#about: logan x rory
ursulawrites · 2 years
“You could’ve died, you know…” rory/logan
"I'm fine, Ace," Logan tried to reassure her. It was hard when every bone in his body ached and every muscle screamed. He gently pushed himself to a sitting position in bed, attempting to hide the resulting grimace of pain from Rory. It was like his body was reminding him that he was on bed rest, though he didn't think he could stand up even if he tried. He made a mental note to never leave Finn in charge of parachutes, and frankly he could do without ever seeing Costa Rica again.
"It's just a few bruised ribs and a broken bone or two. Nothing a bit of Huntzberger grit can't handle," He joked weakly. He knew she was right, he could have died, and that thought terrified him. Logan tried to act like it didn't, that it was no big deal and that he lived by the live fast, die young motto. But that wasn't him, at least not anymore. He had plans and a future, and hopefully both would involve Rory. At least for as long as she'd have him.
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emmafallsinlove · 10 months
thinking about how people arguing about rory and jess doesn’t have a “you jump, i jump” moment but like. have you ever been 17 and a guy bought your home made basket for $90 and sat with you on a bridge by the lake, look into your eyes and told you “you know, ernest only has lovely things to say about you”? because tbh, it changes everything.
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Rory on Jess + text posts (seasons 4 & 6 edition) | (season 2 edition) (season 3 edition) (AYITL bonus edition)
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nelllover · 1 year
Something about Rory and Jess's dynamic that I don't see people talking about enough is the fact that he is the only bf of her's that was her friend before anything else (now granted both had huge crushes on each other since the start but still!!)
And I think that's why they're the best!
Jess saw her as more than just some pretty girl he saw her as someone that he could spend time with and not get bored and Rory saw him as someone who would finally not just tune her out and nod politely when she went off on a tangent about her interests (especially books).
another aspect of that is showcased in how they act in later seasons (s6 and AYITL) while yes they are exes (who are still in love with each other but don't tell them) they're able to go right back to the same rhythm with easy conversations like nothing happened (now granted that's not totally healthy and they should definitely have a conversation about everything but what do you expect from the king and queen of denial)
There is a reason why by the end of the series the only ex Rory has a good relationship with is Jess (and no not just because they were totally implied endgame) it's because they need each other in their lives so much that they're ok with just having those 'totally 100% platonic moments' (altho there as never been a moment where they haven't been in love with each other)
And I can tell you one thing for sure Jess is the only one who cares about Rory enough to do that you'll never see either Dean or Logan be there for her without a hidden agenda.
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felixcatton · 5 months
it's 1:30 am and i'm thinking about how logan and rory both grow up feeling like their lives aren't really theirs. how logan uses risk and impulse as a way to feel some semblance of control over his life in response to his father's control. how in contrast, rory spends her life with a tight grip on just about everything, clings to safety and a clear path forward, because she worries that her success is the thing holding her and her mom's life together.
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sanascribbles · 2 months
me: explaining how much i love rory and logan’s dynamic as someone who deeply relates to rory and actually just wouldn’t do anything if someone isn’t pushing me out of my comfort zone like he does for her. he reminds her to have fun and as a fellow stressed out uptight overachiever like rory, i want a logan to remind me to unwind and have fun and that it’s ok to relax and not be 100% all the time
corner shop till guy: *blinks* here’s your change ig
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loveourfuture-c · 3 months
You could never make me choose between Jess and Logan. I love them both so much and I absolutely adore their individual relationships with Rory and the impact they had on her.
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jessmmariano · 2 years
Some Jess Mariano headcanons I have bc this man lives in my head rent free:
Folds over book pages instead of using actual bookmarks
Is fiercely against using Kindles and will mercilessly mock those who use them (aka Rory)
Only shops at independent book stores and despises Barnes & Noble (although part of him wants to shop there he refuses to)
Was actually good friends with Dave Rygalski and also went on a double date with him and Rory and Lane and Dave
Doesn’t care if CDs are outdated, he will continue to buy them
At first struggled with having a half-sister, but eventually adjusted to it and visits her every Christmas (and makes a point to gift her books he thinks she’d like)
He loves Green Day
Hates the summertime, especially the heat
Also hates wearing short sleeve t-shirts and he will never be caught dead wearing shorts
Refuses to buy a cellphone but eventually caves because Rory tells him to
Is a terrible driver and gets bad road rage
Let’s Doula paint his nails when he visits
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tophsazulas · 21 days
Hi, I really liked your Taylor playlist for Jeric and am hoping you could make a Taylor list for Rogan too? So many of Taylor's songs fit Rory and Logan so well, obviously starting with Champagne Problems lol
Aw tysm! And yes I can!
1. Champagne Problems
2. Cruel Summer (THE Rogan song. Argue with the wall (lol jkjk but fr).)
3. Paper Rings
4. The 1
5. Endgame
6. Fortnight (also such a Rogan song)
7. Is It Over Now?
8. Back To December
9. Enchanted
10. Mine ("you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter" nuff said)
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catoscloves · 11 months
the thing is while literati and rogan shippers may be divided on rory's situation in s6 and the way both boys responded to it, i see the merit of both sides (although i could be biased since i very obviously ship both). and in the context of this episode specifically, 6x08 when looking at writing and characterization, i'm a big fan of how things play out.
because jess really does know rory as he claims to even if he obviously has made terrible choices with her in the past and hurt her badly (and let's keep in mind that while his actions were horrible and inexcusable, he was an immature TEEN at the time of their relationship and has clearly learned from his mistakes and matured a lot since then, to the point where rory is actually happy to see him and reconnect in a platonic capacity). because they are friends and he cares about her, because they have the type of relationship where they cheer for the other's successes, she supports the actions that he's taken to make something better for his life. and he chooses to support rory too, calling her out on her stagnant life that she's living at the moment and encouraging her to reclaim what she worked so hard for. he knows that she's lost and dejected, not following her passions/goals, not taking her ambitions seriously. and yes, i do agree that it's a bit unfair for him to have approached the situation that way and claimed to know what's best for her/yell at her especially as he hasn't had consistent presence in her life recently, but it does lead rory to a pivotal breakthrough and helps her turn things around for herself and pursue what she feels is the correct path, at last momentarily.
but that's not where the story ends either. when she confronts logan about her recent lifestyle, how it compares to his opportunities/privilege and the struggles he faces when dealing with that, and how they spend their time together drinking and partying (all of which are great themes to explore on their own), they get into what is a very important fight for them. logan reminds her that she has as much privilege and opportunity as him, that she's the one making the choices she does, and that he respects and supports those choices. he also heatedly reminds her that she has as much power to reclaim what she's lost, that she can choose to live whichever life she wants and he isn't preventing her from doing that. instead, he's simply being supportive and respecting her decisions, not coercing or being a "bad influence" on her.
while both men were making poor decisions this episode (logan being an excessive drunk and unnecessarily antagonizing jess in an immature display of jealousy, jess presuming to know what is best for rory), they were also really important to not only enriching rory's storyline but understanding all three of them as characters, imo. both sides of the rogan versus literati fandoms can argue against the other man's behavior this episode (and both sides would make a convincing point) but it's meaningless to debate who is the better love interest because that's not the point here, at least in the context of this episode and how it drives the plot. the point is that both relationship dynamics and both characters, romance drama aside, were integral to rory realizing what she wanted and proactively making decisions to drive her own success. and in the end, it was rory who regained agency, rory who took charge of her life, which neither love interests deserve credit for. however, i do appreciate that they both did play their part in helping her get there.
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jakeperalta · 2 years
rory x logan fans we need to unite and pick a single edit tag we're all going to use i can't keep searching through like ten tag variations trying to find content 😭
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ursulawrites · 6 months
@wildhecrt said: ❝ It’s okay - I can do this on my own!❞ rory/logan for some revival redo :)))
Logan stared at the woman sitting across from him in a Hartford coffee shop, one not all that far from Richard and Emily's old place. Even after so many years, the depths of Rory's stubbornness still continued to astound him.
He didn't know what was fuelling her insistence on doing this alone, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give up that easily. He had walked away from her once but he definitely wasn't going to do it twice. He was quite sure that would kill him, especially given the news that Rory had recently shared with him. No, he wasn't going anywhere. Gorilla glue had nothing on this new Logan Huntzberger.
"I know you can do this on your own, Ace, but that doesn't mean you have to." Logan held eye contact with her, trying his best to convey just how serious he was through looks alone. "I already spoke to my dad, I'm relocating to the New York branch immediately. My assistant is packing up my London apartment as we speak. We don't have to get back together, but I still want to be here, for both of you..."
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
What really bothers me about 6.06 and the birking bag is when Logan doesn’t really get the reaction he expects to receive (he probably had thought Rory would show more interest in the bag considering how expensive that thing is) he literally say “call my sister, she’d fill you in, it’s like a thing you know” and Rory, as the people pleaser she is just keep saying “wow, a bag” because she literally couldn’t care less about this million dollar bag he bought her VS her reaction when Jess says his book, the book that he wrote, is now hers. and ofc it just one copy among many but it means something to her because Rory goes back to her bed and opened his book by the intention to read it. Jess gesture is so much more important to her than logan. Because she knows how important this book is to Jess but also, everyone said he was a troublemaker and he made something out of himself because she believed in him so everyone got it wrong in his case so maybe Mitchum has wronged about her too?
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liesmultixxx · 9 months
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macstarli · 1 year
Apparently this is my weekend of tumblr, because I have spent a lot of time thinking about the infamous bar fight A LOT and now I need to put all of it somewhere. Because usually I get so annoyed by the aftermath that I don’t think I’ve actually thought about the actual fight in a really long time.
I think I might actually have to re-watch the first half of Season 6. Because the more I think about it, the more I feel confused and to be fair I don’t rewatch GG all that often, especially that part of GG, so maybe I’m just missing something, but Rory and Logan are both acting really weird when he surprises her with Jess, right? And I guess Rory acting weird kind of makes sense. I can see how she’d feel insecure infront of Jess (who proofs soundly that he has very little problem judging her extremly harshly and with very little context, which isn’t exactly a huge surprise from him) in general and I can even see that she’d feel insecure about how much he wouldn’t “approve” of Logan (which, fuck Jess, but she wasn’t in a great place with how she was thinking about her own life and even at her best she’s not great with other people’s disaproval) so that would make that an akward thing for her.
But I remember Logan and Rory as being in a really good place in early season 6. A lot of other things were messed up in her life, but they were happy. I mean, she said “I love you”, because that’s how she feels about him, and while he couldn’t say it back yet, he’s clearly happy about it and doesn’t seem freaked out by the pressure or anything. And they talk about it and are both good with how their relationship currently is.They feel really solid. And yet he shows up, sees her with a guy (he probably doesn’t even know it’s an ex) and just immediatly seems to go towards jealousy. I think. I haven’t actually just watched those scenes with sound on for ages. He’s definitely not thrilled about it and immediately goes on the offensive hard from what I remember. Which doesn’t feel very like Logan to me. Especially because him and Rory are in a really good place and he knows it. That feels more like a defensiveness that would show up in a relationship that is struggeling. Because I guess that behaviour kind of tracks with his behaviour in Season 5 with Robert, but that’s exactly my point. They’re not exclusive in Season 5. She actually is on a date with another guy and so he reacts with jealousy and trying to get her to go home with him instead. He’s still struggeling with his emotions and what they are and what they mean and thus he’s behaving weirdly. That behaviour makes a lot less sense for me in Season 6, where they are in a commited relationship and happy and all he’s seeing is her standing around with some random guy. And I don’t mean that in a “man, Logan is just an asshole”-way, but in a “hey, that writing doesn’t make any sense to me”-way.
Now Rory acts kind of weird from the moment he shows up and I can kind of see how that feeds into whatever he’s already feeling, but I’m so confused by why he’s already feeling... whatever it is he’s feeling.
I have a headcanon (that I stole from someone else and I wish I could remember who it was), but was there an actual in-show reason why Rory and Logan go from being in a good place to... whatever the fuck that evening was? If I remember correctly the episode begins with Rory not being thrilled about the boys in that bar, but is that the first time we get some sense that their relationship is heading in a more unsettled direction or am I just not remembering something else?
Anybody free to talk about this with me? Because I am currently unable to think about anything but that stupid fight and whether or not it makes sense for their relationship.
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literatisongs · 2 years
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—the strokes, the adults are talking (2020)
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