#four stars out of five
blair-s-world · 10 months
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should-know-better · 2 months
What if Four Stars Out Of Five is a call to Miles?
Firstly, I know that every song that Alex Turner writes isn’t about Miles, but, I’d had a couple of glasses of wine the other night and was listening to Four Stars Out Of Five and I started having thoughts. Now I can’t get them out of my head, so I thought I’d share and see if anyone would like to add anything.
Alex said in this interview that 4 Stars out of Five meant two things; a rating system and also stars in a lunar landscape. But what if it has a third meaning?
Alex creates his Space Hotel and has a house band there (ie the Arctic Monkeys) - 4 stars. But he misses Miles - his fifth star! Don’t forget that he’s referred to Miles as a Superstar before.
“As far as I’m concerned there are only two superstars, Beyonce and Miles Kane. You can quote me on that.” Yen Magazine 2011.
Maybe this song was written when Miles was in London with Jamie T (Spring 2017) throwing himself into work to get over his depression from his ‘professional’ split from Alex following the EYCTE tour and his split from Hannah. Therefore we get the lines,
“Take it easy for a little while, come and stay with us, it’s such an easy flight.”
Then there’s the verse that begins,
“Mr Bridge and Tunnel on the Starlight Express,”
I haven’t seen the musical ‘Starlight Express’ however from Wikipedia, I understand that it a) is a musical about belief and b) the starlight express is a mythical train that appears at the main character’s darkest hour, giving him the confidence to pick himself up and fight back. So, is Alex speaking to Miles during his depression and telling him to believe in himself? Oh and obviously, it happens to tie in by being a way to travel to Tranquility Base.
Also, Wikipedia tells me that there are no characters in the musical called ‘Mr Bridge and Tunnel.’ Yet, when you think about it, you can’t have a bridge without a tunnel. Is Alex saying that the two of them are still a partnership?
On top of this I discovered that it’s also a Batman reference!!! In The Dark Knight (2008) the Joker tricks Gotham into escaping via ferry by having his hostage declare on the news that “the bridge and tunnel crowd are sure in for a surprise.” This refers to how people have to travel into or out of the Island of Manhattan. Oh, and don’t forget that Miles went straight from Paris on the last night of the EYCTE tour to New York. Maybe Alex is referring to him and Miles as Mr Bridge and Tunnel, and that they need to have confidence and belief that everything will work out.
“The head of special effects,”
I feel that this refers to Miles and the effects pedals that he uses, or it could refer to a different type of head 😈 that has special effects on Alex!
“… in my minds eye, Hokey Cokey with the opposite sex, the things you try to forget, doesn’t time fly.”
I think we’ve all agreed that Hokey Cokey means sex from this post and this post. The actual line may refer to either Alex wanting to forget that Miles was with Hannah, or, it’s a message to Miles to tell him to forget about Hannah. It’s more likely to mean the latter due to the next lines:
“I’m in no position to give advice, I don’t want to be nice, And you know that.”
Alex is still with Taylor at this point in time.
Then there’s the bridge:
“All the nights that never happened, And the days that don’t exist
“The only time that we stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss”
Perhaps referring to those heady days away on tour.
“I can lift you up another semitone,”
We know that Alex taught Miles to sing more sweetly rather than just shout from another interview (that i can’t find right now) but also it could be referring to lifting his mood.
Oh and I learned that “the Information Action Ratio” refers to a concept from a book that Alex was reading (Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman) that we have so much information at our fingertips now that we don’t know what to do with it. Miles knows that happened on the EYCTE tour, so maybe it’s a reminder: what goes on tour, stays on tour”
There’s other lyrics that may or may not be relevant. Were Miles and Alex particularly fond of eating tacos? Is the exodus a religious reference for Miles? The Old Grey Whistle Test was a music program that would have been on TV when they were both growing up, but I’ve no idea if they watched it. Genius has a few ideas about why this is included in the lyrics but I can’t find any other relevance here other than it’s star related.
If anyone has any other suggestions about these lyrics I’d love to hear them. I know there are other ideas about what this song is about and they’re nothing like this! Obviously these are just my thoughts and I’ve no real idea what was going through Alex’s mind when he wrote this.
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alexturner2005 · 2 months
tbhc.love: 1 year ago today 🏹💘 eycte alex. playing cupid for us with his tits out and sweat marks on his back, screaming OPAAA (cause we’re in Greece, get it…?) and ending it with a cool trick (you’re so cool) Arctic Monkeys at Release Festival, Athens, Greece - July 18, 2023
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puppyeared · 10 months
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vincent!! augusta and anton's son <3
(anton belongs to @poicyss)
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devililmggf · 3 months
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"I still don't forgive you. Everything I said is still true. But I'm a medicine cat, and I can't just let a cat die when I could save him."
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nedlittle · 25 days
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need the historical romance girlies to go back to their roots and read forever amber (1944)
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lowbcame · 1 year
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kalmeria · 11 months
enstars you cant just set the event story for the tatsumi center alkaloid climax BEFORE SS AND OBBLIGATO. you cant just do that. like come on.
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vfdinthewild · 10 months
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"But fortresses are also placed up high, with views for days and Napa Valley wine farms don't usually come with security patrols and electric fencing and five stories of underground bunker."
-from Afterland by Lauren Beukes, pg. 133
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blair-s-world · 11 months
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coruscqte · 3 months
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some outfit explorations while i had some time this afternoon. qwinne and perseus respectively, the former of which is on her fourth redesign (tho i do think thisll be the final one), and the latter of which ive actually never drawn before now lol.
remember kids, if you ever think your outfit design is "too outlandish" or "wouldnt make sense for the setting" please take a look at literally any of the characters in the lineup and come back to me.
youre fine. do whatever the fuck you want.
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stardestroyer81 · 1 month
Hey all! I wanted to drop in and ask for your opinion on something I've started work on today. I'm working on a new project that I'm very much excited to conceptualize which— to not give too much away— centers around a food delivery driver trying to stay out of trouble.
I was certain I had a good placeholder name for the project earlier on today, though I was then struck with another name that I liked just as much. So, in an effort to see what has a better ring to it (And to finally have an excuse to use tumblr's poll feature)...
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the audience in my theater for Cocaine Bear
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pride-of-storm · 8 days
this book needs a glossary sooo bad. you're talking about communication, and i really do agree with your points, and also you're clearly using very specific definitions of words without ever actually. defining them.
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jumping-jackalope · 1 month
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I meditated here to the sound of birds :)
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
So other than all the other shit, how would Liifa rate the Binding on Goodreads?
wisp. wispie. wispie woo. HOW are you consistently the funniest motherfucker i know?? ♥
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"If we're leaving out the possession and torture attempts: solid four out of five stars." The lanky lich forcefully patted the top of the book, earning a hiss from whatever was inside. "You can fit SO many secrets in this bad boy! And bodies, actually. You can find a surprising number of bodies... I'm still not sure how they got there..." Liifa stared off to the side, clearly contemplating yet again, how those bodies might've gotten inside the Binding.
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