#i see your rogan content on the dash
ursulawrites · 2 years
“You could’ve died, you know…” rory/logan
"I'm fine, Ace," Logan tried to reassure her. It was hard when every bone in his body ached and every muscle screamed. He gently pushed himself to a sitting position in bed, attempting to hide the resulting grimace of pain from Rory. It was like his body was reminding him that he was on bed rest, though he didn't think he could stand up even if he tried. He made a mental note to never leave Finn in charge of parachutes, and frankly he could do without ever seeing Costa Rica again.
"It's just a few bruised ribs and a broken bone or two. Nothing a bit of Huntzberger grit can't handle," He joked weakly. He knew she was right, he could have died, and that thought terrified him. Logan tried to act like it didn't, that it was no big deal and that he lived by the live fast, die young motto. But that wasn't him, at least not anymore. He had plans and a future, and hopefully both would involve Rory. At least for as long as she'd have him.
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Rules- updated
Muses- Rogue (Marvel canon divergent 616 based), Nilza Valdez (urban fantasy OC), Farrar Kilpatrick (urban fantasy OC).Kaylee Starke (urban fantasy OC, Sara Lance- White Canary (Legends of Tomorrow CW/Arrowverse- ON HIATUS), Padmé Amidala (Star Wars canon- by request and hc memes or semi-plotted para threads ONLY. Memes you see CAN be used for this but I’m not responding unless we have a vague idea of where this is going as discussed). 
I don’t always follow. I try to keep my dash to things that spark joy. I reserve the right to not follow back or unfollow at all times, without need for explanation. If I am going to follow back, I will not do so until I can get the time to read your rules fully.
Blog is 18+ due to multiple facets of adult content. If I find out you’re under 18, you will be immediately blocked. No exceptions. I also do not ship with muses under 18. 
I do not tag all the possible triggers that exist. My content is pretty trigger happy- drug use, violence, language, sex, mental illness, death, pregancy and miscarriage, etc. If you truly have a trigger, hit me up and I can tag it for you, most especially for visuals but when it comes to my para replies with a partner that’s already cool with the content, I’m not tagging every little possible thing. Things I always try to tag: pregnancy, miscarriage, vomit mention, current events, politics, images of spiders. 
I do not require you to follow me to interact with me if any of this bothers you. 
I am a multi-para blog. One to three lines is not enough for me to work with and I will get both frustrated and bored. I have had enough years writing really short threads, I’m far more interested in having threads that give me details on your muse, their emotions, the setting, etc.
I respond with what I can get to at the moment and have the brain power for. I utilize rpthreadtracker and will try to get to the older ones when possible but this isn’t first come, first served around here. What has inspo at the moment is what’s getting posted. I don’t use a queue, I’ve tried, it never works. Feel left out, I really can’t help you there. I’m not half-assing a reply because you want me to kick you back a response the day of when I don’t have the words for it at the moment.
Reblogs/Likes: If you see that I’m utilizing a source blog, please reblog the meme/prompt from said blog. I understand when a source is deactivated, that I don’t mind. But I am not a meme source and will block if I’m being used as one.
Do not reblog an rp thread unless you are directly involved. Seriously. Don’t.
Fictions I have specifically marked reblogs allowed in caption or tag can be reblogged.
Liking here and there is perfectly acceptable. That’s normal. Mutuals please, by all means, don’t feel like you can’t like something I posted. However, liking every single post I put up clogs my activity. Please don’t, or you run the risk of being blocked. Definitely don’t scroll back through a ship meme liking ever post I’ve put up for the past three months. I think I burst a blood vessel that morning… Especially don’t like rp memes and not send. Just go to the source to like it if you’re saving it…otherwise you look dickish.
UPDATE- No NSFW will be written with muns below the age of 21, preferably 25+, otherwise will be a case by case basis for 21+
I do not roleplay for the purpose of shipping. I love my ships, I get involved with my ships, but I am NOT here solely for ships, and definitely not solely smut.
I do not require any sexual scene to be fully played out, you are more than welcome to tell me you want to fade to black. I’m not here for the sole purpose of writing smut.
I do NOT smut unless we thread regularly AND regularly interact OOC. NSFW threads are a means to getting to know my muse, and our muses’ relationship better. I don’t write it for the heck of it. I’ve made exceptions to this rule on occasion and it’s never left me feeling comfortable. As of 12/28/2020, any and all approval for NSFW is revoked unless you interact with me on a regular basis OOC and we have discussed comfort level. If you wish to plot further and get more interactions going, maybe an actual thread will evolve to NSFW content. If you have to rely solely on a meme on Sinday to elicit that kind of interaction, that’s your cue my muse doesn’t know yours well enough for a NSFW thread. 
Ships are unique to themselves, don’t expect identical interactions ever, and I do multiship. However, I have a few mains I will only ship with unless long time interaction provides enough chemistry to rule otherwise. I will only ship Rogan with @loganweaponx, and Matt Murdock/Rogue with @holyxdefender. I am not  limiting interactions to just those muses, ONLY the shipping aspect unless chemistry proves otherwise. 
While I only ship chemistry, you are welcome to yeet into my DMs and be like “hey fuckface my muse is crushing hard can we explore this?!” That does NOT mean the ship is guaranteed to pan out. Just because I agreed to explore this does not mean I mean I signed some contract on OTP status.
Do not come at with me with “I have a plot idea and it’s we ship our muses” or *throws smut meme in your inbox* and we never interact. Fast way to get ignored or blocked. 
UPDATE- unless you’ve cleared it with me, please do not make our rp thread interactions into your muse’s general canon. I did not sign up for that and it makes me really uncomfortable to think anything I write is being inserted into your muse’s canon and subject to critique in that manner. On that same note, I will not write with canon-inserts (forced oc child, parent, sibling, etc relationships) unless I have a means to not have it affect my own muse’s canon. I don’t even play canon ships until I’ve felt out our particular muse’s chemistry.
I do not have many triggers but I have a hardstop at m!preg (magical male preg), magical/spedup/otherwise exaggerated pregnancy, A/B/O, breeder, DD/l. I will not roleplay them, and if I see them on my dash I will immediately unfollow. Y'all are welcome to do as you want, but I’m not making myself uncomfy in my antistress zone. 
I will not use pregnancy/children as plot points but for a select few muse relationships where it is part of the natural flow of the ship and has been plotted as such, or our ooc relationship is good enough for you to know my stance on sending a pregnancy meme. 
If you have gotten this far, bless your soul. Have a chocolate chip cookie. Please send “room full of rocking chairs” to my DMs or askbox so I know I’m not chucking my words into the ether.
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babe-in-red · 7 years
Since my dashboard looks like it’s on repeat, I would like to follow more people. I know posts like this are annoying as mosquitos, but please consider.  If you post: 
- sheith  - Keith - at least 90% of your blog contents one of these two things.  - a nice Voltron (shipping-less) content. I love all paladins so I would love to see the family on my dash. 
And you are not:
- an anti - full of bullshit like you need to be salty in every weather at every occasion - everything has limits I would say.  - broganes all the way™ or let’s just make sheithers life miserable. 
It’s ok if:
- you’re angry sometimes (who’s not), and you tag your discourse. It’s fine, really.  - It’s ok if you show up once in a week. everybody has their life outside of tumblr. It would be weird if don’t.  - If you also post things like #nature #space #science I love these.
Then that’s all. like, reply or reblog, you know how this works :)
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
Why Is Everyone Upset With Joe Rogan?
In this video, we give you a breakdown of the Joe Rogan interview with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Is Joe Rogan the new establishment mouthpiece?
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Transcript –
Let’s just get into the main story that we want to talk about because just moments ago there’s been a huge backlash against Joe Rogan after he hosted a podcast with of course the CEO of Jack Dorsey in the comment section pretty much says it all as I’m seeing comments like people saying.
Joe Rogan that we on sweetie wants all loved is dead and of course the video is getting completely ratio with only three point two thousand people up voting the interview that Joe Rogan conducted with Jack Dorsey but with over 14,000 people down voting it a big ratio and pretty much the comment section says it all with people saying things like quote people are not buying this PR stunt there’s not another comment saying here remember when Joe was present during an interview? I missed.
Send it to me after watching the interview I do have to say that Jack Dorsey does kind of cut come off a little wacky you kind of comes off more like you was trying to be a religious leader then a CEO of a company but I think people also need to understand that this is ultimately a 41 year old billionaire who does also date 23 year old models and Timmy he was a little bit with just not in touch with reality with what he’s been saying and how he’s been expressing himself on the live stream because a lot of the things that he was saying we’re contradicted with what his Corporation has been doing and we have to understand here as one of the comments reads in the videos quote Jack Dorsey has done more to meddle in our elections then Russia and there’s.
Backlash against Jack Dorsey.
Mainly because.
Believe that Joe Rogan kind of went soft at him and you can see that from some of the comments and he didn’t pressure him and question Jack Dorsey on some of the activities at his mask Corporation conduct now I thought a very interesting part of the interview happened at around 48 minutes and 55 seconds we’re actually Joe Rogan asked about Alex Jones who was terminated from using.
Mosley violating the terms and services and Joe Rogan ask Jack Dorsey pointless.
What did Alex Jones do to get permanently banned which I found interesting because Alex Jones actually launched the whole attack on Joe Rogan just this week alone which was pretty out there Jason to say the least yeah you know.
Bottom line is this man has been set up.
Bob the CIA the Deep State the NSA damn I found am I sick.
Elemeno pea.
The new cult leader.
That’s going to take your kids down an LSD DMT path to hell with magic mushrooms.
Jason you’re not really exaggerated because I was just came up.
Very very speculative and that’s a very nice term to use here and talking about it like inside a references and acting like he knows a lot of secrets that he’s not going public with but also a lot of kind of really kind of far out their comments but it was interesting to see Joe Rogan actually asked Jack Dorsey about Alex Jones and Jack Dorsey even said I’m not even sure what what he actually violated and why was he permanently banned from using the platform so that was a big a contentious point.
As well as the fact that people are accusing now Joe Rogan of deleting a lot of the critical comments of the CEO of Twitter a lot of comments were made by Sargon of akkad there was a comment made by of course Mark Dice as well a lot of those comments were uploaded and a lot of people are saying that they can’t find them anymore on specifically the video that was published by Joe Rogan now Mark Dice actually released a statement saying that he could actually see his own comment but when he logged out of his account you couldn’t see his comment at all which of course people are pointing to clear sensor.
Mark Dice actually tweeted that Joe Rogan and then tweeted a photo of Joe Rogan blocking him and there’s been actually beef between Mark and Joe for a couple years now so it doesn’t surprise me that they have been blocked.
Of course a lot of people right now or staying confirmed Joe Rogan is now helping out Jack Dorsey by deleting critical comments of them on his page and people are saying that this is absolute truth but it could also be a possibility that Joe Rogan who did this video live and then deleted it and then reuploaded it that this was one of the reasons why some of those comments with missing it could also be because of the YouTube algorithm which has a bias against Sargon and Mark Dice another alternative creators and sometimes they down Rank and sometimes they get rid of comments in there as well so it’s actually unclear to see if there was any kind of meddling.
Play Joe Rogan but I hope he makes the statement about it because it wouldn’t look good if he was deleting comments from the bigger discussions that are being had on his video which I think are very important to to discuss and.
Bigger aspect here is of course Jack Dorsey himself and then to me honestly there could have been more to kind.
Question Jack Dorsey have to find out more critically important information because Jack Dorsey himself admits that he is biased and of course every human being is biased.
It came it comes to a point where even conservatives within the Twitter organization have come out and expressed that they don’t feel safe even expressing themselves working for of course Twitter even USA Today came out talking about the political bias and the crackdowns that have been politically motivated inside of Twitter and of course the people who use Twitter now Jack Dorsey just like similar comments he made in The Joe Rogan interview said this doesn’t affect us as as he said before as Mashable cupboard you know the left-leaning bias doesn’t affect content decisions at all and a lot of people are just calling straight out right Hui on that and lies because I think it’s pretty clear to everyone that yes there’s a major bias especially in Twitter especially with what we just saw a recently where we saw a lot of celebrities and mainstream media figures literally call for the doxxing and physic. Violence of teenagers of because they had a Maga hat and were smirking during of course the whole Native American controversy and a lot of those left-wing people who are calling for violence and Dachshund they weren’t punished by Twitter but when similar instances happen for an example when people tell journalists to quote learn-to-code now Twitter see that as abusive Behavior because the quote learn to code is being sent to journalists from predominately BuzzFeed and vice who lost their jobs recently so the biosphere is pretty effing.
Sushi with all the people who were permanently banned from that platform and it’s not just a prominent figures but also bigger organizations as we found out from the Washington times at Twitter suppress messages criticizing Planned Parenthood in other pro-life groups out there the bias is very clear with there censorship with her Shadow Banning and also Shilling for the establishment as it’s not only people on the right we’re getting hit but also a lot of people who are anti establishment like the free thought project the anti-media my personal friend Carey wedler who had our account deleted without an explanation to why it’s happening and it’s also done or bigger.
State government recent as we see Twitter recently takedown hundreds of accounts that were pro-regime of Maduro that were Pro Venezuelan accounts coming from Venezuela talking about their support.
Didn’t want a coup d’etat happening in their country all of those people have been bad it was a similar move also made of course in Syria where a lot of Syrian government accounts and Syrian voices.
Procedural voices Rosso sensor attend and deleted and of course a lot of Close Associates to Nicolas Maduro we’re also just totally blocked and suspend.
From using the platform as we’re seeing just a stunning video of what looks like American military helicopters in Columbia heading towards the Venezuelan border so this was an issue that I think Joe was kind of very soft on an.
In one point I do agree with Joe when he says I’m here to talk to everyone and people accuse him of platforming people and empowering them and I’m kind of with Joe here that he should have a right to talk to everyone in an exchange of dialogue and to have a bigger discussion here that we could get a better understanding overall this is getting a lot of attention this got my attention this had me watching and overall I think these conversations are.
Where the problem comes in and why people are mad.
Cuz when Joe Rogan is says that he wants to talk to everyone he doesn’t believe Indie platformer e the problem comes when he’s literally talkin to the orwellian overlord billionaire D platform King Jack Dorsey himself and this is why a lot of people.
Are having a backlash against this video because they don’t think Joe Rogan.
Argued and and fought for what he said he believed in and he took the situation very lightly and if you truly did believe in talking to everyone and giving everyone a platform you would fight for that kind of idea more than he did to what people accuse him of giving a very soft handed approach to Jack Dorsey and I can understand that sentiment as well do you agree or disagree with that also talks about AI in Bitcoin which I know you’re dying to talk about Jace.
There’s a lots on back there my friend I got to tell you what let’s start with Y Dorsey band me okay.
It was very direct.
You are like the last platform the bad Alex Jones.
Factory like JC we found you that’s when you know no no no that’s not why we did.
Now it is true that is a true statement because Alex Jones outside of the Capitol in Washington DC screamed at Jack Dorsey as he was getting into his car that’s a fact that is absolutely affect now it’s weird that Jason bermas knows why Alex Jones officially got banned by Twitter but Jack Dorsey. Band Alex Jones and is the head of this algorithm I want to talk about an AI that I want to talk about before we get him pushing Bitcoin will get there he he did so because he said in this interview and this is what I’m not going to be so hard on Joe because there’s a lot of stuff that came out in this interview if you listen to it all right he said he didn’t know now they said that the way he treated Oliver Darcy in this interview Dorsey said well he didn’t violate our terms of service until after he was on the radar violated terms of service since I was 16 for it the fact of the matter is I was with thousands.
Terms of service brakes.
After I had a big bowl of chili anyway.
Anyway he says that basically Jones officially got banned for bullying Oliver Darcy and live streaming it on the Twitter platform from the halls of the Capitol building now that if you doubt me I’m sure you can pick those up somewhere was pretty funny was calling like a raccoon look out evil is you can tell so that’s why Jack Dorsey doesn’t know that I know that now.
Dorsey also starts talking about how the algorithm curates content and he also starts talking about how it is an AI algorithm now Rogan then goes wait a minute it’s so this is all run by Ai and and he’s he’s literally asked he does he he says the c word Luke he asked him what should we have artificial intelligence censoring speech.
Anthony presenting says no it’s about Dan down ranking people who have a set of history of quote abusive Behavior but who’s who decided that abusive behavior and he’s talking about how people who they don’t like their responses won’t show up in the response feed which I found a stunning admission.
For him to actually bring.
So all that comes out right then he starts talking about some safe nuts to try to get around box right because you know Russia they had all those Twitter Bots and you know they don’t really care about that but he starts talking about facial recognition.
And then Jose like wait a minute facial recognition and then door she’s like oh no we’re just going to we’re not going to actually take your face yeah I’m sure we’re just going to make sure it’s a human being it’s a real person tweeting this stuff out.
So think about how.
Farthest 140 to 280 now characters.
Social media machine has got that it wants to basically biometrically identify your tweets then let an AI algorithm rate them and whether they should be curated up or down very spooky.
Call the salsa Works in hand.
Of course his app the cash app which also is integrated with Bitcoin which he pumped pretty heavily on The Joe Rogan podcast and talked about how.
Currencies are really the the currency of the future and if they’re in hands of someone with Jack Dorsey who’s already using AI who’s already coming off like kind of trying to be a religious figure here talking about oh yeah don’t wear your your your you know your face scans it won’t be used with anybody else I don’t believe it and it makes it very critical. Of course this kind of pumps up Bitcoin but at the same time it makes me worried because again as we covered on the Shadow the potential of Bitcoin is a two-sided it’s it’s a new form of Technology but that technology could be used for sinister purposes as much as it could be used for good purposes and there has been a big establishment push to watch monitor survey land keep track of any kind of transaction that happens out of course this bigger public blockchain I can be used for coarse very Sinister controlling motives so and they got everything here has to be taken with a grain of salt I’m happy that this interview happened I’m happy that we got to understand. Orbit I do understand why people are being critical of jail for giving this kind of soft approach but ultimately I would rather know and rather see this then not and even though he’s getting a lot of flack.
Overall a good important discussion that needed to be had a time and I’m happy you was.
No I absolutely agree Luke you know I’m I’m glad it’s out there getting you a lot of admissions here you see how the company is run from this guy’s perspective at least he’s willing to Shell out listen Ro going to ask some tough questions he just didn’t follow up with any of them he just took his his word you know what I mean and let him kind of talk around these things again what we got out of this is that we have a company that does have a bias is absolutely left-leaning is letting an AI algorithm dictate who gets to say what and when and where that goes and he kept your was really funny look he kept trying to promote not following people but to follow subject matter and one of the big things that he kept going back to his barracks.
So this guy is obviously anti brexit in every single way shape and form I mean the way they were talking about for Raj and his point of view and remember we talked about brexit earlier in the program that’s a pro people movement. All right so again in this just shows you that we need another platform guys Twitter is not it Twitter Twitter is going to have a limited lifespan it’s not going to be the end-all-be-all guess what Facebook is not going to be either let me tell you something that I’m not I live at the kids but they both have phones right.
You can kind of tell patterns on social media and Facebook was the biggest thing well this generation that is all Snapchat Facebook’s got to die down for my generation or generation mid-twenties upper forties into 50s the kids are really use.
These kids there they’re eight nine there on Tik Tok we don’t even know what’s going to be the next Twitter so Dorsey enjoy your bill and billions of dollars be smart now with your nose ring because the people will figure it out I promise.
Yeah and it was interesting because I got a lot of the conversations were very generalized were very vague they weren’t very much to the point that I do wish Joe Rogan would have followed up and kind of held his feet to the fire a little bit he had to have this kind of balance because he knows he wants to keep having powerful people on.
Same time his audience is very mad at him and and you know Jack Dorsey he kept talking about how he wants to help people and and serve people I think overall even when you look the basic understandings of.
Technological advancements in social media it is pretty clear by many scientific methods and by many scientific discoveries that social media by and large has been a very negative impact on human civilization of course there’s some good aspects of it but overall as far as depression as far as what’s been happening especially the the hate cliques that have been incentivize the censoring the manipulation of been happening behind the scenes for of course the powerful that Twitter does that Jack Dorsey is guilty of I don’t buy when he’s on that Joe Rogan show and says he wants to help people and serve people because again bad things have been done with good intentions and I think this is the case I think this is why there’s such a backlash with so many people disappointed.
Jack dorsey’s feet weren’t out of the fire and I agree with that.
The post Why Is Everyone Upset With Joe Rogan? appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/why-is-everyone-upset-with-joe-rogan/
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jimmyjumjimmerson · 6 years
Pewdiepie vs T-Series
"Hai poodipie i am to be ur bigest fan in the wholest world, but u never recognize me, even when I subscribe to you when u were below 200 subs. i use to watch ur videos, ur minecraft hunger games series was always my favourite and I wuld always comment and like ur vids, but you never pinned me or sub to my channel Jimmy Jimmersin nor wuld u chec ot my club penguin rp vids, i delet em after craing for long time.... :( " recently a nutter utuber cam along, t-series.. I dislik them at first, but as tim passed on i finger something out.. The T in t-series stands for ten, and my brithday is n 1 minut- Hello pewdiepie, I am now ten years old, and I am no longer watching the brainnumbing sewage you call content any longer. I've since unsubscribed to your channel, no longer do your meme reviews entertain me or even catch a glimmer of my attention. Honestly it was my foolish nine year old brain that had compelled me to watch each and every single brutal second of every ylyl, meme review, and although it pains me to say you slav you lose.. Now I understand that this is inferior to the brilliant content that Ten series produces from the soul catching soap operas to the songs so beautiful that they make deaf people regain their hearing just to listen to the song, t series has made my iq rocket beyond infinity and 2. Truly it hurts to say this deep in my heart, but.. Goodbye pewdiepie maybe if you yelled at barrels more often things could've gone different but it is too late for that now..- Your ex biggest fan."
Felix put down the letter, it had become damp with the tears he shed while reading it. He looked up at his desktop, then closed the reddit window, and put down his camera. "What's the point.. Soon all my fans will be ten, and they'll see that my content is not as good as the brilliantly superior t-series.. How can I keep up with such an amazing content creator that puts so much heart and emotion into every ounce of their videos.." He said to himself in a trembly voice while hesitantly typing in the letter T in the youtube search bar. T series was of course on top of the search results, Felix stared at the emotionless black text on the search bar. He back out of it after half a minute, then went to his channel, where he hovered his mouse over the delete option. Eventually he brought himself to click it, but just before he could a golden mouse pushed his mouse away.
Felix fell back in his chair, and looked up at the desktop with shock. Rogan Paur (not logan paul, nor Japanese) was on his screen. "BRO BRO BRO WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO!????!!!??!" Rogan asked him while pointing his camcorder at the screen to post later. (I saved pewdiepie!! NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!) "I-I was going to delete my YouTube channel.." Felix said in a quiet voice, Rogan turned his camera to himself and gave it a shock expression before quickly turning it back to the screen. "Why would you do that bro!? Your content brings so much joy to so many people! You don't know how much you brighten people's days up with your videos bro!" Rogan told him while putting the camera right against the screen to better catch Felix's expression. "B-but my nine year old army is growing up to be ten.." Feliz said while looking down. "It doesn't matter if your turn ten or not! They'll become NINEteen! TwentyNINE- NINEty-NINE! point is they will always be nine in theit hearts! And they'll always be a part of the sister fister army!" Rogan shouted at him. Pewd's eyes lit up with hope. "You're right!" He replied as he sat up on his chair. Rogan put away his camera. "You can do it pewds! Beat t-series!" Rogan shouted one last time before cutting the video. "Ok, fuck you, I'm going to surpass you in subscribers someday!" Rogan told him, then disconnected the call.
"Rogan is right! I won't let T-series beat me! My army will always be nine! I have to stop them! But how do I do that!?" He shouted outloud. "Challenge them to a boxing match!" Marzia replied from another room. "YOU'RE RIGHT!" Pewds replied, then immediately uploaded a video challenging T-series to a boxing match. All the big names such as Gloria Boorger it on their unbias youtube channels.
Pewds trained by punching sixty six million three hundred twenty nine thousand and seventy five punches of gratitude in a day. By the time he was finished, he realized that it was still dau time. A grin came over his face, and he took over a random person's dojo by demonstrating a single punch that was sixty million times the speed of sound.
*2 days l8r*
Everyone was gathering in the massive arena the size of India, the row of pewdiepie fans was slowly shrinking as they turned ten, but this didn't discourage him. No, it did the opposite, this only made pewdiepie more confident in his skills. "They will always be nine in theit hearts.." Pewdiepie thought to himself with a small smile as he awaited in the far right corner of the square ring with closed eyes. "Hello! I am John Smith! How can I help you today?" A man with a thick indian accent spoke to him. Pewds opened his eyes to see 1.324 billion Indians with T-series logo on their face standing in the arena. "SKRATTA DU FLÖRlAR DU" Pewds shouted, then the bell rang anf it was time to fight.
"THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE!" Pewdiepie screamed as he charged into the horde that is India's population, they charged toward him as well. Within a matter of seconds he had defeated a million indiands, but their numbers made tidal waves of humans that crashed him, trying to drown out his voice. BUT HIS VOICE WAS A VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. "BARRELS!' Pewdiepie screamed at the top of his lungs, which caused millions of indians to be blasted away. Leaving a massive gap in the center of the boxing arena, with pewdiepie being the only person in it, his eyes glew a bright, silver color representing the subscribed button. "It doesn't matter if I am demonitized or not. If I am the smallest youtuber or the biggest youtuber, I'll always enjoy creating the content that I desire to make and my subscribers will respect that decision. Can you say the same T-series?" He asked them as the gap between them was closed by the flood.
His ex-biggest fan Jimmy Jimmerson, entered the arena with a leash wrapped around his neck, he was being pulled into the stage by John Smith who had escaped the battle zone before the bell rang. "Why'd you bring me here..?" Jimmy asked John, John grinned beneath his T-series logo mask. "So that you could see the fool's final moments of course." John replied, Jimmy looked tiredly at the arena to see that the entire population of india was being held back by pewds with little trouble. This returned a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. "P-pewds?" He said out loud, then john pulled on the leash on his neck. "OW!" he cried out in pain as infomercials for bollywoods latest movie was shoved down his throat.
Pewds leaped twenty feet into the air, a red aura surrounding his body. "Serious serious: Fifty million subscriber red ruby punch!" He shouted, then a flury of millions of ruby fist shot out his body, knocking out the majority of indias population and turning them into nine years olds. He landed, there was still a few hundred indians that hadn't been converted, they ran toward him while spamming his phone with scam calls. Pewds clapped his hands together. "You laugh. You LOSE!" A golden wave of energy shot out his body and finished the remaining indians.
"Hehehe.. I did it." Prwdiepie laughed to himself as he powered down, then suddenly John Smith landed on the arena. "Not exactly." His indian accent became thicker and deeper as he grew into a massive beast, his whole body taking the shape of a t pose. "We are still have the most subscribers gain." John laughed with a thick accent. Pewds looked over his shoulder to see Jimmy sitting in the edge of the arena with his arm stretched out to him. "JIMMy!" Pewds shouted as he dashed toward him, but John got in between them. "NOT SO FAST!" John shouted as he knocked back pewds.
Pewds hit the floor with enough force to cause the world to rumble a bit. "Agh.. He's strong.." Pewds muttered to himself as he looked up at the t posing monster known as John T Series White, but pewds shook his head. "Remember what rogan paur told us!" He reminded himself as he stood back up, but his heart still felt empty he turned to Jimmy. "JIMMY! I've got to know! Will you subscribe to me again!?" Pewds shouted with anguish in his voice. Tears broke free from Jimmy's eyes as he looked at pewdiepie in the eye. "O-of course!" He cried out.
Pewdiepie wiped away any doubt he had left. "It doesn't matter if you have more subscribers than me or not T-series.. My subscribers love me, and although I don't say it often I appreciate them all." Pewds said with a warm grin. "WHAT!? LOVE!? APPRECIATE!? THAT IS WHAT A LOSER TELLS HIMSELF TO MAKE HIMSELF FEEL BETTER YOU'RE EITHER NUMBER ONE OR YOU'RE NOTHING!" JOHN YELLED ANGRILY IN A WEAKENING ACCENT AS HE DASHED TOWARD PEWDIEPIE. He swung his arm at him, but pewdiepie stopped it with a single hand. "No. It's what separates us youtubers from the cold corporation trying to take over our creative flow." Pewdiepie told him, then pushed back John a hundred or so feet with a single tap
NO! NO! NO!" John yelled out, then charged toward pewdiepie once again. But this time Felix leaped over John's arm. "I'm an individual. Not a business." Felix told him just before he unleashed several billion bro fist at John, most of which landed perfectly, but John was able to block the last few thousands. "See!? I'm already adapting to your new power!" Johny barked back as he swung his right arm st Pewds, only for it to be yeeted away. "You'll never be as appreciated as I or other youtubers who make content to entertain people, not to make money off them!" Pewds struck John across the face with a powerful right hook, stumbling him back a bit! But John replied by slamming his head into pewdiepie's gut with enough force to throw him back. "YOU ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY! WHICH IS WHY YOU SELL MERCH!" John yelled as pewdiepie rolled backwards through the ring.
Pewds hit the opposite side of the ring, and let out a small chuckle. "My fans buy my merch, not because I trick them into it. But because they want to show their love for me and my content!" Pewds shouted, which caused John to take a step back. "BUT YOU SALE AN OVER PRICE CHAIIRRRR!" John yelled as he struggled to stand back up. Once again pewds let out a small chuckle. "It's a meme you dip!" He told John while charging up a yellow energy sphere which represented demonitazation in between his hands. "No! Please no! You can't stop me from becoming number one!" John yelled at him. "Maybe so. But I can show you what true spirit is! Ultimate attack: ORIGINAL CONTENT!" Both Felix and pewdiepie fired a powerful energywave at John. "INDIAN MEDIA!" John replied as he fired back an equally large green wave.
"S-shoot!" Felix thought to himself as he felt his wave being pushed back by John, who was slowly getting back up to his feet as T-series gained another million subscribers. "In the end it doesn't matter what one person says! No matter how influential they're! The media will always win! And I am the media!" John yelled as his beam grew larger. "graerggh!" Pewdiepie yelled out as his beam was pushed back. "Ha! I knew you were weaker than my chin." Leafyishere's voice came over his shoulder, then a black beam was fired alongside Pewd's yellow beam. "L-leafy you came back!?" Pewds looked at him. "Not just me!" He replied, pewds turned to his right to see fiber jesus, the two men that did that one thing for five dollars, jackspedicy, the E guy, Idubbs, joji, ethan and hila, Xyaro/doggo,Naggz21,team fourstar, Charleston vo (Death note abridge), and most importantly his predecessor FREDDDD! no jk the entire youtube community! Together they unleashed a massive rainbow wave which overwhelmed The mainstream media!
In the end John was left laying on the cold floor coughing. "Pewdiepie.." He called out his name in a weak voice. "Yes?" Felix asked as he walked up to John.. "I just wanted to be like you.. Entertain millions of people by doing what I loved, but in the end my greed blinded me.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." John cried, pewdiepie kneeled besides him. "It's fine. As long as you promise to better yourself, you could always do what you love.." Felix told him in a soft voice. "You're right.. I guess I'll try it.. I've always wanted to teach others how to cook traditional Indians meals.. I'm thirty-nine.." John told him in a soft tone. Felix smiled and fist bumped him. "Sister fister." They said to each other.. "Wait Pewds.. I've got a favour to ask.." John told him. "What would that be?" He looked down at him. "Get Jimmy Jimmerson to twenty subscribers with no videos."john told him then passed out. "Of course.."
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
No Sure Thing! Why This Investment Could Be A Bust!
In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on one of the more popular markets to get into and how despite this is definitely a cash crop there are no sure things, and this investment could be a bust.
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Welcome back beautiful amazing human beings this is okay to ask if we are changed at Oregon if you’ve been watching our YouTube channel now for over eleven years we’ve been talking about marijuana CBD we even spent time with the podfather over in Amsterdam and we’ve been telling you important truths about marijuana that the mainstream media would never touch now a lot of that information is just widely accepted another fight for legalization and decriminalization definitely was not easy with a lot of the people that we are close with fighting that fight and one of those people who was a part of that bigger movement is of course Dan Anglin of Canada America brands.com a successful marijuana business and dad has been a major advocate of legalizing marijuana and will not only talk about the bigger fight at hand right now but also a lot of the important Insider economic financial information when it comes to the expanding and still developing. Marijuana business one of the first things that I wanted to talk to you about is the very fact that marijuana is not as legal as people think it is in there still a lot of hurdles and a lot of important aspects that do need to be dealt with for example here in New York City if you want to have a medical dispensary of marijuana just for medical purposes you have to fill out an application that will cost you $200,000 if you want to do the same things in Massachusetts it is only $4,000 now. What the hell is going on with this bigger fight around marijuana and how do you see it unfolding from here.
Is a very good question move thanks for having me on you speak to some real truths about entry into the Cannabis face and my prediction is that right now while him in the United States is fairly inexpensive to get involved in besides the cost of the business itself out of the farm bill has legalized hemp cultivation processing manufacturing distribution under the Department of Agriculture at the US Federal level which is a very broad agency other sub agencies like the Food and Drug Administration what we saw 10 minutes after the farm bill was passed is the FDA director immediately prohibited the transport of based food and beverages so it was Swift the decision to basically put. I’m going to say about 60% of the finished products that people were consuming purchasing shipping receiving for years now and it’s going to take some Happy by different organizations and businesses and citizens to move the needle on that to bring us back to where we were moments before the cargo was mine so the complexities of legalized cannabis now legalized hemp are always compounded with the idea but this is a commodity that the local state and federal government could potentially make a lot of money at and that is for many people the wrong approach unfortunately that’s how this was done in order to be able to convince politicians to take the risk of the constituents that perhaps were opposed to. Cannabis legalization they had to justify it through many means and even though for years books like yourself have been attempting to convince politicians of the health benefits to cannabis it wasn’t enough the good part about the upside is that doesn’t include the intoxicating effects of delta-9 THC doesn’t exist however governments are going to look at this as a cash crop that’s the unfortunate side of this and in order to participate in THC or the hemp side you’re going to have to be a well-put-together organization with lots of capital and very Nimble maneuver through local state and federal government regulations which require attorneys. Compliance officers very intelligent Folks at. Strategy side and that’s before you even figure out you know how you could get your product into the market through branding and you know consumer Safe products so it’s very complex Mom it’s likely to not be a mom and pop business ever again in cannabis and that’s that’s likely to be the same experience for those who are looking at him.
Some people have even said we’re better off without all this supposed to legalization because of all the red tape and all the government intrusion now you’ve been able to do it somehow with your business how do you see the projections here because we’re pretty much seen almost everyone jump into the marijuana business we’re seeing again I just typed in marijuana into Google news and Joe Montana came up the headline here football great Joe Montana looking to score with marijuana of course we saw Mike Tyson on The Joe Rogan podcast talking about his kind of marijuana Empire and it does seem like it is kind of a big corporate celebrity kind of.
Thing right now where people are just trying to jump and try to make as much money as they can but there’s also detriments to that as we’ve seen over investment in the marijuana Market.
To the point where the stocks of marijuana or actually doing worse off because of too much optimism in this entire field how do you manage all of that running your company how do you see the projections and the bigger economic numbers of how to even stay relevant here we are come.
That’s a lot of really in-depth issues you know when it comes to celebrity branding I think when a famous person puts their name on something nice for the consumer is that they can make that connection to that product with that celebrity and give it legitimacy just because someone puts their name on a product doesn’t necessarily mean somebody’s going to buy it more than once they might buy it one time for the novelty of it but you know the True Value in Celebrity branding is somebody or assault were associated with that product but somebody who is directly involved in the business and you know more than just lending their Fame because consumers see right through that you know I think. The good part about all of these famous people lending their credibility to cannabis is that it continues to make the Train move faster. Legalization are you ask a question about the difference between decriminalization and legalization I’ve been an advocate for many years at the federal level for the concept being that you know this substance is treated more like alcohol then as a pharmaceutical product with all of the time and money that is spent in creating pharmaceutical products when we’ve got thousands of years of history people consuming us brother the Chinese. For at least 6,000 years that we know of and I really need to do is take a close look at what the impact is at the federal level of just sleeping in the legalization into a larger Bill and now creating a situation where more agencies have the ability to create rules and regulations which have an effect on what is available for. Consumer I think how my company has been able to do it as I was a lobbyist for 10 years prior to getting into the Cannabis space in 2011 and it was part of how the space is the very first license company in the world was making cannabis gummies here in Colorado and there was some question about whether or not Edibles would be allowed in those types of forms or was that attracted to children and brother color issues and Calista cannabis. And so my experience led to you no not as many prohibitions as they want it but still there are limitations here and Colorado which is one of the most thriving edible communities in the United States. Now has products on the shelves in the state of Maryland in the state of Nevada and state of Colorado and our knowledge or experience of effective was willing to continue to put ourselves at the Forefront to have conversations with people about what is a meaningful change for Access for adults have cannabis and access for patients that have cannabis products and some other compounds within the health plan that have benefits CBN CBG is you for a long time and unfortunately I think is more regulation and not last because that’s where government likes any of these products to be weather. Whether it’s a cannabis or hemp product or whether it’s cars or the government likes to have some sort of safety and collect some sort of fee and create some sort of fine in the realities in the 21st century.
I mean some people think that the fight is over that the debate is over it’s not about Colorado has been a very successful kind of first example of how things are working out there still a lot of important aspects that only have private sector but also in the public sector there’s also companies like Coca-Cola and Monsanto who have the money for a lot of these kind of red tape that were established by government but it’s it’s a very still new unfolding Market it’s a market that is still kind of developing itself the ramifications even though at First Sight very positive in Colorado.
Are still being developed in Canada and in other states but overall as far as economically how do you see this kind of Market figuring itself out in the next year whatever your projections and and financially how do you see things for getting themselves.
Those are also really good questions Luke thank you so you know when you mention corporate entities getting into the space this is just a natural progression of big business in capitalist society and I think there’s still plenty of room for new businesses as prohibitions get lifted their Corporate America to create consumption spaces and consumption experiences like restaurants and you know some sort of Beverage stop with CDs and I don’t see a big Corporation snow taking that over but the companies that have a lot of capital available products because they have the capital and all of the. Regulatory hurdles, and that’s just an unfortunate result of these types of regulatory changes and you know what we’re really looking forward to products that can be created with both of these plants have been cannabis so or you know finished product consumption and Suman thapa knows why that as well as the Pet Care industry I think that anybody would have pet knows that I stayed Age begin to experience and pains arthritis that Santa can help these animals that we consider to be our family members in this is one of the focuses that our company has in the hip space earlier in January we announced the intent to acquire a processing facility in the headspace here in Colorado are in 10 2019 it’s become completely. We want to have access to every aspect of that line business to create the best products that consumers of companies that are happy with the structure that meeting and the capital of being a publicly traded company in both Canada and not going to really make the investment to create Safe products. Truck what we’re doing it for utilizing science but you lysing safe laboratory environment where you lysing R&D devising actual data from the demographic data of what type of products people are looking at to beverage Industries. Determine what kind of products are people really looking for and then mailed that into the CBD hemp based side as well as the THC cannabis we built our business on concentrates moved into Edibles years ago and I have created a popular gummy products have been focusing on medical supply products have faced some challenges with the way to acquire some of the equipment for products who wish to make like gel caps in Maryland would like to do RSO caps and Equipment the DEA has to give you permission so one of those hurdles that legalizing versus decriminalizing creates is someone gets. Approve or deny you for products that you want and again big corporations like Coca-Cola have the ability and wherewithal overcome those hurdles and challenge eventually what we’ll see is just a wide variety of products in 10 years they’ll be in grocery stores water in your CBD water side by side in the beverage coolers so far from on seeing where this industry goes and we’ve only scratched the surface at trying to establish cultivation Manufacturing. The gun consumption and spaces for consumption and experiences consumption and that’s coming soon it’s definitely a very interesting space that is still developing itself but obviously still a lot of hurdles but with those hurdles they’re still also a lot of innovation and I think it’s fair to say that a lot of.
People who use marijuana they’re four they’re pretty Innovative and creative as we’re seeing now the major headlines yesterday being that there’s a first ever pot vending machine that dispenses weed. There’s also articles of people going to the airport in Toronto and other major airports all over Canada and raiding the trash bins because they’re for a labeling the free weed bins and you know what the developments especially Medical.
With people jumping through a lot of the hurdles with Innovation with creativity I know there’s a lot of things to be excited about the space and my kind of last question is kind of twofold here what do you most excited moving forward with this entire business and if people want to find out more about you and your company where it can they do.
Yes thank you so ghetto first ever pot vending machine I mean there was a company called Med box that had those in 2011 in here in Colorado right so here’s about something and thinks it’s the first in and maybe that’s marketing cannabis and hemp people have been very creative for many many many years Thousand Years by the last 30 years with the very creative and just more mainstream opportunities for purchase and products in America we’ve got two different websites www.com and www.comerica.com. Is our corporate that can America branches our website information about our public companies in our corporate structure and the other is in a really product talks about and has links to our social medias and all of that stuff we are not as many choices did he know what you call yourself as to where I’m at and Chana on the other but we couldn’t work cited to be a part of this it gives us real opportunities to realize all our dreams and Visions we’ve been doing this for nearly a decade now and started on a shoestring and. Really a very small space we were creating products an 800 square-foot kitchen and we now have no Partners in states that have tens of thousands of square feet for processing and and kitchens and half and half a million square feet of indoor cultivation of cannabis as we look at opportunities to acquire companies in handful of course looking at large scale and spoke to the people all over the world we’re going to the concept of brand of the free and our branding and logo I Am A old Marine I served in the United States Marine Corps from 1988 to 1992 Desert Shield Desert Storm and I really kind of took that level of intensity commitment and integrity. From my experience in that Marine Corps replied it to creating this business and so you know there’s no give up here allow things that stand in our way to continue to be in our way with jump over it go around under if whatever needs to be done in order to get the job done and I think many investors looking at the space have seen a lot of blue skies I believe we are have correctly undervalued ourselves based on our future goals in our current operations which is licensing of our intellectual property operations around the world and we’re going to continue to grow and I think we can sum it up and our mission statement which is global domination of the Cannabis and hemp Marketplace are are real true vision is to bring really. 40 products in many different verticals to the consumers to give them confidence and that’s like branding is so important to space while the Innovation and created creativity are definitely there especially in this bigger marijuana Market exciting times to be alive damn thank you so much for your advocacy work and all the insights to the marijuana a business that is still expanding and growing and still yet to be fully determined thank you so much for being on the show the website again is Canada America brands.com it will be in the description below if you guys are appreciated this video please share it with your friends and family members and thank you once again for watching real Independent Media stay tuned for a lot more here on youtube.com we are change.
The post No Sure Thing! Why This Investment Could Be A Bust! appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/no-sure-thing-why-this-investment-could-be-a-bust/
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