly  stroke  the  space  between  Crookshank’s  ears.   ❛  How  is  our  ickle  Ronnie-kins  doing,  anyway,  Er... my... nee?  ❜
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gavelsins · 2 years
@foundwcnderland​​​ is patching over:
❝ Jesus Tara you could have been killed, what were you thinking? ❞ Frustration laced his words, but he wasn't frustrated at her but rather the situation. He knew the life he lived was dangerous, and he wanted nothing more than to keep her safe and give her the life he knew she deserved. Time and time again he promised her he would walk away from the Club, but time and time again the REAPER extended his hand and he found himself once more around that table. Without so much as a second thought, a hand delicately brushed her hair behind her ear.
She was the one person in the world who could make the OUTLAW soft, the one person who could make him vulnerable. For a moment, he couldn't say anything; he could only sit there and curse himself for not being there for her. She had always been a staple in his life, always there by his side until one day she wasn't. He couldn't help but think that if she hadn't returned to Charming, none of this would have happened. He could imagine a million different lives for himself, but her face was the only one he cared to see in all of them.
❝ I don't want you going anywhere without a Club member until I find this bastard. ❞ He stated, looking around at the shattered glass of their home. Once again, their house had been broken into, the first time being well before Abel was even brought home. ❝ What were you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you have been at work? ❞
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He didn't know how to do it — to keep her safe and continue to keep his promises to the Club. The Club was all that he knew, but the life he was building with Tara was his family. A family that part of him desperately wanted to keep from the Club and the horrors of his world. What kind of man was he, and what kind of father was he if he couldn't even keep his family safe? It was a question that weighed heavily on his mind as of late, a question he feared he knew the answer to already.
Soon enough, he wrapped her into a hug, holding her close and gently kissing the top of her head. ❝ I promise I will make this right. ❞ He whispered, and he intended to keep it even if that meant walking away from the only world he had ever known — the life of an outlaw in SAMCRO. ❝ Don't worry about this; we'll go somewhere else tonight. I'll take care of it in the morning. ❞ He could never forgive himself if something happened to her and this life they had been working towards. But deep down he knew that most of the hardships she faced were because of him.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
@foundwcnderland​ one liner s.c (for elsa!)
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“As much as I love the thrill of a good blizzard, love -  if you’ve anymore tricks up that sleeve of yours... now might be the best time to bloody use them.”
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mcsaiccfmusesa · 2 years
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@foundwcnderland​ asked: the  biggest  problem  is;  i  still  care.  ‘‘ claire/allison
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Allison threw her a cautious look. She didn’t like to talk about her parents with just anybody. Andy was the only one who ever pretended to care until now. She hummed and doesn’t even blink or move before replying, “That’s a mistake I make every day. It’s hard to accept you care more about the people meant to care for you than they care about you.”
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ursulawrites · 2 years
“You could’ve died, you know…” rory/logan
"I'm fine, Ace," Logan tried to reassure her. It was hard when every bone in his body ached and every muscle screamed. He gently pushed himself to a sitting position in bed, attempting to hide the resulting grimace of pain from Rory. It was like his body was reminding him that he was on bed rest, though he didn't think he could stand up even if he tried. He made a mental note to never leave Finn in charge of parachutes, and frankly he could do without ever seeing Costa Rica again.
"It's just a few bruised ribs and a broken bone or two. Nothing a bit of Huntzberger grit can't handle," He joked weakly. He knew she was right, he could have died, and that thought terrified him. Logan tried to act like it didn't, that it was no big deal and that he lived by the live fast, die young motto. But that wasn't him, at least not anymore. He had plans and a future, and hopefully both would involve Rory. At least for as long as she'd have him.
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faultyconscience · 2 years
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@foundwcnderland​ said: ❝ why did you turn away from me? ❞ Belle/Rumpel
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      “I didn’t.” The lie comes so quick and easy to his lips it almost shocks him, almost. Lying has become second nature to him now, after so many eons of doing so, he almost doesn’t notice when he does it. And with Belle, it seems he’s always having to lie, to hide his true nature from her. 
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theoutcsts · 2 years
dark & angsty sentence starters | currently open
@foundwcnderland​ asked ‘ don’t shut me out ‘
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                                  ‘  That’s  not  what  I  —  ‘
Words  were  caught,  and  he  knew  he  didn’t  have  it  in  him  to  continue  them.  What  lies  would  he  add  after,  ideas  of  ‘  not  what  I  mean  ‘  or  ‘  not  what  I  wanted  to  happen  between  us,  ever,  not  when  you  were  my  anchor  and  I  was  always  adrift  until  I  found  you  ‘  ?  It  was  too  heavy,  and  Jughead  lifted  a  hand  to  his  mouth  as  he  did  habitually;  rubbing,  considering,  thinking  —  the  choices  he  made  suddenly  seemed  so  messy,  despite  how  SURE  he  had  been  at  the  time.  It  was  this  realization  that  pinned  Jughead  down  to  the  fate  of  his  father  and  his  before,  that  this  is  what  the  men  of  the  Jones  family  did.  They  never  MEANT  to,  but  what  was  that  excuse  in  the  face  of  having  caused  such  pain  ?
Jughead  had  chosen  the  path  of  the  Serpents  without  a  thought  for  the  consequences  that  might  have  on  him  or  Betty,  the  one  person  who  mattered  the  most,  whose  face  he  always  looked  for  in  a  crowd.  Jughead  had  felt  a  sense  of  purpose  when  he  was  handed  the  jacket  by  Tall  Boy,  finally  feeling  like  a  path  was  being  carved  out  ahead  of  him,  that  his  life  on  the  south  side  would  finally  mean  something.  Writing  could  never  really  amount  to  anything,  could  it  ?  But  THIS,  the  Serpents,  they  were  —  
                                ‘  Family,  ‘  he  whispered  to  himself,  blue  eyes  then  darting  up  to  look  at  Betty.  God,  he  loved  her  so.  She  sent  flames  licking  up  at  his  feet  and  he  always  felt  on  the  urge  of  combusting,  of  an  endless  need.  She  helped  him  feel  needed,  and  she  had  been  the  one  to  help  him  navigate  the  treacherous  waters  of  ‘  purpose  ‘  before  he  really  knew  what  that  word  would  mean  to  him.  
                              ‘  Betty,  I’m  sorry  for  what  I’ve  done.  I  feel  so  disconnected.  Caught.  I  feel  like  my  life  is  being  torn  apart  in  directions  that  have  no  end  in  sight,  because  I’m  a  south  sider  by  blood,  and  yet  I’ve  seen  what  HOPE  can  do  for  me.  I  don’t  mean  to  shut  you  out.  I  just  feel  so  STUCK.  ‘
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slashaer-archive · 2 years
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don’t you forget about me.     @foundwcnderland.
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heartwrought · 2 years
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@foundwcnderland​  said  :  “you’re the worst.”    rory  to  paris .
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❛  Rory,  you  may  think  I’m  the  worst  now,  but  you’ll  be  thanking  me  later  when  we  win.  ❜   Was  there  even  anything  to  win?   In  Paris’s  mind,  there  certainly  was.   They  would  receive  the  highest  grade  in  the  class  for  their  project  or  so  help  her  God,  she  would  be  reining  terror  upon  Sister  What’s - her - name.   Regardless,  she  has  been  sitting  upon  the  floor  in  the  Gilmore’s  living  room  for  three  hours,  notebooks  splayed  upon  the  coffee  table,  a  solar  diorama  half  built  laying  upon  the  empty  the  couch.   ❛  I’ve  finished  with  Mercury,  Venus,  and  Jupiter  ---  ❜   All  three  freshly  painted  and  dried  solar  displays  are  held  up  in  the  palms  of  her  hands.   ❛  Have  you  finished  with  Neptune  yet?   You  really  need  to  pick  up  the  pace,  Gilmore.  ❜
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murkyhazed-hasmoved · 3 years
@foundwcnderland​​    ♡   →   gemma w/ tara.
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               ❝   what   in   GODS   NAME   do   you   think   you’re   doing?   ❞      there   is   a   look   of   ANNOYANCE   on   her   face   as   she   stares   down   the   teenager.      god,   her   son   wasn’t   the   BRIGHTEST.      guess   he   took   after   his   old   man   in   that   regard,   finding   himself   the   BITCHIEST   of   girls   to   go   after.      tara   was   one   of   those   wild   ones,   a   lot   like   gemma   had   been.      probably   why   gemma   didn’t   much   care   for   her,   she   was   TOO   MUCH   like   herself.
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